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3 MicrobialNutritionGrowth

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Microbial Nutrition

and Growth
 Important for energy and construction

 Nutrients
substances used in biosynthesis
energy production

 Environmental factors important in cultivation

Microbial Nutrition
Cell metabolism
Biochemical Components of Cells

 Water: 80 % of wet weight

 Dry weight
Protein 40-70 %
Nucleic acid 13-34%
Lipid 10-15 %
Also monomers, intermediates and inorganic
Microbial Growth:

 Refers to an increase in cell number, not in cell size.

 Bacteria grow and divide by binary fission, a rapid

and relatively simple process.
Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements

1. Temperature: Microbes are loosely classified into

several groups based on their preferred
temperature ranges.
A. Psychrophiles: “Cold-loving”. Can grow at 0oC. Two
 True Psychrophiles: Sensitive to temperatures over 20oC.
Optimum growth at 15oC or below. Found in very cold
environments (North pole, ocean depths). Seldom cause disease
or food spoilage.
 Psychrotrophs: Optimum growth at 20 to 30oC. Responsible for
most low temperature food spoilage.
Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements

1. Temperature:
B. Mesophiles: “Middle loving”. Most bacteria.
 Include most pathogens and common spoilage organisms.
 Best growth between 25o to 40oC.
 Optimum temperature commonly 37oC.
 Many have adapted to live in the bodies of animals.
Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements

1. Temperature:
C. Thermophiles: “Heat loving”.
 Optimum growth between 50 to 60oC.
 Many cannot grow below 45oC.
 Adapted to live in sunlit soil, compost piles, and hot
 Some thermophiles form extremely heat resistant
 Extreme Thermophiles (Hyperthermophiles): Optimum
growth at 80oC to 140o C. Archaebacteria. Most live in
volcanic and ocean vents.
Growth Rates of Bacterial Groups at
Different Temperatures
Optimum Growth Temperature


Maximum due
to enzyme
Temperature Ranges

Minimum due
to enzyme &
Important for
food spoilage.
Most human i.e., organisms adapted to
pathogens are growth at body
mesophiles. temperature.
Important source of heat-
stable enzymes (e.g., Taq
polymerase or laundry
detergent enzymes).
Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements
2. pH:
 Most bacteria prefer neutral pH (6.5-7.5).

 Molds and yeast grow in wider pH range, but

prefer pH between 5 and 6.
 Acidity inhibits most microbial growth and is used
frequently for food preservation (e.g.: pickling).
 Alkalinity inhibits microbial growth, but not
commonly used for food preservation.
 Acidic products of bacterial metabolism interfere
with growth. Buffers can be used to stabilize pH.
Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements
2. pH: Organisms can be classified as:
A. Acidophiles: “Acid loving”.
 Grow at very low pH (0.1 to 5.4)
 Lactobacillus produces lactic acid, tolerates mild acidity.

B. Neutrophiles:
 Grow at pH 5.4 to 8.5.
 Includes most human pathogens.

C. Alkaliphiles: “Alkali loving”.

 Grow at alkaline or high pH (7 to 12 or higher)
 Vibrio cholerae and Alkaligenes faecalis optimal pH 9.
 Soil bacterium Agrobacterium grows at pH 12.
Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements

3. Osmotic Pressure: Cells are 80 to 90% water.

A. Hypertonic solutions: High osmotic pressure removes
water from cell, causing shrinkage of cell membrane
Used to control spoilage and microbial growth.
 Sugar in jelly.
 Salt on meat.
B. Hypotonic solutions: Low osmotic pressure causes water
to enter the cell. In most cases cell wall prevents excessive
entry of water. Microbe may lyse or burst if cell wall is
Isotonic Versus Hypertonic Solution
Effects of Osmosis on Bacterial
Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements

3. Osmotic Pressure:
 Halophiles: Require moderate to large salt concentrations.
Ocean water contains 3.5% salt.
 Most bacteria in oceans.
 Extreme or Obligate Halophiles: Require very high salt
concentrations (20 to 30%).
 Bacteria in Dead Sea, salt lakes.
 Facultative Halophiles: Do not require high salt
concentrations for growth, but tolerate 2% salt or more.
Chemical Requirements

 Cells make proteins, nucleic acids and lipids

 Macronutrients
– macromolecules, metabolism
– C, H, O, N, S, P, K, Mg, Fe
– Sources
• Organic compounds
• Inorganic salts

 Elements needed in trace quantities

– Co, Cu, Mn, Zn, V
– enzymes
– tap water
 Growth factors
– Organic compounds
– Vitamins
Nutritional Types of Microorganisms
Organisms need sources of energy and electrons for

 Only two sources of energy

oxidizing chemical compounds
 Only two sources of electrons
Reduced inorganic substances
Organic substances
Energy Sources

 Phototrophs
Light as energy source

 Chemotrophs
use chemicals as energy sources, oxidation
of either organic or organic compounds
Electron sources
 Lithotrophs
Use reduced inorganic compounds

 Organothrophs
Use organic compounds
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

1. Carbon: Makes up 50% of dry weight of cell.

 Structural backbone of all organic compounds.
 Chemoheterotrophs: Obtain carbon from their energy
source: lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
 Chemoautotrophs and Photoautotrophs: Obtain carbon
from carbon dioxide.
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

2. Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Phosphorus: .

A. Nitrogen: Makes up 14% of dry cell weight. Used to form
amino acids, DNA, and RNA.
Sources of nitrogen:
 Protein: Most bacteria
 Ammonium: Found in organic matter
 Nitrogen gas (N2): Obtain N directly from atmosphere.
Important nitrogen fixing bacteria, live free in soil or associated
with legumes (peas, beans, alfalfa, clover, etc.). Legume
cultivation is used to fertilize soil naturally.
 Nitrates: Salts that dissociate to give NO3-.
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

2. Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Phosphorus: .

B. Sulfur: Used to form proteins and some vitamins (thiamin and
Sources of sulfur:
 Protein: Most bacteria

 Hydrogen sulfide

 Sulfates: Salts that dissociate to give SO42-.

C. Phosphorus: Used to form DNA, RNA, ATP, and phospholipids.

Sources: Mainly inorganic phosphate salts and buffers.
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

3. Other Elements: Potassium, magnesium, and calcium are

often required as enzyme cofactors. Calcium is required
for cell wall synthesis in Gram positive bacteria.
4. Trace Elements: .
Many are used as enzyme cofactors.
Commonly found in tap water.
 Iron
 Copper
 Molybdenum
 Zinc
Major Nutritional types
 See table 5.2 (Prescott et al, 5th Edition)

 Photolithotrophic autotrophs
 Photoorganotrophic heterotrophs
 Chemolithotrophic autotrophs
 Chemoorganotrophic heterotophs

 Mixotrophs?
Inorganic energy sources and organic C sources,
combination of autotrophic and heterotrophic
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

5. Oxygen: Organisms that use molecular oxygen (O2),

produce more energy from nutrients than anaerobes.
Can classify microorganism based on their oxygen
A. Obligate Aerobes: Require oxygen to live.
Disadvantage: Oxygen dissolves poorly in water.
Example: Pseudomonas, common nosocomial
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

5. Oxygen:
B. Facultative Anaerobes: Can use oxygen, but can
grow in its absence. Have complex set of enzymes.
Examples: E. coli, Staphylococcus, yeasts, and many
intestinal bacteria.
C. Obligate Anaerobes: Cannot use oxygen and are
harmed by the presence of toxic forms of oxygen.
Examples: Clostridium bacteria that cause tetanus and
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

5. Oxygen:
D. Aerotolerant Anaerobes: Can’t use oxygen, but
tolerate its presence. Can break down toxic forms of
Example: Lactobacillus carries out fermentation
regardless of oxygen presence.
E. Microaerophiles: Require oxygen, but at low
concentrations. Sensitive to toxic forms of oxygen.
Example: Campylobacter.
Oxygen Requirements: The Shake Tube
Oxygen Requirements: The Shake Tube

Note maximum growth Aerotolerant Anaerobe!

nearer to surface (where
oxygen is plentiful; this Don’t worry about
is not shown well in enzyme names. Just
image). recall “O2 (product)
Medically Important Examples

Pseudomonas spp. are E.g., Clostridium spp. such

obligate aerobes. as C. botulinum.

Enterics such as Escherichia coli are

facultative anaerobes
Environmental Factors
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

Toxic Forms of Oxygen:

1. Singlet Oxygen: Extremely reactive form of oxygen, present in
phagocytic cells.
2. Superoxide Free Radicals (O2-.): Extremely toxic and reactive form
of oxygen. All organisms growing in atmospheric oxygen must
produce an enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), to get rid of
them. SOD is made by aerobes, facultative anaerobes, and
aerotolerant anaerobes, but not by anaerobes or microaerophiles.
O2-. + O2-. + 2H+ -----> H2O2 + O2
Superoxide Hydrogen
free radicals peroxide
Requirements for Growth
Chemical Requirements

3. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2): Peroxide ion is toxic and the active

ingredient of several antimicrobials (e.g.: benzoyl peroxide). There
are two different enzymes that break down hydrogen peroxide:
A. Catalase: Breaks hydrogen peroxide into water and O2.
Common. Produced by humans, as well as many bacteria.
2 H2O2----------> 2H2O + O2
Hydrogen Gas
peroxide Bubbles
B. Peroxidase: Converts hydrogen peroxide into water.
H2O2 + 2H ----------> H2O
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Culture Medium: Nutrient material prepared for microbial

growth in the laboratory.
 Must be sterile
 Contain appropriate nutrients
 Must be incubated at appropriate temperature
Culture: Microbes that grow and multiply in or on a culture
Culture Media are utilize to:
1. Grow and maintain microbial cultures
2. Study microbial action on the ingredients in the media
3. To favor production of some particular compounds

Culture Media may be classified on the basis of their

physical state, chemical composition and principal
I. On the basis of their physical state:
A. Liquid media
B. Solid media
II. On the basis of chemical composition
A. synthetic or chemically defined media
B. Nonsynthetic media/Complex media
III. On the basis of principal function:
A. General media
B. Differential media
C. Selective media
D. Special media

Preparation of Culture Media

 usually sterilized by autoclaving at 121oC for 15
minutes or with the steam at 15 lb/sq. in. for 15
 Sterilization of liquid media affected by any heat
treatment can be accomplished by FILTRATION.
 Culture media should always be stored in cool, moist
place to prevent evaporation.
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Solid Media: Nutrient material that contains a solidifying

agent (plates, slants, deeps).
The most common solidifier is agar, first used by Robert
Unique Properties of Agar:
 Melts above 95oC.

 Once melted, does not solidify until it reaches 40oC.

 Cannot be degraded by most bacteria.

 Polysaccharide made by red algae.

 Originally used as food thickener (Angelina Hesse).

Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Chemically Defined Media: Nutrient material whose exact

chemical composition is known.
 For chemoheterotrophs, must contain organic source of carbon
and energy (e.g.: glucose, starch, etc.).
 May also contain amino acids, vitamins, and other important
building blocks required by microbe.
 Not widely used.
 Expensive.
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Complex Media: Nutrient material whose exact chemical

composition is not known.
 Widely used for heterotrophic bacteria and fungi.
 Made of extracts from yeast, meat, plants, protein digests, etc.
 Composition may vary slightly from batch to batch.
 Energy, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur requirements are primarily met by
protein fragments (peptones).
 Vitamins and organic growth factors provided by meat and yeast
 Two forms of complex media:
• Nutrient broth: Liquid media
• Nutrient agar: Solid media
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Anaerobic Growth Media: Used to grow anaerobes that

might be killed by oxygen.
 Reducing media

 Contain ingredients that chemically combine with oxygen

and remove it from the medium.
Example: Sodium thioglycolate
 Tubes are heated shortly before use to drive off oxygen.

 Plates must be grown in oxygen free containers

(anaerobic chambers).
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Special Culture Techniques: Used to grow bacteria with

unusual growth requirements.
 Bacteria that do not grow on artificial media:
• Mycobacterium leprae (leprosy): Grown in armadillos.
• Treponema pallidum (syphilis): Grown in rabbit testicles.
• Obligate intracellular bacteria (rickettsias and chlamydias):
Only grow in host cells.
 Bacteria that require high or low CO2 levels:
• Capnophiles: Grow better at high CO2 levels and low O2
levels. Similar to environment of intestinal tract, respiratory
tract, and other tissues.
Equipment for Producing CO2 Rich
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Selective Media: Used to suppress the growth of

unwanted bacteria and encourage the growth of
desired microbes.
 Saboraud’s Dextrose Agar: pH of 5.6 discourages
bacterial growth. Used to isolate fungi.
 Brilliant Green Agar: Green dye selectively inhibits
gram-positive bacteria. Used to isolate gram-
negative Salmonella.
 Bismuth Sulfite Agar: Used to isolate Salmonella
typhi. Inhibits growth of most other bacteria.
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Differential Media: Used to distinguish colonies of a

desired organism.
 Blood Agar: Used to distinguish bacteria that
destroy red blood cells (hemolysis).
Hemolysis appears as an area of clearing around
Example: Streptococcus pyogenes.
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Both Selective and Differential Media: Used both to

distinguish colonies of a desired organism, and inhibit
the growth of other microbes.
 Mannitol Salt Agar: Used to distinguish and select
for Staphylococcus aureus.
• High salt (7.5% NaCl) discourages growth of other
• pH indicator changes color when mannitol is fermented to
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Both Selective and Differential Media: Used both to

distinguish colonies of a desired organism, and inhibit
the growth of other microbes.
 MacConkey Agar: Used to distinguish and select for
• Bile salts and crystal violet discourage growth of gram-
positive bacteria.
• Lactose plus pH indicator: Lactose fermenters produce pink
or red colonies, nonfermenters are colorless.
Microbial Growth
Culture Media

Enrichment Culture: Used to favor the growth of a

microbe that may be found in very small numbers.
 Unlike selective medium, does not necessarily
suppress the growth of other microbes.
 Used mainly for fecal and soil samples.
 After incubation in enrichment medium, greater
numbers of the organisms, increase the likelihood of
positive identification.
Microbial Growth
Obtaining Pure Cultures

In nature microorganisms commonly occur as mixtures.

Mixed cultures – natural bacterial populations.

Example: a single sneeze may contain 10,000 to 100,000
bacteria. One gram of feces = millions of bacteria

When m.o.’s are grown on a laboratory medium, they are

referred to as a CULTURE.
Pure Culture: Contains a single microbial species
Microbial Growth
Obtaining Pure Cultures

To obtain a pure culture, individual organisms must be


Colony: A group of descendants of an original cell.

Pure culture techniques require that:
1. all apparatus and media must be previously sterilized or free
from microorganisms,
2. the desired bacterium must be separated from the naturally
occurring mixtures into the sterilized medium, and
3. other microorganisms must be prevented from subsequently
entering the culture.

Methods of Securing Pure Cultures

1.Enrichment Procedure serves as a starting point. It
involves the use of media and conditions which favors the
growth of the desired species to the extend that it will make
up the majority of the microbial population in the enrichment
culture. When it is present in a mixed culture in large
numbers than other species, its isolation is much easier to
accomplish than it is present in relatively small numbers.
Methods of Securing Pure Cultures
2. Serial dilution - of the mixed, enrichment culture
can be carried out in a medium suitable for the species
to be isolated.
3. Isolation from Colonies - provided the colony
itself is a culture. A colony of bacteria may originate
from a single vegetative cell, a single spore, or a
clump of cells or spores in or on a solid medium. If
the colony develops apart from other colonies in the
medium it is likely to be pure culture. A small bit of
colony is transferred to a tube of some suitable sterile
culture medium.
Two methods are commonly used in obtaining the
growth of well isolated colonies. One way is to
apply the microbial culture to the surface of the
solidified agar and spread them by a loop, a bent
needle or a glass rod. This accomplishes a thinning
out of the bacteria on the agar surface, individual
bacteria are separated from each other. This is
called streaking. The plate is called a streak
plate. The second way is by loop dilution on pour
plate. The agar medium is inoculated while it is still
liquid (45oC) and poured into plate. The colonies
may be surface or subsurface.
Streak-Plate Method
4. Single Cell Technique is the most ideal and yet the
most difficult method. It involves the isolation of single cell
of a microorganisms and its cultivation in a sterile culture
medium. Micromanipulators are available in the market for
single cell isolation.
Method of maintenance and preservation selected must
conserve all the characteristics of the species as they were at
the time of preservation

Stored pure cultures are often called “Stock Cultures”

1.Periodic transfer of the culture of microorganisms

to fresh media. The time intervals vary with the
organisms and it may range from one day to one
2. Storage under mineral oil- the microbial
growth on an agar slant is completely covered with
sterile mineral oil. Some species have been
preserved satisfactorily for 15-20 years. A fresh
culture can be prepared by removing some of the
growth under the oil and inoculate a fresh medium,
and still preserved the initial culture.

3. Refrigeration (4oC) – effective short term

- all of the following be refrigerated: broth
cultures, stabs, slants, streaks.
4. Deep Freezing- the microbial growth on the culture
medium is frozen and kept under such low temperature.
- ultra low freezer at (-70 oC)
- liquid nitrogen (-196oC)
- m.o.’s need protective agents – glycerol and
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), to limit damage upon
5. Lyophilization or Freeze-drying- the cells are
quick freezed by means of a mixture of dry ice and alcohol
(-54° to -72°C), dried under high vacuum, and sealed
under a vacuum. Many organisms preserved by this
method have remained viable and unchanged for more
than twenty years.
- most effective means, indefinite storage
- to revive cultures they are thawed, pelleted, and
resuspended into broth.
Reproduction in Microbes

 Binary fission (bacteria)

 Budding (yeast)
 Conidiospores (actinomycetes)
 Fragmentation of filaments

High Magnification of actinomycete spores

Photo credit: Paul R. August, Biological
Process Technological Institute, University of
Microbial Growth
Growth of Bacterial Cultures

Bacterial Division: Occurs mainly by binary fission.

A few bacterial species reproduce by budding.

Generation Time: Time required for a cell to divide,

and its population to double.
Generation time varies considerably:
 E. coli divides every 20 minutes.
 Most bacteria divide every 1 to 3 hours.
 Some bacteria require over 24 hours to divide.
This is how most
bacteria undergo cell
division (how they
Binary Fission

The interval,
division to division,
is called the
Generation or
Doubling Time.

Note that not all

daughter cells fully
separate after
division, e.g.
streptococci, etc.
Bacterial Growth: Binary Fission
Microbial Growth
Growth of Bacterial Cultures

Logarithmic Representation of Bacterial Growth:

We can express the number of cells in a bacterial
generation as 2n, where n is the number of doublings
that have occurred.
If 100 cells growing for 5 hours produced 1,720,320 cells:
Limiting factors in the environment

 Lack of food, water or nutrients

 space
 accumulation of metabolic wastes
 lack of oxygen
 changes in pH
 temperature
Microbial Growth
Phases of Growth
Bacterial Growth Curve: When bacteria are inoculated into
a liquid growth medium, we can plot of the number of cells
in the population over time.
Four phases of Bacterial Growth:
1. Lag Phase:
 Period of adjustment to new conditions.

 Little or no cell division occurs, population size doesn’t

 Phase of intense metabolic activity, in which individual
organisms grow in size.
 May last from one hour to several days.
Microbial Growth
Phases of Growth

Four phases of Bacterial Growth:

2. Log Phase:
 Cells begin to divide and generation time reaches a
constant minimum.
 Period of most rapid growth.

Number of cells produced > Number of cells dying

 Cells are at highest metabolic activity.
 Cells are most susceptible to adverse environmental
factors at this stage.
 Radiation
 Antibiotics
Microbial Growth
Phases of Growth

Four phases of Bacterial Growth:

3. Stationary Phase:
 Population size begins to stabilize.
 Number of cells produced = Number of cells dying
 Overall cell number does not increase.
 Cell division begins to slow down.
 Factors that slow down microbial growth:
 Accumulation of toxic waste materials
 Acidic pH of media
 Limited nutrients
 Insufficient oxygen supply
 Increase density of cells
Microbial Growth
Phases of Growth

Four phases of Bacterial Growth:

4. Death or Decline Phase:

 Population size begins to decrease.
Number of cells dying > Number of cells produced
 Cell number decreases at a logarithmic rate.
 Cells lose their ability to divide.
 A few cells may remain alive for a long period of time.
Growth Curve
Growth Curve

Constant per-capita death rate

Death rate = Birth (exponential).

Division at constant rate


Time of gearing up for

division following change in
culture conditions.
Measuring Microbial Growth
Direct Methods of Measurement

1. Plate count:
 Most frequently used method of measuring bacterial populations.
 Inoculate plate with a sample and count number of colonies.

• Each colony originates from a single bacterial cell.
• Original inoculum is homogeneous.
• No cell aggregates are present.
• Measures viable cells
• Takes 24 hours or more for visible colonies to appear.
• Only counts between 25 and 250 colonies are accurate.
• Must perform serial dilutions to get appropriate numbers/plate.
Serial Dilutions are Used with the Plate Count Method to
Measure Numbers of Bacteria
 Each colony on plate or filter arises from single live cell
 Only counting live cells
Measuring Microbial Growth
Direct Methods of Measurement

1. Plate count (continued):

A. Pour Plate:
 Introduce a 1.0 or 0.1 ml inoculum into an empty Petri dish.
 Add liquid nutrient medium kept at 50 C.

 Gently mix, allow to solidify, and incubate.

• Not useful for heat sensitive organisms.
• Colonies appear under agar surface.
B. Spread Plate:
 Introduce a 0.1 ml inoculum onto the surface of Petri dish.
 Spread with a sterile glass rod.
 Advantages: Colonies will be on surface and not exposed to
melted agar.
Pour Plates versus Spread Plates
Measuring Microbial Growth
Direct Methods of Measurement

2. Filtration:
 Used to measure small quantities of bacteria.

• Example: Fecal bacteria in a lake or in ocean water.

 A large sample (100 ml or more) is filtered to retain
 Filter is transferred onto a Petri dish.
 Incubate and count colonies.
Measuring Microbial Growth
Direct Methods of Measurement

3. Most Probable Number (MPN):

 Used mainly to measure bacteria that will not grow on
solid medium.
 Dilute a sample repeatedly and inoculate several broth
tubes for each dilution point.
 Count the number of positive tubes in each set.
 Statistical method: Determines 95% probability that a
bacterial population falls within a certain range.
Measuring Microbial Growth
Direct Methods of Measurement

4. Direct Microscopic Count:

 A specific volume of a bacterial suspension (0.01 ml) is
placed on a microscope slide with a special grid.
 Stain is added to visualize bacteria.

 Cells are counted and multiplied by a factor to obtain

• No incubation time required.

• Cannot always distinguish between live and dead bacteria.

• Motile bacteria are difficult to count.

• Requires a high concentration of bacteria (10 million/ml).
Direct Microscopic Count
Direct Microscopic Count

Requires relatively high

bacterial densities.

Usually can’t distinguish living

cells from dead cells.
Direct Measurements of Microbial Growth
Direct Measurements of Microbial Growth

 Direct Microscopic Count

Measuring Microbial Growth
Indirect Methods of Measurement

1. Turbidity:
 As bacteria multiply in media, it becomes turbid.
 Use a spectrophotometer to determine % transmission or
 Multiply by a factor to determine concentration.

• No incubation time required.

• Cannot distinguish between live and dead bacteria.

• Requires a high concentration of bacteria (10 to 100 million

Turbitity (Fig. 6.25)

 Cells act like large particles

that scatter visible light
 A spectrophotometer sends a
beam of visible light through
a culture and measures how
much light is scattered
 Scales read in either
absorbance or % transmission
 Measures both live and dead
Measuring Microbial Growth
Indirect Methods of Measurement

2. Metabolic Activity:
 As bacteria multiply in media, they produce certain products:
• Carbon dioxide
• Acids
 Measure metabolic products.
 Expensive
3. Dry Weight:
 Bacteria or fungi in liquid media are centrifuged.
 Resulting cell pellet is weighed.
 Doesn’t distinguish live and dead cells.
4. Flow cytometer (FACS)
 Florescent antibodies are
added to culture and cells in
small droplets are sent
through a detector single file
 Computers count and
characterize cells as they
pass, and deflect cells with
desired characteristics
 Can count and keep live cells

 Biofilms are polysaccharide-encased bacterial communities

attached to environmental surfaces.
 Biofilms include slippery rocks (in aquatic environments), slime
coating sink drains, yuck yucking up what was once your clean
toilet bowl, tarter on your teeth, etc.
 “It is estimated that 65% of human bacterial infections involve
 “Biofilms are particularly troublesome because they protect
organisms against harmful chemicals such as disinfectants” and
 They can accumulate on non-sterile medical devices kept in
contact with patients over relatively long periods, e.g., on

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