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Prospective Study of Association of Uterine Atonicity and Serum Calcium Levels

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International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Premalahta HL et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Jul;5(7):2221-2223 pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789

Research Article

Prospective study of association of uterine atonicity

and serum calcium levels
Premalahta HL*, Raghupathi Krishnegowda

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences Hassan, Karnataka-573201, India

Received: 29 April 2016

Revised: 07 June 2016
Accepted: 09 June 2016

Dr. Premalahta HL,

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Uterine atony is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. Uterine atony and PPH
is a life threatening condition. The oxytocic drugs increase uterine tone by increasing intracellular calcium. Optimum
levels of calcium are very important for the effective uterine contraction. Objective of this study was to correlate the
serum calcium levels and uterine atonicity and PPH in women admitted in 1st and 2nd stage of labor in tertiary care
hospital like Sri Chamarajendra hospital Hassan institute of medical sciences, Karnataka, India.
Methods: Study design is case control study in department of OBG Sri Chamarajendra hospital Hassan. Duration of
study is from July 2014 to 2015. Number of subjects studied 200 groups A with serum calcium less than 8 mg% and
uterine atony. Group B with serum calcium between 8-10.4 mg% and uterine atony, after vaginal delivery or
caesarian delivery. Features of atonicity: soft distended uterus with lack of muscle tone.
Results: Total 200 clients were studied. 100 clients with serum calcium >8 mg% and 100 clients with serum calcium
<8 mg%. In women with serum calcium <8 mg%, 24 patients developed uterine atonicity. In women with serum
calcium > 8 mg% only one client developed uterine atonicity.
Conclusions: Our result revealed that low calcium level is strongly associated with uterine atony, hence is a risk
factor for uterine atony.

Keywords: Serum calcium, Uterine atony, PPH

INTRODUCTION atonic uterus that had not responded to the usual

oxytocic’s had responded well with IV calcium gluconate
Uterine atony is one of the commonest cause of PPH with marked hardening of uterus and lessening PPH.7
leading to maternal morbidity and mortality.1,2 PPH is Serum calcium status regulated by vitamin D plays a role
unpredictable and rapid cause of maternal death. In 2/3rd in smooth muscle function in early labor. Higher serum
of women who develop PPH have none of the known calcium levels have been reported in pregnant women at
riskfactors mentioned in the exclusion criteria. The the time of vaginal delivery as compared to term women
oxytocic drugs increase the uterine tone by increasing who were not in labor and delivered by caesarian
intracellular calcium.3-5 Therefore optimum levels of operation.8 Calcium supplementation before LSCS has
calcium are very important for the effective uterine been used to prevent and treat PPH due to atonicity of
contractions. Calcium exerts its effect by activating the uterus.9 It was speculated that the higher serum calcium
muscle proteins and causing effective uterine contraction. levels played a role in the mechanism of initiation of
IV calcium gluconate can promote uterine contraction labor which is the result of adequate uterine smooth
and plays a key role in preventing and treating PPH by muscle contraction.10 Reduced serum calcium level may
increasing the tone of the uterus.6 Patients with PPH from affect the contractility of uterine smooth muscle, may

July 2016 · Volume 5 · Issue 7 Page 2221

Premalahta HL et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Jul;5(7):2221-2223

result in atonic uterus and PPH. So present study is patients developed uterine atonicity. In women with
conducted to determine the association of serum calcium serum calcium >8 mg% only one client developed uterine
levels with uterine atony in a tertiary care hospital. atonicity.

METHODS Table 1: Serum calcium level and number of patient

with uterine atonicity.
This is a prospective case control study conducted in the
department of obstetrics and gynecology Hassan institute Serum ca Ut atonicity Uterine
of medical sciences from 2014 December. A total of 200 level + atonicity absent
subjects were included in the study and blood was >8 mg% 01 99 100
collected for serum calcium in 1st and 2nd stage of labor. <8 mg% 24 76 100
And grouped as a including clients with serum calcium Chi square test X2=0.04(<0.05).That means uterine atony is
more than 8 mg% (100 clients). And group B with serum more when serum calcium is <8mg%, compared to serum
calcium less than 8 mg% (100 clients). In both the calcium level >8 mg% which is statistically significant.
groups’ uterine tone was assessed clinically after
fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria’s. DISCUSSION

Inclusion criteria In this study we have compared the levels of serum

calcium levels and uterine atony and PPH, a life
 1st and 2nd gravidas threatening condition which may lead to emergency
 Both vaginal and caesarian deliveries hysterectomy.
 Those who have consented
This result suggests that optimum serum calcium level is
Exclusion criteria essential for the effective uterine contractions and low
serum calcium level may cause atonic uterus and PPH of
Factors which interfere with the ability of the uterus to variable degree. 24 patients with serum calcium levels
contract. less than 8 mg%. Developed uterine atony and PPH. 19
subjects were treated with oxytocics and compression
sutures.5 patients did not respond to routine oxytocics,
 Multiparity
were given IV calcium gluconate 10 ml in 500 ml ringer
 Placenta previa
 Retainedplacenta
 Bigbaby Uterus became firmer harder and PPH controlled. In
 Anemia current study we are of the opinion that all subjects
 Hypotention admitted in labor should be tested for serum calcium
 Traumatic pph levels and if serum calcium is less than 8 mg% should be
 Multiple pregnancies. anticipated atonicity and iv calcium gluconate should be
 Prolongedlabor infused to prevent PPH and we suggest further studies to
 Hydromnios correlate the serum calcium and atonicity.
 Abruptioplacenta
 Mismanagement oflabor Uterotonic drugs oxytocin, prostaglandins increase the
 Gestationaldiabetes contraction of uterine smooth muscle by increasing
 Uterineanomalies intracellular calcium level.11,12 Currently treatment
 Bleeding disorders. options of severe hemorrhage secondary to uterine atony
begins with uterotonic agents (oxytocins, ergometrine,
Cases of uterine atonicity were taken when the uterus was prostaglandins), compression suture, intra uterine balloon
soft, distended, and lacking muscle tone, after delivery of tamponade, pelvic devascularization techniques, vascular
the placenta following caesarian operation and vaginal occlution, failure to achieve control of bleeding prompts
delivery. Oral informed consent was taken from all aggressive procedures such as abdominal hysterectomy.13
clients and approval from institutional ethical committee
was obtained. chi square test was applied to compare the Our study suggests more studies to know serum calcium
atonicity in both the groups. level may be the reason for atonic uterus and
administration of calcium gluconte IV may increase the
Serum calcium levels and atonicity were correlated. tone of the uterus and prevent PPH and thereby
preventing aggressive procedure like hysterectomy.
RESULTS Nifedipine, Mgso and calcium channel blockers used
during delivery were reported tobe associated with
Total 200 clients were studied. 100 clients with serum uterine atony, suggesting that low serum calcium may be
calcium >8 mg% and 100 clients with serum calcium <8 associated with uterine atony.4,13
mg% .in women with serum calcium <8 mg%, 24

International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 5 · Issue 7 Page 2222
Premalahta HL et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Jul;5(7):2221-2223

CONCLUSION trials. Gov. Identifier NCT02274454, Samuel

Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital.
Our result revealed that low calcium level is strongly 6. Yu H, Ling Y. Calcium supplementation before
associated with uterine atony, hence is a risk factor for cesarean section in prevention and treatment for
uterine atony. Therefore we suggest all patients admitted postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine inertia.
in labor should be estimated serum calcium and those Journal of Hainan Medical College.
with serum calcium less than 8 mg% may be 2009;15(6):646-7.
administered IV calcium gluconate in second stage or 7. Preventing PPH naturally/birth faith
before LSCS, to prevent PPH and aggressive org/exercise/preventing PPH naturally 2010.
management like hysterectomy, and to decrease maternal Available at
morbidity and mortality. postpartum-hemorrhage-naturally.
8. Papandreou L, Charsiotis G, Seferiadis K,
Funding: No funding sources Thanasoulias NC, Dousias V, Tsanadis G, et al.
Conflict of interest: None declared Calcium levels during initiation of labor. Eur J
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the Obstetrics Gynaecol Reprod Boil. 2004;115;17-22.
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Cite this article as: Premalahta HL, Krishnegowda

R. Prospective study of association of uterine
atonicity and serum calcium levels. Int J Reprod
Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016;5:2221-3.

International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 5 · Issue 7 Page 2223

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