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3-Vapour Compression Systems

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Problems of Practices

Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning
Vapour Compression Systems
Prepared By

Brij Bhooshan
Asst. Professor
B. S. A. College of Engg. And Technology
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, (India)

Supported By:
Purvi Bhooshan

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1. Calculate the power required for two compressors in an ammonia system that
serves a 30 tonne evaporator at ‒28.9°C. The system uses a direct contact cascade
condenser, and the condenser temperature is 37.8°C. The following values for
ammonia are available:
(1) Properties of superheated Ammonia
Pressure Entropy Temp Enthalpy
kgf/cm 2 kcal/kg-K °C kcal/kg
4.13 1.3772 48.9 376.9
14.00 1.27 87.8 386.6
14.00 1.3772 150 426.4
(2) Saturated Ammonia
Saturation Saturation Enthalpy Entropy
Temp Press kcal/kg (Vapour)
°C kgf/cm2 hg hf kcal/kg-K
-28.9 1.22 336 11.9 1.3772
30.56 4.13 345 43.7 1.27
37.8 14.0 351.6 86.2 1.171
If instead of two-stage compression a single-stage is used, calculate the power
required. Also compare the COP of one-stage and two-stage systems.
2. A vapour compression refrigerator uses methyl chloride and operates between
pressure limits of 180.54 kgf/m2 and 986.3 kgf/ m2. At entry to the compressor the

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2 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

methyl chloride is dry saturated and after compression has a temperature of

102°C. The compressor has a bore and stroke of 75 mm and runs at 8 rev/s with a
volumetric efficiency of 80%. The temperature of the liquid refrigerant as it leaves
the condenser is 35° C and its specific heat cap city is 0.388 kcal/kgºC. The specific
heat capacity of the super-heated vapour may be assumed to be constant.
(i) refrigerator COP.
(ii) mass flow rate of refrigerant.
(iii) cooling water required by the condenser if its temperature rise is limited to
12° C.
Relevant properties of methyl chloride are as follows:
Sat. Temp Press Spec. Vol. Spec. Enthalpy Spec. Entropy
°C kgf/m2 m3/kg kcal/kg kcal/kg °C
vf vg hf hg sf sg
–10 180.54 0.00102 0.233 10.8 110.0 0.044 0.42
45 986.3 0.00115 0.046 31.8 115.6 0.116 0.38
Specific heat capacity of water = 1 kcal/ kg°C
3. Calculate the power saved by the use of two compressors in an ammonia system
which serves a 250 kW evaporator at 25°C. The system uses two-stage compression
with inter-cooling and removal of flash gas. The condensing temperature is 35°C.
Draw the process on pressure-enthalpy diagram. How is this system compared
with a power cycle with reheating between two stages of expansion in turbines and
feed heating?
Relevant properties of ammonia are as follows:
Sat.Temp Pressure Enthalpy Entropy Specific Volume
°C kPa kJ/kg kJ/kg-K L/kg
hf hg sf sg vf vg
-26 145.11 81.53 1428.76 0.546 5.997 1.486 803.761
-24 159.22 90.53 1431.64 0.582 5.965 1.492 736.868
0 430.43 200.000 1461.70 1.000 5.619 1.566 288.88
1 446.76 204.625 1462.76 1.017 5.606 1.569 278.86
2 463.53 209.256 1463.80 1.033 5.592 1.572 269.25
34 1313.9 361.13 1488.13 1.550 5.218 1.697 98.39
35 1352.2 366.072 1488.57 1.566 5.208 1.702 95.63
h at 1352.2 kPa after isentropic compression is 1620 kJ/kg for case of 2nd stage.
h at optimum pressure after isentropic compression is 1573 kJ/kg.
h at 1352 kPa after compression in single stage case is 1765 kJ/kg.
4. A simple Freon-12 heat pump for space heating operates between temperature
limits of 15 and 50⁰C. The heat required to be pumped is 100 mJ/h. Determine:
(i) the dryness fraction of Frcon-12 entering the evaporator
(ii) the mass flow rate of refrigerant
(iii) the theoretical piston displacement of the compressor
(iv) the theoretical power of the compressor.
The other relevant data for Freon-12 are given below:
Saturation temp. Pressure Specific Enthalpy Specific Entropy
°C MN/m2 kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
hf hg sf sg
15 0.491 50.1 193.8 0.1915 0.6902
50 1.219 84.9 206.5 0.3037 0.6797
The specific volume of Freon-12 saturated vapour at 15⁰C is 0.0354 m3/kg, the
specific heat at constant pressure CP = 0.8.

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5. A vapour compression ice plant has a twin-cylinder single-acting compressor with a

bore and stroke of 90 cm and 70 cm respectively. It works between pressure limits
10.587 bar and 1.826 bar and has mean effective pressure of 334 kN per sq meter.
It runs at 500 rev/min, temperature of refrigerant at entry and exit from condenser
65° C and 32° C respectively; rate of flow of cooling water 13 kg per minute with a
rise of 8° C and produces at 27° C, 360 kg of ice in 8 hours from water; latent heat
of ice is 335 kJ. Find:
(a) the theoretical coefficient of performance
(b) the actual coefficient of performance and
(c) the mass flow of refrigerant per minute
Draw up an energy balance of the plant. The relevant properties of the refrigerant
used are:
Pressure Sat temp. Enthalpy kJ/kgK Entropy
bar C liquid Vapour kJ/kgK
10.587 44 78.679 204.544 0.6814
1.126 -15 22.23 180.973 0.7051
The average specific heat of liquid refrigerant is 1.256 and for superheated vapour
it is 0.645 kJ/kg K.
6. A 15 ton Freon refrigeration plant has twin cylinder single acting compressor
having bore 1.5 times stroke and operating at 960 rpm. The temperature of the
refrigerant sub-cooled as liquid in the condenser is 248 K while the temperature of
the refrigerant superheated as gas in the evaporator is 268 K. The condenser
temperature is 303 K. Determine.
(i) Mass of refrigerant circulated per minute
(ii) Theoretical kilo-watt power required to operate the plant
(iii) the theoretical COP of the plant
(iv) Heat removed in the condenser
(v) The compressor bore and stroke.
Using the refrigerant properties tabulated below
Saturation Absolute Specific Enthalpy of Enthalpy Entropy of Entropy of
Temp. pressure volume liquid of vapour liquid vapour
K bar m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
tS P vS hf hg sf sg
263 2.19 0 0767 26.9 183.2 0.1080 0.7020
303 7.4J 0.0235 64.6 199.6 0.2399 0.6854
Assume average liquid specific heat as 0.963 kJ/kg K and average vapour specific
heat as 0.615 kJ/kg.K.
7. An ammonia ice plant operates between a condenser temperature of 35°C and
evaporator temperature of -15°C. It produces 10 tons of ice per day from water at
30°C to ice at -5°C. Assuming simple saturation cycle, determine:
(i) the capacity of the refrigerating plant;
(ii) the mass flow rate of refrigerant;
(iii) the discharge temperature;
(iv) the compressor cylinder diameter and stroke;
(v) the power of compressor motor; and
(vi) the theoretical and actual C.O.P.
Use the properties of Ammonia as given below:
Satura Saturati Saturated liquid & Vapour Vapour Superheated

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4 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

tion on
50°C 100°C
Temp. Pressure
t P vf vg hf hg sf sg h s h s
C bar m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
–15 2.36 1.52 0.509 112.3 1426 0.457 5.549 1543 5.963 1656 6.3
35 13.5 1.7 0.096 3417.5 1476 1.282 4.93 1616 5.368 1744 5.7
Volumetric efficiency of compressor = 0.65;
Speed of compressor = 1200 rpm;
Stroke bore ratio of compressor = 1.2;
Adiabatic efficiency of compressor = 0.85;
Mechanical efficiency of compressor = 0.95;
8. A refrigerator with evaporator and condenser temperatures of -10 °C and 32 °C
uses R11. The vapour is superheated by 8 °C at entry to the compressor and the
superheating is obtained by undercooling the liquid before entry to evaporator.
Assuming isentropic compression, determine the power required for a cooling load
of 350 kJ/s, the overall efficiency for power use being 75%.
Discuss about the choice of the type of compressor for this plant.
Properties values are tabulated below.
Temp Specific Volume of Enthalpy kJ/kg Entropy of vapour Specific heat
°C vapour m3/kg liquid vapour kJ/kg K of kJ/kg K
-10 0.61141 191.44 384.64 1.7023 0.562
32 0.13104 227.96 406.11 1.6807 0.620

9. An ammonia vapour compression refrigeration plant has two stages of compression

and one evaporator. After leaving the condenser at 11.666 bar as saturated liquid
without under-cooling it passes the first throttle valve from which it emerges at
4.975 bar to enter a flash chamber. The liquid from flash chamber is then throttled
lo 2.909 bar and passes to the evaporator while the dry saturated vapour is passed
to a receiver connecting the LP and H.P cylinders. Determine:
(i) the amount of vapour bled off at the flash chamber.
(ii) the coefficient of performance.
Properties of ammonia:
Pressure Temp. Enthalpy Entropy Cp
bar ºC kJ/kg kJ/kgK kJ/kgK
hf hg sf sg
11.665 30 332.9 1467. 9 1.2028 4 9805
4.975 4 199.6 1447.6 0.7815 5.2852
2909 - 10 135.2 1432.0 0.5440 5.4730

10. A refrigerating plant of 10 kW capacity operates in the quasi ideal vapour

compression cycle. The refrigerant is R 134 a. The saturation temperatures in the
evaporator and condenser are respectively -20 °C and 40 °C. The plant includes a
heat exchanger in which the saturated liquid leaving the condenser is subcooled to
30 °C by the saturated vapour leaving the evaporator. The subcooled liquid is then
throttled to - 20 °C before entering the evaporator and the vapour leaving the heat
exchanger is compressed isentropically to the condenser pressure. Sketch the
schematic diagram and the cycle on p-h and T-s diagrams, numbering the
important point. Calculate the mass flow rate of the refrigerant and power to be

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supplied to the compressor. The mechanical efficiency of the compressor may be

assumed 80%. The compressor used by the plant is a single-stage, single acting
reciprocating compressor having stroke-diameter ratio of 1.2 and a speed of 240
rev/min. Assuming compressor volumetric efficiency to be 80% determine the
diameter and stroke of the compressor.
Properties of refrigerant may be obtained from table below:
t PS vg Enthalpy (KJ/kg) Entropy (KJ/kgK) Specific heat (KJ/kg-K)
°C bar m3/kg liquid vapour liquid vapour liquid vapour
-20 0.3268 0.1474 173.82 386.66 0.9009 1.7417 1.282 0.805
40 10.135 0.0199 256.35 419.58 1.1903 1.7115 1.5 1.12

11. Calculate the (i) c.o.p. (ii) power requirement and (iii) cooling capacity of a CO 2
compressor working between 22.68barand 64.32 bar pressures. The liquid in the
condenser gets cooled, by another system, to 15°C before entering the expansion
valve. The system is assumed to work on wet-compression with x = 0.9. The
compressor data: stroke volume = 500 c.c; rpm = 500 and ηvol = 0.85.
Property values are: sp. heat of CO2 vapour = 2.4 kJ/kg°C.
P Enthalpy (KJ/kg) v (m3/kg) S (KJ/kg°C) t
bar Liq. Vap. Liq. Vap. Liq. Vap. °C
22.68 49.62 322.86 0.00101 0.0166 0.1976 1.2567 -15
50.92 127.75 308.08 0.00130 0.0066 0.4697 1.0959 15
64.32 164.17 283.63 0.00147 0.0042 0.5903 0.9912 25
12. A vapour compression refrigerator works between pressure limits of 10 bar and 3
bar. The working fluid is dry at the end of compression and there is no
undercooling before the expansion valve. If refrigerant flow rate is 10 kg/min,
determine (i) COP and (ii) the capacity of the refrigerant.
Table for properties of the refrigerant is as under:
Pressure Saturation Liquid Latent Liquid
temperature heat heat entropy
bar °C kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kgK
10 25 298.90 1165.94 1.1242
3 - 10 135.37 1297.68 0.5443
13. In a refrigeration system of 10 TR cooling capacity using CHCIF2, the evaporator
and condenser temperatures are -10°C and 45°C respectively.
Properties of CHCIF2 at saturation are:
Temperature Sp. Volume Enthalpy Entropy
m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
°C vg hf hg sf sg
-10 0.0654 34.25 247.37 0.1374 0.9473
45 0.0133 101.76 261.95 0.3662 0.8697
Consider standard vapour compression cycle with inlet to compressor as saturated
vapour and inlet to expansion valve as saturated liquid. Assume that vapour may
be treated as perfect gas in desuperheating process with average specific heat of
0.9335 kJ/kg-K. Show the cycle on T-s and p-h diagrams. Find:
(i) compressor outlet temperature and enthalpy,
(ii) mass flow rate of refrigerant,
(iii) work requirement,
(iv) condenser heat rejection,
(v) COP and

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6 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

(vi) swept volume of compressor in m3/s assuming 100% volumetric efficiency.

14. A vapour compression refrigerator operates between the pressure limits of 462.47
kN/m2 and 1785.90 kN/m2. At entry to the compressor the refrigerant is dry
saturated and after compression it has a temperature of 59°C. The compressor has
a bore and stroke of 75 mm and runs at 8 rev/s with a volumetric efficiency of 80
percent. The temperature of the liquid refrigerant as it leaves the condenser is
32°C and the specific heat capacity of the superheated vapour may be assumed
constant. Determine :
(i) The coefficient of performance of the refrigerator
(ii) The mass flow of the refrigerant in kg/h.
(iii) The cooling water required by the condenser in kg/h if the cooling water
temperature rise is limited to 12°C.
The relevance properties of the refrigerant are given in the table below:
Pressure Sat. Temp. Sp. Enthalpy Sp. Vol. (m3/kg) Sp. Entropy
kN/m2 tf °C hf hg vf vg Sf Sg
462.47 -10 35.732 231.40 0.0008079 0.04573 0.1418 0.8614
1785.90 40 99.270 246.40 0.0009487 0.01105 0.3537 0.8093
Take the specific heat capacity of water as 4.187 kJ/kg K and the specific heat of
liquid refrigerant as 1.32 kJ/kg K.
15. Show that the COP of a cascade refrigeration system is
1 + COP1 + COP2
where COP1, and COP2 and COP's of low temperature and high temperature side
16. For flow through a compressor cascade, show that lift and drag coefficients are
given by the following expressions:
s ∆CLw s Cos3 αm
CL = Z −ξ tan αm
c Cm c Cos2 α1
s Cos 3 αm
and CD = ξ
c Cos 2 α1
where s/c = Pitch-chord ratio
ΔCW = CW1‒ CW2
αm = Mean flow angle
ξ = Total pressure loss coefficient
17. A VCC refrigerating machine using R-12 refrigerant produces 10 tonnes of
refrigeration at 10 °C when the ambient is at 35 °C. A temperature difference of
minimum 5 °C is required at the evaporator and condenser for spontaneous heat
transfer. The refrigerant is dry saturated at the outlet and to the inlet of
compressor. The adiabatic efficiency of the compressor is 90%. The enthalpy at the
end of isentropic compression is estimated to be 370 kJ/kg. Determine:
(i) COP
(ii) Power of the compressor
(iii) Capacity of the condenser
(iv) Represent the cycle on hand drawn T-S plane and show the refrigerating
effect, compressor work and condenser capacity on the same.
Properties of R-12 are:
Temperature Pressure Specific Enthalpy, kJ/kg
(°C) (bar) Sensible Evaporation

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5 3.62 204.64 148.97

10 4.23 209.32 146.37
15 4.91 214.10 143.69
30 7.45 228.54 135.04
35 8.47 233.50 131.90
40 9.60 238.53 128.62
18. A refrigeration system operates using simple saturated cycle with a certain
refrigerant . The condensing and evaporating temperatures for the refrigerant are
35 °C and -15 °C respectively. Determine the COP of the system. If a liquid vapour
heat exchanger is installed in the system, with the temperature of the vapour
leaving the heat exchanger at 15°C, what will be the change in the COP?
Use the following data for the refrigerant used:
20 K 40 K
t hf hg sg h s h s
⁰C kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
35 69.5 201.5 0.6839 216.4 0.731 231.0 0.7741
-15 - 181.0 0.7052 193.2 0.751 205.7 0.7942
19. A saturated vapour compression refrigeration system is extracting heat from a
thermal reservoir at -10°C and rejecting heat to another thermal reservoir at 36°C.
The saturation temperature of evaporator is -20°C and that of condenser is 46°C.
The mass flow rate of refrigerant (R- 134 a) is 0.1 kg/s. Assume environment
temperature equal to 36°C. Find:
(i) Refrigerating capacity in Tons
(ii) Power input in kW
(iii) COP
(iv) COP of Carnot refrigeration cycle
(v) Second law efficiency of the cycle.
20. Compare with the help of T-s diagram, the vapour compression cycle and Carnot
refrigeration cycle and show the deviation between the two cycles by shaded areas.
Properties of refrigerant (Saturated)
Saturation Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Entropy (kJ/kg-K)
Pressure Sat liquid Sat vapour Sat liquid Sat vapour
MPa hf hg sf sg
-20 0.13273 173.64 386.55 0.9002 1.7413
-10 0.20060 186.70 392.66 0.9506 1.7334
36 0.91185 250.48 417.65 1.1717 1.7124
46 1.1903 265.47 421.92 1.2186 1.7089
Super heated
Pressure(MPa) hg(kJ/kg) sg(kJ/kg-K)
1 428.9 1.741
1.2 436.12 1.7413
21. A thermostatic expansion valve using R-134a in the power assembly is designed to
produce 10°C superheat at an evaporator temperature of 0°C. What will be the
superheat that it will maintain when the evaporator temperature is -30°C?
Given for R-134a, the saturation pressure temperature data:
Temp (°C) -30 -25 -20 -15 -10
Pressure (bar) 0.8438 1.065 1.327 1.64 2.006

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8 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

Temp (°C) -5 0 5 10
Pressure (bar) 2.43 2.928 3.5 4.146
22. A commercial refrigerator with refrigerant 134a as the working fluid keeps a space cooled at
-30°C. It rejects heat to cooling water that enters the condenser at 18°C and at the rate of
0.25 kg/s and it leaves at 26°C. The refrigerant enters the condenser at 1.2 MPa and 65°C
and it leaves at 42°C. The inlet state of compressor is 60 kPa and -34°C. It gains a net heat
of 450 W from the surroundings. Sketch T-S diagram and determine,
(i) refrigeration toad
(ii) COP
(iii) Theoretical maximum refrigerant toad for the same power input to the
Given properties
60 𝐾𝑃𝑎
ℎ−34°𝐶 = 230.03 kJ/kg, ℎ1200
= 295.16 kJ/kg,
1200 𝐾𝑃𝑎
ℎ42°𝐶 = 111.23 kJ/kg, 𝑥111.23 = 0.47.
60 𝐾𝑃𝑎

hwater, 18°C= 75.4 kJ/kg; hWater,26 ºC = 108.9 kJ/kg

23. In a standard vapour compression refrigeration cycle, the specific enthalpies of
refrigerant at the end states of different processes in ascending order are 74.6
kJ/kg, 185.4 kJ/kg and 208.0 kJ/kg. If the mass flow rate of refrigerant is 30
kg/min, calculate power consumption and COP of the cycle.
24. An R12 simple saturation cycle operates at temperatures of 35°C and -15°C.
Determine the COP and HP per ton of refrigeration of the system:
20 K 40 K
t hf hg sg h s h s
⁰C kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
35 69.5 201.5 0.6839 216.4 0.731 231.0 0.7741
-15 - 181.0 0.7052 193.2 0.751 205.7 0.7942
25. A refrigerating machine, rated to produce 40 tons of refrigeration, is used for air
conditioning between the operative temperatures of 42° and 6°C of condenser and
evaporator respectively. The refrigerant is dry saturated at the end of compressor.
Find the capacity of the plant, power and capacities of compressor and condenser.
Properties of refrigerant
Temp. Pressure Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Entropy (kJ/kg-K) Volume (m3/kg)
(°C) bar hf hg sf sg
42 1.957 249.7 410.7 1.125 1.6712 0.6975
6 0.5160 — 407.15 1.018 1.687 0.04035
−32 0.0875 — 390.85 0.9178 1.715 0.1665
If the evaporator's temperature is reduced to -32°C, what will be effect on capacity
of plant, power and capacities of compressor and condenser?
26. A vapour compression system uses R-22 as a refrigerant and works between
condenser pressure and evaporator pressure corresponding to saturation
temperature of 44°C and 20°C respectively. It uses a single acting reciprocating
compressor having bore equal to 10 cm and stroke equal to 12 cm. Speed of the
compressor is 2800 rpm. The clearance factor for compressor is 0.04. Assume the
process of compression to be isentropic. Refrigerant vapour at the outlet of the
evaporator is dry and saturated and liquid at the outlet of the condenser is sub-
cooled to a temperature of 35° C. Assume the behavior of the superheated vapour
to be that of an ideal gas at constant pressure. Determine

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(i) temperature of the superheated vapour at the exit of compressor,

(ii) volumetric efficiency of the compressor,
(iii) mass flow rate of the refrigerant,
(iv) cooling capacity of refrigeration system in tons of refrigeration,
(v) power needed to drive the compressor,
(vi) COP of the system,
(vii) Draw the cycle on T — S and p — h diagram.
Use following properties of R-22:
Saturation temperature (°C) 20 44
Pressure (bar) 2.448 16.885
Enthalpy of sat. liquid (kJ/kg) 177.21 254.30
Enthalpy of sat. vapour (kJ/kg) 397.53 416.43
Entropy of sat. liquid (kJ/kg-K) 0.9139 1.1831
Entropy of sat. vapour (kJ/kg-K) 1.7841 1.6943
Sp. volume of sat. vapour (m3/kg) 0.0928 0.0136
Assume average specific heat of superheated vapour and sub-cooled liquid at
16.885 bar to be equal to 0.95 and 1.30 kJ/kg ° C respectively.
27. The evaporation and condensation temperatures of a 20 tons refrigeration plant
are 8 °C and 30 °C respectively. The refrigerant is superheated to 2 °C before
leaving the evaporator coil and the compression process is assumed to be
isentropic. The refrigerant is sub-cooled by 5 °C before it enters the expansion
valve. The compressor is double-cylinder, single-acting with the stroke is 1.5 times
the bore. Work out the following:
(i) Sketch the vapor compression cycle on P-H and T-S diagrams
(ii) Mass flow rate of refrigerant in kg/min
(iii) Theoretical power input to compressor
(iv) Theoretical coefficient of performance
(v) Theoretical piston displacement
(vi) Theoretical bore and stroke
(vii) Volumetric efficiency of compressor, if clearance volume is 2%.
Use the following table.
t P v hf hg sf sg CPl CPg
°C bar m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg-K
8 2.35 0.08 28.72 184.67 0.1149 0.1149  0.610
30 7.45 0.02 64.59 199.62 0.2400 0.2400 1.235 0.733
Symbols have usual meanings. The compressor runs at 1000 r.p.m.
28. In an ammonia vapour refrigeration plant, the pressure range is from 3.15 bar in
the evaporator to 10.5 bar in the condenser, the compression is isentropic and
before entering the throttle valve the refrigerant ammonia is sub-cooled. The
temperatures of the refrigerant at entry and exit from the condenser are 50°C and
20°C respectively, and the water being circulated in the condenser at the rate of
10.5 kg/min has a temperature rise of 10°C. The compressor unit is single-cylinder,
single-acting with bore10 cm, stroke 15 cm while running at 200 rev/min having an
indicated mean effective pressure equal to 35 bar. If the plant produces 50 kg/h of
ice at 0 °C from water at 15°C, determine (i) COP, (ii) flow rate of refrigerant and
(iii) condition of vapour at entry to the compressor.
The relevant properties of ammonia are as follows:
Pressure Saturation temperature Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Specific heat (kJ/kg-K)

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10 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

(bar) (K) Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour

315 264 35.6 1264 - -
10-5 304 134 1294 4.6 2.8
Take latent heat of ice as 335 kJ/kg.
29. A vapour compression refrigerator uses R-12 as refrigerant and the liquid
evaporates in the evaporator at -15°C. The temperature of this refrigerant at the
delivery from the compressor is 15°C when the vapour is condensed at 10°C.
Find the coefficient of performance if (i) there is no under cooling (ii) the liquid is
cooled 5°C before expansion by throttling. Take specific heat at constant pressure
for the superheated vapour as 0.64 kJ/kg-K and that for liquid as 0.94 kJ/kg-K.
The properties of refrigerant are as given below:
Temp Enthalpy Entropy
°C in kJ/kg in kJ/kg-K
Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour
15 22.3 180.80 0.0904 0.7051
+10 45.4 191.76 0.1750 0.6921
30. A vapour compression plant uses R134-a and has a suction temperature of -5°C
and a condenser saturation temperature of 45°C. The vapour is dry saturated on
entering the compressor and there is no undercooling of the condensate. The
compression is carried out isentropically in two stages and a flash chamber is
employed at an interstage saturation temperature of 15°C. Calculate:
(i) the amount of vapour bled off at the flash chamber;
(ii) the state of the vapour at the inlet to the second stage of compression;
(iii) the refrigerating effect per unit mass of refrigerant in the condenser;
(iv) the work done per unit mass of refrigerant in the condenser;
(v) the coefficient of performance.
Properties of R134-a are given below.
Saturated Values Superheat
Sat. 10 K 20 K
t vg hf hg sf sg
Pressure h s h s
ºC (bar) m3/kg KJ/kg KJ/kgK KJ/kg KJ/kgK KJ/kg KJ/kgK
5 2.4371 0.081 93.46 291.77 0.9760 1.7155 302.18 1.7536 312.05 1.7884
15 4.8734 0.042 120.06 303.38 1.0709 1.7071 314.86 1.7463 325.56 1.7817
45 11.5447 0.017 162.93 319.54 1.2105 1.7028 332.87 1.7440 345.04 1.7804
31. A plant using R22 has an evaporator saturation temperature of -1°C and a
condenser saturation temperature of 45°C. The vapour is dry saturated at entry to
the compressor and is at a temperature of 75°C after compression to the condenser
pressure. The compressor is a two stage centrifugal compressor, each stage having
the same pressure ratio and enthalpy rise. Assuming no undercooling in the
condenser, a slip factor of unity, axial flow of refrigerant into the compressor,
radial flow of refrigerant at the impeller exit and using the properties of R22 given
in Table 1 and 2, calculate:
(i) the coefficient of performance.
(ii) the power input required for a refrigeration capacity of 2 MW.
(iii) the diameter of the impeller in each stage when the rotational speed is
300 rev/min.
Table 1 Saturated Values:
Temp. Press. Specific enthalpy Specific entropy Specific volume

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hf hg sf sg vg
(0°C) (bar) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg K) m3/kg
1 4.816 198.83 404.99 0.996 1.753 0.0487
45 17.290 256.40 417.31 1.187 1.693 0.0133
Table 1 Saturated Values at 17.290 bar:
Temperature Specific enthalpy Specific entropy
0°C (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg K)
65 436.27 1.751
70 440.77 1.764
75 445.21 1.777
32. A simple R-12 plant is to develop 5 tonnes of refrigeration. The condenser and
evaporator temperatures are to be 40 °C and -10 °C respectively. Determine the
(i) Refrigerant flow rate
(ii) Volume flow rate handled by the compressor in m3/s
(iii) Compressor discharge temperature if the enthalpy of refrigerant at
compressor exit is 209.41 kJ/kg
(iv) Pressure ratio
(v) Heat rejected to the condenser in kW
(vi) Flash gas percentage after throttling
(vii) COP
(viii) Power required to drive the compressor.
Saturated values of properties of R-12:
Sp. enthalpy Sp. enthalpy Sp.
Temperature Pressure Volume
(Saturated liquid) (Saturated vapour) entropy
(°C) (bar) h f (kJ/kg) hg (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg-K) (m3/kg)
10 2.1912 — 183.19 0.7019 0.077
40 9.6066 74.59 203.981 — —
Enthalpy values of vapour refrigerant at 9.6066 bars:
Temperature (°C) Sp. enthalpy (kJ/kg)
40 203.981
50 210.950

33. An ammonia refrigerator operates on the simple vapour compression cycle. The
pressure of liquid ammonia before throttling is 12.3 kgf/cm2 and its temperature is
27.2°C. The evaporator pressure is 2.53 kgf/cm2. Ammonia gas leaves the
evaporator at 9.5°C. The power input to the compressor is 2.12 kW and the mass
flow rate of ammonia is 27 kg/h. Determine the dryness fraction of the gas after
throttling, the heat absorbed per hour in the evaporator and the coefficient of
performance of the refrigerator. Sketch the cycle on the T-s and the p-h diagrams.
Properties of ammonia are given below:
Temperature Pressure Saturation enthalpy, kcal/kg
°C kg/cm2 liquid gas
13.8 2.53 27.5 341
+31.1 12.30 77.5 351
Specific heat of liquid at 12.3kgf/cm2 may be taken to be 1.14 kcal/kg°C and the
specific heat of superheated vapor at 2.53 kgf/cm2 may be taken to be 0.6

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12 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

34. A vapour compression refrigeration machine, with Freon-12 as refrigerant, has a

capacity of 20 tons of refrigeration operating between -28°C and 26°C. The
refrigerant is subcooled 4°C before entering the expansion value and the vapour is
superheated by 5°C before leaving the evaporator. The machine has a six-cylinder
single-acting compressor with stroke equal to 1.25 times the bore. It has a
clearance of 3% of the stroke volume.
Determine: (i) Theoretical power required (ii) COP (iii) Volumetric efficiency (iv)
Bore and stroke of cylinder.
The speed of the compressor is 1000 r.p.m.
Saturated Temp. Saturated Pressure vg hf hg sf sg
°C kgf/cm2 m3/kg kcal/kg kcal/kg-°K
28 1.1149 0.1492 93.98 133.77 0.977 1.139
26 6.8175 0.027 106.01 139.7 1.0207 1.1334
Specific heat of liquid refrigerant = 0.23 kcal/kg-°K
Specific heat of superheated vapour = 0.147 kcal/kg-°K
35. Water is drawn from a river at 7°C and has to be heated to 64°C. Calculate the
advantage of using the heat pump plant described below over direct heating of the
water. The water drawn from the river passes first through the Freon condenser
and then through the steam condenser. Assume that a heat source above 450°C is
Freon-12 Heat Pump compressor is driven by stream turbine. Its condenser
temperature 60°C and evaporator temperature 5°C. Freon-12 enters compressor
as saturated vapour and enters throttle value as saturated liquid. Steam pressure
and temperature leaving boiler 30 kg/cm2 and 450°C respectively. Steam condenser
temperature 76°C.

Enthalpy values of Freon-12: At entry to compressor 187 KJ/ kg, at discharge of

compressor 221.5 kJ/kg and at exit condenser 90kJ/kg. (4.18kJ = 1 kcal).
36. The compressor of a refrigeration plant having stroke Volume of 500 c.c. runs at
500 r.p.m and works with CO2 gas. The evaporator and condenser temperatures
are 15C and 25C respectively. The liquid in the condenser (using another Fr-12
refrigerating system) is under-cooled to 15C, before passing on to the expansion
valve. Assume isentropic compression with an initial quality of CO2 as x = 1 and
volumetric efficiency of the compressor as 0.85. Draw a T-S diagram and calculate
the following—
(a) C.O.P.
(b) Power required by compressor assuming motor efficiency to be 0.9.
(c) Actual tonnage capacity of the compressor.

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The tabulated data for saturated CO2

t (C) h (kJ/kg) v (m3/kg) s (kJ/kg-C) P (bar)
liq. vap. liq. vap. liq. vap.
15 49.62 322.86 0.0010 0.0166 0.1976 0.2567 22.88
15 127.75 308.08 0.0013 0.0063 0.4697 1.0959 50.92
25 164.17 283.63 0.0015 0.0015 0.5903 0.9912 64.32
(Specific heat of vapor CO2 = 2.4 kJ/kg C)
37. A vapour compression refrigeration system using refrigerant12 is employed to
produce 8640 kg of ice per day. The condensing and evaporating temperatures of
the refrigerant are 48° C and 20°C, respectively. Saturated liquid leaves the
condenser and saturated vapour leaves the evaporator. Compression is isentropic.
Water at 35°C is used to from ice. The temperature of ice should be -8° C. Heat
flows into the brine tank from the surroundings may be taken to be 10 percent of
the total heat removed from water to form ice at the specified temperature.
Determine the power required to drive film compressor, in kW. Take specific heat
of ice = 2.26 kJ/kg. K, latent heat of ice = 334.72 kJ/kg and specific heat of water =
4.187 kJ/kg K.
The following data for refrigerant 12 may be used:
Temperature Pressure Enthalpy, kJ/kg Entropy, kJ/kg. K
°C bar liquid vapour liquid vapour
48 11.64 82.83 205.83 0.2973 0.6802
20 1.51 17.82 178.74 0.0731 0.7087
Specific heat of vapour = 0.82 kJ/kg. K.
38. A cascade refrigeration system of 100 tons (350 kW) capacity uses ammonia and
carbon dioxide, the evaporating and condensing temperatures of CO2 are 40°C
and 5°C, respectively. The evaporating temperature of NH3 is 7°C. The power
supplied to the ammonia compressor is 96.5 kW. In the CO2 circuit, the liquid
leaving the condenser is saturated, the vapor leaving the evaporator is dry and
saturated, and compression is isentropic. Calculate the mass flow rate of CO 2 and
the C.O.P. of the system.
The following data for CO2 may be used:
Temperature Pressure Enthalpy kJ/kg Entropy, kJ/kg K
°C bars Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor
40 10.05 332.7 652.8 3.8531 5.2262
5 39.70 431.0 649.8 4.2231 5.0097
Specific heat of superheated vapor CP = 0.85 kJ/kg K.
39. A vapor compression heat pump is driven by a power cycle having a thermal
efficiency of 25%. For the heat pump, refrigerant 12 is compressed from saturated
vapor at 2.0 bars to the condenser pressure of 12 bars. The isentropic efficiency of
the compressor is 80%. Saturated liquid enters the expansion valve at 12 bars. For
the power cycle, 80% of the heat rejected by it is transferred to the heated space
which has a total heating requirement of 500 kJ/min. Determine the power input
to the heat pump compressor.
The following data for refrigerant 12 may be used.
Pressure Temperature Enthalpy, kJ/kg Entropy, kJ/kg. K
bar °C Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor
2.0 12.53 24.57 182.07 0.0992 0.7035
12.0 49.31 84.21 206.24 0.3015 0.6799

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14 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

Vapor specific heat at constant pressure = 0.7 kJ/kg. K

40. A Freon-12 refrigerator producing a cooling effect of 20 kJ/s operates on a simple
cycle with pressure limits of 1.509 bar and 9.607 bar. The vapour leaves the
evaporator dry saturated and there is no undercooling. Determine the power
required by the machine. If the compressor operates at 3000 rpm and has a
clearance volume of 3% of stroke volume determine the piston displacement of the
For compressor assume that the expansion follows the law pv1.13 = constant.
Temp. °C Ps bar vg m3/kg Enthalpy kJ/kg Entropy kJ/kg K Specific heat
hh hg sf sg kJ/kg K
20 1.509 0.1088 17.8 178.61 0.073 0.7082
40 9.607 74.53 203.05 0.2716 0.682 0.747
41. A food storage locker requires a refrigeration capacity of 50 kW. It works between a
condenser temperature of 35°C and an evaporator temperature of 10°C. The
refrigerant is ammonia. It is subcooled by 5°C before entering the expansion valve
by the dry saturated vapour leaving the evaporator.
Assuming a single cylinder, single-acting compressor operating at 1000 rpm with
stroke equal to 1.2 times the bore, determine (a) the power required, and (b) the
cylinder dimensions.
The following data may be used:
Saturation Enthalpy Entropy Specific volume Specific heat
Temperature kJ/kg kJ/kg K m3/kg kJ/kg K
⁰C bar Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour
10 2.9157 154.056 1450.22 0.82965 5.7550 - 0.417477 - 2.492
35 13.522 366.072 1488.57 1.56605 5.2086 1.7023 0.095629 4.556 2.903
42. A 20 ton vapour compression refrigeration system using Freon 12 operates between
evaporator pressure of 1.004 bar and condenser pressure of 13.663 bar. The system
uses a subcooling superheating heat exchanger with 10° of superheat added.
Determine (i) the mass flow rate, (ii) the COP, (iii) the degree of subcooling and (iv)
the power required.
The refrigerant leaving the condenser is dry saturated liquid and leaving the
evaporator is dry saturated vapour. The compression in compressor is isentropic.
Properties for R-12:
Pressure Temperature Enthalpy Entropy Specific heat
bar °C kJ/kg kJ/kg K kJ/kg K
liquid vapour liquid vapour liquid vapour
1.004 30 8.854 174.076 0.0371 0.7165 0.579
13.663 55 90.201 207.766 0.3194 0.6777 1.074
43. A four cylinder single acting ammonia compressor with cylinder dimensions as 7.5
× 10 cm operates at 600 r.p.m. Condenser and evaporator pressures are 12 and 2
bar respectively. The vapour from the evaporator to suction of compressor is dry
and saturated and there is no undercooling in the condenser. Compression takes
place according to law PV1.2 = constant. If clearance is 2% of the stroke, calculate:
(i) Refrigerating capacity in tons of refrigeration
(ii) Power required to drive the compressor in KW.
(iii) Heat rejected to cylinder jacket water in kJ/min.
(iv) Heat rejected to the condenser in KJ/min.
Take value of  for NH3 as 1.31.

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Problems of Practices on Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning By Brij Bhooshan 15

44. An ideal vapour compression refrigerator using Feron-12 operates between

temperature limits of - 10° C and 40°C. The refrigerant leaves the condenser dry
saturated. The rate of flow of refrigerant through the unit is 150 kg /hr. Calculate
the refrigerating effect per kg of refrigerant, the coefficient of performance and the
capacity of the plant if,
(i) the refrigerant leaves the condenser dry saturated as stated.
(ii) the refrigerant is sub cooled to 20° C before throttling.
Assume that the enthalpy of refrigerant before throttling is approximately equal to
the enthalpy of liquid refrigerant at undercooled temperature of 20° C and take it
as hf = 50.59 kJ/Kg. Give your comments on the result. Solve the problem by using
45. 10 tons of refrigeration is required for a food storage space to keep the food stuff
cool. The refrigerant used in the plant is Freon-12 and is subcooled by 5°C before
entering in the expansion valve. The temperature of evaporator and condenser are
-8°C and 30°C respectively. The vapour is superheated to 6°C before leaving the
evaporator coil. The compressor is of two cylinders, single acting type having stroke
equal to 1.5 times the bore. The compressor runs at 800 rpm and the compression
is assumed to be isentropic. Estimate the following:
(i) refrigerating effect per kg
(ii) mass flow rate of the refrigerant
(iii) theoretical piston displacement
(iv) theoretical power
(v) C.O.P. and
(vi) theoretical bore and stroke of the compressor.
46. Obtain an expression for the capacity of a refrigeration system (tonnage) in terms
of the rate of upper and lower pressure limits, expansion index (n), VC/VS (VC =
clearance volume and VS = swept volume), N (rpm), VC, V1 (specific volume at the
inlet to compressor) and the refrigeration effect (h1  h4).
If the pressure ratio is 6.5, n = 11, VC/VS = 0.025, N = 900, VS = 600 cc, V1 = 0.078
m3/kg and refrigeration effect = 150 kJ/kg, calculate the capacity of the system.
47. In order to keep off foodstuff in better condition, a food storage locker requires 20
tons of refrigeration. The evaporator temperature is 8°C and the condenser
temperature is 30 °C. The refrigerant used in the refrigeration plant is Fr-12. This
is subcooled by 5°C before entering to the expansion valve. The vapor is
superheated to 6°C before leaving the evaporator coil. The compressor employed is
of two cylinder, single-acting having stroke equal to 1.5 times the bore. The speed
of the compressor is 900 r.p.m. The compression process may be assumed to be
isentropic. Work out the following:
(i) Sketch the system and show the process on T-S and p-h diagrams
(ii) The refrigerating effect per kg of refrigerant
(iii) The mass flow rate of the refrigerant circulated
(iv) The theoretical piston displacement
(v) The power input to compressor if mechanical efficiency is 0.9.
(vi) The coefficient of performance
(vii) The bore and stroke if volumetric efficiency is 90%.
Use the following properties for the solution:
h1 = 356 kJ/kg, h2 = 377 kJ/kg, hf3 = h4 = 225.5 kJ/kg, v1 = 0.077 m3/kg

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16 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

where, 1, 2, 3 and 4 refer to inlet to compressor, outlet of compressor, exit of

subcooler and capillary tube/ expansion valve exit respectively.
48. A simple saturation cycle using R12 is designed for taking a load of 10 tons. The
refrigerant and ambient temperatures are 0°C and 30°C respectively. A minimum
temperature difference of 5°C is required in evaporator and condenser for heat
transfer. Find the
(i) mass flow rate through the system
(ii) power required in kW
(iii) cylinder dimensions assuming L/D ratio of 1.2 for a single cylinder single
acting compressor if it runs at 300 rpm with a volumetric v of 0 9.
The following properties are taken for R12. Sp. heat of R12 vap = 0.95 kJ/kg K.
Sat. Sp. vol. Enthalpy Entropy
Sat. pr
temp Sat. liq Sat. vap Sat. liq Sat. vap Sat. liq Sat. vap
°C bar × 103 m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg K
5°C 2.61 0.71 0.0650 31.4 185.4 0.1251 0.6991
0°C 3.08 0.72 0.0554 36.1 187.5 0.1420 0.6966
30°C 7.45 0.77 0.0235 64.6 199.6 0.2399 0.6854
35°C 8.47 0.79 0.0206 69.5 201.5 0.2559 0.6839
49. Saturated ammonia vapour enters a 15 cm dia × 14 cm stroke twin - cylinder single
- acting compressor at 0.2365 MPa whose volumetric efficiency is 79% and speed
420 r.p.m. The delivery pressure is 1.1672 MPa. Liquid NH3 at 21 °C enters the
expansion valve. For ideal cycle, find: (i) the ammonia circulated in kg/min, (ii) the
refrigeration in tons and (iii) COP of the cycle.
Properties of NH3 are given below:
Pressure Sat. temp. Sp. Volume of Enthalpy Entropy
(MPa) (°C) vap. at sat. (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg - K)
(m3/kg) Sat. liq. Sat. vap. Sat. liq. Sat. vap.
0.2365 15 0.5106 831.46 481.52 5.4387 10.526
1 1672 +30 0.11084 620.70 523.42 6.1853 9.9606
Assume sp. heat of NH3 as 2.19 kJ/kg-K and density 0.77 kg/m3.
50. The system uses two single-acting cylinders with bore to stroke ratio of 0.8, speed
of compressor is 1420 rpm, clearance factor for compressors is 0.04 and polytropic
index of compression is 1.1. Mechanical efficiency of the compressor is 0.8.
(i) Temperature of liquid refrigerant at the exit of regenerative heat exchanger,
assuming specific heat of the liquid to be 1.37 kJ/kg K.
(ii) Mass flow rate of the refrigerant.
(iii) The temperature of the refrigerant vapours at the exit of compressor,
assuming ideal gas behaviour in the superheat region, specific heat of
refrigerant vapours in the superheat region may be taken as 0.85 kJ/kg K.
(iv) Power input to the compressor.
(v) COP of the system.
(vi) Volumetric efficiency of the compressor, and
(vii) Bore and stroke of the compressor.
The following properties of R-22 are given:
Sat. temp Sat. Pressure Sp. Vol. of Enthalpy (kJ/kg)
ts Ps Sat. vapour Sat. Liquid Sat. vapour
°C bar m3/kg hf hg

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20 2.448 0.0928 177.4 397.5

40 15.335 0.0151 249.08 415.95
For superheated refrigerant vapour at 2.448 bar and saturation temperature of
Temperature Specific volume Enthalpy
°C m3/kg kJ/kg
15 0.0951 400.7
20 0.1107 423.9
51. An R-12 vapour compression plant producing 10 tonnes of refrigeration operates
with condensing and evaporating temperatures of 35°C and 10°C respectively. A
suction line heat exchanger is used to subcool the saturated liquid leaving the
condenser. Saturated vapour leaving the evaporator is superheated in the suction
line heat exchanger to the extent that a discharge temperature of 60°C is obtained
after isentropic compression. Calculate
(i) The subcooling achieved in the heat exchanger,
(ii) The refrigerant flow rate in kg/s,
(iii) The cylinder dimensions of the two-cylinder compressor, if the speed is 900
rpm, stroke - to –bore ratio is 1 : 1 and the volumetric efficiency is 80%,
(iv) The COP of the plant and
(v) The power required to drive the compressor in kW.
Draw the cycles on P-h and T-s diagrams. You may use the following table:
Temperature Specific Volume Specific enthalpy Specific entropy
(°C) (m3/kg) KJ/kg KJ/kg-K
Vapour (vg) Liquid (hf) Vapour (hg) Liquid (Sf) Vapour (sg)
10 0.0766 190.88 347.13 0.9660 1.5600
+ 35 0.0206 233.50 365.92 1.1139 1.5419
Average specific heat of desuperheating vapour at condenser = 0.796 KJ/kg-K.
Average specific heat of vapour between evaporator outlet and compression suction
= 0.658 KJ/kg-K.
52. An ammonia ice plant operates between a condenser temperature of 35°C and an
evaporator temperature of 15°C. It produces 10 tons of ice per day from water at
32°C to ice at 3°C. Assuming simple saturation cycle, determine:
(i) the capacity of the refrigeration plant.
(ii) the mass flow rate of refrigerant.
(iii) the compressor cylinder diameter and stroke if its volumetric efficiency is
70%, rpm = 1250 and stroke to bore ratio is = 1.3.
(iv) the power of the compressor motor if the adiabatic efficiency of the
compressor = 0.86 and mechanical efficiency = 0.94.
(v) the theoretical and actual COP.
Assume latent heat of ice = 335 kJ/kg
Specific heat of water = 4.1868 kJ/kgK.
Specific heat of ice =1.94 kJ/kgK.
The properties of NH3 are given below:
T vf vg hf hg sf sg
°C ×103 m3/kg m3/kg (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg-K)
15 1.52 0.508 131.3 1443.9 0.7426 5.8223
35 1.7 0.096 366.1 1488.6 1.566 5.2086
Average specific heat of ammonia vapour is 2.2 kJ/kg-K.

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18 Problems of Practices on Vapour Compression Systems

53. An R717 based vapour compression refrigerating machine works between 38°C and
-20°C temperature. The ammonia leaves the compressor dry and saturated. Liquid
ammonia is undercooled to 30°C temperature inside the condenser, before
throttling. Find the theoretical COP of the machine. The Cp of saturated ammonia
liquid is 4.91 kJ/kg-K. If net refrigeration required is 25.0 TR, find the mass flow
rate of ammonia in kg/h, assuming relative COP 0.75.
The saturation properties of R717 are given in the following Table:
t,°C Liquid Vapour
h, kJ/kg s, kJ/kg-K h, kJ/kg
38 380.78 1.6134 1489.36
20 108.55 0.6538 1437.68
54. An air-conditioner with refrigerant R134a as the working fluid is used to keep a
room at 26°C by rejecting the waste heat to the outside air at 34°C. The room is
gaining heat through the walls and the windows at a rate of 250 kJ/min while the
heat generated by the appliances in the room amounts to 900 W. An unknown
amount of heat is also generated by the people in the room. The condenser and
evaporator pressures are 1200 kPa and 500 kPa respectively. The refrigerant is
saturated liquid at the condenser exit and saturated vapour at the compressor
inlet. If the refrigerant enters the compressor at a rate of 100 L/min and the
isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 75%, determine the (i) temperature of the
refrigerant at the compressor exit, (ii) rate of heat generation by the people in the
room, (iii) COP of the air-conditioner, and (iv) minimum volume flow rate of the
refrigerant at the compressor inlet for the same compressor inlet and exit
Properties of R134a:
At 500 kPa : h = 259.3 kJ/kg, vg = 0.4112 m3/kg, sg = 0.924 m3/kg,
At 1200 kPa: hf = 117.77 kJ/kg

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