Electricity Hand Outs
Electricity Hand Outs
Electricity Hand Outs
1. Electricity – branch of physics that deals with the effects of flowing charges.
2. CIRCUIT – a closed conducting loop in which charged particles can move in one
3. Electric potential exist when electric charges in atom are separated.
All conductors have free electrons that carry electrical energy around the circuit.
Open circuit – there is a break in the circuit, then it is no longer closed conducting loop.
The flow of electrons immediately stop when there is a break in the circuit.
Closed circuit - one in which the charges are flowing.
4. Electromotive force (emf) is the potential difference between the ends of the terminals of a
battery or cell.
5. The direction of current may be described in one of two ways:
A. Conventional current – current direction is from positive to the negative terminal of
the battery – opposite the direction of charges
B. Actual Current – current is from the negative to positive terminal of the battery,the
same as the direction of the flow of charges.