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Ebook Performance Testing

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Software testing encompasses every aspect of an application, including the user
interface, functional testing, load testing, security, and usability. But even if an
application passes all of these tests successfully, users will be fully satistifed only if
the application also delivers the necessary performance. To assist you in your
performance testing, this ebook presents the best recent blog articles on some of the
most challenging aspects of performance testing from the Gurock Quality Hub.


Testing All 5 Aspects of a System’s Performance 3

Shifting Left: Performance Testing at the Unit Testing Level 10

Performance Testing in an Ephemeral Environment 16

Performance Testing in Edge Computing 21

Performance Testing Asynchronous Applications 27

Performance Testing: Adding the Service Registry and Service Mesh into the Mix 33

How the Service Mesh Fits with Performance Testing 38

Performance Testing

Testing All
5 Aspects of a System’s
Bob Reselman, Industry Analyst

Good performance is a must for any application, whether it’s in your cell phone, in a
desktop computer or out on the cloud. Thus, before any application can make its way
into production, it must be tested to make sure that it meets—or, hopefully, exceeds—
the required performance standards.

This is easier said than done because there is no single metric you can use to
determine the quality of an application’s performance. Rather, performance testing
requires that you measure a variety of metrics that relate to the different aspects of an
application’s execution.

Understanding the different aspects of application performance is critical when planning

tests to determine an application’s quality. Here, let’s delve into these different aspects of
computing performance and how to incorporate them into your test planning.

The Different Aspects of Computing Performance

Computing can be divided into five operational aspects: algorithm, CPU, memory,
storage and input/output (I/O).

The table on the next page describes how these aspects relate to application

Aspect Description Relevant Testing Metrics

Rule(s) assertion pass/fail, UI

The calculations, rules and high-level logic
test pass/fail, database query
Algorithm instructions defined in a program to be
execution speed, programming
executed in a computing environment
statement execution speed

The central processing unit is circuitry within

a computing device that carries out program- Clock speed, MIPS (millions of
ming instructions. CPUs execute low-level instructions per second), in-
arithmetic, logic, control and input/output struction set latency period,
operations specified by the programming CPU utilization

The computer hardware that stores infor-

Memory speed per access step
mation for immediate use in a computing
Memory size, memory speed per block
environment, typically referred to as Random
Access Memory (RAM)

Computer hardware that stores data for

persistent use. The storage hardware can be Disk capacity utilization, disk
internal to a given computing device or in a read/write rate
remote facility on a dedicated storage device

Describes the transfer of data in and among

computing devices. Internal I/O describes the Network path latency, available
transfer of data to the CPU, memory, internal peak bandwidth, loss rate,
disk storage and to interface to external network jitter profile, packet
networks. External I/O describes data transfer reorder probability
to and from different points on a network

Measuring the performance of an application in terms of each of these aspects gives you
the depth of insight required to determine if your application is ready for production use.
How and when you’ll measure these aspects will vary according to the priorities you set in
your test plan.

Establishing Priorities in a Test Plan

No single testing session can cover all aspects of application performance, and it’s rare
for a single team to have the expertise required to test all aspects. Typically, different
teams in the quality assurance landscape will focus on a particular aspect of perfor-
mance testing. The testing activities of each team are organized according to a general
test plan, with each part of the test plan defining a particular set of priorities to be

For example, the networking QA team will design and execute networking tests. The
customer experience QA team will implement UI functional testing. The data QA team
will performance test data access and query execution. And additional teams with
expertise in other aspects will participate according to the need at hand.

The important thing to understand is that acceptable performance is determined in

terms of all aspects of your application’s operation, and different teams will have the
expertise and test methodologies required to make the determination about a given
aspect of performance quality. Therefore, when creating a test plan, you will do well to
distribute work according to a team’s expertise. The result of the testing done by all the
teams gets aggregated into a final test report, which influences the decision to release
the software to production, as shown below:

Many teams are required in order to test the performance quality of an application

The Importance of Environment Consistency

Comprehensive testing requires that all aspects of application performance be tested,

measured and evaluated. Of equal importance is that the environment in which the
application is tested be identical to the production environment into which the appli-
cation will be deployed. The code in the testing environment probably will be the same
code that will be deployed to production, but the code might vary between a test
environment and production due to different configuration settings and environment
variable values.

Tests that depend on the physical environment are another matter. Fully emulating
the production environment in a testing scenario can be an expensive undertaking.
Thus, requiring full emulation depends on the aspect of testing in play. When testing
for algorithm, in terms of pass/fail of a particular rule or UI response, the speed of
execution does not really matter—for example, testing login and authentication works
according to credentials submitted. However, when testing that login happens within
the time advertised in the application’s service level agreement, environment consis-
tency between testing and production environments becomes critical. It’s a matter of
testing apples to apples.

One of the benefits of automation, virtualization and cloud computing is that produc-
tion-level test environments can be created on an as-needed basis, in an ephemeral
manner. In other words, if your production environment is an industrial-strength, AWS
m5.24xlarge environment (96 CPU, 384 GB memory, 10,000 Mbps network bandwidth),
you can create an identical environment for testing, keeping it up and running only for

the setup and duration of the test. Once the test is over, you destroy the environment,
thus limiting your operational costs. Ephemeral provisioning not only provides the
environmental consistency required to conduct accurate testing over all five aspects of
performance testing, but also allows you to test in a cost-effective manner.


No single test provides an accurate description of an application’s performance, any

more than a single touch of an elephant describes the entire animal. A comprehensive
test plan will measure system performance in terms of all five aspects. Conducting a
thorough examination of an application by evaluating the metrics associated with the
five aspects of application performance is critical for ensuring that your code is ready
to meet the demands of the users it’s intended to serve.

Performance Testing

Shifting Left:
Performance Testing at
the Unit Testing Level
Bob Reselman, Industry Analyst

Unit testing is important. Performance testing is important. You’ll get little argument
from the people with boots on the ground, actually doing software development, that
these tests matter a lot.

Unit testing is widely practiced in development circles, particularly by programmers who

have embraced test-driven development (TDD). Unit testing, by definition, is conducted
as the code is being written. Now a similar trend is emerging with regard to performance
testing—to move it as close as possible to when the code is being written, into the hands
of the developer. This is known as Shift Left movement. However, there’s a problem.

As much as it’s a nice idea to have developers conduct performance tests on their code
as immediately as they do with unit testing, real-world performance testing is not a
simple matter of “write it and run it.” Much more is involved, particularly when unit and
performance tests are part of a continuous integration and delivery process. Unless
proper testing planning is in place, shifting performance testing left will not only hinder
the work of the developer, but also produce test results that are of questionable reli-
ability. The devil really is in the details.

The first step is to understand the difference between unit testing and performance

Unit Testing vs. Performance Testing

The purpose of a unit test is to ensure that a unit of code works as expected. The
typical unit of code is a function. A unit test submits data to a function and verifies the

accuracy of the result of that function. Unit testing is conducted using a tool such as
JUnit (Java), unittest (Python), Mocha (NodeJS), PHPUnit or GoogleTest (C++). There are
many others. Using a unit testing tool allows the tests to run automatically within a CI/
CD process, under a test management system such as TestRail.

Performance testing, on the other hand, is the process of determining how fast a piece
of software executes. Some performance tests are system-wide. Some exercise a part
of the system. Some performance tests can be quite granular, to the component or
even the function level, as in the case of a microservice.

The types of performance tests vary. Some performance tests focus on database effi-
ciency. They’ll execute a set of predefined SQL queries against a database of interest,
using a tool such as JMeter. JMeter runs the queries and measures the time it take
each query to run.

JMeter also can be used to measure the performance of different URLs in an API. A test
engineer configures JMeter to make HTTP calls against the URLs of interest. JMeter
then executes an HTTP request against the endpoint and measures the response time.
This process is very similar to performance testing a database.

Web pages can be subject to performance testing. GUI tests can be implemented using
a tool such as JMeter or Selenium to exercise various web pages according to a pre-re-
corded execution script. Timestamps are registered as the script runs, and these time-
stamps are then used to measure the execution timespan.

Networks are also subject to performance tests. It’s becoming more common to run
jitter tests that measure the variation in latency over a network as companies such as
Facebook, Slack and Atlassian build more video conferencing capabilities into their

The important thing to understand is that unit testing is about ensuring a unit of code
produces the logical results as expected. Performance testing is about ensuring the
code executes in the time expected. The difference may seem obvious, but there are
definite implications when performance testing shifts left, moving it closer to the
beginning of the software development lifecycle and near, if not into, the hands of the

There is a fundamental dichotomy in play. Unit tests are intended to run fast so as not
to slow down the work of the developer. A developer might write and run dozens of
unit tests a day. One slow unit test is a productivity nightmare. Performance tests can
require a good amount of time to set up, run and measure accurately. If initializing large
datasets or provisioning multiple virtual machine instances is required, a performance
test can take minutes or even hours to set up.

The rule of thumb is that unit tests need speed and performance tests need time.
Therefore, unless they’re planned properly, one can get in the way of the other and
impede the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire testing process in the CI/CD

The Need for Speed vs. the Need for Time

As mentioned above, unit tests are intended to be run fast. A unit test that runs more
than a few seconds is a rarity. Performance tests can take time to set up and run,
particularly when the test executes a number of tasks during a testing session—for
example, performance testing a large number of pages on a website.

The conflict between a need for speed and the need for time is a definite challenge as
testers try to move performance testing closer to the unit test paradigm. The further
testing shifts left toward the beginning of the test cycle, the faster the testing needs to
execute. A long-running performance test will actually create a performance bottleneck
in the test process.

Thus, as you consider shifting performance testing left, discretion is the better part
of valor. Not every performance test is well suited for execution early in the testing
process. The need for speed trumps the need for time. Short-running performance
tests, such as those measuring the time it takes for a single query to run or a series of
nested forEach loops to execute, are appropriate for shifting left, provided they can run
in under a second. Performance tests that take longer to run need to run later in the
test plan.

Performance Testing Is All About Apples to Apples

When considering making some aspects of performance testing the responsibility of

the developer, another thing that needs to be taken into account is to make sure the
physical test environments in which the performance tests run are consistent. It’s an
apples-to-apples thing. A performance test running on a developer laptop that has a
4 core CPU is going to behave much differently than the same test running on a VM
equipped with 32 CPUs. Physical environment does matter. Thus, in order for performance
testing to be accurate and reliable, the physical test environment must be real-world,
beyond the typical physical configuration of a developer’s workstation.

Making part of performance testing the responsibility of developers requires develop-

ers to change the way they work. The CI/CD process also needs to be altered somewhat.
Again, the test environment needs to be consistent and reliable.

One way to ensure consistency is to have developers execute performance tests by
moving code from their local machines over to a standardized performance testing
environment before the code is committed to a repository. Modern development shops
configure their CI/CD pipeline so that code enters an automated test and escalation
process once it’s committed. It’s up to the developer to decide when the code is perfor-
mant enough to commit to the repo. If the code performs to expectation, the developer
makes the commit.

Testing code in a dedicated test environment before committing is a different way of

working for many developers, but it’s necessary when shifting part of performance
testing left.

Performance Testing

Performance Testing
in an Ephemeral
Bob Reselman, Industry Analyst

A while back I had an interesting problem to solve. I was involved with refactoring a
cloud-based application that did intensive data analysis on very large data sets. The
entire application —business logic, analysis algorithm and database — lived in a single
virtual machine. Every time the analysis algorithm ran, it maxed out CPU capacity and
brought the application to a grinding halt. Performance testing the application was
easy: We spun up the app, invoked the analysis algorithm and watched performance
degrade to failure. The good news is that we had nowhere to go but up.

The way I solved the problem was to use ephemeral computing. I implemented a
messaging architecture to decouple analysis from general operation. When analysis is
needed, the app sends a message to a topic. An independent analysis manager takes
the message off the topic and responds by spinning up a Docker container within a
Kubernetes job. The Docker container running in the Kubernetes job has the analysis
code. The Kubernetes node has 32 cores, which allows the code to run fast. Then, when
the job is done, the Kubernetes job is destroyed, as shown below. We end up paying only
for the considerable computing resources we need, when we need them.

Analysis Results
Message Broker with Analysis

Analysis Kubernetes Job

Results Topic

Do Analysis
Topic Creates

Application Analysis
Message to Manager
Do Analysis

Using message-driven architecture in combination with automation to provision envi-
ronments ephemerally has become a typical pattern, so I wasn’t really breaking any new
ground. But I did encounter a whole new set of problems in terms of testing — particu-
larly performance testing.

Implementing a Performance Test

The way we ran performance tests was standard. We spun up some virtual users that
interacted with the application to instigate the analysis jobs. We started small and
worked our way up, from 10 virtual users to 100. We didn’t go beyond that count because
the service-level agreement we needed to support called for 10 jobs running simultane-
ously, but we went up to 100 to be on the safe side.

Defining Test Metrics

An overlooked and underused tool in testing is the developer console,
available in all web browsers. For testers who are developing UI automation
tests, this tool is necessary to identify DOM elements. Sometimes, building a
CSS expression for difficult-to-locate elements is necessary and developer
tools make this possible. By investigating logs and adjusting JavaScript,
testers can investigate bugs and provide detailed descriptions of the
problems they see. There are many tutorials available that help beginners
learn to use the console methods that are useful to conduct a deep investi-
gation of a website.

Taking the DevOps Approach

Given that the system we created was message-based, we couldn’t just
measure timespan, as is typical of an HTTP request/response interaction.
Rather, we needed to trace activity around a given message. Thus, we took
the DevOps approach.

I got together with the developer creating the message emission and con-
sumption code. Together we came to an agreement that information about
the message would be logged each time a message was sent or received.
Each log entry had a timestamp that we would use later on. We also decided
that each log entry would have a correlation ID, a unique identifier similar to
a transaction ID.

The developer implementing messaging agreed to create a correlation ID and

attach it to the “do analysis” message sent to the message broker. Any activity
using the message logged that correlation ID in addition to the runtime in-
formation of the moment. For example, the application logged information
before and after the message was sent. The Analysis Manager that picked
up the message logged receipt data that included this unique correlation
ID. Message receiving and forwarding was logged throughout the system as
each process acted upon the message, so the correlation ID tied together all
the hops the message made, from application to analysis to results.

We also met with the developer implementing the Kubernetes job to have
the correlation ID included when logging the job creation and subsequent
analysis activity, where applicable.

Getting the Results

Once we had support for correlation IDs in place, we wrote a script that
extracted log entries from the log storage mechanism and copied them to
a database for review later on. Then, we ran the performance test. Each
virtual user fired off a request for analysis. That request had the correlation
ID that was used throughout the interaction. We ran the tests, increasing the
number of virtual users from 10 to 100.

One of the results the test revealed was that the messages were taking a long
time to get to topic and onto the Analysis Manager subscriber. We checked
with the developer who created the messaging code, and he reported that
everything was working as expected on his end. We were perplexed.

Gotcha: Everything Is Not the Same Everywhere

Our performance issue is not at all atypical in software development — things work well
in the development environment but behave poorly under independent, formal testing.
So we did a testing post-mortem.

When we compared notes with the development team, we uncovered an inter-

esting fact: Developers were using one region provided by our cloud service, but
we were testing in another region. So we adjusted our testing process to have the
Kubernetes job run in the same region as the the one used by the developer. The result?
Performance improved.

We learned a valuable lesson. When implementing performance testing on a cloud-

based application, do not confine your testing activity to one region. Test among
a variety of regions. No matter how much we want to believe that services such as
AWS, Azure and Google Cloud have abstracted away the details of hardware from the
computing landscape, there is a data center down in that stack filled with racks of
computers that are doing the actual computing. Some of the data centers have state-
of-the-art hardware., but others have boxes that are older. There can be a performance

In order to get an accurate sense of performance, it’s best to test among a variety of
regions. When it comes to provisioning ephemeral environments, everything is not the
same everywhere.

Performance Testing

Performance Testing
in Edge Computing
Bob Reselman, Industry Analyst

Edge computing is about moving computational intelligence as close to the edge of a
network as possible. Essentially, in the past, “frontline” devices gathered data passively
and sent the information onto a target endpoint for processing. Under edge computing,
some processing is done within the frontline device itself, and the result of the compu-
tation is moved onto other processing targets within the network.

Edge computing is a transformational approach to how distributed applications works

on the internet. But, as with any new technique, there are challenges. This is particular-
ly true when it comes to performance testing within an edge computing ecosystem.

Understanding these challenges is useful, particularly now that edge computing is

becoming a more prevalent part of the internet. With this new paradigm, we will need to
devise new ways of approaching performance testing.

Understanding Edge Computing

One of the easiest ways to understand edge computing is to consider a video camera
connected to the internet. Before edge computing came along, the video camera
simply captured all visual activity occurring before its lens. Each frame of video was
converted into a chunk of data that was sent over the network in a stream. The camera
was on all the time, streaming data back to a server, regardless of whether there was
any motion occuring. Clearly, a good deal of data having marginal use was being passed
over the network, eating away at bandwidth.

In an edge computing paradigm, intelligence is put into the video camera so it can
identify motion and then stream data back to the server only when motion occurs, as
shown below. Such an approach is highly efficient because only valuable data gets back
to server for processing.

This sort of computing is now becoming the norm. All the security video cameras in
the building where I live are motion-sensitive: The video camera is smart enough to
detect motion and save only the video stream for the given time-span of motion. This
means that the only time that data is saved is when there is activity around the building.
The camera also timestamps the video when saving the stream, so we don’t have to
go through hours of viewing to find an event of interest. We can just browse through
recordings of time stamped video segments. A process that used to take hours is now
done in minutes.

Now apply the concepts behind edge computing to other types of devices connected
to the internet of things. Take a fitness device, for example. A fitness tracker has the
ability to monitor the heartbeat of the person wearing it. Applying the principles of
edge computing, we can make it so that when the wearer’s heartbeat stops, the device

automatically contacts an EMT service for medical assistance directly. There is no
delay incurred due to the latency created, should a backend server be the sole point of
computation intelligence. Rather, the edge device is making the call for help immedi-
ately, saving time in a life-or-death situation. Such an example is extreme, but it does
provide profound insight about the power and benefit of edge computing.

Edge computing is an important technology. If nothing else, it will cut down on the
amount of useless data that gets passed around the internet. But, as with any technol-
ogy, in order to be viable, it must be testable. And this is where the challenges of edge
computing scenarios emerge.

Performance Testing at the Edge

Computing requires both software and hardware. Over the years hardware has become
so abstract that we now treat a lot of it as software — thus, infrastructure as code. As
such, a good deal of our performance testing treats the underlying hardware as a virtu-
alized layer that is consistent and predictable. For the most part, it is, provided you’re
dealing with the types of hardware that live in a data center. But things get difficult
when we move outside the data center.

Take mobile phones, for example. Most mobile phone manufacturers provide software
that emulates the physical device. Software developers use these emulators to write
and test code. It’s a lot easier for a developer to write code using an emulator than to
have to be constantly deploying code to a physical device every time a line of code is

Using emulators speeds up the process of writing and testing applications that run
mobile phones. But at some point, someone, somewhere is going to need to test that
software on a real mobile phone. To address this issue, companies set up mobile phone
testing farms: A company will buy every mobile phone known to man and put them in a
lab. The lab is configured to allow a tester to declare the physical phone that the given
software under test will be installed and run on. (Some companies have automated the
process, and others even provide mobile phone farms as a service.) In this case, the
challenge is conducting large-scale performance testing on disparate physical devices.

The same cannot be said about IoT devices such as fitness trackers, household appli-
ances and driverless vehicles. These devices are positioned to be an important part of
the edge computing ecosystem, but presently, the emulation capabilities required to
conduct adequate performance testing of software intended to run on these devices
are limited — or, in some cases, nonexistent. And there is still the problem that at
some point somebody is going to have to load the software onto a piece of the physical
hardware in order to run the performance tests required.

Given that most modern performance testing is a continuous, automated undertaking,

when it comes to performance testing in an edge computing environment, it seems as
as if we’ve gone back to the Stone Age.

How to Move Forward

Traditionally, companies buy hardware in order to run software, so most performance

testing today is primarily focused on testing software. However, in the world of edge
computing, companies buy the appliance, which is a combination of both hardware and

software. In this case, performance testing is focused on the appliance. It’s a different
approach to testing — one that still requires a good deal of time and labor to execute.

If the history of software development has shown us anything, it’s that at some point,
automation in general — and test automation in particular — must prevail. But in order
for automation to prevail in the edge computing ecosystem, a higher degree of stan-
dardization must be achieved among IoT devices on an industry-wide basis.

In other words, the way your tests interface with a driverless vehicle should not be that
different from the way the tests interact with an internet-aware refrigerator. Yes, you
might be testing different features and capabilities, but the means of integration must
be similar. Think of it this way: Monitoring the cooling system of a driverless vehicle
should not be that different from monitoring the cooling system of an internet-aware

Solving the problem of working disparate devices in a common way is nothing new. At
one time the way a printer connected to a computer was completely different from the
way you connected a keyboard or mouse. Now, USBs provide the common standard.
The same thing needs to happen with edge computing devices.

Creating a universal standard for emulating IoT devices, as well as for physically
accessing any device via automation, are the hidden challenges in edge computing
when it comes to performance testing. But meeting these challenges is not insur-
mountable; unifying device standardization is a challenge we’ve met before and one
we’re sure to meet again. The company that meets the challenge this time may very
well set the standard for performance testing in the edge computing ecosystem for a
long time to come.

Performance Testing

Performance Testing
Bob Reselman, Industry Analyst

Asynchronous computing addresses a need that has been at the forefront of appli-
cation development since the earliest days of computing: ensuring fast application
response between systems. Whereas synchronous architectures require a caller to wait
for a response from a called function before moving on with the program flow, asyn-
chronicity allows an external function or process to work independently of the caller.

The caller makes a request to execute work, and the external function or process “gets
back” to the caller with the result when the work is completed. In the meantime, the
caller moves on. The benefit is that the caller is not bound to the application while work
is being performed. The risk of blocking behavior is minimal.

Reducing Wait Time with Multithreading

One common way to implement asynchronicity internally in an application is to use mul-

tithreading, as shown below:

In a multithreaded environment, a function spawns independent threads that perform

work concurrently. One thread does not hold up the work of another. Then, when work is
complete, the results are collected together and passed back to the calling function for
further processing.

An event-driven programming language such as NodeJS implements asynchronic-

ity using callback functions. In the callback model, a caller to a function passes a
reference to another function — the callback function— that gets invoked when work is

The benefit of using callbacks to implement an asynchronous relation between calling
function and called function is that it allows the overall application to work at maximum
efficiency. No single process is holding up another process from doing work.

The callback pattern is useful for implementing an asynchronous interaction among

distributed systems, particularly web-based systems using HTTP. HTTP is based on
the request-response pattern. Typically, a caller makes a request for information to a
server on the internet. The server takes the request, does some work and then provides
a response with the result. The interaction is synchronous. The calling system — a web
page, for example — is bound to the server until the response is received.

When the response takes a few milliseconds to execute, there is little impact on the
caller. But when the server takes a long time to respond, problems can arise. However,
there are justifiable reasons for having a request that takes a long time to process.

For example, imagine a fictitious service that is able to determine the number of times
a particular person smiles in a given YouTube video. The caller passes the URL of the
YouTube video to the service. The service gets the video from YouTube, as defined by
the submitted URL. Then, the process does the processing.

One video might have a one-minute runtime, and another might have a 30-minute
runtime. Either runtime is acceptable to the service looking for smiles. However,
a caller using the service does not want to stay connected for the duration of the
30-minute analysis. Rather, the better way to do things is to make it so the video
analysis service responds quickly with an acknowledgement of receipt. Then, when
work is completed, the analysis service sends the results back to the caller at a callback
URL, as shown in the example below:

Asynchronous services are useful. However, they do make performance testing more

Measuring the performance of a synchronous service typically happens in a sequen-

tial manner: You define the virtual users that will execute the given test script. The
test runs, requests are made and the results from responses are gathered. One step
leads to another. But when it comes to asynchronous testing, one step does not lead to
another. One step might start an asynchronous process that finishes well after the test
is run.

The risk when testing asynchronous applications is that the process becomes indepen-
dent of its caller. When the called process is on an external machine or in another web
domain, its behavior becomes hidden. The performance of the called process can no
longer be accurately tested within the scope of the request-response exchange. Other
ways of observing performance need to be implemented.

Leveraging Event Information in Logs

One of the easiest ways to observe performance in a distributed asynchronous applica-

tion is to leverage the power of logs. Logs provide the glue that binds separate systems
together. Depending on the logging mechanism in force, logs can capture function
timespan, memory and CPU capacity utilization, as well as network throughput, to
name a few metrics.

Once a system is configured so that every component of an asynchronous application is

logging information in a consistent, identifiable manner, what remains is to aggregate
the log information to create a unified picture of performance activity overall, as shown
Using a unique correlation ID that gets passed among all components that are part of
an asynchronous transaction provides a reliable mechanism by which to group various
log entries for subsequent analysis. (See the details of working with correlation IDs

The important thing to remember is that in an asynchronous application, any execution

path can use a variety of processes that work independently of one another. Application
flow can just hop about in a nonlinear manner. Thus, the way to tie all relevant perfor-
mance metrics together is to aggregate log data from the various systems that make up
the application.

Using an Application Performance Monitor

Application performance monitors (APMs) are fast becoming a standard part of most
deployment environments. An APM is an agent that gets installed on a machine — either
virtual or pure hardware — as part of the provisioning process. APMs observe machine
behavior at a very low level. For example, most APMs will report CPU utilization, memory
allocation and consumption, network I/O and disk activity. The information that an APM
provides is very useful when determining application performance during a test.

Information provided by APMs is particularly useful when it comes to performance

testing asynchronous applications. Much in the same way that log information from
independent components can be tied together to provide a fuller understanding of per-
formance test behavior overall, so too can information that gets emitted from an APM.

A bottleneck occurring in one system might not be readily apparent in the initial re-
quest-response that started the asynchronous interaction, and a fast request-response
time can be misleading. More information is needed. APM data from all the systems
used by an application will reveal actual performance shortcomings, even if poor per-
formance might not be evident when measuring the initial request and response that
started the interaction with the application.

Putting It All Together

Performance testing asynchronous applications is difficult, but it’s made easier if

proper test planning takes place. Testing asynchronous applications requires more
than measuring the timespan between the call to an application and the response
received back. Asynchronous applications work independent of caller, so the means
by which to observe behavior throughout the application must be identified before any
testing takes place.

A good test plan will incorporate information from machine logs and application perfor-
mance monitors to construct an accurate picture of the overall performance of the ap-
plication. Should log and APM information not be available, then test personnel will do
well to work with DevOps personnel to make the required information available. Being
able to aggregate all the relevant information from every part of a given asynchronous
application is critical for ensuring accurate performance testing. A performance test is
only as good as the information it consumes and the information it produces.

Performance Testing

Performance Testing: Adding

the Service Registry and
Service Mesh into the Mix
Bob Reselman, Industry Analyst

Ephemeral architectures in which microservices scale up automatically to meet
capacity requirements are a game changer. Whereas deploying container-backed mi-
croservices and orchestrating the environment they’re to run in used to be a laborious
manual task, today’s technologies such as Kubernetes automate much of the process
of packaging and deploying applications into the cloud.

But there is a problem: service management. One of the crucial tasks that needs to
happen in a microservice environment is that microservices need to find one another
and interact safely. Back when the number of microservices in play was minimal, it was
possible to manually configure one microservice IP address to another and declare the
operational behavior between them.

But that was then and this is now. Today, a single enterprise might have thousands of
microservices in force. Many of these microservices will be created and destroyed as
needed — which, by the way, is the nature of ephemeral computing. Continually fiddling
with configuration settings manually to maintain reliable communication between an
enterprise’s microservices is archaic.

Modern microservice management requirements exceed human capacity, and better

solutions are needed. Enter the service registry and the service mesh.

Understanding the Service Registry

A service registry is a database that keeps track of a microservice’s instances and

locations. Typically, when a microservice starts up, it registers itself to the service
registry. Once a microservice is registered, most times the service registry will call
the microservice’s health check API to make sure the microservice is running properly.
Upon shutdown, the microservice removes itself from the service registry.

There are a number of open source service registry technologies available. The Apache
Foundation publishes ZooKeeper. Also, Consul and Etcd are popular solutions.

The service registry pattern is pervasive. These days, most microservices are assigned
IP addresses dynamically, so the service registry is the only way that one microservice
can get the information it needs to communicate with another service. In fact, the
service registry is so important that it serves as the foundation of the next generation
of distributed computing technology: the service mesh.

Evolution into the Service Mesh

A service mesh is a technology that provides a layer of infrastructure that facilitates

communication between microservices. Most service mesh projects provide service
registration internally, as would be expected. But a service mesh adds functionality for
declaring operational behavior such as whitelist security, failure retries and routing

For example, imagine a microservice that calls out to another microservice, such as, which is outside the application domain. Unless the service mesh
is configured to allow calls to the external resource at, any service
using the external resource will fail until access is granted. (Restricting access to
external domains by default is a good security practice.)

The security capabilities alone are a compelling reason to use a service mesh to coor-
dinate microservice behavior, but there’s more. Most service mesh projects can publish
a graph of microservice connections and dependencies, along with performance all
along the way.

There are many open source service mesh technologies available. One is Istio, which
was started by developers from Google, IBM and Lyft. Linkerd is a service mesh project
sponsored by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Consul, which is mentioned
above as a service registry project, has evolved into a full-fledged service mesh
product. These are just a few of the many service mesh products that are appearing on
the distributed cloud-based computing landscape.

Why a Service Registry and a Service Mesh

are Important to Performance Testing

As working in the cloud has become more prevalent in the world of performance
testing, so too will working with service discovery technologies such as the service
registry and, particularly, the service mesh. The service registry and service mesh are
not low-level pieces of infrastructure; rather, they are first-class players in the enter-
prise’s digital computing infrastructure.
In the old days, when applications where monolithic and everything lived behind a
single IP address, all the performance tester needed to be concerned with was behavior
at that IP address. Today, it’s different. There might be thousands of IP address in play
that change at a moment’s notice, and there might be different operational and security
policies in force at each address.

Performance testing is no longer about measuring the behavior of a single request

and response at a single entry point. There will be hundreds, maybe thousands of
points along the execution path to consider, so at the least, the tester is going to have
to accommodate collecting performance data from throughout the ecosystem. The
performance tester also is going to have to know at least enough about the workings
of the service mesh in order to collaborate with DevOps engineers to set routing con-
figurations for A/B testing and to determine environment optimization throughout the

Modern performance testing goes well beyond writing procedural scripts and collect-
ing test results. Today’s digital ecosystem is intelligent. As systems become more
autonomous and ephemeral, having a strong grasp of technologies such as the service
registry and service mesh will go from being a nice-to-have skill to one that is required
for testing professionals. The modern performance tester needs to be able to work with
intelligent systems to design and implement comprehensive tests that are as dynamic
as the systems being tested.

Performance Testing

How the Service

Mesh Fits with
Performance Testing
Bob Reselman, Industry Analyst

The digital infrastructure of the modern IT enterprise is a complex place. The days of
one server attached to a router at a dedicated IP that’s protected by a hand-configured
firewall are gone.

Today, we live in a world of virtualization and ephemeral computing. Computing infra-

structure expands and contracts automatically to satisfy the demands of the moment.
IP addresses come and go. Security policies change by the minute. Any service can be
anywhere at any time. New forms of automation are required to support an enterprise
that’s growing beyond the capabilities of human management. Once such technology
that is appearing on the digital landscape is the service mesh.

The service mesh is expanding automation’s capabilities in terms of environment

discovery, operation and maintenance. Not only is the service mesh affecting how
services get deployed into a company’s digital environment, but the technology is also
going to play a larger role in system reliability and performance, so those concerned
with performance and reliability testing are going to need to have an operational grasp
of how the service mesh works, particularly when it comes to routing and retries.

As the service mesh becomes more prevalent as the standard control plane, perfor-
mance test engineers will need to be familiar with the technology when creating test
plans that accommodate architectures that use a service mesh.

The Case for the Service Mesh

The service mesh solves two fundamental problems in modern distributed computing:
finding the location of a service within the technology stack, and defining how to ac-
commodate service failure.

Before the advent of the service mesh, each service needed to know the location of
service upon which it depended. In the example below, for Service A to be able to pass
work to Service C, it must know the exact location of Service C. This location might
be defined as an IP address or as a DNS name. Should the location of the dependent
service change, at best, a configuration setting might need to be altered; at worst, the
entire consuming service might need to be rewritten.

Tight coupling between services proved to be brittle and hard to scale, so companies
started to use service discovery technologies such as ZooKeeper, Consul and Etcd,
which alleviated the need for services to know the location of other services upon
which they depended.

However, one of the problems that was still outstanding was what a service does when
one of the dependencies fails. Should the service just error out? Should it retry? If it
should retry, how many times? This is where the service mesh comes in.

The service mesh combines, among other things, service discovery and failure policy.
In other words, not only will the service mesh allow services to interact with one
another, it will also execute retries, redirection or aborts, based on a policy configura-
tion, as shown in the example below.

The service mesh is the control plane that routes traffic between services and provides
fail-safe mechanisms for services. In addition, a service mesh logs all activity in its
purview, thus providing fine-grain insight into overall system performance. This type of
logging makes distributed tracing possible, which makes monitoring and troubleshoot-
ing activities among all services in the system a lot easier, no matter their location.

The more popular technologies on the service mesh landscape are Linkerd, Envoy and

What’s important to understand about the service mesh from a performance testing
perspective is that the technology has a direct effect on system performance.
Consequently, test engineers should have at least a working knowledge of the whys
and hows of service mesh technologies. Test engineers also will derive a good deal of
benefit from integrating the data that the service mesh generates into test planning
and reporting.

Accommodating the Service Mesh in Performance Test Planning

How might performance test engineers take advantage of what the service mesh has to
offer? It depends on the scope of performance testing and interest of the test engineer.
If the engineer is concerned with nothing more than response time between the web
client and web server, understanding the nature and use of a service mesh has limited
value. However, if the scope of testing goes to lower levels of any application’s perfor-
mance on the server side, then things get interesting.

The first, most telling benefit is that a service mesh supports distributed tracing.
This means that the service mesh makes it possible to observe the time it takes for all
services in a distributed architecture to execute, so test engineers can identify perfor-
mance bottlenecks with greater accuracy. Then, once a bottleneck is identified, test
engineers can correlate tracing data with configuration settings to get a clearer under-
standing of the nature of performance problems.

In addition to becoming an information resource, the service mesh becomes a point of

interest in testing itself. Remember, service mesh configuration will have have a direct
impact on system performance, and such an impact adds a new dimension to perfor-
mance testing. Just as application logic needs to be performance tested, so too will
service mesh activity. This is particularly important when it comes to testing auto-re-
tries, request deadline settings and circuit-breaking configuration.

An auto-retry is a setting in service mesh configuration that makes it so that

a consuming service will retry a dependent service when it returns a certain
type of error code. For example, should Service A call Service B, and Service
B returns a 502 error (bad gateway), Service A will automatically retry the call
for a predefined number of times. 502 errors can be short-term, thus making
a retry a reasonable action.

A request deadline is similar to a timeout. A request is allowed a certain

period of time to execute against a called service. If the deadline is reached,
regardless of retry setting, the request will fail, preventing an undue load
burden from being placed on the called service.

Circuit breaking is a way to prevent cascading failure, when one point in
the system — a service, for example — fails and causes failure among other
points. A circuit breaker is a mechanism that is “wrapped” around a service
so that if the service is in a failure state, a circuit breaker “trips.” Calls to the
failing service are rejected as errors immediately, without having to incur the
overhead of routing to and invoking the service. Also, a service mesh circuit
breaker will record attempted calls to the failed service and alert monitors
observing service mesh activity that the circuit breaker has been “tripped.”

As service mesh becomes part of the enterprise system architecture, performance test
engineers will do well to make service mesh testing part of the overall performance
testing plan.

Putting It All Together

The days of old-school performance testing are coming to a close. Modern applications
are just too complex to rely on measuring request and response times between client
and server alone. There are too many moving parts. Enterprise architects understand
the need to implement technologies that allow for dynamic provisioning and operations
without sacrificing the ability to observe and manage systems, regardless of size and
rate of change.

As the spirit of DevOps continues to permeate the IT culture, the service mesh is
becoming a key component of the modern distributed enterprise. Having a clear un-
derstanding of the value and use of service mesh technologies will allow test engineers
to add a new dimension to performance test process and planning, and performance
testers who are well-versed in the technology will ensure that the service mesh is used
to optimum benefit.

About TestRail

We build popular software testing tools for QA and development teams. Many of the
world’s best teams and thousands of testers and developers use our products to build
rock-solid software every day. We are proud that TestRail – our web-based test man-
agement tool – has become one of the leading tools to help software teams improve
their testing efforts.

Gurock Software was founded in 2004 and we now have offices in Frankfurt (our HQ),
Dublin, Austin & Houston. Our world-wide distributed team focuses on building and
supporting powerful tools with beautiful interfaces to help software teams around the
world ship reliable software.

Gurock part of the Idera, Inc. family of testing tools, which includes Ranorex, Kiuwan,
Travis CI. Idera, Inc. is the parent company of global B2B software productivity brands
whose solutions enable technical users to do more with less, faster. Idera, Inc. brands
span three divisions – Database Tools, Developer Tools, and Test Management Tools –
with products that are evangelized by millions of community members and more than
50,000 customers worldwide, including some of the world’s largest healthcare, financial
services, retail, and technology companies.


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