qi, then feature i is more likely to be 1 when the class is ω1."> qi, then feature i is more likely to be 1 when the class is ω1.">
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Pattern Recognition and Applications

Prof. P. K. Biswas
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 9
Bayes Decision Theory – Binary Features

(Refer Slide Time: 00:41)

Good morning, so we are going to discuss today the Bayes decision theory for binary
features. So far what we have discussed is assuming that the feature vectors are distributed
following some normal distribution of the form

 ω    2π  1 
P x
i d
 1
 2
 t
 
exp  -  X-μ i  i 1  X-μ i   . So, this is the expression for a

multivariate normal distribution. And we have seen that, in this expression where i
represents the covariance matrix, that for different conditions of covariance matrices, we can
have different types of classifier.

Say the first case we have discussed is, if the covariance matrix for every class i is of the
form, σ2I, where both this covariance matrix is of dimension dxd. Where our feature vectors
are of dimension d and this identity matrix is also of dimension dxd. So, because this is
identity matrix so this simply says that covariance matrix is a diagonal matrix, where every
diagonal element is of value σ2. That means every component have the same variance
whereas off diagonal elements are equal to 0 so because off diagonal elements are 0’s so the
components, different components of the feature vectors are statistically independent.
So, in such cases we have seen that, the classifier is nothing but a linear classifier or when we
talked about the discriminant function, the discriminant function for, function for individual
classes, they are also linear functions. And because they are linear functions so the classifier
which employs this linear functions to classify and an unknown feature vector, that is a linear
machine. And in particular, if we want to find out the decision boundary two different classes
say ith class, ωi and the jth class, ωj the decision boundary between these two different classes
is a hyper plane, which is orthogonal to the line joining μ i and μ j , where μ i and μ j   are the

centers of the classes ωi and ωj.

So, effectively I have a situation something like this, that, if I have μ i somewhere over here,

which is the mean of the class ωi and μ j is somewhere over here. Then the decision surface is

orthogonal, is a hyper plane, which is orthogonal to the line joining μ i and μ j . And if the

apriori probabilities P  ωi   P  ω j    then this decision boundary or the decision surface

becomes an orthogonal bisector of the line joining μ i and μ j . So, this was our simplest case.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:20)

In the second case, we have seen that if i   , that is every class or the samples belonging
to every class have the same covariance matrix, but otherwise the covariance matrix is
arbitrary, unlike in the first case where, covariance matrix has its specific form like this. In
the second case the covariance matrices are arbitrary, but every
class have the same covariance matrix, which ideally means that, the points belonging to the
same class or the points belonging to different classes, they are clustered in hyper ellipsoidal
spaces of same shape and same size. And in such case we have seen that, the discriminating
function that we get for different classes they are also linear.

So, in both the cases in the first case, as well in the second case the discriminating functions
becomes linear so the classifier is nothing but a linear machine. However, there is some
difference between the decision surfaces, that we get between two different classes ωi and ωj.
In the first case, the decision surface was orthogonal to the line joining μ i and μ j , in the

second case the decision surface is not in general orthogonal to the line joining μ i and μ j .

So, here again if μ i and μ j say this is μ i and this is μ j , which are the centers of the two

classes ωi and ωj then the decision surface between these two classes will be something like
this. In the previous case, it was orthogonal to the line joining μ i and μ j , in this case in

general it is not orthogonal. However, the decision surface is a hyper plane or it represents
the linear equation and here again, if the a priori probability is P  ωi   P  ω j  . Then this

decision surface though it is not orthogonal to the line joining μ i and μ j , but it will pass

through the point which is midway between the points μ i and μ j .

And the third case we have said that, the covariance matrices of different classes are totally
arbitrary. So for ith class I will have one covariance matrix, for jth class I will have another
covariance matrix. So, that effectively means that the clusters or the points, vectors belonging
to different classes they are clustered into hyper ellipsoidal spaces. In this, in the first, second
case the hyper ellipsoidal spaces were of same shape and same size. In this case, the points
belonging to different classes will also form hyper ellipsoidal spaces, but these hyper
ellipsoidal spaces may not have same shape or may not have same size. So, they will have
different shapes as well as different sizes, but the points belonging to the same class they,
form an hyper ellipsoidal spaces.

However, in all these three different cases that we have discussed, we have assumed that the
feature vector x is continuous or the individual components of the feature vector x. Because
our feature vector X is, nothing but a d dimensional vector having the components x1, x2 up
to xd. So, it is a d dimensional feature vector so in all this three
different cases our basic assumptions was that, the feature vectors are continuous or in
otherwise, individual components are also continuous. That effectively means that if I
consider a d dimensional feature space then the feature vector can be represented by any
point, is represented by any point within that d dimensional feature space. I do not have any
specific set of points, from which the feature vectors are drawn.

However, in most of the practical applications and particularly in these days as we are
walking with digital computers, all the data that we get are digital data. And the moment we
get digital data, the vectors that we generate are no more continuous rather, they are discrete
vectors or every component of the feature vector every xi will have a discrete values.
Discrete values mean, it will assume one of a set of specific values so instead of the
continuous variable it becomes a discrete variable.

So, when it is a discrete variable, in that case in all our previous lectures wherever we have
talked about integration, the integration is to be replaced by summation. And the summation
has to be carried out, over the discrete space. So, we will take a specific case of this discrete
feature vectors. So, let us consider a case where, so we will have a feature vector X which
will be discrete.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:11)

And we consider a specific case of a two class problem and the feature vectors, we will
assume to be binary feature vectors. Binary feature vector means, every component of the
feature vector will assume binary value either 0 or 1. So, when I have this feature
vector X, which is given by x1, x2 up to xd. Again we assume that, we have d dimensional
feature vectors. Every component of the feature vector x1, x2 or x3 can assume either a value
equal to 0 or a value equal to 1.
So, that means that, if a feature vector is taken from a particular class it will say whether a
particular feature is present or it is absent. So, when I have this sort of binary feature vectors
so we will also assume the different components of this feature vectors are conditionally
independent. To have something similar to statistical independence of different components
in continuous feature vectors. So, here also we will assume that different components of the
feature vectors are conditionally independent.

So, every feature value in this feature vector xi, every feature value can have a value either 0
or 1. So, it will say whether the feature is present or the feature is absent and correspondingly,
the probabilities will be something like this. So, every feature component will be represented
by a probability value where, the probability is something like this, that I will represent pi to
represent the probability of the ith component. So, the pi will be equal to probability that,
component xi is equal to 1 given that, the true state of nature or the true class is class ω1. We
are considering a two class problem.

So, we have classes ω1 and ω2. So, pi represents probability that xi = 1 given that, the true
state of nature is ω1 similarly, qi is probability that, xi the same component is equal to 1,
given the true state of nature is ω2. So, given this type of probability measures, it simply
means that if I have a situation that pi is greater than qi. In such cases, it simply means that ith
component xi is more likely to have value 1 if, x belongs to class ω1.

Because, it is the probability of assuming a value equal to 1, when the true state of the nature
of the two classes ω1 or when the true state of the nature of two classes ω2. So, if pi is greater
than qi that simply means that, if the sample is taken from class ω1. Then it is more likely
that the ith component x1 will have value equal to 1 or xi will have a value equal to 1, more
frequently if the vector is taken from class ω1.

And if it is taken from class ω2 then it is less frequent that the ith component xi will have a
value equal to 1.

So, when I have this kind of situation now, let us see that what are the cases in which these
kind of feature vectors are more useful. Say for example, if we want to find out the health of a
plant say, power plant, if I want to determine the health of a power plant. Then what, we
normally do is there are number of sensors which are used to monitor different parameters of
the plant. And after monitoring those different parameters, you decide whether the plant is
okay or there is some danger in the plant.
And when you sensor, when you monitor the sensor outputs you just see that, whether the
sensor output is above a threshold level or below a threshold level. So, if it is above a
threshold level, we set a value equal to 1, if it is below a threshold level we set a value equal
to 0. Let me take a more obvious example, when I go to the market to purchase oranges, you
must have noticed that even in our tech market you usually get two types of oranges. One
type of oranges, which are produced at Nagpur and one type of orange which are coming
from Darjeeling. Have you noticed any difference in appearance between these types of

Student: Color is different

Color is different, if it is from Darjeeling color is more attractive. It is really orangey color, it
is more yellowish whereas, oranges from Nagpur they are more greenish and if it becomes
quite old, it becomes more reddish. If you look at the surface texture, the oranges which are
coming from Darjeeling, they are smooth whereas, the oranges which are taken from Nagpur,
they are rough. So, if simply based on these two features I want to determine, I want to have
an automated machine which will simply classify, tell me that whether these are Darjeeling
orange or a Nagpur orange. So, it will try to take the decision based on the color in the
simplest case or it will try to take the decision based on the feature, the texture feature.

So, if I keep some of the feature vectors like, whether the color is yellowish, answer will be
either yes or no, whether it is greenish either it will be, answer will be either yes or no
whether it is smooth, answer will be either yes or no. However, when I get an orange from
Darjeeling and I take an orange from Nagpur, there is no guarantee that all the oranges from
Darjeeling, will always have smooth texture or will always have orangey or yellowish color.
Or if take oranges from Nagpur there is no guarantee that, I will always have greenish color,
Nagpur even may produce some oranges which will have yellowish color or which will have
smooth textures.

So, there is always a finite probability that an orange produced at Nagpur will have yellowish
color. So, it is not necessary if that color to be yellowish, I put that as a binary feature, for all
the oranges coming from Nagpur that binary value will always be equal to 0, it is not
guaranteed, for some of them I may get values which are equal to 1, but that is less frequent
than, the value equal to 1 when the oranges are taken from Darjeeling.

So, simply over here if that feature I put as the ith feature xi then pi will be more frequently
equal to 1, xi will be more frequently equal to 1, if this ωi is Darjeeling. And this will be less
frequently equal to 1, if ω2 is from Nagpur so coming over here if pi is greater than qi. So, it
simply explains this particular situation, that is for oranges coming from Darjeeling, I will
have more number of oranges having yellowish color than, the number of oranges I get with
yellowish color from the Nagpur oranges. So, this is a typical situation like this.

And what does conditional independence mean, the texture and the color they are
independent. I mean if the texture is rough, that does not necessarily mean that the color will
be greenish or if the texture is smooth, that does not necessarily mean that the color will be
yellowish. So, coming to the plant if I take two features say, I want to monitor the health of a
boiler. If I take two features, one is pressure inside the boiler and temperature inside the

They are not independent because if temperature increases the pressure will increase. I mean
just from the basic laws of gas so they are not independent they are dependent. So, when I try
to select the features I should select in such a way that the features are independent because
that solves many of the mathematical problems, I do not have to look for complicated
mathematics. So, if I assume that the features are conditionally independent.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:17)

 ω  , where x is the feature vector,

Then, the same probability function I can write as P x

which has d number of binary valued feature components. So, this P  x  , I can simply
ω 1
 ω
write as P x   pi xi (1- pi ) (1-xi ) ,  pi is the probability that xi = 1, given the true state of

nature is ω1. But it also has a finite probability that, it may have a value equal to 0 so I have
to consider that as well.

So, it is pi xi (1- pi ) (1-xi ) obviously, if xi = 1, (1 - xi )= 0, if xi = 0, (1 - xi )= 1, and because the

components are conditionally independent so the overall probability will be product of
independent probability values. So, this I have to take for i =1 to d, as I have d number of
components so this is the class conditional probability of a feature vector x, if the state of
nature is ω1.

So, in the same manner I can write, P x  ω  , that is class conditional probability if the

 ω   q
feature vector belongs to class ω2 is nothing but P x i
(1- q i ) (1-xi ) . Now, the

probability of xi = 1, when the true state of nature is ω2 is qi. So, I will have q i xi (1- q i ) (1-x i ) ,
take the product from i = 1 to d.

Student: Sir where d is dimension of the…

D is the dimension of the feature vector, so I have d number of components in the feature
vector. So, these are the two class conditional probability values now, from here I can find

out, what is called likelihood ratio. So, the likelihood ratio is given by
 ω    which is
P x

Px 
ω 2

 ω   p 
P x d
 1- pi 
(1-x i )

nothing but if I simply multiply these two, it becomes

Px 
 q 
1 i
  . Take
ω  
i=1 i  1- q i 

the product where, I varying from 1 to d so this is what is the likelihood ratio, right.

Student: Sir xi could be a vector or xi is a single component?

xi is the single component, it is a scalar, xi is the single component, the capital X is the
vector, having d number of components so but the value of i will vary from 1 to d.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:56)

Now, you know that the decision surface or our decision function between the two classes

given, two classes is given by g(X) = ln

 ω  + ln P  ω  . This we derived earlier now, if
P x
1 1

Px  P ω  2
ω 2

 ω   p 
P x d
 1- pi 
(1-x i )

we put this
Px 
 q  i
  , which is equal to this expression,
ω 2
  i=1 i  1- q i 

 p 1- pi 
g(X)    x i ln i +(1-x i )ln  , if I put this expression into this function.
i=1  qi 1- q i 

So, it will give us, because we are taking logarithm so the product term over here will be
converted to sum of logarithmic functions. So, what I simply get is
 p 1- pi  P  ω1 
g(X)    x i ln i +(1-x i )ln   ln . So, this product will become sum in the
i=1  qi 1- q i  P  ω2 
logarithmic term. So, this is the decision function and for a two category case we have
already seen that, if g(X)  0 then our decision was that X belongs to class ω1. If g(X) < 0
then our decision was x belongs to class ω2. If g(X) = 0 , that actually tells us that what is the
decision boundary between the classes ω1 and ω2.

Now, if you notice that this equation is a linear equation, isn’t it? Because this simply says,
the linear combinations of different components xi of the feature vector x, I do not have any
xi square term or xi cube term. So, the equation is a linear equation and this linear equation
can simply be written in the form, if I just rearrange this particular linear equation I can write
it in the form.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:31)

g(X)   w i x i + w o , do not confuse w with omega. So, it becomes sum of w i x i + w o where i

varies from 1 to d, because I have d number of components in the feature vector. So, you find
that this is, nothing but a linear combination of the different components, of the feature vector
xi plus a threshold term, which is w0. And this wi’s for different values of i, this represents a
weight vector and this is, nothing but a dot product or inner product of the weight vector with
the feature vector.
So, when I write it like this, over here w i  that is quite obvious. Because, you find that this
pi 1- pi 1- pi
becomes x i ln  x i ln  ln . So, this 1-qi term that goes to the numerator and 1 - pi
qi 1- q i 1- q i
term that comes to the denominator.

pi 1- q i 
So, it simply becomes ln ,  where, i varies from 1 to d. Because, I have d number of
q i 1- pi 

components in the weight vector as well and w o , that is the threshold is given by
 1- pi  P  ω1 
w o   ln   ln . Is that okay?
i=1  1- q i  P  ω2 
Now if you analyze this, as I said that our decision will be that if, g(X)  0 then we decide
that x belongs to class ω1. If g(X)< 0 then we decide that x belongs to class ω2, if this is
equal to 0 that is a boundary case. So, if you analyze this expression or what do we get, what
does these different components of w, that is wi, that effectively tell us. You find that xi that
is the ith component of the feature vector x is the binary value feature vector. It can have a
value equal to 0, it can have a value equal to 1.

Now, if it has a value equal to 1 then the contribution of the term w i x i for that particular
component xi, to this function g(X) is, nothing but equal to the magnitude of wi. Because, xi
is equal to 1 so it is nothing but equal to the value, the magnitude of that particular
component of wi. So, effectively this wi, magnitude of it simply tells you that what is the
importance or what is the relevance of the component xi in decision making that, whether the
sample will belong to class ω1 or the sample will belong to class ω2. If value of wi is very
large then xi has more weightage to decide about the class, if value of wi is small then xi has
less weightage to decide about the class.

And in other case, if pi is equal to qi that means value of xi to be equal to 1 is more likely, is
same equally likely, even if the x belongs to class ω1 or the feature vector x belong to class
ω2. So, pi is equal to qi, pi as we said it is the probability that xi will be equal to 1, if the true
state of nature is ω1. And qi is the probability that, xi will be equal to 1 if the true state of
nature is ω2. So, if pi is equal to qi that simply indicates that, whether x belongs to class ω1
or x belongs to ω2, xi is equally
likely to have value equal to 1. So, that simply means that xi has no relevance in deciding the

So if xi has no relevance in deciding the class then why should the corresponding vector wi
be there. I can make wi = 0, without hampering my decision. So, if you come to this wi, the
expression for this wi you have find that if pi is equal to qi then this expression pi into 1
minus qi upon qi into 1 minus pi. This expression will be equal to 1 log of this is equal to 0 so
the corresponding wi is equal to 0. And that is quite obvious because if pi is equal to qi then
xi, the particular feature vector xi has no relevance in deciding the class of the feature vector

On the other hand, if pi  qi , if pi  qi then having value of xi = 1 should tell me that, the

sample is more likely to belong to class ω1 than, to belong to class ω2. Whereas, if pi < q i
then the sample xi = 1 tells me that it is more likely to belong to class ω2 than, its likelihood
to belong to class ω1.

So, again coming to this particular case, if pi > q i , if pi > q i then obviously 1- qi   1- pi  .

So, in this expression the numerator becomes larger than the denominator so this value is
greater than 1. And when this value is greater than 1, value of wi is positive, if value of wi is
positive what happens to my g(X) ?

Student: Positive.

Not necessary, it depends on other values of i as well. So, effectively I can say that if xi = 1,
that particular component then this component xi gives a vote of value wi to g(X) to decide
that this feature vector x belongs to class ω1. So, it a, it gives the vote equal to the
corresponding weight in favor of class ω1. Is that okay?

On the other hand, if pi < q i , pi < q i so 1- qi   1- pi  so numerator becomes less than the

denominator. So, this term is a fraction which is less than 1, log of this will be negative that
means, wi in that case is negative. If wi is negative that means, the corresponding w i x i is
trying to make g(X)< 0 , trying to make, whether it will be less than 0 or not, that depends
upon other w i x i . But what xi is trying to do in this case, it is trying to give a vote equal to the

modulus of wi, in favor of class ω2. Because, it is subtracting so it is giving a vote which is
equal to modulus of wi in favor of class ω2.

So if pi > q i , the component xi gives a vote equal to wi in favor of class ω1, if pi < q i then
component xi, gives a vote equal to modulus of wi in favor of class ω2. That means this
component is trying to push the decision surface of the decision boundary, either towards ω1
or towards ω2. Is that okay?
(Refer Slide Time: 40:15)

Let us take an example, so let us consider a three dimensional space or three dimensional
feature vectors and let us consider a two class problem that is, I have classes ω1 and ω2. So,
these are the two classes I have and every feature vector is a three dimensional feature vector
where, every individual component can be either 0 or 1.

And let us also assume that, the a priori probabilities P  ω1   P  ω2  , which is equal to 0.5.

And let us assume that value of pi = 0.8 and qi = 0.5 for all values of i, that is for i varying
from 1, 2 and 3. So, it says that every component of the feature vector has a probability of
being equal to 1 is 0.8 if the feature vector is taken from class ω1. And every component has
a probability of 0.5 of being equal to 1, if the feature vector is taken from class ω2.

So given this pi and qi values a probability values, I can compute the corresponding weight
pi 1- q i 
vectors, so simply from this expression that, w i  ln for different values of i, I get
q i 1- pi 

0.8 1- 0.5 

different components of the weigh vector wi. So, I get w i  ln . And if I compute
0.5 1- 0.8 

this, this becomes a value 0.3863 and the threshold w naught, which is given by this
 1- pi  P  ω1 
expression, w o   ln   ln .
i=1  1- q i  P  ω2 
Now over here, in this case P  ω1   P  ω2   they are equal to, they are equal and both equal to

P  ω1 
0.5. So, this last term ln   that will be equal to 0. So, what I have to compute is simply
P  ω2 
 1- pi  3
1- 0.8
this term, w o   ln  . So, this w o will be simply w o   ln . This component
i=1  1- q i  i=1 1- 0.5

takes the summation for i = 1 to 3 and we will find that this value will be something like, it
will have a value something like this.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:30)

So given this, the decision surface between the classes ω1 and ω2. You verify these values,
whether you are truly getting this values or not. So, assuming this our decision surface g(X)
will be given by g(X) =  1.3863x i - 1.2 = 0 , where this i varies from 1 to 3

because I have three numbers of components. So, this is nothing but

g(X) = 1.3863x
i - 1.2 = 0 .

So, if I try to plot this decision surface the, in 3 d one point you might have noticed that,
because our features are binary features. Every feature component can assume a value either
0 or equal to 1, so every feature vector will be represented by a vertex of a hypercube in the d
dimensional space. It can be either (0 0 0) or (0 0 1) or (0 1 0) or (1 0 0) and so on. So, every
feature vector will be represented by a vertex, in the d dimensional space of a hypercube.

So, if I try to plot this decision surface, the decision surface will be something like this. So,
let us take a cube in this 3 dimensional space and if you plot the surface, the surface will
come out to be something like this. So, this is our decision surface so you find that, this
decision surface says that, these are the points which lie on one side of the hyper plane. And
these are the points which lie on the other side of the hyper plane, so it simply says that, if at
least two components of the feature vector are equal to 1. Then the point is classified to class

Student: Sir it should be at least one because equation says it will be at least one, which one.
The equation from this decision surface that you this one.

Student: Yes sir.

Student: If at least one is

I mean it is the other way, these are the points which are put to class ω2 and the other side is
put to class ω1. So, it says if at least one of them is equal to 1 then the decision will be in
favor of class ω1. Otherwise, the decision will be in favor of ω2. Is that okay?

So, we find that I again get a simple hyper plane in three dimensions, it is just a plane, which
is boundary between the two classes ω1 and ω2. So, if the probability values are different, if
different position have different other values then the position as well as orientation of this
plane may be different. But effectively what it does is, the entire d dimensional space is broke
into two halves, one half will be given to class ω1, the
other half will be given to class ω2. The nature will be a bit more complicated when, the
numbers of classes are more than 2, because then we have to think of more than one decision
surfaces and how they combine.

Student: Sir, will axis represents x1, x2?

Axis represents x1, x2, x3. So, let us stop here today.

Thank you.

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