Door Knob
Door Knob
Door Knob
latch that unhinges a door from its closed position, and activating the lock prevents the knob from
turning. Activating the lock does not disable the door latch. In other words, the user can lock the
door before closing it. Dissection showed that there were many small components that each had a
single function, suggesting that the doorknob may be overly complicated for its intended
function. As an example, the door hinge itself had a complicated spring mechanism simply to
A Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA), were performed to learn more about
the doorknob. Results of the DFMA showed that some parts could be consolidated to come from
the same stock material under one manufacturing process (like stamping or casting). The
dissection showed that the two doorknobs that come with the product are not identical, which is
The study showed that with a Risk Priority Number (RPN) of 105, the user could break
the lock on the doorknob, causing the knob to be disabled. As a result, the user could lock himself
in the room.
The analysis further showed the packaging could be improved to maximize the number of
products that could be delivered in one trip. It also showed that material reduction could be
possible, but further studies like a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) may be necessary. Running the
Environmental Input Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIO-LCA) showed that most of the
environmental impact came from steel mills and power generation and supply, likely from
processing the metal and running the plant. Now with some understanding of the product, we can
begin to perform market research to find out what other users think of the doorknob in its current
2. Background
The earliest known lock and key device was discovered in the ruins of Nineveh, the
capital of ancient Assyria. Locks such as this were later developed into the Egyptian wooden pin
lock, which consisted of a bolt, door fixture, and key. When the key was inserted, pins within the
fixture were lifted out of drilled holes within the bolt, allowing it to move. When the key was
removed, the pins fell part-way into the bolt, preventing movement.
With the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century and the concomitant
development of precision engineering and component standardization, locks and keys were
The lever tumbler lock, which uses a set of levers to prevent the bolt from moving in the
lock, was perfected by Robert Barron in 1778. His double acting lever lock required the lever to
be lifted to a certain height by having a slot cut in the lever, so lifting the lever too far was as bad
as not lifting the lever far enough. This type of lock is still currently used today.
Doorknobs are ubiquitous to households. Most doors have doorknobs to allow people to
either open or close them as a way to offer a level of security and privacy. In an effort to
4. To determine the forces transmitted through the pins and the mechanical advantage of the
3. Design Models
4. Design Analysis
Calibrate Model
5. Parametric redesign
6. Adaptive redesign
Choose alternative
Functional Requirements
Input angular force transforms to linear Model angular forces in a predictive iconic
displacement model
Locking Mechanism should be able to withstand a Use a constructed test contraption to model the
Ease of disabling the lock Analyze the force required to apply the
Protect places where forces are transmitted Analyze housing and plate material
No protrusions or sharp edges that will cut hand Verify the schematics have no protrusions or
unnecessary edges
Knob is designed to fit the contour of human hand Compare engineering drawings to the contour of
a human hand
Able to acquire a sturdy grip of the doorknob Ensure the presence of minimal friction through
material analysis
Finish will withstand a long period of regular use Conduct a controlled time analysis of finish
Cost less than Ksh ZZ at retail cost Review all design, manufacturing, and shipping
5. Dissection Details
The door handle consists of three major components – the outside doorknob, the inside
doorknob, and the latch mechanism. The inside and outside doorknob are connected by two
through bolts, with a quarter shaft in the center. When assembled, the latch mechanism is held in
place by the inside knob frame, and has the quarter shaft running through it.
Latch mechanism
Latch Tab (Metal) - Keep door closed (retracted to allow opening). Its manufactured by
Spring Holder - Provides surface for latch springs to press against. Manufactured by
Latch Frame Back - Holds the inner components at an adjustable distance from the latch
Latch Hook - Rotates and pulls the Latch (Metal) back. Manufactured by casting
Lock Switch - User turns to lock/unlock door. Manufactured through casting process. It is
Plastic in nature.
Knob Turning Sleeve - Guides and centers shafts during assembly.
Quarter Shaft - Rotates with Door Knob, causing the latch mechanism to turn.
Locking Teeth - When locked, the locking teeth prevents the door knob from turning.
Outside Knob Frame - Structural Frame for the outside knob. Connects to Inside Knob
Design Functionality
When the doorknob is rotated, the quarter shaft turns, forcing the back metal shifter to
retract. The retraction causes the latch hook to rotate backwards, which then pulls back the latch
tab. Two springs are located right behind the latch tab as the restoring force in the latch
The inside doorknob houses the locking mechanism. When the user turns the lock switch,
the locking shaft rotates, causing the locking teeth to extend outward and grab onto a lip. The
locking teeth then prevent either knob from turning. One important thing to note is that the lock
does not prevent motion within the latch mechanism. This allows the door to close, even when
This specific doorknob has an adjustable-backset latch mechanism, which allows the user
to choose the distance from the edge of the door to the center of the doorknob, also known as the
backset. To change the backset from 60mm to 70mm, a pin can be adjusted to slide the back
Performing a Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) analysis on our doorknob
allows us to determine whether or not designs of the product could be changed in such a way that
the cost, ease, or quality of manufacturing and assembly can be improved. In order to analyze the
product, we had to dissect the doorknob, so we could at least consider the manufacturing
The main goal of the dissection and the analysis was to identify areas of the product
where we believe the designer made good decisions, or where we believe improvements could be
The doorknob is somewhat unique in that some assembly by the customer is required, so
design for assembly should take the customer's point of view in consideration in addition to the
The table below lists guidelines that we followed as well as our findings in this analysis.
Minimize Part We found there to be a lot of small parts inside the doorknob, especially
Dissection revealed that the inner and outer doorknobs were in fact not the
same part. Instead, it appears that different molds were used to create them.
In general, we are looking to make the product as symmetric as possible.
It appears that most of the components are either stamped or cast. Thanks
Product Line: and employees become more flexible in terms of position on the production
Again, small differences in the design of the two doorknobs require
different molds to produce each doorknob. We believe improvements can
Design Features:
be made to use one mold for both doorknobs.
Many of the parts inside the doorknob only serve one unique function.
Parts: Design changes should be considered to replace some of the parts with one
Dissecting the product revealed that the two primarily materials used in
production were mostly steel and some plastic. While switching to one
Ease of
material should be considered, some choices were made with a functional
purpose. For example, a low-friction plastic piece on the door latch was
Some components of the doorknob, like the latch frame, are not symmetric,
We also had difficulty connecting the two doorknobs to each other because
they were not symmetric, and there was no clear indication for how we
should connect them. We believe other customers who are installing a
There were only two sets of fasteners in this doorknob: one set to attach the
outer doorknob to its reinforced frame, and another set for the customer to
install the door latch holder to the door or the door frame.
Redesign of Doorknob
In general, we believe there are too many parts inside the doorknob, many of which have
only one function. This aspect of the product results in a complicated assembly, which leads to
lower productivity. Design changes should be considered to consolidate multiple functions into
one part. The end goal is to create the simplest design for the doorknob; focusing on
consolidating multiple functions in one part can reduce the number of parts inside the doorknob,
Secondly, we believe that the customer could face problems while installing the
doorknob, because it is difficult to orient the knobs before connecting the two through the door.
Making the correct orientation more obvious would reduce or eliminate this problem.
Throughout the years, the doorknob has been revised many times. Through the reverse
engineering project, the group found more changes that could be made to make the doorknob
even better. The changes that were considered dealt with changing the material of the slant and
As the project was in progress, we realized that some parts of the slant were made out of metal,
and other parts out of plastic. Therefore, in order to make the doorknob better, the group
proposed to make the whole slant out of plastic. The reasons we came to this conclusion are that
our doorknob is an indoor use doorknob, which really does not need to be able to support forces
used in a forced entry situation. Another reason why the group thought that the plastic slant was
better was because the use of plastic would reduce the amount of noise made when closing a
door. Everyone has experienced a situation where someone wants to shut a door quietly, but no
matter how hard a person tries, the door always manages to make a loud noise. Through
experimentation, we found that the doorknob makes most of the noise. The last reason why we
thought the doorknob should be made out of plastic is to reduce manufacturing cost. There is no
need for the slant to be made out of metal for an indoor doorknob. In fact, it would be better to
have the whole slant made out of plastic since it would reduce noise. Therefore, through the
discussion of these points the group thought it would be better to have the whole slant assembly
When we disassembled the doorknob, the group realized that the emergency unlocking
mechanism was simply too hard to unlock. The doorknob was designed so that in case of an
emergency, the users of the doorknob would be able to unlock the door by sticking a slim piece
of metal into the door and twisting it until the door unlocks. The problem with this design is that
the metal piece can easily be lost or thrown away, which would make the emergency unlocking
mechanism worthless. Therefore, through discussion, the group concluded that the doorknob
should have a wider hole so that almost any piece can be placed through the whole to unlock the
door. This would allow the users of the doorknob to use almost any available item to unlock the
door in case of an emergency. Through this redesign the unlocking mechanism would be more
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