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Rubric For Drawing

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Competency: Noting details on a story listened to

Task/Activity: Drawing

Criteria Perseverance / Craftsmanship / Skill Creativity / Work Habits

Completeness / Consistency Inventiveness

Art project is as Artwork reflects Artwork is innovative, Student worked in class

complete as the deliberate control of completely original, well entire period. Did not need to
4 student could make media. Advanced thought out, and be reminded to focus on task.
it. craftsmanship. thoroughly developed. Table conversation was
focused on art talk.

Artwork is Artwork reflects Artwork is thought out Student worked in class most
complete. Could control of the media. and developed of the period. Needed very
3 use some finishing Proficient throughout. few reminders to focus on
touches. craftsmanship. . task. Table conversation was
focused on art talk.

Artwork is complete Artwork reflects Artwork has the basics. Student worked in class part
at the most basic adequate control of of the period. Needed several
2 level. the media. Basic reminders to focus on task.
Could be worked craftsmanship. Table conversation partially
on further. focused on art talk.

Artwork appears to Artwork appears to Artwork appears to still Student needed lots of
still be in-progress. still be in-progress. be in-progress. reminders to focus on task.
Table conversation barely
focused on art talk.

4 3 2 1
Perseverance / Artwork is complete. Artwork is complete Artwork appears to
Completeness Art project is as Could use some at the most basic still be in-progress.
complete as the finishing touches. level.
student could make Could be worked on
it. further.

Craftsmanship / Artwork reflects Artwork reflects Artwork reflects Artwork appears to

Skill / Consistency deliberate control of control of the media. adequate control of still be in-progress.
media. Advanced Proficient the media. Basic
craftsmanship. craftsmanship. craftsmanship

Creativity / Artwork is innovative, Artwork is thought out Artwork has the Artwork appears to
Inventiveness completely original, and developed basics. still be in-progress.
well thought out, and throughout.
thoroughly developed .

Work Habits Artwork appears to Artwork appears to Artwork appears to Pupil needed lots of
still be in-progress still be in-progress. still be in-progress. reminders to focus on
task. Table
conversation barely
focused on art talk.
Feature 4 3 2 1
Strong Developing Emerging Beginning
Ideas Establishes a clear Develops a focus Attempts focus Lacks focus and
focus.Uses descriptive Uses some descriptive Ideas not fully developed development
language.Provides relevant language.Details support idea
information.Communicates Communicates original ideas
creative ideas

OrganizationEstablishes a strong Attempts an adequate Some evidence of a Little or no

beginning, middle, and end introduction and beginning, middle, and organization.Relies on
Demonstrates an orderly ending.Evidence of logical end.Sequencing is attempted single idea
flow of ideas sequencing

Expression Uses effective language Diverse word choice Limited word choice.Basic No sense of sentence
Uses high-level vocabulary Uses descriptive sentence structure structure
Use of sentence variety words.Sentence variety

Conventions Few or no errors in: Some errors in: Has some difficulty in: Little or no evidence of
grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, correct grammar, spelling,
capitalization, punctuation capitalization, punctuation capitalization, punctuation capitalization or

Legibility Easy to read. Properly Readable with some Difficult to read due to No evidence of
spaced spacing/forming errors spacing/forming letter spacing/forming
Proper letter formation letters

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