Statement of Account: 673916953 16-Jul-2019 748.00 P
Statement of Account: 673916953 16-Jul-2019 748.00 P
Statement of Account: 673916953 16-Jul-2019 748.00 P
Main Office: 6th Floor, ELJ Communications Center, Text Hotline: Text INFO and send to 23662 (Texting is FREE to all networks)
Eugenio Lopez St., 1103 Quezon City Fax: 635 6406 / Emails:
TIN #:000-443-507-000 Website:
Account Number Statement Date Amount Due Due Date Total Amount Due
P 0.00 Immediately
673916953 16-Jul-2019 P 748.00 05-AUG-2019 P 748.00
P 748.00 Total Amount
VAT Breakdown
Non Vatable Charges 0.00
Vatable Charges 667.86
VAT (12%) 80.14
(Reprinted Copy)
11 330275212
ACCOUNT NUMBER The monthly late fee Is billed to all subscribers across all payment
This is the fixed number assigned to the subscriber. This number should always be used schemes.
when inquiring about your account and as reference when paying. PAYMENT DUE DATE
AMOUNT DUE The subscriber should pay the bill on or before this date. Any outstanding
The total amount due which must be paid on or before the specified due date. previous balance must be paid Immediately.
The total amount left unpaid or credit balance from your last bill. Please allow 3 working days from payment date for payments to be
CURRENT CHARGES posted to the account.
The sum of all charges due for this statement of account. PRO RATA
DISCONNECTION POLICY/LATE FEES Proportional amount from installation date to cut-off date.
Non-payment on due date will result to disconnection. Late fee of Php 50.00 will be charged STATEMENT DATE
on accounts 30 days past due from payment due date. This refers to the date the Statement of Account was processed.
· Always bring your SKY Statement of Account when making your payment and always clearly · Please pay your bill on time to avoid late fee charges.
indicate the subscriber name and account number every time you make a payment.
· Please make check payments payable to SKYCABLE Corporation or SKYCABLE
· Please notify us within thirty (30) days from statement date of any errors therein, otherwise and always indicate the subscriber name and account number at the back of the
all entries and figures in the statement of account shall be deemed accurate and correct. check. Check payments are subject to 3 working days clearing. Second endorsement
Likewise, any payment made thereon shall be conclusive proof of your concurrence. and post-dated checks are not accepted.
Use the proper electrical outlet for your LCD/LED TV. Most LCD/LED TV sets have
three prong plugs. If your outlet has only two-conductor holes, do not cut off the
ground prong (the third/bottom prong) of the TV plug. It is advisable to convert your
outlet into a 3-wire outlet with proper grounding. Consult a qualified electrician
regarding this.