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Selvakumar Et Al-2019-Polymer Composites

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Mechanical and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Jute

and Human Hair-Reinforced Polymer Composites

Kathiresan Selvakumar ,1 Omkumar Meenakshisundaram2

Department of Manufacturing Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai 600
025, India

Department of Manufacturing Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai 600
025, India

Application of light-weight materials in automotive and INTRODUCTION

structural components such as door panel, Dashboard
and internal engine cover play a crucial role in the The increasing interest in the use of biocomposites for
improvement of vehicle performance. Weight reduction automotive and aerospace application is due to the need
of automotive vehicle components results in less fuel for cost and weight reduction when compared with steel
consumption, leading to drastic reduction of CO2 emis-
sion. Carbon emission can be minimized through and aluminum. Natural fibers such as jute, hemp, Kenaf
replacement of light-weight natural fiber reinforced and banana reinforced polymer composite possess attrac-
composite-based components in place of metallic tive mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties,
components in the vehicles. Simultaneous application chemical resistance and dimensional stability that yield
of heat and dynamic loads on polymer composite
special engineering materials for automotive and engine
materials affect crystallinity resulting in the degrada-
tion of material properties and its weight. Many components [1, 2]. The natural fiber-reinforced composite
researchers have shown interest in the use of bio com- used by vehicle manufacturers for various applications
posites for automotive parts with good mechanical are listed in Table 1 [3].
and thermal properties for conventional automotive Use of natural fiber-reinforced composites for vehicle
materials. The present work focuses on the fabrication
components helps control over efficient level of Co2
of jute and human hair-reinforced epoxy-based polymer
composites with five different fiber compositions. emission through reduction in the weight of the compo-
Mechanical properties such as tensile strength and nents. By the year 2025, the US targets to reduce net
impact energy were analyzed. Storage modulus, loss green house gas emission to 26–28% compared with the
modulus and damping behavior under different frequen- levels observed in a decade back [4]. Automotive original
cies constituting a function of increasing temperature
was observed. The effect of fiber composition and fre- equipment manufacturers aim to reduce the weight by at
quency on dynamic behavior of new combination of nat- least 100 kg per year for their entire fleet weight [5].
ural composites was analyzed for determining the Obed et al. [6] reviewed application of biocomposites in
viscoelastic behavior of composites. Mechanical proper- the automotive industry and reported that 23% of total
ties were found to increase with increase in human hair
composition in the composites. The glass transition tem- global carbon emissions resulted from the usage of auto-
perature (Tg) obtained from storage modulus, loss modu- motive vehicles. Several research works have successfully
lus and damping curve exhibits a temperature between investigated and suggested that the replacement of con-
80 and 958C for all composites. As a consequence, ventional metallic components by bio composite compo-
higher fiber content in matrix was observed to allow
greater stress transfer at the interface resulting in high
nents providing better fuel efficiency and reduction in
dynamic mechanical properties. The experimental results CO2 emission level [7–9].
have shown that the natural fiber-reinforced polymer Apart from emission control and fuel efficiency, a
composite is sustainable in withstanding dynamic loads. single composite molding can replace up to 15–20 indi-
POLYM. COMPOS.,40:1132–1141,
POLYM. COMPOS., 00:000–000, 2018. © 2018
2019. V
C 2018 Society
Society of
of vidual steel components and fasteners. Fewer compo-
Plastics Engineers
Plastics Engineers
nents reduce inventory and make assembly easier, the
net result is tighter tolerances, better fit and finish and
reduced labor cost [10]. The composites do not rust nor
Correspondence to: K. Selvakumar; e-mail:
DOI 10.1002/pc.24818
do they corrode when exposed to moisture and road salt.
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( They practically replace most of the steel components
C 2018 Society of Plastics Engineers
V on a vehicle.


TABLE 1. Application of natural fiber composites in automotives [2].

Sl. no Manufacturer Model Parts name

1 Audi A2,A3, A4, A4, Avant, A6, A6, A8, Roadster, Seat backs, side and back door panel, boot lining, hat rack,
Coupe and spare tire lining
2 BMW 3, 5, and 7 series and others Door panels, headliner panel, boot lining, seat backs, noise
3 Daimler/Chrysler A, C, E, and S Class, EvoBus (exterior) Door panels, windshield, dashboard, business table, and pillar
4 Mercedes Benz Trucks Internal engine cover, engine insulation, sun visor, interior
insulation, bumper, wheel box, and roof cover
5 TOYOTA, Brevis, Harrier, Celsior RAUM Door panels, seat backs, and spare tire cover
6 Volkswagen Golf, Passat, Variant, Bora, Fox, Polo Door panel, seat back, boot lid finish panel, and boot liner
7 Volvo C70, V70 Seat padding, natural foams, and cargo floor tray

Use of keratin fiber and plant fiber as reinforcement The dynamic loads on the composite components due
has several distinctive features such as high length to to sound, live loads, friction between two components
diameter ratio, flexibility and hydrophobicity. Jute is one and the nature of the terrains road may reduce the life of
of the inexpensive plant fibers falling under bast fiber cat- the component. Proper selection of material for this kind
egory and is available in lengths of 1–4 m. The highly of application plays very crucial role in automotive indus-
oriented long chain molecules with coarse and inelastic tries. Heat arising out of friction and dynamic loads on
behavior provide high flexural and torsional rigidity. Jute the components affects its performance and life. Dynamic
has cellulose molecules with two glucose residues which mechanical analysis (DMA) is a versatile technique that
form the basic building unit of cell walls. Each glucose gives information on loss modulus, storage modulus and
residue is connected to the adjacent glucose residue the damping behavior of material under dynamic loading
through a strong covalent bond in cellulose molecules condition as a function of varying temperature and fre-
attributing to the enhanced strength and bending proper- quency. Some authors suggest that the dynamic behavior
ties of jute fiber. Human Hair, a non-degradable proteni- of material is also influenced by interfacial properties of
ous matter, that generally goes as a waste in large composite such as internal bonding between reinforce-
quantities is now best used as a fiber reinforcing material ment and matrix, morphology and structural arrangement
in composites to enhance the mechanical properties of of interface [12, 14].
components used in engineering applications. Hair is Martinez et al. [15] found the storage modulus value
available in abundance at a low cost and has high tensile of keratin biofiber reinforced with PMMA at glass transi-
strength equivalent to that of copper wire. A lock of 100 tion region to be between 600 and 1,000 MPa, whereas
hairs has the ability to balance weight up to 10 kg [11]. the loss modulus value was obtained between 200 and
The attraction towards the reinforcing of two different nat- 300 MPa. Damping (Tan d) value attributed in the range
ural fibers in single matrix is due to the fact that fiber with of 0.5–0.8. Essabir et al. [16] observed increase in storage
low physical properties is improved by the addition of modulus with increasing frequency, whereas the loss fac-
another fiber with higher physical properties [12]. Presence tor value decreases with increasing frequency. This is due
of moisture at the interface, results in poor stress transfer to the inadequacy of time for accumulating the molecules
that reduces mechanical properties. The ability of a mate- together and undergoing permanent deformation. Moriana
rial tends to absorb or repeal water is described by hydro- et al. [17] studied the chemical, thermal, and structural
philic or hydrophobic behavior of the material. Hydrophilic properties on polymer composites reinforced with various
materials can easily absorb water and hydrophobic materi- natural fibers. Jute fibers having the highest cellulose
als do not absorb water easily. Human hair has three main content offer the highest aspect ratio and therefore a
structural components such as cortex, cuticle, and medulla. greater reinforcing effect with polymers. Pistor et al. [18]
In cuticle, the epicuticle which is protein coat covered by found that the glass transition temperature (Tg) for pure
strong lipid structure, is composed of 25% lipids and 75% epoxy under different frequencies was around 708C.
proteins. The presence of lipids contributes human hair Jawaid et al. [19] also concluded that incorporation of
forming a hydrophobic behavior. Hydrophobic human hair jute fiber with polymer matrix increases storage modulus
with jute fiber and epoxy matrix can reduces moisture value and a damping factor shift towards a higher temper-
absorption and improves interlocking between reinforce- ature region. Indra Reddy and Srinivasa Reddy [20]
ment and matrix material. Dani et al. [13] reviewed reported that hybridization effects on dynamic mechanical
research on green composites and reported that improper behavior of polymer composite increase the stiffness of
bonding between fiber and matrix results in more void the matrix leading to a greater degree of stress transfer at
content at the interface leading to decrease in strength of the interface. Saba et al. [12] have accounted the natural
composites. The physical properties of raw materials used fiber-reinforced thermoset polymer composite to have
for this work are preamble in Table 2. obtained better dynamic properties over glass and carbon

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TABLE 2. Physical properties of reinforcements and matrix material.

Fiber Density, g/cm3 Diameter mm Tensile Strength, MPa Elongation at break, %

Jute 1.4 160–185 400–800 1.8

Human Hair 1.32 17–180 400 216.94
Epoxy 1.1–1.4 — 35–100 1–6

fiber-reinforced polymer composite. No efficiency is stiffness and other mechanical properties to the composites.
found in the packing of fibers when the fiber concentra- Matrix material (also known as binder material) provides
tion in polymer composite is low [21]. Ray et al. [14] shape to the composite material. For this work, yarn type
have shown that the damping values were lowered for jute fiber was purchased from National Jute Board (Minis-
jute fiber-reinforced vinylester composites compared with try of Textiles, Govt. of India), India. Human hair, the
the neat resin. This is due to the insufficient matrix by other fiber under research was procured from Om Balavi-
volume to dissipate the vibrational energy. Jute fiber rein- nayaga Enterprises, India. Both the fibers were reinforced
forced with polyester matrix shows reduced peak height after chopping them to a fiber length of 20 mm. The poly-
[22]. Among all the natural fibers jute fiber appears to be mer matrix of Epoxy (LY 556) and corresponding hardener
highly promising due to its high toughness and aspect HY 2951 was supplied by Javanthee Enterprises, India.
ratio [23]. Epoxy resins have been widely used as engi-
neering plastics because of their high performance charac-
teristics, such as good mechanical, thermal, and electrical Fabrication of Composites
properties [24]. Ghosh et al. [25] performed a compara- Composites were fabricated in the size of 300 3
tive analysis of E glass, N glass, and jute fiber reinforced 300 mm square plate with 5-mm thickness using the hand
with epoxy matrix. Various fiber reinforcements with Layup technique. Composites of five different fiber com-
epoxy matrix show good dynamic behavior and maximum
positions were thus fabricated. The composition and des-
peak temperature [26, 27]. Jawaid et al. [28] analyzed the
ignation of the composites prepared for this work are
effect of fiber treatment of oil palm and jute fiber on
listed in Table 3. The low temperature curing epoxy resin
dynamic mechanical properties and concluded that fiber
(Araldite LY 556) and corresponding hardener (HY951)
treatment reduces the hydrophilicity of the fiber which
provides better interfacial bonding between fiber and were mixed in the ratio of 10:1 by weight as recom-
matrix. Pawar et al. [29] found that the jute fiber will ini- mended. The mold was prepared using silica rubber and a
tially carry the load and is transferred to epoxy matrix lamination sheet. Then, epoxy resin was poured into the
without the failure of matrix material, inducing better mold before distributing the chopped fibers uniformly
stress transfer. Gunti et al. [30] concluded that the impact over the resin. Finally, another layer of the resin was
strength of jute fiber reinforced with poly(lactic acid) applied over the randomly distributed layer of fibers. The
(PLA) is 22.3% higher when compared with plain PLA. mold was closed using another lamination sheet and ply-
The effectiveness of jute fiber and human hair with dif- wood. The cast of each composite was cured under a load
ferent polymer matrix can be increased due to their effi- of about 50 kg for 24 h before they were removed from
cient interlocking ability with matrix material that tends the mold. Then these casts were post cured in the air for
to provide better stress transfer between fiber and matrix. another 24 h after removal from the mold. Finally the
Through literature study the crucial contribution of natu- specimens for mechanical and dynamic mechanical analy-
ral fiber-reinforced composite in replacing of conventional sis were prepared according to ASTM standard using ver-
automotive and aerospace material has been identified. So tical Zig Zag cutting machine.
far the composite materials were fabricated by incorporat-
ing various natural fibers with polymer matrix. Due to Mechanical Characterization
inadequate information on the use of both protein fiber and
plant fiber in polymeric matrix, human hair and jute fiber The tensile test is performed in the universal testing
as reinforcement material has been chosen for understand- machine at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min according to
ing their composite behavior. This paper aims to find the
dynamic behavior of polymer composite materials for its TABLE 3. Composition and designation of composites.
suitability for automotive components.
Jute In Human hair Epoxy in
Composite % volume in % volume % volume
A 25 0 75
B 18.75 6.25 75
Materials Used C 12.5 12.5 75
D 6.25 18.75 75
Composite consists of reinforcement material and E 0 25 75
matrix material. Reinforcement basically provides strength,

FIG. 1. Samples prepared for dynamic mechanical analysis. [Color FIG. 3. Average Tensile strength of the composites. [Color figure can
figure can be viewed at] be viewed at]

ASTM D638 standard The specimens prepared are the dog- composites were characterized using dynamic mechanical
bone type, that is, the specimen has a constant-width central analyzer DMA 6100 equipment. Measurements were
region, but is widened at the ends. The overall specimen taken on the samples prepared according to standard
size is 165 3 19 3 5 mm by keeping a width and length at ASTM D4065 with a size of 50 mm in length, 10 mm in
narrow section is 13 and 57 mm, respectively. The maxi- width, and 3–3.5 mm in thickness (shown in Fig. 1).
mum force required for breaking the specimen when it is Experiments were conducted in the double cantilever
subjected to equal pull is observed and the corresponding bending mode with frequencies 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 Hz.
tensile strength is determined. Three specimens per compos- The heating rate of 28C/min was used for the temperature
ite were tested for obtaining average values of mechanical range of 23–808C. The frequency at each temperature was
properties. Impact test is performed as per ASTM D 256 changed from 5 to 0.2 Hz for finding the effect of oscilla-
with a specimen size of 65 3 12.7 3 5 mm and the depth tory force on the composites.
under the notch is 10 mm. The ability of material to with-
standing sudden shock load is analyzed. The respective val- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ues of impact energy of different specimens are recorded
directly from the dial indicator.
Tensile Strength
During tensile testing of NFRPC the maximum load at
Dynamic Mechanical Properties
breaking point is obtained and corresponding tensile stress
Viscoelastic properties such as storage modulus, loss value of each sample was evaluated. Figure 2 shows the
modulus and damping factor of the five different specimens after performing the tensile test. Figure 3

FIG. 2. Tensile test specimens after breaking. [Color figure can be FIG. 4. SEM images of 25% human hair-reinforced composite. [Color
viewed at] figure can be viewed at]

4 10.1002/pc
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FIG. 7. Specimens after performing impact test. [Color figure can be
FIG. 5. SEM images of 6.25% jute fibers and 18.75 % human hair- viewed at]
reinforced composite. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.
lower impact energy than other composites. Polymer
shows the average tensile strength of each composite. composites with 25% human hair have higher value of
Composites with 25% human hair shows higher value of impact energy than other composite. The result shows
tensile strength and the composites with 25% jute fiber that the impact energy of composite increased with
obtained lower tensile strength. . It is seen that the tensile increasing human hair content in polymer composite. The
strength of composites is increased as the human hair impact strength of the composites depends on the fiber/
content in composite increased. Sudhirkumar et al. [31] matrix debonding. Strong adhesion between the fiber and
noted that tensile strength of jute/bagasse/epoxy compos- the matrix results in higher impact strength [32]. Pawar
ite was 10–16 MPa, which is 12.5–46.8% lower than the et al. [29] found that the impact strength of jute fiber-
human hair-reinforced composites. It is because of hydro- reinforced polymer composite was increased to 2.74%
phobic behavior of human hair enhances interlocking of when adding granite powder as filler material. Specimens
fiber with polymer matrix, thus resulting in greater stress after performing impact test are shown in Fig. 7.
transfer at the interface. Figure 4 depicts scanning elec-
tron microscope (SEM) image of 25% human hair- Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
reinforced polymer composite which shows proper bond-
ing between the fiber and the matrix. Sudden decrease in Effect of Fiber Composition. Usage of two different
composite D is due to improper bonding between test natural fibers with polymer results in effective stress
fiber and matrix that was observed in SEM analysis transfer by increasing interfacial adhesion between rein-
(shown in Fig. 5). forcement phase and matrix phase. The effect of the per-
centage of human hair and jute fiber content in polymer
matrix on viscoelastic properties of composites was deter-
Impact Energy mined. Dynamic mechanical test was conducted and the
Figure 6 shows the average impact energy of each Storage modulus (E0 ), loss modulus (E00 ) and damping
composite. 25% jute fiber-reinforced epoxy composite has (Tan d) curves were obtained.
Storage modulus. Figure 8 shows the effect of fiber
composition on the storage modulus of human hair, jute,
and hybrid fiber-reinforced composites as a function of
temperature. The result shows that, initially the storage
modulus values are higher for all the composites then the
E0 values were decreased gradually when experimental
temperature increases. Composites with fiber composition
of 25:0 and 0:25% of jute and human hair respectively
exhibit almost the same behavior and lower E0 value
when compared with hybrid fiber-reinforced composites
for all the frequencies with increasing temperature. The
higher value in hybrid fiber-reinforced composites is due
to combined effect of fibers on the interface to transfer-
FIG. 6. Average Impact Energy of the composites. [Color figure can ring stress. Jute fiber having coarse structure along the
be viewed at] surface of the fiber and human hair having hydrophobic

per cycle under the deformation. Maximum heat dissipa-
tion occurs at the temperature where E00 is at a maximum.
Figure 9 shows the trends in variation of loss modulus for
different composite systems with variation in temperature
at 1Hz frequency. Ridzuan et al. [34] found the loss mod-
ulus value for cured epoxy laminate without reinforce-
ment at peak temperature is around 200 MPa. They report
the loss modulus of epoxy composites with pennisetum
purpureum/glass fiber at any temperature region was
higher than that of pure epoxy laminate. The loss modu-
lus obtained from this research work is also found to be
higher than the loss modulus of pure epoxy composite.
This is due to the increase in energy absorption caused by
FIG. 8. Effect of fiber composition on storage modulus versus temper-
ature curve at a frequency of 1 Hz. [Color figure can be viewed at the addition of fibers. Fiber incorporation increases the] E00 , indicating a higher heat dissipation in the natural
fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Below Tg, the loss
ability increases interlocking between reinforcement and modulus curves were much closer to each other, whereas,
matrix which provide better stress transfer at the inter- gap between the curves were occurred after this point.
face. Figure 8 shows the storage modulus versus tempera- Also the E00 value depicted a sudden drop in the transition
ture curve clearly indicating an increase in temperature zone which is narrower for all the composites.
resulting in a gradual decrease in storage modulus. At the The peak intensity and position of E00 peaks of these
region between 75 and 908 C, there was a sudden fall of composites also vary with fiber composition. The height
storage modulus for all the five samples. This was due to and the area of the peak regions indicate the energy
the increase in molecular mobility of material with absorbed by the system. A higher peak height may be
increase in temperature. This indicated the transformation due to the poor interface between the fiber and the
of material from glassy to rubbery state. The transition matrix. However, this may also be attributed to an
temperatures of all the composites show almost closer to increase in the mobility of the polymer molecules. Relax-
each other. Pistor et al. [18] found the Tg of pure epoxy ation peaks were observed in all the composites within
composite as 708C. Storage modulus of virgin Epoxy 80–908C. The Tg of polymer composites assigned to
increased with the incorporation of human hair and jute either temperature at maximum value of E00 or tempera-
fiber. This is attributed to the increase in the stiffness of ture at tan d peak [15]. In both cases, jute and human
the matrix due to the reinforcing effect imparted by hair-reinforced composites showed higher transition tem-
human hair and jute fiber that allows a greater degree of peratures as observed in Figs. 9 and 10. Tg obtained from
stress transfer from the matrix to the fiber [19]. E00 and Tan d curve are shown in Table 3. The Tg
In the glassy region, a closer or tighter packing of obtained from loss modulus is found to be slightly less
fibers with matrix provides the material high resistance to than that of Tan d curves.
the movement of molecular chain resulting in high modu- The loss modulus values at initial, glass transition and
lus. This is due to the absence of gap between the fiber maximum temperatures for composites under a frequency
and the matrix. This means that the energy needed to of 1 Hz are shown in Table 4. The human hair-reinforced
move a closer chain segments is high. When the tempera- polymer composite exhibits the loss modulus of 356.82
ture increases, the material loses its close packed arrange- MPa which is slightly higher than the loss modulus value
ment, enabling free movement of molecular chains inside
the material. As a result, there is no significant change in
modulus in the region during the rubbery stage.
It is important to underline the effect of higher tempera-
tures on composite behavior. E0 at 808 C for Epoxy with-
out reinforcement is around 500 MPa [33], for the material
with jute fiber, E0 is 1,241.48 MPa, whereas, the material
with human hair is 2,002.87 MPa. E0 for the material with
both jute and human hair having the fiber ratio of 1:1 is
found to be 3,378.34 MPa. The change in dynamic proper-
ties is associated with crazing and the formation of micro-
scopic cracks and voids at the surface due to the presence
of moisture at the fiber/matrix interface [28]. FIG. 9. Effect of fiber composition on loss modulus versus temperature
Loss modulus. The loss modulus is a viscous response curve at a frequency of 1 Hz. [Color figure can be viewed at wiley-
of a material that measures the energy dissipated as heat]

6 10.1002/pc
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TABLE 5. Tg from loss modulus curve and tan d curve.

Temperature (8C)
Sl. no Material type Tg at E00 Curve Tg at Tan d Curve
1 Composite A 80.6 85.7
2 Composite B 83.76 88.9
3 Composite C 83.56 88.7
4 Composite D 83.62 90.4
5 Composite E 83.65 93.9

other showing lower damping and good fiber/matrix adhe-

FIG. 10. Effect of fiber composition on tan d versus temperature curve
sion in it.
at a frequency of 1 Hz. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli- Below glass transition, the chain segments are in the] frozen state, therefore in this region the damping is low.
Hence, the deformations are primarily elastic and the
of jute fiber-reinforced composite. When incorporating molecular slips resulting in the viscous flow are low.
jute fiber and human hair with epoxy, the loss modulus Damping peak occurs where the material changes from a
value increases to around 430–470 MPa in composite B rigid to more plastic state in the glass transition region.
and composite C. Again the composite D is noted to Also, there is no resistance to heat flow in the rubbery
show decreased loss modulus value compared with other region and the molecular segments are quite free to
composites. It is due to the presence of defects such as move. Therefore higher the tan d peak value, greater is
voids, cracks and matrix rich region in the composite. the degree of molecular movement. Fiber incorporation
Damping. Damping can be associated with the impact increases the resistance to the mobility of rubber chains,
resistance of a material. Figure10 shows the evolution of leading to lower flexibility, lower degrees of molecular
the loss factor (Tan d), that represents the ratio between motion and hence lower damping characteristics.
the loss and storage modulus as a function of temperature Apart from the constituents of the composite material,
for different composites at a frequency of 1 Hz. Incorpo- the molecular motion at the interfacial region generally
ration of fiber in the composites influences damping fac- contributes to the damping of materials [21, 35]. Hence,
tor. The curve shows up to the temperature 828C the tan as the interface volume in composite increases, the width
d values are closer to each other while the curve exhibits of the tan d peak also increases. The closed packing
a flatter trend. Then the sudden increment in tan d values arrangement of the fibers within the composites provides
resulted in increasing temperature which is narrower for an effective stress transfer and a better interfacial interac-
all the composites. The tan d value obtained at 808C (Tg) tion that prevents crack propagation. The peak width is
is almost same for all the natural fiber-reinforced compos- found to be maximum for composites with high human
ite samples (Table 5). hair volume. A similar study of the damping effect of
The Tg of all the composites is between 85 and 1008C, jute fiber reinforced with various polymer matrixes has
which shows interaction of hybrid fibers with polymer shown the use of jute fiber contributing to lowering
matrix resulting in shift of the peak temperature maxi- damping factor of the composite [14, 22, 23].
mum. Maximum tan d peak corresponds to the Tg of the
material. The values of Tan d peak and Tg from Tan d
max of hybrid and unhybridized composites are given in Effect of Frequency. The dynamic mechanical proper-
Table 6. Tan d peak height is almost the same for all the ties of a material depend on the temperature and fre-
composites except for a slight variation. The peak point quency. The elastic modulus of a material decreases when
temperature of composite E is 948C which is higher than subjected to a constant stress over a period of time. The
the peak point temperature of other composites. The peak measurements taken during the short- and long-time dura-
height in all composite samples is almost close to each tion exhibit in varying dynamic properties.

TABLE 4. E00 value at initial, Tg and maximum temperature for composites under a frequency of 1 Hz.

Loss modulus (E00 ) in MPa

Composite A Composite B Composite C Composite D Composite E
Sl. No Temperature (8C) A Temp B Temp C Temp D Temp E

1 38.98 107.09 39.18 83.20 39.42 133.71 39.39 89.45 38.68 85.26
2 80.60 337.84 83.76 462.51 83.56 427.61 83.62 321.58 83.65 356.82
3 129.63 2.71 130.93 4.76 130.76 4.61 130.59 3.21 130.59 6.26

TABLE 6. Tan d value at initial, Tg and maximum temperature for composites under a frequency of 1 Hz.

Damping (Tan d)
Sl. no Temp (8C) Composite A Temp (8C) Composite B Temp (8C) Composite C Temp (8C) Composite D Temp (8C) Composite E

1 39.0 0.0361 39.18 0.0187 39.4 0.0271 39.4 0.0279 38.684 0.0287
2 85.7 0.5845 88.903 0.5831 88.7 0.5842 90.4 0.6088 93.925 0.5458
3 129.6 0.0266 130.93 0.0272 130.8 0.0337 130.6 0.0428 132.23 0.0589

Effect of frequency on storage modulus. Figure 11 to shifting to slightly higher temperature. In all the fre-
shows the effect of frequency on the dynamic modulus of quency the temperature at maximum of the peak is almost
sample with 50:50% jute fiber and human hair loading. the same and slightly shifted to higher temperatures with
The shifting temperature is higher at frequency 5 Hz for increase of frequency revealing that the change in fre-
all the composites and decreases with decreasing fre- quency does not change high temperature transition.
quency. The storage modulus obtained at higher fre- Increase in internal friction leads to the more loss of
quency shows higher values than those obtained at lower energy that result in the higher modulus. The broader E00
frequencies in all the composites with increasing tendency peak of composite shows the improved interaction
of temperature. This is due to the long time measuring between the fiber and matrix resulting in a highly plasti-
mode of composites under repeated oscillating force. Fig- cized amorphous region. The plasticization is due to the
ure 11 shows increase in E0 with increase in frequency inclusion of higher weight fraction of fiber within the
which is associated with the fact, that at higher frequen- epoxy matrix.
cies, the relaxation time of the molecular chains is higher Effect of frequency on damping. Figure 13 shows vari-
than the time of oscillation, which makes the material ation in the peak size with changes in frequency. The tan
highly elastic. The dynamic mechanical properties of the d peak is found to shift to higher temperature with
fiber-reinforced composites were observed to be of lower increase of frequency. The peak of the tan d curve, repre-
values for long period of time (low frequency). sents the Tg, is also indicative of the degree of cross-
However, the storage modulus curve for all the compo- linking of the system. This broadening is more prominent
sites at different frequency depicts decreasing trends with in composites A and E. The peak width is increases with
increasing temperature. Glass transition phenomenon increase in frequency.
occurs at temperature 75–908C where the E0 values falls The interface region of the polymer matrix has a
suddenly. Above 958C, the E0 curves of all the samples prominent effect on damping property. The stronger inter-
overlap with each other making it difficult to distinguish face permits lower energy dissipation. As the bonding
the curves from one another. between the fiber and matrix increases, molecular mobil-
Effect of frequency on loss modulus. Initially, the loss ity at the fiber and matrix interface decreases and a
modulus E00 of all the composite samples increases with reduction in damping factor occurs [36]. This may be
decreasing frequency, as the temperature increases. For attained by restriction of the movement of the polymer
further raise in temperature, E00 was found to increase molecules due to the incorporation of the stiff fibers.
with increasing frequency as shown in Fig. 12. Figures 12 and 13 show, the values of tan d and E00
At lower frequencies the peak of the curve is around decreasing when the frequency increases, whereas storage
808C. With increase in frequency, the peak of the loss modulus E0 increases (Fig. 11) in all five different natural
modulus curve, which corresponds to the Tg, is also found fiber-reinforced composites. This is due to the inadequacy

FIG. 11. Effect of frequency on storage modulus versus temperature FIG. 12. Effect of frequency on loss modulus versus temperature curve
curve for the composite with 50:50% of jute and human hair. [Color fig- for the composite with 50:50% of jute and human hair. [Color figure
ure can be viewed at] can be viewed at]

8 10.1002/pc
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For all the frequencies, the temperature at the peak is
almost same and slightly shifted to higher temperatures
with increase of frequency revealing that the change in
frequency does not change high temperature transition.
Fiber incorporation in the composites influences the
damping factor. The tan d curve shows that, the increase
in temperature shifting of the damping values through a
maximum in the transition region and then decrease in
the rubbery region. The damping behavior of fiber-
reinforced composite increases when compared with the
pure resin because the fibers can carry a greater amount
of the load. It is concluded that the peak size varies with
FIG. 13. Effect of frequency on tan d versus temperature curve for the change in frequency. The tan d peak is found to shift to
composite with 50:50% of jute and human hair. [Color figure can be
higher temperatures with increase in frequency.
viewed at]
Higher fiber content with matrix allows greater stress
transfer at the interface, which consequently increases the
dynamic mechanical properties. Addition of jute and
of time to undergo permanent deformation when the com-
human hair with epoxy matrix shows better viscoelastic
posite is subjected to cyclic loading at high frequencies,
behavior of the composite material. Future work may
while the material remains in the state of elastic behavior. involve increasing the dynamic properties by adding of
Hence at high frequencies (that is short time measuring particulate materials with reinforcement and matrix so as
mode), the material behaves mostly as it was in the solid to eliminate the gap between the fiber and matrix.
state and so the E00 and tan d values decreases while E0
values increases. But, when measuring the material under REFERENCES
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