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Cleanse 14day Program

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1 4 –Day Inner Beauty

Skin Cleanse Program

CLEANSE Inner Beauty BEN EFITS O F CLEANSE It then either sends these processed and heal from the inside out.
chemicals to the bowels to be excreted
powder is a comprehensive, 1. CLEANSE supports phase 2 via faeces or sends them to the body’s
ƌɄ # Ʉ ) Ũ/.Ʉ*!Ʉ+-*$*/$.Ʉ- ƈ
detoxification and elimination.
nutrient-rich, naturally If you think of the liver as the body’s washing
other elimination organs. ƌɄ # 4Ʉ$- /'4Ʉ) 0/-'$. Ʉ1-$*0.Ʉ# ($'.Ʉ
fermented super-greens machine, there are two cleansing ‘cycles’ ƌɄ $) 4.ƈɄ# 4ɄŨ'/ -Ʉ/# Ʉ'**Ʉ)Ʉ 3- / Ʉ
and toxins, which means they don’t have to
be processed through the liver, thus easing
supplement that gives your called phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification toxins via urine.
the burden on the liver.
pathways. These pathways are responsible
body a power-hit of Certified for the detoxification and excretion of various
ƌɄ 0)".ƈɄ. *0.Ʉ2./ .Ʉ)Ʉ/*3$).Ʉ- Ʉ
ƌɄ # 4Ʉ()0!/0- Ʉ.*( Ʉ1$/($).Ʉ
eliminated through exhalation.
Organic alkalising foods to chemicals, hormones, toxins, pathogens (B2, B3, B12, biotin, folic acid, vitamin K),
help you gently detox your and allergenic food substances (salicylates, ƌɄ &$)ƈɄŮ$''4Ʉ/# Ʉ*4Ɩ.Ʉ'-" ./Ʉ*-")ƇɄ which are essential for the liver’s role in
histamines, amines, sulphites, glutamates) our skin eliminates both water and fat- detoxification and methylation.
skin and body effectively from the body in two ways. Put simply, the soluble substances through sweat and
ƌɄ # 4Ʉ$)- . Ʉ "Ʉ' 1 '.Ʉ$)Ʉ/# Ʉ"0/ƇɄ2#$#Ʉ
and naturally. phase 1 detoxification pathway converts sebum. Commonly described as the third
are needed for a healthy gut wall. A healthy
toxic chemicals in the body into less harmful kidney or the second liver, the skin is
gut wall has a protective coating of mucous
chemicals, while the phase 2 detoxification the organ that picks up the slack if the
and friendly flora, however, if this paste
While CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder pathway renders toxins and chemicals less kidneys or liver are overloaded and under-
is stripped away, the gut wall is easily
works to support the body’s detoxification harmful to the body by having the liver functioning. The skin then tries to push out
damaged and can become ‘leaky’. A leaky
processes on the inside to promote team up with another substance, primarily wastes and toxins through skin cells, which
gut allows harmful substances (microbes,
smoother, clearer skin on the outside, sulfur-containing amino acids. Ingredients in many cases is the underlying cause of
wastes, toxins, undigested foods) to seep
the best results happen when you in CLEANSE, such as broccoli, beetroot, certain skin conditions.
across it into the tissue and blood, which
combine CLEANSE with diet and lifestyle kale, barley grass, rosemary, St Mary’s thistle,
2. CLEANSE also supports the skin through then must go to the liver for further
modifications. That’s why we’ve put together dandelion and barley grass, all contain
its unique blend of powerful herbs and processing – thus placing more burden
The Beauty Chef’s 14-Day Skin Cleanse crucial components that support the liver’s
our exclusive bio-fermentation process. onto the liver.
programme. Packed with health and phase 2 detoxification pathways.
nutrition tips, meal inspirations, digestion Fermented foods provide beneficial ƌɄ -*$*/$.Ʉ*)/$)Ʉ )54( .Ʉ'' Ʉ
The good news is, not only does CLEANSE
guidelines and tasty recipes, this exclusive prebiotics and probiotics that support the short-chain fatty acids that turn soluble
Inner Beauty Powder and the 14-Day Skin
14-day programme helps you to optimise detoxification and elimination pathways fibre into a mucous-like gel that soothes,
Cleanse support the liver and the phase 1
the benefits and boost your results. of the body. Many of the ingredients in lubricates and feeds the bowels. CLEANSE
and 2 elimination pathways, the programme
CLEANSE are fermented using our unique Inner Beauty powder is rich in probiotics,
also supports all the other elimination
FLORA CULTURE fermentation process prebiotics and soluble fibre, which
channels of the body, including:
(which nourishes the gut’s good flora) naturally helps the elimination process.
ƌɄ $1 -ƈɄ#$.Ʉ$.Ʉ/# Ʉ*4Ɩ.Ʉ#$ !Ʉ /*3$Ũ/$*)Ʉ and this creates a formula that is rich in
Why anti-oxidants are important
organ and it neutralises wastes and toxins naturally occurring prebiotics, probiotics
when you cleanse:
using the two-phase detoxification system. and anti-oxidants, which help to cleanse



ƌɄ )/$Ɲ*3$)/.Ʉ- Ʉ-0$'Ʉ/*Ʉ"**Ʉ.&$)Ʉ# '/#Ʉ ƌɄ 0)Ʉ 3+*.0- Ʉ$.Ʉ/# Ʉ.&$)Ɩ.Ʉ ) (4Ʉ 0. Ʉ*!Ʉ Ʉ  ɄɄɄɄ  is an overload of toxins within the body and
and beauty because of their anti-inflammatory the potent free-radical damage it causes in the CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder and the 14-Day
dermis. The anti-oxidants found in CLEANSE CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder is a gentle Skin Cleanse may be helpful in supporting
benefits. All skin conditions/problems have
help protect against the free radicals caused by yet powerful way to support the body’s the body’s detox and elimination pathways to
inflammation as a central problem – acne,
sun exposure. detoxification and elimination pathways. Listed provide relief for many of these ailments.
5 (ƇɄ+- (/0- Ʉ" $)"ɄƞɄ)Ʉ4Ʉ- 0$)"Ʉ
below are some common signs and symptoms
inflammation, anti-oxidants help to calm the
that may indicate it’s time to implement our 14-
skin while reducing redness, irritation and
Day Skin Cleanse regime for the skin and whole
ƌɄ )/$Ɲ*3$)/.Ʉ# '+Ʉ+- 1 )/Ʉ+- (/0- Ʉ" $)"ƆɄ TH E 14-DAY SKIN CLEANSE?
Anyone who wants to improve the integrity ƌɄ &$)Ʉ#)" .ƈɄ'&$)"ƇɄ$/#$)"ƇɄ-.# .ƇɄ+$(+' .ƇɄ
Wrinkles are a product of free-radical damage and health of their skin, particularly anyone You can undertake the 14-Day Skin Cleanse at
psoriasis, rosacea, flushing, dull-looking skin,
and anti-oxidants help to keep these in check. who does ANY of the following: any time for a gentle way to support the body’s
dehydrated skin that has lost its elasticity and
Our body produces a large range of varying detox and elimination pathways, especially
ƌɄ -$)&.Ʉ'*#*' spring, flaking nails, brittle dry hair.
free radicals, so it’s important to have a broad if you can relate to any of the skin and body
spectrum of anti-oxidants to counteract the ƌɄ *).0( .Ʉ.0"- ƌɄ  ) -'Ʉ!/$"0 Ʉ)Ʉ"-*""$) ..Ʉ*)Ʉ2&$)"ƈɄ symptoms listed previously. You can do the
damage. Despite having more than seven hours sleep. 14-Day Skin Cleanseonce to twice per year
ƌɄ *).0( .Ʉ2#$/ Ɲū*0-Ʉ+-*0/.Ʉ*-Ʉ!-$ Ʉ!**.
ƌɄ /Ɩ.Ʉ+- ! -' Ʉ/*Ʉ" /Ʉ)/$Ɲ*3$)/.Ʉ!-*(Ʉ!**Ɲ ƌɄ /-*)"Ʉ*4Ʉ**0-.ƈɄɄ- /#ƇɄ.( ''4Ʉ0-$) ƇɄ for an intense clean out and while spring is
based supplements because in nature, anti- ƌɄ (*& .Ʉ$"- // .ɄƧ 1 )ɄųɄ+ -Ʉ4ƨɄ smelly body odour, foul-smelling stools. generally thought of as the ideal time to do a
oxidants are never single components. Instead, or is exposed to passive smoking cleanse, you can do the programme at any time
they are found alongside a vast array of other ƌɄ /''$Ʉ/./ Ʉ$)Ʉ/# Ʉ(*0/#ƈɄ-Ʉ(*0/#Ʉ0' -.Ʉ of the year. There’s no time like the present to
ƌɄ -$)&.Ʉ0)Ũ'/ - Ʉ2/ - and/or frequent nose bleeds.
anti-oxidants that all work synergistically to take charge of your health and our 14-Day Skin
neutralise the large amounts of free radicals ƌɄ  "0'-'4Ʉ0. .Ʉ+#-( 0/$'Ʉ( $/$*). Cleanse is designed to work in both warm and
ƌɄ $" ./$1 Ʉ$..0 .ƈɄ'*/$)"ƇɄū/0' ) ƇɄ
our body produces every day. Free radicals cool weather. In the cooler months, choose more
ƌɄ $1 .Ʉ$)ɄɄ$/4Ʉ indigestion, undigested food in stools, reflux,
are a natural by-product of our body’s many of the broths and soups to support your cleanse,
allergies, intolerances, constipation, diarrhoea,
internal functions and are also produced by ƌɄ 3 -$. .Ʉ) -ɄɄ($)Ʉ-* while go for the smoothie options during the
the chemicals present in the food we eat, warmer months.
ƌɄ 2$(.Ʉ$)Ʉ#'*-$)/ Ʉ2/ - ƌɄ - ,0 )/Ʉ# # .ƈɄ-Ʉ($"-$) .ƇɄ$).*()$ƇɄ
the pollutants we breathe and the toxins we
absorb through our skin, thus making anti- ƌɄ /.Ʉ. !**Ʉ)ɄŨ.#ɄƧ( -0-4Ʉ$)/& ƨ muscle pain and weakness.
oxidants vital to good health and beautiful skin. ƌɄ  & ) Ʉ$((0)$/4ƈɄ- ,0 )/Ʉ*'.Ʉ)Ʉū0.Ʉ
CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder gives you /#/Ʉ(4Ʉ Ʉ$Ů0'/Ʉ/*Ʉ.#& ƆɄ
a potent and reliable source of anti-oxidants
to neutralise the toxins we are consistently Many of these symptoms could be indicative
exposed to. of other health conditions, so it’s important to
seek medical advice if you are experiencing
any of the above. A common cause, however,




The 14-Day Skin Cleanse aims to improve If you would like to further the benefits you
the health and appearance of your skin, as experience both during and after the 14-Day
well as resolve many common skin and hair Skin Cleanse, the programme is very safe to
problems by addressing the root causes: poor continue for longer. In fact, you will gain even
diet, digestion, elimination and hydration. more benefits and improved skin health if the
Some of the benefits you may experience programme is followed for 28 days. To support
include: your body on an ongoing basis, you can take
5-7gms of CLEANSE daily.
ƌɄ ' - -Ʉ.&$)Ʉ/#/Ʉ$.Ʉ' ..Ʉ- /$1 ƇɄ'( -Ʉ
and less inflamed.
ƌɄ Ʉ. ). Ʉ*!Ʉ ) -"4Ʉ)Ʉ1$/'$/4Ʉ/#-*0"#*0/Ʉ/# Ʉ
day and on waking.
ƌɄ ' - -Ʉ/#$)&$)"ƇɄɄ.#-+ -Ʉ( (*-4Ʉ)Ʉ(*- Ʉ
stable moods and emotions.


14-Day Inner Beauty Skin Cleanse Programme

Every day, we shower and

brush our teeth to look and
promote healthy skin by utilising power
$)"- $ )/.Ʉ'$& Ʉ#$&+ .ƇɄ50&$Ʉ ).ƇɄ
“ Beauty
mung beans, lentils and organic sprouted  ɄɄ Ʉ Ʉ
feel our best on the outside, pea powder, which provides fibre to help
the elimination process and remove toxins Prebiotics and probiotics support
but we often forget that our
insides need a little TLC,
so they are not re-absorbed back into
the blood stream. Additionally, broccoli,
elimination and detoxification in a number
of ways. This is why we believe Cleanse to in the
too. That’s why we created be the perfect choice for a Skin Cleanse
beetroot, kale, rosemary, St Mary’s Thistle,
dandelion, spinach, nettle, lemon, collared as it combines both good bacteria and
CLEANSE Inner Beauty greens and a unique phyto-greens blend detoxifying nutrients. How do friendly
Powder - an innovative super- (including spirulina and barley grass) bacteria help the skin and promote
greens detoxifying supplement work to support the liver’s second phase
of detoxification, while a super-blast of
designed to purify your $" ./$1 Ʉ )54( .Ʉ)Ʉ$)0'$)Ʉ!-*(Ʉ
ƌɄ # 4Ʉ+-*(*/ Ʉ- "0'-Ʉ*2 'Ʉ
movements which is one of the body’s
body from the inside out. artichokes work as a digestive aid. main elimination pathways
While CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder ƌɄ # 4Ʉ$(+-*1 Ʉ/# Ʉ*1 -''Ʉ$)/ "-$/4Ʉ*!Ʉ/# Ʉ
works to support the body’s detoxification intestinal wall, which reduces the amount
Using a special blend of bio-fermented
processes on the inside to promote of toxins entering the bloodstream. Leaky
fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots, chlorella,
smoother, clearer skin on the outside, the gut is a condition that is believed to be a
+')/ɄŨ- ƇɄ+0-$!4$)"Ʉ# -.ƇɄ'&'$5$)"Ʉ
best results happen when you combine core issue for many common skin problems.
"- ).Ʉ)Ʉ$" ./$1 Ʉ )54( .ƇɄ)Ʉ+& Ʉ
CLEANSE with diet and lifestyle
with easy-to-digest naturally occurring ƌɄ # 4Ʉ$- /'4Ʉ) 0/-'$. Ʉ -/$)Ʉ/*3$).Ʉ)Ʉ
modifications. That’s why we’ve put
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and prevent them being absorbed into the body.
together The Beauty Chef’s 14-Day Skin
gut-healing prebiotics and probiotics,
CLEANSE programme. Packed with health ƌɄ # 4Ʉ# '+Ʉ/*Ʉ+-*0 Ʉ.#*-/Ʉ#$)Ʉ!//4Ʉ$.Ʉ
CLEANSE is a comprehensive, nutrient-
and nutrition tips, meal inspirations, (from the fermentation of dietary fiber)
rich, naturally fermented super-greens
digestion guidelines and tasty recipes, which improves the detox function of the
supplement that gives your body a
this exclusive 14-day programme helps you liver and skin
power-hit of Certified Organic alkalising
optimise the benefits and boost your results.
foods to help support your body’s natural
Happy cleansing!
detoxifying process. CLEANSE works
synergistically to give your body a shot
of anti-ageing, free-radical fighting
antioxidants that neutralise toxins and


Program Principles

Before we get started on the As for sugar, we need to avoid all forms of deep red foods, into your diet, as they alkaline broth is specifically designed for
sugar, except for some small quantities of are extremely high in anti-oxidants and an easy way to increase alkalising foods
actual plan, let’s first discuss natural sugars (see list for details). However, anti-inflammatory properties. Stock up into your diet while doing the 14-Day Skin
the goals and principles the less you have of these natural sugars on blueberries, dark cherries and purple CLEANSE.
behind the Cleanse and during the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE - the better. versions of common vegetables (broccoli,
5. Eat a varied diet with a wide range of
Try making a batch of the Chocolate balls carrots, sweet potato, cabbage, cauliflower
why it is successful at that has only a small handful of dates in and beetroot).
nutrients. We need a diverse diet that
stimulates the appetite, provides all the
improving skin health. the whole recipe. This way you will get
ƌɄ /$)"Ʉ+' )/4Ʉ*!Ʉ-&Ʉ"- )Ʉ' !4Ʉ1 " /' .Ʉ nutrients for healthy skin and whole body
satisfaction, without consuming to many of
every day during the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE health. Remember that the skin is a low
these popular sugar substitutes (that are still
(and for the rest of your life). priority in the body when it comes to vital
1. Avoid inflammatory foods. Low grade chronic high in fructose).
organs. If our diet is low in nutrients, the
inflammation is associated with all aspects of ƌɄ )'0$)"Ʉ.+$ .Ʉ.0#Ʉ.Ʉ/0-( -$Ʉ)Ʉ
2. Minimise free radical exposure. skin will be starved of essentials nutrients.
premature skin ageing and all common skin ginger into your meals, as both are very
Free radical damage is a major source of While doing the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE,
conditions. In fact, research is showing more anti-inflammatory.
inflammation. Free radicals are naturally try not to eat the same meals every day.
and more, that inflammation is associated formed in the body as a by-product of ƌɄ -$)&$)"Ʉ"- )Ʉ/ ƇɄ2#$#Ʉ*)/$).Ʉ)/$Ɲ We have given you plenty of options and
with almost every disease process known metabolism, but they can also be left behind inflammatory substances. You can have two varieties to increase your nutrient intake.
to us, especially the lifestyle influenced by alcohol, diet (sugar, fried foods, burnt and cups per day.
conditions such as cardiovascular disease, 6. Avoid foods you are allergic or intolerant to.
charred foods), cigarette smoke, pollution,
diabetes and cancer. 4. Increase alkalising foods. A popular concept If you know a food causes your skin to flare
environmental chemicals, pesticides and the
in natural medicine is that of acid and up, then avoid it, regardless of whether it’s
Our diet is a major source of chronic low sun’s radiation (even in winter). The most
alkaline balance. We are constantly reading listed in the Allowed column.
grade inflammation to our skin. And the two effective way to counteract them is with anti-
that we should eat more alkalising foods
most inflammatory foods that play havoc with oxidants. The 14 Day Skin CLEANSE helps 7. Avoid common skin and gut irritants
and less acidic foods. But what exactly
our skin are damaged oils/fats and sugar (in to eliminate the formation of free radicals such as wheat and dairy. Wheat and
does this mean? Foods are classified as
particular concentrated fructose and sucrose). in the first place, as well as increasing dairy are to be avoided during the 14-Day
acidic, neutral or alkalising depending
This is why the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE antioxidants. Skin CLEANSE. This is because they are
on whether they break down to acids or
programme removes these two substances considered to be inflammatory foods for
3. Increase anti-inflammatory, alkalising bicarbonates during digestion.
so that your skin has a chance to heal and the skin and gut. Wheat contains two
anti-oxidant foods. By eating plenty of While both healthy acid foods (animal
rejuvenate. inflammatory substances called gluten
anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant foods, meats, fish, legumes, grains) and alkaline
and lectins that studies have shown to
Safe oils and fats have been listed in the we help to combat and reverse the damage foods (vegetables, some fruits) are essential
increase gut permeability (leaky gut) and
Table (page 6). Please be diligent in avoiding caused by inflammation and free radicals. for good health, many skin conditions are
chronic low grade inflammation. Leaky gut
all other fats and oils. If it isn’t listed in the This includes: associated with an overly acidic diet. The
is a condition in the gut lining in which
Allowed table, then please don’t consume it 14 day skin CLEANSE diet includes lots of
ƌɄ $)"Ʉ+' )/4Ʉ*!Ʉ*'*0-!0'Ʉ!-0$/.Ʉ)Ʉ substances leak across the gut wall and
during the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE programme. alkalising vegetables that help re-balance
vegetables, in particular purple, blue and enter the blood stream and then set up
the body’s tissues and skin cells. The
inflammatory and immune based reactions.
Program Principles

This process is associated with many types ƌɄ Ʉ./"" -$)"Ʉ)0( -Ʉ*!Ʉ/*+$'Ʉ/*3$).Ʉ- Ʉ - Use a natural bristled brush ƌɄ $"#/Ʉ 3 -$. Ʉ/*Ʉ./$(0'/ Ʉ/# Ʉ'4(+#/$.ƆɄ
*!Ʉ.&$)Ʉ*)$/$*).Ʉ$)'0$)"Ʉ 5 (ƆɄ$-4Ʉ found in personal care and hygiene products (can be found at health food stores). Each day during the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE,
also contains two inflammatory substances and beauty products. It’s a great idea to Avoid synthetic or nylon brushes or ensure that you do some moderate exercise
– lactose and casein. Again, studies show that avoid these chemicals at all times, but gloves as they’re too sharp and can each day such as walking. The lymphatic
many people react to these components of especially during the 14-Day Skin damage the skin. system needs to movement to stimulate the
dairy and this is also associated with many CLEANSE. Our skin is a primary site of flow of lymph fluid. And one of the major
- Start with the soles of your feet, use swift
skin conditions including acne. For these absorption of chemicals into the body so roles of lymph fluid is to remove wastes and
upward strokes and brush from the feet,
reasons we recommend that you avoid please be mindful of what you use. This toxins from every cell in the body.
up the legs, working towards your heart.
dairy and wheat while doing the 14 day skin website is a great resource as it allows you
CLEANSE. to search ingredients found in common - Once you’ve covered your lower body,
skin care products - move to your hands and work up your
8. Reduce chemical exposure as much as
skindeep/ arms toward your heart in the same
possible. In order to eliminate the toxic load
on your body as much as possible, minimise ƌɄ 04$)"Ʉ -/$Ũ Ʉ*-")$Ʉ.&)- ɄƧ -$)"Ʉ
your exposure to toxic chemicals wherever a logo) gives you assurance of clean and - Next (using a long handle brush or get
possible during the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE. green skincare. your partner to help out), brush your back.
Toxic chemicals can be found all through the
9. Support elimination channels - Lastly, work on your abdomen (moving
home, foods and environment. Obviously we
where ever possible: in a clockwise direction to follow the
can’t avoid them completely, but there are
movement of the colon), chest and neck.
simple things that we can do to minimise our ƌɄ *2 'Ʉ(*/$*).ƈɄ#$' Ʉ*$)"Ʉ)4Ʉ&$)Ʉ*!Ʉ
It’s best to avoid your face as most
exposure. cleanse, it’s important to keep the bowels
people’s facial skin is too sensitive.
moving regularly, as this is the main way to
ƌɄ /Ʉ*-")$Ʉ!**Ʉ2# - 1 -Ʉ+*..$' ƆɄ)Ʉ
expel waste and toxins from your body. If - Brush for about 2-3 minutes until your
scrub and peel any produce that isn’t organic,
you’re finding your bowel movements are a skin is rosy and slightly tingly.
and wash your veggies in filtered water.
little sluggish, drink warm water rather than
- Always shower after you dry brush to
ƌɄ -$)&Ʉ*)'4ɄŨ'/ - Ʉ2/ -ƆɄ+Ʉ2/ -Ʉ*)/$).Ʉ cold or room-temperature water, incorporate
wash off the dead skin.
heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride and other chia seeds and freshly ground flaxseed into
chemicals added in water purification and your diet and exercise regularly. - Keep a separate dry brush for every
storage processes; domestic, agricultural member of the family, and be sure to
ƌɄ &$)Ʉ-0.#$)"ƈɄ)Ʉ Ŧ /$1 Ʉ24Ʉ/*Ʉ$(+-*1 Ʉ
and industrial pollutants as well as personal periodically wash it.
lymphatic flow, eliminate toxins and help
hygiene and pharmaceutical medications.
banish cellulite is dry skin brushing:
Bottled water is packed into plastic containers
that can leach potentially harmful chemicals - It’s best to dry brush first thing in the
into the water, especially when left for an morning before you shower. Start with
extended period or in the sun. light pressure until you’re used to the
sensation, then move on to firmer strokes.
How to make the most of your 14-Day Skin Cleanse programme

 //$)"Ʉ/# Ʉ ./Ʉ- .0'/.Ʉ ƌɄ ) Ʉ4*0Ɩ1 ɄŨ)$.# Ʉ4*0-Ʉ/2*Ɲ4Ʉ+- +ƇɄ ƌɄ & Ʉ1 " /' .Ʉ)Ʉ.'.ɄŷŲƝŹŲǘɄ*!Ʉ4*0-Ʉ ƌɄ  + )$)"Ʉ*)Ʉ/# Ʉ. .*)Ʉ$)Ʉ2#$#Ʉ4*0Ʉ
you’re ready to start the 14-Day Skin plate at lunch and dinner. do the CLEANSE programme, try to have
possible from your 14-Day CLEANSE. Firstly, increase the dose of at least one liquid meal per day. If you are
ƌɄ  Ʉ( /Ʉ.#*0'Ʉ Ʉ1*$ Ʉ$!Ʉ4*0-Ʉ.&$)Ʉ
Skin CLEANSE programme CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder to 10gms
is inflamed or irritated. Some people can
doing this cleanse in warm weather, go for a
means making a few diet daily, either as one full morning dose or smoothie meal per day. If you are cleansing
choose to have organic red meat – once per
divided into two doses taken morning during cooler weather, then enjoy at least
and lifestyle adjustments. and night. In addition, follow the dietary
week only.
one soup daily.
We’ve set out below a list guidelines of the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE, ƌɄ **&Ʉ- /$1 '4ƆɄ '*2Ʉ- ɄɄ)0( -Ʉ*!Ʉ
ƌɄ '&'$) Ʉ-*/#Ʉ$.Ʉ ) Ũ$'Ʉ/*Ʉ.)&Ʉ*)Ʉ
which also include the guidelines of the 2 meal suggestions that follow the principles
of simple steps you can take day prep, but with further restrictions – see from Table A. You can change them any
throughout the day as a liquid drink
to enhance the benefits of Table A for foods Allowed and foods to be way you like, so long as they stay within the
(in any kind of weather). Try and have
two cups daily.
the CLEANSE detox for avoided during the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE. guidelines.
ƌɄ -*0' Ʉ.#**/$)"ƈɄ !Ʉ4*0Ʉ*Ʉ 3+ -$ ) Ʉ.$ Ʉ
maximum skin benefits. ƌɄ '24.Ʉ./-/Ʉ4*0-Ʉ4Ʉ2$/#ɄɄ'-" Ʉ"'..Ʉ*!Ʉ ƌɄ - +- Ʉ4*0-Ʉ( '.Ʉ/Ʉ#*( Ʉ2# - 1 -Ʉ
effects at the initial stages of the CLEANSE
2-(ɄŨ'/ - Ʉ2/ -ƇɄ$)"ɄɄ.,0 5 Ʉ*!Ʉ possible. Although it may not be always
programme (such as headaches, pimples,
fresh lemon juice if you wish. realistic to eat home prepared meals, try and
fatigue, extra body odour) these are simply
minimise eating out as much as possible.
ƌɄ +Ʉ' ɄɄƧ '*2ƨɄ#)4Ʉ/Ʉ''Ʉ/$( .Ʉ.*Ʉ ƌɄ *''*2Ʉ2$/#Ʉ $/# -ɄɄ#'!Ʉ*-Ʉ!0''Ʉ*. Ʉ*!Ʉ signs that the programme is working.
When we eat out, we have far less control
you know which foods you can enjoy while CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder mixed into You can either go back to the PREP stage
over the salt, sugar, additives and types of
on the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE and which a glass of filtered water. and do it for longer and then start the
fat that are used in the cooking process.
foods to avoid. 14-Day Skin CLEANSE again, or you can
ƌɄ $/Ʉ/Ʉ' ./ɄųŲɄ($)0/ .Ʉ !*- Ʉ /$)"Ʉ Ideally, do the 14-Day Skin CLEANSE
soldier on. If in doubt, please contact us
ƌɄ . Ʉ$)/*Ʉ/# ɄųŶƝ4Ʉ&$)Ʉ Ʉ2$/#Ʉ breakfast. programme at a time when you are able
a two-day preparation to prime your body: to block off your calender and avoid social
ƌɄ '24.Ʉ /Ʉ/#- Ʉ( '.Ʉ+ -Ʉ4Ʉ/*Ʉ($)/$)Ʉ
reduce caffeine to 1 cup daily; no alcohol; events as much as possible. In other words,
energy levels.
no white-flour products; no sugar; no don’t pick a fortnight that you have lots of
processed foods or fast foods. By doing this, ƌɄ '24.Ʉ-$)&Ʉ/Ʉ' ./Ʉ/#- Ʉ'$/- .Ʉ*!ɄŨ'/ - Ʉ social events on.
the CLEANSE programme won’t shock your water while cleansing to maintain optimum
ƌɄ )%*4Ʉ*0-Ʉ- $+ .ƆɄ# - Ʉ- Ʉ- $+ .Ʉ/Ʉ/# Ʉ
system and you are less likely to have side hydration levels and to flush out your
end of this booklet that will give you a few
effects such as fatigue, headaches and skin bowels.
new ideas and ways to cook foods that will
ƌɄ (+-*1 Ʉ4*0-Ʉ$" ./$*)Ʉ4Ʉ!*''*2$)"Ʉ/# Ʉ enhance your cleanse, but these can also be
ƌɄ 0-$)"Ʉ/# Ʉ/2*Ɲ4Ʉ+- +ƇɄ/& ɄɄ- 0 Ʉ guidelines at this end of this booklet. mixed around to suit your personal tastes
dose of CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder Remember, you are what you eat and also and to fit in with your life schedule.
(4gms daily). what you absorb from your food.


DI E TA RY GU I DE L I N E S Use this table as a reference guide for the foods allowed and foods 09
to avoid. You can simply make your own meals based on this list
Table A and the principles below. I have also included meal ideas and some
recipes for you to follow if you wish. You can also use your own
recipes and meal ideas so long as they follow these guidelines.


  All vegetables are allowed (except Canned and dried vegetables FRUIT Lemon All other fruits
for those listed in the Avoid column) Corn Lime All dried fruits
- steamed, raw, stir-fried, baked
Potato 2 of the following allowed daily: ½ All fruit juices
Freshly squeezed vegetable juices cup berries (such as raspberries,
Mushrooms Melons
(no added fruits other than berries, cherries, blackberries, blueberries)
lemons or limes) Pickled vegetables (in vinegar) Grapes
that are fresh or frozen (must be
Consume fresh, organic vegetables organic if frozen); 1 apple, nectarine, Mangoes
when possible. Frozen is OK peach, apricot, plum, ¼ papaya Bananas
-$). Gluten Free grains Wheat and all wheat products.
Non-organic vegetables need to be
(quinoa, millet, buckwheat) Kamut
scrubbed well and/or peeled.
Spelt* (Sour dough spelt bread, Rye
If you can’t get organic carrots,
pasta) – small amounts only
sweet potato and broccoli, eliminate Barley
them from your diet during the Soy flour
cleanse. Organic rolled oats* – small
amounts (oats need to be soaked
MEATS/ Fish – fresh only (pay attention to Processed meats overnight before cooking/eating)
PROTEIN the fish and seafood on the Avoid Deli meats, like ham, Brown or basmati rice (max of 1/3
list). Choose wild caught, deep sea, sausages, bacon, etc. cup cooked with a meal)
cold water oily fish when possible –
Seafood (prawns, Sprouted essene bread.
sardines are ideal.
oysters, lobster, crab etc) *If you are on a gluten free diet, then
Canned fish: avoid these two grains. OR, if you
Processed fish products
sardines, red salmon only experience any bloating from these two
(smoked salmon, fish grains, then also avoid them.
Fresh salmon (Huon brand only) fingers etc)
Chicken, turkey – free range or Swordfish, king mackerel, Legumes Tempeh Textured vegetable protein
organic. tile fish, flake, shark, orange Tofu (no more than once a week) (TVP)
Red meat: can be eaten once per roughy, tuna) Chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, Soy milk, yoghurt, cheese.
week if desired (lean lamb is the best Canned tuna cannellini beans, butter beans, Soy flour
option, lean beef is OK, but not if you aduki beans, black beans, (no Soy oil
have an inflamed skin condition). more than ½ cup per day). Soak
Organic meat is preferable, but if not beans overnight before cooking to
possible, try for grass-fed. netralise anti-nutrients.


Table A


Eggs Organic eggs – preferably poached Non-organic eggs Nuts Walnuts, almonds, macadamia, Peanuts
or boiled. You may scramble them hazelnuts. Cashews are allowed, but Pistachios
or make omelettes occasionally. not daily. Brazils need to be kept to
Roasted, dry roasted
a limit of four daily.
Dairy & Plain, unsweetened yoghurt (sheep Milk: cow, soy, rice, oat Salted
Seeds: pumpkin,
alternatives or goat preferably) All cheese, including chedder, sunflower, chia, hemp
A small amount of plain cow’s parmesan, hard, ricotta, feta
All nuts and seeds must be raw
yoghurt (if tolerated) Flavoured yoghurt and unsalted
Goat’s and sheep’s cheese (small Cream, sour cream, ice-cream Ensure your nuts and seeds are as
amounts weekly)
fresh as possible – don’t buy in
Almond milk (unsweetened) large bags. Always keep in the
Coconut milk, cream and water fridge or freezer.
Fats and oils Avocado (not bruised) Margarine Nuts should be limited to
10 per serve.
Butter (grass fed/organic only) Deep fried foods
Extra virgin olive oil Re-heated oils Flavourings, Apple-cider vinegar Mayonnaise
(do not heat or use for cooking) Vegetable oils (including condiments Fresh lemon and lime juice Prepared salad dressings,
Rice bran oil (the best oil for high sunflower, safflower, corn, soy) and spreads Tamari sauce and shoyu spreads and sauces
temp cooking but keep below Peanut oil Salad dressing of extra virgin olive Tomato and BBQ sauces
250 degrees). Use sparingly and oil and fresh lemon/lime juice Mustard
Sesame oil
Any other oil not listed in the Fresh herbs, garlic, ginger, chilli Soy sauce
Extra virgin coconut oil
Allowed column. Himalayan pink salt Vinegars (except ACV)
(extra virgin is less stable than
or Celtic sea salt Jam, peanut butter, Vegemite,
refined coconut oil, so be careful
with keeping cooking temps from Freshly ground pepper commercial spreads, cheese
reaching too high). Organic tamari spreads
Macadamia oil (OK for low-temp Raw cacao powder
Cold pressed flaxseed in small
amounts as a daily supplement if
you wish (NOT for cooking)
Cook with coconut oil and ghee


Table A


Food additives/ Herbs and seasonings listed above Preservatives Processed foods Some foods can be bought ready- Processed junk foods
flavourings in the Allowed column. Additives made, such as hummus, nut Unhealthy fast foods (see Meal
spreads and healthy dips. Just plans for healthy take away
make sure they don’t contain any options)
Flavourings preservatives, colourings, additives,
Convenience meals, frozen
200 numbers (sulphites) flavours, sugars etc.
meals, sweets that contain
600 numbers (MSG) sucrose.
Methods of Steam Fried
Yeast extracts
Cooking Raw Deep fried
Sweeteners Stevia Artificial sweeteners Lightly boiled High heat roasting/baking
A little raw organic honey Agave Baked/roasted (at low temps) BBQ (if food is blackened and
A little organic maple syrup or Table sugar charred)
black-strap molasses (limit of 1 tsp Corn syrup
Fruit sweeteners
Snacks made with small quantity
of organic dates (see raw Chocolate
Balls in Snacks)

Beverages Filtered water Tap water

Green tea (max two cups daily) Bottled water
Herbal teas Soft drinks
NOTE: If you must have coffee, Alcohol
choose organic and black or with Cordial
almond milk and no added sugar or
Coffee, black tea
Ideally, try and go without.



(see Beauty Chef website for recipe) Any from the ‘Allowed’ grains listed in the
Beauty Skin Cleanse, it’s vital Only have these occasionally and make
table with protein only.
to have a protein-rich breakfast This BODY Inner Beauty Powder protein sure the oats have been soaked overnight
shake can be made with filtered water, Protein toppings for toast: and are organic (see page 15 for recipe).
within the first 30-60 minutes coconut water or almond milk and with Poached, boiled or scrambled eggs;
after waking to help keep 20gms of protein, it is a delicious breakfast hummus; tahini or nut spreads (almond,
your blood sugar balanced or snack. .# 2ƇɄ-5$'Ʉ)0/ɄƞɄ1$'' Ʉ!-*(Ʉ BE RRIES AND YOGHU RT
throughout the day. Below are supermarkets); avocado as a spread under
*($) Ʉ#'!ɄɄ0+Ʉ*!Ʉ!-*5 )Ʉ*-Ʉ
eggs or other protein toppings; canned
some healthy breakfast ideas to CHIA BERRY sardines, mackerel or red salmon (not
fresh berries with 2 tbsps of natural,
keep you feeling energised the unsweetened yoghurt or coconut yoghurt
COCONUT PUDD ING tuna); scrambled tofu with extra-virgin
with a sprinkling of allowed nuts and seeds.
whole day through. (see Beauty Chef website for recipe) *'$1 Ʉ*$'Ʉ-$55' Ʉ*)Ʉ/*+Ɔ
Although this is technically a pudding, it
makes a delicious breakfast pick-me-up,
plus you get a morning shot of probiotics
(see page 15 for recipe) A great protein-rich breakfast – add almost
and prebiotics, thanks to the addition of
any kind of vegetable and/or goat’s cheese
This smoothie is filling enough to be a  Ʉ )) -Ʉ 0/4Ʉ*2 -ƆɄ
or feta for a tasty addition (see Recipe
meal replacement, as long as there is a section). You can also add a piece of
protein component added. The Cleanse allowed bread/toast.
powder can also be added to this smoothie CWAD MUESLI
if you wish. (coconut, walnuts, apple, dates)
In a food processor, place 1 heaped
tablespoon of shredded coconut or 1 piece
of fresh coconut flesh; 20gm walnuts; 1
apple, cored and chopped, 1-2 organic dried
dates. Process until shredded – delicious
with a spoon of natural unsweetened
yoghurt or unsweetened almond milk.


Lunches & Dinners

It’s important to nourish your ƌɄ -*/ $)ƈ Always include protein and salads/ be more substantial (sweet potato, frittata with salad. Alternatively, lightly
vegetables at lunch and dinnertime. pumpkin and grains, such as quinoa, stir-fried vegetables with a protein, such as
body with healthy meals while amaranth, cous cous, buckwheat, millet, poultry, meat or tofu, makes for quick, easy
ƌɄ  " /' .Ʉ)Ʉ.'.ƈ Should make up
on the cleanse, so make sure /Ʉ' ./ɄŷŲƝŹŲǘɄ*!Ʉ4*0-Ʉ+'/ Ʉ/Ʉ'0)#Ʉ)Ʉ
brown rice etc?). meals as do casseroles and slow-cooked
you always eat lunch and stews. Consume red meat only once per
dinner - Salad dressing: use a base of extra-virgin
week; chicken and fish can be eaten more
dinner and never skip a meal. ƌɄ *(+' 3Ʉ-.ƈɄYou can include complex
Ʉ *'$1 Ʉ*$'Ʉ)Ʉ!- .#'4Ʉ.,0 5 Ʉ' (*)Ʉ%0$ Ʉ
and add any extras according to taste
carbohydrates from the Allowed list, but
(garlic, sea salt, pepper). ƌɄ /$)"Ʉ*0/ƈɄ0-$)"Ʉ/# ɄųŶɄ4Ʉ&$)Ʉ' ). ƇɄ
have them in combination with proteins and
Try to eat lunch within four hours of having cook and prepare as many meals from
salads/vegetables. ƌɄ )2$# .ƈ Limit your sandwich intake
breakfast and if that’s not feasible, reach scratch as possible. If you find you need
to one or two times per week while on the
for a protein-rich snack mid-morning (see ƌɄ '.ƈɄThere are many variations of salads to buy lunch or dinner, here are some
14 Day Skin Cleanse (some of the allowed
Snacks section) to keep you going. that you can make from scratch or buy pre- suggestions:
breads will only be suitable for toasting).
made. Here is a simple guide to building
Try to have dinner around six hours after When choosing a sandwich, go for one with - Fish: Choose grilled fish only. Battered or
a salad that contains all the required
having your lunch, however if that doesn’t fit a high-protein filling, contains good fats, crumbed is always deep-fried and should
components or choosing one that fits with
into your schedule, eat a protein-rich snack such as canned salmon or sardines or free be avoided. Eat with a salad.
the cleanse requirements:
in the afternoon to keep your energy levels range eggs and add lots of salad leaves and
- Thai and Asian foods: The biggest
up, and try to finish eating dinner at least - Use a base of raw, green leafy vegetables vegetables.
problem is the sauces (they usually
two hours before going to bed. (try mixed salad leaves, including English
ƌɄ *0+.ƈ Always a great option for lunches contain sugar and vegetable oils) and
spinach, rocket, iceberg lettuce,
and dinners during the cleanse, especially white rice. If you can find a restaurant
watercress, endive, radicchio).
when the weather is cooler. (The alkaline that cooks fresh stir-fries, ask for a simple
- Add vegetables, such as cucumber, celery, broth can be drunk continuously throughout meat or tofu dish with vegetables and
grated fennel, grated beetroot, shredded the day). without a sweet sauce. Ask them to use
green or red cabbage, tomato, onion, fresh herbs and spices, such as ginger,
ƌɄ (**/#$ .ƈɄThese make a great option for
grated carrot, chopped capsicum?. garlic, basil and lime leaves, and opt for a
meal replacements and snacks when the
small portion of rice noodles.
- Add protein, such as canned fish, chicken weather is warmer.
breast, lean lamb, boiled egg, tofu, goat’s - Barbequed or grilled chicken: This is a
ƌɄ -*/ $)Ƥ1 " /' Ʉ( '.ƈɄMany delicious
cheese, feta, nuts, legumes Ʉ "**Ʉ*+/$*)Ʉ$!Ʉ4*0Ʉ1*$Ʉ/# Ʉ.&$)ƇɄ./0Ů)"Ʉ
meals can be constructed simply by putting
and gravy. Eat with a salad or steamed
- Add some good fats, such as nuts, protein and vegetables/salads together
avocado and seeds. (depending on the weather), like chicken
and steamed vegetables, fish and salad or
Ʉ ƝɄ Ʉ'*2Ʉ Ʉ-*#4-/ .Ʉ$!Ʉ4*0Ʉ2)/Ʉ$/Ʉ/*Ʉ



It’s OK to snack between ƌɄ Crudités: Cut raw vegetables, such as

carrots, capsicum and celery, into sticks
meals while on the cleanse and top with avocado, tuna, salmon, tahini,
plan, but only from this hummus or a homemade dip.
healthy list. ƌɄ Nuts and seeds: A handful of unroasted,
unsalted nuts and seeds is a quick and easy
snack – the healthiest options are walnuts,
almonds, macadamias, pumpkin seeds.
ƌɄ Hard boiled eggs: Make one in the morning
and keep it in a container in your bag for a
mid-morning snack.
ƌɄ Raw chocolate balls (see page 21 for recipe):
- /Ʉ!*-ɄɄ# '/#4Ʉ.2 /Ʉ/- /Ɔ
ƌɄ Smoothies: A quick way to fill you up and
give you an energy boost. See recipes on
The Beauty Chef website.
ƌɄ Berries: # /# -Ʉ!- .#Ʉ*-Ʉ!-*5 )ƇɄɄɄ
dollop of natural yoghurt to a generous
handful of berries and sprinkle with raw
nuts (smaller quantity than for breakfast).



Digestion is the process The list below is taken from the book ƌɄ *)Ɩ/Ʉ /Ʉ2$/#$)ɄŴɄ#*0-.Ʉ*!Ʉ Ʉ/$( Ɔ During
Radiant Health, Radiant Skin by The Beauty sleep, digestion virtually stops. If you don’t
of physically and chemically Chef naturopath Alison Cassar: feel like breakfast when you wake up, you
breaking down food in order ƌɄ /Ʉ++ '$)"Ʉ!**ƆɄThe smell of delicious,
are probably eating too late and the food
to release its energy and isn’t being digested properly. One night, try
appetising food stimulates digestive juices
having a very light meal or nothing at all
nutrients in a form that even before we’ve taken a bite.
and see if you feel different in the morning.
can be absorbed and used ƌɄ /Ʉ2# )Ʉ#0)"-4Ɔ Hunger signals that our You should also notice that your sleep
digestive system is ready to accept more improves and bad dreams are reduced.
by the body. food. Eating when we are not hungry can
ƌɄ /Ʉ! -( )/ Ʉ!**.ƆɄThe use of cultured,
over-tax the digestive processes.
fermented, raw or living foods high in
If our digestion is under par, then we can ƌɄ # 2Ʉ2 ''Ɔ When we swallow our food, is )/0-'Ʉ$" ./$1 Ʉ )54( .Ʉ2$''Ʉ..$./Ʉ$)Ʉ/# Ʉ
be eating the best foods in the world, but should already be liquid in our mouths. This digestion process. This includes sauerkraut,
not gaining benefits from the wonderful helps the absorption of nutrients from food. kefir, yoghurt and miso.
nutrients that they contain. And if our
ƌɄ /Ʉ$)ɄɄ'(Ʉ)Ʉ- '3 Ʉ )1$-*)( )/ƆɄ
body has a limited supply of nutrients to
Stress shuts down the release of digestive
work with (weather through poor diet and/
juices and diverts blood away from
or faulty digestion), it will allocate the
the digestive tract into the muscles.
available nutrients to the most important
Consequently, digestion takes longer and is
organs such as the brain, heart, liver and
less effective. Always try and sit while eating
kidneys, and the skin will be left to last as
and take a break from work to eat in a calm
its low on the body’s priority list. Therefore,
how you digest your food has a huge impact
on the health of your skin. CLEANSE ƌɄ /*+Ʉ /$)"Ʉ !*- Ʉ4*0Ʉ- Ʉ!0''ƆɄThe gastric
*)/$).ɄɄ-)" Ʉ*!Ʉ$" ./$1 Ʉ )54( .Ʉ %0$ .Ʉ)Ʉ )54( .Ʉ *( Ʉ 3#0./ Ʉ$!Ʉ
that are designed to help break down there is too much food and you will feel
carbohydrates, protein and fats - while you full and bloated as a result. Compare the
are taking it. In addition, there are a number stomach to a wood fire – if too much wood is
of other things that you can do improve your put on a fire, it will smother it
own natural digestive processes.


RECIPES To make your cleanse as easy and enjoyable as possible, below is a selection of recipes 16
to get you started that follow the cleanse guidelines and are also healthy and delicious.
Once you get the hang of what you can and can’t eat on the cleanse, you’ll soon find that
you can easily adapt most recipes to meet the food guidelines outlined in Table A above.


A variety of vegetables – good choices include 2 eggs per omelette 1 cup organic rolled grains (amaranth,
See website for: cucumber, a handful of baby spinach leaves, 1 stick 1 tbsp filtered water or almond milk oat, quinoa, rice, millet), soaked overnight
of celery, ½ carrot, sprouts, lettuce, etc 1/3 cup shredded coconut (dried or fresh)
A little butter, coconut oil or ghee for frying
A whole lemon or lime, skin and pith removed
0$ Ʉ)Ʉ5 ./Ʉ*!Ʉ*) Ʉ!- .#Ʉ' (*)
Zest from ¼ lemon or lime
A handful of ice cubes made from filtered water 2 ½ cups filtered water or coconut water
Himalayan pink salt or sea salt and freshly ground
1 glass of filtered water (depending on the black pepper to season Pinch of Himalayan pink salt or sea salt
consistency you like)
Optional Fillings: Cooked vegetables, including
Ʉ#)!0'Ʉ*!Ʉ!-*5 )Ʉ --$ .ɄƧ*+/$*)'ƇɄ*-")$Ʉ*)'4ƨɄ asparagus, artichoke hearts, fennel bulb, leek, onion, METHOD
A few sprigs of mint (optional, but great for a fresh +0(+&$)Ʉ*-Ʉ50#$)$ƉɄ!- .#Ʉ-*& /ƇɄ4Ʉ.+$)#Ʉ)Ʉ
flavour) Soak the grains overnight in a covered bowl.
sprouts; fresh herbs, like basil, dill, sweet marjoram,
Simmer the grains, spices, fruit and water until
A few sprigs of parsley (optional) oregano, parsley, tarragon or thyme; and goat’s
tender, stirring frequently to stop the porridge
cheese or feta.
Protein (try a handful of pumpkin, chia or sunflower sticking to the bottom of the saucepan. Serve hot,
seeds, or alternatively, add one heaped tablespoon adding any combination of one or two tablespoons
of BODY Inner Beauty Powder – The Beauty Chef’s METHOD of chia seeds, two tablespoons of Allowed fruits
fermented vegan protein powder) (raw, grated or stewed), or one or two tablespoons of
$3Ʉ/# Ʉ "".ƇɄ2/ -Ʉ*-Ʉ($'&ƇɄ$/-0.Ʉ5 ./ƇɄ. Ʉ.'/Ʉ)Ʉ
CLEANSE Powder – in addition, you can add your pepper together. Heat a little oil or butter in a frying biodynamic yoghurt. Serves 2.
daily dose of CLEANSE powder pan. Pour in the egg mixture, coating the bottom of
(but it doesn’t count as the protein component) the pan. Arrange filling (see options below) on one
1 tsp organic virgin coconut oil or shredded side of the omelette. Cook over a gentle heat until
coconut (optional) the bottom of the omelette is set. Fold the other half
½ avocado (optional) *!Ʉ/# Ʉ*( ' // Ʉ*1 -Ʉ/# ɄŨ''$)"ƆɄ )/'4Ʉ**&Ʉ!*-ɄɄ
further 5 minutes until the filling is warm and soft.

Put all ingredients into a powerful blender and
blend until liquefied, adding more water if you prefer
a thinner consistency. You can make extra and store
in the fridge for the evening or next day, just make
sure that you fill the storage glass/jar to the brim
and cover with a lid or covering. Serves 2.




  1/4 cup chia seeds
1 small tin of sardines 1 cup coconut milk, depending on preference
1 slice sourdough bread (from allowed grains) 1 tsp organic raw honey (optional)
½ avocado Mix chia seeds, coconut milk, and honey
Handful of baby spinach or watercress together in a small bowl or glass mason jar.
2 tablespoons of fresh parsley, chopped Let it set in refrigerator overnight.
1 slice of red onion, finely diced Remove it from the fridge, and make sure your
ŴɄ/' .+**).Ʉ*!Ʉ' (*)Ʉ*-Ʉ'$( Ʉ%0$ Ʉ+'0.ɄɄ'$//' Ʉ5 ./
pudding looks thick and the chia seeds have
gelled. Top with fresh fruit and nuts, and enjoy
Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt and freshly
immediately. Serves 2.
ground pepper


Empty the tin of sardines into a small bowl. Add the COCONUT P UDDING
+-.' 4ƇɄ' (*)Ʉ%0$ ƇɄ5 ./Ʉ)ɄɄ'$//' Ʉ.'/Ʉ)Ʉ+ ++ -ƆɄ (see The Beauty Chef website for recipe)
Mix through well, smashing the sardines a bit.
Toast the bread and place onto a serving plate. Top
with spinach leaves, sliced avocado and smashed




(with chicken) BEETROOT SALAD
See website for: ½ cup cooked chicken, shredded (for a vegetarian 4 small beetroots, unpeeled and quartered
option, replace the chicken with 1 cup cooked ŴɄ50#$)$.ƇɄ#*++ Ʉ$)/*Ʉ'-" Ʉ#0)&.
1 sweet potato, peeled and chopped into chunks
¼ cup red cabbage, shredded
1 red capsicum, chopped into chunks
1 cup organic baby spinach leaves
2 salmon filets (see guidelines)
1 cup mixed sprouts (alfalfa, mung, broccoli etc)
2 tbsps light olive oil for cooking
½ red capsicum, finely sliced
2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil for dressing
1 Lebanese cucumber, diced
2 large handfuls of baby spinach and rocket leaves
½ cup carrot, grated
2 tsps apple-cider vinegar
¼ cup sunflower seeds
½ avocado, diced
¼ cup raw beetroot, grated
Coat the vegetables in olive oil and roast for around
100gms goat’s feta, cubed
40 minutes on a medium heat or until just tender.
½ cup cooked quinoa (optional) Place the salmon fillets on top of the vegetables
and put back into the oven for another 12 minutes
then remove from heat. Put the vegetables and
Tahini dressing spinach into a bowl. Whisk the extra-virgin olive
1 cup if unhulled tahini oil and apple-cider vinegar together and pour over
½ cup fresh lemon juice salad, toss well. Divide over two plates and flake the
salmon over the top. Serves 2.
1 garlic clove
Swish of extra virgin olive oil
Blend until you get a runny consistency.
You may need to add a little water.
Vegetarian option – replace the chicken
with 1 cup cooked chickpeas.
Serves 2.




SOFT EGG D RESSING For tamari roasted nuts, preheat oven to 150C.
Combine nuts in bowl with tamari,stir to coat.
Spread on a baking tray lined with baking
ŶɄ./ (.Ʉ*!Ʉ0-'4Ʉ&' ƇɄ/*-)Ʉ$)/*Ʉ$/ Ɲ.$5 Ʉ+$  . paper and bake, stirring occasionally, until

0$ Ʉ*!ɄųɄ' (*) dried and fragrant (15-20 mins). Meanwhile,
30 ml extra-virgin olive oil dry-roast the remaining ingredients by cooking
100 gm each green beans and sugar snap peas, cut in a frying pan on the stovetop over medium
$)/*Ʉ$/ Ɲ.$5 Ʉ+$  . heat, stirring occasionally, until fragrant and
ųŲŲɄ"(Ʉ+ .ɄƧ!-*5 )Ʉ*-Ʉ!- .#ƨ toasted (2-3 mins). Stir these through the nut-
1 bunch asparagus, very thinly sliced
tamari mixture in the last 5 mins of cooking.
Cool and store in an airtight container for up
ŸɄ50#$)$Ʉū*2 -.ƇɄ+ /'.Ʉ/*-)ƇɄ./'&.Ʉ/#$)'4Ʉ.'$ Ʉ*)Ʉ
to 2 weeks.
a mandolin
A large handful each of baby spinach and wild For soft egg dressing, cook eggs in a saucepan
rocket of boiling water for 6 ½ minutes, drain, then
A handful each of coarsely torn mint and flat-leaf cool under running water and peel. Shake
parsley remaining ingredients in a jar to combine,
crumble in egg, season to taste and just before
serving, shake again.
Tamari roasted nuts and seeds
ųɄ/.+Ʉ #Ʉ*-. '4Ʉ#*++ Ʉ#5 ')0/.Ʉ)Ʉ'(*). Massage kale in the lemon juice and olive oil
until the kale starts to wilt (2-3 minutes), season
1 tbsp each sunflower seeds, pepitas and sesame seeds
to taste and set aside. Blanch beans, both peas
2 tsp each fennel seeds and cumin seeds
and asparagus in a saucepan of boiling salted
1 tbsp tamari water until bright green (2-3 minutes), drain
and cool under cold running water. Shake off
Soft egg dressing the excess water, add to the kale along with
/# Ʉ50#$)$Ʉū*2 -.Ʉ)Ʉ./'&.ƇɄ.+$)#ƇɄ-*& /Ʉ
1 egg, at room temperature
and herbs. Toss through soft egg dressing 9as
60 ml extra-virgin olive oil much as you like to taste), toss to combine and
(or half extra-virgin olive oil and half almond oil)
serve scattered with tamari nuts and seeds.
1 tbsp each cider vinegar and lemon juice, or to taste Serves 4.



SOUPS ALKALINE 1 bay leaf For the turmeric and kaffir-lime-spiced broth:
BROTH 4 sprigs thyme 1 litre chicken stock, made using filtered water
4 garlic cloves, minced 400g can of coconut cream
1 cup fresh parsley 1cm piece fresh turmeric, grated
See website for: 5 cups celery stalks and tops, chopped
-*0)Ʉ'&Ʉ+ ++ -Ʉ)Ʉ$('4)Ʉ+$)&Ʉ.'/Ʉ*-Ʉ 1 piece ginger, sliced
3 cups carrot and carrot tops, chopped
sea salt, to taste ŸɄ&Ů-Ʉ'$( Ʉ' 1 .ƇɄ-0$. Ʉ)Ʉ/*-)
1 tsp pure maple syrup
1 onion, chopped
METHOD Sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, to taste
2 cups red potato peels cut ½ cm thick
2 cups beetroot tops, chopped
Boil up all the ingredients, adding more 1 fresh red chilli
filtered water when required. Simmer for Bean shoots
4 litres filtered water between 6-12 hours (slow cookers can be a Mint
great investment if you want to cook over a
Thai basil
METHOD longer period). This soup can be strained and
eaten as a broth or used as the stock base for Coriander
Throw all the veg into a large saucepan, add Rice noodles, optional
other soups and meals. Or you can pick out
the water, cover with a lid and bring to the
the bones, leaving the vegetables and chicken
boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20-30
flesh, and eat as a soup. Consume with 3 days METHOD
minutes. Strain out the solids and drink within
*-Ʉ!- 5 Ʉ$)Ʉ/# .Ʉ.Ʉ.**)Ʉ.Ʉ+*..$' Ʉ/*Ʉ
ŵɄ4.ƆɄ-Ʉ!- 5 Ʉ/# Ʉ'$,0$Ʉ$)Ʉ*) Ɲ0+ɄƧŴŷŲ('ƨɄ Combine all chicken and coconut ball ingredients
keep histamine levels low.
portions. in a bowl and mix with your hands until well

H EA LING CHICKEN & COCO NUT Roll mixture into balls, using a heaped tablespoon
CHIC KEN SOUP For the broth, add chicken stock and coconut cream
  to saucepan and bring to a simmer. Stir in turmeric,
For the chicken and coconut balls: &Ů-Ʉ'$( ƇɄ(+' Ʉ.4-0+ƇɄ.'/Ʉ)Ʉ"$)" -Ʉ.'$ .Ʉ)Ʉ
2 organic chicken carcasses
500g organic chicken, minced simmer for 15 minutes. Add chicken and coconut
2-3 organic chicken wings balls and poach in broth until cooked through.
1/2 cup quinoa, cooked in filtered water
Enough cold filtered water to cover bones Ladle broth and balls into a bowl and serve with
1/2 cup coconut cream
1 tbsp apple-cider vinegar (helps draw minerals from fresh chilli, bean sprouts, mint, basil and coriander
the bones) 1/2 bunch coriander finely chopped (roots included) on top. For a more filling meal, add cooked rice
2 carrots, finely chopped 1 cm piece ginger, grated finely noodles. Serves 4.
2 celery stalks, finely chopped 1 big garlic clove grated (or 2 small)
2 brown onions Sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, couple of pinches



SOUPS CHICKEN, VEGETABLE to a gentle simmer for around 30 minutes. Q UICK SPICED CA RROT
& QUINOA SOUP In the meantime, pick the chicken from the & YO GHURT SO UP
bones and put back into the soup at any stage
  while the vegetables are cooking. Add more  
4 organic chicken wings or legs salt and freshly ground pepper for seasoning. 40ml coconut oil
2 carrots, diced Serves 4-6. 1 red onion, thinly sliced
2 sticks celery, diced 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 onion, diced BEETROOT & 1.2kg carrots, coarsely grated
1 large piece of pumpkin, cubed (larger than the CAULIFLOW E R S OUP 1 tbsp ground cumin
other veg, or it will fall apart)
  2 tsp smoked paprika
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 cups beetroot, peeled and chopped ŴɄ' (*).ƇɄ%0$ Ʉ)Ʉ2$/#Ʉ/# Ʉ5 ./ɄŨ) '4Ʉ"-/ 
Ʉ($3Ʉ*!Ʉ$ Ʉ1 " /' .ɄƧ50#$)$ƇɄ-**'$ƇɄ
4 cups cauliflower, chopped 1.4 litres filtered water
cauliflower, green beans, peas, corn kernels, choko,
shredded cabbage, sweet potato etc) (Quantity will 1 large red onion, diced 20ml apple-cider vinegar, or to taste
 + )Ʉ*)Ʉ/# Ʉ.$5 Ʉ*!Ʉ4*0-Ʉ+*/ƨ 300g sheep’s-milk yoghurt
1-6 cloves garlic, diced
ŴƝŵɄ'$/- .Ʉ*!ɄŨ'/ - Ʉ2/ -ɄƧ + )$)"Ʉ*)Ʉ/# Ʉ.$5 Ʉ*!Ʉ Coarsely chopped mint, coriander and flat-leaf
2 bay leaves
your pot) parsley
1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt Extra-virgin olive oil, to serve
1 teaspoon dried thyme
½ cup quinoa, rinsed (and preferably soaked for at
least ½ hour) 8 cups filtered water
1-2 tablespoons biodynamic natural yoghurt METHOD

Fresh thyme Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium-

METHOD high heat, add the onion and garlic and stir
This is a great recipe for using up all the occasionally for about 3 minutes, or until
vegetables in the fridge. Place the chicken METHOD / ) -ƆɄɄ/# Ʉ--*/ƇɄ.+$ .Ʉ)Ʉ' (*)Ʉ5 ./ƇɄ
into a large pot with the filtered water and salt In a large pot, sauté the onion and garlic stirring occasionally until the carrot softens,
and bring to the boil. Continue to boil for at in a little water or oil until translucent. Add then season to taste. Add the filtered water
least 1-2 hours with the lid on (topping up the the cauliflower and sauté until aromatic. Add and bring to the boil, reduce heat to medium
filtered water if needed). Remove the chicken, beetroot, water, thyme and bay leaves. Bring to and simmer until flavours combine (about 10
leaving the liquid in the pot. If the water has the boil and then simmer for at least 20 minutes minutes). Remove from heat, add the yoghurt
boiled right down, you may need to add more or until the beetroot and cauliflower florets are and lemon juice and process with a hand-held
filtered water (enough to cook the quinoa). Put tender. Blend until smooth. Stir through 1-2 blender until smooth. Serve hot, dolloped
all the vegetables into the pot with the quinoa. tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil and top with extra yoghurt, scattered with herbs and
Bring back to the boil then turn the heat down with yoghurt and fresh thyme leaves. Serves 4. -$55' Ʉ2$/#Ʉ 3/-Ɲ1$-"$)Ʉ*'$1 Ʉ*$'ƆɄ -1 .ɄŶƝŸƆ





1 cup buckwheat soaked

overnight in 1 cup filtered water
375 ml (1 ½ cups) organic chicken stock
2 tbsp tamari, plus extra to serve
3 whole spring onions, plus extra
thinly sliced to serve
5cm piece of ginger, coarsely chopped,
plus extra finely grated, to serve
3 skinless organic chicken thighs,
0/Ʉ$)/*Ʉ$/ Ɲ.$5 Ʉ+$  .
1 cup coarsely chopped choy sum or broccolini
Roasted sesame seeds, to serve

Combine buckwheat, stock, tamari, spring
onion and sliced ginger in a saucepan, bring
to the simmer then stir occasionally over
low heat until thick and the buckwheat has
completely broken down (25-30 mins, add a
little filtered water if mixture is getting too
thick). Remove the ginger and spring onion,
add the chicken and cook until the chicken is
cooked though (4-5 mins). At the last minute,
stir through choy sum and serve the congee
hot, with tamari, sliced spring onion, grated
ginger, chopped chilli and roasted sesame
seeds on top to taste. Serves 4.




ROAST VEGETAB LES large baking trays with baking paper. Place
  the cauliflower florets on one of the prepared
350g orange sweet potato, peeled, cut into 3cm /-4.ƆɄ-$55' Ʉ2$/#ɄŴɄ/' .+**).Ʉ**)0/Ʉ*$'Ʉ
pieces 1 large head (about 1.2kg) cauliflower, and toss to coat. Season with Himalayan pink or
1 red capsicum, cut into 3cm pieces cut into small florets Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
See website for: 2 red onions, cut into wedges 1/2 cup coconut oil ' Ʉ ""+')/ƇɄ+.$0(ƇɄ50#$)$ƇɄ*)$*)Ʉ
ŴɄ50#$)$.ƇɄ0/Ʉ$)/*Ʉŵ(Ʉ+$  .Ʉ 1 eggplant, cut into 3cm pieces and pumpkin on the remaining tray. Combine
1 red capsicum, cut into 3cm pieces paprika, cumin, coriander and chilli with 2
6 organic eggs
ųɄ'-" Ʉ50#$)$ƇɄ0/Ʉ$)/*Ʉŵ(Ʉ+$  .Ʉ tablespoons of olive oil. Season with salt and
1/3 cup milk (almond or rice) + ++ -Ʉ)Ʉ-$55' Ʉ*1 -Ʉ/# Ʉ($3 Ʉ1 " /' .ƆɄ
100g baby rocket and spinach leaves 1 red onion, cut into small wedges
Roast cauliflower and vegetables for 30 mins or
30g goat’s feta cheese 400g pumpkin, trimmed, cut into 3cm pieces until tender. Meanwhile, to make the dressing,
1/2 tsp paprika whisk lemon juice, remaining olive oil, garlic
1/2 tsp ground cumin and honey in a small bowl. Season with salt and
1/2 tsp ground coriander pepper. Once the cauliflower is roasted, process
- # /Ʉ*1 )Ʉ/*ɄŴŴŲǖƆɄ- . ɄɄŸ(Ʉ +ƇɄ in a food processor and until very finely chopped.
1/4 tsp chilli flakes
20cm (base), 8-cup capacity square ovenproof Transfer to a platter. Toss vegetables with mint
dish. Line a large roasting pan with baking 1 tbsp lemon juice
and coriander and arrange over the cauliflower.
paper. Place sweet potato, capsicum, onions 1 garlic clove, crushed *+Ʉ2$/#Ʉ! /Ʉ)Ʉ+$) Ʉ)0/.Ʉ !*- Ʉ-$55'$)"Ʉ*1 -Ʉ
)Ʉ50#$)$Ʉ$)Ʉ+)ƆɄ*/Ʉ2$/#Ʉ**)0/Ʉ*$'ƆɄ 1 tsp honey the dressing to serve. Serves 4 as part of a meal.
Spread out in a single layer and roast for 30 1/3 cup mint leaves Optional: serve with poached or grilled fish
minutes or until light golden and tender. 1/3 cup coriander leaves or chicken.
Spread vegetables over base of prepared dish.
1/3 cup feta, crumbled
Reduce oven to 190°C. Whisk the eggs, milk
and pepper together in a jug. Pour the egg 2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts
mixture over vegetables, shaking the dish
gently to allow egg to spread to the base. Bake
the frittata for 25 minutes or until the top is
golden and the center is set. Set aside for 10
minutes. Cut into four pieces. Serves 2.




DINNER L IME C HICKEN BARRAMUNDI CURRY Preheat oven to 200C. Heat half the coconut oil
WITH CAULIFLOW ER RIC E in a roasting pan in the oven, add sweet potato
and carrot, season to taste, toss to coat in oil
180 g chicken (or seafood or tofu) and roast until very tender (20-30 minutes).
1 tablespoon coconut oil 100 ml coconut oil Meanwhile, heat remaining coconut oil in a
1 cup bean sprouts 1 sweet potato, cut into 2-3cm chunks large saucepan over medium-high heat, add
1 clove garlic 1 carrot, coarsely chopped onion, giner, chilli and garlic and stir until
1 teaspoon minced ginger 1 brown onion, diced light golden (6-8 minutes). Stir in mustard
30 gm finely grated ginger seeds and cook until they begin to pop, then
½ cup snow peas
1 long red chilli, thinly sliced add remaining spices and stir until fragrant
½ cup sliced red capsicum (1 minute, do not scorch or burn or the curry
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
¼ cup slivered almonds will be bitter). Add tomatoes and cook down
2 tsp black mustard seeds and ground tumeric
1 tablespoon lemon/lime juice until pulpy (6-8 minutes), then add split peas
1½ tsp cumin seeds, groound cumin and ground
1 tablespoon organic tamari coriander
and 1.25 litres water. Bring to the boil, reduce
Handful of mung beans heat and simmer until split peas break down
1 tsp garam masala
and thicken the sauce (20-25 minutes).
½ tsp ground chilli
Seeds from 2 cardamom pods, crushed
Meanwhile, make your cauliflower rice by
processing cauliflower in a food processor
5 ripe tomatoes, diced
Sauté chicken or alternative until fine. Heat coconut oil in a large frying
with ginger, garlic and organic 150 gm split peas or lentils
pan over medium-high heat, add onion, ginger
tamari until cooked but not browned. 600 gm wild caught barramundi, cut into 2-3cm and garlic, saute until tender (3-4 minutes),
Add vegetables and cook for then stir in cauliflower. Cook, stirring

0$ Ʉ*!ɄųɄ' (*) occasionally until beginning to turn golden
two to three minutes.
Handful of baby spinach (4-5 minutes), season to taste with sea salt
Sprinkle slivered almonds over
Coriander sprigs, to serve and keep warm). If you prefer, you can simply
meal just prior to serving.
steam the cauliflower for a lighter result.
Dress with lemon/lime juice. Cauliflower rice Add barramundi and roast carrot to the curry
Serves 2. 1 kg cauliflower, cut into small florets mixture, simmer until fish just cooks through
50 ml coconut oil (3-4 minutes), season to taste at the end with
½ onion, diced salt and lemon juice and just before serving,
1 tbsp finely grated ginger stir through baby spinach and serbve hot
1 small garlic clove spooned over cauliflower rice, scattered with
coriander. Serves 4-6.



SNACKS CHOCO LAT E BALLS O F BLISS blend well until it forms a moist mixture. METHOD
If the mixture is too crumbly add a tbsp or two To make the frosting, blend the ingredients
of filtered water. Shape mix into small balls in a food processor, scraping down the sides
2 cups desiccated coconut and then roll in coconut. Store in an airtight every 5 minutes or so, until very smooth. The
See website for: (plus extra for coating the bliss balls) container in the fridge. These balls will last in mixture will start off being dry and crumbly,
½ cup raw cashews the fridge for up to four weeks. then become smoother as the heat from the
½ cup raw almonds Makes approx 40 balls. processing extracts the oil from the nuts. Stop
For more snack recipes, see ½ cup sunflower seeds the food processor part way through to give it
The Beauty Chef website. a rest for 5-10 minutes to stop it overheating.
¼ cup chia seeds RAW CARROT CAKE
Store in the fridge in an airtight container for
16 pitted medjool dates + 2-3 tbsp filtered water WITH MACADAMIA-VAN ILLA
up to 1 week. Pulse all the cake ingredients
4 scoops of BODY Inner Beauty Powder BUTTER FROSTING in a blender or food processor until smooth,
3 tbsp raw cacao powder   /# )Ʉ+- ..Ʉ$)/*Ʉ.(''Ʉ(0Ů)Ʉ/$).ɄƧ*0/ɄǰɄ0+Ʉ
2 tbsp coconut butter capacity) or into a 20cm cake tin if you prefer
2 ½ cups coarsely grated carrot
2 tbsp almond butter and refrigerate until firm and well-chilled (2-3
½ cup coarsely grated granny smith hours). Spread frosting over the top to your
2 tbsp tahini apple, tossed with 2 tsp lemon juice
desired thickness, scatter with extra spices and
2 tbsp coconut oil 2/3 cup raw walnuts refrigerate, covered, for up to 3 days. Scatter
¼ tsp cinnamon 2/3 cup pitted dates with extra walnuts if you like or top with a
1 tsp vanilla extract 2/3 cup shredded coconut pile of finely grated carrot just before serving.
ųɄ.**+Ʉ Ʉ+*2 - Serves 6-8.
METHOD 1 tsp vanilla extract
Combine coconut, nuts and seeds in a food 1 tsp ground cinnamon
processor and blend until the mix resembles ½ tsp finely grated nutmeg
fine crumbs. Set aside in a separate bowl. Finely grated rind of 1 orange
Seed dates and put them in the food processor
with 2-3 tbsp water and let stand for 5 minutes. Macadamia-vanilla frosting (optional)
Blend to until it forms a chunky paste.
400 gm unsalted macadamias
Add Body Balance powder, raw cacao and
3½ tbsp almond oil or melted coconut oil
cinnamon to nut mix and combine. Add the
2 tbsp maple syrup
nut mix to the date paste in the food processor.
Scraped seeds of 1 vanilla bean
Add coconut oil, coconut butter, almond butter,
or 1tsp vanilla extract
tahini, coconut oil and vanilla extract and





Large handful of English spinach  

See website for: 1½ green apples, coarsely chopped 1 pineapple, peeled and coarsely chopped
1 Lebanese cucumber, coarsely chopped 1 bunch mint
2 curly kale leaves, coarsely torn 250 ml kombucha
½ lemon, coarsely chopped ųƝŴɄ/.+Ʉ Ʉ+*2 -
¼ bunch mint
For more drink recipes, see ųɄ.**+Ʉ Ʉ+*2 - METHOD
The Beauty Chef website.
0$ Ʉ+$) ++' Ʉ)Ʉ($)/Ʉ/#-*0"#ɄɄ%0$ -ɄƧ*-Ʉ
METHOD process in a food processor and strain through
a sieve, discard solids). Stir in kombucha and

0$ Ʉ$)"- $ )/.Ʉ$)/*ɄɄ%0"ƇɄ/# )Ʉ($3Ʉ
 ƇɄ/-).! -Ʉ/*ɄɄ.#''*2Ʉ/-4Ʉ)Ʉ!- 5 ƇɄ
/#-*0"#Ʉ Ʉ+*2 -ƇɄ+*0-Ʉ*1 -Ʉ$ Ʉ
.-+$)"Ʉ*.$*)''4Ʉ2$/#ɄɄ!*-&ƇɄ0)/$'Ʉ!-*5 )Ʉ
and serve. Serves 1.
and ice crystals form. Serve in chilled glasses,
with extra diced pineapple and mint leaves if
you like. Serves 4-6.


A SE V E N-DAY GU I DE M E N U After putting all of the principles into practice, 27
this is what a typical weeks menu might look like.

Mon Tue Wed * Thu Fri Sat Sun

Ʉ  Warm water and squeeze of lemon. 10gms of CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder mixed into filtered water

BREAKFAST Breakfast Green CWAD muesli Breakfast smoothie Sheep’s yoghurt, Chia, berry and Sardines on toast BRUNCH
Smoothie OR Yum OR Yum chai frozen berries, coconut pudding Omelette with mixed
Chai Smoothie smoothie walnuts and chia vegetables.

MT Handful of raw veg 1 Raw Chocolate Ball 5 walnuts and a Handful of raw veg 1 Raw Chocolate Ball 5 walnuts and a
sticks with hummus piece of fruit from sticks with hummus piece of fruit from
allowed list allowed list

Lunch Raw Fennel, Beetroot A soup of your choice Frittata and Green Quinoa and Leftover Cauliflower Quick Spiced Carrot
and Carrot Salad with leafy Salad with Cannellini Bean Rice with Veg and Yoghurt Soup
Sprouted Buckwheat extra-virgin olive oil salad
and freshly squeezed
lemon dressing

3pm 2 cups of Alkaline Broth Smoothie of your choice?

Dinner *Roast Salmon and *Frittata using left *Quinoa Pilaff with *Cauliflower Rice Chicken and Coconut Sauteed Thai lime Beetroot and
Beetroot Salad over roast vegetables Baby Spinach, Fennel, with Middle Eastern in Spiced Broth chicken Cauliflower Soup
Feta and Almonds Roast Vegetables

Notes *Make extra roast veg *Make extra frittata *Make extra quinoa *Make extra for lunch
for tomorrow night’s for lunch tomorrow for lunch tomorrow tomorrow



Common side effects of a While these signs and symptoms are an

indication that the 14-Day Skin Cleanse is
Cleanse programme include working, they aren’t necessary and can be
headaches, minor skin uncomfortable. So what can we do about
breakouts, fatigue, moodiness them?

and general aches and pains. At any stage, if you are feeling too
uncomfortable, reduce the dose of the
Cleanse inner Beauty Powder to half. Once
These are all signs that the body’s the symptoms have subsided, then you can
elimination and detoxification pathways resume at full dose. Other tactics include:
are overwhelmed with the Cleaning process. ƌɄ )- . Ʉ4*0-Ʉ2/ -Ʉ$)/& ƆɄYou should be
They can also be the effects of withdrawal drinking at least 2 litres of fresh filtered
from a food or chemical. A common water on this programme anyway, but some
example is the headache people experience people may need more. Increase to 2.5 litres
when they stop caffeine. and even 3 litres if the detox symptoms are
still strong.
ƌɄ  0 Ʉ/# Ʉ$)/ ).$/4Ʉ*!Ʉ4*0-Ʉ 3 -$. ƇɄ
especially if you are feeling fatigued during
the programme.
ƌɄ )*-+*-/ Ʉ.&$)Ʉ-0.#$)"Ʉ$)/*Ʉ4*0-Ʉ$'4Ʉ
routine (see above for instructions)
ƌɄ ).0- Ʉ/#/Ʉ4*0Ʉ- Ʉ#1$)"Ʉ/Ʉ' ./Ʉ*) Ʉ
bowel motion daily (see above for more


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