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Macro Economic Frame Work Statement

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Overview of the Economy (except financial, real estate and professional

services). The growth of gross value added (GVA) at
Despite a moderation in real GDP growth by 40
constant (2011-12) basic prices was 6.6 percent in
basis points in 2018-19 over 2017-18, Indian economy
2018-19, as compared to the growth of 6.9 percent
remained the fastest growing major economy along
achieved in 2017-18. The growth in agriculture,
with macroeconomic stability. There was a pickup in
industry and services was 2.9 percent, 6.9 percent
fixed investment rate in 2018-19. Fiscal situation
and 7.5 percent respectively in 2018-19, as compared
remained comfortable and the consolidation process
to 5.0 percent, 5.9 percent and 8.1 percent
continues to bring down the elevated level of public
respectively in 2017-18. From the demand side,
debt. Consumer price inflation was within the targeted
private final consumption expenditure is an important
limits set by the monetary policy committee of RBI.
driver of growth and has a major share (close to 60
Current Account Deficit increased from 1.9 percent of
percent) in the economy's GDP, with its growth rate
GDP in 2017-18 to 2.4 percent in April-December
mostly being higher than the overall GDP growth rate.
2018-19. Global confidence on the Indian economy
The growth of fixed investment at constant prices
has improved as seen from indicators like
increased from 9.3 percent in 2017-18 to 10.0 percent
improvement in ease of doing business and gross FDI
in 2018-19. Exports and imports of goods and services
inflows. According to World Bank's Ease of Doing
grew at 12.5 percent and 15.4 percent (at constant
Business 2019 Report, India's ranking improved by
prices) respectively in 2018-19, as compared to 4.7
23 positions to 77th rank in 2018.
percent and 17.6 percent respectively in 2017-18.
India has emerged as an important player in the
world and the medium term growth prospects of the
economy are bright mainly on the back of the important Inflation based on Consumer Price Index
structural reforms initiated in the last few years. (Combined) declined to 3.4 percent in 2018-19 from
3.6 percent in 2017-18. CPI inflation stood at 3 percent
Various measures have been undertaken by the
in May 2019. In terms of food inflation, average
Government which, inter-alia, include: hike in Minimum
consumer food price index (CFPI) declined to 0.1
Support Price of agricultural crops for 2018-19, policy
percent in 2018-19 from 1.8 percent in 2017-18, 4.2
initiatives for development of textiles and handicrafts,
percent in 2016-17 and 4.9 percent in 2015-16.
outreach programme for growth, expansion and
Inflation based on CFPI stood at 1.8 percent in May
facilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises,
incentives for Startup India, lower effective GST rate
for affordable houses, measures to promote hydro The average inflation measured in terms of
power sector, support to sugar sector and sugarcane Wholesale Price Index (WPI) stood at 4.3 percent in
farmers by means of enhancement and augmentation 2018-19, as compared to 3.0 percent in 2017-18. WPI
of ethanol production capacity, and Unnat Bharat Inflation stood at 2.5 percent in May 2019. WPI food
Programme. Apart from this, various steps were taken inflation declined to 0.6 percent in 2018-19 from 1.9
to boost manufacturing, employment generation, percent in 2017-18. WPI food inflation stood at 5.1
financial inclusion, improving ease of doing business percent in May 2019.
via schemes such as Make in India, Skill India, and
Central Government Finances
direct benefit transfer. There has been consistent
focus on improvement and development of The fiscal deficit target for 2017-18 was budgeted
infrastructure in the country. at 3.2 percent of GDP, but there was a bump of 0.3
percent and the Fiscal Deficit was 3.5 percent of GDP.
Economic growth
Fiscal deficit and revenue deficit were budgeted at
As per the provisional estimates of annual higher level in 2018-19 i.e. ` 6,24,276 crore (3.3 percent
national income, the real growth of the economy was of GDP) and ` 4,16,034 crore (2.2 percent of GDP)
6.8 percent in 2018-19, as compared to 7.2 percent respectively. As per the Provisional Actuals (PA), Fiscal
in 2017-18. This moderation in GDP growth deficit was 3.4 percent of GDP and revenue deficit was
momentum is mainly attributed to the lower growth in 2.3 percent of GDP in 2018-19.
'agriculture & allied' sector, and in services sector

The budget estimates (BE) for 2018-19 deposits was 9.6 percent at the end of 2018-19 vis-à-
envisaged a growth for gross tax revenue (GTR) of vis 5.8 percent at the end of 2017-18.
16.7 percent over RE of 2017-18. The total
External Sector
expenditure in 2018-19 BE was estimated to increase
by 10.1 percent over RE of 2017-18. As per the PA Trade deficit increased to US$ 183.5 billion
data on Union Government finances for 2018-19 during 2018-19, from US$ 162.1 billion in the previous
released by Controller General of Accounts, the GTR year.
increased by 8.4 percent over 2017-18 (actuals) and
was at 91.6 percent of BE of 2018-19. The non-tax The value of India's merchandise exports
revenue registered an increase of 27.7 percent over (customs basis) increased by 8.6 percent to US$ 329.5
2017-18 actuals. Major subsidies increased by 3.1 billion in 2018-19 from US$ 303.5 billion in the previous
percent (PA) during 2018-19 over 2017-18 actual year. Imports also increased by 10.2 percent in 2018-
numbers. Food subsidy increased by `1,622 crore, 19 to US$ 513.1 billion from US$ 465.6 billion in the
petroleum subsidy increased by `104 crore while previous year. Imports of petroleum, oil and lubricants
fertilizer subsidy increased by `4157 crore during (POL) increased by 29.7 percent in 2018-19 to US$
2018-19 over the actual numbers of 2017-18. 140.9 billion from US$ 108.7 billion in the previous
year, mainly on account of the increase in international
Fiscal deficit and revenue deficit are at 103 crude oil prices. Non-POL imports for 2018-19
percent of BE and 107 percent of the BE respectively increased by 4.3 percent to US$ 372.2 billion from
in the year 2018-19. The revised estimates place fiscal US$ 356.9 billion in the previous year. The growth of
and revenue deficits at 3.3 percent of GDP and 2.3 merchandise exports and imports both slowed down
percent of GDP respectively in 2019-20. in 2018-19 as compared to 2017-18, however the
decline in growth in imports was much sharper than
Monetary Management and Financial
that of exports.
Based on the Balance of Payments (BoP) data
In its first Bi-monthly Statement, the Monetary
available for the first three quarters of 2018-19, the
Policy Committee (MPC) decided to change the stance
trade deficit on BoP basis increased to US$ 145.3
of monetary policy from calibrated tightening to neutral
billion in April-December 2018 from US$ 118.4 billion
and reduced the policy repo rate by 25 basis points to
in April-December 2017. Net invisibles surplus in April-
6.0 percent in April 2019. The policy rate was further
December 2018 increased to US$ 93.4 billion from
cut by 25 bps in the Second Bi-monthly Monetary
US$ 82.8 billion in April-December 2017, with increase
Policy Statement for 2019-20 in June 2019,
observed in net services and net private transfers.
consequently policy repo rate stood at 5.75 percent.
Net services receipts increased by 5.0 percent in April-
The monetary policy stance was also changed from
December 2018 over the corresponding period of the
neutral to accommodative.
previous year.
During 2018-19, the growth rate of monetary
During April-December 2018-19, net FDI was
aggregates reverted to their long-term trend after
US$ 24.8 billion as compared to US$ 23.9 billion in
experiencing an unprecedented behaviour in 2016-17
April-December 2017-18. In case of net portfolio there
led by demonetisation and again in 2017-18 due to the
was an outflow of US$ 10.1 billion in April-December
process of remonetisation. Reserve Money (M0) as on
2018-19, as against net inflow of US$ 19.8 billion in
March 31, 2019, recorded a growth of 14.5 percent
the corresponding period of the previous year.
over the previous year. The source of expansion in M0
was mainly driven by Currency in Circulation. India's current account deficit (CAD) increased
from US$ 35.7 billion (1.8 percent of GDP) in April-
Broad money growth (M3) has been on declining
December 2017 to US$ 51.9 billion (2.6 percent of
trend since 2009. However, in 2018-19, growth in M3
GDP) in April-December 2018. On BoP basis, there
improved marginally driven mainly by aggregate
was net depletion to India's foreign exchange reserves
deposits. From the component side, the expansion in
by US$ 17.5 billion in April-December 2018, which
M3 during the year was broad-based, contributed by
including the valuation changes stood at US$ 29.0
both currency and deposits. Amongst sources, credit
billion. The stock of foreign exchange reserves was
from scheduled commercial banks to the commercial
US$ 395.6 billion at end-December 2018. While trade
sector primarily contributed to an increase in M3 during
deficit widened in April-December 2018 as compared
the year. Growth of both demand and time deposits
to April-December 2017, the improvement in invisibles
increased during 2018-19. Growth of aggregate
balance and banking capital were not sufficient to million tonnes, is higher by 1.3 million tonnes as
finance the CAD, leading to depletion in foreign compared to wheat production of 99.9 million tonnes
exchange reserves in April-December 2018. achieved during 2017-18. Moreover, the production
of wheat during 2018-19 is higher by 6.6 million tonnes
In 2018-19, the average monthly exchange rate
than the five year's average wheat production of 94.6
of rupee (RBI's reference rate) was ` 68.62 per US$.
million tonnes.
The rupee had depreciated by 5.2 percent from ` 65.04
per US dollar in 2017-18. India ranks first in milk production, accounting
for 20 per cent of world production. Milk production in
Banking Sector
India has been increasing steadily over the years and
The performance of the banking sector has increased from 55.6 million tonnes in 1991-92 to
(domestic operations), Public Sector Banks (PSBs) 176.3 million tonnes in 2017-18, at an average annual
in particular, improved in 2018-19. The Gross Non- growth rate of 4.5 percent. India is the third largest
Performing Advances (GNPA) ratio of Scheduled fish producer in the world with a total production of
Commercial Banks (SCBs) decreased from 11.5 12.6 million metric tonnes in 2017-18 of which 65 per
percent to 10.1 percent between March 2018 and cent was from inland sector. Almost 50 per cent of
December 2018, as also, their Restructured Standard inland fish production is from culture fisheries, which
Advances (RSA) ratio declined from 0.7 percent to constitutes 6.5 per cent of global fish production. The
0.4 percent. The Stressed Advances (SA) ratio sector has been registering a steady growth in the
decreased from 12.1 percent to 10.5 percent during total gross value added and accounts for 5.23 per
the same period. GNPA ratio of PSBs decreased from cent share of agricultural GDP. Fish and fish product
15.5 percent to 13.9 percent between March 2018 exports emerged as the largest group in agricultural
and December 2018. Stressed advances ratio of PSBs exports and in value terms accounted for ` 45107 crore
decreased from 16.3 percent to 14.4 percent during in 2017-18.
the same period.
The agriculture credit flow target for 2018-19 was
Growth in non-food bank credit (NFC), which fixed at ` 11,00,000 crore and against this target, as
remained sluggish in the last few years, showed reported by NABARD, the disbursement by banks till
improvement in 2018-19. The average NFC growth in September, 2018 is ` 6,45,205 crore.
2018-19 improved to 11.2 per cent vis-à-vis 7.7 per
cent in 2017-18. Bank credit to large industry and
services segments were the main drivers of overall NFC The performance of the industrial sectors based
growth in 2018-19. However, the pace of credit growth on the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) comprising
has moderated since November 2018. Credit growth mining, manufacturing and electricity registered a
has come down from 13.8 per cent in November 2018 growth of 3.6 percent in 2018- 19, as compared to
to 11.9 per cent in April 2019. The main contributor to 4.4 percent in 2017-18. As per the sectoral
this moderation has been the services sector which classification, mining, manufacturing and electricity
has decelerated from 28.1 per cent to 16.8 per cent sectors registered 2.9 percent, 3.6 percent and 5.2
between November 2018 and April 2019. The growth percent growth during 2018-19 respectively. Among
in bank credit to medium, micro and small industries the use-based categories, primary goods, capital
have decelerated since October 2018. goods, intermediate goods, infrastructure/construction
goods, consumer durables goods and consumer non-
durables goods have attained 3.5 percent, 2.8 percent,
Total food-grain production in the country is (-)0.5 percent, 7.5 percent, 5.5 percent and 3.9 percent
estimated at 283.4 million tonnes (3rd Advance growth respectively in 2018-19.
Estimates) in 2018-19, as compared to the final
The eight core infrastructure supportive
estimate of 285 million tonnes of production in 2017-
industries, viz. coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery
18. The total production of rice during 2018-19 is
products, fertilizers, steel, cement and electricity that
estimated at record 115.6 million tonnes. The
have a total weight of nearly 40 percent in the Index
production of rice has increased by 2.8 million tonnes
of Industrial Production (IIP) grew by 4.3 percent in
than the previous year's production of 112.8 million
2018-19 at the same level of growth at 4.3 percent in
tonnes. It is also higher by 7.8 million tonnes than the
2017-18. The production of coal, natural gas, refinery
five years' average production of 107.8 million tonnes.
products, fertilizers, steel, cement and electricity
The production of wheat, estimated at record 101.2
increased by 7.4 percent, 0.8 percent, 3.1 percent,
0.3 percent, 4.7 percent, 13.3 percent and 5.2 percent to slow down in 2019 which could limit India's export
respectively during 2018-19 while the production of growth. However, growth of the Indian economy is
crude oil fell during the same period. expected to pick up. There are signs of revival of
investment activity in the economy and the recent pick
up in the growth of fixed investment can be expected
The growth momentum of the economy is to maintain momentum in the coming year. In line with
expected to strengthen in 2019-20. The prospects for the projections for strengthening of India's growth by
Indian economy for the year 2019-20 need to be international institutions, the nominal growth of the
assessed in the light of emerging global and domestic economy is expected to be 11.0 percent in the financial
developments. Global economic growth is expected year 2019-20.


Sl. Item Absolute Percentage
value change
April-March April-March
2017-18 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19
Real Sector
1 GDP at market prices ( thousand crore) @
a)at current prices 17095 19010 11.3 11.2
b)at 2011-12 prices 13180 14078 7.2 6.8
2 Index of Industrial Production(2011-12=100) 125.3 129.8 4.4 3.6
3 Wholesale Price Index (2011-12=100) 114.9 119.8 3.0 4.3
4 Consumer Price Index: New Series
135.0 139.6 3.6 3.4
5 Money Supply (M3) ( thousand crore) 13962.6 15430.9 9.2 10.5
6 Imports at current prices *
a)In Crore 3001033 3587684 16.4 19.5
b)In US $ million 465581 513086 21.1 10.2
7 Exports at current prices *
a)In Crore 1956515 2303898 5.8 17.8
b)In US $ million 303526 329536 10.0 8.6
8 Trade Deficit (US$ million) * -162055 -183550 49.4 13.3
9 Foreign Exchange Reserves (at end March)
a) In Crore 2760850 2855880 15.1 3.4
b) In US $ million 424545 412871 14.8 -2.7
10 Current Account Balance (US$ million)# -35651 -51865
Government Finances (` Crore)##
1. Revenue Receipts 1435233 1563170 4.4 8.9
Gross tax revenue 1919009 2080203 11.8 8.4
Tax (net to Centre) 1242488 1316951 12.8 6.0
Non Tax 192745 246219 -29.4 27.7
2. Capital Receipts, of which 706740 748252 17.6 5.9
Recovery of loans 15633 17840 -11.3 14.1
Other Receipts 100045 85045 109.5 -15.0
Borrowings and other liabilities 591062 645367 10.4 9.2
3. Total Receipts (1+2) 2141973 2311422 8.4 7.9
4.Total Expenditure 2141973 2311422 8.4 7.9
(a)Revenue Expenditure 1878833 2008463 11.1 6.9
Of which Grants for creation of Capital Assets 191034 191220 15.3 0.1
Interest payments 528952 582675 10 10.1
Major Subsidies 191183 197066 -6.3 3.1
Pensions 145745 160123 10.9 9.9
(b)Capital Expenditure 263140 302959 -7.5 15.1
5. Revenue Deficit 443600 445293 - -
6.Effective Revenue Deficit 252566 254073 - -
7. Fiscal Deficit 591062 645367 - -
8. Primary Deficit 62110 62692 - -
@: GDP is from April to March and 2018-19 is provisional estimate and 2017-18 is the first revised estimate.
*: On Customs basis.
#: April – December.
##: 1. April-March figures as reported by Controller General of Accounts and Ministry of Finance.
2. 2017-18 are Actual numbers from Interim Budget 2019-20

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