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Kompaktlabors Fur Die Bauindustrie

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für die Bauindustrie
zur Untersuchung von betonangreifendem Wasser

Compact Laboratory
for the construction industry
for the investigation of concrete-aggressive water
1.11112.0001 Aquamerck® Compact Laboratory
for the construction industry
for the investigation of concrete-aggressive water

Reagent kit with waterproof colour cards, reagents, test strips and complete set of
accessories for the determination of:

Odour (H2S): 100 tests

Lime-dissolving carbonic acid (lime-dissolving capacity): 50 tests
pH: 200 tests
Total hardness: 50 tests at 12.5 ˚e
Carbonate hardness: 50 tests at 12.5 ˚e

Chloride: 70 tests at 200 mg/l Cl
Magnesium: 50 tests
Ammonium: 100 tests
Sulfate: 100 tests

1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2. Odour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3. Lime-dissolving carbonic acid (lime-dissolving capacity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5. Total hardness (sum of alkaline earth ions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6. Carbonate hardness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7. Chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8. Magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
9. Ammonium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10. Sulfate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
11. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
12. Refill packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
13. Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1. General
Concrete, while being a reliable and generally durable building material, is sus-
ceptible to attack by certain types of water, which impair its otherwise excellent
Such water is said to be aggressive and may be found as ground, bog, spring, river
or waste water. Aggressive water can generally be recognized by its dark colora-
tion, by a putrid odour, by precipitation of salts, or by the presence of rising gas
bubbles. It is important to realize, however, that concrete is also attacked by
water which at first sight may appear to be pure.
DIN 4030 “Beurteilung betonangreifender Wässer, Böden und Gase” (= “Evaluation
of water, soils and gases aggressive to concrete”) quotes lime-dissolving capacity
(lime-dissolving carbonic acid), pH, chloride, magnesium, ammonium, and sul-
fate as factors which influence the severity of attack. All of these parameters can
be measured using this Compact Laboratory for the construction industry.
The values set by DIN 4030 for the various degrees of attack are listed below:

Aggressive components Degree of attack

slight severe very severe
carbonic acid (CO2 in mg/l 015 – 0040 0040 – 0100 above 0100
(marble test acc. to Heyer)
Acids pH 6.5 – 5.50 5.5 – 4.5 below 4,5
Magnesium (Mg ) 2+ in mg/l 300 – 1000 1000 – 3000 above 3000
Ammonium (NH ) 4 in mg/l 015 – 0030 0030 – 0060 above 0060
Sulfate (SO )2– in mg/l 200 – 0600 0600 – 3000 above 3000

Chloride (Cl ) does not attack concrete at concentrations under 500 mg/l.
Assign the results obtained to the various columns in the table above. The initial
assessment of severity is governed by the highest column under which any single
value falls. However, if two or more results are close to the upper borderline be-
tween one column and the next highest (or the lower borderline in the case of
pH), the degree of attack is taken as being one step more severe. The figures listed
in the table are for “normal conditions”. Aggressivity may be more severe, for
instance, at higher water temperatures, or less severe, as when only small quanti-
ties of substance are encountered.
Natural waters of very low total hardness (less than 3 °d or 0.5 mmol/l) and
waters containing hydrogen sulfide, sulfite or organic constituents may have a
slight corrosive capacity.
Sulfate resistant cement is required in cases where the sulfate content is greater
than 400 mg/l (use HS cement as defined in DIN 1164). DIN 1045 lists further

measures to be considered when mixing concrete which is expected to withstand
a high degree of chemical attack.
The Aquamerck ® Compact Laboratory for the construction industry for the inves-
tigation of concrete-aggressive water is intended to facilitate rapid, semi-quantita-
tive, on-site testing in accordance with DIN 4030. If all values measured are well
below the minimum level for slight attack (or above it in the case of pH and total
hardness), the water may be considered safe. If, however, the results obtained give
reason to fear corrosion, final judgment should be reserved until formal quantita-
tive analysis has been conducted in a chemical laboratory. Also, it is important to
consult a specialist if hydrogen sulfide is present (smell of bad eggs, sometimes
not noted until the water is acidified with phosphoric acid), or if there is reason
to suspect the presence of appreciable amounts of organic constituents.
The Compact Laboratory contains all the reagents and accessories needed to per-
form the tests, together with printed instructions, in a sturdy plastic case. The
tests are simple to perform.

2. Odour
Method of determination:
Hydrogen sulfide may be given off when a water sample is acidified with phos-
phoric acid. It has a characteristic odour of bad eggs.

Instructions for use:

For this test, please use the following reagent:
Phosphoric acid: “1.11112., Phosphorsäure”
1. Rinse the test vessel with the water to be tested and fill to the 5-ml
2. Add 5 drops of phosphoric acid and swirl cautiously.
3. Check the odour of the sample before and after adding acid.

A qualitative test can be performed using lead(II) acetate paper, Cat. No.
1.09511.0001, or a semi-quantitative test using the Microquant® Sulfide Test
(former designation: Microquant® Hydrogen Sulfide Test), Cat. No. 1.14777.0001.

3. Lime-dissolving carbonic acid

(lime-dissolving capacity)
Method of determination:
Calcium carbonate added to the water dissolves to form hydrogen carbonate at a
rate proportional to the amount of lime-dissolving carbonic acid (aggressive

carbon dioxide) present in the water. This causes the carbonate hardness to rise.
Undissolved calcium carbonate is then removed, after which the lime-dissolving
capacity and, respectively, the content of lime-dissolving carbonic acid can be
calculated from the rise in carbonate hardness.

Instructions for use:

For this test, please use the following reagents:
„1.11130., Kohlensäure (kalklösend)-Test“:
Calcium carbonate: „Reagenz 1, Calciumcarbonat“
Indicator solution: „Reagenz 2, Indikatorlösung“
Titration solution: „Reagenz 3, Titrierlösung“
1. Rinse the glass bottle with the water to be tested and fill to the brim.
2. Add 1 level spoonful of calcium carbonate and close the bottle with the
tapered glass stopper, ensuring that no air bubbles are entrained.
3. Shake the glass bottle until the calcium carbonate is evenly distributed
and set aside for 5 min. (Keep the temperature constant by suspending
or standing the bottle in the water to be tested and occasionally shake
the bottle.)
4. Filter off any undissolved calcium carbonate and discard the first few
millilitres of filtrate.
5. Rinse the test vessel with a few millilitres of the filtrate, then fill to the
5-ml mark.

6. Add 3 drops of indicator solution and shake thoroughly.
7. With shaking add titration solution dropwise (hold the dropping bottle
vertically). Count the number of drops needed (A) to turn the solution
from blue to red.
8. Multiply the original carbonate hardness (B) by 1.8 and subtract the
result from the number of drops counted (A). Multiply this difference
by 5.6 to give the lime-dissolving capacity (C) in mg/l CaO:
C = 5.6 (A – 1.8 B)
Regard any negative value obtained as zero.
For the description of the long-term behaviour of concrete in aggressive
waters, the concentration of lime-dissolving carbonic acid in mg/l CO 2
is often cited instead of the lime-dissolving capacity (C) in mg/l CaO.
For this purpose, the value obtained for C must be multiplied by the
factor 1.5696:
Concentration of lime-dissolving carbonic acid in mg/ l CO2 = C x 1.5696

If the sample has already been stabilized with calcium carbonate, start the deter-
mination at point 4 above.
Determination of carbonate hardness (B) see Chapter 6.

4. pH
Method of determination:
An indicator added to the water sample changes colour according to the pH of
the sample. By matching the colour aganinst a scale the pH can be rapidly and
accurately measured.

Instructions for use:

For the pH Test, please use the following reagent as indicator solution:
“1.08038. · 1.08043. · 1.11137., Reagenz, Indikatorlösung”
1. Rinse the test vessel with the water to be tested and fill to the 5-ml
2. Add 3 drops of indicator solution and shake thoroughly.
3. Place the test vessel on the white strip of the pH colour scale and slide
along until the colour of the solution matches a colour on the colour
scale or is intermediate between two colours. In doing so, view the
solution from above.
4. Record the pH.

5. Total hardness (sum of alkaline earth ions)
Method of determination:
An indicator is added to the water sample and Titriplex® III (EDTA) solution is
added dropwise to produce a colour change. The Titriplex® III solution has been
adjusted so that 1 drop corresponds to exactly 1 °d or, in other words, the num-
ber of drops used is directly equivalent to the total hardness in German degrees of

Instructions for use:

For the Total Hardness Test (“Gesamthärte-Test”), please use the follow-
ing reagents:
Indicator solution: “1.11104., Reagenz 1, Indikatorlösung”
Titration solution: “1.11104., Reagenz 2, Titrierlösung”
1. Rinse the test vessel with the water to be tested and fill to the 5-ml
2. Add 3 drops of indicator solution and swirl cautiously. The sample
turns red in the presence of hardening constituents.
3. While swirling, add 1 drop of titration solution every 5 sec (hold the
dropping bottle vertically) until the colour of the water sample changes
to green. Count the number of drops.
1 drop =ˆ 1 °d = 1.25 °e = 10 mg/l CaO = 17.8 mg/l CaCO3
= 0.18 mmol/l alkaline earth ions

6. Carbonate hardness
Method of determination:
An indicator is added to the water sample and a hydrochloric acid solution is
added dropwise to produce a colour change. The hydrochloric acid solution has
been adjusted so that 1 drop corresponds to exactly 1 °d or, in other words, the
number of drops used is directly equivalent to the carbonate hardness in German
degrees of hardness.

Instructions for use:

For the Carbonate Hardness Test (“Carbonathärte-Test”), please use the
following reagents:
Indicator solution: “1.11103., Reagenz 1, Indikatorlösung”
Titration solution: “1.11103., Reagenz 2, Titrierlösung”
1. Rinse the test vessel with the water to be tested and fill to the 5-ml

2. Add 3 drops of indicator solution and swirl cautiously. The sample
turns blue in the presence of hardening constituents.
3. Add titration solution dropwise from the dropping bottle to turn the
sample from blue to red. Hold the dropping bottle vertically and swirl
the test vessel cautiously after each drop added. Count the number of
1 drop =ˆ 1 °d = 1.25 °e

7. Chloride
Method of determination:
The chloride ion concentration is determined by mercurimetric titration with
mercury(II) nitrate.
Mercury(II) ions react with chloride ions to form practically undissociated
mercury(II) chloride. Excess mercury(II) ions form a blue-violet complex with
diphenylcarbazone indicator in a solution acidified with nitric acid.

Instructions for use:

For the Chloride Test (“Chlorid-Test”), please use the following reagents:
Indicator solution: “1.11132., Reagenz 1, Indikatorlösung”
Reagent 2: “1.11106. · 1.11132., Reagenz 2”
Titration solution: “1.11132., Reagenz 3, Titrierlösung”
1. Rinse the test vessel with the water to be tested and fill to the 5-ml
2. Add 2 drops of indicator solution and shake thoroughly. This generally
causes the solution to turn blue.
3. With further shaking add reagent 2 dropwise to turn the solution
4. Add titration solution dropwise from the dropping bottle to turn the
sample from yellow to violet. Hold the dropping bottle vertically and
swirl the test vessel cautiously after each drop added. Count the num-
ber of drops.
1 drop =ˆ 25 mg/l Cl–

8. Magnesium
Method of determination:
Magnesium ions form a red dye with the Mann and Yoe reagent. Since the
reagent is very sensitive, the sample must be diluted twice with buffer solution.

Instructions for use:
For the Magnesium Test, please use the following reagents:
Buffer solution: “1.11131., Mg-1, Pufferlösung”
Reagent solution: “1.11131., Mg-2, Reagenzlösung”
1. Use the dropping pipette to transfer 1 drop of water sample to the test
2. Add 9 drops of buffer solution and mix thoroughly.
3. Use the second dropping pipette to transfer 2 drops of this solution to a
second test vessel.
4. Fill the latter vessel to the 5-ml mark with buffer solution.
5. Add 10 drops of reagent solution and shake.
6. Place the test vessel on the white strip of the magnesium colour scale
and slide along until the colour of the measurement solution matches a
colour on the colour scale or is intermediate between two colours.
(In doing so, view the solution from above.)
7. Record the magnesium content in mg/l.

9. Ammonium
Method of determination:
Nessler’s reagent contained in the reaction zone of the test strip turns yellow or
brown when immersed in a solution containing ammonia or ammonium ions.

Instructions for use:

For the Ammonium Test, please use the following reagent in addition to
the test strips:
“1.10024., Reagenz”
1. Rinse the test vessel with the water to be tested and fill to the 5-ml
2. Add 10 drops of reagent and shake thoroughly.
3. Immerse the reaction zone of a test strip in the solution for 1 sec.
4. Remove the test strip and shake off excess liquid.
5. After 10 sec compare the reaction zone with the colour scale.

10. Sulfate
Method of determination:
The four reaction zones on the strip contain different amounts of the red thorin-
barium complex. Depending on the amount of sulfate ions present, the colour
changes to that of the yellow thorin.

Instructions for use:
1. Immerse a test strip in the sample solution (not running water) for 1 sec,
so that all reaction zones are completely wetted.
2. Withdraw the test strip, shake off excess liquid, wait 2 min, and then
compare the reaction zones with the colour scale.

The pH of the sample solution should be between 4 and 8. Acidic solutions (pH
below 4) must be buffered with sodium acetate (Cat. No. 1.06268.), and alkaline
solutions (pH greater than 8) with ascorbic acid (Cat. No. 1.00127.).
If the solution under test has a sulfate content just at the upper borderline of a
colour-change range, the reaction zone in question remains slightly red at the
edges. At higher sulfate concentrations the edges turn yellow, too.

11. Safety precautions

Keep the test kit under lock and key and out of reach of children. Keep the test kit
away from food. Do not eat or smoke when performing the tests. Avoid contact
with skin and eyes.

12. Refill packs
1.11130.0001 Aquamerck® Carbonic Acid (lime-dissolving) Test
Reagent kit with dropping bottles and complete accessories
for 50 tests

1.11137.0001 Aquamerck® pH Test

Reagent kit with colour card
for 200 tests

1.11104.0001 Aquamerck® Total Hardness Test (sum of alkaline earth ions)

Reagent kit with dropping bottle
for 50 tests at 12.5 °e

1.11103.0001 Aquamerck® Carbonate Hardness Test

Reagent kit with dropping bottle
for 50 tests at 12.5 °e

1.11132.0001 Aquamerck® Chloride Test

Reagent kit with dropping bottle
for 70 tests at 200 mg/l Cl–

1.11131.0001 Aquamerck® Magnesium Test

Reagent kit with colour card
for 50 tests

1.10024.0001 Merckoquant® Ammonium Test

for 100 tests

1.10019.0001 Merckoquant® Sulfate Test

Pack containing 100 strips

13. Bezugsquellen / Representatives
Merck S.A. BDH Inc. Merck spol. s r.o. Frankfurter Str. 250
5/9, rue Anquetil 350 Evans Avenue Belohorska 39/260 D-64293 Darmstadt
F-94736 NOGENT-SUR-MARNE TORONTO, ONTARIO M8Z 1K5 16900 PRAHA 6-BREVNOV Phone +49 (0) 6151-72 0
CEDEX Phone +1 (0) 416 2558 521 Phone +42 (0) 2 33 008-0 Telefax +49 (0) 6151-72 2000
Phone +33 (0) 1 43 945 400 Telefax +1 (0) 416 2557 453 Telefax +42 (0) 2 33 008-305 o. 304 E-Mail
Telefax +33 (0) 1 48 761 815 E-Mail
CHILE Dr. Theodor Schuchardt & Co.
ARGENTINA Merck Química Chilena Soc. Ltda. DENMARK Eduard-Buchner-Str. 14–20
Merck Química Argentina S.A.I.C. Francisco de Paula Taforo 1981 Merck Danmark D-85662 Hohenbrunn
Artilleros 2436 Casilla 48-D Roskildevej 16 Phone +49 (0) 8102-802 0
1428 BUENOS AIRES SANTIAGO DE CHILE DK-2620 ALBERTSLUND Telefax +49 (0) 8102-802 175
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Telefax +54 (0) 1 112 135 Telefax +56 (0) 2 3400 198 / 0 199 Telefax +45 (0) 43 868 893
Merck Pty. Ltd. CHINA Roskildevej 16 Merck House
207 Colchester Road Merck Shanghai DK-2620 ALBERTSLUND POOLE, DORSET BH 15 1TD
KILSYTH, VICTORIA 3137 Representative Office Phone +45 (0) 43 868 788 Phone +44 (0) 1202 669 700
Phone +61 (0) 39 7 285 855 Hotel Equatorial Shanghai Telefax +45 (0) 43 868 790 Telefax +44 (0) 1202 665 599
Telefax +61 (0) 39 7 281 351 Office Building, Unit 605 E-Mail E-Mail
E-Mail 65 Yan An Xi Road
AUSTRIA Phone +86 (0) 21 62 483 388 Merck Ecuador C.A. Merck-Hellas E.P.E.
Merck Gesellschaft mbH Telefax +86 (0) 21 62 496 124 Casilla 17-01-2574 P. O. Box 72 545
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62/1, Purana Paltan Merck El Salvador S.A. Phone +36 (0) 1 463-81 00
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DHAKA 1000 MBU Department 11 Ave. Norte Bis No. 513 E-Mail
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9559 275 28 Yun Ping Road Phone +503 (0) 281 1144 INDIA
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BELGIUM Telefax +852 (0) 2882 1636 FINLAND WORLI / MUMBAI 400 018
Merck-Belgolabo N.V. - S.A. E-Mail Merck Oy Phone +91 (0) 22 4964 855
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E-Mail Carrera 65 No. 10-95 INDONESIA
SANTA FÉ DE BOGOTÁ, D.C. KEBO Lab Oy P.T. Multiredjeki Kita
VEL N.V. Phone +57 (0) 1 2907 855 Niittyrinne 7 Jalan T.B. Simatupang No. 8
haasrode researchpark zone 3 Telefax +57 (0) 1 4144 038 FIN-2270 ESPOO Pasar Rebo
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Corimex Ltda. Phone +506 (0) 220 3040 5/9, rue Anquetil Merck Trading AG (Pvt.)
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Merck S.A. HR-10 000 ZAGREB 54, Rue Roger Salengro Norman Lauder Ltd.
Indústrias Químicas Phone +385 (0) 1 48 43 646 / F-94126 FONTENAY SOUS BOIS 2a Richview Office Park
Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 1099 647 / 745 CEDEX DUBLIN 14
22 710-571 RIO DE JANEIRO - RJ Telefax +385 (0) 1 48 43 781 Phone +33 (0) 1 45 148 500 Phone +353 (0) 1 2600 442
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Markides & Vouros Ltd. Merck KGaA Mercury Chemical Agencies Ltd.
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Aquachim 5, A & B Pargas Street - Laborbedarf Deutschland 12, Ha’avoda St.
Merck Co-operation in Bulgaria P.O.Box 2002 Frankfurter Str. 250 ROSH HA’AYIN 40851
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1202 SOFIA Phone +357 (0) 2 760 121 Phone +49 (0) 61 51-72 3000 Telefax +972 (0) 3 9387 174
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Bracco S.P.A. BDH Chemicals Merck KGaA Droguerie Syrie
Divisione Chimica New Zealand Ltd. Krasnopresnenskaja nab. 12 P. O. Box 54 41
Via E. Folli 50 680 Tremaine Avenue Hotel ‘Meshdunarodnaja-2’ ALEPPO
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Merck Japan Ltd. Merck Taiwan Ltd.
ARCO Tower 5F, 1-8-1 NORWAY SAUDI ARABIA 3 Fl., No 34, Minchuen
Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku KEBO Lab A/S Al-Jeel W. Road
TOKYO 153 Kakkelovnskroken 1 Medical Co., Ltd. TAIPEI (104)
Phone +81 (0) 3 54 344 700 Postboks 45, Kalbakken P. O. Box 50 12 Phone +886 (0) 22 5219 331 /
Telefax +81 (0) 3 54 344 705 N-901 OSLO RIYADH 11422 5652 180
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Kanto Chemical Co. Inc. E-Mail
11-5, Nihombashi Honcho Merck Industrikjemikalier Merck (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Merck Ltd.
3-chome Chuo-Ku Kalbakken No. 22 Tuas Avenue 10 2170, Monterey Tower, 9th Flr.
TOKYO 103 Postboks 45 SINGAPORE 639145 New Petchburi Road
Phone +81 (0) 3 36 637 631 N-901 OSLO Phone +65 (0) 8631 800 Bangkapi, Huay Kwang
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Henry Marroum & Sons PAKISTAN SLOVAKIA E-Mail
Lab. Serve Merck Marker (Pvt.) Ltd. Merck spol. s r.o.
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Phone +962 (0) 6 4613 523 Phone +92 (0) 21 4559 210 - 17 SK-830 04 BRATISLAVA 5/9, rue Anquetil
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