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Climax Lubricants & Equipment Company is a Plug, Ball & Gate Valve
Lubricant/Sealant manufacturer. Climax has been manufacturin g Valve
Lubricants/Sealants, Valve Stem Packings and Valve Lubrication Equipment for
Northern America and foreign countries for over 60 years.

Climax Lubricants are made of the finest materials obtainable. They are constructed to
act as a Hydraulic medium (to lift tapered plugs), seal against leakage and lubricate, in
order to make the valve operate at its lowest torque. You will notice we use a color
code system in our lubricants: black, amber, green, red, etc., so there will be no
confusion over which lubricant to use for a particular service.

Climax Stick Lubricants are identified by letters: "A", "B", "C", "D", "G", "H", "J", and "K",
denoting size and a number indicating the formula. Sticks are packaged in boxes of
"A"-96, "B"-72, "C"-32, "D"-28, "G"-13, "H"-24 sticks to a box. The "J" stick is 16 and
the "K" stick is 12 per carton. The "J"-size stick is designed to fit the Climax Model
1699 Hydraulic plug valve lubricating gun and the "K" size stick is designed to fit the
Climax 10516 & Roket 280 grease guns.

Bulk Lubricant in 5-quart (4.7 liter) and 5 or 6-gallon (22.68 liter) cans are for use in the
Model 10 and Model 40 bucket type air guns. Also available in bulk of larger quantities
we offer 120 lb. (16-Gallon) and 400 lb. (55-Gallon) drums of lubricant.

HOW TO ORDER Orders for Climax Lubricants should always include a complete
specification so that the exact lubricant can be supplied.
The following information is essential:
When ordering stick lubricant or stem packing:
Give lubricant number and stick size
Stem packing is not to be used as a lubricant
When ordering bulk lubricant:
Give lubricant number and can or drum size.
Regular consistency will be supplied unless winter grade/special formula is

12 - "K" Size Sticks per Carton K 1 1/2" x 12"

16 - "J" Size Sticks per Carton J 1 3/8" x 8 3/4"
6 Cartons per Case H 7/8" x 4 1/2"

G 5/8" x 3 1/2"

5 Qt. (10 Lb.) Containers for Air Equipment D 1/2" x 2 5/8"

4 - 5 Qt. Containers per Case C 7/16" x 2 1/8"

35 - 40 - 50 lb. Drums (5 or 6 Gallon) B 3/8" x 1 1/2"

120 - 150 lb. Drums (16 Gallon) A 1/4" x 1"

400 lb. Drums (55 Gallon) SMALL STICKS

For Screw Type Lubricators
Page 2
Absorption Oil ........................ 950, 1034 Calcium Sulfate ............................ 400-A Ethylene .................................950, 1034
Acetone ........................................400-A Cane Juice ................................... 400-A Ethylene Gas..........................950, 1034
Acetylene......................................... 400 Cane Sugar Liquors...................... 400-A Ethylene Glycol ...........400, 400-A, 1036
Acetic Anhydride.................... 400, 400A Carbide......................................... 400-A Ethylene Oxide .........................800, 400
Acid ....................................... 400, 400A Carbolic Acid ................................... 900 Ethyl Sulfate .............................800, 400
Acrolein ........................................... 400 Carbon Dioxide.........................950, 204
Air.......................................... 525, 1034 Carbon Monoxide .....................950, 204 Feed Water (Boiler) ............. Polyseal #6
Air Dryers............................... 204, 1034 Carbon Tetrachloride ..............950, 1034 Fertilizer Solutions........................ 400-A
Alcohol...........................................400A Carnauba Wax................................. 800 Fish Oil.....................................800, 600
Alcohol, Propyl..............................400-A Casein ......................................650, 800 Flourine .......................................... FL-5
Aldehydes & Water .......................... 400 Casein Paint .............................650, 600 Flue Gases...............................800, 900
Aluminum Salt Solutions ........ 400, 400A Casing Head Gas .....................650, 800 Foamite ........................................ 400-A
Aluminum Chloride........................... 400 Castor Oil ............................. 600, 400-A Freon......................................950, 1034
Aluminum Hydroxide........................ 400 Cellosolve Solvents (Methyl).......900, 950 Fuel Oil.....................................800, 650
Ammonia (Gas or Liquid) ......400-A, 204 Cellulose Acetate (Sol.) ............900, 950 Fuel Oil & Gasoline...........................711
Ammonia Anhydrous.............400-A, 204 Cellulose Nitrate (Sol.).................. 400-A Fuel Oil & Pitch.................................900
Ammonia & Creasote Oils.............400-A Cement................................. 400-A, 600 Fuel Oil & Tar ...................................900
Ammonia Liquid (Crude) ...............400-A Cement Slurries.................... 400-A, 600 Furfural................................. 400, 400-A
Ammonia & Tar.............................400-A Chalk Solutions............................. 400-A Furfural & Oil ................................ 400-A
Ammonia Hydroxide......................400-A Charcoal Water............................. 400-A
Ammonia Phosphates...................400-A Chlorine (Anhydrous)...................... FL-5 Gallic Acid ........................................400
Ammonia Sulfate ............................. 400 Chlorine (Solutions Weak) ............... 400 Gas & Ammonia ........................... 400-A
Ammonia Sulfate Liquor................... 400 Chocolate ........................................ 450 Gas & Water................................. 400-A
Ammonia Sulfide.............................. 400 Chromic Acid ................................... 400 Gas Drips .................................650, 800
Amyl Acetate ......................... 950, 1034 Clay Slips ..................................... 400-A Gases (Fuel) ....................................650
Amyl Chloride ........................ 950, 1034 Coal Gas ..................................800, 600 Gases (Hydrocarbons) .............650, 950
Aniline.............................................. 950 Coal Sludge.................................. 400-A Gases (Manufactured)..............650, 600
Aniline Dyes..................................... 950 Coal Tar ...........................800, 750, 900 Gases (Natural) ......................950, 1034
Aniline Oil ........................................ 950 Coat Tar Oils ............................900, 950 Gas Oil .............................................800
Animal Oils ...................................... 650 Coal Tar Paints.........................900, 950 Gasoline (Refined) ...........................711
Anthracene Oil ................................. 800 Coconut Oils......................... 400-A, 600 Gasoline & Grease ...........................711
Argon Gas ....................................400-A Cod Liver Oil.................................... 450 Gasoline & Inhibitor ..........................711
Aromatic Solvents.................... 950, 800 Coke Oven Gas ............................ 400-A Gasoline & Oil ..................................711
Arsenic Solutions Oxide ................... 400 Collodion ......................................... 800 Gasoline & Steam ............................711
Asphalt .............................900, 750, 204 Compressor Discharge .............900, 750 Gasoline & Water .............................711
Asphalt Emulsions ...Polyseal #6, 750,204 Copper Acetate............................. 400-A Gelatin..............................................450
Asphalt Paints.......................... 800, 900 Copper Cyanide............................ 400-A Gin ...................................................450
Corn Oil ........................................... 450 Glaubers Salt ...................................400
Banana Oil....................................... 800 Corn Syrup ...................................... 450 Glucose....................................450, 204
Barium Salt Solutions............400, 400-A Cottonseed Oil................................. 450 Glue .........................................400, 204
Barium Carbonate............................ 400 Creosote...................................900, 650 Grain (Alcohol) .................................450
Barium Hydroxide ............................ 400 Creosote (Oils) .........................900, 650 Grease (Mineral) ..............................650
Barium Nitrate.................................. 400 Cresol........................................... 400-A Grease (Vegetable) ...................... 400-A
Barium Sulfide ................................. 400 Cresylic Acid................................. 400-A Green Liquor ....................................400
Beet Sugar Liquids........................... 400 Crotonaldehyde ............................... 800 Green Soap......................................400
Benzaldehyde (Pure) ............... 800, 950 Crude Oil ..................................650, 600 Gypsum............................................400
Benzene (Benzol) .................. 950, 1034 Cumene..................................950, 1034
Benzoate or Soda ............................ 400 Curb Cocks (Gas)...................950, 1034 Helium.................................. 400-A, 204
Benzol Vapors & Steam ................. 1034 Cutting Oils...............................800, 900 Heptane .................................950, 1034
Bituminous Paints .................... 800, 950 Hexane...................................950, 1034
Black Liquor..................................400-A Denatured Alcohol ........................... 450 Hot Water ............................ Polyseal #6
Black Liquor Evaporates ...............400-A Diesel Fuel .............................950, 1034 Hydraulic Oil.....................................800
Blast Furnace Gas (Dry) ...............400-A Diethanolamine................................ 400 Hydrochloric Acid (Anhydrous) ....... FL-5
Blast Furnace Gas (Wet)................ 1034 Dipentine ......................................... 800 Hydrogen.............................. 400-A, 204
Beach Liquors.................................. 400 Disodium Phosphate........................ 400 Hydrogen Peroxide................. 400, FL-5
Boiler Feed Water................Polyseal #6 Distilled Water ...................... 400-A, 600 Hydrogen Sulfide H2S ..............340, 204
Bone Oil........................................400-A Doctor Solution ............................. 400-A
Borax ....................................400, 400-A Doctor Sol. & Gasoline .................... 711 Isobutane .................................800, 950
Bottle Gas................................ 650, 800 Dowtherm .................................800, 650 Isobutylene Liquid ..................950, 1034
Brake Fluid ............................ 950, 1034 Drilling Mud ..................... 400-A, 800XH Isobutylene Vapor ..........................1034
Bromine ..........................................FL-5 Drinking Water................................. 450 Iso-Octane...................... 711, 950, 1034
Bunker Oil "C".......................... 800, 950 Drip Cocks (Gas) ......................650, 800 Isopropyl Acetate..............................800
Butadiene .............................. 950, 1034 Dyes, Oil Soluble ......................800, 950 Isopropyl Alcohol ..............................450
Butane ............................................. 800 Dyes, Water Soluble ............. 400, 400-A
Jet Fuel ..................................711, 1034
Calcium Salt Solutions ..........400, 400-A Edible Oils ....................................... 450
Calcium Arsenate ............................ 400 Enamel ............................................ 800 Kerosene..................................800, 650
Calcium Carbide ...........................400-A Epsom Salts .............................450, 400 Kerosene & Naptha ..........................800
Calcium Chlorate ..........................400-A Ethane....................................950, 1034 Kerosene & Water ............................800
Calcium Citrate .............................400-A Ether, Ethyl.............................950, 1034
Calcium Chloride ..........................400-A Ethyl Acetate ..........................950, 1034
Calcium Hydrochloride..................400-A Ethyl Alcohol......................... 400-A, 450
Calcium Hydroxide........................400-A Ethyl Benzene ........................950, 1034
Calcium Oxide ..............................400-A Ethyl Chloride ...........................800, 400

Lard ................................................. 450 Paint .............................................. 1034 Sodium Nitrate..................................400

Latex Emulsions ..................Polyseal #6 Paint Thinner ................................. 1034 Sodium Plumbite ..............................400
Lead Carbonate in Oil ...................... 650 Peanut Oil.................................450, 204 Sodium Phosphate (tri-basic) ...........400
Light Naphthas................................. 650 Phenol ....................................950, 1034 Sodium Salt Solutions ..............400, 450
Light Naphthas & Steam .................. 650 Phthalic Anhydride........................ 400-A Sodium Silicate.................................400
Light Oil (Coal Tar)........................... 650 Pentane..................................950, 1034 Sodium Sulfate .................................400
Lignin in Solution ..........................400-A Petroleum ........................................ 650 Sodium Sulfide .................................400
Lime (Milk of Lime)................400-A, 600 Petroleum Gas................................. 900 Soluble Oils ..............................800, 204
Lime Sulfur ...................................... 400 Petroleum Oil................................... 650 Solvent Naptha.........................800, 950
Linseed Oil............................... 800, 204 Petroleum Residue Oils ................... 900 Sour Gas.......................... 340, 204, 110
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) ....... 650, 950 Petroleum Solvents.......................... 800 Soya Bean Oil ..........................450, 600
Lubricating Oils (Min.) ...................... 650 Pine Gum .................................800, 600 Spent Lye Soap............................ 400-A
Lubricating Oils (Veg.) ..................400-A Pitch .................................900, 750, 204 Steam & Hot Water.............. Polyseal #6
Lyez (Sodium Hydroxide) 20% ...400, 400-A Pitch & Fuel Oil................................ 900 Steam Condensers.............. Polyseal #6
Plaster of Paris ............................. 400-A Steam, Naptha & Resin ....... Polyseal #6
Magma .........................................400-A Polyester Resin & Styrene ......950, 1034 Steam, Turp & Gasoline ...................711
Magnesa Slurry.............................400-A Potash .......................................... 400-A Stoddard Solvent....................950, 1034
Magneium Salts ....................... 204, 400 Potassium Bichromate.................. 400-A Styrene...................................950, 1034
Magnesium Silicate.......................... 400 Potassium Carbonate ................... 400-A Sugar of Lead............................... 400-A
Magnesium Hydroxide ..................... 400 Potassium Chloride....................... 400-A Sulfur (Molten)..................................204
Magnesium Sulfate .......................... 400 Potassium Nitrate ......................... 400-A Sulfur Dichloride ...............................204
Manufactured Gas ................... 600, 650 Potassium Salts.................... 204, 400-A Sulfur Dioxide ...........................400, 204
Mash (Distillery) ....................... 450, 204 Potassium Sulfide......................... 400-A Sulfuric Acid (Conc) 95%..................400
Mercury ................................... 800, 950 Producer Gas .................................. 900 Sulfuric Acid (Fuming) 98% ............ FL-5
Meter Cock (Gas) .................... 800, 600 Propane (Dry) .................................. 800 Syrup................................................450
Meter Set Ups (Gas) ................ 800, 600 Propane (Wet) ........................900, 1034
Meter Shut-Offs (Gas).............. 800, 600 Propane & Cresylic Acid .................. 800 Tall Oil.................................. 400-A, 600
Methane........................................... 800 Propyl Acetate ................................. 800 Tallow................................... 400-A, 600
Methanol....................... 400, 450, 400-A Propyl Alcohol.................................. 450 Tannic Acid ......................................400
Methyl Chloride................................ 800 Propylene (Liquid) ..................950, 1034 Tar ...........................................204, 750
Methylene Chloride .......................... 800 Propylene (Vapor) ..................950, 1034 Tar (Coal) .................................204, 750
Milk of Lime ..........................400-A, 600 Propylene Oxide ................... 400, 400-A Tar & Ammonia .................... 400-A, 204
Milk of Magnesia.............................. 450 Pulp Lines..................................... 400-A Tar Oil ..............................................800
Mineral Oil ............................... 800, 650 Tar Residue......................................800
Mine Water ...................................400-A Rape Seed Oil ..........................800, 650 Tar & Water......................................800
Monoethanolamine ...............400-A, 400 Red Lead in Oil................................ 800 Toulene ..................................950, 1034
Molasses ................................. 450, 204 Resin ........................................400, 600 Toluol .....................................950, 1034
Monochlorobenzene ................ 950, 800 Resins & Alcohol ............................. 400 Toluol & Steam...............................1034
Mud Pump Lines......................... 800XH Reversing Valves (Gas)............600, 900 Toluol & Water........................950, 1034
Muriate of Potash..........................400-A Road Tar ..................................900, 750 Triethanolamine.................... 400-A, 400
Roofing Pitch ............................900, 750 Trisodium Phosphate.................... 400-A
Naphtha ................................... 800, 950 Rubber Compounds......................... 800 Tung Oil ............................... 400-A, 600
Naphthalene .......................... 950, 1034 Rubber Solvents .............................. 800 Turpentine ................................800, 600
Naptha & Oil .................................... 800 Turp. & Linseed Oil...................800, 950
Naptha & Paint................................. 800 Sal Soda....................................... 400-A
Napthas & Steam........................... 1034 Sand & Water .................................. 600 Vacuum Lines.........................204, 1034
Naptha Vapors....................... 950, 1034 Service Cocks (Gas).................900, 600
Naptha & Water ............................... 950 Sewage ........................................ 400-A Waste Water ........................ 400-A, 600
Natural Gas ......................900, 600, 950 Sewage Gas......................... 400-A, 600 Water (Fresh) ...................................600
Nickel Plating Sol............................. 400 Shellac ............................................ 400 Water & Alcohol............................ 400-A
Nitrobenzene ......................... 950, 1034 Slop (Brewery)................................. 450 Water Gas (Dry) ........................... 400-A
Nitrobenzene & Water............ 950, 1034 Slurries (Cement) .....................400, 600 Water Gas (Wet) .......................... 400-A
Nitrogen ................................204, 400-A Slurries (Magnesia)....................... 400-A Water Gas & Tar .......................... 400-A
Nitromethane ................................. 1034 Soap Liquor .................................. 400-A Water Glass ................................. 400-A
Nitrous Oxide ................................400-A Soap Solution .................................. 400 Water Softners ............................. 400-A
Soap Stock ...................................... 400 Wax Emulsions..................... 400-A, 600
Oakite ...................................400, 400-A Soapstone (Talc) ............................. 650 Wet Gas Lines..........................900, 950
Oil (Crude) ............................... 650, 600 Soda Ash...................................... 400-A Whale Oils........................................450
Oil (Edible)....................................... 450 Soda (Crude) ................................... 450 White Liquor (Paper Industry) ....... 400-A
Oil (Mineral Lubricating) ................... 650 Sodium Arsenate ............................. 450 Wood Alcohol ...................................450
Oil (Petroleum)................................. 650 Sodium Bicarbonate ........................ 450 Wood Pulp.................................... 400-A
Oil (Veg. & Animal) ...............600, 400-A Sodium Bichromate ......................... 450
Oil Gas ............................................ 650 Sodium Borate................................. 400 Xylene (Xylol) .........................950, 1034
Oil & Steam ............... Polyseal #6, 1034 Sodium Carbonate........................... 400 Xylene & Water ......................950, 1034
Oil & Tar .................................. 900, 750 Sodium Chloride .............................. 400
Oil & Water Mixture.... 1034, Polyseal #6 Sodium Chromate............................ 400 Zinc Salts ............................. 400, 400-A
Oleomargarine ................................. 450 Sodium Cyanide .............................. 400
Oxygen ...........................................FL-5 Sodium Formate .............................. 400
Sodium Hydroxide 20% ................... 400

* The following recommendation chart is based on line product only. Conditions can vary according to temperatures, product mixture, line pressures &
type (condition) of valve. Detailed properties of specified lubricants/sealants are given on the following pages. When special conditions arise, consult our
office. The following lubricants will function as listed in most applications. We do not warrant the following in all applications.

Previous Part # New Part #

400 or 400A 147 - 421 No. 60 Acids, Caustics, Food And Pharmaceutical
As Determined By User.

204 234 Silicone Lubricant

711 357 No. 40 Gasoline, Kerosene And Mineral Oils

650, 600 386 General Hydrocarbons Services

800 XH 555 No. 1 General Hydrocarbons

750, 900 654 No. 9 General Hydrocarbons Services

FL-5 660 Fluorocarbon Lubricant Oxygen Chlorine, Etc.

711, 1034 755 No. 7 No. 40 Lub. Oils, Fuel Blends Of Alkylate And Plant Food

711 833 No. 40 Aviation Gas, Jet Fuel and Hydrocarbons

220, 262 852, 862 No. 5, No. 6 No. 50 Low Temperature Gas Transmission Lines

Polyseal No. 3 921 No. 20 Super Heated Steam And Hot Hydrocarbon Gases

950, 960, 1034 950, 960, 1033 No. 10 Propylenes, Benzenes, Benzenes Styrene, LPGs

Polyseal No. 6 167 No. 2 No. 20 Steam And Hot Water

450 No. 3 Food Products As Determined By User

400-A No. 4 Strong Acids And Alkalies

340 No. 8 Sour Gas H2S And CO2 in Products

204 Sour Gas H2S And CO2 in Products

FS-3452 281 Fluorosilicone Lubricant, LPGs, Gaseous

Hydrocarbons, Strong Acids & Caustics

Page 5
Lubricant/ Grades Temp. Range Principal Unsuitable
Sealant Number Available Color From To Services For
S-100 Bulk Silver 0º to 400º F To lubricate & protect the Hydrocarbon
threads & stems of gate Fluid contact
valves. Also use to lubricate
the bearings.

102 Bulk Peanut Butter 0º to 300º F WKM/API type gate valves Alkalies
Poly-Pac Oil & gas production

103 Bulk Pink 0º to 400º F Same as 102; Contains PTFE Alkalies

Poly-Pac for added sealing capability
104 Stick Blue 0º to 500º F PTFE Impregnated sealant Alkalies
Poly-Pac for badly scored ball or plug
108 Bulk Black 0º to 600º F Same as 102; Higher Alkalies
Poly-Pac temperature application
110 Bulk Yellow -20º to 300º F For WKM/API type gate Aromatics,
Poly-Pac valves in sour gas/crude Solvents, Hot Air
where H2S and CO2 are
204 Stick White -50º to 400º F Molten Sulphur, Acetic L.P.G. and
Bulk Anhydride, Acetic acid, CO2, hydrocarbon
Poly-Pac H2S, Vacuum (air) - food & solvents
pharmaceutical applications
as determined by user
220 Stick White -75º to 250º F Very cold service for pipe Aromatics,
Bulk lines, compressor stations, Solvents
Poly-Pac gasoline plants and crude
oil production fields.
For Liquid Service.
262 Stick Translucent -85º to 250º F Same as above - Gas L.P.G.
Bulk Service
340 Stick Yellow -20º to 400º F Where H2S & CO2 are Solvents &
Bulk encountered Amines
350-A Stick Yellow -20º to 400º F Hydrofluoric acid or Hot Air
Bulk mixtures of HF & L.P.G.
400-A Stick Amber -20º to 400º F Aqueous solutions of Acids Liquid
Bulk & Caustics Hydrocarbons
400 Stick Red -20º to 400º F Acids & Caustics Liquid
Bulk Hydrocarbons
450 Stick White -20º to 450º F Acids & Caustics, Liquid
Bulk Food & Pharmaceutical Hydrocarbons
Poly-Pac applications as determined
by user
525 Stick Translucent 0º to 400º F Air starting valves, Liquid
Bulk Air fractionaltion Hydrocarbons
600 Stick Cream -20º to 500º F General gas and water L.P.G.
Sealant and general
Bulk Amber Hydrocarbons service
650 Stick Blue -40º to 500º F Hydrocarbon and L.P.G. Aromatics,
Bulk service Alkalies, Solvents
711 Stick Amber 32º to 400º F Aviation gasoline, Jet fuel, 100% Benzine
Bulk fuel blends of Alkylate
750 Stick Black 0º to 600º F Asphalt, General hot oil Aromatics,
Bulk service, Hot Hydrocarbon Alkalies, Solvents
Poly-Pac vapors and gases
800 Stick White -20º to 450º F Butane, Butadiene, Alkalies
Bulk Carbon Tetrachloride,
Poly-Pac Ethane, Propane
900 Stick Black -20º to 650º F Natural gas, petrochemical Alkalies
Bulk plants, rubber plants, and
Poly-Pac hot Hydrocarbons service
901 Stick Black -30º to 300º F Cold weather, Alkalies
Bulk Hydrocarbon lubricant
950 Stick Amber -40º to 300º F Propylenes, Benzenes, Alkalies
Bulk Toluene, Butadiene,
Poly-Pac Xylenes, Styrene,
960 Stick Amber -20º to 300º F Same as 950; Alkalies
Bulk Contains high viscosity
Poly-Pac polymers for better sealing
960-MT Stick White -20º to 300º F Same as 960; Alkalies
Bulk Contains PTFE for added
Poly-Pac sealing capability
960-MTH Stick White -20º to 300º F Same as 960-MT; Contains Alkalies
Bulk Microfine/Particle Size PTFE
Poly-Pac for badly worn, scored, leaky
plug/ball valves
1034 Stick Maroon -20º to 400º F Liquid & Gaseous Aliphatic Alcohols, Glycols
Bulk Hydrocarbon service, Internal
Poly-Pac Combustion Fuels
1034 MT Stick Cream -20º to 400º F Same as 1034; Alcohols, Glycols
Bulk Contains PTFE for added
Poly-Pac sealing capability
Note: Winter Grade Formulas for most Lubricants/Sealants listed are available.
Lubricant/ Grades Temp. Range Principal Unsuitable
Sealant Number Available Color From To Services For
900-T Stick Black -20º to 650º F PTFE impregnated lubricant to use Alkalies
Poly-Pac in worn, scored or leaky valves
FL-5 Stick White 0º to 400º F Non-reactive to corrosive liquids Alkalies
Bulk and oxidizing agents such as:
Poly-Pac chlorine, anhydrous hydrogen
chloride, nitric acid, oxygen,
hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid
Polyseal #6 Stick Gray 32º to 450º F Steam and water lubricant Liquid
Bulk Hydrocarbons
Poyseal #3 Bulk Red 32º to 650º F Super heated steam Liquid
Poly-Pac Hydrocarbons
1500 Bulk Silver 0º to 1500º F Anti-Ceeze Lubricant Liquid
S-3 Bulk Amber -20º to 350º F General Purpose EP Liquid
Bearing Lubricant Hydrocarbons
S-4 Bulk Blue -20º to 500º F General purpose EP High Liquid
Temperature Bearing Lubricant Hydrocarbons
666 Stick Brown 0º to 300º F McEvoy Gate Valve Alkalies
Bulk Seat Compound
800XH Stick Tan -20º to 400º F FMC Style Straight Bodied Plug Alkalies
Bulk Valve Sealing Compound
804XH Stick Amber -20º to 400º F Haliburton Style Straight Bodied Alkalies
Bulk Plug Valve Sealing Compound
GY-600 Stick Amber -20º to 300º F General Hydrocarbon Alkalies
Bulk Service/Maintenance
Poly-Pac Lubricant/Sealant
66111 Stick White -40º to 400º F Silicone Compound Equivalent Liquid
Bulk GE661-DC111 Hydrocarbons
 8 oz. Poly-Pac gun bags are designed to be used in the Climax 1699 Hydraulic Style Grease Gun.
Most bulk grade sealants are available in 14 ½ oz. grease gun cartridges and can be used in the Climax
10516-C/10516-SC Screw Prime Grease Gun.

PAC EZ Grades Temp. Range Principal Unsuitable

Number Available Color From To Services For
Standard Stick Blue 0º to 500º F General Purpose packing for aliphatic Alkalies
hydrocarbon liquids & gases
107 Stick Black 0º to 650º F Hot Hydrocarbon Gases/Vapors Aromatics,
109 Stick Maroon -40º to 500º F For Natural & Manufactured Gas Aqueous
Very Low Friction - Use for Butane, Solutions &
Ethane, Methane, Propane (Wet or Caustics
Dry) Also - Ethylene, Propylene and
other L.P.G.s.
204 Stick White -50º to 400º F Molten Sulfur, Acetic Anhydride, LPG &
Acetic Acid, CO2, H2S & Vacuum (Air) Hydrocarbon
333 Stick Black 32º to 750º F Hi-Pressure & Hi-Temp Steam, Hydrocarbon
Expansion Joints, Hot Water, Hot Solvents
Oil/Steam Combinations, Steam/Super
Heated Steam
333-10 Stick Black 32º to 750º F Same as 333; More pumpable - Use Hydrocarbon
w/hydraulic style guns Solvents
400-A Stick Tan -20º to 400º F Acids & Caustics Liquid
1034 Stick Green -20º to 400º F Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Iso-Octane, Alcohols,
Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Glycols
Gasolines, Aviation/Jet Fuels
FL-5 Stick White 0º to 400º F Corrosive Liquids & Oxidizing Agents Do not use on
such as: Chlorine, Anhydrous HCL, Magnesium or
Nitric Acid, Oxygen, Hydrogen Aluminum Parts
Peroxide & Sulfuric Acid
“T” Seal Stick Brown -40º to 500º F To pack off casing wellheads to Alkalies
prevent a combination of pressures
and materials between casing head &
tubing (referred to as the anulus) from
escaping into the atmosphere - for oil
& gas production
 PAC-EZ is available in specific diameters, lengths, quantities and packaged accordingly. Continuous
rolls of desired length; either round or flat in various sizes are available in bulk packaging.
Cleaner Grades Temp. Range Principal Unsuitable
Number Available Color From To Services For
Valve Turn #1 Stick Black -20º to 500º F To work out valve residue left Not a sealant,
Bulk in plug valves in Alkalies
Poly-Pac Hydrocarbons service
Valve Turn #2 Stick Black -20º to 500º F Same as above except for Not a sealant,
Bulk acids & caustics Liquid
Poly-Pac Hydrocarbons
VCS #1 Bulk Light 0º to 500º F To work out valve residue left Not a sealant
Poly-Bottles Amber in valves & ease operation
VCS #2 Bulk Black 0º to 300º F Same as VCS #1; contains Not a sealant
Poly-Bottles Alcohol/Moly for more
dissolving capability & more
efficient operation
VCS # 2G Bulk Black 0º to 300º F Same as VCS # 2; Not a sealant
Poly-Pac Gel formulated for bulk
packaging-16-oz. cartridges,
Poly-Packs, 5-qt. cans,
5-gallon pails
VCM Bulk Dark -10º to 400º F Penetrant - Gel formulated to Not recommended
Poly-Pac Yellow dissolve or soften the for soft seat
hardened or dried lubricants, valves.
lacquer & residual gum
deposits in a valve which will
make it hard to operate.
 Poly-Bottles are available in 8 oz. & 32 oz. Bottles.
Periodic application of lubricant to valves is the only recommended maintenance necessary
under normal conditions. Lubrication is essential to the proper operation of the valve. The
sealant, actually being the soft bearing seat of the valve, requires replacement when depleted
due to flow media, operating temperatures, pressures and frequency of cycles.
Lubricant maintenance means injecting enough sealant into a valve to provide a sealant film
between tapered plug and body to minimize sticking.

Small lubricant sticks are for manual injection. Be sure to choose the proper Valve Sealant
for the service considering line product, pressure and temperature.


1. Remove valve lubricant screw.
2. Insert the correct size of valve sealant stick and place it into the stem.
3. Replace the fitting and screw down with a wrench until the sealant system is filled
completely. This is determined by the resistance produced by the sealant pressure.
Larger valves will require several sticks or tubes of sealant due to the capacity of their
sealant systems.
4. Continue to add sealant until the plug lifts (sometimes with a hissing sound) indicating the
sealant system is full. When the plug lifts, effort to turn the lubricating screw will be
noticeably reduced.
5. If the plug fails to respond or continues to be difficult to turn, check with an authorized


The one piece Climax Fitting can also be used to maintain se alant pressure between
mechanical injection periods if used as a sealant screw. After the valve is properly lubricated,
remove the lubricant screw, insert another stick of sealant and screw the fitting down until the
fitting threads are totally engaged in the stem. The fitting will then extend one or two inches,
providing that much more sealant capacity in the stem. The additional sealant capacity can be
used as an auxiliary reservoir for further lubrication. The valve can then be pressurized by
screwing in the fitting as a sealant screw as explained. When the fitting is finally turned into
the valve as far as it will go, it indicates additional sealant should be added.



For installations with valves requiring frequent service, a hand operated 1699 High Pressure
Hydraulic or the 10516 Screwprime Hand Gun is recommended. This gun permits speedier
servicing and also prevents waste of sealant and over filling of valves.
Page 9

1. Choose the proper sealant in "J" or "K" stick size for the Hand Gun.
2. Clean accumulated dirt from the top of the fitting before engaging the coupler.
3. Fit the gun's button head coupler over the fitting on the valve.
CAUTION: Coupler should not be attached or detached while gun is under pressure.
4. Inject sealant by hand pumping the gun as long as the needle on the pressure gauge climbs
steadily. This should be continued as long as the valve will take pressure and volume. At
some high pressure point on the gauge, the needle will "drop-back" when the plug un-seats
indicating a fully pressurized system. This point can also be felt when the pumping effort falls
off. Additional pumping will not hold the gauge needle and injecting should be stopped at this
point. The plug should then be turned to check the ease of operation. Additional sealant can
then be injected to purge the line product or eliminate air in the system if necessary.


Where a large number of valves are in service, the Climax Model 10 is recommended. It is filled
by using bulk five (5) quart (4.7 Liters) sealant cans which are loaded directly into the Model 10. It
is selfpriming, air operated and is designed to meet extensive field maintenance requirements.


1. Choose the proper sealant in a five (5) quart (4.7 Liters) can and load it into the Model 10.
2. Attach the button head coupler.
3. Note the same procedure as Step 3 under Hand Gun Procedure.

Page 10
N o. 1 0 5 1 6
For efficient and controlled Plug Valve Lubrication.
Handles the heaviest plug valve lubricant/sealants.
Builds pressure up to 10,000 lbs. plus.
Strong, Durable Aluminum Barrel, Cast Steel Head & Collar.
High Pressure Piston of Finest Lapped Steel.
Positive Prime, Screw Type Plunger Assembly.
Provides 20 or more Strokes without Re-Prime.
Uses "K" Size Stick (1 ½" Dia. x 12" long).
Giant Buttonhead Coupler with Pressure Release.
Hose Assembly (1/4" I.D. x 12" long H.P. Grease Hose with Built-in
Swivels or Available with 1/2"-27 THD Straight Swivel on one end,
5,000 PSI WP - Standard).

N o. 1 0 5 1 6-S
Exactly like the Climax 10516 Gun with a Part No. 10557 Z-Swivel (1/4"
NPT x 1/2" - 27 THD), 1/4"-NPT High Pressure "TEE" and 15,000 PSI
Gauge with protector for more efficient lubrication of Plug Valves.

Page 11
N o. 1 0 5 1 6-C
For efficient and controlled Plug Valve Lubrication.
Handles the heaviest plug valve lubricants/sealants.
Builds pressure up to 10,000 lbs. plus.
Strong, Durable Aluminum Barrel, Cast Steel Head & Collar.
High Pressure Piston of Finest Lapped Steel.
Positive Prime, Screw Type Plunger Assembly.
Provides 20 or more Strokes without Re-Prime.
Uses standard 14 1/2 oz. grease gun cartridges.
Giant Buttonhead Coupler with Pressure Release.
Hose Assembly (1/4" I.D. x 12" long H.P. Grease Hose with
Built-in Swivels or Available with 1/2" - 27 THD Straight Swivel on
one end, 5,000 PSI WP - Standard).

N o. 1 0 5 1 6-SC
Exactly like the Climax 10516-C Gun with a Part No. 10557 Z-Swivel (1/4"
NPT x 1/2" - 27 THD), 1/4"-NPT High Pressure "TEE" and 15,000 PSI
Gauge with protector for more efficient lubrication of Plug Valves.

Page 12
This specially designed high pressure handgun, light in weight (approximately 16 lb.), is more rugged than most conventional
types and meets the exacting demands of plug valve sealants. Because the grease gun is built for servicing plug valves, all
parts are machined with minute accuracy. The polished hardened steel piston is perfectly fitted in the high pressure cylinder to
provide absolute smoothness of operation.
The CLIMAX 1699 is self-priming and can be used in any position. Because of its hydraulic principle, this guns powerful floating
piston forces lubricants, sealants, liquids, packing ect. out of the gun regardless of viscosity.
The gun is equipped with a CLIMAX 1699 Button Head Coupler for connection to the button head sealant fitting in the shank of
the valve. This coupler has a built-in feature which locks it to the fitting when the gun is under positive pressure. The coupler
cannot be connected to or separated from the fitting with the gun under pressure. This pressure may be relieved by a turn of
the by-pass valve. The by-pass valve should not be closed to a point where it is jammed into its seat, nor should it be opened
tight against the stop. The valve should be closed firmly, but not tightly. It is not necessary to open the valve past one full turn.
Due to "built-in" safety features, the CLIMAX 1699 provides the maximum safety to both the valve and the gun itself. The
hydraulic system of the gun is equipped with a relief fitting to protect the gun from injury if the operator were to continue to
pump after the gun had been depleted of valve sealant. Also, to prevent damage to the valve and sealant gun, in the event of
sealant clogging the system or the operator pumping too fast, a CLIMAX 15,000 psi gauge is provided. This accessory
indicates the point at which sufficient sealant pressure has been developed within the valve. The gauge also indicates valve
adjustment and other services required. The CLIMAX 0-15,000 psi gauge is the highest quality, most reliable glycerin filled
gauge available. The one piece die cast brass case and heavy duty bourdon tube and movement enable the gauge to stand
up to the shock and vibration encountered on the most demanding applications. The CLIMAX gauge also features a rubber
gauge protector. Climax offers this gun with body drilled and tapped for 1/4" NPT: including 0-15,000 psi gauge with protector
for pumping valve stem packing - This set-up indicates direct Hydraulic pressure (1699D). In addition to the gauge an external
relief valve coupler is provided, pre-set at 7500 psi. A carrying case for the Climax Model 1699 is available. Refer to the parts
list for other available options.


Trade your old hydraulic gun
in on a Climax Rebuilt Gun. W ITH SIDE TAP GAUGE
Cheaper than a major repair. & CONICAL CAP

Prices on request.
Exchange guns do not include hose assemblies or pressure gauges.
We accept Nordstrom and Walworth guns. All parts interchangeable. Cap
Page 13
For pumping all kinds of Valve Lubricants / Sealants, Valve Stem Packings and
Leak Sealing / Thermal-Setting materials to 10,000 psi max., with 100 psi, 10 cfm air.

Foot-operated trigger at pump. Same quality construction as the popular CLIMAX Model 1699 Grease Gun.

11" Barrel Length - 16 cu. in. volume (Standard "J" - Size Stick, 1-3/8" Dia. x 8-3/4" Long)
20" Barrel Length - 32.5 cu. in. volume (2-Standard "J" - Size Sticks)

RESISTANCE, psi 0 5,000 10,000
FLOW RATE, cu. in./min. 35 10 4
TIME TO EMPTY GUN, min.:sec. 0:28 1:36 4:00

With standard 9-foot hoses from AIR/HYDRAULIC pump to gun, 12" hose from gun to coupler, 11" grease
barrel: 42-lbs. With the 20" grease barrel: 45.5-lbs.
Gun alone is approximately 13 pounds.

With 11" grease barrel: To load, open by-pass valve at side of gun, unscrew carrying handle, take off grease
barrel cap, use handle to push piston to bottom of grease barrel, and load material. Replace cap and handle
and close bypass valve. Connect pump to air supply and unit is ready to use. With 20" grease barrel: A wooden
dowel is supplied to push piston back in grease barrel.

An in-line air filter and lubricator should be installed as close to unit as possible.
Otherwise, pump requires 4 drops of #10 oil in air inlet for each day of use. Page 14
ROCKET 2 8 0

Rocket 380HP
(High Pressure - Developing 15,000-lbs. grease pressure)
Rocket 380HV
(High Volume - Developing 10,000-lbs. grease pressure)


The sealed-in air motor has a 100 to 1 pumping ratio producing 10,000 psi sealant
pressure at an air pressure to the motor of 100 psi. The gun operates on an air supply
pressure ranging from 70 psi to 125 psi. It weighs approximately 17 Ibs. when loaded with
sealant. The gun uses size "K" stick Sealant (1-1/2" Dia. x 12" Long). The forward stroke
of the air motor pumps the sealant and the backstroke acts as a booster compressor to
supply the necessary pressure to the forced fed priming system. The gun exhaust is at the
rear of the air motor away from the operator. Comes complete with shoulder sling, 15,000
psi Gauge w/protector, 1/4" I.D. x 12" Long H.P. Grease Hose (5,000 PSI W.P.-
STANDARD) w/built in swivels or available with 1/2"-27 Thd Straight Swivel on one end
and Giant Buttonhead Coupler w/plug.
Clima x M odel 9 0 Series Pneumatic Lube Guns

Model 120-90
for 16 Gal. Drum Model 10-90-OS
(120 lb. - 150 lb.) for 5 Qt. Can
(10 Lb.)

Plug/Ball Valve

Wellhead Gate
Valve Setup

Model 10-90
for 5 Qt. Can
Model 40-90 MT (10 lb.)
for 5 Gal. or 6 Gal. Can
(35 lb. - 40 lb.)

The Model 90 series is a 90:1 ratio pump with a totally sealed-in 3-1/4" air motor which will provide efficient operations
at an air inlet pressure of 100 psi, producing 9,000 Ibs. of grease pressure.
Now Available: The Model 120 series is a 120:1 ratio pump with a 4" air motor providing efficient operations at an air
inlet pressure of 100 psi, producing 12,000 lbs. of grease pressure.
The Model 10 & 40 are furnished with 10" pneumatic tires.
All models are furnished with 10 feet of 3/8" ID (std.) 16,000 Ib.-burst High Pressure Grease Hose with 90° swivel on
one end and 1/4" NPT built-in swivel on the other end, 0-15,000 psi Gauge w/protector, air shut-off valve and
necessary Adaptors ready for use.
Specify whether for use on Plug/Ball Valves or Wellhead Gate Valves.
A Climax Plug/Ball Valve Setup includes a 319700 Shutoff Relief Valve and Giant Buttonhead Coupler.
A Climax Wellhead Gate Valve Setup includes a 319700 Shutoff Relief Valve and a 1714 Lube Adapter (1"-14 THD WKM/API).
The P O W ER PU MP h as a 5 " Se a le d A ir M otor with a 1 / 2 " H igh Pressure Se a l a nt Piston to
d eliver se a l a nt to the v a lve at pressures up to 10,000 PSI on 100 PSI A ir Inlet Pressure.
C omes C omplete with 0 - 15,000 lb. PSI G a uge w / Protectors • 10' - 3 /8 " ID Se a la nt H ose, 10,000 lb.
1 /4 " B a ll V a lve & Plug /B a ll V a lve Set-U p ( G ia nt Button H e a d C oupler)
O PTI O N : W ellhe a d G ate V a lve A d a pter - W K M / API 1 " - 14 T H D
H igh Pressure M o d el d evelo ping 15,000 lbs. of Se a l a nt Pressure - Pa rt #PPSI 570
Fre es Fro zen or Stuck Plugs Q uickly
Lo w volume c a p a bility of most se a l a nt pumps a llo ws se a l a nt to le a k through w orn conta ct p oints b etw e en
the v a lve b o dy a nd the plug. The P O W ER PU MP's high volume a nd pressure r ates e asily r a ise the plug
from its se at in only a fe w stro k es. This often a llo ws old er v a lves to rem a in o p er a ble with in-line
injection, r ather th a n remov a l for sho p re p a ir.

Elimin ates " A ir Lock " in Se a la nt Pumps

The P O W ER PU MP virtu a lly elimin ates the form ation of a ir p ock ets associ ate d with the insta ll ation
of ne w se a l a nt c a ns a nd the ne e d to fre quently ble e d the se a l a nt system. The P O W ER PU MP
d elivers se a l a nt to the v a lve with the first piston stro k e a fter insta ll ation of a ne w c a n of se a l a nt.

Re duces D a ng er of Se a la nt C a n Ruptures
O n the P O W ER PU MP, the se a l a nt c a n is fully enclose d in a he a vy duty cylind er. The a ir
cylind er is mounte d directly on to p of 5 qt. c a n for p ositive prime pumping.

M e asures A mount of Se a la nt Injecte d

The P O W ER PU MP d esign includ es a n indic ator ro d th at g a ug es the prescrib e d a mount
of se a l a nt injecte d into e a ch v a lve, elimin ating injecting to o little or to o much se a l a nt
into the v a lve.

Po w er Pump C omes C omplete with O il Injector

A n oil injector is a vita l p a rt of a ny a ir-o p er ate d pump a nd is a n inte gr a l p a rt
of the P O W ER PU MP p a ck a g e. Some comp etitive pumps d o not includ e a n
oil injector which must b e o bta ine d a nd insta lle d in the inlet a ir piping.

Approximate Sealant Capacities

B a ll V a lves: 1 o z. p er se at p er inch of v a lve siz e
Plug V a lves: 4 " & sm a ller - 1 o z. p er inch of v a lve siz e
6 " thru 14 " - 1 o z. p er inch of v a lve siz e
14 " thru 18 " - 2 o z. p er inch of v a lve siz e
18 " & l a rg er - 3 o z. p er inch of v a lve siz e

Every P O W ER PU MP
is w a rr a nte d for 1 Full Ye a r
for Pa rts a nd W orkm a nship

Test Results
* U nit H olds
5-qt. (10-lb.) C a ns
Valve Sealant Used
Climax 950-S W S (N L GI #3-A STM 220-250)
9 Strokes per Ounce
No Pressure - 10 ' Hose
Runs at 35 Strokes per Minute
Pumps approximately
1/2 lb. per minute @ 77 degrees F
3-1/2 Gallon Pail SL-90-5
Steel Lid, 90:1 Ratio - 5-Gallon Pail
*Follow Plate Optional
**120:1 Ratio also available

Climax Skid Mounted Lubrication System: Gas or Diesel Compressor

Wellhead Gate Valve

Hose Assembly
WKM/API - 1"-14THD

Model 10-120-OS
5-qt. - 10-lb. Can
120:1 Ratio - 100 PSI Inlet Pressure Plug/Ball Valve Adapter
Produces 12,000-lbs. Sealant Pressure Model 40-120MT
6713-10 5-Gallon - 40-lb. Pail
120:1 Ratio - 100 PSI Inlet Pressure
5 qt.-10 lb. Can or Bulk Fill
Produces 12,000-lbs. Sealant Pressure

Serpent Model 1800 Volume Gun

Serpent Model 1699-33 Carrying Case
Climax High Pressure Lubrication Grease Pump for 16 Gallon (120 lb.- 150 lb. drums); also available
for 55 gallon (400 lb.-450 lb. drums).
The 75:1 pressure ratio pump with a sealed-in 4" air-motor is dependable and pumps lubricant at a high
volume. With an air inlet pressure of 100 psi, this unit produces 7,500 Ibs. of grease pressure.
The 140:1 pressure ratio pump with a sealed-in 6" air-motor produces 14,000 Ibs. of grease pressure with
an air inlet pressure of 100 psi.
Both the Climax Model 150 (75:1) & Climax Model 150 (140:1) come with a drum cover and a choice of a
steel or rubber follow plate.

Available Options:
1. A 1/2" Grease Hose ranging from 14,000 Ibs. to 40,000 Ibs. burst pressure (Available in various
2. A Plug/Ball valve set-up consists of a 1/2" NPT-10,000 lb. needle valve or ball valve with 1/4" grease
hose (12" long), giant button-head coupler, 0-15,000 psi gauge w/protector and "Z"-swivel.
3. A Gate Valve set-up consists of a 1/2" NPT- 10,000 Ib. needle valve or ball valve with 1/4" grease hose
(12" long), 0-15,000 psi gauge w/protector, "Z"-swivel and a 1714 lube adapter* (1"-14 thd/WKM-API).
*Other lube adapters are available for McEvoy, Cameron, etc.
4. A Standard Drum Dolly with pneumatic tires; contains a stationary steel strap at the bottom of the dolly
and a swivel strap at the top for easy drum interchange and portability.
Page 19
Kit contains one of each of the following:
Pressure Releasing Tool - WKM 1”- 14 THD
Giant Button Head Coupler w/plug
1/2” Bleeder Plug
to fit Giant Button Head
to fit Standard Button Head
to fit Giant Button Head
5/8” - 18M w/ gasket x 1/4” NPTF w/Vent Cap
to fit Giant Button Head - Lock-On Style w/ Nylon Seal
to fit Giant Button Head - Steel Cone Type for Positive Seal
Packing Injector Bleeder Tool, 1/2-20 THD
WKM 1” - 14THD Lube Adapter w/Vent Cap
McEvoy 7/8” - 14THD Lube Adapter w/Vent Cap
Cameron 3/4”- 16THD Lube Adapter w/Vent Cap
1/4” NPTF x 7/16”-20 M Adapter
for Orbit Packing Injectors w/Vent Cap
1/4” NPTF x 1/2” - 20 M Adapter
for Daniel/WKM Type Packing Injectors w/Vent Cap

NOTE: Other Special Adapters/Fittings for Plug/Ball/Gate Valves available or manufactured upon request.

Page 20
Note: This unit also available with the
90 series grease pump (Part # SL 90-5).
Follow plate optional with both units.

¼ to 1" NPT ¼ to ¾" NPS

¾" - 10 UNC 1" - 10 UNC
- 11 UNC ¾" - 10 UNC
½" - 13 UNC
3/8" - 16 UNC

P - SERIES: A double-check one-piece fitting for extreme high pressure, temperature, acids.
Also available: 1/2"-13, 5/8"-11, 3/4"-10, & 7/8"-9 NC Sizes.
H - SERIES: A double-check one-peice fitting. This is a combination lubricant screw & gun type fitting.
Also available: 5/8"-11, 3/4"-10, & 7/8"-9 NC Sizes.

HF - SERIES: A double-ball-check two-piece metal-to-metal positive intermediate seal with floating cone to prevent galling of seat.
F or Service to 10,000 PSI

½" P-14 H-14 P-14 H-14 H-12A
¾" P-14 H-14 P-14 H-14 H-12A
1" P-14 H-14 P-14 H-14 H-12A
1½" P-14 H-14 P-14 H-14 H-12A
2" Fig. #s 142-143 P-14 H-14
2" P-38 H-38 P-14 H-14 H-58A
2½" P-38 H-38 P-38 H-38 H-58A
3" P-12 H-12 P-38 H-38 H-34A
4" P-12 H-12 P-12 H-12 H-34A
6" P-34 H-34 P-12 H-12 H-34A
8" P-34 H-34 P-12 H-12 H-34A
10" P-34 H-34 P-34 H-34 H-34A
12" 14" 16" P-34 H-34 P-34 H-34

Page 21
Giant Button Head Internal Check Fitting Body Vent (Bleeder) Fitting
Coupler ¼ to ½" NPS

(⇥" NPS) 7834
Single Ball (Floating) ( " NPT)
With Pressure Release or Plug For Service to 10,000 PSI
Fits 7/8" Dia. Button Head Fittings Standard Hex Head Style
& adapts to Grease Gun via 1/4" NPT female thread. For Service to 10,000 PSI
Standard Button Head Coupler also available to fit
5/8" Dia. (Dime Size) Button Head Fittings

Auxiliary Fittings AUX 1200

Standard Type
for temporary sealing of
leaking Giant or Standard Button Head fittings.

AUX 1200 AUX 1200-LO

Standard Type Nylon Insert / Lock-On Style

Safe Vent Coupler

Grease Gun Lube Adapter with Pressure Release & Check.
Adapts to Grease Gun Hose via 1/4" NPT Female Port.
Can be purchased with or without Lube Adapter.
Available w/ 1" - 14 THD WKM/API
7/8" - 14 THD McEvoy
3/4" - 16 THD Cameron
Pressure Gauge
Combination Grease Gun
Lube Adapter
Pressure Relief Tool

1714 0 - 15000 PSI, Cast Brass,
with Giant Button Head & Ball Check PRT-12 Glycerin Filled
Available w/ 1" - 14 THD WKM/API For 1" - 14 UNS Vented Cap Fittings with Rubber Protector (169951)
7/8" - 14 THD McEvoy 1/2" NPT Vent Port
3/4" - 16 THD Cameron Page 22
Combination Compound Large
Compound Fittings Fittings Compound Fittings

1234B-M114 1234-M78 1234-C114

Internal Double Ball Check Fittings H - Series
(Floating) Single Ball Check
Internal Single Ball Check Fittings Fittings
Soft Seat, Spring Biased

" to " N PS
1 " - 10 U N C
" - 10 U N C
" - 13 U N C
3/ 8 " - 16 U N C

P - Series
Single Ball Check
Fittings Body Vent (Bleeder) Fittings For Service to 10,000 PSI
Hex Socket Head Style

1/ 8 " to 1/ 2 " N PT
3/ 8 " - 16 U N C

Optional Style of Body Vent (Bleeder) Fittings

to fit Giant Button Head
Steel Cone Type for Positive Seal


Page 23
Positive Flow Ball Support. This design directs the flow of
the lubricant and/or sealant through the center of the spring
without passing through the spring coil, reducing the
tendency to "pack-off". The positive Flow Ball Support is
available in many other fitting styles.
Another feature of the standard body grease fittting is the
heavy-duty radial rivet crimp. This special crimp provides
the best "blow-out" protection of any available crimped style Lubricant passes around the ball and through the center of
fitting. The radial rivet crimp process conforms to the latest the ball support and spring, without passing through the
revision of NACE. spring coil.

Vented Cap Body

Grease Fittings
with Positive Flow Ball Support

For Service to 10,000 PSI

1234-12 1234B-12
Standard Style Giant Button Head Style

THE PATENTED FREE FLOW FITTING utilizes a unique spring

retainer that is threaded into the body of the fitting. This special
retainer also acts as a ball support and spring guide, and its design
allows the Free Flow of lubricants and sealant around the
spring,instead of through it.
- Only unrestricted flow path on the market - the straight-line passageway
signifigantly reduces tendency to "pack off."
- Guaranteed against "Blow Out" when used within design limitations of the
fitting. Excellent in extreme cold environments.
When the ball is off the seat, lubricant flows
unrestricted around the spring and through - Increased flow rates due to unrestricted flow path.
the openings on the sides of the retainer.

Free Flow
Vented Cap Body
Grease Fittings

For Service to 10,000 PSI

1234-12FF 1234B-12FF
Standard Style Giant Button Head Style
Page 24
Vented Cap Body Grease Fitting
with Floating Ball-Taper Cavity

Pressure Relief Tool

for Packing Injection Fittings

(½" - 20 THD)
3/4" - 16 UNF Engagement Thread
1" - 14 UNS Cap Thread


GREASE FITTING has been incorporated into our Packing
Injection Fittings. Compared to standard floating ball designs, the
Free Flow's specially designed spring retainer allows even the
heaviest of lubricants and/or sealant to flow freely through the
Packing Injection Fitting.
- Positive back seating is provided without relying on the
presence of back pressure.
- Guaranteed against "Blow Out" when used within design
limitations of the fitting. Excellent in extreme cold environments. When the ball is off the seat, lubricant flows
unrestricted around the spring and through the
- Meets latest revision of NACE - no cold working of materials.
openings on the sides of the retainer.

Injection Fitting
Daniel Style - Senior Orfice

Packing Injection Fitting Free Flow

Floating Ball-Taper Cavity Packing Injection Fitting

¼ to ½" NPT

PI-12 PI-12FF
(½" NPT) (½" NPT)
Also Available:
5/8" - 11 & 3/4" - 10 NC
"Grease Gun" 1/4" NPT
For Service to 10,000 PSI Page 25
Blowdown Fitting Blowdown Fitting
1 / 2" NPT 9 / 16" Autoclave Style

PR-14 PR-14AC
For Service to 10,000 PSI For Service to 20,000 PSI

Packing Injection Fitting

9 / 16" Autoclave Style
Lubrication (Sealant) Fitting
9 / 16" Autoclave Style

For Service to 20,000 PSI 1236-PI
Page 26 For Service to 20,000 PSI
Patent No. 2,973,774

CLIMAX Valve Stem Protectors provide complete protection for threads on rising
stem gate valves. Each set consists of two sections:

UPPER SECTION: unit has sealed top, slips over threaded stem above hand wheel.
Special Neoprene Flexible Fasteners or Stainless Steel Springs clamp it in place
securely, yet allow "give" to compensate for force of blows.

LOWER SECTION: unit has two telescoping split sleeves, permitting complete
coverage of stem between yoke and packing gland.

CLIMAX Valve Stem Protectors, made of heavy-duty, clear plastic *Lexan, are
resistant to heat, cold, and shock. You can see the position and condition of stem at
all times, yet both stem and lubricants are protected from dirt, corrosion, etc. Sizes
are available to fit practically every rising stem gate valve.


Description Set Part # Upper Part # Lower Part #
2", 3" & 4" GATE VALVES C240 C241 C242
6" & 8" GATE VALVES C680 C681 C682
10" & 12" GATE VALVES C10120 C10121 C10122
14" GATE VALVES C14140 C14141 C14142
16" & 18" GATE VALVES C16180 C16181 C16182
20" & 24" GATE VALVES C20240 C20241 C20242

All Motor-Operated Gate Valve Protectors Must Be Threaded

Upper Sections Available with Threaded Ends, Standard Pipe Sizes
* G.E. Trademark


There is no finer compound for protecting and lubricating the threads and stems of
gate valves. Just brush it on for prevention of rust, corrosion, icing, heat and cold
damage. Has natural silver color.


Description Part # Additional Inches
1” N.P.T. X 12” 1310 Over 12” additional charge (per inch)
1½” N.P.T. X 12” 1900 Over 12” additional charge (per inch)
2” N.P.T. X 12” 2375 Over 12” additional charge (per inch)
2½” N.P.T. X 24” 2875 Over 24” additional charge (per inch)
3” N.P.T. X 24” 3500 Over 24” additional charge (per inch)
3½” N.P.T. X 24” 4000 Over 24” additional charge (per inch)
4” N.P.T. X 24” 4500 Over 24” additional charge (per inch)
5” N.P.T. X 24” 5500 Over 24” additional charge (per inch)
6” N.P.T. X 24” 6625 Over 24” additional charge (per inch)

Lexan* or Clear PVC in these sizes

*(Lexan is a G.E. trademark)
Acrylic or Clear PVC in these sizes
Over 6” N.P.T. by Special Order, Call for Prices
Page 27

MODELS "10", "40", "120", "10516", "10516-C"
"150 (75:1)", "150 (140:1)", "1699", "1700", "ROCKET 280", "PPSI-550" Etc.

Climax warrants to the purchaser that all products will be free from defects in material and workmanship for twelve
months from date of purchase.
Climax products which fail within the warranty period, due to defects in material or workmanship, will be repaired or
replaced, at Climax's option; without charge to the purchaser (transportation prepaid). Warranty excludes normal
wear items such as giant button head fittings, seals and fluid bags etc.. Also excluded is equipment subjected to
corrosion, contamination, negligence, accident, or units which have been altered in any way.
Climax disclaims any liability for consequential damages due to breach of any written or implied warranty on its
Climax products.

PRICES: Subject to change without notice. Prices in effect at date of shipment will apply. Minimum invoice: $25.00.
All prices F.O.B. our warehouse, Houston, Texas (U.S.A.). Terms: Net 30 days. CLIMAX CATALOG: Every attempt
has been made to make the data in this catalog as accurate as possible. Climax Lubricants & Equip. Co. reserves
the right to make product modifications which contradict the contents of this catalog; therefore, Climax Lubricant &
Equip. Co. cannot be held responsible for any data which is found to be inaccurate or incomplete.

Be sure and call Climax for the following:

• Valve Lubricants/Sealants for Plug, Ball & Gate Valves • Silicone Sealants/Fluids
• Valve Lubrication Equipment: Mechanical, Hydraulic & Pneumatic
• Valve Fittings & Special Adapters • Valve Lubrication Adapter Kits
• Valve Stem Protectors • Valve Stem Packing
• Valve Cleaner/Flush • Kiene Diesel Accessories
• Skid Mounted Lubrication Systems with Gas or Diesel Air Compressors
• Alemite Products • Lincoln Lubrication Equipment

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