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Cost of Capital and Profitability Analysis (A Case Study of Telecommunication Industry)

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Cost of Capital and profitability analysis (a

Case study of
teleCommuniCation industry)
asha sharma*

Abstract Finance is the supply of funds, which regulates the activities and operations of the industry.
Adequate finance is required besides the requirement of fixed and working capital for undertaking the program of
extension, reorganization or expansion. Finance regulates the activities and operations of the industry. Adequate
finance is required besides the requirement of fixed and working capital for undertaking the program of extension,
reorganization or expansion. There are various source of raising funds. Since, now-a-days market is open, so both
domestic and international market are available for procuring the funds. Finance is being raised through issue of
shares, debenture, bond and retained earnings (internal source) from domestic as well as international capital
market in the form of Global Deposit Receipts, American Deposit Receipts and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
and from the wide range of financial institutions. However, the finance is not free of cost. The charge on each
source capital is known as cost of capital. The cost of capital of any investment is the rate of return the
suppliers of capital would expect to receive if the capital were invested elsewhere in an investment of comparable
The present study focuses on whether cost of capital has any relationship with financial performance of companies
like capital structure. To know about the relationship between cost of capital and income generation capacity of a
company, gross profit ratio is not sufficient. If cost of capital is not taken care properly, if it is more than
returns, company can reach to crucial financial situation. So an effort has been made to measure impact of cost
of capital on various financial factors i. e., profitability, growth rate, liquidity and dividend policy. The statistical
like correlation and regression method have been applied. The study found that change of cost of capital affects
the company’s profitability position. The higher cost of capital adversely affects the profitability position of the

Keyword: Cost of Capital, Return, Growth Rate, Liquidity, Performance, Profitability

The Indian economy has witnessed robust growth in the last importance in the financial decision-making. It is useful as a
few years and is expected to be one of the fastest growing standard for:
economies in the coming years. Demand for commercial 1. Evaluating investment decisions
property is being driven by India’s economic growth. Real 2. Designing a firm’s debt policy 3. Appraising the
estate in India contributes about 5 per cent to India’s gross financial performance of top management
domestic product (GDP). The total revenue generated in
2010-11 stood at US$ 66.8 billion. India’s Information The firm’s cost of capital is the rate of return required by
Technology (IT) and Information Technology enabled them for supplying capital for financing the firm’s
Services (ITeS) segments are aligned in a way that the investment projects by purchasing various securities. It may
growth in one avenue has ripple effects on another. The IT & be emphasized that the rate of return required by all investors
ITeS industry, as a whole, is the mainstay of Indian will be an overall rate of return – a weighted rate of return.
Technology sector as it has driven growth of the economy in Thus, the firm’s cost of capital is the ‘average’ of the
terms of employment, revenue generation, standards of opportunity costs (or required rates of return) of various
living etc and has played a major part in placing the country securities, which have claims on the firm’s assets. This rate
on the global canvas. reflects both the business (operating) risk and the financial
risk resulting from debt capital.
The project’s cost of capital is the minimum required rate of
return on funds committed to the project, which depends on
the risk of its cash flows. The firm’s cost of capital will be reVieW of literature
the overall, or average, required rate of return on the
A comprehensive review of literature in respect of the
aggregate of investment projects. It is a concept of vital
parameters pertaining to financial performance, determinants

*Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Mahila Mahavidhalaya, J. N. V. University, Jodhpur

Cost of Capital And Profitability Analysis (A Case Study of Telecommunication Industry) 43

of capital structure and interrelationship between cost of Company profile

capital and companies’ performance both in the domestic and
international level was carried out. The major observations Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading integrated
are summarized as under: Cost of capital declines with telecommunications company with operations in 20
leverage due to the tax deductibility of interest charges, countries across Asia and Africa. Headquartered in New
(Modigliani and Miller, 1962). The cost of capital is affected Delhi, India, the company ranks amongst the top 5 mobile
by debt apart from its tax advantages (Sarma and Rao, 1968). service providers globally in terms of subscribers. In India,
Age, retained earnings, and profitability were negatively the company’s product offer-
correlated while total assets and capital intensity was ings include 2G, 3G and 4G services, fixed line, high speed
positively related to debt- equity ratio (Chakroborty, 1977). broadband through DSL, IPTV, DTH, enterprise services
Cost of capital of including national & international long distance services to
Indian firms increased from 7.36 percent to 12.36 percent carriers. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G
over years. The average cost of capital for all consumer mobile services. Bharti Airtel had over 246 million
goods industry firms taken together was the highest while; it customers across its operations at the end of February 2012.
was lowest for the firms of intermediate goods (Chakroborty, metHodoloGy
1977). There is an impact of size, growth, business risk,
dividend policy, profitability, debt service capacity and the The purpose of the research is to study the relationship
degree of operating leverage on the leverage ratio of the firm between various ratios to know the impact of cost of capital
(Bhat, 1980). The weighted average cost of capital of a on profit, growth, investment decision and dividend decision
company will fall with the increased borrowing until a point in Indian industries. Further, this paper is an effort to know
is reached where the higher cost of share and loan capital about how to frame an optimum capital structure.
force the average up. The optimum-earning ratio is achieved obJeCtiVes of tHe study
only when the weighted average cost of capital is at the
lowest point (Knott, 1991). The cost of capital is playing The objective of the study is to examine the relationship
significant role for determining the capital structure of multi between the working capital management efficiency and
National Corporation also. The multinational corporation is profitability of the Telecommunication industry in India.
assumed to finance its foreign subsidiaries in such a way as The following are the specific objectives:
to minimize its incremental weighted cost of capital (Bhalla,
• To analyze interrelationship and impact of Cost of
2000). The firms are mainly concerned about financial
capital on various variables determining companies
flexibility and credit ratings when issuing debt and per share
dilution and recent stock appreciation when issuing equity.
The most firms have target debt-equity and issue-equity to • To analyze the relationship between cost of capital
maintain a target-debt ratio (Graham and Harvey, 2001). A efficiency and profitability of selected industries in
project that requires highly specific assets would initially be India.
financed by equity. However, as the debt to equity ratio
decreases in line with agency theory, the demand for debt data set & sample
falls and equity rises (Vialasuso and Minkler, 2001). Cost of
capital is a central concept in financial management linking The data used in this study was acquired from companies’
both investment and financing decision. The Indian website for a period of six years from 2005 to 2010. The
companies faced a high relative cost of capital as compared study is based on secondary data. The data mainly collected
to their international counterparts (Chadha, 2003). The from Capitalline, website entitled to www.indiainfoline. com
foregoing studies attempted to examine the relationship and annual reports of companies has also been used. To
between cost of capital and companies performance. In most analyze the data financial as well as statistical tools has been
of the studies it is been seen, emphasis is given on effects of used. The financial tools like ratio analysis and statistical
capital structure on cost of capital and on determinant of tools such as average, correlation coefficient and regressions
capital structure. However, no serious and systematic efforts were used. The statistical results were verified by applying t-
have been made by the researcher in regard to relationship test, F-test, Z-test in appropriate cases
between cost of capital and companies financial
performance. HypotHesis testinG
Since the objective of this study is to examine co-relevancy
between gross working capital to other variables like fixed
assets, total assets and sales. For this a set of testable
44 Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research Volume 1 Issue 4 October 2012

hypotheses (the null hypothesis H0 versus the Alternatives Hypothesis 3

ones H1) is decided and proved by correlation analysis
H01: There is significant relationship between the cost of
researCH HypotHeses capital and dividend

Table 1: Calculation of cost of capital in Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel
Rs. in million %
Mar-05 6.53 2 38.71 276 20.74 0.27 0.007 0.306
Mar-06 10.62 3 68.19 238 29.06 0.31 0.013 0.282
Mar-07 21.27 2 89.74 234 27.95 0.36 0.009 0.094
Mar-08 32.56 2 106.19 263 28.4 0.38 0.008 0.061
Mar-09 40.7 4 145.19 298 23.66 0.17 0.013 0.098
Mar-10 24.82 3.5 96.24 300 30.19 0.34 0.012 0.141
Average 10.7417 2.75 90.71 268.17 26.67 0.12 0.010 0.256
ROE = EPSX No. Of Share/ Net Worth
Net worth= equity capital+ Retained Earning
BY= Book Value
MY= Market Value
EY= Earning yield
DY=Dividend Yield
retaintion cost of cost of Current Profit after
Year ratio equity growth capital Ratio tax

Mar-05 0.69 18.83239 29.89673 48.7291 0.44 1,210.67

Mar-06 0.72 14.10437 40.50094 54.6053 0.47 2,012.08
Mar-07 0.91 6.142506 30.85088 36.9934 0.57 4033.23
Mar-08 0.94 4.914005 30.25864 35.1726 0.69 6,940.37
Mar-09 0.90 16.11604 26.23875 42.3548 0.7 8,134.67
Mar-10 0.86 32.5834 35.14614 67.7295 0.7 10,703.53
Average 0.84 15.45 32.15 47.60 0.60 5505.76

Hypothesis 1 H11: There is negative relationship between the cost of

capital and dividend
H01: There is significant relationship between the cost of
capital and profitability
Hypothesis 4
H11: There is negative relationship between the cost of
capital and profitability H01: There is significant relationship between the cost of
capital and growth
Hypothesis 2 H11: There is negative relationship between the cost of
capital and growth Telecommunication Industry
H01: There is significant relationship between the cost of
capital and liquidity
H11: There is negative relationship between the cost of
capital and liquidity
Cost of Capital And Profitability Analysis (A Case Study of Telecommunication Industry) 45

Bharti Airtel
Calculation of Growth Rate

Year EPS Growth DPS Growth

Mar-05 10.62 2 1 0.50
Mar-06 21.27 10.65 1.00 3 -1 -0.33
Mar-07 32.9 11.63 0.55 2 0 0.00
Mar-08 40.7 0.52 0.02 2 2 1.00
Mar-09 24.82 -15.88 -0.39 4 -0.5 -0.13
Mar-10 32.56 7.74 0.31 3.5 7.5 2.14
Average 27.145 2.44 0.25 2.75 1.5 0.53
Cost of Equity
ROE x Retaintion ratio Cost of equity DPS/MP*100+G
Based on retaintion ratio
23.98 26.67*0.899 1.025+23.98 25.00
Based on EPS 25.00 1.025+3 26.03
Based on DPS 27.00 1.025+15 28.03
Cost of Debt
12% Debanture 7.92 12*(1-0.34)
Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Weight WACC
Sources of capital Cost of capital
Book Value Market Value Book Value Market Value
Debt 7.92 0.62 0.36 4.91 2.85
Equity 28.03 0.38 0.64 10.65 17.94
Total 35.95 1.00 1.00 15.56 20.79
Bharti Airtel Capital Structure, 2009-10

Sources of capital book value weight market value weight

Debt 33458 0.62 33458 0.36
Equity 20276 0.38 59678 0.64
Total Capital 53734 1.00 93136 1

metHodoloGy of Computation Cost of ROE = EPSX No. Of Share/ Net Worth

Capital Net worth= equity capital+ Retained Earning

BY= Book Value
Following are the steps that are used in evaluating the Cost
MY= Market Value
of capital for the companies taken for study. Dividend Price
method is applied to evaluate cost of equity. Cost of Equity
(Ke ) = (DPS/ MPS)+ Growth of EPS Where, EPS= Earning
per Share, MPS= Market price per share
Retaintion ratio=1-Payout
The Cost of Equity of both sample companies as a whole A firm’s WACC is the overall required return on the firm as
pertaining to individual year has been calculated at first and a whole and, as such, it is often used internally by company
then simple average of the same has been taken. directors to determine the economic feasibility of
Then, their respective proportions in the capital structure are expansionary opportunities and mergers. It is the appropriate
multiplied by these costs of sources. The book value weight discount rate to use for cash flows with risk that is similar to
of each source of finance used in calculating cost of capital that of the overall firm
because in practice. The book value weight and market value Weighted Average Cost of capital (cost of capital) =
both the methods are used to calculate weighted average cost
of capital. Where, V= (equity capital+ debt capital+ retained earnings),
Ke= cost of equity, Kd= Cost of debt capital, Kr= cost of
46 Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research Volume 1 Issue 4 October 2012

retained earnings, E= equity capital, D= debt capital R= Airtel Ltd. Highly negative correlation is showing that both
retained earnings. companies are enjoying its effectiveness. To maintain
effectiveness and liquidity, dividend policy and profit
earning capacity, they required to manage minimum cost of
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK capital in a appropriate manner. It is indicating negative
(VARIABLES OF MEASURING relationship between all three variable.
Profitability: Profitability implies profit-earning capability Cost of Capital and Profitability
of business unit. Return on Equity ( ROE ) is considered to
measure profitability of the concern. The aggregate result suggests that there is relationship
between cost of capital and profitability of the company. The
Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the ability of a concern to meet relationship between the cost of capital and profitability has
its current obligation. been found in the company. A negative relationship is
Current ratio has been included in the models. It is calculated observed in the company. It is because the profitable
by dividing current assets by current liabilities. companies are expected to procure the funds with cheaper
Dividend pay out ratio: - It measures the relationship
between the earnings belonging to the ordinary shareholders
and the dividend paid to them. Dividend pay out ratio is Cost of Capital and Liquidity
calculated by DPS/MPS*100
In the sector of telecommunication group of industries, the
Growth (G) – Growth of companies measures the rate at overall cost of capital and liquidity is negatively related with
which a firm is growing. It is one of the determinants of each other. This implies that highly liquid companies are
financial performance of the company. It is calculated by procuring the funds by incurring less amount of cost. On the
multiplying retention ratio and ROE. other hand less risky companies in terms of liquidity are
spending less amount of money for mobilizing the capital for
ANALYSIS & FINDINGS their survival and growth. It is theoretically true that the
investors generally prefer to invest their funds in less risky

Table 2: Corelation Between Cost Of Capital and Other

Cost of Capital and Dividend
Variables In Bharti Airtail Ltd.
Variables Correlation In the sector of telecommunication industries, dividend
becomes the significant factor of the cost of capital. In this
cost of capital & profitability (rate of return) – 0.6989937
sector the dividend is negatively related with the cost of
cost of capital & liquidity – 0.4535332 capital. The negative coefficient of the payout variable
suggests that investors have preference for current dividend.
cost of capital & dividend – 0.2110172

cost of capital & growth 0.60518738

Cost of Capital and Growth
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
Analysis The aggregate result suggests that correlation between the
costs of capital and growth is significant. The cost of capital
Pearson’s Correlation analysis is used to find the relation of diversified companies is declining with the growth of the
among various variables i.e. cost of capital and profitability companies because of constant growth of profit of the
cost of capital and liquidity, cost of capital and dividend, cost companies has minimized their expenses and cost and
of capital and growth,. One variable cause, is an independent increase in their loan and fund collecting capacity is at low
and another variable result, will be a dependent variable. By interest rate.
using these ratios relationship between these data can be
measured. There is a negative relationship between first,
second and third but positive with forth variable. findinG of tHe study
Table 3- It is showing positive negative relation between cost It was found that the cost of capital of company vary with
of capital and liquidity, profitability and dividend in Bharti fluctuations in other factors due to variation of nature of
Cost of Capital And Profitability Analysis (A Case Study of Telecommunication Industry) 47

industry. The study observed among the variables of capital positively affects the profitability position of the
financial performance; growth and profitability become companies.
significant factor of affecting cost of capital. The existence
of negative relationship between cost of capital and
profitability indicating the cost of capital have negative Baron, D. P. (1974). Default Risk, Home-Made Leverage and
impact on profitability of the companies. With the increase M-M Theorem. American Economic Review, 64, pp. 176
of cost of capital, profit of the companies will automatically - 82.
fall. Baron, D. P. (1975). Firm Valuation, Corporate Taxes and
The cost of capital of the company is positively related with Default Risk. Journal of Finance, 30, pp. 125 - 164. Brennen,
the growth of company implying cost of capital are M. J. & Schwartz, E. S. (1978). Corporate Income Taxes,
increasing because of constant growth of company in its Valuation and the Problem of Capital Structure.
growing stage as more fund is used for growth. Journal of Business, pp. 103 - 15.
Brigham, E. F. & Gopanski, L. C. (1985). Intermediate
The cost of capital is negatively related with the dividend
Financial Management, 21(3), pp. 204. New York :
whereas dividend is positively related with the cost of capital
Dryden Press.
for Telecommunication sector. The positive relationship
signifies that the investors have no preference for current Davenport, M. (1971). Leverage and the Cost of Capital:
dividend in general. Some Tests Using British Data/’ Economica, pp. 136 - 62.
DeAngelo, H. & Masulis, M. S. (1980). Optimal Capital
In this study, liquidity is taken for measuring the risk of the Structure under Corporate and Personal Taxation. Journal
companies from the point of view of shareholders investment of Financial Economics, 8, pp. 3 - 29.
concerned. It has been observed the cost of capital is
negatively related with liquidity in the company. It implies Durand, D. (1963). The Cost of Capital in an Imperfect
Market: A Reply to M-M. American Economic Review,
less risky companies that is keeping larger amount of funds
in form of liquidity is and able to procure the funds at cheaper
cost. Jensen, M. & Meckling, W. (1976). Theory of the Firm:
Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership
Structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3, pp. 305 - 60.
ConClusion Kraus, A. & Litzenberger, R. H. (1973). A State Preference
The study has analyzed there is significant relationship Model of Optimal Financial Leverage. Journal of Finance,
between cost of capital and the efficiency, profitability, 28, pp. 911 - 22.
dividend policy, growing capacity relationship of Masulis, M. S. (1980). The Effect of Capital Structure
Telecommunication industry in India; some of the important Changes on Security Prices: A Study of Exchange Offers.
ratios were used to measure the financial performance of Journal of Financial Economics, 8, pp. 139 - 78.
these companies. Based on the above analysis the significant Masulis, M. S. (1983). The Impact of Capital Structure on
negative relationship is found between two variables other Firm Value. Journal of Finance, 38, pp. 107 - 25.
than growth and cost of capital. Miller, M. H. (1977). Debt and Taxes. Journal of Finance, 32,
The overall cost of capital is affected by the designing of pp. 261 - 73.
capital structure of Indian industries. Therefore, maintenance Modigliani, F. & Miller, M. H. (1958). The Cost of Capital,
of optimum level of capital structure irrespective of nature of Corporation Finance and the Theory of 36 Investment.
industries is mandatory for a firm. Hence, the corporate American Economic Review, 48, pp. 261 - 97.
executive should give due attention for attaining optimum Pandey, I. M. (1992). Capital Structure and Cost of Capital.
level of capital structure for sustainable growth of the firm. American Economic Review, 56, pp. 333 - 91. Vikas
The optimum level of capital structure depends on nature of Publishing House. Solomon, E. (1963). Leverage and the
each industry. The change of cost of capital affects the Cost of Capital.
company’s profitability position. Again the lower cost of Journal of Finance, 18, pp. 273 - 79.
Balance Sheet of Bharti Airtel
Mar ‘10 Mar ‘09 Mar ‘08 Mar ‘07 Mar ‘06 Mar ‘05
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
48 Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research Volume 1 Issue 4 October 2012

Sources Of Funds
Total Share Capital 1,898.77 1,898.24 1,897.91 1,895.93 1,893.88 1,853.37
Equity Share Capital 1,898.77 1,898.24 1,897.91 1,895.93 1,893.88 1,853.37
Share Application Money 186.09 116.22 57.63 30 12.13 2.72
Preference Share Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reserves 34,650.19 25,627.38 18,283.82 9,515.21 5,437.42 2,675.38
Revaluation Reserves 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13
Networth 36,737.18 27,643.97 20,241.49 11,443.27 7,345.56 4,533.60
Secured Loans 39.43 51.73 52.42 266.45 2,863.37 3,959.88
Unsecured Loans 4,999.49 7,661.92 6,517.92 5,044.36 1,932.92 1,034.41
Total Debt 5,038.92 7,713.65 6,570.34 5,310.81 4,796.29 4,994.29
Total Liabilities 41,776.10 35,357.62 26,811.83 16,754.08 12,141.85 9,527.89
Mar ‘10 Mar ‘09 Mar ‘08 Mar ‘07 Mar ‘06 Mar ‘05
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
Application Of Funds
Gross Block 44,212.53 37,266.70 28,115.65 26,509.93 17,951.74 13,240.63
Less: Accum. Depreciation 16,187.56 12,253.34 9,085.00 7,204.30 4,944.86 3,475.64
Net Block 28,024.97 25,013.36 19,030.65 19,305.63 13,006.88 9,764.99
Capital Work in Progress 1,594.74 2,566.67 2,751.08 2,375.82 2,341.25 994.46
Investments 15,773.32 11,777.76 10,952.85 705.82 719.7 931.9
Inventories 27.24 62.15 56.86 47.81 17.74 31.58
Sundry Debtors 2,104.98 2,550.05 2,776.46 1,418.52 1,076.17 715.74
Cash and Bank Balance 54.89 153.44 200.86 239.11 201.81 174.96
Total Current Assets 2,187.11 2,765.64 3,034.18 1,705.44 1,295.72 922.28
Loans and Advances 7,072.42 5,602.83 5,103.13 3,160.02 1,937.54 1,354.85
Fixed Deposits 761.86 2,098.16 302.08 541.35 105.61 209.17
Total CA, Loans & Advances 10,021.39 10,466.63 8,439.39 5,406.81 3,338.87 2,486.30
Deffered Credit 0 0 0 0 0 0
Current Liabilities 12,979.55 13,832.49 12,400.38 9,809.83 6,735.36 4,458.80
Provisions 658.75 634.4 1,961.95 1,232.84 537.44 249.32
Total CL & Provisions 13,638.30 14,466.89 14,362.33 11,042.67 7,272.80 4,708.12
Net Current Assets -3,616.91 -4,000.26 -5,922.94 -5,635.86 -3,933.93 -2,221.82
Miscellaneous Expenses 0 0.09 0.2 2.66 7.94 58.35
Total Assets 41,776.12 35,357.62 26,811.84 16,754.07 12,141.84 9,527.88
Contingent Liabilities 3,921.50 4,104.25 7,140.59 7,615.04 4,740.34 3,017.26
Book Value (Rs) 96.24 145.01 106.34 60.19 38.71 24.44
Ratios of Bharti Airtel company

Mar ‘ 06 Mar ‘0 7 Mar ‘ 08 Mar ‘ 09 Mar ‘ 10

Per share ratios

Cost of Capital And Profitability Analysis (A Case Study of Telecommunication Industry) 49

Adjusted EPS (Rs) 10.62 21.27 32.9 40.79 24.82

Adjusted cash EPS (Rs) 31.57 36.26 38.03 36.96 35.25

Reported EPS (Rs) 10.62 21.27 32.9 40.79 24.82

Reported cash EPS (Rs) 31.57 36.26 38.03 36.96 35.25

Dividend per share -- -- -- 2 1

Operating profit per share (Rs) 21.32 38.28 56.16 69.5 36.65

Book value (excl rev res) per share (Rs) 38.71 60.19 106.34 145.01 96.24

Book value (incl rev res) per share (Rs.)

Net operating income per share (Rs) 59.45 94.16 135.73 179.37 93.77

Free reserves per share (Rs) 28.11 49.88 83.18 121.78 84.64

Profitability ratios

Operating margin (%) 35.86 40.65 41.37 38.74 39.08

Gross profit margin (%) 23.14 27.47 29.08 29.33 28.15

Net profit margin (%) 17.8 22.46 23.99 22.58 26.36

Adjusted cash margin (%) 31.57 36.26 38.03 36.96 35.25

Adjusted return on net worth (%) 27.42 35.23 32.04 33.74 23.27

Reported return on net worth (%) 27.47 35.35 30.94 28.13 25.79

Return on long term funds (%) 21.28 29.83 28.52 29.01 24.36

Leverage ratios

Long term debt / Equity 0.61 0.43 0.3 0.26 0.12

Total debt/equity 0.65 0.47 0.33 0.28 0.14

Owners fund as % of total source 0.65 0.47 0.33 0.28 0.14

Fixed assets turnover ratio 0.72 0.75 1.03 1 0.88

Liquidity ratios
Current ratio 0.44 0.47 0.57 0.69 0.68

Current ratio (inc. st loans) 0.44 0.47 0.57 0.69 0.68

Quick ratio 0.45 0.47 0.55 0.65 0.72

Inventory turnover ratio 634.52 373.35 453.06 547.83 1,307.05

Payout ratios

Dividend payout ratio (net profit) -- -- -- 5.73 4.71

Dividend payout ratio (cash profit) -- -- -- 3.99 3.28

Earning retention ratio 100 100 100 95.22 94.78

Cash earnings retention ratio 100 100 100 96.5 96.48

Coverage ratios

Adjusted cash flow time total debt 1.34 0.82 0.66 0.61 0.4
50 Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research Volume 1 Issue 4 October 2012

Financial charges coverage ratio 17.22 26.09 27.77 30.93 49.64

Fin. charges cov.ratio (post tax) 16.08 24.13 25.6 26.63 48.73

Component ratios

Material cost component (% earnings) 0.47 0.29 0.16 0.84 0.78

Selling cost Component 7.14 6.3 7.15 6.49 6.75
Exports as percent of total sales 0.47 0.29 0.16 0.84 0.78
Import comp. in raw mat. consumed -- -- -- -- --
Long term assets / total Assets 0.72 0.75 1.03 1 0.88
Bonus component in equity capital (%) 82.7 82.61 82.53 82.51 82.49

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