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Assignment 3: Advanced Gis Data Modeling

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The document discusses using GIS software to analyze spatial data related to cities and their attributes.

Feature symbology greatly affects how readers interpret a map. The right symbols can mean the difference between confusion and clarity—between conveying a little information or a lot.

A shapefile is a simple, nontopological format for storing the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features. Geographic features in a shapefile can be represented by points, lines, or polygons (areas).




1. Provide the name of the country that each of the six cities belong to and the population of
each of these six cities.

2. In the map view, insert a textbox using Insert from the menu bar and provide the following
information in it: Your name, Student ID, Tutorial Number and Date of Tutorial. Move the text
to the top left hand side of the map view. Add the Grid30 layer to the map. Provide a screen
capture showing your updated map including the added text.
3. What is the purpose of Symbology in ArcMap.

Feature symbology greatly affects how readers interpret a map. The right symbols can mean the
difference between confusion and clarity—between conveying a little information or a lot. The
right symbols can also reveal patterns in your data that may not be obvious. Listed below are key
points you should remember about symbolizing maps.
• Point, line, and polygon symbols have properties that you can set, such as shape, size,
color, outline, and width.
• Effective symbols take advantage of common associations that people make, such as blue
for water or a larger dot for a more populated city.
• Symbolizing features by attributes allows you to communicate more information.
• You can symbolize features to show categories (names, types, ranks) or quantities
(counts, amounts, rates, measurements).
• Quantity attributes can be classified using different methods, including natural breaks
(the default), quantile, equal interval, and manual.
• Which classification scheme you choose depends on the purpose of the map and the
characteristics of the data—there is no one "correct" choice.

4. Each of the theme layers you are working with is called a shapefile. What type of features
can be represented by a shapefile? List the shapefiles you have in your ArcMap view and the
type of feature each shapefile represents.

A shapefile is a simple, nontopological format for storing the geometric location and attribute
information of geographic features. Geographic features in a shapefile can be represented by
points, lines, or polygons (areas). The workspace containing shapefiles may also contain dBASE
tables, which can store additional attributes that can be joined to a shapefile's features.

The List of shapefiles given are Country, Cities, 6 Cities, Lakes, Rivers; Country shapefile is
represented by polygon (areas), Cities, 6 Cities are represented by points, Lakes are represented
as polygons, Rivers are represented by lines. Apart from these features there are other features
such as population, locations… are also represented.

5. What map and display units did you choose and why did you choose them.

I have chosen Kilometers as map and display units, because we are dealing with and cities and
their distances, so KM is relevant to it.

6. What is the scale of the view.

Scale: 1CM 14.19KM

7. What are the coordinates of each of the cities on the map? Do these coordinates make sense,

City Coordinates
Montreal -73.654 45.541 Kilometers
Bogota -73.476 5.342 Kilometers
Madrid -4.441 40.097 Kilometers
Calcutta 88.399 23.910 Kilometers
Guangzhou 112.680 23.910 Kilometers
Brisbane 153.149 -27.985 Kilometers

8. Measure and report the distance between Montreal and Calcutta.

Distance: 163.612092 Kilometers

Line measurement (Planar)

9. What are the coordinates of Montreal now? What does this information tell you? Measure
and report the distance between Montreal and Calcutta again.

New Coordinates of Montreal: -8,201.439 5,008.770 Kilometers

Distance between Montreal and Calcutta: 12,248.5787 Kilometers
Line measurement (Geodesic)

10. Provide a description of what has happened to the data frame with the execution of each
of the previous two steps.

After executing the projection of data frame to Azimuthal Equidistant (world), the data frame has
changed to planar, coordinates and distance measurements are also changed.


11. Explain why the WGS 84 is the preferred Ellipsoid System for defining the coordinates of
the layers you are working with.

Earth is not fully spherical globe, rather it is ellipsoid. World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) has
the ability to assume the Earth as ellipsoid and measure the distance in curve and coordinates as
well, so with the help of WGS 84, we can locate any location accurately.
World Geodetic System 1984 is also used in Global Positioning System (GPS). Due to its accuracy
and ability, WGS 84 is preferred ellipsoid system to define coordinates.
12. Include a screen capture of your result with the Mollweide projection and then with the
Robinson projection.

Mollweide projection:

Robinson projection:
13. Describe the properties of the Mollweide and Robinson projections in terms of shape, area,
direction and distance.

The Mollweide projection is an equal-area, pseudo-cylindrical map projection generally used for
global maps of the world or night sky. It is also known as the Babinet projection, homalographic
projection, homolographic projection, and elliptical projection.
Direction and shape are good at the Equator to about latitude 40°44' N and S. Scale is also true
along those latitudes. Distortion of direction, shape and distance increase with distance from
these latitudes. It is used primarily for showing global data distributions.

The Robinson projection is a map projection of a world map which shows the entire world at
once. It was specifically created in an attempt to find a good compromise to the problem of
readily showing the whole globe as a flat image.
Robinson-minor distortion, the eastern and western sizes and shapes are accurate, and the
outlines of continents are similar to a globe. However, the polar areas are flattened.

14. What did you need to do to centre the map on Windsor, Ontario? Include a screen capture
of your map with the World from Space projection centered on Windsor, Ontario.

Go to Find feature click on locations then search for Windsor, you get multiple results, right click
on the desired result and select Add labelled point. Now Windsor city is pointed on maps, to
centre the map on Windsor click on globe icon.
15. How else could you have determined that these data sets are in different coordinate

It has missing spatial references, which implies that they are in different coordinate systems.

16. What UTM Zone does the Hamilton downtown aerial photo belong to.

It belongs to WGS 1984 UTM Zone 17S

17. Provide a screen capture of your work with the roads layer superimposed on the Hamilton
downtown aerial photo. Change the color of the roads layers as well as the thickness of the
lines to make the roads more visible on the map. Do not forget to enter a box with your name,
student number, tutorial number and date as part of your map.

18. What is the difference (in meters) between NAD27 and NAD83 at this location in both the
north-south and east-west directions? Be sure to take the distance measures orthogonal to the
line segments.

19. Provide a screen capture which shows the two projected road layers Roads_NAD27 and
Roads_NAD83 in different colors on top of the aerial photo.
20. Which of the two projected layers (NAD27 or NAD83) is more adequate and why.


21. Provide the list of variables that exists in the table.

22. Provide a screen capture of the new map in your report.

23. Provide a screen capture of the window that appears on screen. Explain what you observe.
I observe a graph which provides an information such as max and min land area, total area, mean
and standard deviation.

24. Provide a screen capture of the window of that table. Explain what this table is telling you.

The table tells about different categories with total area and the count. Earlier categories were
separated due to which we see a large dataset. This feature allows to filter the data.
25. Provide a screen capture of the attribute table of Windsor-Links with the joint table as part
of it.

26. Select all the road links that has traffic > 1000 vehicle. Provide a screen capture of the
Windsor_links map while the other layers are turned off.
27. Using the summarize function in the attribute table, calculate the total traffic by name of
road. Provide the total traffic on Lauzon Pky, Howard Ave and Huron Church Rd.
28. Repeat the same exercise as in question 27 but provide a summary on the basis of total traffic
on freeways. Provide the summary table to show the total traffic on the freeways and other roads
in the region.

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