CV 2019
CV 2019
CV 2019
School: University of South Carolina Aiken Home: 3230 Puckett Ferry Road
471 University Parkway, Cross Hill, SC 29332
Aiken, SC 29801 (864) 923-0832
The Relationship of Impulsivity and Alpha Band Activity During an Attention Task: An EEG
Study (2019-present), Masters Graduate Thesis
Literature review and developed research methods
Proposal defense to thesis committee
Submitted and obtained IRB approval
EEG data collection
Collaborative Honors Research (2016), “The Effects of Social Conflict on Anxiety and
Avoidance”, Dr. Evelyn Hunter’s laboratory
Employed the use of Qualtrics to survey college students
Conducted a literature review on Anxiety and Avoidance
Completed a submission form for IRB approval
Familiarized myself with scales used for Anxiety (Beck Anxiety Inventory) and
Avoidance (General and Specific Avoidance Questionnaire)
Research Assistant Intern (2015), “Effect of Defeat Frequency on Learned Avoidance in Syrian
Hamsters”, Dr. Alicia Askew’s laboratory
Conducted data collection, exemplified knowledge of research methods, read
articles, developed poster and oral presentations while studying male Syrian
hamsters as animal behavior models for physiological and behavioral aspects of
human disorders
Aided in laboratory animal care and handling upon completing required training
Curriculum Vitae- Willis 6
Conference Presentations
Willis, D. The Relationship of Impulsivity and Alpha Band Activity During an Attention Task: An
EEG Study. Accepted for poster presentation at the September 2019 Society for
Psychophysiological Research Conference.
Burton, J., Willis, D., Husid D., Culpepper L., and Swain, L, Ph.D. (2018, April). The Influence
of Depressive Symptoms on FRN Amplitude: An EEG Study. South Carolina Psychological
Association (SCPA) Annual Convention, Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort, Myrtle Beach, South
*Won Second Place SCPA Graduate Award
Presbyterian College
Bordelon, A., and Willis, D. (2016, April). Persistence and Retention of Conflict Induced
Avoidance Behavior in Defeated Male Syrian Hamsters. Accepted for poster presentation at the
April 2016 Carolinas Psychology Conference.
Fulenwider, H., Willis, D. (2015, April). Effect of Defeat Frequency on Learned Avoidance in
Syrian Hamsters. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Big South Undergraduate Research
Symposium, Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC.
*Won a BigSURS presentation award
Oral Presentations
Bordelon, A., and Willis, D. (2017, April). The Effects of Social Conflict on Anxiety
and Avoidance. Presbyterian College Honors Day Symposium, Clinton, SC.
Bordelon, A., and Willis, D. (2016, December). The Effects of Social Conflict on Anxiety
and Avoidance. Presbyterian College Honors Defense Presentation, Clinton, SC.
Bordelon, A., and Willis, D. (2016, September). The Effects of Social Conflict on Anxiety
and Avoidance. Presbyterian College Honors Proposal Presentation, Clinton, SC.
Curriculum Vitae- Willis 7
Presbyterian College
PSYC 205 Experimental Study of Behavior Grade: A
PSYC 458 Neuroscience in Pop Culture Grade: A
PSYC 442 Multisensory Investigations Grade: Satisfactory
PSYC 398 Collaborative Honors Research (2016) Grade: Honors
PSYC 301 Abnormal Psychology Grade: A-
PSYC 316 Systems and Theories of Psychology Grade: A
PSYC 320 Research Statistics Grade: B+
PSYC 407 Sensation and Perception Grade: B+
PSYC 398 Independent Honors Research (2015-6) Grade: Honors
BIOL 112 Organismal Biology Grade: A
PSYC 307 Test and Measurements Grade: B
PSYC 398 Psychology Capstone Grade: Satisfactory
PSYC 452 Avoidance Learning in Hamsters (Independent Honors Proposal) Grade: A
PSYC 318 Physiological Psychology Grade: B
COLS 2000 Vocation, Leadership, Service Grade: A
Curriculum Vitae- Willis 8