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Preparation of Iodized Salt FOR Goitre Prophylaxis: M. A.M.Inst - Chem.E

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Bull Org. mond.

Santed 1953, 9, 231-239

Bull. World Hit/h Org.


J. C. M. HOLMAN, B.Sc., F.R.I.C., A.M.Inst.Chem.E.
Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau, London

Manuscript received in April 1953

The methods employed for iodizing free-running salts are
discussed. They are not suitable for the iodization of coarse crystal-
line salts and a new process has been devised by the Chilean Iodine
Educational Bureau of London for the iodization of open-pan and
solar evaporated salts. This process is described and illustrated
by photographs of suitable plants. Attention is drawn to the
advantages of potassium iodate as an iodizing agent.

Iodized salt is now universally recognized by goitre authorities as the

most convenient and most effective vehicle for the administration of supple-
mental iodine. If iodized salt were introduced everywhere for domestic
use as a permanent measure in public health, simple goitre would become
a thing of the past.
The ease or practicability of iodizing salt is conditioned largely by the
methods employed for the production of the salt from brine or other raw
material. Salt produced by continuous vacuum-evaporation processes is
very easily and satisfactorily iodized by spraying with an aqueous solution
of an iodine compound and this method is general in the United Kingdom
and other countries where important salt-manufacturing industries exist
and it is necessary to iodize large quantities of salt. " Vacuum " salt or
other free-running salt may be iodized alternatively by a dry-mixing process,
but this is not so economic as spraying and is not recommended as a method
for large-scale production of iodized salt. A method to iodize crystalline
salt made by the continuous heated open-pan evaporation of brine is the
regulated addition of small quantities of potassium iodide solution to the
brine throughout the process.7
None of these methods is satisfactory for the iodization of the coarse
crystalline materials which are the only grades of salt available in many of
the endemic goitrous districts in underdeveloped areas of the world. The
simple spraying technique is designed for continuous processes involving
the use of conveyor mechanisms and is impracticable for the iodization of
salt produced by open-pan or solar evaporation of batches of brine. The
216 - 231 -
232 J. C. M. HOLMAN

injection of regulated quantities of iodide solution during evaporation is

applicable only in a continuous process. The dry-mixing method used for
the iodization of free-running salts is also not suitable.
At the request of the World Health Organization, the problem of devising
a procedure for the iodization of coarse crystalline salts has been studied
by the Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau of London and a simple process
has been developed which has proved entirely satisfactory on a small scale.
Descriptions of the process and the plants now available for its execution
are contained in this report. It is believed that the process can be extended
and become suitable for general use in all areas of the world.

lodization of Free-Running Salt

The greater part of the salt used for domestic purposes in the more
developed countries of the world is produced by the evaporation of brine
in a series of multiple-effect vacuum evaporators. The process has advan-
tages over the open-evaporation methods in that it can produce a far greater
output of salt at a lower cost and can be operated on a continuous basis,
involving the minimum labour requirements. Even if these advantages did
not exist, the fine, uniform grain-size of " vacuum " salt and its free-running
property are such considerable marketing assets that they would ensure its
successful competition with other grades of salt. The iodization of
" vacuum " salt is effected normally by a simple spraying technique which
forms part of the routine process operation and is suitable for the production
of large quantities of iodized salt. In the circumstances where it is required
to iodize smaller amounts of salt, a dry-mixing process may be preferred
to spraying.

Spraying process
When the salt leaves the vacuum evaporators it is discharged into a
rotating filter and then conveyed to a final drier for the complete removal
of moisture.' Satisfactory and uniform iodization of the salt is achieved
by spraying a solution of potassium iodide on to the salt as it passes along
a conveyor belt prior to its entry into the final hot-air drier. The simplicity
of the operation is demonstrated in fig. 1, which shows salt from the vacuum
evaporators passing on the conveyor belt under a series of spray nozzles
through which the iodide solution is delivered in the desired quantity. In
the final drier the salt is stirred by paddles attached to a horizontal shaft,
and by this operation uniform iodization of the salt is ensured. When
iodized salt is to be produced in large quantities, the spraying process is
decidedly more economic than the dry-mixing process. It also permits
of more easy changes in the level of iodization to accord with the varying
requirements of authorities in different parts of the world.2

Reproduced by courtesy of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Winsford

Dry-mixing process
The general method is to prepare a stock mixture of ground potassium
iodide and a drying agent such as is usually included in free-running salts,
and to add the required quantities of this mixture to batches of salt. Since
the amount of drying agent used is considerably greater than the quantity
of iodide, the above procedure results in a very satisfactory uniform iodized
The quantity of iodide added to the salt will of course vary from country
to country according to the recommendations of the medical authorities, but
the following outline of a recognized method of manufacture in a goitrous
area of the USA will serve to indicate the necessary process operations: 3
234 J. C. M. HOLMAN

97.75 pounds (44.3 kg) of calcium phosphate and 2.2 pounds (1.0 kg)
of potassium iodide are mixed together and ground to pass a 100-mesh
sieve. One pound (0.45 kg) of this mixture is added to 99 pounds (44.9 kg)
of dried salt which is then mixed for sufficient time to give a uniform
product as determined by analysis. As an added assurance of obtaining
a uniform final product, some manufacturers prefer to incorporate the
iodide-phosphate mixture in two stages by first thoroughly mixing it with
about 25 % of the salt and then adding the remainder of the salt.
The dry-mixing process is very suitable for preparing relatively small
stocks of iodized salt.

lodization of Coarse Crystalline Salt

During the past two years, investigations have been undertaken by the
Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau of London to determine the possibility
of developing a satisfactory dry-mixing process for the iodization of the
coarse crystalline salts produced by open-pan and solar evaporation
methods. As a result of this work, a simple technique has been devised which
has proved entirely successful on a small scale. Tests now being undertaken
at salt installations in Guatemala and in the Union of South Africa will
complete the development of this simple and easily operated process for
iodizing crude salts, which will be suitable for adoption in all areas of the
world where free-running salt is not available.
The flow-sheet in fig. 2 illustrates the straightforward layout and method
of operating the small-scale process. Coarse crystalline salt is fed into the
hopper of a bulk controller at the rate of approximately 5 hundredweight
(254 kg) per hour and passes into an enclosed worm-screw mixing conveyor.
At a point near the base of the bulk controller a mixture of one part of
powdered potassium iodide or potassium iodate and ten parts of calcium
carbonate, or any available inert free-flowing powder, is introduced into
the worm-screw mixing conveyor through a precision feeder at the necessary
rate to provide a final product containing the desired quantity of iodine.
The calcium carbonate or other inert powder is added to the iodide or
iodate to provide a greater bulk of material for passage through the precision
feeder and thus to facilitate control of the degree of admixture of the iodizing
agent with the salt. At a rate of approximately 5 ounces (142 grams) of
potassium iodide mixture per hour, the final product would contain about
one part by weight of potassium iodide per twenty thousand parts by weight
of salt. If potassium iodate mixture is employed, approximately 6.5 ounces
(184 grams) are required to provide the same level of iodization. Potassium
iodate is more stable than potassium iodide and its use may therefore be
recommended in circumstances where the iodized salt is likely to be stored
under adverse humid climatic conditions.


+ \i | ~~~COMPONDl

40 ~~~~~~~~~~~PECISION FEDE



Reproduced by courtesy of the Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau, London

The salt and the iodide or iodate mixture are intimately combined
during their passage along the remaining length of the worm-screw mixing
conveyor, and analyses have shown that the final product is satisfactory in
every respect. The iodized salt is collected directly into bags or other
containers at the end of the conveyor and the whole operation of the plant
requires the minimum of skilled labour.
The worm-screw of the conveyor and the paddle at the base of the bulk
controller are driven by single belts from a shaft attached to a small electric
motor or internal combustion engine and the rate of throughput of salt
can be adjusted in a few minutes by manipulating a simple set screw.
The precision feeder is geared to a 0.25-H.P. electric motor or can be
operated manually. It can be set at any desired rate by varying the gear-
wheels, and five sets of wheels are supplied with the feeder for this purpose.
The casings of the bulk controller and the mixing conveyor are made
of hard wood but the worm-screw paddle and blades are fabricated from
ordinary steel.
Fig. 3 and 4 show the plant now in use in Guatemala. The maximum
limiting capacity of this plant is about 5 tons of iodized salt per day. Where
greater quantities of iodized salt are required, a plant of similar design but
of larger size and capable of producing up to 25 tons per day can be supplied.
A second plant which operates on the same principles but differs in
layout has been constructed for use in the Union of South Africa. At
the request of the authorities this has been assembled on a light metal
frame in order that it can be lifted by porters and also carried on a lorry
without being dismantled. A view of this plant is provided in fig. 5.
236 J. C. M. HOLMAN



Reproduced by courtesy of Novadel Limited, London



The bulk controller (left) and the precision feeder (centre) control respectively the hroughput
of salt and the level of iodization.
Reproduced by courtesy of Novadel Limited, London



A = Bulk hopper for salt D = Outlet

B =Bulk hopper for iodide E = Lifting-handles in extended position
C - Blending-conveyor trough
Reproduced by courtesy of Alite Machines Limited, Letchworth

It will be seen, therefore, that the process can be adapted to meet a

variety of conditions, and it is believed that it is eminently suitable for
introduction into the many endemic goitrous areas of the world where
large-scale salt-manufacturing facilities do not exist but sources of crude
native salts are available.

Stability of Iodized Salts

Free-running iodized salt can be stored for long periods under reason-
able climatic conditions without deterioration if it is prepared correctly
to ensure uniform distribution of the iodizing agent and is packed in
suitable containers.a To maintain their free-running property, these salts
contain alkaline drying agents which are present in considerably greater
amounts than the potassium iodide incorporated in the salt and hence
can prevent any loss of iodine or discoloration of the salt due to decom-
position. However, if salt is likely to be stored in very adverse conditions,
for example in warm humid climates, excellent stabilization can be achieved
a See paper by F. C. Kelly on page 217.
238 J. C. M. HOLMAN

by the addition of small quantities of sodium carbonate, starch, and sodium

thiosulfate.4 An alternative method to ensure the stabilization of iodized
free-running salt produced by the dry-mixing process is to mill calcium
stearate with the potassium iodide whereby the water-insoluble stearate
surrounds each particle of the powdered iodide and then protects it from
Recent clinical investigations by medical research workers 6 have
shown that potassium iodate is assimilated in a satisfactory manner in
the human body and can be accepted as an efficient agent for the iodiza-
tion of salt.b Stabilization is unnecessary with this compound which may
therefore become the standard iodizing agent.
For economic and technical reasons it is impracticable to stabilize
coarse crystalline salts by the methods available for free-running salt.
The use of potassium iodate for the iodization of salt produced by open-pan
and solar evaporation processes would therefore be particularly advanta-
geous since these salts may contain impurities, in the form of compounds
of heavy metals, which can react with potassium iodide to cause loss of

L'efficacite de l'iodisation d6pend en grande partie des methodes de production du
sel A partir des saumures ou de tout autre materiel brut.
Le sel produit dans les pays les plus developpes du monde, par evaporation
continue, dans le vide, est generalement iodise par pulverisation d'un compose iode, en
solution aqueuse, avant dessiccation finale par l'air chaud. Lorsqu'il s'agit de petites
quantites, on peut ajouter l'iodure de potassium, accompagne d'un deshydratant, sous
forme de poudre seche; ce procede est toutefois moins economique. L'iodisation du
sel cristallis6 brut produit par chauffage des saumures A l'air libre peut se faire par
addition de petites quantites d'iodure de potassium, tout au long du processus.
Aucune de ces m6thodes ne convient a l'iodisation des sels grossi6rement cristallis6s,
utilises dans les regions d'end6mie goitreuse de divers pays insuffisamment developpes.
A la demande de l'OMS, le Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau, A Londres, a elabore un
proc6de d'iodisation des sels grossiers. On a cherche A adapter A l'iodisation des sels
prepares par evaporation au soleil la methode par melange A sec. Le sel cristallise brut
passe A travers une tr6mie, A raison de 254 kg par heure, puis dans une vis sans fin,
m6langeuse et transporteuse. A sa sortie de la tr6mie, il reroit un m6lange exactement
dose d'une partie d'iodure ou d'iodate de potassium pulv6rulent et de dix parties de
carbonate de calcium, de fa9on que le sel contienne finalement la quantite d'iod?
prescrite (fig. 2). L'iodate est A conseiller lorsque les conditions de conservation ris-
quent de provoquer des pertes d'iode. Apres passage dans la vis, le sel est immediate-
ment mis en sacs ou en recipients appropries. Ce proc6de n'exige qu'un minimum de
personnel qualifie. Le dispositif est mu par un moteur electrique ou A combustion
intemne. Le distributeur de precision de l'iodure est relie A un moteur electrique d&
0,25 CV; il peut aussi etre actionne A la main; le debit est aisement r6glable. Le chassis
de l'appareil est en bois et le filet de la vis en acier ordinaire.
b See paper by Margaret M. Murray on page 211.

Un de ces appareils fonctionne actuellement au Guatemala (fig. 3 et 4). nl peut pro-

duire jusqu'A 5 tonnes de sel iode par jour. Si de plus grandes quantit6s sont n6cessaires,
un dispositif analogue peut etre construit, capable de fournir 25 tonnes par jour. Une
construction de meme type a ete batie pour l'Union Sud-Africaine, en metal lger,
maniable par la main-d'cuvre indig6ne et transportable par camion, sans demontag
(fig. 5).
Le procede est adaptable A des conditions variees. I1 parait pouvoir etre utilise dans
toutes les regions d'endemie goitreuse du monde qui ne disposent que de sel natif brut.
L'addition d'iodate est A recommander pour les sels bruts contenant des traces de com-
poses de metaux lourds qui peuvent, par reactions chimiques, causer des pertes en iode,
et dans les cas oZu la conservation doit se faire dans des conditions particuli&rement defa-
vorables. Dans les climats chauds et humides, on pourra ajouter a l'iodure de potassium
des stabilisants tels que le carbonate ou le thiosulfate de sodium ou l'amidon. Lorsqu'on
recourt A l'iodisation A sec, on peut ajouter A l'iodure de potassium du stearate de
calcium, insoluble dans l'eau, qui enrobe les particules d'iodure et l1s protege do

1. Badger, W. L. & Baker, E. M. (1941) Inorganic chemical technology, New York
2. Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau (1946) World goitre survey, London
3. Geagley, W. C. (1929) Amer. J. publ. Hlth, 19, 991
4. Hart, E. B. & Griem, W. B. (1939) Stabilization of iodine in salt and other feed
materials, US Pat. No. 2,144,150
5. Johnson, F. F. & Frederick, E. R. (1940) Science, 92, 315
6. Murray, M. M. & Pochin, E. E. (1951) J. Physiol., Lond. 114, 6P
7. O'Dell, A. E. (1952) Manufacture of salt, Brit. Pat. No. 682,709

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