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Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score MEOWS MID33 AO13 v6.1

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Trust Guideline for the use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score

(MEOWS) in Detecting the Seriously Ill and Deteriorating Woman.

A Clinical Guideline
For Use in: Maternity Services.
Obstetricians, Midwives and Midwifery Care
For: All women receiving care from maternity services.

Division responsible for document: Women’s and Children’s Services

MEOWS (Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score),
Key words:
call out cascade and MEOWS chart.
Name and job title of document
Charles Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Name of document author’s Line
Dr David Booth
Job title of author’s Line Manager: Chief of Women’s and Children’s Services
Dr.J.Corfe Lead Obstetric Anaesthetist,
MEOWS Development Group,
Supported by: Mary Edwards, Critical Care Outreach Team Lead,
Midwifery Guidelines Group,
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Guidelines Group.
Maternity Guidelines Committee
Assessed and approved by the:
If approved by Committee or Governance Lead
Chair’s Action; 
Date of approval: 12/12/2018
Ratified by or reported as Clinical Standards Group and Clinical Safety
approved to (if applicable): and Effectiveness Sub-Board
To be reviewed before:
This document remains current after 25/08/2021
this date but will be under review
To be reviewed by: Charles Bircher
Reference and / or Trust Docs ID
Version No: 6.1
Amendment made to MEOWS chart as a
Description of changes: discrepancy was noticed with the diastolic BP, and
when to score for a low diastolic.
Compliance links: (is there any NICE NICE CG50 2007
related to guidance) NICE CG107 2010
If Yes - does the strategy/policy
deviate from the recommendations No
of NICE? If so why?

Clinical Guideline for: The use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS)
Author/s and Author/s title: C. Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Approved by: Maternity Guidelines Committee Date approved: 12/12/2018 Review date: 24/08/2021
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.1 Trust Docs ID: MID33/AO13 - 817 Page 1 of 7
Trust Guideline for the use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score
(MEOWS) in Detecting the Seriously Ill and Deteriorating Woman.

Quick reference guideline

The Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS) has been designed to allow
early recognition of physical deterioration in parturiate women by monitoring their
physiological parameters.. A score >0 triggers the use of a ‘call out cascade’ giving
specific instructions regarding level of monitoring, referral for advice, review, and
immediate actions to be considered (See appendix 2).


This is to provide guidance for staff within the maternity services on recognising and
monitoring the obstetric patient using the MEOWS chart. The aim is to enable early
recognition of deterioration; advice on the level of monitoring required, facilitate better
communication within the multidisciplinary team and ensure prompt management of
any women whose condition is deteriorating.


It is recognised that early recognition of critical illness, prompt involvement of senior

clinical staff and authentic multi-disciplinary team working remain the key factors in
providing high quality care to sick pregnant and postpartum women (MBRRACE

MEOWS is a way of formalising measurement of physiological variables. The values

of the observations are then translated into a summary score which has a critical
threshold, above which medical review and intervention is required (see appendix 2
MEOWS call out cascade). It is believed that small changes in the combined
physiological variables measured by MEOWS may pick up deterioration earlier than
an obvious change in an individual variable. Early detection will trigger subsequent
prompt intervention that will either reverse further physiological decline or facilitate
timely referral to appropriate personnel.

In the last two ‘Saving Mothers Lives’ reports substandard care was identified where
signs and symptoms were not recognised and acted upon. Both reports
recommended that a national Obstetric Early Warning Scoring system should be
introduced and used for all obstetric women, including those being cared for outside
the obstetric setting (CEMACH 2007, CMACE 2011).

Reduced or altered conscious level is not an early warning sign; it is a red flag
which indicates established illness (MBRRACE 2016)

The physiological changes of pregnancy may render the existing Early Warning
score (EWS) systems inappropriate, (Gopalan PD 2004) and no validated system for
use in the pregnant woman currently exists. Because of this, many maternity
hospitals have developed their own modified EWS system.

Clinical Guideline for: The use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS)
Author/s and Author/s title: C. Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Approved by: Maternity Guidelines Committee Date approved: 12/12/2018 Review date: 24/08/2021
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.1 Trust Docs ID: MID33/AO13 - 817 Page 2 of 7
Trust Guideline for the use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score
(MEOWS) in Detecting the Seriously Ill and Deteriorating Woman.

Appendix 1 shows the MEOWS adapted for use at the NNUH. These are adapted
from CEMACH 2007 which were studied in the validation study 2011 (Singh 2012).
However, to make consistency with rest of the hospital, a score rather than a
red/amber/green system is used.

The MEOWS is calculated by scoring the values of a full set of observations carried
out routinely by staff which include;

 Temperature
 Systolic blood pressure
 Diastolic blood pressure
 Heart rate
 Respiratory rate
 Level of consciousness using AVPU scale
 +/- urine output
A - Alert Alert and conscious
V - Voice Responds to voice
P - Pain Responds to pain
U - No response to voice or pain
It is the responsibility of the person carrying out the observations to alert the midwife
caring for the woman if the MEOWS score is 1 or more. If the MEOWS is 1-3, it is
then the responsibility of the midwife to decide if increased frequency of observations
or a medical review is needed. If the MEOWS ≥4, or 3 in any single parameter, the
midwife must initiate the call out cascade. This is explained in appendix 2.

Broad recommendations

The Process for use of MEOWS

 Every time a set of observations is performed on ante or post natal women,

MEOWS should be calculated and recorded in the hand held records or on the
observation chart as applicable.
 All women presenting to Triage/MAU who are having baseline observations
carried out should have a MEOWS calculated and documented.
 Women in active labour do not require regular MEOWS scoring.

 All obstetric inpatients must have a full set of observations and a MEOWS
calculated at every transfer to a new area (for example on transfer from
Recovery to Blakeney ward). The MEOWS chart used in one area should be
transferred with the patient to the next area in order to help identify changes in
trends of observations.

Clinical Guideline for: The use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS)
Author/s and Author/s title: C. Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Approved by: Maternity Guidelines Committee Date approved: 12/12/2018 Review date: 24/08/2021
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.1 Trust Docs ID: MID33/AO13 - 817 Page 3 of 7
Trust Guideline for the use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score
(MEOWS) in Detecting the Seriously Ill and Deteriorating Woman.

 Any woman who triggers a MEOWS of ≥ 4, or 3 in any one paraeter should

have their oxygen saturations recorded with each full set of observations.
 If you are concerned about a woman’s condition a MEOWS should be
attributed. If you are still concerned regardless of the MEOWS, seek advice.


Frequency of observations will depend on the nature of the admission or as indicated

by the lead clinician. As a minimum, a full set of observations should be carried out
twice daily at least 12 hours apart. MEOWS should be attributed to each of these
sets of observations.

Delivery Suite:

All women should have a set of observations and MEOWS recorded on admission to
Delivery Suite or to Triage/MAU. Currently women who are in labour need not have
MEOWS repeated. Regular observations should still be documented on the
partogram as usual.


The theatre care plan will be used in Recovery. The MEOWS chart should be
initiated in recovery by the recovery practitioner prior to transfer to midwifery care.
The last set of observations taken in recovery should be recorded on both the theatre
care and the MEOWS chart.


All women should have a full set of observations on admission to the postnatal ward
and should have this repeated a minimum of 12 hours apart. A MEOWS score
should be attributed to every set of observations.

The frequency of observations will depend on the nature of the admission or as

indicated by the lead practitioner.


A MEOWS should be attributed to every set of postnatal observations and

documented in the maternal records.
If MEOWS 1-3, observations should be repeated within 30 minutes. If the score
remains >0, the midwife should contact Delivery Suite or A/E depending on the likely
cause. If a MEOWS ≥4, or 3 in any single parameter, the midwife does not need to
wait for a repeat MEOWS before contacting the hospital.
Regardless of MEOWS if you are concerned about a woman’s condition, do not
hesitate to seek advice.

Management of patients in response to MEOWS

Clinical Guideline for: The use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS)
Author/s and Author/s title: C. Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Approved by: Maternity Guidelines Committee Date approved: 12/12/2018 Review date: 24/08/2021
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.1 Trust Docs ID: MID33/AO13 - 817 Page 4 of 7
Trust Guideline for the use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score
(MEOWS) in Detecting the Seriously Ill and Deteriorating Woman.

The call out cascade (see appendix 2) sets out the action to be taken in response to
individual MEOWS. This should be followed to ensure the appropriate clinicians are
called and appropriate management and care is undertaken. All actions taken must
be clearly documented in the handheld records along with a plan of care.

Summary of development and consultation process undertaken before

registration and dissemination

This guideline has been updated by C Bircher (Consultant Obstetrician) after

discussion with the anaesthetic lead for Obstetrics (Jon Francis) and the Lead for the
Trust R+R committee (M Irvine – consultant Anaesthetist)

References/ source documents

MBRRACE-UK (2016) Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care

NICE (2007) Acutely Ill patients in hospital: recognition of and response to acute
illness in adults in hospital (clinical guideline 50). London.

NICE (2010) Hypertension in pregnancy. The management of hypertensive disorders

in pregnancy. (Clinical guideline107) London

Lewis G. (ed) 2007. The confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health
(CEMACH) Saving Mothers’ Lives: reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood
safer - 2003-2005. The Seventh Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal
Deaths in the United Kingdom. London: CEMACH

Centre for Maternal and Child enquiries (CEMACE). Saving mothers lives: reviewing
maternal deaths to make motherhood safer 2006-08. The Eighth Report on
Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom BJOG 2011

National Patient Safety Agency (2007a) Recognising and Responding Appropriately

to Early Signs of Deterioration in Hospitalised Patients. London: NPSA.

Maternal collapse in pregnancy and puerperium RCOG green top guideline NO: 56,
January 2011

Gopalan PD, Muckhart DJ. The critically ill obstetric patient: what’s the score? Int J
Obstet Anesth 2004; 13:144–5.

Singh S, McGlennan A, England A, Simons R. A validation study of the CEMACH

recommended modified early obstetric warning system (MEOWS)*. Anaesthesia
2012, 67, 12–18

Clinical Guideline for: The use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS)
Author/s and Author/s title: C. Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Approved by: Maternity Guidelines Committee Date approved: 12/12/2018 Review date: 24/08/2021
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.1 Trust Docs ID: MID33/AO13 - 817 Page 5 of 7
Trust Guideline for the use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score
(MEOWS) in detecting the seriously ill and deteriorating woman.

Appendix 1

Clinical Guideline for: The use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS)
Author/s and Author/s title: C. Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Approved by: Maternity Guidelines Committee Date approved: 28/06/2018 Review date: 28/06/2021
Available via Trust Docs Version: 5 Trust Docs ID: MID33/AO13 - 817 Page 6 of 7
Trust Guideline for the use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score
(MEOWS) in Detecting the Seriously Ill and Deteriorating Woman.

Appendix 2

Modified early Obstetric Warning Score Call-Out-Cascade

Clinical Guideline for: The use of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS)
Author/s and Author/s title: C. Bircher, Consultant Obstetrician
Approved by: Maternity Guidelines Committee Date approved: 12/12/2018 Review date: 24/08/2021
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.1 Trust Docs ID: MID33/AO13 - 817 Page 7 of 7

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