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Resistors in Series and Parallel Individual Lab Report

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Resistors in Series and Parallel

Alphonse Rossaint V. Sambrano

General Physics 2

Abstract— This experiment focuses on the voltages, connected by conductive wires or traces through
currents, and resistances in a series and parallel circuits. which electric current can flow. Resistors limit the
This experiment aims to determine the relationship
between the currents and voltages across each individual flow of electrons through a circuit. In resistance in a
resistor in a series, parallel, and series-parallel circuit allows for an uninterrupted flow of electricity
combination, verify them experimentally and at the same from the source of power, passing through the
time, calculate the equivalent resistance of a series, parallel, conductor or wire, towards the load and back again
and series-parallel combination of resistors theoretically to the source of power. The two most common types
and experimentally. The experiment was divided into three
parts; the first part of the experiment, which made use of a of closed circuits are the series and parallel circuits
series circuit, yielded a 28.91% difference between [2].
calculated and measured resistance, the second part of the In a series circuit, there is only one path for
experiment, which made use of a parallel circuit, yielded a electrons to flow in a counter-clockwise direction. A
14.92% difference between calculated and measured series circuit has resistors (labelled as R1, R2, and R3
resistance, and the third part of the experiment, which
made use of a series and parallel combination, yielded and so on), connected in a long chain from one
16.67% difference between calculated and measured terminal of the battery to the other. Figure 1. shows
resistance and 1.90% difference between calculated and an example of a series circuit. In a series circuit,
measured voltages. In all parts of the experiment, there was where resistors are arranged in a chain, the current
no % difference between calculated and measured currents. flows in only one direction. Therefore, the current is
To minimize the percent difference in the three procedures,
proper reading of voltmeter and ammeter must be done and the same through each resistor. However, the
the time expended for reading the devices must be potential difference is shared through the resistors.
decreased to maintain the amount of the voltage source. Since the voltage is shared throughout the resistors,
when added, it makes up the total voltage. There are
different resistors, thus different values of resistance.
The total resistance can be obtained by adding all of
This experiment makes use of the Ohm’s law. the individual values of the resistors’ resistance. All
Most of the equations in this experiment are derived of these are expressed through equations 2,3, and 4,
from this concept. Ohm’s law shows the relationship respectively [3]:
between the voltage and current in an ideal
conductor. The relationship states that “the potential 𝐼𝑇 = 𝐼1 = 𝐼2 = 𝐼3 . . . (2)
difference across an ideal conductor is proportional
to the current through it”. It can be expressed through 𝑉𝑇 = 𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3 . . . (3)
equation 1:
𝑅𝑇 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 . . . (4)
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅 . . . (1)
Meanwhile, in a parallel circuit all components are
where V is the potential difference between two connected across each other, forming exactly two
points, I is the current flowing, and R is the constant sets of electrically common points. A parallel circuit
of proportionality or resistance [1]. also has resistors (labelled as R1, R2, and R3 and so
A circuit, simply speaking, is a closed loop on), but this time they form more than one
through which electricity can flow. It is composed of continuous path for electrons to flow. Each
individual electronic components, such as resistors, individual path is called a branch. Figure 2. shows an
transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes, example of a parallel circuit [3]. In a parallel circuit,
resistors are arranged with their heads and tails
connected together. The current is distributed into
different branches of the circuit and then recombined
after being connected into the same wire, indicating
that the current may have different values when Fig. 3 Setup for resistor in series circuit [3].
travelling through the wire. The total current is
obtained by adding different current values The voltage of each were then measured using the
measured throughout the circuit. However, voltage voltmeter and were then recorded in Table 1 labelled
remains the same throughout the parallel circuit. The as V1, V2, V3 and VT. The currents were also
total resistance is computed by adding the reciprocal measured using the ammeter by connecting them at
of the sum of reciprocals of the different resistor the nodes labelled as a, b, c, e, and f on Figure 4 and
values. These can be expressed using equations 5, 6, were then recorded labelled as I1, I2, I3 and IT.
and 7, respectively [3]. The resistance, voltage and current were calculated
using the Equation 1, 2, 3, and 4 and were recorded
𝐼𝑇 = 𝐼1 + 𝐼2 + 𝐼3 . . . (5) in Table 1b, 1c, and 1d.

𝑉𝑇 = 𝑉1 = 𝑉2 = 𝑉3 B. Resistors in Parallel
. . . (6)
For the resistors in parallel, they were set to 15Ω
1 1 1 1 (R1), 30Ω (R2), 40Ω(R3), respectively. The resistors
= + + . . . (7)
𝑅𝑇 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 were set up in a parallel circuit as shown in figure 4.

The objective of the experiment is to determine the

relationship between the voltages and currents across
each individual resistor in a series, parallel, and
series-parallel combination and verify them
experimentally. The experiment also aims to
calculate the equivalent resistance of a series,
parallel, and series-parallel combination of resistors
theoretically and experimentally. Fig. 4 Setup for resistor in parallel circuit [3].

II. METHODOLOGY The voltage of each were then measured using the
The experiment requires the use of the following voltmeter and were then recorded in Table 1 labelled
materials; Three (3) Decade resistance boxes, 3V- as V1, V2, V3 and VT. The currents were also
DC power supply, 3V-Voltmeter, 500mA-Ammeter, measured using the ammeter by connecting them at
VOM, and a set of wire connectors. The experiment the nodes labelled as a, i, e and g on Figure 5 and
was divided into three parts; resistors in series, were then recorded labelled as I1, I2, I3 and IT. The
resistors in parallel, and resistors in series-parallel resistance, current and voltage were calculated using
combination. the Equation 1, 2, 3, and 4 and were recorded.

A. Resistors in Series C. Resistors in Series-Parallel Combination

For the resistors in series, they were set to 10Ω (R1), For the resistors in a series-parallel combination,
20Ω (R2), 30Ω(R3), respectively. The resistors were they were set to 10Ω (R1), 20Ω (R2), 30Ω(R3),
set up in a series circuit as shown in figure 3. respectively. The resistors were set up in a series-
parallel circuit as shown in figure 5.
be true for series circuits. The current, however, did
not vary across different resistors, with a value of
0.0355A, also equal to the calculated current using
equation 3, proving the equation true for series
circuits. Also, the calculated total resistance using
Fig. 5 Setup for resistor in series-parallel circuit [3]. the total measured voltage and current is 80.28Ω
while the measured resistance using Equation 4 is
The voltage of each were then measured using the 60Ω, generating a percent difference of 28.91%. This
voltmeter and were then recorded in Table 1 labelled may be to the manufacturing tolerance of the
as V1, V2, V3 and VT. The currents were also resistors and the time it took to measure the voltage
measured using the ammeter by connecting them at of the voltage source as the voltage decreases with
the nodes labelled as a, c, e, g and h on Figure 6 and time. This proves Equation 4 to be true for series
were then recorded labelled as I1, I2, I3 and IT. The circuits.
resistance, voltage and current were calculated using
the Equation 1, 2, 3, and 4 and were recorded. TABLE III.
Decade Box Measured Measured
RESISTORS IN SERIES CONNECTION Resistance, Ri Voltage, Vi Current, Ii
(Ω) (volts) (amperes)
Decade Box Measured Measured R1 = 10 V1 = 2.60V I1 = 0.15A
Resistance, Ri Voltage, Vi Current, Ii R2 = 20 V2 = 2.60V I2 = 0.075A
(Ω) (volts) (amperes) R3 = 30 V3 = 2.60V I3 = 0.055A
R1 = 10 V1 = 0.50V I1 = 0.0355A Measured Measured
R2 = 20 V2 = 0.85V I2 = 0.0355A VT = 2.60V IT = 0.28A
R3 = 30 V3 = 1.50V I3 = 0.0355A
Measured Measured
VT = 2.85V IT = 0.0355A 𝑅𝑇 = 𝑉𝑇 /𝐼𝑇 1 1 1 1 %
= 𝑅 +𝑅 +𝑅
(Ω) 1 2 3 difference
𝑅𝑇 = 𝑉𝑇 /𝐼𝑇 𝑅𝑇 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 % 9.29Ω 8Ω 14.92Ω
(Ω) (Ω) difference
80.28Ω 60Ω 28.91%
Measured IT 𝐼𝑇 = 𝐼1 = 𝐼2 = 𝐼3 %
(amperes) (amperes) difference
Measured VT 𝑉𝑇 = 𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3 % 0.28A 0.28A 0%
(volts) (volts) difference
2.85 V 2.85 V 0%
Measured VT Measured Individual %
(volts) Voltage (volts) difference
Measured IT Measured Individual % V1 = 2.60V 0%
(amperes) Current (amperes) difference 2.60V V2 = 2.60V 0%
I1 = 0.0355V 0% V3 = 2.60V 0%
0.0355A I2 = 0.0355V 0%
I3 = 0.0355V 0% The data gathered in Table 2 is in contrast with that
of Table 1. Also, the measured voltage across the
As shown in Table 1, the measured voltage across three resistors and the total voltage is the same with
the three resistors varies with values 0.50V, 0.85V, a value of 2.60V, which is also equal to the
and 1.50V, respectively. By using Equation 2, the individual voltages of the resistors, proving equation
total measured voltage (VT) is 2.85V, which is also 5 to be true for series parallel circuits. The current,
equal to the calculated voltage, proving equation 2 to however, varies for every resistor with values 0.15A,
0.075A, 0.055A, respectively. The total measured measured current is 0.10A, same with the calculated
current is 0.28A, which is the same as the calculated currents, verifying Equation 3 and 6 to be true even
total current, proving equation 6 to be true for for series-parallel circuits. Also, the calculated total
parallel circuits. The calculated total resistance using resistance using the total measured voltage and
the total measured voltage and current is 9.29 Ω current is 26Ω while the measured resistance using a
while the measured resistance using Equation 7 is 8Ω, combined equation of 4 and 7 is 22Ω, generating a
generating a percent difference of 14.92%. The cause percent difference of 16.67%. This may also be
of the percent difference is the same as with the caused by the manufacturing tolerance of the
series circuit. This verifies Equation 7 to be true for resistors, improper reading of the voltmeter and
series circuits. ammeter and the time it took to measure the voltage
TABLE III. of the voltage source as the voltage decreases with
RESISTORS IN SERIES-PARALLEL COMBINATION time. This verifies Equation 4 and 7 to be true even
for series-parallel circuits.
Decade Box Measured Measured
Resistance, Ri Voltage, Vi Current, Ii IV. CONCLUSIONS
(Ω) (volts) (amperes)
R1 = 10 V1 = 1.20V I1 = 0.10A Ohm’s law states that the current on a conductor
R2 = 20 V2 = 1.45V I2 = 0.06A that is between two points is directly proportional to
R3 = 30 V3 = 1.45V I3 = 0.04A the voltage across the two points. The resistance is
Measured Measured independent from the value of the current and it is a
VT = 2.60V IT = 0.10A constant. This law was verified in this experiment
and was used to determine values for the series and
𝑅 𝑅 parallel circuit’s properties such as the voltage,
𝑅𝑇 = 𝑉𝑇 /𝐼𝑇 𝑅𝑇 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅 2+𝑅3 %
(Ω) 2 3 difference current and resistance. It was also verified that in a
(Ω) series circuit, the current is the same through each
26Ω 22Ω 16.67% resistor, the potential difference is shared through the
resistors, that when added, it makes up the total
voltage, and the total resistance can be obtained by
Measured 𝑉𝑇 = 𝑉1 + 𝑉2 = 𝑉1 + 𝑉3 %
adding all of the individual values of the resistors’
VT (volts) difference
resistance. On the other hand, it was also verified that
𝑉1 + 𝑉2 = 2.65V 1.90%
2.60V 𝑉1 + 𝑉3 = 2.65V 1.90% in a parallel circuit, the voltage is the same through
each resistor, the current is distributed into different
branches of the circuit that when added, the total
Measured IT Measured Currents I1 % current will be obtained, and the total resistance is
(amperes) and I2 and I3 (amperes) difference computed by adding the reciprocal of the sum of
𝐼1 = 0.10A 0% reciprocals of the different resistor values.
0.10A 𝐼2 + 𝐼3 = 0.10A 0%
As shown in Table 3, the measured voltage across [1] Ohm’s Law and Resistivity-Resistance. (n.d.). Retrieved
the three resistors varies with values 1.20V and content/uploads/pdf/cos/physics/cos-ohms-law-and-
1.45V for the remaining resistors. The measured resistivity-resistance.pdf
total voltage is 2.60V, while the total calculated [2] Guhawati. Soclof, S. (2015). How Circuits Work.
voltage using Equations 2 and 5 is 2.65, giving us a Retrieved from
percent difference of 1.90%. Despite the percent
difference, this still verifies Equation 2 and 5 to be [3] Resistors in Series and Parallel. (n.d.). Retrieved from
true even for series-parallel circuits. On the other
hand, the current also varies for every resistor with content/uploads/pdf/cos/physics/cos-resistors-in-series-
values 0.10A, 0.06A, 0.04A, respectively. The total and-parallel.pdf

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