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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Pollution of Pb Metal on Soil at Burned Forest Areas at Baluran National

Park-East Java Indonesia.
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International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 276 (2019) 012043 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/276/1/012043

Pollution of Pb Metal on Soil at Burned Forest Areas at

Baluran National Park -East Java Indonesia.

Suhadi1,*, Sueb1, Sonny Wedhanto2

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri
Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang 65145, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: and

Abstract. Burned Forest at Baluran Nasional Park occurs almost every year, especially the
peak of the dry season. Forest fires cause soil nutrients on the surface and in the soil decrease
in both quantity and quality; thus, affecting plant growth and development. The purpose of this
study was to distinguish the contents of Pb metal in the soil in areas that burned and non-
burned areas. The method used was a purposive sampling area. In each of the same stands were
taken 5 soil samples with different coordinate points and considered as one sample. The
sampling obtained up to 10 points which are considered as replications. The results of research
were from the soil taken at National Park Baluran the area burned with areas that have never
been burned with a repetition of 10 times. It can be concluded that the Pb contents on the soil
in the burned area and not burned areas significantly differ.

Keywords: Forest fire, Pb metal content, soil, Baluran National park

1. Introduction
Baluran National Park is located in Wonorejo village and Sumberanyar village, Banyuputih district,
Situbondo district, East Java province. Geographically, it is located between 7 029’10”-7055’55” south
latitude and 114029’10”-114039’10” east longitude [1]. Baluran National Park covers an area of 25,000
hectares, almost 80% of savanna fires every year. Based on Schmidt and Ferguson classification,
Baluran National Park has a transitional climate type of type D and E. The average annual rainfall
ranges from 800-1400 mm/year. The lowest average rainfall conditions are May, June, August,
September, and November. The soil in Baluran National Park consists of ten types of land. Andosols
are distributed on the upper slopes of the mountains. Andosol in the topsoil has a very dark black to
dark brown color with a dark brown to dark brown-yellow undercoat. The clay fraction is dominated
by allophane (Al2O3.SiO2.5H2O). The type of soil porous with low fill weight, crumb structure, has a
binding capacity and high-water conductivity. The soil is generally sandy clay texture, has a high
fertility potential but will easily erosion. Baluran National Park often experiences fires every year. Fire
prevents forest regenerations and maintains grasslands to provide animals [1]. Burned Forest at
Baluran Nasional Park occurs annually, especially weeds [2]. The characteristics of Pb. According to
Serrao et al., [2] burning in weeds increases pH, exchange of Ca, Mg, Na, decreases in Al, but there is

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International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 276 (2019) 012043 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/276/1/012043

a decrease in P from the first to the fourth year. Pb metal at burned forest has not been studied
primarily in the tropics. Pb is a toxic metal that shows significant anthropogenic enrichment factors.
The characteristics of Lead (Pb), with specific gravity 11.34, gray. Observations were carried out in
1997. Baluran National Park experiences fires every year because for 1-year rainfall is only 1-3
months of rain. Because of the frequent fires the physical properties of the soil change to hard,
discoloration, cracking during the dry season. The type of understory in the burned area is 23 species,
while the area that is not burned is 13 species, using a plot of 1 x 1 m2. In the burning area of the pH of
the soil towards the base, of course, it is related to soil nutrition, especially calcium and magnesium
salts bound to the soil layer. Calcium salt rises due to fire, such characteristic properties are bound to
the soil in alkaline conditions, while Magnesium salts are carried by rainwater. Some of the results of
Pb pollution studies affect human life. High Pb contamination was previously confirmed in a mountainous
land, common playground soils, and roadside dust and sediments [3-5]. Besides, Bellis et al., [6] provide
evidence of Pb long-distance transportation from Asia to Japan. From this reason, environmental
monitoring of Pb pollution is needed to prevent human health risk. The purpose of this study was to
investigate the total contents of metal in the soil in burned and non-burned areas. Importantly, there is
limited study related to annual savannah fire in Baluran National Park.

2. Methods
The preparation of sampling of soil samples was carried out randomly in the burned and non-burned
area. The soil taken in the fire is 0-30 cm using a ground drill. The soil was dried and then analyzed
using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Repetition was done 10 times. Soil samples of
texture and penetration resistance were taken at ground level and 25 cm. The characterization of soil
physics analysis included soil texture using a hydrometer method, volume weight using ring printing
method, and specific gravity using the pycnometer method. Repetition was done twice. The
comparison of savannah fires often occurs every year with a savannah that never experiences fires.
The sample points of location at Pondok Mantri and Perengan area were 55 points, Talpat area was 74
points, Briu area was 15 points.

3. Results and Discussion

The Pb content was analyzed by 10 repetitions of Pb content in the topsoil between 3.01-7.52 ppm
except for 7 repetitions of soil Pb content <0.0096 ppm. Pb content in the subsoil between 3.40 – 9.83
(Table 1). The analysis using independent Pb sample test showed that p = 0.00 < α = 0.05 means that
the Pb element on the ground at the location on the burn and non-burn areas was significantly
different. Soil particle size fires and soil specific gravity is expected to increase. According to [7] the
pH and sand particles have a regression equation with Pb. To find out metal pollution Pb in terrestrial,
wild mice were used [8-11]. To reveal Pb-IR in rat kidneys was relatively accurate which can reflect
people polluted with Pb, despite the biological fractionation of Pb isotopes [12]. Follow-up of this
study can be done by mammals in areas burned forest. Thus, it is most likely that Pb pollutions source
can be identified using Pb isotope analysis from wild rat kidneys that focus on PB-IR in mice. In
agricultural land, the use of calcium carbonate + metakaolin + fused calcium-magnesium phosphate
fertilizer (CMC) can be used to reduce the amount of Pb metal into seeds of Oryza sativa L [10].
Burned forest at Baluran Nasional Park occurs every year. The burned area is dominated by weeds.
Fires occur in settlements areas. This study will continue whether Pb pollution would be included in
an essential matter in settlements including water, agricultural post-harvest, livestock, and fisheries.
Based on the results of sampling that follows slopes in the water flow. Pb content in the soil collects
on slope 00 ̵ 300 (Table 2).

International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 276 (2019) 012043 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/276/1/012043

Table 1. Pb Content in Burned Forest and Non-Burned Areas

The depth of Soil (cm) Burned Forest (ppm) Non-Burned Area (ppm)
0 3.77 0.19
25 9.83 0.20
0 3.01 0.17
25 3.03 0.17
0 5.59 0.09
25 8.62 0.21
0 6.01 2.22
25 6.64 2.25
0 6.03 <0.096
25 7.00 0.1
0 7.52 0.16
25 8.59 0.18
0 <0.0096 0.12
25 3.40 0.14
0 7.50 1.18
25 8.12 2.01
0 6.00 0.18
25 9.34 0.22
0 6.27 1.15
25 6.63 1.16
Table 2. Pb Content in Burned and Non-Burned Areas at different slopes on topsoil
Burned Forest (ppm) Non-Burned Areas (ppm)
Mean Mean
00 - 300 9.58 0.12
350 - 500 8.35 0.15
600 > 3.22 0.14

Lead is a microelement naturally present in trace amount in all biological materials, i.e. in the soil,
water, plants, and animals. Lead concentration decreases rapidly in the soil with distance from streets,
highway and in soil with depth in the soil profile. Burned forest texture is sandy clay loam. The soil
becomes hard, but between topsoil, with subsoil the texture does not change much. Non burned area
texture is sandy loam and some repetitions of texture sandy clay loam (Table 3, Figure 1).
Table 3. Physical properties of soil in burned forests and non-burned areas
Burned Forest Non-Burned Areas
No Test Parameter
1 2 1 2
1. Texture (%) - - - -
Sand (%) 30 39 23 25
Dust (%) 39 27 46 46
Clay (%) 31 34 31 29
2. Volume Mass (g/cc) 1.09 0.83 1.08 0.86
3. Density (g/cc) 2.70 2.35 2.56 2.26

International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 276 (2019) 012043 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/276/1/012043

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 1. (a) Burned forest in depth of soil 0 cm, (b) Burned forest in depth of soil 25 cm, (c) Non-
burned forest in depth of soil 0 cm, (d) Non-burned forest in depth of soil 25 cm.
Dry wind direction from the northeast and southeast from April to November, while the west and
south wind directions are wet between December and March. April to July the highest average rainfall
reaches 30 mm (Figure 2a), August to October/November is rarely found in the rain (Figure 2b and
Figure 2c). Areas that are burned texture sandy clay loam and soil penetration are higher than the area
that is not burned, area not burning texture sandy clay (Figure 1, Table 3, Table 4). Burning forest area
soil texture of sandy clay loam and followed by increased soil penetration (Table 4). In water flow
location the soil Pb content increases (Table 2). From the direction of 700 > in the direction of 0 – 300
this condition indicates the soil Pb of the ground is carried by rainwater to a lower in direction. Forest
fires at Baluran National Parks are caused by high understory biomass, massive understory biomass
between 54.12 - 84.51 gram.m-2 [13], from Reis SM's research and friends that burned forests have
biomass 0.4-1.3 gram.m-2 [14]. The distribution of Pb contamination of burned forest land related to
water flow, soil penetration, and soil texture. Pb soil contamination is almost the same as research in
Cracow Poland caused by air, water, aquatic sediment and soil [15].

International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 276 (2019) 012043 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/276/1/012043

Table 4. Difference soil penetration resistance in burned forest and non-burned areas
Sampling Burned Forest Non-Burned Area
Depth of Soil (cm)
Area (Newton/cm2) (Newton/cm2)
0 823.33 667.88
25 850.24 700.32
0 802.11 622.13
25 832.11 650.65
0 680.33 590.21
25 710.22 700.76
0 842.66 642.33
25 850.33 701.22
0 833.14 632.11
25 880.53 628.22
0 821.88 687.11
25 860.14 704.66
0 822.31 654.55
25 831.11 690.33
0 816.82 586.24
25 874.11 587.22
0 816.11 603.11
25 846.33 722.34
0 821.11 645.33
25 865.44 711.15

(a) (b)

Figure 2. (a) Soil conditions in October 2017, (b) Plants conditions in October 2017, (c) Plants
conditions in May 2017

International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 276 (2019) 012043 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/276/1/012043

4. Conclusion
The fire occurred in the Savannah region of Briu, Talpat, Mantri, and Perengan Baluran National Park.
The soil Pb content is 3-9.83 ppm which has a fire, while those who did not experience at burned fire
Pb < 2 ppm. The area of Pb pollution has higher than fires occurred in the Savannah region of Briu,
Talpat, Mantri and Perengan Pondok Baluran National Park. The soil Pb content is 3-9.83ppm which
has a fire, while those who do not experience burned soil Pb <2 ppm. In the fire area, Pb pollution is
higher than no fire land. An increased amount of the lead in our environment comes from human
activities including burning high understory biomass of the plant. The distribution of Pb land in
Baluran National Park is supported by flow rainwater, soil texture, and soil penetration.

Authors are thankful to LP2M Universitas Negeri Malang for funding this research.

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