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September 2019 Countdown

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It is a cliché, but nevertheless true, that words and concepts have

different meaning according to our circumstances. Take for example
co-op. For you it means what it actually proclaims, a free association of
individuals with a democratic involvement pursuing different goals for
the common good. For me it is a communist bad joke in the form of an
entity which incorporated the private lands forcibly taken from our
parents and proclaimed to be under common ownership. This in reality
meant that the former owners had to work their own land for a
pittance but for the greater glory of the Party. The direction of these
institutions was given to trusted party officials, who with notable
exceptions, had no idea about agriculture but gave instructions
confidently and reigned happily and forcefully over what they
considered to be their domain. One of the most well-known jokes at
the time was a question-answer conundrum:
- Why doesn`t the cooperative director take a holiday?
- Because people might realize that he is not indispensable and
things go much better without him.

One of the misconceptions we cherish is that we are indispensable.

This is certainly true in the case of many ministers who have a finger in
every pie and the more so back home, where ministerial duties are just
one among the many a minister has to take up: dealing with officials,
with administrative work, bills, taxes, grant applications, supervision of
repair-works and I could go on, so you really feel that a holiday is not a
good idea. If you go away then you keep a sharp eye and ear on your
phone as sudden death is always an issue and the family most of the
time want you to do the service, which means coming home pronto.
So keeping all this in mind my first holiday without interruptions of any
kind was a wonderful experience but at the same time a little
unsettling. What? Nobody wants me for anything? No one is missing
me? Everything is going on very well without me? ☺

After the initial shock I got finally into the spirit of the thing and up till
the last week of the holiday I was quite happy of letting go. But then,
during those last days I reverted to my former self and there was an
expectation, an impatience getting hold of me and little furtive glances
at the plans and duties which lay ahead. I went on merrily with my
daily business of holidaying but my mind was already engaged in
planning and devising. This was a time of fidgeting, of count-down, a
feeling of a place between two worlds, one already fading the other yet
uncharted, but looming on the horizon; another experience of
liminality until I could legitimately and in all good conscience get back
to my place.

So here I am again, full of energy and the milk of human kindness, with
my lesson learned and with gratitude for the dedicated service of you

No one of us is indispensable but we all have a place and role to fill, we

all bring different gifts and insights into our community, into the world,
which enrich us all.

It is good to go away, to see, to learn and enjoy what life brings and it is
good and heart-warming to know that after your wanderings there is a
geographical and a spiritual place to come home to.

So let us welcome back each other from our holidays and get ourselves
ready for a busy September with various programmes, with a Heritage
Open Weekend of interesting offerings and with a heart full of
gratitude for the fruits of the Earth and the fruits of our community!
See you at the OMH.



Jaxon James Hare, son of Adam Hare and Chloe Walters, born on 17
April 2019 was baptised on August 25th. Welcome in our community
Jaxon James and may God`s blessing be on your life and the life of your
loved ones!


Sept 1st 6-30 pm Rev Mária Pap Mrs E Higgins

Sept 8th 10-45am Rev Mária Pap Mr W Brown
Sept 15th 10-45am Rev Mária Pap Mrs C Wycherley
Sept 22nd 10-45am Rev Mária Pap Mr W Brown
Sept 29th 10-45am Rev Mária Pap Mr N Fisher


Sept 1st 6-30 pm Mr P Frost

Sept 8th 10-45 am Mrs J Tedds
Sept 15th 10-45 am Mr R Wain
Sept 22nd 10-45 am Mr R Wain
Sept 29th 10-45 am Mr P Frost

Sept 7th Miss C Wright Mrs C Wycherley Mrs L Walton

Sept 14th Ms A Perry Rev M Pap Mr D Wright
Sept 21st Mrs A Binch Mrs J Tedds
Sept 28th Ms A Perry Rev M Pap Mrs L Walton


Mon Sept 2nd Committee Meeting 7-15 pm

Tue Sept 3rd Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Wed Sept 4th Women’s League 2-30 pm
Fri Sept 6th Words, Music, Silence 11-45 am
Mon Sept 9th Arts and Crafts 7-00 pm
Tue Sept 10th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Wed Sept 11th Meditation 7-15 pm
Fri Sept 13th Heritage Weekend -
Sat Sept 14th see separate notice
Sun Sept 15th on pages 5-6
Tue Sept 17th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Wed Sept 18th Poetry Group 7-15 pm
Mon Sept 23rd Arts and Crafts 7-00 pm
Tue Sept 27th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Sun Sept 29th Harvest Communion 9-30 am
Harvest Festival 10-45 am


This month’s Congregational Service will be our Celebration of Harvest

at 10.45 a.m. Sunday 29th September, taking the theme of
“Something to be Thankful for” and will be led by the Rev. Mária Pap.
We are invited to contribute poems, songs, readings, and personal

reminiscences on the theme of “Thanksgiving” by Sunday, 22nd
September, please.


1 As last year, the Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be preceded by a

Communion Service, to commence at 9-30 am.

2 At the AGM we discussed the possibility of Harvest Gifts being dry

goods rather than fresh fruit and vegetables. Arguments were made
for both options but in the end we decided that dry goods were the
better as proceeds could be directed to the Food Bank or to the
Homeless Shelter, should we be involved during the Winter Months.
Please make your offering along the same lines as the donations which
you make to the Food Bank throughout the year.


At this month’s Meeting of the Women’s League at 2.30 p.m. on

Wednesday, 4th September, the Rev. Derek Smith will speak on “Dr.
James Barry, the Secret Life of Margaret Anne Bulkley”.


A lot of time and effort has gone in to preparing the weekend, and it
reveals some new accounts about our people who have made a
contribution in shaping our town of Mansfield, which will come as a
surprise even to our regular members. Do come along, and bring your
friends and neighbours with you, especially to the Service on Sunday
morning and the Forest Singers at 2 p.m. on the Sunday. See over -

The meeting of our Poetry Group at 7.15 p.m.on Wednesday, 18th

September will also have the theme of “Something to be Thankful for”
but may widen its reflection to cover any time, incident or person, in
our life that we are grateful for. Do remember that everyone is
welcome, with or without a poem.


The theme of the October Congregational service at 10.45 a.m. on

Sunday 27th October will be “The Whaley Bridge Challenge”.

If YOU suddenly had to leave your home, and had just a few minutes to
gather some vital things together, what would you choose? Lists,
please, in October.


Thank you to all the volunteer gardeners who followed in Adam’s

footsteps during August. The worry is that the weeds are growing
faster than the gardeners are removing them - so watch this space for
any future Gardening Evenings.


On Sunday, 18th August, we welcomed visitors from Underbank

Chapel, Sheffield, an experience we enjoyed greatly. We hope our
visitors also enjoyed themselves and that they found the journey


The journey of one thousand miles begins with one step!


In the Godhead or Over Mind

In a commitment to Peace globally
Redundancy paper served
On all warmongers and arms dealers
We look after Mother Earth
And it’s wildlife.
We share religious freedom
And racial diversity
We accept sexual genders
We look to the life beyond
And true love is
Perennial as the grass

Alistair Hamilton


The more of everything you share –

The more you’ll always have to spare.
The more you love –
The more you’ll find
That life is good –
And friends are kind
For only what we give away
Enriches us from day to day.

From “Seeking” published by The Girl Guide Association

DEADLINE for October edition is Sunday, 21st September 2019.

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