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The Beit Trust Application Form For Postgraduate Scholarships Intake September 2020

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The Beit Trust

Application Form for Postgraduate Scholarships
Intake September 2020
Please type this form and complete all Sections. Expand the boxes to accommodate your replies.

1. First name:
2. Surname:
3. Title: Mr/ Mrs/ Ms/ Dr/ Other:
4. Male/ Female:
5. Date of birth: (see Additional Notes)
6. Nationality and place of birth: (see note A)
7. Country of current residence, and address:
8. Languages spoken:
9. Email address:
10. Telephone/cell number:
11. From which Beit Partner University or universities have you received an offer?
12. Postgraduate studies to be pursued if Scholarship awarded (see note B):
a. University:
b. Course and qualification sought:
c. Starting date:
d. Length of course:
13. Have you applied to any other sponsors in connection with support for a Postgraduate course? If so, to whom and
for what course?
14. Have you applied for a Beit Postgraduate Scholarship before?
If so, in which year? Were you shortlisted for interview?
15. Name of institution/s where you took your undergraduate degree/s:
a. Name the degree: (e.g. BCom with Honours)
b. Grade achieved:
c. Year of graduation:
16. Any sponsorship obtained for earlier degree courses:
17. Secondary school attended:
A-Levels by subject and grade (MSCE subjects attained, in the case of Malawi):
18. Present occupation:
a. Name of employer:
b. Position held:
c. Length of service:
19. Previous work experience: (name of employers and positions held):
20. Are you contracted or bonded in any way to an employer? Give details:
21. Will you be paid by an employer while studying?
Charity Registration Number 232478
22. Interests and achievements past and present: (see note C)
23. Preferred reading matter (including the title of 4 books that have most influenced you):
24. Professional intentions on completion of the Scholarship: (see note D)
25. Do you intend to return to your country after your postgraduate studies? (see note E)
26. What opportunity have you had in the past 18 months to exhibit leadership qualities, and how did you respond?
27. Attach a separate personal statement (no longer than one page) to explain in your own words how you think a
postgraduate degree will benefit your country and its development. (see note F)
28. We need the following:
- A certified scanned copy of your offer letter from a Beit partner university or universities;
- A clear recent photograph of you. This should not be a passport photograph, but something that shows you to
your best advantage. A photograph is an absolute requirement.
- Passport or ID as proof of residence.

Only those candidates who confirm that they can, if short-listed, present themselves for in-country interview will
be considered. The date will be early to mid-April 2020, and you will be notified in good time.
We will ask you for references if you are short-listed for interview: an academic reference, a character reference from
someone who knows you well (not a family member) and, if employed, an employer’s reference. All applicants should
ensure they have such referees quickly available.
WARNING: Every year, promising applicants fail to achieve sponsorship because they or their referees do not respond
in time, do not provide all the information requested, or the applications are poorly presented or illegible. Please submit a
typed application.

Please tick the box to confirm your agreement to all the above [ ]

Your signature: (This part only must be handwritten) ……………………………………………………….


Please note:
When you have completed this form, please email it, together with your personal statement and offer letter, as follows:
For Zambians, to
For Zimbabweans and Malawians, to

A. All applicants have to be domiciled in Zambia, Zimbabwe or Malawi; must show that they have been living in
that country as a “permanent resident” and not as a “visitor;” and that their status of “permanent residence” has
been for at least three years prior to application. Decisions in cases of doubt about country of domicile will be at
the absolute discretion of The Beit Trust.
B. State what you hope to achieve: e.g. MSc in Computer Science, etc.

Charity Registration Number 232478

C. Detail your interests, personal activities and commitments. Mention any responsible positions held and include
achievements of special merit at secondary school, university or elsewhere, and any voluntary or social work.
D. State the employment to which you will return; or the type of work you hope to do, or for which arrangements
have already been made; and your longer term aspirations.
E. Candidates who do not indicate an intention to return to their country, on completion of their studies, may find
their applications less favourably considered. There is no provision for travel or accommodation for a spouse.
F. Please add any additional information you would like to bring to the attention of the Scholarship Selection Board.
This statement should be signed and scanned with the application form.

 All applicants, except medical doctors, must be under 30 years of age on 31 December of the year of
application. Medical doctors will be accepted up to 35 years of age, but should have completed at least 18
months of internship and preferably a one year rural attachment.
 Please enclose a clear photocopy of your passport or identification document (this is in addition to the personal
photo we ask for. We need to know passport/ID is valid and yours); your National Registration Document; and a
recent Medical certificate.
 The Selection Board will look with greatest interest on applicants who have undertaken at least one year’s work
experience before applying. We are seeking potential leaders in their field. A strong work record and evidence of
professional achievement will weigh heavily in the short-listing and interview process.
Should we require references, each of your referees will be sent an email. They will be asked to SIGN and SCAN the
references directly to us. We will copy you in on the acknowledgements we send to referees, so you can monitor their

UK Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Personal data collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of student and course administration as required by
the Beit Trust, and will only be disclosed to the Scholarship Selection Board if you are short-listed for interview.

Charity Registration Number 232478

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