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Endocrine Surgery
Rajeev Parameswaran
Amit Agarwal

Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery
Rajeev Parameswaran  •  Amit Agarwal

Endocrine Surgery
Rajeev Parameswaran Amit Agarwal
Division of Endocrine Surgery Department of Endocrine Surgery
National University Hospital SGPGI Hospital
Singapore Lucknow

ISBN 978-981-10-1123-8    ISBN 978-981-10-1124-5 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018951929

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018

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To those most dear to us

My wife Chithra Rajeev and my children Reshma and Pranav for their
constant support and encouragement, without which this project would not
have been possible
To my parents and Almighty God
To my mentors, colleagues, fellows and medical students for enriching my
academic life
To all my colleague authors, who are also my dear friends for their contri-
butions to the textbook
To the publishers for supporting this project
Rajeev Parameswaran

My parents for their love, my wife Vijaya Mohan for her support, my sons
Arpit and Vedanta for their understanding and my colleagues, students and
well-wishers for their admiration and encouragement
Amit Agarwal


Part I Thyroid

1 Evidence-Based Surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3

Rajeev Parameswaran and Amit Agarwal
2 Graves’ Disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11
Chiaw-Ling Chng
3 Nodular Goitre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   25
Ranil Fernando
4 Epidemiology of Thyroid Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   33
Tan Wee Boon and Rajeev Parameswaran
5 Genetic Landscape of Thyroid Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   41
Samantha Peiling Yang
6 Updates in Thyroid Cytology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   53
Min En Nga
7 Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   71
Sabaretnam Mayilvaganan, Aromal Chekavar,
Roma Pradhan, and Amit Agarwal
8 Management of Locally Advanced Thyroid Cancer . . . . . . . . . .   85
Andrea R. Marcadis, Jennifer Cracchiolo,
and Ashok K. Shaha
9 Neck Dissection in Well-­Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. . . . . . .   97
Kwok Seng Loh and Donovon Kum Chuen Eu
10 Radioiodine Therapy for Well-­Differentiated
Thyroid Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  109
Sue Ping Thang and David Chee-Eng Ng
11 Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated
Thyroid Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  121
David A. Pattison, Julie A. Miller, Bhadrakant Khavar,
and Jeanne Tie
12 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  141
Siddhartha Chakravarthy and Paul Mazhuvanchary Jacob

viii Contents

13 Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  151

Anish Jacob Cherian and Deepak Abraham
14 Inherited Thyroid Cancer ������������������������������������������������������������  163
Joycelyn Lee and Joanne Ngeow
15 Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery������������������������������������������  173
Dipti Kamani, Selen Soylu, and Gregory W. Randolph
16 Complications in Thyroid Surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  187
Radan Dzodic, Nada Santrac, Ivan Markovic, Marko Buta,
and Merima Goran
17 Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroidectomy:
An Evidence Approach������������������������������������������������������������������  201
Xueying Goh and Chwee Ming Lim

Part II Parathyroid

18 Primary Hyperparathyroidism����������������������������������������������������  217

Manju Chandran
19 Parathyroid Imaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  235
Nani H. Md. Latar, George S. Petrides, and Sebastian Aspinall
20 Surgical Techniques and Adjuncts
in Hyperparathyroidism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  255
Heather C. Stuart and Janice L. Pasieka
21 Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  267
Christopher J. Yates and Julie A. Miller
22 Renal Hyperparathyroidism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  283
Kee Yuan Ngiam
23 Revision Parathyroidectomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  293
Anatoliy V. Rudin and Geoffrey Thompson
24 Parathyroid Carcinoma: Current Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  307
Roma Pradhan, Sabaretnam Mayilvaganan, and Amit Agarwal

Part III Adrenal

25 The Adrenal Incidentaloma����������������������������������������������������������  321

Richard Egan and David Scott-Coombes
26 Cushing’s Syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  335
Roy Lirov and Paul G. Gauger
27 Conn’s Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  367
Lip Min Soh
28 Phaeochromocytoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  377
Anand Kumar Mishra, Kulranjan Singh, Pooja Ramakant,
and Amit Agarwal
Contents ix

29 Surgery for Adrenocortical Cancer: Evidence-Based

Recommendations��������������������������������������������������������������������������  389
Radu Mihai
30 Paraganglioma��������������������������������������������������������������������������������  401
Toni Beninato and Quan-Yang Duh
31 Perioperative Management of Endocrine Hypertension. . . . . . .  413
Peter Hambly
32 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy��������������������������������������������������������  421
Jesse Shulin Hu and Wei Keat Cheah
33 Complications of Adrenal Surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  431
Rajeev Parameswaran
34 Managing Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis��������������������������������  439
Troy H. Puar and Kirthika Jeyaraman

Part IV Neuroendocrine

35 Gastric and Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumours ����������������������  455

Asim Shabbir, Jimmy So, and Hrishikesh Salgaonkar
36 Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours������������������������������������������  467
C. Chew and G. K. Bonney
37 Carcinoid Tumours of the Gastrointestinal System:
Neuroendocrine Tumours of the Hindgut������������������������������������  477
Bettina Lieske
Part I
Evidence-Based Surgery
Rajeev Parameswaran and Amit Agarwal

Surgery has always been learnt via the appren- expectations of patients. The four steps are ask,
ticeship model with the teachers showing the way acquire, access, and apply. In relation to surgery,
to perform based on their experience. This model evidence-based practice can be divided into two
of learning was not ideal, as it meant that learning categories [3]:
was dependent on the mistakes made by oneself
or others. The appearance of the concept of evi- • Evidence-based surgical decision-making
dence-based medicine in the late twentieth cen- • Evidence-based surgical guidelines
tury in a document published from McMaster
University changed the way clinicians practice The knowledge to practice evidence-based
effective and efficient clinical care today [1]. surgery is obtained from data obtained through
Evidence-based surgery incorporates integration research, measuring evidence through statistics
of best available evidence from research, clinical and clinical experience and practice.
circumstances, and patient and clinical experi-
ence to treat patients effectively [2].
Evidence-based medicine has four main com- Hierarchy of Evidence
ponents [2], known as 1-2-3-4; one goal, two fun-
damental principles, three components, and four The results of the research designs are not all
steps. The goal of evidence-based practice is to equal in terms of the risk, error, and bias, with
improve the health-related quality of life through some research providing better evidence than
decisions in relation to clinical and healthcare others. The validity of results obtained from
policies. The two fundamental principles include research is therefore based on the type of studies,
hierarchy of evidence and insufficiency of evi- with randomized controlled trials providing the
dence alone in decision-making. The three com- most reliable evidence [2, 4]. Once the studies
ponents include evidence, expertise, and have been selected, it is important to identify
those studies that carry a higher methodological
R. Parameswaran (*) weight. Hierarchies of evidence allow for
Division of Endocrine Surgery, National University
research-based recommendations to be graded
Hospital, Singapore, Singapore
e-mail: and reflect the susceptibility of bias observed in
the various types of study. The simplest hierar-
A. Agarwal
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical chical tool that is commonly used is Sackett’s
Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India levels of evidence (Table 1.1).

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 3

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
4 R. Parameswaran and A. Agarwal

Table 1.1  Sackett’s level of evidence retrospective studies as they look back in time
Level Type of evidence to identify causable factors and have a longitu-
I Large RCT with clear results dinal aspect to the data. An outline of the study
II Small RCT with not so clear results design is shown in Fig. 1.2. These studies can
II Cohort and control cases studies be used for study of common diseases and use-
IV Historical cohorts or control cases studies
ful for studying etiologies of rare disease as
V Series of cases, studies with no controls
well. However, these studies are not without
RCT randomized clinical trials
bias—incidence bias, selection bias, and
“healthy volunteer” effect. The biases in case-
control studies may be minimized by the fol-
Randomized Controlled Trials lowing criteria: appropriate case selection
(representative of all patients with the disease),
The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is one of appropriate controls from the healthy popula-
the simplest, most powerful, and revolutionary tion, and information from cases and controls
tools of research [5, 6] and offers the maximum are collected the same way. An example of such
protection against bias [7] [8]. RCT is a study in a study in thyroidology is that of metabolic and
which individuals are allocated randomly to cardiovascular risk in patients with a history of
receive one of several interventions, with the con- thyroid cancer from Italy [15].
trol group receiving an accepted treatment or no Cohort studies unlike case-control studies are
treatment at all (Fig.  1.1). The outcomes from truly not retrospective but prospective in the
RCT’s can be described as continuous or discrete sense that the risk factor is collected first and then
[9]. The problem is that RCTs in surgery are less the disease outcomes are collected downstream,
performed when compared with medical inter- after a period of follow-up. These studies are use-
ventions, and this may be due to problems such ful to make observations or study associations
as standardization of interventions, issues with between a risk factor and subsequent develop-
recruitment, and blinding of subjects and investi- ment of a disease. A flow chart of such a study is
gators [10, 11]. Similarly, trials may have to be shown in Fig. 1.3. Cohort studies can be of many
discontinued earlier than planned [12], and this types:
can have a significant scientific, ethical, and eco-
nomic impact [13, 14]. • Nonconcurrent, historical, or retrospective
A meta-analysis is a systematic review of ran- cohort studies
domized controlled trials where the outcomes of the • Concurrent or prospective cohort studies
studies are pooled. The advantage of meta-analyses is • Nested cohort studies
that it effectively increases the sample size, with the
Cochrane collaborators calling the results of meta- The advantages of cohort studies are that the
analyses the “pinnacle of scientific knowledge” as it cases diagnosed are incident, rather than preva-
improves the statistical power of the evidence given lence obtained from case-control studies; pro-
by a single RCT [2]. However, the problem with vide information about the natural history of the
pooling of data is that the outcomes are dependent on ­disease and estimates of risk, less risk of bias;
the quality of the RCT’s. Even meta-analyses are not and study multiple outcomes. Unlike case-con-
without their pitfalls and commonly include publica- trol studies where rare disease can be studied,
tion, bias, heterogeneity, and robustness of studies. prospective cohort studies help study a rare
exposure. The disadvantages of cohort studies
are that the study durations are generally very
 bservational Studies: Case-
O long, follow-up can be expensive, and large
Control and Cohort Studies study populations are required. An example of a
cohort study in endocrine surgery is that of a
Case-control studies are those where the sub- Korean study considering the benefits and risks
jects meet the definition of a “case” and sub- of prophylactic central neck dissection for papil-
jects that are not cases. These are typically lary thyroid cancer [16].
1  Evidence-Based Surgery 5

Fig. 1.1  Layout of a

case-control study with
Disease No Disease
patients with or without
disease identified at the
start of the study, and
information is collected
retrospectively at risk not at risk at risk not at risk

Fig. 1.2  Layout of a

prospective cohort study,
which may be Present Risk Future
longitudinal concurrent
or nonconcurrent
historical [1] disease
exposed to
not present
not exposed
to risk
not present

Check for
Assess if guidelines systematic reviews Check if the studies
exist in relevant exist that answers
hospital databases the PICO question
PICO question Cochrane library e.g. diagnosis,
prognosis, cost
national Health Technology
benefit, quality of
International life

Fig. 1.3 Finding
evidence in surgery
based on McCulloch and
6 R. Parameswaran and A. Agarwal

Case Reports and Series Sources of Evidence

Case report describes a single case and series There are wide range of sources for collection of
describes similar cases, with both describing data for research, with each of them having advan-
clinical characteristics about individual tages and disadvantages (Table  1.3). No matter
patients. Case reports represent the lowest evi- whatever the source, this should be appraised criti-
dence of published clinical evidence and are cally before it is applied to the patient.
generally uncontrolled descriptive studies of The first option of getting an evidence in sur-
outcomes related to a type of intervention [17]. gical practice is mainly from senior colleagues or
Retrospective case series are the most common a peer with significant experience. This source of
evidence in surgical literature and makes causal evidence is sought mainly by inexperienced pro-
inferences about the relationships between out- fessionals and turn to colleagues for help and
comes and risk factors [17]. Case series have advice when faced with clinical uncertainties as
inherent biases and are usually based on single shown in a study on dental practitioners [26].
center or surgeon’s ­experience which cannot be Similarly, one may seek the opinion of an expert,
generalized to the population. Despite its draw- an advanced practitioner in his or her specialty. In
backs, case series can be used for hypothesis terms of evidence, these sources are considered
generation and providing information on rare as low level, and other problem is that it is not
diseases [18]. uncommon to see disagreements between
experts. Similarly, books though are a good
source of information, the time it takes to research
Identifying the Evidence and publish a book is quite long, and the informa-
tion may be out of date after a few years.
Identifying the best evidence can be challenging The Internet has changed the world, in terms
but is an essential skill required for surgeons in of how people work and obtain information, with
their day-to-day practice. Various methods have
been employed to perform a search on a research Table 1.2  Outline of PICO
topic, but the most widely used is the PICO PICO
(Population/problem, Intervention/exposure, P: patient Group for which you need evidence
Comparison, and Outcome) tool developed by population
the McMaster University (Table  1.2). PICO I: Operation or treatment whose effect
enables researchers to frame research questions intervention you need to study
and search terms, enabling a systematic search C: What is the evidence that the proposed
comparison intervention produces better or worse
strategy [19, 20]. It is the best tool adopted by results than no intervention or a
most researchers and has been adopted by the different type of intervention?
Cochrane collaboration [21]. O: outcomes What are the effects and end points of
Other tools besides PICO that have been pro- the intervention?
posed for qualitative research include SPICE (set-
ting, population, intervention, comparison, and Table 1.3  Examples of the various sources of evidence
evaluation) [22], ECLIPSE (expectation, client available for the surgeon
group, location, impact, professionals, service) Colleagues
[23], and CIMO (context–intervention–mecha- Books
nism–outcome) [24]. None of the abovementioned The Internet
tools are suitable for use with qualitative research Journals
questions. Once the appropriate tool has been Electronic databases
selected, the next step is to work through finding the Specialist organizations
sequence of evidence (as shown in Fig. 1.3) [25]. Guidelines
1  Evidence-Based Surgery 7

an estimated 52% using the Internet globally. information is MEDLINE, compiled by the US
One can practically obtain information on any National Library of Medicine (NLM). It is
subject from anywhere, with relatively easy freely available on the Internet and can be
access. The information that can be accessed searched by the free search engine PubMed.
from the Internet include research evidence, clin- Currently the database contains over 25 mil-
ical guidelines, and patient information and lion records from 5633 publications to date.
resources [27]. The disadvantage with the Internet Over 80% of the published articles are in
is that not all information obtained from the English, and the most common topic published
Internet may be accurate and can be time-con- is cancer.
suming. A search on Google retrieved a total of Specialist organizations like Cochrane col-
52,200 sites using the search words evidence- laboration ( provide high-
based endocrine surgery, but of these many might quality information to make health decisions
be factually inaccurate or useless. Criteria to help and maintain a database of systematic reviews,
individuals assess the quality of health-related meta-analyses, and randomized controlled tri-
websites have been published by many organiza- als. Two similar organizations are the NHS
tions [28]. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)
Journal reading is most common method of based in UK and the National Library for
keeping up to date in surgery, and there are many Health (NeLH).
journals published in surgery and their subspe-
cialties (both with low and high impact factor).
Journals unlike books contain more recent infor- Clinical Practice Guidelines
mation on various topics, which are available in
print form or electronic version (e-version). Clinical practice guidelines were developed to
There are over 1000 journals published world- support clinicians in decision-making along
wide, and to read articles of interest in one’s spe- with their knowledge and experience. However,
cialty is a big task. Ways of keeping pace with clinical practice guidelines are now being used
research articles in journals are the following: for broader purposes: as institutional policy, to
decide which specialist journal is most relevant inform insurance coverage, for deriving quality
to your clinical practice and review contents reg- of care criteria, and for medicolegal liability
ularly, host journal clubs, and use evidence-based standards [29]. However clinical guidelines are
supplements. not without problems in terms of bias and mis-
Electronic databases are specialized biblio- guidance [30], and despite this many clinicians
graphic databases that are available electroni- follow this. Some of the examples of clinical
cally and focusing on a subspecialty. The most guidelines in endocrine surgery are shown in
commonly used database for medical-related Table 1.4.

Table 1.4  Examples of guidelines available for clinicians involved in the management of thyroid disease
2017 European Thyroid Association Guidelines regarding thyroid nodule molecular fine-needle
aspiration cytology diagnostics [31]
2017 Radioactive iodine therapy, molecular imaging, and serum biomarkers for differentiated
thyroid cancer: 2017 guidelines of the French Societies of Nuclear Medicine,
Endocrinology, Pathology, Biology, Endocrine Surgery and Head and Neck Surgery [32]
2017 2017 Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association for the Diagnosis and Management of
Thyroid Disease During Pregnancy and the Postpartum [33]
2016 2015 American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for Adult Patients with
Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: The American Thyroid Association
Guidelines Task Force on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer [34]
8 R. Parameswaran and A. Agarwal

Why Evidence-Based Surgery?

Practicing evidence-based surgery is challenging,
and applying it to surgical practice is a four-step
process: creating evidence, summarizing evi-
dence, disseminating evidence, and implement-
ing evidence into practice [1, 35]. Evidence-based
practice is more evident in the field of general Healthcare EBS Patient
medicine than in surgery as high-quality surgical
research is very difficult [36, 37]. In 1996 only
about 7% of the papers published in surgery was
from RCTs [38] compared to 24% of surgery in
2009 [39], much lesser than the 50% of RCTs in
general medicine [40]. Clinicians are now recog- Surgeon
nizing this shortfall [11, 41] and pushing for evi-
dence-based practice in surgery [41, 42].
Currently there is a lot of discrepancy between
Fig. 1.4  Benefits of Evidence Based Surgery (adapted
our knowledge and the way we practice [43], and from Athanasiou T, Debas HT, Darzi A. Key topics in sur-
this gap can be bridged with evidence-based prac- gical research and methodology)
tice. So many our clinical practices are guided by
what is taught during the apprenticeship of surgi- Conclusion
cal training, and one example of this is the use of Evidence-based surgery is not just about doing
drains in thyroid surgery. Surgical practices are randomized controlled trials but for the global
also dependent on policies dictated by the needs of benefit of patients and healthcare. The princi-
the population in a country, and healthcare poli- ple of evidence-based practice is obtained
cies. A lot of these policies and practices are aimed from best available evidence and requires a
at reducing the cost of health, rather than actual change in mentality at all levels of healthcare.
value to the patient. Value-based surgery focuses As surgeons, one should move away from the
on patient outcomes, quality of life, and cost using old-fashioned approach to surgery and
evidence-based practice [44]. embrace the change of evidence-based prac-
Besides the benefits to the patients and health- tice. To do surgeons must gather, analyze, and
care industry by the practice of evidence-based collate data to derive best practice and out-
surgery, the benefits are also to the surgeon in the comes for the benefit of patients ultimately.
form of improved teamwork, decision-making, For the next generation of surgeons, surgery
enhanced research, and improvements in training should not be about intuitions but based on
and satisfaction [45]. The benefits of evidence- best evidence. As Ubbink and Legemate put in
based surgery are summarized in Fig. 1.4. To pro- their editorial article in British Journal of
mote improved outcomes and benefits, there is a Surgery, evidence-based surgery is not a pass-
concerted effort by national, regional, and inter- ing creed—it is a lasting need.
national societies and organizations to use evi-
dence-based surgery [46].
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Graves’ Disease
Chiaw-Ling Chng

Introduction enlargement. A genetic predisposition, coupled

with environmental stressors, underlies the
Graves’ disease (GD) is an autoimmune disease pathogenesis of this disease. A higher concor-
with a myriad of clinical manifestations and dance rate of the condition is found in monozy-
exerts a profound effect on the metabolism of the gotic twins than dizygotic twins [5]. Several
individual affected [1]. It is the most common disease susceptibility loci have been identified
cause of hyperthyroidism in areas of sufficient for GD, including specific polymorphisms of
iodine intake, with annual incidence of 21 cases HLA [6], CTLA-4 [7, 8], CD40 [9], protein tyro-
per 100,000 per year [2]. The disease shows sine phosphatase-22 [10], thyroglobulin [6], and
female predominance, with female-to-male ratio TSH receptor [6, 7]. Among these, HLA is the
between 5:1 and 10:1 [3]. Although the onset of major genetic factor in the susceptibility to GD
GD can occur at any age, it is most common [6]. Environmental factors postulated to contrib-
between 40 and 60 years of age [4]. In this review, ute to this condition include psychosocial stress
pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment, including [11], smoking [12], and childbirth [13]. In par-
recent advances in the understanding of this dis- ticular, a positive family history of thyroid dis-
ease, will be discussed. ease, especially in maternal relatives, is associated
with an increased incidence of the disease at a
younger age of onset [14]. The interaction
Etiology between these predisposing factors in the patho-
genesis of GD is likely to be complex, and further
The pathogenesis of this autoimmune disease is studies are required to elucidate the precise roles
thought to be multifactorial, with the primary of these factors in the cause of this condition.
trigger being loss of immunotolerance and devel-
opment of autoantibodies that stimulate thyroid
follicular cells by binding to TSH receptor. These Presentations, Investigations,
antibodies result in continuous and unregulated and Treatment Options
thyroid stimulation, resulting in excess produc-
tion of thyroid hormones and thyroid gland Clinical Presentation

C.-L. Chng The clinical presentation of overt hyperthyroid-

Department of Endocrinology, Singapore General ism due to GD is characterized by a variety of
Hospital, Singapore, Singapore signs and symptoms related to the widespread

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 11

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
12 C.-L. Chng

Table 2.1  Symptoms and signs of overt hyperthyroidism

System Symptoms Signs
Metabolic/ Increased appetite Warm moist skin
thermoregulatory Weight loss
Heat intolerance
Increased perspiration and polydipsia
Cardiovascular Palpitations Tachycardia
Increased systolic blood pressure atrial
Congestive cardiac failure
Respiratory Dyspnea Tachypnea
Gastrointestinal Increased bowel movement
Reproductive Irregular menses oligomenorrhea Gynecomastia (in males)
Reduced libido and reduced fertility
Neuromuscular Tremor of extremities Fine hand tremors
Muscle weakness Proximal myopathy
Dermatological Hair loss Palmar erythema
Psychiatric Anxiety and irritability Altered mood, e.g., mania or
Insomnia depression
Altered mood

actions of thyroid hormones (Table  2.1). The can progress to sight-threatening disease. The dis-
most common presenting symptoms are weight ease is autoimmune in etiology and is character-
loss (61%), heat intolerance (55%), and tremu- ized by inflammation and extensive remodeling of
lousness (54%), and the most common physical the soft tissues surrounding the eyes [17].
finding is a palpable diffuse goiter (69%) [15]. Proliferation of subpopulations of orbital fibro-
Older patients are less likely to have tachycar- blasts plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of
dia and tremor, and they more often present with this condition, leading to expansion of retro-orbital
weight loss or depression, a clinical entity fat and enlargement of extraocular muscles [18].
referred to as apathetic hyperthyroidism [13, 16]. Disease manifestations include redness and swell-
Atrial fibrillation and congestive cardiac failure ing of the conjunctivae and lids, forward protru-
are also more common presenting problems in sion of the globes (proptosis), ocular pain,
patients over age of 50 years old [16]. It is impor- debilitating double vision, and even sight loss due
tant to note that these signs and symptoms of to compressive optic neuropathy or breakdown of
overt hyperthyroidism are not specific to GD and the cornea [19]. There is some evidence to suggest
can be found in patients with hyperthyroidism Asian patients with GO may manifest milder phe-
from other causes such as toxic nodular goiter or notypic features, with less proptosis, extraocular
hyperthyroid phase of thyroiditis. However, GD muscle involvement, and restriction, although dys-
is uniquely characterized by extra-thyroidal man- thyroid optic neuropathy may occur more readily
ifestations, including Graves’ orbitopathy (GO), [20]. Patients with GO are more likely to be
thyroid dermopathy and thyroid acropachy, and women by a 2:1 ratio, while men with GD appear
thyrotoxic periodic paralysis. to be at higher risk for the development of more
severe disease [21]. Smoking is the most impor-
Graves’ Orbitopathy tant risk factor for the occurrence and progression
GO is the main extra-thyroidal manifestation of of GO. Other risk factors for developing or wors-
GD, affecting 25% of patients at diagnosis. ening GO include thyroid dysfunction (both
Majority of the presentation is mild, with moder- hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism), radioio-
ate to severe form affecting 5% of cases, which dine therapy, and higher level of TSH receptor
2  Graves’ Disease 13

antibodies (TRAB) [22]. Apart from smoking ces- for the skin lesions include topical steroid ther-
sation, current treatment options for GO include apy, intralesional steroid injection, complete
supportive measures, high-dose intravenous ste- decompress physiotherapy, and surgical excision
roids, or other immunosuppressive therapy such as [30]. No specific treatment is available for thy-
cyclosporine, methotrexate, or azathioprine. roid acropachy although pain management with
Radiotherapy or orbital decompression surgery anti-inflammatory agents may be needed in cases
may be recommended depending on the severity with painful periostitis of acropachy [29].
and activity of the disease [23].
 hyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis
 hyroid Dermopathy and Acropachy
T Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a poten-
Both thyroid dermopathy and acropachy are rare tially lethal complication of hyperthyroidism
extra-thyroidal manifestation of GD.  Thyroid characterized by hypokalemia and muscle paral-
dermopathy is characterized by slightly pig- ysis affecting mainly males of Asian descent
mented thickened skin, primarily involving the [32]. The clinical presentation of TPP is charac-
pretibial area (hence the term “pretibial myx- terized by the classic triad of flaccid paralysis,
edema”), although involvement of the upper signs of thyrotoxicosis, and hypokalemia due to
body, particularly sites of repeated trauma and intracellular potassium shifts during the paralytic
surgical scars, can occur [24]. Thyroid dermopa- episode. The paralytic attack is characterized by
thy is present in about 0.5–4.3% of patients with recurrent, transient episodes of muscle weakness
GD and 13% those with severe GO [25, 26] . One that range from mild weakness to complete flac-
quarter of these patients have acral changes called cid paralysis, affecting the proximal muscles
thyroid acropachy, of which the most common more than the distal muscles [32].
manifestation is clubbing of the fingernails [24, Electrocardiographic changes resulting from
27]. Almost all patients with dermopathy have hypokalemia leading to life-threatening ventricu-
significant GO, and both conditions are charac- lar arrhythmias were previously reported [33,
terized by an accumulation of glycosaminogly- 34]. Triggering factors for these attacks include
cans (GAGs) in either the dermis and carbohydrate-rich meals, strenuous exercise,
subcutaneous tissues (thyroid dermopathy) or trauma, infection, and emotional stress [35, 36].
retro-orbital space (GO) [24, 28]. The onset of The exact pathogenesis of this condition remains
thyroid dermopathy typically follows GO and on unknown, although it has been hypothesized that
the average occurs 12–24 months after the diag- hormonal modulators (such as excessive levels of
nosis of thyrotoxicosis, although this interval T3 and testosterone), carbohydrate-rich meals
may be longer in some cases [24]. Thyroid acro- (with resultant hyperinsulinemia), and rest fol-
pachy almost always occurs in association with lowing exercise could alter ion channel dynamics
GO and thyroid dermopathy [29]. It is usually in the cell membranes of neuromuscular junc-
asymptomatic but can occasionally be painful tions in genetically susceptible individuals har-
due to the associated periostitis [27]. Similar to boring ion channel mutations (e.g., Kir2.6
GO, normalization of thyroid function should be mutations) [36]. Treatment of TPP should include
the first goal in the treatment of these extra-thy- control of the underlying hyperthyroidism, use of
roidal manifestations. Smoking is associated β-adrenergic blockers, and judicious replacement
with severity of thyroid dermopathy and acro- of potassium to avoid rebound hyperkalemia dur-
pachy; hence patients should be strongly advised ing recovery of the paralysis when the potassium
to stop smoking [30]. Most patients with mild is shifted back into the intravascular compart-
asymptomatic skin changes may not require ment [32, 37]. In general, definitive therapy, i.e.,
intervention. The lesions may partially or com- RAI or thyroidectomy, is recommended for
pletely resolve over time, spontaneously, or as a treatment of hyperthyroidism in patients with
result of systemic corticosteroid therapy given TPP in view of the potential lethal consequences
for the associated GO [24, 31]. Specific treatment of this condition.
14 C.-L. Chng

Investigations better with GO, whereas TRAB tend to be associ-

ated with hyperthyroidism in Asian patients with
Thyroid function testing in GD typically reveals GD [42]. The utility of TRAB is not limited to
overt hyperthyroidism, with elevated free T4 and/ diagnosis of GD but also in the prognosis of dis-
or T3 coupled with suppressed TSH.  In mild ease remission with medical treatment [43, 44]
hyperthyroidism, only serum T3 may be raised and in the assessment of the risk of fetal/neonatal
and associated with subnormal TSH, while serum hyperthyroidism in maternal Graves’ disease
T4 can be normal. This is known as “T3-toxicosis” [45].
and may reflect early stages of hyperthyroidism The two most commonly used agents for
[38]. The ratio of total T3/total T4 is also helpful imaging the thyroid are technetium pertechnetate
in differentiating hyperthyroidism caused by GD (Tc-99m) and iodine-123 (I-123). A radioiodine
or toxic nodular goiter from painless or postpar- uptake scintigraphy measures the percentage of
tum thyroiditis [39]. This ratio is typically >20 in administered radioiodine (I-123) that is concen-
hyperthyroidism from GD or toxic nodular goiter trated into the thyroid gland after a fixed interval,
due to increased T3 production compared to T4 by usually 24 h. Unlike I-123, which is both concen-
the hyperactive gland, whereas T4 is more ele- trated and organified within the thyroid, techne-
vated than T3 in thyroiditis [40]. The latest tium pertechnetate is only concentrated in the
American Thyroid Association (ATA) Guidelines thyroid. A technetium uptake scintigraphy mea-
for Diagnosis and Management of sures the percentage of administered technetium
Hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxi- that is trapped in the thyroid after a fixed interval,
cosis recommend measurement of TSH receptor usually 20  min. Technetium pertechnetate is
antibodies (TRAB), determination of the radio- readily available and associated with less total
active iodine uptake (RAIU), or measurement of body radiation, thus more widely used than I-123
thyroidal blood flow on ultrasound if the diagno- [46]. Diffuse increased uptake of Tc-99m or
sis is not apparent based on initial clinical and I-123 is suggestive of GD, whereas a diffuse
biochemical evaluation, depending on the avail- reduced uptake is seen in subacute, painless, or
able local expertise and resources [41]. postpartum thyroiditis [47]. The use of isotope
There are two currently available methods of uptake tests in the diagnosis of GD has declined
measuring TRAB.  The first are competition- considerably over the past 20 years [48], presum-
based assays that detect TRAB in patient’s sera ably due to advent of third generation TRAB
by their ability to compete for binding of TSH assays with excellent sensitivity and specificity
receptor (TSHR) with a known TSHR ligand [49] and the associated high cost and inconve-
(TSH or monoclonal anti-TSHR antibody). These nience of isotope scans [50].
assays cannot differentiate between stimulating Thyroid ultrasonography with color flow
or non-stimulating TRAB (inhibitory or neutral) Doppler was first employed in 1988 in the diag-
but are widely available commercially for clini- nosis of GD, where the term “thyroid inferno,”
cal use. The second are assays that detect cyclic referring to the pulsatile blood flow pattern in GD
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production in (Fig. 2.1), was obvious in all 16 patients with GD
cells incubated with patients’ sera, also known as compared to controls in the study by Ralls et al.
bioassays. These assays can measure the ability The role of ultrasound with color Doppler evalu-
of TRAB to stimulate or inhibit TSHR activity ation was further confirmed by a larger prospec-
(thyroid-stimulating or thyroid-blocking antibod- tive study, with high sensitivity and specificity in
ies). However, bioassays are seldom utilized in the diagnosis of GD [51]. Quantitative Doppler
the management of GD since the presence of evaluation which measures the peak systolic
TRAB in a thyrotoxic patient is usually adequate velocity of the inferior thyroid artery was recently
to diagnose a patient with the condition. proposed as a potential quantitative tool to sup-
Interestingly, it has been found that the more spe- plement the qualitative tool of tissue vascularity
cific thyroid-stimulating antibodies correlated in the diagnosis of GD [52].
2  Graves’ Disease 15

a b

Carotid artery

c d


Carotid artery

Fig. 2.1  Thyroid ultrasound appearance in Graves’ disease. echotexture. (c) Transverse image of the thyroid gland and (d)
(a) Transverse image of the thyroid gland and (b) longitudinal longitudinal image of the right thyroid lobe with color flow
image of the right thyroid lobe showing heterogenous thyroid Doppler demonstrating increased vascularity (thyroid inferno)

Treatment “block and replace” regime, which entails a fixed

high dose of ATD combined with levothyroxine
The three treatment options for GD are antithy- over 6  months. Recent studies have not found
roid drugs (ATDs), radioactive iodine ablation superiority of one regime over the other in terms
(RAI), and thyroidectomy. The choice of therapy of long-term efficacy or maintaining stable thy-
depends on patient preference and several clini- roid function [56, 57]. However, the “block and
cal factors as outlined in Table 2.2. replace” regime is generally less favored in clini-
cal practice due to the higher pill load, more
 ntithyroid Drugs (ATD)
A drug-related adverse effects, and potential patient
The thioamide compounds, methimazole (MMI), non-compliance issues [53, 58]. This regime is
its prodrug derivative, carbimazole (CMZ), and also contraindicated in the management of GD in
propylthiouracil (PTU), are the mainstay of med- pregnancy due to the risk of fetal hypothyroidism
ical management of GD.  The main mode of and goiter. Treatment with ATDs should be con-
action of thioamides is to inhibit thyroid hormone sidered in patients with clinical characteristics
synthesis by interfering with thyroid peroxidase- that may predict remission with medical treat-
mediated and coupling of tyrosine residues [53]. ment: women, mild hyperthyroidism, small goi-
PTU, at larger doses, also inhibits peripheral con- ter, and low TRAB levels at diagnosis [41, 59]. A
version of T4 to T3 via inhibition of type 1 deio- typical initial adult dose of ATD will comprise of
dinase [53]. The choice of ATDs as the first-line 30–40 mg of CMZ (equivalent to 20–30 mg MMI
treatment is largely driven by practical consider- or 300-400 mg PTU) followed by gradual titra-
ations and regional preferences. ATDs are more tion to maintenance dose (generally 5–10  mg
favored in Asia and Europe compared to the CMZ) depending on the severity of hyperthyroid-
United States, which tend to prefer RAI as the ism at diagnosis and response to the ATD treat-
first-line treatment [54, 55]. Two widely used ment. In addition, β-adrenergic blockers (e.g.,
ATD regimes for GD treatment are the “titration” propranolol) are typically prescribed in the initial
regime, which involves a titrating dose of ATD management of these patients for relief of symp-
over 12–18  months of treatment period and the toms caused by increased sympathetic action
16 C.-L. Chng

Table 2.2  Factors favoring, advantages, and disadvantages of the three treatment modalities for Graves’ disease
Factors that favor ATDs Factors that favor RAI Factors that favor thyroidectomy
Patient preference Patient preference Patient preference
Facilities for surgery or Relapsed GD Relapsed GD
radioiodine are not available
Patients unable to adhere to Persistent thyrotoxicosis in patients Concomitant suspicious nodules or
radiation safety rules, e.g., parents with previous operated or irradiated thyroid cancer
of young children and nursing necks
home residents
Patients with contraindications to High surgical risk Concomitant moderate to severe GO
RAI, e.g., pregnancy and severe
Persistent thyrotoxicosis in Patients with contraindications or Symptomatic and large goiters
patients with previous operated or serious adverse effects to ATD
irradiated necks
High surgical risk Patients with thyrotoxic periodic May be preferred in women
paralysis considering pregnancy in less than
6 months who wants to avoid potential
risk of ATD-related birth defects
Patients with characteristics that Concomitant primary
favor remission with ATD, e.g., hyperparathyroidism requiring surgery
women, small goiter, mild Patients with contraindications or
hyperthyroidism, low TRAB serious adverse effects to ATD
levels Patients with thyrotoxic periodic
Advantages of ATDs Advantages of RAI Advantages of thyroidectomy
Outpatient treatment Outpatient treatment No radiation exposure
Low risk of hypothyroidism Achievement of desired end point, Low disease recurrence rate after
i.e., hypothyroidism in the majority surgery (especially with total
of patients treated with a single thyroidectomy)
administration of sufficient radiation
No exposure to radioactive No anesthetic or surgical risks Rapid normalization of thyroid
material, anesthetic, or surgical dysfunction
No adverse effects on GO Reduces goiter size Definitive histology results
Disadvantages of ATDs Disadvantages of RAI Disadvantages of thyroidectomy
High relapse rate upon withdrawal Permanent hypothyroidism Permanent hypothyroidism (especially
with total thyroidectomy)
Regular monitoring of thyroid Risk of de novo development of GO Permanent scar
function required or exacerbation of pre-existing mild
Potential serious adverse effects Requires compliance to radiation Potential anesthetic and surgical
safety rules risk—e.g., recurrent laryngeal nerve
palsy and hypoparathyroidism
Risk of carbimazole or Conception needs to be delayed High cost
methimazole associated birth (usually 6 months) in women Require hospitalization
defects considering pregnancy

such as sweating, anxiety, palpitations, and roidism is achieved. The use of thioamides is
tremors. Biochemical monitoring of thyroid
­ associated with uncommon adverse effects.
function should be performed every 4 to 6 weeks Minor side effects include pruritus, urticaria, and
in the first 3–6 months of therapy, followed by rash, which occur in 3–6% of patients on ATDs
three monthly intervals when biochemical euthy- [60]. These can be generally managed with
2  Graves’ Disease 17

c­ oncurrent antihistamines in mild cases. higher risk of congenital birth defects such as
Switching to another ATD or consideration for aplasia cutis and choanal atresia when used in the
other treatment modalities such as RAI or sur- first trimester of pregnancy [72]. The main disad-
gery may be required if the side effect is persis- vantage of ATDs is the high relapse rate after dis-
tent. Major side effects associated with ATD continuation of therapy, which is estimated to be
usage include agranulocytosis, hepatotoxicity, 50–55% [56]. The risk of relapse is highest in the
and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody first 6 months after withdrawal of ATD. In par-
(ANCA)-positive vasculitis. Agranulocytosis ticular, patients who are male, young, smokers,
(defined as absolute neutrophil count or ANC has large goiter, high TRAB levels at diagnosis or
<500) occurs in approximately 0.1–0.3% of persistently positive TRAB levels prior to stop-
treated patients and tends to manifest in the first ping the drug are more likely to have disease
90  days of drug initiation [53, 61, 62]. CMZ-/ recurrence [73, 74]. Patients who have relapse
MMI-induced hepatotoxicity is often cholestatic, after ATD discontinuation will typically be
whereas PTU is associated with hepatocellular advised to consider definitive treatment with RAI
damage, including fatal fulminant hepatic necro- or thyroidectomy, although recent growing evi-
sis [63]. The incidence of ATD-associated hepa- dence suggest long-term low-dose ATD may be
totoxicity is between 0.03 and 0.07% and most considered in selected groups [75, 76].
often occurs in the first 3 months of therapy [64,
65]. PTU is associated with higher reported rates  adioactive Iodine Ablation (RAI)
of liver failure compared to CMZ/MMI [64, 66]. In the treatment of GD with RAI, the radioactive
The US Food and Drugs Administration, the form of iodine (I-131) is taken up by iodide trans-
European Medicines Agency, and the UK porter of the thyroid the same way as natural
Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory agency iodine and is similarly processed. The beta parti-
have all issued warnings on the risk of liver fail- cles released result in ionizing damage to the thy-
ure with PTU [67]. Hence, the current ATA roid follicular cells and gradual destruction of the
guidelines recommend that CMZ/MMI should be gland, leading to volume reduction and control of
used in all patients (including children) selected the thyrotoxicosis. Radioiodine is given orally as
for treatment with ATDs, except during first tri- a single dose of I-131 labelled sodium iodide in
mester of pregnancy, in the treatment of thyroid liquid or capsule form. The goal of RAI therapy
storm, and in patients who have minor adverse is to render the patient hypothyroid, which can be
effects with CMZ/MMI who refused RAI or sur- achieved in 80% of patients after one administra-
gery [41]. All patients should be counselled on tion of sufficient radiation dose [77]. The optimal
these potential side effects prior to initiation of method for determining iodine-131 treatment
ATD, and baseline full blood count and liver doses remains controversial. Radioiodine can be
function should be considered prior to initiating administered in fixed amounts or calculated
ATDs [41]. Although low white cell count and doses based on the estimated thyroid gland size
elevated liver enzymes may be encountered in (either clinically or from imaging) and the 24 h
newly diagnosed GD patients, it is recommended radioiodine uptake. The current literature does
that initiation of ATDs must be seriously recon- not support the superiority of one method over
sidered if the neurotrophil count is <1000/mm3 or the other [77, 78]. Absolute contraindications to
liver transaminase levels are more than fivefold radioiodine treatment are pregnancy, lactation,
upper limit of normal [41]. ANCA-positive vas- and inability to comply with radiation safety
culitis is an uncommon adverse effect associated rules. Pretreatment with ATD prior to RAI is gen-
with ATD. It has been more commonly reported erally not required, except in older patients and in
in children, patients of Asian ethnicity, and PTU patients with coexisting ischemic heart disease
usage and its risk increase with duration of ther- due to potential increased risk of complications
apy [68, 69]. Other rare adverse effects of CMZ/ due to short-term worsening of hyperthyroidism
MMI have also been reported [70, 71], including following administration of RAI.  Radioiodine
18 C.-L. Chng

treatment may result in de novo development of palsy were similar between these two groups
GO or exacerbation of pre-existing mild GO, par- [87]. The rates of complications of thyroid sur-
ticularly in smokers, in severe hyperthyroidism gery are inversely correlated with surgeon’s
(high free thyroid hormone levels and/or TSH experience and annual volume of thyroidecto-
receptor autoantibodies), and hyperthyroidism of mies. In a study of 166,954 patients who under-
recent onset [79, 80]. The current European went total thyroidectomy for thyroid disease, it
Thyroid Association/European Group on Graves’ was demonstrated that the likelihood of experi-
Orbitopathy Guidelines recommend that oral encing a postoperative complication decreased
prednisone prophylaxis be given in radioiodine- with increasing surgeon work volume in a dose-
treated patients at high risk of progression or de dependent fashion up to 26 (95% CI 22–32) total
novo development of GO [80]. thyroidectomies per year [88]. Based on the
results of this study, the authors identified a sur-
Thyroidectomy geon volume threshold of more than 25 total thy-
Thyroidectomy is the least often used treatment roidectomies per year to define a high-volume
modality of GD but may be preferred in selected thyroid surgeon [88]. The risk of permanent
cases, such as presence of large goiter and con- hypoparathyroidism has been determined to be
comitant suspicious thyroid nodules or thyroid <2%, permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
cancer and in patients who prefer rapid and defin- to be <1%, and frequency of bleeding necessitat-
itive treatment for their disease. Patients treated ing reoperation to be between 0.3 and 0.7% fol-
with surgery or medication showed a gradual fall lowing thyroidectomy by high-volume surgeons
in serum TRAB levels with disappearance of [89, 90].
TRAB in 50–60% of patients after 1 year,
whereas increasing TRAB levels was found in  erioperative Management of GD
those treated with RAI [81]. This surge in TRAB for Thyroid and Non-thyroid Surgery
levels during the 1st year after RAI is associated Patients with GD should be as close as possible
with a risk of developing or worsening of GO to clinical and biochemical euthyroidism using
[82]. Current literature suggest GO remain stable ATDs before going to surgery. Elective surgeries
or even improve in some patients after thyroidec- should be postponed until this is achieved. This is
tomy [83, 84]. Hence, thyroidectomy instead of rarely an issue in patients undergoing thyroidec-
RAI is the recommended definitive treatment for tomy for treatment of their GD since surgery is
patients with moderate to severe GO whose considered a second-line treatment. Surgery in
hyperthyroidism cannot be adequately controlled patients with poorly controlled thyrotoxicosis
with ATDs. Near-total or total thyroidectomy is can potentially precipitate thyroid storm—a life-
the recommended procedure of choice in view of threatening condition caused by the exaggeration
virtually 0% risk of recurrence, whereas subtotal of clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis asso-
thyroidectomy may have an 8% chance of persis- ciated with significant risk of mortality [91].
tence or recurrence of hyperthyroidism at 5 years However, it is common for TSH values to remain
[85]. Notably, more recent data support the safety suppressed in prolonged hyperthyroidism in
of total thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease patients who otherwise have normalized their T4
if the surgery is performed at a high-volume cen- and T3 on ATDs and should not be considered a
ter, keeping the risk of permanent morbidity at contraindication to surgery.
<2% [86]. In a recent meta-analysis of 23 studies In the unusual circumstances where urgent
comparing these two surgical approaches, total non-thyroid surgery or urgent thyroidectomy is
thyroidectomy was associated with a decrease in required in an overtly hyperthyroid patient with
recurrent hyperthyroidism but with only a small GD, rapid preoperative preparation using several
increase in both temporary and permanent hypo- drugs is employed. The same multimodality
parathyroidism [87]. Progression of GO and inci- approach targeting at different steps in the pro-
dence of permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve duction and metabolism of thyroid hormones is
2  Graves’ Disease 19

also used in the management of thyroid storm. ally not recommended to be given in the absence
Since there is insufficient time to render the of pretreatment with thioamides in view of poten-
patient completely euthyroid before the surgery, tial iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis via the Jod-
the aim of rapid preoperative preparation is to Basedow effect. Metabolism of iopanic acid
normalize T4 and T3 levels, with greater emphasis results in release of iodine. In addition, iopanic
on normalizing T3 levels, since T3 is three to five acid is also a potent inhibitor of the peripheral
times more active than T4. Thioamides (MMI, conversion of T4 to T3. Hence, iopanic acid is
CMZ, or PTU) mainly inhibit thyroid hormone more effective than potassium iodide in inhibit-
synthesis and may take several weeks to render ing thyroid hormone secretion and metabolism
the patient euthyroid. Hence, other drugs are usu- and can be used in patients who cannot tolerate
ally required in this situation, which include thioamides in the expectation that definitive sur-
iodine, β-adrenergic blockers, steroids, oral cho- gical cure will occur before the delivered iodine
lecystographic agent (iopanic acid), and chole- acts as a substrate for increased thyroid hormone
styramine (Table  2.3). Potassium iodide in the synthesis [93]. However, this drug is no longer
form of Lugol’s iodine or saturated solution of widely available as its production is currently
potassium iodide (SSKI) decreases thyroidal restricted. Steroids (hydrocortisone, betametha-
iodide uptake and release of thyroid hormones sone, or dexamethasone) in high doses also
via the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. This effect can be inhibit peripheral conversion of T4 to T3.
seen within 24 h of administration and is maxi- Cholestyramine, which inhibits enterohepatic
mal at approximately 10  days of treatment. In circulation of thyroid hormones, contributed to
patients undergoing thyroidectomy, it has been more rapid and complete decline in thyroid hor-
shown to decrease thyroid gland vascularity and mones when combined with ATDs and
blood loss as well [92]. However, iodine is gener- β-adrenergic blocker, is a useful adjunctive treat-

Table 2.3  Drugs used in rapid preoperative preparation of thyrotoxic patients for surgery
Drug class Mechanism of action Comment
Thioamides Inhibit new thyroid PTU can be administered through
(e.g., propylthiouracil 200 mg 6–8 h) hormone synthesis nasogastric tube or rectally via an
PTU at larger doses, also enema
inhibit peripheral
conversion of T4 to T3
Iodine Decreases thyroidal Should not be used until thioamides
(e.g., SSKI 1 drop thrice daily (35–50 mg iodide uptake and release are on board
iodide per drop) or Lugol’s iodine three to of thyroid hormones
five drops thrice daily (8 mg iodine per
Steroids Vasomotor stability
(e.g., intravenous hydrocortisone 100 mg inhibits peripheral
8 h) conversion of T4 to T3
Oral cholecystographic agent Inhibits thyroid hormone No longer widely available
(e.g., iopanic acid 500 mg twice daily) release
Inhibits peripheral
conversion of T4 to T3
Cholestyramine Inhibits enterohepatic Common gastrointestinal side effects
circulation of thyroid include constipation and abdominal
hormones discomfort
β-adrenergic blockers Improve thyrotoxic Precaution should be used in patients
(e.g., propranolol 40–80 mg 8 h) symptoms with history of moderate to severe
Inhibits peripheral heart failure and reactive airway
conversion of T4 to T3 at disease
higher doses
20 C.-L. Chng

ment in patients with GD [94]. In cases where the with larger goiters as in those with small glands
use of ATDs is contraindicated, e.g., drug allergy, [101]. However, whether larger goiter size is
various combinations of the other classes of associated with higher treatment failure with RAI
drugs presented in Table 2.3 have been proposed remains controversial, since thyroid volume is
in the literature [93, 95, 96]. In the postoperative also associated with other disease factors that
period, ATDs, iodine, and cholestyramine should may adversely impact the outcome of RAI ther-
be stopped after thyroidectomy, while apy, such as disease severity and immunoreactiv-
β-adrenergic blockers and steroids should be ity [102].
tapered off gradually. Thyroxine should be started A pertinent concern with prescribing RAI
at a daily dose appropriate for the patient’s weight therapy for Graves’ disease patients with large
(1.6  μg/kg for adults or lower at 1.0  μg/kg in goiters is the occurrence of radiation thyroiditis
elderly patients), with monitoring of the patient’s following RAI therapy. Although mostly asymp-
thyroid function 6–8 weeks later. In the postop- tomatic, the acute inflammation may lead to tran-
erative period after non-thyroid surgery in a thy- sient thyroid swelling and potential airway
rotoxic patient, ATDs and β-adrenergic blockers compromise in these patients. Other factors con-
should be continued while the other agents could tributing to this rare complication are the topo-
be stopped or gradually weaned off. anatomical relationship between the goiter and
Preoperative parathyroid hormone and vita- trachea, compression of the recurrent laryngeal
min D levels and early postoperative changes in nerve by the thyroid swelling, and possible aller-
calcium levels have been found to be useful pre- gic reaction to radioiodine [103]. Therefore, in
dictors of post-thyroidectomy hypocalcemia the case of significant tracheal compression (i.e.,
[97]. Recent studies suggest optimization of cal- smallest cross-sectional tracheal area < 60 mm2),
cium and vitamin D levels preoperatively reduce prophylactic glucocorticoids are advocated dur-
the risk of transient postoperative hypocalcemia ing RAI to prevent radiation-induced swelling of
related to parathyroid injury or increased bone the goiter and potential respiratory deterioration
turnover [98, 99]. In addition, early postoperative [104]. The current guidelines recommend sur-
monitoring of calcium and parathyroid hormone gery for large Graves’ goiter, especially if symp-
levels and routine supplementation with calcium tomatic compression is present [41]. However, in
and calcitriol are recommended to reduce the those with asymptomatic large Graves’ goiter,
development of hypocalcemic symptoms [41]. other patient and disease factors as outlined in
Table  2.2 in this Chapter should also be taken
into consideration before recommending the
 urgery or RAI Ablation in Patients
S optimal treatment for these patients.
with Large Grave’s Goiter
The management of patients with large Graves’ Graves’ disease is a complex autoimmune dis-
goiters represents a unique challenge to physi- ease with a wide range of clinical manifesta-
cians. Larger goiter size at the onset of disease is tions. The three treatment modalities currently
associated with higher relapse rate following are antithyroid drugs, radioiodine ablation,
ATD therapy [100]. Thus, these patients will gen- and thyroidectomy. Each treatment modality
erally be advised to consider early definitive has its own advantages and disadvantages, and
treatment with RAI or thyroidectomy. Both treat- the choice of therapy depends on both patient
ments are effective in reducing goiter size, preference and clinical factors that may favor
although direct comparison between these two one treatment modality over the other.
modes of treatment for this subset of patients is However, there is no treatment to date that
currently lacking. In a randomized prospective specifically targets the pathogenic culprit—
study by Peters et  al., the relative reduction in TSH receptor antibodies. Current ongoing
thyroid size by RAI was just as marked in patients research on the use of TSH receptor blocking
2  Graves’ Disease 21

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Nodular Goitre
Ranil Fernando

Introduction Pathogenesis

Goitre or enlargement of the thyroid gland is still Multinodular Goitre

a common problem. It has been estimated by the
WHO that about 15.8% of the world population Multinodular enlargement is one of the common-
have goitres. Nodular goitre is the commonest est disorders of the thyroid and usually arises
endocrine surgical disorder encountered world from repeated hyperplasia and degeneration of
over. The prevalence of nodular disease in the the gland. The process is generally triggered by
population varies based on the clinical methods iodine deficiency leading to DNA damage and an
used for detection: with palpation around 4% [1], increase of the spontaneous mutation rate [4].
with ultrasound scan studies 10–35% [2] and in Multinodular goitre (MNG) has higher replica-
post-mortem studies up to 49–57% [3]. tion rates than normal thyroid tissue and this
There are several causes for nodularity of the increases the mutagenic load to MNG by pre-
thyroid. The nodular enlargement may or may venting DNA repair after the mutation [5].
not be accompanied by alteration in the function It is now generally accepted that thyroid cells
of the thyroid gland. The decisions relating to are heterogeneous genetically and would respond
the clinical significance and the management to stimuli differently [6, 7], and the various stim-
strategies of thyroid nodules must be based on uli include genetics, stress, radiation, excess
current knowledge and best available evidence, iodine, goitrogens, smoking, certain drugs like
as there are several areas which are contentious. amiodarone and infections. The heterogeneity
The nodular goitres can be classified broadly would explain why certain areas of the thyroid
into those with hormone dysfunction (mainly grow and become nodular in response to the vari-
toxic) and those without (euthyroid) (Table 3.1). ous stimuli. The main mechanisms of growth are
Hypothyroidism associated with thyroid nodules the cAMP-dependent TSH or EGF pathways [7].
is encountered only rarely in surgical practice The exact role various factors play varies from
(except in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), hence not patient to patient, community to community and
included in this classification. country to country. Iodine deficiency still remains
a key factor in the pathogenesis of nodular goitre
R. Fernando in certain parts of the world, especially some
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, regions in the Asian subcontinent and sub-­
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Saharan Africa [8].

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 25

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
26 R. Fernando

Table 3.1 Classification Euthyoid Goitre

of goitres Simple Diffuse
Endemic/Colloid goitre

Hashimoto &
Multinodular Goitre Recurrent Goitre Other types of
Toxic Goitre
Other causes
E.g. Factitious
Multi nodular goiter Hashimoto Thyrotoxicosis
With toxicity Thyroiditis
(Secondary Primary TUMOUR
Thyrotoxicosis thyrotoxicosis Recurrence of Solitary Nodule/
(Plummer Disease) (Graves’ Thyrotoxicosis Dominant Nodule
disease) Solitary Toxic (benign/Malignant)
Nodule E.g. Adenoma, cyst/

The importance of genetic factors is evident roidism. As in nodular goitre, there is variable
from the clustering of goitre within families and growth of nodules, with some undergoing haem-
the higher concordance rate for goitre in mono- orrhage, degeneration and calcification. Of these
zygotic than in dizygotic twins. Studies assessing some nodules develop autonomous function
the role of specific candidate genes or genetic which is probably the result of somatic mutations
markers in the aetiology of simple goitre have of the TSH receptor [9]. The autonomously func-
given conflicting data in various families [7]. The tioning nodules, usually larger than 2.5  cm in
possibility that single gene such as (MNG1) on diameter, may cause toxicity in about 10% of
chromosome 14 playing a major role in goitro- patients.
genesis within certain families is a postulate that Most causes of recurrent nodular goitre are
needs to be entertained [7]. Other genes that have due to incomplete resection from previous sur-
been identified as having a possible causative role gery. Goitre recurrence is a difficult issue, as
are thyroglobulin (Tg) gene, the thyroid-­ the risk of complications during subsequent
stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) gene, the surgery is much higher. The other cause of
Na+/I− symporter (NIS) gene and the multinodu- recurrence may be the development of a malig-
lar goitre marker 1 [7]. Further studies focusing nancy in a remnant. Goitres from malignancy
on whole-genome screening in multiplex fami- and recurrent disease will be discussed in later
lies as well as large population-based studies chapters.
should be undertaken that will elucidate the
nature of goitrogenesis.
In toxic multinodular goitre (TMNG), autono- Clinical Presentation
mously functioning thyroid nodules are seen and
usually in long-standing multinodular goitres. The current consensus appears to be that goitre is
TMNG or Plummer’s disease was first described diagnosed when a thyroid gland is four to five
by Henry Plummer in 1913 and is the second times enlarged [10]. Goitre is defined as a thyroid
commonest cause of hyperthyroidism, after gland weighing over 20–25 g or a gland exceed-
Graves’ disease. In elderly individuals and in ing a volume of over 19 mL in women and 25 mL
areas of endemic iodine deficiency, TMNG is in men [11]. Nodular enlargement of a thyroid
sometimes the most common cause of hyperthy- gland is the commonest presentation of a patient
3  Nodular Goitre 27

Fig. 3.1  Recurrence of a MNG

Fig. 3.3

Fig. 3.4  Technique of palpation from the front

The important points to ascertain in clinical

evaluation of a nodular goitre, apart from the
Fig. 3.2
physical characteristics, are:

1. Thyroid status
to a surgical unit. Nodular goitres are much com- 2. The position of the trachea
moner in females than males (in a ratio of 3:1), in 3. The involvement of neck vessels
both endemic and non-endemic regions [12]. 4. Compressive features (Pemberton’s sign)
Multinodular goitre and other thyroid disorders 5. Retrosternal extension
are common in middle-aged females (fourth and 6. Lymph node enlargement
fifth decades of life). However, in current prac-
tice one does see a significant number presenting There are rare presentations such as recur-
with lumps incidentally on various modalities of rence in an embryological remnant (Figs.  3.1,
imaging like ultrasound neck, CT, MRI, and PET 3.2, and 3.3). If solitary nodule is the presenting
scans (incidentalomas) [13]. feature, it is very important to ensure that it is
28 R. Fernando

truly a solitary nodule and not a dominant nodule In addition, thyroid size differs in different
in a MNG. Having ascertained that it is a solitary populations. The size of the thyroid is affected by
nodule, all features of malignancy including several factors including the iodine status of a
enlargement of lymph nodes must be looked for. population [15]. The differences in thyroid vol-
If it is a recurrent goitre, the possibility of a ume (Tvol) between the regions suggest that
malignancy needs to be entertained. population-­specific references for Tvol in coun-
In the examination of a thyroid gland the tra- tries with long-standing iodine sufficiency may
ditional method of palpating the gland from be more accurate than is a single international
behind has several disadvantages. Hence it is reference [15]. The best method of assessing the
critical to examine the thyroid gland BOTH size of thyroid ultrasonographically is debatable
from the front (Fig. 3.4) and from behind. too. The well-known method is based on the
In contrast to Graves’ disease the presentation three axes of each lobe and a new principle is
of a toxic MNG may be due to the goitre or due to based on planimetry in two planes. Recently vol-
cardiovascular abnormalities such as dyspnoea, umetric evaluation of the thyroid gland based on
atrial fibrillation or cardiac failure. The classical the use of an ellipsoid model is being recom-
features of sympathetic over activity and eye signs mended [16]. The value obtained thus replaces
are not commonly seen in toxic MNG. On palpa- clinical evaluation of volume. With the ellipsoid
tion of goitre in a patient with Hashimoto’s thy- model, the height, width, and depth of each lobe
roiditis, the surface of the gland feels finely are measured and multiplied. The obtained result
granular: micronodular (as opposed to macronod- is then multiplied by a correction factor, which is
ules in a MNG). This is not a fact well described in π/6, or 0.524 [16]. The US Scan findings such as
standard text, but it is a physical sign found in increased vascularity and calcification may indi-
most patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. cate the possibility of malignancy [17], but the
The final clinical assessment must contain infor- definitive diagnosis of cancer only comes from
mation about the physical characteristics, functional histopathology. US scan is also needed to assess
status and possible aetiology of the nodular goitre, lymphadenopathy of the cervical nodes in thy-
e.g. euthyroid benign multinodular goitre with fea- roid disease especially when treating patients
tures of compression. This will assist in deciding on with thyroid cancer.
the appropriate investigations.

Other Imaging Modalities

I nvestigations of Nodular Goitre/
Thyroid Nodule CT scan is the best for assessment of retrosternal
extension and involvement of surrounding struc-
Morphology of goitre is assessed by clinical tures such as the carotid artery and the internal
examination and ultrasonography. US scan is jugular vein. PET scan is usually used for assess-
superior to clinical examination in detecting thy- ing recurrence of thyroid cancer. There are many
roid nodules as nodules as small as 3 mm can be reports of incidental small nodules of thyroid
detected by ultrasonography, using a 5–15 MHz detected during routine PET scans and a positive
probe, and preferably can be performed by an uptake is suggestive of malignancy, but the PET
experienced radiologist or clinician. However, it is not recommended for routine assessment of
is not without its limitations. Significant inter-­ thyroid nodules and it does not affect the out-
observer and intra-observer variation occurs in come [18]. Plain X-ray of the neck still has a role
sonographic measurements of thyroid volume in assessing the thyroid; it will show tracheal
and therefore proper training and experience are deviation and compression. The management
needed before reliance can be placed only on strategies for incidental thyroid lesions/nodules
ultrasonography to assess thyroid size and fea- detected by all forms of imaging are currently
tures [14]. being debated and the consensus appears to be
3  Nodular Goitre 29

that detecting lesions less than 1 cm or less is of In most patients with nodular diseases of the thy-
no value as it does not affect the outcome at all roid gland, the diagnosis of the lesion is elucidated
and screening for nodules and thyroid cancer is on ultrasound and fine-needle cytology, to enable
not recommended [19]. the clinicians to decide on an appropriate manage-
ment (except cystic lesions). In about 10–20% of
the patients the histopathological category causes a
Blood Tests management dilemma as the information given in
the cytology report is insufficient to decide on the
Functional status is assessed by the thyroid hor- management. In cystic lesions of the thyroid gland
mone assay—T3, T4 and TSH.  These assays are with no features to suggest thyroid malignancy,
readily available in many countries. If cost con- especially where repeated aspirations have not
straints do not permit the assay of all three param- resolved the condition, surgical extirpation may be
eters, initial assay of the TSH, which is a very necessary to provide a histological diagnosis as
sensitive assay of thyroid pituitary axis, will pro- cytology is generally not very helpful.
vide a useful and reliable guide about the thyroid
status [20]. The only exception is the very rare pos-
sibility of a TSH-secreting lesion in the pituitary. Treatment Options
There are other non-thyroidal illnesses that may
change the values of thyroid function (non-­ The Natural history of nodular is variable. A
thyroidal illness syndrome); these must be borne in nodule may remain dormant for a long period of
mind when interpreting thyroid function tests [21]. time or progress rapidly. most nodules progress
Other investigations such as thyroid antibodies rather slowly. Rapid progression may indicate a
will assist in diagnosing coexisting Hashimoto’s sinsiter cause like a malignancy one the one
thyroiditis or a Graves’ disease and should be done hand or it may indicate a benign cause like a
in patients with symptoms of hyperthyroidism, bleed into a cyst. If there is any change in the
clinical or subclinical. Serum calcitonin measure- pattern of progression such patients will need
ment is rarely used in the context of nodular goitre early reevaluation.
unless there is a suspicion of medullary thyroid Non-surgical options offer little in terms of
cancer; however there are proponents of using it in treatment for MNG. If the patient does not wish
routine thyroid practice [22–24]. Routine testing to have sugrey and if the giotre does not have any
of serum antibodies is relatively expensive, par- features of malignancy clinically and cytologi-
ticularly in the developing world, and their cally or evidence of toxicity over a long period of
measurement must be done judiciously, consid- time consideration may be given to careful follow
ering the real indication and cost-effectiveness. up  only. Suppressive dose of thyroxine, ethanol
Serum thyroglobulin level has no role in the injection, radioiodine and recombinant human
diagnosis of a nodular goitre. TSH (rhTSH) have all been tried in small number
of selected patients with mixed results [27].
These modalities are not recommended for rou-
Cyto/Histopathology tine use. In addition, they do not eliminate the
underlying pathology.
Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is the This leaves surgery as the main option for the
cornerstone in the assessment of pathology of the definitive management of multinodular goitre.
thyroid gland and thyroid nodules. The British MNGs that need surgical treatment are mainly
Thyroid Association (BTA)/RCP Thy1–5 sys- for the indications listed below (the 5 Cs):
tem [25] and The Bethesda System for
Reporting Thyroid Cytology (TBSRTC) [26] 1. Cosmesis
have made the decision-making in thyroid lesions 2. Compression (of trachea or superior thoracic
much more uniform. aperture)
30 R. Fernando

3 . Cancer (fear of it) comorbidities, previous surgery in the neck and

4. Comeback (recurrence) small goitres. The risk of failure of treatment fol-
5. Control of toxicity (failed medical therapy in lowing near-total or total thyroidectomy is less
Graves’ or toxic MNG) than 1% [33, 36] in comparison to 20% following
radioiodine therapy [36, 37].
Though there are few detractors most authors To summarize, the treatment of Plummer’s
would agree that the best surgical option for disease must take into account the goals of ther-
MNG is total/near-total thyroidectomy [28, 29]. apy, relief of symptoms, durability of cure, risk of
This is more so in the case of very large goitres, malignancy and risk of complications [35].
seen in less developed part of the world where
other forms of therapy will not be effective.
Total thyroidectomy eliminates the need for Recurrent Goitre
revision surgery due to recurrence and it would
also treat an occult cancer in a MNG. The only Recurrent goitres are a challenging clinical prob-
proviso is that the total thyroidectomy should be lem (Figs.  3.1 and 3.2), with surgery the only
undertaken by an experienced surgeon [29]. The definitive treatment option available, but the risk
other drawback of total thyroidectomy is the of complications is much higher in recurrent goi-
need to have lifelong thyroxine replacement tres [30, 38]. Hence the surgery should only be
therapy. On balance, there is clear evidence to undertaken in units that undertake a large volume
suggest that total thyroidectomy is the best sur- of thyroidectomies and the decision to operate
gical option for MNG.  This is true for newly must be undertaken with caution. Issues relating
diagnosed MNGs as well as recurrence but the to reoperative thyroid surgery are discussed in
complication rates of recurrent disease tend to Chap. 21.
be a little higher [30, 31].
There is no consensus on the best option for a
toxic MNG [32]. The treatment options depend Surgical Technique
on factors that include the age, degree of hyper-
thyroidism, size of nodule or goitre and patient The technique of thyroidectomy has evolved a
choice [33]. However, the first aim of treatment is great deal in the last 20 years. The favoured tech-
to control the toxicity with anti-thyroid drug ther- nique now is the capsular dissection with identifi-
apy and then consider options for dealing with cation and preservation of recurrent laryngeal
the goitre once the patient is euthyroid as hyper- nerves (RLN), the external branches of the supe-
thyroidism recurs following cessation of treat- rior laryngeal nerve (EBSLN) and the parathy-
ment in about 95% of cases [34]. The available roids as described by Delbridge et  al. [39]. If a
options are to undertake thyroidectomy or sup- parathyroid is accidentally devascularized or
pressive radioiodine therapy. removed immediate autotransplantation in the
Surgery offers the only permanent cure in a ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid muscle must be
toxic MNG.  Surgery is generally recommended undertaken. The other key change is the careful
for the presence of compressive symptoms, coex- identification of all the embryological remnants.
isting thyroid cancer, large goitre, retrosternal The main embryological remnants are the pyra-
extension, need for rapid correction of hyperthy- midal lobe, the tubercle of Zuckerkandl and the
roid state and coexisting hyperparathyroidism thyrothymic remnants. One of the main reasons
[35]. The only drawbacks are the risks involved for recurrent goitres is the subsequent enlarge-
in a thyroidectomy and the need to be on lifelong ment of the embryological remnants. These are
thyroxine therapy. In centres where complication very close to the parathyroids and the nerves and
rates are around 1% or less, surgery offers the hence the risk of redo surgery is much higher.
best option of treatment. RAI-suppressive ther- Emergence of newer techniques of endoscopic
apy is favourable for elderly patients, presence of and robotic thyroidectomy has added newer surgi-
3  Nodular Goitre 31

cal techniques to thyroidectomy and this is further The extirpation of the thyroid gland … typifies,
perhaps better than any operation, the supreme
discussed in Chap. 22. The main criticism of the triumph of the surgeon’s art …. A feat which
newer techniques is that most of them are not today can be accomplished by any competent
minimally invasive; against all surgical principles operator without danger of mishap and which
the surgeon moves away from the structure and was conceived more than one thousand years ago
…. There are operations today more delicate and
approaches it through a circuitous route. The tis- perhaps more difficult …. But is there any opera-
sue damage is much more in breast or axillary tive problem propounded so long ago and
approaches to the thyroid. In addition, newer attacked by so many … which has yielded results
complications such as brachial plexus injury have as bountiful and so adequate?—Dr. William
S. Halsted, 1920 (56)
been described in an operation which had a very
low complication rate in the open method. Besides
this, in most countries the minimally invasive How true especially today!
methods, particularly the robotic method, are not
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Epidemiology of Thyroid Cancer
Tan Wee Boon and Rajeev Parameswaran

Introduction [14, 15] and may be due to increase in unrecog-

nized carcinogens [16].
In Singapore, thyroid cancer accounted for only the Despite the increasing incidence, the mortality
eighth commonest cancer in women, with an of thyroid cancer has remained stable and this
annual incidence of 1100 cases per year [1]. The may be related to variations in risk factor expo-
incidence of thyroid cancer has increased over the sure, improved diagnosis, and early treatment of
last few decades in most parts of the world [2–5], the disease [2, 17, 18]. The prognosis of almost
and is the fastest growing cancer in women, with it all types of thyroid cancer has increased except
being projected to be the third most common can- that of anaplastic thyroid cancer. The significant
cer by 2019 [6, 7]. Thyroid cancer is the most com- divergence between the increasing incidence and
mon malignancy and the incidence has risen by mortality suggests the indolent behavior of thy-
over 300% in the USA [8] and over 250% in roid cancers and the effect on mortality is only
Singapore (unpublished). Most of the increase is in seen after many years.
the incidence of small papillary thyroid cancer [9].
The exact cause of the increase in the inci-
dence of thyroid cancer remains a subject of I s the Increase Seen for all Thyroid
debate. Some of the factors implicated in the ris- Cancers?
ing incidence increased screening [10], and
increased diagnostic imaging and pathological The age-standardized incidence rate (ASR) of
detection of small cancers [2, 11]. Population thyroid cancer increased by 224% (2.5 per
screening with an ultrasound of the thyroid is not 100,000 in 1974 to 5.6 per 100,000 in 2013) in
recommended in Singapore unlike South Korea. Singapore. The ASR of males was 1.5 per
In Korea screening led to an increase from 12.2 100,000  in 1974 vs. 2.7 per 100,000  in 2013
cases per 100,000 persons in 1993–1997 to 59.9 (increased by 180%) while that for female was
cases per 100,000 persons in 2003–2007 amongst 3.7 per 100,000 in 1974 versus 8.4 per 100,000 in
people aged 15–79  years [12, 13]. However, it 2013 (increased by 227%) (Fig. 4.1). The increase
may be the case that the rising incidence is true is predominantly due to the increase in incidence
of papillary subtype (Fig.  4.2). The results are
similar to the incidence trends shown in the
T. W. Boon · R. Parameswaran (*) SEER data and Netherlands Cancer Registry
Division of Endocrine Surgery, National University [19–21]. However, a few studies have showed the
Hospital, Singapore, Singapore incidence of follicular cancer to have risen albeit

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 33

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
34 T. W. Boon and R. Parameswaran

Fig. 4.1  Panel (a): The 9.0 6.0

ASIR (per 100, 000 per year)

ASR (per 100, 000 per year)
overall age-standardized 8.0
ratio (ASR) of the 5.0
cohort based on the 4.0
histotype. Panel (b):
ASR of thyroid cancer 5.0 3.0
per gender for the cohort 4.0
(Singapore National 3.0 2.0
Cancer Registry) 2.0 1.0














Fig. 4.2  The incidence 6.0
of different types of
thyroid cancer over the
AS|R (per 100, 000 per year)

last four decades
(Singapore National
Cancer Registry)

3.0 All

1.0 Others































slowly when compared to PTC [22–25]. In rela- remained nearly the same (about 36–38%) in
tion to medullary thyroid cancer, studies have Singapore. This is unlike the report from Cramer
shown stable and increased rates [22, 24]; ATC et al. [19] where they showed a consistent rate of
has shown a decreasing trend [24]. increase for micropapillary cancers at 19% per
year and larger cancers between 10 and 12% per
I s the Increase Seen for all Sizes Some of the reasons attributed to the increase
of Thyroid Cancer? of smaller cancers are widespread adoption of
ultrasonography and fine-needle aspiration on
The increase in incidence has shown a shift thyroid nodules [2, 3] and changes in pathologi-
towards the detection of small cancers (defined as cal reporting criteria. There is evidence to sug-
less than 5  cm), with a reduction in the larger gest however that the increase of the incidence of
cancers (Fig.  4.3), based on figures from smaller cancers may be from thyroid screening as
Singapore National Cancer Registry. shown in the epidemiological data from Korea
Micropapillary cancers (defined as cancers and Fukushima prefecture from Japan [26, 27].
smaller than 1 cm) showed an increase of 80%; The increase in small cancers may also be due to
however, the percentage of micropapillary can- incidental lesions picked up with medical sur-
cers diagnosed to the ratio of total cancers has veillance [12].
4  Epidemiology of Thyroid Cancer 35

Fig. 4.3  The incidence 2.00 0-1.0 cm

of PTC based on the size 1.80 1.1-2.0 cm
of the tumors over the

ASR (per 100, 000 per year)

last decade (Singapore 1.60 2.1-5.0 cm
National Cancer 1.40 >5.0 cm
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

I s the Increased Incidence a Result  hat Is the Impact of Other

of Screening with Ultrasound? Imaging Modalities on the Rising
Incidence of Thyroid Cancer?
Ultrasound scan (US) is the first tool in the evalu-
ation of thyroid nodules, especially to differenti- Besides US, the use of computerized tomography
ate the benign from the malignant nodules. Small (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has
thyroid cancers that are occult, small, and indo- increased by two- to threefold over the last two
lent are seen in up to a third of adults, with no decades [31]. CT scans are now routinely used in
impact on survival [28]. Screening is useful in the emergency department, with the usage
high-risk patients (positive family history, inher- increased over 200% [32]. About a fifth of images
ited mutations with high risk of thyroid cancer, obtained by CT and MRI show incidental thyroid
distant metastasis, and history of irradiation). nodules, of which majority are small thyroid nod-
Routine screening of population deemed to be at ules [33]. These imaging modalities have contrib-
low risk is not cost effective and leads to overdi- uted to a more than twofold increase in the
agnosis with obvious clinical benefit. incidence of thyroid nodules over the last 30 years
Korea is an example where US is routinely [34], and a threefold increase in biopsies of the
used as a screening tool for thyroid cancer and thyroid nodules [34, 35]. The increased incidence
has led to the epidemic of “overdiagnosis” of thy- of thyroid cancer and imaging is associated with
roid cancer [10]. Most of the cancers that were access to health care [12, 36]. Screening with CT
diagnosed were subclinical and rarely lethal and and MRI, although picks up the small cancers,
of microcarcinoma type [29]. As a result, patients may not account for the large cancers [37].
undergoing surgery for micropapillary cancers
increased from 14 to 56% from 1995 to 2015.
The overprescribed surgery did have an impact Radiation and Thyroid Cancer
on patient outcomes in the form of permanent
hypoparathyroidism in 10% of patients and Ionizing radiation is a major risk factor for thy-
recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in 2% [10]. Other roid cancer, mainly papillary thyroid cancer.
potential harmful effects of US screening of Thyroid is extremely radiosensitive and may
small thyroid cancers and related surgery include be exposed to injuries from the radiation from
lifelong thyroid hormone replacement [26], nuclear accidents, interventional radiology,
unnecessary lymph node dissection and radioio- extensive imaging by CT, and radiation therapy
dine ablation, psychological morbidity [30], and for treatment of malignant conditions [38–40].
higher health costs for little benefit [6]. The definitive evidence of the association
36 T. W. Boon and R. Parameswaran

between radiation exposure and thyroid cancer but this has not been consistently proven in epi-
risk comes from the Chernobyl nuclear acci- demiological studies [55]. Factors such as men-
dent population data [41]. There has also been arche, parity, pregnancy, and oral contraceptives
an increase in background radiation from lead to elevation of TSH and this could cause
3.6 mSv/year to 6.2 mSv/year in the US [42]. hyperplasia and possibly cancer [56–58]; how-
Exposure to medical X-rays increased fivefold ever these results are not consistent.
from 0.4 to 2.2 mSv and from CT increased to
48% [42]. The latent period for developing
cancer following radiation exposure to head Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
and neck area was found to be around 28 years
[33]. However cancer risk may be a possibility Hashimoto’s thyroiditis was historically thought
in patients with genetic predisposition to radi- to be associated with increased risk of developing
ation-associated carcinogenesis [43]. Similarly thyroid lymphoma [59, 60]. The first report of the
diagnostic 131-iodine scanning [44, 45] and association between thyroiditis and papillary thy-
131-I ablation for hyperthyroidism have not roid cancer was in 1955 [61]. The two common
shown to be associated with increased inci- hypothesis explanations for the relationship
dence of thyroid cancer [45]. between PTC and thyroiditis include an immuno-
logical response with a cancer-impeding effect
leading to a favorable outcome [62] and elevated
Other Factors TSH levels seen in hypothyroid patients which
stimulate follicular epithelial cells leading to the
TSH and Iodine Intake development of PTC [63]. The association,
though commonly described with PTC, has also
One of the major factors for growth of thyroid been described in follicular thyroid cancer though
cancer cells is increased TSH and this may be less common [64]. Many studies have shown
seen in cases of iodine deficiency. Chronic iodine similar biomolecular pathways between thyroid-
deficiency is considered as a risk factor for fol- itis and PTC and include those of RET/PTC rear-
licular thyroid cancer and goiter [46–48], and rangements [65, 66], BRAF (V600E) mutation
similarly excess iodine supplementation has been [67], phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3k) path-
shown to increase the incidence of papillary thy- way components [68], CD98 expression [69],
roid cancer [49, 50]. Ever since the iodine sup- p63 expression [70], and human 8-oxoguanine
plementation programs, there has been a shift in glycosylase 1 gene [71].
the ratio of papillary to follicular thyroid cancer
ratios, with higher incidence of PTCs since iodine
supplementation [51, 52]. Rather than the factors Other Factors
mentioned above, increased surveillance and
improved diagnosis have led to the increase in Various other factors that have been implicated in
thyroid cancer [50, 53]. Iodine-sufficient areas thyroid cancer but have not been validated
have a higher incidence of BRAF-positive PTCs include obesity [72], diet and lifestyle [73, 74],
though this has not been causally proven [16, 54]. increased pathological detection [11], and toxic
multinodular goiter [75].

Hormonal and Reproductive Factors

The fact that thyroid cancers are seen more com-
monly in women, to almost threefold especially There is no doubt that the incidence of thyroid
during the reproductive years, suggests that hor- cancer worldwide is increasing and the increase
monal and reproductive factors may be involved is predominantly in the rise of small cancers. The
4  Epidemiology of Thyroid Cancer 37

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the BRAF gene in papillary thyroid carcinoma and in 2007;53(3):157–60.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Pathol Int. 2005;55(9):540–5.
Genetic Landscape of Thyroid
Cancer 5
Samantha Peiling Yang

Introduction and 10-year survival of <10% [10, 11]. The

understanding of the genetic basis of these
Thyroid cancer incidence has been increasing aggressive metastatic thyroid cancers is critical
over the past 40 years [1–4]. The histological and for personalised genotype-directed therapy.
genetic profile distribution has been changing
[3]. Majority of thyroid cancer are derived from
thyroid follicular cells, consisting of papillary Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
thyroid carcinoma (80%), follicular thyroid car-
cinoma (<10%), poorly differentiated thyroid The TCGA studied 496 papillary thyroid carci-
carcinoma (7%), and anaplastic thyroid carci- noma (PTC) patients of which 69.4% had classi-
noma (2%). The thyroid C cells form medullary cal type, 21.2% were of follicular variant, 7.5%
thyroid carcinoma (3%) [1, 5, 6]. The utilisation were of tall cell variant, 2.0% were of uncommon
of modern sequencing technique has enabled bet- PTC variants, while 29 had no histological sub-
ter correlation of clinico-pathological features type classification [7]. Most of these patients did
with their genetic basis. The Cancer Genome not have prior radiation exposure. The mutation
Atlas (TCGA) genetic characterisation of papil- density in PTC was shown to be one of the lowest,
lary thyroid carcinoma had increased the propor- as compared to other solid tumour types, with 11
tion of known oncogenic drivers from 75 to non-synonymous mutation per tumour and 0.41
96.5% [7]. Even though the survival rate is usu- mutation per Mb on the average. The mutation
ally high in most thyroid cancer patients, 60–70% rate of individual patients can be different within
fail to achieve complete remission (i.e. post-sur- a cancer type, and it correlates with age, risk of
gical incomplete or indeterminate treatment recurrence, and MACIS score. Bischoff et al. had
response) [8, 9]. About 25–50% of locally reviewed the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
advanced or metastatic thyroid cancers become End Result (SEER) database and showed that the
refractory to radioiodine therapy. This leads to a disease-specific mortality in PTC increased with
poorer outcome with 5-year survival of <50% age with no inflection point at age 45 [12].
Similarly, the TCGA data showed a continuum of
S. Peiling Yang mutation density with age, supporting that age
Division of Endocrinology, National University could be viewed as a continuous variable in risk
Hospital, Singapore, Singapore stratification instead of a binary variable of
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National 45 years used in the TNM Staging system [7].
University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 41

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
42 S. Peiling Yang

In previous studies of PTC, the main genetic the follicular thyroid carcinoma cases [17]. In
drivers included mutations in BRAF (encodes some of the EIF1AX mutant thyroid cancer cases,
serine/threonine kinase, B-raf), RAS (encodes coexistent NRAS mutation was observed, whereas
small GTPases), and RET/PTC gene rearrange- none of the EIF1AX mutant thyroid hyperplastic
ment (RET encodes proto-oncogene tyrosine nodules or follicular adenoma had coexistent
kinase receptor, Ret); these genes signal through gene mutations. In the TCGA study, two other
the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) significantly mutated DNA repair-related genes
pathway [13, 14]. Consistent with previously were PPM1D and CHEK2; these coexisted with
established genetic alterations, the TCGA study the MAPK-pathway mutations [18]. PPM1D
demonstrated that 74.6% of its PTC cohort har- activating mutations had been previously
boured these significantly mutated (mutually described as a driver mutation in brain gliomas
exclusive) genes including BRAF (61.7% were [19]. TERT promoter mutations (C228T and
point mutations with consequent Val600Glu C250T) had been reported in thyroid cancer to be
mutations—V600E substitutions), NRAS, HRAS, associated with more advanced and aggressive
and KRAS [7]. Interestingly, the BRAFV600E muta- subtypes [20–22]. TERT encodes the reverse
tions correlated with classical type and tall cell transcriptase component of telomerases that adds
variant, whereas RAS mutations correlated with telomere repeats to chromosomal ends allowing
follicular variant. From the TCGA cohort, 4.5% for cell replication and maintaining chromosomal
of PTC had 20 mutually exclusive mutations in stability [23]. Shortened telomere length is asso-
PTEN, AKT1/2, and PAX8-PPARG from the ciated with chromosomal instability, including
PI3K and PPARG signalling pathways, 1.5% had chromosomal rearrangement, chromosomal arm
mutations of WNT pathway-related genes, and gain or loss, and chromosomal fusion, deletions,
3.7% had mutations of tumour suppressor genes or amplification that can lead to tumorigenesis
including TP53, RB1, NF1/2, MEN1, and PTEN. [24]. Melo et al. found that TERT-mutant tumours
The EIF1AX gene was identified as driver muta- were larger, associated with advance stage, dis-
tion in 1.5% of the TCGA cohort that did not har- tant metastases, and higher disease-specific mor-
bour other driver mutations, with the exception of tality [21]. The TCGA data identified TERT
one PTC case that had three driver mutations, promotor mutation in 9.4% of PTC, with C228T
KRAS (clonal, cancer cell fraction 100%), (7.0%), C228A (0.3%), and C250T (2.1%) sub-
EIF1AX (subclonal, cancer cell fraction 76%), stitutions [7]. It was associated with older age,
and BRAF (subclonal, cancer cell fraction 53%) higher MACIS score, and high risk of recurrence.
[7, 15]. It encodes for a protein translational ini- Liu et al. also demonstrated that when TERT pro-
tiation factor required for 40S ribosome. It has moter mutations coexisted with BRAF muta-
been shown to activate cell proliferation and pro- tions, thyroid cancer tended to be larger,
tein synthesis in mammary cell line studies [16], associated with extra-thyroidal extension, with
and its exact role in thyroid cancer tumorigenesis more advanced stage [22]. The BRAF-RAS-
remains to be elucidated. Most of the EIF1AX MAPK pathway is upstream to ETS family of
mutant cases from TCGA were follicular variant transcription factor. In the setting of BRAF/RAS
PTC (5/6, 83%), except for the above case, with mutation, ETS transcription factor is activated.
coexistent BRAFV600E mutation, which had pre- TERT mutations create novel consensus binding
dominant classical PTC features with some fol- motifs for transcription factors. ETS, including
licular components [7]. In another study by GABP, binds to the binding motif, increasing
Karunamurthy et al. evaluating EIF1AX mutation TERT transcription, leading to tumour advance-
prevalence in thyroid nodules, the gene has been ment [25–27]. This supports the observation of
described in 2.3% of PTC (all three cases were more aggressive tumours when BRAF/RAS and
encapsulated follicular variant), 24% of anaplas- TERT mutations are coexistent.
tic thyroid carcinoma, 7.4% of follicular ade- Gene fusions had been shown to be gene driv-
noma, 1.3% of hyperplastic nodules, and none of ers in PTC [13]. In the TCGA that studied mainly
5  Genetic Landscape of Thyroid Cancer 43

nonirradiated PTC patients, RET fusion genes tumorigenesis [31–33]. The TCGA study team
were most frequent (6.8%), followed by BRAF proposed using a BRAFV600E-RAS score
fusion genes (2.7%). PAX8-PPARG fusion genes, (BRS) to determine the gene expression pattern
typically described in follicular thyroid carci- of PTC based on exome and transcriptome data
noma, were also seen in PTC, especially follicu- (71-gene signature). A score of −1 was assigned
lar variant (0.8% of TCGA) [7]. Fusions involving for BRAFV600E-like PTC, and a score of +1
ETV6-NTRK3 and RBPMS-NTRK3 were detected was assigned for RAS-like PTC, on a continuous
in 1.2% of the sporadic PTC in TCGA, and scale [7]. The PTC tumours that were
THADA fusions were found in 1.2% of PTC [7]. BRAFV600E-like included those with
ALK fusions, including EML4-ALK were detected BRAFV600E mutations, BRAF fusions, and RET
in 0.8% of TCGA cohort, indicating potential for fusions; the PTC tumours who were RAS-like
targeted therapy with ALK inhibitors. In contrast, included those with BRAFK601E mutations,
in a study of radiation-induced thyroid cancers, EIF1AX mutations, and PAX8-PPARG fusion
69% were due to gene rearrangement [28], [7]. This is consistent with other studies where
including RET-PTC, ETV6-NTRK3, TPR- BRAFK601E mutations had been reported in fol-
NTRK1, AGK-BRAF, AKAP9-BRAF, PAX8- licular variant PTC [34] and PAX8-PPARG had
PPARG, and CREB3L2-PPARG fusions. These been described in follicular variant PTC [35].
activate mainly MAPK signalling and less fre- Rivera et  al. showed that infiltrative follicular
quently PPARG-driven transcriptional program. variant PTC were more likely to harbour
The TCGA found somatic copy-number BRAFV600E mutations or RET-PTC fusions and
alterations in PTC—9.9% had isolated loss of had extra-thyroidal extension and nodal metasta-
heterozygosity (LOH) in 22q region that encom- ses, like classical PTC, whereas encapsulated
pass NF2 and CHEK2 genes. This group was follicular variant PTC usually were RAS
enriched with follicular variant PTC, suggesting mutants, and rarely metastasise to cervical
that the loss of tumour suppressor genes NF2 lymph nodes, like follicular thyroid carcinoma
and/or CHEK2 might contribute to its tumori- [35]. The TCGA study also developed a thyroid
genesis. Notably, LOH of 22q was commonly differentiation score based on expression of 16
seen in RAS-mutant PTC (45%, especially thyroid metabolism and function genes. The
HRAS) [7]. Gain of 1q, seen in 14.8% of PTC in RAS-like PTC tumours constituted mainly of
TCGA, was enriched for BRAF mutations, tall follicular variant PTC and had higher thyroid
cell variant PTC, higher staging, risk profile, differentiation score, whereas the BRAFV600E-
MACIS score suggestive of association with like PTC tumours were mainly classical and tall
more aggressive PTC [7]. There had been other cell variant PTC and had a wide range of thyroid
studies with similar findings of LOH of 22q differentiation score [7]. This might reflect the
(12%) and gain of 1q (16%) reported in wide range of clinical outcome observed in
PTC. Consistent with TCGA data, the gain of 1q BRAFV600E mutant PTC, leading to its uncer-
was associated with more aggressive disease tain prognostic value [36]. The thyroid differen-
and distant metastases [29, 30]. tiation score correlated with histological grading,
Most PTC are driven via MAPK-signalling risk, and MACIS score [7]. Sabra et  al. had
pathway by two of the predominant driver muta- shown that radioactive iodine-avid thyroid can-
tions, BRAFV600E and mutated RAS. However, cers predominantly had RAS mutations, and
both driver mutations lead to different MAPK radioactive iodine-refractory thyroid cancers
signalling output, being higher in BRAFV600E predominantly had BRAF mutations [37], sup-
mutants than RAS mutants. Consequently, porting that BRAFV600E mutants might have
expression of genes involved in iodine uptake dedifferentiated to some extent. This is consis-
and tumoural behaviour differ, with BRAFV600E- tent with other studies that had shown that
driven tumours having reduced sodium-iodide BRAFV600E-driven PTC is associated with
symporter expression and more aggressive increased MAPK signalling and downregulation
44 S. Peiling Yang

of iodine uptake [32, 38]. The TCGA study had indeterminate cytology, whereas the BRAF-
also demonstrated that RAS-like PTC had con- mutant thyroid tumours tended to have
current MAPK and P ­ I3K/AKT signalling, the hypoechoic thyroid parenchyma, irregular or
former through c-RAF phosphorylation [7]. lobulated margins, cytology suspicious or posi-
tive for PTC, extra-thyroidal extension, lympho-
vascular invasion, and lymph node metastases on
Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma histology [43].
and Other Follicular-Patterned The PAX8-PPARG gene fusion was less com-
Neoplasm monly detected in Asian studies of FTC (0–4.0%)
and follicular adenoma (0–7.9%) [39, 44, 45]. It
The mutation density in follicular thyroid carci- constitutes translocation t(2;3)(q13;p25), where
noma (FTC) was shown to be low, similar to the t(2;3) rearrangement introduces an in-frame
PTC, with 0.3 non-synonymous mutation per Mb fusion of the PAX8 gene with the PPARG gene
[39]. Follicular thyroid carcinoma is predomi- [40, 46, 47]. The PAX8 gene encodes for tran-
nantly driven by RAS mutation (HRAS, KRAS, scriptional factor important for genesis of thyroid
NRAS; 40–50%) and PAX8/PPARG gene fusion follicular cell lineage, while PPARG ligands had
(36%) [40, 41]. The RAS genes encode RAS pro- been shown to inhibit growth and promote dif-
teins that transduce signals from cell membrane ferentiation of thyroid cancer cell lines and in
intracellularly. Its inactive form is bound to gua- mouse models [47–49]. PPARG inhibition had
nosine diphosphate (GDP). When it is activated, been shown to increase nuclear factor-KB signal-
it binds to guanosine triphosphate (GTP), activat- ling, leading to activation of cyclin D1, and
ing the MAPK and PI3K/AKT signalling path- repression of genes involved in apoptosis [49]. It
way. The activated RAS-GTP protein gets is also possible that the PAX8-PPARG gene
deactivated by its intrinsic GTPase activity and fusion deregulates PAX8 pathways in thyroid
cytoplasmic GTPase-activating proteins. For cells and promotes thyroid carcinogenesis [47].
KRAS, most of the mutations are located at Of note, both RAS mutation (HRAS, KRAS,
codons 12 (81.9%) and 13 (14.4%), less at codon NRAS; 19.5–48%) and PAX8-PPARG gene fusion
61 (1.6%), whereas for NRAS, most of the muta- (4–13%) have also been found in thyroid follicu-
tions occur at colon 61 (60.9%), less at codons 12 lar adenomas, limiting their utility in diagnosis of
(23.4%) and 13 (11.4%). HRAS can have muta- FTC in molecular tests in FNA [40, 46, 50–52]. A
tions at codon 12 (36.7), codon 61 (34.9%), and study assessing thyroid nodules with RAS-
codon 13 (20.6%). In RAS-mutant neoplasm, positive thyroid FNA aspirates showed that the
point mutation may occur in domains of RAS eventual histology could be follicular adenoma,
gene that result in an increased affinity for GTP FTC, follicular variant PTC, and anaplastic thy-
(mutations in codons 12 and 13) or inactivation roid carcinoma [52]. This could support the
of autocatalytic GTPase activity (mutation in hypothesis that RAS is an early driver mutational
codon 61). Consequently, the RAS protein is event in the stepwise progression to carcinogen-
switched on and activates signalling pathways esis, as supported by thyroid cancer cell line
constitutively [41, 42]. In a study assessing clini- studies [53].
cal features of RAS-driven versus BRAF-driven Yoo et  al. evaluated the whole exome and
thyroid cancer, the RAS-mutant thyroid tumours whole transcriptome in follicular adenoma, mini-
constituted follicular thyroid carcinoma and fol- mally invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma, and
licular variant papillary thyroid carcinoma, PTC [54] in a Korean cohort. In the follicular ade-
whereas the BRAF-mutant thyroid carcinoma noma and minimally invasive follicular thyroid
were all classical papillary thyroid carcinoma. carcinoma group, mutations in H/K/NRAS,
The RAS-mutant thyroid tumours tended to have DICER1, EIF1AX, IDH1, PTEN, SOS1, and SPOP
isoechoic or heterogeneous thyroid parenchyma, were detected, and PAX8-PPARG gene fusion was
regular margins on ultrasound evaluation, and detected only in a single case of minimally inva-
5  Genetic Landscape of Thyroid Cancer 45

sive follicular thyroid carcinoma. The gene expres- Similar to FTC, Hurthle cell carcinoma is differ-
sion analysis segregated according to driver genes entiated from Hurtle cell adenoma via the dem-
and was categorised to BRAF-like and RAS-like; onstration of capsular or vascular invasion. The
both categories are analogous to categories extent of capsular and vascular invasion deter-
described in the TCGA. However, here, a third mines if Hurthle cell carcinoma is minimally or
category, non-BRAF-non-RAS (NBNR) was
­ widely invasive. It had been suggested that the
described to be associated with DICER1, EIF1AX, abundant mitochondria seen in Hurthle cells
IDH1, PTEN, SOS1, SPOP, and PAX8-PPARG could be related to defects in mitochondrial DNA
genetic alterations. The BRAF-like expression with consequent mitochondrial dysfunction and
was associated with BRAFV600E, BRAF fusion compensatory proliferation [57]. Maximo et  al.
genes, RET fusion genes, and ETV6-NTRK3 fusion detected mitochondrial common deletion in
gene. The RAS-like expression was associated 100% of Hurthle cell adenoma, 100% in Hurthle
with H/K/NRAS, STRN-ALK fusion gene, and cell follicular carcinoma, 100% in Hurthle cell
ETV6-NTRK3 fusion gene. There was less lymph papillary carcinoma, compared to 33.3% in ade-
node metastases and extra-thyroidal extension noma, 18.8% in PTC, and none in FTC [57].
observed in RAS-like and NBNR groups as com- Mitochondrial common deletion (or mtDNA
pared with BRAF-like group. Both BRAF-like 4977  bp) deletes between nucleotides 8470 and
and RAS-like groups were associated with MAPK 13,447 of the human mitochondrial DNA.  This
and p53 signalling pathways. Amongst the NBNR genetic alteration removes all or part of the genes
group, DICER-mutated tumours were enriched for encoding four complex I subunits, one complex
Wnt signalling, and EIF1AX-mutated tumours had IV subunit, two complex V subunits, and five
predominant mTOR signalling. Interestingly, in tRNA genes that are vital for normal mitochon-
oncocytic follicular thyroid neoplasm, there is drial function [58]. In another study using tar-
upregulation of ESRRA and PPARGC1A that are geted sequencing of common thyroid oncogenes
genes associated with mitochondrial biogenesis. and oncogenic fusions, only 11% (3/27) of
These are enriched for pathways associated with Hurthle cell tumours (one minimally invasive
TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation [54]. In carcinoma, two widely invasive carcinomas) had
another whole exome sequencing study of FTC NRAS mutation [59]. None of the tumours had
and follicular adenoma from Korea, BRAF, BRAF, PI3KCA, PTEN, RET-PTC fusion, or
TCF12, CNOT1, STAG2, MAP 4K3, and IGF2BP3 PAX8-PPARG fusion. The EIF1AX mutation was
mutations were detected only in FTC, but not fol- also reported in a patient with Hurtle cell carci-
licular adenoma [39]. Using a next-generation noma who also had TP53 mutation [60].
sequencing approach testing for 372 cancer genes Transcriptomes (analysed by microarray) of
in a Polish study of FTC and follicular thyroid car- Hurthle cell adenoma, minimally invasive, and
cinoma, new somatic mutations were detected in widely invasive Hurthle cell carcinoma showed
oncogenes (MDM2, FLI1, in addition to KRAS differential expression on unsupervised hierar-
and NRAS), transcriptional factors and repressors chical clustering into three groups. The gene
(MITF, ZNF331 in addition to PPARG), epigenetic expression set that was enriched involved beta-
enzymes (KMT2A, NSD1, NCOA1, NCOA2), and catenin (CTNNB1)-driven signature on concept
protein kinases (JAK3, CHEK2, ALK) [55]. These module mapping using Oncomine analysis. On
remain to be further validated in future studies. the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, beta-catenin
was closely involved in regulating vascular inva-
sion. The temsirolimus-sensitive signature was
Hurthle Cell Carcinoma also enriched on Oncomine analysis, implying
potential therapeutic application of mTOR inhib-
The Hurthle cell carcinoma consists of large cells itor [59]. The principal component analysis and
with abundant granular cytoplasm rich with mito- hierarchical clustering of transcriptome of PTC
chondria and hyperchromatic nucleus [56]. and FTC varied from that of widely invasive
46 S. Peiling Yang

Hurthle cell carcinoma that had strong PI3K/Akt Turin criteria, and 81% of BRAFV600E mutation
and Wnt/beta-catenin signatures [59]. However, was found in PDTC fulfilling the MSKCC crite-
in an immunohistochemistry study evaluating ria [66, 73]. RAS-mutant PDTC was noted to be
phosphorylated mTOR staining, Hurthle cell car- larger and had a higher tendency for distant
cinoma and adenoma had less staining compared metastases; BRAFV600E-mutant PDTC was
to follicular adenoma and FTC [61]. The genetic noted to be smaller and associated with nodal
constitution and expression of Hurtle call neo- metastases and extra-thyroidal extension instead
plasm remains to be better elucidated. [66, 72]. RET-PTC rearrangement was found in
17% of PDTC but none in ATC. The RET-positive
PDTC were associated with extra-thyroidal
Poorly Differentiated Thyroid extension [72].
Carcinoma and Anaplastic Thyroid The TERT promoter mutation is more fre-
Carcinoma quently detected in PDTC (38–52%) and ATC
(43–73%), as compared to PTC (9–23%) and
Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) FTC (11%) [7, 20, 66, 74]. PDTC with TERT
and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) are rare mutation was associated with distant metastases,
with frequency of up to 7% and 2%, respectively and ATC with TERT mutation had shorter sur-
[5, 6]. However, patients with these carcinomas vival especially in the presence of coexistent
have poor 5-year survival rate of 50–60% and BRAF or RAS mutation [66]. EIF1AX mutation
1–17%, respectively [62–65]. There are two had been reported to be more frequent in PDTC
pathologic criteria for the diagnosis of PDTC. The (11%) and ATC (9–14%) as compared to PTC
Turin criteria needs the presence of insular, solid, (1.5% in TCGA study) [7, 66]. Most (93.3%) of
or trabecular growth pattern, absence of nuclear the EIF1AX mutant PDTC and ATC coexist with
features of PTC, and at least one of the following RAS mutations [66, 67]. PDTC with EIF1AX
features: convoluted nuclei, mitotic index ≥3/10 mutation were noted to be larger and have poorer
high-power field (HPF), and tumour necrosis survival [66]. Tumour suppressor genes played a
[65]. Whereas the Memorial Sloan Kettering significant role in tumorigenesis of PDTC and
Cancer Center (MSKCC) criteria requires only ATC. Inactivating mutation of TP53 tumour sup-
mitotic index ≥5/10 HPF, and/or tumour necro- pressor gene is more frequently found in ATC
sis, regardless of tumour growth patterns and (27–80%) than in PDTC (8–67%) [66–71, 75,
nuclear features [64]. The overall survival in 76]. ATM is a cell cycle checkpoint and DNA
PDTC correlated with high mitotic index and damage response gene [77], and its mutation had
presence of tumour necrosis rather than tumour been noted in 7% of PDTC and 9–40% of ATC
growth patterns and nuclear features [64]. The [66, 68]. ATM-mutant tumours were noted to
mutation burden in ATC and PDTC are high have higher mutation burden; this is likely related
compared to PTC, with median number of muta- to the loss of DNA repair function in the setting
tion in ATC being 6, 2, and 1 per tumour, respec- of ATM mutation [66]. Loss of function NF2
tively [66]. In PDTC, the tumour mutation burden mutation had been reported in up to 27% of ATC
is correlated with older age, tumour size more and 22% of PDTC [66, 67, 70, 78]. NF2 encodes
than 4  cm, presence of distant metastases, and for merlin protein that links transmembrane
shorter survival [20]. Like in PTC, BRAFV600E receptors and intracellular effectors to regulate
and RAS mutations were mutually exclusive signalling pathways that control cell proliferation
driver mutations, with BRAFV600E being and survival, such as receptor tyrosine kinase,
detected in 5–33% of PDTC, 8–91% of ATC mTOR, PI3K/Akt, Hippo pathways, small
(highest rate in Korean study), and RAS mutation GTPase, and cell adhesion [79]. Loss of hetero-
being found in 18–44% of PDTC and 9–31% of zygosity (LOH) in the chromosome 22q region
ATC [27, 66–72]. Amongst PDTC, 92% of RAS encompassing NF2 is often observed in NF2
mutation was detected in PDTC fulfilling the mutant neoplasm. Chromosomal 22q LOH was
5  Genetic Landscape of Thyroid Cancer 47

associated with 50% of RAS-mutant PDTC (simi- MAPK pathways [81]. ALK inhibitor, crizotinib,
lar to PTC), but none in BRAFV600E-mutant had led to inhibition of STRN-ALK expressing
PDTC. Hippo is a kinase cascade that inhibits tis- thyroid cancer cell line growth [80] and clinical
sue overgrowth via phosphorylation of YAP, response in ATC patient with STRN-ALK gene
reducing its ability to promote transcriptional fusion [82].
enhancer activation domain (TEAD)-dependent Mutations of PIK3CA, PTEN, PIK3C2G,
gene transcription for proliferation and survival. PIK3CG, PIK3C3, PIK3R1, PIK3R2, AKT3,
In mouse models, NF2 deletion or HRAS muta- TSC1, TSC2, and mTOR of the PIK3CA-AKT-
tion in isolation did not lead to tumorigenesis; mTOR pathway is present at higher frequency in
however, when present in combination, increased PDTC (11–20%) and ATC (4–39%), compared to
MAPK signalling is induced with formation of PTC (1.4%) [7, 66, 67, 69, 70]. Similarly, muta-
PDTC. NF2 deletion with consequent merlin loss tions in the SWI/SNF nucleosome remodelling
led to increased RAS signalling through Hippo complex (such as ARID1A, ARID1B, ARID2,
inhibition that activates YAP-TEAD transcrip- ARID5B, SMARCB1, PBRM1, and ATRX) were
tional program. The presence of NF2 loss in RAS- more frequent in ATC (5–36%) compared to
mutant tumours increases dependency on MAPK PDTC (6%) [66, 67]. This is consistent with
pathway. In treatment with MEK inhibitors in reports of mutations of subunits of the SWI/SNF
murine models with RAS-mutant, NF2 loss chromatin remodelling complex being associated
tumours led to reduction in tumour volume. In with carcinogenesis [83]. Mutations of the histone
NF2-null cell lines, inhibition of YAP-TEAD methyltransferases (such as KMT2A, KMT2C,
with verteporfin reduces RAS transcription and KMT2D, and SETD2) were seen in 5–24% of
signalling and inhibited cell growth. These repre- ATC and 7% of PDTC [66, 67, 70]. The presence
sent potential therapeutic options in RAS-mutant of KMT2D mutation was associated with poorer
tumours with NF2 loss [78]. Tumour suppressor survival in ATC [70]. These mutations in epigen-
gene NF1 (neurofibromin 1) is detected in 9–40% etic factors were less frequently reported in PTC
of ATC, as opposed to none in PDTC and 0.5% in from TCGA (1–2%, ARID1B, KMT2A, KMT2C)
PTC from the TCGA data [7, 68, 71, 78]. Majority [7]. DNA mismatch repair gene (such as MSH2,
of NF1 mutant ATC tended to coexist with other MSH6, and MLH1) mutations were observed in
mutations [68, 71]. NF1 has been shown to cause 12–20% of ATC and 2% of PDTC.  ATC and
neurofibromatosis type 1. However, ATC is not a PDTC associated with these mutations were asso-
typical malignancy observed in this condition. ciated with higher mutational burden, likely
This suggests that NF1 is unlikely to be the main related to the dysfunction of DNA repair [66–68].
driver mutation in ATC. It is likely that additional Wnt signalling pathway (including CTNNB1
loss of NF1 tumour suppressor gene can lead to [beta-catenin], APC, and AXIN1) had been
progression of thyroid cancer to ATC [71]. In reported to be more frequent in aggressive thyroid
both PDTC and ATC, inactivating mutations cancer (ATC more than PDTC). Beta-catenin is
were also infrequently observed in other tumour important for E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion
suppressor genes, including RB1 and MEN1 [27, and signal transduction in the Wnt pathway. It is
66, 68]. Mutation in anaplastic lymphoma kinase usually on the cell membrane, and the free cyto-
(ALK) gene was observed in 20% of ATC mostly plasmic beta-catenin level is low due to its rapid
in association with TP53 and NF1 [71]. The stria- ubiquitin-proteasome degradation. When Wnt
tin (STRN) gene and ALK gene fusion (STRN- binds to cell surface receptors, it antagonises beta-
ALK) had been described in 1.3% of PTC, 9% of catenin degradation, so that beta-catenin localises
PDTC, and 4% of ATC. STRN-ALK gene had to the nucleus to stimulate target gene expression
been shown to stimulate MAPK activation and of cyclin D1 and c-myc. The process of degrada-
induce tumour formation in mouse models [80]. tion of beta-catenin is facilitated by a multi-pro-
In ATC thyroid cancer cell lines, ALK mutation tein destruction complex including adenomatous
increased signalling of the PI3K/AKT and ­polyposis coli (APC) protein and axin [84]. In
48 S. Peiling Yang

earlier studies using single-strand conformational Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) technique, the pres- (Sporadic)
ence of activating beta-catenin gene (CTNNB1)
mutation, which stabilises beta-catenin, was Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) arises
found in 25% of PDTC and 61–66% of ATC, and from the calcitonin-producing parafollicular C
aberrant nuclear beta-catenin immunochemical cell of thyroid gland and is sporadic in up to
staining was observed in 21% of PDTC and 43% 75% of cases. The main gene driver in sporadic
of ATC, but not in follicular adenoma, PTC, or and hereditary MTC had been the RET proto-
FTC [85, 86]. These indicated Wnt activation in oncogene, occurring in 12–100% of sporadic
these PDTC and ATC, and that CTNNB1 was a MTC depending on series [89, 90]. The RET
late event in cancer progression since it was not gene encoded for a receptor tyrosine kinase
observed in well-differentiated thyroid cancer. and its activating mutation increased RET
The presence of aberrant nuclear beta-catenin kinase activity, leading to activation of intra-
localisation correlated with lymph node metasta- cellular signalling and tumour growth.
ses and poor survival. CTNNB1 mutation also cor- Hereditary form of MTC displayed close geno-
related with poor survival [85]. In a subsequent type-phenotype correlation—MEN2A was
Japanese ATC study, beta-catenin immunochemi- mainly related to mutations in exons 10 or 11,
cal staining was positive in the nucleus in 41% of while MEN2B (more aggressive) was mainly
ATC and positive in the cytoplasm in 67% (five related to p.Met918Thr mutation in exon 16
cases had both cytoplasmic and nuclear staining). [91]. The p.Met918Thr RET mutation had been
The mutational analysis by direct PCR sequenc- the commonest form of mutation in sporadic
ing of CTNNB1 gene showed mutation in only MTC; however, its detection rate was highly
4.5% of ATC, APC gene mutation in 9%, and variable 5–66% [92]. In a study of sporadic
AXIN gene mutation in 82% of ATC [87]. The dif- MTC, where patients were categorised by risk
ference in rates of CTNNB1 mutation might be levels [group 1 with mutations in RET exons 15
due to different sequencing techniques. In recent and 16 (that includes somatic p.Met918Thr and
whole exome sequencing or targeted sequencing p.Ala883Phe RET mutation cases—these rep-
studies, CTNNB1 (5% in PDTC and 0–4.5% in resent level D mutations in American Thyroid
ATC), APC, and AXIN1 (8% in PDTC and 6% in Association guidelines, with highest risk of
ATC) mutations had been rare [66, 67, 69]. early development and growth of MTC [91]),
Mutations in cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK1) group 2 with other RET mutations, and group 3
family (including CDKN2A, CDKN2B, CDKN2C, having no RET mutations], group 1 had higher
CDKN1A, CDKN1B) were detected in 20% in prevalence, more lymph node metastases, more
PDTC and 9–14% of ATC [67, 69]. In ATC and multi-focal tumours, stage IV disease, and
PDTC, downregulation of CDH1 gene more persistent disease [92]. Patients with
(E-cadherin) and gain of mesenchymal markers other RET mutations had the most indolent
(such as fibronectin and WNT5A) were shown, course, whereas those with no RET mutation
indicating activation of epithelial-to-mesenchy- (regardless of RAS mutational status) were at
mal transition (EMT), where epithelial cells lost intermediate risk [89]. NF-kB that is transcrip-
contact and developed cytoskeleton remodelling tion factor involved in cell growth, differentia-
[68, 69]. Gene expression of TGF-β signalling tion, and apoptosis was detected on
components (TGFB1, LTBP1, TGFBR1) had been immunohistochemical staining more fre-
shown to be upregulated, likely related to its pro- quently in sporadic or germline MTC with RET
motion of EMT [69]. The overexpression of mutation [93], indicating that RET mutation
SNA12 gene had also been described in ATC [69]. had likely led to NF-kB overexpression.
SNA12 gene encoded for zinc-finger transcription Increasingly, in RET wild-type MTC, RAS
factor that repressed expression of E-cadherin, mutation had been reported to be the gene driver,
and it is activated by TGF-β [88]. with prevalence of HRAS ranging from 0 to 41.2%,
5  Genetic Landscape of Thyroid Cancer 49

that of KRAS ranging from 0 to 40.9% and that of hypothesised that in RAS-mutant sporadic MTC,
NRAS from 0 to 1.8% as summarised by a review AKT caused phosphorylation of PDCD4, inhibit-
by Moura et al. [89, 94]. According to the COSMIC ing its tumour suppressor effect [96]. Agrawal
(catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer) data- et  al. performed whole exome sequencing of 17
base, in RAS-mutant MTC, HRAS occurred at the sporadic MTC and then validated the frequency of
highest frequency (9.3%), followed by KRAS recurrently mutated genes and genes of interest in
(3.0%), and rarely NRAS (0.6%). This was con- a separate cohort of 19 sporadic MTC and 21
trary to the distribution observed in carcinoma, hereditary MTC [90]. In the discovery set, 71% of
arising from thyroid follicular cells, where NRAS sporadic MTC had RET mutation. In the combined
occurred more frequently (4.2% in PTC, 15.7% in RET- and RAS-negative sporadic MTC, 8% had
FTC, 15.4% in ATC), followed by KRAS (1.2% in MDC1 mutation (two cases in the discovery set
PTC, 3.9% in FTC, 8.1% in ATC), and HRAS and one case in the validation set) [90]. MDC1
(1.8% in PTC, 6.3% in FTC, 4.6% in ATC). In a (mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1)
MTC study including 56 sporadic cases and 8 is part of the DNA damage response [97].
familial cases, there was significant nuclear Inactivating mutation of MDC1 could lead to dys-
PDCD4 downregulation. Programmed cell death 4 function of homologous recombination and non-
(PDCD4) was a tumour suppressor gene involved homologous end point repair pathways [97].
in apoptosis, consistently downregulated in can-
cers. Of this cohort, 36% (20/56) had somatic RET
mutations. Six RAS-mutant (11% of sporadic Summary
MTC) MTC cases had higher nuclear PDCD4
expression than RET-positive or RET/RAS wild- The genetic landscape of thyroid cancer has been
type cases, as well as increased phospho-AKT on better understood with the availability of newer
western blot analysis, indicating activation of genetic testing techniques (Fig.  5.1). This unrav-
PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway [95]. It had been elled data could be utilised in the molecular






30.0 MTC
20.0 PDTC





























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Updates in Thyroid Cytology
Min En Nga

Introduction Lastly, in 2016, significant ripples were caused

by the coining of a new term, “Non-invasive fol-
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is undis- licular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like
putedly one of the most clinically useful methods nuclear features (NIFTP)” [4]. NIFTPs fall within
of preoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules. A what was previously considered a subset of fol-
combined approach of clinical examination, licular variant papillary thyroid carcinoma
ultrasonography and FNAC forms the main ele- (FVPTC), namely fully encapsulated, non-inva-
ments of the diagnostic workup of thyroid sive tumours with an exclusively follicular archi-
nodules. tecture. The impact of this new diagnostic term
The last decade has seen worldwide efforts on TBSRTC will be discussed, with particular
at  standardisation of diagnostic terminology attention to the implications for preoperative
amongst pathologists, in order for a more evi- diagnosis and surgical management and the
dence-based approach to the management of thy- impact on rates of malignancy in TBSRTC.
roid nodules. We will discuss various classification Summary of points for discussion:
systems, with particular attention to the Bethesda
System for Reporting Thyroid Cytology 1. Standardising thyroid cytology reporting: The
(TBSRTC) and its updates [1–3]. Bethesda Catalyst and Beyond
Recent years have also seen a much greater 2.
Molecular testing in thyroid cytology:
understanding of the molecular profiles of thy- Feasibility and Clinical Utility
roid neoplasms, with an appreciation of the dif- 3.
NIFTP: Implications for Preoperative
ferences between classical papillary thyroid Diagnosis and Surgical Management
carcinoma (PTC) and follicular-patterned neo-
plasms. Practical aspects of molecular testing on
cytologic specimens will be discussed, although 1. Standardising Thyroid Cytology
a more detailed expansion on the various molecu- Reporting: The Bethesda Catalyst
lar alterations and available platforms will be and Beyond
covered in the chapter on Genetic Landscape of
Thyroid Cancer. Although FNAC is well established as a robust
diagnostic test for thyroid nodules, a reliable, log-
M. E. Nga
ical and reproducible reporting language is also
Department of Pathology, National University of
Singapore and National Univeristy Hospital, of  utmost importance. This language must be
Singapore, Singapore shared by both diagnosticians (pathologists and

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 53

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
54 M. E. Nga

r­adiologists) and clinicians, such that clear man- and a broad spectrum of cytologic scenarios with
agement plans can be followed. Therein lies the a corresponding range of histologic outcomes
worldwide move for a standardised and universal spanning benign to malignant entities.
thyroid cytology reporting classification system. Firstly, reproducibility is limited—there is a
The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid degree of subjectivity in interpreting architec-
Cytology (TBSRTC) was the catalyst that pro- tural and nuclear atypia. Indeed, Padmanabhan
vided the impetus for a collective move towards a et al. found an agreement of only 36.4% (78/196
more unified classification system across the cases) in the AUS/FLUS category amongst 7
globe [1]. This was borne out of the 2-day multi- qualified cytopathologists with 5–30  years of
disciplinary discussion on thyroid cytology diagnostic experience [12].
reporting at the National Cancer Institute Thyroid Secondly, TBSRTC itself provides several
Fine Needle Aspiration State of the Science example scenarios within AUS/FLUS, amongst
Conference in Bethesda, Maryland, in October which are the presence of architectural or nuclear
2007, organised by Dr. Andrea Abati and moder- atypia, suboptimally preserved smears with ques-
ated by Drs Edmund Cibas and Susan J. Mandel. tionable atypia and lymphoid-rich smears [5]. It
TBSRTC has enjoyed wide uptake since its is thus not surprising that the rate of malignancy
formal publication in 2009 and the publication of varies widely in follow-up studies within this cat-
the monograph in 2010 [1, 5]. It has also been egory [13–17]. We will be focusing primarily on
endorsed in the 2015 American Thyroid the indeterminate category of AUS/FLUS in the
Association Guidelines, which recommend that following discussion. Recommendations and
thyroid FNACs be reported according to the cat- risks of malignancy in other Bethesda categories
egories defined by TBSRTC [6]. are reflected in Table 6.1.
Other classification systems in use include the
Papanicolaou Society classification system [7], Incidence Rate of AUS/FLUS
the British Thyroid Association/Royal College of TBSRTC has recommended the frequency of
Pathologists’ Thy 1–5 reporting system which AUS/FLUS to be in the range of approximately
was first published in 2002 and underwent revi- 7% of all thyroid FNACs [5]. Since the initial
sion in 2009 and 2016 [8, 9] and the Australasian publication of the monograph, the literature has
classification system which was jointly endorsed abounded with articles documenting the inci-
by the Royal College of Pathologists of dence of the various diagnostic categories.
Australasia (RCPA) and the Australian Society of Bongiovanni et  al., in their meta-analysis of a
Cytology (ASC) [10, 11]. total number of 22.445 thyroid FNACs, found that
The main classification systems in use are sum- the incidence of AUS/FLUS ranged from 0.8% to
marised in Table  6.1. Clear management guide- 27.2% with a mean incidence of 9.6% [13]. Ohori
lines are suggested but not compulsory in TBSRTC et al.’s meta-analysis also found the incidence to
and the Australasian classification system, while range between 0.7% and 18% amongst 7 studies
the British system provides some explanatory sug- from 6 laboratories [18]. In the present author’s
gestions within each category. Both the 2009 and diagnostic service, the incidence of AUS/FLUS
2017 versions of TBSRTC are presented. was found to be 6.4% within a 7-year period.
Since the publication of TBSRTC, there has The Bethesda panel have been working on pro-
been a proliferation of literature on the follow-up posed modifications and updates based on cumu-
of thyroid nodules within each Bethesda cate- lative literature. In 2016, specific discussions on
gory, particularly in the indeterminate categories each diagnostic category were presented at a sym-
of atypia of undetermined significance/follicular posium entitled “TBSRTC: Past, Present and
lesion of undetermined significance (AUS/ Future” at the International Cytology Congress
FLUS), as well as follicular neoplasm/suspicious (ICC) in Yokohama, Japan, in May 2016, moder-
for follicular neoplasm (FN/SFN) [10–17]. These ated by Drs. Syed Ali and Philippe Vielh, at which
indeterminate nodules pose difficulties for two the current author was present. Thereafter, the
main reasons: limited diagnostic reproducibility Proposed Modifications and Updates for TBSRTC
6  Updates in Thyroid Cytology 55

were published in Acta Cytologica in October Interestingly, the Proposed Modifications and
2016 [2]. The 2017 TBSRTC have now been pub- Updates briefly mentioned a potential quality
lished and the second edition of TBSRTC book control measure that was initially suggested by
was published in 2018 [3]. Krane et  al. to evaluate individual laboratories’
In the 2017 TBSRTC, the expected frequency usage of the AUS/FLUS category [19]. This was
of AUS/FLUS has been revised to up to 10%, a the AUS/M ratio, where “M” includes both the
little above the original recommended range [3]. suspicious for malignancy and malignant

Table 6.1  Major thyroid cytology reporting classification systems

Reporting classification RCPA/ASC Australasian TBSRTC TBSRTC
system (2016 revision) [8] classification 2014 [8] (2009) [1] (2017) [3]
Categories Non-diagnostic for Non-diagnostic (includes Non-diagnostic or Non-diagnostic or
cytological diagnosis— cyst contents only without unsatisfactory unsatisfactory
Thy 1/Thy 1c sufficient colloid or well (includes lesions
(“c” refers to cystic preserved follicular cells) showing cyst fluid
lesions) only without ample
colloid or sufficient
well preserved
follicular cells)
Recommendation: Repeat Recommendation: Recommendation:
FNAC with ultrasound Repeat FNAC with Repeat FNAC with
guidance ultrasound guidance ultrasound guidance
Non-neoplastic—Thy 2/ Benign Benign Benign
Thy 2c Recommendation: Recommendation:
Clinical follow-up Clinical follow-up
and correlate with
sonographic findings
Neoplasm Indeterminate/follicular Atypia of Atypia of
possible—Thy3 lesion of undetermined undetermined
Two subcategories: undetermined significance/ significance/follicular
1. Thy3a: samples that significance follicular lesion of lesion of
exhibit cytological/ Estimated risk of undetermined undetermined
nuclear or architectural malignancy: Very low significance significance
atypia and raise the Estimated risk of Risk of malignancy:
possibility of neoplasia; malignancy 5–15%   — 10–30%
or suboptimal samples pre-NIFTP
with mild cytologic atypia   — 6–18%
Note: “In many cases, a post-NIFTP
repeat thyroid cytology Recommendation: Repeat Recommendation: Recommendation:
sample is able to be FNA after 3 months or Repeat FNA after an Repeat FNA,
placed into a more shorter, depending on appropriate interval molecular testing or
definitive category” clinical circumstances lobectomy
and In cases with a concerning
2. Thy 3f: samples lymphoid population,
suggesting follicular repeat the FNA with
neoplasms material for
Note: “… a repeat may flow cytometry
help clarify the exact
diagnostic category.
Review of the cytology
and/or MDT discussion
locally or centrally may
be of use to help in
56 M. E. Nga

Table 6.1 (continued)
Reporting classification RCPA/ASC Australasian TBSRTC TBSRTC
system (2016 revision) [8] classification 2014 [8] (2009) [1] (2017) [3]
– Suggestive of a follicular Follicular neoplasm/ Follicular neoplasm/
neoplasm suspicious for suspicious for
follicular neoplasm follicular neoplasm
Recommendation: Estimated risk of Risk of malignancy
Refer to specialist surgeon malignancy 15–30%   – 25–40%
Recommendation: pre-NIFTP
Lobectomy   – 10–40%
Lobectomy or
molecular testing
Suspicious of Suspicious of malignancy Suspicious for Suspicious for
malignancy—Thy4 malignancy malignancy
Risk of malignancy
  – 50–75%
  – 45–60%
Recommendation: Recommendation: Recommendation:
Specialist referral Near total Near total
thyroidectomy or thyroidectomy or
lobectomy lobectomy
Malignant—Thy5 Malignant Malignant Malignant
Recommendation: Recommendation: Recommendation:
Specialist referral as Near total Near total
appropriate thyroidectomy thyroidectomy or
BTA British Thyroid Association
RCPath Royal College of Pathologists, United Kingdom
RCPA Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
ASC Australian Society of Cytology
HN hyperplastic nodule, FA follicular adenoma, FC Follicular carcinoma (well differentiated), FVPTC follicular variant
papillary thyroid carcinoma, HCA Hurthle cell adenoma, HCC Hurthle cell carcinoma

c­ ategories. Krane et al. found that this ratio posed dation, showing that repeat FNAC yields a more
the least amount of variability in their analysis of definitive result in AUS/FLUS or equivalent cate-
results from 8 series and recommended a ratio gories in 56–80% of the time [13, 17–22]. In the
within the range of 1.0–3.0. Further meta-ana- present author’s institution, a more definitive
lytic studies are required to evaluate the useful- FNAC result (defined as one that directs manage-
ness of this ratio as a performance measure. ment more definitively, i.e. any category other
than non-diagnostic or AUS/FLUS) was seen in
Follow-Up of AUS/FLUS 67.1% of repeat FNACs (n = 73), with majority
falling into the benign category (60.3%) [21].
Repeat FNAC
TBSRTC recommends repeat FNAC in the major- Molecular Testing
ity of AUS/FLUS cases [1, 5]. This is also in line The 2017 TBSRTC has also included the recom-
with the Australasian system, in the parallel cate- mendation of molecular testing, particularly using
gory of the “indeterminate nodule” [11]. There is the Afirma rule-out gene expression classifier test,
substantial literature that supports this recommen- where a negative result would justify observation
6  Updates in Thyroid Cytology 57

a b

Fig. 6.1  FLUS/AUS with and without nuclear atypia. (a) FLUS/AUS case showing nuclear atypia with enlarge-
FLUS/AUS with architectural atypia—both microfolli- ment and occasional nuclear grooves; histology showed a
cles and flat sheets are seen (Pap, 400×); (b) Same case, follicular adenoma with atypical nuclear features. (Pap,
showing no significant nuclear atypia (Pap, 600×); (c) 600×)

rather than a repeat FNA or surgery [3]. An over- clinically meaningful thyroid cytology reporting
view of the commercially available molecular system to be in place, individual laboratories
tests is provided in the following section. should perform regular and robust follow-up
studies of malignancy rates within all diagnostic
Surgical Outcomes categories, with particular attention to the inde-
Amongst surgically resected nodules, several terminate categories. Findings should be commu-
meta-analyses focusing on malignant outcomes nicated regularly to the multidisciplinary team of
have been performed in the recent literature [13, radiologists, surgeons, endocrine physicians,
17]. Straccia et al. documented malignancy rates pathologists and radiation oncologists.
in AUS/FLUS of 12.5–69.1%, with an overall
malignancy rate of 27% (n = 4474) [17]. In con- Substratification of Risk Within AUS/FLUS
trast, Bongiovanni et al. found an overall malig- Some evidence in the recent literature has
nancy rate of 15.9% (n  =  2441) [13]. More emerged in support of further substratification of
recently, Gan et al. from our institution presented the AUS/FLUS category into different risk cate-
a meta-analysis of 12 studies, of malignancy gories [14, 16, 23–25]. While some authors pro-
rates of AUS/FLUS nodules that were triaged pose multiple subcategories within AUS/FLUS
directly to surgery, finding an overall malignancy [16, 24, 25], we realise that it is difficult to fur-
rate of 34% (n = 1946), with individual studies’ ther substratify a category in which there already
rates ranging from 15.7% to 81.0% [14]. Within exists significant inter-observer variability and
our institution, the malignancy rate amongst all propose a more simple means of subclassification
AUS/FLUS nodules that were surgically excised of non-lymphoid lesions into cases in which
was 27% from 2008 to 2014 [14]. In the 2017 nuclear atypia predominates versus those which
TBSRTC, the overall risk of malignancy is stated only harbour architectural atypia [14]. This is
as approximately 10–30%, before the consider- illustrated in Fig. 6.1, which shows an example of
ation of NIFTP [3]. AUS/FLUS with and without nuclear atypia.
Regardless of published rates of malignancy, Our findings showed that out of 137 AUS/
it cannot be overemphasised that in order for a FLUS nodules that were surgically excised, 132
58 M. E. Nga

could be readily stratified into those with predom- have been using the terms “FLUS” to denote
inantly nuclear atypia (n = 57) versus those with architectural atypia and “AUS” to indicate
architectural atypia (n = 75), while the rest showed nuclear atypia, this splitting of terminology ithin
atypical lymphoid cells (n  =  5). Nodules with Bethesda category III is not encouraged by
both nuclear and architectural atypia were strati- TBSRTC [2, 3, 26].
fied into the “nuclear atypia” group. We found
that the rate of malignancy was significantly Summary Points
higher in the nuclear atypia group (36.8%) than • A standardised reporting system for thyroid
that with architectural atypia (14.7%), p  <  0.01 cytology is highly recommended.
[14]. Other studies have consistently documented • Robust institutional audits should be con-
similar findings, with malignancy rates in nodules ducted regularly and results communicated
with only architectural atypia ranging from 6.9% within the multidisciplinary team.
to 25% while rates in nodules with nuclear atypia • Within TBSRTC AUS/FLUS category, there is
ranged from 28% to 65.8% [16, 23–25]. mounting evidence that nodules with nuclear
While evidence mounts in support of substrat- atypia have higher rates of malignancy than
ifying the AUS/FLUS category by cytomorpho- those with architectural atypia.
logical criteria, there is still no unified agreement • No clear guidelines on management have yet
on the management guidelines for these subcat- been established within the AUSFLUS
egories. In view of the high rates of malignancy subgroups.
amongst surgically excised AUS/FLUS nodules • Repeat FNA or molecular testing may be rec-
with nuclear atypia, a case could potentially be ommended for AUS/FLUS.
made for direct triage to surgery or for molecular
testing within this subcategory.
It may logically follow that the architectural 2. Molecular Testing in Thyroid
atypia subcategory (presence of a mixed micro- Cytology: Feasibility and Clinical
follicular/trabecular and macrofollicular pattern, Utility
where a follicular neoplasm is not excluded) may
benefit from repeat FNAC more than the nuclear The ultimate aim of preoperative assessment of
atypia subgroup. To this end, our analysis showed thyroid nodules is to triage nodules for surgical
that repeat FNAC yielded a higher rate of benign management, i.e. identify nodules which require
diagnoses within the architectural atypia group surgery while minimising unnecessary surgery in
(24 of 34 [70.6%]) vs. the nuclear atypia group nodules with indolent behaviour. While significant
(19 of 39 [48.7%]); however, the results were not strides have been made towards a standardised
statistically significant (p > 0.05). It is tempting reporting system for thyroid cytology, the indeter-
to recommend repeat FNAC in nodules with minate categories still leave much to be desired in
architectural atypia alone and surgical excision in terms of achieving high sensitivity and specificity
those with nuclear atypia; however, prospective in triaging malignant nodules for surgery.
large cohort studies are required to validate this While some degree of cytomorphological tri-
proposed route of management. age is possible within the AUS/FLUS category as
In the 2017 TBSRTC, it is mentioned that the discussed above, much work is still required to
mean risk of malignancy is 47% in cases with achieve a more robust system of surgical triage,
cytologic atypia and that cytologic atypia does when considering the attendant risks of surgery.
convey a higher risk than architectural atypia In recent years, this has fallen into the realm of
alone. Several subclasses are provided featuring molecular testing [27–40]. A detailed description
cytological atypia, architectural atypia, Hurthle of the specific molecular aberrations in various
cell aspirates, and atypical lymphoid cells. types of thyroid neoplasms will be covered in the
However, there is no specific recommendation to chapter on Genetic Landscape of Thyroid Cancer.
substratify this category based on the presence of Our discussion will focus more on the practical
nuclear/cytologic atypia [3]. While some authors feasibility and clinical utility of performing molec-
6  Updates in Thyroid Cytology 59

ular tests on cytologic material. An important further borne out in a review article by the same
question to ask is—how reliable is a positive or authors, who documented a specificity for PTC
negative molecular result in terms of safely dictat- of 99.8% (580/581 cases), both from existing lit-
ing surgical vs. conservative management? erature and their own work [43].
Positive and negative predictive values vary Specific methods of sequencing are beyond the
between diagnostic categories, and it is important scope of this chapter. It is, however, important to
that clinicians have a full understanding of which note that BRAF mutation testing has been shown
categories would benefit most from molecular to be feasible on a variety of types of cytologic
testing, when used as a means to decide on which material, including snap-frozen needle washings,
nodules should come under the knife. residual liquid-based cytology material, needle
Briefly, the main molecular abnormalities in PTC rinse material in saline and even scrapings per-
include BRAF mutation and RET/PTC gene rear- formed from previously stained smears [29, 35,
rangements, while in FPNs, they include RAS muta- 44–46]. Immunohistochemistry is also available
tions (N-RAS, H-RAS, K-RAS) and PAX8/PPARγ specifically for the BRAF V600E mutation using
chromosomal rearrangements. An important point the BRAF VE1 antibody clone, which has been
for clinicians to note is that not all molecular aberra- shown to correlate well with molecular testing
tions correlate with malignant neoplasms. Indeed, and thus could potentially be applied to cell block
RAS mutations can be found even in lesions with material from thyroid FNAC samples [47].
histologic features of hyperplastic nodules [32]. This Therefore, the rationale of performing BRAF
is where the divide between papillary thyroid carci- mutation testing on cytologic material, particu-
noma (PTC) and follicular-patterned neoplasms larly in diagnostically indeterminate cases,
(FPNs) occurs. In general, molecular aberrations appears sound. However, in practice, does this
found in PTC are far more specific for malignancy actually provide a clear management pathway,
than those found in follicular-patterned lesions. The e.g. total thyroidectomy for BRAF mutation-pos-
latter may be seen in both benign and malignant enti- itive cases? Also, are there sufficient cases that
ties (hyperplastic nodule, follicular adenoma, follic- will test positive in the indeterminate categories
ular carcinoma and follicular variant papillary to warrant reflex testing? Several meta-analyses
thyroid carcinoma [FVPTC]). have concluded that in the majority of indetermi-
Methodology for detecting molecular aberra- nate nodules, BRAF mutation testing alone does
tions varies amongst centres; however, it would not significantly contribute to more definitive
be useful to note that single gene mutations (e.g. management, largely due to the low pickup rate,
BRAF, RAS) are easier to test and hence more particularly in AUS/FLUS nodules [28, 46, 48,
readily accessible in laboratories with molecular 49]. There may be limited usefulness in the suspi-
testing facilities, while gene rearrangements pose cious for malignancy (SM) category, with a
more of a challenge in terms of specimen collec- somewhat higher BRAF mutation-positive rate of
tion and test methodology. 42–58% [48, 50, 51]. Hence, BRAF mutation
testing alone may have limited practical utility in
BRAF indeterminate nodules, while more potential lies
In PTC, one of the commonest and most highly in combining this with a panel of other molecular
specific molecular abnormalities is the BRAF tests [28].
V600E mutation, which is seen in approximately
40–45% of PTC in the Western population [31]. Commercially Available Testing
Interestingly, the incidence is higher in Asian Platforms
cohorts, with a mean incidence of 68.7% in a There are currently three commercially available
meta-analysis by Song et al. [41]. Nikiforov et al. testing panels: Afirma (by Veracyte), ThyGenX
initially demonstrated that the BRAF mutation (Interpace Diagnostics) and ThyroSeq (University
was only found in PTC, and not encountered in of Pittsburgh Medical Center, via CBLPath).
benign thyroid nodules (n = 111) or in non-PTC These are summarised in Table  6.2. We will
malignancies (n  =  45) [42]. This specificity is briefly discuss them in turn.
60 M. E. Nga

Table 6.2  Main commercially available molecular testing platforms

ThyGenX (previously
Afirma by Veracyte miRInform) ThyroSeq and ThyroSeq v2
Sample 2 dedicated passes (collected in 1 dedicated 1–2 drops from first pass if
collection RNA preservative; −20 °C stable FNA (collected in nucleic acid sufficiently cellular (sample
up to 1 year) preservative solution; stable in stability is 24 h at 4 °C and
room temperature for up to 6 h at room temperature)
6 weeks)
Reporting Separate diagnostic passes, Local laboratory Local laboratory (with
FNAC reported by a central laboratory option to be reported in
centralised laboratory)
Costa $4875 $1675 $3200
Utility “Rule out” malignancy “Rule in” malignancy. Largest ThyroSeq v2 Initial
Initial validation study: NPV in validation study: PPV in AUS/ validation study NPV in FN/
AUS/FLUS 95% and FN/SFN 94% FLUS 88% and FN/SFN 87% SFN 96%; PPV 83%,
Combined sensitivity 90%, [60] Sensitivity 90% and
specificity 52% [52] specificity 93% [67]
Remarks Limited PPV Limited NPV in categories with Limited utility in AUS/FLUS
higher malignancy outcome [40]
rates (based on individual
institutional results)
Cost is in USD, as of June 2015

Afirma in this category is perhaps more controversial,

The Afirma Gene Expression Classifier (GEC) due to a significant proportion of cases benefiting
test is based on a 167-gene mRNA detection from a repeat FNAC, as discussed above, which
panel, which also includes testing for metastatic is a much cheaper alternative.
malignancies and medullary thyroid carcinoma The disadvantages of the Afirma test lie in the
(MTC)-related genetic aberrations. This is mar- cost (refer to Table 6.2) as well as the specimen
keted as a “rule out” test with a high negative pre- collection protocol. The test protocol requires
dictive value (NPV) following a benign result. In two dedicated FNAC passes, with the samples
the initial validation study, a “benign GEC result” washed in RNA preservative material and frozen
(benign gene expression profile) had a NPV of for storage. In addition, the test also requires
95% and 94% in AUS/FLUS and FN/SFN nod- more diagnostic passes to be made and smears
ules, respectively, corresponding to a 5–6% risk sent to a central laboratory for cytologic report-
of malignancy (n = 265 nodules). In contrast, for ing, upon which reflex Afirma testing is per-
a “suspicious GEC” result, the positive predictive formed in cases with indeterminate cytology
value (PPV) was only 38% for AUS/FLUS and results.
37% for FN/SFN, which is comparable to cytol- Post-validation studies performed by indepen-
ogy alone in some institutions [52]. dent laboratories showed that amongst AUS/
To translate this into practice, which Bethesda FLUS or FN/SFN nodules, the NPV ranged from
categories would benefit most from the Afirma 75% to 100%, while the sensitivity ranged from
test? Its usefulness is clear in FN/SFN nodules in 83% to 100% [53–59]. Amongst all these studies,
which a benign GEC result has a high predictive a total of only 363 nodules with a “benign” GEC
value for benign histology, where the clinician result were excised, of which there were 3 false
may then reasonably choose to adopt a more con- negatives (2 PTCs and 1 follicular carcinoma).
servative approach of close follow-up rather than
immediate surgery. This is also reflected in the ThyGenX
2017 TBSRTC recommendations [3]. In contrast to Afirma, ThyGenX is a “rule in” test
The 2017 TBSRTC has included this test as a that has a high positive predictive value for
possible management recommendation for AUS/ malignancy. The test is currently provided by
FLUS [3]. However, in actual practice, the utility Interpace Diagnostics (Parsippany, New Jersey,
6  Updates in Thyroid Cytology 61

United States) and was previously known as the 20–25%) on cyto-histologic follow-up, a nega-
miRInform test (Asuragen, Austin, Texas). It is a tive result should be interpreted with caution, in
7-gene panel that detects mutations in BRAF, view of a significant percentage of false
KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, and chromosomal translo- negatives.
cations resulting in RET/PTC1, RET/PTC3 and An advantage of ThyGenX, though, is its
PAX8/PPARγ fusions. practical feasibility. It is one of the more robust
A dedicated FNAC pass is required, with testing platforms because it is a DNA-based test.
material washed into nucleic acid preservative Thus it is feasible on residual liquid-based cytol-
solution while other passes are made for diagnos- ogy preparations (e.g. ThinPrep) as well as even
tic cytologic evaluation. The latter are performed scrapings from air-dried smears [63, 64, 66].
in the local laboratory, with cytologically indeter-
minate nodules proceeding to the ThyGenX test. ThyroSeq and ThyroSeq2
In the largest validation study featuring 513 ThyroSeq, developed at the University of
excised cytologically indeterminate nodules Pittsburgh Medical Center and commercially
(AUS/FLUS and FN/SFN), Nikiforov et al. docu- offered by CBL Path (Rye Brook, New  York,
mented that the PPV for malignancy was 88% in United States), is a test that aims to maximise
AUS/FLUS nodules (n = 247), 87% in FN/SFN both PPV and NPV, using next-generation
nodules (n  =  214) and 95% in suspicious for sequencing (NGS), a high-throughput molecular
malignancy (SM) nodules (n  =  52) [60]. The analytic platform [38]. In addition to the 7 genetic
NPVs were 84%, 86% and 72%, respectively. For loci tested in ThyGenX, this test also incorpo-
AUS/FLUS, the sensitivity and specificity were rates hotspot mutations in PIK3CA, PTEN, TP53,
63% and 99%, respectively, while for FN/SNF TSHR, CTNNB1, RET, AKT1 and TERT, as well
they were 57% and 7%, respectively. Other as a gene fusions involving RET, BRAF, NTRK1,
smaller validation studies have yielded similar NTRK3, AKT, PPARγ and THADA to various
results [30, 53, 61–65]. partner genes, as well as a GNAS mutation test
The clinician should note, however, that non- that is associated with benignity.
PTC-related genetic aberrations should be inter- Laboratories have the option of submitting
preted with caution, due to their relative lack of material for both cytologic interpretation and
specificity for malignancy. Eszlinger M et  al. ThyroSeq molecular testing or just molecular
showed that while a positive result for BRAF testing alone. One advantage of employing NGS
mutation or RET/PTC rearrangement correlated technology is that only 10 ng of DNA is required
with a 100% malignancy rate on histology, RAS for this expanded test panel.
mutation or PAX8/PPARγ rearrangement only Initial validation for Thyroseq v2 was per-
showed malignant histology in 12% and 50% of formed on 143 FN/SFN nodules [65]. The com-
surgical samples, respectively, with most of the bined sensitivity and specificity for malignancy
benign outcomes being follicular adenomas [63]. was 90% and 93%, respectively. PPV was 83%
Whether or not these follicular adenomas repre- and NPV was 96%. Of note was that some spe-
sent “preinvasive” forms of follicular thyroid car- cific mutations (KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, TSHR and
cinoma remains to be proven. This further BRAF K601E) were seen in benign entities,
highlights the lack of specificity for known namely follicular adenoma (including Hurthle
genetic aberrations in follicular neoplasms. cell adenoma) and hyperplastic nodules.
A disadvantage of the ThyGenX test is its rel- In 2017, Valderrabano et  al. performed an
atively limited ability to rule out malignancy. In independent validation study of ThyroSeq v2
the series of 513 indeterminate nodules, the NPV [40]. 102 cytologically indeterminate AUS/FLUS
was lower in Bethesda diagnostic categories with and FN/SFN nodules were analysed, all of which
higher malignant outcome rates on resection underwent surgical excision. In AUS/FLUS
(94% in AUS/FLUS, 86% in FN/SFN and only (n = 52), the sensitivity and specificity were 43%
72% in SM) [60]. Therefore, in categories with and 71% while the PPV was only 19% and the
significant rates of malignancy (e.g. greater than NPV was 89%. The results suggested that this
62 M. E. Nga

test may have limited clinical utility in this diag- Ultimately, long-term outcome data is required
nostic category. A possible reason is the inclusion to evaluate if molecular testing is sufficiently ben-
in the panel of genetic alterations that were less eficial to be incorporated into routine preoperative
specific for malignancy. investigations of thyroid nodules. Cost-efficiency
The FN/SFN category (n = 50) yielded more is also a consideration that needs to be included in
promising results. The sensitivity and specificity the equation. Currently, there is no single reliable
were 95% and 84%, respectively, while the PPV molecular test that can effectively rule in or rule
and NPV were 65% and 94%. Based on the high out malignancy in indeterminate nodules.
NPV, the authors concluded that the test was
likely to be helpful in ruling out malignancy, but Summary Points
less predictive of ruling in malignancy.
Nevertheless, more large-scale prospective stud- • Molecular testing for classical PTC is more
ies are required to better understand the clinical specific for malignancy than for follicular-
utility of this new NGS-based platform. patterned neoplasms.
• Sensitivity, specificity and negative and posi-
American Thyroid Association tive predictive values of test results vary
Recommendations on Molecular Testing between diagnostic categories due to varying
The 2015 American Thyroid Association (ATA) rates of malignant outcomes.
Guidelines provide some recommendations • Three main commercially available tests
regarding molecular testing within specific include Afirma gene expression classifier
TBSRTC diagnostic categories [6]. (“rule out malignancy”), ThyGenX (“rule in
• AUS/FLUS: “… after consideration of worri- malignancy”) and ThyroSeq next-generation
some clinical and sonographic features, inves- sequencing test.
tigations such as repeat FNA or molecular • The Afirma gene expression classifier has
testing may be used to supplement malignancy been included in the 2017 TBSRTC for AUS/
risk assessment in lieu of proceeding directly FLUS and FN/SFN categories.
with a strategy of either surveillance or diag- • Technical feasibility on collected material, acces-
nostic surgery…” (Recommendation 15. Weak sibility and cost are important considerations.
recommendation, Moderate-quality evidence). • Long-term outcome studies are still required
• FN/SFN: “… after consideration of clinical and to ultimately evaluate clinical utility.
sonographic features, molecular testing may be
used to supplement malignancy risk assess-
ment data in lieu of proceeding directly with 3. NIFTP: Implications
surgery. Informed patient preference and feasi- for Preoperative Diagnosis
bility should be considered in clinical decision- and Surgical Management
making.” (Recommendation 16. Weak
recommendation, Moderate-quality evidence). In the April issue of the Journal of the American
• SM: “… After consideration of clinical and Medical Association (JAMA), Nikiforov et  al.
sonographic features, mutational testing for formally described the “non-invasive follicular
BRAF or the seven-gene mutation marker thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear fea-
panel (BRAF, RAS, RET/PTC, PAX8/PPARγ) tures (NIFTP)” [4]. This caused a stir in the com-
may be considered … if such data would be munity of thyroid surgeons, pathologists and
expected to alter surgical decision making.” even patients. The reclassification of this entity as
(Recommendation 17. Weak recommenda- a non-malignant neoplasm garnered sufficient
tion, Moderate-quality evidence). publicity to be featured in the New York Times in
The Guidelines also recommend that should a passage entitled “It’s Not Cancer: Doctors
molecular testing be considered, patients should Reclassify a Thyroid Tumor” [68].
be clearly counselled regarding the “potential The rationale behind this reclassification is
benefits and limitations of testing”. the  indolent behaviour of NIFTP.  Long-term
6  Updates in Thyroid Cytology 63

follow-up of 109 cases (median 13 years, range Table 6.3  Diagnostic criteria for NIFTP
10–25 years) showed no evidence of disease [4]. 1. Encapsulation or clear demarcation
None of the 109 cases received radioiodine (RAI)    •  Thick, thin, or partial capsule or
   • Well circumscribed nodule with a clear
therapy, while 67 cases were treated conserva- demarcation from adjacent thyroid tissue
tively with lobectomy. In contrast, amongst the 2. Follicular growth pattern
101 cases of encapsulated FVPTC with either   • Microfollicular, normofollicular, or
capsular or vascular invasion, 12% developed an macrofollicular architecture with abundant colloid
adverse event (metastatic disease, persistent dis-  • <1% papillae
  •  No psammoma bodies
ease, nodal recurrence or biochemical evidence   • Less than 30% solid/trabecular/insular growth
of disease) after a minimum follow-up of at least pattern
1  year. Other corroborating follow-up studies 3. Nuclear score of 2 or 3 (of the following 3 points)
also suggest indolent clinical behaviour in NIFTP,   • Size/shape (enlargement, elongation, overlapping)
  • Membrane (irregularity, presence of grooves and
including large tumours measuring at least 4 cm pseudoinclusions)
in maximal dimension [69, 70].   •  Chromatin (clear, glassy, marginated)
Prior to this revised nomenclature, NIFTP was 4. No vascular or capsular invasion
considered a subset of FVPTV—encapsulated   • Requires adequate sampling and microscopic
FVPTC without capsular or vascular invasion. In examination of the tumour capsule interface
5. No tumour necrosis
the Western population, they comprise approxi-
6. No high mitotic activity
mately 20–25% of thyroid neoplasms previously   • High mitotic activity defined as at least 3 mitoses
designated as malignant [69, 71, 72]. The diagnos- per 10 high-powered fields (400×)
tic criteria for NIFTP are strict and are based on
histologic examination of surgically excised nod-
ules with adequate sampling of the lesional cap- TBSRTC categories, based on the removal of
sule. These criteria are summarised in Table 6.3. NIFTPs from the malignant outcome cohort.
NIFTP is a diagnosis that should not be made Several recent publications have documented
on frozen section evaluation. This is for two rea- the cytologic characterisation of NIFTP based on
sons—adequate capsular sampling is required to retrospective analysis of histologically confirmed
confirm the absence of capsular or vascular inva- cases [71, 73, 74]. NIFTPs were found in most
sion, and nuclear artefacts can occur in frozen Bethesda diagnostic categories, from benign to
sections that can mimic the nuclear features of malignant. The findings are summarised in
PTC.  Hence, histologic examination of thor- Table 6.4. The most frequent categories harbour-
oughly sampled, well-fixed lesional tissue is nec- ing NIFTP are AUS/FLUS, FN/SFN and SM.
essary for the diagnosis of NIFTP. It is concerning to note that there are significant
Due to its indolent behaviour, it is recom- numbers of NIFTPs within the outright malignant
mended that NIFTP be treated with simple lobec- category (ranging from 2% to 20% of NIFTPs)—
tomy without RAI. Hence treatment is similar to this could potentially result in unnecessary total
that of a follicular neoplasm rather than FVPTC. thyroidectomies for patients who eventually turn
Can NIFTP be diagnosed on cytology? The out to have NIFTP, accompanied by a drop in
short answer is no. The diagnosis of NIFTP by specificity for malignancy in this category. Indeed,
definition requires histologic evaluation of the both Strickland and Faquin et al. found a decrease
capsule–thyroid interface, which cannot be reli- in rate of malignancy (ROM) in all TBSRTC cat-
ably achieved on cytology. Hence it is not possible egories when NIFTPs were removed from malig-
to make a definitive preoperative diagnosis of nant outcome cohorts. In the malignant category,
NIFTP, although the possible differential of NIFTP the rates dropped from close to 100% to 93.6%–
may be suggested. This then raises the question of 95.7% [71, 72]. In the 2017 TBSRTC, the risks of
which Bethesda categories NIFTP will fall into, malignancy pre- and post-NIFTP have been esti-
and how this will impact management of these mated, and these are shown in Table 6.1.
nodules. In addition, in the post-NIFTP era, malig- Pathologists and surgeons alike would rightfully
nancy rates can also be expected to fall in most be concerned about the possibility of false positive
64 M. E. Nga

Table 6.4  Cytologic categories of preoperative diagnosis of NIFTP and Decrease in ROM
NIFTP cytologic categories Decrease in ROM
Strickland et al. Maletta et al. Hahn et al. Strickland et al. Faquin et al.
[71] [73] [74] (%) [71] (%) [72]
Non-diagnostic (%) 1 (1.2) 0 2 (6) 18.9 to 17 25.3 to 23.9
Benign (%) 13 (15) 0 5 (14) 13.2 to 5.4 9.3 to 5.8
AUS/FLUS (%) 17 (20) 14 (15) 9 (26) 39.2 to 21.6 31.2 to 17.6
FN/SFN (%) 7 (8) 54 (56) 2 (6) 45.5 to 37.5 33.2 to 18
SM (%) 39 (46) 26 (27) 10 (29) 87.2 to 45.7 82.6 to 59.2
Malignant (%) 8 (9) 2 (2) 7 (20) 98.7 to 93.6 99.1 to 95.7
Total no. of cases 85 96 34 655 1826

Fig. 6.2  FN/SFN. Follicular neoplasm showing repetitive microfollicular structures (Hemacolor, 200×). Inset shows
round, normochromatic nuclei without significant nuclear atypia. (Pap, 600×)

cytologic malignant diagnosis in cases of NIFTP and the Bethesda Proposed Modifications
NIFTP. There are several points of practice that can and Updates, and include microfollicular archi-
reduce false positives to some extent—the diagnos- tecture and subtle nuclear features of PTC with-
tic cytopathologist should pay strict attention to spe- out overtly obvious nuclear pseudoinclusions,
cific cytologic features when rendering a malignant and the absence of true papillary structures, fibro-
cytologic diagnosis. In order to maximise the diag- vascular cores and psammomatous calcifications
nostic specificity of PTC on cytology, definite cyto- [2, 75]. In short, NIFTP would be a viable dif-
logic features of classical PTC should be sought, ferential diagnostic consideration whenever the
such as syncytial sheets and fibrovascular cores, and possibility of FVPTC is raised on cytology.
well-defined intranuclear pseudoinclusions. Figure 6.2 illustrates a case classified as FN/
Cytologic features raising the possibility of SFN, which does not show significant nuclear
NIFTP are described in Krane’s commentary on atypia. In contrast, Fig. 6.3 shows a case falling
6  Updates in Thyroid Cytology 65

a b

c d

Fig. 6.3  FN/SFN with nuclear atypia. (a, b) Follicular or NIFTP (Pap, 600×). (c) Low-power histology showing
patterned lesion showing nuclear enlargement, pale chro- encapsulated nodule (HE, 100×); (d) High-power micros-
matin and occasional grooves without pseudoinclusions. copy showing microfollicles lined by cells with nuclear
Lesion classified as FN/SFN, possibilities include FVPTC atypia, consistent with NIFTP (HE, 300×)

into the same category, but with nuclear atypia. In tecture and with some nuclear atypia. Although
the comments section, it should be noted that some have suggested including an optional explan-
FVPTC and NIFTP would be differentials for atory comment in the malignant category (regard-
this case. Histology showed a NIFTP. ing the possibility of NIFTP and stating the reduced
In terms of a practical approach to cytology of in ROM as a result of NIFTP), the current author
NIFTP, several suggestions have been made, which feels that this may not be necessary if strict diag-
generally include exercising caution when making nostic criteria for classical PTC are applied when
a malignant diagnosis (as highlighted above) and making such a cytologic diagnosis.
erring on the side of FN/SFN rather than SM in Based on the histologic features of NIFTP, we
nodules in which NIFTP is being considered. expect that in many instances, the cytologic fea-
Another viable suggestion, as stated in the 2017 tures will fall into the FN/SFN, and, less com-
TBSRTC, is to include NIFTP as a possible differ- monly, the AUS/FLUS categories. This is
ential diagnosis in the notes or comments of the reassuring as in most cases the management will
cytology report where appropriate [2, 3, 75, 76]. be fairly conservative.
The latter should be applied judiciously to cases in It would be logical to argue that close attention
which there is genuine concern about NIFTP, i.e. should be paid to sonographic findings of nodules
nodules with a predominant microfollicular archi- in which cytology raises the possibility of NIFTP,
66 M. E. Nga

because one of the main diagnostic criteria is encap- Conclusion

sulation and/or circumscription. As yet, though, the With the widespread adoption of globally rec-
current literature holds a paucity of work docu- ognised reporting systems for thyroid cytol-
menting specific sonographic features of NIFTP ogy, institutional multidisciplinary teams are
[74, 77, 78]. Hahn et al. documented the finding of in a better place to perform robust audits
circumscription in 85.3% of NIFTP (n = 34), with within their respective diagnostic services.
most cases falling into the low to intermediate sus- This is a positive step towards evidence-based
picion group [74]. Similarly, Rosario et  al. docu- management of the thyroid nodule.
mented that amongst 120 NIFTPs, the sonographic Although there is much literature on the
features mostly fell within the ATA low to interme- outcomes of indeterminate nodules, in partic-
diate suspicion categories (91%) while only 5% of ular showing a higher malignancy rate in nod-
cases were in the high suspicion category [78]. ules with nuclear atypia, it must be emphasised
However, in contrast, Jeon et  al. analysed sono- that individual institutions must actively
graphic features of 39 NIFTPs and found suspi- establish rational management protocols
cious features in 51% of cases; however, they did based on local follow-up studies.
not further substratify these into specific features Molecular testing can provide additional
such as lesional margins [77]. Further studies are information that contributes to management
required to ascertain if the radiologic features of of thyroid nodules; however, currently there is
NIFTP can help further strengthen the cytologic no single “magic bullet” that is able to accu-
impression on FNAC, thereby providing more spe- rately rule in and rule out malignancy in inde-
cific guidance for subsequent management. terminate nodules. Also, it should be noted
The role of molecular testing in the preopera- that the practical utility of molecular testing
tive diagnosis of NIFTP is not yet established. varies with each diagnostic category, with the
The molecular profile of NIFTP is distinct from AUS/FLUS and FN/SFN categories perhaps
classical PTC, but, rather, exhibit changes seen benefitting the most. However, cost and acces-
more often in follicular neoplasms, such as RAS sibility remain important issues, although this
mutations, PAX8/PPARγ fusion and other abnor- may change over time, as lower cost platforms
malities [4, 79]. are developed.
Finally, in the reclassification of NIFTP to a
Summary Points non-malignant entity, malignancy rates have
been reduced in all Bethesda cytologic diag-
• NIFTP was previously considered a subset of nostic categories, in particular, the indetermi-
encapsulated FVPTC.  It is now no longer nate and suspicious categories. Clinicians and
classified as a malignant tumour. pathologists should be aware of this possibility
• The behaviour is indolent and recommended when planning surgical management of thyroid
treatment is lobectomy. nodules. Studies on specific radiologic features
• The diagnosis of NIFTP requires surgical of NIFTP would be helpful in ascertaining the
excision; it cannot be diagnosed on frozen role of imaging in the distinction between inva-
section or cytology. sive FVPTC, encapsulated FVPTC and NIFTP.
• On cytology, NIFTP would be most repre-
sented in the FN/SFN. SM and AUS/FLUS cat-
egories and may be considered whenever
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molecular testing for oncogenic gene mutations com- Casadei GP, Basolo F, et  al. Cytological features of
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WC. Cytological, molecular, and clinical features of 2017;125(5):323–31.
Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid
Cancer 7
Sabaretnam Mayilvaganan, Aromal Chekavar,
Roma Pradhan, and Amit Agarwal

It cannot be overemphasized that manual palpa- was to differentiate cystic and solid thyroid nod-
tion of thyroid nodules is extremely variable ules. With improvements in technology, ultra-
between even experienced clinicians and as such sound has been applied to characterize distinct
imaging with ultrasound, especially surgeon-per- features in the appearance of thyroid nodules.
formed ultrasound, has become essential to the More recently, its function has been expanded to
evaluation of the thyroid gland. Surgeon- assess cervical lymph nodes for metastatic thy-
performed ultrasound is rapidly becoming an roid cancer. Most recent guidelines by the ATA,
extension of the physical examination, adding US is the imaging study of choice for character-
images containing objective information to the ization of thyroid nodules, surveillance of multi-
subjective palpation by the surgeon’s hands. nodular goiter, and preoperative evaluation in
Various imaging tools play key roles in various known DTC [1]. Even though USG can be used
phases in treatment of thyroid cancer. Various to do cervical lymph node staging in patient with
imaging modalities comprise of: palpable cervical lymph node, USG will miss
mediastinal and retropharyngeal regions, so
• High-resolution ultrasonography cross-sectional imaging will be more appropriate
• Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography in these cases.
• Magnetic resonance tomography
• Radioiodine scans
• Positron emission tomography  ltrasound Imaging of Thyroid
Selection of appropriate modality in appropri-
ate time is of paramount importance in thyroid When examined by ultrasound, rather than by
carcinoma management. palpation, thyroid nodules are commonly
The initial application of sonography for the detected with a prevalence of 40–50% in the gen-
evaluation of the neck, more than 30 years ago, eral population [2]. However, only 5–10% of thy-
roid nodules are malignant, even if found
S. Mayilvaganan · A. Chekavar · A. Agarwal (*) incidentally; while fine-needle aspiration is the
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Sanjay Gandhi cornerstone of the evaluation of thyroid nodules,
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, ultrasound contributes significantly both to iden-
Lucknow, India tify and to evaluate thyroid nodules. Multiple
R. Pradhan reports have examined the sonographic features
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Dr Ram Manohar of thyroid nodules as predictors of malignancy
Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 71

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
72 S. Mayilvaganan et al.

list the reported sensitivities and specificities of moving through the sample volume [6]. The tech-
these features from 11 studies that analyzed over nical issue of CFD includes interference by noise
100 nodules. Unfortunately, there is significant and dependence on the angle of the probe. PD
variability among these studies because of differ- imaging is relatively independent of the angle of
ing methodologies and because report of ultra- the probe, and the sound beam and noise can be
sound features is highly operator dependent [3]. assigned to a homogeneous background rather
The echogenicity of a thyroid nodule is its than appearing as random color, and since PD does
brightness relative to the normal thyroid paren- not reflect directional flow, it is more sensitive for
chyma or which is homogeneously hyperechoic the detection of flow in small vessels. Nodule vas-
compared with the surrounding strap muscles of the cularity is categorized as absent, perinodular, or
neck. Hypoechoic nodules are darker than the sur- intranodular. Using PD, some authors have further
rounding normal thyroid tissue. Hypoechogenecity subdivided intranodular flow into regular versus
results from the increased cellularity and cellular chaotic patterns. Increased intranodular flow is
compaction seen in papillary thyroid cancer [4]. But associated with malignancy and has good interob-
in follicular neoplasm, either a benign follicular server variability (Figs. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4).
adenoma or follicular carcinoma is composed of Calcifications are noted up to 30% of thyroid
small microfollicles with variable amounts of col- nodules. Microcalcifications image as echogenic
loid. Therefore, the echogenicity of follicular carci- foci smaller than 2 mm and are associated with
nomas may depend on the colloid content and malignancy. The interobserver variability for the
images as more hyperechoic [5]. Fifty-five percent identification of microcalcifications is very good.
of nodules have some cystic composition which Microcalcifications are thought to represent
requires identification of the solid component to aggregates of psammoma bodies, the laminated
determine echogenicity. spherical concretions characteristic of many pap-
The vascularity of a thyroid nodule is demon- illary cancers, and are rarely found in benign
strated with color flow Doppler (CFD) or power nodules or follicular neoplastic lesions. Coarse or
Doppler (PD) imaging. CFD is a measure of the dense calcifications are larger than 2  mm and
directional component of the velocity of blood cause posterior acoustic shadowing. These

Fig. 7.1  High

Resolution Ultrasound
thyroid showing thyroid
nodule with increased
7  Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 73

Fig. 7.2  Strain­

Elastography of the
thyroid nodule showing
comparison between
Normal lobe and the

Fig. 7.4  High Resolution Ultrasound of thyroid showing

hypoechoic lesion with illdefined borders

d­ystrophic calcifications occur in both benign

and malignant lesions in areas of fibrosis, tissue
degeneration, and necrosis. Coarse calcifications
may be associated with malignancy nodules.
Peripheral calcifications surround a thyroid nod-
Fig. 7.3  High Resolution Ultrasound of thyroid showing
isthumic hypoechoic lesion with illdefined border and ule and were once thought to indicate a benign
microcalcification process. However, this finding can be seen in
74 S. Mayilvaganan et al.

malignant nodules, sometimes with interruption tumor has an ill-defined edge that interrupts this
of the circumferential calcific rim that suggests capsule. Because individual sonographic feature
malignant invasion of thyroid parenchyma. has limited utility in predicting malignancy, some
Coarse calcifications are associated with malig- series have explored the association of combina-
nancy when they appear with microcalcifications tions of features with cancer risk. In most series,
or in the center of a hypoechoic nodule [7]. as the specificity of a combination increases, the
The margins of a thyroid nodule can be regular sensitivity decreases. But sonographic features
and well defined or irregular and microlobulated, with high-risk characteristics of malignancy can
and interobserver variability for classification of be selected for FNAC. The combination of sono-
nodule borders is the greatest of all sonographic graphic features that maximizes sensitivity and
features. Irregular margins are seen with invasion specificity is a solid, hypoechoic nodule, which
of a malignant nodule into the surrounding thy- identifies approximately 70% of all cancers but
roid parenchyma. The irregular margin is less still describes the appearance of 30% of benign
commonly observed with encapsulated as a thin nodules. Additionally, as many as 66% of papil-
hypoechoic rim that surround a nodule and is lary thyroid cancers have at least one sonographic
thought to represent compression of the extrano- feature not typically associated with malignancy,
dular blood vessels as a benign nodule slowly and 69% of benign nodules have one sonographic
grows. An invasive malignancy, such as unencap- predictor of malignancy. Decision-making for
sulated papillary cancer of medullary cancer, FNA based on suspicious sonographic features of
lacks a halo. However, follicular and Hurthle cell hypoechogenicity, microcalcifications, irregular
adenomas and cancers are surrounded by a fibrous margins, or increased vascularity is superior to
avascular capsule. This capsule images sono- using an arbitrary size cutoff of larger than 1 cm.
graphically as a thick, irregular hypoechoic rim, In hypoechoic, solid small nodules, with or with-
which is now recognized as a more worrisome, out microcalcifications, it is critical to examine
second type of halo. Hypoechoic rims are more the ipsilateral cervical lymph nodes for metasta-
frequent for follicular cancers (87%) rather than ses. If an abnormal lymph node is present, it is
for papillary cancers (26% P < 0.05) [8]. this lymph node that should be targeted for FNA.
Other additional sonographic features of thy-
roid nodules that have been shown to be associ-
ated with are shape of the nodule by looking at Lymph Nodes
the ratio of the anteroposterior to transverse
diameter (A/T). When the A/T ratio is greater In addition to providing excellent imaging for
than 1.0, indicating a spherical nodule, Cappelli thyroid nodules, high-frequency (10–14  MHz)
and colleagues found that this kind of detected ultrasound transducers allow for high-resolution
thyroid cancer has a sensitivity of 84% and a imaging of small anatomic structures such as
specificity of 82%, but these require further vali- cervical lymph nodes. Of the approximately 800
dation studies [9]. Tissue stiffness is a risk factor lymph nodes in the human body, about 300 are
for malignancy in a subset of nodules with inde- located in the neck, varying in size from 3 to
terminate cytology using a technique called elas- 30  mm. Most neck lymph nodes are located
tography. High elasticity scores, indicating superficially and are accessible to ultrasound
stiffness, point toward malignant histology and imaging. Because of the frequent metastatic
low scores to benign lesions. Finally, extrathyroi- involvement of these lymph nodes by differenti-
dal invasion may be occasionally seen when the ated thyroid cancer (DTC), specifically papil-
tumor growth extends through either the anterior lary or Hurthle cell carcinoma, for these DTC
or posterior thyroid capsule, which normally patients, ultrasound provides an inexpensive
appears as a bright white outline surrounding the and available means both to evaluate the lateral
thyroid. In such instances, the margin of the cervical lymph nodes before thyroidectomy and
7  Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 75

to monitor for recurrence in the central and lat- cytes forming lymphoid follicles and an inner
eral compartment lymph nodes and in the thy- medulla containing the blood vessel, lymphatic
roid bed. In addition, ultrasound can also be a sinuses, and connective tissue that provide guid-
complementary modality in the surveillance of ance for the blood vessels to the more peripheral
medullary thyroid cancer. For imaging the cer- regions of the lymph node. The main artery to the
vical neck lymph nodes, a hyperextended neck lymph node enters at this central hilus and subse-
position facilitates visualization of the low level quently branches into smaller arterioles as it
IV and VI lymph nodes, and a pillow may be flows to the cortex. The frequency of lymph node
placed under the patient’s neck for support. The detection did not vary based on age, gender, or
procedure for examining the lateral compart- even recent infection. Therefore, since detection
ment regions of the neck is to orient the trans- of normal cervical lymph nodes is common and
ducer in the transverse plane. The transducer is thyroid cancer often metastasizes to these same
placed over the submandibular gland and then lymph nodes, it is essential to appreciate the dif-
moved inferiorly along the external carotid ferent imaging characteristics of benign and
artery to the bifurcation of the common carotid malignant lymph nodes.
artery. It is then centered over the jugulocarotid The evaluated parameters should include:
sheath and moved inferiorly until the carotid is
visualized joining the subclavian artery on the 1. Size
right or disappears under the clavicle to enter 2. Shape
the aortic arch on the left. The supraclavicular 3. Presence of an echogenic hilus
fossa and posterior triangle of the neck (level V) 4. Hypoechoic cortex
are then examined by moving the probe laterally 5. Vascularity
along the supraclavicular region and then poste- 6. Echogenicity
riorly and superiorly to the mastoid region along 7. Cystic change and calcifications
the course of the imputed track of the spinal
accessory nerve, which approximates the poste- Therefore, since detection of normal cervical
rior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. lymph nodes is common and thyroid cancer often
For imaging the central neck, the transducer is metastasizes to these same lymph nodes, it is
placed in transverse orientation above the tra- essential to appreciate the different imaging char-
cheal cartilage at the approximate level of the acteristics of benign and malignant lymph nodes.
hyoid bone and moved inferiorly along the ante- The size of normal lymph nodes may vary
rior border of the trachea to the sternal notch. depending on neck region, with submandibular
The more focused examination of the left and or level II lymph nodes tending to be larger, per-
right paratracheal regions requires centering the haps due to reactive hyperplasia from repeated
probe between the trachea and respective carotid oral cavity inflammation. Furthermore, thyroid
artery just inferior to the tracheal cartilage and cancer patients with radioiodine-induced sialad-
scanning inferiorly to the sternal notch. enitis may also develop large hyperplastic level II
Longitudinal imaging should be performed for lymph nodes found in the submandibular and
any identified abnormal lymph node. parotid regions. Large reactive lymph nodes in
this area may exhibit a long axis measurement of
up to 18 mm. The short axis diameter varies less,
 ltrasound Imaging of Normal
U and the maximal short axis for a normal lymph
and Metastatic Lymph Nodes node is reported to be 8 mm in level II and less
than 5 mm in the other cervical regions.
Normal lymph node morphology is characterized The shape of a lymph node is assessed in
by a connective tissue capsule surrounding an numerical terms by the short-to-long axis ratio
outer cortex with the densely packed lympho- (S:L). A normal lymph node is oval, which trans-
76 S. Mayilvaganan et al.

lates into an S:L less than 0.5. Since neoplastic Since hilar vascularity is detected in about 90%
infiltration of lymph node begins in the cortex, of normal lymph nodes with a transverse diam-
malignant lymph nodes generally have a larger eter larger than 5 mm and smaller normal lymph
transverse diameter and a rounder shape, with an nodes which usually appear avascular. Capillaries
S:L of 0.5 or higher. A round shape is suggestive arising from these hilar vessels feed the nodal
of malignancy, but its specificity may depend on cortex. Interestingly, the detection rate of hilar
the region of the neck. Submandibular and vascularity is higher in the elderly, which is
parotid lymph nodes may be round, as defined by thought to be caused by decreased vessel com-
the S:L. Furthermore, round reactive central neck pressibility because of higher vessel stiffness in
lymph nodes just inferior to the thyroid are often this group. Furthermore, reactive lymph nodes
imaged in patients with chronic autoimmune thy- may have prominent hilar vascularity because of
roiditis. Sonographic imaging of a normal lymph both increased blood flow and vessel diameter.
node demonstrates an echogenic central hilus In malignant lymph nodes, the vascular pattern
surrounded by a hypoechoic cortex. The echo- is either peripheral or diffuse (hilar and periph-
genic hilus is more commonly present in larger eral), often with irregular distribution. The
(>5 mm transverse diameter) rather than smaller increase in peripheral nodal vascularity occurs
lymph nodes. The echogenicity reflects two fea- because of initial deposition of the malignant
tures: intranodal fatty tissue, which becomes cells in the marginal sinuses and the tumor-
more prominent with age, and the presence of induced angiogenesis causes subsequent neovas-
intranodal arteries, veins, and lymphatic sinuses cularization. As tumor infiltration proceeds,
presenting acoustic interfaces that reflect sound increased vascularity is apparent throughout the
waves. The likelihood of visualizing the fatty lymph node. Currently, the role of vascular resis-
hilus increases with age reflecting the increased tance indices for determination of metastatic
fatty deposition. Thyroid cancer metastases to lymph node involvement is not well defined.
lymph nodes begin with peripheral neoplastic Newer modalities like sonoelastography help
infiltration and subsequent loss of the hypoechoic differentiate malignant from benign lymph
cortex that may be replaced by a hyperechoic nodes based on their relatively higher tissue
appearance. Early in the nodal invasion by thy- stiffness. This technique is relatively time inten-
roid cancer, the echogenic hilus may be pre- sive involving over 30 min of post-data acquisi-
served, and the malignant cells are apparent as a tion analysis and requires further validation;
small peripheral hyperechoic area in the other- therefore, its current applicability is limited of
wise normal hypoechoic cortex. As the lymph cystic areas (100%), presence of hyperechoic
node is progressively replaced by thyroid cancer, punctations representing either colloid or micro-
it assumes a more heterogeneous appearance and calcifications (100%), and peripheral vascularity
may demonstrate intranodal calcifications (both (82%). Of these, the only one with sufficient sen-
in papillary and medullary cancer) and cystic sitivity was peripheral vascularity (86%). All of
necrosis. Because metastatic lymph nodes in lev- the others had sensitivities less than 60% and
els II to IV are situated adjacent to the carotid and would not be adequate to use as a single criterion
jugular vessels, jugular compression or displace- for identification of malignant involvement. As
ment of the jugular vein from the carotid artery shown by earlier studies, the feature with the
suggests malignancy. highest sensitivity was absence of a hilus
Color or power Doppler examination of cer- (100%), but this had a low specificity of only
vical lymph nodes allows for determination of 29%.Therefore, a reasonable approach to iden-
vascularity patterns. To maximize sensitivity, tify suspicious lymph nodes for further investi-
Doppler settings should use both a low wall filter gation would be to submit those without a fatty
and a pulse repetition frequency of 850  Hz or hilus to a careful Doppler examination for evalu-
lower to allow detection of low-flow vessels. ation of vascularity. Peripheral or diffuse vascu-
7  Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 77

larization is worrisome. However, a rounded tion” of thyroid nodule. Clinical application of

shape, an absent hilus, and heterogeneous echo- thyroid elastography was first reported in 2007
genicity raise the suspicion of malignancy, espe- by Rago et al. [13]. There are two types of elas-
cially when they coexist in the same lymph node. tography strain and shear wave elastography.
Last lymph nodes with cystic change or micro-
calcifications should be considered as metastatic • Strain use
thyroid cancer [10]. –– Tissues are deformed mechanically by the
–– Relative displacement (strain) is greater in
Ultrasonography Adjuncts soft compared to stiff tissues.
• Shear wave elastography
Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System –– Focused acoustic impulses from the trans-
“Thyroid imaging reporting and data system” ducer induce laterally propagating shear
is proposed for the first time by Horvath et  al. waves
(2009). –– Whose velocities are higher in stiffer
TI-RADS assessment is based on five high- tissues
risk characteristics:
Elastography reported as different patterns
1. Hypoechoic
2. Taller than wider –– Pattern 1: the entire nodule section is diffusely
3. Irregular margins elastic
4. Microcalcification –– Pattern 2: the formation appears to be largely
5. Predominantly solid elastic with the inconstant appearance of
Based on the abovementioned findings, suspi- anelastic areas during the real-time
cious US features were classified as: examination
–– Pattern 3: constant presence of large anelastic
TI-RADS category 3 (no suspicious features) areas is seen at the periphery (Pattern 3A) or
TI-RADS category 4a (with one suspicious US center (Pattern 3B) of the formation
feature) –– Pattern 4: uniformly displayed anelasticity
TI-RADS category 4b (with two suspicious US throughout the whole nodule
TI-RADS category 4c (with three or four suspi-
cious US features) • Lesions that present Pattern 1 or 2 are classified
TI-RADS category 5 (with five suspicious US as probably benign, while Patterns 3 and 4 are
features), respectively indicative of probable malignancy

The malignancy risks of categories 3, 4a, 4b, Assessment of strain ratio will also help in
4c, and 5 nodules were 0% (0/9), 4.0% 131 risk assessment in thyroid nodule.
(1/25), 12.5% (4/32), 62.2% (28/45), and 100%
(10/10), respectively (P < 0.001) [11, 12]. • Strain ratio is calculated as the ratio of stiff-
ness between nodular tissue and surrounding
normal thyroid.
Elastography –– ELX Ratio or SR = Z2/Z1
–– Z2 = strain value of nodular tissue
Elastography is a newer technique to evaluate –– Z1 = strain value of normal thyroid
stiffness of lesion and compare it from normal –– ELXR/SR >3 high probability of
tissue. It is also considered as “electronic palpa- malignancy
78 S. Mayilvaganan et al.

 linical Scenarios for Ultrasound

C for recurrent disease and thyroglobulin status”
Lymph Node Evaluation and the distribution of persistent or recurrent
Pre-thyroidectomy lymph node metastases is most commonly the
central compartment (35–50%), followed by the
At initial diagnosis of DTC, up to 30% of patients ipsilateral lateral neck (20–30%). Only rarely
have clinically detected lymph node metastases. (8–15%) is the contralateral lateral neck com-
However, centers performing routine ipsilateral partment involved. Within the levels of the lateral
and central neck dissections have documented neck, a recent study reported that the pattern of
lymph node metastases in up to 60% of patients. metastatic lymph node involvement was approxi-
Before thyroidectomy, the thyroid itself limits mately 50% for levels II and III, 40% for level IV,
sonographic visualization of central neck lymph and only 20% for level V.
nodes, but level VI lymph nodes inferior to the
lower lobes of the thyroid can be assessed.
Ultrasound can evaluate the lateral neck compart- Computed Tomography
ments. Although the reported sensitivity for and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
sonographic identification of metastatic lymph Role in Thyroid Cancer
nodes in this setting may only be about 40%,
ultrasound-detectable lymphadenopathy is clini- Whereas ultrasound is the imaging study of
cally relevant. Sonographically identified lateral choice in evaluation of the thyroid gland, CT also
metastatic lymph nodes, but not those recognized has an important role. Even though high-resolu-
microscopically only after pathologic examina- tion ultrasound can be accurate in preoperative
tion of the resected specimen, are associated with evaluation for extrathyroidal tumor extension and
worse relapse-free and overall survival. lateral lymph node metastasis, contrast-enhanced
CT scan had greater sensitivity than ultrasound
alone in the detection of central lymph node
Surveillance for Recurrent metastasis for all lesions [14]. CT is best used as
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer an adjunct modality in imaging advanced thyroid
pathology when there is substernal, intrathoracic,
The primary goal of follow-up in DTC patients is or retrotracheal pathology/extension of the gland
the early discovery of persistent or recurrent dis- suspected. As noted earlier areas in which ultra-
ease. The overall risk of local recurrence of papil- sound imaging is limited as a result of acoustic
lary thyroid cancer, either in cervical lymph distortion because of bone or air. In these situa-
nodes or in the thyroid bed, is up to 30% but is as tions, a CT scan can be very helpful in the preop-
high as 25% even in low-risk (stage I and II) erative assessment, discerning the development
patients. In the past, a radioiodine whole-body of lymphadenopathy as well as determining inva-
scan was considered the main tool for disease sion/compression of the aerodigestive tracts.
detection during surveillance, but this has Magnetic resonance imaging can perform the
recently been discredited. Three studies have same imaging as CT although at a much higher
confirmed that whole-body scans fail to identify cost. CT scan is a common mechanism for the
the presence of metastatic cervical lymph nodes discovery of incidental thyroid nodules.
in almost 80% of cases when neck sonography According to prior studies, 16% of cervical or
accurately detects these abnormal lymph nodes. thoracic CT scans will yield a diagnosis of an
The American Thyroid Association DTC incidental thyroid nodule [15]. However,
Guidelines suggest that “cervical ultrasound to although CT scans are good at detecting thyroid
evaluate the thyroid bed and central and lateral nodules, they have several pitfalls. First, CT can
cervical nodal compartments should be per- often underestimate the size of nodules.
formed at 6 and 12 months and then annually for According to ATA Guidelines, preoperative use
at least 3–5 years, depending on the patients’ risk of cross-sectional imaging studies (CT, MRI)
7  Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 79

with intravenous (IV) contrast is recommended Important radiological signs to look for in
as an adjunct to US for patients with clinical sus- CECT and MRI [17–20] are best seen by the
picion for advanced disease, including invasive three-step check list:
primary tumor, or clinically apparent multiple or
bulky lymph node involvement [16] (Fig. 7.5). • Central structures around which the thyroid
Risk factors for thyroid cancer based on his- normally drapes
tory and physical examination which necessitates –– Trachea, esophagus, larynx, pharynx, and
• Esophagus: deformity of lumen, focal muco-
• Prior personal history of thyroid cancer sal irregularity, mucosal thickening, surrounds
• Family history of thyroid cancer, including the circumference > 180°
papillary and medullary thyroid cancer (mul- • RLN: invasion of RLN can be predicted by
tiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, type IIA effaced fatty tissue inT-0 groove for >3 axial
and IIB) images and signs of VC dysfunction
• History of head and neck or upper chest radia- • Structures immediately surrounding thyroid
tion exposure gland
• Fixed palpable mass in the thyroid gland • Vascular structures, strap muscles, preverte-
• Palpable cervical lymphadenopathy in a bral space.
patient with a thyroid nodule • IJV (can be occluded or effaced by tumor
• Hoarseness of the voice (representing invasion without invasion).
of the recurrent laryngeal nerve) • Arteries are more resistant to compression.

Fig. 7.5  CECT Scan

findings. A: Exophytic
Thyroid lobe arising
from Left lobe of
thyroid, B: Locally
advanced thyroid cancer
with intraluminal
C:Intraluminal Extension
of thyroid cancer
(polypoidal growth)
80 S. Mayilvaganan et al.

• Another sign of invasion is tumor contact- Esophagus infiltration sign is:

ing the circumference of the artery by
>180°. • Outer layer invasion
• Carotid artery, mediastinal vessels should also
be assessed. RLN infiltration sign is:
• If invaded it becomes T4b disease.
• Best sign of strap muscle invasion is asymme- • Effaced fatty tissue in tracheoesophageal
try and tumor on external surface of the groove on at least one axial image
• Prevertebral musculature invasion is more Carotid and IJV infiltration sign is:
difficult to evaluate because large tumors
can compress the muscle and even result in • Circumferential encasement
signal changes on MR imaging without
• Assessment of metastatic disease Key Points for CT Scan Detected Incidental
• LN Thyroid Nodules
• Lungs • 16% of all cervical and thoracic CT
• Bone scans will identify an incidental thyroid
CECT • CT scans do not reliably predict the cor-
Tracheal infiltration signs are: rect size or number of thyroid nodules.
• The risk of malignancy in an inciden-
• ≥180° circumferential contact tally discovered thyroid nodule (found
• Lumen deformity by CT) is 3.9–11.3%.
• Mucosal abnormality • Incidental thyroid nodules found on CT
scan should undergo a dedicated thyroid
Esophagus US and referral to an endocrine specialist.

• ≥180° circumferential contact

• Abnormal wall or lumen CECT Sensitivity Specificity
CECT trachea 59 91
Recurrent laryngeal nerve Esophagus 29 96
    RLN 78 90
• Effaced fatty tissue in tracheoesophageal     Carotid vessels 75 99
groove     IJV 33 99
• >25% of tumor abutting posterior portion of MRI trachea 100 84
Esophagus 82 94
the thyroid
    RLN 94 82
• Signs of ipsilateral vocal cord palsy
    Carotid vessels 100 88
    IJV – –
Carotid and IJV
Limitations of CECT are:
• ≥180° circumferential contact
CECT may overestimate or underestimate the
MRI number of thyroid nodules. In a 3-year study
Tracheal infiltration signs are: (1998–2001), Shetty and colleagues examined all
cervical and thoracic CT scans performed at the
• ≥180° circumferential contact Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. They
• Soft tissue signal in cartilage identified 230 patients with a CT-based thyroid
• Intraluminal mass abnormality that subsequently underwent thyroid
7  Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 81

US. They found that CECT scan findings agreed should not be used as a “screening tool” for thyroid
with US for lesion size only 53% of the time; nodules for many of the reasons listed above. The
CECT identified the dominant nodule but missed role of CT scan in thyroid disease is generally con-
multinodularity 30% of the time and had a false fined to (1) evaluation of the extent of substernal
positive identification of a thyroid nodule 4.3% goiters for surgical planning (need for sternotomy,
of the time. Other limitations of CECT include intubation risks); (2) assessment of large thyroid
“CECT scans of the chest often do not image the cancers suspicious for local invasion into the tra-
entire thyroid gland” (thus a false negative for chea, great vessels, and others that again may alter
nodules may occur); routine CT cuts of 3–5 mm surgical planning or extent of resection; (3) stating
may miss lesions; and during chest CECT, of thyroid cancer and looking for metastatic dis-
patients arms are positioned over the head, which ease; and (4) follow-up evaluation of the thyroid
often results in beam hardening artifacts in the bed or lymph nodes after thyroidectomy for cancer
thyroid.” Nonetheless, CECT is the most likely (may be used as an adjunct to neck US).
radiographic test to detect incidental thyroid nod-
ules. In regard to CECT’s ability to detect malig-
nancy in a thyroid nodule, Shetty and colleagues Evidence-Based Discussion
found that the overall risk of malignancy based on Intravenous Iodinated Contrast
on CECT identification of an incidental nodule on RAI
was 3.9–11.3% [21].
Therefore, although CT is a common mecha- Iodinated Contrast
nism for detecting incidental thyroid nodules, it is
quite limited, by itself, in measuring nodule size The quantity of iodine from iodinated contrast is
accurately, predicting the correct number of thyroid huge when compared to iodine in normal duet.
nodules, or assessing for the risk of malignancy. 100  mL of intravenous contrast contains at best
Therefore it is currently recommended that inciden- 150 mg of iodine per ml of contrast. When exposed
tal thyroid nodules discovered on CT scan should to such magnitude of load, body stores of iodine in
undergo a dedicated thyroid US and referral to an interstitial fluids, in colloid and other organs are
endocrine specialist (endocrine surgeon, endocri- expanded. This is a major hued when a patient is
nologist, ENT, or general surgeons with high-vol- prepared for I-131 therapy or a radioiodine scan.
ume practices of thyroid disease) to determine the Theoretically iodine-rich diet and iodine contrast
next step in nodule evaluation. Finally CT scan medium in imaging procedures skew radioactive
plays a role in the evaluation of thyroid disease, but iodine scan testing significantly [22–26].

S. No. Authors Title Patients Recommendations

1. Nimmons Grace Urinary iodine excretion after contrastcomputed 21 Normalized
L[22] tomography scan patients 43 days
Level 4
2. Seo Young The impact of iodinated contrast agent 1023 1–3 months
Sohn[23] administeredduring preoperative computed tomography patients
scan on bodyIodine pool in patients with differentiated Level 6
thyroid cancerpreparing for radioactive iodine treatment
3. Rosa’ lia One month is sufficientfor urinary iodine to return to its 25 1 month
P. Padovani[24] baseline valueafter the use of water-soluble iodinated patients
contrast agentsin post-thyroidectomy patients requiring Level 4
radioiodine therapy
4. Anjali Preoperative contrast-enhanced 32 4 to 6 weeks
Mishra[25] computerizedtomography should not delay radioiodine patients
ablationin differentiated thyroid carcinoma patients Level 4
5. Sun Y. Lee[26] Urinary iodine excretion and serum thyroid functionin 54 Normalized
adults after iodinated contrast administration patients 5.2 weeks
Level 4
82 S. Mayilvaganan et al.

PET CT Scan in Thyroid Carcinoma roid cancer), thyroid function testing (including
anti-TPO antibody to look for thyroiditis mani-
PET scan is commonly performed as cancer sur- festing as diffuse uptake on PET), and a dedi-
veillance and staging tools. Thus the finding of an cated thyroid US with FNABx. The American
incidental thyroid nodule can be a source of stress Thyroid Association Guidelines, as mentioned
for patients already diagnosed with another pri- above, dictate that nodules greater than 1 cm in
mary malignancy. Fluorodeoxyglucose or FDG- size be biopsied. However, they also include a
PET relies on the principle that tissue with a high suggestion that lesions less than 1 cm in size with
metabolic demand (cancer, inflammation, infec- atypical or worrisome characteristics should be
tion) will uptake more of the tracer. PET scan considered for biopsy. As such, in the setting of
uptake patterns for thyroid disease generally an isolated nodules detected by positive PET
come in two forms. The first form is diffuse scan, biopsy can be considered even at a size less
uptake throughout the thyroid gland. This uptake than 1 cm due to the high risk of malignancy.
is generally representative of thyroiditis or
Graves’ disease. As such, this pattern generally
indicates benign disease of the thyroid. The sec-
Key Points for PET Scan Detected Incidental
ond pattern of uptake is that of a solitary focus
Thyroid Nodules
that corresponds to a nodule in the thyroid and
• The prevalence of thyroid incidentalo-
raises suspicion for malignancy.
mas found during PET scan is 1.6%.
Although the prevalence of incidental thyroid
• Risk of malignancy in a PET thyroid
nodules found on CT scan is 16% as outlined
incidentaloma varies with PET uptake
above, the prevalence of thyroid nodules discov-
pattern but is highest with a solitary
ered on PET scan is much lower. A large meta-
uptake pattern (30%–50%).
analysis recently reviewed 22 articles pertaining
• Decreasing the biopsy size threshold for
to PET and thyroid nodules. Of more than 125,000
focal PET and thyroid incidentalomas
patients who underwent FDG-PET for varying
should be considered.
indications, only 1.6% had a thyroid inciden-
taloma discovered. Despite the lower overall inci-
dence of thyroid nodules found during PET scan
(compared with CT scan), there is much greater Summary
concern of malignancy, based on the pattern of
tracer uptake. As mentioned above, diffuse uptake • Excessive work-up of ITN is a costly health-
on PET scan is much more consistent with benign care problem. Three-tiered system can be used
disease and has been demonstrated in multiple to guide the evaluation of ITN.
studies, including a large US-based study and a • USG is ideal for characterizing thyroid
large Korean study that included more than 5000 nodules.
patients each. A diffuse uptake pattern only • Innovative advances in high-resolution US
yielded a rate of malignancy of 4.4%, which is now enable detailed anatomical characteriza-
again almost identical to palpable nodules at 5%. tion and accurate differentiation of benign
However, focal uptake has been found to correlate from malignant disease.
with a cancer rate of 30–50% in most studies and • Adoption of TI-RADS system of reporting
was 34.8% in the meta-analysis. would avoid unnecessary FNAC/surgery in
Our current recommendation for the evalua- Bethesda 3 and 4.
tion of the thyroid incidentaloma detected by • The large evidence base for use indicates that
PET scan are a detailed history and a physical the assessment of nodule stiffness can improve
examination (looking for risk factors for cancer, the imaging evaluation of thyroid lesions and
such as radiation exposure, family history of thy- potentially avoids unnecessary FNAC/surgery
7  Imaging in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 83

for benign nodules, particularly if integrated adenopathy in thyroid cancer. J Ultrasound Med.
2006;25(12):1531–7. quiz 1538–40
with TI-RADS. 11. Horvath E, Majlis S, Rossi R, Franco C, Niedmann
• The potential for 3D and CEUS has not yet JP, Castro A, et  al. An ultrasonogram reporting sys-
been realized. tem for thyroid nodules stratifying cancer risk for
• CT and MR imaging is required preopera- clinical management. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
tively in invasive thyroid cancers to guide 12. Kwak JY, Han KH, Yoon JH, Moon HJ, Son EJ, Park
operative approach or decide whether surgery SH, et al. Thyroid imaging reporting and data system
is possible. for 257 US features of nodules: a step in establish-
• Imaging recurrent thyroid cancer involves ing better stratification of cancer risk. Radiology.
nuclear medicine modalities.
13. Rago T, Santini F, Scutari M, Pinchera A, Vitti
P. Elastography: new developments in ultrasound for pre-
dicting malignancy in thyroid nodules. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab. 2007;92(8):2917–22. Epub 2007 May 29
14. Choi JS, Kim J, Kwak JY, Kim MJ, Chang HS,

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3. Anil G, Hegde A, Chong FH.  Thyroid nodules: risk RCT.0b013e318157fd38.
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Management of Locally Advanced
Thyroid Cancer 8
Andrea R. Marcadis, Jennifer Cracchiolo,
and Ashok K. Shaha

Introduction tasis, extrathyroidal extension, size of tumor) [4].

Of these prognostic factors, ETE has a significant
Cancer staging allows patients to be stratified negative impact, conferring a greater risk of local
based on aggressiveness of their disease and pro- recurrence, regional spread, and distant metasta-
vides important prognostic information to both sis [5], and with 10-year survival rates of 45%, as
the patient and clinician. The tumor-nodal-metas- compared to 91% in patients with no ETE [6].
tasis (TNM) system from the American Joint Patients with ETE often have several of these
Committee on Cancer (AJCC) is the most com- adverse prognostic factors, with many being
monly used staging system for many cancers, older in age and having tumors with aggressive
including thyroid cancer, and has been shown to histological features [5].
predict differentiated thyroid cancer-related Locally advanced thyroid cancer (LATC)
death [1]. While most patients with thyroid carci- occurs when there is either ETE from the primary
noma have well-differentiated tumors that have tumor or from extracapsular extension from
an excellent prognosis, there are certain charac- involved lymph nodes into the surrounding struc-
teristics that carry a worse prognosis, including tures [5]. The structures that are in closest prox-
older age, larger primary tumor size, aggressive imity to the thyroid and cervical lymph nodes are
tumor histology, extrathyroidal tumor extension the most susceptible to local invasion, with a
(ETE), and distant metastasis [2]. study of 262 patients with invasive thyroid cancer
In 1993, the Mayo Clinic published on the over 50 years showing involvement of the strap
prognostic factors for papillary thyroid carci- muscles in 53%, recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN)
noma (PTC), using the acronym MACIS (distant in 47%, trachea in 37%, great vessels/vagus
metastasis, age, completeness of resection, local/ nerve in 30%, esophagus in 21%, and larynx in
vascular invasion, tumor size), adding complete- 12% [7].
ness of resection to the known prognostic factors Tumor histology affects the surgical decision-
for thyroid cancer [3]. In 2012, Memorial Sloan making in patients with LATC.  Patients with
Kettering Cancer Center created a similar acro- well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma (WDTC)
nym, GAMES (tumor grade, age, distant metas- of follicular origin, including papillary and fol-
licular thyroid cancer, are generally candidates
A. R. Marcadis · J. Cracchiolo · A. K. Shaha (*) for surgical intervention, even if they have known
Memorial Sloane Kettering Centre,
metastatic disease, as it is the local/regional dis-
New York, NY, USA
e-mail:;; ease rather than distant metastasis that causes morbidity and mortality in these patients.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 85

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
86 A. R. Marcadis et al.

Additionally, patients with metastatic WDTC Preoperative Evaluation/Anesthesia

generally respond better to adjuvant therapy after Considerations
local disease has been fully excised. However,
patients with locally advanced poorly differenti- Preoperative evaluation of a patient with a newly
ated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) and anaplastic diagnosed thyroid nodule or thyroid carcinoma
thyroid carcinoma (ATC), generally have more involves a thorough history and physical to evalu-
aggressive tumors in which primary surgical ate for signs or symptoms of LATC. Symptoms
resection may be more difficult and cause higher of invasive thyroid cancer include voice changes
morbidity and mortality [8]. In these patients, or hoarseness from invasion of the RLN, cough,
management plans differ and should depend on stridor, or hemoptysis from intraluminal invasion
the patient’s overall health and disease burden. of the larynx or trachea, or dysphagia from tumor
Importantly, the 8th edition of the AJCC staging compression or invasion of the pharynx or esoph-
system was published in October 2016, and among agus [8]. Patients may experience neck pain or
other changes, made significant modifications with stiffness and on physical exam can exhibit ten-
regard to the staging of ETE in differentiated derness or a firm mass which may be fixed to the
LATC. ETE that is only detected microscopically surrounding structures [5]. Many of these find-
no longer has an impact on the staging of thyroid ings are seen late in the disease process [5].
cancer, and a new “T” sub-category, T3b, has been Most patients with LATC are asymptomatic at
created for tumors of any size demonstrating gross presentation. Patients with an affected RLN may
ETE into strap muscles alone, with tumors that have had gradual compensation from the contra-
show gross ETE into major neck structures remain- lateral functioning vocal cord such that there is
ing in the T4 category. Additionally, N1 nodal dis- no noticeable voice change. This underscores the
ease is no longer stage III and is now considered importance of routine preoperative fiber-optic or
stage I in patients <55 years of age, and stage II in indirect office laryngoscopy on all patients under-
patients ≥55 years [9]. The overall effect of these going workup for thyroid surgery [2]. Patients
changes is a downstaging of patients with only with signs or symptoms of LATC should also
microscopic ETE and regional lymph node involve- have, in addition to their routine fine needle aspi-
ment, reemphasizing the importance of gross ration (FNA) and thyroid ultrasound (US), preop-
(radiologic and/or clinical) ETE as a poor prognos- erative cross-sectional imaging such as CT or
tic factor in thyroid cancer [9]. MRI for optimal identification and localization of
In patients with locally aggressive WDTC, the aerodigestive tract invasion [8]. The added infor-
principles of surgical management are removal of mation gained from the use of iodinated contrast
all gross tumor, preservation of functioning and with a neck CT scan far outweighs once accepted
vital structures, and appropriate use of adjuvant concerns about IV contrast causing a delay in
therapies [5]. While all agree that gross disease subsequent radioactive iodine (RAI) administra-
should be fully resected, there are two general tion. Contrast neck CT scans provide high-qual-
approaches to the management of microscopic ity preoperative imaging, which may enhance the
disease left behind on vital structures: one being likelihood of achieving a complete surgical resec-
to resect the invaded structures to obtain clean tion of disease. An upper GI contrast study may
margins, and the other to perform shave or tan- be useful in evaluating suspected esophageal
gential excision procedures followed by adjuvant invasion [2]. Vocal cord abnormalities, as well as
therapy for residual disease [8]. The approach fullness, ulceration, or a mass seen in the lumen
depends on the extent of disease and the func- of the larynx or trachea on imaging or indirect
tional status of vital structures, for which a thor- laryngoscopy, should prompt further workup,
ough preoperative evaluation is paramount. including direct laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, or
8  Management of Locally Advanced Thyroid Cancer 87

rigid esophagoscopy as necessary in order to best involved in LATC due to their close anatomical
guide surgical management [8]. When perform- relationship to the thyroid. Management of strap
ing rigid esophagoscopy, the s­urgeon can move muscle invasion entails resection of the involved
the mucosa over the mass to confirm that esopha- portion of strap muscle to obtain negative mar-
geal mucosa is not involved. gins, generally with no significant morbidity.
Patients with LATC have a higher risk of After resection, patients with strap muscle inva-
distant metastasis, and a full metastatic workup sion alone have an excellent prognosis, similar to
is essential, as this can significantly change those with no invasion [5].
management [5]. RAI scanning is generally the
best test in assessing for distant metastasis in
those with WDTC cancers of follicular origin. Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Invasion
If medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) or PDTC is
suspected, metastatic workup is best under- The RLN is one of the most common structures
taken with a PET scan, as thyroid cancers of affected by LATC, usually from invasion by the
non-follicular origin and PDTC are usually primary tumor or extracapsular spread from
non-RAI avid [5]. involved lymph nodes, and occasionally by exter-
Because of the risk of a distorted airway, para- nal compression [5] (Fig.  8.1). While voice
lyzed vocal cords, or tracheal intraluminal tumor changes and vocal cord impairment can point to
in patients with LATC, extra precautions need to RLN pathology, there are many patients with an
be taken when planning and administering anes- invaded RLN who have normally functioning
thesia [2]. While for most patients, general endo- vocal cords [8]. This was clearly demonstrated in
tracheal anesthesia is safe and effective, in patients a study by Nishida and colleagues which found
with significant airway involvement, awake/fiber- that 51% of patients with known LATC and no
optic nasotracheal intubation can be used [2]. vocal cord impairment during preoperative
Tracheotomy should be avoided unless absolutely workup in fact had RLN involvement [10].
necessary, as this can introduce secretions into the When evaluating a patient with LATC and an
surgical bed and delay wound healing. If trache- affected RLN, the management algorithm
otomy is performed, it should be carefully placed, depends, in part, on the preoperative vocal cord
taking into account the altered anatomy from the function. In the simplest case of a patient whose
resection and planned reconstruction [2]. RLN is preoperatively known to be paralyzed and
confirmed intraoperatively to be invaded, the
nerve should be resected [5]. In a patient with a
 iscussion of Structures Involved
D preoperatively paralyzed nerve that intraopera-
in LATC tively is found to be compressed but not invaded,
it is acceptable to remove the gross disease and
The presentation, workup, management, and progno- preserve the nerve, as there is some potential for
sis of patients with LATC differ depending on the vocal cord recovery postoperatively [11, 12].
particular structure invaded. Therefore, the discus- In a patient with WDTC and RLN invasion
sion of the structures will be undertaken who had intact vocal cord function preoperatively,
individually. the decision to resect versus spare the nerve
becomes more difficult. Most agree that if nerve
preservation requires gross disease to be left
Strap Muscle Invasion behind, the nerve should be resected. However, if
the tumor can be peeled off of the functioning
The strap muscles (sternohyoid, sternothyroid, nerve in order to achieve a gross total (R1) resec-
and omohyoid) are the most common structures tion, this may be attempted [5]. Several groups
88 A. R. Marcadis et al.

Fig. 8.1  Schematic of

recurrent laryngeal
nerve invasion (courtesy
of Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer

have shown no difference in survival and local patient is not a candidate for nerve repair, post-
recurrence in patients with microscopic disease operative vocal cord medicalization with
left behind on the RLN compared to those who implants and/or arytenoid adduction can assist
undergo nerve resection for microscopic disease, with voice power and projection, as well as
as long as those with the preserved nerve receive decrease risk of aspiration. Vocal fold augmen-
postoperative RAI [2, 10, 12], or external beam tation can also be performed with fillers such
radiation therapy (EBRT) in the case of poorly as Cymetra, Gelfoam, or fat [5].
differentiated, non-RAI-avid tumors [13]. It is
important to note that before any RLN resection,
the opposite nerve should be carefully checked to Laryngotracheal Invasion
assure function, as bilateral vocal cord paralysis
generally leads to tracheostomy dependence with As opposed to strap muscle and RLN invasion,
a high aspiration risk and should be avoided at all laryngotracheal invasion by WDTC has been
costs. Nerve monitoring is a very useful tool for shown to be independently and significantly
assuring RLN function intraoperatively and can associated with decreased survival [16, 17].
be helpful in planning the extent of the operation Because of the difference in incidence and
as well as anticipating postoperative function [2]. approach to treatment, laryngeal and tracheal
After unilateral RLN sacrifice, immediate invasion will be discussed separately.
nerve repair can be performed by either pri-
mary anastomosis of resected RLN or nerve Laryngeal Invasion
graft with the great auricular nerve, ansa cervi- Unlike tracheal invasion which is common in
calis, or sural nerve [14, 15]. Yumoto and col- patients with LATC, laryngeal invasion is rela-
leagues studied 22 patients with LATC tively rare, occurring in about 12% [7]. Because
involving the RLN and found that patients who of its rarity, there are no clearly established
had immediate nerve repair with either interpo- guidelines with regard to management, with sur-
sition nerve graft or primary anastomosis had gical options ranging from peeling or shave pro-
better postoperative phonation than those who cedures to partial or total laryngectomy,
did not have nerve reconstruction [14]. If the depending on the extent of invasion [2].
8  Management of Locally Advanced Thyroid Cancer 89

With a completely extraluminal tumor, the gectomy [5]. Invasion of the thyroid cartilage is
general recommendation is to perform a shave slightly more forgiving, with up to one-half of
procedure, defined by McCaffrey and colleagues cases able to be resected without the need for
as removal of all gross tumor by resection of a complex reconstruction or tracheotomy [2, 22].
partial thickness of the aerodigestive tract wall
[18], with the assumption that microscopic foci Tracheal Invasion
of tumor remain [19]. Several retrospective stud- More common than laryngeal invasion is tracheal
ies show no difference in survival between those invasion, which is seen in one-third of patients
who undergo radical resection and those who with LATC and is the third most commonly
undergo shave procedures when all gross disease invaded structure in LATC after the strap muscles
is completely resected [7, 16, 20]. and the RLN [7]. It is generally involved by direct
In contrast to those with only extraluminal tumor extension either anteriorly or posteriorly,
involvement, in patients with intraluminal inva- and tumor can invade through the tracheal ring
sion, an open procedure is necessary [5]. Attempts cartilage and the intercartilaginous spaces into
should be made to preserve laryngeal function; the tracheal lumen [5]. Because it is more com-
however, this is not always possible. Often, the mon than laryngeal invasion, there is more dis-
laryngeal framework needs to be resected [5]. If cussion in the literature regarding optimal
only unilateral laryngeal invasion is present, a management, though with conflicting recommen-
partial laryngectomy may be sufficient [5]. A dations. Shin and colleagues have created a stag-
total laryngectomy is rarely needed for patients ing system (stages I–IV) for tracheal invasion
with LATC; however, it may be necessary in (Fig. 8.2), where stage I disease invades through
patients with recurrent disease involving the the capsule of the thyroid gland and abuts but
laryngeal lumen or cricothyroid cartilage, or may does not invade the external perichondrium of the
be performed in patients with lack of laryngeal trachea, stage II disease invades into the cartilage
function preoperatively [21]. If the tumor has or causes cartilage destruction, stage III disease
invaded through the thyroid cartilage into the extends into the lamina propria of the tracheal
paraglottic space, it is usually unilateral and ame- mucosa with no elevation or penetration of the
nable to a vertical laryngectomy because of the mucosa, and stage IV disease is full-thickness
lateral location of most thyroid tumors [17]. invasion with expansion of the tracheal mucosa
With regard to cartilaginous invasion, man- that is visible bronchoscopically as a bulge or an
agement depends on the extent of cartilage ulcerated mass [23].
involved and differs between the cricoid and thy- For stage I disease with no intraluminal inva-
roid cartilage. With cricoid cartilage invasion, up sion of the trachea, some report that shave exci-
to one-third can generally be resected without the sion is sufficient; however, others recommend a
need for a complex reconstruction or tracheot- more extensive resection. The advocates of shave
omy [2, 22]. In these cases, reconstruction with a excision point to the morbidity associated with
cartilage graft can be useful if necessary [8]. With tracheal resection as well as the risk of complica-
greater than one-third of the cricoid cartilage tions such as tracheal stenosis [19]. Nishida and
involved or destructed by tumor, a more exten- colleagues evaluated patients with stage I tra-
sive intervention is necessary, with some authors cheal invasion who underwent shave procedures
advocating total laryngectomy to avoid airway compared to those who had LATC with no air-
stenosis, and others suggesting that partial laryn- way involvement and found no difference in local
geal resection with formal laryngotracheal recon- or regional recurrence, distant metastasis, or
struction can be performed without significant overall survival [24]. Several others have had
airway stenosis [16, 21]. Those with subglottic similar findings [16, 20, 25], including Segal and
involvement, either from invasion directly colleagues, who noted an equivalent 5-year sur-
through the cricoid cartilage or through the crico- vival between patients who underwent radical
thyroid membrane, generally need a total laryn- resection to excise all microscopic disease and
90 A. R. Marcadis et al.



Fig. 8.2  Classification of tracheal invasion as proposed by Shin et  al. [23] (courtesy of Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center)

those who underwent shave resection of macro- cer, MTC, or PDTC may be better candidates for
scopic disease and RAI for microscopic residual a formal resection instead of a shave procedure
disease [25]. [2]. Additionally, the patients’ comorbidities and
In contrast to these proponents of shave resec- disease burden should be considered when decid-
tion, advocates of complete resection for extralu- ing extent of resection [2].
minal tracheal disease cite higher recurrence When the LATC does more than simply abut the
rates and worse survival associated with shave trachea (stage II and above), a shave procedure is
procedures [22, 26–28]. A commonly cited paper not sufficient to control disease. In fact, Nishida and
by Gaissert and colleagues reports that patients colleagues, who recommend shave procedure for
who initially undergo shave procedures and later stage I disease, found that patients with stage II and
develop laryngotracheal recurrence have worse higher tracheal invasion (at least into cartilage or
disease-free and overall survival than those who cartilaginous destruction) who underwent tracheal
undergo complete resection at initial presentation resection had lower local recurrence rates (8% vs.
[28]. Additionally, the authors note that segmen- 79%) and longer overall survival (8.7 vs. 1.5 years)
tal airway resection for LATC is generally well compared to patients who had a subtotal operation
tolerated and can relieve airway obstruction, with with no airway resection [24].
good overall voice preservation [28]. Patients with intraluminal tracheal extension
It is also important, even in these patients with of their thyroid cancer require a formal resection,
only extraluminal tracheal disease, to consider but the extent of operation depends on the cir-
the histology of the particular thyroid cancer. cumference and extent of the trachea that is
Those with aggressive PTC variants which may involved. In those with more limited involvement
not be RAI-avid or those with Hurthle cell can- of an anteriorly or laterally located tumor, or
8  Management of Locally Advanced Thyroid Cancer 91

those with involvement of less than one-third the involvement of one of their RLNs, so as to avoid
circumference of the trachea, a wedge resection disrupting the contralateral nerve [2].
with primary closure may be possible [5], or a
window resection with muscle patch closure such
as a strap muscle or sternocleidomastoid patch Pharyngeal/Esophageal Invasion
may be appropriate [19]. Anterior tumor
­extension can occasionally be managed by con- Pharyngeal or esophageal invasion is found in
verting the surgical defect into a tracheostomy about one-fifth of patients with LATC [2, 7]. It
which can be postoperatively downsized and most commonly occurs by direct extension in
eventually capped and decannulated, with the tra- patients with tracheal invasion, however can also
cheal window healing spontaneously [19]. Even occur by extension from paratracheal or parae-
in these patients with less aggressive resections sophageal lymph nodes [2]. As with laryngotra-
and reconstructions, however, there are reports of cheal invasion, pharyngoesophageal invasion is a
tracheal stenosis, and therefore many continue to poor prognostic factor and is associated with a
recommend circumferential resection [19]. significantly decreased overall survival [2, 7, 24].
In cases of involvement of greater than one- Most commonly, pharyngoesophageal invasion is
third of the circumference of the trachea [5] or confined to the muscularis layer without exten-
those requiring resection of at least one tracheal sion into the submucosa or mucosa (Fig. 8.3), as
ring [2], a circumferential segmental resection of
the trachea is necessary. A primary anastomosis
can be performed with a circumferential or sleeve
resection of as many as seven to eight tracheal
rings [5] or 5–6  cm; however this varies from
patient to patient and requires some degree of
neck flexion [2]. To ensure a tension-free anasto-
mosis, a supralaryngeal release with division of
the thyrohyoid membrane and musculature can
be performed if necessary to gain an additional
approximately 2 cm, and if extra length is neces-
sary, division of the suprahyoid muscles can be
performed [2]. In the rare case that there is still
not enough length for tracheal reanastomosis, a
sternotomy with hilar mobilization can provide
the last several centimeters [2, 19]. Additionally,
as the extent of intraluminal mucosal disease
sometimes exceeds the extent of extraluminal
disease, intraoperative frozen sections are advised
by some, in order to ensure negative intraluminal
margins before reconstruction [8].
When performing tracheal resection, it is
important to keep the plane of dissection along
the anterior tracheal wall [5] and to avoid circum-
ferential mobilization of the trachea [2] in order
to prevent devascularization of the trachea from
the laterally entering blood supply, and also to
avoid injuring the RLN [2]. It is important to con-
stantly be aware of glottis function throughout Fig. 8.3  Schematic of esophageal invasion (courtesy of
the procedure, especially in patients who have Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
92 A. R. Marcadis et al.

the mucosa of the pharynx and esophagus is sible to ligate or bypass the common carotid
somewhat resistant to direct invasion [5, 19]. In artery, these patients often have such advanced
cases of suspected pharyngoesophageal invasion, disease that this is rarely curative. Additionally,
it is important to have good preoperative imaging any involvement of the aerodigestive tract requir-
to determine thickness of invasion and allow ing repair or anastomosis is a strict contraindica-
appropriate surgical planning [8]. Endoscopic tion for carotid resection [8].
ultrasound may also be useful for this purpose.
Treatment of pharyngeal or esophageal inva-
sion depends on the thickness of invasion. When Adjuvant Therapy
the invasion is confined to the muscularis with no
submucosal or mucosal invasion, a simple resec- Patients with LATC are at an increased risk for
tion of involved muscularis can be undertaken in local recurrence and distant metastasis, and
order to obtain negative margins, taking caution therefore most will require adjuvant therapy [5].
not to tear the mucosa [5]. When there is full- The general recommendation is for adjuvant RAI
thickness or circumferential involvement, a seg- and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) suppres-
mental resection should be performed [5]. If a sion to treat residual and/or metastatic disease
full-thickness defect is created to excise the after total thyroidectomy and other necessary
tumor, a primary closure can be performed, as resections have been performed [5].
long as the tissue is healthy and non-radiated and These recommendations are backed by sev-
the closure is not under tension. This primary clo- eral studies. Cooper and colleagues found that
sure must be water-tight and multilayer [2]. in patients with stage III or IV PTC, a higher
When there is pharyngeal involvement, a degree of TSH suppression was associated with
resection of the pyriform sinus by a lateral phar- decreased disease progression [29], and a meta-
yngotomy that includes a portion of the thyroid analysis by McGriff and colleagues found a
lamina can sometimes be performed, allowing decrease in postoperative adverse clinical
for a complete resection without sacrificing voice events including disease progression, recur-
or swallowing [8]. Extensive pharyngeal tumors rence, and mortality in patients who had TSH
with luminal invasion, however, may require total suppression [30]. Mazzaferri and colleagues
laryngopharyngectomy [8]. Reconstruction found that in patients with locally invasive thy-
options for the more extensive esophageal resec- roid cancers of follicular origin, postoperative
tions not amenable to primary closure include RAI therapy combined with TSH suppression
free tissue transfer, myo- or fascio-cutaneous reduced tumor recurrence and disease-related
pedicled flaps, gastric pull-up, or gastric, colonic, mortality enough to compensate for the
or jejunal tissue transfer [5, 19]. Esophageal increased risk in those patients due to their
stents may be used for palliation in patients who locally invasive disease [31, 32]. Samaan and
are not candidates for surgical resection [19]. colleagues showed postoperative RAI therapy
is the most important indicator for increased
disease-free and overall survival [33].
Carotid Artery Invasion While RAI treatment is effective in patients
with WDTC, many patients with LATC have
Management of carotid artery involvement poorly differentiated tumors which may not be
depends on the circumferential degree of involve- RAI-avid. Many studies have been reported about
ment. In patients with less than 270° of tumor the use of EBRT in these patients [34–36]. In
involvement of the carotid artery, it is acceptable patients with WDTC and gross residual disease,
to carefully peel the tumor off of the artery. In retrospective studies have shown EBRT to be effec-
those with greater than 270° of involvement, tive for locoregional control [13, 37, 38]. Romesser
however, surgical management of the carotid is and colleagues demonstrated a 90% locoregional
often not indicated. Though it is technically fea- progression-free survival in patients with advanced
8  Management of Locally Advanced Thyroid Cancer 93

or recurrent non-anaplastic, non-medullary thyroid thyroid cancer that does not respond to treatment
cancer with combination chemotherapy and EBRT, with RAI. Quality of life and the long-term
which was a nonsignificant improvement over the cumulative toxicities of therapy remain areas in
73% locoregional progression-free survival with need of further research. A comprehensive pic-
EBRT alone. A significant improvement with ture of how these systemic therapies benefit
chemoradiotherapy was observed in those with patients in the long term is still open to question.
poorly differentiated histology; however this was Other drugs such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors
associated with a significantly worse distant metas- and BRAF mutation targeting agents have been
tasis-free survival. Though this study showed ben- used to redifferentiate and restore tumor RAI-
efits with chemoradiotherapy in advanced thyroid avidity [45].
cancer, it did have limitations including its retro- On a final note, patients who have undergone
spective nature and small/heterogeneous group of treatment for LATC need to continue to have
patients with LATC [39]. While these benefits of close follow-up after their primary treatment has
EBRT have been shown with WDTC and gross ended. This generally involves monitoring thyro-
residual disease, the use of EBRT after adequately globulin levels, RAI scans in patients with RAI-
resected WDTC and in patients with RAI-avid, avid tumors, and PET scans as needed for those
microscopic residual disease remains unclear. with non-RAI active tumors. It is very important
Oftentimes the combination of RAI scan and PET for these patients to maintain close follow-up
scan results may help select patients most likely to with their surgeon and/or endocrinologist to
benefit from EBRT. monitor for recurrence [5].
The effect of EBRT seems to be dose-depen-
dent, with better local control seen with doses Conclusion
greater than 50  Gy [40]. These higher doses, Management of LATC must include an under-
however, also come with increased side effects standing of tumor biology, as well as a detailed
and late complications, and therefore some are knowledge of anatomy. Rapidity of growth
choosing to use intensity-modulated radiotherapy and location of disease will affect manage-
(IMRT), which allows radiation to be delivered to ment. Anatomic imaging is critical for treat-
the thyroid bed while decreasing the risk for ment and surgical planning. While surgery
complications such as spinal cord injury [5, 41]. represents the mainstay in treatment of resect-
With regard to adjuvant chemotherapy, there able LATC, use of other therapies including
have been several studies about its use in patients EBRT and targeted therapy also plays a role in
with LATC; however none have shown a signifi- the adjuvant setting as well as in patients with
cant benefit. The most commonly used agent is unresectable disease.
doxorubicin, either alone or in combination with
other agents, with partial response rates in
30–40% but poor long-term results [2, 42]. References
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Neck Dissection in Well-
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 9
Kwok Seng Loh and Donovon Kum Chuen Eu

Introduction Surgical Anatomy

Surgery is considered to be the primary modality Central Neck Nodes

of treatment in well-differentiated thyroid can-
cers. The principles of surgery are to remove the Central neck nodes refer to the pre-laryngeal,
tumor in the thyroid gland and the involved lymph pre-tracheal, paratracheal, and superior mediasti-
nodes as well as to preserve functions of breath- nal nodes. These are considered to be the first
ing, speech, and swallowing. Thyroid cancers, echelon of nodes. The lymph nodes correspond
particularly papillary thyroid cancers, have a pro- to level VI and VII nodes in the classification of
pensity to metastasize to cervical lymph nodes. level of lymph nodes [1]. Level VI nodes are
The first echelon of lymph nodes that are affected defined as pre-laryngeal, pre-tracheal, and para-
are the level VI and VII nodes, known commonly tracheal nodes from the level of the hyoid bone
as the central neck nodes. Subsequent echelon of superiorly to the level of the sternal notch inferi-
lymph nodes may include the other levels of the orly with the carotid arteries forming the lateral
neck, collectively known as the lateral neck nodes. boundaries. It may be divided arbitrarily by the
The surgical procedure to remove the cervical midline into left and right level VI nodes. Level
lymph nodes in thyroid cancer is neck dissection. VII nodes are the lymph nodes in the region of
In thyroid cancers, neck dissection can either be the superior mediastinum. It is bounded inferi-
central neck dissection alone or together with lat- orly by the innominate artery and extends superi-
eral neck dissection. Central neck dissection refers orly to the level of the sternal notch. On the right,
to removing lymph nodes in levels VI and VII. In the lateral border of level VII is the right carotid
thyroid cancers, lateral neck dissection very often artery as it arises from the innominate artery,
refers to removing lymph nodes in levels II–V. while the left common carotid artery arising from
the aorta forms the left lateral border. Together,
level VI and VII nodes form the central neck
K. S. Loh (*)
nodes that are removed in central neck dissec-
Department of Otolaryngology,
National University of Singapore, tion. The boundaries of the central neck dissec-
Singapore, Singapore tion as well as the important structures within the
e-mail: compartment are listed in Table 9.1.
D. K. C. Eu
Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,
National University Hospital,
Singapore, Singapore

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 97

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
98 K. S. Loh and D. K. C. Eu

Table 9.1  Central neck dissection: surgical boundaries and contents

Central neck dissection
boundaries Contents
Level VI Superior: hyoid Pre-laryngeal, pre-tracheal, paratracheal nodes, external branch
Inferior: sternal notch of superior laryngeal nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve,
Lateral: carotid artery parathyroids, trachea, esophagus
Level VII Superior: sternal notch Superior mediastinum nodes, thymus fat, thyroidea ima vessels
Inferior: innominate artery
Lateral: carotid artery

Table 9.2  Surgical boundaries of levels I–VII

Levels of neck Surgical boundaries
Level IA Between anterior bellies of digastric and hyoid inferiorly
Level IB Body of mandible superiorly, anterior belly digastric anteriorly, stylohyoid muscle posteriorly
Level II Skull base superiorly, inferior border hyoid inferiorly, posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
muscle (SCM) posteriorly, stylohyoid muscle anteriorly
Level IIA Anterior inferior to accessory nerve
Level IIB Posterior superior to accessory nerve
Level III Inferior border of hyoid superiorly, inferior border cricoid cartilage inferiorly, posterior border
of SCM posteriorly, sternohyoid muscle anteriorly
Level IV Inferior border of cricoid cartilage superiorly, clavicle inferiorly, posterior border of SCM
posteriorly, sternohyoid muscle anteriorly
Level V Posterior border of SCM anteriorly, anterior border of trapezius posteriorly, clavicle inferiorly
Level Va Superior to an imaginary transverse line at level of inferior border of cricoid cartilage
Level Vb Inferior to an imaginary transverse line at level of inferior border of cricoid cartilage
Level VI Hyoid superiorly, sternal notch inferiorly, medial border carotid arteries bilaterally
Level VII Sternal notch superiorly to innominate artery inferiorly

Lateral Neck Nodes Indications

The definitions for the group of lymph nodes in Central Neck Dissection
the neck termed levels I–V have been widely
used and are well accepted [2]. The boundaries of Central neck dissection is indicated when there is
the levels of the neck are outlined in Table 9.2. presence of enlarged or suspicious level VI/VII
The most common levels of lymph nodes that nodes at the time of thyroidectomy. While intra-
well-differentiated thyroid cancers metastasize to operative assessment may not be very accurate
are level VI/VII nodes followed by levels III, IV, [5], it is generally accepted that any nodes in
and II. Metastasis to level I nodes is very uncom- level VI or VII that is 0.5 cm or more should be
mon [3, 4]. It is considered in general to be considered suspicious. In particular, multiple
unnecessary to remove level I nodes in well-dif- obvious level VI nodes seen in the paratracheal
ferentiated thyroid cancer. In thyroid cancers, groove during thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer
neck dissection of these groups of lymph nodes are often suggestive of metastasis. These meta-
can take the form of radical neck dissection, static nodes may also be pigmented. In these situ-
modified radical neck dissection, or selective ations, the central neck dissection is termed
neck dissection. In most instances, it is possible therapeutic. Central neck dissection is also indi-
to perform selective neck dissection. This selec- cated if lateral neck dissection is planned.
tive neck dissection is synonymous with the term Prophylactic or elective central neck dissec-
lateral neck dissection. Hence lateral neck dissec- tion remains controversial. No prospective data
tion in thyroid cancer usually refers to removal of exists to support or refute its role in thyroid can-
lymph nodes in levels II–V. cer patients with no clinical evidence of lymph
9  Neck Dissection in Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 99

Table 9.3  Indications for neck dissection

Neck dissection Indications
Central neck (therapeutic) (a)  Presence of malignant nodes or suspicious nodes in level VI/VII
(b)  Presence of malignant lateral neck nodes
Lateral neck (therapeutic)    Presence of metastatic lateral nodes on clinical examination or on imaging
Central neck (elective) (a)  Primary thyroid tumor >4 cm
(b)  Extra-capsular invasion
Other parameters that may be used:
(c)  Aggressive variants
(d)  BRAF V600E positive thyroid cancer
(e) Age < 45 years
(f)  Male gender
(g)  Multifocal tumors

node metastasis [6, 7]. Proponents of elective invasion and multifocality can only be deter-
central neck dissection argue that it reduces the mined conclusively after the thyroidectomy.
risk of local regional recurrence as well as the Hence these parameters are not always useful
risks of morbidity in reoperation. It can also for decision-making to perform the central neck
assist in the decision-making process for post- dissection. BRAF V600E has been reported to
thyroidectomy radioiodine. Multiple systematic be a useful test in the fine needle aspirate (FNA)
reviews and meta-analysis of retrospective [16] to assist decision-making process. However,
cohort studies [8–13] indicate fairly consistent this arguably is costly and is a test that is not
parameters that are associated with central nodal readily available in most centers. It is therefore
metastasis (Table  9.3). Primary tumors larger understandable that the American Thyroid
than 1 cm, male gender, age less than 45 years, Association confined its recommendations that
extrathyroidal extension, aggressive variants, elective central neck dissection may be per-
multifocality, inferior pole tumors, and BRAF formed if the thyroid cancer is more than 4 cm
V600E mutation have been reported to be asso- (T3/T4 tumors) and/or has extrathyroidal exten-
ciated with a higher risk of central nodal metas- sion [11]. Extrathyroidal extension includes
tasis. While the data suggests that these factors invasion of the strap muscles, recurrent laryn-
are associated with central nodal metastasis, geal nerve, tracheal invasion, and esophageal
what has not been shown conclusively is whether invasion.
the addition of the central neck dissection pro-
vides benefits in terms of overall survival and
reduced recurrence rates. If we were to base the Lateral Neck Dissection
decision on performing central neck dissection
on these parameters, we will likely be advocat- Lateral neck dissection is indicated if there is
ing it in the majority of thyroid cancer patients. clinical evidence of a metastasis in any lateral
As an example of how wide the net is cast if we node [17]. The evidence of a metastatic node may
were to use tumor size as an indicator for central be because of a clinically palpable neck node or a
neck dissection, even micro-papillary carcino- suspicious node on radiological imaging. The
mas of 0.5 cm have been associated with higher suspicious features of malignancy in the lymph
risks of central node metastasis. Aggressive node are best determined by ultrasound [18]. A
pathological variants such as diffuse sclerosing needle biopsy is often advocated to determine the
and tall cell variants as well as insular carci- presence of metastasis preoperatively. Where it is
noma may be associated with higher risks of not feasible by the needle biopsy to determine
central node metastasis [14, 15]. However, these metastasis, another approach may be to perform
aggressive variants together with other patho- frozen section of the lymph node at the time of
logical parameters such as lymphovascular planned thyroidectomy and neck dissection.
100 K. S. Loh and D. K. C. Eu

Lateral neck dissection is not indicated when with respect to local invasion. It may also be use-
there is no evidence of metastasis. Prophylactic ful for assessing the relationship of the metastatic
lateral neck dissection is not indicated because lymph nodes with the carotid artery and internal
the yield of occult metastatic lymph nodes when jugular vein. Its role in defining nodal metastasis
there are no clinical or imaging evidence of is not superior to that of ultrasound [23]. In fact,
metastasis in the lateral nodes has been shown to it is believed that the use of ultrasound to detect
be low [19]. Systematic reviews of data in the lit- metastatic lymph nodes results in reduced
erature suggest that there is no benefit in reducing regional recurrences and return to the operating
nodal recurrences by performing prophylactic room [24].
lateral neck dissection [20]. Lateral neck dissec-
tion has possible side effects, and this has to be
considered if one advocates performing it Surgical Technique
Central Neck Dissection

Preoperative Investigations This is performed after the thyroidectomy is

completed. The key to the procedure is identifica-
Thyroid Function tion of the recurrent laryngeal nerves. Central
neck dissection technically is defined as com-
The majority of patients with well-differentiated plete removal of all level VI and VII nodes
thyroid cancers are euthyroid. It is however not (Fig. 9.1). At the end of a central neck dissection,
uncommon to detect subclinical hypothyroidism there should be no tissue between the carotid
in these patients [21]. Hyperthyroidism is uncom- artery and esophagus. The recurrent laryngeal
mon. It will be wise to ensure that these patients nerve is preserved, and possibly the parathyroids
undergoing treatment should be assessed with are preserved or reimplanted (Fig. 9.2). By dis-
regard to thyroid function and if necessary to be secting the tissue in both paratracheal areas, the
controlled before the operation. parathyroids and recurrent laryngeal nerves will
be exposed to a higher risk of damage. In clinical
situations where bilateral paratracheal lymph
Ultrasound of the Neck nodes are seen, this will have to be done. However
it may be reasonable to perform ipsilateral para-
This has become a standard investigation of the tracheal lymph node (level VI) dissection if the
patient with thyroid cancer. Besides assessing the thyroid cancer is confined to one lobe and there
thyroid gland, ultrasound affords excellent analy- are no enlarged level VI nodes on the contralat-
sis of the size and shape of the lymph nodes in the eral side. This will reduce the risks of serious
neck. The patient is not exposed to radiation. It is morbidity such as chronic hypocalcemia and
also relatively less costly than a MRI. It is how- bilateral vocal cord paralysis.
ever difficult to assess the central neck in the
presence of the thyroid gland. Suspicious lateral (a) Start out by identifying the common carotid
nodes include size of 1.5 cm or greater as well as artery. Fascia is dissected off the carotid
rounded, hypoechoic signals, microcalcifica- artery from level of the hyoid bone to behind
tions, and loss of fatty hilum [22]. the sternoclavicular joint. The tissue with its
lymph nodes is dissected medially.
(b) The recurrent laryngeal nerve is identified
CT Scan/MRI and is gently freed away from the soft tissue
along its length, thus skeletonizing the nerve.
The major role of CT scan and/or MRI is to (c) The parathyroid glands in particular the

define the primary tumor in the thyroid gland superior parathyroid may be identified and
9  Neck Dissection in Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 101

Fig. 9.1  Left level VI

with metastatic nodes. A
left recurrent laryngeal
nerve, B metastatic
lymph nodes, C left
superior parathyroid

Fig. 9.2  Left levels VI

and VII dissected. A
trachea, B cricothyroid
joint, C left recurrent
laryngeal nerve, D
esophagus, E carotid

part of it removed for confirmation by fro- thyroid tissue and not harboring metastatic
zen section (Fig.  9.3). Occasionally, with cells. The tissue is kept in saline.
multiple nodes in level VI, it may be diffi- Parathyroid will sink to the bottom of the
cult to be certain of the superior parathy- container, as opposed to fatty tissue which
roid. If it is actually dissected off the will float. At the end of the operation, the
paratracheal bed, a small part of it is parathyroid tissue is divided with a scalpel.
removed, and confirmation is obtained on A pocket is created on the ipsilateral ster-
frozen section. This is to ensure it is para- nocleidomastoid muscle and the finely
102 K. S. Loh and D. K. C. Eu

Fig. 9.3  Right level VI

before dissection. A
right recurrent laryngeal
nerve, B right superior

divided pieces are placed into it. The level VI tissue, thus completing the central
pocket of the muscle is closed with a 2.0 neck dissection.
silk suture.
(d) Dissection is continued in a superior to infe-
rior direction, ensuring the recurrent laryn- Lateral Neck Dissection
geal nerve is dissected free of the lymph
nodes along its length, including anterior and Lateral neck dissection for thyroid surgery
posterior to the plane of the nerve. largely involves levels II–V (Fig.  9.4). An
(e) The posterior limit of the dissection medially extended Kocher’s incision is made, with a short
is the esophagus. The esophageal wall is vertical limb extending toward the mastoid tip.
identified, and the fascia with the lymph Sub-platysma skin flaps are raised. There are oth-
nodes is separated from it. ers who will extend the transverse thyroidectomy
(f) Eventually the entire packet of tissue is incision laterally without extending it vertically.
brought medial to the plane of the recur-
rent laryngeal nerve and onto the anterior- (a) Fascia overlying the sternocleidomastoid
lateral tracheal wall. It may then be muscle is dissected to expose the anterior
connected with the tissue from the superior border of the muscle. Dissection of the fascia
mediastinum. sheath continues along the length of the mus-
(g) The key to dissecting the superior mediasti- cle from the lateral to the medial aspect.
num tissue is to have superior traction and (b) The spinal accessory nerve is identified and
good exposure provided by counter traction skeletonized. To remove level IIb, the fibro-
of the strap muscles inferiorly. By blunt and fatty tissue superior to the accessory nerve is
sharp dissection, the innominate artery is pal- dissected off the floor of the neck.
pated and exposed. Thymus tissue may be (c) The floor of the neck is delineated and the
encountered. The tissue with its lymph nodes overlying fascia dissected off the muscle bed.
is brought superiorly and connected with the This is carried from levels II to IV. The omo-
9  Neck Dissection in Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 103

Fig. 9.4  Left level IV

(Chassaignac’s triangle).
Area predisposed to
chyle leak. A thoracic
duct, B left internal
jugular vein, C left
common carotid artery,
D level Vb

hyoid muscle is divided at the tendon thereby mastoid muscle, internal jugular vein, and
allowing exposure of the internal jugular the accessory nerve. (Fig. 9.5).
vein. The phrenic nerve is identified approxi-
mately 1 cm lateral to the inferior aspect of
the internal jugular vein (Fig. 9.4). Complications
(d) The spinal accessory nerve is skeletonized in
the posterior triangle, and fibrofatty tissue is Central Neck Dissection
dissected off the floor of the neck.
(e) Supraclavicular and posterior triangle soft The main complications of central neck dissec-
tissue (level V) are then dissected off the tion are related to the recurrent laryngeal nerve,
floor of the neck superficial to the preverte- parathyroid glands, carotid artery, innominate
bral fascia. Together with the levels II–IV tis- artery, and esophagus.
sue, the entire tissue is then dissected off the
carotid sheath. Tributaries to the internal Hemorrhage
jugular vein are ligated, with the vagus nerve Vascular injury though infrequent may lead to
and the carotid artery visualized and catastrophic results. The lateral boundary of the
preserved. central neck dissection is the carotid artery that
(f) The submandibular gland forms the superior may be injured during dissection. It may be
extent of the neck dissection. The hypoglos- avoided by good exposure of the carotid along
sal nerve is identified and preserved. the length of dissection as well as careful dissec-
(g) When completed, level II–V lymph nodes tion of the fascia away from the wall of the artery.
are removed but preserving the sternocleido- Inferiorly, a high-riding innominate artery may
104 K. S. Loh and D. K. C. Eu

Fig. 9.5 Neck
dissection (levels II–V).
A accessory nerve
dissected free of lymph
nodes and preserved, B
phrenic nerve preserved,
C internal jugular vein
(level IV), D
muscle preserved, E
submandibular gland
(level I) preserved

also be encountered. Careful palpation within the ing the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The potential
superior mediastinum for transmitted pulsations for either neuropraxia or transection of the
of a high-riding innominate artery will possibly nerve is significant. Thermal or traction injury
reduce the risk of injury to the artery. More com- may be the cause of recurrent laryngeal nerve
monly encountered though are the thyroidea ima palsy. Recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring
artery and its branches as well as the veins drain- has been advocated in thyroidectomy. However,
ing into the brachiocephalic vein. Small branches multiple reviews conclude that vocal fold palsy
of the inferior thyroid artery may also be a cause rates may not be significantly different from
of bleeding. As dissection progresses in level VII, visual localization [25]. In central neck dissec-
it may be prudent to ligate where appropriate to tion, the recurrent laryngeal nerve will have
reduce the risk of primary hemorrhage in this been exposed following the thyroidectomy.
area. Hence the utility of laryngeal nerve monitoring
in reducing recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in
 ecurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury
R central neck dissection is uncertain and may be
Central neck dissection puts the recurrent of limited benefit. The risk of temporary or per-
laryngeal nerve at risk due to the intimate rela- manent (unilateral or bilateral) vocal fold paral-
tionship between the lymph nodes and the ysis in central neck dissection has been reported
nerve. In order to minimize the chance of local to be similar to total thyroidectomy alone [26,
and regional recurrences within the central 27]. Even if the injury was a neuropraxia,
neck compartment, meticulous dissection patients who develop bilateral vocal fold palsy
should be performed to remove all fibrofatty may take some time before sufficient move-
tissue surrounding the recurrent laryngeal ments return. Either keeping the patient intu-
nerve. This will inevitably involve skeletoniz- bated or a tracheostomy may be required to
9  Neck Dissection in Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 105

reestablish the airway. In addition, these vagus nerve more proximally in the region of
patients may also have significant risks for level II and meticulously dissecting the bulky
aspiration and may require enteral feeding until nodes away from the carotid sheath. Visualization
recovery occurs. of the vagus nerve is crucial to avoiding injury, in
particular in the region of left level IV.  In this
Hypocalcemia/Hypoparathyroidism area of neck dissection, it is always prudent to
Accidental removal or devascularization of the ligate tissues systematically to avoid thoracic
parathyroid glands may result in significant post- duct chyle leak. Hence, knowing the path of the
operative hypocalcemia. This can either be tran- vagus nerve will help avoid accidentally ligating
sient or permanent. Severe hypocalcemia may it when level IV nodes are dissected. If vagus
lead to tetany and prolonged hospitalization. nerve injury does occur, these patients will not
Central neck dissection has been associated with only present with hoarseness but will also have
transient hypocalcemia and permanent hypocal- significant aspiration due to reduced sensation,
cemia [7, 28, 29]. The best way to reduce the risk affecting the afferent feedback that is necessary
of hypocalcemia is to identify the parathyroids, to close off the larynx during swallowing.
followed by frozen section confirmation.
Alternatively the parathyroids may be reim- Chyle Leak
planted into the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid Chyle leak has been estimated to occur in 1.4–
muscle. Preservation of the branches of the infe- 8.3% of neck dissections in thyroid cancers [30,
rior thyroid artery is helpful. 32, 33]. It can occur with left or right lateral neck
dissection [32, 33]. The right lymphatic duct
drains into the right internal jugular vein or right
Lateral Neck Dissection subclavian vein. The thoracic duct ascends to the
root of the neck and subsequently drains into the
The various complications of neck dissection subclavian vein on the left side of the neck
have been well described [30, 31]. In lateral neck (Fig. 9.4). In particular, the thoracic duct lies in a
dissection for thyroid cancers, the specific com- precarious position during dissection of left level
plications relate mainly to the spinal accessory IV nodes. Thoracic duct injuries may be pre-
nerve, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve, sympathetic vented by meticulous ligation during dissection
trunk, and the thoracic duct. of the fibrofatty tissue in level IV. In patients with
large nodes or multiple nodes in level IV, the risk
 pinal Accessory Nerve
S of thoracic duct injury is higher [32]. In the event
Transection of the nerve invariably leads to weak- of inadvertent tears of the thoracic duct or its
ness in abduction of the arm. Chronic shoulder tributaries, compressive figure of eight sutures
pain is experienced in some patients following can be applied. It is best to deal with a chyle leak
devascularization of the nerve, leading to signifi- once it is discovered. If the chyle leak is discov-
cant stiffness, discomfort, and sometimes intense ered post operation, the major decision on how it
pain for these patients. This forms the basis for should be managed depends on the daily volume
advocating that levels Va and IIb may be spared of chyle in the drain bottle. If this is more than
to reduce devascularization risk to the accessory 300 mL or more every 24 h and not reducing in
nerve. the next few days despite conservative measures,
the patient will benefit from re-exploration to
 agus Nerve Injury
V stop the chyle leak. Conservative measures
The vagus nerve lies within the carotid sheath. include a complete fat-free diet such as glucose
Vagal nerve injury will result in vocal fold paral- drinks, medium chain triglyceride diet, and par-
ysis. It can be difficult to locate the vagus nerve enteral octreotide. More invasive measures
in patients with bulky matted level III and IV include intravenous total parenteral nutrition and
nodes. The safest way is to begin identifying the surgical exploration.
106 K. S. Loh and D. K. C. Eu

 hrenic Nerve and Cervical

Sympathetic Trunk Injury Authors who propose a selective approach
The phrenic nerve lies anteriorly on the belly of for PCND reasoned that the role of central
the scalenus anterior muscle. It is covered by a neck dissections do not clearly improve
layer of prevertebral fascia. Metastatic nodes do patient survival. In addition, with adjuvant
not usually breach this fascia. Nevertheless dis- radioactive iodine, loco-regional control as
section of level IV and III nodes may accidentally well as thyroglobulin levels reach similar
breach this fascia and injure the nerve. This may levels to that of patients undergoing routine
occur in patients with large bulky nodes, or it PCND. Furthermore, routine PCND are not
may be simply an iatrogenic injury. The conse- without significant morbidity even if the
quence is often clinically silent. The injury results risks are low. Several reports have attrib-
in a raised hemidiaphragm, and it may affect the uted central neck dissections with a signifi-
respiratory effort in obese patients or those with cantly greater risk of transient hypocalcemia
pre-existing lung problems. compared to a total thyroidectomy.
The cervical sympathetic trunk lies poste-
rior to the carotid sheath. It is in an anatomical
position that is not within the boundaries of
neck dissections. However, in patients with
large metastatic nodes, which may extend lat- The recent guidelines by the American
eral and posterior to the carotid artery, the cer- Thyroid Association published in 2015
states that prophylactic neck dissections
may be considered in patients with
advanced T3/T4 primary tumours, clini-
Prophylactic central neck dissection cally involved lateral neck nodes or if the
(PCND) remains controversial. The current information gathered will aid in further
literature is divided between authors who management. This was however backed by
perform PCND routinely and those who low-quality evidence and was graded as a
selectively perform PCND. weak recommendation. Conversely, in
patients with small T1/T2 papillary thyroid
cancers with no evidence of nodal disease
and patients with follicular carcinoma, the
guideline gives strong recommendations
The view of proponents of PCND include total thyroidectomy without PCND is
improvements in thyroglobulin levels post appropriate.
central neck dissection, a more accurate
staging of patients, and the belief that
performing PCND at the initial sur- vical s­ympathetic trunk may be injured. This
gery  improves loco-regional control. results in Horner’s syndrome which does not
Furthermore, PCND decreases the poten- recover.
tial morbidity of re-operation. There has
however been no high level evidence to
directly correlate PCND with improve- References
ments in  loco-regional control or overall
survival. This is due to inherent difficulties 1. Carty SE, Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Duh QY, Kloos
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Radioiodine Therapy for Well-­
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 10
Sue Ping Thang and David Chee-Eng Ng

 ifferent Functions of Radioiodine

D 3. Therapy—this role of radioiodine is to treat
for Thyroid Cancer known local disease or distant metastases.
4. Diagnostic—the role of radioiodine serves to
It has become clearer over the last decade that perform a diagnostic scan for detection of
radioiodine can be deemed to have several fairly iodine-avid disease in a surveillance setting.
distinct clinical functions. The understanding of
these functions has helped to define how radioio- From a practical point of view, it is sometimes
dine is used clinically. difficult to distinguish these separate roles of abla-
tion and adjuvant therapy in the use of the first dose
1. Ablative—to ablate small normal thyroid
of radioiodine, and in fact the roles of ablative and
remnants or residues in the thyroid bed after adjuvant were often considered together, even
near-total or total thyroidectomy. This allows within a single term of “radioiodine ablation”
the thyroglobulin levels to reflect more accu- (RAI). Nonetheless, recognising these distinct func-
rately the absence/presence of disease as well tions of radioiodine allows a more rational and sci-
as the disease burden. After ablation, detec- entific use of radioiodine for thyroid cancer
tion of recurrent disease is rendered more management.
accurate in the absence of significant focal
uptake in the neck on the whole-body scan.
2. Adjuvant—to reduce the risk of recurrence  vidence for Use of Radioiodine
post-operatively and disease-specific mortal- in Thyroid Cancer and Indications
ity by presumably destroying low-volume dis-
ease. This function is of more relevance in the There is a reasonably large body of data support-
group of intermediate-risk thyroid cancers ing the use of radioiodine in thyroid cancer. The
than in the low-risk group. interpretation of the evidence for radioiodine is
compounded by various factors: the risk stratifi-
cation of the thyroid cancer in the study popula-
S. P. Thang · D. C.-E. Ng (*) tion, dose activity of the iodine-131 given,
Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular definition of ablation success, length of follow-
Imaging, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore,
­up and definition of recurrence or ablation suc-
e-mail:; cess. Despite these differences, there is considerable consensus that patients who are in

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 109

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
110 S. P. Thang and D. C.-E. Ng

the intermediate- or high-risk group would bene- that radioactive iodine therapy is beneficial for
fit from radioiodine. What is less certain is the stage II, III and IV patients.
role of radioiodine in the low-risk group. Another The indications for radioiodine treatment are
related question is the dose activity of the radio- largely based on risk stratification. There are
iodine used. several of such stratification schemes, ranging
Sawka et al. [1] provided an early review of from the AMES and MACIS scores to various
the effectiveness of radioactive iodine remnant guidelines from different countries and profes-
ablation for well-differentiated thyroid cancer. sional societies, such as the British Thyroid
Out of 1543 English references, pooled analy- Association, the European Society of Medical
sis were suggestive of a statistically significant Oncology and the European Association of
treatment effect of ablation for 10-year out- Nuclear Medicine to the American Thyroid
come in loco-regional recurrence (relative risk Association (ATA) Guidelines. As regards the
of 0.31). It was noted that there are conflicting AJCC TNM staging system, it is well known
results for some outcomes, and the incremental that it stratifies patients into stages based on
benefit of remnant ablation in low-risk patients mortality data. The other risk stratification
is not clear. In a large cohort study, for patients schemes mentioned are more inclusive of recur-
with primary tumour >1.5 cm or cervical nodal rences and hence provide a more overall risk of
metastases, Mazzaferri and Jhiang [2] showed both recurrence and death. For example, the
that there was significant benefit in overall sur- ATA Guidelines (2015) take into account resec-
vival in 1004 patients whose recurrence rates tion status, histological subtypes and vascular
were one-third when radioiodine ablation was invasion as part of the risk assessment. The use
performed compared to no ablation, and the of AJCC TNM classification along with other
rates for distant metastases were also reduced. more inclusive stratification systems such as the
DeGroot also demonstrated that the use of American Thyroid Association (ATA) risk strat-
radioiodine ablation reduced the recurrence ification classification would more likely pro-
rate in what is deemed to be stage II/III vide a more complete characterisation of the
disease [3]. risk profile of the patient to guide management
Jonklaas et al. [4] classified patients as low and prognostication.
risk (stages I and II) or high risk (stages III and More recently, more emphasis is given to a
IV). Treatments employed included near-total dynamic risk stratification system as post-­
thyroidectomy, administration of radioactive ablation management of patients requires an
iodine and thyroid hormone suppression ther- approach to estimate risk change over time
apy. Outcome measures were overall survival, based on response to therapy and course of the
disease-­specific survival and disease-free sur- disease. Tuttle showed that when the ATA guide-
vival. Near-­ total thyroidectomy, radioactive lines (2009) were used to risk stratify patients,
iodine and aggressive thyroid hormone sup- the change in risk estimates as a function of
pression therapy were each independently asso- response to therapy is most notable in the ATA
ciated with longer overall survival in high-risk intermediate-risk group where an estimated risk
patients. The relative risk of death in the of recurrent or persistent structural disease of
absence of post-operative radioiodine therapy 18% dropped to as little as 2% in patients hav-
was 43% higher in high-risk patients (stages III ing an excellent response to therapy [5]. This is
and IV in the National Thyroid Cancer useful for making decisions about radioiodine
Treatment Cooperative Study Group staging therapy on follow-up management. It also indi-
system) but not low-risk patients. Near-­ total rectly suggests that radioiodine has clinical
thyroidectomy followed by radioactive iodine impact on intermediate-risk thyroid cancer and
therapy and moderate thyroid hormone sup- that dynamic risk stratification is helpful in
pression therapy both predicted improved over- revising the risk status of patients and guiding
all survival in stage II patients. They concluded future management.
10  Radioiodine Therapy for Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 111

In view of these published data and others, systems—the ATA risk stratification system and
ATA guidelines (2015) [6] recommend the fol- the TNM stage—to provide guidance as to
lowing regarding the use of radioiodine in differ- whether radioiodine ablation is indicated:
ent groups of patients, who are stratified by two

ATA risk category and TNM stage Description of TNM stage Radioiodine ablation indicated?
ATA low risk T ≤1 cm No
ATA low risk T 1–4 cm Not routine+
T1b, T2
ATA low and intermediate risk T >4 cm or minimal ETE Consider—generally favoured for
T3 minimal ETE
ATA low and intermediate risk Central compartment or lateral Consider—generally favoured
T1–3 N1a or N1b compartment nodes
ATA high risk Gross ETE Yes
ATA high risk Distant metastases Yes

Based on the ATA guidelines, for patients that Specifically for relatively low-risk thyroid
fulfil the criteria for low-risk thyroid cancer pre- cancer, two major clinical trials [7, 8] attempted
dominantly those with unifocal intra-thyroidal to test the hypothesis that 30 mCi is non-inferior
papillary microcarcinoma without any other to 100 mCi and in a thyroxine withdrawal versus
adverse features, the evidence appears to support a recombinant thyroid-stimulating hormone
the concept that there is no need for radioiodine (TSH) group. The follow-up is less than 9 months,
ablation (RAI). In other low-risk tumours with and in both the end points were ablation success.
adverse features, radioiodine ablation may be The data cannot nor should it be extrapolated to
considered on a case-by-case basis, perhaps with the risk of recurrence. The results showed that as
a low radioiodine dosing (eg: 30 mCi). In general, far as ablation success is concerned, 30  mCi is
however, it appears reasonable at the current time not statistically inferior to 100 mCi. Although the
to consider radioiodine ablation and treatment for evidence is not strongly conclusive for the use of
intermediate-risk and high-risk thyroid cancer. a “low dose” of 30  mCi, in general it would
appear fairly reasonable to consider such a lower
dose activity of radioiodine in the treatment of
Radioactive Dosing low-risk thyroid cancer. The NCCN guidelines
have a similar recommendation for the use of
There are typically two major methodologies for 30 mCi in low-risk thyroid cancer.
deciding radioiodine dosing. Most centres use the For intermediate-risk thyroid cancer, the evi-
empirical method which has standardised ranges dence for the effective dose activity is more var-
of prescribed activity for different categories of ied and less uniform, due to various factors: the
patients, as described earlier. A few centers use number of patients studied and patient selection,
lesional and body dosimetry to estimate the max- type of risk stratification classification of the thy-
imum tolerated absorbed dose to the bone mar- roid cancer in the study population, different
row or whole body and calculate the radioiodine ranges of dose activity of the iodine-131 given,
dose activity to be given in individual patients. definition of ablation success, duration of follow-
Current empirical dosing depends to a large up and definition of recurrence. A summary of
extent on the risk stratification of patients. the findings is given in the table.
112 S. P. Thang and D. C.-E. Ng

Definition of risk and subjects

Study studied Results after radioiodine ablation
DeGroot et al. (1990) [3] All risk groups (n = 269 (total)) 30 mCi vs. 50–60 mCi
Better ablation with higher dose
Average follow-up 12 years from diagnosis
Mazzaferri and Jhiang All risk groups (n = 1355) 29–50 mCi vs. 51–200 mCi
(1994) [2] No difference recurrence rate
Follow-up was 15.7 years (median)
Bal et al. (1996) [9] All risk groups (n = 149) 30 mCi vs. 50 mCi vs. 90 mCi vs. 155 mCi
Dose-response plateaus after 50 mCi ablation
Evaluation was performed 6–12 months after
radioiodine ablation
Verburg et al. (2014) [10] Low risk: T1/2 Mortality higher in <54 mCi, than in 54–81 mCi
High risk: T3/4 and/or N1 M1 or >81 mCi in those >45 years old especially in
disease included (n = 1298) high risk group. Follow-up at least 5 years
Kruijff et al. (2013) [11] T1–T3 No difference in recurrence rate between
No mention of N stage <75 mCi vs. >75 mCi. Follow-up was 60 months
(n = 970) (mean)
Castagna et al. (2013) [12] T3 and/or N1 (n = 225) No difference in ablation success between 30 and
50 mCi vs. >100 mCi. Follow-up was
6–18 months (median 9 months)
Sabra et al. (2014) [13] N1b disease (n = 181) Not significant for young, but plausible
significant better response for older patients with
higher dosing. 100 mCi vs. 150 mCi vs.
>200 mCi. Follow-up was 3.6 years (median)
Han et al. (2014) [14] T3 ETE (n = 176) No difference in recurrence or ablation success
by 30 mCi vs. 150 mCi. Follow-up was 7.2 years

For intermediate-risk thyroid cancer, ATA as determined by dosimetry. For lung metasta-
guidelines (2015) considers it reasonable to con- ses, it is recommended that the dose activity
sider dosing activity of between 30 and 150 mCi, should be limited to a whole-body retention of
although the evidence is clearly heterogeneous below 80 mCi at 48 h or 2 Gy to the bone mar-
due to the many variables present in the clinical row. Lung function tests may be useful as an
literature. Based on the currently available evi- adjunct to follow-up on patients with extensive
dence and various practice guidelines, it may iodine-avid pulmonary metastases given radio-
generally be recommended that a generally iodine in large dosing and where the uptake of
higher dose activity such as 100 mCi be consid- the radioiodine is clearly significant. It is also
ered for intermediate-risk thyroid cancer, particu- well known that in renal failure, the retention
larly when an adjuvant function of radioiodine is time of radioiodine in the body can be signifi-
deemed important for the particular patient. cantly increased and the dosing should be cor-
For high-risk thyroid cancer patients, there is respondingly adjusted lower.
more consensus opinion for the range of dose For paediatric individuals, the dosing of radio-
activity to be administered, particularly for iodine should be adjusted accordingly. For radio-
those with iodine-avid distant metastases. For iodine ablation in children, some centres adjust
pulmonary metastases, it is recommended that activity by body weight (e.g. to 1.85–7.4  MBq/
patients should be treated with radioiodine in kg) or surface area or by age (e.g. to 1/3 the adult
the primary consideration, unless there are clini- activity in a 5-year-old, 1/2 the adult activity in a
cal concerns, as long as the disease continues to 10-year-old or 5/6 the adult activity in a 15-year-­
concentrate radioiodine and respond clinically. old). Another approach, recommended in the
For iodine-avid bone metastases, typical dose German procedure guidelines for radioiodine
activities range from 100 to 200 mCi or more, or therapy in paediatric DTC patients, is to adjust
10  Radioiodine Therapy for Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 113

the ablation activity according to the 24-h thyroid 1 . Thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW)
bed uptake of a test activity of radioiodine as well 2. Recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH,

as according to body weight: <5% uptake would trade name Thyrogen) administration
warrant an activity of 50 MBq/kg, 5–10% uptake
would warrant an activity of 25  MBq/kg and Comparison between the two techniques has
10–20% uptake would warrant an activity of been performed in multiple studies [7, 8, 17–23] in
15 MBq/kg. Because it maximises the degree of the setting of thyroid remnant ablation (Table 10.1).
individualisation, flexible ablation dosing accord- These studies showed that rhTSH for preparation
ing to one or more individual patient body char- for remnant ablation is associated with similar
acteristics, i.e. weight, surface area and thyroid rates of successful remnant ablation but superior
bed radioiodine uptake, appears to be a preferable short-term quality of life compared to THW.
strategy to fixed dosing or to flexible dosing The 2015 ATA guidelines [6] suggest that the
based on age [15]. use of rhTSH is an acceptable alternative to THW
Practical aspects include the avoidance of in patients with low to intermediate risk without
iodine-rich foodstuff and confounding sub- extensive lymph node involvement (i.e. T1–T3,
stances such as IV contrast and amiodarone N0/Nx/N1a, M0). The use of rhTSH may also be
that may inhibit the uptake of radioiodine. considered in patients with intermediate-risk dif-
There is controversy regarding the necessity ferentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) who have
of a low-iodine diet, with some centres and extensive lymph node disease in the absence of
guidelines recommending different durations distant metastasis. However, in patients with
of avoidance and types of foodstuff. A few high-risk DTC with higher risks of disease-­
centres measure urinary iodine to determine if related mortality and morbidity, more RCT data
the radioiodine administration should be post- from long-term outcome studies are needed
poned. The TSH should be elevated to >30 U/L before rhTSH preparation can be recommended.
through either thyroxine withdrawal or rhTSH rhTSH preparation can nevertheless be consid-
administration. ered in patients with DTC of any risk level with
significant comorbidity that may preclude t­ hyroid
hormone withdrawal prior to RAI administration.
Procedure This includes patients who are unable to produce
an adequate endogenous TSH rise (e.g. hypopitu-
Patient Preparation itarism) and those with significant medical (e.g.
cardiac failure) or psychiatric comorbidity which
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone could be exacerbated by hypothyroidism induced
Stimulation with THW.
The effectiveness of radioiodine therapy depends Clinical caution is advised during TSH stimu-
on the patient’s serum TSH level being ade- lation (especially with rhTSH) in patients with
quately elevated. A TSH level of at least 30 mU/L known sites of metastatic disease involving the
is believed to increase sodium-iodide symporter central nervous system, lungs or bones. Extreme
(NIS) expression and thereby optimise radioio- or prolonged elevations of TSH from either thy-
dine uptake [16]. In cases where TSH stimulation roid hormone withdrawal or rhTSH may acutely
is difficult, such as when completion thyroidec- stimulate tumour growth and compromise func-
tomy is technically impossible or undesired in tion of structures adjacent to these sites [24–27].
patients with large thyroid remnants, or in High-­dose steroid co-administration to prevent
patients with functional metastatic thyroid dis- tumour swelling is therefore recommended.
ease, endogenous TSH level of less than 30 mU/L Dexamethasone has been used in doses of 2–4 mg
is acceptable [15]. every 8 h starting 6–12 h prior to rhTSH and RAI
The TSH elevation can be achieved via two dosing or after 10–12  days of thyroid hormone
main ways: withdrawal, with the steroids continued in a
114 S. P. Thang and D. C.-E. Ng

tapering dosage schedule for 1  week post-ther- thyroid hormone withdrawal (achieved by the
apy, for 48–72 h after rhTSH administration, or temporary addition of triiodothyronine (LT3)
for 72 h after reinstitution of thyroxine therapy in therapy to thyroxine replacement prior to RAI
the setting of thyroid hormone withdrawal [28]. and to recommence thyroxine (LT4) therapy once
A reduced dose of rhTSH or an attenuated degree the dose of RAI is administered) should be con-
and duration of endogenous TSH elevation after sidered (Table 10.1).

Table 10.1  Thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW) vs rhTSH administration

Thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW) rhTSH administration
Regimen  (a) LT4 withdrawal  •  Two consecutive daily intramuscular
 (b) LT4 withdrawal with injections of 0.9 mg. Subcutaneous
substitution of LT3 in initial injection may be used in patients on oral
weeks anticoagulants to reduce the risk of
 •  For those on hormone injection site haematoma
replacement therapy, withdrawal  •  Radioiodine is given 1 day after the
of LT4 should be at least second rhTSH injection
3–4 weeks and LT3 at least  •  Patient can continue with hormone
2 weeks prior to radioiodine replacement therapy
administration  •  Serum thyroglobulin should be checked at
 •  For those post-thyroidectomy the time of maximal TSH stimulation, i.e.
and not on hormone replacement 3 days after the last rhTSH injection
therapy, waiting for at least
3 weeks after surgery is
recommended prior to
radioiodine administration
 •  Thyroid hormone should be
initiated or resumed 2–3 days
after radioiodine administration
 •  Serum thyroglobulin should be
obtained under TSH stimulation,
e.g. on the day of and prior to
radioiodine administration
Clinical use  • High-risk DTC  •  Low- to intermediate-risk DTC with or
without extensive neck lymphadenopathy
 •  Presence of hypothyroidism-related
comorbidities, or unable to raise
endogenous TSH, irrespective of risk level
Advantages  • Low cost  •  No hypothyroid symptoms
 • No Intramuscular/Subcutaneous  •  Produce more rapid and predictable TSH
injections elevation
 •  May improve lesion detection for  •  Improved or preserved renal function
metastatic disease under euthyroid status may decrease
radiation exposure of extra-thyroidal
tissues and blood
 •  Treatment can be given at any time,
although a 2-week recovery period is
advisable in post-operative setting
Disadvantages  • Hypothyroid symptoms  •  Relatively higher cost
potentially resulting in  • Requires Intramuscular/Subcutaneous
deterioration of existing medical injections
condition and quality of life  • May be associated with mild nausea,
 • Potential delay of treatment for headache and general lethargy with rhTSH
at least 3–4 weeks to allow for injections
adequate TSH stimulation
10  Radioiodine Therapy for Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 115

Table 10.2  Recommended time of withdrawal for pharmaceuticals blocking radioiodine uptake [29]
Type of medication Recommended time of withdrawal
Thionamide medications (e.g. propylthiouracil, 3 days
methimazole carbimazole)
Multivitamins containing iodide 7–10 days
Natural or synthetic thyroid hormones 10–14 days for triiodothyronine, 3–4 weeks for
Kelp, agar, carrageenan, Lugol solution 2–3 weeks, depending on iodide content
Saturated solution of potassium iodide 2–3 weeks
Topical iodine (e.g. surgical skin preparation) 2–3 weeks
Intravenous radiographic contrast agents:
Water soluble 6–8 weeks, assuming normal renal function
Lipophilic 1–6 months
Amiodarone 3–6 months or longer

 voidance of Iodine Excess

A Radiation Safety Advice
Iodine excess may result in competitive handling
by NIS of non-radioactive iodine rather than Depending on the dose of radioiodine adminis-
radioiodine, and potentially resulting in reduced tered, the patient may require hospitalisation dur-
efficacy of RAI therapy. ing RAI therapy to avoid unnecessary radiation
Patients should be advised to avoid iodine- exposure to family members and members of the
containing medications prior to RAI therapy public. Inpatient stay may be required when the
(Table  10.2). As thyroid hormone also contains administered activity is more than a certain
iodine, some clinicians stop thyroid hormones for threshold eg: 1.22  GBq (33  mCi) [29] in some
about 4 days before RAI therapy if rhTSH is used countries. The patient will be discharged when
[29]. The half-life of thyroxine of 7 days however the radiation exposure is less than a prescribed
makes this recommendation of uncertain value. threshold which may vary from country to
The use of low-iodine diet (LID) is also rec- country.
ommended. The optimal stringency and duration Written instructions on how to reduce radia-
of LID prior to RAI therapy are not known. tion exposure should be given to patients. These
Systematic review of observational studies typically include the following after therapy [29]
showed that LIDs (≤50  μg/day of iodine) for although some centres may have slightly differ-
1–2 weeks appeared to be associated with reduc- ing practices:
tion in urinary iodine excretion as well as increase
in radioiodine uptake [30]. The recommendation • Prolonged use of public transportation is gen-
for a low-­iodine diet can be found on www.thy- erally discouraged for the first 24 h after RAI therapy.
Urinary iodine excretion can be measured in • Patient is to sleep alone and should abstain close
doubtful cases. Levels above an arbitrary institutional contact for approximately 1 week after therapy.
cut-off in the range of 150–200 μg/L are believed to • Alternative care arrangements for up to a
reflect clinically relevant iodine excess and should week may be necessary for patients with
lead to postponement of RAI therapy [15]. infants and small children. Close contact of
approximately 10  min daily is allowed but
Others patients should otherwise maintain a distance
Food intake may alter the absorption of orally of about 0.9–1.8  m (3–6  ft) from pregnant
administered radioiodine. The patient should not women and children.
take any food or water by mouth for approxi- • Exposure of family members from items con-
mately 2 h before and 1–2 h after the oral admin- taminated by patient’s saliva or urine must be
istration of RAI [15, 29]. prevented, e.g. dishes and utensils should not
116 S. P. Thang and D. C.-E. Ng

be shared before washing, toilet should be which there is a diagnostic uncertainty, or when
flushed twice after use followed by adequate disease was advanced and two-dimensional WBS
hand washing and men may urinate sitting was inconclusive [37, 38].
down to avoid contamination in the toilet
Avoidance of “Stunning”

Pregnancy, Breastfeeding Stunning is defined as diminution of RAI uptake

and Conception and efficacy following recent diagnostic radioio-
dine administration. In cases where RAI therapy
Pregnancy must be excluded within a few days is clearly necessary, pre-therapeutic 131I diagnos-
before each RAI therapy, by a beta-hCG-based tic scan may be avoided because their results
test preferably. Adjunctive use of ultrasound to will not modify the indication for RAI therapy
rule out pregnancy may also be considered. A and this procedure may potentially induce stun-
falsely negative urinary pregnancy test during a ning. To reduce the possibility of stunning when
late (midterm) pregnancy is potentially possible it is not yet known whether RAI therapy is indi-
due to both a decreased production of beta-hCG cated, 131I diagnostic WBS or thyroid uptake
and a decreased degree of salinisation, which quantification of low activities should be per-
results in a shorter half-life of beta-hCG due to its formed. Recommended quantities are approxi-
breakdown in the liver [31, 32]. mately 10–185 MBq for WBS and 3–10 MBq for
As radioiodine can accumulate in the breasts, uptake quantification. Alternatively, use of
RAI therapy should be deferred until lactating 40–200 MBq of 123-iodine (123I) for diagnostic
women have stopped breastfeeding or expressing imaging can minimise the risk of stunning.
for at least 3 months. 124-Iodine (124I) PET/CT is emerging as an
Most experts recommend that both men and attractive modality for pre-RAI therapy imaging
women use effective contraception for 6–12 months and dosimetry [39–41]. The extent of stunning
after RAI therapy before trying to conceive. A effects with 124I is still unknown, but as a precau-
12-month interval also allows for follow-up imag- tion activities of this radioisotope should be kept
ing to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and to a minimum.
for retreatment if deemed appropriate.

Side Effects
Post-therapy Scintigraphy
In general, RAI is a reasonably safe therapy,
Patients who received RAI therapy should associated with low-risk cumulative dose-related
undergo whole-body scintigraphy (WBS) early- and late-onset complications as shown in
approximately 3–10 days after treatment. This is Table 10.3.
to document the iodine uptake of any structural Most long-term follow-up studies report very
disease as well as to stage the disease. Studies low risks of secondary malignancies (bone and
have shown that post-therapy scan has been soft-tissue malignancies, including breast,
reported to discover new lesions as well as alter colorectal, kidney and salivary cancers, and leu-
disease stage [33–36]. In some cases, single-pho- kaemia) in long-­ term survivors [42, 43]. The
ton emission computed tomography (SPECT) or 2015 ATA guidelines [6] have stated that the
hybrid SPECT/CT scan (if available) may be per- absolute increase in risk of developing a second
formed. The three-dimensional images provided primary malignancy attributable to RAI treat-
by SPECT, and the additional morphological ment is considered small and does not warrant
information provided by SPECT/CT, often have specific screening to any extent greater than age-
incremental value especially for situations in appropriate general population health screening.
10  Radioiodine Therapy for Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 117

Table 10.3  Early- and late-onset complications of RAI therapy

Side effects Management
Early onset Sialadenitis may result in alteration of Prevention: good hydration; sour candies and lemon juice
taste and dental caries in long term [54] increase salivary flow and reduce radiation exposure of
the salivary glands. The recommended use of sour candy/
lemon juice is at 24 h post-therapy, as when given within
1 h of therapy it may increase salivary gland damage [55]
Acute pain: local application of ice, anti-inflammatory
non-steroidal medication, or steroids
Chronic dry mouth/dental caries: cholinergic agents may
have a role [56]. Interventional sialendoscopy may be
helpful if refractory to medical therapy [57–59]
Discussion on preventive strategies with dental/oral
health professional is advised to prevent dental caries
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction [60] Surgical correction may be considered with excessive
tearing which may predispose to infection
Nausea, occasional vomiting Prophylactic anti-emetics before starting therapy
Transient decrease in white blood cell and Full blood count and renal function should be routinely
platelet counts performed prior to treatment
May occur up to 6–10 weeks following Reduced renal function can result in reduced iodine
I activity more than 5.55–7.4 GBq excretion from the body and hence increase radiation to
(150–200 mCi) [29] or with multiple bone marrow
therapies Normal pre-therapy profile makes these side effects
unlikely. If these blood test results are abnormal,
dosimetry is advised to determine the highest safe 131I
activity while delivering less than 2 Gy to the blood and
bone marrow [29]
Late onset Secondary malignancies Use of laxatives may decrease radiation exposure of the
bowel, particularly in patients treated after prolonged
withdrawal of thyroid hormone with increased risk of
constipation. Vigorous oral hydration will reduce
exposure of the bladder and gonads
Male infertility Good hydration to reduce gonadal radiation exposure,
frequent micturition to empty the bladder and avoidance
of constipation
Sperm banking may be considered in men who receive
cumulative RAI activities ≥400 mCi [47]

No threshold for radiation-­induced carcinogene- vated serum follicle-stimulating hormone levels

sis has been firmly established [44]. The excess [46, 47]. Higher cumulative activities (500–
risk of secondary malignancy is greater in young 800  mCi) in men are associated with an
individuals compared to older individuals [45] increased risk of persistent elevation of serum
and is dose related [43]. Cumulative 131I activi- follicle-­stimulating hormone levels, but fertility
ties above 500–600 mCi may be associated with and risks of miscarriage or congenital abnor-
a significant increase in risk of secondary malig- malities in subsequent pregnancies are not
nancies [43] although the current evidence is not changed with moderate RAI activities
conclusive. However, the low risk of secondary (∼200 mCi) [48, 49]. Permanent male infertility
malignancies should not deter the patient from is unlikely with a single ablative activity of RAI,
receiving RAI therapy when the benefits of ther- but theoretically there could be cumulative dam-
apy clearly outweigh the risks. age with multiple treatments. In women, a mod-
In men, RAI therapy may be associated with estly earlier onset of menopause has been
a transient diminished spermatogenesis and ele- described after repeated courses of RAI [50].
118 S. P. Thang and D. C.-E. Ng

More importantly, the long-­term rates of infer- 13. Sabra MM, et  al. Higher administered activities of
radioactive iodine are associated with less structural
tility, miscarriage and foetal malformation do persistent response in older but not younger papillary
not appear to be elevated in women after RAI thyroid cancer patients with lateral neck lymph node
therapy [51–53]. metastases. Thyroid. 2014;24:1088–95.
14. Han JM, et  al. Effects of low-dose and high-dose
postoperative radioiodine therapy on the clinical out-
come in patients with small differentiated thyroid
References cancer having microscopic extrathyroidal extension.
Thyroid. 2014;24(5):820.
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sis of the effectiveness of radioactive iodine renmant of differentiated thyroid cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol
ablation for well-differentiated thyroid cancer. J Clin Imag. 2008;3:1941–59.
Endocrinol Metab. 2004;89:3668–76. 16. Edmonds CJ, Hayes S, Kermode JC, Thompson

2. Mazzaferri EL, Jhiang SM. Long-term impact of ini- BD.  Measurement of serum TSH and thyroid hor-
tial surgical and medical therapy on papillary and fol- mones in the management of treatment of thy-
licular thyroid cancer. Am J Med. 1994;97:418–28. roid carcinoma with radioiodine. Br J Radiol.
3. DeGroot LJ, et  al. Natural history, treatment and 1977;50:799–807.
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Management of Distant Metastasis
in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 11
David A. Pattison, Julie A. Miller,
Bhadrakant Khavar, and Jeanne Tie

Introduction with low-risk disease including observation [3],

fewer indications for use of RAI remnant abla-
There has been a well-documented increase in tion in the recent American Thyroid Association
the incidence of DTC diagnosis—particularly (ATA) consensus guidelines for DTC [4] and
relating to incidental asymptomatic small reclassification of encapsulated follicular variant
tumours—despite stable or declining overall of papillary thyroid carcinoma (fv-PTC) as a
mortality over recent decades [1]. As a result benign tumour [5]. Conversely there is ongoing
there are important diverging trends in manage- development of improved diagnostics (including
ment at opposite ends of the thyroid cancer genetic profiling and molecular imaging) and tar-
­spectrum with adoption of a risk-adapted, indi- geted therapies to provide better disease charac-
vidualised approach to treatment [2]. This terisation and effective treatment for patients at
involves a ‘de-escalation’ of treatment for those highest risk of death with metastatic disease
which will be the focus of this chapter.
It is important to consider the significant vari-
ability in prognosis amongst patients with distant
metastatic disease, largely determined by indi-
D. A. Pattison (*)
Department of Nuclear Medicine & Specialised PET vidual tumour biology. A proportion of patients
Service, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, with indolent metastatic disease enjoy long-term
Brisbane, Australia survival without ongoing treatment after initial
e-mail: surgery and radioiodine therapy [6], whilst others
B. Khavar · J. A. Miller require aggressive multimodality therapy. Three
Department of Surgery, University of Melbourne, distinct groups with markedly different overall
Melbourne, Australia
survivals have been defined from a series of 444
Endocrine Surgery Unit, The Royal Melbourne patients with RAI-avid metastatic disease [7].
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Young patients (<40 years of age) with biochemi-
Department of Neurosurgery, The Royal Melbourne cal disease not visible on structural imaging dem-
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
onstrated a 10-year survival rate of 95%, whilst
J. Tie (*) older patients with macroscopic pulmonary
Department of Medical Oncology, Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia metastases (>1 cm) or multiple osseous metasta-
ses had a 10-year survival of only 14%. An inter-
Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia mediate 10-year survival of 64% was identified in
e-mail: young patients with macroscopic disease and

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 121

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
122 D. A. Pattison et al.

older patients with subcentimetre pulmonary mostly somatic point mutations and fusions, were
nodules. Thus risk stratification of patients with concentrated in four genes (BRAF, NRAS,
metastatic DTC is required to determine the opti- KRAS and RET), whilst the remaining 20% were
mum management approach, given the risks of low-frequency mutations spread across at least
both under- and overtreatment associated with an 30 genes (known as ‘long-tail’ mutations) [19].
increasing array of potential therapies. Importantly, this effort discovered new driver
mutations in PTC, either entirely novel driver in
PTC (EIF1AX) or novel changes of known driv-
 ackground: Increasing Role
B ers (BRAF, RET and ALK fusions), exposing
of Genomics and Personalised potential new molecular therapeutic targets. This
Therapy multidimensional genomic approach also illus-
trated that BRAFV600E PTC is a heterogeneous
Significant progress has been made in our under- group of tumours, consisting of at least four
standing of the molecular pathogenesis of thy- molecular subtypes with variable differentiation
roid cancer, uncovering new therapeutic targets and potentially clinical outcome. Collectively,
for a disease with a disappointing response to this study highlights the genetic diversity of PTC
conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy. Central to and the importance of precision medicine in the
the development of thyroid cancer is the accu- optimal management of individual patients.
mulation of mutations leading to the activation
of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)
and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling Presentations
pathways. Studies in PTC have reported a high
rate (~70%) of mutually exclusive activating The vast majority of DTC is confined to the thy-
mutations in genes encoding the effectors of the roid with or without regional lymphadenopathy at
MAPK pathway, such as point mutations in presentation. Distant metastases occur during
BRAF (most commonly the BRAFV600E muta- follow-up in approximately 6–20% of patients
tion) and RAS [8–14], and rearrangements of the [20–22] whilst a smaller number of patients
RET-PTC and NTRK1 tyrosine kinase [15–17]. (approximately 3%) have metastatic disease iden-
Although H-, N- and K-RAS mutations are tified at presentation. Of the 3.4% of patients that
found in only a small proportion of classic PTC, presented with metastatic disease in a recent large
they are the most commonly found mutations in Korean study, 59.6% of cases were identified
follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) and fv- radiologically and 40.4% presented clinically
PTC. Other genetic changes in FTCs are PTEN [23]. Presenting symptoms relate to the predomi-
deletion/mutation, paired box 8-peroxisome nant sites of distant metastases, including pain
activated receptor-gamma (PAX8/ due to osseous metastasis (17.3%), pathologic
PPARg) rearrangement, PIK3CA and IDH1 fracture (5.8%), paralysis of lower extremities
mutations. (5.8%), cough and/or dyspnoea (5.8%), and hae-
Over the past decade, the development of moptysis, pleural effusion and palpable mass
massively parallel sequencing technologies has (1.9% for each). Typical sites of metastases in this
enabled large-scale systematic effort (e.g. The cohort included lungs only (including pleura) in
Cancer Genome Atlas, International Cancer 61.5%, and bone only in 21.2%. Multiple sites
Genome Consortium and Slim Initiative for were involved in 17.3% of cases. Brain metasta-
Genomic Medicine) to further characterise the ses occur in approximately 1%, and are associated
genomic landscapes of human malignancies, with a worse prognosis [24]. Brain metastases are
including thyroid cancer [18]. The Cancer most commonly detected on screening imaging,
Genome Atlas (TCGA) project performed a com- but patients may present with headache, nausea,
prehensive multiplatform analysis of 496 PTC vomiting, visual changes, focal or generalised sei-
and confirmed that 80% of driver genetic events, zures or a neurological deficit.
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 123

The pathology of the primary tumour also has In the setting of known metastatic disease, the
implications on the likelihood and distribution of basal Tg has been shown to directly correlate
metastatic disease. In this cohort of patients, PTC with the number of lesions, and is highest in
comprised 69.2%, FTC 17.5% and poorly differ- patients with bone metastases and FTC, and low-
entiated components of the primary thyroid est in cervical metastases and PTC, respectively
tumour 3.8% each for diffuse sclerosing variant, [29]. In contrast, the response to recombinant
Hurthle cell carcinoma and insular carcinoma, human (rh)-TSH stimulation varies by histologi-
and tall cell variant in 1.9%. PTC is typically cal type of cancer, being highest in PTC and low-
associated with regional nodal and pulmonary est in Hurthle cell carcinoma, likely reflecting the
metastases, whilst FTC is associated with osse- relative differentiation of malignancy. However a
ous metastatic disease [25]. small proportion of cases with clinically signifi-
cant metastatic disease do not have measurable
thyroglobulin levels [30]. Thyroglobulin has
Investigations recently been shown to be a useful biomarker
when compared to Response Evaluation Criteria
There are numerous potential investigations for in Solid Tumours (RECIST) response assessment
evaluation of distant metastatic disease. Paired during treatment with sorafenib, and is particu-
thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroglobulin antibodies larly useful in patients with non-measurable dis-
(TgAb) remain the mainstay of biochemical dis- ease [31].
ease surveillance and treatment response in meta-
static disease. Although useful for investigation
of disease in the neck, ultrasound has limited role CT and MRI
in the evaluation of distant metastatic disease and
won’t be discussed in this section. There is In patients with elevated or rising Tg or TgAb
greater role of cross-sectional (CT and magnetic and no evidence of structural disease on cervical
resonance imaging [MRI]) and molecular imag- US, CT imaging of the neck and chest should be
ing using iodine isotopes and FDG PET/CT. considered. In advanced regional disease, intra-
venous contrast is important for assessment of
the neck and mediastinum to facilitate surgical
Thyroglobulin planning if required. The majority of iodinated
contrast will have been excreted within 4–8 weeks
Serum thyroglobulin is the biochemical tumour in most patients, such that radioiodine can still be
marker utilised in the monitoring of differenti- administered. A random urine iodine-to-­
ated thyroid carcinoma. The development of creatinine ratio can be used to exclude high
more sensitive (second generation) thyroglobulin iodine retention if there is clinical concern. MRI
immunometric assay measurements has resulted is particularly useful for exclusion of brain
in a much higher functional sensitivity metastases or spinal cord compression when clin-
(<0.1  μg/L) than older first-generation tests ically suspected. Imaging of symptomatic sites
(~1.0 μg/L) [26] and has essentially removed the with either CT or MRI is also recommended, par-
need for TSH-stimulated thyroglobulin testing ticularly if Tg is elevated >10 ng/mL [4].
[27]. Consequently, measurement of the basal
Tg—using the same assay—trend and doubling
time provide important prognostic information Diagnostic RAI Imaging
for both disease recurrence and response to ther-
apy. However, interference from both TgAb and There are three radioactive isotopes of iodine uti-
heterophile antibodies is the major limitation of lised in nuclear medicine imaging (Table  11.1).
immunometric assays. In the presence of TgAb, I-131 emits high-energy beta-particles for effec-
the trend in TgAb levels can be used as a surro- tive radionuclide therapy of thyroid cancer, but
gate tumour marker [28]. it’s high-energy gamma emissions have relatively
124 D. A. Pattison et al.

Table 11.1  Table outlining the physical characteristics of three iodine isotopes used in nuclear medicine imaging and
therapy for thyroid cancer
Characteristics I-123 I-124 I-131
Role Imaging Imaging Therapy (and imaging)
Emission Gamma (159 keV) Positron Gamma (364 keV) and beta-particle
Modality Gamma/SPECT PET Gamma/SPECT
Path length (tissue) N/A N/A 1–2 mm
Stunning No Uncertain Likely
Half-life 13.2 h 4.2 days 8 days
Imaging time post-injection 24 h (DxWBS) 24–120 h (PET) <72 h (DxWBS)
5–7 days (RxWBS)
SPECT single-photon emission computed tomography, PET positron emission tomography, DxWBS diagnostic whole-­
body scan, RxWBS post-treatment whole-body scan

poor imaging characteristics for diagnostic imag- the superior management impact of SPECT/CT
ing. In contrast, I-123 has much better imaging imaging (either diagnostic or post-therapy) com-
characteristics and the lack of significant beta-­ pared with traditional planar imaging, including
particle emission eliminates the risk of stunning, increased diagnosis of metastatic lymph nodes, a
but I-123 has limited availability due to cost. decrease in equivocal findings, change in man-
I-124 is a positron emitter with excellent image agement in approximately 1/3 of patients and a
resolution, and imaging on a PET camera enables potential reduction in the need for further cross-­
assessment of prospective dosimetry to facilitate sectional imaging studies [32, 33].
RAI therapy. There is an emerging body of litera- I-124 PET/CT is particularly useful for dosim-
ture supporting the use of I-124 but availability is etry to quantify the uptake and retention of I-124
currently limited to large academic referral within each lesion and estimate the expected dose
centres. of radiation per unit of administered I-131 ther-
The recent ATA guidelines [4] outline three apy. As expected, I-124 is reported to have a sig-
primarily accepted clinical roles for a diagnostic nificantly higher sensitivity than diagnostic I-131
whole-body scan (WBS): (1) patients with abnor- planar WBS [34] and a recent retrospective study
mal uptake outside the thyroid bed on post-­ confirmed a high level of agreement (95%)
therapy WBS, (2) patients with poorly informative between pre-therapeutic I-124 PET and post-­
post-ablation WBS because of large thyroid rem- therapy I-131 imaging in detection of iodine-avid
nants with high uptake of I-131 (>2% adminis- thyroid cancer metastases in 137 patients [35].
tered activity) potentially limiting the
visualisation of faint uptake in cervical lymph
nodes and (3) patients with thyroglobulin anti- FDG PET/CT
bodies (or discordant uptake on post-ablation
WBS despite negative Tg) at risk of false-­negative The enhanced uptake of glucose (or it’s analogue
Tg measurement. Other groups utilise routine FDG) by cancer cells due to inefficient aerobic
pre-therapy diagnostic WBS imaging to risk-­ glycolysis—termed the Warburg effect [36]—is
stratify and direct the decision to proceed with the hallmark of in vivo cancer imaging with FDG
therapy. PET/CT. Suggested indications for FDG PET/CT
I-131 and I-123 imaging may be performed in differentiated thyroid carcinoma are listed in
with either traditional 2-dimensional planar Table 11.2 [37]. Numerous studies have demon-
imaging or use of 3-dimensional SPECT/CT strated a correlation between increasing FDG
which enables direct superimposition of func- avidity and poor prognosis in thyroid cancer. In a
tional and anatomic imaging, providing much retrospective series of 400 patients with meta-
greater specificity and anatomic localisation of static thyroid cancer followed for a median of
focal iodine uptake. Numerous studies confirm 7.9  years, only age and FDG PET results
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 125

Table 11.2  Suggested indications for FDG PET/CT in retains activity of the sodium iodide symporter
differentiated thyroid carcinoma [37]
and iodine avidity (with low-glucose require-
Staging of patients with higher risk of metastatic ments similar to normal cells) with subsequent
loss of iodine avidity and increased FDG avidity
– Hurthle cell and aggressive subtypes of thyroid
cancer (tall cell, poorly differentiated subtypes) in sites of poorly differentiated disease [42]. The
Assessment of patients with metastatic disease dedifferentiation process represents a spectrum
– Theranostic tool to determine suitability for rather than a binary switch, with a substantial pro-
radionuclide therapy by excluding spatially portion of patients (33%) [43] with FDG-avid dis-
discordant iodine-negative/FDG-positive disease ease still retaining Na/I symporter activity. Whilst
– Prognostic tool to identify sites of disease at the
not recommended for all patients, pre-­therapeutic
highest risk for rapid disease progression and also
risk of patient mortality imaging with combined iodine (preferably I-123
Assessment of increasing thyroglobulin level with or I-124) and FDG PET/CT can be utilised in
negative radioiodine imaging high-risk patients with metastatic disease to deter-
Evaluation of post-treatment response of FDG mine the most appropriate therapeutic strategy
PET-positive lesions
directed to the highest grade (i.e. FDG avid) dis-
ease elements. If all disease sites are FDG/iodine
(SUVmax of the most active lesion and number avid, then I-131 therapy is recommended; how-
of FDG-avid lesions) were strong predictors of ever local therapy or systemic tyrosine kinase
survival [38]. Notably the AJCC cancer stage was inhibitors should be considered for patients with
not significant under multivariate analysis. discordant FDG-avid disease [44].
Consequently it was proposed that the real-time In the context of a negative iodine scan and
prognostic value of FDG PET/CT be utilised at increasing Tg level, FDG PET/CT has high accu-
diagnosis of metastatic differentiated thyroid racy for detection of residual or recurrent disease.
cancer to guide the aggressiveness of therapy. A meta-analysis of 165 patients from 6 studies
It is also important to recognise that not all identified a pooled sensitivity of 93.5% and spec-
intensely FDG-avid lesions represent poorly dif- ificity of 83.9% of PET/CT for detecting disease
ferentiated disease. Oncocytic tumours—defined recurrence which was superior to conventional
histologically by the presence of a granular cyto- techniques [45]. The ATA guidelines recommend
plasm due to mitochondrial hyperproliferation a threshold stimulated Tg level of 10 ng/mL for
and described in the thyroid (Hurthle cell), sali- performing FDG PET/CT as a good compromise
vary gland (Warthin’s), kidney and other between sensitivity and specificity [4]. The
organs—are a group of tumours for which intense potential impact of TgAb should also be consid-
FDG avidity represents inherent constitutive acti- ered with lower levels of Tg.
vation of glycolytic pathways rather than a poorly
differentiated phenotype. Loss of the mitochon-
drial respiratory chain complex I has been shown Treatment Options
to be a molecular marker of the oncocytic pheno-
type [39], leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, There are an increasing variety of available treat-
inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation and ment options for metastatic differentiated thyroid
upregulation of glycolytic metabolism. The spe- carcinoma which can be tailored to need of the
cific mechanism of observed intense FDG uptake individual. Personalised medicine involves the
is not elucidated in these tumours; however stratification of patients into different groups on
numerous large series [40] and case reports [41] the basis of the risk of underlying disease or
of FDG-avid incidentalomas have clearly defined ­predicted response to therapies, with the choice
very intense FDG uptake in both benign and depending upon clinical, biochemical, radio-
malignant Hurthle cell tumours of the thyroid. logic, molecular imaging and genetic factors of
A flip-flop phenomenon is also described the patient and their disease. The ATA guidelines
whereby well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma recommended that the hierarchy of treatment for
126 D. A. Pattison et al.

metastatic disease is surgical excision of locore- Radioactive Iodine

gional disease in potentially curable patients,
I-131 therapy for RAI-responsive disease, exter- RAI is selectively taken up via the sodium-iodide
nal beam radiation or other directed treatment symporter within thyroid (or well-differentiated
(such as surgery) for symptomatic, solitary or thyroid carcinoma) cells and undergoes organifi-
otherwise sites at high risk of local complica- cation. During the radioactive decay process with
tions, TSH-suppressive thyroid hormone therapy a half-life of 8 days, emitted beta-particles deposit
alone for patients with stable or slowly progres- energy into adjacent tissue with a mean path
sive asymptomatic disease, and addition of sys- length of 1–2 mm causing radiation-induced cell
temic therapy with multikinase inhibitor therapy death. This combination of exquisite biochemical
for patients with significantly progressive or targeting and physical radioactive properties has
symptomatic macroscopic refractory disease. ensured the ongoing role of RAI in the treatment
The rationale, indications and potential side of thyroid cancer since its first reported use by
effects of these treatments are outlined below. Seidlin et al. in 1948 [48] for a patient with meta-
static functional thyroid carcinoma. There are
three indications for I-131 therapy in thyroid car-
TSH Suppression cinoma: (1) thyroid remnant ablation to destroy
residual thyroid tissue and facilitate follow-up, (2)
TSH suppression is an effective well-tolerated adjuvant therapy to treat suspected residual thy-
treatment for metastatic thyroid carcinoma. It is roid carcinoma and (3) therapy of known residual
defined as the administration of thyroid hormone, or metastatic disease, the focus of this chapter.
usually in the form of oral levothyroxine (LT4),
at doses sufficient to decrease serum thyroid-­  ptimising I-131 Uptake
stimulating hormone (TSH) below the limit of Iodine uptake by the tumour may be optimised by
the normal range without symptomatic thyrotoxi- minimising levels of competing elemental iodine,
cosis. The rationale behind this approach is based via avoidance of large iodine loads (e.g. iodinated
upon the assumption that the growth of residual contrast) for 4–8 weeks, and adherence to a low-
malignant thyroid carcinoma foci is TSH depen- iodine diet for 2 weeks prior to therapy. TSH stim-
dent and thus lower levels of TSH will improve ulation (TSH > 30 mU/L) is utilised to increase
the outcome of disease. No large prospective ran- expression of Na/I symporter expression. Whilst
domised controlled trial has been performed, but there is high-quality evidence confirming non-
a large meta-analysis demonstrated a reduced inferiority for remnant ablation of normal thyroid
risk of major adverse clinical events (disease tissue (and significantly improved quality of life)
recurrence or death) in TSH-suppressed patients using rh-TSH and T4WD stimulation [49], simi-
with thyroid cancer after initial therapy [46]. lar data is not available for TSH stimulation to
Similarly, analysis of the US National Thyroid facilitate I-131 therapy of metastatic disease. In
Cancer Treatment Cooperative Study Group by fact, case reports [50] demonstrate much greater
Jonklaas et  al. [47] clearly demonstrated a sig- iodine uptake assessed by I-124 PET using T4WD
nificant association between TSH suppression than rh-TSH stimulation in the setting of meta-
and overall survival and disease-specific survival static disease. Furthermore, the recent
in stage III/IV high-risk patients. Whilst the risk/ THYROPET study demonstrated reduced iodine
benefit of TSH suppression must be carefully uptake on I-124 PET studies performed under rh-
considered in low-risk patients, the current ATA TSH stimulation compared to T4WD stimulation
guidelines recommend complete TSH suppres- of post-I-131 therapy scans [51]. This is consid-
sion (target <0.1 mU/L) in all patients with meta- ered more likely to reflect differences in biologic
static disease except in the presence of atrial tumour response to TSH stimulation, rather than
fibrillation, when milder suppression to 0.1– technical differences in scan resolution [52]. In
0.5 mU/L may be acceptable. the setting of metastatic disease the ATA guide-
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 127

lines recommend the use of rh-TSH stimulation in was established two decades ago by Maxon et al.
patients with pituitary dysfunction who are unable [53] demonstrating that an absorbed dose of
to raise their serum TSH, those unable to safely 85 Gy in nodal metastatic disease and 300 Gy in
tolerate thyroxine withdrawal (including psychi- thyroid remnants was associated with complete
atric disturbance or active cardiovascular disease) response rates of 80–90%. More recent data
or those in whom a delay in therapy may be dele- using I-124 PET/CT has confirmed similar find-
terious. Patients administered rh-TSH should ings for both nodal and pulmonary metastatic
receive the same or higher activity than they diseases at a dose threshold of 85 Gy [54]; how-
would receive if prepared with hypothyroidism. ever lower response rates were observed for bone
metastases. In fact, doses of 350–650  Gy are
Empiric Versus Dosimetric Therapy required to achieve complete response rates of
Although there is extensive data supporting the 70–80% in bone metastases (at 6 months) attrib-
effectiveness of I-131 therapy for metastatic thy- utable to spatial non-uniformity of these lesions
roid cancer, there is no consensus regarding the and higher tissue density [55]. Complete
optimal administered activity of I-131. The case responses in bone metastases are still achievable
for a dose-response relationship in thyroid cancer in practice as demonstrated in Fig. 11.1. However

a b c

I-124 I-124
FDG Jun 2016 I-131 Nov 2016
Feb 2016 Tg 3194ug/L 11.3 GBq Tg 1.4ug/L

Fig. 11.1  Multiple osseous metastases demonstrate com- tions. Staging FDG PET/CT (a) only demonstrates mild
plete response to I-131 therapy. Fifty-seven-year-old man FDG uptake in right thyroid nodule in addition to right
presented with painful right mandible lesion confirmed as mandible. Many more intensely iodine-avid lesions iden-
follicular thyroid carcinoma metastasis. Upper row and tified on I-124 PET/CT (b) which were all successfully
middle row demonstrate fused axial PET/CT images treated with a complete response to I-131 therapy as evi-
through the pelvis and mandible, respectively, whilst low- dent on follow-up I-124 PET/CT (c) and thyroglobulin
est row demonstrates PET maximum intensity projec- response
128 D. A. Pattison et al.

a focus upon complete response does not recog- In centres with specialised nuclear medicine
nise that partial response or stabilisation of previ- expertise, use of dosimetry to identify a maximal
ously progressive disease represents a favourable tolerable activity aims to limit the dose to the
outcome, or that response to radionuclide therapy bone marrow to 200 cGy, and typically involves
may be incomplete at 6 months. blood samples and whole-body imaging per-
Despite these theoretical advantages, empiric formed at multiple time points to calculate the
amounts of I-131 are used in most centres for clearance of the radionuclide from the blood
pragmatic reasons in the absence of prospective pool. Lesional dosimetry is best performed using
randomised controlled trials comparing differ- I-124 PET/CT to quantitatively identify the
ent dosimetric approaches for treatment of met- absorbed dose of radiation per unit of adminis-
astatic disease. Furthermore, a recent large tered I131 activity, again requiring multiple time-­
retrospective study comparing a dosimetric point imaging. A combination of these two
approach (maximal tolerable activity) to an approaches can prospectively identify the
empiric activity approach in patients with meta- expected dose to key lesions and ensure that
static thyroid cancer showed no significant dif- required administered activities of I-131 do not
ference in overall survival [56]. However, whilst exceed the limit to bone marrow. If adequate
laudable in its scope, interpretation of these tumoricidal dosimetry is not anticipated at criti-
findings is limited by differences in rh-TSH cal sites (e.g. spinal canal), this can be prospec-
stimulation (83% of cases treated with dosimet- tively identified and treated with adjuvant
ric approach received rh-TSH stimulation) and external beam radiotherapy. In such cases it is
significantly different baseline criteria in a preferable to administer EBRT after I-131,
selected population (67% of patients receiving because EBRT can damage tumour microvascu-
empiric therapy were excluded from analysis) lature and thus limit the delivery of I-131 to
of this retrospective study. tumour. Use of dosimetry is favoured when treat-
There are three approaches to I-131 therapy of ing patients with diffuse pulmonary metastatic
metastatic disease: disease to limit the whole-body retention to
80 mCi at 48 h to reduce the potential risk of pul-
1 . Empiric fixed amounts of I-131 monary fibrosis [58].
2. Maximal tolerable dose (activity determined The ATA guidelines provide a weak recom-
by the upper limit of blood and body mendation to consider empiric therapy with 100–
dosimetry) 200  mCi I-131  in patients with significantly
3. Lesional dosimetry (activity determined by
elevated serum Tg levels (>10  ng/mL), rapidly
threshold dose to sites of disease) rising Tg levels or rising Tg antibody levels in
whom conventional imaging has failed to reveal a
Recommended empiric I-131 therapy activity tumour source [4]. Inherent to this approach is a
is 100–200  mCi, or 100–150  mCi in patients recognition of the poor quality of I-131 diagnos-
>70 years or with renal impairment. A limitation tic WBS, such that this approach is less desirable
of administering a fixed activity is the variability in centres where I-124 PET/CT imaging is avail-
in tumour uptake and physiologic clearance, such able. If the post-therapy scan is negative, the
that patients are at risk of either inadequate patient should be considered to have
lesional dosimetry or exceeding the maximal tol- ­RAI-­refractory disease and no RAI should be
erated dose of 200 cGy to bone marrow. In par- administered. This requires a balance of risk of
ticular, empiric activity of 7.4  GBq (200  mCi) high cumulative administered activities and
has been estimated to exceed the MTA in 22–38% uncertain long-term benefits. Although there is
of patients aged >70 years [57]. Therapy may be no maximum allowable cumulative activity, the
repeated (typically at intervals of 3–9  months) risk of the incidence of secondary malignancy
when there is objective evidence of response (increasing after 600  mCi) [59] should be bal-
including decrease in size of lesions or falling Tg. anced against the clinical benefit.
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 129

Surgery Berry’s ligament often contains a tongue of

thyroid tissue extending laterally, deep to the
 rimary Thyroid Surgery in the Setting
P insertion of the recurrent laryngeal nerve under
of Metastatic Differentiated Thyroid the cricopharyngeus muscle. With careful dissec-
Cancer tion, the recurrent laryngeal nerve can be released
DTC is one of the few cancers for which there is and gently displaced laterally with a peanut swab,
strong evidence supporting resection of the pri- allowing all thyroid tissue to be resected.
mary cancer in the setting of metastatic disease. The thyrothymic ligaments and tracheo-­
Total thyroidectomy in the setting of metastatic oesophageal grooves may contain, in addition to
DTC not only achieves local control, but also the central nodes, separate rests of thyroid tissue
maximises delivery of radioactive iodine (RAI) in up to 50% of patients. Surgeons who perform
to iodine-avid metastases. selective, rather than routine, central neck dissec-
Cornerstones of optimal local treatment tion must take care to open the pretracheal fascia
include: enveloping the recurrent laryngeal nerves, as well
as the thyrothymic tracts, and carefully inspect
1. Adequate preoperative nodal staging with
the central compartment for pathological lymph
high-resolution ultrasound in all cases, and nodes and thyroid rests, while preserving the
contrast CT of the neck in cases with evidence inferior parathyroid glands when possible.
of locally advanced disease Careful and meticulous surgical technique
2. Meticulous surgical technique to resect all
during total thyroidectomy for DTC, especially
normal thyroid tissue, close inspection of or in the setting of distant metastases, will optimise
resection of the central lymph nodes and dis- diagnosis and treatment of distant metastatic
section of lateral nodes when lateral metasta- disease.
ses are present
 urgery for Metastatic Disease
Areas deserving special attention during total Complete surgical excision of cerebral and spinal
thyroidectomy include the following key ana- metastases is associated with a better prognosis
tomic sites most commonly responsible for and best option for solitary lesions in non-­
radioiodine uptake in the thyroid bed: the upper eloquent areas [60]. If surgery is deemed to be
poles, pyramidal lobe, Berry’s ligament and thy- very high risk—stereotactic radiosurgery is an
rothymic tract. The occasional patient will have effective option [61]. For multiple brain lesions,
lingual thyroid tissue of which the thyroid sur- RAI (if there is I-131 uptake) or whole-brain irra-
geon is not aware until the post-treatment radio- diation should be considered [62].
iodine scan. Spinal metastases may be asymptomatic and
Upper poles: The terminal branches of the found incidentally on imaging [63, 64], such as in
superior thyroid arteries should be divided on the the patient described in the introduction. With
thyroid capsule, taking care not to amputate any progression of the disease there is likely to be
of the superior pole, including thyroid tissue pain and eventually neurological sequelae like
commonly present postero-supero-medial to the dysaesthesia, radiculopathy, myelopathy, numb-
anterior fascial layer containing the superior ness and/or weakness and potentially sphincter
vessels. dysfunction.
The pyramidal lobe can easily be left behind Depending on the anatomy of the lesion and
if not stringently searched for. All connective extent of other disease, treatment can be curative
tissue should be removed from the anterior sur- if possible or palliative at best. Options include
face of the thyroid cartilage to the level of the selective embolisation, surgery, radioactive abla-
hyoid bone during every thyroid operation, tion, bisphosphonates and small molecular ther-
including isthmusectomy, hemithyroidectomy apy [65]. Depending on the structural integrity of
or total thyroidectomy. the spine, surgical decompression may be ade-
130 D. A. Pattison et al.

quate, but if the vertebral body is affected spinal is a major player in the pathogenesis of thyroid
stabilisation is likely to be required. Ramadan cancer. Elevated levels of vascular endothelial
et al. have noted that there is increased survival growth factor (VEGF) are associated with larger
with RAI avidity and complete bone metastasis tumour size, lymphatic metastasis and poorer
resection, and support aggressive treatment espe- prognosis in DTC [69, 70]. In addition to target-
cially for patients younger than 45 years [66]. ing the MAPK and the PI3K-AKT pathways,
Lung metastases are typically multiple and VEGF inhibition is also a common target for most
bilateral, and hence there is no role for surgical of the TKIs that have been evaluated in DTC.
 pproved Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
for RAI-Refractory DTC
 xternal Radiotherapy for Distant
E To date, the US Food and Drug Administration
Metastases (FDA) has approved two multi-targeted TKI,
sorafenib and lenvatinib, for the treatment of
Local treatment modalities such as external RAI-R advanced DTC based on improvement in
radiotherapy (stereotactic radiotherapy or exter- progression-free survival in two pivotal ran-
nal beam radiotherapy) have important selected domised placebo-controlled phase III trials
roles in the treatment of metastatic disease prior (Table  11.3) [71, 72]. Notably, neither of these
to initiation of systemic treatment in the setting studies has demonstrated a significant overall
of individual symptomatic metastases or those at survival benefit of TKI treatment, likely due to a
high risk of local complications. External radio- large proportion of the patients in the placebo
therapy may also potentially be utilised in the set- arm who crossed over to receive active treatment
ting of progression of a single lesion with after disease progression.
otherwise controlled disease on systemic therapy.
The principle of external radiotherapy is selective Sorafenib
treatment of a lesion for local disease control Sorafenib is the first TKI to be evaluated in a ran-
with relatively few side effects. This may be domised phase III trial (DECISION trial) for
selectively utilised in treatment of metastases to RAI-R locally advanced or metastatic
the brain, lung, liver and bone. If safe and practi- DTC. Sorafenib is an oral multi-targeted TKI of
cal, it is recommended that RAI therapy is admin- VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3; RET
istered prior to external radiotherapy to augment (including RET/PTC); RAF (including
the local radiation dose. BRAFV600E); and platelet-derived growth factor
receptor β [73, 74]. The efficacy of this agent for
the treatment of advanced or metastatic thyroid
Management of Radioactive-Iodine cancer was evaluated in two open-label phase II
Refractory Disease studies, showing promising response rates of
15–23% and median progression-free survival
Systemic Therapy (PFS) of over 12 months [75, 76]. This led to the
Cytotoxic chemotherapies based on doxorubicin landmark international randomised placebo-­
and cisplatin have yielded little clinical benefit controlled phase III DECISION trial, where 417
and significant toxicities in patients with meta- TKI-naïve patients with RAI-R locally advanced
static DTC [67, 68]. Recent advances in our or metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer that
understanding of the major signalling pathways had progressed within the past 14  months were
and various tyrosine kinases implicated in DTC randomised on a 1:1 ratio to sorafenib (400 mg
tumorigenesis have led to the development of twice daily) or placebo. Upon protocol-defined
multiple tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) in RAI-­ progression, patients from both groups were
refractory (RIA-R) DTC.  Thyroid cancers are allowed to be treated with open-label sorafenib at
highly vascularised and the angiogenesis pathway investigator’s discretion.
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 131

Table 11.3  Summary of completed phase III clinical trials with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in RAI-refractory DTC
Characteristics DECISION trial (sorafenib) SELECT trial (lenvatinib)
Sample size 417 392
Randomisation 1:1 2:1
Primary outcome Progression-­free survival Progression-­free survival
Key inclusion criteria RECIST progression within RECIST progression within
14 months confirmed by local 12 months confirmed by
radiologists independent central review
Prior anti-­VEGFR treatment Not allowed One prior TKI allowed
Crossover post-progression Open-label sorafenib allowed for Open-label lenvatinib allowed for
both active and placebo arms placebo arm only
Median progression-free survival (TKI 10.8 vs. 5.8 months (HR 0.59; 95% 18.3 vs. 3.6 months (HR 0.21; 95%
vs. placebo) CI 0.45–0.76) CI 0.14–0.31)
Overall survival (TKI vs. placebo) No difference No difference
Objective response rate (TKI vs. 12.2% vs. 0.5% 64.8% vs. 1.5%
Median treatment duration active arm 10.6 months (5.3–15.7) 13.8 months
Drug dose Start dose 800 mg/day Start dose 24 mg/day
Mean dose 651 mg/day Mean dose 17.2 mg/day
Drug interruption, active arm 66.2% 82.4%
Dose reduction, active arm 64.3% 67.8%
Serious AE, treatment related 37.2% 30.3%
Fatal AE, treatment related 0.5% 2.3%
Most common AE occurring in ≥30% Hand-foot skin reaction Hypertension (67.8/41.8%)
of patients in active arm (all (76.3/20.3%) Diarrhoea (59.4/8.0%)
grade/≥G3) Diarrhoea (68.6/5.8%) Fatigue (59.0/9.2%)
Alopecia (67.1%/-) Decreased appetite (50.2/5.4%)
Rash or desquamation (50.2/4.8%) Decreased weight (46.4/9.6%)
Fatigue (49.8/5.3%) Nausea (41.0/2.3%)
Weight loss (46.9/5.8%) Stomatitis (35.6/4.2%)
Hypertension (40.6/9.7%) Hand-foot skin reaction
Anorexia (31.9/2.4%) (31.8/3.4%)
Proteinuria (31.0/10.0%)
Most common reason for drug Hand-foot skin reaction Diarrhoea
interruptions or reductions

The DECISION study demonstrated a signifi- graphic progression [77]. For patients initially
cant improvement in median PFS of 5  months treated with placebo and then crossed over to
for patients treated with sorafenib compared receive open-label sorafenib, the observed
with placebo (10.8 vs. 5.8  months; HR 0.59, response rate of 9.5% and median PFS of
95% CI 0.45–0.76). Objective response rates of 9.6  months were comparable to patients who
12.2% and 0.5% were observed in the sorafenib received sorafenib at the beginning of the trial
and placebo groups, respectively. The median (response rate of 12.2% and PFS of 10.8 months).
duration of response for patients who achieved a Though not definitive, this finding suggests that
partial response to sorafenib was 10.2 months. A delaying treatment initiation may not signifi-
large proportion of patients (71.4%) receiving cantly impact the clinical benefit derived from
placebo subsequently crossed over to receive sorafenib treatment. Interestingly, patients who
sorafenib at disease progression. A subsequent continued open-label sorafenib beyond progres-
exploratory analysis of the outcomes of patients sion achieved a further 6.7 months of PFS, indi-
treated with open-label sorafenib after protocol- cating that sorafenib may continue to slow
defined progression provided some insights into cancer growth despite radiological evidence of
delayed treatment and treatment beyond radio- tumour progression.
132 D. A. Pattison et al.

Lenvatinib will still derive benefit from delayed treatment

Lenvatinib is the second TKI that has been with this agent albeit to a smaller extent com-
approved by FDA for the treatment of RAI-R pared to those who started treatment earlier.
advanced DTC. It is another oral multi-targeted
TKI with a different but overlapping mechanism  anagement of Common Drug
of action to sorafenib, inhibiting VEGFR1-3, Toxicities
FGFR1-4, RET, KIT and platelet-derived growth Drug-related toxicities and dose adjustments are
factor signalling [78, 79]. In a phase II study common in both the DECISION and SELECT
involving 58 patients with RAI-R advanced DTC trials. The most frequent drug-related adverse
treated with lenvatinib, an impressive response events for sorafenib and lenvatinib in these ran-
rate of 50% and median PFS of 12.6 months were domised trials are listed in Table  11.3. Most of
observed [80]. Of note, the response rate for the side effects are common to other TKIs, such
patients who had received previous VEGF ther- as diarrhoea, fatigue, anorexia, hand-foot skin
apy was 59%. These results prompted the phase reaction and hypertension. The majority of the
III, randomised, placebo-controlled, multicentre adverse events are mild to moderate, with severe
SELECT study where 392 patients with RAI-R or life-threatening toxicities occurring in <10%
locally advanced or metastatic differentiated thy- of cases, except for severe hand-foot skin reac-
roid cancer that had progressed within the past tion (20.3% of sorafenib-treated patients) and
12 months were assigned in a 2:1 ratio to lenva- severe hypertension (41.8% of lenvatinib-treated
tinib (24  mg daily) or placebo [72]. Unlike the patients). Deaths resulting from drug-related tox-
DECISION trial, this study included patients icities were rare (0.5% for sorafenib and 2.3% for
with and without prior TKI exposure, and only lenvatinib). Nonetheless, approximately 65% of
patients in the placebo group were allowed to patients required at least one dose reduction in
receive open-label lenvatinib after protocol-­ both trials, highlighting the poor tolerability of
defined progression. The primary end point was these TKIs at the approved starting dose. In light
PFS as assessed by independent central radio- of this, a post-approval open-label, randomised,
logical assessment. expanded access programme with lenvatinib at
The median PFS was 14.7  months longer in starting doses of 24, 20 or 14  mg is currently
patients treated with lenvatinib than placebo underway to evaluate the tolerability and efficacy
(18.3 vs. 3.6 months; hazard ratio, 0.21; 99% CI, of lower doses of drug (NCT02211222).
0.14–0.31), with all pre-specified subgroups The optimal management of side effects aris-
(defined according to age, sex, race or ethnic ing from TKI treatment is essential to prevent
group, prior treatment or no prior treatment with premature or avoidable dose reduction or drug
a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, geographic region, cessation. Critical to this are patient education
histologic subtypes, BRAF or RAS mutation sta- and frequent clinical reviews, especially during
tus, and baseline thyrotropin levels) deriving ben- the first 2 months of treatment. Patients should be
efit from lenvatinib treatment. An unprecedented encouraged to report any side effects as early as
response rate of 64.8% was observed with lenva- possible so that appropriate supportive care man-
tinib compared to only 1.5% in the placebo group agement can be instituted. A dedicated nurse-led
(odds ratio, 28.87; 95% CI, 12.46–66.86). The symptom management clinic could be utilised to
median time to response in patients treated with provide early assessment and management of
lenvatinib was 2  months, which is at the first side effects. Whenever possible, side effects
restaging imaging, suggesting that most responses should be managed with supportive management
occurred early during treatment. The median PFS or dose interruption, before consideration is
and response rate for patients who entered the given to dose reduction. For prevention of hand-­
open-label phase of the study, i.e. those who foot skin reaction, patients should be instructed
received delayed lenvatinib treatment, were to wear comfortable shoes, avoid direct sun expo-
10.1 months and 52.3%, suggesting that patients sure and chemical irritant, and use urea-based
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 133

moisturiser. Patients should be advised to avoid ment-related side effects, and that treatment
food that could worsen diarrhoea such as caf- can improve disease control and potentially
feine, dairy and greasy food, and to have antidiar- survival, but is not curative. A significant pro-
rhoeal medication such as loperamide on hand portion of patients with RAI-R DTC can have a
prior to starting treatment. Blood pressure should relatively long life expectancy with minimal
be well controlled prior to treatment with lenva- symptoms despite the presence of metastatic
tinib or sorafenib, and should be monitored fre- disease, underscoring the importance of the
quently during treatment (every 2 weeks for the timing of treatment initiation in order to
first 2 months, then monthly thereafter). TKI achieve the optimum balance of quality and
should be withheld and antihypertensive therapy quantity of life. At present, there is no evidence
optimised if systolic blood pressure is to suggest that earlier treatment offers more
≥160  mmHg or diastolic blood pressure is clinical benefit than delayed treatment.
≥100  mmHg. Treatment can be resumed at a Several disease and patient factors should be
reduced dose when systolic blood pressure is considered when deciding to initiate systemic
≤150  mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is treatment [4]. Disease factors to consider include
≤95 mmHg. As proteinuria is a common adverse the rate and pattern (focal vs. diffuse) of tumour
event for lenvatinib, patients treated with this progression, tumour burden, symptoms, risk of
TKI should have regular assessment of random local complications where the tumour is threaten-
urine protein-to-creatinine ratio. However, man- ing vital structures (e.g. airways, spinal cord,
agement of side effects such as fatigue and main blood vessels) and whether the progressing
anorexia can be challenging without resorting to tumour can be managed with locally directed
dose reduction. therapy (e.g. surgery, radiotherapy) (Table 11.4).
Patient factors such as comorbidities (e.g. poorly
 electing Patients for Targeted
S controlled hypertension, issue with gastrointesti-
Therapies nal absorption, recent tracheal radiation), ade-
Clinical trial evidence suggested that patients quacy of baseline performance status and
who benefited from TKI treatment were those individual wishes are equally important in the
with radiologically measurable RAI-R pro- decision-making process. Patients who are man-
gressive disease within the last 12–14 months. aged by the “delayed treatment” approach should
Although these criteria are helpful to guide be monitored regularly with symptom assess-
patient selection for systemic TKI treatment in ment and structural imaging, initially every
routine practice, they are not sufficient to 3–6 months, until the rate of progression is estab-
determine if an individual patient is a good lished. Finally, shared decision-making between
candidate for treatment. When considering a the treating clinician and patient regarding the
patient with RAI-R DTC for TKI treatment, we best timing to initiate treatment is critical in
have to bear in mind the variable natural his- ensuring patient’s compliance to their surveil-
tory of this disease, the high incidence of treat- lance and treatment programme.

Table 11.4  Disease factors to be assessed when considering TKI treatment

Disease factors Treatment indication
Rate of disease progression Evidence of RECIST progression in the past 12 months
Pattern of disease progression (diffuse Evidence of diffuse progression (i.e. multiple lesions enlarging)
vs. focal)
Tumour burden Multiple lesions at least 1 cm in size
Disease-related symptoms Symptomatic disease that is not amenable to focal therapy (e.g.
dyspnoea, diffuse painful bony metastases)
Risk of imminent local complications Risk of tumour progression threatening vital structures within 6 months
(e.g. lung lesions or lymphadenopathy invading airways or main blood
vessels, bone lesions causing spinal cord compression)
134 D. A. Pattison et al.

 ther Emerging Systemic Treatment

O potential target that is druggable is the ALK rear-
Options for RAI-Refractory Disease rangement. An interesting case was recently
There are ongoing efforts to further improve on reported of an impressive response to crizotinib
current systemic treatment or to develop addi- in a patient with metastatic anaplastic thyroid
tional treatment approach in RAI-R advanced cancer harbouring the ALK rearrangement [87].
DTC.  In addition to sorafenib and lenvatinib, This treatment strategy could also be explored in
other multi-targeted TKIs such as pazopanib, advanced PTC with ALK rearrangement.
axitinib, motesanib and vandetanib have shown Finally, immunotherapies with checkpoint
clinical activity in phase II trials with median inhibitors (e.g. PD-1 or PD-L1), which have
PFS ranging from 10 to 16.1 months [81–84]. shown great promise in other malignancies, are
Another personalised approach that has been currently being investigated in advanced
investigated involves specific targeting of driver DTC. The preliminary results from the phase Ib
mutation in thyroid cancer, such as the use of KEYNOTE-028 study, investigating pembroli-
BRAFV600E inhibitor in BRAFV600E mutant PTC zumab (anti-PD-1 antibody) in advanced DTC,
(Fig. 11.2). The first report in the literature of the were presented recently at the 2016 ASCO annual
use of a BRAF inhibitor to treat thyroid cancer meeting [88]. Of the 22 DTC patients enrolled,
was the first-in-man phase I study of vemurafenib partial response was observed in 9.1% and stable
[85]. A partial response was seen in one patient disease rate was 54.5%. Median duration of
with BRAFV600E mutant PTC and stable disease in response was not yet reached (range, 35.3–44.1+
two other patients. This led to an open-label week) by the data cut-off. The clinical benefit of
phase II trial of vemurafenib in patients with pembrolizumab in advanced DTC will be further
RAI-R BRAFV600E mutant PTC [86]. Partial explored in the phase II KEYNOTE-158 trial
responses were observed in 38.5% of patients (NCT02628067).
who are VEGFR inhibitor naïve, and 27.3% in
patients who have been exposed to VEGFR Redifferentiation Therapy
inhibitor. Median PFS was 18.2  months and A novel approach to treat non-iodine-avid dis-
8.9  months in the respective cohorts. Another ease is to increase sodium-iodide symporter

a b

Fig. 11.2 CT chest of a patient with BRAFV600E mutant loculated left-sided pleural effusion. (b) Imaging 2 months
metastatic papillary thyroid cancer treated with a BRAF after commencing treatment showing significant decrease in
inhibitor. (a) Imaging at baseline prior to commencement of both number and size of the bilateral pulmonary metastasis
treatment demonstrating widespread lung metastases and and decrease in volume of the left-sided pleural effusion
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 135

Fig. 11.3  Example of redifferentiation therapy using tra- avid on baseline TSH-stimulated I-123 SPECT/CT
metinib. Sixty-year-old woman with RAS-mutant meta- images (lower images). Repeat TSH-stimulated I-124
static follicular thyroid carcinoma had iodine refractory PET/CT after 4-week trametinib therapy (upper images)
metastatic disease, with progressive pulmonary metasta- induces very intense uptake associated with multiple mor-
ses despite repeated I-131 therapy. These are minimally phologically stable pulmonary metastases

expression on thyroid cancer cells to facilitate ment with I-131 therapy. Prospective dosimetry
I-131 therapy (Fig. 11.3). Ho et al. have clearly using I-124 PET/CT is clearly valuable in this
demonstrated this principle of redifferentiation setting to determine response to redifferentiation
therapy by administering a 4-week course of therapy and determine suitability for I-131.
selumetinib, a MEK inhibitor, followed by I-124
PET/CT to confirm adequate lesional dosimetry Conclusion
[89]. Eight of 20 patients demonstrated adequate Patients with metastatic DTC can often look
I-124 uptake for treatment, including all 5 forward to a reasonable life expectancy, and
patients with NRAS mutations, resulting in a should ideally be managed in an expert multi-
mean reduction in Tg of 89%, and structural disciplinary team, with treatment tailored to
response of partial response in 5 cases and stable their individual risk profile. Treatment for
disease maintained in 3 cases. A similar approach metastases may include surgery, radioiodine,
has been used with the BRAF inhibitor dab- external beam radiation or TKIs. Returning to
rafenib in ten patients with BRAF V600E-mutant the case outlined in the introduction, urgent
iodine refractory thyroid cancer, with 60% dem- surgical decompression and stabilisation of
onstrating new iodine uptake amenable to treat- the vertebral metastasis were performed first.
136 D. A. Pattison et al.

a b c

Feb 2015 Aug 2015 May 2016

I-131 Tg 2150ug/L EBRT Tg 300ug/L
Tg 8000ug/L
11.3 GBq

Fig. 11.4  External beam radiotherapy to augment dose radioactive iodine therapy (11.3  GBq) administered
from radioactive iodine to critical lesions. Seventy-one-­ immediately after image (a). Favourable scintigraphic
year-old man with a series of I-124 PET/CT fused axial and biochemical response seen on image (b)
images (upper row) and PET maximum intensity pro- (+6 months), with 75% reduction in Stim Tg. External
jections (bottom row). Treatment prior to image (a) beam radiotherapy (EBRT) was then administered
(baseline) involved surgical stabilisation of critical T8 before image (c) (+15  months) confirmed complete
metastasis and total thyroidectomy, with high-dose response at T8 lesion

Total thyroidectomy was then undertaken to medicine and radiation oncology) and the role
facilitate radioactive iodine therapy, confirm- of molecular imaging using FDG and I-124
ing a 35 mm follicular thyroid carcinoma with PET/CT to characterise and assist rational
lymphovascular invasion. I-124 PET/CT therapeutic decision-making. Other important
imaging was used to guide high-dose treat- considerations include the role of pre-therapy
ment with radioactive iodine and to measure I-124 imaging to avoid radioactive iodine
response. External beam radiotherapy to the when not required, and use of dosimetry to
spinal metastasis was subsequently adminis- optimise the administered activity in the set-
tered to augment the radiation dose to this ting of metastatic disease. In patients with
critical lesion with excellent clinical, bio- RAI-R DTC, TKI treatment can improve dis-
chemical and scintigraphic response ease control and potentially survival, but has a
(Fig.  11.4). This case highlights the impor- high incidence of side effects, and is not cura-
tance of multidisciplinary treatment of meta- tive. It should therefore be used only for
static thyroid cancer (surgery, nuclear symptomatic, progressive disease.
11  Management of Distant Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 137

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Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Siddhartha Chakravarthy
and Paul Mazhuvanchary Jacob

Introduction Epidemiology and Aetiology

Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) which origi- Many sources report that it accounts for 3–5% of
nates from the parafollicular C cells of the thyroid thyroid cancers. The current SEER (Surveillance,
gland belongs to the group of neuroendocrine Epidemiology, and End Results) data report
tumours, unrelated to the majority of thyroid tumours states that MTC constitutes only 1–2% due to the
of follicular cell origin. It was first described as a relative increase in the papillary carcinoma of
separate entity with the term ‘medullary’ by Hazard thyroid (PTC) over the last three decades [4].
and colleagues in 1959 as a ‘solid, non-follicular Majority of the patients (75%) have sporadic
­histologic pattern, the presence of amyloid in the MTC and 25% have hereditary MTC. The famil-
stroma and a high incidence of lymph node metasta- ial form is transmitted in the autosomal dominant
sis’ [1]. The C cells are neuroectodermal in origin pattern.
and are concentrated in the junction of upper and Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma is
middle third of the thyroid lobes. They secrete caused by the genetic mutation in ‘rearranged
­calcitonin and other substances, including carcino- during transfection’ (RET) proto-oncogene
embryonic antigen (CEA), adrenocortical stimulat- located in chromosome 10q11.2. RET proto-
ing hormone (ACTH), histaminases, serotonin and oncogene, discovered by Takahashi and col-
chromogranin [2, 3]. The important secretory prod- leagues in 1985, encodes a transmembrane
ucts are calcitonin and CEA for use as diagnostic receptor tyrosine kinase that is expressed in
and prognostic tumour markers and their serum con- derivatives of the neural crest, including neural
centrations are directly related to the C-cell mass. crest derived tumours such as MTC and pheo-
The discovery of a genetic basis with a strong chromocytoma [5, 6]. The hereditary forms con-
genotype–phenotype link has revolutionised the
­ stitute the type 2 multiple endocrine neoplasia
management of familial forms of medullary thyroid syndromes—MEN 2A and B.
carcinoma. Improvements in management of famil-
ial disease, pathological and surgical expertise and 1. MEN 2A has four variants:
availability of newer modalities of therapy have (a) Classical MEN 2A—all patients develop
raised the survival rates in the recent decades. MTC, clinically detectable in 25% by age
13 increasing to 70% by age 70; the stimu-
S. Chakravarthy · P. M. Jacob (*) lation test for calcitonin is positive in 95%
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Christian Medical by age 30. Currently the gene test recom-
College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India mended by age 5 determines all subjects at

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 141

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
142 S. Chakravarthy and P. M. Jacob

Fig. 12.1  MEN 2B

phenotype with
marfanoid habitus and
oral mucosal neuromas
causing thickened lips
and tongue

risk. This eliminates the likelihood in 50%

of first-degree relatives and obviates the
need for close follow-up and fear of the
disease. Pheochromocytoma occurs in up
to 50% usually after the age of 10  years
and occurs more frequently in carriers of
exon 10 mutation than exon 11. They are
bilateral in up to 50% and mainly produce
adrenaline. Hyperparathyroidism is seen in
up to 30% usually by the third decade of
life; less frequently seen in exon 10 muta-
tion. The disease is commonly caused by
Fig. 12.2  Cutaneous lichenoid amyloidosis in a patient
parathyroid hyperplasia and develops with MEN 2A
slowly, mild and asymptomatic.
(b) MEN 2A with cutaneous lichenoid amy- sis), generalised ganglioneuromatosis of the
loidosis (CLA)—in patients with codon entire aerodigestive tract (causing symptoms
634 mutations a pruritic, pigmented, pap- of bloating, constipation and diarrhoea) and
ular lesion develops on the upper back ophthalmological abnormalities (thickened
early in life preceding the C-cell and everted eyelids, mild ptosis and promi-
hyperplasia. nent corneal nerves). (See Figs. 12.1 and
(c) MEN 2A with Hirschsprung’s disease 12.2). Pheochromocytoma develops in about
(HD)—in patients with exon 10 point 50%. The majority of cases present as spo-
mutation, this can be seen in 7% of radic disease with de novo mutations causing
cases. delayed diagnosis with metastatic disease and
(d) Familial MTC—these patients manifest
poor prognosis.
only medullary cancer in all the gene
carriers. Virtually all hereditary patients have RET
2. MEN 2B syndrome is a more aggressive dis- germline mutations and approximately 50% of
ease with early onset of MTC, with a unique sporadic MTCs have somatic RET mutations
phenotype including skeletal abnormalities [7–9]. Other mutations in the HRAS, KRAS and
(marfanoid habitus, long narrow facies, high less commonly NRAS genes were found in
arched palate, pectus excavatum, scoliosis, 18–80% of sporadic MTC lacking RET muta-
pes cavus and slipped femoral capital epiphy- tions [10].
12  Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma 143

 creening for Familial Disease

S analysis must be offered to all first-degree rela-
and Recommendations tives who are ‘at risk’ and RET analysis in the
for Intervention relatives could be limited to screening only the
affected codon.
All patients with MTC and first-degree kindred Children with a RET codon M918 (ATA-HST
of patients with known mutation should be category) should have prophylactic thyroidec-
advised RET germline mutation analysis. In tomy in the first year of life. Children in ATA-H
hereditary MTC there is a distinct age-related category should have thyroidectomy at age
progression from C-cell hyperplasia (CCH) to 5 years, or earlier based on the detection of ele-
MTC and to loco-regional and distant metastasis. vated serum calcitonin levels. Children in the
This occurs over months to years and depends on ATA-MOD category are less aggressive and need
the type of RET mutation [11]. The term ‘pro- monitoring with physical examination, ultra-
phylactic thyroidectomy’ is removal of thyroid sound (USG) of neck and measurement of serum
gland before the development of MTC or while it calcitonin. They need thyroidectomy when there
is clinically unapparent and confined to the gland is elevation of serum calcitonin or development
to offer the best chance of cure. of nodules on USG [10, 11, 13].
The 2015 ATA guidelines recommend cate-
gorising hereditary MTC into three groups based
on aggressiveness and age of onset—‘moderate Clinical Features of MTC
risk’ (MOD), ‘high risk’ (H) and ‘highest risk’
(HST) (Table 12.1). The patients with MEN 2B The most common clinical presentation of MTC
and RET codon M918T mutation are included in is the appearance of a solitary thyroid nodule;
‘highest risk’. The ‘high-risk’ category includes other presentations include a multinodular goitre
patients with MEN 2A and RET codon C634 or or incidental finding on neck imaging. Sporadic
883 mutation. The ‘moderate-risk’ category and MTC is the most common form and most patients
includes all patients with hereditary MTC and are asymptomatic, presenting with a solitary thy-
RET codon mutations other than M918T and roid nodule (75–95%) [14, 15] or a multinodular
C634 [12]. goitre with or without palpable lymph nodes.
Patients with no special clinical features can Neck lymph node enlargement is present in 50%
be tested in a multi-tiered approach, first for of cases reflecting the aggressive pattern of lym-
RET mutations in exons 10 and 11 which will phatic spread. Rarely, diarrhoea can be a parane-
help in detecting the five most frequently oplastic presenting symptom caused by peptide
mutated codons (C634R, C609, C611, C618, co-secretion from advanced tumour as also
C620); if these are negative, then testing is done Cushing’s syndrome when ACTH is produced in
for exons 8 and 13–16. Once a germline muta- excess by the malignant C cells. Some patients
tion is detected in a patient, RET mutational present with systemic metastasis with symptoms

Table 12.1  ATA guidelines on timing of prophylactic surgery based on codon mutation
ATA risk level Moderate (MOD) High (H) Highest (HST)
Codon mutation 321, 532, 533, 609, 611, 618, 620, 634, 883 918
630, 631, 635, 649, 666, 768, 790,
791, 804, 844, 891, 912
MTC age of onset Adult <5 years First year of life
Timing of When serum calcitonin becomes Consider at <5 years. As early as possible/in the
prophylactic elevated/earlier if family chooses Based on serum first year of life whichever
surgery calcitonin levels is earlier
144 S. Chakravarthy and P. M. Jacob

of hormonal excess, i.e. diarrhoea and flushing and can have smaller hyperechoic foci, which his-
secondary to increased calcitonin levels. Clinical tologically represent microcalcifications in con-
features of hereditary MTC are described junction with amyloid deposits [21]. The USG
elsewhere. features of MTC are not much different from PTC
and can have a solid internal content, an ovoid to
round shape, marked hypoechogenicity and calci-
Diagnosis fications [22]. Ultrasound also helps in assessing
the suspicious central and lateral compartment
The diagnosis of MTC is usually made by fine- lymph nodes. Contrast-enhanced computer
needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The tomography (CECT) of neck and thorax is done in
sensitivity of FNAC varies from 50 to 80%.
­ patients with serum calcitonin >500 pg/mL and in
Calcitonin can be measured in the washout fluid patients with extensive neck disease.
of the needle aspirate and these malignant cells
are usually positive for immunoreactivity for cal-
citonin, CEA, chromogranin, synaptophysin and Pathology
TTF and negative for thyroglobulin [16, 17].
Fine-needle aspiration sample typically shows Macroscopically, the tumour is firm in consis-
moderate to marked cellularity. Cells are plasmacy- tency and chalky white or red in colour; typically
toid, polygonal, round and/or spindle shaped. it is located at the junction of upper and middle
Nuclei are round and often eccentrically placed, thirds of the thyroid lobe. Histopathologic
with fine or coarse granular (‘salt and pepper’) chro- appearance shows sheets of spindle, round or
matin. Amyloid is seen in 50–80% of cases [18, 19]. polygonal shaped cells separated by fibrous
In the event FNAC is suspicious, but not diag- stroma forming a solid trabecular or variable pat-
nostic of MTC, serum calcitonin elevation is sen- tern. The cytoplasm is eosinophilic with fine
sitive in detecting the disease. Once the diagnosis granular appearance and the nuclei are typically
of MTC is made, serum calcitonin and CEA uniform with rare mitotic figures. The diagnosis
should be measured. The latest immunochemilu- of MTC is confirmed if there is a positive staining
minometric assays for measuring serum calcito- for both calcitonin and CEA. C-cell hyperplasia
nin are highly sensitive and specific. The role of is detected in hereditary MTC on immunostain-
the traditional provocative tests using intravenous ing as the first histological change. Bilateral CCH
calcium and pentagastrin to measure calcitonin is seen in almost all cases of MTC in MEN 2. The
levels may not be necessary in the era of widely current TNM staging is detailed in the table
available testing for genetic mutation [20]. below (Table 12.2).
Genetic testing for germline RET mutation is
recommended in all patients. In hereditary MTC,
24-h urine metanephrines and normetanephrines Treatment of MTC
or plasma metanephrines and normetanephrines
must be done to exclude pheochromocytoma. The differentiation into sporadic and hereditary
The presence of hyperparathyroidism is excluded disease is important in these patients.
by measuring serum calcium, phosphorus and In hereditary patients, presence of pheochro-
albumin. mocytoma and primary hyperparathyroidism
should be looked for prior to surgery by checking
the 24-h urinary metanephrines, normetaneph-
Preoperative Imaging rines and serum calcium screening. Due to the
risk of hypertensive crisis, pheochromocytoma
Ultrasound of the neck is a basic investigation for should be operated first, followed by surgery for
evaluating a thyroid nodule. It identifies the MTC. Hyperparathyroidism can be treated surgi-
suspicious thyroid nodule which is hypoechoic
­ cally along with the thyroidectomy for MTC.
12  Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma 145

Table 12.2  Staging of MTC by American Joint Committee on cancer TNM classification
Primary tumour (T)a
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumour
T1 Tumour 2 cm or less in greatest dimension, limited to the thyroid
T1a Tumour 1 cm or less, limited to the thyroid
T1b Tumour more than 1 cm, but not more than 2 cm, in greatest dimension, limited to the thyroid
T2 Tumour more than 2 cm, but not more than 4 cm, in greatest dimension, limited to the thyroid
T3 Tumour more than 4 cm in greatest dimension limited to the thyroid, or any tumour with minimal
extrathyroid extension (e.g. extension to sternothyroid muscle or perithyroid soft tissues)
T4a Moderately advanced disease; tumour of any size extending beyond the thyroid capsule to invade
subcutaneous soft tissues, larynx, trachea, oesophagus or recurrent laryngeal nerve
T4b Very advanced disease; tumour invades prevertebral fascia or encases carotid artery or mediastinal
Regional lymph nodes (N)b
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Regional lymph node metastasis
N1a Metastases to level VI (pretracheal, paratracheal and prelaryngeal/Delphian lymph nodes)
N1b Metastasis to unilateral, bilateral or contralateral cervical (levels I, II, III, IV or V) or
retropharyngeal or superior mediastinal lymph nodes (level VII)
Distant metastasis
M0 No distant metastasis
M1 Distant metastasis
Stage I T1 N0 M0
Stage II T2 N0 M0
T3 N0 M0
Stage III T1 N1a M0
T2 N1a M0
T3 N1a M0
Stage IVA T4a N0 M0
T4a N1a M0
T1 N1b M0
T2 N1b M0
T3 N1b M0
T4a N1b M0
Stage IVB T4b Any N M0
Stage IVC Any T Any N M1
From the 7th Edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual
All categories may be subdivided: (s) solitary tumour and (m) multifocal tumour (the largest determines the
Regional lymph nodes are the central compartment and the lateral cervical and upper mediastinal lymph node

Surgery offers the only chance of cure in While doing the lateral neck dissection, contra-
patients with MTC. When the disease is confined lateral lymph nodal dissection can be considered
to the thyroid gland, total thyroidectomy and cen- with basal calcitonin levels greater than 200 pg/
tral compartmental lymph nodal dissection mL, and tumour greater than 1 cm, or with mul-
should be done. If there are significant or suspi- tiple central compartmental lymph node metasta-
cious lateral lymph nodes on ultrasound, level II ses [23–26]. The rate of lymph nodal metastasis
to V nodes should be meticulously dissected. correlates with the size of the primary thyroid
146 S. Chakravarthy and P. M. Jacob

tumour (pT1 33%, pT2 53%, pT3 100%, pT4

100%). Mediastinal lymph nodal involvement is
found in 50% of pT4 cases [27]. Sternotomy is
required in selected patients to remove mediasti-
nal disease (Fig.  12.3). Surgical excision is the
only effective form of treatment for lymph nodal
metastasis. Dralle has advocated that in node-
positive patients a systematic lymphadenectomy
has a higher (29.2%) chance of post-operative
normalisation of serum calcitonin, and then a
selective neck dissection (8.5%) [28].
When medullary carcinoma of thyroid is diag-
nosed after a lobectomy, completion thyroidec-
tomy may not be required in sporadic patients
with normal post-operative calcitonin level and
normal lobe on USG because contralateral dis-
ease is rare (0–9%) [26]. Completion thyroidec-
tomy with prophylactic central compartment
neck dissection is required in patients who have
hereditary disease, C-cell hyperplasia, an abnor- Fig. 12.3  Dissection specimen of locally advanced MTC
showing multifocal thyroid primary with multiple central,
mal remnant lobe on USG or elevated post-oper- lateral and mediastinal lymph nodes
ative calcitonin (Fig. 12.2).
In the presence of extensive local disease or
systemic disease, less aggressive surgery in the most effective [30, 31]. Isotope ablation tech-
neck is advisable with the focus on preserving niques using 131I-MIBG or 90Yttrium have been
speech, swallowing and shoulder mobility func- used with low response rates and are utilised in
tions. It is not possible in most patients with thy- some centres.
roid and lymph nodal disease to cure the patient; Tyrosine kinase inhibitors more recently repre-
however a thorough compartment-based lymph sent a relevant therapeutic option for treatment of
node dissection at surgery is still advisable to pre- locally advanced or metastatic disease. Currently
vent local recurrence and attendant functional vandetanib and cabozantinib have FDA approval;
compromise (Fig. 12.3). additionally other inhibitors like sorafenib, suni-
The role of local external beam radiation ther- tinib, motesanib and axitinib may be considered
apy (EBRT) is to reduce the risk of local recur- according to availability and affordability in the
rence in the neck in the presence of gross residual local context. These drugs have been shown to
disease, extrathyroidal invasion and extensive increase progression-free survival compared to
lymph nodal involvement; it does not improve placebo; however with time the disease becomes
overall survival as noted in the evaluation of the resistant; combination ­therapeutic strategy using
SEER data on use of EBRT in MTC with lymph TKI drugs against RET and VEGFR targets offers
nodal disease [29]. some hope, but metastatic MTC remains a chal-
Systemic treatment should be considered for lenging clinical situation and research into new
symptomatic individuals or those with docu- modalities of therapy is required.
mented significant disease progression (imaging Selected metastatic tumours may be treated by
detected progression or calcitonin/CEA doubling surgery, local radiotherapy, radiofrequency abla-
time <6 months). Systemic cytotoxic chemother- tion and chemoembolisation to control disease
apy has been associated with low response rates progression or to improve the patient’s quality of
and has reducing relevance; in the absence of life. Bone lesions when localised and symptomatic
more effective therapy, doxorubicin either alone can be managed by ablative strategies including
or in combination with 5FU or dacarbazine is the surgical resection, palliative focal radiotherapy
12  Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma 147

and intravenous bisphosphonate therapy. Liver s­ tratification was initially proposed for differenti-
metastasis may be treated by surgical resection if ated thyroid cancer risk assessment based on
focal; radiofrequency ablation or chemoembolisa- response to therapy and has been validated for
tion can be used for multiple lesions. medullary cancer using measurement of calcito-
Diarrhoea is caused by the hyper-secretory nin and CEA [36].
and increased motility effects of advanced tumour Doubling time of serum calcitonin and
and hepatic metastasis and can be managed ini- CEA—Serum calcitonin and CEA should be
tially with anti-motility agents like loperamide measured 3  months after surgery due to their
adding somatostatin analogues if required though prolonged half-life [37, 38]. If the post-opera-
of doubtful benefit; chemoembolisation of tive serum calcitonin and CEA are normal or
hepatic metastases has been shown to reduce undetectable, they should be measured every
diarrheal symptoms. Cytoreductive surgery may 6 months for 1 year and then yearly thereafter.
be considered in selected cases of metastatic dis- The measurement of serum levels of calcitonin
ease for management of symptoms. and CEA at least 6 monthly in the first year will
help us in calculating their doubling time for
prognostication. Patients with doubling time
Post-operative Care and Follow-Up less than 6 months have poorer prognosis com-
pared to patients with doubling time greater
After thyroidectomy, replacement dose of levothy- than 24 months [39].
roxine (1.6  mcg/kg ideal body weight in adults,
10–15 mcg/kg in infants and 2–3 mcg/kg in chil-
dren) should be started [32]. There is no need to Results and Outcomes
suppress TSH as the tumour doesn’t arise from the
follicular cells and is unresponsive to TSH. Even Medullary cancer has been considered of ‘inter-
radioactive iodine doesn’t have any role as an mediate’ risk to life between the excellent prog-
adjunct to surgery in the management of MTC nosis of well-differentiated thyroid cancers and
[33]. Serum calcium, albumin, phosphorus and dismal outcomes of anaplastic thyroid cancers of
parathormone should be measured post-opera- follicular cell origin. Although medullary cancer
tively and hypocalcaemia should be corrected with accounts for less than 5% of thyroid cancer, it is
calcium and vitamin D supplements. responsible for 13% of cancer deaths. A recent
Patients in whom serum calcitonin level is study of the SEER database revealed that MTC-
below 150  pg/mL should only have a physical specific outcomes over the last three decades
examination and ultrasound of the neck; those have been improving [40]. In the recent decade
with values above 150 pg/mL will need regional 2003–2012, the 5- and 10-year disease-specific
and systemic assessment for evaluation of metas- survival rates for all medullary cancer were 89
tasis, including USG of the neck, neck and thorax and 81%; the disease-specific survival rates for
contrast-enhanced CT, contrast-enhanced MRI, local disease were 99 and 96%, for regional dis-
and USG of liver, bone scintigraphy, MRI of the ease they were 91 and 77% and for distant dis-
spine and pelvis, PET, FDG-PET/CT, and ease the figures were 51% and 44%. The study
F-DOPA-PET CT [34, 35]. also noted that the rate of performance of central
node dissection at initial surgery had increased. It
is likely that multiple factors of improved aware-
Newer Methods of Prognostication ness, counselling, ultrasound detection, availabil-
ity of expert surgical services and introduction of
Dynamic risk stratification—Although the TNM new targeted therapies will continue to improve
staging provides prognosis regarding mortality, it outcomes.
does not predict the likelihood of recurrence. The Our experience: A review of patients with
risk of recurrence is addressed by modifications thyroid cancer managed between January 2008
of existing staging systems. Dynamic risk and December 2016 from the electronic data-
148 S. Chakravarthy and P. M. Jacob

base identified 90 patients with MTC (4.45%) Clinical Pearls

out of 2022 thyroid cancers. All pertinent data
was collected and results analysed using STATA 1. Suspect MTC in young or middle-aged

(v.10). The mean age of presentation was patients presenting with thyroid nodules and
40.08 years (range of 14–70) with a slight male lymph nodes.
preponderance (47 males and 43 females). The 2. Calcitonin, though not recommended for rou-
clinical presentation was goitre plus cervical tine evaluation of thyroid nodules, should be
lymph nodes seen in 59 patients (65.6%); goitre checked with low threshold whenever there is
only in 24 patients (26.7%); pheochromocytoma clinical suspicion of MTC.
in 3 patients (3.3%) and screen detected in 4 3. A complete thyroidectomy and systematic

(4.4%). Systemic metastasis at presentation was node dissection are the key therapeutic
seen in 11 patients (12.2%). FNAC was diag- intervention.
nostic in 40/71 (63.4%) while preoperative cal- 4. RET test in all patients will detect hereditary
citonin was confirmed to be the best diagnostic MTC for best chance of cure.
test with e­levated values in all 75 patients 5. The doubling time of calcitonin/CEA reveals
(100%) presenting with thyroid nodules when more than one elevated value.
tested preoperatively. RET testing was per- 6. Think of tyrosine kinase inhibitors or ablative
formed in 71 patients and relatives at risk and strategies when surgery is not feasible.
was positive in 25 (35.2%). The mutations 7. MTC is best managed by experienced multi-
among these individuals were seen in the fol- disciplinary teams.
lowing codons: 634 (12), 804 (8), 790 (3) and
618 (2). Nineteen relatives at risk from the 11 Guidelines: Several cancer networks and asso-
index patients were screened and 12 were RET ciations have frequently updated published
positive. There was a significant male prepon- guidelines for more detailed descriptions of deci-
derance noted among the sporadic MTC sion-making in clinical situations and can be
(M:F  =  29:17) compared to a reverse female referred to by practicing clinicians. These are
preponderance 8:17 among the hereditary available online from the American Thyroid
patients (p = 0.012). All 90 patients underwent Association [41], National Comprehensive
surgery as the primary modality of treatment. Cancer Network, European Society for Medical
Prophylactic thyroidectomy was performed in Oncology, British Thyroid Association, Brazilian
three patients while the rest underwent total thy- Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism and
roidectomy with or without lateral neck dissec- the North American Network for Endocrine
tion depending on the nodal status prior to Tumours.
operation. Persistent hypercalcitoninaemia (cal-
citonin >50  pg/mL) was observed in 62/80
(77.5%) patients. Metaiodobenzylguanidine References
(MIBG) scan in 40 patients was of limited value
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Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
Anish Jacob Cherian and Deepak Abraham

Introduction Epidemiology

Thyroid cancers constitute a varied spectrum of The global prevalence of ATC ranges from 1.3 to
presentation and prognosis. The most common 9.8% (median—3.6%). In the United States it
form of thyroid cancer is the well-differentiated accounts for less than 2% of all thyroid cancers
thyroid cancers (WDTC) accounting for approxi- [1, 2]. The age-adjusted annual incidence is about
mately 80–90%. WDTC generally have an excel- one to two per million persons per year [3]. A
lent prognosis with multimodality treatment higher incidence of ATC is reported in areas with
comprising surgery, radioiodine ablation and thy- endemic goitres [4]. Though the incidence of
rotropin suppression. On the other end of this WDTC is on the rise world over, the incidence of
spectrum lies the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma ATC has decreased in several countries.
(ATC). These are thankfully rare cancers which Postulated theories for this decrease include
remain one of the most fatal human cancers. The increased dietary iodine and better management
best modality of treatment for any thyroid cancer of WDTC [1, 2, 5–8]. ATC is primarily a disease
is surgical resection, but in ATC upfront surgery of the elderly with a median age of presentation
is rarely feasible due to rapid local tumour inva- at the sixth to seventh decades. Females are more
sion. Majority of patients with ATC succumb to commonly affected than males, 50–70% of
their disease within 6 months to a year as a result affected individuals being females [3, 9–13].
of local invasion to the airway or widespread
metastasis. Other modalities of treatment such as
external radiation and chemotherapy alone have Aetio-Pathogenesis
shown poor outcomes. Therefore, the focus of the
management of ATC has shifted to understanding Where does ATC arise from—de novo or from a
the genetic and molecular pathogenesis of these pre-existing WDTC? This is an area of contro-
cancers in order to facilitate targeted therapy that versy. There are reports of WDTC in the back-
may result in improved outcomes for these ground of ATC in histological specimens. It has
patients. been suggested that if an extensive sampling is
performed, foci of WDTC are eventually found
in every ATC specimen. Further evidence from
literature shows that up to 80% of ATC arise in
A. J. Cherian · D. Abraham (*) goitres of long duration [2, 12]. These facts
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Christian Medical suggest the possibility of post-malignant
College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 151

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
152 A. J. Cherian and D. Abraham

d­ edifferentiation from WDTC to ATC.  On the significant in diagnosis of follicular carci-

contrary whole-genomic studies have shown that noma of the thyroid is seen in up to 60% of
the chromosomal asset of ATC and WDTC is ATC.  Mutation in RAS results in chromo-
widely different supporting the hypothesis that somal instability which predisposes the cell
some ATC may originate de novo [12]. Hence to genetic and molecular derangements
ATC may arise through both pathways—dedif- which in turn initiate the dedifferentiation
ferentiation from WDTC or de novo. process. Ras mutations have also been found
A number of molecular events have been to be important in tumour progression.
described in thyroid carcinogenesis and tumour 2. BRAF: A member of the RAF serine/threo-
progression. The primary events involve the nine kinase family. It is a downstream effec-
mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) signalling tor of RAS. BRAF mutations activate serine/
pathway and the phosphoinositide-3 kinase threonine kinase and have been shown to
PI3 K-Akt-mTor pathway (Fig.  13.1). impede NIS (sodium/iodide symporter) gene
Dedifferentiation is a dynamic process consisting expression and NIS membrane localisation,
of a series of mutational events which lead to the hence promoting dedifferentiation. BRAF is
progressive accumulation of nuclear instability, responsible for promoting migration and
derangement of the cell cycle and multiple signal invasive growth through the activation of
transduction pathways finally resulting in uncon- MAPK pathway. They do not respond to the
trolled ATC cellular proliferation and genomic negative feedback from ERK.  In addition,
instability. Listed below are the factors involved BRAFV600E mutation increases the expres-
in thyroid carcinogenesis and dedifferentiation sion of vascular endothelial growth factor
[2, 9, 12, 14–17]: (VEGF) and hypoxia-inducible factor alpha.
Mutations in BRAF are found in up to 35%
1. RAS: RAS proteins are GTP-binding pro- of ATC.
teins that regulate cell growth via MAPK and 3. HDAC: This acts as a link between BRAF
PI3K pathways. Mutation in RAS although mutation and NIS silencing. BRAF mutation

Growth factor receptor

ATP binding protein Tyrosine Kinase Receptor




Growth, Survival, Proliferation,

Migration, Angiogenesis

Fig. 13.1  Depicting the mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway and the phosphoinositide-3 kinase PI3
K-Akt-mTor pathway
13  Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma 153

upregulates HDAC causing an epigenetic helps thyroid cancer cells evade apoptosis
modification via constitution histone acety- and promote cell proliferation through dys-
lation at the NIS promoter site. functional ERK1/2-MEK1/2 signalling.
4. RET/PTC: This is a chimeric oncogene These mutations are seen in up to 50% of
between RET located on chromosome 10 ATC.
and the promoter of an unrelated gene result- 10. CTNNB1: Dysadhesion is a major feature of
ing in activation of the RET gene. RET/PTC aggressive thyroid carcinomas. ß-Catenin is
3 rearrangements found in PTC also have involved in cell adhesion by forming cell
dedifferentiation potential. membrane complexes with E-cadherin and
5. PIK3CA: This pathway is frequently acti- in signal transduction through the Wnt path-
vated in thyroid carcinomas. Mutation in way which activates cell cycle progression
PIK3CA functions as an oncogene and is genes. Mutations in CTNNB1 gene alter
believed to play a role in thyroid cancer pro- β-catenin phosphorylation sites and prevent
gression. They promote progression of thy- its degradation leading to Wnt signalling
roid adenomas to follicular carcinoma and activation. Decreased membrane β-catenin
ATC. These mutations have been detected in leads to progressive loss of tumour differen-
more than 50% of ATC. tiation. Mutations in CTNNB1 gene have
6. NOTCH 1: This regulates cell proliferation, been reported in 25–60% of ATC.
migration, adhesion and differentiation via 11. PTEN: This is a tumour-suppressor gene.

transcription regulation. Depending on the Inactivation of PTEN leads to over-­activation
cell type Notch can function either as an of the PI3K-AKT pathway. They occur in
oncogene or a tumour-suppressor gene. 10–20% of ATC.
Expression of Notch is decreased in ATC. 12. P53: This gene is strongly involved in ATC
7. HES 1: This acts as a downstream effector of pathogenesis being identified in up to 80% of
Notch 1 and plays a central role in thyrocyte ATC.  These are also tumour-suppressor
proliferation and differentiation. genes. Mutations in P53 cause inactivation
8. NF-KB: This belongs to the family of tran- of apoptosis and cell cycle progression.
scription factors that is held inactive in the 13. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK): A pro-
cytoplasm of resting cells including thyroid tein involved in the activation of ERK1/2-­
cells. They significantly contribute to the MEK1/2 and PI3K-AKT pathways. Mutation
establishment and maintenance of pro-­ of this protein results in increased tyrosine
tumorigenic microenvironment. Many kinase activity and over-activation of the
NFKB target genes are pro-survival genes above pathways. Mutation of ALK is seen in
critical for intrinsic cancer cell resistance to 11% of ATC.
chemotherapy and radiation. 14. Chromosomal aberrations: A number of

9. Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT): It mitotic proteins involved in cell cycle check-
is the catalytic subunit of telomerase, the points or engaged in chromosomal assembly
enzyme responsible for maintaining the and segregation have been shown to be
length at the end of the chromosome. Two deranged in ATC.  One such family is the
mutations have been reported—C228T and Aurora kinase family. Aurora kinases are
C250T.  TERT mutations have been fre- implicated in several aspects of chromosome
quently found along with BRAFV600E. They segregation and cytokinesis. Overexpression
were prevalent in aggressive, dedifferenti- of Aurora A has been shown to induce cen-
ated thyroid carcinomas. Mutation in TERT trosome amplification and to potentiate the
causes lengthening of telomerase which oncologic function of RAS.
154 A. J. Cherian and D. Abraham

Pathology/Histological Subtypes 1. Spindle variant—arranged in fascicles to

resemble a sarcoma
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma on gross examina- 2. Pleomorphic giant cell variant—large, pleo-
tion is composed of a white, fleshy tumour with morphic giant cells resembling osteoclasts
extensive areas of necrosis and haemorrhage. with cellular connective tissue septae
These tumours are markedly invasive with a high 3.
Squamoid variant—squamoid cells that
proliferative index [18, 19]. Microscopically they are  relatively undifferentiated but also
are composed of anaplastic cells with marked cyto- appear  epithelial with occasional focal
logical atypia and high mitotic activity (Fig. 13.2a, keratinisation
b). There are five known variants of anaplastic thy- 4. Paucicellular variant
roid carcinoma; these include [1, 13, 18, 20–23]: 5. Rhabdoid variant

Fig. 13.2 (a) Depicting

a microscopic picture of
ATC: Polygonal tumour
cells with vesicular
nuclei admixed with
neutrophils infiltrating
normal thyroid tissue.
(b) Depicting a tumour
in a large-calibre vein
13  Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma 155

The spindle variant, pleomorphic giant cell Investigations

variant and squamoid variant are the more com-
mon variants seen while the latter two variants are The characteristic mode of presentation generally
rare. The tumour may be comprised of one of these raises the suspicion of anaplastic thyroid carci-
variants or the tumour may have a mixture of two noma. The differential diagnosis to be considered
or more variants. There is no known prognostic includes the following:
significance based on the variants with the excep-
tion of paucicellular variant which in some studies 1. Thyroid lymphoma
was found to affect younger patients and have a 2. Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma
more indolent course [22]. Immunohistochemistry 3. Well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma
can help in differentiating these tumours from
other neoplasms. Majority of these tumours are The investigations in this setting are per-
TTF1 and thyroglobulin negative and PAX 8 posi- formed to answer three questions:
tive. The prognosis of anaplastic carcinoma may
vary depending on the proportion of tumour that is 1 . To confirm the diagnosis
comprised of the anaplastic component. 2. To assess the local extent of disease

3. To look for the presence of systemic

Clinical Presentation metastasis

Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is a disease of the Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is

elderly. The most common mode of presentation accurate in 90% of cases to diagnose ATC [18,
is a rapidly enlarging firm to hard fixed neck 37]. In situations where FNAC is inconclusive, a
mass in an elderly person [24–27]. Majority of core-needle biopsy may be performed to estab-
patients have local invasion of the tumour into lish the diagnosis. Since lymphoma of the thyroid
the surrounding tissues such as strap muscles, mimics the presentation of ATC it may be p­ rudent
trachea, oesophagus, larynx and prevertebral to perform a core biopsy upfront for diagnosis,
muscles at presentation and experience pressure which is the practice at our institution. Cross-
symptoms due to this invasion [4]. These pres- sectional imaging of the neck and thorax in the
sure symptoms include neck pain, dysphagia, form of contrast-enhanced computerised tomog-
dry cough, voice change and stridor. There may raphy (CECT) or magnetic resonance imaging
be a history of pre-existing long-standing goitre (MRI) is required to assess the local extent of the
[28]. Regional lymph node metastasis is seen in disease and for the evaluation of operability.
up to 40% of patients, while systemic metastasis Positron emission tomography (PET) scans with
is seen in 50–60% at presentation [6, 24–26, concomitant CT scan may be utilised to detect
29–34]. The most common site of distant metas- local extent of the tumour as well as systemic
tasis is the lung (80%) followed by bone metastasis. ATC have a high expression of the
(5–15%) and brain (5–10%) [5, 6, 35, 36]. glucose transporter Glut-1 and are hence fluoro-­
Hence patients may also present with symptoms deoxy-glucose (FDG) avid. Therefore, they are
of metastatic disease which include breathless- seen on PET scans which may also detect sys-
ness on exertion, haemoptysis, bone pain, head- temic metastasis if present. Hence the additional
ache or seizures. Very rarely (<10%) ATC is benefit of performing a PET scan is to differenti-
detected following thyroidectomy as a histo- ate if the metastasis if present is from ATC or
logic surprise or with the tumour confined to the from a well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma
thyroid gland. [38–40].
156 A. J. Cherian and D. Abraham

Staging social worker and a clergy. Therefore, these

patients should ideally be managed at a tertiary
Staging of ATC follows the American Joint care centre that has multidisciplinary manage-
Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Tumour, Node ment teams in place.
and Metastasis (TNM) system [1]. All patients Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the next step
presenting with ATC have been classified as stage in the management of ATC is to evaluate for the
IV by the AJCC. This stage has been further sub- local extent of the disease and the presence of
classified based on the extent of disease as systemic metastasis. CECT/MRI of the neck and
depicted in Table 13.1. thorax or a PET scan may be performed for the
assessment of the same.
A multidisciplinary team meeting along with
Treatment the patient and relatives should be organised to
discuss the options of treatment that can be
The behaviour of ATC warrants a multidisci- offered and the expected outcomes and to formu-
plinary approach to its management. The person- late the goals of care. An algorithm for the man-
nel involved in the treatment would include a agement of patients with ATC is depicted in
surgeon, endocrinologist, radiation oncologist, Fig. 13.3.
medical oncologist, palliative care physician,
gastroenterologist, psychologist or psychiatrist, 1. Disease limited to the thyroid (histological
Table 13.1  Depicting the AJCC staging for ATC Rarely (2–6% cases) ATC is detected as an
Stage T N M
incidental finding on histopathological exami-
IV (a) Lesions are intra-thyroidal (T4a) N0 M0 nation of a thyroidectomy specimen. These
IV (b) Primary tumour has gross Any N M0 patients present with a goitre and FNAC sug-
extra-thyroidal extension (T4b) gestive of a well-differentiated thyroid carci-
IV (c) Any T Any N M1 noma. They are associated with a better

Stage IVa Stage IVb Stage IVC

Total thyroidectomy Low dose external

followed by post- Resectable Non resectable RT for palliation of
operative external RT symptoms
+/- Chemo

Good Bad
Total thyroidectomy + central performance performance
compartment clearance +/- status status
selective neck dissection followed
by external RT and Chemotherapy
High dose
neoadjuvant Still not
chemoRT Palliation

resectable Consider
clinical trials

Consider surgery followed by Chemotherapy

Fig. 13.3  Algorithm for the management of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma

13  Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma 157

prognosis. The role of completion thyroidec- dose conventional RT to hyperfraction-

tomy if initially only a hemithyroidectomy ated RT. ATC is a rapidly dividing tumour
was performed is based on the characteristics and hyperfractionated RT minimises the
of the non-anaplastic component. The role of chance for tumour cells to recover
adjuvant RT or chemo-RT is controversial between treatments. Hyperfractionated
though there are recent data to suggest possi- RT in combination with chemotherapy
ble improvement in survival from adjuvant has been shown to increase the tumour
chemo-RT in patients with ATC limited to the response rate making surgery possible in
thyroid [1]. a subset of patients. This results in
2 . Loco-regional disease improved local control and avoids death
(a) Role of upfront surgery due to suffocation [47, 51–54]. Hence, in
The aim of surgery in ATC is gross patients with inoperable stage IVb ATC
tumour resection that is R0 or R1 resec- with good performance status neoadju-
tion (total thyroidectomy with therapeutic vant combination chemo-RT may be
cervical lymph node dissection) and not offered. Patients with a complete or par-
debulking surgery. R0/R1 resection has tial response following chemo-RT and in
been shown to be associated with whom the tumour becomes operable may
improved loco-regional control resulting be offered surgery. The relapse rate fol-
in increased median survival [32, 41–45]. lowing chemo-RT alone is high and sur-
Thus, in T4a and b tumours, if curative gery may decrease this risk of relapse.
resection is possible with minimum mor- There is limited data on the improvement
bidity, surgery may be offered upfront. in overall and disease-free survival using
This must be followed by adjuvant com- this approach.
bination chemo-RT. 3 . Systemic metastasis
(b) Role of upfront combination chemo-RT In the presence of systemic metastasis
Unfortunately, more than 80% of resection of loco-regional disease for pal-
patients with ATC present with locally liation may be considered if there is
invasive tumours [1]. Assessment of the impending airway or oesophageal obstruc-
local extent with CECT/MRI reveals an tion. Low-dose external beam RT may be
inoperable disease in the majority. Radical offered for palliation of pain. Patients who
surgery in this setting would result in desire treatment may be enrolled in clinical
increased morbidity and a poor quality of trials.
life with no survival benefit.
Previous single-modality treatment
regimens with conventional RT or single- Clinical Trials
agent chemotherapy have shown no
improvement in  loco-­ regional disease Patients who are not candidates for surgery, have
control or overall survival [46, 47]. In not responded to neoadjuvant combination
view of disappointing results of the same, chemo-RT or have metastatic disease may be
multimodality regimes were evaluated. enrolled in clinical trials. ATC may arise from a
Chemotherapeutic agents commonly pre-existing WDTC or de novo; thus awareness
used in the management of ATC include and understanding of the factors involved in this
doxorubicin, bleomycin, cisplatin, pacli- transformation hold the key for potential treat-
taxel and g­ emcitabine. Doxorubicin was ment of this aggressive carcinoma in the years to
considered the agent of choice until recent come. Novel agents under study for treatment in
studies have shown that combination che- ATC include multikinase inhibitors—gefitinib,
motherapy is more effective [48–50]. sorafenib, axitinib, imatinib and combrestatin,
Radiation therapy has evolved from high- mTOR inhibitors—everolimus, deacetylase
158 A. J. Cherian and D. Abraham

inhibitor—panobinostat and valproic acid, and Prognosis

BRAF inhibitor PLX4720 [55].
ATC is one of the most aggressive tumours with
a grave prognosis. Factors that indicate a worse
Tracheostomy prognosis include male gender, age >60  years,
tumour size >5 cm, extra-thyroidal extension and
Tracheostomy is associated with secretions presence of distant metastasis [10, 33, 56–58].
that need frequent suctioning. It has its own The estimated median survival is less than
associated morbidities and decreases the qual- 6 months with a 1-year survival witnessed in less
ity of life of the patient. In addition, patients than 20% of individuals.
with ATC who require a tracheotomy have a
dismal prognosis; hence it is best avoided. On
the other hand, it is a lifesaving procedure as it Follow-Up
overcomes acute airway distress. This proce-
dure should be reserved for patients in severe Being a rare cancer with a very aggressive behav-
airway distress who seek intervention to avoid iour, no guidelines for follow-up have been estab-
asphyxia [1]. lished. It would be prudent to keep these patients
on close, short-term follow-up. Patients enrolled in
clinical trial or those on chemo-RT would require
Allow Natural Death a CECT/PET scan to assess the response to treat-
ment on follow-up. The interval and intensity of
Patients with ATC usually present at an advanced follow-up would depend on the stage at diagnosis
stage. Despite all modalities of treatment cur- and assessment of response to initial therapy.
rently available their prognosis is dismal. End-of-­
life preferences need to be discussed with the Conclusion
patient and relatives regarding intubation, nutri- ATC is a rare form of thyroid carcinoma. It is
tion supplementation, placement of feeding suspected when an elderly person presents with
tubes, intravenous access and tracheostomy. a rapidly enlarging goitre which is hard in con-
Patients who request a limited aggressive care sistency and fixed. FNAC or a core biopsy will
should be counselled regarding allow natural help in confirming the diagnosis and this should
death (AND)—a term that is replacing do not be followed with imaging to evaluate the local
resuscitate (DNR) [1]. extent of the disease. These tumours are locally
aggressive and patients generally have a dismal
prognosis. Multimodality treatment regimens
Palliative and Hospice Care involving surgery, hyperfractionated RT and
combination chemotherapy have shown to
Palliative care focuses on pain and symptom improve local disease control in selected
management at any time during the patient’s patients. Novel targeted therapies currently
treatment whereas hospice care focuses on being evaluated may provide an improved out-
symptom management for patients who are no come for these patients in the future.
longer receiving life-prolonging treatment.
Palliative care may be offered to patients under-
going aggressive treatment for ATC and may be
useful at any stage of the disease. On the other Personal Review
hand, hospice care is intended for patients who
opt for AND as they should be provided dignity In our experience in managing 2261 patients
and quality of life for the remainder of their with thyroid cancers from 2004 to 2016, 64
illness. patients were diagnosed with anaplastic thyroid
13  Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma 159

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Inherited Thyroid Cancer
Joycelyn Lee and Joanne Ngeow

Introduction Thyroid cancers

Thyroid cancer is common and has a steadily ris-

ing incidence [1]. Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC)
is the most common histologic subtype, account- Sporadic (90%) Familial (10%)
ing for more than 90% of all thyroid cancers.
Over 90% of thyroid cancers are sporadic, with
less than 10% being familial [2]. Familial thyroid
cancers can be divided into familial non-­ Non-medullary Medullary
medullary thyroid cancers (FNMTC), or familial (FNMTC) (FMTC)
medullary thyroid cancers (FMTC) according to
their cell of origin. Among FNMTC, about 5%
are associated with defined syndromes and occur Syndromic
with a preponderance of non-thyroidal tumours
[3] (see Diagram 14.1). The majority however are
non-syndromic FNMTC.  FMTC, on the other
hand, is most commonly associated with multiple Non-syndromic
endocrine neoplasia (MEN). The presence of cer-
tain histological subtypes should also prompt
consideration of familial thyroid cancer. Diagram 14.1  Approach to familial thyroid cancers

J. Lee
Cancer Genetics Service, Division of Medical Recognising familial thyroid cancers is important
Oncology, National Cancer Centre Singapore, as they generally tend to be more aggressive than
Singapore, Singapore sporadic thyroid cancers. Recognition also allows
J. Ngeow (*) for the physician to screen the patient and his or
Cancer Genetics Service, Division of Medical her family members for the need for genetic coun-
Oncology, National Cancer Centre Singapore,
Singapore, Singapore
selling and testing, and allows for the implemen-
tation of surveillance and an opportunity for
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
intervention. Several red flags that should draw
e-mail: the clinician’s attention to the possibility of famil-

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 163

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
164 J. Lee and J. Ngeow

ial disease include the presence of a personal or highly penetrant and actionable. Recognition
family history of thyroid or other cancers, a diag- also allows for ­intervention in the form of coun-
nosis of thyroid cancer before the age of 45 years selling and organisation of necessary surveil-
old, the presence of multifocal disease and aggres- lance and screening for probands and their
sive disease with local invasion [4], and a diagno- families.
sis of specific histological subtypes, such as Some of the more common syndromes associ-
medullary thyroid cancer and cribriform-­morular ated with FNMTC are presented below, and sum-
variant of papillary thyroid cancer. marised in Table 14.1.

Cowden Syndrome
 amilial Non Medullary Thyroid
F Cowden syndrome (CS) is an autosomal domi-
Cancer (FNMTC) nant disorder characterised by the hamartoma-
tous changes and epithelial tumours of multiple
Syndromic FNMTC organs most commonly associated with germline
inactivating mutations of the PTEN tumour-­
PTC is the most common histological subtype suppressor gene (TSG). It is part of the PTEN
in both familial and non-familial non-medullary hamartoma tumour syndrome (PHTS), which
thyroid cancer. As previously mentioned, about also includes subsets of Bannayan-Riley-­
5% of FNMTC occur in defined syndromes. Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS), Proteus syndrome
This includes Cowden syndrome, familial ade- (PS) and Proteus-like syndrome [5]. PHTS is
nomatous polyposis, Gardner syndrome, Carney defined as the presence of a germline PTEN
complex, Werner syndrome and DICER1 syn- mutation irrespective of clinical syndrome.
drome. Although uncommon, recognising syn- BRRS is characterised by macrocephaly, intesti-
dromic FNMTC is important as their nal polyposis, lipomas and pigmented macules of
corresponding germline mutations are often the glans penis, while PS is highly variable and

Table 14.1  Summary of syndromic non-medullary thyroid cancers (adapted from Vriens et al. [49])
Syndrome mutations Thyroid cancer subtype Extrathyroidal clinical features
Cowden PTEN mutation Papillary thyroid cancer Hamartomas
syndrome SDHB-D Follicular thyroid cancer Mucocutaneous lesions
KLLN promoter Macrocephaly
Familial APC mutation Papillary thyroid cancer, Multiple adenomatous polyps of gastrointestinal
adenomatous including cribriform-morular tract, especially colon
polyposis variant
Garder’s In Gardner syndrome, additional extra-colonic
syndrome manifestations may be seen including osteomas,
desmoid tumours, hypertrophic retinal pigment
epithelium and supernumerary teeth
Carney PRKAR1A Papillary thyroid cancer Myxomas of soft tissues; skin and mucosal
complex mutation Follicular thyroid cancer pigmentation, adrenal tumours
Follicular adenoma
Werner WRN mutation Follicular thyroid cancer Premature ageing; scleroderma-like skin changes,
syndrome Papillary thyroid cancer cataracts, short stature, premature greying and/or
Anaplastic thyroid cancer hair thinning
DICER1 DICER1 Papillary thyroid cancer Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours, cystic
syndrome mutation Multinodular goitre nephroma
14  Inherited Thyroid Cancer 165

involves congenital malformations and over- Table 14.2  International Cowden Consortium operation
growth of multiple tissues. Proteus-like syn- criteria for the diagnosis of Cowden syndrome (revised
drome describes individuals with clinical features
of PS yet who do not meet its diagnostic criteria. Pathognomonic Mucocutaneous lesion
criteria Facial trichilemmomas
The International Cowden Consortium criteria
Acral keratosis
for the diagnosis of Cowden syndrome include
Papillomatous lesions
pathognomonic, major and minor criteria Mucosal lesions
(Table  14.2) [6]. Of note however, many of the Major criteria Breast cancer
clinical features associated with CS are also pres- Thyroid cancer, especially follicular
ent and common in the general population, such thyroid cancer
as that of fibrocystic breast disease and uterine Macrocephaly (occipital-­frontal
fibroids. circumference ≥97th percentile)
Lhermitte-Duclos disease (presence
CS is a highly penetrant genetic disorder. of a cerebellar dysplastic
More than 90% of individuals with PTEN muta- gangliocytoma)
tions are believed to manifest some features of Endometrial carcinoma
the syndrome (although rarely cancer) by age 20, Minor criteria Other thyroid lesions (e.g. goitre)
and by age 30 nearly 100% of mutation carriers Mental retardation (IQ ≤75)
are believed to have developed at least some of Hamartomatous intestinal polyps
the mucocutaneous signs. As many as 45% of Fibrocystic disease of the breast
patients with Cowden syndrome may be due to Lipomas
de novo PTEN mutations [7]. The Cleveland
Genitourinary tumours or
Clinic score is a risk predictor tool based on clini- genitourinary malformations
cal manifestations, with a score of 10 or more An operational diagnosis of Cowden syndrome is made
associated with a pretest probability of 3%, and if:
can be used to help decide who to refer to the An individual • Pathognomonic mucocutaneous
geneticist for counselling and germline PTEN meets any of the lesions alone if there are
following – ≥6 facial papules, of which ≥3
mutation testing [8]. criteria are trichilemmomas
Thyroid disease is the most common extracu- – Cutaneous facial papules and
taneous manifestation of Cowden syndrome, oral mucosal papillomatosis
occurring in more than 50% of affected individ- – Oral mucosal papillomatosis and
acral keratoses, or six or more
uals, and may include both benign thyroid palmo-plantar keratosis
abnormalities and thyroid cancers [9], with an • Two or more major criteria of
overrepresentation of follicular thyroid cancers, which one is either macrocephaly
especially among those with PTEN germline or Lhermitte-Duclos disease
• One major and three minor criteria
mutations. Follicular adenomas are very com- Four minor criteria
mon and often multiple in this syndrome. In the presence • A pathognomonic mucocutaneous
Individuals with Cowden syndrome have an of a family lesion
approximately 70-fold increased risk of FNMTC member who • Any one major criterion with or
meets diagnostic without minor criteria
compared to the general population, with most criteria for • Two minor criteria
being multicentric and evolving from a pre- Cowden
existing follicular adenoma. Most of these can- syndrome
cers belong to the papillary subtype, though
follicular thyroid cancer is disproportionately syndrome is in the 30s–40s [10], though germ-
common in patients with positive germline line PTEN mutations are also associated with
PTEN mutations [10] and the diagnosis of fol- paediatric-onset thyroid cancers [11].
licular thyroid carcinoma is a major criterion for Children positive for germline PTEN muta-
the clinical diagnosis of the syndrome. The tions hence are recommended to undergo a base-
average age of thyroid cancer onset in Cowden line surveillance thyroid ultrasound from the age
166 J. Lee and J. Ngeow

of 6. Patients negative for PTEN mutations, but The risk of developing thyroid cancer in
who meet the clinical diagnostic criteria for FAP patients is estimated to be around 2% [17],
Cowden syndrome, may be positive for other with most of them being papillary in histologi-
genetic abnormalities like SDHB-D variant genes cal subtype. Histologically, there is often a
[12] and KILLIN promoter methylation [13], both characteristic cribriform pattern with solid
which are associated with late age of onset of areas and a spindle cell component, with
manifestations. These patients hence are only marked fibrosis [18]. The rare cribriform-moru-
recommended to start thyroid ultrasound surveil- lar histological variant is observed in <1% of
lance from the age of 18 (or 5 years before earli- all PTC cases, but is seen in 20–40% of FAP-
est age of onset in a family member) [10]. associated thyroid cancers. This variant occurs
Germline PIK3CA and AKT1 mutations have also most commonly in females aged under 30 [19,
been implicated [14]. 20], with a female predominance ratio of as
In addition to thyroid ultrasounds, CS patients high as 10—17:1 [21], even higher than the
should also have formal dermatologic and breast typical 3—4:1 female-to-male ratio seen in
examinations in view of the other manifestations sporadic PTC. In up to one-third of FAP cases,
of CS. PTC may be the first clinical manifestation of
FAP [22] and the diagnosis of a cribriform-­
 amilial Adenomatous Polyposis
F morular patterned thyroid carcinoma, even in
and Gardner Syndrome the absence of colonic manifestations, should
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an prompt clinicians to screen the patient and fam-
autosomal dominant disorder due to inactivation ily members for FAP.  The cribriform-morular
mutations of the adenomatous polyposis colic variant is generally associated with a better
(APC) tumour-suppressor gene on chromosome prognosis than other papillary thyroid carcino-
5q21. The APC protein is part of the beta- mas [23]. Most female patients with FAP and
catenin complex in the Wnt/beta-catenin path- papillary thyroid cancer have an additional
way; mutations in APC lead to loss of the RET/PTC somatic mutation in addition to the
beta-catenin destruction complex, increasing APC germline mutation.
nuclear translocation of beta-catenin and so Yearly thyroid clinical examination and ultra-
increasing gene transcription and cellular prolif- sound are recommended for all patients with
eration [15]. FAP [24].
FAP is characterised by the early presence of
multiple colonic adenomatous polyps with malig- Carney Complex
nant potential. Gardner syndrome is a variant of Carney complex is a rare autosomal dominant
FAP in which patients develop colonic manifes- disease. It is characterised by mucocutaneous
tations as well as osteomas and other soft-tissue pigmentation in a typical distribution involving
lesions. Other extra-colonic manifestations in the lips, conjunctiva and genital mucosal area, in
FAP and its variants include desmoid tumours, addition to a variety of non-endocrine and endo-
congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigmented crine tumours [25] including that of primary pig-
epithelium (CHRPE) and thyroid tumours. mented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD),
Penetrance is nearly complete for the colonic growth hormone (GH)-producing adenoma and
polyps but is variable for extra-colonic manifes- testicular tumours. It is associated with inactivat-
tations, and may be dependent to some extent on ing mutations or large deletions of the PRKAR1A
the specific APC mutation [16]. A genotype-­ tumour-suppressor gene with a high penetrance
phenotype correlation has been suggested as well of >95% by age 50 years [26]. A patient is diag-
for the thyroid manifestations with patients with nosed with Carney complex if he or she has two
mutations at the 5′ end proximal to codon 528 as major criteria or one major criterion and a first-­
well as in codon 1061 implicated at being at degree relative with Carney complex or an inacti-
increased risk for thyroid cancer [16]. vating PRKAR1A mutation. The PRKAR1A gene
14  Inherited Thyroid Cancer 167

encodes for the type 1A regulatory subunit of Non-syndromic FNMTC

protein kinase A (PKA).
In patients with Carney complex, the thyroid In the absence of syndromes, FNMTC is defined
is usually multinodular with multiple adenomas as the presence of non-medullary thyroid cancer
appearing from early in life [27]. Both PTC and in two or more first-degree relatives, in the
FTC can be present in up to 15% of patients [28]. absence of predisposing environmental factors.
Patients with a clinical phenotype of Carney Non-syndromic FNMTC often displays a pattern
complex can be tested for the presence of germ- of autosomal dominant inheritance with incom-
line PRKAR1A mutation and should be screened plete penetrance and variable expressivity.
for thyroid cancer. Although the exact causative genes have not been
identified, linkage analyses have found at least
Werner Syndrome two different chromosomal regions that may har-
Werner syndrome is an autosomal recessive bour putative susceptibility genes, namely the
disease characterised by a phenotype of prema- forkhead box E1 (FOXE1) gene at chromosome
ture ageing with grey hair, scleroderma-like 9q, the hyaluronan-binding protein 2 (HABP2)
skin changes and bilateral cataracts, as well as gene located on chromosome 10q, the SRGAP1
other manifestations including diabetes melli- gene on chromosome 12q and the TITF-1/
tus, premature atherosclerosis and hypogonad- NKX2.1 gene on 14q, of which only the first two
ism. It is caused by the inheritance of biallelic have been validated by multiple study groups.
pathogenic variants in the WRN gene on chro- The candidate genes at these loci however are as
mosome 8p. yet unknown and seem to account for only a
In the syndrome, there is an increased risk of minority of FNMTC. Hence, if no clinical signs
both benign thyroid lesions and papillary thyroid of syndromic FNMTC are observed there is cur-
cancers. Other histological subtypes of thyroid rently no need to proceed with germline genetic
cancer, including the follicular subtype and the testing as the candidate genes for FNMTC are not
anaplastic subtype, are more commonly seen in yet well characterised.
the Asian population. The FOXE1 gene encodes FOXE1 transcrip-
Patients with the clinical phenotype of Werner tion factor, or thyroid transcription factor 2 (TTF-­
syndrome can be tested for the presence of germ- 2), and plays a role in the migration of thyroid
line WRN gene mutation and should be screened precursor cells from the pharynx to the neck [31].
for thyroid cancer. In a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of
an Icelandic, Columbus and Spanish cohort, two
DICER1 Syndrome single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were
The DICER1 gene on chromosome 14q is found to be associated with increased risk of
involved in the regulation of miRNA and its PTC, namely rs965513 located on chromosome
mutation increases the risk of familial pleuropul- 9q near FOXE1 and rs944289 on chromosome
monary blastoma (FPB), cystic nephroma and 14q near NKX2-1 [32].
ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours (SLCT) [29]. It is controversial whether patients with non-­
It has been associated with familial multinodular syndromic FNMTC tend to have more aggressive
goitre and both somatic and germline mutations tumours compared to those with sporadic NMTC
in the gene have been associated with differenti- with some series reporting higher recurrence
ated thyroid cancer, the former usually in the set- rates and lower disease-free survival, and others
ting of prior radiation or chemotherapy exposure reporting no increase in disease aggressiveness.
for malignancy [30]. They are often diagnosed at a younger age, and
Overall though, the prevalence of thyroid can- have a higher incidence of multifocal tumours,
cer in DICER1 syndrome is low and evaluation extrathyroidal invasion, bilateral disease and
should be clinically guided. The utility of ultra- lymph node metastases at presentation [33, 34].
sound for surveillance is unknown. The phenomenon of anticipation can also occur
168 J. Lee and J. Ngeow

in FNMTC, with earlier age of disease onset and are inherited as autosomal dominant traits with a
increased severity in successive generations [35]. high penetrance but variable expression. The
In FNMTC, first-degree relative 10  years or RET proto-oncogene encodes for a transmem-
older, including the generation anterior to the brane receptor of the tyrosine kinase family and
index case, should have thyroid ultrasound is expressed in cells of the neural crest, branchial
screening, which can result in earlier diagnosis arches and urogenital origin. Somatic RET muta-
with a lower rate of extrathyroidal invasion [36]. tions are also implicated in up to 50% of sporadic
Total or near-total thyroidectomy, with a central MTCs [38], and interestingly chromosomal
neck lymph node dissection, is the recommended translocations causing RET activation also occur
surgical treatment in these patients, to minimise in 20–30% of patients with PTC [39]. In
residual tissue left behind and because of the high ­non-­RET-­mutated cases of FMTC, mutations in
incidence of multicentric disease. A therapeutic the NTRK1 gene have also been implicated [40].
lateral neck node dissection should also be per- MEN2A is characterised by the triad of med-
formed if there is lymph node involvement pre- ullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), phaeochromo-
operatively by imaging or clinical examination. cytoma and parathyroid adenoma. In classical
High-dose radioiodine ablation with I-131 after MEN2A, 95% of the RET germline mutations
thyroidectomy is also recommended. Despite the occur in codons 609, 611, 618 or 620 of exon 10,
aggressive treatment approach used in most cases or codon 634 of exon 11 [41]. Almost all patients
of FNMTC, up to 12% will have persistent dis- develop MTC, with variable frequencies of
ease after an operation and 44% will have recur- development of phaeochromocytomas and para-
rent disease requiring further operations [37]. thyroid adenomas depending on the specific RET
The role of prophylactic thyroidectomy, unlike mutation.
that practiced in FMTC, is controversial. MEN2B patients share the same features as
those with MEN2A, with additional neuroendo-
crine associations of mucosal ganglioneuromas
Familial Medullary Thyroid and Marfanoid skeletal features. MTC in MEN2B
Carcinoma often presents in infancy, is highly aggressive and
metastasises early. Approximately 95% of
The histopathological features of patients with patients have RET germline mutations in exon
familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) 16. Less than 5% have a RET germline mutation
are similar to those seen in sporadic medullary in exon 15 and these patients tend to have a less
thyroid cancer, except that they tend to be bilat- aggressive MTC.
eral and multiple. While medullary thyroid carci- The syndrome of FMTC is characterised by
noma represents only 10% of all thyroid cancers, the presence of a RET germline mutation in fami-
an estimated 25% of medullary thyroid carcino- lies with medullary thyroid carcinoma alone
mas (MTCs) occur in hereditary forms, as part of without accompanying evidence of phaeochro-
the MEN2 syndrome or as the MTC-only mocytoma or other tumours [42].
syndrome. In addition, there are several histopathological
MEN2 syndrome consists of three variants, findings that differentiate familial MTC from
MEN2A, MEN 2B and FMTC (also known as sporadic MTC [43], namely that FMTC tumours
inherited medullary carcinoma without associ- tend to be bilateral, multicentric and associated
ated endocrinopathies), with all three subtypes with neoplastic C-cell hyperplasia (CCH) and
involving high risk of developing MTC. show early lymph node metastases. The presence
Nearly all MEN2 syndromes (including of these features should prompt further family
MEN2A, MEN2B and FMTC) are caused by history taking and consideration for referral for
germline-activating mutations in the RET clinical cancer genetics risk assessment.
(RE-arranged during Transfection) proto-­ Almost all patients with MEN IIB develop
oncogene, located on chromosome 10q, which MTC, with a clinical course that is more aggres-
14  Inherited Thyroid Cancer 169

sive than in MEN-IIA, and for MEN-IIB category, such as those with a RET codon
patients prophylactic thyroidectomy is often M918T mutation, should have a thyroidectomy
preferred in the first year of life. In contrast, the in the first month to first year of life.
aggressiveness and age of onset of FMTC can Due to the relatively high incidence of familial
vary depending on the specific type of RET disease in patients with MTC, all newly diag-
mutation present [44]. For example, mutations nosed patients and their first-degree relatives
in codons 918, 883 and 634 are associated with should be screened for the presence of a RET
the highest penetrance and predispose to MEN mutation. The diagnostic criteria for MEN 2A are
2B and 2A; on the contrary, germline V804 the presence of MTC, phaeochromocytoma,
mutations have a lower penetrance and later age hyperparathyroidism and a germline RET gene
of onset [44]. This genotype-­phenotype corre- mutation. The mutation frequency is >98%; thus
lation means that different timing and extent of few families present a diagnostic dilemma when
surgery may be recommended depending on the fewer than three clinical features are present. In
specific germline mutation identified, with the cases in which only one or two clinical features
American Thyroid Association (ATA) having are present, the diagnosis can be made either
published codon-­ specific guidelines [45] when a first-degree relative shows MEN 2A fea-
(Table  14.3). In general though, prophylactic tures or a RET mutation is identified. At a mini-
total thyroidectomy and central cervical lymph mum, the diagnosis can be made when two
node dissection are recommended to most clinical features are present, even when an auto-
patients with a family history of MTC and who somal dominant pattern is not evident and a RET
are RET positive by age 6, if there are thyroid mutation has not been demonstrated [45].
nodules or the patient has a raised blood calci- All MEN-II syndrome patients or RET-­
tonin level [46]. Children in the highest risk mutated patients should be screened annually for
medullary thyroid cancer by basal or stimulated
calcitonin. Screening for MTC coupled with
Table 14.3  American Thyroid Association (ATA) risk
level and timing of prophylactic thyroidectomy in MEN-­
early prophylactic thyroidectomy has been shown
IIA syndrome to confer survival benefit [47]. Patients diagnosed
ATA with MTC confined to the neck and cervical
risk RET codon Timing of prophylactic lymph nodes should have a total thyroidectomy
level affected thyroidectomy with dissection of the central lymph node com-
Level Codons 768, • Total thyr partment and of any involved lateral neck com-
A 790, 791, 804, • Can consider delay partments. In patients diagnosed with MTC after
891 operative resection if:
Level Codons 609, – Normal annual serum a hemithyroidectomy, a completion thyroidec-
B 611, 618, 620, calcitonin tomy is recommended for patients with heredi-
630 – Normal annual neck tary MTC.
ultrasound (no lesions The risks and complication rates tend to be
>5 mm and no
concerning higher in children than adults when performing a
adenopathy) thyroidectomy and surgery should be carried out
– Less aggressive family in specialised centres. Complications which may
history occur include recurrent laryngeal nerve palsies
– Family preference
Level Codon 634 • Total thyroidectomy by
and hypocalcaemia from hypoparathyroidism.
C age 5 Patients with MTC should also be preoperatively
Level Codons 883, • Total thyroidectomy with screened for a possible undiagnosed phaeochro-
D 918 central compartment mocytoma through the measurement of plasma
Tandem lymph node dissection, or 24-h urine normetanephrine and metaneph-
mutations with sampling of level
(804–805, II–V by 6 months rine levels [48]. If a phaeochromocytoma is
804–806, detected, it should be removed prior to surgery
804–904) for the MTC.
170 J. Lee and J. Ngeow

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Neuromonitoring in Thyroid
Surgery 15
Dipti Kamani, Selen Soylu,
and Gregory W. Randolph

Introduction Background

Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury is one Over the years, thyroid surgery has evolved into a
of the most fearful complications of thyroid graceful modern-day operation focused on surgi-
surgery. In an effort to minimize the risk of cal outcomes. Indeed, injury to the recurrent
RLN injury, intraoperative nerve monitoring laryngeal nerve (RLN) is one of the most feared
(IONM) is increasingly becoming popular as a complications of thyroid surgery. Lahey intro-
useful adjunct to visual identification, adding a duced the routine dissection and demonstration of
new functional dynamic during thyroid surgery. the RLN during thyroid surgery [1]. The role of
This chapter presents the principles and appli- RLN identification in prevention of injury to the
cation of monitoring techniques for RLN, util- RLN during thyroid surgery is long established
ity of intraoperative neuromonitoring in thyroid [2]. While visual identification of RLN is the gold
surgery, as well as new advances in the standard for prevention of RLN injury, the devel-
technique. opment of intraoperative neuromonitoring
I am convinced the best management of RLN (IONM) in thyroid surgery has added a functional
injuries is of a preventative character. dynamic by demonstrating that a structurally
intact RLN may not necessarily equate a function-
—Lahey (1938) ally intact nerve [3]. The central dogma of neural
monitoring is that a visually identified, surgically
preserved, and morphologically intact nerve may
D. Kamani · S. Soylu not necessarily function normally. In thermal,
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Division of traction, and compression injuries, RLN may
Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery, Department of structurally remain intact; a functional assessment
Otolaryngology, Harvard Medical School, of the nerve is required in order to identify the
Boston, MA, USA
G. W. Randolph (*)
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Division of
Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery, Department of
Otolaryngology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA
Iatrogenic RLN Injury
Division of Surgical Oncology, Endocrine Surgical
While bilateral vocal cord paralysis (VCP) can be
Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA particularly devastating, often resulting in trache-
e-mail: otomy, unilateral VCP is also detrimental and may

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 173

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
174 D. Kamani et al.

be associated with aspiration and voice changes Surgery (AAOHNS) voice guidelines [4].
that are sufficient to affect vocation, and further- Preoperative laryngeal exam is recommended in
more can have significant economic as well as all thyroid cancer patients in the American
medicolegal consequences [4]. Rates of perma- Thyroid Association Goiter Surgery Guidelines
nent RLN paralysis in expert hands are reported in and the American Thyroid Association Anaplastic
the range of 1–2% [5]. A recent review of 27 arti- Cancer Guidelines [13]. The American Head and
cles that analyzed over 25,000 thyroidectomy Neck Society Invasive Thyroid Cancer Guidelines
patients found that the average postoperative VCP and NCCN both recommend preoperative laryn-
rate was 9.8% and ranged from 0 to 18.6% [6]. It geal exam in all thyroid cancer patients [14].
should be noted that the rates of RLN paralysis
following thyroidectomy in the literature are likely
underestimated due to difficulty in recognizing IONM Technique, Standards,
many of the intraoperative RLN injuries, lower and Setup
inclination of surgical units with unfavorable data
to report their findings, variability in related symp- Variation in IONM application across multiple
toms, and inconsistency in performing postopera- centers is noticeable, and may be due to the use
tive laryngeal examination by various surgical of diverse electrodes, techniques, and output
units [7]. The Scandinavian Quality Register states recordings leading to diversified and incompara-
that RLN paralysis rate doubles when all patients ble results. Consequently, this heterogeneity may
undergo postoperative laryngeal exam routinely limit the overall utility and applicability of the
[8]. In order to appreciate the true rate of RLN IONM technology. To promote uniformity in
injury, preoperative and postoperative laryngeal IONM application and to avoid common setup
examinations are essential in all patients. and technical errors, the International Nerve
Monitoring Study Group (INMSG) has published
guidelines for IONM application [10].
Preoperative and Postoperative Additionally, it should be noted that a successful
Laryngeal Exam IONM requires a multidisciplinary approach
with collaborative work between the anesthesi-
Preoperative laryngeal exam can detect asymp- ologist and surgeon. Macias et al. have outlined
tomatic VCP, raise the suspicion of invasive dis- an up-to-date algorithm and a monitoring proto-
ease, influence the intraoperative management of col particularly focused on anesthesia parameters
invaded nerve, avoid wrong indictment of postop- that are necessary for successful IONM [15].
erative paralysis, and provide a documented infor-
mation to compare postoperative vocal cord
function. Postoperative laryngeal exam is the only Technique
obtainable precise outcome measure for postop-
erative RLN function, voice changes, and VCP Various neural monitoring methods include glot-
that can occur in isolation [9]. Additionally, it tic observation, laryngeal palpation, endotracheal
allows for postoperative patient safety and plan- tube (ETT)-based surface electrodes, and postcri-
ning of contralateral surgery. Routine perfor- coid surface electrodes [10, 16, 17]. The monitor-
mance of preoperative and postoperative laryngeal ing systems offer either audio feedback or both
exam in thyroidectomy patients is recommended audio feedback and visual waveform informa-
by the British Association of Endocrine and tion. The audio-only systems have a few impor-
Thyroid Surgeons, the German Association of tant pitfalls: (1) The differentiation between the
Endocrine Surgery, and the International Neural signal and the artifact may not be possible; (2)
Monitoring Study Group [10–12]. The recom- distinct features of a waveform such as ampli-
mendations for preoperative and postoperative tude, latency, and morphology cannot be seen
voice assessment are provided in the American and documented; and (3) quantification of the
Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck response is not possible leading to issues in
15  Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery 175

detection of impending RLN injury and patho- Thus, use of muscle relaxants or paralytic
logical states of the RLN. agents to maintain anesthesia should be
The most preferred neural monitoring equip- avoided. Short-acting muscle relaxants at the
ment is an ETT-based system that includes both time of induction can be used. The endotracheal
audio feedback and a visual graphic documenta- tube should be inserted without the use of any
tion of the electromyography (EMG) waveform lubricant jelly or any other coating. It is recom-
elicited from thyroarytenoid muscle. Both nee- mended to use suction and possibly a drying
dle-based electrodes and surface electrodes may agent to avoid pooling of saliva, which may
be used. Manufactured ETT with paired stainless obscure the EMG signals. The largest possible
steel electrodes exposed at the level of the glottis size tube should be used to ensure that the elec-
or a standard ETT with thin electrodes secured trodes abut closely to the vocal cords. Since the
over the tube with adhesive pads can be used. tube displacement of up to 6 cm can occur dur-
ing final positioning of the patient, especially
with neck extension, it is imperative that tube
The Setup placement checks are performed once the
patient is in the final position [18]. Presence of
A basic setup of the neural monitoring equipment respiratory variations can help establish proper
is shown in Fig. 15.1. tube placement; alternatively repeat direct
Following a standard setup algorithm minimizes laryngoscopy can be performed. Respiratory
intraoperative problems related to IONM system. variations are small waveforms with amplitudes
The electrocautery unit should be kept at least 10 ft. of 30–70 μV that cause coarsening of the base-
away from the neural monitoring unit to avoid elec- line EMG.  Respiratory variation can be seen
trical interference. Ground electrodes are adhered to during a small window of time when the effect
the shoulder or the sternum. After the equipment is of the muscle relaxant given at the time of
set up, it is confirmed that the recording-side and the induction wears off and the patient is in a lighter
stimulation-side circuitry is complete. plane of anesthesia just before the patient starts
Muscle relaxants used during anesthesia to move spontaneously or “buck” [19]
may temper with EMG response and lead to (Fig. 15.2). At final positioning, the impedance
inaccurate quantitative analysis during IONM. of the electrodes should be less than 5 Ω and the

Recording Side Stimulation Side

ET REC Patient

Fig. 15.1  Basic IONM

equipment setup. ET Interface- EMG
endotracheal tube, REC Connector Monitor
recording electrodes, Box
and GND ground
176 D. Kamani et al.

a 100

Baseline noise

Amplitude (µV)



Baseline noise with

increased respiratory activity


0.0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 .2
Time (s)

50 5




Fig. 15.2  Respiratory variation. Left and right baseline cord is electrically silent (patient had preoperatively diag-
tracings in a patient—the left vocal cord demonstrates nosed right vocal cord paralysis)
normal respiratory variation (30–70 μV). The right vocal

imbalance between the two sides should be less plete, it is important to set the monitor event
than 1  Ω. Higher impedance imbalance may threshold at 100 μV and the stimulator probe to
suggest inappropriate tube placement requiring a pulsatile output of 4 per second. At the initia-
repositioning whereas if the overall impedance tion of surgery, the stimulation of strap muscles
is high then the ground electrodes require a resulting into a gross muscle twitch can be per-
check or replacement. Once the setup is com-
15  Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery 177

formed to confirm absence of paralytic agents form peak (Fig.  15.3). Latency recordings are
as well as intact stimulatory pathway. distinctive and can not only differentiate artifacts
For each patient, essential data pertaining to from neural stimulated structures and but also
IONM include preoperative laryngeal exam L1, distinguish RLN, superior laryngeal nerve, and
an initial intraoperative suprathreshold vagal vagus nerve and differentiate left from right
nerve stimulation V1, and an initial intraopera- vagus nerve easily. Threshold is defined as the
tive RLN stimulation R1 that are recorded at the current that, applied to the nerve, first starts to
beginning. A similar set of events that include R2 trigger minimal EMG activity. Normative EMG
and V2 need to be recorded at the end of the sur- data and graphical waveforms generated from
gery, followed by a postoperative laryngeal exam RLN, SLN, and left and right vagus nerve have
L2 [20, 21]. A suprathreshold current of 2 mA is been described and are depicted in Fig. 15.4 [23].
useful for neural mapping, whereas once the
RLN has been visualized the current can be
reduced to 1 mA for further testing and end-of- Passive EMG Activity During IONM
surgery prognostication.
A frequently occurring passive EMG activity
implies mechanical nerve injury or cautery stress;
EMG Waveform evaluation of surgical maneuvers is imperative at
the time. Several researchers have reported that
The amplitude of a monitoring waveform is such bursts of passive activity correlate with
defined in the International Guidelines as the ver- some degree of nerve injury [24–26]. But, till
tical height of the apex of the positive initial date, their relationship to frank VCP is not
waveform deflection to the lowest point in the net proven.
subsequent opposite polarity phase of the wave-
form (Fig. 15.3). Caragacianu et al. found that no
statistically significant difference exists between IONM Application
the amplitude when the nerve is stimulated by
suprathreshold levels at 1 or 2  mA.  Normative Use of IONM is increasing lately and is evident
values were thus defined at 1  mA.  The study through the recent surgical survey data demon-
established a clinically useful normative range of strating the use of IONM during thyroid surgeries
amplitude that can be useful for surgical deci- by almost 80% head and neck surgeons and by
sion-making [22]. Latency definition in the 65% of general surgeons in the USA with a sig-
IONM literature is inconsistent; the INMSG nificant increase in just past few years [27, 28].
defines latency as the time from the stimulation Noticeably, over 95% of endocrine surgical
spike to the appearance of the first evoked wave- fellows who had an exposure to nerve monitoring

Amplitude (µV)

Amplitude Ipsilateral
Fig. 15.3 EMG 0 endotracheal tube
recording showing
amplitude and latency –500 Stimulation
measurements of artifact spike
unilateral recurrent –1000 Duration
laryngeal nerve
stimulation recorded by
ipsilateral endotracheal 0 5.0 10.0 15.0
tube electrodes Time post-stimulus (ms)
178 D. Kamani et al.

Left Vagus Nerve Right Vagus Nerve

1000 1000
Mean Latency 8.14 ms (Ipsilateral endotracheal Mean Latency 5.47 ms (Ipsilateral endotracheal
(1 SD = 0.86 ms) tube electrodes) (1 SD = 0.73 ms) tube electrodes)

500 500
Mean Latency Mean Amplitude
Amplitude (µv)

Amplitude (µv)
707.8 µv 771.6 µv
(1 SD = 318.50 µV) (1 SD = 295.14 µV)

0 0

Stimulation Stimulation
artifact spike artifact spike
–500 –500

1 Standard Deviation 1 Standard Deviation

–1000 –1000

0 5.0 10.0 15.0 0 5.0 10.0 15.0

Time post-stimulus (ms) Time post-stimulus (ms)

Mean Latency 3.55 ms

Mean Latency 3.96 ms (1 SD = 0.49 ms)
(1 SD = 0.69 ms) RLN EBSLN
1000 1000
(Ipsilateral endotracheal (Ipsilateral endotracheal
tube electrodes) tube electrodes)

500 500
Mean Amplitude
891.6 µv
Amplitude (µv)

Amplitude (µv)
Mean Amplitude
(1 SD = 731 µV) 246.6 µv
(1 SD = 98.9 µV)
0 0

–500 –500
Stimulation Stimulation
artifact spike artifact spike

1 Standard Deviation 1 Standard Deviation

–1000 –1000

0 5.0 10.0 15.0 0 5.0 10.0 15.0

Time post-stimulus (ms) Time post-stimulus (ms)

Fig. 15.4  Ipsilateral endotracheal electrode recording for laryngeal nerve (EBSLN) illustrating normative wave-
the left and right vagus nerve, pooled recurrent laryngeal form morphology, latency, and amplitude
nerve (RLN), and pooled external branch of superior

during their endocrine fellowship training imple- paratracheal region assists in mapping the
mented its use in some or all of their cases in their course of the RLN.  This neural map can be
surgical practice [29]. Literature reported on pat- used for further dissection for nerve visualiza-
terns of use of IONM suggest that surgeons who tion. IONM is especially valuable in revision
most commonly employ neural monitoring are surgeries as in such situations scar tissue makes
higher volume surgeons [30]. nerve identification difficult, as well as in large
goiters and invasive malignancies where anat-
omy is distorted.
 enefits of IONM Can
B 2 . Insight into Pathologic States of the RLN:
Be Characterized into Following Even when a nerve is invaded by malignancy,
Categories it can demonstrate significant residual EMG
response upon stimulation of a nerve.
1. Neural Mapping and Identification: Further, residual EMG can be present in the
IONM aids in visualization of nerve, and the setting of preoperative VCP.  In a study by
speed of RLN identification is improved with our unit, we found that about a third of the
IONM as compared to visual identification patients with VCP due to nerve invasion
alone [31]. Linear electrical stimulation in the revealed significant EMG activity [9]. When
15  Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery 179

such a nerve is resected, the surgeon needs to ing opportunities for the surgeon. In the setting
be aware of the consequent functional issues of LOS, bilateral VCP can be avoided by post-
attributable to the residual electrophysiologic poning contralateral surgery; this concept of
activity in the nerve. The patient may experi- postponing contralateral surgery in the setting
ence additional dysphagia and aspiration to of nerve-related LOS is possibly the utmost
some extent. Hence, presence of intraopera- extension of neural prognostication function of
tive EMG activity should be considered dur- IONM. The cost-effectiveness of neural moni-
ing surgical management of invaded nerve. toring as it relates to LOS and staged thyroid-
Notably, IONM can provide important ectomy has recently been evaluated by
insights into the functioning of invaded Al-Qurayshi et  al., utilizing a Markov chain
nerves which are not obtainable with visual model subjected to Monte Carlo simulation
identification alone. cost modeling in the US population. Using
3 . Detection of Intraoperative Injury and rates of contralateral RLN palsy ranging from
Prognostication of Nerve Function: 1 to 17%, they found that nerve monitoring
The ability to predict the functional status of with LOS incorporation into the surgical strat-
RLN with reasonable accuracy is one of the egy is the most cost-effective algorithm [38].
most important applications of IONM, as it
assists the surgeon in avoiding bilateral
VCP. Visual identification alone is insufficient Interpretation of LOS During IONM
to prognosticate postoperative RLN function.
A nerve injured by blunt trauma or stretching LOS (LOS) during IONM could be encountered
may appear visually intact, and in such situa- due to several reasons; first and foremost equip-
tions structural integrity does not necessarily ment/setup-related LOS should be ruled out
translate into a normal postoperative function- before considering true LOS.  The laryngeal
ality. A study of more than 3600 cases from the twitch response to ipsilateral and contralateral
Scandinavian endocrine quality register vagal stimulation should be assessed to evaluate
reported that only 11.3% injuries were pre- the integrity of the IONM setup. Presence of
dicted by the surgeons, and only 16% (1 out of laryngeal twitch confirms proper functioning of
6) bilateral injuries were identified intraopera- the stimulating side of equipment. Recording-
tively [32]. Thus, close to 90% of the injuries side equipment issues usually result from
are not visually identifiable. In contrast, IONM improper tube positioning, inadequacy of cur-
is a highly precise neural function test and has rent, and use of paralytic agents that should also
>95% negative predictive value [33–37]. The be deliberated. An event must satisfy three condi-
positive predictive value of IONM is lower and tions to be categorized as true LOS:
can be variable; this is related to the use of
accurate definition of loss of signal (LOS) and 1. Presence of a satisfactory EMG (amplitude
implementation of equipment troubleshooting. >500 μV) at the beginning of IONM
Universal and accurate definition of LOS and a 2. No or low response (i.e., 250  μV or lower)
better knowledge of normative neural monitor- with stimulation at 1–2 mA in a dry field
ing parameters can greatly augment prognostic 3. Absence of laryngeal twitch and/or glottis

function of IONM. This is one of the focuses twitch on ipsilateral vagal stimulation
of upcoming INMSG guidelines. After con-
firming that the LOS is due to neural injury, Presence of a true LOS should prompt the sur-
injured nerve segment can be identified by per- geon to identify the site of injury and to abort the
forming retrograde testing of the affected associated maneuver if possible. LOS may also
RLN, starting from the laryngeal entry point impact the surgical plan and may lead to post-
and progressing proximally. This can allow for ponement of surgery on the contralateral side [39]
treatment of the injury as well as present learn- (Fig. 15.5). There is significant clinical evidence
180 D. Kamani et al.

Intraoperative LOS Evaluation Standard

Laryngeal twitch: Present Recording Side

OR Corrective Maneuver
Stimulation Contralateral
ETT malposition Stimulate vagus as
Vagus: Absent anesthesia repositions
Check Recording Side endotracheal tube
ground, interface box
and monitor connections,
Possible salivary pooling

Stimulation Side No
Laryngeal twitch: Absent Check stimulation
Problem side ground
Confirm stimulation interface box &
current ~1-2 mA, dry field, monitor connections
current return on monitor, Check
test probe on muscle neuromuscular

Stimulate Contralateral
Vagus: Present

Consider ipsilateral
neural injury

LOS Definition:
1 -EMG change from initial satisfactory EMG
2 -No or low response (i.e. 100 mv or less)with stimulation @ 1-2 mA, dry field
3 -No laryngeal twitch and/or observed glottic twitch
With LOS:
1 -Map lesion and determine Type I(Segmental) or Type II (Global) injury
2 -Consider contralateral surgery timing

Fig. 15.5  Intraoperative evaluation of loss of signal (LOS) algorithm

in support of staging of contralateral surgery in 1. Stimulation of the nerve in a wet bloody surgi-
the event of LOS [40–43]. LOS definition, inter- cal field
pretation, and staged surgery are discussed in 2. Equipment errors on the recording side (dis-
detail in the upcoming INMSG guidelines. placement of endotracheal tube, improper
grounding of electrodes)
3. Use of improper neuromuscular blockade
Prognostic Testing Errors 4. Early neuronal recovery especially if there is
delay in performing postoperative laryngos-
False-positive error (when LOS is noted intra- copy by a few days
operatively, but the nerve function is intact post-
operatively): False-positive errors can result False-negative error (when positive EMG
from: response is present at RLN stimulation at the end
15  Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery 181

of the surgery but there is absence of nerve func- randomized trials), level 2 (outcome research and
tion postoperatively): This type of error is infre- systematic review), and level 5 (case series) evi-
quent, particularly when IONM is performed in a dence is presented here. A meta-analysis by
systematic manner. Zheng et al. found statistically significant differ-
False-negative error can result from the ences in the incidences of overall and transient
following: RLN palsy with the use of IONM versus visual
RLN identification alone during thyroidectomy
1. Stimulation of the nerve distal to the site of but did not find statistically significant difference
injury: This can be avoided by routinely per- for the incidence of persistent RLN palsy between
forming post-dissection vagal stimulation these two groups [45]. Higgins et  al. in their
(V2). meta-analysis showed no statistically significant
2. Trauma related to endotracheal tube leading difference in the true VCP rate with the use of
to laryngeal edema, and dislocation of the ary- IONM versus visual RLN identification alone
tenoid cartilage. during thyroidectomy [46]. Meta-analysis by
3. Injury to the nerve after the final stimulation, Pisanu et al. did not demonstrate any statistically
e.g., during wound closure. significant difference in the incidence of RLN
4. In the setting of extralaryngeal branching of palsy in IONM versus visual identification alone
the RLN, a posterior branch injury may not be during thyroidectomy. Notably, they advised
detected by IONM. researchers to interpret these results with caution,
as they were largely based on non-randomized
observational studies and suggested that multi-
Evidence-Based Discussion center, prospective, randomized trials based on
on Impact of Neuromonitoring strict criteria of standardization followed by clus-
on Rate of RLN Injury tered meta-analysis are required [47]. Recently,
Lombardi et al. in their meta-analysis found that
While analyzing the literature to assess the the use of IONM did not demonstrate significant
impact of neuromonitoring on the rate of postop- benefit over visualization alone in decreasing
erative VCP, it is important to keep in mind that RLN injury rates [48]. However, bulk of the stud-
(1) to achieve an adequate statistical power, very ies included in their review were non-randomized
large sample size is needed because of extremely studies. Many studies reviewing RLN paralysis
low incidence of the end points—transient and rate with and without monitoring in select popu-
permanent RLN injury. Dralle et al. have shown lations such as high-risk surgeries, surgeries for
that an adequately powered study to obtain a sta- thyroid cancer, and surgeries performed by low-
tistically significant difference would need nine volume surgeons showed improved rates of RLN
million patients per arm for benign goiter surgery paralysis [49–51]. Barczynski in their random-
and 40,000 patients per arm for thyroid malig- ized study comparing nerve monitoring with
nancy surgery [44]. (2) There is significant het- visualization alone showed significantly lower
erogeneity in the available literature. (3) There rates of temporary paralysis but not in permanent
are several, hard-to-isolate confounding factors, paralysis, specifically in high-risk surgeries [52].
e.g., surgeon’s expertise, the nature of the dis- Lower rates of permanent RLN paralysis with
ease, and the type and extent of the surgical pro- neural monitoring are noted in a study based on
cedure. (4) Additionally, use of preoperative and endocrine surgery quality data from the
postoperative laryngoscopy to document vocal Scandinavian Endocrine Surgical Quality
cord status is not enforced in all research studies, Registry [32]. Barczynski et al. in their retrospec-
thus missing a documented measure of vocal tive study of 850 patients with revision surgeries
cord status. concluded that IONM statistically significantly
A brief discussion of the available significant reduces the rate of transient RLN paralysis in
relevant literature with level 1 (meta-analysis and revision surgeries [53].
182 D. Kamani et al.

Current Advances in IONM nificant events that were potentially reversible

if the related maneuver was aborted, but if
1. Continuous Vagal Monitoring: allowed to continue sCE could progress to LOS
While intermittent IONM is extremely useful (typically much less reversible) and to likely
in assisting a surgeon, its greatest limitation postoperative VCP.  One should keep in mind
lies in its intermittent evaluation of the RLN, that IONM in general is more useful for pre-
thereby allowing the risk of neural injury in venting impeding stretch or compression neu-
between stimulations [32, 44, 54]. This could ral injury than a transactional nerve injury [64].
underlie the reports that suggest that the inter- 2 . Superior Laryngeal Nerve (SLN) Monitoring:
mittent IONM (most commonly used format Injury to external branch of the SLN (EBSLN)
of IONM) may be limited in its ability to pre- leads to cricothyroid muscle dysfunction that
vent neural injury [32, 55–58]. Continuous impacts vocal projection and the ability to
IONM (CIONM) with vagal nerve electrode is produce higher registers of the voice. Although
a new format of IONM in which constant, real- subtle, these voice changes can affect profes-
time intraoperative EMG data is obtained from sional voice users significantly. EBSLN is at
vagus and RLN circuitry. The reports of risk of injury during superior pole dissection
adverse effects of continuous vagal stimulation and ligation of superior thyroid vessels.
are rare [59, 60]. There are several reports of Intraoperative detection of EBSLN injury is
intermittent (IONM) and continuous monitor- challenging. Up to 20% of EBSLNs run a sub-
ing series with hundreds of patients receiving fascial course; thus intraoperative visual iden-
thousands of nerve stimulations without any tification of EBSLN is not possible in all cases
associated significant neural, cardiac, pulmo- [66]. Postoperatively, EBSLN injury is often
nary, or gastrointestinal vagal side effects [49, missed due to absence of associated identifi-
61–65]. The real-time EMG information able changes in vocal cords. EBSLN injury is
obtained by CIONM can help overcome the reported in up to 58% of patients undergoing
limitation of the traditional intermittent IONM thyroid surgery [67].
by its ability to detect impending RLN injury. IONM of EBSLN allows for stimulation
The adverse EMG changes picked up by and identification of all EBSLNs including the
CIONM can indicate an impending neural subfascial EBLNs [68]. The laryngeal head of
injury and enable the surgeons to prompt a cor- the sternothyroid is used as a landmark for
rective action such as aborting associated EBSLN identification; the tissue parallel and
maneuvers that may have led to adverse EMG underneath the laryngeal head of the sterno-
changes, thus likely avoiding permanent thyroid muscle is stimulated to delineate distal
injury. However, it is prudent that a surgeon course of EBSLN before it pierces the crico-
can identify and differentiate true adverse thyroid muscle. A cricothyroid muscle twitch
events from artifacts. Our unit has studied elicited by this stimulation is currently used
EMG adverse events and defined mild com- for EBSLN localization. The EBSLN monitor-
bined events (mCE) and severe combined ing guidelines by INMSG provide detailed
events (sCE) by using a combination of report on its application and utility [69].
decrease in amplitude with increase in latency. 3. Intraoperative Identification of Nonrecurrent
Mild combined events (mCE) were defined as Laryngeal Nerve:
amplitude decrease of 50–70% with a concor- The nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve (NRLN), a
dant latency increase of 5–10% and severe rare anatomical variant of RLN, is more com-
combined events (sCE) were defined as ampli- monly found on the right side (0.5–1% of all
tude decrease of >70% with a concordant RLNs). Left NRLN is rare (0.04%) and is
latency increase of >10%. associated with situs inversus. NRLN does not
We noted that mCE as well as isolated affect RLN function in any way but surgically
amplitude or latency changes were not associ- it makes the nerve more vulnerable to injury,
ated with VCP. However, sCE were more sig- especially when a surgeon is unaware of its
15  Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery 183

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Complications in Thyroid Surgery
Radan Dzodic, Nada Santrac, Ivan Markovic,
Marko Buta, and Merima Goran

Introduction ment of hemostatic forceps in European clinics

(around 1870) [2]. The central role among thy-
William Stewart Halsted said: “The extirpation roid surgery giants remains reserved for Swiss
of the thyroid gland for goiter typifies, perhaps, surgeon Emil Theodor Kocher (1841–1917),
better than any operation, the supreme triumph acclaimed as the father of thyroid surgery. He
of the surgeon’s art” [1]. was the first “high-volume” endocrine surgeon
From ancient times, attempts to treat goiter who showed that surgical training and meticu-
were recorded; however they were rare and lous technique reduce complications in thyroid
related to large goiters with threat to surgery. By the end of his life, he managed to
suffocation [2]. The first typical partial thyroid- reduce perioperative mortality rate during thy-
ectomy was successfully performed in 1791 by roid operations from 40 to 0.5% after over 5000
French surgeon Pierre Joseph Desault [3]. operations [2]. He is acclaimed not only for mas-
However, number of lethal outcomes after thy- tering the surgical technique, but also for his
roid surgery led many great surgeons of that contributions in physiology and pathology of
time, such as Robert Liston and Samuel Gross, thyroid gland, for which he was awarded with
to think that thyroid surgery is not justified in the Nobel Prize in 1909 [2].
any case [2]. The great breakthrough in thyroid
surgery happened in the second half of the nine-
teenth century. There were three important Background
events that changed the course of surgery drasti-
cally: introduction of general anesthesia in 1846 From the very beginnings of thyroid surgery to
by Boston dentist William Morton [4], Lister’s modern times, the significance of a surgeon
discovery of antisepsis in 1867 [5], and develop- remains of the same importance. Surgeon is
thought to be an important prognostic factor, not
only for the outcome and survival, but also for the
complications rate [6]. However, regardless of
R. Dzodic (*) · N. Santrac · I. Markovic · M. Buta · the improvements in surgical technique and tech-
M. Goran nical support, complications still occur.
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia Thyroid surgery is the surgery of parathyroid
glands and recurrent laryngeal nerves. Injuries to
Department of Endocrine and Head and Neck Surgery,
Surgical Oncology Clinic, Institute for Oncology and these structures are severe. Other major complica-
Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia tions include bleeding, infection, superior laryn-

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 187

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
188 R. Dzodic et al.

geal nerve injury, thoracic duct injury, as well as mon causes of PB are loss of an arterial ligature
injury of the lateral neck nerves, arteries, and and collapsed veins which were not ligated dur-
veins. Some minor complications include pain, ing surgery. Any effort, cough, vomiting, or blood
paresthesia, neck and shoulder stiffness, seroma, pressure elevation, can cause hemorrhage.
poor scaring, granuloma, sinus (fistula), and Risk factors. Increased risk for IB is observed
wound dehiscence. Some of the complications are in patients with prolonged systemic anticoagula-
life threatening, like carotid artery injury or inva- tion treatment, coagulopathies, acetylsalicylic
sion by tumor or infection, skin necrosis, dyspha- acid use, and low doses of heparin application
gia, fistulas between organs and skin, chyle [8]. Capillary bleeding ex vacuo from large sur-
leakage and pneumothorax, as well as injuries to faces is observed after removing large goiters
the organs (esophagus, larynx, trachea). (400–500 g or more). Patients undergoing reop-
Tracheomalacia is a dangerous complication, erations are with increased risk of IB and PB due
with diverse etiology. Potential causes related to to fibrosis and disturbed anatomic landmarks.
thyroid surgery are trauma by intubation and tra- External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) of the neck
cheotomy, external compression of trachea by causes sclerotic changes of capillaries, other vas-
large thyroid tumors, or locally advanced thyroid cular structures, and tissues. Thyroid surgery in
malignancy, especially anaplastic carcinoma. patients with previous EBRT carries increased
Thyrotoxic crisis, as a life-threatening complica- risk of IB, even from large arteries (brachioce-
tion of thyroid surgery, can be prevented by good phalic trunk, common carotid artery). The most
preoperative preparation of patients with hyper- severe, even fatal, are injuries of vital blood ves-
thyreosis. Hypothyroidism in patients with total sels in the mediastinal region while performing
thyroidectomy should not be considered as a com- sternotomy or mediastinal dissection after preop-
plication of the treatment, yet as a malpractice. erative EBRT.
All patients must have adequate levothyroxine Presentation. The most dramatic IB in thyroid
replacement (partial or full), or suppression (in surgery origins from thyroid arteries and
malignant disease), depending on the body weight branches, especially in large goiters, or hyperthy-
and the desired serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels. reosis, where the caliber of the vessels is very
large. Rather severe bleeding is caused by tran-
section of inferior laryngeal artery, and reckless
Bleeding placement of the pens, with ligation or suture,
may easily lead to another major complication:
Bleeding in thyroid surgery can occur during the accidental injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
surgical procedure (intraoperative) or during post- The main clinical symptoms of PB include
operative course, and it can be arterial, venous, neck swelling, changes of skin color around the
capillary, or combined. It can be dramatic and wound edges, voice hoarseness, shortness of
potentially fatal surgical complication. Life- breath, hematoma formation, or bleeding directly
threatening intraoperative bleedings (IB) are very between wound edges [7]. If not recognized on
uncommon nowadays, especially if surgery is per- time, growing hematoma can lead to mechanical
formed by a high-volume surgeon. This may be asphyxia by laryngeal edema or tracheal com-
attributed to the fact that most of the patients are pression, or even to refractory cardiac and respi-
treated in specialized centers where the surgical ratory arrest by irritation of vagal nerves. The
technique is established at the highest level. amount of blood in the vacuum drainage during
Bleeding in the early postoperative course is the early postoperative course is often unreliable
not frequent and according to the literature its for assessment of PB, since drains are often non-
incidence ranges from 0.6 to 2.9% [7]. The criti- functional due to coagulum.
cal time for postoperative bleeding (PB) is the Evaluation. In IB, it is important to identify
initial 6-hours period, but it was also observed the injured blood vessel and the leakage point, as
during the second postoperative day. Most com- well as to assess best options for stopping it. The
16  Complications in Thyroid Surgery 189

necessary level of blood vessel ligation should be In mild PB clinical symptoms and signs, a place-
defined in order to prevent, for example, parathy- ment of the Mikulicz’s tamponade in thyroid bed
roid gland ischemia. Close wound observation should be attempted in sterile conditions, as well
for signs, as well as monitoring of the drainage, is as the replacement of the drains. In more severe
mandatory in postoperative course for timely clinical presentation, urgent in-­ bed hematoma
verification of the bleeding. evacuation is mandatory, followed by urgent intu-
Prevention. Adequate preoperative prepara- bation in the operating theatre, wound exploration,
tion is important for patients with high risk for and definite hemostasis in sterile conditions, with
IB.  Prevention of IB is assured by meticulous drainage [9, 10]. Mikulicz’s tamponade must be
surgical technique. Intraoperative hemostasis can removed within 24  h to prevent infection, while
be accomplished by ligating, suturing, or clip- Redon drainage is usually kept for 24–48 h.
ping, using thermocautery or with different
vessel-­sealing systems. Intraoperative wound
washing and Valsalva maneuver can be useful to Infection
identify potential venous bleedings [7].
Intraoperative control of major blood vessels dur- Although postoperative wound infection and
ing lateral neck dissection might be difficult in bleeding accounted for the majority of lethal out-
patients who had EBRT and previous surgeries. comes after thyroid surgery in the nineteenth cen-
In these circumstances, bleeding is potentially tury, nowadays these complications are rare.
lethal, and presence of vascular surgeon in the Surgical site infections (SSI) after thyroidectomy
team is strongly advised. Capillary bleeding from are reported between 0.5 and 3% in literature [11–
large wound surfaces can be prevented by topical 14], being very rare. They occur as a result of an
hemostatic agents or tissue adhesive application, inadequate sterile surgical technique, with skin
along with Redon drainage. In patients who had saprophytes as the most common causes [15].
several surgeries or previous EBRT, it is advised Many risk factors, preoperative or surgery related
to apply Mikulicz’s tamponade, along with (intraoperative), were recognized as important for
Redon drainage [9] (Fig. 16.1). SSI in thyroid surgery. Although routine antibiotic
Treatment. Patients with IB require immediate, prophylaxis is not recommended for “clean sur-
but careful, ligation, suture, or clip placement. geries” [16], the use of antibiotics in prevention of
Prior to this, it is necessary to obtain visual control SSI is rather common [17].
on the parathyroid glands and recurrent laryngeal SSI presentation can be mild to severe, even
nerves. In case that  transected superior thyroid life threatening. The most important is timely
artery (branches) retracts in the soft tissues, it is diagnosis, providing prompt and adequate treat-
possible to control the bleeding by approaching ment, whether conservative or invasive (drainage,
part where it arises from the external carotid artery. surgical re-exploration).
Risk factors. Many perioperative risk factors
were recognized as important for development of
SSI in thyroid surgery. Some of the significant
preoperative factors are obesity, body mass index,
American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA)
class, weight loss, chronic steroid use, diabetes,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, conges-
tive heart failure, pneumonia, smoking, and alco-
hol use [18]. Most important intraoperative
factors for SSI are operative time and wound
classification, which are directly related to
Fig. 16.1  Placing of Mikulicz’s tamponade in the central surgical technique, surgery extent, locally
neck region after thyroid carcinoma surgery advanced tumors, and reoperations. Operative
190 R. Dzodic et al.

time is prolonged by more extensive thyroid operatively, to reduce the possibility for SSI,
resection, lymph node dissections and reopera- although these data are not well documented in
tions, especially in obese patients [12, 13, 19], literature.
which indirectly increases the risk for SSI. Treatment. The most important step in SSI is
Presentation. SSI in thyroid surgery may timely diagnosis, providing prompt and adequate
manifest as superficial (skin and subcutaneous treatment, whether conservative or invasive
tissue affected) and deep (deep soft tissues (drainage, surgical re-exploration). A conserva-
affected, i.e. muscles and fascia) [7]. Mildest tive approach may be considered in patients with
form of SSI is cellulitis that manifests with ery- superficial SSI and no evident progression [13].
thema, warmth and tenderness of the skin around Cellulitis should be treated with antibiotics
the surgical incision, without suppuration. against gram-positive organisms, according to
Phlegmon is a more severe, suppurative form of antibiogram. For deep-neck abscesses, broad-­
diffuse SSI, affecting neck subcutaneous tissue, spectrum antibiotics should be used (e.g., cefu-
with a  potential to spread to the mouth floor or roxime, clindamycin) until receiving definitive
mediastinal region, being life threatening. bacterial culture results [7]. Abscess should be
Abscess is a localized SSI, characterized by local drained, with direct antibiotic coverage accord-
inflammation signs and pus. If superficial, it may ing to culture finding. Sometimes, in order to
be fluctuant during palpation, with tenderness. If treat severe, life-threatening deep-neck abscess, a
deep (internal), it may be difficult to diagnose, surgical re-exploration is necessary.
since the only local manifestation is pain; but the
presence of general symptoms like fever, tachy-
cardia and leukocytosis must be an alarm for it Hypoparathyroidism
[7]. If not recognized on time, it can be mani-
fested as suffocation due to laryngeal edema or Hypoparathyroidism (HPT) is one of the most
tracheal compression. frequent and most severe complications of thy-
Evaluation. Close wound observation on reg- roid surgery. Postoperative HPT is caused by
ular postoperative checkups is mandatory for intraoperative damage of the parathyroid glands
local signs of infection (erythema, warmth, (PTG) or their devascularization, or by accidental
swelling, tenderness, pain, loss of function). Pus removal of unrecognized PTGs. Its prevalence
expressed from the superficial abscess or drained ranges from 19 to 38% in transient, and 0–3% in
surgically should be analyzed by Gram stain and permanent HPT, although it is probably underes-
bacterial culture in order to choose the most ade- timated [20]. It varies in relation to surgeon’s
quate antibiotics [7]. Ultrasound evaluation of skill and thyroid surgery extent, underlying that
abscess is useful, as well as computed tomogra- the surgeon is a factor of prognosis [6]. HPT
phy and endoscopy in deep abscess localization, treatment consists of alleviating the symptoms,
to exclude organ lesions [7]. since there is no adequate substitute for parathy-
Prevention. The key to prevention of SSI is roid hormone (PTH). Therefore, preservation of
good, anatomic, nonaggressive surgical tech- PTG vein and arterial supply is crucial in thyroid
nique, following rules of asepsis and antisepsis. surgery [21].
Routine antibiotic prophylaxis has not been Risk factors. The most important risk factors
proven beneficial in the literature. The patients for HPT are lack of surgeon’s experience and
with certain risk of SSI should be closely moni- traumatic surgical technique [6]. Inexperienced
tored, even discharged form hospital with antibi- surgeons can remove the PTGs with thyroid
otic coverage [13]. Intraoperative factors are not gland and lymph nodes, or disrupt their blood
always  predictable, thus cannot be used for supply. “Rough” surgical technique can cause
selecting the high-risk patients for prophylactic soft-tissue edema and venous stasis, which results
antibiotic use. However, these patients can be in PTG infarction. The incidence of postoperative
administered antibiotics during surgery or post- HPT is directly proportional to surgery extent,
16  Complications in Thyroid Surgery 191

being highest in patients with Graves’ disease or larization [33, 34]. Preservation of venous blood
malignancy, reaching 25% [22]. Reoperations or vessels is as equally important as preservation of
locally advanced thyroid carcinomas carry sig- arterial blood supply, but more technically chal-
nificantly higher risk for HPT. lenging. Disruption of venous drainage causes
Presentation. Symptoms and signs of hypo- venous stasis and PTG infraction, and superior
calcemia include perioral and digital paresthesia, PTGs are at higher risk [35]. It is of great impor-
tetany, carpopedal spasm, positive Trousseau’s tance to avoid ligation of middle thyroid, i.e.
and Chvostek’s sign, mental status changes, Kocher’s vein, because it drains 30% of PTG
laryngospasm, seizures, prolonged QT interval venous blood. Ligating its branches, instead,
on ECG, and cardiac arrest. Most patients are ini- avoids venous infraction [21]. Preservation of
tially asymptomatic. Symptoms typically develop PTGs is particularly difficult in extracapsular thy-
when adjusted serum calcium levels fall below roid tumor spread, presence of central lymph
1.9 mmol/L, but this is not a rule [7, 23]. node metastases and reoperations. Sometimes
Evaluation. All patients with bilateral central PTG needs to be removed, or partially resected,
neck exploration are at risk for injury of PTGs due to its proximity to the thyroid carcinoma.
and should be screened for HPT.  PTG function Nowadays, preservation of PTGs is facilitated by
can be assessed by measuring ionized calcium utilization of Harmonic scalpel, Ligasure, or bipo-
adjusted for albumin and PTH levels, before and lar pincette. Dissection is safer using 2.5–3.5
after surgery, for comparison. In hypocalcemic magnification lenses, as well as laryngeal and
patients, normal postoperative PTH level predicts vagal nerve neuromonitoring. Properly vascular-
normalization of calcemia [7]. Low PTH levels, ized PTGs have shiny capsule and typical yellow-
with hypocalcemia, select patients at risk for ish-brown color. If ischemia is suspected, needle
prompt calcium replacement therapy. Some or scalper puncturing, with bleeding as a result,
authors recommend introducing therapy if imme- can suggest that PTGs are with good vasculariza-
diate postoperative PTH levels decrease under tion [21]. Otherwise, if their vascularization is
1.5  pmol/L and morning serum calcium falls compromised, or they cannot be preserved on vas-
under 2.0 mmol/L [24]. Recent studies [25] sug- cular pedicles, autotransplantation of PTGs
gest measurement of intact PTH on the first post- should be performed as a standard surgical proce-
operative day as an efficient predictor of dure for preventing HPT [30–32, 36, 37]. Whether
parathyroid function and a cost-effective way to reasons for autotransplantation are vascular or
select patients for calcium and vitamin D oncologic, frozen section analysis needs to be
supplementation. performed to confirm the origin of the tissue. PTG
Prevention. Prevention of HPT can be achieved tissue is then sliced into millimeter pieces to
either by preservation of PTGs in situ on adequate ensure good vascularization through passive dif-
vascular pedicles (venous and arterial) [21, 26– fusion. Autotransplantation is most commonly
29] or by performing autotransplantation if their orthotopic (sternocleidomastoid muscle) [31], but
blood supply is compromised [30–32]. Surgical it can be heterotopic, as well (different anatomical
technique of preservation of PTGs in situ (with position, such as brachioradial muscle). Both
intact capsule) includes extracapsular thyroidec- types of autotransplantation have clear indica-
tomy and meticulous, atraumatic surgery, while tions, advantages and disadvantages.
maintaining bloodless surgical field [27]. After Treatment. Management of hypocalcemia
identification and de-­attachment of PTGs from depends on the severity of symptoms.
thyroid capsule, and preservation of their arteries, Asymptomatic, hypocalcemic patients should not
branches of thyroid arteries can be ligated. receive calcium supplementation since it may
Preservation of inferior thyroid artery branches is suppress parathyroid function. In patients with
considered a key step in prevention of HPT, since acute symptomatology, intravenous calcium
it provides 90% of PTG blood supply; thus ligat- gluconate is the preferred therapy. Protocol con-
ing the main artery would lead to PTG devascu- sists of intravenous administration of 10–20 mL
192 R. Dzodic et al.

of 10% calcium gluconate in 50–100 mL of 5%

dextrose over 10 min, with mandatory ECG mon-
itoring [23]. Chronic hypocalcemia is treated
with oral calcium (1–2 g per day in several doses)
and vitamin D supplements (calcitriol 0.25–1 mcg
per day) [7]. This can be repeated until the patient
is asymptomatic. In 1–2 months, serum calcium
analysis should be performed, and if findings are
satisfactory, oral calcium supplementation can be
ceased. If there is no improvement for longer
than 6 months, this usually indicates permanent
Fig. 16.2  Nonrecurrent course of the inferior laryngeal
hypoparathyroidism [7]. However, there is no nerve on the right side of the neck
adequate substitute for PTH.

infiltration and gross central lymphonodal metas-

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury tases interfere with RLN identification and ade-
quate preservation. In some cases, it is necessary
Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury rates to “shave off” the tumor from the nerve, perform-
vary in the relevant literature from 0.5 to 10%, ing partial layer resection, which carries risk of
reaching up to 20% in more extensive thyroid certain damage of the RLN function. When RLN
cancer surgery [38]. Injury mechanisms are vari- transection is inevitable in curative thyroid carci-
ous, including compromised blood supply, contu- noma surgery, immediate reconstruction must be
sion, traction, thermal damage, misplaced performed [45]. Important risk factor for RLN
ligation, and complete or partial transection. injury is, certainly, the lack of surgeon’s experi-
Prevention of this injury is crucial for good qual- ence [46, 47].
ity of life. Prerequisite for visual identification Presentation. RLN injuries can be transient or
and RLN preservation is fine surgical technique, permanent, as well as unilateral or bilateral. The
with good hemostasis and meticulous dissection, consequence of any RLN injury is a vocal
but, above all, an excellent knowledge of RLN cord  paresis or paralysis. Quality of life in
anatomy and important thyroid bed landmarks. patients with RLN palsy, especially permanent, is
Treatment of this major, even life-threatening, severely reduced. Symptomatology of RLN pal-
complication of thyroid surgery is possible and sies varies from mild voice quality changes and
depends on the injury type. Improvement can be breathiness, to dysphagia, aspiration, severe
rather significant, even complete voice recovery hoarseness, stridor and respiratory distress.
with restoring of vocal cord movement. Patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis pres-
Risk factors. Some anatomical landmarks can ent with hoarseness or breathiness days to weeks
be very useful for the RLN identification, but after surgery; further atrophy of the nerve causes
there are also great pitfalls in its preservation [38, worsening of the symptoms [7]. Patients with
39]. These include variations of RLN course on bilateral vocal cord paralysis usually have acute
both sides, extralaryngeal terminal RLN branch- manifestation after extubation, with stridor,
ing [40], nonrecurrent course of the inferior respiratory distress, or both. On occasion, these
laryngeal nerve [41] (Fig.  16.2), variable rela- symptoms are less severe postoperatively, with
tions between inferior thyroid artery and RLN dyspnea or stridor on exertion at follow-up [7].
[42], Zuckerkandl’s tubercle [43], and Berry’s Evaluation. Vocal cord mobility should be
ligament. RLN injuries are more common in routinely assessed preoperatively in all patients
large hypervascular goiters, adhesions in thyroid- undergoing thyroid surgery. Techniques of
itis, thyroid carcinoma surgery, reoperations, or evaluation include indirect and fiber-optic
patients with previous EBRT [38, 44]. laryngoscopy [7]. Postoperative assessment
Extrathyroid tumor extension, malignant RLN should also be performed [7], if not immedi-
16  Complications in Thyroid Surgery 193

ately after surgery, at least in patients that sparing in these cases, since there is more dam-
experience some symptomatology. Laryngeal age than benefit of it. In malignant disease, how-
electromyography should be used to distin- ever, depending on the risk for the patient, the
guish vocal cord paralysis from injury to the surgery extent should be debated. If the risk is
cricoarytenoid joint during intubation, as well low, it would be probably safer to limit surgery to
as to gather information on prognosis of hemithyroidectomy with lymph node staging. On
patients with RLN palsy [48]. the opposite, oncological treatment should be
Prevention. Palpation and visual identification completed, given the low RLN injury rates in
of RLNs present a “gold standard” in thyroid sur- experienced surgeons, the reliability of IONM,
gery. It is reported that the RLN injury rate is and the benefit of complete thyroid removal [7].
higher if the nerve is not identified (4–6.6%), Treatment. Complications in thyroid surgery
compared to the clear visualization (0–2.1%) [7]. occur even in highly experienced teams [50]. It
Intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM), if is, however, important to possess knowledge and
available, can minimize the risk of RLN injury, skills to diagnose and treat each one  of them.
especially in reoperations [49]. Some interventions have to be prompt, and acute,
Excellent knowledge of anatomic landmarks while others can be planned safely. In cases of
and RLN position variations is highly significant bilateral RLN injury, presented with complete
for its preservation [7, 46]. Most frequent RLN airway obstruction after extubation, re-intubation
injuries are misplaced ligations or RLN transec- has to be performed, sometimes even urgent tra-
tions in the vicinity of the crossing point with cheotomy [7]. Cordotomy and arytenoidectomy
inferior thyroid artery (branches) [42]. It is very are the most common procedures in these
important not to ligate/suture one of the nerve patients, with the aim to enlarge the airway and
branches if bleeding from  inferior thyroid the airflow, which enables patients to be decan-
artery occurs. Also, it is advisable to preserve a nulated. In other circumstances, when symptom-
minimum amount of thyroid tissue at the RLN atology is not life threatening, no corrective
laryngeal entry point to be sure that the nerve is procedures are necessary in the first 6  months
intact. Fine, meticulous surgical technique after total thyroidectomy, since there can be
enables good control of the hemostasis. improvement in reversible injuries [7]. In perma-
Gentle dissection of the nerve, without traction or nent RLN injuries, it is possible to perform medi-
use of thermocautery in its vicinity, reduces pos- alization, reinnervation, or liberation.
sibility of the iatrogenic nerve damage.
Approaches to RLNs should also be modified 1. Medialization is the most common treatment,
depending on the pathoanatomic settings. In performed by ENT specialists, with the goal
large mediastinal goiters, RLN position can be to improve contact between the vocal cords.
anterior to or lateralized by the enlarged lobe. The use of absorbable gelatin sponge is a tem-
The nerve can be dissected safely from the large porary solution, while an implant made of sili-
goiter back to the tracheoesophageal groove, cone or polytetrafluoroethylene is a permanent
which prevents its transection during luxation of one [7].
the goiter. In central neck dissection, it is manda- 2. Reinnervation procedures are performed by
tory to always have visual control over the RLN, thyroid surgeons in patients with complete or
especially if metastases are gross or confluent partial RLN transection. They intend to main-
around the nerve circumference. In reoperations, tain, or restore, the tonus of the intrinsic
it is more convenient to identify the nerve some- laryngeal musculature, which prevents the
what lower in the paratracheal region, since there atrophy of the vocal cords and improves the
is less scar tissue, or to approach “backdoor” to symptoms [7]. However, they do not restore
the tracheoesophageal groove. the vocal cord movement. Nerve reconstruc-
In patients with preoperative unilateral vocal tion depends on surgeon’s skills and experi-
cord paralysis, the use of IONM is absolutely ence [50]. The primary neurorrhaphy, or
indicated. Surgery of benign disease should be direct suture, provides best outcome in
194 R. Dzodic et al.

patients in whom immediate repair is per-

formed after accidental or intentional transec-
tion (due to RLN infiltration). In personal
series, all patients with immediate direct
suture had better phonation 1 month after the
procedure, with occasional vocal fatigue that
was completely lost 6 months after the repair.
On the other hand, one female patient that was
given a delayed reconstruction by direct anas-
tomosis 23 years after injury had a full symp-
toms recovery and small amplitudes of vocal
cord movement on laryngoscopy [50]. If end-
to-end anastomosis is not possible, reinnerva-
tion may be performed by anastomosing the
RLN with ansa cervicalis, phrenic nerve, or
preganglionic sympathetic neurons. Based on
personal experience [50], Miyauchi’s tech-
nique with ansa cervicalis is safe and feasible;
it provides good outcome for patients, with no
morbidity. Better results are observed in cases
of immediate reconstruction. Improved pho-
nation was observed in over 40% of patients Fig. 16.3  Technique of liberation of recurrent laryngeal
2–6 months after the repair, while it was evi- nerve from misplaced ligation. On the upper photo, tip of
the tweezer is showing a misplaced ligation on the right
dent in all patients a year after the reconstruc- recurrent laryngeal nerve, at its laryngeal entry point. On
tion. Miyauchi’s technique is also useful in the lower photo, misplaced ligation is retracted by the
bilateral RLN paralysis and severe symptom- Mosquito forceps, while the ligation is being meticulously
atology, since unilateral reconstruction pro- removed by scissors. Photos were originally taken during
one of the reoperations of thyroid carcinoma, performed
vides loss of stridorous breathing and in our institution
dysphonia [50].
3. Liberation is an original technique of Prof.
Radan Dzodic [50] that consists of meticu- All procedures that alleviate symptoms of
lous removal of the misplaced ligation (i.e. RLN injury have to be accompanied by
granuloma) on the RLN of preserved integ- ­phoniatric rehabilitation in order for results to
rity (Fig. 16.3). Visual identification of RLN be improved and lasting.
is achieved via “backdoor” approach. In per-
sonal experience, one patient with RLN
paralysis and liberation performed 16  years  xternal Branch of the Superior
after the injury had a complete voice recov- Laryngeal Nerve Injury
ery, normal vocal cord position and move-
ments on laryngoscopy [50]. Liberation The external branch of the superior laryngeal
technique is very comfortable and provides nerve (EBSLN) is highly susceptible to damage
complete voice recovery within a few weeks in thyroid surgery, with injury rates estimated up
from operation. It is a useful method which to 25% [7]. EBSLN trauma results in an inability
enables patients with RLN paresis/paralysis to create a high-pitched sound. However, the
a significant improvement of phonation, symptoms can be inapparent. Prevention of this
being especially beneficial for patients with injury is of extreme importance, given that the
severe symptomatology and poor quality of only treatment, so far, is a speech therapy.
life. This procedure should be indicated in all Risk factors. The most important risk factors
cases when misplaced ligation is verified for EBSLN injury are inexperienced surgeon and
intraoperatively. insufficient knowledge on anatomy. Large hyper-
16  Complications in Thyroid Surgery 195

vascular goiters, high position of the thyroid in Treatment. In half of the patients with this
the neck, as well as scar tissue from previous sur- complication, the EBSLN dysfunction is irre-
gery, interfere with EBSLN preservation. Locally versible [53]. There is no effective treatment for
advanced thyroid carcinoma with cricothyroid EBSLN injury other than a speech therapy; thus
muscle infiltration (T4a stage) is a clinicopatho- prevention of this complication is an imperative
logical setting that almost certainly will lead to for all surgeons with interest in thyroid. Authors’
EBSLN dysfunction. Excessive use of thermo- personal choice is implantation of ansa cervica-
cautery in the EBSLN vicinity or placing the lis branch into cricothyroid muscle, for it is
suture on soft tissues of the upper pole of the lobe known that reinnervation affects muscle’s struc-
can lead to the EBSLN injury. In addition, direct ture and function [54], which might alleviate
trauma to the cricothyroid muscle with thermo- symptomatology.
cautery can cause muscle dysfunction and pre-
sentation similar to EBSLN injury [7].
Presentation. In majority of patients, EBSLN Thoracic Duct Lesion
injury is completely inapparent. Sometimes they
present with mild hoarseness, decreased vocal Thoracic duct lesion (TDL) is a rare, but severe,
stamina, or loss of the upper register [7]. In peo- complication of thyroid surgery, with an inci-
ple who professionally rely on their voice, dence of 1–3% [55]. It manifests with chyle leak-
EBSLN injury has the strongest presentation. age from neck fistula or chylothorax, and is
Evaluation. Diagnosis of EBSLN injury is potentially lethal. This injury may occur on the
very difficult. On laryngoscopy, posterior glottic right side of the neck, as well.
rotation toward the paretic side and bowing of the Risk factors. TDL in thyroid surgery usually
vocal fold on the weak side may be noted; the occurs after lateral neck dissections, especially
affected vocal fold may be lower than the normal in gross lymph node metastases, or after diag-
one. Videostroboscopy demonstrates an asym- nostic lymph node biopsy of fifth neck region.
metric, mucosal traveling wave. Laryngeal elec- Anatomical variations [56], reoperations, as well
tromyography demonstrates cricothyroid muscle as previous EBRT of the neck [57], increase the
denervation [7]. risk of TDL.
Prevention. EBSLN, on its course toward cri- Presentation. Intraoperative TDL can be rec-
cothyroid muscle [51], lays over lateral surface ognized immediately. In the postoperative course,
of the inferior constrictor of the pharynx and it patients with TDL usually have milky-white
is closely related to the superior thyroid artery drainage, rarely clear, yellowish (if on fat-free
(STA) and upper pole of the thyroid lobe. Most diet). Fistulas can be small (less than 500 mL per
commonly, EBSLN crosses STA 1 cm above the day) or large (more than 500 mL, even 2–3 L per
upper pole, but it can also cross STA less than day). Consequences of chyle leakage are meta-
1  cm above, or, rarely, under the upper pole bolic, nutritional, and immunological. Severe
(type 2b nerve) [52]. A critical area where electrolyte disbalance and hypoproteinemia in
EBSLN gets injured is 1.5–2 cm away from the prolonged chyle leakage can be lethal. Local
thyroid capsule [7]. Preventive measures for wound complications, such as skin damage and
EBSLN preservation include meticulous dissec- wound infection, can also progress to septic com-
tion and ligation of the STA terminal branches plications and death [58].
as close to the thyroid capsule as possible, and Evaluation. Patients should be closely moni-
restricted thermocautery use near the expected tored for quantity and quality of the wound drain-
anatomical projection of EBSLN.  EBSLN age, along with biochemical analyses.
should not be visualized and dissected at all Prevention. Meticulous surgical technique,
costs, but a surgeon must bear in mind its posi- surgeon’s experience, and anatomy knowledge
tion and vicinity to upper pole of the lobe. Also, can prevent TDL. However, if TDL occurs, it is
dissection near cricothyroid muscle should be an imperative to recognize this complication
safe, and noninvasive, in order to avoid direct intraoperatively and immediately repair, in order
muscular damage. to prevent serious consequences.
196 R. Dzodic et al.

Treatment. If TDL is recognized during sur- mocautery in the SAN vicinity, and avoiding of
gery, it is mandatory to try surgical repair with excessive nerve traction are prerequisites for
3-0 or 4-0 nonabsorbable sutures. Soft tissues good functional and oncological outcome of thy-
and surrounding fascia should also be engaged in roid surgery [61]. Visual identification of SAN
the sutures to cover the defect in duct wall, but during neck dissection is mandatory for its pres-
also to reduce the potential space for chyle leak- ervation, and nerve stimulator may be helpful
age. Further, muscle flap can be used, mesh, as [62]. If SAN has to be sacrificed to achieve clear
well as fibrin glue or sclerosing agents (talc or margins, the sural nerve may be used for recon-
doxycycline). If TDL is recognized postopera- struction, or simple direct suture [61].
tively, first-line treatment is conservative, focus-
ing on reducing the chyle leakage and spontaneous
closure of the fistula. These measures include Horner’s Syndrome
pressure dressing, medium-chain triglyceride
enteral diet or total parenteral nutrition, fluid and Horner’s syndrome is a lesion of the neck sympa-
electrolyte correction, and antibiotic prophylaxis. thetic chain, characterized by ptosis, miosis,
If drainage is removed, sometimes repeated per- enophthalmos, and anhidrosis on the side of the
cutaneous aspirations are necessary [58]. Other injury. It is a very rare complication (0.2%), usu-
conservative measures include negative-pressure ally described in literature as case reports. It can
wound therapy [58], use of somatostatin and occur after thyroid cancer surgery with lateral
somatostatin analogues (octreotide) [59], or neck dissections or lymph node biopsy, espe-
injection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa [60]. In cially in reoperations or previous EBRT [63, 64].
case of the conservative treatment failure (drain- Injury mechanisms include traction, transection,
age >500 mL per day prolonged over a week, or ischemia, or thermal damage with thermocautery.
small fistula persistent over a longer period), or Depending on the injury mechanism, it can be
occurrence of other complications, treatment permanent or transitory (when symptoms persist
approach should be more invasive. One of the from several days to several months) [63, 64]. If
options is percutaneous embolization of the tho- lesion occurs, vitamin B complex is typically
racic duct performed by intervention radiologist. administered.
Other option is surgical exploration, with TDL
repair by suture, local tissue flaps, mesh, micro-
surgical lymphovenous anastomosis,  or ligation Minor Complications
of thoracic duct [58, 59]. “Redo surgery” is of
less success, compared to one-time TDL repara- Minor complications of thyroid surgery include
tion during initial surgery, due to changes on tis- events related to surgical site like pain, paresthe-
sue caused by chyle leakage. sia, seroma, poor scaring, granuloma, sinus (fis-
tula), and wound dehiscence. These can
significantly reduce quality of life due to pro-
Spinal Accessory Nerve Injury longed hospitalizations or repeated surgeries.
Majority of patients have some type of dis-
Spinal accessory nerve (SAN) is usually dam- comfort at the surgical site. Paresthesia is prob-
aged during lateral neck dissections or cervical ably the most common minor complication of
lymph node biopsies, in case of posterior triangle thyroid surgery, with underestimated influence
lymphadenopathy, especially after previous on the quality of life. Sometimes numbness
EBRT or previous operations in this region [61]. of skin up to the submental region is present.
This injury leads to isolated trapezius muscle Pain is usually acute in over 80% of patients,
dysfunction, which presents by shoulder drop, but it can persist 3  months after surgery or
displaced scapula, and difficult abduction of the more (chronic in 5%).
arm. Meticulous surgical technique, knowledge Surgical site seromas are a common postop-
on anatomy and variations, restricted use of ther- erative complication. If they are small, spontane-
16  Complications in Thyroid Surgery 197

ous resorption in a few days is possible. Large erative bleeding rates, as well as the risk for
seromas may be aspirated under sterile condi- SSI and occurrence of minor complications.
tions, sometimes in a repeated manner. It is Palpation and visual identification of RLN are
debatable in the relevant literature whether there a gold standard for its preservation, bearing in
is usefulness in draining of the wound postopera- mind that it can have nonrecurrent course.
tively and for how long [7]. However, drain may PTGs should be gently handled to avoid their
suggest increased wound discharge, and keeping injury. It is as equally important to preserve
it longer prevents seroma formation. their venous drainage, not only their  arterial
Poor scar formation can refer to keloids on blood supply. Timely diagnosis and adequate
skin incision or skin “sticking” to underlying treatment of every complication are manda-
structures, producing a tension while swallow- tory. Hypoparathyroidism requires calcium
ing. It is frequent after wound infection and in and PTH monitoring, with calcium substitu-
darker skin tone. Also, presternal drainage most tion for as much time as necessary. It is pos-
commonly results in keloid scarring. Prevention sible to alleviate symptoms of injured RLNs
of poor scarring consists of placing incision in a by one of these surgical techniques: medial-
natural skin crease over the thyroid gland, to pro- ization, reinnervation, or nerve liberation.
vide adequate exposure, while minimizing retrac- Surgeon is the most important prognostic fac-
tion trauma of the incision edges. However, if the tor, not only for the outcome and survival, but
damage to the skin edges is significant, they can also for the complications rate.
be resected prior to wound closure [7]. Keloid
scar treatment is complex and prolonged.
Treatment modalities include radiotherapy, corti-
costeroid application, or redo surgeries for Clinical Pearls
excision. 1. There are two key steps in PTG preser-
Granulomas form around surgical suture, vation in situ: (a) avoid ligation of infe-
commonly around nonabsorbable materials. rior thyroid artery (it provides 90% of
Sometimes, they result in a small abscess around PTG blood supply)  -  instead ligate its
the suture that discharges through skin, forming a branches;  and (b) avoid ligation of
tract or fistula called sinus [7]. Prevention of Kocher’s vein (it drains 30% of PTG
these complications consists of placing a reason- venous blood)  -  instead ligate its
able number of ligatures during surgery. branches close to thyroid capsule.
Treatment is surgical excision of granulomas or 2. It is imperative to visualize RLN and
fistulas. meticulously preserve it up to the laryn-
Wound dehiscence usually occurs if surgical geal entry point, without traction or use
sutures are removed too soon, or in patients that of thermocautery in its vicinity. Prior to
had EBRT of the neck, and can be prevented. identification, it is possible to palpate it.
Sometimes, minor complications can take 3. Reinnervation procedures do not restore
chronic course, reducing the quality of patient’s the vocal cord movement; however, they
life. The most difficult are deformities on the neck restore the tonus of the intrinsic laryn-
region as a result of mutilation and extensive scars. geal musculature, which prevents the
atrophy of the vocal cords and alleviate
Conclusion symptomatology.
Thyroid surgery is the surgery of PTGs and 4. RLN liberation by removal of the mis-
RLNs. Injuries to these structures are severe, placed ligation (i.e. granuloma) on the
but preventable, as well as other complica- RLN of preserved integrity is a very
tions. The key to prevention is meticulous sur- comfortable technique that provides
gical technique, with excellent knowledge on complete voice recovery within a few
anatomic landmarks and variations in the weeks from operation.
neck. This reduces intraoperative and postop-
198 R. Dzodic et al.

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Endoscopic and Robotic
Thyroidectomy: An Evidence 17

Xueying Goh and Chwee Ming Lim

Introduction Background of Endoscopic/Robotic

Thyroidectomy Development
Thyroidectomy performed via the midline trans-
verse incision remains the standard thyroidec- The first use of endoscopic system in thyroidec-
tomy approach ever since Theodor Kocher tomy was first described by Miccoli where he
revolutionised thyroid surgery with his technique pioneered the minimally invasive video-assisted
in the 1800s. With enhanced optics and develop- thyroidectomy (MIVAT) technique, utilising a
ment of energy devices capable of sealing moder- small 2  cm midline skin crease incision.
ate-calibre (5–8  mm) vessels, the ability to Thyroidectomy was performed in the usual fash-
perform thyroidectomy through small midline ion through the midline, but with the aid of endo-
incisions or via remote access incisions is made scope visualisation and energy devices, the
possible. Moreover, the desire of some patients to ability to perform thyroidectomy was made pos-
avoid conspicuous midline neck scars led to the sible via this small mini skin crease incision. This
push for alternate approaches to the thyroid technique not only resulted in a better cosmetic
through remote-access incisions. outcome, but also reduced hospital stay by negat-
In this chapter, we will review the evidence in ing the possible need for surgical drains [1, 2].
the use of endoscopic and robotic thyroidectomy In an Asian patient cohort, where there is a pre-
in the management of thyroid diseases. disposition to hypertrophic scar or where there is
a cultural bias of not having a surgical midline
neck scar, remote-access thyroidectomy is an
attractive technique in managing this group of
patients. Ohgami in 2000 first described a remote-
access thyroidectomy technique performed using
X. Goh endoscope through the breast approach, and this
Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck
Surgery, National University Health System, was sequentially reported by Ikeda who described
Singapore, Singapore the transaxillary endoscopic thyroidectomy in
C. M. Lim (*) 2001 [3, 4]. Subsequently, other endoscopic
Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck remote-access approaches have been developed
Surgery, National University Health System, and performed safely and effectively, when com-
Singapore, Singapore pared to standard midline thyroidectomy.
Department of Otolaryngology, National University In 2009, Kang et al. from South Korea popula-
of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore rised the transaxillary robotic assisted

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 201

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
202 X. Goh and C. M. Lim

thyroidectomy using the da Vinci robot (Intuitive 3. No ultrasound features of thyroiditis

Surgical Inc., Sunnyvale California, USA) [5].
With this success, other groups have established a
viable alternative of remote-access robotic assisted Absolute contraindications
thyroidectomy via the retroauricular approach [6]. 1. Thyroid cancer with gross extrathyroidal

Recently, following the success of the remote- extension
access thyroidectomy techniques, a truly ‘scar- 2. Thyroid cancer with lymph node involvement
less’ thyroid surgery performed using the natural 3. Retrosternal extension
orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) 4. Graves’ disease
philosophy was established via the transoral 5. Previous neck surgery
approach. Wilhelm first described transoral endo-
scopic thyroid surgery in humans in 2010 via However, these candidacy criteria are evolving as
sublingual approach, while Wang and Nakajo many high-volume thyroidectomy centres have
modified this to the oral vestibule approach [7– reported good safety and oncologic results even
9]. A recent case series by Anuwong et  al. pre- in cancers requiring either central and/or lateral
sented the largest series of transoral thyroidectomy neck dissections [6, 14–17].
of 60 cases demonstrating its feasibility and effi-
cacy, and thus offering  another viable remote-
access approach in thyroidectomy [10]. Surgical Techniques

Surgical approaches for endoscopic and robotic

 andidacy for Endoscopic or
C thyroidectomies can be broadly classified into
Robotic Thyroidectomy transcervical approach and remote-access
approach. Remote-access approaches are further
The selection criteria and contraindications for classified according to the midline approaches
endoscopic or robotic thyroidectomy vary and the lateral approaches to the thyroid bed.
between institutions, and correlate with the cen- Table  17.1 summarises the endoscopic and
tre’s experience and volume. The American robotic assisted thyroidectomy.
Thyroid Association (ATA) statement on remote-
access thyroidectomy recommends the following
factors for patient selection [11]:

Patient factors Table 17.1 Endoscopic and robotic thyroidectomy

1. Thin body habitus (body mass index (BMI) approaches
<35 kg/m2)1 Transcervical approaches
2. Absence of excessive body fat along flap
1. Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy
trajectory (MIVAT)
Remote-access approaches
1. Midline approaches
(a) Breast approach
Disease factors
(b) Combined breast-axillary approach
1. Well circumscribed <3  cm nodule on
    Axillo-bilateral breast approach (ABBA)
ultrasound     Bilateral axillo-breast approach (BABA)
2. Thyroid lobe <5–6 cm in largest dimension (c) Natural orifice/transoral thyroidectomy
    Sublingual approach
    Vestibular approach
The ATA statement did not qualify the definition of thin
2. Lateral approaches
habitus, but many authors have used an arbitrary BMI cut-
(a) Transaxillary approach
off of less than 35–40 in transaxillary and retroauricular
thyroidectomies [12, 13]. (b) Retroauricular/modified facelift approach
17  Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroidectomy: An Evidence Approach 203

Transcervical Approaches [18, 19] creases, parasternal as well as axilla for endo-
scopic or robotic instruments to be inserted.
Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy Carbon dioxide insufflation is needed to cre-
(MIVAT) is the commonest endoscopic assisted ate the surgical working space. Each tech-
transcervical midline approach to the thyroid. This nique uses different variations of ports and
is performed by placing a 2 cm midline skin crease instrument placement to approach the thyroid
incision. Subplatysmal flaps are not typically and is beyond the scope of this chapter.
raised, and the dissection is deepened till the strap Transoral
muscles. At this point, the strap muscles are sepa- Transoral thyroidectomy is performed either
rated in the midline and the thyroid gland is via the vestibule or via trans-floor of mouth
exposed. A specially- designed mini right-angle approach with the former gaining more popu-
‘Miccoli’ retractor is used to retract the strap mus- larity as it does not crease a fistula into the neck.
cles and blunt dissection is performed to free the However, the mental nerve is at risk of injury
thyroid off the strap muscles. The 30° angled with the trans-vestibule approach and care is
endoscopes is then introduced and using an energy needed to avoid the expected direction of the
device, the superior thyroid vessels are dissected mental nerve during the port placement. The
and divided. The endoscope affords magnified working space is created typically using carbon
high-definition view of the surgical bed allowing dioxide insufflation with the endoscope camera
the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve positioned in the midline through a subplatys-
(EBSLN) to be typically identified and preserved. mal tunnel. Once the working space is created,
The thyroid gland is then rotated medially and two separate instruments (energy device and a
delivered out of the wound to expose the tracheo- grasper forceps) are placed at 30–45 angles to
esophageal groove. The recurrent laryngeal nerve the midline port. This surgical field afforded by
(RLN) is then identified and the gland dissected this approach is similar to open thyroidectomy
off the Berry’s ligament. After hemostasis, the and therefore can be learned fairly quickly by
straps are tagged loosely with a single suture and thyroid surgeons. In a similar fashion, the mid-
wound is closed like in a conventional thyroidec- line raphe of the strap muscle is divided and the
tomy. Surgical drains are not typically placed thyroid gland is exposed. The superior thyroid
because the area of dissection is fairly limited. The artery is ligated between the energy devices
main drawback is that this approach is reserved for before the gland is retracted medially to expose
small nodules (usually less than 2 cm). the tracheoesophageal groove. A main differ-
ence in this approach is that the RLN is typi-
cally identified near the cricothyroid joint when
Remote-Access Thyroidectomy it enters the larynx. Both parathyroid glands are
usually well visualised during the dissection
1. Midline [4, 10, 14, 17, 20–23] and can be safely preserved. One of the draw-
Breast backs in this approach is the need to morselize
The first remote-access thyroidectomy was the thyroid gland in order to deliver the gland
the endoscopic breast approach reported by through the midline 1 cm incision. This is done
Ohgami et  al. [4]. This approach was subse- via an Endo Catch bag ­(Covidien-Medtronic,
quently modified to combined breast and axil- Minnesota, USA) to avoid spillage during the
lary approaches such as the endoscopic delivery process.
axillo-bilateral breast approach (ABBA) first 2 . The lateral approaches [3, 5, 12, 13, 24, 25]
described by Shimazu in 2002 [20], and the Transaxillary
endoscopic and robotic bilateral axillo-breast Transaxillary thyroidectomy is one of the
approach (BABA) described by Choi et al. in commonest remote-access approaches which
2007 [17]. These midline approaches have was first described as an endoscopic technique
their surgical ports inserted at the periareolar by Ikeda et  al. and subsequently popularised
204 X. Goh and C. M. Lim

by Chung et  al.  using  the Da Vinci robot

[3, 26]. The patient is laid supine with mild
head extension with the arm adducted and
flexed at the shoulder in order to expose the
axilla. This positioning can cause brachial
plexopathy and hence some centres advocate
intraoperative somatosensory evoked poten-
tial (SSEP) monitoring of the median and
ulnar nerve to prevent this complication. In
our experience, using a modified arm position
Fig. 17.1  Retroauricular robotic assisted left thyroidec-
with lesser shoulder extension and abduction tomy. The omohyoid (black arrow) is retracted exposing
has not resulted in brachial plexopathy due to the left thyroid lobe
less traction of these nerves during surgery.
This approach can be done either with carbon
dioxide (CO2) insufflation or with a gasless Retroauricular
approach. In the insufflation technique, tro- Retroauricular or modified ‘facelift’ approach
cars are placed in the axillary region as well as was first described by Terris et  al. in 2011 as a
an optional working port inferomedial to the robotic approach [12, 25]. This approach was ini-
main axillary port. The plane is dissected tially developed to address the shortcomings of
superficial to the pectoralis major (PM) around the transaxillary approach through an easier posi-
the clavicle and towards the sternocleidomas- tioning of patient, avoidance of brachial plexopa-
toid (SCM), before dissecting beneath the thy and a shorter dissection distance to the thyroid
strap muscles laterally and identifying the bed from the retroauricular incision. This tech-
omohyoid muscle. Once the omohyoid is nique is performed using a gasless technique and
retracted, the thyroid gland is usually well uses a rhytidectomy incision that is raised superfi-
visualised. In the gasless technique, a 5–6 cm cial to the SCM. The thyroid is then approached
incision is made in the axilla around 5–8 mm laterally under the strap muscles after retraction of
inferior to the anterior axillary fold. This is the omohyoid muscle, as in a lateral approach to
followed raising a subcutaneous flap towards the thyroid (Fig. 17.1). A modified ‘Chung’ retrac-
the clavicle superficial to the PM, and subse- tor is then used to retract the strap muscle and the
quently in the subplatysmal plane over the thyroid gland is exposed. Due to its versatility and
strap muscle. The strap muscles are raised off the familiarity with head and neck surgeons, the
the gland and a Chung retractor (Marina retroauricular approach is quickly developing into
Medical, Sunrise, Florida, USA) is placed to the ‘workhorse’ approach for robotic head and
retract the strap muscles to expose the thyroid neck surgery in some centres, where total thyroid-
gland from the lateral approach. The robot ectomies, submandibular gland excision, lateral
may be docked subsequently to perform the neck dissections, Sistrunk procedures and neck
thyroidectomy. mass excisions have been described [6].
  Several centres have reported concurrent
robot-assisted central neck dissection with
total thyroidectomies utilising the same trans- Evidence-Based Data
axillary incision. However, visualisation of
the contralateral RLN through the ipsilateral Despite the emerging use of these alternate
incision is limited, and this surgery should be approaches, it is important to be cognizant of their
reserved for thyroid surgeons conversant and possible drawbacks, since the morbidity of the
experienced with robotic thyroidectomy. conventional open thyroidectomy surgery is low.
17  Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroidectomy: An Evidence Approach 205

Although there are numerous studies that report sive dissection, difficulty in manipulation of the
superior outcomes for these alternative approaches, rigid endoscopic instruments and docking time of
such as reduced inpatient stay, reduced post-oper- the surgical robot. This aspect has been borne out
ative pain and reduced need for drains (for with the literature favouring a shorter operative
MIVAT), the main benefit of these alternative time with CT. Lang et al. in a meta-analysis com-
approach over the traditional approach is the supe- paring robotic and endoscopic techniques found
rior cosmetic outcomes. Not surprisingly, these no significant difference in the operative time
approaches, especially the remote-access between endoscopic and robotic approaches
approaches, have not gained worldwide endorse- when analysed according to the extent of surgery
ment in thyroidectomy given the familiarity, safety [33]. However it is reported that robotic thyroid-
and effectiveness of the traditional midline ectomy has a shorter learning curve compared to
approach, and the increased costs and learning endoscopic thyroidectomy, with surgeons requir-
curves required to master these techniques. Most ing 35–45 robotic cases and 55–70 endoscopic
published data are limited to large-volume case cases to reach a plateau of operating time [15].
series reports in high-volume thyroidectomy cen- Interestingly, the operating times seem to con-
tres and several meta-analyses have also been per- tinue to decline for endoscopic surgery compared
formed to evaluate the safety, efficacy, complication to robotic surgery, with endoscopic thyroidec-
rate and clinical outcome of these alternative tech- tomy reaching a shorter ‘steady-state’ operative
niques. The evidence for performing endoscopic/ time in the long run [34].
robotic thyroidectomies is summarised as follows,
and presented in Table 17.3.
Oncological Outcomes

Cosmesis and Patient Satisfaction As experience increases in several centres with

these alternative approaches, indications have
Compared with conventional thyroidectomy been extended to concurrent lateral and/or central
(CT), many studies have showed better visual neck dissection, in addition to total thyroidec-
numeric scale or verbal scaled response percep- tomy. Using serum thyroglobulin (Tg) as a sur-
tion of cosmetic results in favour of MIVAT [2, rogate indicator of surgical completeness in
27]. Similarly many studies have shown superior thyroid cancer, Miccoli reported in his experience
patient-reported cosmetic outcome for remote- with MIVAT that after total thyroidectomy, 85.2%
access robotic or endoscopic thyroidectomies had undetectable Tg levels post-surgery, with the
compared to open thyroidectomies [9, 28–32]. remaining having a low mean Tg value of 0.47 ng/
Given the minimally invasive nature of the mL. Lee et al. similarly studied the surgical com-
MIVAT, apart from better cosmesis, lower post- pleteness of robotic gasless transaxillary thyroid-
operative pain scores have been seen compared to ectomy versus open thyroidectomy, and found
open thyroidectomy [2, 27]. Ikeda similarly similar stimulated Tg levels post-total thyroidec-
reported improved swallowing functions follow- tomy, but the post-surgical radioactive iodine
ing after endoscopic transaxillary thyroidectomy (RAI) uptake was significantly higher (p = 0.004)
compared with the open technique [26]. in the robotic thyroidectomy group. This is attrib-
uted to the fact that the contralateral lobectomy
was performed using the same axillary incision
Operative Time and Learning Curve for the robotic group and consequently a small
remnant thyroid tissue near the contralateral
These remote-access thyroidectomies are intui- Berry’s ligament may be left behind due to diffi-
tively more time consuming, due to a more exten- cult visualisation and also to minimise thermal
206 X. Goh and C. M. Lim

injury to the RLN from the ultrasonic sealing

device [35]. However, there was no significant
difference in the radioiodine nuclide update fol-
lowing RAI ablation. In a more recent meta-anal-
ysis by Son et al., pooled data from five studies Left RLN

did not find any significant difference in the post-

operative stimulated Tg levels between open and
robotic thyroidectomy [31]. This may be due to
the increased expertise and experience coming
from the more recent publications in these high-
Fig. 17.2  Left recurrent laryngeal nerve (black arrow) in
volume thyroidectomy centres. With respect to the tracheo-oesophageal groove following robotic assisted
neck dissection done for thyroid cancers, Son retroauricular thyroidectomy
et al. reported significantly fewer retrieved neck
nodes in the robotic thyroidectomy group com-
pared to the open thyroidectomy group. This robotic thyroidectomy and CT found that robotic
finding holds true in both central neck dissection thyroidectomy is associated with a significantly
and modified radical neck dissection specimen higher rate of transient RLN palsy (p  =  0.016),
performed for thyroid cancers [31]. though rates of permanent palsy are similar
The concept of cancer seeding from these between the two groups [38]. However this is not
remote-access approaches is rare although a case of contrary to other published reports where most
suprapectoral track recurrence of a 6 cm follicular case-controlled studies and some meta-analyses,
variant of papillary thyroid cancer has been reported reported no significant differences in risk of RLN
after robotic assisted transaxillary total thyroidec- palsy (both transient and permanent) for robotic/
tomy. Therefore, prevention of tumour spillage endoscopic thyroidectomy versus CT.  Many
from these remote sites is paramount in order to authors feel that the visualisation of the RLN is
prevent this rare occurrence of track seeding [36]. superior in endoscopic or robotic thyroidectomy
Our opinion is that remote-access thyroidec- compared to CT (Fig. 17.2). However, the initial
tomy can be performed safely with excellent unfamiliarity of these remote-access approaches
oncologic results in patients with T1–T2 thyroid plus the lack of tactile feedback may place the
cancer and select T3 cancer) (without any gross nerve at risk. Ban et al. showed in his series of
extrathyroidal extension) in high-volume thyroid 3000 robotic thyroidectomies that though not sig-
units. These results have been validated in large nificant, the incidence of transient RLN palsy
comparative case series of the oncologic out- was reduced after the first 1000 cases [39]. In a
comes between open thyroidectomy and remote- meta-analysis comparing robotic and endoscopic
access thyroidectomy [31, 35, 37]. This is approaches, there was a higher rate of temporary
especially relevant in patients who are young and RLN palsy in endoscopic compared to robotic
may desire a “scarless” neck for treating these thyroidectomies, and these RLN palsy rates were
small thyroid cancers. independent of surgical numbers [33].

Complications Post-operative Hypoparathyroidism/

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy
The risks of hypoparathyroidism/hypocalcaemia
Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy is the vary across the literature, with most large studies
most reported complication following thyroidec- showing no statistically significant differences
tomy and the key to preventing injury is proper between the rates of hypocalcaemia for these
identification of the nerve and meticulous atrau- alternative approaches when compared to
matic dissection of the nerve from the thyroid CT. However, Jackson et al. in his meta-analysis
gland. A meta-analysis by Lang et al. comparing found a significant difference in transient hypocal-
17  Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroidectomy: An Evidence Approach 207

caemia rates favouring CT compared to robotic Table 17.2  Comparison between endoscopic and robotic
thyroidectomy [29]. On the contrary, Kim et  al.
found that the patients who had endoscopic ABBA Endoscopic
thyroidectomy Robotic thyroidectomy
thyroidectomy were less likely to have transient
Advantages Advantages
hypocalcaemia post-surgery compared to CT [40].
 – Less cost – Three-dimensional
 – Shorter set-up time visualisation
 – More easily – Non-assistant-dependent
Haematoma/Seroma available camera view
– Wristed instruments
– Modulated movements to
With more extensive dissection, and the push for reduce physiologic tremor
drainless/outpatient surgery, there is a theoretical – Shorter learning curve
increased risk of haematoma and seroma for Disadvantages Disadvantages
these new thyroidectomy approaches. However,  – Two-dimensional – Higher cost
visualisation – Longer set-up time
this fear of an increased risk of seroma or haema-
 – Assistant-dependent – Not available in all
toma formation post-thyroidectomy has not been camera view institutions
borne out in the literature [2, 38, 40, 41].  – Rigid, non-
articulated instruments

Other Complications
system. Additionally, these long instruments, piv-
Although the magnified surgical field in endo- oted at remote trocar site, tend to amplify the
scopic and robotic surgery allows better identifi- tremors and may reduce the dexterity of the dis-
cation and preservation of vital structures, this section further. Endoscopic thyroidectomy also
overmagnified view can result in a narrower sur- requires a good endoscopic assistant to hold the
gical field, which paradoxically may lead to other camera steadily and to follow the dissection pro-
complications rarely seen with the conventional cess with the operating surgeon seamlessly. The
thyroidectomy. Major complications such as Da Vinci robot, the only Food and Drug
chyle leaks, tracheal injuries, Horner’s syndrome, Administration (FDA)-approved surgical robot,
carotid injury, brachiocephalic vein injury, addresses some of the drawbacks of endoscopic
oesophageal injury and even oesophageal tran- system. It has a non-assistant-dependent three-
sections have been reported with these alternative dimensional camera system with excellent appre-
approaches [12, 17, 39]. On the other hand, many ciation of the surgical field. Its wristed instruments
centres have reported good results and low com- and fine motion scaling of movements also
plication rates for these procedures, and improve- reduce physiologic tremors and facilitate
ment is likely anticipated as the surgeon’s improved ­dexterity in dissection. However these
experience increases. Therefore, careful patient benefits are at the expense of increased cost and
selection and surgeon’s continual training and operative time. A summary of the pros and cons
initial proctorship are important for the novice in of each system is appended in Table 17.2.
gaining confidence and good clinical outcomes in
performing this more technically demanding thy-
roidectomy from the remote-access sites.  uture Surgical Robot Technology
for Robotic Thyroidectomy

Endoscopic Versus Robotic In 2014, Intuitive Surgical launched the Da Vinci

Thyroidectomy Xi robot, which superseded the previous Da Vinci
Si system. The Xi platform enhances the Si sys-
While both robotic and endoscopic systems give tem by having a camera that can be mounted in
magnified visualisation of the surgical field, any of the surgical arms and hence improved
endoscope visualisation is two-dimensional com- manoeuvrability of the operating arms. The
pared to the three-dimensional view in the robotic instrument arms also boast a larger range of
Table 17.3  Summary of selected evidence comparing outcomes between endoscopic, robotic and conventional thyroidectomy

Hematoma/ Oncological
Studies Operating time (min) Blood loss RLN injury Hypocalcaemia seroma Cosmesis outcomes Other outcomes
Lee 2012 Favours RT vs. ET NR No difference No difference No difference NR NR No difference
[15] for total Transient: Transient: Haematoma for chyle leak,
(n = 2612) thyroidectomy RT: 3.8% RT: 39.1% Observation tracheal injury,
Multicentre (p = 0.001) ET: 4.9 ET: 36.7% RT: 0.5% brachial plexus
study No difference between (p = NS) (p = NS) ET: 0.6% injury,
RT—1769 RT and ET for Permanent Permanent (p = NS) oesophageal
ET—843 subtotal RT: 0.5% RT: 0% Reoperation injury, seroma
Thyroid thyroidectomy ET: 0.1% ET: 0.2% RT: 0.1%
cancer Learning curve: (p = NS) (p = NS) ET: 0.4%
patients RT—Time required (p = NS)
for RT decreased after
35–50 pts
ET—55–70 pts
Jackson 2013 Favours CT NR No difference for Favours CT No difference Favours RT No difference Chyle leak:
[29] Robotic vs. open transient or Robot vs. open Robot vs. CT Pooled net No difference No difference
(Meta- Increased mean permanent RLN Increased risk of Haematoma mean in post-op Tg between robot
analysis) difference: 42.05 min palsy transient p = 0.94 difference levels between and CT and
794 Open more in robotic (95% Robot vs. CT hypocalcaemia in Seroma of −1.35 robot and CT, robot and
965 ET CI, 29.23–54.87) Transient: p = 0.83 robot RR: 0.39 p = 0.99 (95%CI: robot and Endoscopic
1112 RT Robotic vs. Permanent: (p = 0.001) Robot vs. −0.169,-1.09) endoscopic voice
 – 69 BABA endoscopic p = 0.99 No difference in endoscopic
 – 1054 TA Robotic 20.99 min Robot vs. permanent Haematoma
shorter (95%CI: endoscopic hypocalcaemia p = 0.34
-59.03 to 17.05, NS) Transient: p = 0.96 Robot vs. Seroma
Permanent: endoscopic p = 0.62
p = 0.22 No difference in
permanent or
Lang 2014 Favours CT vs. RT No difference Favours CT vs. No difference No difference Favours RT NR RT has less
[33] CT had reduced OR between RT RT for transient between RT and between RT vs. CT swallowing
(Meta- time of 55.8 min and CT RLN palsy CT for transient and CT complaints
analysis) (53.1–58.5) Transient: or permanent
(n = 2375) (p < 0.001) RT more likely OR hypocalcaemia
RT—839 2.44 (p = 0.016)
CT—1536 Permanent:
X. Goh and C. M. Lim

OR 1.64 (p = NS)
Lang 2014 No difference NR Favours RT vs. No difference No difference NR No difference Seroma, wound
[33] between RT and ET ET between RT and between RT between RT infection, skin
(Meta- Lobectomy: Transient: ET and ET and ET burn, tracheal
analysis)  – No significant RT: 2.6% Transient: Haematoma No significant injury, brachial
(n = 3510) difference ET: 3.3% RT: 35.6% RT: 0.6% difference in plexus injury
RT—2167 Total thyroidectomy (p = 0.035) ET: 31.3% ET: 1.0% no. of retrieved and chyle leak
ET—1343  – No significant (p = NS) (p = NS) central lymph similar between
difference Permanent Seroma nodes and RT and ET
RT: 0.1% (p = NS) post-operative
ET: 1.6% TG
(p = NS)
Sun 2014 Favours CT vs. RT NR No difference No difference No difference No meta- No meta- No difference in
(Meta- RT exceeded CT by between RT and between RT and between RT analysis done analysis done rate of chyle
analysis) 76.6 min CT CT and CT leak
(n = 1931)
Son 2015 Favours CT vs. RT Favours No difference No difference No difference Favours No difference
[31] Transaxillary Robotic Robotic TA robotic TA for post-op Tg
(Meta- vs. CT vs. CT vs. CT between RT
analysis) WMD 39.77 (total Standardised p < 0.0001 and CT
(n = 3136) thyroid) (p = mean More retrieved
9 studies <0.00001) difference: LNs in CT vs.
robotic TA WMD 30.05 −0.28 p = RT in MRND
17  Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroidectomy: An Evidence Approach

5 studies No difference between 0.04 and CCND

RT—1066 thyroidectomy,
CT—2070 transaxillary partial
Thyroid thyroidectomy and CT
Table 17.3 (continued)

Hematoma/ Oncological
Studies Operating time (min) Blood loss RLN injury Hypocalcaemia seroma Cosmesis outcomes Other outcomes
Kandil 2016 RT: 166.58 ± 58.3 min Favours RT No difference Favour CT vs. RT No difference NR CT vs. RT No difference in
(Meta- CT: 130.4 ± 48.3 min vs. CT between RT and for transient No difference seroma/
analysis) ET: 140.9 ± 34.8 min  – Less CT or RT and ET hypocalcaemia in Tg haematoma/
(n = 4878) blood loss ET vs. RT ET vs. RT chyle leak/
RT—1902 in RT vs. Transient: NS Transient tracheal injury
ET—1100 CT Permanent: NS (p = 0.014) Pain at 4 and 24 h
CT—1876 Permanent CT vs. RT
(p = NS)   – Favour RT
CT vs. RT
(p < 0.001)
(p = 0.658)
RT robotic thyroidectomy, ET endoscopic thyroidectomy, CT conventional thyroidectomy, Tg thyroglobulin, WMD weight mean difference, TA transaxillary, BABA bilateral
axillo-breast approach, NR not reported, NS not significant, CI confidence interval
X. Goh and C. M. Lim
17  Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroidectomy: An Evidence Approach 211

Table 17.4  Comparison between the Da Vinci Si and the Da Vinci Xi surgical robot
Da Vinci Si Da Vinci Xi
Camera-endoscope system • 8.5 and 12 mm • 8 mm
• ~60 degrees field of view • ~80 degrees field of view
• No autofocus/auto-white • Autofocus and auto-white balance
balance • 3D calibration not required
• 3D calibration required • Camera-endoscope can be placed on any of
• Camera-endoscope can only be the 4 robotic arms
placed on camera arm • No draping required
• Draping required
Docking of arms • No overhead boom rotation • Overhead boom-mounted system for docking
docking system of arms
• Unassisted surgeon-dependent • Computer LASER-assisted docking which
docking automatically positions the overhead boom
• Arm spar width: 2.9 in. based on anatomical site
• Arm spar width: 1.7 in.
Instruments • 5 mm and 8 mm • 8 mm
• Lower range of motion (ROM) • Additional ~1.75 in. of additional reach
compared to Xi • Larger ROM
• Able to support the Erbe • Able to support the Erbe Endowrist vessel
Endowrist vessel sealer sealer
Cautery generator • No integrated cautery • Integrated Erbe Vio dV cautery generator
generator system
Other technology • Integrated operating table
• Development of Da Vinci single-port (SP)
robotic surgical system

movement as well as a computer-assisted over- volume centres around the world have demon-
head docking system that allows more ease in strated equivalency in safety, oncological
docking, thereby reducing docking time. The effectiveness and long-term complication
smaller and thinner robotic arms are also useful rates for these alternative approaches com-
to prevent collision of the arms in tight confined pared with the conventional thyroidectomy.
operating spaces. Although the experience with Nevertheless, appropriate patient selection
the Xi is at its infancy, early studies have shown and overcoming the initial learning curve are
faster docking times and operative time in crucial in order to ensure excellent surgical
abdominal surgeries performed with Xi when and cosmetic outcomes.
compared to the Si platform, with equivalent
perioperative outcomes [42, 43]. Table 17.4 sum-
marises the differences between the two plat-
forms at the time of writing. References

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gical indications and addressing unprecedented com-
Part II
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Manju Chandran

Case Vignette
A 43-year-old Chinese man, working in Primary hyperparathyroidism is an endocrine
information technology as a consultant, disorder, the classic hallmark features of which
with no significant past medical history are elevated or inappropriately normal parathy-
underwent a corporate health screening roid hormone levels in the presence of hypercal-
that detected the following abnormalities: caemia. A distinction has to be made in mild,
relatively asymptomatic cases between primary
Serum calcium 3.10  mmol/L hyperparathyroidism and a rare, autosomal domi-
(2.09–2.46 mmol/L) nant condition; familial hypocalciuric hypercal-
Serum phosphate 0.74  mmol/L caemia (FHH) in which an inactivating mutation
(0.94–1.50 mmol/L of the calcium-sensing receptor gene leads to an
Intact PTH: 57.9 pmol/L (0.9–6.2 pmol/L) increase in the set point for suppression of PTH
secretion by serum calcium suppression [1]. A
He was referred to the endocrinologist subtype of primary hyperparathyroidism that has
by his company GP. recently gained recognition and acceptance is
He states that he is in good health and normocalcaemic primary hyperparathyroidism.
does not have any complaints of note. He In this condition both total and ionised calcium
is not on any over-the-counter supple- levels are normal in the presence of a persistently
ments. He is puzzled by the abnormal elevated parathyroid hormone level and all causes
blood tests and wonders what should be of secondary hyperparathyroidism including
done for it. vitamin D insufficiency, renal failure and idio-
pathic hypercalciuria have been excluded.

Epidemiology and Pathology

Primary hyperparathyroidism is one of the com-

monest endocrine disorders. Its age-adjusted prev-
M. Chandran alence is reported to be 232.7 cases per 100,000
Osteoporosis and Bone Metabolism Unit, Department amongst women and 85.2 per 100,000 men [2].
of Endocrinology, Singapore General Hospital,
Singapore, Singapore The peak incidence is in the 5–6th decades of life
e-mail: and there appears to be a female-to-male ratio of

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 217

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
218 M. Chandran

Fig. 18.1 High-power
view of the centre of
chief cell adenoma.
Cells are nearly uniform

3–4:1 [3]. The prevalence is likely to be more in plasia types 1 and 2A where it should be pre-
sub-populations such as patients with osteoporo- sumed that the disease involves multi-gland
sis [4]. The widespread use of the autoanalyser hyperplasia [9].
to perform multichannel screening with routine Grossly, a parathyroid adenoma weighs
determinations of serum calcium coincided with between 300 milligrams to several grams. The
a dramatic increase in the incidence of primary overall size can range anywhere from smaller
hyperparathyroidism in the 1970s [5]. A second than 1  cm to larger than 3  cm. Histologically,
peak in the late 1990s was reported in the USA parathyroid adenomas are composed of sheets of
that coincided with the introduction of national cells interspersed with a delicate capillary net-
guidelines for osteoporosis with an increase in work (Fig.  18.1). A rim of normal or atrophic
targeted screening for hyperparathyroidism as parathyroid tissue beyond the adenoma capsule
part of evaluation for osteoporosis [5]. with a distinct interface (Fig. 18.2) may be seen if
A solitary, benign parathyroid adenoma is the adenoma is not very large [10]. While most
responsible in the majority of cases (~80–90%) adenomas are composed of chief cells, a small
of surgically proven PHPT. Less commonly, it is percentage may be composed of more than 90%
due to four-gland hyperplasia (~10–15%) and the oxyphilic cells.
remainder are secondary to multiple adenomas In parathyroid hyperplasia, all four glands are
(~4%) [6]. Very rarely it is due to parathyroid car- enlarged. Microscopically, two major patterns
cinoma (<1%) [7]. Due to the embryonic origin are identified. In diffuse chief cell hyperplasia,
and migration pattern during intrauterine devel- solid cellular masses comprised of mainly chief
opment of the inferior and superior parathyroid cells are present with minimal or absent stromal
glands, the gland(s) may not be located in the fat. Nodular or adenomatous hyperplasia consists
neck, posterior to the thyroid, but may be found of circumscribed nodules of chief or oxyphil
in several possible ectopic sites including the cells. The nodules are devoid of fat and little fat is
superior mediastinum, retro-oesophageally, found in the intervening stroma [11].
within the thymus and also intra-thyroidally [8]. The tumours in parathyroid carcinomas are
There are no clear clinical predictors to dif- larger than adenomas with an average weight of
ferentiate single-gland adenoma from multi- 12 g. Microscopically, parathyroid carcinomas
gland hyperplasia except perhaps in patients with are characterised by a trabecular arrangement
familial syndromes like multiple endocrine neo- of tumour cells that are divided by fibrous
18  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 219

Fig. 18.2  Portion of

parathyroid adenoma
abutting “normal” rim.
Distinct interface
between the adenoma
(right) and residual
normal parathyroid
tissue with fat at the
edge (left)

bands. Capsular and vessel wall invasion is Primary hyperparathyroidism associated with
seen and mitotic figures are found within the familial syndromes has a clear genetic origin [13,
tumour cells [10]. 14]. Molecular studies have suggested that para-
Immunohistochemistry analysis may be use- thyroid adenomas are monoclonal in origin [15]
ful in the identification of parathyroid lesions. In and these studies have focused on the genetic
addition to the cytoplasmic staining for PTH in rearrangement that places the PRAD1 (parathy-
chief cells that is easily identifiable, low-molecu- roid adenomatosis 1) oncogene in juxtaposition
lar-weight cytokeratins, chromogranin A, vimen- to the 5′ regulatory region of the PTH gene, with
tin and glial fibrillary acidic protein may be resultant activation of the PRAD1 oncogene
immunoreactive [10]. It has been suggested that under the influence of the PTH regulatory appa-
an immunohistochemical signature composed of ratus as a cause for the parathyroid cell growth in
loss of expression of parafibromin, retinoblas- primary hyperparathyroidism [16]. However, it
toma protein (Rb), p27, Bcl-2a, mdm-2 and APC, must be noted that this gene rearrangement has
along with positivity for galectin-3, overexpres- been found in only a small percentage of parathy-
sion of p53 and increased MIB-I (Ki67) prolifer- roid adenomas.
ation index more than 5%, be identified to
confirm a diagnosis of parathyroid cancer in a
parathyroid lesion with suspicious histological Clinical Presentation
features [7].
The classic hallmarks of primary hyperparathy-
roidism used to be the literal manifestations of
Aetiology “Stones, bones, groans and psychiatric overtones”.
However, the clinical presentation of this disorder
The mechanisms underlying the neoplastic trans- has changed dramatically especially in countries
formation of parathyroid tissue in primary hyper- where biochemical screening is routinely per-
parathyroidism are still unclear. Patients with formed; with most patients being diagnosed with
prior history of radiation exposure to the head the disorder following incidental discovery of
and neck may be at risk for the development of hypercalcaemia either during workup of other
primary hyperparathyroidism years later [12]. conditions or more commonly during health
220 M. Chandran

screening [3]. Though symptomatic disease con- elevated levels of PTH is osteopenia and osteopo-
tinues to be the predominant form in countries rosis [25].
such as India [17] and Saudi Arabia [18], recent Gastrointestinal manifestations of symptom-
publications from some of these countries appear atic primary hyperparathyroidism include
to suggest that the presentation may be shifting abdominal pain, nausea and anorexia [26, 27].
towards a milder phenotype and that the disease is Acute pancreatitis likely secondary to hypercal-
being diagnosed earlier [19]. This is likely a func- caemia has also been reported [28]. This presen-
tion of surveillance and screening and does not tation is unlikely to be a common one however
reflect a true change in the phenotypic variability with a large series from Rochester, Minnesota,
of primary ­ hyperparathyroidism. Another point suggesting that no more than a 1.5% of primary
that may influence the clinical presentation of hyperparathyroid patients have coexistent pan-
symptomatic versus asymptomatic disease may creatitis [29]. Peptic ulcer disease may be more
relate to the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in common in patients with primary hyperparathy-
the population [19]. roidism particularly in patients with multiple
Although PTH stimulates distal tubular reab- endocrine neoplasia 1 with coexisting Zollinger-
sorption of calcium, the increased filtered load of Ellison syndrome [6].
calcium caused by hypercalcaemia may lead to The neuropsychiatric manifestations reported
increased renal calcium excretion. The nephroli- in primary hyperparathyroidsm may be difficult
thiasis that may be seen in primary hyperparathy- to identify as the features are usually vague and
roidism can be attributed at least partially to the non-specific. The symptoms include depression,
presence of hypercalciuria and the result of dif- cognitive dysfunction, psychosis and fatigue
fuse deposition of calcium salts in the renal [30]. These symptoms have not consistently
parenchyma. Though older studies have demon- shown to improve after curative parathyroidec-
strated that as many as 40% of patients had stone tomy and the scanty data that does exist regard-
disease [20], the incidence of overt nephrolithia- ing improvement following parathyroidectomy is
sis has diminished with the changing clinical pro- difficult to evaluate because of the lack of accu-
file of the disease. Primary hyperparathyroidism rate quantitative tools for assessing these symp-
is also associated with reduction of renal function toms in primary hyperparathyroidism [31].
[21]. Polyuria, considered a classic presentation Other non-classical manifestations that may
of symptomatic hyperparathyroidism, is driven be related to primary hyperparathyroidism
largely by hypercalcaemia leading to alteration include involvement of the cardiovascular sys-
of the renal concentrating mechanism at the renal tem, with hypertension, left ventricular hypertro-
medulla [22]. Less commonly, coexisting neph- phy and higher mean carotid intima-media
rogenic diabetes insipidus secondary to hypercal- thickness on carotid ultrasound [32–34] being
caemia may account for the polyuria and observed more commonly in patients with pri-
polydipsia observed [23]. mary hyperparathyroidism compared to con-
Skeletal involvement classically presents as trols. As with neuropsychiatric manifestations,
osteitis fibrosa cystica, the result of excessive no strong data exist to demonstrate consistent
osteoclast activity. The spectrum of the radiologi- reversal of these cardiovascular features with
cal findings in osteitis fibrosa cystica can vary parathyroidectomy.
from subperiosteal resorption of the phalanges to
“salt-and-pepper” appearance of the skull and to
tapering of the distal clavicles. Brown tumours, Asymptomatic PHPT
collections of osteoclasts intermixed with poorly
mineralised woven bone, may be seen in the long Although overt bone disease is no longer a
bones. These may be associated with bone pain ­common occurrence in PHPT, skeletal involve-
and even fractures [24]. Another important effect ment is frequently observed using sophisticated
of the prolonged bone resorption caused by the radiological and imaging techniques. The DXA
18  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 221

signature of PHPT has been the classical pattern (VFA) and/or trabecular bone score (TBS) are
of cortical bone loss seen in the distal 1/3rd radius now recommended in the routine evaluation of
giving rise to the notion that PTH in primary primary hyperparathyroidism.
hyperparathyroidism is protective against trabec- About 7% of patients with asymptomatic pri-
ular bone loss [35]. This perception needs to be mary hyperparathyroidism have been reported to
corrected in view of recent studies that identify have renal calculi when imaging studies are con-
trabecular bone involvement through the applica- ducted [41]. This is much higher compared to the
tion of new imaging and analytical approaches. 1.6% prevalence noted in individuals without pri-
Studies using high-resolution peripheral mary hyperparathyroidism.
­quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT), Normocalcaemic primary hyperparathy-
an imaging modality that can differentiate roidism (NPHPT) is an entity that is being
between trabecular and cortical components of increasingly recognised. It is characterised by
peripheral skeletal sites such as the tibia and the elevated PTH levels in the presence of a nor-
radius, have shown that patients with PHPT have mal serum calcium. This entity was first for-
decreased volumetric densities at both trabecular mally recognised in 2008 at the 3rd International
and cortical compartments compared to controls. Workshop on the Management of Asymptomatic
These changes were more pronounced at the Hyperparathyroidism [42]. The prevalence rates
radius than at the tibia [36, 37]. Trabecular bone amongst community-based populations have
score (TBS) is a grey-level textural indexing been reported to range from 0.44 [43] to 11%
score that provides an indirect index of trabecular [44] when different cut-off values for PTH and
microarchitecture through its application on 25 OH D levels were used. Thus, methodologi-
DXA images of the lumbar spine [38]. A high cal differences in identification may play a role
TBS value reflects a dense homogenous trabecu- in the different prevalence rates reported. Patients
lar network associated with greater bone strength with NPHPT usually come to medical attention
whereas a low TBS value reflects a more porous during the process of evaluation for low bone
heterogenous trabecular network. In a cross-sec- mineral density. This condition must be distin-
tional study conducted on 22 postmenopausal guished from secondary hyperparathyroidism
women with PHPT, the L1–L4 T-score assessed wherein the parathyroid gland over activity has a
by DXA was well above the WHO osteoporosis non-parathyroid cause such as renal insufficiency
threshold (T-score ≤2.5) in the clear majority of or gastrointestinal tract disorders associated with
subjects. Only 3 (14%) patients were classified as malabsorption of vitamin D, calcium or both. The
osteoporotic and 7 (32%) as osteopenic. In parathyroid glands in secondary hyperparathy-
marked contrast, TBS at the lumbar spine showed roidism respond to the hypocalcaemic stimulus
degraded (TBS ≤1.20) in 8 (36%) patients, and with hypersecretion of PTH which returns the
partially degraded (TBS >1.20 and <1.35) micro- serum calcium to normal levels. Other conditions
architecture in an additional 8 patients (36%), that must be excluded before making the diagno-
Normal values (TBS ≥1.35) were found in only 6 sis of NPHPT since they may be associated with
(27%) subjects. The mean TBS of the whole elevations of PTH are idiopathic hypercalciuria
group was 1.24, markedly below the normal and use of medications such as bisphosphonates,
threshold (≥1.35) [39]. Epidemiological data for the RANK ligand inhibitor denosumab, thiazide
years that have shown an increased fracture risk diuretics and lithium.
at vertebral (composed mainly of trabecular Though the potential selection bias of signifi-
bone) sites [40] despite the paradox of relatively cantly more skeletal involvement being identified
normal lumbar spine BMD by DXA now has an from those cases of NPHPT diagnosed at special-
explanation. This new knowledge has influenced ised bone metabolic centres has to be considered,
the most recent guidelines that recommend an it does appear that there is a high prevalence of
evaluation of the trabecular compartment of the osteoporosis, fragility fractures and nephrolithia-
bone. Vertebral X-ray/Vertebral Fracture Analysis sis with prevalence rates of 57%, 11% and 14%,
222 M. Chandran

respectively, noted in one study of patients with from mild primary hyperparathyroidism. The for-
proven NPHPT [42]. mer, an autosomal dominant disorder caused by
The natural history of NPHPT is reportedly an inactivating mutation in the calcium-sensing
variable and no clear-cut features are present that receptor (CASR) gene in the parathyroid glands
will predict who amongst these patients will have and the kidneys, is characterised by mild eleva-
disease progression. Of 37 patients followed up tions of serum PTH and calcium levels with very
for a median duration of 3 years in one study, 40% low urinary calcium excretion. It is important to
were shown to progress to overt primary hyper- distinguish it from primary hyperparathyroidism
parathyroidism with 7/37 patients d­ emonstrating since it neither requires parathyroidectomy nor is
hypercalcaemia, 1/37 developing kidney stone and cured by it. The ratio is calculated from 24-h uri-
fracture, respectively, and two demonstrating nary calcium and creatinine and serum calcium
marked hypercalciuria. Six out of the 37 patients and creatinine concentrations using the following
had >10% BMD loss at one or more sites during formula:
the follow-up period [42]. On the contrary, another
Urine Ca / Cr clearance ratio UCCR
study in 277 vitamin D-sufficient individuals with
proven NPHPT did not show progression to overt = 24 - h urine calcium ´ serum creatinine
disease despite a 17-year follow-up [44]. ¸ Serum calcium ´ 24 - h urine creatinine

A value less than 0.01 in an individual who is
Diagnosis not vitamin D deficient is highly suggestive of
FHH.  However, as many as two-thirds of PHPT
The diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism patients may have CCCR below 0·02 because of
depends on biochemical tests. The sine qua non milder primary hyperparathyroidism [47] or con-
of the disease, viz. hypercalcaemia, in associa- comitant vitamin D insufficiency [48]. It has been
tion with frankly elevated or inappropriately nor- suggested that a two-step approach be used to dis-
mal PTH levels is seen in most patients with criminate FHH from primary hyperparathyroidism
primary hyperparathyroidism. Though measur- [49]. The first step involves estimating the UCCR
ing ionised calcium adds little to the routine diag- with a level of <0.02 identifying 98% of patients
nostic assessment of primary hyperparathyroidism with FHH.  This cut-off will still include around
its measurement is important in patients with pre- 35% of patients with PHPT. The second step is to
sumed normocalcaemic PHPT. In order to make perform a CASR mutation analysis in the group
the diagnosis of NPHPT, ionised calcium levels with a CCCR <0.02, to separate patients with FHH
should be normal [45]. from patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.
Circulating PTH levels can be measured by Though not essential to clinch the diagnosis,
radioimmuno- or immuno-radiometric assays. other biochemical findings that may be seen in
Either second-generation assays referred to as primary hyperparathyroidism include mild hyper-
intact PTH assays that measure the full-length chloraemic acidosis and hypophosphataemia.
1–84 PTH or third-generation assays commonly
referred to as bio-intact PTH assays that measure
only the intact PTH molecule and not the Role of Genetic Testing
C-terminal or 7–84 fragments of PTH can be
used for diagnosis [46]. The majority of patients with PHPT do not
Measurement of 24-h urinary calcium excre- require genetic testing. Approximately 10% of
tion is not always required for the diagnosis of patients with PHPT will have a mutation in 1 out
primary hyperparathyroidism but estimating the of 11 genes [50]. Genetic testing if available
ratios of calcium to creatinine clearance in a 24-h should be performed in select patients in whom a
urine collection is important to help differentiate familial form of PHPT is suspected including
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH) young patients and those with a family history of
18  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 223

Table 18.1 Genetic disorders associated with primary hyperparathyroidism and familial hypocalciuric
Disorder Gene(s) affected Organ(s) involved and characteristics
Multiple Endocrine Menin  – Parathyroid gland in ~90% (in affected
Neoplasia (MEN) 1 individuals, hypercalcaemia manifests in
almost all by age 50 years)
 – Neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas
and GIT in 60%
 – Pituitary tumours in 30%
 – Other rarer entities: Neuroendocrine
tumours of the thymus and bronchus,
adrenal hyperplasia and adenomas,
lipomas, leiomyomas and angiofibromas
Multiple Endocrine RET Parathyroid gland in ~30%, medullary thyroid
Neoplasia (MEN) 2 A cancer, and adrenal pheochromocytomas
MEN 4 CDKN1B Parathyroid Gland in ~80%, Pituitary tumours
in ~40%, Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours,
Carcinoids, Adrenocortical tumours, Thyroid
and Reproductive Organ tumours, Renal
Hyperparathyroidism—jaw CDC73 Parathyroid Glands (Cystic Adenomas) and
tumour syndrome Fibro-Osseus lesions of the jaw. Risk of
Parathyroid Cancer is 10-15%
Familial isolated Mutations of Menin, Fibromin, Parathyroid Gland
hyperparathyroidism CASR, Cyclin Dependent Kinase
Inhibitors-CDKN1A, CDKN2B
Neonatal severe CASR Parathyroid Gland
Familial Hypocalciuric CASR Parathyroid Gland
Hypercalcemia (FHH) 1
Familial Hypocalciuric GNA11 Parathyroid Gland
Hypercalcemia (FHH) 2
Familial Hypocalciuric AP2S1 Parathyroid Gland
Hypercalcemia (FHH) 3
Sporadic Primary Somatic alterations in MEN1, Parathyroid Gland
Hyperparathyroidism CCND1/PRAD1, Cyclin
Dependent Kinase Inhibitors-

PHPT, multi-gland involvement or clinical find- whether to pursue surgical therapy (this is
ings suspicious for multiple endocrine neoplasia based on clinical criteria). Imaging studies are
type 1 (MEN1) [50]. Hypercalcaemia is manifest used to guide the operative approach once sur-
in virtually all patients with MEN-1 by the age of gery has been decided upon as the treatment
50 (Table 18.1). modality that will be employed. Advances in
imaging modalities in the last two decades
along with changes in institutional practices
Imaging and Methods with respect to diagnostic workup for primary
of Localisation of the Parathyroid hyperparathyroidism and a shift towards mini-
Lesion(s) mally invasive surgery have resulted in a
greater reliance on preoperative imaging and
Imaging studies are not used to make the diag- localisation in primary hyperparathyroidism
nosis of primary hyperparathyroidism (this is [51]. Several imaging modalities have been
based on biochemical data) or to decide about found to be useful to image and locate the
224 M. Chandran

Fig. 18.3  USS of left

inferior parathyroid
adenoma: Longitudinal
and transverse views of
left thyroid lobe and
parathyroid adenoma.
The parathyroid nodule
is located inferior to the
left thyroid lobe

affected gland(s) in primary hyperparathyroid- 30 min after the administration of 15–20 millicu-

ism. The ability of these preoperative localisa- rie of Tc99m sestamibi. In the subtraction tech-
tion methods to correctly identify pathologic nique, 5  millicurie of Tc99m per technetate is
parathyroid glands has been very variable then administered intravenously and subsequent
depending on the patient population stud- static imaging is performed over another 30 min.
ied (single-adenoma versus multiple-gland The images acquired in the MIBI phase and in
disease), technique employed and experience of the MIBI-pertechnetate phases are digitally sub-
the operator and centre [52]. tracted. In the dual-phase MIBI technique, fur-
In sonography (USS), enlarged parathyroid ther MIBI imaging is performed at 60 and
glands appear as round or oval-shaped homoge- 120 min. The scintigraphic scan is considered to
nous hypoechoic nodules situated in the extrathy- be positive for parathyroid lesions when focal
roidal region of the central neck compartment, abnormal increased uptake is detected in the ini-
and are separated from the thyroid lobes by an tial and delayed MIBI images in the dual-phase
echogenic capsule fascia plane (Fig. 18.3). The technique or increased uptake is noted in the ini-
sensitivity of USS in preoperative localisation in tial MIBI images without concordant pertechne-
primary hyperparathyroidism has been shown to tate uptake in the dual-tracer techniques,
range from 48.3 to 96.2% [53]. respectively. Sensitivity of MIBI scintigraphy in
Parathyroid scintigraphy is most commonly identifying the diseased parathyroid gland ranges
performed now with Tc99m methoxyisobutyliso- from 61.4 to 94% [53]. The presence of oxyphil
nitrile (Tc99mMIBI or sestamibi), a cationic cells within the parathyroid adenoma is consid-
lipophilic derivative of technetium. This is taken ered essential for a positive sestamibi scan. An
up by both the thyroid and parathyroid glands but oxyphil content more than 20% quadruples the
is retained longer in the more mitochondrial rich rate of obtaining a positive sestamibi scan and
parathyroid tissue [54]. Either the dual-tracer small adenomas less than 600 mg in weight with
(MIBI-pertechnetate) subtraction technique less than 20% of oxyphil cells may be associated
based on the principle that Tc-99m pertechnetate with a negative scan [55]. Sensitivity is also
is taken up only by the thyroid gland or the MIBI lower in multi-gland disease and in concomitant
dual-phase (early-delayed) technique based on thyroid disease [56]. It has been suggested that
the longer retention in the parathyroid is used the use of sestamibi scanning and ultrasonogra-
(Fig. 18.4). The images are acquired in 5-min phy is complementary and that most adenoma-
static views from an anterior view of the neck tous lesions will be picked up by one or both
including the upper part of the thorax up to modality.
18  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 225

Fig. 18.4  Dual-phase 99m Tc-sestamibi scintigraphy of a patient with raised serum parathyroid level showing differ-
ential tracer washout at the lower pole of the right thyroid lobe indicative of a right inferior parathyroid adenoma

The sensitivity of dual-phase technetium 99m 4D CT is a relatively new multiphase imag-

sestamibi can be enhanced by combining it with ing modality in which the first three “dimen-
single-photon emission computed tomography/ sions” are multiplanar CT axial acquisitions
CT (SPECT/CT). It helps to demonstrate lesions with coronal and sagittal reformations. The
in all three dimensions and allows visualisation fourth “dimension” of 4D CT is change in
of posterior adenomas in the retro-oesophageal enhancement over time in arterial, and delayed
position that would be otherwise masked by thy- (venous) phase imaging. On 4D CT, parathyroid
roid tracer uptake. This technique has been shown adenomas typically demonstrate low attenuation
to have incremental diagnostic value in identify- in the non-contrast phase, intense enhancement
ing parathyroid adenomas e­ specially in patients on arterial phase and washout of contrast on
with concurrent autoimmune thyroiditis [57] or delayed phase [61] (Fig.  18.5). These uptake
multinodular goitre [58]. characteristics help differentiate parathyroid
Concordant localisation findings by both ses- lesions from lymph nodes and thyroid nodules.
tamibi and ultrasound is in general needed in Unlike conventional CT that has not been shown
cases where minimal invasive or limited explora- to be helpful in differentiating superior from
tion surgery is entertained. In cases where sesta- inferior parathyroid glands, the overall accuracy
mibi and/or ultrasound are negative or equivocal, of 4D CT for the localisation of a single hyper-
four-dimensional computed tomography (4D functional parathyroid gland to a quadrant in the
CT) has shown promising results in  localising neck is 73–97% [62]. 4D CT also appears to
elusive parathyroid adenoma(s) and facilitating have good accuracy in identifying hyperplastic
minimally invasive or limited exploration surgery parathyroid glands and in the reoperative setting
[59, 60]. [63]. Though 4D CT may have value as a pri-
226 M. Chandran

a b c

Fig. 18.5  4D CT scan showing a hypodense nodule contiguous with the left posterior thyroid gland that demonstrates
low attenuation in non-contrast phase (a), intense enhancement in arterial phase (b) and rapid washout in delayed phase

mary imaging modality also [64], it has to be Management of Asymptomatic

noted that the thyroid-specific radiation dose Disease
associated with 4D CT is 50 times that of MIBI
[65]. MIBI and USS hence probably should How to deal with a disease that is brought to clin-
remain the primary imaging modality in the ical attention by a test and not necessarily by
workup of primary hyperparathyroidism and symptoms is a vexing problem. The decision to
this appears to be the favoured approach by operate on patients with asymptomatic hyper-
most practicing surgeons currently [66]. parathyroidism is challenging, especially since
Concomitant use of MIBI and USS has been the natural history of most asymptomatic cases
shown through several studies to give a com- appears to be indolent, with PHPT shown to
bined sensitivity of more than 90% in detecting progress only in 1/3rd of individuals over a
parathyroid adenoma [67]. Using more than one 15-year follow-up period [72].
imaging technique has also been shown to be Guidelines for the management of asymp-
more cost effective because it decreases the tomatic primary hyperparathyroidism: The
likelihood of a bilateral exploration [68]. summary statement from the Fourth International
Invasive methods of localisation like arteriog- Workshop in 2014 suggests the following criteria
raphy and selective venous sampling have also as indication for parathyroidectomy [69]:
been employed in specialised centres for chal- (Presence of one or more of the following)
lenging cases as well as prior to reoperations
where the source of hyperparathyroidism remains (a) Serum calcium concentration of 1.0  mg/dL
elusive. (0.25 mmol/L) or more above the upper limit
of normal.
(b) Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
Management <60 mL/min.
(c) Peri- or postmenopausal women and men at
In clearly symptomatic individuals, surgery is least 50 years old who have a bone density at
indicated barring strong medical contraindications the hip, lumbar spine or distal radius that is
[69]. Non-classic symptoms such as neuropsychi- more than 2.5 standard deviations below
atric or cardiovascular manifestations are not sur- peak bone mass (T-score <−2.5) (in pre-
gical indications per se since these symptoms and menopausal women and men younger than
manifestations have not been shown to consis- 50 years, a Z-score of <−2.5 at any of these
tently improve after parathyroidectomy [70, 71]. sites is recommended as a cut-off point) and/
18  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 227

or presence of skeletal involvement as low complication rates [73]. The traditional opera-
assessed by X-ray, vertebral fracture assess- tive approach involved bilateral neck exploration
ment (VFA), TBS or HRpQCT.  Substantial with identification of all four glands to identify
trabecular disease as manifested by low TBS and remove the pathological gland(s). With the
as well as the presence of a vertebral fracture understanding that single-gland disease is the
would support a decision for surgery. major cause of primary hyperparathyroidism, and
(d) Twenty-four-hour urinary calcium >400 mg/ with the advent of sensitive preoperative localisa-
day (>10 mmol/day) and increased stone risk tion imaging and intraoperative adjuncts such as
by biochemical stone risk profile. intraoperative parathyroid hormone monitoring,
(e) Nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis by radio- the landscape of surgery for PHPT has changed
graph, ultrasound or CT. significantly in the last two decades with a shift
(f) Age less than 50 years. towards minimally invasive surgeries [59, 66].
Though an assortment of diverse parathyroid-
In the absence of any of the above, asymptom- ectomy procedures is often described as “mini-
atic patients can be offered the option of being mon- mally invasive” the precise surgical technique
itored for the development of symptomatic disease that qualifies for the term is controversial. The
or for the manifestation of any of the criteria that term theoretically refers to any operative
would meet the guidelines for surgery. This includes approach be it open or endoscopic by which the
annual reassessment of serum calcium, serum cre- diseased gland is removed with minimum inva-
atinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate and sion of or disruption to the surrounding tissues.
annual to 2-yearly reassessment of the bone mineral In general, however it might be preferable to refer
density by DXA, with X-ray or VFA of the spine if to parathyroid surgeries as limited exploration or
clinically indicated. These guidelines must be inter- bilateral exploration surgeries. Limited explora-
preted and applied as per different individual prac- tion surgeries may include focal exploration
tices, considering not only each patient’s concerns which involves examination and excision of one
and expectations but also the availability of local parathyroid gland only or a unilateral exploration
surgical expertise. This also means that it may be that examines the two parathyroid glands located
reasonable to consider surgery in the asymptomatic on one side of the neck. Bilateral exploration
hyperparathyroid patient without any of the pre- (BE) examines all four parathyroid glands [59]. It
specified criteria within the guidelines for surgery if must be noted that the outcome of a preoperative
the patient does not wish to take the risk of disease localisation procedure should not influence the
progression with observation alone. decision to operate but should simply direct
The 2014 guidelines also provide for an approach whether to perform a limited or bilateral explora-
to the management of NPHPT. The above criteria tion. The objective of surgery is to remove the
for surgery should be applied to those patients who culprit adenoma in single-gland disease and in
become hypercalcaemic on annual follow-up. If the cases of multi-gland adenomas, hyperplasia and
patient continues to be normocalcaemic but there is syndromic conditions to perform a subtotal or
disease-associated progression with fractures, con- total parathyroidectomy with autotransplanta-
tinued bone loss, nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcino- tion. Because of the increased risk for morbidity
sis, surgery should be offered [69]. and failure in reoperation, the current consensus
calls for two concordant imaging studies localis-
ing the hyperfunctioning parathyroid adenoma in
Surgery for Primary primary hyperparathyroidism before a limited
Hyperparathyroidism exploration is considered [74]. Be it minimally
invasive parathyroidectomy or limited explora-
The definitive treatment for primary hyperparathy- tion or classical bilateral neck exploration sur-
roidism is surgery and most surgical data suggest a gery, operative success is highly dependent on
cure rate of 95–98% in experienced hands with surgical volume [75, 76] and expertise [75].
228 M. Chandran

Intraoperative use of iPTH (IOPTH) monitor- must be noted however that the hypercalcaemia
ing with a post-resection drop in venous levels was mild in the patients studied, with serum
by more than 50% indicative of successful oper- calcium levels not exceeding 10  mg/dL
ation has been proposed as a useful tool to guide (3 mmol/L), and that it was observed that some
surgeons in performing minimally invasive sur- patients given vitamin D replacement experi-
gery and also in reducing the risk of missing enced an increase in urinary calcium excretion
additional hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands [88].
that may have been missed on preoperative Medical treatment can be considered in
imaging [77]. However literature also exists to patients who are symptomatic but are poor candi-
show that intraoperative use of parathyroid hor- dates for surgery or in those who refuse surgery.
mone monitoring may not significantly add Oral bisphosphonates have been shown to
value and that surgical success of minimal inva- improve bone mineral density at the lumbar spine
sive parathyroidectomy is not significantly and femoral neck [89, 90] in patients with pri-
increased with its use [78]. mary hyperparathyroidism but have not shown
Benefits of successful parathyroidectomy efficacy in reducing serum calcium, PTH or uri-
include normalisation of biochemical indices nary calcium levels. There is no data to show that
(serum calcium, parathyroid hormone level), they reduce fracture rates in PHPT.
improvement of bone mineral density [79], bone Intravenous bisphosphonates have been shown
microarchitecture [80] and reduction of bone to help with control of hypercalcaemia in PHPT
turnover [81] and fracture risk [82]. A reduction [91, 92].
in the risk of recurrent nephrolithiasis has also Cinacalcet belongs to a class of medications
been noted [83]. Recent data also appears to sug- known as calcimimetics that can alter the func-
gest that surgical treatment may retard progres- tion of the calcium-sensing receptor and interfere
sion of the renal dysfunction associated with directly with the production of parathyroid hor-
primary hyperparathyroidism [84, 85]. Curative mone. Treatment of primary hyperparathyroid-
parathyroidectomy may also lead to improve- ism with cinacalcet was associated with
ments in quality of life [86]. normalisation of the serum calcium and mainte-
nance of the normocalcaemia over a 3–5-year
period [93, 94]. Cinacalcet however has not been
 edical Management of Primary
M shown to improve bone mineral density. When a
Hyperparathyroidism group of patients with PHPT receiving cinacalcet
alone was compared to a matched group receiv-
As described earlier, asymptomatic patients ing both cinacalcet and alendronate, though there
without clear indications for surgery can be was normalisation of serum calcium and lower-
carefully monitored. Calcium intake should fol- ing of PTH levels in both groups, there was a sig-
low established guidelines for the general pop- nificant improvement in BMD only in those
ulation. There is no indication to restrict patients who received both alendronate and cina-
calcium intake in patients with PHPT [69]. It is calcet [95]. Though strong evidence for efficacy
recommended that all patients with PHPT have is lacking, combining the two medications in
their serum 25 D levels measured [69] and a those in whom it is desirable to control hypercal-
serum level of at least 20–30 ng/dL should be caemia as well as improve BMD holds consider-
achieved with careful vitamin D supplementa- able appeal.
tion. Specific dosing regimens are unfortu- The RANK ligand inhibitor denosumab has
nately not available from clinical trial data. also been shown to be particularly effective in
This practice appears to be safe in patients with normalising calcium in some cases of bisphos-
mild hyperparathyroidism and has been shown phonate and cinacalcet-refractory hypercalcae-
to lead to a reduction in PTH levels without mia from hyperparathyroidism secondary to
exacerbation of hypercalcaemia [87, 88]. It parathyroid cancer [96].
18  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 229

Special Situations ing modalities and the use of laboratory

techniques such as intraoperative PTH assays
Primary Hyperparathyroidism and the demand for more cost-effective and
in Pregnancy shorter hospitalisations have led to a change
in the landscape of surgery for primary hyper-
Primary hyperparathyroidism though uncom- parathyroidism with a shift and proclivity to
monly reported in pregnancy may carry signifi- more minimally invasive surgeries. The
cant maternal and foetal risks. Maternal release of periodic consensus guidelines
presentations have included pancreatitis, severe reflects the need for updated information
vomiting, nephrolithiasis and recurrent urinary with regard to evaluation and management of
tract infections [97, 98]. Hypocalcaemia with this disorder. More work needs to be done to
attendant tetany due to suppression of foetal tease out the natural history of the entity of
parathyroid hormone, premature birth, low birth normocalcaemic primary hyperparathyroid-
weight and even foetal death have been reported ism as well as the pathogenesis behind the
[98]. During the diagnostic evaluation, it must be non-classical manifestations such as involve-
noted that though ionised calcium levels do not ment of the cardiovascular system in primary
change significantly during the three trimesters, hyperparathyroidism.
total serum calcium declines across the gesta-
tional period, likely secondary to plasma volume
expansion and so the upper limit of normal for Follow-Up of Case Vignette
total serum calcium is lower than in the non-preg-
nant state. Surgery during the second trimester, 24-Hour urine calcium showed hypercalciuria of
preferably minimally invasive parathyroidec- 11.23 mmol/day. Fractional excretion of calcium
tomy if preoperative localisation with USS is was 2.1%. DXA scan was performed and showed
successful in  localising the tumour, is the pre- Z-score of −1.5, −1.1, −0.7 and −1.9 over the
ferred treatment option for symptomatic patients left femoral neck, left total hip, lumbar spine and
[99]. However, for asymptomatic patients or in distal third of left forearm, respectively.
those with only mild hypercalcaemia, just careful Given the unequivocally high serum calcium
observation may be warranted though the new- and parathyroid hormone with marked hypercal-
born should be carefully monitored for hypocal- ciuria, the diagnosis of primary hyperparathy-
caemia in such a situation [99]. roidism was made. Despite absence of symptoms,
the young age (<50  years), high serum calcium
Conclusion and marked hypercalciuria were strong indica-
Despite being recognised for more than tions to recommend parathyroidectomy.
100  years, primary hyperparathyroidism Ultrasound and sestamibi scan showed a ses-
remains a disorder that is incompletely under- tamibi-avid parathyroid adenoma measuring
stood. The change in its clinical presentation 0.6 × 0.8 × 0.7 cm postero-inferior to the left lobe
from a severely symptomatic disease to a pre- of the thyroid.
dominantly asymptomatic one is a reflection Successful minimal invasive parathyroidec-
of increasingly conducted routine surveil- tomy of the left inferior parathyroid adenoma
lances and health screenings rather than a true was performed with resolution of hypercalcae-
change in phenotype of the disease. It has mia and hyperparathyroidism.
come to light that, to identify to the full extent A repeat DXA scan 1 year after surgery
the involvement of the skeleton and kidneys showed improvement in BMD of 12.9%, 17.0%
in this disease, more sophisticated and thor- and 20.5% over the left total hip, left femoral
ough imaging modalities need to be employed. neck and lumbar spine, respectively. BMD at
This holds true even for asymptomatic dis- the distal third of left forearm remained
ease. Recent advances in preoperative localis- unchanged.
230 M. Chandran

Acknowledgements  The author would like to gratefully parathyroidism. A case-control study in Rochester,
acknowledge the help of Dr. Leow Wei Qiang and Dr. Lau Minn. Arch Intern Med. 1989;149(8):1887–90.
Kah Weng, Associate Consultants in the Department of 13. Larsson C, Friedman E.  Localization and identi-

Anatomical Pathology, Singapore General Hospital, for fication of the multiple endocrine neoplasia type
providing the histopathological slides and to Dr Matthew 1 disease gene. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am.
Tan, Consultant Endocrinologist for helping to coordinate 1994;23(1):67–79.
the inclusion of the slides and the case vignette in the 14. Villablanca A, Wassif WS, Smith T, Höög A, Vierimaa
manuscript. O, Kassem M, et al. Involvement of the MEN1 gene
locus in familial isolated hyperparathyroidism. Eur J
Endocrinol. 2002;147(3):313–22.
15. Fialkow PJ, Jackson CE, Block MA, Greenawald

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Parathyroid Imaging
Nani H. Md. Latar, George S. Petrides,
and Sebastian Aspinall

Introduction Despite the advances in parathyroid imaging

since that time, every experienced parathyroid
Thirty years ago the interventional radiologist surgeon knows that enlarged, hyper-functioning
John Doppman wrote in his paper on re-operative parathyroid glands found at surgery for PHPT
parathyroid surgery, “In my opinion, the only are still missed on preoperative imaging scans,
localizing study indicated in a patient with and this occurs particularly in multi-gland dis-
untreated primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) ease (MGD). Therefore John Doppman’s often-
is to localize an experienced surgeon”. Since that quoted words are still very relevant today
time, parathyroid imaging and surgery have despite the plethora of parathyroid imaging
undergone major changes including improve- investigations that have now been developed.
ment in scintigraphy with planar and tomographic
(3-dimensional) images, fusion of tomograms
with anatomical information from conventional Indications
computed tomography (CT), advances in radio-
pharmaceuticals, high-resolution ultrasonogra- Why do we do parathyroid imaging? The tradi-
phy (US) and 4-dimensional CT (4D CT), and tional approach to parathyroid surgery is bilat-
the emergence of targeted parathyroidectomy, eral neck exploration (BNE) in first-time
made possible by the development of sensitive patients with primary hyperparathyroidism,
preoperative imaging modalities and intraopera- once the diagnosis has been confirmed bio-
tive parathyroid hormone (ioPTH) assays. chemically. In experienced hands this approach
has a success rate of up to 95%. Nowadays
parathyroid localisation imaging is generally
N. H. Md. Latar considered a mandatory part of the workup to
Department of Surgery, Universiti Kebangsaan parathyroid surgery. There are two main rea-
Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
sons for this. Firstly it can identify major ecto-
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK pia of the parathyroid glands that occurs in
G. S. Petrides 1–2% of the population, for which a different
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals, NHS Foundation surgical approach is needed to achieve opera-
Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
tive success (e.g. sternotomy for mediasti-
S. Aspinall (*) nal parathyroid glands). Secondly it identifies
North Tyneside General Hospital,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
those patients that are suitable for targeted
e-mail: Sebastian.Aspinall@northumbria-healthcare. parathyroidectomy.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 235

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
236 N. H. Md. Latar et al.

Surgical Approaches thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve. The

to the Parathyroid Glands inferior parathyroid glands arise from the third
pharyngeal pouch along the thymus. Their final
Bilateral neck exploration (BNE), focused unilat- positions are often posterior or lateral to the infe-
eral neck exploration (UNE) and minimally inva- rior pole of the thyroid (69%) or lying within the
sive parathyroidectomy (MIP) are the commonest thyrothymic ligament (12–39%) [9]. Due to their
surgical approaches to the parathyroid glands. longer course of descent, the final position of the
The latter two operations are considered targeted inferior glands is more variable than the superior
or focussed approaches. parathyroid glands.
The advantages of focussed-approach para- The size of a normal parathyroid gland is
thyroidectomy include reduced operating time, approximately 5–6 mm (length), 3–4 mm (width)
costs and morbidity, including post-operative and 2  mm (depth) and weigh between 30 and
hypocalcaemia and vocal cord palsy, without 60 mg [10]. Typically there are four parathyroid
compromising cure rate [1–4]. Given that the glands, though the number can vary.
majority (>80%) of patients with PHPT have a Parathyroid glands are located in ectopic loca-
single parathyroid adenoma, which is suitable for tions in 2–43% in anatomical series [11] and
the focussed approach, the advancement in this 16–20% of clinical studies in PHPT [12, 13].
surgical strategy over the past 25 years is under- Common ectopic locations include the tracheo-­
standable. However recent doubt has emerged oesophageal groove (17.3%) [14]; retro-­
regarding the durability of the focussed approach oesophageal (3.2%) [14]; thymus (17%) [15];
[5] showing lower long-term cure rates for PHPT intra-thyroidal (4%) [16]; and mediastinum as
following focussed-approach parathyroidectomy low as the aorto-pulmonary window [17] or
[6, 7]. within the carotid sheath [18]. Major ectopia of
It has also been shown that if all the parathy- the parathyroid gland (e.g. mediastinal) necessi-
roid glands are inspected at parathyroidectomy, tating a surgical approach via the chest is present
more abnormal parathyroid glands are found [8], in 1–2%.
i.e. focussed approaches may be missing abnor-
mal parathyroid glands in a proportion of patients
that are responsible for late recurrence. It is with Imaging Modalities
this in mind that we consider the role of parathy-
roid imaging. There are multiple parathyroid imaging methods
that are available, which include ultrasonography
(US), scintigraphy, computed tomography (CT),
Anatomy and Embryology magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron
of Parathyroid Glands emission tomography (PET), combined modali-
ties such as single-photon emission computed
Knowledge of parathyroid embryology and anat- tomography (SPECT-CT) and venous sampling.
omy is essential for those involved in interpreting Each has its own advantages and disadvantages,
parathyroid imaging. The two paired parathyroid and there is variability in the imaging modality
glands are derived from the third and fourth pha- and techniques used across endocrine centres,
ryngeal pouches around the fifth week of gesta- depending on local expertise and preference.
tion. The superior glands arise from the fourth
pharyngeal pouch and descend in close relation
to the developing thyroid gland before settling at Ultrasonography (US)
their final position posterolateral to the mid-­
portion of the thyroid gland. This is usually at the US is quick, inexpensive, convenient and non-­
level of cricoid cartilage (>90%) within a 1  cm invasive. It doesn’t expose the patient to ionising
radius of the intersection between the inferior radiation and provides information on concurrent
19  Parathyroid Imaging 237

Table 19.1  Diagnostic performance of US in preoperative parathyroid localisation in primary hyperparathyroidism

Sensitivity Specificity Number of Lateralise or Patient- or parathyroid-­
Author year (%) PPV (%) Accuracy cases localise based outcome
Koslin 1998 84 90 37 Localise
Kebapci 2004 84 92 52 Localise
Gilat 2004 89 98 33 77 Localise
Solorzano 2006 76 90 97 91 226 Localise
Erbil 2008 80 97 80 Localise
Whitson 2008 67 82 33 61 226 Localise
Abboud 2008 96.2 98.3 75 253 Localise
Aspinall 2012 64 88 96 86 65 Localise
Brown 2015 64 89 89 Lateralise
Starker 2011 71 87 87 Lateralise
48 81.6 87 Localise
Rodgers 2006 57 94 75 Lateralise
29 89 75 Localise
Lindqvist 2009 82 95 96 264 Lateralise Parathyroid
66 79 94 264 Localise Parathyroid
83 93 27 264 Lateralise Patient
81 81 12 264 Localise Patient

thyroid pathology and facilitates biopsy of inci- eralisation outcomes show higher sensitivities
dental thyroid nodules if indicated. The position but lower specificities [20, 21].
of surgical incision and direction of anatomical The accuracy of US for parathyroid localisa-
dissection can be directed by performing ultra- tion is comparable to scintigraphy with a pooled
sound intraoperatively. Parathyroid US is per- sensitivity of 76.1% and positive predictive value
formed with a high-resolution transducer of of 93.2% from a recent meta-analysis [22].
5–15 MHz in a supine patient with neck extended.
Abnormal parathyroid glands appear as
hypoechoic, ovoid structures on US, whereas Operator Factors
normal parathyroid glands which are generally
below the size limit of resolution of US are not The results of ultrasonography are operator
visible. dependent, so limiting parathyroid ultrasonogra-
When comparing the outcomes of studies of phy to experienced, dedicated clinicians or
parathyroid US in patients undergoing first-time sonographers is preferred [23]. There is now a
surgery for PHPT the definition of what consti- wealth of studies showing excellent outcomes
tutes a positive scan needs to be borne in mind. from surgeon-based parathyroid localisation [24–
Outcomes may be considered positive if they 27]. Parathyroid surgeons should learn and per-
localise an adenoma to a quadrant of the neck, form their own ultrasonography, as this
lateralise to a side of the neck or correctly differ- concentrates experience, and in addition periop-
entiate superior from inferior parathyroid glands erative neck ultrasonography facilitates incision
anatomically. Sensitivities and specificities of placement and anatomical dissection. The sur-
parathyroid US may be quoted on a patient- or geon who carries out perioperative neck ultraso-
parathyroid-based basis. This is illustrated in the nography also benefits from instant feedback
paper by Lindqvist et al. [19] (Table 19.1), though from the operative findings, which results in a
in general studies reporting patient-based or lat- steep learning curve (Fig. 19.1 and Table 19.1).
238 N. H. Md. Latar et al.

gamma cameras mounted on a rotating gantry

and manipulated by a computer to generate
3-dimensional tomograms known as single-­
photon emission tomography (SPECT). The
functional SPECT images can then be fused with
anatomical images from conventional computed
tomography (SPECT-CT).

Accuracy of Parathyroid

In comparing the results of parathyroid localisa-

Fig. 19.1  Sagittal plane showing parathyroid adenoma tion scintigraphy studies, it is important to con-
posterior and inferior to left lobe of thyroid gland on sider that different protocols are used in these
ultrasonography studies: using various radiopharmaceuticals; sin-
gle- or dual-radiopharmaceutical techniques
(dual-tracer techniques use subtraction thyroid
Limitations (Patient factors): scintigraphy with pertechnetate (99mTc-O4) or
• Multi-gland disease (MGD) iodine-123 (123I)); different image acquisition
• Posteriorly located upper gland methods (pinhole or parallel-hole collaminator);
(PLUGs) timing of image acquisition (single versus dual
• Parathyroid gland size/volume phase); planar or tomographic imaging; and more
• Body mass index (BMI) recently fused hybrid imaging with
• Thyroid nodules SPECT-CT. The wide variation in reported sensi-
• Ectopic gland(s) tivity of parathyroid scintigraphy in PHPT of
39% to >90% [28] can be accountable to the dif-
ferent techniques used between studies. Several
excellent reviews and meta-analyses of parathy-
Scintigraphy roid imaging in PHPT with scintigraphy have
now been published [22, 29].
Scintigraphy is a type of diagnostic molecular
imaging which involves the administration of a
radiopharmaceutical that is concentrated in an Interpretation of Outcomes
organ of interest, where an image of its distribu- of Parathyroid Scintigraphy
tion is captured by a camera system in two (pla-
nar) or three (tomographic) dimensions. The sensitivity of 99mTc-MIBI-SPECT is reported
Radiopharmaceuticals comprise a carrier biologi- by Lindqvist et al. [19] as 92% for patient based
cal molecule (e.g. methoxyisobutylisonitrile), and on correct side, 91% patient-based correct quad-
a radionuclide or tracer isotope (e.g. 99m techne- rant, 84% parathyroid-based correct side and
tium) to give the radiopharmaceutical 99m tech- 73% parathyroid-based correct quadrant (the
netium methoxyisobutylisonitrile (99mTc-­MIBI) respective specificities for these outcomes being
used commonly in parathyroid scintigraphy. 12, 8, 94 and 91%). Ectopically located parathy-
In parathyroid scintigraphy 99mTc-MIBI, con- roid glands are located more often on scintigra-
centrated in the mitochondria of parathyroid ade- phy than US, though in a study of 80 patients
noma, emits γ-rays that are filtered through a with PHPT by Erbil et  al. ectopic location did
collaminator, to produce an image. In tomo- not significantly affect the accuracy of 99mTc-
graphic scintigraphy images are acquired with MIBI [30].
19  Parathyroid Imaging 239

[36, 41, 42] although the reduced radiation

Limitations: dose from dual-phase imaging also has
• Parathyroid weight/volume/size benefits.
• Content of oxyphil cells (c) Planar imaging versus single-photon emis-
• Position: superiorly located gland diffi- sion computed tomography (SPECT)
cult to see The addition of SPECT acquisition to pla-
• Severity of hyperparathyroidism nar scintigraphy has been shown to increase
• Thyroid nodules the accuracy of parathyroid localisation [43–
• Lymph nodes 47] and should ideally be used routinely for
• Brown adipose tissue parathyroid localisation prior to surgery for
PHPT [48]. A recent meta-analysis has
shown a pooled sensitivity and positive pre-
Severity of disease has also been shown to dictive value of 78.9 and 90.7% for 99mTc-­
affect the accuracy of scintigraphy; Bandeira MIBI-­ SPECT, which is comparable to
et  al. [31] in a study of 64 patients with PHPT ultrasound [22].
showed that 99m
Tc-MIBI was positive in 64% (
d) 99m
Tc-MIBI-SPECT has the advantage of
with asymptomatic disease, 83% with nephroli- localising ectopic and posteriorly placed ade-
thiasis and 100% with severe bone disease. False-­ nomas that are often missed on US [42].
positive scintigraphy results, due to uptake in Some studies have failed to find a significant
thyroid nodules, lymph nodes [32] and brown benefit of SPECT over planar acquisition
adipose tissue [33], also reduces the specificity of [49]. Planar images are commonly under-
Tc-MIBI but these false positives can be taken as well as tomographic ones during
reduced with the use of SPECT-CT [34] parathyroid localisation imaging.
(Table 19.2).

Technique-Related Factors  ybrid Single-Photon Emission

(a) Pinhole versus parallel-hole collaminators Computed Tomography-CT
The greater spatial resolution capabilities (SPECT-CT)
of pinhole versus parallel-hole collaminators,
which is particularly suited to imaging small Fusion of sestamibi SPECT images with conven-
structures in the neck, has been shown to tional CT provides information on the anatomical
improve the sensitivity of parathyroid scintig- location of the parathyroid adenoma and is widely
raphy using single (99mTc-MIBI)-tracer, dual- known as SPECT-CT. A recent meta-­analysis by
phase protocol [35, 36] and dual (99mTc-MIBI Wei et al. [50] looked at 18 studies and found the
I)-tracer, single-phase protocol [36, 37]. sensitivity of SPECT-CT to be much greater than
(b) Planar imaging that of SPECT or planar imaging alone (SPECT-CT
In the single-tracer, dual-phase technique 84%, SPECT 6%, planar 63%). The same meta-
images are taken 10  min and 90–120  min analysis also demonstrated that the positive pre-
after injection of 99mTc-MIBI, prolonged dictive value of SPECT-CT exceeded that of
retention of which in the parathyroid enables scintigraphic methods alone. This is likely due to
parathyroid localisation. In the dual-tracer the anatomical correlation which not only increases
subtraction method, thyroid scintigraphy is the specificity by reducing false-positive scans due
also undertaken with 99mTc-pertechnetate to 99mTc-MIBI uptake in cervical lymph nodes and
[38, 39] or 123I [40] and the images digitally thyroid nodules but is also useful for operative
subtracted to identify the parathyroid ade- planning. A further meta-analysis by Treglia et al.
noma. The superiority of dual-tracer (123I or [51] demonstrated a similar detection rate of 88%
Tc-pertechnetate) over single-tracer scin- for SPECT-CT on both a per-patient- and per-
tigraphy has been reported in some studies lesion-based analysis. Diagnostic confidence also
Table 19.2  Diagnostic performance of 99mTc-MIBI either as single modality or in combination with image subtraction acquired using planar, SPECT or SPECT-CT

Thyroid scintigraphy Number of Detection

Tracer subtraction Image acquisition Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy PPV patients parameter
Sharma 2006 Tc-­MIBI No Planar 62 95.3 138
Tc-­MIBI No SPECT 73 91.7 165
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I SPECT 96 89 350
Tc-­MIBI No SPECT-CT 83 91 131
Freudenberg 2006 Tc-­MIBI No Planar 74 96 89 84
Tc-­MIBI No Planar + SPECT 81 96 89 84
Tc-­MIBI 99mTcO4 Planar + SPECT 87 97 92 84
Lavely 2007 Tc-­MIBI No Parallel-hole planar 56.5 98.7 79.0 110
Tc-­MIBI No SPECT 61.5 98.7 79.4 110
Tc-­MIBI No SPECT-CT 72 99.1 87.3 110
Nichols 2008 Tc-­MIBI 99mTcO4 Pinhole planar 88 88 88 89 462
Tc-­MIBI 99mTcO4 SPECT 83 84 83 85 462
99m 123
Tunninen 2013 Tc-­MIBI I Parallel planar 63.3–80 93.9–97 86.5–89.6 51
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I Pinhole planar 76.7–80 92.4–95.5 88.5–89.6 51
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I SPECT-CT 63.3-76.7 92.4–98.5 85.4–89.6 51
Tc-­MIBI No Parallel-hole planar 15.8–31.6 93.9–100 75–76.5 51
Tc-­MIBI No SPECT-CT 10-16.7 100 71.9–74 51
Lindqvist 2009 Tc-­MIBI Parallel-hole SPECT 84 91 91 264 Lateralise
Tc-­MIBI Parallel-hole 73 94 81 264 Localise
Starker 2011 Tc-­MIBI No Planar + SPECT 61.6 84.2 52 Lateralise
Tc-­MIBI No Planar + SPECT 40 78.9 52 Localise
99m 99m
Brown 2015 Tc-­MIBI TO4- Pinhole planar + 74 87 89 Lateralise
Tomas 2008 Tc-­MIBI No Pinhole planar 89 93 91 88 49
Tc-­MIBI No Parallel-hole planar 56 96 74 94 49
Klingensmith 2013 Tc-­MIBI No Pinhole planar 66.2 33
Tc-­MIBI No Parallel planar 43.2 33
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I Pinhole planar 83.8 33
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I Parallel planar 62.2 33
Hindie 1998 Tc-­MIBI No Pinhole planar 79 95 77 30
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I single phase Pinhole planar 94 98 93 30
Caveny 2012 Tc-­MIBI No Pinhole planar 66 37
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I single phase Pinhole planar 94 37
99m 123
Tc-­MIBI I dual phase Pinhole planar 90 37
N. H. Md. Latar et al.
19  Parathyroid Imaging 241

Fig. 19.2 Washout 99mTc-MIBI images demonstrating a mediastinal ectopic gland accurately localised with SPECT-CT.
4D CT images contemporaneously demonstrate the parathyroid adenoma with intense enhancement

increases with fused images and it has been shown suggests a potential role in persistent and/or
that for smaller adenomas the increased sensitivity recurrent disease, as an alternative to 4D CT, par-
and specificity seen with SPECT-CT are more ticularly if conventional imaging with US and
apparent [52]. As with all parathyroid imaging 99m
Tc-MIBI-SPECT is negative or inconclusive.
modalities the accuracy of SPECT-CT is adversely
affected by multi-gland disease [53]. SPECT-CT (a) 18
can be performed at an early time point (10– Parathyroid adenomas demonstrate increased
30 min post-­injection), a delayed time point (90– uptake as demonstrated by Newmann et  al.
150 min post-injection) or both time points [54]. [56] but due to lower specificity compared to
The need for dual-time-point SPECT-CT is 99m
Tc-MIBI-SPECT this type of investiga-
debated with a study suggesting that an early- tion is not commonly undertaken.
time-point SPECT-CT may suffice in the majority ( b) 11C-methionine
of cases [55] (Figs. 19.2 and 19.3). 11
C-methionine accumulates in parathyroid
adenomas due to increased transmembrane
transport and protein synthesis—the amino
Positron Emission Tomography acid methionine is a component of parathy-
(PET) roid hormone. Sensitivities of 11C-methionine
for the localisation of parathyroid adenomas
Three different radiopharmaceuticals have been have been reported to be 69–94%, with a
shown to demonstrate uptake in parathyroid ade- pooled sensitivity from a recent meta-analy-
nomas, namely FDG, choline and methionine. In sis of 81 [57]. The disadvantage of the iso-
general PET has not found widespread use in tope 11C is that its half-life is short (20 min),
first-time imaging for PHPT but the high reported which makes its routine use logistically dif-
sensitivity of 11C-methionine and 18F-fluorocholine ficult and expensive.
242 N. H. Md. Latar et al.

Fig. 19.3  99mTc-MIBI images of the same patient demon- parathyroid adenoma. SPECT-CT demonstrates a right
strating the greater sensitivity of SPECT-CT compared to upper parathyroid adenoma in addition
planar imaging. Planar images demonstrate a left lower

( c) 11C-choline/18F-fluorocholine Four-dimensional CT is a technique that relies

Choline-based radiopharmaceuticals, which on the perfusion characteristics of parathyroid
reflect lipid or cell membrane metabolism, can adenomas, i.e. rapid uptake and washout of con-
be utilised in parathyroid imaging. The same trast with time (the fourth dimension) for locali-
limitations of 11C-methionine apply to sation. 4D CT has been shown to be particularly
C-choline, due to the short half-life of 11C, useful in re-operative parathyroid surgery [58]
but 18F-fluorocholine, with a half-life of and when conventional imaging with US/99mTc-­
110 min, has been used as an alternative and MIBI-­SPECT is negative or inconclusive [20, 22,
found to be highly sensitive for parathyroid 59]. It is also an accurate technique for localisa-
localisation (Table 19.3). tion in first-time surgery for PHPT with a reported
sensitivity of 85.7% [59], though the thyroid-­
specific radiation exposure, which is higher than
Computed Tomography (CT) that in conventional parathyroid scintigraphy,
would be a concern if it were to be used routinely
Conventional contrast-enhanced computed in first-time surgery, particularly in young people
tomography is not generally used for parathyroid (Table 19.4).
imaging due to its low sensitivity [32].
19  Parathyroid Imaging 243

Table 19.3  Sensitivity and specificity of PET in preoperative parathyroid gland(s) localisation
Number of Sensitivity Specificity
patients (%) (%) Radiopharmaceutical Patient group
Melon 1995 7 28.5 18
Neumann 21 86 78 18
Michaud 12 89 18
F-fluorocholine PHPT/SHPT
2014 PET-CT
Kluijfhout 5 80 18
F-fluorocholine PHPT negative or discordant
Sundin 1996 34 85 11
C-methionine PET Primary/recurrent PHPT/SHPT
Cook 1998 8 75 11
C-methionine PET Recurrent PHPT/THPT
Otto 2004 18 94 11
C-methionine PET PHPT negative or equivocal
12 69 11
C-methionine PET SHPT/THPT negative or
equivocal US/MIBI

Table 19.4  Outcome of 4D CT localisation for first-time surgery for PHPT

Imaging outcome Number Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV
Rodgers 2006 Lateralise 75 88 88
Localise 75 70 88
Starker 2011 Lateralise 33 93.9 83.8
Localise 33 85.7 93.5
Hunter 2012 Lateralise 143 93.7
Localise 143 86.6
Kelly 2014 Lateralise 152 87.5
Brown 2015 Lateralise 89 88 88
Day 2015 Localise 37 89 74
Lateralise 37 93 80
Hinson 2015 Localise 19 76.5 91.5
Lateralise 19 84.2 81.8

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and accuracy (88% vs. 58%, 80% and 84% vs. 44%
and 80%) [61]. Dynamic magnetic resonance angi-
This study has possible advantage over other ography (MRA) improves sensitivity and specificity
modalities as it outlines the anatomical landmark especially for lateralisation [62]. As with all other
and different structures of the neck more accu- imaging modalities, MRI is more sensitive in detect-
rately. It is usually more popular in redo neck ing an adenoma compared to hyperplastic gland.
­surgery either for recurrent or persistent disease Disadvantages include higher cost and unsuitability
and those with previous neck surgery. Adenomas for patients with claustrophobia or ferrous implants.
are generally hyperintense on T2-weighted images
and hypointense in T1 intermediate images and
light up after administration of contrast material.  arathyroid Imaging in Multi-Gland
The fundamental property of magnetic imaging Disease
lies in its ability to measure the difference in density
of adjacent organs to increase confidence in detect- The incidence of multi-gland disease is signifi-
ing the abnormal gland [60]. Sensitivity has been cantly increased in patients with negative locali-
reported to be between 69 and 88% with false-posi- sation scans though interestingly a significant
tive rate of 1.6–10%. When compared to USG and proportion of patients with negative localisation
Tc-MIBI, MRI gives slightly higher sensitivity scans will still have a single adenoma [63–65].
244 N. H. Md. Latar et al.

The lower accuracy of parathyroid localisa- in 17 cases. However, numbers of PHPT patients
tion in multi-gland disease is not restricted to any from studies using PET in the context of non-­
particular modality, but affects all types of para- localised or discordant conventional imaging are
thyroid localisation [66] (see Table  19.5 which too small to make any general conclusions
illustrates the most recent data on sensitivity, regarding the role of PET, though there are
specificity and accuracy of imaging modalities reports that this imaging modality may be useful
comparing single-gland disease (SGD) and for this purpose [71, 72].
multi-gland disease (MGD)). Similar arguments for negative localisation
apply to patients with discordant or contradictory
imaging—i.e. imaging investigations that identify
Strategy in Negative Localisation or parathyroid adenomas in different locations or
Discordant Localisation when parathyroid adenomas seen on one scan are
not confirmed on another. Although the incidence
The absence of a target for surgery on preopera- of MGD is increased in patients with discordant
tive parathyroid imaging should not influence the imaging, the incidence of SGD is still high in this
indication for parathyroidectomy, which is a group, and did not differ from that seen in patients
decision, taking into account the patients’ fitness with negative preoperative imaging in a study by
for surgery, made on the basis of the biochemical Philippon et al. [63]—69.5% (69/99) with discor-
diagnosis and the presence of symptoms and/or dant imaging versus 72% (20/28) with negative
complications from PHPT.  However, image-­ imaging. So there is a rationale for trying to iden-
negative patients with PHPT are a more challeng- tify SGD in patients with discordant results on US
ing group to manage with increased risks of and 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT, with more sensitive
failed surgery/persistent disease [64, 67]. The imaging such as 4D CT, to potentially enable
key question in this group is whether to proceed them to benefit from the focussed approach.
to bilateral neck exploration or undertake further The strategy adopted in endocrine units will
imaging to try and identify a target for focussed depend on local expertise and availability of
approach. Both approaches are reasonable. imaging as well as surgeon and patient prefer-
Despite an increase in the incidence of MGD ence. The potential benefits of focussed-approach
in image-negative patients a significant propor- surgery need to be weighed up against the disad-
tion still have SGD—76% (79/104) of patients vantages and costs of multiple imaging investiga-
with PHPT and non-localising 99mTc-MIBI scans tions, particularly those using ionising radiation.
in a study by Chiu et  al. [64]. Thus, with the It should not be forgotten that the cure rates of
advent of more sensitive imaging modalities such bilateral neck exploration in patients with nega-
as 4D CT and PET-CT there is an argument to tive localisation from traditional parathyroid
investigate these patients further, to identify a sur- imaging, though lower than patients with preop-
gical target to enable focussed approach [1–4]. eratively localised disease, are still very good
Day et al. [68] reported successful parathyroid (89/92 or 97% at 6  months, Chiu et  al. [64]).
localisation (sensitivity 89%, PPV 74%) with 4D Surgical adjuncts such as ioPTH may also
CT in 37 patients with non-localised disease, improve the outcome in those patients that
after US and 99mTc-MIBI, which permitted a undergo surgery without further imaging [67].
focussed approach in 38%. Similarly, Hinson When concordant results are obtained from pre-
et al. [69] found 4D CT to be clinically useful in operative parathyroid localisation with US and
parathyroid localisation (sensitivity 76.5%, spec- 99mTc-MIBI then the European Society of
ificity 91.5% and accuracy 88.2%) in 19 patients Endocrine Surgeons recommends focussed
with non-localising US and 99mTc-MIBI-­ approach without the need for ioPTH, and advises
SPECT. Brown et al. [70] reported an 80% sensi- BNE without further investigation in image-­
tivity of 4D CT in 21 patients with negative negative patients [73] and BNE or MIP with ioPTH
Tc-MIBI enabling focussed-approach surgery in patients with discordant imaging investigations.
19  Parathyroid Imaging

Table 19.5  Most recent data (past 10 years) comparing sensitivity (SN), specificity (SP) and accuracy of preoperative parathyroid localisation studies
Author Year Modality No. of patients SN (%) SP (%) Accuracy (%) No. of patients SN (%) SP (%) Accuracy (%)
Soon et al. 2008 195 89.9 76.5 9 37.5 15.7
Weber et al. 2010 C Met- PET-CT 30 83 3 67
Saengsuda et al. 2012 Tc-MIBI 18 90 100 97.2 48 67.1 92.3 71.7
Chazen et al. 2012 4D-CT 32 85.7 100 92.0 7 42.9 100.0 88.6
Nichols et al. 2012 Tc MIBI 520 97.0 93.0 331 61.0 84.0
Wakamatsu et al. 2015 US 35 55.2 35 46.7
Galvin et al. 2016 Tc MIBI 50.0 6 24.0
4D-CT 88.0 53.0
Nocholas et al.a 2016 Tc MIBI SPECT-CT 207 98.0 95.0 39 66.0 90.0
2016 4D-CT 34 76 6 53
Tc MIBI 43 24
SN sensitivity, SP specificity
Note the high sensitivity and specificity of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT/CT
246 N. H. Md. Latar et al.

Single or Combined Imaging s­uccessful re-operative parathyroidectomy.

Conventional imaging with US and 99mTc-MIBI
Given the benefits and limitations of individual SPECT/CT is usually repeated in this group of
imaging modalities it is not surprising that the patients and if the results remain negative discor-
sensitivity of parathyroid localisation increases dant or equivocal, then further localisation is
when the results of different studies are com- undertaken. Traditionally these have included
bined. Particularly US has limited accuracy in MRI or conventional CT, though the sensitivity
ectopic and posteriorly situated adenomas that of these cross-sectional modalities is limited,
may be identified on 99mTc-MIBI. But the accu- often with invasive localisation such as selective
racy of both scintigraphy and US is reduced in venous sampling (SVS) or USG FNAC.
multi-gland disease which is therefore more SVS is an invasive procedure in which the cer-
likely to be present if both these imaging modali- vical veins are accessed under fluoroscopic con-
ties are negative [65]. There is a strong argument trol via a cannula introduced percutaneously into
therefore for routinely performing both US and the femoral vein. It regionalises an area in which
Tc-MIBI in first-time surgery for PHPT the parathyroid adenoma is located, based on a
(Table 19.6). 1.5–2.0-fold increase in the PTH compared to
baseline levels, from a sample taken from a
peripheral forearm vein [75]. Complications
Parathyroid Localisation related to cannulation and adverse allergic reac-
for Persistent/Recurrent tions to contrast agents may occur but are rare. It
Parathyroidectomy is often reserved in re-operative neck cases sec-
ondary to persistent or recurrent disease when all
Re-operative parathyroid surgery for persistent other imaging modalities failed to localise an
or recurrent PHPT is technically more challeng- abnormal gland or are inconclusive [3].
ing than first-time surgery due to the obliteration Sensitivities for SVS in this scenario have been
of tissue planes due to previous surgery, higher reported to range from 63 to 95% (Table 19.7).
incidence of ectopic parathyroid glands, and Although reports of parathyroid localisation
familial/multi-gland disease. The importance of in re-operative PHPT with 4D CT do not include
operative planning, with review of previous large patient numbers as yet, early indications
operation notes and pathology reports as well as suggest that this modality has a role, and may
surgical experience and knowledge of parathy- increase concordance of image and surgical find-
roid anatomy and embryology, cannot be over- ings over US and 99mTc-MIBI, enabling focussed
emphasised to improve outcomes in reoperative re-operative parathyroid surgery and reduced
surgery, which remain lower than first-time para- operative time [76, 77]. Furthermore the sensi-
thyroidectomy [74]. tivity of parathyroid imaging with 4D CT does
Accurate preoperative localisation with a view not seem to be reduced in high BMI or re-opera-
to focussed parathyroidectomy is the key to tive (50–91%) compared to first-time surgery

Table 19.6  Sensitivity of US and 99mTc-MIBI alone or combination in parathyroid localisation

Combined US + 
US (%) 99m
Tc MIBI (%) 99m
Tc MIBI (%) Number of patients
Lumachi 2000 80.4 86.8 94.5 91
De Feo 2000 27 57 96 49
Haber 2002 80 92 Improved 74
Kebapci 2004 84 73 92 52
Freudenberg 2006 Ns 74 91 84
Whitson 2008 67 67 82 226
19  Parathyroid Imaging 247

Table 19.7  Accuracy of parathyroid imaging in recurrent disease

Number Modality Sensitivity PPV
Nilsson 1994 29 SVS 93
Marriette 1998 99m
Tc MIBI 69
US 50
SVS 63
MRI 29
Conventional CT 16
Akerstrom 2008 44 99m
Tc MIBI 90 88
41 US 72 93
38 11
C-methionine PET 79 87
11 SVS 91 100
Mortenson 2008 44 99m
Tc MIBI 54
42 US 21
45 4D CT 88
Gotway 2001 98 99m
Tc MIBI 85 89
98 MRI 82 89
Witteveen 2010 SVS 75–95
Lubitz 2010 18 4D CT 50
Brown 2015 11 99m
Tc MIBI 46 100
11 US 30
11 4D CT 91

(70–87%). Although the sensitivity of 4D CT is gland retention of 99mTc-MIBI [83]. The high
reduced in MGD, this was still significantly radiation exposure of 4D CT also makes 99mTc-­
higher than 99mTc-MIBI or US in re-operative MIBI SPECT-CT potentially a safer localising
cases reported by Mortenson 2008 (80% vs. 27% investigation, albeit with similar sensitivity and
and 17%, respectively) [58]. specificity to 4D CT [80]. One major drawback
Another approach in re-operative patients of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT is its possibly higher
with equivocal localisation on imaging is to per- cost when compared to planar 99mTc-MIBI, which
form USG FNAC with rapid PTH assay of sus- becomes more evident in cases with an easily
pected parathyroid adenomas, and this strategy localised gland [84]; however a detailed cost-­
has been shown to be effective in a study of 12 effectiveness analysis, and study of the sensitiv-
patients from 2006 by Maser et al. [78]. ity and PPV of US with 99mTc-MIBI -SPECT
versus US with 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT, found no
significant difference between these two imaging
I s 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT Alone strategies in parathyroid localisation [85].
Adequate in Preoperative Imaging Some surgeons are reluctant to rely on single-­
of PHPT? modality imaging for preoperative parathyroid
localisation due to misleading false-positive
There is a significant body of evidence support- results and there have been very few publications
ing the benefits of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT over comparing US and 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT with
US and planar 99mTc-MIBI for preoperative local- 99m
Tc-MIBI SPECT-CT alone. Tee MC et al. [86]
isation of PHPT [50, 51, 79, 80]. Apart from did however report no incremental value on the
improved parathyroid localisation, it has also extent of parathyroid surgery when US was added
been shown to be relatively more sensitive for to 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT, but the high accuracy
hyperplastic lesions [53, 81], in re-operative sur- rate of parathyroid localisation with combined
gery [82] and in cases with excessive thyroid US and 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT, reported by
248 N. H. Md. Latar et al.

Satoru et  al. [87] of 100%, versus 88.5% with clinicians without the need for a separate visit to
single-modality imaging alone, demonstrates the radiology department. In rare cases, US can
why multimodal imaging is still a popular identify further parathyroid adenomas that were
strategy. not 99mTc-MIBI avid. US can also be performed
Tc-MIBI SPECT-CT can be considered a perioperatively to determine the optimal skin
multimodality imaging investigation, combining incision and plane of dissection for parathyroid-
the functional information from 99mTc-MIBI ectomy, helping to plan surgery.
SPECT with the anatomical cross-sectional In conclusion, given the high sensitivity and
information from CT, and is now not uncom- specificity of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT as a dual-­
monly used as the sole imaging technique in modality contemporaneous technique, 99mTc-­
parathyroid localisation. The CT component can MIBI SPECT-CT can be used as the sole imaging
be optimised to help demonstrate nodules by modality for parathyroid localisation. But given
adjusting imaging parameters and patients can be the low cost, lack of radiation exposure and likely
secured in position to ensure that there is minimal small increase in accuracy that US offers when
movement between the SPECT and CT compo- combined with SPECT-CT, US should still be
nents, to aid localisation. If 99mTc-MIBI SPECT considered, in addition, prior to surgery, and
demonstrates a hot spot, consistent with a hyper-­ especially when a hyper-functioning parathyroid
functioning parathyroid adenoma that is not con- adenoma is either not identified with 99mTc-MIBI
firmed on the CT component or 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT or identified with 99mTc-MIBI SPECT
SPECT fails to demonstrate an adenoma, there is and not co-localised on CT.  Each institution
then a strong argument for using US, in addition should consider the local expertise available
to 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT. when defining its preferred pathway.
US does however provide additional informa-
tion about the thyroid gland which can be useful.
It is a quick and relatively easy office-based pro-  uideline for Imaging in Primary
cedure that is increasingly being used by trained Hyperparathyroidism (Fig. 19.4)
19  Parathyroid Imaging 249

Diagnosed pHPT


Concordant Discordant Negative


or BNE

Cured Persistent or Recurrent disease Cured


Positive Negative/Equivocal

Targeted parathyroidectomy Venous sampling

Positive Negative Medical management


Fig. 19.4  Algorithm of a suggested approach to preop- or discordant results. The addition of ioPTH measurement
erative localisation strategy in sporadic primary hyper- is useful in discordant and negative localisation cases. In
parathyroidism. 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT +/− US is recurrent or persistent diseases, either one or a combina-
proposed as the most accurate initial preoperative imaging tion of 4D CT, 99mTc-MIBI SPECT-CT or PET is useful.
modality that is able to identify mediastinal ectopic Failing which, an invasive selective venous sampling can
gland(s) as well as double adenomas. BNE is the sug- be performed
gested approach after a negative preoperative localisation
250 N. H. Md. Latar et al.

Preoperative localisation studies in patients (alternatively MRI or 11C-methionine/18F-
with primary hyperparathyroidism are becom- fluorocholine PET can be considered). If
ing a necessity nowadays to allow minimally the results of non-­invasive parathyroid
invasive surgery and exclude the presence of imaging remain equivocal then SVS
an ectopic gland. The choice of imaging should be undertaken prior to re-opera-
modalities is mainly based on the availability, tive surgery to confirm that the suspected
cost and expertise of each method. This field target seen on imaging is the source of
is expected to further expand with the emer- autonomous PTH secretion. Referral to
gence of more sensitive methods of detection tertiary centres with access to more spe-
and advancement of technology. cialist imaging and expertise is often
undertaken in these cases.

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Surgical Techniques and Adjuncts
in Hyperparathyroidism 20
Heather C. Stuart and Janice L. Pasieka

Introduction sect an Indian rhinoceros following her death

was justified when he later described “a small
Parathyroid surgery has evolved significantly since compact yellow glandular body attached to the
its inception and is associated with many pivotal thyroid” that would later be found to have pro-
discoveries that have advanced the field. From the found physiologic impact [2]. The first human
discovery of parathyroid glands to the intraopera- parathyroid was reported in 1887 by Ivan
tive measurement of parathyroid hormone this Sandstrom, a medical student from Uppsala,
endocrinopathy continues to produce new and Sweden [3]. He noted these small glands in a
innovative techniques to optimize patient out- number of animals, and then went on to describe
comes. This chapter describes the historical high- the glands in variable anatomic locations in over
lights that have facilitated our current practices in 50 human cadaveric dissections. Sandstrom was
parathyroid surgery, the surgical approaches that the first to coin the term “glandulae parathyroi-
have been developed including the role of intraop- deae” because of their proximity to the thyroid
erative parathyroid hormone (ioPTH) measure- gland [4]. Eugene Gley, a French pathologist,
ments, and additional intraoperative adjuncts that was one of the first to have insight into the func-
have been developed to maximize surgical cure tion of parathyroid glands. In 1891, he pub-
and minimize patient morbidity. lished his observations on the development of
tetany in animals following parathyroidectomy.
Functional studies continued throughout the
 istorical Aspects of Parathyroid
H early twentieth century with McCallum and
Surgery Voegtlin describing the relationship between
hypocalcaemia and tetany, inferring a relation-
The first description of parathyroid glands is ship to parathyroid function [5]. These two,
credited to Sir Richard Owen in 1862 [1]. His along with Halstead, were among the first to use
excitement over the “rare opportunity” to dis- calcium and PTH extract as a treatment for tet-
any [6]. This was confirmed by Collip in 1925
when he was able to show that purified PTH
H. C. Stuart · J. L. Pasieka (*) extract was able to reverse tetany in patients
Sections of General Surgery and Surgical Oncology, with hypocalcemia following parathyroidec-
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cumming
School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary,
tomy [7]. Jakob Erdheim, in 1907, explored the
AB, Canada role of parathyroid glands when he noted them
e-mail: to be enlarged in patients with severe bone

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 255

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
256 H. C. Stuart and J. L. Pasieka

d­isease (osteitis fibrosa cystica); however he The importance of identifying and removing
inferred incorrectly that the increased size was a hyperfunctioning glands is demonstrated in
­consequence rather than a cause of bony destruc- patients like Captain Martell. The challenge
tion [8]. In 1915 Friedrich Schlagenhaufer pro- becomes localizing and removing the gland or
posed what would ultimately be accurate that glands and ensuring that there is no residual
enlarged hyperfunctional parathyroid glands hyperfunctioning tissue. The morphological
were the cause of the bone destruction and that determination of an abnormal gland was left to
resection of the offending gland could offer sur- the discretion of the surgeon with the interpreta-
gical cure [4]. tion of “abnormal” being based on the size of
The first recorded parathyroidectomy was in the gland and its appearance in comparison to
1925, performed by Felix Mandl, on a tram car other glands (Fig.  20.1). Intraoperatively an
driver named Albert Gahne. Unfortunately, the enlarged gland may be interpreted as abnormal
patient was a victim to the initial theories on the based on size criteria; however this does not
cause of enlarged parathyroid glands and was always correlate with hyperfunctioning tissue
treated with parathyroid replacement prior to [12]. Pathologically there is also variability in
changing paths and undergoing a parathyroidec- distinguishing an adenoma from parathyroid
tomy. Mandl removed a 2  cm gland that, in hyperplasia which decreases the accuracy of
hindsight, was likely a parathyroid carcinoma. frozen section as an intraoperative adjunct. This
The patient developed recurrent hypercalcemia difficulty in intraoperative diagnosis likely led
6 years later and passed away after attempting a to the wide variability in the incidence of multi-
second surgery [9]. Probably the most famous gland disease described in the twentieth century
hyperparathyroid patient was Captain Charles (3–65%) [13].
Martell, who was originally diagnosed in 1926 James Walton, in 1931, was one of the first
with von Recklinghausen bone disease and to advocate for wide exploration for all para-
hypercalcemia felt to be secondary to hyper- thyroid glands, arguing that if glands were not
parathyroidism. He underwent seven surgeries identified in the common locations less com-
attempting to locate the offending gland, but the mon locations should also be explored (retro-
first six were unsuccessful and unfortunately esophageal, thymic, carotid sheath, etc.) [14].
removed the several normal parathyroid glands. The trend over the next 60 years was to perform
His seventh surgery in 1932 was performed by a bilateral neck exploration (BNE) in order to
Edward Churchill and Oliver Cope where they assess each parathyroid gland and resect all
removed a 2.5  cm mediastinal parathyroid abnormal glands. Over time it became clear that
gland. Sadly, Martell continued to struggle with the majority of patients with primary HPT had
nephrolithiasis and passed away 6  weeks after a single-gland disease, so is the late 1970s
surgery from laryngospasm following kidney Tibblin proposed the concept of a unilateral
stone removal [10, 11]. The irony is that the exploration if one normal and one abnormal
struggle to isolate and remove the hyperfunc- gland were found on the first side of the neck
tional gland(s) is an obstacle in treatment that explored [15]. Although this approach laid the
we still face today. Despite many advances, groundwork for a limited exploration, it was
recurrent or persistent parathyroid disease is not universally excepted until decades later
often attributed to undiagnosed double adeno- with the introduction of ioPTH measurements
mas or hyperplasia. and improved preoperative localization.
20  Surgical Techniques and Adjuncts in Hyperparathyroidism 257

Fig. 20.1 Gross
macroscopic photo of a a
parathyroid adenoma (a)
and four-gland
Normal rim
hyperplasia (b). (a,
right) Microscopic
section of parathyroid
adenoma and a normal
rim. In many cases, but
not all, histopathological
sections in parathyroid
hyperplasia show
nodules containing chief Parathyroid
and oxyphilic cells (right adenoma
in (b)). Photos are
shown owing to courtesy
of pathologist Dr.
Christofer Juhlin,
Karolinska Institutet,
Sweden [78]

Oxyphilic cells

Cheif cells

 volution of Preoperative Imaging

E in  localizing hyperfunctioning glands, but fol-
and ioPTH low-up studies show more variable accuracy
ranging from 70 to 90% [17]. However, it was
The functional use of radionucleotide imaging established as a valuable imaging modality that
with technetium-99m-sestamibi in the early would come to facilitate minimally invasive
1990s revolutionized parathyroid surgery by parathyroidectomies despite the recognition that
providing a method of localizing hyperfunction- patients with hyperplasia or double adenomas
ing glands preoperatively [16]. Patients were may be at higher risk for non- or inaccurate
injected with Tc-sestamibi and then had cervico- localization [18].
thoracic imaging at 15 min and 3 h. A parathy- In the 1960s Rosalyn Yalow and Solomon
roid adenoma was identified by persistent focal Berson developed a radioimmunoassay that
uptake on late imaging that was separate from could be used to measure substances within the
the thyroid gland (Fig. 20.2). This is thought to body, including parathyroid hormone. This tech-
be secondary to the radionucleotide being nique was refined over time, but was a corner-
retained in the mitochondria-rich adenoma. stone in the development of PTH assays and set
Initial studies showed up to 90% accuracy the stage for intraoperative PTH measurements
258 H. C. Stuart and J. L. Pasieka

Fig. 20.2 Preoperative
imaging in primary a
hyperparathyroidism. (a)
Sestamibi with SPECT
displaying focal
retention in the left
lower position seen on
delayed 2 hour images.
(b) Corresponding
cervical ultrasound from
the same patient
showing a large b
hypoechoic parathyroid

which would help to restructure parathyroid sur- parathyroidectomy that locates a single gland on
gery. Berson passed away suddenly in 1972, but preoperative imaging and removes it without
Yalow went on to accept the Nobel Prize in identifying any additional glands. There are
Medicine in 1977 for their combined work on multiple studies suggesting that the cure rate for
radioimmunoassays [19]. As serum PTH mea- primary hyperparathyroidism is similar between
surements became more readily accessible in the BNEs and MIPs when intraoperative PTH mon-
1980s the assay evolved to be able to rapidly itoring (ioPTH) is used [12, 21]. In addition
yield a result. This facilitated the intraoperative there are potential benefits to MIP with some
use of PTH testing. George Irvin was one of the evidence to support shorter operative time [22],
first to publish on this in the early 1990s and shorter hospital stays [23], and decreased risk of
showed that an intraoperative drop in PTH temporary hypocalcemia [24]. However, the
reflected the appropriate removal of hyperfunc- caveat is that during a unilateral exploration if
tioning parathyroid tissue [20]. Intraoperative no abnormal glands are identified on the ipsilat-
PTH measurements developed quickly as an eral side or the ioPTH fails to drop appropri-
adjunct to parathyroid surgery and were found to ately the procedure is converted to a BNE which
be most useful in patients with preoperative occurs in up to 40% of attempted unilateral
imaging that suggested single-gland disease. explorations [21].
Preoperative localization studies in conjunc-
tion with ioPTH facilitated an increasingly less
invasive approach to parathyroidectomy by pro- Surgical Approaches
viding additional confidence that all hyperfunc-
tioning gland(s) were resected, thus allowing Bilateral Neck Exploration
the era of minimally invasive parathyroidec-
tomy (MIP) to evolve. A MIP is defined by After the recognition that one or more parathy-
either (1) a unilateral neck exploration (UNE) roid glands could be hyperfunctioning and that
that identifies both parathyroid glands on one they could be in variable positions in the neck,
side of the neck or (2) a focused image-directed BNE was adopted as the surgical approach of
20  Surgical Techniques and Adjuncts in Hyperparathyroidism 259

choice in the twentieth century. Performed especially when performed by an experienced

through an approximately 3  cm cervical neck endocrine surgeon [30, 31].
incision, all four glands are assessed prior to
resecting the abnormal gland(s). The determina-
tion of an “abnormal gland” is made by the sur- Minimally Invasive
geon by means of increased size (greater than Parathyroidectomy (Unilateral
50 mg) or atypical gland characteristics. Frozen and Image Directed)
section has limited value in differentiating hyper-
plastic from normal parathyroid tissue [25]. As A UNE involves the identification of one abnor-
such the BNE relies on the surgeon’s experience mal and one normal parathyroid gland on the
and expertise to accurately diagnosis single- ver- ipsilateral side of the neck. Failure to meet these
sus multi-gland disease. criteria necessitates the need for conversion to a
The goal of a BNE was to excise 1–3.5 glands BNE.  Initially these operations were performed
depending on whether an adenoma, double-ade- without the advantages of preoperative imaging
noma, or four-gland hyperplasia was present. or ioPTH measurements, and can still be done
Now that a number of adjuncts including preop- utilizing only the morphological assessment of
erative imaging and ioPTH are commonly uti- the glands in experienced hands with excellent
lized, the indications for BNE as the initial results. Initially conversion to a BNE occurred
planned procedure have narrowed to focus on 50% of the time, yet despite this the success rate
patients that are at higher risk for multi-gland dis- for a UNE was 97% [32]. Modern-day series still
ease. This includes patients that fail to localize on require conversion to a BNE up to 40% of the
preoperative imaging and patients with preexist- time because of either failure for the ioPTH to
ing conditions such as multiple endocrine neo- drop appropriately or failure to meet unilateral
plasia (MEN) 1, MEN 2a, familial primary criteria [21, 33].
hyperparathyroidism, and lithium-associated An image-directed MIP, as the name implies,
parathyroid disease. The risk of multi-gland dis- is the removal of a single abnormal parathyroid
ease ranges from 24% in patients that do not gland seen preoperatively of imaging. Since
localize on imaging to 100% in patients with there is no assessment of any of the other para-
MEN 1 [26, 27]. For sporadic HPT, BNE in expe- thyroid glands to aid in the discovery of multi-
rienced hands has a durable cure rate of 98% gland disease, ioPTH is recommended for this
without the utilization of preoperative localiza- approach [34]. Either of these techniques is typi-
tion or ioPTH measurements. In centers where cally performed through a slightly smaller inci-
these modalities are not readily available, BNE sion and can be done with regional anesthetic.
remains the most cost-effective operation. Traditionally this has been done using an open
In North America, many BNEs are performed approach; however, video assisted or robotic are
following intraoperative failure to unilaterally being popularized in some high-volume centers
localize an abnormal gland or if the ioPTH fails [35]. The basis for success of the MIP is that it is
to drop appropriately. In this setting, ioPTH is performed on patients with sporadic primary
often used in conjunction with bilateral explora- hyperparathyroidism that have preoperative
tion. However, if BNE is the initial planned pro- imaging to suggest single-gland disease. If the
cedure there is little reported benefit for using sensitivity of preoperative imaging modalities
ioPTH intraoperatively as the cure rates are simi- was higher, there could be an argument made for
lar without it [28]. Early criticism of BNE performing MIP without ioPTH.  However,
involved the potential increased risk of complica- despite significant advances in the accuracy of
tions with extended dissection, such as hypocal- sestamibi, ultrasound, single-photon emission
cemia or recurrent laryngeal nerve injury [29]. CT (SPECT), or 4-D CT, there is still a 10–15%
However, several studies have shown complica- margin of error for detecting multi-gland disease
tion rates between BNE and MIP to be similar, [36, 37]. In patients with concordant localization
260 H. C. Stuart and J. L. Pasieka

on sestamibi and US, operative success with niques using BNE or additional adjuncts that
ioPTH reaches up to 98% with the use of ioPTH have similar outcomes.
changing management in only 2% of cases [34].
There have been many studies comparing the
efficacy of BNE with that of MIP in treating HPT, Adjuncts
including at least four randomized trials
(Table 20.1). When ioPTH is used with MIP, the Intraoperative PTH
cure rate is greater than 95% up to 5 years post-
operatively. There have been arguments for each Yalow was credited with the development of the
approach for decreasing operative times, cost, first serum PTH assay; however the technique con-
and associated complications; however there is tinued to be refined and in 1987 Nussbaum pub-
no conclusive evidence suggesting a significant lished on a rapid immune-radiometric assay that
difference [38]. Currently the majority of endo- would eventually be used to measure PTH intraop-
crine surgeons favor MIP as an initial approach eratively [39]. The attractive feature of circulating
for sporadic HPT in appropriately selected PTH is a half-life of only 3–5  min, whereas the
patients, but several groups have developed tech- hypercalcemia does not normalize for several
hours. This allows almost real-time detection of a
drop in systemic PTH levels following the resec-
Table 20.1  Randomized and retrospective series com- tion of all autonomously hyperfunctioning para-
paring focused neck exploration and bilateral neck
thyroid gland(s), while the normal gland remains
suppressed. An appropriate hormone decrease
Series Study type Outcome
indicates that additional exploration to look for
Westerdahl Randomized =Cure rate at 5 years
and additional abnormal glands is not necessary, which
Bergenfelz can lead to a shorter operation and less disruption
(2007) [21] to normal parathyroid glands [40]. The group at
Bergenfelz Randomized =Cure rate; the University of Miami developed criteria for
et al. (2002) increased cost and
determining when all hyperfunctional tissue had
[80] operative time in
FNE; increased been removed based on serial measurements of
postoperative PTH prior to and following excision of the affected
hypocalcemia with gland. PTH levels are measured prior to incision,
prior to gland excision, and at 5 and 10 min post-
Slepavicius Randomized =OR time and cure
et al. (2008) rate; increased cost
gland excision. An intraoperative drop in PTH of
[81] with FNE; increased greater than 50% from highest value of either the
postoperative pre-incision or pre-excision value to the 10-min
hypocalcemia with value provides the most accurate estimation of
postoperative normocalcemia [41]. Although this
Aarum et al. Randomized =Cure rate;
(2007) [82] =complication rate; is the most widely accepted criteria several other
increased cost with groups have proposed that, in addition to a greater
FNE than 50% drop, the PTH returns to within normal
Grant et al. Retrospective =Cure rate; limits in order to more accurately discriminate
(2005) [83] =complication rate
against multi-gland disease [42].
Udelsman Retrospective Increased cure rate
et al. (2011) and lower Intraoperative PTH does require interpretation
[84] complication rate by the surgeon and thoughtfulness about unex-
with FNE pected trends. Additionally, it requires a facility
Note that studies do not compare all similar outcome prepared to process rapid PTH assays and an
measures operative team available and educated in collect-
Abbreviations: = equivalent, OR operating room, FNE
Focused neck exploration, BNE Bilateral neck exploration ing samples. Its popularity grew rapidly in the
[38] United States, but given the variability of
20  Surgical Techniques and Adjuncts in Hyperparathyroidism 261

resources throughout the world it is not univer- in the identification of parathyroid glands intra-
sally considered the standard of care. operatively. These include but are not limited to
the use of methylene blue and indocyanine
green fluorescence with near-infrared fluores-
Parathyroid Localization cence. Methylene blue was introduced in 1971
as an agent that collected in the parathyroid
There are other adjuncts that are used to confirm glands following intravenous administration. It
parathyroid tissue, visualize parathyroid glands, localized to both normal and abnormal parathy-
and assist in gland localization and functional roid glands, so it was originally proposed as a
status. Confirmation of parathyroid tissue is method of identifying and preserving tissue
important when determining which tissue to rather than identifying hyperfunctional tissue
resect, which to leave in vivo, and which to auto- [47]. Over time, as the technique was refined, it
transplant. Although used more frequently prior showed some efficacy in staining only abnor-
to the advent of ioPTH, two described techniques mal glands and had some potential to reduce
that are still used in specific circumstances are operative duration [48]. However, use of the
frozen section and tissue aspirate. Frozen section dye was associated with the risk of significant
has had two roles: (1) to confirm that tissue is toxicities including cardiovascular instability
parathyroid gland and (2) to attempt to differenti- and severe neurologic complications. As well,
ate adenomas from hyperplastic parathyroid tis- it is contraindicated during pregnancy and in
sue. The first of these is still used to differentiate patients taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors
parathyroid tissue from lymph nodes, cervical [49]. Recently, there have been some studies
fat, thymus, or thyroid nodules. This has been using lower dose methylene blue, 0.5  mg/kg
validated and has shown accuracy up to 99.2% in rather than the traditional 7.5 mg/kg, that have
determining parathyroid tissues [34, 43]. Frozen a lower toxicity profile and showed potential
section to differentiate adenoma from hyperpla- when combined with the use of near-infrared
sia has shown a high degree of inaccuracy in a fluorescent light in identifying parathyroid ade-
number of studies [44, 45]. The general consen- noma [50]. Despite some advances, the use of
sus is that if there is question about the diagnosis methylene blue for parathyroid identification is
of single- versus multi-gland disease a BNE not used widely.
should be performed and subjectively abnormal Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imag-
glands should be removed regardless of histology ing is an emerging technique. It has a potential
[34]. Gland aspiration on the other hand has dual purpose of assisting in parathyroid gland
proven to be an accurate and cost-effective identification, but also assessing gland perfusion
method to identify parathyroid tissue in institu- and as such viability. After adequate neck expo-
tion with the infrastructure to perform ioPTH. A sure, 5  mg of the dye is injected intravenously
small-gage needle is inserted into the tissue and and near-infrared fluorescence imaging is used to
the aspirate is suspended in 1  mL of normal visualize the glands. Many of the studies have
saline. The sample is sent for rapid PTH testing used ICG fluorescence in conjunction with thy-
and if the value is greater than 1500 pg/mL there roidectomy rather than during parathyroid sur-
is a 100% sensitivity and specificity for parathy- gery, but the accuracy of detecting glands was up
roid tissue [46]. to 84% [51]. The ability to visualize at least one
well-perfused gland with ICG fluorescence cor-
related with normal postoperative PTH levels
 ethylene Blue and Indocyanine
M [52]. This technique may not be relevant for
Green patients with single-gland disease undergoing
MIP, but has potential relevance in patients with
There are a number of other techniques that multi-gland disease undergoing a subtotal
have been proposed with varying success to aid parathyroidectomy.
262 H. C. Stuart and J. L. Pasieka

The quality of parathyroid glands to take up thyroid glands outside of the neck and in the
various intravenous dyes can assist with local- reoperative setting. Overall, JVS is a simple and
ization after adequate exposure; however, tech- effective method of lateralizing parathyroid
niques to localize hyperfunctional parathyroid pathology and can increase the ability of the sur-
tissue prior to exposure increase the potential geon to perform an MIP.
for MIP. Several adjuncts have gained popular-
ity including intraoperative ultrasound, jugular
venous sampling, and radio-guided adenoma Radio-Guided Parathyroid
localization. Ultrasound is known to be an effec- Localization
tive tool for localizing parathyroid adenomas
especially when combined with sestamibi pre- Radio-guided parathyroid localization uses the
operatively [53, 54]. It has the advantage of same principle as sestamibi scanning, in that
being inexpensive, having no risk of radiation, technetium 99-m is injected into the patient and
or being noninvasive to the patient. However, it collected in mitochondria of hyperfunctioning
is user dependent and its accuracy and ability to parathyroid glands. When used for localization
detect parathyroid glands are reliant on the intraoperatively the patients are injected 1–2  h
user’s experience and technique. As well, patient preoperatively and a handheld gamma probe is
size, gland size, and additional thyroid or neck used to narrow the location of the adenoma, simi-
pathology can limit the ability to locate glands. lar to localization in a sentinel lymph node
On ultrasound, parathyroid glands appear as biopsy. There are several applications for this
solid, well-circumscribed, hypoechoic masses technique: (1) to guide the location of incision,
(Fig. 20.2). When in classic positions abnormal (2) to localize glands in classic and ectopic posi-
glands are usually easily detectable, but barriers tion, (3) to confirm activity in resected glands,
to locating them include ectopic positions (ret- and (4) to assess residual activity in the surgical
rotracheal, retro-esophageal, mediastinal), bed. In 1999, the “20% rule” was proposed, stat-
multi-gland disease, and previous surgery [55, ing that any resected tissue measuring greater
56]. The majority of ultrasound for parathyroid than 20% of the background count, in the setting
disease is performed preoperatively; however of a positive sestamibi scan, was the result of a
intraoperative ultrasound plays a role in real- parathyroid adenoma [62]. This provided a
time localization and has been shown to be ben- guideline for practitioners to use radio-guided
eficial especially in the reoperative setting and localization to perform MIP with confidence that
when other preoperative imaging has been dis- the hyperfunctioning gland had been removed.
cordant [57, 58]. Other advantages to using radio guidance
included verification that the correct glands have
been removed and assistance in  localization in
Internal Jugular Venous Sampling difficult cases such as reoperative surgery or
ectopic glands [63, 64]. As well, there is evidence
Differential internal jugular venous sampling that it is effective in multi-gland disease, in sec-
(JVS) is another effective technique to lateralize ondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism, and in
the side of the neck that a hyperfunctioning para- patients with negative preoperative sestamibi
thyroid gland is located. It can be used preopera- imaging [63, 65]. However, thyroid pathology,
tively or intraoperatively and is indicative of especially goiters, has been shown to decrease its
gland localization when the PTH level on one accuracy [66, 67]. Contraindications to the use of
side is greater than 10% of the contralateral side. radio guidance include pregnancy and allergy to
The accuracy of localization is reported as up to the radioactive tracer. In one study by Chen et al.
81% overall and in patients with negative preop- (2005) radio-guided localization had an accuracy
erative sestamibi accuracy can be up to 65% [59– of 83% for localizing a single hyperfunctioning
61]. Risk factors for non-lateralization include gland, which alone was inferior to ioPTH (accu-
multi-gland disease, and ectopic location of para- racy 98%) [17]. However, their combined use
20  Surgical Techniques and Adjuncts in Hyperparathyroidism 263

allows for the enhanced gland localization with of surgical adjuncts continue to push parathy-
radio guidance and greater accuracy with the use roid surgeons to achieve success rates far supe-
of ioPTH. rior to other functional tumors. The significant
Additional techniques are evolving that use population of people that suffer from HPT facil-
the principles of radio-guided localization such itate the creation of a large body of literature to
as a portable mini-gamma camera to take evaluate and refine our approach to the surgical
intraoperative images [68] or low-dose radio-
­ treatment. BNE remains the cornerstone for sur-
guided localization using 37 MBq of technetium gical management, and all endocrine surgeons
99-m rather than the standard 600  MBq [66]. must be familiar and facile in performing this
Radio-guided parathyroidectomy has been shown operation safely and effectively. The develop-
to be effective when used as part of an MIP com- ment of MIP with ioPTH has been one of the
bined with ioPTH or with BNE; however, there is largest contributions to treatment in the last
no convincing evidence that its accuracy is ade- 20 years. It has provided a consistent method of
quate when used on its own. Although the use of evaluating in vivo parathyroid function and can
radio guidance techniques has been growing over be applied to primary, secondary, tertiary, and
the last 20 years, it is still not universally utilized. reoperative disease.
Critics of the method report difficultly with the Less invasive surgical exploration with similar
timing of administering the radio tracer, malfunc- success of normocalcemia postoperatively has
tioning of the equipment, and unnecessary addi- helped to enhance recovery and improve patient
tional cost when most endocrine surgeons can care. Whether MIP has the same robust long-term
find the glands without its use [69]. cure as a BNE is currently debated among experts
[72–77]. Appropriate patient selection is more
than ever required in the era of MIP, as persistent
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring disease is a surgical failure and should remain
less than 3%. Efficiency, expense, and resources,
Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) monitoring has in addition to optimizing patient outcome, need
been described extensively in the thyroid surgery to be considered when selecting adjuncts for
literature but has a much smaller role in parathy- parathyroid surgery and understandably these
roid surgery. It is a technique that uses nerve stim- factors will vary between institutions, countries,
ulation to evaluate vocal cord function in an effort and surgeons. Ultimately if there is any question
to prevent intraoperative nerve injury. However, intraoperatively about residual disease or failure
despite extensive observation, there is no defini- of adjuncts to determine pathology, the approach
tive evidence that intraoperative nerve monitoring is converted to a BNE. An experienced endocrine
decreases the risk of postoperative temporary or surgeon understands the pathophysiology for
permanent vocal cord paralysis during thyroidec- parathyroid disease and should be able to develop
tomy [70]. A proportion of surgeons do not rou- an approach using the adjuncts available to them
tinely identify the RLN during parathyroidectomy in their healthcare environment that will maxi-
and, only rarely, would be dissecting along its mize surgical cure. This may not be the same
insertion into the larynx. So, although there is lit- worldwide, but each surgeon and institution will
tle literature evaluating nerve monitoring in para- balance their resources and experience to provide
thyroid surgery given the low rate of nerve injury the best care for patients.
(<1%) there is little predicted benefit [71].

Clinical Pearls and Conclusion
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Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism
Christopher J. Yates and Julie A. Miller

Example Case recurrent pituitary tumour, thymic or bronchial

Mrs. JD is a 35-year-old woman with a past his- carcinoid, and pancreatic neuroendocrine and
tory of Cushing’s disease successfully treated by adrenocortical tumours. These investigations
transsphenoidal surgery at the age of 25  years. identified a 1.5 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic
She presented 1 month earlier with renal colic and head and a raised neuroendocrine tumour marker,
biochemical tests identified hypercalcaemia of pancreatic polypeptide that is being monitored.
3.1  mmol/L with an elevated parathyroid hor- Her family were offered genetic counselling and
mone level of 15 pmol/L, normal renal function diagnostic testing and those who tested positive
and a replete 25-hydroxy vitamin D level. The were referred for endocrine evaluation.
past history of a pituitary adenoma raised the pos-
sibility of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. A Clinical Pearls
parathyroid sestamibi failed to localise a single 1. Germline mutations are evident in approxi-
adenoma, and surgical neck exploration revealed mately 10% of patients with primary
enlargement of all four parathyroid glands. A sub- hyperparathyroidism.
total parathyroidectomy was performed and histo- 2. Inherited syndromes that cause hyperparathy-
pathology revealed hyperplasia of all four glands. roidism include multiple endocrine neoplasia
The patient was referred to a clinical genetic ser- types 1, 2 and 4 and hyperparathyroidism-jaw
vice that confirmed the diagnosis of multiple tumour syndrome.
endocrine neoplasia type 1. The patient was 3. Inherited causes of isolated hyperparathy-

screened for associated tumours, including a roidism include familial isolated hyper-
parathyroidism, familial hypocalciuric
hypercalcaemia, neonatal severe hyperpara-
C. J. Yates thyroidism and autosomal dominant moderate
Department of Endocrinology, The Royal Melbourne hyperparathyroidism.
Hospital, Parkville, VIC, Australia 4. Indications for mutational analysis in patients
Department of Medicine, The University of with primary HPT include:
Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (a) Onset before the age of 40 years
(b) Multi-gland disease
J. A. Miller (*) (c) Parathyroid carcinoma or atypical para-
Endocrine Surgery Unit, The Royal Melbourne
Hospital, Parkville, VIC, Australia thyroid adenomas
(d) First-degree relatives of known mutation
Department of Surgery, The University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia carriers

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 267

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
268 C. J. Yates and J. A. Miller

(e) Index cases with two or more MEN1- patient may have developed a de novo germline
associated tumours mutation [7].
5. Early identification of hereditary hyperpara- Familial parathyroid diseases causing hyper-
thyroidism facilitates parathyroidism may occur in isolation or as a
(a) Confirming the clinical diagnosis component of a genetic syndrome involving other
(b) Planning the optimal surgical approach diseases. Syndromic causes of hyperparathyroid-
(c) Recommending surveillance for associ- ism include multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)
ated conditions types 1, 2 and 4 and hyperparathyroidism-jaw
(d) Screening family members in order to
tumour syndrome (HPT-JT), while isolated
enter affected relatives into a surveillance hereditary hyperparathyroidism may occur due to
programme familial isolated hyperparathyroidism, familial
6. For MEN1-associated hyperparathyroidism
hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH), neonatal
subtotal parathyroidectomy with transcervical severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) and auto-
thymectomy is currently the most common somal dominant moderate hyperparathyroidism
surgical technique used, and appears to offer (ADMH) (Table 21.1).
the advantages of a single incision, a reduced Mutations in 11 genes have been identified to
risk of permanent hypoparathyroidism and an cause familial PHPT and these mutations are
acceptable recurrence and reoperation rate. typically inherited in an autosomal dominant
manner with variable penetrance (Table 21.1) [6].
These mutations involve inactivation of tumour-
Introduction suppressor genes in the cases of MEN1, MEN4,
FIPHT and HPT-JT; activation of an oncogene in
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is the most the case of MEN2; or dysregulation of the cal-
common cause of hypercalcaemia and it is char- cium set point in FHH, NSHPT and ADMH
acterised by hyperactivity of one or more para- [8–10].
thyroid glands with an increase in serum calcium Early identification of familial causes of
and elevated or inappropriately normal parathy- PHPT is critical for (1) confirming the clinical
roid hormone levels (PTH). PHPT is a common diagnosis; (2) planning the optimal surgical
endocrine disorder with an incidence of approxi- approach; (3) recommending surveillance for
mately 50 per 100,000 person-years that peaks in associated conditions (e.g. MEN1 and HPT-JT);
the sixth decade [1]. The majority of cases arise and (4) screening family members in order to
sporadically, with 80% due to a solitary benign enter affected relatives into a surveillance pro-
adenoma. In approximately 15% of patients all gramme, and avoid unnecessary costly, time-con-
four glands are hyperplastic, while multiple ade- suming and potentially invasive investigations in
nomas have been reported in 2–4% of cases [2– unaffected members of the kindred.
4]. Parathyroid carcinomas occur in <1% of cases Genetic counselling and testing for familial
[5]. Multi-gland disease and parathyroid carcino- PHPT should therefore be considered in patients
mas are more common with hereditary (familial) with early disease onset below the age of 40
causes of PHPT. years, presence of associated endocrine tumours
More than 10% of patients with PHPT have a in the patient or their relatives, presence of para-
pathogenic germline gene mutation [6]. These thyroid carcinoma/atypical adenoma or presence
gene mutations are identified in familial forms of of multi-gland parathyroid disease, especially in
PHPT; however they may also be seen in spo- males or younger patients [6]. If a mutation is
radic cases. This distinction between familial and identified, then genetic counselling and analysis
sporadic PHPT may be complicated by a lack of should also be offered to first-degree relatives.
family history because the affected parent may In the context of hereditary PHPT, all para-
not have been investigated or may have died thyroid glands carry the genetic mutation and
before symptoms developed, or alternatively the parathyroid gland involvement can be gradual
21  Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism 269

Table 21.1  Inherited causes of hyperparathyroidism

Disease Gene Gene product Inheritance tumours
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 MEN1 Menin Autosomal dominant Multiple
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2 RET Ret Autosomal dominant Multiple
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 4 CDKN1B Cyclin dependent kinase Autosomal dominant Multiple
(MEN4) inhibitor 1B
Hyperparathyroidism-jaw CDC73 Parafibromin Autosomal dominant Multiple
tumour syndrome (HPT-JT)
Familial isolated MEN1 Menin Autosomal dominant None
hyperparathyroidism (FIHPT) CDC73 Parafibromin
CaSR Calcium-sensing receptor
Familial hypocalciuric GNA11 Guanine nucleotide- Autosomal dominant None
hypercalcaemia 2 (FHH2) binding protein subunit
Familial hypocalciuric AP2S1 AP-2 complex subunit Autosomal dominant None
hypercalcaemia 3 (FHH3) sigma
Neonatal severe CaSR Calcium-sensing receptor Autosomal dominant None
hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) or autosomal
Autosomal dominant moderate CaSR Calcium-sensing receptor Autosomal dominant None
hyperparathyroidism (ADMH)
Familial hypocalciuric CaSR Calcium-sensing receptor Autosomal dominant None
hypercalcaemia 1 (FHH1)

and progressive. Thus the primary objective is in affected patients [8]. A diagnosis of MEN1 can
to achieve normocalcaemia and avoid perma- be established in an individual with two of more
nent hypoparathyroidism, rather than cure. of the three characteristic MEN1-associated
Imaging using ultrasound, 99mTc-sestamibi tumours, in an individual who has one MEN1-
scanning, four-dimensional CT or MRI is associated tumour and a first-degree relative with
endorsed by some authors, and can be helpful in a clinical diagnosis of MEN1 or in an asymptom-
select cases. Recommended treatment varies atic individual identified to have a germline
according to the cause of hereditary HPTH and MEN1 gene mutation [11].
is discussed below. MEN1 is caused by mutations of the MEN1
tumour-suppressor gene located on chromosome
11q13 that encodes a 610 amino-acid protein
Syndromic Causes called menin [12]. Menin is ubiquitously
of Hyperparathyroidism expressed and is involved in the regulation of
transcription, genome stability and cell division.
 ultiple Endocrine Neoplasia 1
M More than 1300 different germline mutations
(MEN1) have been identified throughout the MEN1 gene
and most result in a truncated inactive form of
Diagnosis and Genetics menin consistent with its role as a tumour-sup-
MEN1 is a highly penetrant autosomal dominant pressor gene. There is no evident genotype-phe-
disorder characterised by tumours of the parathy- notype correlation [8, 13]. It is important to note
roid glands, the pancreatic islets and the anterior that over 10% of germline MEN1 mutations arise
pituitary gland (Table  21.2). Adrenocortical de novo and may be transmitted to s­ubsequent
tumours, lipomas, carcinoid tumours, facial generations and between 5 and 10% of patients
angiofibromas and collagenomas may also occur with clinical MEN1 don’t have an identified

Table 21.2  Clinical features of hereditary parathyroid disease

Age at
presentation Parathyroid
Disease (years) Clinical features pathology Associated diseases Management
MEN1 20–25 (100% Hypercalcaemia, hypercalciuria, Multi-gland disease Pituitary, pancreatic neuroendocrine, Subtotal or total parathyroidectomy with
penetrance by nephrolithiasis, osteoporosis (adenomas/ adrenocortical and carcinoid tumours transcervical thymectomy (with or without
50 years) hyperplasia) parathyroid autograft)
MEN2 >30 Mild hypercalcaemia Single- or Medullary thyroid carcinoma, and Targeted parathyroidectomy
multi-gland disease phaeochromocytoma
MEN4 >35 Hypercalcaemia, hypercalciuria, Multi-gland disease Pituitary, pancreatic neuroendocrine, Subtotal or Total parathyroidectomy with
nephrolithiasis, osteoporosis (adenomas/ adrenal, kidney and reproductive transcervical thymectomy (with or without
hyperplasia) organ tumours parathyroid autograft)
HPT-JT >30 Severe hypercalcaemia with Single- or Ossifying fibromas of the jaw, uterine Single-gland disease—targeted
hypercalcaemic crisis (up to 22% multi-gland disease tumours, Wilms’ tumour, papillary parathyroidectomy, multi-gland disease—
have parathyroid carcinoma) renal carcinoma, polycystic kidney subtotal or total parathyroidectomy (avoid
disease autografting), carcinoma—en bloc
FHH At birth Asymptomatic Multi-gland Nil No surgery
NSHPT At birth Severe hypercalcaemia, skeletal Marked multi- Nil Urgent total parathyroidectomy
manifestations of gland hyperplasia
ADMH 45 Hypercalcaemia, hypercalciuria, Single- or Nil Subtotal or total parathyroidectomy
hypomagnesaemia, multi-gland disease
nephrolithiasis (adenomas/
FIHPT 20–25 Hypercalcaemia, osteoporosis, Single- or Nil Single-gland disease—targeted
nephrolithiasis or asymptomatic multi-gland disease parathyroidectomy
Multi-gland disease—Subtotal
If MEN1 o3 CDC73 mutations treat as per
MEN1 or HPT-JT syndrome
C. J. Yates and J. A. Miller
21  Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism 271

mutation within the coding region of the MEN1  iming and Extent of Parathyroid
gene [7, 8]. Surgery
MEN1 is the most common familial cause of Similar to sporadic PHPT, MEN1-associated
PHPT and accounts for between 2 and 4% of all PHPT may present with asymptomatic hypercal-
PHPT cases [14]. The incidence of MEN1 has caemia, symptomatic hypercalcaemia (e.g. poly-
been estimated to be 0.25%; however this rises to dipsia, polyuria, constipation or malaise),
between 1 and 18% among patients with PHPT nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis or osteitis
[15]. Parathyroid tumours are the first manifesta- fibrosa cystica. Hypercalcaemia may increase the
tion of MEN1 in 85% of patients, and the pene- secretion of gastrin from a gastrinoma. Clinical
trance of PHPT is approximately 90–95% by distinguishing factors between MEN1-associated
50 years of age [11, 14, 16, 17]. The age of onset and sporadic PHPT include younger age of onset,
of MEN1-associated PHPT is typically multi-gland disease, a milder biochemical pre-
20–25  years, which is approximately 30  years sentation (lower calcium and PTH), a greater
earlier than sporadic cases of PHPT. Parathyroid reduction in bone mineral density and an equal
adenomas have occurred as young as 8 years of male/female ratio [11, 20]. All parathyroid glands
age in MEN1 patients [11, 14, 17]. Pancreatic are affected by MEN1; however variable parathy-
neuroendocrine tumours, which include gastrino- roid gland enlargement may be noted at the time
mas, insulinomas and non-functioning tumours, of diagnosis. The parathyroid glands in MEN1
occur in more than 80% of MEN1 patients and may have a lobulated rather than ovoid morphol-
account for 50% of MEN1-related deaths, while ogy compared with sporadic adenomas, and up to
pituitary tumours, most commonly prolactino- 30% of affected patients have supernumerary
mas, occur in 30% of MEN1 patients [18, 19]. parathyroid glands [21]. Ectopic parathyroid
Annual biochemical screening for PHPT is rec- glands within the thymus, anterior mediastinum
ommended from 5  years of age in MEN1 gene or thyroid or carotid sheath may also be observed.
mutation carriers using a serum calcium and PTH The most frequent site is the thymus, which has
assessment, alongside biochemical tests for pan- been reported in 4.9–30% of MEN1 patients [21].
creatic neuroendocrine and pituitary tumours Small nests of parathyroid cells can also be
(prolactin, IGF-1, gastrin, fasting glucose, insu- located in the fat surrounding the trachea,
lin, glucagon, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, ­oesophagus and carotid arteries [21]. Parathyroid
pancreatic polypeptide and chromogranin A) carcinoma is rare in MEN1 with a prevalence of
(Table 21.3) [11]. 0.28% [22].

Table 21.3  Recommended endocrine tumour surveillance for MEN1 gene mutation carriers (adapted from Thakker
et al., JCEM 2012)
commencement age
Tumour (years) Biochemistry Imaging
Hyperparathyroidism 8 Calcium and PTH Nil
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Gastrinoma 20 Gastrin Nil
Insulinoma 5 Fasting insulin and glucose Nil
Other <10 Chromogranin-A, pancreatic polypeptide, MRI, CT or EUS
glucagon, vasoactive intestinal peptide annually
Pituitary 5 Prolactin, IGF-1 MRI every 3 years
Adrenal <10 Nil MRI or CT
Thymic and bronchial 15 Nil CT or MRI every
carcinoid 1–2 years
272 C. J. Yates and J. A. Miller

Although there is consensus that surgical exci- showed that removal of less than three parathy-
sion of parathyroid glands is the most effective roid glands was associated with a 53% risk of
treatment for PHPT in MEN1 patients, the timing persistent or recurrent disease compared to just
and nature of surgery remain contentious [23]. 17% for subtotal parathyroidectomy and 19% for
Typically the severity of symptoms, presence of total parathyroidectomy. Long-term hypopara-
kidney stones, magnitude of biochemical derange- thyroidism occurred in 24%, 39% and 66% of
ments and presence of reduced bone density dic- patients who underwent less than subtotal, subto-
tate the timing of surgery. The goals of surgery are tal and total parathyroidectomy, respectively
restoring calcium levels to normal, avoiding hypo- [26]. Among those who underwent subtotal or
parathyroidism and minimising the need for reop- total parathyroidectomy, risk of persistent or
erations. Options include parathyroidectomy recurrent disease was more frequent in those who
limited to enlarged glands, unilateral, subtotal didn’t undergo bilateral transcervical thymec-
parathyroidectomy (3 or 3½ glands), or total para- tomy [26]. In a recent randomised trial of 32
thyroidectomy with autograft of parathyroid gland patients followed for 7.5 years, the rate of recur-
fragments into sites such as the brachiocephalic rent hyperparathyroidism was 24% for patients
muscle in the forearm, sternomastoid or pectoralis treated with subtotal parathyroidectomy and 13%
major. The thymus should also be removed as it in patients treated with total parathyroidectomy,
may harbour an ectopic parathyroid gland in 15% while the rates of permanent hypoparathyroidism
of patients or a thymic carcinoid tumour [24]. Part were 12% and 7% in each group, respectively
of the thymus deep in the mediastinum may not be [27]. These differences were not statistically sig-
successfully removed by cervical thymectomy and nificant. Thus, subtotal parathyroidectomy with
removal of the entire thymus, if required, is best transcervical thymectomy is currently the most
done via a mediastinal approach. common surgical technique selected for the man-
Because of multi-gland parathyroid involve- agement of PHPT in MEN1 patients, and appears
ment, the use of preoperative imaging such as to offer the advantages of a single incision, a
cervical US, nuclear scintigraphy, four-dimen- reduced risk of permanent hypoparathyroidism
sional CT, MRI or PET is controversial prior to and an acceptable recurrence and reoperation rate
initial surgery, and depends upon whether the [23]. If total parathyroidectomy is selected, the
patient and treating team prefer a staged approach rapid intraoperative PTH assay, if available, can
based on the principle of asymmetric and meta- be used to determine if removal of all functioning
chronous enlargement of the parathyroid glands parathyroid tissue has been achieved, and if not
in MEN I. However imaging is mandatory before this allows further evaluation for supernumerary
reoperation to identify residual disease. or ectopic glands. Having a PTH level near the
A French and Belgian series of 256 MEN1 detectable limit 20 min after excision of the para-
patients revealed that the majority (51%) under- thyroid glands indicates successful parathyroid-
went subtotal parathyroidectomy and post-opera- ectomy [28]. However, intraoperative PTH is not
tively 19% had persistent disease while 15% had widely available in many countries.
hypocalcaemia [24]. A meta-analysis of 52 Recurrence rates after parathyroidectomy are
patients has shown that surgical strategies involv- variable, and the time for recurrence varies from
ing less than subtotal parathyroidectomy have the months to 10  years [29]. Risk of recurrence is
highest rates of persistent and recurrent PHPT, at increased by a lack of MEN1 diagnosis at the
31% and 59%, respectively [25]. In the same time of surgery and therefore inadequate treat-
study, subtotal parathyroidectomy was associated ment, limited surgeon experience, a short d­ uration
with a recurrence rate of 65% and although no of HPT, young patient age, absence of thymec-
recurrences were observed among patients who tomy, less than subtotal parathyroidectomy, lack
underwent total parathyroidectomy, 67% of the of use of intraoperative parathyroid assays and a
latter patients developed permanent hypopara- long follow-up time [21, 24, 29–32]. In the future,
thyroidism. A Dutch study including 73 patients MEN1 genotyping may prove helpful. A single
21  Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism 273

study has shown that among patients undergoing PTH falls to normal or decreases 50% from basal
less than subtotal parathyroidectomy, patients levels [33, 34]. As an alternative to re-operative sur-
with nonsense or frameshift mutations of exons gery, percutaneous injection of ethanol via ultra-
2, 9 and 10 have a lower risk of persistent or sound guidance has been described; however more
recurrent PHPT compared to patients with other than one infusion of 0.3 mL is required in approxi-
[26]. Previously very little genotype:phenotype mately half of patients to destroy the parathyroid
correlations have been noticed with MEN1. gland. This approach has been studied in 37 patients
Reoperations for recurrent PHPT in MEN1 usu- with recurrent HPT and 73% became normocalcae-
ally involve focused exploration in a scarred neck. mic, 6 became hypocalcaemic and 14 remained
Review of previous operation and histopathology hypercalcaemic. The mean duration of normocal-
reports, and accurate localisation studies, including caemia was 24 months and 7 required surgical inter-
parathyroid sestamibi, US 4DCT, and selective vention post-ethanol infusion [35]. Cinacalcet
venous sampling may be helpful in some cases. which increases the sensitivity of the calcium-sens-
There are increased risks with reoperation including ing receptor to extracellular calcium has also been
permanent vocal cord palsy, haemorrhage and shown to reduce serum calcium and PTH levels and
hypoparathyroidism. Therefore reoperation is increase bone mineral density during 1 year of treat-
reserved for patients with high urinary calcium ment in patients with MEN1 and recurrent or persis-
excretion, significant osteoporosis or symptomatic tent HPTH [36–39]. However, the medication is
hypercalcaemia. Intraoperative PTH is useful in the expensive and the results are not durable
case of cervical reoperation for recurrent HPT as (Table 21.4).
surgical dissection can be stopped when circulating

Table 21.4  Comparison of surgical techniques for the management of MEN1-associated hyperparathyroidism
Surgical technique Advantages Disadvantages Conclusion
• Unilateral or less • Lowest risk of • Highest rate of both • SP with a bilateral cervical
than subtotal hypoparathyroidism recurrent and persistent thymectomy is most
parathyroidectomy • Some patients have hyperparathyroidism commonly recommended
asymmetric enlargement • Alternatively TP/AT to
• Subtotal • Avoids a forearm • Increased risk of forearm with bilateral
parathyroidectomya incision for parathyroid recurrent cervical thymectomy is also a
(SP) autograft hyperparathyroidism good option
• Reduces the risk of compared with TP/AT • Procedures should ideally be
permanent performed in high-volume
hypoparathyroidism centres
• Total • Lowest risk of persistent • Obligate period of • Discuss pros and cons of
parathyroidectomy and recurrent transient each approach with patient
with hyperparathyroidism hypoparathyroidism • Recommendation level: B
autotransplantationa • Enables a low-risk • Highest risk of (supported by small
• (TP/AT) procedure for the permanent randomised trials and
management of most hypoparathyroidism moderate to high risk for
recurrent • Very high rates of error)b
hyperparathyroidism parathyroid graft • Strength of recommendation:
function must be strong
achieved • Quality of evidence:
• Potential risk of moderate (further research is
parathyromatosis likely to have an important
impact on confidence in the
estimate of effect and may
change the estimate)b
Concurrent cervical thymectomy is recommended due to a 15% change of finding parathyroid tissue and the risk of
thymic carcinoid tumours [26]
Recommendations according to the modified Sackett’s classification and the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system
274 C. J. Yates and J. A. Miller

 ultiple Endocrine Neoplasia 4

M patients with mutations of codons 630, 649, 768,
(MEN4) 790, 804 and 891 and it does not occur with
mutations of codons 883, 913 and 922 that are
Five to ten percent of patients with MEN1 do not responsible for MEN3 [14, 44, 46]. The specific
have mutations of the MEN1 gene and these RET codon mutation also predicts the age of
patients may have mutations of other genes [8]. onset of medullary thyroid carcinoma and likeli-
MEN4 is a phenocopy syndrome of MEN1 char- hood of nodal involvement, allowing tailoring of
acterised by the occurrence of tumours of the timing and extent of prophylactic thyroidectomy
parathyroid glands, anterior pituitary and pancre- to the individual.
atic islets, in association with tumours of the PHPT is usually mild or asymptomatic and is
adrenals, kidneys and reproductive organs rarely the first manifestation of MEN2, typically
(Table 21.2). It occurs due to an autosomal domi- occurring in the fourth decade; however it has
nant inactivating mutation in the CDKN1B gene occurred in a patient as young as 5 years [21, 23].
on chromosome 12p13 that encodes the cell cycle It is often detected at the time of thyroidectomy
regulator cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor for medullary thyroid carcinoma in normocalcae-
p27kip1 [8, 40]. Only 15 cases of MEN4 have been mic patients. There is a female predominance for
reported in the literature, with all clinically MEN2-associated HPTH of 1.5–2.6. Single ade-
affected patients being female. PHPT has been nomas are found in 27–54% of cases and approx-
present in 81% and is multiglandular in most imately half of patients develop enlargement of
cases. Resection similar to that performed in all four parathyroid glands. A single case of para-
MEN1 has been proposed [23, 41]. thyroid carcinoma has been reported, and ectopic
and supernumerary glands are found in up to
43% and 8.6% of cases, respectively [23, 44].
 ultiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2
M RET gene mutation testing should be per-
(MEN2) formed in all patients with a personal or familial
history of medullary thyroid carcinoma or phaeo-
Diagnosis and Genetics chromocytoma and considered in young patients
MEN2 (previously known as MEN2A) is charac- with multi-gland or familial PHPT. Screening for
terised by the presence of medullary thyroid can- PHPT is recommended from age 11  in patients
cer, phaeochromocytomas and parathyroid with codon 634 mutations and by age 16 years in
adenomas (Table  21.2). Primary hyperparathy- carriers of other RET gene mutations [14, 46].
roidism does not occur in MEN3 (previously
known as MEN2B), which is characterised by  iming and Extent of Parathyroid
familial medullary thyroid carcinoma and phaeo- Surgery
chromocytomas, mucosal neuromas and often a Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for MEN2-
Marfanoid habitus. MEN2 occurs in associated PHPT, but should always be preceded
<2.5/100,000, and hyperparathyroidism occurs in by screening for phaeochromocytoma first, and
only 20–40% of patients compared to medullary resection should it be present. Resection of
thyroid carcinoma, which occurs in virtually all enlarged parathyroid glands at the time of total
patients, and phaeochromocytomas, which occur thyroidectomy for medullary thyroid carcinoma
in ~50% of patients [14, 31, 42–45]. is justifiable since it may avoid reoperation.
MEN2 occurs due to an autosomal dominant Therefore parathyroid function testing and pre-
activating mutation of the RET proto-oncogene operative localisation studies as required are
on 10q11.21. In contrast to MEN1, there is a performed prior to thyroidectomy in patients
good genotype-phenotype correlation in MEN2, with suspected MEN2.
and primary hyperparathyroidism occurs more Although selective parathyroidectomy, subto-
frequently with mutations at codon 634, and just tal parathyroidectomy and total parathyroidec-
in a minority of patients with mutations of codons tomy are all performed, most favour a conservative
609, 611, 618, 620, 790, 791 and 804. It is rare in approach of selective resection of only grossly
21  Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism 275

enlarged parathyroid glands, reserving total para- gene testing; a personal or family history of
thyroidectomy and autografting for those cases HPT-JT syndrome; atypical, cystic or malignant
where all four glands are abnormal [23, 31, 43, parathyroid histology; absent nuclear parafibro-
44]. Prophylactic parathyroidectomy is not min staining on parathyroid tumour tissue; early
undertaken as the sequelae of mild asymptomatic onset <40 years; and multi-glandular or recurrent
PHPT are less than those of permanent HPTH [53–55].
Approximately 77–100% of patients with  iming and Extent of Surgery
MEN2-related PHPT are cured after surgery and The optimal surgical treatment of PHPT in
about 20% develop permanent hypoparathyroid- HPT-JT syndrome is unclear. Historically, due to
ism, a risk increased by bilateral level VI neck the increased risk of malignancy and multiple-
node dissection for medullary thyroid carcinoma gland involvement, bilateral neck exploration and
[43]. Recurrence of PHPT occurs in 0–12% over subtotal/total parathyroidectomy have been pro-
a 5-year follow-up and imaging studies should be posed [56]. However, autografting of parathyroid
performed before reoperation [31, 43–45]. tissue has been discouraged due to the risk of
seeding parathyroid cancer cells. More recently
when the probability of a parathyroid malignancy
Hyperparathyroidism-Jaw Tumour is low, selective parathyroidectomy based on pre-
Syndrome (HPT-JT) operative localisation studies has been proposed
with benefits including a lower risk of hypopara-
Diagnosis and Genetics thyroidism and minimal tissue trauma, facilitat-
HPT-JT is a rare autosomal dominant syndrome ing reoperations if required [57]. An en bloc
characterised by highly penetrant parathyroid resection including the ipsilateral thyroid lobe,
tumours (single or multiple), uterine tumours in adjacent soft tissue and ipsilateral parathyroid is
57%, ossifying fibromas of the mandible or max- recommended for suspected parathyroid carcino-
illa in 30% and renal abnormalities in 13% mas to avoid fracture of the tumour and local
(Wilms’ tumour, papillary renal carcinoma, poly- seeding of malignant cells [55, 58]. Central com-
cystic kidney disease) (Table 21.2) [23, 47, 48]. partment node dissection may be required if node
The ossifying fibromas of the mandible or max- involvement is suspected. The overall survival for
illa must be differentiated from brown tumours patients with parathyroid carcinoma who undergo
that occur with PHPT. It occurs due to inactivat- surgery is 8.9  years [59]. From age 5  years,
ing mutations of the tumour-suppressor gene 6-monthly biochemical testing for PHPT is rec-
CDC73 on chromosome 1q31.2 that encodes ommended for all patients, with annual renal
parafibromin [49]. Parafibromin is a component ultrasonography and gynaecology assessment,
of the polymerase-associated factor 1 complex and 5-yearly dental X-ray [23]. Prompt surgery is
that mediates key transcriptional events in his- necessary as soon as calcium and parathyroid
tone modification, chromatic remodelling, initia- hormone increase in order to prevent parathyroid
tion and elongation and activates the wnt/β-catenin carcinoma metastases.
and hedgehog signalling pathways [50–52].
HPT-JT-associated PHPT exhibits a more aggres-
sive course than other hereditary causes of PHPT Non-syndromic Causes
and has occurred as young as 7 years old; how- of Hyperparathyroidism
ever it typically occurs in early adulthood. It is
usually caused by a single benign parathyroid Familial Hypocalciuric
adenoma that often displays cystic or atypical Hypercalcaemia (FHH)
histology; however parathyroid carcinomas have
been observed in up to 22% of cases [23, 53]. FHH is a benign autosomal dominant condition
CDC73 germline analysis should be performed associated with hypocalciuria (urinary calcium
in cases of hereditary PHPT with negative MEN1 clearance/creatinine clearance ratio (CCR)
276 C. J. Yates and J. A. Miller

<0.01) with a mild hypercalcaemia and normal Because clinical and biochemistry parameters
circulating PTH concentrations in 80% may not differentiate between PHPT and FHH,
(Table 21.2) [6, 11, 60]. Mild hypermagnesaemia gene testing may be helpful for diagnostic and
is typical. Twenty per cent have raised PTH con- therapeutic reasons.
centrations and 20% may have a CCR >0.01 and
therefore be indistinguishable from
HPT. Additionally, a CCR <0.01 may be seen in Neonatal Severe
patients with HPT in the presence of vitamin D Hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT)
deficiency, renal insufficiency or African ethnic-
ity [6, 11, 60, 61]. Therefore genetic mutational NSHPT is characterised by the development of
analysis may help to identify FHH patients. severe hypercalcaemia with skeletal manifesta-
There are three known variants responsible for tion of HPT within the first 6  months of life
FHH. FHH1 accounts for two-thirds of cases and (Table  21.2) [60]. The parathyroid glands are
is due to an inactivating mutation of the extracel- markedly hyperplastic in this condition and
lular domain of the CaSR gene [60]. The calcium- untreated NSHPT can be a severe neurodevelop-
sensing receptor (CaSR) is a G protein-coupled mental disorder. Therefore urgent parathyroidec-
receptor that senses changes in the circulating tomy is recommended in the first month of life.
calcium concentration and when activated inhib- NSHPT is often associated with inactivating
its PTH secretion and increases renal calcium homozygous CaSR mutations in the children of
excretion. Therefore there is an increase in the consanguineous parents; however many other
calcium ion-dependent set point for PTH release cases appear sporadic or only one parent had
[60]. FHH2 accounts for less than 5% of cases clinically apparent FHH [60].
and occurs due to loss-of-function mutations of
GNA11 that encodes for the G protein subunit
α11 [62]. FHH3 accounts for >5% of cases and  utosomal Dominant Moderate
occurs due to a loss-of-function mutation of the Hyperparathyroidism (ADMH)
AP2S1 gene that encodes the adaptor-protein 2 σ
subunit and plays a central role in the endocytosis ADMH is a rare syndrome associated with hyper-
of plasma membrane constituents such as the calcaemia and hypercalciuria, plus hypomagne-
CaSR [62]. saemia, elevated serum PTH and nephrolithiasis
Hypercalcaemia in FHH is present at all ages in some patients (Table  21.2) [66]. Single- or
and patients are usually asymptomatic; however multi-gland parathyroid hyperplasia or adenomas
chondrocalcinosis, premature vascular calcifica- have been observed. This condition was found to
tion, pancreatitis and gallstones have been be due to a mutation in the intracytoplasmic tail
observed [63–65]. The parathyroid glands are domain of the CaSR. Regression of hypercalcae-
often moderately enlarged. Distinguishing FHH mia has been observed after subtotal or radical
from PHPT is important, as parathyroidectomy is parathyroidectomy.
not indicated for FHH because it does not correct
the inactivation of the calcium receptor and there-
fore patients remain hypercalcaemic. FHH Familial Isolated
should be screened for prior to parathyroid sur- Hyperparathyroidism (FIHPT)
gery especially in patients <40  years old, those
who have had prior unsuccessful parathyroid sur- FIHPT is a rare familial cause of HPT that
gery or patients with a family history of hypercal- appears to be inherited in an autosomal domi-
caemia or unsuccessful parathyroid surgery. nant manner and is characterised by single- or
21  Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism 277

multi-glandular parathyroid lesions occurring at the specific syndrome and screening of children
a young age (20–25  years) in the absence of who may have inherited the mutation.
other endocrine tumours (Table 21.2). It can be
asymptomatic or present with symptomatic
hypercalcaemia, osteoporosis and nephrolithia- Recommendations for Genetic
sis. The responsible genes remain largely Testing in PHPT
unknown; however studies of ten kindred have
identified a locus on chromosome 2p12.3-p14 As germline mutations are evident in approxi-
[67]. In affected families mutations of MEN1 mately 10% of PHPT patients, indications for
have been detected in 20–23%, CaSR in 14–18% mutational analysis include:
and CDC73 less frequently and these genes
should be tested [11, 68–72]. It is important to (a) Onset before the age of 40 years
exclude clinical features of MEN1 and HPT-JT (b) Multi-gland disease
before making a diagnosis of FIHPT. Surgery is (c) Parathyroid carcinoma or atypical parathy-
the principal treatment and intraoperative visu- roid adenomas
alisation of all four parathyroid glands is recom- (d) First-degree relatives of known mutation

mended as FIHPT may be either caused by a carriers
single-adenoma or multiple-gland disease that is (e) Index cases with two or more MEN1-
often asymmetrical [23]. In the presence of associated tumours [6, 11]
MEN1 and CDC73 gene mutations, patients
should be treated as in MEN1 and HPT-JT syn- Genetic testing should involve a genetic coun-
dromes, respectively. sellor and informed consent and testing should be
performed at accredited centres. Mutational analy-
sis should use DNA obtained from non-tumour
 onfamilial PHPT Due to De Novo
N cells (e.g. leucocyte DNA) to look for germline
Germline Mutations mutations of MEN1, CaSR, AP2S1, GNA11,
Approximately 10% of patients presenting with CDKN2C, RET and PTH genes (Fig.  21.1) [78].
PHPT below the age of 45 and >5% of patients The identification of a germline mutation should
presenting after 50 years may have de novo germ- prompt entry into surveillance programmes for
line mutations of MEN1, CDC73, CaSR, CDKIs clinical manifestations of the relevant syndromes
(CDKN1A (p21), CDKN2B (p15) or CDKN2C and screening of first-degree relatives for the muta-
(p18)) or PTH genes [6, 11, 73–77]. Just one tion. Asymptomatic first-degree relatives that have
PTH gene mutation has been reported in a patient the mutation should be offered period surveillance
who had hypercalcaemia and an undetectable for clinical manifestations of the relevant syn-
serum concentration of intact PTH; however fol- dromes, while those without the mutation can be
lowing removal of the parathyroid adenoma, nor- reassured. A careful clinical history should be taken
mocalcaemia was achieved [76]. The occurrence for patients over the age of 40 years and, if there is
of germline mutations in nonfamilial PHPT has a clinical suspicion of a syndromic form of PHPT,
implications for the management of HPT in these targeted genetic testing is indicated with appropri-
patients, screening for tumours associated with ate genetic counselling.

Primary hyperparathyroidism AND one

or more of the following features:
Age <40 years
Other endocrine tumours
First degree relative with hypercalcaemia
or endocrine tumours
Multigland parathyroid disease
Parathyroid carcinoma or
atypical adenoma


Genetic testing with initial testing dictated

No genetic evaluation
by clinical features

Age <40 years OR

Personal or family history of medullary Multigland parathyroid disease OR Asymptomatic hypercalcaemia with Urine
Personal or family history of jaw tumours, Age <40 years with noaetiological clues
thyroid carcinoma or phaeochromocytoma Personal or family history of calcium to creatinine ratio <0.01
uterine tumours or renal abnormalities OR Mutational analysis in order of likely
hyperparathyroidism, or pituitary or
Parathyroid carcinoma or atypical adenoma frequency: MEN1 CaSR, AP2S1, GNA11,
pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Test for MEN2 (RET) Test for HPT-JT (CDC73) Test for FHH (CaSR, AP2S1, GNA11) CDC73, CDKN-1A, -1B, -2B -2C,
Test for MEN1 (MEN1)
If negative test for MEN4 (CDKN1B)

Fig. 21.1  A clinical approach to genetic screening of PHPT

C. J. Yates and J. A. Miller
21  Hereditary Hyperparathyroidism 279

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Renal Hyperparathyroidism
Kee Yuan Ngiam

“A 56 year-old female with a background of dia- Introduction

betic end-stage renal failure on haemodialysis
for the last 12 years is referred to the endocrine End-stage renal failure (ESRF) is a global epi-
surgical clinic for 6-month history of severe back demic driven by increasing incidence of type 2
pain, skin itch and poor sleep. She has multiple diabetes mellitus and hypertension [1].
co-morbid conditions such as non-ST elevation In Singapore, 2.3% of the residents aged between
myocardial infarction treated conservatively with 18 and 69 years had renal impairment as defined
aspirin and clopidogrel; left ischaemic stroke by eGFR less than 60 mL/min/1.73m2. The age-
with good functional recovery and poorly con- standardised incidence rate has increased by 43%
trolled diabetes mellitus. Her intact PTH levels from 1999 to 2014. In the USA, ESRF affects
are 930  pg/mL and alkaline phosphatase levels 14% of the population [2], including approxi-
are 823 IU/L. She is on multiple medications to mately 660,000 patients who are dialysis depen-
regulate her calcium and phosphate levels includ- dent [3]. Singapore has the second highest
ing phosphate binders, cinacalcet and vitamin D incidence of kidney failure due to diabetes mel-
analogues. Despite being on these increasing litus and one of the lowest kidney transplant rates
does of these medications, her serum phosphate in the world. Renal transplantation rates have
and PTH levels are progressively increasing. decreased in between 2010 and 2012 from 225 to
With no possibility of receiving a renal transplant 179 despite laws in 2009 to permit paired dona-
she is undergoes total parathyroidectomy with tions of unrelated donors to recipients and the use
deltoid autoimplantation. Post surgery, she devel- of cadaveric donors about 60 years of age.
ops severe hungry bone syndrome, a result of Due to the low rate of transplantation relative
long-term hyperparathyroidism, but is effectively to the increased incidence of ESRF, renal hyper-
supported with calcium infusion and oral parathyroidism (rHPT) develops as a complica-
replacements by protocol. In one month, she tion marked by derangements in calcium,
makes a full recovery with resolution of physical phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism [4]. rHPT
symptoms and improvement in mood. Her cal- is associated with increased cardiovascular mor-
cium and phosphate levels are normalized and bidity and mortality [5–9], and in patients with
she is able to stop phosphate binders”. no access to transplantation; patients are often
offered parathyroid surgery late into their dialysis
K. Y. Ngiam vintages with its attendant challenges and
Division of Thyroid and Endocrine complications.
Surgery, Department of Surgery, National Renal hyperparathyroidism encompasses both
University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore
e-mail: secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 283

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
284 K. Y. Ngiam

Secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT) is the calcium in the kidney but decreases reabsorption
condition when renal failure results in hypocal- of phosphorus causing phosphaturia. However, in
caemia, hyperphosphataemia and reduced the setting of end-stage renal failure (ESRF)
hydroxylation of 25-OH vitamin D into its active there is a lack of 25-hydroxy (25-OH) vitamin D
form causing four-gland parathyroid hyperplasia hydroxylation and a lack of reabsorption of cal-
and increase in PTH levels. Tertiary hyperpara- cium from the kidney resulting in an initial state
thyroidism (tHPT) occurs in the setting of long- or low or normal serum calcium. Phosphorus
standing sHPT and the parathyroid gland tends to accumulate in ESRF patients due to the
develops autonomous PTH secretion that is not loss of renal elimination, together with obligatory
reversible with renal transplantation. This results absorption of dietary phosphate and high PTH
in hypercalcaemia, and in up to 20% of cases it is levels causing bone resorption and release of
caused by adenomas. phosphate into serum.
Whilst PTH is the main regulator of intra- and
extracellular calcium, other hormones are impor-
Aetiology tant in phosphate regulation. Fibroblast growth
factor 23 (FGF-23) is a phosphaturic hormone
 ormal Homeostasis of Calcium
N secreted by bone in response to hyperphospha-
and Phosphorus taemia. FGF-23 acts on Klotho and FGF receptor
complex on the parathyroid cell membrane to
Two major hormones tightly regulate serum cal- reduce parathyroid cell proliferation and secre-
cium and phosphate levels: parathyroid hormone tion of PTH. Its action in the kidney is mediated
(PTH) and calcitonin. Parathyroid glands are through suppressing sodium-phosphate co-trans-
chiefly responsible for maintaining extracellular porter in the proximal tubule, thus causing phos-
calcium concentrations through the secretion of phorus excretion. It also decreases
an 84-amino-acid polypeptide hormone. PTH 1-α-hydroxylase activity, leading to reduced
regulates serum calcium concentrations through 1,25-OH vitamin D levels [10]. Decreased active
regulating absorption in the intestines and kid- vitamin D causes hypocalcaemia and hyperphos-
neys and resorption of bone. PTH secretion is in phataemia and increases parathyroid cell prolif-
turn regulated directly though plasma concentra- eration and hence excessive secretion of PTH. In
tion of ionised calcium mediated by the calcium- chronic ESRF, FGF-23 levels will rise in concert
sensing receptor (CaSR) on the surface of the with hyperphosphataemia as parathyroid cell
parathyroid gland. becomes resistant to FGF23 through downregu-
There are three mechanisms through which lation of CaSR, vitamin D receptor (VDR) and
PTH regulates serum calcium. PTH increases the Klotho [11–14]. This results in increased cardio-
concentration of serum calcium through resorp- vascular mortality in patients with ESRF [15].
tion of calcium and phosphate from bone matrix. The point at which parathyroid cell prolifera-
It acts directly on PTH receptors on osteoblasts in tion becomes deregulated is complex and poorly
bone fluid which secrete RANKL, resulting in a understood. What is clear is that a combination of
chronic increase in osteoclastic activity and net hyperphosphataemia, hypocalcaemia, vitamin D
bone resorption. Another way PTH increases deficiency and increased FGF23 stimulates prolif-
serum calcium is via increasing calcium reab- eration of parathyroid cells [11]. This typically
sorption by the kidney through activating occurs when glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
1-α-hydroxylase in the proximal tubules in the drops below 60  mL/min/1.73  m2, which is CKD
kidney, thus increasing hydroxylation of 25-dihy- stage 3 and above, and forms the cut-off for screen-
droxyvitamin D (calcidiol) to the active ing for hyperparathyroidism in CKD patients.
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 (calcitriol). This Abnormal serum phosphate and calcium level
mediates intestinal absorption of calcium and occur much later in the course of CKD (when the
phosphorus. PTH also increases reabsorption of GFR drops below 40 mL/min/1.73 m2) [4].
22  Renal Hyperparathyroidism 285

With further GFR reduction, serum phospho- may present with florid renal osteodystrophy.
rus levels start to rise and induce hypocalcaemia This is described by the National Kidney
by binding bioavailable calcium as CaHPO4, Foundation as “CKD-mineral and bone disorder”
which indirectly leads to a further rise in PTH (CKD-MBD) to connote the systemic effects of
production and causes systemic calcium deposi- CKD.  Bone pain, back pain and arthralgia of
tion when the calcium  ×  phosphate product major joints are the commonest modes of presen-
exceeds 72 mg2/dL2. This is the postulated mech- tation in this group of patients. Chronic dialysis-
anism for increasing cardiovascular morbidity related amyloid arthropathy is a severe
and mortality in ESRF patients [9]. complication of rHPT caused by β2-microglobulin
The apocryphal notion that sHPT leads to dif- deposition in joints featuring destructive osteoar-
fuse parathyroid cell hyperplasia can be debunked thropathies, destructive spondyloarthropathy and
immediately by the macroscopic examination of carpal tunnel syndrome. These symptoms may be
excised parathyroid glands in these patients. effectively reversed with parathyroidectomy
They are almost always asymmetric and can have (PTx) except for amyloid arthropathy.
a variety of appearances indicating an underlying Other presentations include neuromuscular
polyclonal, hyperplastic phenomenon. Although psychiatric symptoms (such as low mood, poor
the mechanism has not been elucidated, the sleep, lethargy, asthenia), which may be related
appearance of hyperplastic parathyroid glands to hypercalcaemia and/or hyperparathyroidism.
can be divided into four types as proposed by Itching and coughing are other symptoms but
Tominaga [16]: diffuse hyperplasia, early nodu- may be related to uraemia. Paradoxically, these
larity in diffuse hyperplasia, nodular hyperplasia symptoms are relieved with PTx which suggests
and single-nodular hyperplasia. It is postulated that hyperparathyroidism may be the underlying
that the cells progressively develop monoclonal mechanism rather than hypercalcaemia or
nodules due to the loss of genetic regulation trig- uraemia.
gered by downregulation of the vitamin D recep- According to NKF/KDOQI guidelines [2],
tor and CaSR.  Single-nodular gland grows renal osteodystrophy can be divided into ady-
progressively to suppress surrounding diffuse namic bone disease (at low PTH levels <120 pg/
hyperplasia and can function like an adenoma. mL), osteomalacia, mixed (high turnover with
However, there is no evidence that rHPT patients mineralisation defect; PTH >450  pg/mL) bone
that have predominant nodular hyperplasia or disease, amyloid and aluminium bone disease.
single-nodular hyperplasia share the same under- Adynamic bone disease is caused by exces-
lying genetic mechanisms of a primary parathy- sive use of calcimimetics, phosphate binders and,
roid adenoma. Although incidental adenomatous in cases of total parathyroidectomy with autoim-
parathyroid glands have been found in early CKD plantation, failure of the autoimplant to function.
patients, it arises from a different genetic mecha- This results in brittle bones and resultant
nism involving cyclin D1 located in the long arm fractures.
of chromosome 11 [17]. The downregulation of High-turnover disease is manifested as osteitis
the VDR and hence resistance to calcimimetic fibrosa cystica including subperiosteal resorp-
and vitamin D analogues may the mechanism for tion, salt and pepper skull, rugger jersey spine,
development of tHPT due to loss of negative deformity of skeleton and shrinking man syn-
feedback [16, 18]. drome. Chronic high-turnover disease may result
in brown tumours which resemble osteolytic
bone metastases.
Presentation Complications related to rHPT are related to
widespread calcium deposition due to high Ca
The presentation of rHPT is highly variable ×PO4 quotients. Ectopic calcification may be
depending on the severity of disease. In countries deposited in arteries, in particular intimal and
where renal transplantation is limited, patients medial calcification. Other manifestations
286 K. Y. Ngiam

include calciphylaxis, tumoural calcinosis and false-positive result. If functional and anatomical
calcification of lung, stomach, conjunctiva and localisation is desired, a SPECT-CT is the modal-
heart valves. ity of choice, especially in the setting of recurrent
A combination of arteriolar calcification and neck or mediastinal parathyroids. Other modali-
uraemia, termed “calcific uraemic arteriopathy” ties include a 4D CT scan which is ideal for ana-
increases cardiovascular risk by more than eight tomic localisation of early recurrences where
times [19]. Moreover, high PTH levels (≥600 pg/ PTH is mildly elevated and the recurrence is
mL) can result in anaemia resistant to erythropoi- small. It must be noted that 4D CT scan incurs a
etin and can cause in diastolic cardiomyopathy. It high radiation load and is relatively contraindi-
has been suggested that FGF-23 may induce arte- cated in children and young adults. Lastly, if
rial smooth muscle myocytes differentiated into cases where recurrences are equivocal on axial
osteoblast-like cells which may lead to vascular imaging, suspected parathyroid glands may be
calcification [4]. sampled with FNA and PTH washings.

Investigations Treatment

The workup for rHPT includes blood tests such Medical Treatment Options
as iPTH, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), corrected
calcium, phosphate, magnesium, 25-hydroxyvi- Medical management of rHPT is a combination
tamin D and any preoperative blood tests that are of optimal treatment of CKD and risk factors
required for safe general anaesthesia. Bone iso- (e.g. control of blood pressure, diabetes mellitus)
forms of ALP may be sent if there is any concern followed by appropriate initiation of dialysis.
that elevated ALP may be related to liver KDIGO guidelines recommend screening for
diseases. CKD stage 3 (GFR <60  mL/min) with serum
It is routine to perform a preoperative ultra- PTH, calcium and phosphate. Patients should be
sound of the thyroid to localise the parathyroid offered renal transplantation where possible and
glands before surgery. Any discordance between early referral for PTx where indications for sur-
the PTH levels and parathyroid gland sizes (e.g. gery are met. Meanwhile, the medical goals are
high PTH levels but no parathyroids seen on optimisation of serum phosphate and calcium
ultrasound) should alert the surgeon to perform levels through a combination of a low-phosphate
additional imaging to exclude mediastinal or diet, phosphate binders, vitamin D analogues and
ectopic parathyroid glands [20]. Ultrasound of lastly calcimimetic medications. All medical
the thyroid is also important to exclude thyroid treatments lead to the inexorable rise of PTH
nodules which require fine-needle aspiration resulting in CKD-MBD and its associated com-
cytology to exclude a thyroid malignancy as well plications. The size of enlarged parathyroid
as to map the location of any intra-thyroid para- glands is an important factor in determining the
thyroids which would aid the surgeon during sur- effectiveness of medical treatment. Gland sizes
gery to locate such lesions. exceeding 500mm3 should consider PTx instead
Tc99m-sestamibi scans are not routinely done of medical therapy.
for rHPT unless ectopic, mediastinal or recurrent
parathyroid glands are suspected. Large hyper-
trophic parathyroid glands will take up Tc99m- Phosphate Binders
sestamibi avidly and produce a dense scintigram
that may falsely mask smaller parathyroid glands Despite low-phosphate diets, ESRF patients still
adjacent to it. Furthermore, thyroid nodules find it difficult to reduce phosphate levels due to
might also take up Tc99m-sestamibi and lead to a obligatory intestinal uptake of phosphate. Loss of
22  Renal Hyperparathyroidism 287

clearance by the kidney and continuous resorp- increased sensitivity to extracellular calcium,
tion of bone releasing phosphate into the serum thus suppressing PTH secretion [24]. Although
result in chronic hyperphosphataemia. Phosphate the cinacalcet has been shown to be effective in
binders are effective in decreasing serum phos- lowering PTH and reducing symptoms [25], the
phorus and PTH levels, and decreasing mortality EVOLVE randomised controlled trial in 2012
compared with no treatment [21]. did not show a decrease in cardiovascular and
Phosphate binders can be divided into calcium- overall mortality [26]. Further reviews con-
and non-calcium-based binders. Older phosphate firmed these findings and showed that cinacal-
binders such as aluminium hydroxide should not cet has increased rates of vomiting and
be used given the availability of newer agents due hypocalcaemia. However, cinacalcet is still
to the risk of aluminium toxicity and adynamic used despite its high cost and lack of long-term
bone disease. Calcium salts are cheap and effec- effectiveness due to its ability to control PTH
tive phosphate binders that form insoluble calcium levels. Nevertheless, many patients on cinacal-
phosphate complexes in the gut when taken with cet and maximal medical management still
meals. However, some calcium is absorbed and require parathyroidectomy to control their
can cause hypercalcaemia. Newer agents such as symptoms in the long term. There is some anec-
lanthanum and sevelamer hydrochloride are highly dotal evidence that cinacalcet induces haemor-
effective and are not absorbed. They have gastro- rhagic infarction resulting in adherence to
intestinal side effects and are costly. surrounding tissues and recurrent laryngeal
The Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality nerves, thus increasing the risk of nerve dam-
Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines recommend the use age during surgery [27].
of phosphate binders in CKD 3 and 4 in patients
who have hyperphosphataemia despite dietary
restriction [22]. Combinational therapy may be Ethanol Ablation of Parathyroids
initiated if phosphate levels cannot be controlled.
Parathyroid ablation using ultrasound-guided
ethanol injection has been used since 1985 to
Vitamin D Analogues control sHPT in patients who are unable to
undergo parathyroidectomy [28]. The tech-
1,25-Hydroxy vitamin D deficiency is one of the nique for injecting dehydrated absolute alcohol
causes of rHPT due to reduced 1-α-hydroxylation. was initially intended for single parathyroid
Replacement with active forms of vitamin D such adenoma but has evolved to treat sHPT due to
as calcitriol, paricalcitol and doxercalciferol has the poor operative risk in this group of patients.
been shown in observational studies to improve However, multiple treatments are required and
survival although one meta-analysis showed no there is significant risk of recurrent laryngeal
difference in symptom reduction and mortality nerve palsy due to the close proximity of the
[23]. Despite this, the KDIGO guidelines still nerve to the parathyroid. Treatments should be
suggest treatment with vitamin D analogues or adequately spaced and performed unilaterally
calcitriol in CKD 3 to 5. For patients on dialysis, at any one sitting to avoid bilateral nerve palsy.
active forms must be used to control rHPT. It is imperative to protect the nerve through
injecting a saline buffer around the nerve and
accurate needle positioning within the parathy-
Calcimimetics roid. Despite these precautions, there might be
some transient nerve palsy and pain due to
The only calcimimetic agent available is cina- extravasation of ethanol to the surrounding tis-
calcet and it works by allosteric modulation of sues and patients must be warned for these side
the CaSR on the parathyroid gland resulting in effects [29].
288 K. Y. Ngiam

Indications for Surgical Treatment implanted into a muscular pocket and marked

with metal clips and non-absorbable sutures. This
The KDOQI guidelines recommend parathyroid- method provides a predictable location and land-
ectomy for patients with severe hyperparathy- marks to identify recurrences, if any. Alternative
roidism (persistent serum levels of intact PTH methods include injection of finely minced para-
>800  pg/mL [88.0  pmol/L]), associated with thyroid tissue into the muscle or subcutaneous
hypercalcaemia and/or hyperphosphataemia that tissue using a specialised large-bore plastic nee-
are refractory to medical therapy for more than dle with the advantage being a simple procedure
6 months [30]. Other indictors include calciphy- performed through a small incision. However, in
laxis, osteoporosis (T-score >2.5 SD below the event of a recurrence, it may be difficult to
mean), pathological bone fracture and symptom- locate all the hypertrophic lesions, which may
atic hyperparathyroidism (such as pruritus, bone spread deep to and laterally in the muscle. In
pain, severe vascular calcifications and addition, wide or repeated resection of parathy-
myopathy). roid recurrences can result in significant loss of
muscle strength in the affected muscle. Another
advantage of reimplantation of parathyroid tissue
Surgical Technique at ectopic sites is ease of access, usually under
local anaesthetic, if there is a recurrence and
There are three surgical procedures used to treat reoperation is required. This avoids the risks
rHPT: total parathyroidectomy (TPX) alone, associated with re-exploration of the neck. This
TPX with autotransplantation and subtotal para- autoimplant typically takes 3–4 weeks to revas-
thyroidectomy. They are typically accompanied cularise and resume its function.
with bilateral cervical thymectomy to reduce the It is imperative that normal parathyroid tissue
risk of recurrence [31]. These operations are be autoimplanted instead of nodular parathyroid
accepted surgical treatment options for rHPT, tissue. This can be confirmed on direct visual
each with specific advantages and disadvantages, inspection of the parathyroid or with a stereomi-
but none has been shown to be superior to another croscope to look for fat-rich stroma and lobular
[32]. The most important factor that determines features. This is because graft-dependent recur-
the success of PTx is the experience of the rent hyperparathyroidism is associated with auto-
surgeon. transplantation of nodular hyperplastic tissue
Total parathyroidectomy alone involves compared to autotransplantation of diffusely
removal of all parathyroid glands with bilateral hyperplasic gland.
thymectomy. This operation has the lowest rate Subtotal parathyroidectomy is the removal of
of recurrent hyperparathyroidism but has the dis- 3½ parathyroid glands, leaving the remaining par-
advantage of permanent hypoparathyroidism. tial gland intact in its original anatomic location
Patients undergoing TPX alone would require with its blood supply. Typically, the most normal-
lifelong calcium and vitamin D replacement. It appearing gland in the superior position is
should not be performed in patients with the selected. Its advantages are minimising the period
potential for renal transplantation, as PTH is of post-operative hypoparathyroidism and risk of
required for normal graft function. Fluctuations permanent hypoparathyroidism. This is therefore
in calcium in these patients may cause urinary suitable for patients who might be kidney-trans-
calculus formation and further threaten the kid- plant candidates, as they need to reduce the risk of
ney transplant. permanent hypoparathyroidism and graft failure.
In TPX with autotransplantation, all four However, if there is a recurrence, there might be
glands are excised and half a gland is transplanted an increased risk of injury to the recurrent laryn-
into the brachioradialis muscle or deltoid muscle. geal nerve during reoperation.
Approximately 50 mg of normal-appearing para- The risks of PTx include recurrent
thyroid tissue is cut into small 1 mm pieces and laryngeal nerve injury (2%), haematoma requiring
22  Renal Hyperparathyroidism 289

re-exploration (<1%) and post-operative symptom- in ESRF patients who are eligible for surgery.
atic hungry bone syndrome (~90%). Recurrence is Early screening of CKD patients who meet the
dependant on the identification and removal of all criteria for surgery would thus reduce their risk
four parathyroids, presence of ectopic or mediasti- of surgery and improve overall outcomes for
nal parathyroids, parathyromatosis (caused by cap- these patients.
sular rupture of the parathyroid gland during
surgery) and removal of bilateral thymi. Conclusion
The most important post-operative complica- In conclusion, rHPT is a complex disease
tion of PTx especially in patients with high dialy- characterised by derangements in calcium,
sis vintages is the risk of hungry bone syndrome phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism. There
resulting in severe hypocalcaemia. This is typi- is a significant risk of skeletal and cardiovas-
cally treated with a combination of intravenous cular complications as a result of CKD-MBD,
calcium infusions, oral calcium replacement, which increases the risk of fractures and death.
vitamin D replacement with calcitriol and high- These complications can be screened and
calcium bath dialysis. treated expediently especially in CKD 3
A protocol-driven approach is shown to reduce patients. Medical treatment forms the main-
the morbidity associated with post-operative stay of treatment in the initial stages but
hypocalcaemia. This is achieved through preop- almost all patients progress to symptomatic
erative calcium and vitamin D loading, cessation hyperparathyroidism without kidney trans-
of calcimimetics and phosphate binders and plantation. For patients who are fit for surgery,
establishing central line access for high-dose cal- parathyroidectomy provides the best long-
cium infusions. Intraoperatively, standardised term outcome in terms of improvement in
calcium infusions are initiated once parathyroid symptoms and overall mortality. Hence, early
glands are removed and infusion rates are then screening of CKD patients who meet the crite-
titrated post-operatively according to protocol. ria for surgery would reduce their risk of sur-
Oral calcium and calcitriol are adjusted post- gery and improve overall outcomes for these
operatively to reduce the need for intravenous patients.
calcium infusions, potentially reducing length of
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Revision Parathyroidectomy
Anatoliy V. Rudin and Geoffrey Thompson

Goals ease after initial operation, having been reported as

high as 30% in some series [1–6]. If hyperparathy-
The objective of this chapter is to discuss the eval- roidism does not resolve postoperatively or recurs
uation of recurrent and persistent hyperparathy- within a 6-month period the patient is considered
roidism, including definition, etiology, diagnosis, to have persistent disease. If a patient has a pre-
indications for reoperation, preoperative planning, sumed postoperative cure and hyperparathyroid-
localization studies, and operative strategies. ism recurs after 6 months, the patient is considered
to have recurrent disease. Persistent PHPT is more
common than recurrent, and is usually the result of
Introduction a missed adenoma by a less than experienced
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is the most
common cause of hypercalcemia in the outpa-
tient setting. As a result of excessive and autono- Etiology
mous parathyroid hormone production, the
majority of cases are sporadic, with approxi- The reasons for recurrent or persistent disease
mately 80–85% of patients presenting with a can be associated with multiple factors, including
single-adenoma, multiglandular hyperplasia in failure to find abnormal adenoma, inadequate
10–15%, double adenoma in 2–5%, and parathy- surgical resection, and inaccurate diagnosis (fail-
roid cancer in <1%. ure to find, failure to treat, failure to diagnose). In
PHPT is biochemically diagnosed, and a surgi- addition, studies have demonstrated that a sur-
cal cure rate can be achieved in up to 95–97% of geon’s experience can have a major impact on
cases in nonfamilial, nonmalignant cases. operative success rate [2, 7–9]. Moreover, the
Postoperatively, patients are considered cured if risk of recurrent or persistent disease is increased
they maintain normal calcium levels 6  months in patients with multigland disease, familiar syn-
after parathyroidectomy. However, 1–10% of dromes, and parathyroid carcinoma [7].
patients may develop persistent or recurrent dis-

Missed Adenoma
G. Thompson (*) · A. V. Rudin
Endocrine Surgery, Mayo Clinic, The majority of patients reviewed in literature for
Rochester, MN, USA
e-mail:; reoperative hyperparathyroidism were discov- ered to have a missed adenoma as the most com-

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 293

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
294 A. V. Rudin and G. Thompson

Fig. 23.1 Preoperative
parathyroid surgeries at
Mayo. Number and
anatomic location of
abnormal glands
removed at preoperative
parathyroid surgery Normal (83)
(Thompson [1], image
modified) Intrathyroidal (7)
sheath (6)
trachial (3)

Retroesophageal (2)

Mediastinum (8)

mon reason for both persistent and recurrent Multiple Adenomas

diseases [9, 10]. During reoperation, the majority
of adenomas have been found in their expected The incidence of multiple adenomas ranges from
anatomic location, with the inferior parathyroid 2 to 12% in various studies [14]. Failure to iden-
gland contributing to more variability [1, 9, 11]. tify multiple adenomas on preoperative imaging
If a parathyroid is not in the expected location, it may lead to focused unilateral exploration
is considered ectopic. Ectopic adenomas vary by instead of the warranted bilateral exploration,
location and contribute to persistent or recurrent which can lead to inadequate tissue resection
PHPT in reoperative cases [1, 2, 7, 8] (Fig. 23.1). and postoperative hyperparathyroidism (HPT).
Most common ectopic locations are the thymus In addition, the recurrence rate of HPT is higher
(17–26%) and paraesophageal regions (28%), among patients with double adenoma compared
followed by mediastinum (27%), intrathyroidal to single adenoma [6], suggesting the possibility
(4–10%), pterygopalatine fossa (2–9%), and of early asymmetric hyperplasia. The use of
within the carotid sheath (3.6–9%) [1, 7, 9, 12, intraoperative PTH with preoperative ultrasound
13]. Uncommon locations include the aortopul- and sestamibi may assist in detecting double
monary window (5%), and anterior to the tra- adenomas and ensuring that adequate resection
chea [7]. is performed [14].
23  Revision Parathyroidectomy 295

Moreover, supernumerary glands have been requires en bloc resection of the tumor along with
detected in up to 13% of random autopsies, and other involved structures as indicated.
can occur in a small subset of cases, especially in
patients with MEN syndromes and up to 30% of
patients with renal hyperparathyroidism [15, 16]. Local Recurrence
If not detected on preoperative imaging this can
lead to operative failure especially in the pres- Local recurrence of disease can be seen in the
ence of hyperplasia or cancer. context of malignant disease or benign parathy-
romatosis. The most common is recurrence due
to hypertrophy or hyperplasia of small benign
Parathyroid Hyperplasia nodules of parathyroid tissue at previous resec-
tion sites due to tumor spillage. It is imperative to
Parathyroid hyperplasia occurs in approximately ensure delicate handling of the parathyroid gland
15% of patients with PHPT; however, it is and avoid capsular rupture [20].
responsible for approximately 38% of reopera-
tions [7, 12]. This suggests incomplete resection
at the initial operation with continued growth of Incorrect Diagnosis
the remaining hyperplasic tissue. Failure is
therefore attributed to inadequate tissue resec- Operating for the incorrect diagnosis is another
tion of tissue and failure to diagnose multigland cause for failure [2]. One commonly reported
hyperplasia preoperatively or intraoperatively. reason is benign familial hypocalciuric hypercal-
The usual treatment involves bilateral explora- cemia (FHH) [21]. This hereditary disease should
tion with subtotal or total parathyroidectomy be suspected in patients with inappropriately nor-
with autotransplantation. mal PTH concentration in the presence of mild
hypercalcemia, and a positive family history.
These patients have had lifelong hypercalcemia.
Parathyroid Carcinoma It is important to distinguish FHH from PHPT
because FHH does not require parathyroidec-
Rare causes of recurrent or persistent disease tomy. Testing for the calcium-sensing receptor
include parathyroid carcinoma, which accounts mutation is diagnostic. Other causes for incorrect
for 0.4–4% of PHPT cases [17, 18]. The majority diagnosis include the use of lithium or thiazide
of recurrent disease is within the neck; however, diuretics.
metastases to lungs and bones do occur [19].
Suspicion of parathyroid carcinoma should be
considered preoperatively by a thorough history Preoperative Diagnosis
and physical examination, including excessively and Planning
high preoperative calcium and PTH levels, a pal-
pable mass, and positive family history of para- When patients present for evaluation of persistent
thyroid carcinoma. However, the majority of or recurrent hyperparathyroidism, it is imperative
patients with parathyroid cancer are not diag- to review the patient’s old records and reestablish
nosed preoperatively [18]. When parathyroid car- the initial diagnosis. Patients should have a thor-
cinoma is recognized, most authors recommend ough history, physical examination, and repeat
en bloc resection (parathyroid, thyroid, RLN, and biochemical confirmation, including serum cal-
lymph nodes), although up to 78% of patients cium, PTH, creatinine, and 24-h urine to rule out
were treated with simple parathyroidectomy in FHH.  Once the diagnosis has been established,
one study [18]. Overall, given the high local the indications for reoperation should be guided
recurrence rate, recognition of parathyroid carci- by the current NIH guidelines [22]. Reoperative
noma is imperative. Parathyroid carcinoma success is reduced as compared to first-time
296 A. V. Rudin and G. Thompson

operation with both increased morbidity and cost. or more concordant imaging studies should be
Therefore, the risks associated with reoperation obtained prior to proceeding with a reoperation
have to be weighed. These risks include higher [5]. Currently, the optimal imaging modality or
incidence of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, combinations thereof have not been established
permanent hypoparathyroidism, and increased [28].
rates of failure to cure [7, 13, 23, 24].
Once the diagnosis and indication for reopera-
tion have been established, it is important to Noninvasive Localization
review prior operative notes to determine the
extent of surgery, how many parathyroid glands Sestamibi Scintigraphy
were identified and removed, if the recurrent
laryngeal nerve (RLN) was visualized, and the Sestamibi parathyroid scintigraphy has been
intraoperative PTH values if available. If the established as cost effective, reliable, and the first
operative report is unclear, attempts should be choice for localization of abnormal parathyroid
made to contact the operative surgeon. Also, the tissue [29, 30]. It utilizes technetium-99m-­
pathology report and slides need to be reviewed methoxyisobutylisonitrile (99mTc sestamibi),
to verify the histopathology. Evaluation of con- which is absorbed and retained longer by the
cordance with previous localization studies is parathyroid tissue than thyroid [31]. Studies have
very helpful. demonstrated 64–88% sensitivity for detecting a
Given the increased risk of injury to the recur- single adenoma and 98.9% specificity [31–33].
rent laryngeal nerve with reoperation, preopera- However, 99mTc sestamibi has been associated
tive vocal cord check should be performed in all with false-negative rates up to 25%, which is
cases considered for reoperation. Studies have more common in patients with multigland dis-
shown that patients with recurrent laryngeal ease, small adenomas, nodular thyroid disease,
nerve palsy have reconstitution of function in the and normocalcemia [31]. At our institution, we
majority of cases at 6 months, and up to 2 years utilize I123 in addition to sestamibi, performing a
[25]. Therefore, in a patient with a known vocal subtraction scan along with SPECT and planar
cord palsy from prior surgery, up to 6  months imaging, providing better accuracy (Figs.  23.2
should be allowed for recovery before consider- and 23.3).
ing reoperation. Additional injury to the contra-
lateral recurrent laryngeal nerve can result in
greater morbidity, including the need for trache- Ultrasound
ostomy. The status of RLN may, therefore, impact
the decision-making process and should be Ultrasonography is a relatively inexpensive, non-
weighed heavily. invasive, readily available localization tool with
good sensitivity when done by experienced oper-
ators, and can be used in reoperative cases to
Localization Studies localize a parathyroid adenoma (Fig.  23.4) [1].
The sensitivity of ultrasound for detecting a sin-
Multiple studies have shown that preoperative gle adenoma ranges from 61 to 92% of patients
localization improves outcomes, reduces morbid- [32]. The sensitivity can be increased with con-
ity, decreases operative time, and is essential current fine-needle aspiration for cytology and
when treating recurrent or persistent hyperpara- washout PTH levels. Studies have shown that a
thyroidism [12, 26]. Increased failure rates can be combination of neck ultrasound and 99mTC ses-
seen in patients with non-localizing studies [27]. tamibi increases sensitivity to greater than 90%
In general, localization studies can be divided for localizing an adenoma [32]. However, ultra-
into two categories: noninvasive and invasive. sound is limited because it is operator dependent,
Noninvasive studies should be done before con- with a sensitivity range of 33–92%, and has
sidering invasive studies. Typically, at least two reduced success in detecting ectopic adenomas,
23  Revision Parathyroidectomy 297

Fig. 23.2 Sestamibi
scan demonstrating left
a b c
inferior parathyroid
gland adenoma on
subtraction view (c). The
left and right oblique
images are concordant
with a left inferior
Pertechnetate Sestamibi Subtraction

d e




Fig. 23.3  Sestamibi with sagittal SEPCT shows an intra-

thymic left inferior parathyroid adenoma in the anterior

especially in the presence of thyroid nodules and Fig. 23.4  Neck ultrasound demonstrating single parathy-
those within the mediastinum [32, 34]. roid adenoma

esophagus, thyroid, thymus, and carotid artery.

 ingle-Photon Emission Computed
S However, SPECT imaging can still fall short
Tomography with multiglandular disease [31].

Single-photon emission computed tomography

(SPECT) can be a useful adjunct to sestamibi, Four-Dimensional Computed
especially in detecting ectopic adenomas. Both Tomography
modalities can be combined for increased sen-
sitivity [31, 35]. In patients undergoing reop- 4D CT can be helpful when there are equivocal or
eration, sensitivity can be improved from 79.5 negative conventional imaging findings [36]. One
to 87% for adenoma detection [31]. In addi- study looked at 45 patients undergoing reoperative
tion, SPECT provides higher resolution images parathyroidectomy and found that 4D CT had an
and additional tomography aids in mapping the 88% sensitivity compared to 54% with sestamibi
relationship of the abnormal parathyroid to the [37]. The main disadvantage of this test is the
surrounding structures, including trachea, increased radiation exposure and contrast load.
298 A. V. Rudin and G. Thompson

Fig. 23.5  CT scan demonstrating a left parathyroid adenoma along the left posterolateral border of the cervical esopha-
gus (arterial phase, 2 mm slices, adenoma measured 8 × 4 × 14 mm)

Computed Tomography equivocal or negative imaging studies that clearly

need reoperation. Selective venous sampling is
Computed tomography has been shown to be the most commonly utilized invasive study.
helpful in identifying ectopic adenomas However, with advent of new imaging modalities
(Fig. 23.5), particularly in the mediastinum, with and improvement in radiology techniques, this is
an overall sensitivity from 46 to 87%. indicated far less frequently. Selective venous
sampling of cervical and mediastinal veins can
help focus the extent of dissection when a gradi-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ent is identified in relation to the value in a
peripheral vein.
The role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
is very similar to that of a CT scan. Magnetic
resonance has a reported sensitivity and positive Selective Venous Sampling
predictive value of 79.9% and 84.7%, respec-
tively. Moreover, addition of MRI to sestamibi This modality is the most common invasive tech-
and ultrasound has been shown to increase sen- nique utilized for localizing parathyroid glands;
sitivity to 91.5% [38]. The drawbacks of MRI however, it is time consuming and expensive
include higher cost, patient tolerance, and [39]. It requires catheterization of perithyroidal
availability. and mediastinal veins under fluoroscopic guid-
ance with subsequent measurement of PTH hor-
mone levels. These levels are then analyzed and
Invasive Localization compared to the contralateral neck and mediasti-
nal samples as well as a peripheral sample to
Invasive localization studies are indicated when determine the region involved. More recently,
noninvasive studies have failed to reveal the interventionalist can obtain samples from smaller
pathology. Since there is increased risk associ- venous branches to increase sensitivity, with the
ated with an invasive procedure, these should be sampling method referred to as “super selective”
reserved for select patients who have biochemi- venous sampling (sSVS) [39]. The adenoma will
cally confirmed hyperparathyroidism with typically be localized in an area with twice the
23  Revision Parathyroidectomy 299

PTH values compared to peripheral levels. In a Operative Management

single-institutional study, sensitivity and positive
predictive values of 86% and 93%, respectively, Reoperation for persistent or recurrent hyper-
were achieved using sSVS [39]. Prior surgery parathyroidism can be successful in 89–95% of
and subsequent venous remodeling, however, can cases with proper preoperative localization stud-
negatively impact the results [39]. ies and a focused approach [12, 44]. It is impor-
tant to plan the reoperation based on localization
studies, previous surgical dissection, and knowl-
Nonoperative Ablation Therapies edge of parathyroid embryology. The operative
approach is tailored according to the location of
Angiographic Embolization disease, neck versus mediastinum, and the pathol-
ogy, solitary versus multigland. Intraoperative
Angiographic catheter ablation has been laryngeal nerve monitoring is recommended in
reported for some mediastinal glands with rea- hopes of reducing the risk of RLN injury. Patients
sonable outcomes and cure rates of up to 60% should only be considered for reoperation when
[40]. It is especially useful in patients with pre- NIH guidelines are met or the patient has symp-
viously failed neck surgery and the risk of tomatic disease (kidney stones, fragility frac-
increased operative morbidity. The technique tures, pancreatitis, hypercalcemic crisis).
involves insertion of catheter in the feeding
artery branch and chemically ablating the ade-
noma. Contrast media and ethanol have been Focused Neck Exploration
reported [40]. Peripheral nerve symptoms,
bradycardia, and renal failure have been seen. In The most common reason for revision parathy-
addition, there is a risk of possible embolic roidectomy is a missed adenoma. If confirmed on
complications [40]. preoperative evaluation, the previous neck incision
can be used in most cases [9, 10, 12]. Often, the
parathyroid glands can be approached through
Percutaneous Ethanol Injection either a central or a lateral neck approach. Utilizing
the central approach, the dissection is carried out
Percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) has been through the previously operated field with the dis-
reported as a treatment modality in patients with advantage of having to deal with a scarred field.
both primary and secondary hyperparathyroid- The central approach usually provides the easiest
ism, either with remnant or graft-dependent tis- route to the inferior parathyroid glands, especially
sue or in those at high surgical risk [41]. if intrathymic. The lateral approach is best suited
Following washout confirmation, the therapy to access the superior parathyroid glands. The lat-
involves insertion of an ultrasound-guided nee- eral approach can be done using the previous cer-
dle and injection of 95% ethanol into the target vical incision. Dissection is carried out lateral to
parathyroid tissue. Additional treatment sessions the median raphe, between the strap muscles and
can be performed as needed [41, 42]. the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Complications of REI include pain, hematoma, The strap muscles are retracted medially and the
transient laryngeal nerve palsy, as well as perma- sternocleidomastoid laterally. The omohyoid mus-
nent palsy [42, 43]. The overall success has been cle can be divided to gain exposure to the carotid
reported anywhere from 35 to 80% [42]. Ethanol sheath, which is retracted laterally to expose to the
injection has been associated with fibrosis and tracheoesophageal groove (Fig.  23.6a, b). The
can negatively impact subsequent reoperations if recurrent laryngeal nerve should be identified
ever indicated [43]. This approach should only prior to gland removal. In case of an undescended
be used in select cases. parathyroid adenoma, a direct approach can be
300 A. V. Rudin and G. Thompson

Strap muscles
(Note medial

parathyroid b
TE groove


Normal inferior parathyroid

Fig. 23.6 (a) Reoperation for a superior parathyroid muscles. (b) Lateral approach for a reoperative case
adenoma. Lateral approach is used using the previous col- showing a superior adenoma located in the tracheoesoph-
lar incision, developing a plane between the anterior bor- ageal groove
der or sternocleidomastoid and lateral border of strap

used (Fig.  23.7). This can be achieved using a

transverse incision either over the carotid bifurca-
tion or along the anterior border of sternocleido-
mastoid. The hypoglossal nerve courses deep to
the adenoma and should be carefully avoided dur- L. inf.
ing dissection. undescended

Bilateral Neck Exploration

Multigland parathyroid hyperplasia is responsi-

ble for hyperparathyroidism in approximately
15% of cases [7, 12]. If preoperative evaluation
and workup suggest multiglandular disease, the Fig. 23.7  Shows an undescended parathyroid adenoma
anterior to the carotid bifurcation
goal with reoperation is to remove most of the
residual disease. The surgical options include
day after surgery if PTH levels indicate normal
bilateral exploration or directed approach with
functioning tissue in the neck.
either subtotal or total parathyroidectomy with
autotransplantation or cryopreservation.
Autotransplantation can be performed subcuta- Mediastinal Disease
neously in the anterior chest wall or intramuscu-
larly in the forearm brachioradialis muscle. The The rate of mediastinal adenomas accounts for
advantage of the subcutaneous route is that the up to 27% of reoperative cases [7, 9, 12, 13]. In
parathyroid tissue can be removed at bedside the most instances, these represent inferior parathy-
23  Revision Parathyroidectomy 301

roid glands that have descended into the chest PTH and frozen section. Frozen section is useful
during the embryologic development. In one when there is uncertainty regarding tissue
series, they evaluated 38 patients that underwent removal. If intraoperative frozen section is not
revision parathyroidectomy via median sternot- available, intraoperative specimen FNA with
omy for parathyroid adenomas [45]. In those washout IOPTH has been reported as a possible
patients 47% of the adenomas were located in the alternative.
thymus, in 21% it was found in the anterior medi-
astinum, 24% para-aortic, and 5% pericardial
[45]. The approach to mediastinal disease can be Autotransplantation
based on the relationship to the aortic arch. When and Cryopreservation
the adenoma is located above the aortic arch, it
can generally be approach through the previous One of the most common complications after a
collar incision. If it is located below the aortic parathyroidectomy is hypocalcemia, and in most
arch and deep in the mediastinum, a median ster- instances this is a transient phenomenon; how-
notomy either total or partial may be required [1, ever a small subset of patients develop perma-
3, 9, 12]. More recently, minimally invasive tech- nent hypocalcemia and require long-term
niques for ectopic mediastinal parathyroidec- calcium and vitamin D supplementation [48].
tomy have been reported. The techniques utilized The decision has to be made intraoperatively if
include video and robotic assisted thoracoscopy, autotransplantation should be carried out. If a
the transcervical approach with a Cooper retrac- patient had a total parathyroidectomy or if there
tor, and mediastinoscopy [46]. A retrospective is a question of remaining parathyroid tissue,
review showed comparable outcomes between autotransplantation should be performed.
minimally invasive and open techniques, but with Autotransplanted parathyroid tissue is success-
significantly shorter hospital stays for minimally ful in reestablishing meaningful function in
invasive approaches [46]. approximately 80% of cases when performed at
the time of re-exploration.
Cryopreservation should be considered in
Intraoperative Adjuncts reoperative cases with the goal of providing a
treatment option for patients experiencing per-
There are multiple intraoperative adjuncts that manent hypocalcemia after reoperation [49, 50].
can be utilized to help locate the adenoma. However, the practice of cryopreservation has
These adjuncts include methylene blue injec- been decreasing as compared to the past, and is
tion, intraoperative ultrasound, IOPTH, radio- selectively practiced. In general it is considered
guided sestamibi scanning, bilateral jugular costly and time consuming, with limited success
venous sampling, and frozen section. However, [49, 51]. Cryopreserved parathyroid grafts can
the majority of patients should have preopera- regain functionality in anywhere from 8 to 83%
tive localization with two or more concordant of reported cases [51, 52]. The success of func-
studies before proceeding with reoperation, thus tion is dependent on multiple factors, including
avoiding the need for some of these techniques. cryopreservation, thawing, and autotransplanta-
Intravenous methylene blue injection has been tion techniques [49, 51]. In one study, of all the
reported as an adjunct to localize parathyroid patients who had cryopreserved tissue, only 1%
glands intraoperatively [47]. However, it has required delayed autotransplantation. Thus,
untoward side effects, including neurotoxic given the low utility of cryopreserved tissue and
sequelae, pseudocyanosis, pseudohypoxia, and the variable success of delayed autotransplant,
temporary urine discoloration [47]. The efficacy cryopreservation should be considered on a case-
of this adjunct in the context of other techniques by-­case basis as well as institutional availability.
has not been proven [47]. However, we do find Subcutaneous autotransplantation is our pre-
that the most useful adjuncts are intraoperative ferred option (Fig. 23.8).
302 A. V. Rudin and G. Thompson

< 6 months-Persistent
> 6 months-Recurrent

Preoperative Assessment

1. Re-establish diagnosis and

indication for reoperation.
2. Review operative reports, prior
imaging studies, pathology
reports and slides.
3. Assess vocal cord function.
If diagnosis not established or
4. Weigh risk vs benefits of imaging studies are negative
reassess again in 1 year.
*Consider Cinacalcet

At least two concordant studies
should be obtained prior to

Noninvasive studies include neck Invasive studies should be reserved

ultrasound and sestamibi, 4DCT, or for select cases. Selective venous
MRI. (US and FNA for PTH washout sampling and arteriography can be
can be useful to confirm adenoma) used.

Operative Intervention

Single adenoma Multiglandular disease Mediastinal

Plan for focused neck exploration Plan for bilateral neck exploration Plan for transcervical, minimally
with either central or lateral with either subtotal vs completion invasive or median sternotomy
approach. parathyroidectomy plus depending on location of the gland.
autotransplantation Video assisted thoracoscopy

Intraoperative adjuncts include IOPTH (a 50% drop from baseline and

return to normal range indicative of cure). Frozen section to confirm

Fig. 23.8  Approach to patients with recurrent or persistent hyperparathyroidism

Conclusion should be made by analyzing the patient’s

Persistent and recurrent hyperparathyroidism risk/benefit ratio. The patient record should be
can occur after initial parathyroidectomy. The thoroughly reviewed and at least two concor-
best practise is to avoid reoperation by opti- dant localizing studies should be obtained
mizing the success of the initial operation. prior to proceeding with reoperation. There
Reoperation is associated with increased mor- are multiple approaches available for reinter-
bidity and cost, and the decision to reoperate vention and should be tailored for each patient.
23  Revision Parathyroidectomy 303

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Parathyroid Carcinoma:
Current Concepts 24
Roma Pradhan, Sabaretnam Mayilvaganan,
and Amit Agarwal

Parathyroid cancer is a rare tumor accounting for also parathyroid carcinoma. Oncogenes play a
less than 1% of primary hyperparathyroidism [1]. role in the development of parathyroid tumors
De Quervain in 1904 described the first case of that include the CCND1/PRAD1 oncogene [4–8]
parathyroid carcinoma which was nonfunctioning. and MEN1 tumor-suppressor gene. While these
mutations have been shown in a third of parathy-
roid adenomas, rarely have they been seen in
Etiology and Pathogenesis parathyroid cancer.

Largely unknown though few reports of parathy-

roid hyperplasia transforming to PC in long- Germline Predisposition
standing secondary HPT are there. Other risk
factors may be prior neck irradiation and genetic It is important for clinicians to consider underly-
predisposition as seen in HPT-JT syndrome, ing genetic cause.
MEN1, 2A, and isolated familial HPT. It must be Patients with germline HRPT2 mutations
remembered that HRPT2 gene mutation is an develop parathyroid carcinomas especially in
early event in the development of parathyroid about 15% of patients with hyperparathyroidism
carcinoma. The origins of parathyroid cancer jaw-tumor syndrome (HPT-JT) and a small sub-
have been a subject of debate but recent evidence set of families with familial isolated hyperpara-
suggests that these cancers originate de novo [2] thyroidism [9]. The HRPT2 gene encodes the
rather than progression from a benign adenoma protein parafibromin. HPRT2 mutations are com-
or hyperplastic glands, which is extremely rare. monly seen in parathyroid carcinoma but uncom-
Parathyroid tumors can be both monoclonal and mon in adenomas [10]. Another gene that has
polyclonal in origin [3]. A significant monoclo- been postulated to play a role in malignant trans-
nal component has been shown in MEN1-related formation of the parathyroid gland includes loss
familial parathyroid tumors, nonfamilial parathy- of function of retinoblastoma (RB1) tumor-sup-
roid hyperplasia, renal parathyroid disease, and pressor gene [11] in a secondary fashion.

R. Pradhan
Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical
Preoperative Diagnosis of PC
Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
There are no absolute clinical or biochemical
S. Mayilvaganan · A. Agarwal (*)
Department of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, features diagnostic of parathyroid carcinoma.
Lucknow, UP, India However, there is evidence in literature about

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 307

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
308 R. Pradhan et al.

some features which may suggest a high index of 10. Imaging: On USG or CT PC may have ill-
suspicion of parathyroid carcinoma, prompting defined margins and signs of invasion of sur-
the surgeon to consider it in differential rounding structures as well as LN metastasis
diagnosis. [25]. Typically PC are lobulated, hypoechoic,
and relatively large and with ill-defined bor-
1. Serum Calcium: Though the review by Talat ders [26–29]. In a retrospective study 69
and Schulte [12] suggested that calcium can- patients with parathyroid lesions larger than
not be taken as a surrogate parameter for PC, 15 mm were evaluated by ultrasound. A high
there is evidence in literature to suggest that positive predictive value (PPV) for cancer
unlike mild hypercalcemia of benign PHPT, was identified for infiltration (PPV 100%)
serum calcium levels are generally much and calcification (PPV 100%) and a high
higher(3–4  mg/dL) above the upper unit of negative predictive value (NPV) was found
normal [13–15]. for the absence of suspicious vascularity
2. PTH is elevated 4.5-fold above the upper (NPVV 97.6%), a thick capsule (NPV
normal limit as compared to benign PHPT 96.7%), and inhomogeneity (NPV 100%).
[12] where PTH is usually less than twice The investigators concluded that in parathy-
normal, except in these cases of benign roid lesions larger than 15 mm, USG for spe-
PHPT presenting as OFC, especially seen in cific features provides a valuable tool to
developing countries. identify parathyroid cancers before surgery
3. ALP levels are also much higher in parathy- [26]. M1B1 cannot distinguish between
roid carcinoma except in these cases of benign and malignant PHPT.
benign PHPT presenting as OFC, especially 11. FNA of primary lesions should be avoided as
seen in developing countries [12, 16]. it has been associated with tumor seeding of
4. Newer makes like urinary α-β subunit of needle tract [30]. FNA cytology will not be
HCG may be elevated in parathyroid carci- able to distinguish benign from malignant
noma [17, 18]. PHPT [31].
5. There is evidence in literature [9] that renal
involvement (nephrocalcinosis and/or There is no evidence to show that age and gen-
decreased GFR) is seen in one-third of der can be of help in distinguishing between
patients whereas osteitis fibrosa cystica is benign and malignant PHPT. It should be noted
seen in another one-third patients. More that in patients who present with severe/advanced
importantly, concomitant bone and renal dis- PHPT as is commonly seen in developing coun-
ease is seen in at least 50% of patients of tries [32] distinction between benign and malig-
parathyroid carcinoma unlike benign PHPT nant parathyroid disease is even more difficult on
where simultaneous involvement is distinctly the basis of profound hypercalcemia/hyperpara-
unusual. thyroidism, concomitant renal and bone disease,
6. Similarly the incidence of recurrent pancre- or a palpable neck mass.
atitis, peptic ulcer, and anemia is higher in
PC as compared to benign PHPT.
7. More patients of PC are likely to present Intraoperative Pathology
with hypercalcemic crisis (10%) [19, 20]
than benign PHPT. In the absence of local invasion or regional
8. A palpable neck mass has been observed in metastasis, intraoperative diagnosis of PC can be
70% of patients with PC [15, 21, 22]. difficult. Frozen section analysis is of little value
9. Clinical features like RLN palsy, lymph and is unreliable [11]. In the analysis by Koea
node metastasis, and distant metastasis in a and Shaw [19] of the 358 patients intraoperative
patient with PHPT are sine qua non of para- diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma was made
thyroid carcinoma [23, 24]. only in 178 patients based on local invasion
24  Parathyroid Carcinoma: Current Concepts 309

(ipsilateral thyroid gland in 89%, strap muscles Okamoto et al. [40] consider capsular invasion as
in 71%, RLN in 26%, esophagus in 18%, and tra- the most important feature.
chea in 17%) and in 46 patients on the basis of Obara et al. [41]: Mitotic rate is a good predictor.
dense fibrous capsule. Chang et  al. [42]: Fibrous trabeculae, capsular
and vascular invasion.
Mckeown et  al. [38] and Bondeson [39]: Don’t
Histopathology rely on above features but rely on cellular
atypia and macronuclear pleomorphism.
1. Intraoperative findings: The following find-
ings help to make an intraoperative diagnosis The best predictors of malignant histology
of parathyroid carcinoma: were presence of invasion, a fibrotic capsule, and
(a) Lobulated, firm/stony-hard parathyroid nuclear atypia [43]. In another study [42]
mass [33] presence of vascular or capsular invasion and
(b) Presence of a dense, grayish-white fibrous fibrosis trabeculae was the most common indica-
capsule that tenaciously adheres to sur- tor of malignancy. Thus there is overall consen-
rounding structures [33] sus that the overall histological pattern is much
(c) Gross infiltration of adjacent thyroid, more useful than relying on a single histological
RLN, strap muscles, and esophagus [34] feature.
(d) Enlarged central compartment (level VI) In the review by Talat and Schulte [12], results
or lateral neck nodes of all five commonly used HPE criteria were:
(e) Size of the PC has been reported to range
from 0.75 to >6 cm [35, 36] Fibrous lesions 100/206 (49%)
Capsular invasion 149/177 (84%)
Histological Features Vascular invasion 113/167 (68%)
Infiltration into adjacent tissue 96/186 (52%)
In the absence of gross intraoperative finding Lymph nodes 27/43 (63%)
suggestive of parathyroid carcinoma, histopatho-
logical distinction between benign and malignant The authors concluded that in these 330
parathyroid tumors is difficult. Schantz and patients there was no significant homogeneity of
Cattlemen [37] proposed the set of criteria which distribution of pathology findings.
are (1) uniform sheets of chief cells arranged in a
lobular pattern separated by dense fibrous trabec-
ulae, (2) capsular or vascular invasion, and (3) Impact of HPE Features on Outcome
mitotic figures with tumor parenchymal cells that
must be distinguished from endothelial cell mito- Only Talat and Schulte [12] studied the factual
ses. However these have been challenged by outcome relevance of individual criteria. Presence
many authors. Mckeown et  al. [38] pointed out of fibrous bands and local invasion is associated
that cellular pleomorphism and atypia are not with lower recurrence and mortality rate at
reliable indicators of malignancy in endocrine 5  years overall. In stark contrast, vascular inva-
tumors. Similarly, invasion has to be assessed sion carries a fourfold higher risk to experience
carefully as nests of parathyroid tumor within the death or recurrence at 5  years and 2.8/2.6-fold
capsule of the gland may represent benign higher risk over all recurrence and death.
Similarly a multicenter study of 56 carcino-
mas by Bondenon [39] found that mitotic activity Ultrastructural Features
was variable and fibrous band pattern was not
present in 20%. Thus different authors consider Electron microscopy is not much useful in diag-
different criteria: nosing PC [44].
310 R. Pradhan et al.

Flow cytometric analysis can be of some value • The third problem relates to the high rate of
in diagnosing PC based on higher nuclear DNA locoregional recurrence and death in parathy-
content and an aneuploidy pattern [45]. However roid cancer patients, even when an en bloc
aneuploidy occurs frequently in parathyroid ade- resection had been performed.
nomas as well; hence this technique is not of
much use in differentiating benign and malignant
disease [46]. Staging

Shaha and Shah proposed a staging system based

Immunohistochemical Staining on tumor size, extent of local invasion, presence of
LN, and distant metastasis [23]. When the authors
A number of immunohistochemical markers for of a multicentric study [12] applied Shaha’s system
malignant potential in parathyroid tumors have to 185 patients, they found that the increased stages
been studied to complement the histopathological in Shaha’s system did not indicate a progressive
examination; however, only few have displayed worsening of the prognosis and thus cast doubt on
the sensitivity and specificity that are needed. the usefulness of this staging system. The authors
Initial studies focused on immunohistochemical attempted to construct a staging system based on
analyses of well-established proteins controlling increased local and locoregional aggressiveness and
the cell cycle process as well as apoptosis such as excluded size as a criterion. When Villar-del-Moral
p53, RB gene, and Ki67 [47–49]. However, these et  al. [59] applied the above staging system pro-
markers showed low sensitivity and specificity. posed by Talat and Schulte [12] they found that RFS
Subsequently promising markers like parafibro- and DSS were best predicted by this staging system
min, APC, galectin-3, and PGP 9.5 expression as compared to Shaha’s classification system.
were studied [50–54]. The use of parafibromin The clinical management of a common clini-
immunostaining in the differential diagnosis of cal scenario where the diagnosis of PC is made
parathyroid tumors was first introduced by Tan postoperatively for a patient who had undergone
et al. [55] who reported a diagnostic value of 96% a simple parathyroidectomy for a benign pathol-
for sensitivity and 99% for specificity. However, ogy is controversial. Some authors consider a re-
subsequent studies could not replicate the high exploration while others do not recommend
sensitivity and specificity that are needed [56, 57]. re-exploration. The indicators of re-exploration
Detection of gelatinase A mRNA in PC looks suggested by various authors [13, 35, 60] are:
promising [58].
• Gross characteristic of the lesion typical of a
Management • HP features with aggressive features like cap-
sular and vascular invasion
There are still some unresolved issues in surgical • Patient remains hypercalcemia
management of parathyroid carcinoma because • In an article by Christine et  al. [61], O’Neill
this disease presents the clinician with three diagnosis of PC was made postoperatively in
essential difficulties. seven patients who had undergone a simple
parathyroidectomy. Despite re-exploration with
• The first problem is recognizing the presence further radical surgery (unilateral thyroid lobec-
and extent of malignant parathyroid disease tomy and lymphadenectomy) in six patients, no
prior to surgery, i.e., a correct surgical staging. further malignancy was identified in any speci-
• The second problem relates to the choice of men. Also it has not been proven that the thyroid
the surgical approach. Even when cancer is lobectomy gives an advantage in preventing
diagnosed pre- or intraoperatively, there is no local recurrence and increasing OS when thy-
agreement on the extent of surgery. roid lobe is clearly not involved [62].
24  Parathyroid Carcinoma: Current Concepts 311

• One approach may be to reserve radical reop-  he Extent of Resection: En Bloc or

eration to patients with evidence of HRPT2 Simple Parathyroidectomy (Table 24.1)
mutation (parafibromin-negative, PGP9.5- Most authors agree that bilateral neck explora-
positive pattern of staining). For patients with- tion with examination of all PTG should be rou-
out evidence of HRPT2 mutation, further tinely performed, to exclude the presence of
radical surgery may not be mandated if there parathyroid hyperplasia even though carcinoma
is no macroscopic impression of residual dis- of multiple glands is exceedingly rare [64]. One
ease [63]. important precaution to observe is to avoid rup-
ture of gland capsule. In HPT-JT syndrome all
parathyroid glands should be explored but pro-
 urgical Management: There Are
S phylactic parathyroidectomy is not recom-
Following Unresolved Issues: mended. Now there are reports that suggest that
MIP can be safely performed in parathyroid car-
• What should be the extent of resection: en cinoma and that if parathyroid carcinoma diagno-
bloc or simple parathyroidectomy? sis is made after performing MIP then routine
• What should be the extent of lymph node reoperation may be avoided but for certain
resection? situations.
• What are the predictive factors of recurrence Second controversial issue is whether to per-
and cause specific mortality? form an en bloc resection or limited resection.
• What are the indications of re-exploration fol- Surgical resection is the only curative treatment
lowing histopathological diagnosis of para- for patients with parathyroid cancer and the two
thyroid carcinoma in an unsuspected case? most commonly performed resections are simple
• What are the immunohistochemical mark- tumor excision (parathyroidectomy) and en bloc
ers that can complement or replace the his- resection. En bloc excision involves en bloc
topathological diagnosis of parathyroid removal of tumor with ipsilateral thyroid lobe
carcinoma? and isthmus, and surrounding soft tissue espe-
• What is the role of adjuvant radiotherapy in cially which is adherent to tumor, along with
preventing recurrences? removal of contiguous LN (paratracheal, tracheo-

Table 24.1  Impact of the type of resection performed on the long-term outcomes in terms of local recurrence and
Level of No. of
Study evidence Study type patients Surgical procedure Results
Koea and Shaw [19] III Review 301 Simple PTx (192): 92 (48%)
(1933–1999) En bloc (104): 8 (7.6%)
Talat and Schulte [12] IV Review 330 Simple PTx:158 103 (65%)
En bloc excision:172 54 (31.3%)
Busaidy et al. [65] III Retrospective 27 Simple PTx: 18 7 (38.8%)
(1980–2004) En bloc: 9 3 (33.3)
Villar-del-Moral [59] III Cohort study 62 Simple PTx: 18 14 (22.6%)
(2014) En bloc: 44 Recurrences were
not separately
mentioned for the
two surgical
Wang and Gaz [74] III Retrospective 28 Simple PTx: 8 8 (100%)
(1966–2005) En bloc: 14 0 (0%)
Ihihara et al. [17] III Retrospective 38 Simple PTx: 16 8 (50%)
En bloc: 22 4 (18%)
There is only level III or IV evidence in favor of en bloc excision for parathyroid carcinoma
312 R. Pradhan et al.

esophageal, and upper mediastinal), and skele- recurrence was low (20.1%) and the authors
tonization of trachea while RLN is not typically commented that the high rates of radical sur-
sacrificed. gery in their cohort of patients could explain
Different studies have highlighted the impact differences in terms of recurrence and mortal-
of the type of resection performed on the long- ity between their data and some of the previ-
term outcomes in terms of local recurrence and ously reported outcomes.
mortality. • In the study by Kebebew et al. [66] out of the
Evidence in support of this comes from the 14 patients who had recurrence and under-
following studies. went reoperation, 8 had en bloc excision at
first operation, but all were referred from out-
• Koea and Shaw [19]: The authors showed that side so the extent of en bloc excision carries a
en bloc resection of the carcinoma and the question mark.
adjacent structures in the neck is the surgical • Thus the conclusion of most studies is that
treatment and is associated with an 8% local surgery was an important outcome predictor
recurrence rate and a long-term overall sur- with more radical surgery protecting against
vival rate of 89% (mean follow-up 69 months). early and late recurrences and death.
In contrast simple parathyroidectomy results
in a 51% local recurrence rate and 53% long-  xtent of Lymph Node Resection
term survival rate (mean follow-up 62 months). The incidence of regional LN metastasis has been
Adverse prognostic factors for survival were reported in 15–30% [12, 35, 65, 67]. Nodal
initial management with simple parathyroid- involvement has been shown as an independent
ectomy alone, presence of nodal or distant risk factor for local recurrence but its impact on
metastatic disease at presentation, and non- cancer-related death is controversial [68].
functioning PTC. Reviews give varying advice and fall into five
• The second study is a meta-analysis of 330 categories:
patients with mean follow-up dura-
tion—6.1 years [12]: Authors reported mortal- –– Advice for en bloc tumor resection but no
ity of 35 with 63% cases developing explicit advice for lymphadenectomy
locoregional recurrence. The authors reported –– Advice for en bloc resection with systematic
that local excision alone carried a 2-fold higher central lymphadenectomy
risk of needing at least one redo surgery and –– Advice for systematic central and lateral
2.9-fold higher risk of needing three or more lymphadenectomy
redo surgeries. The authors concluded that fail- –– Advice for an indication for lateral lymphad-
ure to perform oncological surgery carries a enectomy based on specific findings only
high risk for recurrence and death (local vs. en –– Explicit caution against prophylactic lateral
bloc resection RR 2.0, CI 1.2–3.2, P  <  0.01) lymph node dissection
and recommended en bloc resection.
• The third study is the paper by Busaidy et al. • The remarkable variation of opinion and
[65]: Out of 27 patients, 9 underwent en bloc review of the underlying evidence for such
excision out of which only 3 relapsed while 18 advice indicates a relative paucity of data.
underwent local excision out of which 7 had One must remember that soft-tissue infiltra-
local recurrences. tion is more common (56.7%) than LN
• In another multicenter review of patients by involvement (32.1%). Similarly soft-tissue
the Spanish Parathyroid Carcinoma Group recurrence is more common (58.7%) while
(SPCSG) [59] authors reported 62 parathyroid recurrence in LN accounts for only 41.3%.
carcinoma, 44 (71%) underwent en bloc resec- Also, recurrence is a strong predictor of death
tion and the rest underwent simple parathy- in parathyroid cancer. So there is a possibility
roidectomy alone. In their cohort the rate of that performance of a distinct form of LND
24  Parathyroid Carcinoma: Current Concepts 313

indicates a higher quality of surgery and is • In the TNM staging system proposed by Shaha
thus linked with performance of a true en bloc and Shah [23], a stepwise worsening of prog-
resection with free margins. nosis was not associated with a greater stage.
• In the present literature, majority of authors In fact when Talat and Schulte [12] applied
recommend ipsilateral central compartment this system to their185 patients, they found
lymph node clearance as part of initial en bloc that stage IIIa has a lesser mortality and recur-
resection though the rate of lymph node dis- rence than stage I. The same authors attempted
section is lacking. to reconstruct a staging system based on an
• Only one study suggests routine central neck increased local and locoregional aggressive-
dissection [12]. Of the 1027 cases collected ness and excluded size as a criterion.
from literature, only 193 (18.8%) provided a Separation of patients into low risk and high
description of some sort of lymph node risk identified a 3.5–7.0-fold higher risk of
clearance. recurrence and death (<0.01) for the high-risk
• In the American National Cancer Data Base group. The Spanish study assessed the pro-
report by Hundahl et al. [35], nodal status was posed PC staging systems to predict outcomes
only evaluated in 37% of cases. with the log-rank test. The authors showed
• Similarly in the multicenter study by the that RFS was best predicted using the stages
Spanish parathyroid carcinoma group [59], of Schulte risk staging compared with the
only 19 cases (30.6%) had undergone some Shaha classification.
kind of nodal dissection.
 ole of Adjuvant Radiotherapy
Risk factors for decreased DSS: positive cor- in Preventing Recurrences
relation with intraoperative tumor rupture, posi- It is not radiosensitive; however it may help
tive margin resection, nodal invasion, and in  local control and therefore may be of some
locoregional and distant relapse [59]. benefit in patients who are at high risk of local
However, in a large NCB data of 1000 patients recurrence. There are few retrospective studies
[69], only age and positive LNs were associated which have shown some benefit with postopera-
with higher death rates. tive radiotherapy but the results should be inter-
preted with caution because of small number of
 redictive Factors of Recurrence
P patients [65, 70, 71]. The data for chemotherapy
and Cause-Specific Mortality is inadequate for definite opinion due to rarity of
The third problem relates to the high rate of disease [72, 73]. Recently biological therapy in
locoregional recurrence and death in parathyroid the form of anti-parathyroid immunotherapy
cancer patients, even when an en bloc resection (tumor-suppressor gene product) MOA inducing
had been performed. RR to die of parathyroid cell cycle arrest by repressing cyclin D1, octreo-
cancer is 2.3-fold higher in patients without suf- tide therapy, and azidothymidine (AZT) that
ficient staging system compared with those inhibits telomerase activity has been tried with
assigned stage I–IV.  This points towards an varying success.
important observation: patients who undergo
limited or ill-described resections are at least in Management of hypercalcemia
part understaged and undertreated. • Goal of treatment:
–– Lowering of hypercalcemia
• The Spanish multicenter [59] study identified • Modalities:
variables after a multivariate analysis that pre- –– Forced saline diuresis
dicted tumor relapse and death due to disease. –– Bisphosphonates
These included intraoperative tumor rupture, –– Plicamycin
presence of mitotic figures in tumor cells, and –– Calcitonin/gallium nitrate
stage III in the Schulte risk classification. –– Immunotherapy
314 R. Pradhan et al.

Management of Recurrent picion. Best opportunity to cure parathyroid car-

and Metastatic PC cinoma is to diagnose it before or at the time of
surgery for the tumor to be completely removed
In contrast to many other tumors including many at the time of initial operation. Histological diag-
endocrine cancers, management of recurrent or nosis can be difficult and nonspecific but immu-
metastatic PC is primarily surgical because nohistochemical markers (PF, galectin-3, PGP
significant palliation of hypercalcemia results 9.5) can be used as a complement to histological
from the resection of local and regional recur- diagnosis. En bloc excision reduces soft-tissue
rences in the neck and mediastinum as well as recurrence and, even though evidence base for
resection of solitary distant metastasis in the LN involvement by parathyroid cancer is sparse,
lungs or liver [35]. In a retrospective review of 12 a systematic central LN resection may improve
reoperations for locoregional recurrences and 2 outcomes. Thus failure to perform oncological
pulmonary metastases, symptomatic relief was surgery (en bloc resection) predicts higher recur-
achieved in 86% of patients [17]. Similarly in a rence and death rates. Staging into a low- and
series of pulmonary metastasis in six patients, high-risk groups allows significant outcome pre-
three of those patients had complete biochemical dictions and could help to stratify therapy deci-
resolution of hypercalcemia [74]. sions. New TNM staging system helps in
predicting cancer progression. Finally a moder-
Adverse Prognostic Factors ate enhancement of the surgical approach to
1. Clinical: Male gender, younger age, and
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2. Cytological: Mitosis [59] nates are the most effective treatments for
3. Histopathology-vascular invasion [12] hypercalcemia.
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Part III
The Adrenal Incidentaloma
Richard Egan and David Scott-Coombes

Introduction studies. Kim et  al. reported an increased inci-

dence of incidentaloma with age, with the major-
An adrenal incidentaloma is an asymptomatic ity discovered in the sixth and seventh decades of
adrenal mass discovered by chance during inves- life [14], whilst radiological evidence of an inci-
tigation for non-adrenal disease. Most authorities dental adrenal tumour is apparent in 7% of those
would consider a mass ≥1 cm to be an inciden- aged over 70  years [15]. The increasing preva-
taloma [1–5]. The basic aims of subsequent lence with age has also been reported by other
investigation are to quantify the risk of malig- groups, with incidental adrenal tumours noted on
nancy, to determine the functional status of the 3% of radiological studies at 50  years old,
tumour, to assess the need for surgical interven- increasing to 10% in the elderly [3]. In centres
tion and to develop a suitable, individualised fol- where the case mix contains higher proportions
low-up protocol [3]. There have been several of patients undergoing scanning for a history of
attempts to standardise the management of this extra-adrenal malignancy, the rate of inciden-
increasingly common clinical entity, taking into taloma may be as high as 12% [16].
account the natural history of the condition, the
cost-effectiveness of treatment and follow-up
regimens, and patient-specific factors [6, 7]. Differential Diagnosis

Myriad conditions constitute the differential

Epidemiology diagnosis of adrenal incidentaloma (Table 25.1),
although the vast majority are benign, non-
The incidence of adrenal incidentaloma in secreting adrenal tumours.
autopsy studies is between 2.3 and 8.7%, and The reporting of the frequency distribution of
increases with age [3–5, 8–10]. With modern the variety of diagnoses is likely subject to con-
imaging methods incidentalomas are noted in up siderable selection bias [3]. This may be either
to 5% of abdominal scans [4, 11–13]. As technol- due to the reporting of a purely surgical cohort or
ogy improves yet further, this percentage will due to the selective referral patterns to specialist
approach the value observed in the postmortem centres. In both situations, smaller benign lesions
may be filtered out of any reported cohort. As a
consequence, the frequency at which individual
R. Egan · D. Scott-Coombes (*) diagnoses are reported varies considerably.
Endocrine Surgery, University Hospital of Wales,
Cardiff, UK Adenoma, for example, is reported to account
e-mail: for a median 80% of adrenal incidentalomas in

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 321

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
322 R. Egan and D. Scott-Coombes

Table 25.1  Differential diagnosis of an adrenal incidentaloma

Adenoma Nodular hyperplasia Carcinoma
Ganglioneuroma Phaeochromocytoma Angiomyolipoma
Abscess Amyloidosis Cyst
Fibroma Granulomatosis Hamartoma
Haematoma Lipoma Liposarcoma
Myelolipoma Teratoma Pseudocyst
Metastasis Schwannoma Neuroblastoma

cohorts including all patients with an adrenal US centre there were no cases of malignancy in
mass [3, 13]: this compares to a median 55% in 973 consecutive incidental adrenal tumours in
purely surgical cohorts [3, 4]. There is a corre- patients without a history of malignancy [13].
sponding increase in the prevalence of adreno- Some diagnoses are found with such infre-
cortical cancer (ACC) (median 11% vs. 8% in quency that their reporting is limited to case
general incidentaloma cohorts), phaeochromocy- reports [19]. There are also cases reported in the
toma (10% vs. 7%) and metastasis (7% vs. 5%) literature of retroperitoneal pathology being mis-
in surgical cohorts [3, 4]. In some surgical diagnosed as an adrenal incidentaloma, and diag-
cohorts, the proportion of patients with a diagno- noses such as leiomyosarcoma should be
sis of phaeochromocytoma is as high as 25% considered if imaging is not characteristic [20].
[14]. Studies based on a radiological cohort iden-
tify functioning tumours in less than 1% of the
total, although the vast majority of cases in this Investigation
retrospective cohort were characterised radiolog-
ically and not clinically [13]. In almost all series, Investigation of the adrenal incidentaloma aims
benign, non-functioning adenoma constitutes the to address several key questions:
majority of the diagnoses.
Thompson et al. performed a literature review • Is the tumour functioning or non-functioning?
of 2000 cases of adrenal incidentalomas and • Is the tumour benign or malignant?
found that 82% of cases were benign, non-func- • Are there indications to resect the tumour?
tioning tumours [17]. Benign secreting tumours
accounted for a further 11%, with malignant The answer to the latter question will, to a
adrenal tumours responsible for only 7% of the large extent, be based upon the conclusions of the
overall total [17]. Of those benign secreting first two questions whilst also taking into consid-
tumours, phaeochromocytoma and cortisol- eration the size of the adrenal mass and the gen-
secreting (Cushing’s) tumours made up 5% of eral medical condition of the patient. As a general
the total each, respectively, with aldosterone- rule, if bilateral adrenal incidentalomas are iden-
producing Conn’s tumours responsible for only tified on imaging, both tumours should be
1% [17]. In patients with incidental adrenal assessed and managed independently, as outlined
tumours and coexisting hypertension, the preva- below. It is recommended that adrenal tumours
lence of Conn’s tumours may be as high as 10% be managed in the context of a multidisciplinary
[18]. ACC constitutes 4.7% of incidentalomas, team (MDT) in the majority of cases. An MDT
but with an incidence of 0.72 per million popula- should generally consist of a minimum of a radi-
tion per year remains a very rare malignancy. ologist, an endocrinologist and a surgeon, each
Adrenal metastasis constitutes the remaining with an interest in adrenal disease, with ­additional
2.5% of adrenal incidentalomas, with metastases members if local expertise allows. In addition,
arising from a variety of solid organ tumours. there is some evidence to suggest that manage-
The risk of primary malignancy in unselected ment of patients in high-volume centres (≥10
incidentaloma is approximately 0.1% [17]. In a adrenalectomies per annum) can lead to improved
retrospective study of abdominal scanning in one outcomes in surgical cases, particularly in cases
25  The Adrenal Incidentaloma 323

of malignancy, for example [21]. Current UK For patients with bilateral incidentalomas
guidelines suggest that surgeons performing measurement of serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone
adrenalectomy should perform a minimum of six should be considered to exclude congenital adre-
such procedures per annum to maintain compe- nal hyperplasia [3]. In addition, testing for adre-
tence [22]. nal insufficiency should be considered in patients
with radiological evidence of bilateral infiltrative
lesions or evidence of haemorrhage. The pre-
Assessing Functional Status ferred method to screen for adrenal insufficiency
is the short synACTHen test.
As a minimum, the vast majority of patients
should be evaluated with a low-dose [1 mg] over-
night dexamethasone suppression test (ODST)  ssessment of Malignant Potential:
and a 24-h urinary metanephrine analysis or Imaging
plasma-free catecholamine assay, to screen for a
cortisol-secreting tumour or a phaeochromocy- Cross-sectional imaging provides a crucial com-
toma, respectively [3, 5, 23, 24]. For patients ponent of the investigation of adrenal inciden-
with hypertension, either treated or not, plasma taloma. The first-line imaging modality requested
potassium (sodium) and aldosterone:renin activ- depends very much on the nature of the initial
ity should be measured to exclude a Conn’s investigation that highlighted the adrenal inci-
tumour. Virilisation, as well as alerting the clini- dentaloma. For example, a high-quality non-con-
cian to the high possibility of malignancy, should trast CT scan performed to investigate renal
prompt assessment of the sex hormone precur- calculi may provide comprehensive imaging for
sors DHEA and DHEAS. Similarly, the presence an adrenal tumour negating the need for further
of gynaecomastia warrants oestradiol assay [3]. radiological evaluation. Several suggested imag-
Imaging features consistent with ACC are another ing algorithms for the investigation of the adrenal
indication to assay sex hormones [3]. Genetic incidentaloma have been devised [2, 29].
testing associated with a diagnosis of phaeochro- The European Society of Endocrinology (ESE)
mocytoma is discussed in detail in Chap. 28. and European Network for the Study of Adrenal
When performing an ODST, a cut-off value to Tumours (ENSAT) in their collaborative guide-
exclude excess cortisol secretion of ≤50 nmol/L lines for the management of adrenal inciden-
is recommended [3]. For patients without clinical taloma recommend the use of non-contrast
manifestations of excess cortisol but a post- computed tomography (CT) scanning to assess
ODST cortisol level of >138  nmol/L, the term such lesions for benignity [3]. Furthermore, they
‘autonomous cortisol secretion’ should be suggest that no further imaging is required if the
applied, and such patients screened for hyperten- lesion itself is <4 cm, homogenous and lipid rich
sion and type 2 diabetes mellitus, respectively, and has a density of <10 Hounsfield units [3].
with the prefix ‘possible’ added if the value falls Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning is
between the aforementioned levels [3]. The asso- preferable to CT imaging in children, adolescents,
ciation between autonomous cortisol secretion pregnancy and adults under the age of 40 [3].
and type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovas-
cular events has been demonstrated in several Clinical Pearl
cohort studies [25, 26], although not all studies
concur [27]. Although an increased risk of mor- • In incidentalomas less than 4  cm, which are
tality in patients with impaired cortisol suppres- lipid rich on scanning (<10 HU), malignancy
sion has been reported in some studies, further can effectively be ruled out.
work is required to assess this potential associa-
tion [28]. The main purpose of cross-sectional imaging
is to aid in the distinction between benign and
324 R. Egan and D. Scott-Coombes

malignant tumours, although some functional extra-adrenal malignancy, the evidence is less
tumours may also display characteristic radio- convincing. In this setting 7% of adrenal metas-
logical appearances. Whereas CT and MRI are tases were reported as having a tumour density
generally utilised with the purpose of confirming of <10 HU [12].
benignity, positron emission tomography (PET)/
CT is generally the imaging modality employed Clinical Pearl
to detect malignancy. In any case of adrenal inci-
dentaloma, where there is a lack of clear charac- • Keep in perspective the fact that the risk of
teristics of benign disease, a referral to the malignancy in unselected incidentaloma cases
regional MDT should be made [22]. is 0.1%.
Local invasion and distant metastases are
diagnostic of malignancy, but are infrequent However, 30–40% of adenomas are lipid poor,
radiological findings. More subtle radiological which may lead to elevated HU measurements on
features are typically called upon to stratify the non-contrast CT imaging, and diagnostic uncer-
risk of malignancy in adrenal tumours. Such tainty [20]. In addition to being low-attenuation
features include a rapid increase in size on lesions on non-enhanced scans, adenomas are
sequential scans, an irregular outline, necrosis, also predicted by an absolute enhancement wash-
heterogeneous contrast uptake and relative con- out of ≥60% and/or relative contrast washout of
trast washout [2] (Fig.  25.1). Adenomas are ≥40% on contract-enhanced CT, or signal loss in
classically lipid rich with a corresponding tissue opposed-phase MRI [2, 31, 32]. Malignant
density of <10 Hounsfield units (HU) on non- lesions will tend towards a slower contrast wash-
contrast CT [30]. A recently published system- out on [contrast] CT and, as with
atic review and meta-analysis agrees that adrenal ­phaeochromocytomas, will remain unchanged in
masses with ≤10 HU are unlikely to be malig- out-of-phase images [33]. A 15-min delayed
nant, although the authors stop short of making image contrast ‘adrenal protocol’ CT is the pre-
definitive statements regarding use of this ferred method for calculating adrenal washout [2,
parameter as a definitive diagnostic tool, largely 3], and care should be taken in interpretation of
due to insufficient evidence [12] (Fig.  25.2). contrast CT scans requested for an alternative
If one considers patients with a history of

Fig. 25.2  A very-low-density fatty (negative HU) right-

Fig. 25.1  A large right adrenal ACC with an irregular sided adrenal tumour which has a typical appearance of a
margin and heterogenous contrast enhancement myelolipoma
25  The Adrenal Incidentaloma 325

reason. In studies comparing MRI to CT in true liver standardised uptake value (T/L SUVmax
adrenal incidentalomas, MRI was slightly infe- ratio) of >1.53 is reported to be an independent
rior in terms of sensitivity and specificity, when prognostic factor for malignancy in FDG-PET/
predicting malignancy [12]. CT scans [39].
Novel risk stratification tools have been devel- In certain cases of phaeochromocytoma, con-
oped to aid with the diagnosis of malignancy and sideration to request 18F-dihydroxyphenylalanine
rationalise the use of surgical resection for poten- (DOPA) or
tially indeterminate lesions [34]. This tool, based 123
I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scanning
on tumour size and HU on non-contrast CT, was can be given to provide more information and
developed with a retrospective analysis of his- guide subsequent management [24, 31], espe-
toric patients. Despite initial promise, these cially when either paraganglioma or metastases
results have not been replicated when applied to are suspected. More recent advances, such as
other retrospective cohorts [35]. utilisation of 123I-iodometomidate single-photon
Frilling et al. investigated the ability of a vari- emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT
ety of imaging modalities to predict malignancy images to classify adrenal lesions, have not yet
in adrenal tumours in oncology patients undergo- become mainstream imaging modalities but offer
ing adrenalectomy [36]. In this small study com- promise for the future [40].
prising 31 adrenal metastases and 13 benign Patient evaluation should include enquiries as
adenomas, both MRI and PET scanning had to previous imaging, especially in patients
100% sensitivity for predicting malignancy pre- referred from peripheral hospitals. Review of
operatively [36]. Although MRI predicted benig- prior imaging may confirm not only the presence
nity in each case, the specificity of PET scanning of an initially overlooked adrenal mass, but also a
was inferior. CT scanning had 81% sensitivity lack of interval change in the mass, conferring
and 39% specificity, whilst ultrasound scanning some degree of reassurance to patient and clini-
(USS) was generally inferior [36]. A large-scale cian alike. In certain circumstances stability for a
meta-analysis of PET scanning in adrenal period of ≥12 months may eliminate the need for
tumours demonstrated PET +/− CT to be both follow-up [2].
highly sensitive and specific in its ability to dis-
tinguish malignancy from benign pathology [37]. Clinical Pearl
Combination scanning with non-contrast and
delayed adrenal washout contrast-enhanced CT • A thorough review of a patient’s previous
scanning has demonstrated sensitivity and speci- imaging may reassure the clinician and negate
ficity of 98% and 92%, respectively, for the iden- the need for further radiological investigation
tification of adenomas in 166 adrenal masses and, in some cases, follow-up.
investigated [38].
F-2-deoxy-d-glucose (18FDG)-PET scan-
ning is growing in popularity as an imaging  ssessment of Malignant Potential:
modality in some units. FDG-avid tumours Biopsy
include primary ACC, lymphoma, paragangli-
oma and adrenal metastasis [31] (Fig.  25.3). The main indication to biopsy an adrenal inciden-
Recent UK guidelines recommend the use of pre- taloma is to diagnose a metastasis in patients with
operative 18FDG-PET in addition to standard known or suspected extra-adrenal m ­ alignancy. A
cross-sectional imaging in all patients with sus- biopsy should only be undertaken when the infor-
pected ACC [22]. PET/CT is the most commonly mation gained is predicted to alter or inform clini-
used technique, combining the ability of PET to cal management [3]. In practice the only other
differentiate tissues with high metabolic require- situation where an adrenal biopsy might be con-
ments with the anatomical detail needed for templated is when histological confirmation of
localisation afforded by CT imaging. A tumour to malignancy in an otherwise irresectable tumour
326 R. Egan and D. Scott-Coombes

Fig. 25.3  A fused PET-CT image demonstrating avid FDG uptake in a right adrenal metastasis

might permit the use of adjuvant treatments, either prevailing guidance is to avoid biopsy. Autopsy
as a palliative measure or as part of a clinical trial studies of patients with known malignancy report
[3]. Fine-needle aspiration cytology cannot distin- the prevalence of adrenal metastasis to be 8–38%.
guish readily between adrenal adenoma and carci- Conversely, in patients with no known primary
noma, and is not suitable for the diagnosis of malignancy the overall rate for discovering and
primary adrenal cancer [41]. Biopsy of phaeo- adrenal metastasis is low [11]. Although the inci-
chromocytoma may precipitate a life-threatening dence of adrenal metastasis is rare in unselected
hypertensive crisis, whilst histological evaluation incidentalomas, metastasis is the cause of the
of ACC is unreliable and the biopsy itself may adrenal incidentaloma in approximately half of
lead to tumour seeding and compromise both the patients who have a history of malignant disease
ability to achieve an R0 resection and disease [43]. In some centres, rates of metastatic disease
prognosis [3]. Although one US study of patients in apparent incidentaloma in oncology patients as
with ACC found no negative impact on recur- high as 70–75% have been reported [36, 44]. As a
rence-free or overall survival in patients undergo- general rule, patients with known extra-adrenal
ing transcutaneous biopsy, when compared to metastatic disease and an adrenal mass are more
those that had not undergone biopsy [42], the likely to have adrenal metastasis than benign
25  The Adrenal Incidentaloma 327

pathology, whereas oncology patients with an iso- tumours greater than 6 cm, surgical resection is
lated adrenal incidentaloma without overt radio- recommended, whilst for those under 4 cm a con-
logical features of malignancy are still more likely servative approach is suggested, although no for-
to have a benign adrenal tumour [2]. mal follow-up regimen is proposed [23]. In
In a recent systematic review and meta-analy- addition, it concluded that for suspected metasta-
sis evaluating the diagnostic value of adrenal ses, surgical resection conferred no benefit [23].
incidentaloma biopsy, the non-diagnostic rate These guidelines contained several clinical
was estimated at 8.7%, and the complication rate ‘grey areas’ where a lack of available evidence
at 2.5% [3, 44], although rates up to 11% have limited the development of firm recommenda-
been reported [42]. Potential complications tion. These included the management of non-
include bleeding, pneumothorax, viscus injury, functioning tumours whose size ranges
pain and tumour spread through the needle track. between 4 and 6 cm, the size at which excision
These figures may underestimate the true values, of a functioning tumour should be considered
due to a variety of methodological factors. The best practice, and the follow-up regimens that
sensitivity of adrenal biopsy to detect malignancy should be utilised for non-functioning tumours
overall was 87% (95% CI; 78–93%), falling to of 1–4 cm and those 4–6 cm tumours managed
70% (42–88%) when analysing ACC as an indi- conservatively.
vidual entity [3, 42]. The reason for this lack of clarity lies in the
fact that malignant potential of an adrenal tumour
is not related to its size in a linear fashion. The
 ssessment of Malignant Potential:
A malignant potential of incidentalomas <4  cm is
Other low, but may rise to 10% once this size threshold
has been surpassed. A large retrospective Chinese
ACC is most often a sporadic occurrence but can study reporting on 634 patients found only 1
occasionally be associated with a genetic syn- malignancy (3  cm) in a total of 249 adrenalec-
drome. A known family history of Li-Fraumeni tomy procedures performed when the inciden-
syndrome, Carney complex, familial adenoma- taloma was ≤4 cm [45]. The risk of malignancy
tous polyposis coli, Beckwith-Wiedemann syn- in patients undergoing adrenalectomy in this
drome or, rarely, multiple endocrine neoplasia study increased to 9.4% (8/85) and 33.3%
type 1, should alert the clinician to an elevated (48/144) in patients with tumours of >4–≤6 cm
risk of ACC once an adrenal mass has been iden- and >6 cm, respectively [45]. Of interest in this
tified [33]. Whether an adrenal tumour in this cohort, two-thirds of patients (249/376) with a
context is truly an incidentaloma is debateable. tumour ≤4  cm underwent surgical intervention,
of which only 40 patients had biochemical evi-
dence of excess hormone secretion [45]. When
Indications for Resection compared against current European guidelines,
this may be considered over treatment in the low-
As a general guide, the decision to offer surgical risk patient cohort.
resection of an adrenal incidentaloma should be Once a size of >6 cm has been reached the risk
based on both the likelihood of malignancy and of malignancy rises markedly to 25–90% [23, 46,
the degree of hormone excess, in conjunction 47]. In a large retrospective review of a US ­cancer
with the patient’s age, general health and per- registry, Kebebew et al. found that only 4.2% of
sonal wishes. ACC were ≤6 cm in diameter [48].
NIH guidelines from 2002 suggested a simple Establishing a definitive size threshold for sur-
algorithm for the resection of adrenal inciden- gical excision has proven difficult. In all cases
talomas. The recommendation for functioning some degree of compromise needs to be sought.
tumours was to either offer surgical resection or If the bar is set too high, it risks missing early
manage them medically. For non-functioning cases of malignancy that would be treatable and
328 R. Egan and D. Scott-Coombes

potentially curable; too low, and many patients especially when associated with cortisol excess-
will undergo unnecessary surgery in order to related comorbidities [3]. There is weak evidence
identify the occasional small, malignant tumour. that comorbid conditions such as type 2 diabetes,
Whether such small tumours pose a realistic hypertension and dyslipidaemia improve in some
malignant potential is also controversial. patients with autonomous cortisol secretion fol-
A more pragmatic approach might be to adopt lowing resection; such improvements are not
a policy of observation and serial imaging. seen when patients are managed conservatively
However such an approach may only heighten [53–55]. The increased hazard ratio for mortality
patient anxiety for those tumours that remain qui- in patients with autonomous cortisol secretion
escent and harmless whilst allowing the rapid reported in a recent retrospective UK trial adds
growth that may accompany malignant transfor- support to resection of responsible lesions [28].
mation to be missed for such a period so as to In this context most deaths were attributable to
delay treatment, worsen prognosis or even render cardiovascular disease or infective causes, whilst
the tumour inoperable. an association between abnormal cortisol secre-
Population-based studies have suggested that tion and cardiovascular disease and mortality has
the incidence of localised ACC diagnosed was been replicated elsewhere [25]. Adrenalectomy is
essentially unchanged from 1973 until 2000. recommended for any unilateral tumour with
Although more operations for adrenal inciden- clinically significant hormone excess, whereas
taloma are being performed, patients with ACC bilateral adrenalectomy should be reserved only
are not being diagnosed earlier or treated at an for those with evidence of overt Cushing’s syn-
earlier stage [48]. Any case that is suspicious for drome in the presence of bilaterally enlarged
ACC should be managed in a specialist, high- adrenals [3].
volume unit, as better outcomes following sur-
gery have been reported [21].
As a result of current best available evidence, Choice of Procedure
many centres have adopted a policy to offer
resection to patients with adrenal incidentalomas Current guidelines have suggested that laparo-
exceeding 4 cm in size, providing that the patient scopic adrenalectomy is a feasible option, even
is a suitable surgical candidate [41, 49], and such for patients with radiological suspicion of malig-
parameters have been included in some guide- nancy, in unilateral tumours that are ≤6 cm and
lines [10]. More recent guidelines produced by do not show frank local invasion [3]. One key
ESE/ENSAT have recommended against per- benefit associated with laparoscopic surgery is a
forming surgery for asymptomatic tumours with reduction in length of stay [56].
no evidence of hormone excess and clear features In contrast, evidence of local invasion man-
of benignity on imaging [3]. The validity of this dates an open procedure [3]. Despite the recom-
has been questioned, with some authors instead mendation for open surgery in suspected
preferring to follow up patients for a minimum of malignant disease, the evidence supporting this
5 years irrespective of the evidence of benignity management is weak, with no conclusive evi-
and lack of function at the initial assessment [50]. dence suggesting improvements in complete
Another approach to patients with non-function- resection rates, or overall or disease-specific
ing tumours <40 mm and <10 HU may be to sim- survival in open surgery compared to laparo-
ply repeat a CT scan and screen for scopic surgery [56–59].
hypercortisolism at 5 years only [51]. In addition, It has been suggested that open resection
some groups have adopted a policy where one improves the outcome for patients with ACC,
indication for surgical resection is an adrenal both in terms of local recurrence and overall
tumour of >3 cm [52]. survival [60, 61]. One potential explanation for
Surgical resection should be considered in this is the locoregional lymph node dissection
patients with autonomous cortisol secretion, associated with an open procedure [60]. This is
25  The Adrenal Incidentaloma 329

a controversial issue, however, and consensus tion should seek to identify the presence of any
on what constitutes the lymphatic basin for additional cortisol-related comorbidities, which
adrenal tumours has not been widely agreed. may include obesity, dyslipidaemia and osteo-
Alternatively it may be that increases in positive porosis, respectively, although their association
resection margins or tumour spillage [56] with autonomous cortisol secretion is debatable
increase the risk of peritoneal recurrence rates [64]. Several studies have reported a reduction
[61]. Open resection for >6 cm phaeochromocy- in bone density and an increased fracture rate in
tomas is also recommended in recent Endocrine patients with adrenal incidentaloma and ‘sub-
Society guidelines, in order to prevent incom- clinical hypercortisolism’ [65, 66]. Once corti-
plete excision, local recurrence or tumour rup- sol excess has been established, all potential
ture [24]. surgical candidates should be investigated to
Partial adrenalectomy for small tumours in ensure ACTH independence [3]. For patients
patients that have previously undergone contralat- with incidentaloma and a normal initial hor-
eral adrenalectomy can be considered in certain mone status evaluation, further hormonal
circumstances, such as phaeochromocytoma, to screening has been advised against, unless new
prevent adrenal insufficiency [24, 62]. Such a signs of endocrine dysfunction develop, or
scenario is exceptionally rare, except in the existing comorbidities worsen [3]. For patients
context of hereditary disease such as MEN2 or with autonomous cortisol secretion without
von Hippel-Lindau, in which case any contra- clinical signs of Cushing’s syndrome, an annual
lateral tumour is unlikely to represent a true assessment of cortisol-related comorbidities
incidentaloma. should be undertaken [3].
Any patients undergoing surgery that may Bülow et  al. reported a large prospective
result in post-operative adrenal insufficiency Swedish study that involved 229 patients with
require adequate counselling and have periopera- adrenal incidentalomas followed up with serial
tive care pathways in place [22]. All patients with CT scans and hormonal assessment. At a median
a preoperative cortisol that does not suppress to follow-up of 25  months, they noted either no
≤50 nmol/L following low-dose ODST should be change or a reduction in size in 92.6% of
given high-dose glucocorticoid cover periopera- patients. Seventeen (7.4%) patients had adrenal
tively [3]. tumours that grew by 5  mm or more, 12 of
which grew by ≥1 cm [67]. Of the 17 patients
with enlarging tumours, 11 had the mass
Natural History and Follow-Up excised; 7 due to an increase in size (to between
3.0 and 6.5 cm) and 4 owing to the development
The natural history of apparently benign, non- of hormone hypersecretion [67]. A similar pro-
functioning adrenal incidentaloma is poorly spective cohort study involving both serial
understood. This has made the development of cross-sectional imaging and hormonal assess-
robust follow-up protocols problematic. In addi- ment for 24  months demonstrated no cases of
tion, follow-up of adrenal lesions has two facets, malignancy or hormonal hypersecretion in 226
namely the size of the lesion, and its functional patients [52]. A prospective Finnish cohort
status. Current UK guidance suggests that any study of 69 non-functioning, lipid-laden inci-
adrenal incidentaloma lacking clear characteris- dentalomas found no case of significant growth,
tics of benignity should be referred to a specialist malignancy or new autonomous hormone secre-
multidisciplinary team for ongoing investigation tion at 5  years [51]. A large ­systematic review
and management [22]. that included 1410 apparently benign inciden-
There is a significant body of evidence that talomas estimated a 0.2% pooled risk for devel-
patients with cortisol excess without overt clini- oping malignancy in such patients [68]. The very
cal features rarely develop Cushing’s syndrome low rate of progression to malignancy has also
[3, 63]. Despite this, a thorough clinical evalua- been reported in other cohort studies [52]. At the
330 R. Egan and D. Scott-Coombes

extreme end of this argument, some authors have Clinical Pearl

concluded that the risk of developing a fatal
malignancy from the ionisation radiation associ- • Every MDT needs to write its own policy
ated with certain follow-up protocols is equiva- regarding follow-up. A policy of discharging
lent to the risk of malignant transformation in an patients in whom there is no interval growth
adrenal incidentaloma [68]. for lesions <4 cm can be justified.
When considering the development of auton-
omous hormone secretion as the end point of Follow-up protocols for adrenal incidentaloma
follow-up it has been suggested that any tumour have been well tolerated by patients. A patient-
over 3 cm confers an increased risk of develop- reported quality-of-life study bolted on to a pro-
ing hyperfunction, although this may be con- spective Swedish study that followed up
fined to the first 2 years of follow-up [69]. The non-progressive adrenal incidentalomas for 2 years,
risk of an apparently benign incidental tumour and reported reassuring patient satisfaction levels
developing ‘autonomous cortisol secretion’ is [70]. Although only 4% of 111 patients reported the
estimated at between 0 and 11.6% [3], with the follow-up programme as a negative experience,
highest figure corresponding to a study reporting these patients were more likely to report anxiety
greater than 5-year follow-up [26]; a systematic [70]. However, a retrospective Chinese study stated
review, however, suggests a pooled risk of devel- that >80% of patients undergoing surveillance
oping Cushing’s syndrome at only 0.3% [68]. chose to undergo adrenalectomy due to anxiety
The risk of non-functioning tumours developing relating to potential malignant change, including
a Conn’s adenoma or a phaeochromocytoma is two-thirds of those with a tumour <4 cm [45].
lower still at 0–2%, respectively [3]. Taking both
this and the associated risk of malignancy into Clinical Pearl
account, Libè et al. suggest 6-monthly follow-up
for the first 2 years followed by annual screening • Clinicians should be mindful that even when
[69]. Other groups have reported that for small, they have no concerns regarding malignancy/
benign lesions at baseline, follow-up regimens, hyperfunction, this episode of clinical evaluation
both hormonal and radiological, do not increase can lead to significant anxiety for the patient.
the sensitivity for a diagnosis of hypersecretion
or malignancy [52]. More recent consensus Despite the fact that both diagnostic and fol-
guidelines have recommended against follow-up low-up protocols for adrenal tumours are becom-
imaging of clearly benign, non-functioning ing more widely available as the evidence base
tumours of <4 cm [3]. These guidelines also sug- expands, the vast majority of adrenal incidentalo-
gest repeating a non-contrast CT or MRI scan at mas are ignored. In one Dutch study, based on a
6–12 months for indeterminate lesions, with sur- cancer centre, the rate of adrenal incidentalomas
gical resection proposed in those exhibiting in 356 scans was 7% [16]. Only 16% of these
enlargement of >20% during this time interval patients were referred for specialist endocrine
[3]. Interval growth of ≤20% should undergo an investigations, and, following a focused re-evalu-
additional scan within 6–12  months [3]. The ation of the scans, the rate of reported inciden-
exact interval between scans should be guided taloma rose to 12%. A UK study that evaluated
by the MDT and the perceived risk of malig- 4028 CT scans performed in district general
nancy. A period of 12 months would be adequate ­hospitals reported an adrenal incidentaloma rate
in indeterminate lesions with a low risk of malig- of 1.8% (75 patients) [71]. In common with the
nancy, reducing to 6 or even 3 months in patients Dutch study, only 17% of the UK patients were
with an elevated risk, based on the initial radio- referred for specialist review by an endocrine
logical findings or clinical scenario. In such team, whilst 80% underwent absolutely no hor-
cases, a lack of interval growth is seen as an indi- monal testing [71], with similar findings reported
cator of benignity. in US community hospitals [72].
25  The Adrenal Incidentaloma 331

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Cushing’s Syndrome
Roy Lirov and Paul G. Gauger

Introduction (HPA) axis upregulates cortisol production via

pituitary secretion of adrenocorticotropic hor-
Cushing’s syndrome is a rare clinical entity result- mone (ACTH) and receives negative feedback by
ing from pathologic hypercortisolemia [1]. Patients cortisol [9]. ACTH and cortisol are released in a
may present along a spectrum of severity from circadian rhythm, with levels starting to rise at
classical signs and symptoms of cortisol excess to 3–4 a.m., peaking at approximately 8–9 a.m., and
subclinical or entirely asymptomatic disease [1–3]. slowly tapering to a nadir near midnight [2, 4].
The most common endogenous causes are ACTH- Loss of this diurnal pattern is a cardinal feature of
producing pituitary adenomas, cortisol-secreting Cushing’s syndrome, and forms the basis for
adrenal adenomas, and ectopic ACTH-secreting screening tests aimed at differentiating patho-
tumors [4, 5]. Arriving at an accurate diagnosis of logic hypercortisolism from other conditions
the underlying etiology and initiating appropriate with overlapping clinical or biochemical findings
treatment in a timely manner are essential to pre- [5]. Up to 95% of circulating cortisol is protein
venting morbidity and mortality [6, 7]. Diagnostic bound, mostly to cortisol-binding protein (CBG)
evaluation requires a systematic approach and sig- [9, 10]. Non-pathologic increases in total cortisol
nificant expertise [2, 4]. Although surgery is often can be observed in conditions affecting the level
the primary treatment modality, multispecialty of CBG such as pregnancy and oral contraceptive
care is often necessary for optimal outcomes [8]. use, an important consideration in laboratory
testing [2, 5, 6]. Free, unbound cortisol is filtered
by the kidneys and is in equilibrium with salivary
Pathophysiology cortisol [4, 11, 12]. At plasma levels exceeding
20 mcg/dL, free cortisol saturates CBG, resulting
Cortisol is produced in the adrenal cortex by iter- in precipitous increases in urinary levels [13].
ative enzymatic modifications of its precursor Autonomous overproduction of cortisol due to
cholesterol. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal intrinsic adrenal pathology such as a functional adre-
nocortical neoplasm or primary adrenal hyperpla-
sia results in ACTH-independent hypercortisolism,
R. Lirov
with attendant suppression of pituitary corticotroph
Capital Surgeons Group, Austin, Texas, USA
cells [1]. Alternatively, ACTH-producing lesions
P. G. Gauger (*)
(most commonly pituitary adenomas) are respon-
Division of Endocrine Surgery, Department of
Surgery, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA sible for secondary, ACTH-dependent hyper-
e-mail: cortisolism [4]. Effects of hypercortisolemia are

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 335

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
336 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

mediated by the affinity of cortisol for both gluco- ACTH Independent

corticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors, which
are widely expressed throughout the body [9, ACTH-independent hypercortisolism may be
14]. Hypercortisolemia causes profound derange- caused by a functional adrenocortical neoplasm
ments in metabolism and multimodal blockade or primary hyperplastic process of the adrenal
of immune response [4, 9, 10]. Direct sequelae cortex [2, 4]. Primary hyperplastic processes
include insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hyper- include ACTH-independent bilateral
tension, with attendant increases in atherosclerosis macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH) and
and cardiovascular risk profile as discussed below primary pigmented nodular adrenal disease
[2, 4, 15, 16]. Catabolism of skeletal muscle pro- (PPNAD) [26]. PPNAD is the pigmented form of
teins to support increased gluconeogenesis by the micronodular adrenal hyperplasia [27, 28].
liver results in severe proximal muscle weakness Familial in 50% of cases, PPNAD is the most
and physical deconditioning despite weight gain common endocrine manifestation of Carney
and truncal obesity [9]. Impaired immunity results complex, an inherited multiple neoplasia
from deficiencies in neutrophil and macrophage syndrome featuring cutaneous lesions, cardiac
function, and downregulation of inflammatory myxomas, testicular tumors, and other
cytokines [9, 17, 18]. An increase in procoagu- manifestations [26, 29]. Characteristically, the
lant factors and decrease in fibrinolysis lead to a adrenal glands of patients with PPNAD are
prothrombotic state [19, 20]. Hypercortisolemia normal in size or atrophic, but contain
also predisposes to bone mineral density loss by innumerable pigmented nodules measuring
inhibiting osteoblast activity, and can have a pro- <1  cm [29, 30]. By contrast, AIMAH involves
found effect on neuropsychiatric function [9, 10]. remarkable enlargement of both adrenal glands
Hypercortisolism of any etiology may result in with many intraglandular nodules, each
suppression of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) measuring up to 4 cm in diameter, although more
and gonadotropins, and can lead to hypothyroidism diffuse enlargement may also be observed [26,
and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [4, 8, 21]. 31]. Combined gland weight is commonly 5–10×
that of normal adrenals, and weights up to 60-fold
heavier (600  mg) have been reported [10].
Etiologies Although most cases of AIMAH appear to be
sporadic, several familial cases have been
ACTH Dependent reported, and the disorder may also be rarely
observed in patients with MEN1 and McCune–
Cushing’s disease is the most common endogenous Albright syndrome [10, 11, 26, 32, 33].
cause of Cushing’s syndrome [4, 8]. This condition In general, adrenal tumors are common and
is usually caused by an ACTH-secreting adenoma may result from a variety of etiologies, although
of the pituitary gland, the vast majority of which the vast majority are benign and not hormonally
are benign microadenomas, measuring <1  cm in active [34–36]. Adrenocortical neoplasms are
diameter [2, 21]. These tumors are usually spo- usually monoclonal tumors that may be benign
radic, but may be associated with familial isolated (adrenocortical adenoma) or malignant (adreno-
pituitary adenoma syndrome or multiple endocrine cortical carcinoma) [4, 37]. Over half of adreno-
neoplasia type 1 [5]. A far less common cause of cortical adenomas are nonfunctioning, although
ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome, ectopic cortisol hypersecretion can be seen in up to 30%
ACTH syndrome (EAS) is a rare paraneoplastic of cases [34]. Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare
syndrome that has been observed with a variety of but aggressive malignancy with a 5-year survival
non-pituitary neuroendocrine tumors including of only 40% for patients with resectable disease
small-cell lung cancer; neuroendocrine tumors of and median overall survival of only 2 years [38,
the bronchus, thymus, and pancreas; pheochromo- 39]. Approximately half of adrenocortical carci-
cytoma; and medullary thyroid cancer [22–25]. nomas are hormonally functional, of which
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 337

50–80% produce glucocorticoid excess and seem to have a sex predisposition [24]. ACTH-
40–60% produce adrenal androgens [10, 40]. In independent etiologies cause Cushing’s syn-
approximately half of patients with hormonally drome in 15–20% of cases, of which 90% are due
active adrenocortical carcinoma concurrent pro- to unilateral adrenal lesions [5]. It has been
duction of both glucocorticoids and adrenal reported that one in five such lesions will prove
androgen may be observed [40]. malignant, although adrenocortical carcinoma is
In patients with ACTH-independent hypercor- otherwise considered rare among cancers, with
tisolism of any cause, atrophy of uninvolved an estimated incidence of only 2.7 per 1,000,000
adrenal tissue as a result of ACTH suppression is person-years, and is similarly uncommon among
observed. In patients with discrete adrenocortical incidentally identified adrenal lesions [31].
tumors this phenomenon often manifests as con-
tralateral gland atrophy, and in those with pri-
mary adrenal hyperplasia atrophic islands of Clinical Features and Presentation
adrenocortical cells between hyperplastic nod-
ules may be observed [10, 26]. Chronic atrophy Signs and symptoms of hypercortisolism are
of residual adrenal tissue reflects that patients myriad and no individual feature is pathognomonic
undergoing surgical management for Cushing’s for Cushing’s syndrome [4, 6, 18, 21, 41]. When
syndrome are at risk for postoperative adrenal a variety of manifestations are present in the set-
insufficiency [10]. ting of overt disease, the syndrome is unmistak-
able [2, 8]. However, cases involving more subtle
or fewer features can present significant diagnos-
Epidemiology tic challenges [6, 21]. The clinical features of
Cushing’s syndrome are presented in Table 26.1
It is generally accepted that most cases of [5]. The most common physical features are
Cushing’s syndrome are iatrogenic, caused by weight gain, which occurs in 70–95% of patients,
administration of exogenous glucocorticoids [2, and moon facies or facial plethora, which occur
4, 10, 28, 41]. The incidence of endogenous in 70–90% [5, 44]. Patients with a malignant
Cushing’s syndrome was estimated at 2–3 cases cause of Cushing’s syndrome may have a para-
per million person-years in two large European neoplastic wasting syndrome, which can mask
population-based studies, with a prevalence of 4 weight gain [5, 10]. Characteristically, adiposity
per 100,000 individuals [2, 42, 43]. The preva- is centrally distributed (truncal obesity) with vis-
lence among patients with Cushing’s-associated ceral fat that may be demonstrable as hepatoste-
comorbidities may be substantially higher [2]. atosis by CT in 20% of patients [45]. Patients
One study found that the rate of unsuspected may also display increased fat in the dorsocervi-
Cushing’s syndrome was 11% among elderly cal and supraclavicular regions, which is uncom-
patients with osteoporosis and vertebral frac- mon for normal individuals [4]. Hypertension is
tures. Among patients with obesity and poorly observed in 70–85% of patients, with a character-
controlled diabetes in another study, prevalence istic blunting of the nighttime decrease in blood
of Cushing’s syndrome was up to 2% [4]. In two pressure that is otherwise evident in normal indi-
large studies of patients with hypertension, a pos- viduals and even those with
itive screening test for Cushing’s syndrome was non-glucocorticoid-mediated hypertension [1,
reported in 0.5–1% [2]. ACTH-dependent causes 16]. Hyperlipidemia is reported in 70% of
account for 80–85% of endogenous Cushing’s patients [46], with measurable increases in very-
syndrome, of which 75–80% are due to Cushing’s low-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein,
disease and 15–25% are due to ectopic ACTH and triglycerides, as well as decreases in high-
secretion [5]. Cushing’s disease is more common density lipoprotein [47]. Insulin resistance is
in females, with a ratio of 3–4:1, whereas para- reported in 45–70% of patients [1, 5, 48],
neoplastic ectopic ACTH syndrome does not manifesting as glucose intolerance in 20–30%
338 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

Table 26.1  Manifestations of Cushing’s syndrome in insomnia, as well as impairments in memory and
adults [6, 9, 10]
concentration [4, 21].
Symptoms Although metabolic derangements and neuro-
Easy bruisinga psychiatric complaints are among the most com-
Proximal muscle weaknessa
mon features of Cushing’s syndrome, these
Weight gain
manifestations are nonspecific by virtue of their
Emotional lability high prevalence in the general population [5, 8].
Impaired concentration/memory Features that are more discriminatory for
Fatigue Cushing’s syndrome are wide violaceous striae,
Insomnia easy bruising, proximal muscle weakness, and
Decreased libido osteoporosis in younger populations [2, 53, 54].
Menstrual dysfunction Although striae are commonly seen in obesity or
Physical findings following pregnancy, when purple in color and
Wide violaceous striaea exceeding 1  cm in width, these are highly
Facial plethoraa
suspicious for the presence of Cushing’s
Moon facies
Truncal obesity/lipodystrophy
syndrome [1, 2, 5, 6]. The presence of proximal
Dorsocervical fat pad muscle weakness may be assessed with directed
Supraclavicular fat pad questions about difficulty climbing stairs or
Thin skin squatting and reaching above shoulder level,
Acne performance of tasks such as rising from a chair
Hirsutism without using the arms for assistance, and specific
Comorbidities attention to testing the strength of proximal
Hypertension muscle groups on physical exam [4]. Decreases
Glucose intolerance/diabetes mellitus
in bone mineral density or fractures are evident in
40–70% of patients with Cushing’s syndrome
Fungal infectious
and are particularly suspicious when occurring at
a young age or in males [5]. Osteoporosis is
Denotes more discriminatory for features for Cushing’s
syndrome reported in 50% of patients with Cushing’s
syndrome undergoing DEXA scan [55]. In males,
a history of unexplained fractures may be the
only evidence of Cushing’s syndrome [4]. Males
and overt diabetes in 30–40% [4, 5]. are also more likely to present with Cushing’s
Neuropsychiatric disturbances are among the syndrome at a younger age and in general tend to
most common features in Cushing’s syndrome, present with more overt manifestations of the
presenting in 70–85% of cases overall, with 80% syndrome [56]. Cushing’s syndrome causes
of patients meeting the criteria for a major sexual dysfunction in up to 80% of patients, with
affective disorder including depression or bipolar menstrual irregularity seen in females and erectile
[5, 49, 50]. These symptoms are often intermittent, dysfunction in males [5]. Infertility and decreased
distinguishing them from manifestations of non- libido may be seen in both genders, although
glucocorticoid psychiatric illness, which are paradoxically libido may be increased in females
characteristically persistent [4]. Neuropsychiatric due to mild virilization, which may also cause
symptoms may correlate with the degree of acne and hirsutism [4, 5, 21]. Severe virilization
hypercortisolemia and in severe cases suicidality should always raise suspicion for adrenocortical
and acute psychosis have been reported and may carcinoma [4, 6, 40].
require emergent treatment [4, 8, 50–52]. Although it is rarely a presenting sign of the
Irritability may be one of the earliest findings, disease, venous thromboembolism is prevalent in
and other manifestations can include restlessness, 2–3% of patients with Cushing’s syndrome,
occurring with an incidence approximately
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 339

tenfold higher than that of the general population Because of the diversity of features associated
[19, 20, 57, 58]. Although routine prophylaxis with Cushing’s syndrome, patients may be seen
against venous thromboembolism is not for individual complaints by multiple
universally recommended in patients with subspecialists, among whom the suspicion for an
Cushing’s syndrome, hypercoagulability in this endocrinopathy may be lower [6]. If the initial
patient population is an important perioperative presentation lacks sufficiently compelling
concern [19, 58, 59]. The powerful features to warrant further diagnostic evaluation
immunosuppressive effect of hypercortisolemia for hypercortisolism, clinical follow-up is advised
is another consideration in patients undergoing because the development of additional or
surgery for Cushing’s syndrome due to its progressive features over time increases the
implications for impaired wound healing and likelihood that Cushing’s syndrome is present
predisposition to infection [4, 9, 60, 61]. A and should motivate laboratory evaluation at a
blunted inflammatory response due to subsequent visit [2]. Although Cushing’s
hypercortisolemia may mask classic clinical syndrome is often persistent and progressive,
signs such as fever or peritonitis in a patient some patients may present with episodic
presenting with severe infection or acute symptoms (cyclical Cushing’s syndrome) [2, 4].
abdominal catastrophe [4, 9, 10, 60] (Figs. 26.1, In these cases, clinical and biochemical evidence
26.2, 26.3, 26.4, and 26.5). of hypercortisolism is only present intermittently
The presentation of patients with Cushing’s precluding a definitive diagnosis in the
syndrome can vary significantly even among intervening periods of disease quiescence,
those with similar degrees of cortisol elevation underscoring the importance of scheduled
[5, 62]. Most patients will present in middle follow-up. It is also important in the initial
adulthood with a selection of these clinical evaluation to differentiate the pathologic
features that have gradually accumulated over hypercortisolemia of Cushing’s syndrome from
years until the diagnosis is made [4, 42, 43]. states of physiologic hypercortisolemia secondary

Features of Cushing’s

1mg DST,
Cushing Negative 24h UFC, or
Syndrome Late-Night
Unlikely Salivary

Two tests
High pretest positive
probability Very high
Ectopic ACTH Syndrome Likely
Schedule Plasma ACTH +/-CRH
for High
Low Cushing’s Disease
Retesting (> 20 ng/L)
or Ectopic ACTH Syndrome
Fig. 26.1  Diagnostic algorithm for Cushing’s syndrome [2, 6, 10, 111]
340 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

* *

a b

Fig. 26.2  Non-contrast axial CT scan of two different normal contralateral (left) adrenal gland (arrow). (b)
patients with right adrenocortical adenoma (asterisk). (a) Patient with nonfunctional adrenal adenoma, notice
Patient with Cushing’s syndrome, notice atrophy of normal size of contralateral (left) adrenal gland (arrow)

a b

Fig. 26.3  Contrast-enhanced axial CT scan of a patient (b) 15-min delay phase (attenuation 12 HU); notice
with left cortisol-producing adrenocortical adenoma atrophy of contralateral (right) adrenal gland. APW
(arrow) demonstrating rapid contrast washout (calculation absolute percentage washout, RPW relative percentage
below). (a) 60-second delay phase (attenuation 42 HU), washout

CT Attenuation ( 60 sec ) - CT Attenuation (10 - 15 min )

CT Attenuation ( 60 sec ) - CT Attenuation ( non-contrast )
( APW not calculated beecause non-contrastenhanced phase not available )

CT Atttenuation ( 60 sec ) - CT Attenuation (10 - 15 min )

CT Attenuation ( 60 sec )
42 - 12
RPW = = 71%
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 341


a b

Fig. 26.4  CT scan of a patient with very large (18.1 cm) border irregularity and local invasion, heterogeneous
adrenocortical carcinoma of the right adrenal gland contrast enhancement, and internal calcifications
(asterisk). (a) Axial section, (b) coronal section; note

a b

Fig. 26.5 CT scan of a patient with 5.8  cm adrenocortical carcinoma of the right adrenal gland (arrow). (a) Non-contrast
enhanced. (b) Contrast enhanced (60-s delay) demonstrating heterogeneous contrast uptake and border irregularity

to another illness (so-called pseudo-Cushing’s regardless of underlying etiology, although spe-

state) [2]. This is suggested by the concomitant cific manifestations of particular subtypes are
presence of an acute illness or stressor, preg- noteworthy. Patients with enlarging pituitary mac-
nancy, psychiatric disease, eating disorders, alco- roadenomas may additionally complain of head-
holism, or morbid obesity [2, 5]. Overlapping aches and visual disturbances [4, 21]. Rare cases
clinical and biochemical features with true of invasive pituitary lesions may also cause cra-
Cushing’s syndrome may present a diagnostic nial neuropathies or facial neuralgias [4]. Patients
challenge, but the hallmark of pseudo-Cushing’s with ectopic ACTH syndrome may rapidly
is resolution upon treatment of the underlying develop exceedingly high plasma ACTH levels
contributing illness [2, 4, 6]. (>500  pg/mL) and demonstrate urinary cortisol
To the extent that the clinical picture is domi- levels exceeding 10× the normal upper limit [4, 5,
nated by features of hypercortisolism, Cushing’s 10]. Acute onset of symptoms, hypokalemia,
syndrome may present in an identical fashion alkalosis, skin pigmentation, weight loss, and vir-
342 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

ilization are also classically described features of development of exogenous Cushing’s syndrome
ectopic ACTH syndrome [4, 5, 10, 43, 60]. Weight [2, 5, 59]. Endocrine Society Practice Guidelines
loss and virilization may also be observed in recommend initial testing for Cushing’s syndrome
patients with adrenocortical carcinoma [40]. using any two of the following studies: 24-h uri-
Production of cortisol by adrenocortical cancers is nary free cortisol, late-night salivary cortisol, or
often less efficient, and these lesions may be large 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST) [2].
enough to cause local symptoms such as palpable Familiarity with the idiosyncrasies of each test is
mass and abdominal pain by the time patients essential to increasing the likelihood of an accu-
come to clinical attention for Cushing’s syndrome rate diagnostic result [2, 4, 6].
[10, 39, 40]. Increasingly, patients are referred to 24-h urinary free cortisol is the only screening
surgeons for evaluation and management of inci- test for Cushing’s syndrome that is independent
dentally identified adrenal lesions associated with of diurnal variation of cortisol secretion because
biochemically evident hypercortisolism in the it is an integrated assessment of tissue exposure
absence of compelling clinical features of to free cortisol over a 24-h period [4]. When
Cushing’s syndrome [3, 63, 64]. The quality of performing this test, urine volume and creatinine
supporting evidence remains limited, but there is must also be measured to ensure an appropriate
an evolving consensus that such patients are at collection. Fluid intake exceeding 5  l over the
elevated risk for cardiovascular consequences collection period can falsely elevate results [2, 6].
associated with hypercortisolism and appear to This test may be less sensitive in cases of mild
benefit from adrenalectomy [3, 63–68]. hypercortisolism and may be less useful in the
setting of an incidentaloma [2]. This test is also
not recommended in patients with impaired renal
Initial Laboratory Evaluation function because cortisol clearance decreases lin-
early with GFR, potentially leading to false-neg-
Appropriate diagnostic evaluation of patients for ative results in patients with kidney disease [6].
Cushing’s syndrome requires a systematic In addition, choice of assay may influence results,
approach and a thorough understanding of the as cross-reactivity between cortisol and its
utility and limitations of currently available metabolites can be observed in immunoassays
laboratory tests [2, 69, 70]. Understanding when such as ELISA or RIA, but not structural based
to initiate a diagnostic evaluation is an important assays such as tandem mass spectrometry and
first step [41]. Although some studies discussed high-performance liquid chromatography [2, 6].
previously show increased prevalence of The 1  mg DST detects the presence of an
Cushing’s syndrome among groups with a subset intact negative feedback loop in the HPA axis [4].
of associated conditions, there are no conclusive As described earlier, the diurnal pattern of
data to justify screening for Cushing’s syndrome cortisol secretion involves an ACTH-mediated
in the general population [2, 5, 71]. Current rise in cortisol level beginning at 3–4 a.m. and
guidelines recommend that initial screening for peaking at 8–9 a.m. [2]. In the absence of
Cushing’s syndrome be performed upon Cushing’s syndrome, a normally functioning
discovery of an adrenal incidentaloma or in HPA axis with an intact negative feedback loop
patients presenting with clinical features of will suppress this early morning secretion of
hypercortisolism [2, 35]. ACTH in response to a supraphysiological dose
Prior to laboratory testing, a thorough history of glucocorticoid administered late at night,
should be performed to rule out exogenous whereas autonomous secretion of ACTH or
sources of glucocorticoids and to evaluate for cortisol will be exposed by detection of an
conditions associated with pseudo-Cushing’s syn- unsuppressed morning cortisol level [4, 21]. The
drome [2, 4, 6]. Glucocorticoids are among the protocol involves administration of 1 mg of oral
most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals and a dexamethasone between 11 p.m. and midnight,
variety of preparations have been associated with followed by a serum cortisol level drawn between
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 343

8 and 9 a.m. the following morning [1, 2]. which may be followed by a corticotropin-releas-
Morning serum cortisol level exceeding 1.8 mcg/ ing hormone (CRH)-stimulated level if initial
dL is over 95% sensitive for Cushing’s syndrome results are in an indeterminate range between 10
[8]. Although it is a reliable test with similar and 20 ng/L [4, 21]. Baseline or CRH-stimulated
performance to the other screening studies, the plasma ACTH below 5–10  ng/L is consistent
1  mg DST is the only study discussed that with suppression due to an ACTH-independent
measures total cortisol rather than free cortisol, source of cortisol, whereas levels exceeding
and is therefore more susceptible to variations in 20 ng/L suggest an ACTH-dependent process [4,
CBG that may occur in conditions such as liver 5, 10].
disease, pregnancy, and oral contraceptive use [4, Cross-sectional abdominal imaging is
9]. Another limitation is that dexamethasone is obtained to assess for a primary adrenal lesion
metabolized by the cytochrome enzyme CYP3A4 when ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome is
[6, 8]. Many common medications affect the identified [4, 10]. Either CT or MRI may be used
activity of this enzyme complex and concurrent for initial imaging, and in such cases a unilateral
use of these drugs can lead to inaccurate results adrenal lesion is most often identified. Bilateral
by affecting the availability of dexamethasone adrenal enlargement with multiple nodules up
following administration of the standard dose [2]. to 5 cm in size is typical of AIMAH, whereas in
Late-night salivary cortisol is an accurate and PPNAD, normal or smaller-than-normal adrenal
convenient study that assesses whether a glands are observed [1, 10]. When initial imaging
nighttime nadir in cortisol is reached [4, 8]. reveals a unilateral adrenal lesion, assessment of
Salivary cortisol is in equilibrium with free its malignant potential is essential for choosing
cortisol in the bloodstream and is unaffected by appropriate surgical treatment [10]. Size is an
levels of CBG [8]. Saliva may be kept at room important criterion, as the rate of adrenocorti-
temperature following collection and is mailed cal cancer has been estimated at 2% in adrenal
by the patient to a laboratory [6]. The assay has a lesions smaller than 4  cm in diameter and 25%
sensitivity of 92–100% and specificity of in lesions exceeding 6  cm [72, 73]. A CT per-
93–100% [2]. False elevations may occur with formed under an adrenal protocol provides thin
smoking, chewing tobacco, or licorice use [2]. cuts at the level of the adrenal glands and contrast
Stressful conditions such as depression or critical timing to assist further with determining malig-
illness, and lifestyle affecting the timing of the nant potential [74–76]. On the initial non-con-
sleep-wake cycle, can affect results as well [6]. trast phase, lipid-rich adrenal adenomas appear
A positive screening test warrants further round and homogeneous, with distinct borders
evaluation by an endocrinologist at an institution and enhancement of <10 Hounsfield units (HU)
with expertise in Cushing’s syndrome [2]. [75]. Otherwise similar lesions exceeding this
Referral may also be beneficial in patients with attenuation threshold (>10  HU) may be further
compelling clinical features despite negative characterized by assessing the rate of contrast
testing so that optimal second-line testing washout on delayed imaging: those demonstrat-
strategies may be selected, and repeated testing ing absolute percentage contrast washout >60%
arranged when progression of disease is observed (or relative percentage washout >40%) may be
or if there is clinical suspicion for cyclical classified as lipid-poor adenomas [40, 74, 76].
Cushing’s syndrome [2, 8]. On T1-weighted chemical-shift MRI, benign
lipid-rich adenomas characteristically demon-
strate signal dropout from in- to out-of-phase
Subsequent Diagnostic Testing images [40, 77, 78]. Adrenal tumors demonstrat-
ing heterogeneity, calcifications, or indistinct
Once the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome is borders should be considered suspicious for adre-
established, further testing begins with nocortical cancer [79, 80]. Evidence of invasion,
determination of a baseline plasma ACTH level, lymphadenopathy, or thrombosis in the adrenal
344 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

vein is virtually diagnostic of malignancy [40]. typically used in this setting [86]. As described
Percutaneous biopsy of adrenal lesions in this above, ectopic ACTH secretion can be caused by
setting is to be avoided as biopsy rarely provides a variety of neuroendocrine tumors in various
beneficial clinical information and risks dissemi- locations [22–25]. In a review of five retrospective
nating a contained malignancy [81]. studies, the most common causes of ectopic
When ACTH-dependent hypercortisolism is ACTH syndrome were bronchical carcinoid
likely, studies directed at localizing the tumor to (23%), small-cell lung cancer, (22%),
the pituitary or an ectopic source are necessary gastrointestinal/pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
[5, 18]. In these cases, evaluation can be chal- (13%), thymic carcinoid (6.8%), medullary
lenging and often requires both cross-sectional thyroid cancer (5.5%), pheochromocytoma/
imaging and additional biochemical testing [2, 4, paraganglioma (3.4%), and disseminated
21]. Gadolinium-enhanced pituitary MRI is pre- neuroendocrine tumor with no known primary
ferred over CT for its higher sensitivity, and iden- (6.5%) [22]. Imaging evaluation should be
tifies a pituitary lesion in approximately 50% of individualized and should include neck ultrasound
such patients [2, 10]. However, most cases of to evaluate for medullary thyroid cancer and
Cushing’s disease in adults are caused by micro- high-resolution contrast-enhanced CT of the
adenomas, which may be too small to identify on chest to evaluate for small-cell lung cancer or
imaging. In addition, the incidence of pituitary bronchial carcinoid tumor [5]. Abdominal MRI
incidentalomas in healthy individuals is approxi- or CT performed under a pancreas protocol can
mately 10% [24, 82], and therefore the finding of be used to identify neuroendocrine tumors of
a pituitary lesion in the setting of ACTH suppres- pancreas and include fine cuts at the level of the
sion may not be sufficient evidence of Cushing’s adrenal glands to evaluate for pheochromocytoma
disease. Where available, inferior petrosal sinus as well [86–88]. Endoscopic ultrasound can be a
sampling (IPSS) with CRH stimulation is the rec- useful study for identification of occult pancreatic
ommended approach to assist with localization, neuroendocrine tumors [88]. Although it is
but requires significant procedural expertise to generally used as a biomarker for medullary
execute reliably [8, 21]. Demonstration by IPSS thyroid cancer, calcitonin elevation has been
of a central-to-peripheral ACTH ratio exceeding reported in 44–75% of non-medullary thyroid
2 (pre-CRH) and 3 (post-CRH) has a sensitivity tumors producing ACTH, and may be nonspecific
of approximately 94% and specificity of nearly in this setting [24]. Functional imaging including
100% for a pituitary source of ACTH [83, 84]. 111-In-pentetreotide scintigraphy (octreoscan)
More widely accessible modalities include the has been used to confirm activity in
high-dose dexamethasone suppression test and neuroendocrine tumors identified on anatomic
the CRH stimulation test, which rely on partial imaging, and may occasionally identify tumors
retention of native regulatory control among cor- not detected on conventional studies [5, 86].
ticotroph adenomas [5, 8]. Pituitary tumors clas- However, octreoscan has a reported sensitivity of
sically demonstrate suppression by only 49–60% in unselected patients [22–24].
glucocorticoids and stimulation by CRH to some Newer functional imaging techniques may have
extent, whereas ectopic ACTH-secreting tumors higher utility and are becoming more widely
usually do not. These tests can be used to confirm adopted in clinical practice, although sample
the activity of a pituitary adenoma exceeding sizes in studies reporting on their relative
6 mm on MRI, but reported diagnostic accuracies accuracies remain small. A recent systematic
for these studies are significantly lower than for review of 107 case series and reports including
IPSS [5, 22, 85]. 231 patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome
Identifying the source of an ectopic ACTH- demonstrated an overall sensitivity of 82% when
secreting tumor can be challenging due to the utilizing 68-gallium-SSTR-PET/CT techniques
many possible locations of such tumors [5, 18]. including 18-F-fluorodopa, 68-Ga-DOTATATE,
Both anatomic and functional imaging are and 68-Ga-DOTATOC, with extremely high
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 345

sensitivity reported for occult lesions in particular increased mortality [94]. A retrospective study of
[86]. Despite an exhaustive imaging evaluation, 50 patients undergoing unilateral adrenalectomy
ACTH-producing tumors may remain occult in for ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome
2–16% of cases [22–24]. reported resolution of obesity in 60% and
hypertension in 58%, as well as measurable
improvements in bone mineral density. In that
 urgical Management of Cushing’s
S study, subjective recovery was reported in 96% of
Syndrome patients and long-term mortality was similar to
the general population [97]. A recent meta-analy-
General Considerations sis including 688 patients with Cushing’s disease
and 109 patients with a benign adrenal adenoma
Patients with Cushing’s syndrome are at signifi- causing Cushing’s syndrome likewise reported
cantly elevated risk for morbidity and mortality no statistically significant difference in standard-
[41]. In early series predating the widespread ized mortality compared to the general popula-
availability of effective treatment options, median tion in patients undergoing successful surgical
survival for patients with Cushing’s syndrome management for either condition, whereas those
was only 4.6 years and 5-year survival was only with persistent hypercortisolism following sur-
50%, with most deaths due to myocardial infarc- gery for Cushing’s disease had an increased stan-
tion, stroke, and infectious complications [2, 89]. dardized mortality ratio of 3.73 (95% CI 2.3–6.0)
Modern studies of patients with active Cushing’s [98]. However, other studies demonstrate persis-
syndrome following attempted curative treatment tently elevated mortality following treatment of
demonstrate standardized mortality ratios of 1.7– Cushing’s syndrome regardless of remission sta-
5.0 times the general population [2, 8, 10, 42, 43]. tus [57, 90–92], which may be explained in part
Accumulation of additional features and progres- by cardiovascular risk factors remaining elevated
sion of disease severity over time are characteris- in long-term follow-up despite resolution of
tics of Cushing’s syndrome [2, 4], and therefore hypercortisolism [44, 99–101]. Regardless, it is
early diagnosis and treatment are essential for clear that mortality and morbidity are signifi-
minimizing morbidity and mortality [6, 7, 90]. cantly reduced following successful treatment of
Surgery is the primary treatment modality in Cushing’s syndrome, if not normalized [2, 43]. In
the vast majority of cases of Cushing’s syndrome. addition, improvements in physical features, car-
Successful treatment results in measurable diovascular comorbidities [99, 102], bone min-
improvements in standardized mortality, eral density [97, 103], cognitive status [93], and
comorbidities, and healthcare-related quality of quality of life [96, 104] have all been demon-
life [43, 91–96]. The degree of improvement strated following successful treatment of
following treatment is an area of ongoing Cushing’s syndrome. The timeframe for resolu-
investigation and depends on the underlying tion of individual features can be highly variable,
etiology, disease duration, and whether remission from a few weeks to several years, and features
is achieved [10, 43, 57, 90]. In a study of 161 such as psychiatric disturbances and quality-of-
patients followed for an average of 8.7 years after life impairments may persist in the long term [93,
successful treatment of Cushing’s disease, 97, 104–106].
survival was similar to age- and sex-matched The choice of operation depends on the under-
controls [95]. Similarly, in another retrospective lying etiology and location of the offending
study of 289 patients, those with initial remission lesion [8, 21]. In Cushing’s disease,
after transsphenoidal microsurgery for Cushing’s transsphenoidal endoscopic surgery (TSS) is the
disease had no statistically significant differences current modality of choice [10, 21], whereas uni-
in long-term survival compared to the general lateral adrenalectomy is used for cortisol-secret-
population, whereas patients with persistent ing primary adrenal tumors [4, 7]. In cases of
disease following surgery were shown to have ectopic ACTH syndrome, primary resection of
346 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

the causative ACTH-producing lesion is one study reporting a rate of 20% in patients
recommended if oncologically appropriate [8, undergoing surgery without perioperative prophy-
22, 24]. Bilateral adrenalectomy may be used in laxis [117]. Although an analysis of the Nationwide
selected patients with recurrent Cushing’s Inpatient Sample database reported that the rate of
disease, non-localized or unresectable tumors postoperative venous thromboembolism in a large
causing ectopic ACTH syndrome, or in primary cohort of patients undergoing surgery for
adrenal hyperplasia due to either AIMAH or Cushing’s syndrome was only 0.7%, this risk was
PPNAD [4, 21, 26]. Underlying etiology is the likely underestimated because patients with post-
most important factor in determining outcome operative venous thromboembolism typically
following surgery [90, 96, 97, 101, 107]. The present after discharge, whereas this study reported
highest rates of remission and lowest rates of only on in-hospital complications [57, 118]. In a
recurrence are reported after surgical management review of four studies specifying the timeframe of
of benign primary adrenal and pituitary lesions, postoperative venous thromboembolism in
whereas cure rates for adrenocortical carcinoma patients with Cushing’s syndrome, 80% were
and ectopic ACTH-secreting tumors are often reported within 4 weeks following surgery [19].
considerably lower and are dependent on tumor Postoperative prophylaxis against venous throm-
biology, stage at diagnosis, and completeness of boembolism is routinely practiced by many insti-
resection [21, 23, 40, 96, 97, 101, 108]. tutions for patients with Cushing’s syndrome and
some have advocated for prolonged courses up to
4 weeks following surgery [19, 119]. Current
Perioperative Considerations treatment guidelines for Cushing’s syndrome do
not make specific recommendations in this regard,
The complexity of perioperative care of patients and therefore treatment should be individualized,
with hypercortisolism must not be underestimated weighing risk of venous thromboembolism against
[19, 21, 59, 109–112]. Patients undergoing the potential for bleeding complications [8, 19, 21]
operative management who have suffered from (Tables 26.2 and 26.3).
long-standing, severe hypercortisolism are highly After successful resection of the source of
susceptible to perioperative electrolyte and Cushing’s syndrome, hypocortisolemia may ensue
glucose instability, cardiac and infectious rapidly [10]. Adrenal insufficiency is an important
complications, venous thromboembolism, and cause of postoperative mortality and initiation of
impaired wound healing [8, 10, 59]. Severe glucocorticoid replacement in the perioperative
physical deconditioning from a prolonged period is necessary, initially with hydrocortisone
catabolic state impairs mobility and recovery, 50–100 mg delivered intravenously every 8 h [21,
and may occasionally cause difficulties with 59, 120]. After their immediate postoperative
postoperative ventilator weaning [5, 112]. In recovery, patients are transitioned to 10–25 mg of
moderate-to-severe cases of hypercortisolism,
initiating medical therapy and delaying surgery
for several weeks may be necessary to partially Table 26.2  Etiologies of Cushing’s syndrome [2, 6,
10, 111]
reverse the catabolic effects of hypercortisolism,
as increased perioperative mortality is observed ACTH dependent
Cushing’s disease (pituitary Cushing’s syndrome)
in patients with poorly controlled cortisol levels
Ectopic ACTH syndrome
preoperatively [10, 112–116]. ACTH independent
Hypercoagulability is another important con- Adrenocortical adenoma
sideration in the perioperative period for patients Adrenocortical carcinoma
with Cushing’s syndrome [19]. In a systematic Primary adrenal hyperplasias
review, the rate of postoperative venous thrombo- Primary pigmented nodular adrenal disease (PPNAD)
embolism in patients undergoing surgery for ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
Cushing’s syndrome was up to 5.6% [57], with (AIMAH)
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 347

Table 26.3  Tumor types associated with ectopic ACTH Paradoxically, following establishment of eucorti-
syndrome [83, 84, 86]
solemia, patients often report initially feeling
Unfavorable prognosis worse [8]. Patients that have acclimated to chronic
Small-cell lung cancer supraphysiologic glucocorticoid levels experience
Medullary thyroid cancer
a relative state of hypocortisolemia despite physi-
ologic glucocorticoid replacement doses follow-
Thymic carcinoid
Disseminated neuroendocrine tumor ing surgery. In some cases, long-standing
Intermediate prognosis concurrent autoimmune disorders such as lupus,
Bronchial carcinoid rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and others that may
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor have been quiescent due to the immunosuppres-
Pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma sive effects of hypercortisolemia undergo reactiva-
Occult primary tion following cure of Cushing’s syndrome [8,
123–127]. Hypothyroidism and hypogonadism
resulting from suppression of TSH and pituitary
oral hydrocortisone (occasionally higher), divided gonadotropins may resolve in tandem with HPA
over 2–3 doses daily (e.g., 10 mg in the morning, axis recovery and hormonal replacement may be
10 mg at midday, and 5 mg in the evening) [1, 21]. necessary until recovery of these axes can be dem-
In patients undergoing bilateral adrenalectomy onstrated [8].
lifelong replacement of both glucocorticoids and
mineralocorticoids is necessary [10]. For those in
whom functional adrenal tissue remains, it must be Management of Cushing’s Disease
emphasized that chronic ACTH-independent
hypercortisolemia leads to atrophy of uninvolved Pituitary surgery is recommended as first-line
adrenal tissue [4, 21, 109, 110], and therefore treatment for patients confirmed to have
recovery of the HPA axis following curative sur- Cushing’s disease [8, 10, 21], and modern
gery for Cushing’s syndrome may take up to 18 endoscopic TSS has supplanted older techniques
months or longer [8, 104, 110]. Glucocorticoid for this procedure [21]. The operation should be
replacement is titrated in tandem with HPA axis performed by a neurosurgeon with significant
recovery [8, 104, 110], and during this prolonged experience to maximize the chance of remission
period of HPA axis recovery patients are at ongo- and minimize morbidity. Among five modern
ing risk for life-threatening adrenal insufficiency studies published between 2007 and 2013,
during times of stress or illness [8]. All patients patients undergoing TSS for Cushing’s disease
undergoing surgery for Cushing’s syndrome experienced a median remission of 77%, with a
should be educated regarding the signs of adrenal range of 72–96%, and a median recurrence rate
insufficiency such as fatigue, nausea, emesis, of 7.1% with a range of 0–15% [128–132].
arthralgias, and headache [8]. Those at higher risk Remission is associated with tumor size, surgeon
for this complication should be given a medic-alert experience, and younger patient age [8, 133,
bracelet and an emergency supply of injectable 134]. In a larger review of 74 studies including
hydrocortisone in addition to their replacement 6869 patients, those with macroadenomas were
dose with detailed instructions for use [21, 108, found to have lower median remission (64%),
121]. Patients undergoing bilateral adrenalectomy compared to patients with microadenomas (85%)
for the indications discussed below are at lifelong [21]. Unsurprisingly, invasive pituitary tumors
risk of adrenal insufficiency [10]. In a systematic were found to have the lowest median rate of
review of patients undergoing bilateral adrenalec- remission (43%), with a median recurrence of
tomy for Cushing’s syndrome, adrenal insuffi- 25% [21]. Median time to recurrence overall was
ciency was reported in a median of 28% of cases, 41 months with a range of 1–345 months [21].
with a range of 9–64%, and was an important con- These data demonstrate that a significant
tributor to mortality in another series [112, 122]. proportion of patients undergoing curative
348 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

treatment for Cushing’s disease will require patients with recurrence in 12%, and
second-line treatment at some point in their complications include hypopituitarism, optic
course, and that postoperative surveillance for neuropathy and other cranial nerve palsies,
recurrence is necessary [5, 8, 135]. temporal lobe necrosis, cognitive impairment,
In general, TSS is considered a safe operation cerebrovascular accident, and secondary brain
when performed by an experienced neurosurgeon, tumors [21, 156]. Months to years may elapse
but complications following this procedure for before the treatment effect of radiotherapy is
patients with Cushing’s syndrome are more evident and therefore effective control of
frequent than for other indications [136–139]. In hypercortisolism should be established for such
a review of 61 studies, median mortality following patients in the interim, typically with medical
TSS for Cushing’s syndrome was 0% with a therapy [8].
range of 0–7.1%. The most common causes of In cases of severe or prolonged refractory dis-
postoperative death among these studies were ease, bilateral adrenalectomy has been used to
myocardial infarction, pneumonia, and meningitis effectively and rapidly control hypercortisolism
[21, 94, 140–145]. More common perioperative [8, 21, 135, 156]. Bilateral adrenalectomy may
complications include diabetes insipidus (8%), also be an appropriate option for management of
cerebrospinal fluid leak (4.8%), visual refractory Cushing’s disease in reproductive-age
disturbances (3.5%), meningitis (2.8%), sinusitis females for whom avoiding the risk of infertility
(2.3%), and syndrome of inappropriate following repeat TSS or pituitary radiotherapy is
antidiuretic hormone (2.2%) [21]. Other the highest priority [21, 135]. In a recent
complications include adrenal insufficiency and systematic review of six studies involving
venous thromboembolism. Recovery of the HPA patients undergoing bilateral adrenalectomy for
axis may occur more rapidly (over a 6–12-month recurrent Cushing’s disease, surgical mortality
period) following surgery for Cushing’s disease was <1%, with a complication rate of 9% (range
compared to other indications [8]. Finally, the 0–44%) [21, 122]. A reported rate of
rate of pituitary hormone deficiency following hypercortisolism recurrence following bilateral
TSS increases with more extensive resection adrenalectomy of <2% was attributed to residual
[21]. In patients undergoing hemi- or total adrenal tissue or adrenal rests [122]. Median
hypophysectomy, the mean rates of long-term mortality in patients with refractory
hypopituitarism are 20% and 80%, respectively, Cushing’s disease undergoing bilateral
whereas in seven studies in which selective adrenalectomy was 9% (range 0–45) at a median
adenomectomy was performed no cases of follow-up of 49 months (range 23–294) in a
hypopituitarism were reported [146–151]. review of 20 studies involving 505 patients with
Management of recurrent Cushing’s disease this condition [122]. In light of these results,
can be challenging, and the evidence available to some authors have begun to advocate for earlier
guide treatment is limited [8, 135]. Treatment use of bilateral adrenalectomy in the setting of
options for achieving eucortisolemia include recurrent Cushing’s disease [120, 122, 156–159].
reoperative pituitary surgery, radiation treatment, The potential benefits of rapid control of
medical treatment, and bilateral adrenalectomy hypercortisolemia must be weighed carefully
[8, 21]. Reoperative pituitary surgery has a higher against the potential for fatal long-term
rate of complications and lower remission rate complications, including adrenal insufficiency
compared to initial surgery but may be preferable and Nelson’s syndrome [112, 116, 135]. Nelson’s
in the setting of an obvious residual tumor on syndrome is a potentially fatal condition
imaging [135, 152–155]. Pituitary radiotherapy involving uncontrolled growth of pituitary
may be considered as a second- or third-line corticotroph cells, presumably in response to
option for refractory Cushing’s disease in selected removal of negative feedback inhibition following
patients [8, 21, 135]. Disease control following bilateral adrenalectomy, and is characterized by
pituitary radiotherapy is reported in 61% of plasma ACTH levels exceeding 300  mg/dL and
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 349

skin hyperpigmentation [21, 112, 160]. This effect on oncologic outcome, complete resection
condition was observed in a median of 22% of the causative lesion should also induce remis-
(range 0–42%) of patients following bilateral sion of Cushing’s syndrome [22, 24].
adrenalectomy for Cushing’s disease in studies Patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome from an
specifically reporting this complication, and unmanageable primary source require an alterna-
ongoing surveillance is therefore necessary for tive modality to address their hypercortisolism
these patients [21, 112]. [116]. Such a situation can be encountered if
resection of the primary tumor is technically
unfeasible or oncologically inadvisable, if
 anagement of Ectopic ACTH
M sequelae of uncontrolled hypercortisolism pro-
Syndrome hibit highly stressful treatments for tumor control
(e.g., definitive surgery, or chemotherapy), or if
The underlying etiology of the ACTH-secreting the ACTH-secreting lesion is occult [24, 116]. In
lesion is the most important determinant of treat- these cases, medical management with steroido-
ment and prognosis for patients with ectopic genesis inhibition is an important adjunctive treat-
ACTH syndrome [23]. In two recent series involv- ment, normalizing cortisol levels in about half of
ing 87 patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome, the patients and relieving symptoms of hypercorti-
proportion of patients with small-cell lung cancer solism in approximately one-third [164]. When
was 18–21% [22, 23]. Largely influenced by the steroidogenesis inhibitors are not tolerated or
dismal prognosis of small-cell lung cancer, ineffective, consideration should be given to bilat-
reported mortality rate in these series was 63%, eral adrenalectomy in patients with reasonable
whereas an earlier study containing only 3.3% of life expectancy [116, 165]. Due to physiologic
patients with small-cell lung cancer reported a compromise related to underlying malignancy
much lower mortality rate of 21% [22–24]. and often severe hypercortisolism, morbidity and
Patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome caused by mortality rates for patients undergoing bilateral
medullary thyroid cancer and gastrinoma also adrenalectomy for ectopic ACTH syndrome are
have a poor prognosis; however, survival for those higher than those reported in patients undergoing
with bronchial carcinoid, thymic carcinoid, neu- this procedure for other indications [122]. In a
roendocrine tumors of the appendix and pancreas, review of 23 studies of patients undergoing bilat-
and occult ectopic ACTH-secreting tumors eral adrenalectomy for Cushing’s syndrome,
appears to be much better [24, 161, 162]. A deter- operative mortality was 4% among 130 patients
mination of oncologic appropriateness and tech- with ectopic ACTH secretion, and overall median
nical feasibility of surgery based on tumor type rate of surgical morbidity was 18% (range 6–31%)
and stage at presentation should therefore heavily [122]. In 10 studies reporting long-term outcomes
influence decision-making with regard to resec- among 132 patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome
tion [8, 22, 24]. In two large recent series of undergoing bilateral adrenalectomy, median mor-
patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome, the rate of tality rate was 39% (range 15–85%) at a median
curative resection was only 12–29% [24, 25]. follow-up of 35 months, likely reflecting progres-
Despite these discouraging figures overall, higher sion of underlying malignancy for these patients
rates of cure have been observed in selected [122]. Despite the overall unfavorable prognosis
patient populations. In a review of 44 patients for these patients, bilateral adrenalectomy can
with ectopic ACTH syndrome cause by tumors provide effective palliation by rapidly and defini-
other than small-cell lung cancer, operative cure tively controlling life-threatening hypercorti-
was reported in 76% of patients with localized solism with acceptable perioperative morbidity
disease [163]. In another series, curative surgery and mortality and is an important consideration
attempted in 12 patients with ectopic ECTH syn- for selected patients [112, 166]. A thoughtful
drome caused by bronchial carcinoid was suc- assessment of clinical response must be made
cessful in 11 patients (83%) [23]. In addition to its soon after the initiation of medical management
350 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

for patients with severe disease, and early involve- factoring in patient preferences and values. In
ment of the surgical team is necessary because addition, particular subtypes of AIMAH with
delay in definitive surgical treatment with bilat- aberrant hormone receptors may respond to
eral adrenalectomy can lead to further decompen- medical therapy, avoiding the need for surgery in
sation and loss of treatment opportunity [116, certain situations [26]. The exceedingly rare
166]. Moreover, appropriate control of severe nature of the primary adrenal hyperplasia
hypercortisolism may occasionally convert syndromes precludes rigorous analysis to deter-
patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome who are mine the optimal choice, and decision-making
otherwise at prohibitive risk for definitive man- should therefore be individualized [8]. Patients
agement of their underlying tumor into candidates with AIMAH undergoing unilateral adrenalec-
for curative treatment [116]. tomy should be closely monitored for recurrence
of Cushing’s syndrome and offered staged con-
tralateral adrenalectomy when it is encountered
 anagement of Primary Adrenal
M [8, 26, 169, 173–175].

Surgical management is indicated for both mac-  urgical Approach to Cortisol-

ronodular and micronodular forms of primary Secreting Adrenocortical Tumors
adrenal hyperplasia [8]. For patients with PPNAD,
bilateral adrenalectomy is typically preferred [29, Unilateral adrenalectomy is indicated for benign
167, 168]. In a retrospective review of 34 patients cortisol-secreting adrenal tumors unless periop-
with PPNAD, those undergoing laparoscopic erative risks are prohibitive [8, 176]. The rate of
bilateral adrenalectomy had a complication rate biochemical remission following unilateral adre-
of 7% and no reported perioperative mortality nalectomy for cortisol-secreting adenoma has
[167]. Long-term follow-up ranging 1–27 years been reported at nearly 100% [8, 97]. Morbidity
was available in 25 patients, all of whom reported and mortality are favorable, particularly with
sustained improvement in symptoms of Cushing’s minimally invasive approaches, which have
syndrome. In addition to undergoing definitive essentially supplanted open surgery for benign-
surgical treatment for Cushing’s syndrome, appearing adrenal lesions since the introduction
patients with PPNAD should be screened for of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in 1992 [10, 177–
other manifestations of Carney complex, espe- 183]. Minimally invasive approaches include
cially cardiac myxoma, which may be present in laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy,
over 50% of patients with this disorder and is an which is usually performed with the patient in a
important cause of mortality [10, 26, 29, 167]. lateral decubitus position, and posterior retroper-
Bilateral adrenalectomy has also historically itoneoscopic adrenalectomy, performed with the
been the preferred approach for AIMAH because patient in a modified prone position [184–186].
of the high likelihood of recurrence following In the laparoscopic transperitoneal approach,
unilateral resection [167, 169–172]. Whether the access to the right adrenal gland is obtained by
optimal initial approach should be bilateral or partial mobilization of the right lobe of the liver,
unilateral adrenalectomy has recently been and access to the left adrenal gland is obtained by
contested however [8]. Several authors have a partial left-sided medial visceral rotation
recently reported long intervals of eucortisolemia including the spleen, pancreas, and splenic flex-
following unilateral resection in patients with ure of the colon [184, 185]. Robotic assisted vari-
AIMAH, and therefore advocate a staged strategy ations on either transperitoneal or retroperitoneal
in selected patients [169, 173–175]. Potential techniques may offer technical advantages in
advantages of unilateral surgery including a specific situations, but there is currently no com-
reduced risk of adrenal insufficiency must be pelling evidence demonstrating improved out-
weighed against the likelihood of recurrence, comes with these approaches [187].
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 351

Retrospective studies comparing outcomes of mean follow-up of 71 months [200]. Other series
laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy to have also demonstrated low mortality and
open approaches demonstrate decreased blood morbidity with this technique, and showed
loss and transfusion requirement, lower utilization improved outcomes with increasing experience
of parenteral pain medication, more rapid [45, 196–198, 202]. Posterior retroperitoneoscopic
resumption of normal diet, shorter hospital length adrenalectomy can offer technical advantages in
of stay, and more rapid return to work [19, 188– situations where peritoneal access and visceral
191]. In addition, postoperative pulmonary and mobilization may be hazardous, as may be the
wound infection are less commonly reported case for patients with numerous prior abdominal
following laparoscopy compared with open operations. In addition, transperitoneal
approaches to adrenalectomy [188, 192]. laparoscopy may be somewhat less convenient
Reported operative times in early studies were compared to the posterior retroperitoneoscopic
notably longer for laparoscopy compared with technique for bilateral adrenalectomy, as labor-
open approaches but decreased with experience, intensive repositioning to the contralateral decu-
suggesting a measurable learning curve effect for bitus position is required during the procedure
the first 20–30 cases [181, 182, 190–192]. For for access to the opposite adrenal gland [116,
patients with Cushing’s syndrome undergoing 198, 203]. Despite these advantages, several limi-
open adrenalectomy, an increase in splenic injury tations are noteworthy. First, this procedure has
and susceptibility to infectious and venous historically been avoided in severely obese
thromboembolism was historically reported patients due to technical challenges with expo-
[193]. By contrast, no increase in perioperative sure and dissection. Although two recent series
complications or mortality was demonstrated for included a substantial proportion of patients with
the subset of patients with Cushing’s syndrome BMI in excess of 30 and reported favorable out-
(15–33%) among three recent 10-year comes, the additional technical challenge is
retrospective studies of patients undergoing nonetheless an important consideration, particu-
laparoscopic adrenalectomy for a variety of larly for surgeons on the earlier side of the learn-
indications [179, 181, 182, 194]. ing curve [196, 200]. Second, surgeons with
Prior to the widespread adoption of laparo- significant expertise in this technique have rec-
scopic adrenalectomy, the open posterior retro- ommended its use be avoided in tumors exceed-
peritoneal approach was a preferred technique ing 7 or 8 cm in diameter, in part because tumors
for resection of well-localized benign adrenal above this threshold are difficult to manipulate
tumors [10, 189, 193, 195]. Posterior retroperito- [196, 199, 201]. In addition, the likelihood of
neoscopic adrenalectomy, the minimally invasive malignancy increases substantially in tumors of
analog to the posterior approach, was introduced this size, and capsular rupture of adrenocortical
by Walz in 1996 and has gained popularity after carcinoma has devastating consequences [40].
encouraging outcomes from several large series Finally, posterior retroperitoneoscopy may be an
were reported [196–201]. In 2006, Walz et  al. unfamiliar approach even to highly skilled lapa-
reported favorable operative results in a series of roscopic surgeons accustomed to transperitoneal
560 posterior retroperitoneoscopic adrenalecto- abdominal surgery, and formal training in this
mies for diverse indications, demonstrating no technique may be necessary prior to its adoption
operative mortality, and a low rate of major com- into practice to optimize outcome [45, 116, 196].
plications (1.3%) [199]. Mean operative time was Robotically assisted techniques can be uti-
67  ±  40  min, with significantly improved times lized for minimally invasive adrenalectomy via
later in the series consistent with a learning curve either transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach
effect [199]. This group later reported no mortal- [187, 204]. Advantages of robotically assisted
ity and no major complications among 99 patients procedures include magnified stereoscopic
undergoing this procedure specifically for vision, improved ergonomics, instrument wrist
Cushing’s syndrome, with a cure rate of 99% at a articulation, and filtration of physiologic tremor
352 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

[187]. However, two important drawbacks are approaches from a purely technical perspective,
loss of haptic feedback and cost [205]. Although still pose significant risk of recurrence and mor-
numerous studies comparing robotically assisted tality, and mandate an oncologically optimal
techniques to conventional laparoscopy have operation [209, 210]. Concerns that the numerous
been published, the quality of evidence remains practical challenges of minimally invasive sur-
low due to sample size, heterogeneity, and lack of gery could increase the chance of an oncologi-
randomization [205]. A recent meta-analysis of cally inferior operation, coupled with alarming
nine studies including 600 patients reported a reports of recurrence following laparoscopic
statistically significant decrease in blood loss resections of adrenocortical cancer led many
(25 cc), and hospital stay (0.5 days) for patients experts to choose only open surgery for this diffi-
undergoing robotically assisted adrenalectomy cult disease [208]. Retrospective analyses from
compared to those undergoing conventional large referral centers and multiple individual
laparoscopy [206]. Transperitoneal and posterior reports initially alerted investigators to devastat-
retroperitoneoscopic approaches were considered ing cases of peritoneal carcinomatosis following
together within each comparative arm, and laparoscopic resections of adrenocortical carcino-
accounted for approximately 75% and 25% of mas which occurred even after operations in
cases, respectively. The authors conclude that the which no intraoperative tumor spillage or capsu-
clinical impact of these small differences in blood lar rupture was reported [209–211]. Among six
loss and hospital stay is unlikely to be significant patients with adrenocortical carcinoma resected
[205, 206]. Currently, no compelling data justify laparoscopically and subsequently referred to MD
widespread adoption of robotically assisted Anderson Cancer Center, all either died of their
minimally invasive adrenalectomy in favor of disease or suffered recurrence, and four devel-
conventional transperitoneal laparoscopy or oped peritoneal carcinomatosis. In four of these
posterior retroperitoneoscopic approaches, and patients no intraoperative adverse events were
additional study of this technique is necessary reported and in five patients tumor size was less
before definitive recommendations can be made. than or equal to 6 cm, although all tumors were
Significant controversy surrounds the use of reported to have atypical radiographic features
minimally invasive approaches in the surgical [210]. Likewise, Leboulleux et al. reported perito-
management of adrenocortical carcinoma. neal carcinomatosis occurring in three of five
Adrenocortical carcinoma is a notoriously aggres- patients undergoing laparoscopic adrenalectomy
sive malignancy with poor survival in advanced for adrenocortical carcinoma despite R0 resection
disease [39, 207]. It is established that outcomes [209]. Although both studies reported much
following resection of adrenocortical carcinoma higher rates of peritoneal carcinomatosis after
depend on the oncologic quality of initial resec- laparoscopic adrenalectomy compared to open
tion, and it is generally accepted that open adre- resection, inherent referral biases preclude defini-
nalectomy is the most appropriate approach for tive clinical conclusions based on these data alone
large or locoregionally advanced disease, assum- despite statistical significance [209, 210]. Miller
ing that resection is technically feasible [8, 40]. In et al. reported a rate of margin positivity or tumor
such situations, the practical advantages of open spillage of 50% in 17 patients undergoing laparo-
surgery are wide exposure of the entire peritoneal scopic adrenalectomy at outside institutions,
cavity for examination, enhanced ability to mobi- compared to 18% for those undergoing open
lize the adrenal gland and perform a regional resection at the University of Michigan, despite
lymphadenectomy utilizing a no-touch technique, larger tumor size for the latter group [211]. In
and facilitation of en bloc multivisceral resection addition, significantly shorter mean time to recur-
when necessary to achieve an R0 resection with- rence was demonstrated in patients treated with
out disturbing the tumor capsule [40, 208]. laparoscopic adrenalectomy compared to open
Smaller, localized adrenocortical carcinomas, resection, a surprising result given their smaller
while potentially amenable to minimally invasive tumor size on averages. These findings under-
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 353

score the challenges of achieving an adequate whereas subclinical Cushing’s syndrome was
resection laparoscopically, as well as the conse- reported in 6.3% [226].
quences for failing to do so [208]. By contrast, A major limitation in the study of subclinical
more recent studies have reported statistically Cushing’s syndrome has been the lack of consen-
equivalent oncologic outcomes following resec- sus regarding its precise definition. The diagnosis
tion of adrenocortical carcinoma via laparoscopic hinges on demonstration of some degree of HPA
or open technique, but must be interpreted with axis suppression despite the absence of overt
great caution in light of methodological flaws and signs or symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome [3,
limited sample size [208, 212–217]. This debate 66]. The inherent subjectivity in the clinical
is likely to continue as the rare nature of this assessment for features of Cushing’s syndrome
malignancy has prevented large, randomized produces significant diagnostic challenges how-
studies from definitively addressing this question ever, as such cases are by their nature borderline,
to date. In the meantime, although minimally and some inter-observer variability between treat-
invasive adrenalectomy does offer substantial ing physicians is therefore expected [66]. The
short-term benefits in morbidity and is an optimal 1 mg DST is the most commonly used laboratory
approach for benign lesions, the potential trade- study for demonstrating HPA axis suppression in
off against the fatal consequences of an oncologi- this setting, although the threshold for morning
cally inadequate resection must be carefully cortisol level has been the subject of ongoing dis-
considered. cussion [231, 236, 237]. Recent series utilize a
heterogeneous range from 1 to 5 mcg/dL [64, 67],
with higher thresholds sacrificing sensitivity for
Subclinical Cushing’s Syndrome specificity [3]. A variety of other criteria includ-
ing suppression of ACTH, low DHEA-S, elevated
Subclinical Cushing’s syndrome is a pathologic 24-h urinary free cortisol, and several other clini-
state of mild hypercortisolism lacking clinically cal and laboratory criteria are used as adjuncts
apparent features of Cushing’s syndrome, with an [64, 65, 67, 238–240].
estimated overall prevalence of 0.2–2% in adults Despite some of the diagnostic challenges, the
[3, 66, 218, 219]. In early reports, subclinical clinical impact of subclinical Cushing’s syndrome
Cushing’s syndrome was considered “preclini- is increasingly recognized, with multiple retro-
cal,” although the rate of progression to fully spective studies reporting higher rates of meta-
developed Cushing’s syndrome is now known to bolic syndrome, osteoporosis, and decreased
be less than 1% [220–224]. This syndrome is typi- quality of life in patients with this condition [232,
cally identified in the biochemical evaluation of 236, 239, 241–247]. In a recent study of 198
patients with incidentally identified adrenal nod- patients, investigators demonstrated that those
ules (adrenal incidentalomas), which are found with a morning cortisol level exceeding 1.8 ­mcg/
with increasing frequency due to improvements in dL after 1 mg DST had a higher prevalence of dia-
cross-sectional imaging [36, 225]. Adrenal inci- betes, osteoporosis, and fractures, as well as an
dentalomas are reported at a rate of 4–7% in mod- increase in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality
ern series, with a higher rate in the elderly (up to compared to patients with a nonfunctioning adre-
10%) [36, 220, 222, 225–228]. These rates of nal incidentaloma [236, 248].
detection match the prevalence reported in The benefits of definitive surgical treatment for
autopsy series from the 1960s to 1990s [225]. such patients are not yet fully understood [3, 64,
Reported rates of cortisol secretion attributed to 66]. Available studies aimed at addressing out-
adrenal incidentalomas are highly variable, rang- comes following unilateral adrenalectomy for
ing from 5 to 48% of cases [36, 64, 73, 221, 227, subclinical Cushing’s syndrome in the setting of
229–235]. A recent meta-analysis of 1298 patients an adrenal incidentaloma are small in size and
with adrenal incidentalomas reported a preva- mostly retrospective in nature [65, 67, 238, 249–
lence of apparent Cushing’s syndrome in 0.7%, 251]. The only prospective, randomized study
354 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

evaluating outcomes of adrenalectomy in this directly lower cortisol levels or their effects on
population included only 45 patients overall, of cortisol-related risk factors for morbidity or mor-
whom 23 were randomized for surgery by a single tality [252]. Agents directed at lowering cortisol
surgeon. Patients undergoing surgery demon- levels may be necessary for control of severe
strated improvements in diabetes (63%), hyper- hypercortisolemia preoperatively or as definitive
tension (67%), obesity (50%), and hyperlipidemia management for those who have failed surgery or
(38%), whereas none of those undergoing aggres- whose perioperative risk profile is prohibitive [8,
sive conservative management experienced any 26, 116]. Several glucocorticoid-directed medi-
improvement [65]. These data were included as cations that can be useful in these settings include
part of a meta-analysis of ten studies comparing ketoconazole, metyrapone, mifepristone, and
unilateral adrenalectomy for subclinical Cushing’s occasionally etomidate or mitotane [164].
syndrome to conservative management, in which Medications acting on the pituitary that have
Bancos et al. reported a hazard ratio of 11.0 (95% been useful in Cushing’s disease include caber-
CI 4.3–27.8) for improvement in hypertension, goline and pasireotide [5].
and a hazard ratio of 3.9 (95% CI 1.5–9.9) for Ketoconazole is one of the commonly used
improvement in diabetes. Trends for improve- inhibitors of steroidogenesis and is generally
ment in dyslipidemia and obesity were observed well tolerated, although hepatotoxicity may limit
but did not achieve statistical significance [64]. its use in some patients and careful monitoring
during treatment is necessary [8, 252].
Ketoconazole requires stomach acidity for
absorption and should not be used with proton
pump inhibitors [5]. Efficacy is variable and may
Box 26.1 exceed 50% in patients with Cushing’s disease,
Available evidence suggests favorable out- although results in patients with ectopic ACTH
comes following laparoscopic adrenalec- syndrome may be less satisfactory [8, 252].
tomy for many patients with subclinical Metyrapone is another steroidogenesis inhibitor
Cushing’s syndrome. Based on the retro- which has demonstrated biochemical control and
spective nature of most available studies clinical improvement in over 50% of patients
and limitations of the only available RCT with Cushing’s syndrome. Side effects of metyra-
in this domain, the Sackett level of evi- pone are mostly gastrointestinal and are less
dence is currently limited to 3a-2b. common when taken with food, but due to its
Establishing consensus criteria for the short half-life frequent dosing is necessary [8,
diagnosis of subclinical Cushing’s syn- 252]. Mitotane is both a steroidogenesis inhibitor
drome will facilitate the collection of larger and an adrenolytic agent that is used primarily for
scale multi-institution data and the design the treatment of advanced adrenocortical cancer
of randomized studies to improve the [8]. It has been used in combination with other
strength of recommendations for patients steroidogenesis inhibitors in severe situations as
with this condition. an alternative to bilateral adrenalectomy, but is
highly teratogenic and may be stored for pro-
longed periods of time in adipose [8, 252].
Mifepristone is a glucocorticoid receptor antago-
 edical Management of Cushing’s
M nist and antiprogestin [5]. Mifepristone appears
Syndrome especially effective in improving blood glucose
control due to hypercortisolism, but may be dif-
Medical therapy is an important component of ficult to monitor as neither cortisol levels nor
the overall treatment strategy for many patients symptoms of adrenal insufficiency can be used to
with Cushing’s syndrome. A variety of medica- guide dosing, and titration must be performed
tions may be considered for either their ability to instead of the basis of glucose control and weight
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 355

loss [8, 253]. In addition, mineralocorticoid angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or

effects of mifepristone may lead to serious side angiotensin-receptor blockers given the preva-
effects such as worsening hypertension and lence of diastolic dysfunction and left ventricular
hypokalemia, as well as endometrial hyperplasia hypertrophy in patients with Cushing’s syndrome
in females [5]. Finally, etomidate is the only ste- [252]. Additional medications may be necessary
roidogenesis inhibitor available as an infusion, for glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, osteoporo-
and can be an ideal choice in rare situations of sis, or psychiatric disorders [8].
severe hypercortisolism in acutely ill patients in
an ICU setting [5].
Cabergoline and pasireotide act directly on Cushing’s Syndrome in Children
corticotroph tumors to decrease production of
ACTH and their use is therefore limited to Children account for only 7–10% of new cases of
patients specifically with Cushing’s disease [8]. endogenous Cushing’s syndrome, and most
Cabergoline is a dopamine agonist that has present before they are 5 years old [28, 31]. The
demonstrated a biochemical response in up to most commonly reported features of Cushing’s
40% of patients [8]. However, response may not syndrome in children are weight gain with
be durable in a significant proportion of patients, decreased linear growth trajectory [8, 28].
and calcification of the cardiac valves may be Plethora, headaches, delayed sexual development,
observed as a side effect of this medication [252]. and virilization may also be commonly reported;
Pasireotide has been shown in large, randomized however, muscular weakness, insomnia, and
studies to normalize urinary cortisol in up to 26% memory impairment are less typical in children
of patients with sustained clinical responses. Side [28]. As in the adult population, pituitary causes
effects of pasireotide include hyperglycemia and of Cushing’s syndrome are more common than
suppression of growth hormone, which may primary adrenal lesions in children older than 7
worsen the overall catabolic state of years of age. In younger children, however,
nonresponders in particular [252]. primary adrenal lesions are the more frequent
Successful combination therapy utilizing a etiology [28, 255]. The rate of adrenocortical
variety of these medications has been reported malignancy in young children presenting with
with potential pharmacologic advantages Cushing’s syndrome and unilateral adrenal mass
including synergy in mechanism of action and reportedly exceeds 65–70%, although the most
decrease in dosages of individual agents common reasons children with adrenocortical
necessary to achieve clinical effect [252, 254]. malignancies come to clinical attention are
Combination therapy may be used temporarily abdominal mass and virilization [26, 256–259].
with down-titration of dose or discontinuation of Macronodular adrenal hyperplasia and
agents following response [252]. Patients occasionally adrenal adenomas can be seen in
undergoing any treatment regimen directed at association with McCune–Albright syndrome, a
reducing cortisol levels should be monitored congenital disorder characterized by fibrous bony
carefully for adrenal insufficiency and may dysplasia, café-au-lait spots, and endocrine
require dose reduction, interruption, or initiation dysfunction usually consisting of precocious
of glucocorticoid replacement depending on the puberty. Although rarely described, the
clinical circumstances [8]. development of Cushing’s syndrome in patients
Patients with Cushing’s syndrome often require with McCune–Albright usually occurs before 6
medications directed at their numerous glucocorti- months of age [260, 261].
coid-related comorbidities, an important consider- A 24-h urine collection may be a challenging
ation since many of these conditions may persist study to obtain in children, but 24-h urinary free
despite curative treatment as previously discussed cortisol has a sensitivity of 89% for Cushing’s
[8]. Antihypertensives to consider include spirono- syndrome in this population [262]. Late-night
lactone (for its anti-mineralocorticoid effect), and salivary cortisol may be especially helpful in
356 R. Lirov and P. G. Gauger

differentiating Cushing’s syndrome from Increased production of CBG due to placental

childhood obesity [8]. Results in children with estrogens impairs the reliability of assays
Cushing’s disease undergoing TSS are generally measuring total cortisol [2, 9]. Urine free cortisol
more favorable than for adults, with median excretion increases throughout the second and
remission of 80% (range 69–100%), and median third trimesters, and levels up to threefold above
recurrence of 6% [21, 33, 255, 263, 264]. Data on the upper limit of normal can be seen in the
children undergoing surgery for primary adrenal absence of pathologic hypercortisolism [272]. In
lesions are limited, but as in adults indications for addition, poorly understood alterations in HPA
unilateral adrenalectomy include adrenocortical axis function occur during normal gestation that
adenoma and carcinoma. Likewise, bilateral result in a steady increase in plasma ACTH and
adrenalectomy is indicated for children with blunted cortisol suppression after dexamethasone
either micronodular or macronodular adrenal testing [272]. Safety concerns regarding the use
hyperplasia, selected patients with refractory of gadolinium, ionizing radiation, and MRI in
Cushing’s disease, or extremely rare cases of early pregnancy also contribute to challenges in
ectopic ACTH syndrome in children [256, 259, evaluating the pregnant patient with Cushing’s
265, 266]. Mean time to recovery of the HPA axis syndrome [273, 274].
in a large series of children undergoing curative The distribution of etiologies accounting for
surgery for Cushing’s syndrome was 12.6 ± 3.3 Cushing’s syndrome among pregnant patients
months [32]. In addition to suppression of differs from nonpregnant adults [272, 275]. In
pituitary gonadotropins, hypercortisolism in particular, the rate of adrenocortical adenomas
children may also lead to growth hormone appears to be 4–5-fold higher [10, 271]. In a
deficiency, which may persist over a year after review of 136 pregnancies occurring in patients
curative surgery and lead to missed growth targets with Cushing’s syndrome, the most commonly
[8, 267–269]. reported etiologies were adrenocortical adenoma
(41%), Cushing’s disease (29%), and
adrenocortical carcinoma (9%) [271]. Although
Cushing’s Syndrome in Pregnancy supporting evidence is limited, surgical
management (with either TSS or adrenalectomy
Hypercortisolism inhibits normal ovarian follicu- as indicated by etiology) is generally
lar development and ovulation, and can lead to recommended as first-line treatment in such cases
amenorrhea and infertility [4, 8, 9, 270]. As a [275]. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is considered
result of reproductive dysfunction associated a safe operation in pregnancy; however, current
with hypercortisolism, Cushing’s syndrome is guidelines recommend that pregnant patients be
uncommon in pregnancy, with fewer than 150 positioned in a modified left lateral decubitus
cases reported, but carries significant risk of position to reduce compression on the inferior
maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality [270, vena cava, and that abdominal access technique
271]. Cushing’s syndrome in pregnancy presents and trocar placement be adjusted to accommodate
unique diagnostic and management challenges fundal height [273, 275]. Although recently
despite presenting with many of the same features debated, the optimal timing of surgery for
of hypercortisolism discussed previously [270, pregnant patients has traditionally been between
271]. Expected physiologic changes of pregnancy the end of the first trimester up to the first half of
such as weight gain, and pregnancy-related the second trimester [270, 271, 273]. Medical
complications such as glucose intolerance, therapy is an alternative modality, although
hypertension, and preeclampsia, can overlap with available agents have important limitations [270,
features of Cushing’s syndrome [270]. Moreover, 271]. Mitotane is a powerful teratogen and should
the accuracy of screening tests for Cushing’s never be used in the setting of pregnancy [274].
syndrome can be profoundly affected by several Ketoconazole has reported teratogenic effects in
specific physiologic changes in pregnancy [2]. animal studies accounting for its FDA category C
26  Cushing’s Syndrome 357

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Conn’s Syndrome
Lip Min Soh

Introduction ment whether medical or surgical, to ameliorate

these deleterious complications.
Primary aldosteronism was first described by Dr.
Jerome Conn in 1955 as a clinical entity of potas-
sium depletion and hypertension caused by an Case Detection
adrenocortical adenoma [1]. Patients often had
episodes of severe muscle weakness and paraly- The causes of primary aldosteronism (PA) can be
sis, tetany and paraesthesias, and hypertension divided into two main groups, those with unilat-
was the rule. At that time, it was believed that it eral disease which can be surgically curable and
accounted for <1% of hypertension cases [2]. those with bilateral disease which should be med-
The understanding of primary aldosteronism ically treated (Table 27.1) [4]. The first large pro-
has since grown over the years, and we now know spective study, the Primary Aldosteronism
that it is not solely due to an adrenocortical ade- Prevalence in Hypertensives (PAPY) study pub-
noma, but a group of disorders with aldosterone lished in 2006, found that 11.2% of 1125 patients
production in excess and autonomous from the with newly diagnosed hypertension referred to
renin-angiotensin system. Its detrimental effects hypertensive centres had PA, and 4.8% had a sur-
also go beyond simply that of hypertension and gically curable subtype [5].
hypokalaemia. Aldosterone excess has a direct The Endocrine Society clinical practice guide-
impact on end-organ damage, particularly in car- lines on management of primary aldosteronism
diovascular events, increasing the relative risks of advocate screening in the following patient popu-
atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction and lations [6]:
stroke at 12, 6 and 4, respectively, compared to
age-, gender- and blood pressure-matched essen- 1 . Sustained blood pressure (BP)
tial hypertensives [3]. >150/100  mmHg on three measurements on
Early identification of the condition, followed separate days.
by accurate classification of the subtype and 2. BP >140/90 mmHg resistant to three conven-
underlying cause, will allow appropriate treat- tional antihypertensive drugs including a
3. Controlled BP <140/90  mmHg on four or

L. M. Soh
more antihypertensive drugs.
Endocrinology, National University Hospital,
Singapore, Singapore 4. Hypertension with hypokalaemia (both spon-
e-mail: taneous and diuretic induced).

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 367

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
368 L. M. Soh

Table 27.1  Causes of primary aldosteronism reduction of pharyngeal oedema and upper air-
Surgically remediable Not surgically remediable way resistance.
(unilateral disease) (bilateral disease) Screening of PA should be done by measuring
Aldosterone-producing the plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) and
adenoma (APA)—35%
renin (plasma renin activity PRA or direct renin
Primary (unilateral) Bilateral idiopathic
idiopathic hyperplasia (BAH)—60%
concentration DRC), and calculating the aldoste-
hyperplasia—2% rone-renin ratio (ARR). However, there are
Aldosterone-producing numerous technical aspects and patient prepara-
adrenocortical tion that need to take place to allow accurate
carcinoma interpretation of the results (Table 27.2).
Familial type II Familial type I
hyperaldosteronism hyperaldosteronism
Different cut-off values for the interpretation
(glucocorticoid-remediable of PAC, PRA/ DRC as well as ARR will result in
aldosteronism) different sensitivities and specificities. A com-
Ectopic aldosterone- monly used threshold is when PAC is >415 pmol/L
producing adenoma/ (15 ng/dL), and the ARR is >750 (equivalent to
27 when PAC is measured in ng/dL). The lowest
renin value that can be used in calculation is
5 . Hypertension and adrenal incidentaloma. 0.2 ng/mL/h for PRA and 0.36 ng/mL for DRA to
6. Hypertension and obstructive sleep apnoea. avoid overinflation of the ARR [16]. This thresh-
7. Hypertension and a family history of early- old would result in a sensitivity of 80.5% and a
onset hypertension or cerebrovascular acci- specificity of 84.5% when compared to the gold
dent at young age <40 years old. standard diagnosis of APA [5]. With a sensitivity
8. First-degree relatives of patients with primary of only 80.5%, one must therefore be aware that
aldosteronism. milder cases of PA, particularly those with BAH,
can have aldosterone levels lower than
Compared to the earlier edition of the guide- 415 pmol/L and/ or ARRs lower than 750.
lines published in 2008 [7], the main differences
are (a) lowering of blood pressure threshold (pre-
viously >160/100  mmHg), as well as (b) the Case Confirmation
incorporation of patients with obstructive sleep
apnoea (OSA) for screening. Using a low threshold to define positive screen-
There is growing evidence that there is a high ing results errs on the side of caution of not miss-
prevalence of PA in patients with OSA [8]. ing any cases of primary aldosteronism while
Calhoun et al. reported a PA prevalence of 36% recognising that there will be cases of false posi-
among subjects at high risk of OSA using the tivity. Hence, it is important to subject these
Berlin questionnaire, compared to 19% of those patients to further testing for case confirmation.
at low risk [9]. Di Murro et  al. found similar On the other hand, in cases where the clinical
results, 25.4% vs. 9.8%, this time using the presentation is already indicative of PA (i.e.
overnight polysomnography for the diagnosis of hypertension with spontaneous hypokalaemia, a
OSA [10]. In addition, there is strong positive high PAC >550 pmol/L and ARR >750), no fur-
association of plasma aldosterone levels with ther confirmatory testing may be necessary.
the severity of OSA [11–13]. In small studies, Several tests have been described and there is
the addition of spironolactone reduced the currently no gold standard for comparison. The
severity of OSA and blood pressure in resistant five most common are the saline infusion test,
hypertension patients with moderate-to-severe oral sodium loading test, fludrocortisone sup-
OSA [14, 15]. The mechanism has been postu- pression test, captopril challenge test and furose-
lated to be related to diuresis and a consequent mide upright test. In my institution, we employ
27  Conn’s Syndrome 369

Table 27.2  Patient preparation and interpretation of ARR

Effect on aldosterone Effect on renin Effect on ARR
1. Patient preparation
Correct hypokalaemia ↓ (Low K) ↔/↑ ↓ (FN)
Liberal salt intake ↓ ↓↓ ↑ (FP)
2. Withdraw interfering medications (switch to non-interfering drugs such as verapamil, hydralazine, or alpha-
blockers—prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin)
Withdraw at least 4 weeks
Spironolactone, eplerenone, amiloride, ↑ ↑↑ ↓ (FN)
K+-wasting diuretics ↔/↑ ↑↑ ↓ (FN)
Licorice products ↓ ↔/↓ ↓ (FN)
Withdraw at least 2 weeks
Beta-blockers ↓ ↓↓ ↑ (FP)
Central agonists (methyldopa, clonidine) ↓ ↓↓ ↑ (FP)
NSAIDS ↓ ↓↓ ↑ (FP)
ACEI inhibitors ↓ ↑↑ ↓ (FN)
ARBs ↓ ↑↑ ↓ (FN)
Calcium channel blockers ↔/↓ ↑ ↓ (FN)
Renin inhibitors ↓ ↓/↑a ↑ (FP)/↓ (FN)a
3. Day of blood collection
1. Collect in the morning, after patients have been out of bed for at least 2 h
2. Sit patient for 5–15 min before sampling blood
3. Maintain blood sample at room temperature
4. Other conditions
Renal impairment ↔ ↓ ↑ (FP)
Premenopausal women (vs. males) ↔/↑ ↓ ↑ (FP)
(luteal phase) (when using
Pregnancy ↑ ↑↑ ↓ (FN)
Malignant hypertension ↑ ↑↑ ↓ (FN)
Adapted from JW Funder et  al.: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline on the Management of Primary
Aldosteronism [6]
FN false negative and FP false positive
Renin inhibitors can cause false-positive results when renin is measured by PRA, and false-negative results when mea-
sured by DRC
Measurement of ARR for premenopausal women should be done in the follicular phase where possible

the saline infusion test (SIT), which can be per- Subtype Classification
formed in the outpatient setting. Patients are
given an intravenous infusion of 2  l of 0.9% All patients confirmed to have PA should undergo
saline. Blood samples for aldosterone, renin, high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scan
potassium and cortisol are taken at 0 min and 4 h of the adrenal glands to determine if they are nor-
post-infusion. A post-infusion aldosterone level mal, or characterise the presence of unilateral or
>170  pmol (6  ng/dL) in the seated position, or bilateral hyperplasia and micro- or macro-adeno-
>280 pmol/L (10 ng/dL) in the recumbent posi- mas, and exclude larger adrenal masses sugges-
tion, confirms the diagnosis of primary aldoste- tive of carcinoma. Magnetic resonance imaging
ronism [17]. It is important that the corresponding has no advantage over CT as it has lower spatial
cortisol level is lower than baseline to exclude a resolution, is subject to motion artefacts and is
confounding ACTH effect. more expensive [6, 18].
370 L. M. Soh

CT appearances of hyperplasia or small nod- due to its small calibre and variable anatomic
ules do not immediately confirm the diagnosis of course. Measures that can improve this include
adrenal hyperplasia versus aldosterone-produc- (a) having an experienced radiologist dedicated
ing adenomas. Seemingly hyperplastic glands to AVS, (b) using contrast-enhanced multidetec-
may hide small hyperfunctioning nodules and tor CT to guide the localisation of the right adre-
small microadenomas seen on CT may actually nal vein prior to the procedure [26, 27] and (c)
be areas of hyperplasia. In addition, adrenal nod- having rapid intraprocedural cortisol assay to
ules seen on CT imaging may be incidental, non- guide repositioning of the catheter and confirm
functioning adenomas, and not the source of PA successful cannulation [28–30]. The Adrenal
[19]. Distinguishing unilateral from bilateral dis- Vein Sampling International Study found that it
ease is critical to guide appropriate management is generally safe, and the rate of major complica-
of PA. tions is low at 0.61% in experienced hands [31].
Currently, the test widely considered to be the Nonetheless, as AVS is invasive, is available
gold standard test for lateralisation is adrenal only in few centres and has variable success rates,
vein sampling [6, 20]. An expert consensus state- there is continued interest in looking for alterna-
ment of the use of adrenal vein sampling (AVS) tive ways to accurately predict subtype classifica-
has been published by Rossi et  al. [21]. tion. A clinical scoring system based on the
Mineralocorticoid antagonists must be with- radiographic appearance of the adrenal glands,
drawn for at least 4–6  weeks prior to AVS.  For potassium level and estimated glomerular filtra-
patients with resistant hypertension who require tion rate was first proposed by Küpers et al. [32].
multiple antihypertensives for blood pressure It reported a remarkable 100% specificity, but
control, other agents such as ACE inhibitors and such optimistic results have been dampened by
beta-blockers are permissible, as long as the renin data from other centres [33–35], showing that the
is still suppressed prior to the procedure. The low scoring system was not sufficiently robust to be
renin level obviates the possibility of stimulation applied to larger populations.
of the contralateral gland, which can result in the One promising modality is [12]C-metomidate
false impression of bilateral disease. positron emission tomography-computed tomog-
A common protocol is done under continuous raphy (PET-CT) [36]. Metomidate is a potent
cosyntropin infusion 50  mcg/h starting 30  min inhibitor of adrenal steroidogenic enzymes
before and continued throughout the procedure. CYP11B1 and CYP 11B2. Low-dose dexametha-
This helps to (a) minimise stress-induced fluctua- sone is given for 3 days prior to the scan to sup-
tions in aldosterone secretion, (b) increase aldo- press normal adrenal cortex. A pilot study of 44
sterone secretion from an APA and (c) maximise patients showed that it was non-inferior to AVS
the cortisol gradient from the adrenal vein to [37]. The standardised uptake value (SUV) was
peripheral vein to confirm successful cannula- higher in APA compared to non-functioning ade-
tion. When successful, the adrenal/peripheral nomas. The specificity was 87% if SUVmax ratio
vein cortisol ratio is typically >5:1, and should was >1.25, and increased to 100% if the absolute
minimally be >3:1 to allow interpretation of the tumour SUVmax was >17.
results [21–23]. To determine lateralisation, the
aldosterone levels should be divided by the corti-
sol levels in the respective veins to account for  anagement (Medical and Surgical)
dilutional effects from the inferior phrenic or and Long-Term Outcome
accessory hepatic veins [24, 25]. A cortisol-cor-
rected aldosterone ratio >4:1 is indicative of uni- Once subtype classification has been attained,
lateral disease, while that of <3:1 is suggestive of typical management strategy would be surgery
bilateral disease [6, 20, 21, 23]. for unilateral disease (such as aldosterone-pro-
The success rate of AVS is often limited by ducing adenoma and primary idiopathic hyper-
inadequate cannulation of the right adrenal vein plasia), and medical therapy for bilateral disease
27  Conn’s Syndrome 371

(bilateral idiopathic hyperplasia and familial type tion rate, GFR <60  mL/min/1.73  m2), and even
I hyperaldosteronism). more so in stage IV CKD (GFR <30  mL/
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is preferred to an min/1.73 m2) where the medications may be con-
open approach, and is associated with low com- traindicated. It is important to also recognise that
plication rate, lesser post-operative pain, shorter hyperaldosteronism causes a state of glomerular
hospitalisation and faster functional recovery hyperfiltration. With treatment, whether medical
[38–41]. Potassium levels will normalise rapidly or surgical, the creatinine level often rises, reveal-
following surgery without the use of potassium ing the underlying degree and actual severity of
supplementation. Hypertension is cured in renal impairment.
approximately 40% of patients (BP defined
<140/90 mmHg), but even for those who are not
cured the pill burden for antihypertensive medi- Long-Term Outcomes
cation is reduced [42, 43].
Medical treatment is achieved with mineralo- The goal of treatment is not just to normalise the
corticoid receptor (MR) antagonists with spi- blood pressure and potassium levels. More
ronolactone or eplerenone (Table  27.3). importantly, it is aimed at reducing the long-term
Spironolactone is the preferred agent for many end-organ complications, which include that of
years, and several studies have shown reduction cardiovascular, renal and glucose metabolism.
of systolic BP by 25% and diastolic BP of 22% in Data from the German Conn’s study revealed
patients with BAH [6]. For patients with APA, a high prevalence of cardiovascular events
48% achieved a BP <140/90  mmHg [44]. Two (angina, myocardial infarction, chronic cardiac
studies have done head-to-head comparison of insufficiency and angioplasty) at 16.3% in
these two agents with conflicting results. In 141 patients with PA [47]. Milliez et al. were the first
patients with PA randomised to spironolactone to show that there was a striking increase in the
versus eplerenone, spironolactone appeared to relative risks of myocardial infarction, atrial
reduce BP more effectively [45]. However, in this fibrillation and stroke in PA compared to age-,
trial eplerenone was given as a once-daily dosing gender- and blood pressure-matched essential
which may have been inadequate due to the short hypertensives at 12.1, 6.5 and 4.2, respectively
half-life of 4–6 h. In contrast, in 34 patients with [3]. Other large studies with case-control-
BAH, eplerenone appeared to be more effective, matched patients with essential hypertension
with 82.4% versus 76.5% reaching the target BP (EH) have corroborated these findings [48, 49].
<140/90 mmHg [46]. With medical or surgical treatment, the car-
Caution must be taken when initiating MR diovascular event rate is reduced, and becomes
antagonists in patients with stage III chronic kid- comparable to that of patients with EH.  Long-
ney disease (CKD) (decreased glomerular filtra- term data with an average follow-up of 7.4 years

Table 27.3  Medical treatment

Dose titration Considerations
Spironolactone Starting dose 12.5–25 mg daily Dose-dependant side effects include
Doses as high as 400 mg/day gynaecomastia, sexual dysfunction and
have been given irregular menses
Eplerenone Starting dose 25 mg bd Short half-like requiring twice daily
Doses as high as 300 mg/ day dosing. Less side effects than
have been given spironolactone
Less side effects than spironolactone
Steroids for patients with GRA 0.125–0.25 mg/day Lowest possible dose to avoid
Dexamethasone 2.5–5 mg/day iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome
Prednisolone Take at bedtime to suppress
early-morning ACTH surge
372 L. M. Soh

from Catena et al. have shown that the occurrence The second strategy is focused on the develop-
of a combined cardiovascular end point (myocar- ment of selective aldosterone synthase inhibitors.
dial infarction, coronary revascularisation, stroke However, the compounds investigated in phase II
and sustained arrhythmia) was comparable in trials have shown some non-selectivity and also
both groups [50]. A meta-analysis looking at the decreased cortisol levels. It also failed to decrease
reduction of left ventricular mass following med- the blood pressure consistently in all patients
ical or surgical treatment also showed no signifi- despite decreasing aldosterone levels, presum-
cant difference between the two groups [51]. ably due to the accumulation of precursors with
For renal outcomes, data from a large multi- mineralocorticoid activity [58]. It also remains to
centre Italian PAPY study showed that the preva- be seen if any new drugs developed will be as
lence of 24-h microalbuminuria in patients with effective as spironolactone in preventing long-
PA was twice that of patients with EH [52]. term complications.
Following treatment, restoration of microalbu-
minuria was more common in the PA group [53].
With both medical and surgical treatment, there A Word on Genetics
is an early decline of eGFR in the first year due to
the reversal of abnormal intrarenal haemodynam- In the initial years, the genetic basis of PA was
ics [54], but subsequent declines were compara- understood only for familial hyperaldosteronism
ble in both groups within an average follow-up type I where a chimeric gene of CYP11B2 and
duration of 6.4 years [53]. CYP11B1 leads to ACTH stimulation of aldoste-
For metabolic sequelae, Fallo et  al. found a rone production. From 2011, the understanding
much higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome of genetics in the pathogenesis of PA has pro-
in PA patients compared to essential hyperten- gressed rapidly, and somatic mutations have been
sives (41.1% vs. 29.6%), and that of hyperglycae- identified in key membrane proteins which affect
mia was 27.0% versus 15.2% [55]. Treatment in potassium, calcium channels and ion pumps.
a 6-year study restored insulin sensitivity in 54 Choi et  al. first detected mutations in KCNJ5
patients with PA [56]. using whole genomic sequencing [59].
Subsequently mutations in genes encoding Na/K-
ATPase (ATP1A), Ca-ATPase (ATP2B3) [60, 61]
Newer Agents as well as Ca1.3 (CACNA1D) [62] were also
described. The end point of these mutations all
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA) led to calcium influx, membrane depolarisation
have shown to be effective in treating PA and pre- and aldosterone hypersecretion. However, the
venting long-term complications. However, the type of mutations appears to affect the severity of
use of spironolactone is often limited by the the clinical phenotype, hyperplasia or size of ade-
adverse effects of non-selective binding to andro- nomas [63].
gen and progesterone receptors which results in
painful gynaecomastia, sexual dysfunction and
menstrual irregularities. This has prompted the Future Direction
search for newer agents, and the development has
followed two main strategies, the first in develop- In the early years, when hypokalaemia and
ing a non-steroidal MRA that retains the pharma- hypertension were considered sine qua non for
cologic benefits but avoids having the steroidal the diagnosis of PA, the condition was thought
side effects. The forerunner in this group is a to be uncommon, with a prevalence of 1% [2].
derivative of a dihydropyridine calcium channel In the 1990s, there was recognition that many
blocker which has similar efficacy as spironolac- patients with PA may be normokalaemic. ARR
tone, but has no effect on other steroid receptors was more widely applied as a screening tool to
and the L-type calcium channel [57]. hypertensive populations, and the prevalence
27  Conn’s Syndrome 373

of PA increased 5–10-fold [64]. In 2005, unknown, but is certainly likely to be much

Stowasser et  al. reported eight patients with higher than that currently reported. It will be both
genetically proven familial hyperaldosteron- our challenge to screen and manage and our
ism type I who were normotensive, with conundrum if we should.
comparable ambulatory blood pressures in
age- and sex-matched normal controls.
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Anand Kumar Mishra, Kulranjan Singh,
Pooja Ramakant, and Amit Agarwal

Introduction Aetiology

Phaeochromocytomas (PCCs) are tumours that Phaeochromocytomas occur with a prevalence of

synthesize, store and secrete catecholamines and approximately 1–2 per 100,000 adults. The overall
arise from chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla prevalence of phaeochromocytoma is 0.05% in
and extra-adrenal sympathetic ganglia cells. autopsy series and 0.1–0.6% in hypertensive
Embryologically, the paraganglia system origi- patients. Approximately 4% of incidentalomas are
nates from the neural crest cells, which can dif- phaeochromocytomas. They occur equally in men
ferentiate and migrate to form the adrenal and women, with approximately equal frequency
medullary chromaffin cells, autonomic ganglion in both adrenal glands. Sporadic phaeochromocy-
cells and extra-adrenal paraganglionic cells. tomas usually present in fourth decade whereas
These cells belong to the amine precursor uptake hereditary forms earlier. Phaeochromocytoma was
decarboxylase (APUD) cells. Phaeochromocytoma initially classified as a ‘10% tumour’ but now
derives its name from phaios (dusky), chroma recent evidence suggests that it is more likely to be
(colour) and cytoma (tumour). The term phaeo- a 20% tumour because:
chromocytoma was coined by Pick in 1912.
Fränkel was first to report a phaeochromocytoma • 20% are extra-adrenal, are most often located
during autopsy in 1886. The first successful oper- within the abdomen (mostly in the renal hilum
ations for phaeochromocytomas were first or organ of Zuckerkandl) and carry a poorer
reported in 1926 by Cesar Roux in Lausanne, prognosis.
Switzerland, and C.H. Mayo in the United States; • 20% are multifocal.
but in neither case was the diagnosis established • 20% are malignant.
before the operation. • 20% are bilateral.
• 25% are familial.
• 20% occur in children, are characterized by a
slight male predominance and are less likely
A. K. Mishra · K. Singh · P. Ramakant malignant than adult tumours. Approximately
Department of Endocrine Surgery, King George’s 30% of paediatric phaeochromocytomas are
Medical University, Lucknow, India bilateral, extra-adrenal, multiple or familial.
A. Agarwal (*)
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Sanjay Gandhi The incidence of synchronous or metachro-
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, nous phaeochromocytomas is more common in
Lucknow, India

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 377

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
378 A. K. Mishra et al.

Table 28.1  Genetic syndromes associated with phaeochromocytoma

Syndrome Gene affected Components
MEN2A (Sipple’s syndrome) Germline missense mutations in Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
extracellular cysteine codons of RET Phaeochromocytoma
MEN2B Germline missense mutation in tyrosine Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid
kinase domain of RET Phaeochromocytoma
Mucosal neuroma
Marfanoid habitus
Ganglioneuromas of the
gastrointestinal tract
Neurofibromatosis (von NF1 gene Cafe-au-lait spots
Recklinghausen’s disease) Axillary freckling
type I Multiple freckling
Multiple neurofibromas
Von Hippel-Lindau disease VHL gene Retinal hemangiomatosis
Cerebellar hemangioblastoma
Renal cell tumours
Familial paraganglioma (PG) Germline mutations within the succinate Glomus tumours of the carotid
syndrome dehydrogenase complex subunit B (SDHB) body and extra-adrenal
SDHD and SDHC genes paraganglioma

patients with familial forms of phaeochromocy- these germline mutations are predisposed
tomas. The genetic syndromes having phaeo- to phaeochromocytomas, as well as head
chromocytomas are listed in Table 28.1. and neck paragangliomas. Carriers of the
SDH-B or -D gene mutations are more
likely to have malignant disease.
Risk Factors • Weak
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1): The life-
• Strong time risk is 1% and up to 5% of patients
1. Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) with phaeochromocytomas have been
syndrome type 2A and B: The lifetime found to have NF1. Other manifestations
risk is 50%. Tumours are frequently bilat- include benign tumours of the skin, ner-
eral but symptomatic in only 50% and only vous system and bone.
one-third have hypertension. The impli-
cated gene in both MEN2A and -2B is the
RET proto-oncogene. Familial and Hereditary
2. Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease: The Phaeochromocytomas
lifetime risk is 10–20%. These patients will
have other manifestations including renal Literature suggests that phaeochromocytomas
cell carcinoma and cerebellar haemangio- up to 35% in adults and up to 40% in children are
blastomas, as well as renal and pancreatic hereditary, associated with neuroectodermal dis-
cysts. This results from a germline muta- orders (von Hippel-Lindau disease, tuberous
tion in the VHL suppressor gene. sclerosis, Sturge-Weber syndrome or Carney’s
3. Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) subunit syndrome) or multiple endocrine neoplasia type
B, C and D gene mutations: There is 2, neurofibromatosis type 1 (von
germline mutations in the SDH-B, -C and Recklinghausen’s disease) and paraganglioma
-D genes responsible for mitochondrial syndromes (germline mutations in the succinate
succinate dehydrogenase. Patients with dehydrogenase SDH-B, -C or -D genes).
28 Phaeochromocytoma 379

Mutations of genes encoding the SDH complex Table 28.2  Extra-adrenal locations of
assembly factor 2 (SDHAF2), transmembrane
protein 127 (TMEM 127), SDH subunit A, Organ of Zuckerkandl
MYC-associated factor X (MAX) and hypoxia- Urinary bladder
Liver hilum
inducible factor 2-alpha (HIF2A) have now been
Renal hilum
Posterior mediastinum
In MEN2, bilateral adrenal medullary hyper- Intrapericardial
plasia (diffuse or nodular) is almost always Neck
present and precedes phaeochromocytoma, and
develops in 30–50% of patients.
Phaeochromocytomas are usually multicentric Pathophysiology
and bilateral in up to 50–80% of cases with and Symptomatology
long-­term follow-up. They are rarely extra-adre-
nal or malignant. The incidence of clinically Phaeochromocytomas secrete predominantly
significant adrenal medullary disease is greater norepinephrine. Phenylethanolamine
in MEN2B. In up to 25% of cases, the diagnosis N-methyltransferase enzyme, which converts
of phaeochromocytoma precedes that of C-cell norepinephrine to epinephrine, is present primar-
disease. Therefore, mutation analyses of the ily in the adrenal medulla and organ of
RET proto-oncogene on exons 10 and 11 should Zuckerkandl. Therefore, high levels of epineph-
be performed in all patients with phaeochromo- rine are suggestive of phaeochromocytoma of
cytoma to screen for MEN2. adrenal origin. Rarely, phaeochromocytomas
secrete other neurohormones such as dopamine,
VIP, adrenocorticotrophic hormones, beta-­
Extra-Adrenal endorphins and a variety of other substances that
Phaeochromocytomas can complicate the clinical manifestations and
the differential diagnosis.
Extra-adrenal phaeochromocytomas account for Phaeochromocytomas are the cause of hyper-
approximately 10% of phaeochromocytomas in tension in about 0.1% of hypertensive patients.
adults and 30% in children. These are often mul- The cardiovascular pathophysiology of phaeo-
ticentric and are more likely to be malignant than chromocytoma is characterized by:
adrenal phaeochromocytomas (36% vs. 10%).
They are rarely associated with familial and • Lack of correlation between plasma concen-
hereditary phaeochromocytoma, except in tration of catecholamine and haemodynamic
Carney’s syndrome, which is associated with profile or heart disease, and blood pressure.
functioning extra-adrenal paraganglioma, pulmo- • The haemodynamic features of hypertension
nary chondroma and gastric epithelioid leiomyo- are characterized by vasoconstriction,
sarcoma. Extra-adrenal phaeochromocytomas increased peripheral vascular resistance and
are most commonly found in the organ of left ventricular hypertrophy.
Zuckerkandl at the distal aorta and aortic bifurca- • Orthostatic hypotension, with an average
tion, but can also be found between the base of decrease of 14 mmHg in systolic pressure, and
the skull and the spermatic cords, with 85% of orthostatic tachycardia commonly occur in
these extra-adrenal tumours located below the phaeochromocytoma (71% and 58%, respec-
diaphragm. Bladder phaeochromocytomas are tively) due to failure of increased peripheral
usually located at the trigone or dome of the blad- vascular resistance.
der and patients may present with haematuria or • 50% of patients with phaeochromocytoma
micturition-induced symptoms. Extra-adrenal exhibit sustained hypertension, 45% are nor-
phaeochromocytoma locations are listed in motensive between paroxysms of hyperten-
Table 28.2. sion and approximately 5% are normotensive.
380 A. K. Mishra et al.

Table 28.3  Signs and symptoms of phaeochromocytoma

Symptoms Incidence (%) Signs Incidence (%)
Headache 76–100 Hypertension 76–100
Palpitations 51–75 Tachycardia or reflex bradycardia 51–75
Sweating 51–75 Postural hypotension 51–75
Anxiety/nervousness 26–50 Hypertension, paroxysmal 26–50
Nausea 26–50 Weight loss 26–50
Pain abdomen, chest 26–50 Hypermetabolism 26–50
Fatigue or weakness 26–50 Fasting hyperglycaemia 26–50
Dizziness 1–25 Tremor 26–50
Heat intolerance 1–25 Increased respiratory rate 26–50
Constipation 1–25 Decreased gastrointestinal motility 26–50
Breathlessness 1–25 Psychosis 1–25
Visual disturbances 1–25 Flushing, paroxysmal 1–25
Seizures, grand mal 1–25

Hypertension is more often sustained rather

than paroxysmal in 90% of children with
• 20% of patients with phaeochromocytoma Hypertension
will have essential hypertension.

hypertension Paroxysmal
Clinical Features Hypertension
About 90% of patients present with episodes of Blood
classical triad of symptoms: headache, palpita-
tions and sweating. It is called “classic triad” in
phaeochromocytoma. Patients can have paroxys- Fig. 28.1  Clinical features of phaeochromocytoma
mal spells (five Ps—pressure: sudden increase in
blood pressure; pain: headache, chest of cardiac
origin and abdominal pain; perspiration; palpita- Screening evaluation 10% 10% Hypertensive Crisis
tions; and pallor). Profuse sweating is common in
children (Table 28.3).
Hypertension: Elevation of blood pressure Classic triad Asymptomatic
either continuous or paroxysmal is the most con- 40% 40%

sistent presentation especially in a young patient.

About half the patients show paroxysmal hyper- Pheochromocytoma
tension with symptom-free intervals between clinical presentation

attacks (episodic hypertension). Sometimes,

excessive fluctuations in blood pressure may be Fig. 28.2  Clinical features of phaeochromocytoma
seen in patients who otherwise are normotensive.
Orthostatic hypotension is frequently present and gestive heart failure. Less commonly, severe
is probably due to reduced intravascular volume hypertensive reactions may occur during inciden-
following chronic adrenergic stimulation tal surgery, following trauma, exercise, drug
(Figs. 28.1 and 28.2). intake or micturition (in the setting of bladder
Other symptoms: A patient can present with phaeochromocytoma) when the diagnosis is
anxiety or fear attacks, stroke in young or con- unsuspected. An unrecognized phaeochromocy-
28 Phaeochromocytoma 381

toma may lead to death because of a hypertensive • Refractory hypertension

crisis, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction or mul- • Accelerated hypertension or malignant hyper-
tisystem crisis. tension, especially in children and during the
The symptoms mentioned above may be con- first two trimesters of pregnancy
stant or intermittent. Duration and frequency of • Paradoxical hypertensive response to
intermittent symptoms are variable, ranging from beta-blockers
a few seconds to several days and from several • Hypertensive crisis during anaesthesia, intu-
times daily to once every few weeks. There may bation, manipulation of any abdominal
be precipitating factors for symptoms (postural tumour, labour or angiography
changes, increase in intra-abdominal pressure, • Patients with unexplained heart failure
exertion, trauma, emotional stress, urination for • Patients with a family history of von Hippel-­
bladder phaeochromocytoma, anaesthesia and Lindau (VHL) syndrome, multiple endocrine
tumour manipulation, tyramine-containing foods neoplasia (MEN) 2A or 2B, type 1 neurofibro-
in the presence of monoamine oxidase inhibitors matosis (NF1) or inherited paraganglioma
(MAOIs), drugs (corticosteroids, antibiotics— syndrome (due to mutation in one of the suc-
linezolid, glucagon, radiographic contrast dye, cinate dehydrogenase (SDH) genes)
tricyclic antidepressants, metoclopramide, con- • Marked labile hypertension or blood pressure
trast agents, chemotherapeutic agents) and resistant to standard multidrug therapeutic
childbirth. regimen
• Orthostatic hypotension in the absence of anti-
hypertension therapy
Pathology • Incidentally discovered adrenal tumour,
regardless of size, especially before resection
PCCs are highly vascularized, greyish-pink on or needle biopsy
the cut surface and have areas of haemorrhage or • Children and young individuals with new
necrosis. Microscopically, tumour cells are onset of hypertension or seizures
polygonal, but the configuration varies consider-
ably. The differentiation between malignant and Phaeochromocytoma diagnosis is based on
benign tumours is difficult like any endocrine elevated levels of catecholamines or products of
malignancy. The following features suggest catecholamine metabolism, either in the urine or
malignancy on histopathology: serum (Table  28.4). The traditional diagnostic
standard is a 24-h collection of urine for determi-
• High PASS (phaeochromocytoma of the adre- nation of catecholamines, vanillylmandelic acid
nal gland scale score) and metanephrine levels. The key points in
• High number of Ki-67-positive cells
• Vascular invasion
• Capsular invasion Table 28.4 Sensitivity/specificity for catecholamines
and metabolites
Investigation Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Diagnosis Urinary 86 83
Urinary 97 72
Phaeochromocytoma is known as the great mimic metanephrines
as it can have diverse clinical manifestations. Plasma 84 88
However, there are ten clinical situations in which it catecholamines
is appropriate to screen for a phaeochromocytoma: Plasma metanephrines 98 89
Urinary VMA 64 95
• Symptomatic episodes, especially when par- Dopamine 7 99
oxysmal and accompanied by hypertension Serum chromogranin A 86 74
382 A. K. Mishra et al.

r­elation to biochemical evaluation of PCCs than 500  pg/mL). Usually single dose of cloni-
include the following: dine does not show response in phaeochromocy-
tomas as they are not innervated and secrete
• Biochemical diagnosis is made by measure- catecholamines in an autonomous manner.
ment of plasma or 12–24-h urinary metaneph-
rines (99 and 97% sensitive), plasma or
12–24-h urinary catecholamines (86 and 84% Genetics
sensitive) and urinary vanillylmandelic acid
(72% sensitive). Various genetic mutation tests for phaeochromo-
• Urinary metanephrines often are the first-line cytoma include RET, VHL and SDH-B/C/D. This
screening test and in typical phaeochromocy- helps to screen the index case for other compo-
toma levels are usually at least twice the upper nents of syndrome and also to screen the first-­
limit of normal. Total metanephrine is less degree relatives. A simple way to do these tests in
than 1.3 mg in 24 h; however, refer to refer- different settings is described in Table 28.5.
ence ranges in individual laboratories If mutation is identified at any point in the
• Urinary vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) also testing algorithm, no further testing should be
may be useful but has a low sensitivity. performed.
• At least two measurements may be required Differential diagnosis: Thyrotoxicosis, acute
because of intermittent tumour secretion. clonidine withdrawal, hypoglycaemia, anxiety
• False-positive results can occur with sympa- disorders or panic attacks, renovascular hyper-
thomimetics, phenoxybenzamine, tricyclic tension, menopause, migraines, carcinoid syn-
antidepressants and other drugs (paracetamol). drome, pre-eclampsia, neuroblastoma and
• Chromogranin A has a sensitivity of 86% but insulinoma.
poor diagnostic specificity for phaeochromo- Localization: After clinical and biochemical
cytoma. Chromogranin A is an acidic, mono- diagnosis, PCC may be located by magnetic reso-
meric protein stored and released with nance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography
catecholamines from storage vesicles in the (CT) or radionuclide scanning with
adrenal medulla. 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), octreo-
tide scintigraphy and positron emission imaging
Generally, biochemical levels of at least two- (PET). At least 85% of extra-adrenal and 98% of
fold above the normal range are regarded as diag- all phaeochromocytomas occur below the dia-
nostic whereas lower values should be repeated. phragm, 2–3% are found in thorax and 1% are
High-performance liquid chromatography found in the neck. Most often the disease is local-
(HPLC) appears to be the most sensitive and spe- ized in the abdomen (97%), the thorax (2–3%)
cific method for the measurement of fractionated and the neck (1%). The initial imaging test of
catecholamines and metanephrines. choice is CT or MRI of the abdomen/adrenals.
Provocative testing to diagnose phaeochromo-
cytomas by histamine, tyramine and glucagon,
which was used in previous decades, is now never Table 28.5 Simplified way of genetic testing in
used as it is dangerous. Clonidine, a central ago- phaeochromocytoma
nist, normally decreases plasma catecholamines Paragangliomas SDHB ⇨ SDHD ⇨ VHL
by reducing sympathetic tone, so a clonidine sup- Bilateral VHL ⇨ RET
pression test may be useful to distinguish phaeo- phaeochromocytoma
chromocytoma from the patient with essential Sporadic unilateral VHL ⇨ RET ⇨ SDHB ⇨
phaeochromocytoma SDHD
hypertension and elevated catecholamine levels. <20 years of age
Two to three hours after clonidine administration, Sporadic unilateral SDHB ⇨ SDHD
patients with essential hypertension should have phaeochromocytoma
a decrease in resting catecholamine levels (less >20 years of age
28 Phaeochromocytoma 383

The catecholamine profile may suggest the MIBG to the norepinephrine transporters, lack of
anatomic location. Urinary sample with high lev- storage granules or loss of transporters by tumour
els of epinephrine suggests an adrenal phaeo- cell dedifferentiation.
chromocytoma; however exceptions have been Octreotide Scintigraphy:
reported. Norepinephrine-secreting tumours may 111
In-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-
be either in the adrenal gland or in an extra-­ octreotide and 121I-DTPA-octreotide are radiola-
adrenal location. MEN2- and NF-1-related pha- belled analogue of somatostatin that are used to
eochromocytomas classically secrete have a functional image of phaeochromocytomas
epinephrine. VHL and SDHB-related phaeochro- because of high density of somatostatin receptors
mocytomas secrete norepinephrine. in them.
CT scan: It can detect up to lesions >1 cm in PET Imaging: PET imaging with
size. Phaeochromocytomas are typically homog- 18F-fluorodopamine, 18F-fluorodopa,
enous (40–50 Hounsfield units) with IV contrast 18F-dihydroxy phenylalanine, 11C-hydroxy
enhancement. There may be areas of cystic ephedrine and 11C-epinephrine is highly specific
necrosis, haemorrhage or calcification in larger for phaeochromocytoma.
tumours that may give a heterogenous appear-
ance. The newer non-ionic contrast media usu-
ally do not pose a significant risk of hypertensive Preoperative Preparation
crisis and therefore CT scan is safe in a non-­
blocked patient. The perioperative blockade and intraoperative
MRI: MRI assesses the liver and retroperito- management are discussed in detail in chapter on
neum for possible metastatic disease besides pro- perioperative management of endocrine hyper-
viding anatomic detail. It also provides a tension. After biochemical diagnosis, all patients
functional imaging on T2. The hypervascularity are prepared with alpha-blockade to block the
of phaeochromocytomas gives an intermediate-­ catecholamine excess and their consequences
to-­high signal intensity with T2-weighted imag- during surgery. The main goals in preoperative
ing. It does not have radiation exposure and IV preparation are:
contrast is not required. Therefore, it becomes
radiological investigation of choice for pregnant • Normalize blood pressure and heart rate
women, children, annual screening examinations • Restore volume depletion
(for patients with high-risk germline mutations) • Prevent any intraoperative hypertensive crisis
and any patient with a contrast allergy. The and arrhythmia
greater resolution for different tissue types pro-
vides slighter superior sensitivity for extra-­ Medications used intraoperatively to control
adrenal lesions compared with CT. blood pressure surges include:
MIBG: MIBG is a norepinephrine analogue
which accumulates in hyperfunctioning chromaf- 1. Sodium nitroprusside—reduces preload and
fin tissue. I123 is better than I131 (90% vs. 77%). afterload and has immediate onset and recov-
MIBG single-photon emission computed tomog- ery in 1 min.
raphy (MIBG SPECT) or MIBG SPECT/CT will 2. Calcium channel blockers—powerful arterial
further improve the sensitivity over planar MIBG vasodilators.
imaging. It is for the detection of multifocal or 3. Magnesium sulphate.
metastatic disease. Prior to MIBG imaging, oral 4. Esmolol—ultra-short-acting cardio selective

iodine must be administered to avoid uptake of beta-blocker: Esmolol hydrochloride, an
radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland. MIBG intravenously administered selective beta-1
scans are negative in around 15% of phaeochro- receptor antagonist, is used when beta-­
mocytomas and in up to 50% of malignant blockade of rapid onset and short duration is
tumours because of relatively lower affinity of desired, or in critically ill patients in whom
384 A. K. Mishra et al.

adverse effects of bradycardia, heart failure or quate visualization is a must for a safe
hypotension may necessitate rapid withdrawal operation. Haemostasis should be rigorously
of the drug. maintained.
5. Nitrogylcerin—rapidly acting venodilator. • The adrenal gland should be brought down by
initially exposing the cranial attachments and
dividing the rich blood supply between either
Surgery of Phaeochromocytoma right-angled clips or utilizing a forceps cautery.
• The principle is to work around tumour and
Surgical excision of the tumour is the first-choice early identification of the vascular supply and
treatment for phaeochromocytoma. Surgery is working around the cranial edge of the gland.
planned only after selective alpha-adrenergic It may be termed as lateral dissection. Initial
blocker (usually 7–14 days). A robust periopera- aim is to make gland free superiorly. Now
tive regime in a multidisciplinary setting results apply gentle traction on the kidney down and
in remarkably safe surgical outcome with almost gland can be brought inferiorly for control of
no mortality and minimal morbidity if any com- the adrenal vein and this is important to stabi-
pared to the 30–40% mortality reported few lize the patient from a burst of catecholamine
decades ago. The principles of surgery in phaeo- release during manipulation.
chromocytoma are: • The posterior surface is generally devoid of
vasculature, so it can be dissected by fingers.
1 . Complete tumour resection. • Phaeochromocytomas are extremely friable
2. Minimal tumour manipulation in avoidance of and fracture easily which can cause trouble-
tumour seeding and hypertensive crisis. some bleeding. Therefore, tension or traction
3. Control of vascular supply. should be maintained on the kidney or sur-
4. Adequate exposure to avoid another organ
rounding structures and not on the adrenal
injury. itself. The concept is that the “patient should
5. In MEN-associated adrenal medullary disease, be dissected from the tumour”, a view which
surgical options include bilateral adrenalec- is particularly true in patients for a phaeochro-
tomy or cortical-sparing subtotal adrenalec- mocytoma in which the glands should not be
tomy for adrenal medullary hyperplasia. manipulated.

Numerous approaches can be made to the phaeo-

chromocytoma. The proper approach depends on: Open Surgical Approaches

• Size of the tumour The following approaches are generally indicated

• Side of the lesion for excision.
• Habitus of the patient
• Experience and preference of the surgeon 1. Anterior trans-abdominal approach: The
anterior abdominal transperitoneal approach
In today’s era, laparoscopic approach if feasi- by subcostal incision for unilateral tumours is
ble is the approach of choice. Minimal manipula- the most common approach. A bucket handle
tion of the tumour along with early ligation of incision or the Chevron incision or midline
outflow venous channels is desirable irrespective incision is indicated mainly for patients with
of the approach. The approach to the gland may bilateral phaeochromocytoma or extra-­adrenal
be different; however certain concepts warrant or multiple adrenal tumours. This ensures an
attention: unhindered access to tumour site and also per-
mits a thorough exploration of the entire
• The adrenal glands lie high in the retroperito- abdominal cavity if needed as in multicentric/
neum and are located quite posterior, so ade- ectopic lesions.
28 Phaeochromocytoma 385

2. Lateral flank approach: Well-localized uni- backs. In spite of its many advantages till date
lateral tumours can also be approached robotic adrenalectomy has not provided any dis-
through the flank approach using an incision tinct benefit over laparoscopy in terms of patient
through the bed of the 11th or 12th rib. Larger outcome and comfort.
tumours should preferably be approached by Bilateral adrenalectomy: Bilateral adrenal-
an anterior abdominal or a thoracoabdominal ectomy results in lifelong corticosteroid replace-
incision. ment with a high probability of imminent
3. Thoracoabdominal approach: It is indicated morbidity and mortality. Partial adrenalectomy
for large tumours or malignant phaeochromo- performed first in 1996 via open method and
cytoma involving adjacent organs, such as the 1998 via laparoscopy avoids complications by
kidney, pancreas, spleen or inferior vena cava. removing the tumour as well as presumably cir-
cumventing post-operative supplementation ther-
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: Laparoscopic apy. For the remnant gland to retain corticotropic
adrenalectomy (LA) first described by Gagner in function, at least 1/3rd of the adrenal grand with
1992 is currently considered the gold standard intact vascularity has to be preserved. The risk of
even though no randomized trails have ever been recurrence should be kept in mind, which ranges
carried out between open and laparoscopic meth- between 0 and 21%. Endoscopic procedures
ods. LA can be achieved via a trans-abdominal/ result in better results, probably because of mag-
retroperitoneoscopic approach depending upon nification. Cortical-sparing surgery has been
the surgeon’s training and experience. LA is the advocated as the preferred method in MEN2/
preferred option in sporadic and majority of syn- VHL-associated unilateral phaeochromocytoma
dromic phaeochromocytomas (VHL, MEN, NF because of high risk of contralateral metachro-
1) in both unilateral and bilateral lesions. nous phaeochromocytoma.
However, open adrenalectomy may be the pre-
ferred option in phaeochromocytomas associated
with phaeochromocytoma—paraganglioma syn- Complications
drome (SDH-B/C/D). The technique of LA is
described in detail in later chapter. The complications which can happen during sur-
gery of phaeochromocytoma are summarized in
Advantages: Table 28.6 and discussed in detail in the chapter
• Less operative and perioperative morbidity on complications in adrenal surgery.
with early recovery and less pain for the
• No significant increase in cardiac index or left Post-operative Care
ventricular work has been noticed in spite of
increased intraoperative hypertensive during 1. Fluid replacement, preferably with colloids to
LA when compared to open methods. prevent hypotension—replace 1.5 times the
blood volume for 24–48 h.
Robotic adrenalectomy: Robotic adrenalec- 2. Central venous pressure and blood pressure
tomy was first performed in 1999 by Piazza et al. monitoring
which has minimized many of the drawbacks of 3. Blood glucose monitoring for 24 h
the laparoscopic surgery like compromised depth
perception and camera syncing. It has been pro- Persistent hypertension in the post-operative
posed as a safe, feasible and effective approach period can be because of the residual tumour, auto-
more so in obese, larger lesions and when con- nomic instability, pain and volume overload.
templating cortical sparing surgery. However, Coexisting essential hypertension may also be a fac-
cost implications, loss of haptic feedback and tor if it persists longer. One-fourth of patients may
anaesthetic perspective are some of the draw- remain hypertensive after phaeochromocytoma
386 A. K. Mishra et al.

Table 28.6  Complications following adrenal surgery Metastatic disease is defined as presence of cate-
Intraoperative Post-operative complications cholamine secreting tissue in non-chromaffin-­
complications following surgery bearing organs. Recurrences are more likely in
Haemorrhage Generic complications patients with MEN type 2A.  Recurrences may
Inferior vena cava Haemorrhage from adrenal
Adrenal vein arteries, inferior vena cava also occur in patients who do not have any evi-
Lumbar vein Pneumothorax dence of capsular or vascular invasion on histo-
Hepatic vein Pancreatitis pathology. In the absence of distant disease, the
Vascular Pneumonia pathologic diagnosis of malignancy of phaeo-
Ligation of renal Hiccoughs
artery branch Specific: chromocytoma is very difficult.
Ligation of Hypotension Phaeochromocytoma Crisis:
mesenteric artery Hypertension Phaeochromocytoma crisis has been defined as
IVC involvement Hypoglycaemia acute severe presentation of catecholamine-­
Adjacent organ injury
Pneumothorax induced hemodynamic instability causing end-­
Pancreas, liver, spleen organ damage or dysfunction. The reported
Stomach, colon, incidence is up to 18% and it is ten times more
kidney frequently related to phaeochromocytoma com-
Complications related
to HTN crisis pared to paraganglioma (Table 28.7). It is often
Myocardial infarction reversible with appropriate treatment. It is
Pulmonary oedema described of two types:
Acute heart failure
Cerebral stroke
Table 28.7 Emergency situations associated with
removal. Biochemical testing should be repeated Clinical setting Symptoms
approximately 14 days following surgery to check Phaeochromocytoma Hypertension and/or
for remaining disease. These patients require life- crisis hypotension, multiple-­organ
failure, temperature of 40 °C,
long follow-up. encephalopathy
Post-operative hypoglycaemia can occur due Cardiovascular (on Collapse, hypertensive crisis,
to relative increase in sensitivity to insulin after induction of shock or profound
sudden withdrawal of the catecholamines. anaesthesia, hypotension, acute heart
medication-­induced failure, myocardial infarction,
Therefore, blood sugar should be monitored or other mechanisms) arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy,
hourly for the first 3 or 4 h after surgery. Patients myocarditis, dissecting aortic
with operation of bilateral phaeochromocytoma aneurysm, limb ischaemia,
will develop adrenal insufficiency and will require digital necrosis or gangrene
steroid replacement therapy. Glucocorticoid prep- Respiratory Adult respiratory distress
syndrome, acute pulmonary
arations should be administered preoperatively oedema
when bilateral adrenalectomy is contemplated, Abdominal Abdominal bleeding, acute
especially in patients with bilateral tumours or in intestinal obstruction, severe
familial phaeochromocytoma. enterocolitis and peritonitis,
colon perforation, bowel
ischaemia plus generalized
peritonitis, mesenteric
Follow-Up vascular occlusion, acute
pancreatitis, cholecystitis,
Repeat evaluations are done annually thereafter
Neurological Hemiplegia, limb weakness
or recurrence of symptoms whichever is early.
Renal Severe haematuria, acute
Ten to twenty per cent of patients will continue to pyelonephritis, acute renal
be hypertensive and require long-term treatment failure
following operation. Metastatic disease may be Metabolic Diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic
seen after several years in a rare patient. acidosis
28 Phaeochromocytoma 387

Type A crisis: A more limited crisis without sus- benign and malignant phaeochromocytoma
tained hypotension with low morbidity and mortality. Though
Type B crisis: Severe presentation with sustained laparoscopic adrenalectomy has become the
hypotension, shock and multi-organ standard of care for phaeochromocytomas,
dysfunction retroperitoneal approach is rapidly becoming
an attractive option. Phaeochromocytoma and
Malignant Phaeochromocytoma: About paraganglioma are now known to be associ-
10% of adrenal phaeochromocytomas are malig- ated with 16 susceptibility genes; hence it is
nant and rates are higher in extra-adrenal sites. To important to have a high suspicion for familial
establish the malignancy in phaeochromocytoma phaeochromocytoma and the clinician should
is difficult like any endocrine disease and preop- triage the genetic testing based on individual
eratively the criteria for malignancy are invasion clinical features. As in many endocrine
into adjacent tissue or distant metastases. tumours, there are no uniform definitive or
However, elevated urinary dopamine may be sug- accurate histological criteria to distinguish
gestive of a malignant phaeochromocytoma. malignancy, which is dependent on the clini-
Complete surgical excision is the only potentially cal behaviour of the tumour. Over the last few
curative therapy for malignant phaeochromocy- decades, worldwide phaeochromocytomas
toma and aggressive surgical resection is indi- have been operated with significantly reduced
cated in all patients who can tolerate the morbidity and mortality due to judicious use
procedure. It is difficult to demonstrate malig- of alpha-­ blockade, beta-blockade and
nancy in the surgical specimen also so long-term advances in intraoperative drug management
follow-up is required in all patients of phaeochro- of haemodynamic instability.
mocytoma. It is well established that apparently
benign, completely excised, well-encapsulated
tumours can develop distant metastases after Bibliography
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review. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;94:1853–78. 2008;32(8):1802–8.
Surgery for Adrenocortical Cancer:
Evidence-Based 29

Radu Mihai

Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is an exceed- to an increase in surgery for patients with

ingly rare tumour associated with poor survival for advanced disease. The German ACC registry
which radical surgical excision remains the only comprised 492 patients diagnosed between 1986
potentially curative treatment. This chapter is based and 2007 [5]. The registry created by the
on data collected by the author during publication European Network for Study of Adrenal Tumours
of a systematic review of this topic published in the (ENSAT; already contains
British Journal of Surgery [1] and during work as a clinical data on over 2000 patients.
senior author of guidelines for perioperative care of Women appear to be more commonly affected,
ACC patients published through a collaboration with a median female-to-male ratio of 1.6  in a
between the European Society of Endocrine population of 6658 women and 4865 men col-
Surgeons (ESES) and the European Network for lected from 14 recent publications [1] . Left-sided
the Study of Adrenal Tumours (ENSAT) [2]. tumours seem to be more common (2607 left-
sided and 2169 right-sided tumours were reported
in several recent series) [1].
Epidemiology of ACC

With an estimated annual incidence of 1–2 Preoperative Assessment

patients per million individuals ACC is frequently
referred to as an orphan disease, i.e. a condition Clinical Presentation
that affects fewer than 200,000 people nation-
wide in the USA.  In the USA, the National Two-thirds of patients present with symptoms or
Cancer Database recorded 4275 patients with signs of excessive hormone secretion. One-third of
ACC from 1985 to 2007 [3]. The Netherlands patients have large non-secreting tumours and pres-
Cancer Registry [4] included 359 patients ent with symptoms related to the size of the tumour.
between 1993 and 2010 and demonstrated an Clinical history and examination should assess:
increase in the percentage of patients receiving
treatment within 6 months after diagnosis related • Signs/symptoms related to excess hormone
production (e.g. Cushing’s syndrome, viriliza-
tion in females; feminization in males)
R. Mihai • Local compressive symptoms of a large intra-
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Churchill Cancer abdominal mass (e.g. pain, abdominal disten-
Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation
sion, early satiety, nausea/vomiting, weight
Trust, Oxford, UK
e-mail: loss, leg oedema)

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 389

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
390 R. Mihai

• Genetic/familial context (Li-Fraumeni, multi- In our own experience we found that at 8  cm

ple endocrine neoplasia type 1, Lynch syn- threshold 1:6 tumours are benign and 5:6 tumours
drome, familial adenomatous polyposis, are malignant [10].
Gardner syndrome and Beckwith-Wiedemann On non-enhanced CT scan a spontaneous den-
syndrome) sity of >10 HU has a high sensitivity, but rela-
tively low specificity to define an adrenal mass as
malignant [7, 8, 11].
Biochemical Assessment Metastases are frequently found at presenta-
tion and the most common sites are regional
Before operating on a suspected ACC it is lymph nodes (25–46%), lungs (45–97%), liver
imperative to exclude the diagnosis of phaeo- (48–96%) and bones (11–33%) [12].
chromocytoma by measuring 24-h urinary On MRI imaging the appearance of ACCs
metanephrines or plasma metanephrines. compared with the liver is iso/hypointense on
Excessive secretion of steroids/precursors T1-weighted and hyperintense on T2-weighted
should be assessed by dexamethasone suppres- imaging [7, 13]. The chemical shift on con-
sion test in order to identify patients who need trast-enhanced MRI can identify the lipid-rich
postoperative steroid replacement. A new adenomas that have a very low risk of malig-
promising approach for differentiating adeno- nancy [14].
mas from ACCs uses mass spectrometry-based [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET–CT has
steroid profiling of 24-h urine samples [6] and 95% sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis
this approach is under evaluation in a prospec- of ACC [15]. An adrenal-to-liver standardized
tive multicentre trial EURINE-ACT (see www. uptake value (SUV) ratio above 1.6 provides 100% sensitivity and 100% negative predictive
value for the diagnosis of ACC [16]. Similar
appearance can occur in adrenal metastases;
Radiological Assessment hence the scans should be interpreted with cau-
tion in patients with a previous diagnosis of
Computed tomography (CT scan) provides infor- malignancy [17]. Secondly, FDG-PET uptake
mation regarding the size, shape, margins, inter- values have limited prognostic value and do not
nal structure, vascular distribution, venous correlate with survival [18].
thrombus, lymph node involvement, adjacent Imaging with metomidate labelled with I123
organ invasion (i.e. invasion of the kidney, distal (iodometomidate, [123I]IMTO) can diagnose
pancreas, spleen, liver or diaphragm), presence adrenocortical lesions with high specificity. In a
of intravascular thrombus and distant spread of prospective study of 58 patients with metastatic
tumour. ACC, of 430 lesions detected by conventional
Most ACCs are large at presentation, with a imaging, 30% showed strong tracer accumulation
diameter of >6  cm in more than 90% of cases [19]. Availability of this tracer is currently
[7, 8]. The median size reported in large series is limited.
10–11 cm (range 2–40 cm) [7]. In an analysis of
457 patients with ACC recorded in the
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Preoperative Biopsy
(SEER) database [9] the risk of malignancy
increased from 52% to 80%, 95% and 98%, and The ESES-ENSAT guidelines recommend
likelihood ratios for tumour size predicting against preoperative biopsy of suspected ACC if
malignancy were 2, 4, 16 and 24, respectively, for surgical radical excision is feasible [2]. Biopsy is
tumours <4 cm, >6 cm, >8 cm and >10 cm. This reasonable only in case of suspicion of primary
is the basis of recommending adrenalectomy for adrenal lymphoma or when trying to demonstrate
non-functional incidentalomas larger than 4 cm. metastatic disease.
29  Surgery for Adrenocortical Cancer: Evidence-Based Recommendations 391

Staging  adical Open Adrenalectomy

for Adrenocortical Carcinoma
The ENSAT classification (Table  29.1) is cur-
rently used worldwide. It was originally based on Complete tumour resection is the only curative
data derived form 492 patients from the German treatment for ACC. Patients with locally advanced
ACC registry [5], it was validated in a North disease treated without surgery have poor sur-
American population-based cohort of 573 vival. In a cohort of 320 patients registered in the
patients, and it showed high accuracy in predict- SEER database the 1-year survival rate for stage
ing recurrence and survival rates [20]. III was only 13% if not operated and 77% after
surgical treatment. For stage IV disease these fig-
ures were 16% and 54%, respectively [24].
Genetic Analysis in Patients with ACC There are several separate issues to be
Because ACC is a hallmark tumour in families
with Li–Fraumeni syndrome caused by muta-
tions in the tumour protein P53 (TP53) gene,  xtent of the Initial Surgery
some advocate TP53 testing in all patients with for Locally Invasive Tumours
ACC regardless of age at diagnosis [21]. Others
consider this test justified in all young adults with The radical surgical approach to locally inva-
ACC as one in ten of them might carry such sive tumours should include a multivisceral
mutations [22]. In a study of 114 patients with resection. En bloc resections are done to pre-
confirmed ACC evaluated in the University of vent breaching of the tumour capsule with con-
Michigan 53 completed TP53 testing, of whom 4 trol of the large vessels, even through direct
(8%) had a TP53 mutation even though none of invasion into adjacent organs is rare. There are
them met the clinical diagnostic criteria for Li– no published data demonstrating improved sur-
Fraumeni syndrome [23]. vival or lower local recurrence rates, but multi-
visceral resection allows safer vascular control
Table 29.1  Staging systems for adrenocortical cancer and potentially complete venous tumour throm-
bus resection that could improve long-term
TNM [32]
disease-free survival [25].
T1 ≤5 cm, no local invasion Need for adjacent organ resection or extended
T2 >5 cm, no local invasion resection. The upper limit of the perirenal space
T3 Any size, extension into periadrenal fat is not covered by Gerota’s fascia, explaining the
T4 Any size, invasion into neighbouring clinical finding that right-sided ACCs may invade
N1 organs
M1 Metastases into local lymph nodes the liver and/or diaphragm and left-sided ACCs
Metastatic disease may invade the spleen, pancreas and/or dia-
AJCC/UICC [32] phragm [26, 27]. Although the published data
Stage I T1 N0 M0 offers scarce details about such intraoperative
Stage II T2 N0 M0 findings, it is generally agreed that adjacent
Stage III T1–2 N1 M0 or T3 N0 M0
Stage IV T3 N1 M0 or T4 any N M0 or any T any organs should be resected en bloc if they are sus-
N M1 pected to be invaded. This includes the spleen,
ENSAT [7] distal pancreas, stomach, kidney, right liver,
Stage I T1 N0 M0 colon, diaphragm and wall of the vena cava or the
Stage II T2 N0 M0 left renal vein. The threshold for en bloc resec-
Stage III T3–T4 N0 M0 or any T N1 M0
Stage IV Any T any N M1 (distant metastases) tion of adjacent organs, if they are suspected to
AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer, UICC
be invaded, should be low.
International Union Against Cancer, ENSAT European To avoid the risk of capsular damage when
Network for Study of Adrenal Tumours dissecting the tumour from the kidney, some
392 R. Mihai

surgeons have advocated performing an en bloc approximately 70% of patients [40]. The data
resection of the retroperitoneal space including from the German Adrenocortical Cancer registry
the kidney [28], although a survival benefit of suggest a reduced risk of local recurrence and
this radical approach has not been proven [29, disease-related death if more than five lymph
30]. A retrospective study compared the onco- nodes are removed [42]. In addition, lymph node
logical results of patients with stage II ACC dissection contributes to more accurate tumour
treated by radical adrenalectomy alone or by staging, but its influence on overall and disease-
nephro-adrenalectomy. The results did not sup- free survival is uncertain [38]. The precise deter-
port the hypothesis that nephrectomy improved mination of which lymphatic fields and how
the oncologic outcome [31]. Combined many nodes should be dissected remains to be
nephrectomy, however, offers a lower risk of elucidated.
capsular rupture and can facilitate a complete
lymphadenectomy of the renal hilum. In a mul-
ticentre European study on surgery for ACC, a  anagement of Tumours with IVC
pathological invasion of the kidney was Extension
observed in only 30% of the cases with com-
bined nephrectomy [28]. Involvement of the IVC is a major challenge for
surgical treatment of ACC.  A first report [43]
from Cochin Hospital, Paris, was based on 15
 egional Lymphadenectomy During
R patients, in whom the upper limit of extension
Adrenalectomy for ACC was the intrahepatic IVC in 2 patients, retrohe-
patic IVC in 6 and suprahepatic IVC in 7 patients,
Retrospective data suggest that regional lymph including 4 with extension into the right atrium.
node involvement in ACC has a negative impact The operative technique was thrombectomy (13
on overall survival [32] and is frequently the patients), partial resection with direct closure (1)
cause of locoregional recurrence [33–35]. As and total resection with replacement of the IVC
recently reported by Fassnacht et al. [5] and inde- (1). Median survival time was 8  months. Three
pendently validated in North America in the patients were still alive after 24–45  months of
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results follow-up, one of whom was reoperated for local
(SEER) registries [20], patients with stage III recurrence at 17 months.
tumours and positive lymph nodes have a 10-year A subsequent publication from New  York
overall survival of up to 40% after resection, reported the outcome of 57 patients undergoing
although this finding has recently been chal- resection with curative intent for ACC, and for
lenged [36–38]. It is not yet decided whether a whom large-vessel extension was defined as vas-
modified ENSAT classification should consider cular wall invasion or intraluminal extension of
node-positive ACC as stage IV disease [36]. the neoplasm into the IVC or renal vein [44].
Reported rates of lymph node involvement Compared with those without large-vessel exten-
range from 4 to 73% [5, 28, 32, 39–41] suggest- sion, patients with such extension had a higher
ing that formal regional lymphadenectomy is nei- rate of tumour-positive surgical margins, shorter
ther formally performed by surgeons nor median overall survival (18 vs. 111 months) and
accurately assessed or reported by pathologists. shorter median recurrence-free survival (11 vs.
According to large American and French series, 64 months).
approximately one-third of patients with ACC A survey of members of ESES received replies
had formal lymphadenectomy as part of the from 18 centres in 9 countries and reported the
tumour resection, reflecting the heterogeneity of outcome of 38 patients with ACC invading the
operative management [28, 41]. However, patho- IVC [45]. Open adrenalectomy was associated
logical postmortem studies of patients with ACC with resection of surrounding viscera in 24
exhibited an involvement of lymph nodes in patients. Complete resection (R0) was achieved
29  Surgery for Adrenocortical Cancer: Evidence-Based Recommendations 393

in 20 patients, 7 patients had persistent micro- ACC resistant to medical treatment if at least
scopic disease (R1) and 4 had macroscopic resid- 80% of the tumour is removable with a mini-
ual disease (R2). Five patients died within mal/acceptable morbidity.
30 days, 25 died after a median of 5 (range 2–61)
months after surgery and 13 patients were alive at
a median of 16 (2–58) months, 6 of whom had no Laparoscopic Surgery
signs of distant disease. for Adrenocortical Carcinomas

Some experienced surgeons have proposed a lap-

Neoadjuvant Therapy for Potentially aroscopic approach as a valuable alternative to
Unresectable Tumours open adrenalectomy, even for large tumours with
malignant potential. This remains a controversial
A recent publication from MD Anderson Cancer issue because operating on tumours with a diam-
Center introduced the concept of ‘borderline eter over 6–8  cm creates significant technical
resectable adrenal tumours’ [46]. The authors challenges in not breaching the tumour capsule
compared 38 patients with ACC considered for and fracturing the tumour. Outcomes reported
immediate surgery with 15 patients who had from large units might not be easy for the ‘occa-
borderline resectable ACC and received neoad- sional’ adrenal surgeon to match.
juvant therapy (mitotane and etoposide or cispl- A systematic review [49] of 23 publications
atin-based chemotherapy). Thirteen patients described 673 patients with localized ACC, of
with borderline resectable ACC underwent sur- whom 112 had laparoscopic surgery. For tumours
gical resection, of whom five had a partial smaller than 10  cm in size without evidence of
response, seven had stable disease and one had invasiveness, laparoscopic adrenalectomy did not
progressive disease. Median disease-free sur- seem to be oncologically inferior to open surgery
vival for patients with borderline resectable when the operation was performed in a special-
ACC was 28 months, compared with 13 months ized centre. The main recommendation was that
for those who had initial surgery. Five-year open adrenalectomy should still be regarded as
overall survival rates were similar at 65% and standard treatment for ACC and that laparoscopic
50%, respectively. surgery should be performed within a clinical
trial [49].
The published literature was also reviewed at
Palliative Surgery for ACC the ESES 2012 symposium. In the absence of
any randomized trial there was only qualitative
The benefit of R2 resection of the primary ACC evidence and the data were summarized as fol-
in the case of non-resectable metastatic or lows [50]. The comparison of oncological out-
locally recurrent disease has not been well stud- comes remains equivocal as there is an increased
ied. Studies of other cancers such as renal car- risk of local recurrence and peritoneal carcino-
cinoma [47] cannot be extrapolated to ACC. In matosis when surgery is carried out by the lapa-
this setting, resection of primary ACC in the roscopic route, although survival and recurrence
case of non-resectable metastatic disease or rates appear to be similar. The conclusion was
palliative (R2) resection cannot be recom- that laparoscopic resection may be performed in
mended. Patients with incomplete resection patients with stage I–II ACCs with a diameter
(R2 or debulking surgery) and non-surgical smaller than 10  cm, with the aim of including
patients had similar progression-free survival removal of surrounding periadrenal fat to
[34], even though anecdotal series have reported achieve R0 resection without tumour capsule
favourable outcome following surgery [48]. rupture.
However, debulking surgery may be considered Most recent publications continue to be divided
for large, symptomatic and/or oversecreting on whether or not laparoscopic adrenalectomy
394 R. Mihai

provides equivalent oncological outcomes, at least Institute and Cochin Hospital, Paris, the presence
for smaller tumours without local invasion. of hepatic and bone metastases, number of meta-
static lesions, number of organs that are the site
of metastasis, a high mitotic rate (more than 20
Surgery for Recurrent Disease per 50 high-power fields) and atypical mitoses in
the primary tumour were predictors of survival.
In 1999, a median survival of 74  months and a Similarly, a report from the National Cancer
5-year survival rate of 57% were reported in Institute included over 100 procedures in 57
patients undergoing complete second resections patients over three decades (1977–2009); there
for recurrent disease, compared with 16 months were 23 resections for liver metastases, 48 for
and zero, respectively, in those who had incom- pulmonary metastases, 22 for abdominal disease
plete second resection (discussed by Else and including local recurrences and 13 for metastases
colleagues [51]). In a retrospective analysis from at other sites. Median and 5-year survival from
the German ACC registry of 154 patients with time of first metastasectomy were 2.5 years and
first recurrence after initial radical resection, 101 41%, respectively. Patients with a disease-free
patients underwent repeat surgery, with radical interval of more than 1  year had better survival
resection in 78; 99 patients received additional (median 6.6 vs. 1.7 years).
non-surgical therapy. After a median of 6 (range Surgery for liver metastases from ACC is
1–221) months, 144 patients experienced pro- rarely considered. A review published in 2006
gression. The best predictors of prolonged sur- identified only 48 reports, with complete clinical
vival after first recurrence were time to first data available for analysis in only nine patients
recurrence over 12  months and R0 resection. [52]. Based on this limited information, the
These data suggest that radical reoperation impression was that metachronous metastases
should only be offered to patients with delayed that developed after a minimum of 1 year follow-
recurrence. ing resection of the primary tumour, and were
Surgeons at the Mayo Clinic reported recur- completely removable, may represent an indica-
rence in 93 of 125 patients who had an initial R0 tion for surgery. A series from the US National
resection [48]. The median time to recurrence Cancer Institute reported only 19 liver resections
was 15 (range 2–150) months. Of the 67 patients from 1979 to 2009 [53]. Of the 19 patients, 13
who underwent reoperation for recurrence, 48 had synchronous extrahepatic disease. The status
had R0 resection. Median survival was 179 days ‘disease in the liver only’ was reached in 18 of 19
for those who had no therapy, 226  days for patients after surgery, and in 6 of 17 patients after
patients managed without surgery and 1272 days a median follow-up of 6  years. A disease-free
for those who had debulking surgery. Radical interval greater than 9  months after primary
resection (R0) for recurrence and a disease-free resection was associated with longer survival
interval longer than 6  months were associated (median 4 vs. 1  year). The median overall sur-
with survival after operation. Based on these vival (1.9 years) and 5-year survival rate (29%)
data, patients with recurrent ACC may benefit were encouraging.
from operative intervention, with improvement in Similar outcomes were reported from
survival and symptoms. Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center [29] in
28 patients with liver metastases who had surgery
between 1978 and 2009. The median disease-free
Surgery for Metastatic Disease and overall survival after hepatectomy were 7
and 32  months, respectively, with a 5-year sur-
Radical surgery for metastatic disease is seldom vival rate of 39%. Even though it is rarely cura-
reported as the number of such patients referred tive, liver resection appears to be justified if it can
for surgery in each centre remains low. In a retro- be done with minimal morbidity.
spective cohort study of 124 consecutive patients Pulmonary metastasectomy for primary ACC
with metastatic ACC from the Gustave Roussy was performed in only 24 patients recorded in the
29  Surgery for Adrenocortical Cancer: Evidence-Based Recommendations 395

German national registry (1989–2009) [54]. The involvement for cases with IVC invasion and the
5-year survival rate was 25%, with median clinical experience of allied specialties (pathol-
survival of 50 months. Age younger than 41 years ogy, oncology) make it mandatory to centralize
at the time of first pulmonary metastasectomy was the care of patients with ACC in a small number
associated with improved survival. The data also of centres so that the accumulated experience can
showed that recurrence of pulmonary metastases improve the quality of care provided to such
should not preclude repeated surgical resection of patients. This debate continues [57].
these lesions. The national audit maintained by the British
Similar results were reported from US Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons
National Institutes of Health following analysis (BAETS) recorded only 81 adrenalectomies for
of 26 patients who underwent 60 pulmonary ACC during 2005–2012 among over 1700 adre-
metastasectomies over three decades (1979– nalectomies performed in the same interval.
2010) [55]. After resection of a median of six Based on the estimated incidence of ACC, it was
metastases, 23 patients were rendered free from predicted that over 500 patients should have been
disease in the lung and 14 patients became com- diagnosed during this time interval. Further proof
pletely disease free. Median overall and 5-year of a lack of centralization of care of patients with
actuarial survival from initial pulmonary metas- ACC in the UK is shown by the publication of the
tasectomy were 40  months and 41%, respec- joint experience of managing 30 patients with
tively. Time to first recurrence after adrenalectomy ACC over a decade at three large centres for
and T category of the primary tumour were asso- endocrine surgery [58]. The number of patients in
ciated with increased overall survival after pul- this report reinforces the hypothesis that most
monary metastasectomy. patients with ACC remain unknown to those with
The most recent publication on this topic sum- an expressed interest and confirmed expertise in
marizes the experience of the Mayo Clinic and the management of this condition. Several stud-
MD Anderson Cancer Centre over a decade ies have demonstrated that patients operated in a
(2000–2012) [56]. Synchronous resection of the referral centre have better outcomes. For exam-
primary ACC and metastatic disease was per- ple, disease-free survival was superior in patients
formed in 27 patients with lung (19 patients), liver who underwent primary resection at the MD
(11) and brain (1) metastases. Complete resection Anderson Cancer Center, USA, compared with
(R0) was achieved in 11 patients. Median overall patients operated outside this institution, with a
survival was improved in patients with R0 resec- median survival of 25 versus 12 months, and also
tion compared with those who had R2 resection better overall survival (median not reached vs.
(860 vs. 390 days). Patients undergoing neoadju- 44  months) [59]. Similar data from the
vant therapy had a trend towards better survival Netherlands showed that patients operated on in a
than those who had no neoadjuvant therapy. Dutch Adrenal Network centre had significantly
Adjuvant therapy was associated with improved longer overall survival [60].
recurrence-free survival at 6 months and 1 year, Management of ACCs in referral centres. For
but not improved overall survival. The authors adrenal surgery, surgeons with a higher case load
emphasized that the response to neoadjuvant che- have a higher rate of R0 resection [61], and stud-
motherapy may be of use in defining which ies have highlighted the value of hospital or sur-
patients benefit from surgical intervention. geon volume and the need for centralization
irrespective of specialty practice [62–64]. This is
especially important because the widespread use
 he Need to Centralize Surgery
T of laparoscopic adrenalectomy has made surgical
for ACC indications more liberal [65, 66]. For ACC sur-
gery [60, 67], the expertise of dedicated centres
The rarity of the disease, the challenges raised by appears to have a positive impact on outcome, at
individual cases in deciding the extent of sur- least attributable to a multidisciplinary approach
gical resection, the need for multidisciplinary [68], even though a recent large American series
396 R. Mihai

failed to demonstrate improved overall survival rence-free survival (10 months vs. 26 months in
in patients treated more aggressively in high-vol- non-cortisol secreting) and worse overall survival
ume centres [69]. (18 months vs. 50 months in non-cortisol-secret-
Various cut-offs have been proposed to define ing patients) [71].
expert centres, from 4 to 10 adrenalectomies for
ACC [67, 69], or 10 laparoscopic adrenalecto-
mies [70] to 20 adrenalectomies per year [49], Surgical Margin Status
but no strong conclusion can be drawn from the
available evidence, and the definition of a high- As expected, R0 resection (margin >1  mm) is
volume centre is often controversial and cultur- associated with more favourable outcomes.
ally oriented. Analysis of 165 patients from a multi-institutional
The minimal consensus reached was that database showed that 126 patients (76%) with R0
referral centres can be defined as centres with resection had median and 5-year overall survival
surgeons that perform at least 15 adrenal proce- of 96 months and 65% versus 25 months and 34%
dures a year. A referral centre should at least have for patients who underwent R1 resection [72].
surgeons with expertise in both open and laparo- Recurrence-free survival at 5  years post-op was
scopic adrenal surgery and with expertise (or 30% after R0 resection and 14% after R1 resec-
available help if required) in vascular, hepatic or tion [72]. Such data reinforce the hypothesis that
pancreatic resection. Within the referral centre, selection of surgical technique should emphasize
all patients should be discussed preoperatively by the need to achieve R0 margins in order to improve
a multidisciplinary team including surgeons, the outcome of these patients.
endocrinologists, oncologists, radiologists,
pathologists, nuclear medicine physicians, biolo-
gists and geneticists. Histological Assessment
of Adrenocortical Carcinoma

Post-operative Considerations: The Weiss scoring system remains the standard

Prognostic Markers for differentiating adrenocortical adenomas from
ACC.  This score is based on the assessment at
Stage of Disease at Presentation light microscopy of nine morphological parame-
ters (Table 29.2). A score of less than 3 defines
The most important factor in determining sur- benign adenomas, a score of greater than 6 is
vival is the stage of disease at presentation [5]. associated with ACC and a score of 3–6 raises
The widely used ENSAT staging system intro- suspicion of malignancy [73]. Though widely
duced in 2009 [20] cannot differentiate enough used, this scoring system has significant limita-
between patients who might benefit (or not) of tions as it is observer dependent and has low
adjuvant treatment; hence new prognostic mark- reproducibility, and its applicability is low among
ers/models are being sought. non-expert pathologists.

Hormonal Activity of the Tumour Ki-67 Proliferation Index

Cortisol secretion was reported to be indepen- Risk stratification based on whether Ki-67 is
dently associated with shorter recurrence-fee sur- <10%, 10–19% or >20% was suggested by a retro-
vival [71]. In an analysis of 234 patients who spective analysis of 569 patients in whom the risk
underwent surgery for ACC at 13 major cancer of recurrence and the overall survival after com-
centres in the USA over two decades, patients plete resection were influenced by Ki-67 [74].
with cortisol-secreting tumours had worse recur- Potentially this risk model will be implemented
29  Surgery for Adrenocortical Cancer: Evidence-Based Recommendations 397

Table 29.2  Weiss score Genomics

Nuclear grade miRNA expression profile, chromosomal and
Mitotic rate >5 per 50 HPFs (×40 objective, methylation alterations, and pattern of expression
counting the greatest numbers of
of main ACC driver genes can reveal subtypes of
mitotic figures in areas with greatest
number of mitoses) malignant tumours with different outcomes [77].
Atypical Abnormal distribution of As most of these techniques are restricted to
mitotic chromosomes, excessive number of highly specialized laboratories, their translation
figures mitotic spindles in routine clinical practice is lagging. There is
Cytoplasm Presence of clear or vacuolated cells
however a potential to the use of various molecu-
resembling normal zona fasciculata
Diffuse Over one-third of the tumour forms
lar tools to classify ACCs and guide patient man-
architecture patternless sheets of cells; trabecular, agement in the era of ‘personalized precision
columnar, alveolar or nesting patterns medicine’.
are regarded as non-diffuse
Venous Tumour cells within endothelium-
invasion lined vessel, with smooth muscle as a
Adjuvant Therapies
component of the wall
Sinusoid Tumour cells within endothelium- The role of adjuvant mitotane and radiotherapy is
invasion lined vessel in adrenal gland with above the scope of this chapter but represents a
little supportive tissue very important issue to be discussed as part of the
Invasion of
multidisciplinary input that is crucial for ensur-
capsule ing an acceptable post-operative progression in
Nine parameters are assessed on haematoxylin and eosin- patients with such aggressive disease.
stained sections from representative areas of the tumour.
HPF high-power field
once automated software analysis for Ki-67 will Adrenocortical carcinoma remains a very
resolve the current problems related to inter- challenging surgical condition. Despite sig-
observer variability in assessing Ki-67 staining. nificant progress in basic research it remains
unclear how to implement in routine clinical
practice the vast amount of information from
Survival Nomograms -omics studies. International collaborative
studies should address the open questions
A nomogram predicting cancer-specific and all- related to volume-outcome and need to cen-
cause mortality was developed in 205 patients tralise the care of such patients, the extent
with ACC using three variables (age, stage and and indication for regional lymphadenec-
surgical status), and provided 72–80% accuracy tomy during surgery for ACC and the role of
for prediction of cancer-specific or all-cause surgery in patients presenting with meta-
mortality at 1–5  years [75]. A prognostic score static disease. The role of adjuvant mitotane
with five co-variables (hormone status other than treatment and the ongoing efforts to identify
isolated hyperandrogenism, tumour size larger new drugs would need multidisciplinary
than 75 mm, primary tumour classified as T3/T4, input. Improving the long term outcome of
presence of microscopic venous invasion and a patients with ACC should be a top priority
mitotic index of more than 5 per 50 high-power for the research agenda in endocrinology in
fields) has also been proposed for estimating the 2020s.
risk of metastasis and recurrence [76]. To date,
neither of these prognostic models has been Acknowledgement  Disclosure: The author declares no
conflict of interest.
reproduced or tested by any other research group.
398 R. Mihai

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Toni Beninato and Quan-Yang Duh

Introduction Background and Etiology

Paragangliomas are tumors derived from extra- The term “paragangliome” was used by Alezais
adrenal chromaffin cells of the sympathetic and and Pyron in 1908 to describe all chromaffin
parasympathetic ganglia. Sympathetic paragan- tumors [3]. Eventually, the terminology was
glioma arises from the paravertebral ganglia of adjusted to call chromaffin tumors of the adrenal
the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis and produces gland “pheochromocytoma” and tumors arising
catecholamines. In contrast, parasympathetic from all other paraganglia “paraganglioma.”
paraganglioma rises from the parasympathetic Using the terminology “chromaffin tumors” to
ganglia along the glossopharyngeal and vagal describe paraganglioma is also misleading, as
nerves in the neck and at the base of the skull. chromaffin staining is present in the adrenal
These do not produce catecholamines. medulla and sympathetic paraganglia but absent
Paraganglioma comprises about 15–20% of chro- in parasympathetic ganglia of the head and neck,
maffin-cell tumors, the other 80–85% being from which a subset of paragangliomas arise [4].
pheochromocytoma which arises from the adre- Paraganglioma cells derive from the neural crest
nal medulla [1]. When compared to pheochromo- and are located in the paravertebral or para-aortic
cytoma, paraganglioma is more likely to be part region from the base of the skull to the pelvic
of a hereditary syndrome and be diagnosed at a floor. Sympathetic paraganglioma occurs most
younger age, has noradrenergic phenotype, and commonly around the inferior mesenteric artery
has multifocal or metastatic disease [2]. In this or at the aortic bifurcation in the organ of
chapter, we will focus on the diagnosis, evalua- Zuckerkandl but can arise from any sympathetic
tion, and management of paraganglioma, which ganglia in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis [5].
includes extra-adrenal tumors of the sympathetic The overall prevalence of pheochromocytoma
and parasympathetic ganglia. Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma in adult patients with hyper-
will be covered elsewhere. tension ranges from 0.2 to 0.6% [1]. In the pedi-
atric population, these tumors are even more rare
with an incidence of 0.2–0.3 cases per million
[6]. The most common age at presentation is in
the third to the fifth decade, with up to 50% of
T. Beninato
Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA tumors found incidentally on imaging studies
done for another reason [7, 8]. At least one third
Q.-Y. Duh (*)
University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA of patients with paraganglioma have germline
e-mail: mutations that lead to disease; these patients are

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 401

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
402 T. Beninato and Q.-Y. Duh

more likely to present at a younger age and with adrenal chromaffin cells or other chromaffin-
multifocal tumors [9, 10]. derived tumors [13]. Testing for metanephrines
Paraganglioma has a higher incidence of therefore has been found to be superior to testing
malignancy than pheochromocytoma: as many as for catecholamines or vanillylmandelic acid
33% of extra-adrenal tumors are malignant [11]. (VMA) as they are more specific to these tumors
In a review of patients with malignant paragan- [14, 15]. Paraganglioma in particular has often
glioma, these patients were more likely to be been found to have an increase in noradrenergic
diagnosed at a younger age, have noradrenergic metabolites compared to pheochromocytoma [16].
phenotype, and have multifocal disease and syn- It is recommended that plasma metanephrines
chronous metastases. Five- and 10-year survival be drawn with the patient in the supine position (for
for malignant paraganglioma was 88.9% and at least 30 min prior to drawing blood) rather than
77.3%, respectively [2]. the seated position [1]. The seated posture results in
an increased release of norepinephrine and there-
fore metabolism to normetanephrine in patients
Presentation, Investigation, without tumors, but this response is not seen in
and Treatment Options patients with tumors [17]. Therefore, patients with-
out tumors who have their blood taken in the seated
Presentation position may have similar values to those with
tumors, resulting in an increased possibility of
As stated earlier, as many as 50% of paragangli- false-negative tests [18]. For this reason, the supine
oma are found in patients who are asymptomatic position has been shown to be superior.
and are discovered incidentally on imaging stud- Elevation in metanephrines should be at least
ies performed for another reason [7, 8]. Patients three times the upper limit of the diagnostic range
may also present with classic symptoms of cate- to be considered a positive test [12, 19]. Lower
cholamine excess, such as sustained or cyclical levels of elevation should either undergo repeat
hypertension, anxiety, weakness, or vomiting. blood testing or 24-h urine testing or consider-
Catecholamine excess can also result in decreased ation of the clonidine suppression test [20]. The
circulating blood volume, tachycardia, hypergly- clonidine suppression test is considered positive
cemia, and diabetes. Extreme catecholamine if norepinephrine levels are elevated 2  h after
excess can result in crisis causing stress-induced clonidine is given at a dose of 300 μg/70 kg body
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, multisystem organ weight [1]. It should be noted that several medi-
failure, fever, encephalopathy, myocardial infarc- cations can cause false-positive results for plasma
tion, and stroke [1, 5, 11, 12]. and urinary metanephrines [1, 19]. These medi-
cations are listed in Table 30.1.

Biochemical Testing Table 30.1  Medications that may interfere with testing
for plasma or urinary metanephrines
Paraganglioma in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis Medication
is derived from sympathetic ganglia and secreted Acetaminophen
catecholamines. Paraganglioma in the neck is Labetalol
derived from parasympathetic ganglia and is not
biochemically active. If a sympathetic paragan-
Tricyclic antidepressants
glioma is suspected, patients should undergo Buspirone
biochemical testing for plasma-free metaneph- Phenoxybenzamine
rines or 24-h collection of urinary fractionated MAO-inhibitors
metanephrines [1]. Metanephrines are metabo- Sulphasalazine
lites of catecholamines produced by Mesalamine
O-methyltransferase, an enzyme specific to Levodopa
30 Paraganglioma 403

Imaging centers. They may contain calcifications and

may also be either solid or cystic. They often
Cross-sectional imaging is an essential part of have an attenuation of greater than 20 Hounsfield
the workup of paraganglioma as it provides valu- units, which differentiates them from adenomas,
able information for operative planning. and often have slower washout of contrast on
Computerized tomography (CT) scanning is delayed imaging [24]. MRI (Fig.  30.2) has a
usually the first-line imaging modality used and similar sensitivity (up to 100%) and is often used
has a sensitivity ranging from 88 to 100% [21– in patients with metastatic disease and skull base
23] (Fig.  30.1). Paraganglioma often appears and neck tumors, in those with surgical clips or
homo- or heterogeneous and may have necrotic other artifact-producing metallic objects in their
body, in patients with allergy to CT contrast
agents, and in patients in whom there is a need to
a limit radiation exposure [1, 25]. Paraganglioma
enhances on T2-weighted imaging and also may
appear heterogeneous due to internal hemor-
rhage or necrosis [26].

Fig. 30.2  T2-weighted imaging MRI, demonstrating (a)

Fig. 30.1  CT scan, (a) axial view and (b) coronal view of axial view and (b) coronal view of an intra-abdominal
an intra-abdominal paraganglioma paraganglioma
404 T. Beninato and Q.-Y. Duh

Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scanning Genetic Testing

was classically used for the localization of
pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma but is It is recommended that all patients with pheo-
used less frequently with the improvement in chromocytoma and paraganglioma be consid-
resolution of cross-sectional imaging. The sen- ered for genetic testing [1]. As many as one
sitivity and specificity of MIBG imaging for third of patients with pheochromocytoma or
paraganglioma are 56–75% and 84–100%, paraganglioma will have a germline mutation;
respectively [27–30]. The sensitivity decreases however, if patients with a family history, other
in patients with metastatic paraganglioma and in syndromic features, and bilateral or metastatic
those with SDH-related disease [31]. Up to 50% disease are excluded, the number drops to about
of normal adrenal glands have physiologic 12% [38–42]. In younger patients, the yield is
uptake of 123I-MIBG which can result in false- much higher, with up to 80% having a germline
positive results [32, 33]. 123I-MIBG functional mutation [43]. Paraganglioma specifically has a
imaging is recommended in patients with meta- fourfold higher risk of germline mutation than
static paraganglioma in whom 131I-MIBG treat- adrenal locations of tumor, mostly confined to
ment is planned as treatment for avid metastases the SDH genes [44]. We refer all patients with
[1]. pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma for con-
PET/CT imaging is being used increasingly sultation with a genetic counselor for an evalua-
over MIBG scanning in patients with known or tion of the patients’ individualized risks of
suspected metastatic disease. Several studies germline mutations and appropriate testing
have demonstrated the superiority of 18F-FDG accordingly.
PET over 131I-MIBG in patients with metastatic Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma may
disease or in patients with certain genetic muta- be diagnosed as part of a syndromic presentation
tions, such as SDHB [34, 35]. More recently, for which genetic testing is required for confor-
radiolabeled DOTA peptides that target soma- mation of the syndrome and delineation of the
tostatin receptors expressed on paraganglioma specific type of mutation. Neurofibromatosis
have shown promise in diagnostic imaging and type 1 (mutation in NF1) and multiple endocrine
treatment. 68
Ga-DOTATATE (68gallium neoplasia type 2 (RET) are almost always associ-
1,4,7,10-teraazacyclododecane-1,4,5,10-ter- ated with adrenal tumors [1, 5]. Von Hippel-
aacetic acid octreotate) is the most commonly Lindau syndrome (VHL) is usually associated
used of these peptides. In a study comparing the with adrenal tumors, but some patients may have
performance of 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT, 18F- extra-adrenal paragangliomas [45]. These are
FDG PET/CT, and 131I-MIBG scintigraphy in usually parasympathetic tumors of the head and
mapping metastatic pheochromocytoma and neck. Carney triad (paraganglioma, gastric stro-
paraganglioma, Tan et  al. found that mal tumors, and pulmonary chondroma) and
Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT had a superior sensi- Carney-Stratakis syndrome (paraganglioma and
tivity and accuracy on a per-patient and per- gastric stromal sarcomas) also present as syn-
lesion basis compared to the other imaging dromes [46].
modalities [36]. Similarly, in a cohort of patients The majority of hereditary paraganglioma fall
with SDHB mutations by Janssen et  al., into the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) family
Ga-DOTATATE was found to have a lesion- of mutations, also known as hereditary paragan-
based detection rate of 98.6%, superior to that of glioma syndromes 1–5 (PGL1–5). SDH is a pro-
F-FDG, 18F-FDOPA, 18F-FDa PET/CT, and tein located on the inner mitochondrial membrane
CT/MRI [37]. Functional imaging with these and functions in the mitochondrial respiratory
peptides is not yet widely available, but as its chain and the Krebs cycle [47]. SDH mutations
accessibility increases, it is likely to become the are thought to be responsible for up to 25% of all
preferred modality in patients with metastatic or paraganglioma [9, 48]. The various SDH subtype
SDH-related disease. mutations result in distinct phenotypes.
30 Paraganglioma 405

PGL1–3 are mostly limited to nonfunctioning disease. Treatment options for metastatic disease
head and neck tumors; sympathetic paragangli- include surgical debulking, local ablative therapy,
oma is rarely seen. PGL1 is from a variety of chemotherapy, and targeted radiolabeled thera-
mutations in SDHD [49]. These mutations are pies [61].
maternally imprinted, so are often seen to skip If surgical resection is feasible, metastasec-
generations [50, 51]. Patients with SDHD muta- tomy should be considered as the first-line treat-
tions usually present at around age 30 with mul- ment in patients with metastatic or recurrent
tiple parasympathetic skull base and neck paraganglioma. In a series of 34 patients under-
paraganglioma [38, 52]. PGL2 is a rare mutation going surgery for metastatic pheochromocytoma
in SDH-AF2 that was mostly characterized in a or paraganglioma, 41% were able to achieve an
single family [53, 54]. Patients present with head R0 resection, with a median disease-free survival
and neck paraganglioma with 70% of tumors of 4.6 years. Additionally, 56% of patients with
arising from the carotid body [45]. PGL3 is from biochemically active disease achieved normaliza-
mutations in SDHC. SDHC mutations also result tion of fractionated metanephrines or catechol-
in head and neck tumors, 70% of which are from amines, with a significant reduction in number of
the carotid body. In contrast to SDHD mutations, antihypertensive medications [62]. Another
SDHC mutations usually result in solitary recent series compared 89 patients undergoing
tumors [55]. surgery for metastatic pheochromocytoma or
PGL4 is due to mutations in the SDHB sub- paraganglioma to 24 who did not, using propen-
unit. Penetrance of this mutation varies from sity score matching to adjust for selection bias.
14–77% in the literature [52, 56, 57]. These Patients treated with surgery had improved over-
patients are most likely to present with thora- all survival over those who did not have surgery
coabdominal sympathetic paraganglioma and are regardless of age, primary tumor size and loca-
also at risk for head and neck parasympathetic tion, number of metastatic sites, and genetic
paraganglioma, renal cell carcinoma, and gastro- background. Furthermore, 70% of patients with
intestinal stromal tumors (GIST) [38, 49]. This is hormonally active tumors had an improvement in
the most common of the SDH subtypes to have a their symptoms after surgery [63].
mutation and is found in 30% of patients with Radiolabeled therapies also play a role in the
metastatic paraganglioma [58]. Finally, PGL5 is management of metastatic paraganglioma. In
due to mutations in the SDHA subunit. SDHA patients who have tumors that take up 123I-MIBG
mutations are rare and have an overall low likeli- on imaging, 131I-MIBG can be used for treatment
hood of abdominal paraganglioma but can be [64]. Therapy is usually not curative, but can
associated with GIST tumors [59, 60]. result in partial tumor response and reduction in
biochemical markers of disease [65]. Similarly,
the presence of somatostatin receptors on the
Treatment Options surface of the tumor can allow for targeting with
peptide receptor radionuclide therapies. A study
For the majority of patients who present with by Kong et  al. treated 20 patients with
solitary, extra-adrenal sympathetic paragangli- 177
Lu-DOTA-octreotate with a median progres-
oma, surgical excision is the mainstay of treat- sion-free survival of 39  months and reduced
ment. Patients with functional tumors must antihypertensive dosing in 8/14 patients on these
undergo preoperative alpha-blockade prior to medications [66]. Although still experimental,
surgery. Further details on blockade and surgical targeted somatostatin therapies may offer options
technique will be discussed in the next section. in the future for patients whose disease is not
The management of patients with metastatic amenable to surgery.
disease is challenging. In these patients, the goals More traditional therapies can also be
of therapy are twofold: to reduce tumor burden attempted in patients with metastatic dis-
and also manage the biochemical impact of the ease. Chemotherapy using cyclophosphamide,
406 T. Beninato and Q.-Y. Duh

vincristine, and dacarbazine is often used but fatigue, nasal congestion, and dizziness, the pres-
with early relapse in most patients [67]. External ence of which is often used as weak surrogates
beam radiation can be considered for manage- for adequate alpha-blockade. Alpha- and (if tak-
ment of osseous metastases or other inoperable ing) beta-blockade are continued to the morning
tumors [68]. Finally, arterial embolization or che- of the operation.
moembolization may be useful in patients with The operative technique must be tailored to
hepatic metastases [69]. the individual patient’s tumor and the surgeon’s
comfort with the various approaches. While lapa-
roscopic resection has become the standard for
Surgical Technique most pheochromocytomas, many paraganglioma
still require open resection. Since paraganglioma
The most common procedure for paraganglioma may arise in any of the para-aortic sympathetic
encountered by the endocrine surgeon is excision ganglia, the location of the tumor plays a large
of intra-abdominal sympathetic paraganglioma. role in the feasibility of laparoscopic resection.
Similar to pheochromocytoma, adequate preop- Paraganglioma that is located in the vicinity of
erative preparation is essential for a successful the adrenal glands may be amenable to a tradi-
operation. Hormonally functional paraganglioma tional laparoscopic approach, but many inferiorly
needs preoperative blockade with either alpha- located, retroperitoneal tumors that require
blocking agents or calcium channel blockers, extensive visceral rotation may require an open
with the addition of beta-blockade as needed to resection. Compared to pheochromocytomas,
control tachycardia. Concurrently with blockade, paragangliomas tend to have multiple short feed-
the patient must undergo salt and volume loading ing arteries that can cause significant bleeding
to address volume contraction. that are difficult to control. Some surgeons may
We use phenoxybenzamine for preoperative employ a laparoscopic approach initially to facil-
alpha-blockade. The medication is started at least itate the initial dissection and then open through
10–14  days before surgery, with most patients a smaller incision for removal of the tumor.
receiving blockade over several weeks preopera- Regardless of the technique employed, the main
tively. The starting dose is 10 mg twice per day goals of the procedure are to completely excise
and titrated up every 1–2  days as tolerated. the tumor without breaching the tumor capsule.
Patients are asked to record their blood pressure Tumor disruption may lead to seeding of disease
(seated and standing), heart rate, and weight daily and local tumor recurrence (“paragangliomato-
to monitor tolerance as the dose is increased. The sis” or “pheochromocytomatosis”) which is very
goal blood pressure is <140/90  mm Hg seated, challenging to manage. Care must also be taken
while maintaining the standing systolic blood to avoid complications, which include massive
pressure at >100 mm Hg for younger patients and hemorrhage due to proximity to the large vessels
110 mm Hg for older patients. Patients’ weight is and injury to nearby organs. Paraganglioma, in
monitored as a surrogate for fluid status: patients contrast to pheochromocytoma, often has dense
will often gain 10 pounds of water weight during adhesions to surrounding structures that may
preoperative blockade. Patients are encouraged make dissection more difficult and increases the
to liberalize their salt intake to encourage fluid risk of injury to the adherent structures. The
retention and are given salt tablets if they are Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines
averse to salty foods. Patients with congestive released in 2014 recommend open resection of
heart failure or renal failure will have less aggres- paraganglioma, although laparoscopic resection
sive fluid and salt administration than healthy can be performed for “small, non-invasive tumors
patients. Beta-blockade is added in patients after in surgically favorable locations” [1].
alpha-blockade if there is tachycardia >90–100 Intraoperatively, it is essential to have an anes-
beats per minute. Patients are also counseled on thesia team that is knowledgeable about the phys-
the side effects of phenoxybenzamine including iology of these tumors and their preoperative
30 Paraganglioma 407

blockade. In the initial phases of the operation, be monitored with yearly history and physical
the patient may become hypertensive during dis- exam and plasma or urinary metanephrines [70,
section or manipulation of the tumor, requiring 71]. Patients who test positive for a predisposing
interruption of dissection and administration of mutation may need to be monitored more closely.
rapid-acting vasodilators by the anesthesia team. One retrospective study showed an overall risk
Monitoring of the patients’ fluid status is also of recurrence of pheochromocytoma and para-
important, as inadequate fluid repletion can con- ganglioma at 5 and 10  years of 6% and 16%,
tribute to postoperative hypotension. After the respectively [72].
blood supply to the tumor is ligated, hypotension When paragangliomas are malignant, the
can occur due to decreasing levels of circulating course can be variable and often depends on the
catecholamines. Vasopressor support may be number of metastatic sites, biochemical activity
required after the blood supply is taken but can of the tumors, presence or absence of a genetic
often be titrated off in the operating room depend- syndrome, and the patients’ overall health. In a
ing on the adequacy of preoperative alpha-block- review of over 300 patients with pheochromo-
ade and the patients’ fluid status. cytoma and paraganglioma, Choi et  al. found
Postoperatively, we routinely observe the that 13% of patients with paraganglioma had
patient in the post-anesthesia recovery unit for malignant disease. The median survival in
4 h. The patients’ hemodynamic status is moni- patients with both malignant pheochromocy-
tored closely, as occasionally vasopressor sup- toma and paraganglioma was 7.2 years, and the
port that was stopped in the operating room may 5-year survival was 75.4%. They found that
need to be restarted. Patients’ blood glucose is older age and synchronous presentation of
also monitored, as postoperative hypoglycemia metastases were independently associated with
can occur as the circulating catecholamines poor survival [73]. Another study by Hamidi
decline. If patients are hemodynamically normal et  al. reviewed 272 patients with malignant
and off of vasopressor agents after 4 h of observa- pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. They
tion, they can be safely transferred to the surgical found that metastases developed at a median of
floor. If vasopressor support is still required, or if 5.5  years from the initial diagnosis and that
there are other concerns, the patient is transferred median overall and disease-specific survival
to the ICU, where vasopressors can usually be were 24.6 and 33.7 years, respectively. Shorter
stopped on the first postoperative day after vol- survival was seen in patients who were men,
ume resuscitation. Patients who undergo laparo- were older at diagnosis, and presented with
scopic resection can often be discharged the next synchronous metastasis, in those with large pri-
day. However, if open resection or extensive lapa- mary tumors and elevated dopamine, and in
roscopic dissection is required, patients may need those who did not undergo resection of the pri-
more time as an inpatient. mary tumor [2]. Patients with metastatic dis-
ease may be subject to a variety of different
treatments, as discussed earlier, and response to
Results treatment can be variable. Patel et al. reviewed
17 patients with metastatic pheochromocytoma
After discharge from the hospital, patients are and paraganglioma who underwent a variety of
seen for follow-up 2  weeks after surgery. procedures and found that low total metabolic
Metanephrines are assessed at this visit and then tumor volume calculated on 18F-FDG PET/CT
usually monitored annually. Patients who did not scanning was predictive of a biochemical
undergo consultation with a genetic counselor response [74]. When selecting treatment
preoperatively are encouraged to do so. options for patients with malignant disease, it is
Currently, there is no way to distinguish histo- important to consider the goals of treatment of
pathologically whether the tumor has the pro- reducing tumor burden and controlling symp-
pensity to metastasize or recur, so patients must toms from excess catecholamines.
408 T. Beninato and Q.-Y. Duh

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Perioperative Management
of Endocrine Hypertension
Peter Hambly

2. Those in which special interventions are

Introduction required.

Many endocrine disorders are recognised causes The first group includes patients with
of hypertension (Fig. 31.1). In terms of perioper- Cushing’s syndrome, acromegaly and thyroid
ative management, such conditions fall into two disorders. Control and management of hyperten-
groups: sion in these cases is usually straightforward. The
second group includes patients with Conn’s syn-
1. Those in which hypertension is managed with drome and phaeochromocytoma/paraganglioma.
a standard approach, as used for patients with Because of its complexity and the risks of
non-endocrine hypertension. hypertension-related morbidity, the majority
of this chapter concerns the management of
Hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s Syndrome)

Cushing’s Syndrome Perioperative Hypertension:

Standard Approach
Hypertension is common in the surgical popula-
tion. There is high-quality evidence that medical
management of hypertension significantly
reduces the long-term incidence of stroke, coro-
Hyperthyroidism nary artery disease and heart failure, and control
of blood pressure is a desirable objective for this
reason alone. It is beyond the scope of this chap-
ter to give a comprehensive account of the gen-
eral management of hypertension, which depends
Fig. 31.1  Endocrine Causes Of Hypertension on a wide range of patient factors, but modern

P. Hambly
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, UK

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 413

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
414 P. Hambly

management usually comprises treatment with antagonists such as spironolactone are favoured
one or more of the following drugs: calcium as first-line interventions. It is important to ensure
channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme the correction of hypokalaemia before surgery,
inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, diuret- which may require the addition of oral potassium
ics or beta-blockers. supplements.
In the short term, it is widely accepted that
inadequate preoperative treatment of hyper-
tension leads to increased haemodynamic Phaeochromocytoma
instability during and after surgery. It has long and Paraganglioma
been assumed that this instability leads to an
increase in perioperative cardiovascular Background
events, though there is actually little evidence
to support this belief. Nevertheless, it is com- Phaeochromocytomas are rare catecholamine-­
mon practice to postpone elective surgery in secreting tumours derived from chromaffin tis-
patients whose preoperative blood pressure is sue. Paragangliomas are related neuroendocrine
deemed excessive. tumours of arising from extra-adrenal paragan-
Given the uncertainties involved, the question glia. Though the surgical approach is obviously
of what exactly constitutes inadequate treatment different for the two tumours, the perioperative
of hypertension has become vexed. In the UK, management of blood pressure is the same, and
this question has recently been addressed in the two conditions will considered together
guidelines issued by the Association of here.
Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and the
British Hypertension Society [1]. The guidelines
state that elective noncardiac surgery may pro- Pathophysiology
ceed if a patient has a documented blood pressure
reading of less than 160 mmHg systolic and less The main clinical effects of phaeochromocyto-
than 100  mmHg diastolic, taken in the primary mas arise from raised levels of circulating cate-
care setting, within the last 12  months. In the cholamines, principally adrenaline and
absence of such evidence of normotension from noradrenaline, and in rare cases, dopamine.
primary care, elective surgery may proceed pro- There is also an enhancement of the sympathetic
vided readings taken in the preoperative clinic or nervous system by a number of mechanisms:
admission ward are less than 180 mmHg systolic increased production and storage of catechol-
and 110 mmHg diastolic. amines in vesicles in sympathetic nerves,
increased frequency of sympathetic neuronal
impulse and selective desensitisation of presyn-
Conn’s Syndrome aptic α-2 receptors which causes increased
release of noradrenaline during stimulation [2].
Conn’s syndrome or primary hyperaldosteronism This explains the severe hypertension that may
is the commonest endocrine cause of hyperten- result from relatively small increases in circulat-
sion. Indeed, recent studies suggest that a signifi- ing noradrenaline. It is also important to under-
cant proportion of patients with supposedly stand that catecholamine release is not the whole
‘essential’ hypertension may have an aldosterone-­ story in phaeochromocytoma. Many other vaso-
secreting adrenal adenoma. The hypertension is active substances may be produced in individual
usually, but not always, accompanied by hypoka- tumours including vasoactive intestinal peptide
laemia. The preoperative management of hyper- (VIP), calcitonin gene-related peptide and
tension in Conn’s syndrome follows the basic ­others [3].
principles outlined above but differs in the choice In addition to the cardiovascular changes, the
of antihypertensive agents. Specific aldosterone release of catecholamines exerts an important
31  Perioperative Management of Endocrine Hypertension 415

effect on glucose metabolism. Blood glucose r­ ecommend therapy for at least 2 weeks before
tends to be elevated due to stimulation of lipoly- surgery. As explained above, phaeochromocy-
sis, inhibition of glucose uptake in muscle toma causes a phenomenon of sympathetic
cells  and increased gluconeogenesis and upregulation, making the cardiovascular sys-
glycogenolysis. tem more reactive to small increases in circu-
lating catecholamines. It is likely that
preoperative α-blockade helps to reverse this
Diagnosis effect. Hence the aim of preoperative blockade
is not simply to block circulating vasopressor,
Phaeochromocytoma may present with symp- but also to dampen the responses of the sympa-
toms such as headache, palpitations sweating, or thetic nervous system to it. To this end, the
anxiety. However, it is commonly asymptomatic. duration of therapy is probably as important as
Up to half of cases are identified incidentally on the dosage. In the author’s unit, we occasion-
abdominal imaging for an unrelated indication ally postpone surgery to allow for an extra
[4]. The diagnosis is confirmed by biochemical week of therapy when the degree of blockade
tests. Historically this was by 24-h urine is not satisfactory.
­vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) levels, though this
has now given way to measurement of metaneph- Phenoxybenzamine
rines, in either plasma or urine. Phenoxybenzamine is a non-selective, non-­
competitive α-blocker with a long duration of
action. It is probably the most commonly used
Preoperative Management drug for this indication. Its α2 action causes
blockade of presynaptic receptors responsible
Historical Aspects for the regulation of noradrenaline from sympa-
In early studies, adrenalectomy for phaeochro- thetic nerve terminals, which causes reflex
mocytoma carried a mortality of up to 45% [5]. tachycardia via increased stimulation of β1
The intraoperative release of catecholamines receptors. For this reason, the concomitant use
caused dysrhythmias, myocardial ischaemia, of a β-blocker is required. Central α2 effects
left ventricular failure and strokes. Prolonged cause side effects of somnolence, headache and
postoperative hypotension commonly followed nasal congestion. Its long duration of action
resection and was deemed responsible for the may be implicated in postoperative hypoten-
majority of deaths. It was assumed at the time sion, and some [4] have suggested it be stopped
that vasoconstriction by circulating catechol- 48 h before surgery. This is not the practice in
amines led to a chronic reduction in blood vol- the author’s unit.
ume, which led to profound hypotension once
the pressor effects of the tumour were removed. Doxazosin
This led to the assumption that optimal preop- Doxazosin is a specific, competitive inhibitor at
erative care should include treatment with the α1 receptor. Its lack of α2 effects means that it
vasodilating drugs and fluid administration. causes no tachycardia or sedation. Some studies
Although the evidence base has recently been have shown a lower incidence of postoperative
questioned [5], the practice of preoperative hypotension. Its efficacy in phaeochromocytoma
vasodilation therapy persists to this day, and is currently being compared with phenoxybenza-
the operative mortality has fallen, to near zero mine in the PRESCRIPT trial [6]. On a practical
in recent studies. level, phenoxybenzamine is an old drug with few
other modern indications, which, in the author’s
 rterial Pressure Control
A experience, is becoming harder to obtain. It is
Preoperative therapy with α-blocking medica- likely that practice will change in favour of doxa-
tion is standard practice, and most authors zosin in the future for this reason alone.
416 P. Hambly

β-Blockade Medication is then titrated to achieve the follow-

Tachyarrhythmias may occur with adrenaline- or ing end points:
dopamine-secreting tumours or may be second-
ary to α-blockade. The non-selective β-blocker Systolic blood pressure >150 mmHg
propranolol is commonly used, though there are Pulse <80 bpm
theoretical reasons to prefer a selective β1 antago- Significant postural drop in systolic pressure
nist such as atenolol or metoprolol, which do not (>20 mmHg)
oppose β2-mediated vasodilation. In any event, Standing systolic pressure >90 mmHg
β-blockade should be introduced after the com- No significant rise in pulse on standing
mencement of α-blockade.
When a patient’s recordings fail to meet these
Calcium Channel Blockers criteria, it is usually necessary to increase the
Calcium channel blockers inhibit noradrenaline-­ dose of medication by at least 30–50% at a time
induced calcium influx and have been used in to achieve an effect. As mentioned above, when
phaeochromocytoma, mainly as an adjunct to the criteria are not met despite increases in dos-
improve control in patients already receiving an age, postponing surgery to allow more time at the
α-blocker. They are not recommended as higher doses is often effective.
­monotherapy [4] unless hypertension is very
mild, or severe orthostatic hypotension occurs Is Preoperative Blockade Necessary?
with α-blockade. It is clear that much of the usual preoperative
management of phaeochromocytoma is based
Metyrosine on historical custom and lacks firm evidence
Metyrosine (α-methyl-p-tyrosine) is a catechol- base. Although mortality has fallen dramati-
amine synthesis inhibitor, which acts by cally since the 1950s, given the huge advances
­inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase. Phaeochro- in anaesthetic and surgical techniques as well
mocytomas have significantly enhanced tyrosine the improvements in postoperative care and
hydroxylase activity compared with normal monitoring that have occurred in the interim, it
adrenal tissue. At least one study has shown is unlikely that the use of preoperative
greater haemodynamic stability with metyrosine α-blockade is solely responsible for this
compared with phenoxybenzamine, but its use is improvement in outcomes. Some authors have
limited by a long list of side effects, which published series of phaeochromocytoma exci-
include extrapyramidal phenomena, sedation, sion carried out in selected patients without
depression and a potentially negative effect on perioperative, and this has led some to ques-
cardiac function. tion the usual practice [5]. In one such series
[7], 29 patients were operated on without pre-
Titration of Antihypertensive Therapy operative blockade, without significant mor-
The overall aim of preoperative blockade is to bidity. However, arterial pressure during
minimise the haemodynamic disturbance that surgery was higher than those in the treated
inevitably occurs during tumour resection. There group, in some cases requiring treatment with
is no evidence-based consensus on what should sodium nitroprusside and glyceryl trinitrate
be considered adequate blockade for this pur- simultaneously. The author has, to date, not
pose. In the author’s unit, patients are com- experienced a case in which this  combination
menced on modest doses of phenoxybenzamine of powerful antihypertensive agents was neces-
and propranolol at the time of diagnosis. For sary to maintain control of arterial pressure
logistic reasons this usually occurs much more and  considers that these findings somewhat
than 2 weeks preoperatively. For 3–4 days before strengthen rather than weaken the case for pre-
surgery, patients are assessed with frequent lying/ operative blockade. In any event, there is
standing pulse and blood pressure recordings. not  yet compelling evidence to abandon the
31  Perioperative Management of Endocrine Hypertension 417

assumption that preoperative blockade reduces is inevitably associated with cardiovascular insta-
intraoperative cardiovascular instability and bility. The anaesthetist’s job is to minimise the
that this is desirable outcome in its own right. extent of the instability. To this end it is important
to be aware of, and prepared for, the usual pattern
Fluid Volume of behaviour. A typical case involves intermittent
Early authors concluded that phaeochromocy- ‘surges’ of arterial pressure, consistent with small
toma was associated with chronic hypovolaemia intravenous increments of noradrenaline released
secondary to vasoconstriction. However, this from the tumour. Obviously, tumour manipulation
assumption has not been confirmed by subsequent is a likely cause of this, and surges tend to become
research. Studies of plasma volume using I131- more frequent and severe as the surgeon dissects
labelled human albumin have failed to identify closer to the gland, and especially once he or she
significant hypovolaemia in the great majority of has divided Gerota’s fascia. Another important
patients. Even if it is true, the use of preoperative moment is during induction of anaesthesia (before
α-blockade should theoretically allow correction intubation), when a paradoxical increase in arte-
of any deficit. The routine use of intravenous fluid rial pressure may be observed. This may be the
replacement before phaeochromocytoma excision result of increased blood flow to the adrenal gland
is therefore not considered necessary. resulting from the vasodilatory effects of anaes-
thetic induction agents. In contrast, manoeuvres
Cardiac Function that normally cause hypertension, such as intuba-
Cardiac function may be impaired in phaeochro- tion, may have little effect in patients treated with
mocytoma. Chronic hypertension can lead to ven- significant α-blockade. Another piece of advice is
tricular hypertrophy, which commonly causes a to intervene early at the first sign of a surge in
degree of diastolic dysfunction. In other words, the pressure. An approach that one might use in other
stiffened ventricle fails to relax normally, and the circumstances, whereby a ‘threshold’ pressure (of
filling of the ventricle in diastole is impaired. In say 150 mmHg) is chosen above which antihyper-
addition, up to 10% of phaeochromocytoma tensive medication will be used, is not recom-
patients have a form of catecholamine-­related car- mended. With this approach, arterial pressure is
diomyopathy, and occasionally patients present in likely to be in the mid-200s before any interven-
over cardiac failure. The condition appears to be tion takes effect. A better strategy is to observe
similar to Takotsubo (or ‘stress-related’) cardiomy- very carefully for any rise from the baseline and
opathy. Cardiac assessment including echocardiog- treat immediately. More than most procedures,
raphy is therefore recommended. Patients with phaeochromocytoma surgery benefits from close
significant left ventricular impairment pose a diffi- communication between surgeon and anaesthetist
cult challenge and need to be managed in close during the operation.
consultation with cardiologists. The main fear is
that catecholamine release during tumour handling Monitoring
will precipitate cardiac failure, and such patients The rapid changes in arterial pressure that are
need to be managed with appropriate backup facili- more or less guaranteed to occur during phaeo-
ties, including intraoperative transoesophageal chromocytoma excision make an arterial can-
echocardiography and cardiopulmonary bypass, nula, inserted before induction of anaesthesia, an
readily available. Cardiac function tends to return essential requirement. A central venous catheter
to normal after excision of the tumour. is also required, mainly for the delivery of vaso-
active medications. Though not in the author’s
routine practice, additional cardiovascular moni-
Intraoperative Management toring with oesophageal Doppler or other devices
may be useful, particularly in large tumours or
Whatever regime of preoperative preparation open procedures where significant blood loss
employed, the excision of a phaeochromocytoma may be anticipated.
418 P. Hambly

Anaesthetic Technique Table 31.1  Antihypertensive management during pha-

Many different techniques of anaesthesia are eochromocytoma surgery
routinely employed for phaeochromocytoma Level 1 Adjustment of depth of anaesthesia
surgery, and there is no evidence to point to the Level 2 Magnesium sulphate 1 g bolus
Level 3 Labetalol 5–20 mg bolus
superiority of any individual regimen. Although
Nicardipine 1–2 mg bolus
it is technically possible to carry out the proce- Phentolamine 1–2 mg bolus
dure under regional anaesthesia, it is difficult Level 4 Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) bolus 0.1 mg
and offers no specific advantages. Therefore Clevidipine infusion
general anaesthesia is the standard approach. Level 5 GTN infusion
Because of the requirement of surgery, it is usu- Sodium nitroprusside infusion
ally to maintain the airway with endotracheal
tubes and to provide controlled ventilation dur- Magnesium Sulphate
ing surgery. In the author’s unit, anaesthesia is Though almost never adequate as a sole agent,
maintained with propofol and remifentanil, on magnesium sulphate is useful in the early stages
the grounds that rapid offset of action is desir- of surgical excision. It inhibits adrenal catechol-
able particularly after the surgeon divides the amine release, as well as reducing receptor sensi-
adrenal vein. This may contribute to a lower tivity, and has a useful anti-dysrhythmic effect. It
incidence of postoperative hypotension. Some is given by bolus dose of 10–15 mg/kg, repeated
authors counsel against inadequate muscle up to a maximum of 60 mg/kg.
relaxation, as a possible cause of intraoperative
instability, but although coughing and move- Labetalol
ment are undesirable, there is no reason why Labetalol is a drug with both α- and β-blocking
muscle relaxants per se are essential, and a tech- properties. Its α-effects are greater when given
nique based on remifentanil can obviate their IV, than when taken orally. It provides smooth
need for most of the procedure. Spinal or epi- and moderately potent antihypertensive actions
dural analgesia may be a useful adjunct for open when given in intravenous doses of 5–20  mg.
procedures and may contribute to control of Because of its β-action, there is a theoretical risk
arterial pressure but probably confer no benefit of paroxysmal hypertension, but this has never
in laparoscopic surgery. been observed by the author. It has a relatively
long duration of action, with a biological half-life
Antihypertensive Treatment of 5–6 h, which may be implicated in postopera-
There is a wide range of antihypertensive agents tive hypertension.
used, and as is a common theme in phaeochro-
mocytoma management, none has any evidence-­ Phentolamine
based advantage over any other. However, Another drug with a long history behind it,
although the choice of individual agents is open, phentolamine is a reversible non-selective
a structured and planned approach is recom- α-antagonist. It is given in intravenous dose of
mended. The author divides the agents chosen 1–2  mg. It has a relatively short duration of
into five categories, in ascending order of potency, action, with a biological half-life of 20–30 min.
moving from one category to the next depending Like phenoxybenzamine, it can cause reflex
on the frequency and magnitude of blood pres- tachycardia, which is a consideration in patients
sure surges (see Table 31.1). At the first level, the who have not received preoperative β-blockade.
haemodynamics can be influenced simply by
adjusting anaesthetic depth or analgesia, as in Nicardipine
any other case. As the case progresses, specific Nicardipine is a calcium channel blocker and a
antihypertensives of ascending potency are potent arterial vasodilator. It has relatively little
employed, culminating in the most potent drugs effect on venous tone, and hence cardiac preload
such as sodium nitroprusside. and cardiac output are maintained. It does not
31  Perioperative Management of Endocrine Hypertension 419

cause reflex tachycardia. It can be given in in blood pressure. The adrenal gland typically has
boluses of 1–2 mg. It has an elimination half-life a single main vein, though there is often more
of 40–60 min. than one. The abrupt cardiovascular response to
isolating the tumour means that this event can be
Clevidipine more obvious to the anaesthetist than to the sur-
Clevidipine is a novel calcium channel blocker, geon. The benefit of short-acting antihypertensive
which is metabolised by plasma esterases, and agents is felt at this point, and if the anaesthetist is
thus has a short half-life. Experience is limited in paying sufficient attention, hypotension is usually
phaeochromocytoma, but it is theoretically prom- transient and mild, needing no treatment other
ising. It is very lipid soluble and is presented in a than small doses of ephedrine or metaraminol.
lipid emulsion, giving it an identical appearance Occasionally, hypotension is more severe and
to propofol. Care needs to be taken not to confuse prolonged. There is much debate about the fac-
the two in the pressurised situation of phaeochro- tors responsible for this complication, much of it
mocytoma surgery. centring on arguments about the best preopera-
tive regimen. Given the large doses of antihyper-
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) tensive medication administered before and
GTN is a direct-acting vasodilator, which acts via during surgery, it is perhaps surprising that hypo-
production of nitric oxide in vascular smooth tension does not happen more often. Some
muscle. It is principally a venodilator. It is a authors have drawn a correlation between the
highly potent antihypertensive which can be incidence of hypotension and the levels of preop-
given by infusion or by small boluses. It has a erative catecholamine secretion. In practice, most
rapid onset and offset of action, one which closely cases are readily treated with postoperative nor-
matches the timescale of a typical hypertensive adrenaline infusion, which is usually required for
surge. It may cause a reflex tachycardia. no longer than 12  h. Rarely, with massive
tumours, a distinct phenomenon of catecholamine-­
Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP) resistant hypotension may occur (see below).
SNP is another nitric oxide-mediated smooth
muscle relaxant, which acts principally on arteri-
oles. It has a rapid onset of action and extreme Postoperative Management
potency, which means it can only safely be used
by infusion. Although undeniably effective, it is The postoperative course of a typical laparo-
better suited to treating sustained hypertension scopic adrenalectomy for phaeochromocytoma
and is difficult to use in the episodic hypertension is uncomplicated. It is sensible to monitor
of phaeochromocytoma. There is a risk of severe patients in a high-dependency setting, where
hypotension if dosage is not judged accurately. invasive arterial monitoring can be used, but in
The solution needs to be protected from light. practice postoperative problems are uncommon.
Prolonged infusion can cause cyanide toxicity. It In the absence of persistent hypertension, preop-
is another old-fashioned drug with few remaining erative α-blockers can be stopped immediately.
modern indications and can be hard to obtain. β-blockade is usually tapered off over a day or
The author has now abandoned its use in favour two to avoid rebound tachycardia.
of GTN, by bolus and infusion.
Isolation of the Tumour Because of the effects of excess catecholamines
A key moment in the anaesthetic management of on glucose metabolism, most patients with
phaeochromocytoma is the point at which the sur- ­phaeochromocytoma have raised insulin levels.
geon divides the venous drainage of the gland, The abrupt removal of the tumour can lead to
whereupon no further secretion of catecholamine a  period of hypoglycaemia, while insulin
occurs. This is usually followed by an abrupt fall ­secretion is adjusted. Persistent β-blockade may
420 P. Hambly

also mask its symptoms. Frequent blood glu- pituitary axis unable to immediately make up the
cose estimations are advisable in the first few shortfall. Finally, there is some evidence that
hours after surgery. chronic catecholamine excess may cause down-
regulation of vasopressin synthesis and release in
Persistent Hypertension the hypothalamus and pituitary. Arginine vaso-
There are many reasons for hypertension to occur pressin is given via initial bolus of 2  units and
in the early postoperative phase, including usual then followed by an infusion of up to 2.4 units per
causes such as pain, full bladder, etc. Hypertension hour (adult dosage).
requiring the continuance of intravenous antihy-
pertensive drugs is a worrying sign that suggests
incomplete resection or bilateral or metastatic References
disease. Even in those patients without recur-
rence, hypertension is a common finding on long-­ 1. Hartle A, McCormack T, et  al. The measurement of
adult blood pressure and management of hypertension
term follow-up. before elective surgery. Anaesthesia. 2016;71:326–37.
2. Ahmed I, Jepegnanam C.  Recognition and manage-
Catecholamine-Resistant Hypotension ment of Phaeochromocytoma. Anaesth Intens Care
There are several case reports [8], as well as two Med. 2015;10:465–9.
3. Herrera MF, Stone E, et al. Pheochromocytoma pro-
cases within the author’s experience in which ducing multiple vasoactive peptides. Archiv Surg.
excision of phaeochromocytoma leads to severe 1992;127(1):105–8.
hypotension that fails to respond to catechol- 4. Connor D, Boumphrey S. Perioperative care of phaeo-
amine infusion. It appears to be a phenomenon chromocytoma. BJA Educ. 2015;16(5):153–8.
5. Lentschener C, Gaujoux S, et al. Point of controversy:
associated with massive and/or malignant perioperative care of patients undergoing phaeochro-
tumours, and in several cases profound shock mocytoma removal  – time for reappraisal? Eur J
responded readily to administration of arginine Endocrinol. 2011;165:365–73.
vasopressin. Although vasopressin is a vasocon- 6. Phenoxybenzamine versus Doxazosin in PCC
Patients (PRESCRIPT).
strictor that can be expected to treat hypotension, NCT01379898
there may be specific reason why it is effective in 7. Boutros AR, Bravo EL etc al. Perioperative manage-
massive phaeochromocytoma. Firstly, it does not ment of 63 patients with phaeochromocytoma. Cleve
act via α-receptors, which may be still blocked or Clin J Med 1990; 57: 613-617.
8. Roth JV.  Use of vasopressin bolus and infusion to
downregulated because of preoperative manage- treat catecholamine-resistant hypotension during
ment. Second, in some patients there is evidence phaeochromocytoma resection. Anaesthesiology.
of an oversecretion of vasopressin, and abrupt 2007;106(4):883–4.
removal of this source may leave the hypophyseal-­
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
Jesse Shulin Hu and Wei Keat Cheah

Introduction a single central vein which drains directly into

the inferior vena cava on the right and into the left
Since its first description in 1992, laparoscopic renal vein on the left.
adrenalectomy has become the gold standard for Understanding the venous drainage and rela-
the surgical treatment of most adrenal conditions. tions of the adrenal gland to its surrounding struc-
The benefits of a minimally invasive approach to tures is key to learning adrenalectomy. The right
adrenal resection include decreased length of adrenal gland is bordered inferiorly by the right
stay, decreased analgesic use, lesser blood loss kidney, supero-posterolaterally by the diaphragm,
and shorter recovery time. In addition, difficulty anteriorly by the liver and medially by the inferior
with open surgical exposure and the small size of vena cava. The left adrenal gland is bordered infe-
the adrenal gland make this organ particularly riorly by the left kidney and left renal vein,
amenable to a minimally invasive technique. The supero-posteriorly by the diaphragm and anteri-
anatomical location of the adrenal gland has led orly by the tail of the pancreas (Fig. 32.1).
to a number of laparoscopic approaches, includ- The adrenal gland is made up of the cortex and
ing lateral transperitoneal, retroperitoneal and the medulla. The adrenal cortex produces gluco-
robotic. corticoids (cortisone), mineralocorticoids (aldo-
sterone) and sex steroids. The adrenal medulla
secretes epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopa-
Background mine. The abnormal secretion of any of the hor-
mones produced by the adrenal gland results in
The adrenal glands are retroperitoneal organs unique clinical presentations/syndromes and is
located superior to the kidneys. The adrenal an indication for surgical resection.
glands have a golden orange colour distinct from The history of adrenal surgery is longstand-
the pale retroperitoneal fat they are embedded in. ing. In 1889, Knowsley-Thornton [1] performed
The glands are highly vascularized and derive the first successful adrenalectomy when he
their blood supply from branches of the inferior removed a large, 20-pound, adrenal tumour with
phrenic, aortic and renal arteries. Each gland has the left kidney in a 36-year-old woman.
Subsequently, Perry Sargent [2] performed the
J. S. Hu · W. K. Cheah (*) first planned adrenalectomy in 1914. In 1927,
Department of Surgery, Ng Teng Fong General Charles Mayo [1] was the first surgeon to use the
Hospital, National University Health System, flank approach when he performed adrenalec-
Singapore, Singapore tomy for pheochromocytoma. Through the early

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 421

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
422 J. S. Hu and W. K. Cheah

Fig. 32.1  Relations of

adrenal gland Stomach
L. Adrenal


R. adrenal Aorta

R. kidney
Duodenum kidney

a. & v.

Transverse colon

to mid-1900s, multiple changes in surgical The prevalence of adrenal incidentaloma is

approaches to the adrenal gland were developed variable and has been reported [7–10] to be rang-
to augment several posterior and anterior ing from 0.4% to 4.4% of all CT scans. The prev-
approaches. However, little change to adrenal alence is increased when higher resolution
surgery was seen for decades until the first lapa- scanners are used and has been found in up to
roscopic adrenalectomy was described by 10% in the elderly [11]. In autopsy studies [11–
Michael Gagner [3] in 1992. Since then, laparo- 13], the prevalence of adrenal incidentaloma is
scopic adrenalectomy [4] has become standard of reported to range from 1 to 9%.
care approach for the majority of benign adrenal The majority of adrenal incidentalomas are
tumours. clinically non-functioning, benign adrenal corti-
cal adenomas which do not need to be removed.
The management of an adrenal incidentaloma
Presentations, Investigations requires the clinician to answer two pertinent
and Treatment Options questions that determine the need for the degree
of evaluation and need for therapy.
Presentation Firstly, is it malignant?
Malignancy is an uncommon cause of adrenal
The most common presentation of a patient with incidentaloma in patients without a known diag-
adrenal tumour is that of an adrenal inciden- nosis of cancer. Primary adrenal carcinoma is
taloma. An adrenal incidentaloma is defined [5, rare with an incidence of 1 per million. It is sus-
6] as an adrenal mass greater than 1 cm which pected when the mass is more than 4 cm in diam-
was unexpectedly detected through an imaging eter when discovered [12], and hence most
procedure performed for reasons unrelated to guidelines recommend the surgical excision of
adrenal dysfunction. It is the result of advances adrenal tumours which are larger than 4  cm in
in imaging technologies, in particular computed size. Other features such Hounsfield unit >10 and
tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, delayed contrast washout [14–16] and change in
and their widespread use in clinical practice. size over time have also a strong predictive value.
32  Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 423

However, the adrenal gland is not an uncom- Pheochromocytomas are rare tumours arising
mon site of metastasis, with reported prevalence from the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla
of 3.1% [17] in one large retrospective study. The which result in excessive production of catechol-
primary malignancies that have known predilec- amines. The patient may complain of episodic
tions for adrenal metastases are melanoma, renal headaches, diaphoresis, palpitations and marked
cell carcinoma, lung cancer and breast cancer. or labile hypertension.
The role of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in man- Rarely, the patient may present with an
agement of isolated adrenal metastasis at this abdominal mass or pain due to a large mass/
point is still controversial. haemorrhage.
Secondly, is it functional?
While most adrenal incidentalomas are non-
functional, 10–15% secrete excess amounts of Investigations
hormones [18, 19]. Hence, one should look out
for clinical features suggestive of increased adre- The first step in the work-up of an adrenal tumour
nal function and perform the necessary tests to is to determine its functional status, in particular
rule out a functional tumour, in particular to rule out pheochromocytoma. This is because
pheochromocytoma. an undiagnosed pheochromocytoma can result in
Other than presenting as an adrenal inciden- cardiovascular instability during surgery.
taloma, the patient may present with clinical Initial screening tests and further confirmatory
signs and symptoms of hormone tests for the functional status of the adrenal
hypersecretion. tumour are listed in the Table 32.1.
The classical features of primary hyperaldo- The imaging modality of choice is CT or
steronism (Conn syndrome) are hypertension and MRI with contrast which shows the characteris-
hypokalaemia. It is the most common cause of tics of the adrenal tumour and its relations to the
secondary hypertension and should be suspected surrounding structures. Further imaging with
in a patient with early-onset hypertension or positron emission tomography may be required
hypertension that is difficult to control with med- in patients whom malignancy is suspected.
ication [20]. Preoperative biopsy of the adrenal mass
Cushing’s syndrome is the result of exces- should only be performed in patients with sus-
sive cortisol secretion. It results in the char- pected metastasis causing the adrenal mass and
acteristic features of moon facies, hirsutism, if the biopsy findings would result in a change
truncal obesity, abdominal straie and the “buf- in management plan. It is pertinent to exclude
falo hump”. Patients also commonly have hyper- pheochromocytoma before a biopsy is performed
tension and diabetes. Adrenalectomy is the to avoid triggering a hypertensive crisis.
treatment of choice in subclinical Cushing’s or Adrenal venous sampling may be required in
when Cushing’s syndrome is due to an adreno- patients with Conn syndrome to determine if
cortical tumour (ACTH-independent Cushing’s there’s lateralizing source of increased aldoste-
syndrome). rone [20].

Table 32.1  Investigations for functional status of adrenal tumour

Diagnosis Initial tests Further tests (may or may not be required)
Conn syndrome Plasma aldosterone concentration and Urinary aldosterone and potassium while on
plasma renin activity high-salt diet (salt loading test)
Cushing’s syndrome 24-h urinary free cortisol level Plasma ACTH level
1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression High-dose dexamethasone suppression test
Phaeochromocytoma 24-h urinary catecholamines and
424 J. S. Hu and W. K. Cheah

Treatment Options ing a minor morbidity of 14.4% and conversion

rate of 1.7%. In his series, conversion rate was
Adrenalectomy is indicated in patients with func- defined by conversion to open approach or trans-
tional tumours, tumours suspicious of malig- peritoneal approach. Since then, more surgical
nancy and solitary unilateral adrenal metastases. units have started adopting the PRA approach.
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the treatment of However, the PRA approach is technically
choice [21] for most adrenal lesions. Compared demanding and has a steeper learning curve as
to the open approach, it is associated with less the anatomy is not familiar to most surgeons. The
blood loss, less pain, shorter length of stay, faster general principles of the PRA approach include:
return to normal activities and less morbidity.
Contraindications [22–25] to the laparoscopic –– Patient positioning: The patient is placed in
approach are large tumours >8 cm and any tumour the prone position with the hips and knees
with extra-adrenal extension or local invasion. flexed at approximately 90° and the adrenal
The worry is tumour spillage and the inability to gland being approached posteriorly beneath
achieve R0 resection. Although some papers [22, the 12th rib (Fig. 32.2).
24, 26] have suggested that laparoscopic adrenal- –– Port placement sites: Three incisions, one
ectomy can be safely performed for adrenal can- 12 mm and two 5 mm, are typically used for
cers in experienced hands, the numbers are small trocar placement. The initial trocar entry into
due to the rarity of the disease. the retroperitoneum is confirmed by direct
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy can be per- vision. The first incision is placed approxi-
formed via various approaches, transperitoneally, mately 1 cm inferior to the tip of the 12th rib,
retroperitoneally or robotic. Many systematic and the retroperitoneum is bluntly entered.
reviews [27–29] have compared the various With an index finger directly in the retroperi-
approaches and are inconclusive regarding the toneum, an incision is made laterally at the
superiority of one approach to the others. posterior axillary line and a blunt trocar
Since its introduction in 1995, posterior retro- inserted. Another trocar is inserted between
peritoneal adrenalectomy (PRA) [30–32] has the first trocar site and the spine, along the
been utilised more frequently and increasing in paraspinal muscles, approximately 4 cm from
popularity. This approach allows direct access to the inferior border of the 12th rib.
the retroperitoneum and adrenal gland without –– Exposure: A critical step of the PRA proce-
breaching the peritoneum and avoiding the need dure is exposure of the superior pole of the
for intra-abdominal organ mobilisation. The
potential advantage of the retroperitoneal
approach is the ability to perform a bilateral adre-
nalectomy without repositioning the patient and
also avoiding entry into the abdominal cavity, in
particular one that has previous abdominal sur-
gery and its associated adhesions. Furthermore,
CO2 insufflation pressures in the retroperito-
neum can be kept significantly higher without
limiting cardiac filling pressures while limiting
troublesome bleeding. Multiple retrospective
series have demonstrated safety and efficacy of
PRA. The largest series is by M. Walz [33] who
published results of 560 PRA in 520 patients for
neoplasms ranging from 0.5 to 10 cm. His results
were equivalent to contemporary series of trans-
peritoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomies, includ- Fig. 32.2  Positioning for PRA approach
32  Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 425

kidney by identifying and opening the overly- tive monitoring such as the arterial line and uri-
ing Gerota’s fascia. nary catheter is required in those with
–– Resection: This involves dissecting the adre- pheochromocytoma. In addition to diabetic
nal gland and the surrounding perinephric fat patients, blood sugar monitoring is also required
from the kidney from laterally to medially. in those with pheochromocytoma and Cushing’s
After complete mobilisation, the next critical syndrome. Nasogastric tube is typically inserted
step is to identify and secure the blood supply to allow decompression of the stomach. Antibiotic
to the adrenal gland. The adrenal arteries are prophylaxis, usually a first-generation cephalo-
identified on the inferior and medial aspects of sporin, is given prior to skin incision. Sequential
the adrenal gland and may be divided using compressive devices are placed for deep vein
electrocautery. The main adrenal vein is usu- thrombosis prophylaxis.
ally controlled with surgical clips. For laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalec-
tomy, the patient is placed in the lateral decubitus
Relative contraindications to PRA include position with the affected side facing upward and
tumours larger than 7  cm and patients with the operative table flexed just above the level of
BMI > 40 kg/m2. The working space is consider- the iliac crest. (Fig. 32.3) Achieving a good posi-
ably smaller with the RPA approach, and there- tioning prior to incision is pertinent in ensuing
fore neoplasms larger than 7  cm are difficult to success in surgery.
dissect safely. In addition, the creation of the ret- Laparoscopic access may be obtained by an
roperitoneal working space can be limited by a open or closed technique based on the surgeon’s
large pannus in an obese patient. preference. The authors prefer an open technique
Some papers have described robot-assisted where an incision is made at the anterior axillary
adrenalectomy which is associated with increased line, 2 fingerbreadths below the costal margin.
cost while the potential added advantage remains
to be seen.
The more widely practised approach is the
transperitoneal approach which would be Monitor
described in more details below. Monitor

Surgical Technique

In patients with functional tumours, preoperative

consultation with an endocrinologist and an
anaesthesiologist is crucial to adequately prepare
the patient for surgery. All patients with pheo-
chromocytoma require alpha blockade (prefera-
bly with phenoxybenzamine) for at least
7–10  days before surgery, followed by beta
blockade if tachycardia is still present after alpha
blockade is achieved. Those with Conn syndrome
require hypokalaemia to be corrected and blood Scrub nurse
pressure adequately controlled, commonly with
spironoloctone. Patients with Cushing’s syn-
drome will require stress doses of steroids peri- Instrument table
operatively and post-operatively.
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is performed Fig. 32.3 Positioning of patient for laparoscopic
under general anaesthesia. Additional intraopera- adrenalectomy
426 J. S. Hu and W. K. Cheah

This is for placement of the 10–12  mm trocar of the vena cava allows visualisation and identifi-
which acts as a camera port. If a closed technique cation of the short adrenal vein which is located
is chosen, a Veress needle is placed just below the at the supero-medial edge of the adrenal gland as
costal margin to insufflate the peritoneal cavity it enters the inferior vena cava.
followed by insertion of a trocar at the midclavicu-
lar line, 2 fingerbreadths below the costal margin.
Typically, at least three ports are required, one Mobilisation of the Left Side
for the camera and two acting as working ports.
The port at the anterior axillary line is usually The splenic flexure and descending colon are
used as the camera port, while the ports at the mobilised medially, and the lateral attachments
midclavicular line and posterior axillary line are of the spleen are divided until the left crus of the
used as working ports. A fourth port is needed for diaphragm, taking care to avoid injury to the
the right side to retract the liver and occasionally short gastric vessels. The spleen can be mobilised
on the left side to retract the spleen. It is typically medially once the splenocolic and lienorenal lig-
placed 2 fingerbreadths below the xiphisternum. aments are divided, allowing adequate exposure
After insertion of the first trocar, pneumoperito- of the adrenal gland. The position of the patient
neum is achieved using CO2 insufflation to a pres- and the mobilisation of the spleen usually allow
sure of 10–12 mmHg. The laparoscopic camera is the spleen to drop away from the operating field.
inserted and general laparoscopy is performed. Occasionally, a snake-type retractor is required
Following which, the working ports are inserted for retraction of the spleen. Dissection is carried
under camera vision and mobilisation begins. The down from the superior to medial in the relatively
use of energy devices such as ultrasonic dissector avascular plane. Care is taken not to dissect in the
help with the dissection. The mobilisation of the plane between the spleen & the tail of the pan-
right and left adrenalectomy are described sepa- creas. Dissection lateral to the kidney should be
rately due to the differences in their relations to the avoided as it may allow the Gerota fascia to fall
surrounding organs. Once mobilisation is com- medially, making the adrenal dissection more
pleted and the adrenal vein is identified, subsequent difficult.
dissection is similar for both sides. An incision is made into the Gerota fascia
over the upper pole of the kidney. The incision is
extended medially and dissected towards the
Mobilisation of the Right Side renal vein. Once the renal vein is visualised, care-
ful dissection along the superior border of the
The liver is retracted using a snake-type retractor vein will allow for identification of the adrenal
or a Nathanson liver retractor. The liver is mobil- vein which is located in the inferio-medial edge
ised anteriorly by incising the retroperitoneal of the adrenal gland as it enters the left renal vein.
attachments towards the medial aspect and then
the triangular ligament to the level of the dia-
phragm. Adequate mobilisation of the liver is Dissection of the Adrenal Vein
crucial to allow cephalad retraction of the liver.
The hepatic flexure may need to be mobilised Once the adrenal vein is visualised, it is carefully
inferiorly and medially. dissected using gentle suction and the Maryland
At this point, the adrenal gland is usually visu- dissector. The right adrenal vein, compared to the
alised. If not, the inferior vena cava is a good left, is often short and broad as it drains directly
landmark to starting our dissection. The dissec- into the vena cava. Therefore, great care must be
tion of the inferior vena cava starts at the level taken during dissection to avoid injury to the
above the right renal vein and progresses superi- adrenal vein and the inferior vena cava.
orly towards the liver. Kocherization of the duo- After the adrenal vein is dissected, clips are
denum may be required to allow better placed at the proximal and distal side. The adre-
visualisation of the inferior vena cava. Dissection nal vein is divided between clips. When perform-
32  Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 427

ing adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma, Most patients can be discharged 24–48 h after
communication between the surgeon and surgery. Follow-up in the surgical outpatient
­anaesthesiologist is crucial to allow for IV fluid clinic usually takes place about 2–3 weeks after
loading and even possible need for inotropic sup- discharge where the wound and histology are
port as division of the adrenal vein can cause pre- reviewed.
cipitous drop in blood pressure resulting in
cardiovascular instability and even collapse.
After the adrenal vein is controlled and Complications
divided, the adrenal gland can be dissected free
from its remaining attachments. Grasping of the The complications of laparoscopic adrenalec-
adrenal gland must be avoided as it can result in tomy can be classified into general complica-
disruption of the adrenal capsule. Instead, the tions in relation to laparoscopic surgery, site
peri-adrenal fat or overlying peritoneum can be specific (injury to surrounding organs) and
grasped and blunt dissection performed to free functional.
the adrenal gland. The numerous small arterial
branches that supply the adrenal gland encoun-
tered during dissection can be controlled by elec- General Complications
trosurgical device.
The adrenal gland is placed in a specimen Bleeding
retrieval bag and removed through the trocar or Wound infection especially in Cushing’s
after slight enlargement of the 10 mm port site. syndrome.
The operating field is inspected for bleeding and Conversion to open (3–5%).
the clips are checked to ensure that they are in Risks in relation to general anaesthesia.
place. A drain is usually not necessary except in
cases where pancreatic tail injury is suspected.
The pneumoperitoneum is released and the tro-  ite Specific (Injury to Adjacent
cars are removed. The fascia is closed in the Structures) – <3%
larger ports, while skin closure is achieved using
absorbable sutures. Right Left
Colon—hepatic flexure Spleen
Duodenum Tail of pancreas
Liver Diaphragm
Results Gallbladder Colon—splenic flexure
Inferior vena cava
Postoperatively, the patient is usually monitored
in a regular surgical ward or in the surgical high
dependency ward if inotropic support was
required in excision of phaeochromocytoma. Functional
The patient can be started on clear fluids and
progress to regular diet as tolerated. Oral anal- Intraoperative hypertensive crisis and labile
gesia is usually adequate for pain control and blood pressure in pheochromocytoma.
early mobilisation is highly encouraged. Postoperative adrenal insufficiency in
Blood pressure monitoring and titration of anti- Cushing’s syndrome.
hypertensive medications are required for those
with functional tumours. Co-management with the Conclusion
endocrinologist is recommended for those with In conclusion, laparoscopic adrenalectomy
functional tumours, in particular steroid manage- is the preferred method for removing most
ment for patients with Cushing’s syndrome. adrenal tumours. It can be carried out safely
Electrolytes, in particular potassium levels, should with good surgical outcomes in experienced
be monitored in those with Conn syndrome. hands.
428 J. S. Hu and W. K. Cheah

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retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy--a new sur- sion 8–50
Complications of Adrenal Surgery
Rajeev Parameswaran

There has been a significant improvement in the metabolites. Adrenal malignancies may present
understanding of adrenal disease over last ten with symptoms of hormone excess or pressure
decades, with better understanding of the physi- effects of the tumour especially when large.
ology and biochemistry and imaging. Similarly, Secondary hypertension is a common feature
with the introduction of laparoscopy in the 1990s, seen in functioning adrenal neoplasms, along
adrenalectomy moved from a morbid open proce- with metabolic problems such as hyperglycae-
dure to a less invasive and less morbid procedure. mia, hypokalaemia and metabolic alkalosis. The
Despite the advances, complications do arise, various causes of adrenal masses are shown in
and some are related to the disease process and Table 33.1.
others to the surgical approaches. These compli- Complication is defined as a condition or
cations may be avoided by adequate vigilance event leading to unfavourable patient health by
and preparation and may be divided into preop- causing irreversible damage and deviation in the
erative, intraoperative and postoperative compli- normal postoperative course and resulting in pro-
cations, which are addressed in this chapter. longed hospital stay. Complications sustained
following surgery may be classified based on the
severity of injury as proposed by Dindo and
Introduction Clavien [1] and is shown in Table 33.2. However,
in this chapter complications will be classified as
Adrenalectomy is performed for patients with preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative.
tumours or disorders arising in the adrenal cortex One of the key measures to prevent complica-
or medulla and may present in three ways: (a) tions is to ensure that patients are selected appro-
those associated with hyperfunctioning adrenal priately for surgery. It is important that certain
lesions, (b) those associated with malignancy principles are followed to ascertain that both
and (c) those with uncertain significance and short-term and long-term outcomes are signifi-
picked up incidentally. Where presenting with cantly better. The choice of type of surgery and
hormonal oversecretion, the symptoms are indications depend on few factors, namely,
related to the excess of cortisol, mineralocorti- tumour size, tumour function and imaging
coids, androgens and catecholamines or their characteristics.

R. Parameswaran
Division of Endocrine Surgery, National University
Hospital Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 431

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
432 R. Parameswaran

Table 33.1  Causes of adrenal masses Preoperative Complications

Due to hormone excess Non-hormonal causes
Cushing’s adenoma Adenoma As with any major surgical procedure, patients
Aldosteronoma Angiomyolipoma would need assessment for cardiopulmonary
Pheochromocytoma Neuroblastoma issues, and this may guide as to whether the
Congenital adrenal Ganglioneuroma
patient is likely to have a laparoscopic or open
Macronodular adrenal disease Carcinoma approach. Laparoscopic surgery is generally pre-
Cyst ferred for most cases due to less postoperative
Metastasis pain and impact on respiratory function when
Uncommon causes compared to open approach. The preoperative
Haemangioma problems in adrenal surgery faced are usually
Haemorrhage related to the functioning adrenal nodules for
which the patient is usually undergoing surgery.
One of the preoperative issues faced with specific
functioning adrenal tumours is hypertension and
Table 33.2  Classification of Surgical Complications by
electrolyte abnormalities. The hypertension
Dindo and Clavien needs adequate control as inadequate control
Grade Definition may lead to myocardial ischaemia, arrhythmias
Grade I Any deviation from the normal or congestive cardiac failure. The perioperative
postoperative course without the need management of hypertension has been discussed
for pharmacological treatment or in an earlier chapter. Some of the specific preop-
surgical, endoscopic and radiological
erative problems seen in functioning endocrine
Grade II Requiring pharmacological treatment
tumours is shown in Table 33.3. Briefly the prin-
with drugs other than such allowed for ciples of preoperative preparation for adrenalec-
grade I complications tomy include:
Grade III Requiring surgical, endoscopic or
Grade IIIa radiological intervention • Bowel preparation not necessary.
Grade IIIb Intervention not under general
anaesthesia • Prophylaxis with low molecular weight is
Intervention under general anaesthesia required especially in cancer.
Grade IV Life-threatening complication (including • Adequate blockade with long-acting alpha-
Grade IVa CNS complications) * requiring IC/ICU blockers followed by beta-adrenergic blockers
Grade IVb management
to control hypertension.
Single-organ dysfunction (including
Multiorgan dysfunction
Grade V Death of a patient Table 33.3  Preoperative complications in functioning
adrenal tumours
Tumour Complications
Surgery for adrenal pathology is discussed in
Pheochromocytoma Hypertension
previous chapter. The choices of surgery are open Vasoconstriction
and laparoscopic surgery, and in general patients Cardiac failure
with benign functioning or non-functioning Myocardial ischaemia
­adrenal tumours should be offered laparoscopic Cushing’s syndrome Hypertension
adrenalectomy either through an anterior or pos-
terior retroperitoneal approach. However, in Osteopenia
patients with adrenal cancers or large tumours Immunosuppression
where laparoscopic surgery is not feasible, an Conn’s syndrome Hypertension
open approach is adopted. Hypokalaemia
33  Complications of Adrenal Surgery 433

• Perioperative hydrocortisone followed by such as morphine and antiemetics can also cause
postoperative replacement with dose reduc- release of catecholamines and thereby induce
tion strategy. hypertension [8]. Surgical preparation in the
• Potassium replacement in patients with form of positioning and placements of incisions
Conn’s syndrome. without adequate analgesia can also induce
hypertension. Most of the hypertension observed
here can be managed with effective analgesia and
Intraoperative Complications increasing depth of anaesthesia.
The more dramatic effect of hypertension is
Intraoperative complications in adrenal surgery seen in the actual surgical intervention with cre-
may be briefly divided into two: those related to ation of pneumoperitoneum, direct manipulation
the disease process and those relating to surgical of the gland or squeezing of the gland, and
access and conduct of surgery. The three com- requires appropriate vasodilators for control of
mon complications relating to the disease process hypertension. Factors predictive of intraoperative
include haemodynamic instability due to hypo- hypertension during pheochromocytoma surgery
tension, hypertension and arrhythmias and are include elevated preoperative plasma noradrena-
seen more during the resection of pheochromo- line concentration, tumour size >4 cm, a higher
cytomas. It is therefore important to ensure that BP before and after α-adrenergic receptor block-
anaesthesia is smooth and should anticipate prob- ade (cut-off, 130/85  mmHg) and a pronounced
lems that may occur especially during tumour preoperative postural BP fall (>10  mmHg) [9].
manipulation. Tumour manipulation results in There is no difference in perioperative instability
significant catecholamine release leading to hae- between patients with benign or malignant pheo-
modynamic instability especially when per- chromocytomas or those with inherited versus
formed by open approach in comparison to sporadic conditions [9]. The perioperative mor-
laparoscopic adrenalectomy [2, 3]. Some of the tality of patients without adequate preparation
anaesthetic considerations for functional adrenal may be as high as 30–45% [10].
tumours include: Postoperative hypotension may occur after
adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma as a result
• Anxiolytics before surgery of downregulation of α-adrenergic receptors,
• Intraarterial monitoring with placement before residual effects of long-acting α-blockers or
GA [4] vasodilators, contralateral adrenal suppression or
• Large bore peripheral and central intravenous hypovolemia [11]. Factors predictive of postop-
catheters [5] erative hypotension include large tumour size
• Placement of urinary catheter [6] (more than 6 cm), significantly elevated urinary
• Appropriate control of intraoperative hyper- epinephrine and norepinephrine levels and use of
tension with nitroprusside and myocardial sta- doxazosin rather than phenoxybenzamine. The
bilization with intravenous magnesium treatment of hypotension should be with large
sulphate [7] amounts of fluids after the resection of tumour
[12], and this can range from 500 mL to 3 L pre-
Hypertensive episodes seen in pheochromocy- operatively to about 1400  mL postoperatively
tomas during surgery may manifest at induction [13]. The correction of hypovolemia is associated
or events that cause sympathetic stimulation such with reduced operative mortality after catechol-
as intubation or nasogastric intubation. Drugs amine resection [14]. Pressor agents may be used
used during peri- and intraoperative period are once the hypovolemia is corrected, and the agents
usually vagolytic agents such as ketamine, atro- used may be norepinephrine, epinephrine or
pine, pancuronium and halothane [8]. Analgesics vasopressin [15].
434 R. Parameswaran

 ole of Intravenous Magnesium

R In the Swedish national cohort study of 659
Sulphate in the Management patients who underwent adrenalectomy, the
of Intraoperative Haemodynamics incidence of complications was about 5% and
less than 2% requiring a reoperation [31]. The
Magnesium has important effects on the cardio- risk of conversion was about 6% in the study
vascular system through its modulatory effects and this related to large tumour size and malig-
on sodium and potassium currents on conduct- nancy, with no observed perioperative and
ing system of the heart [16]. It also has vasodi- 30-day mortality [31]. Prolonged length of stay
lator activity because of its action of was seen in patients with left-sided tumours,
catecholamine inhibition and function as a cal- bilateral tumours, open adrenalectomy and con-
cium antagonist [17, 18]. Magnesium has also version of laparoscopic to open procedure [31].
an inhibitory activity on catecholamine release The complications sustained during adrenalec-
in response to ­noxious stimuli [19]. The above- tomy irrespective of the approach are generally
mentioned physiological effects make magne- the same and are related to the anatomical
sium an attractive option for the treatment of topography and related to access in minimally
pheochromocytomas and functioning paragan- invasive surgery. The most common major com-
gliomas, after the first description of its use by plications reported in the literature [32], include
James in 1985 [20]. The therapeutic efficacy is the following:
also seen in children and pregnant women with
pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma [21, 22]. • Vascular injuries
Magnesium appears to have a stabilizing effect • Bowel-related injuries
on patients who present with arrhythmias in • Injuries to liver and spleen
pheochromocytomas [23, 24], and this is more • Pancreatic injury
so the case in tumours that secrete a high level • Diaphragm injury
of adrenaline [5].

Vascular Injuries
 omplications Relating to Surgical
Access and Conduct of Surgery Vascular injuries represent the most common
complication during laparoscopic adrenalec-
The operative technique of adrenalectomy is tomy, and these are related to access problems
discussed in another chapter. The indications or dissection of the vasculature [33, 34]. The
and the use of a transperitoneal approach ver- reported incidence in the literature is low
sus retroperitoneal or open are dependent on (0.7–5.4%) [35–37]. The vascular structures
factors such as surgeon and operative experi- that are usually injured on the right side are
ence [25], location and tumour size [26]. the adrenal vein and inferior vena cava, which
Generally, most surgeons are comfortable can result in severe bleeding and may be dif-
with an upper size of 6–8  cm when it comes ficult to tackle [32, 38]. On the left side, the
to  laparoscopic approach [27, 28]. crucial step is the identification of the renal
Transperitoneal approach has the advantage pedicle at the hilum which lends as the land-
of better orientation and visualization of key mark to identify the left adrenal vein [39], and
structures [29] and is the approach most sur- any injury may result in bleeding but not as
geons favour. However, the popularity of ret- catastrophic on the right side. The little veins
roperitoneal approach is increasing especially encountered during adrenalectomy usually
in small tumours and in bilateral pathology pose no major problems during surgery due to
due to benefit of direct access to the adrenal high pressure created by the pneumoperito-
gland and avoid potential injury to the vis- neum but when the pressure is released may
ceral organs [30]. lead to hematomas or postoperative hemody-
33  Complications of Adrenal Surgery 435

namic ­instability requiring blood transfusions On the right side, the liver, gall bladder and
or reinterventions [36]. bile ducts may be injured rarely and are caused
usually by excess traction and poor or difficult
access [44]. The most common injury to the liver
Strategies to Prevent Vascular is usually laceration of the capsule during retrac-
Injuries tion especially in the presence of adhesions. It is
essential that these be taken gently with an energy
• Clear understating of the vascular anatomy, device such as harmonic scalpel or ligasure.
including variations. Dissection of larger tumours carries a higher risk
• Evaluate imaging studies for the anatomy. of laceration [45]. Retroperitoneal adrenalec-
• Ensure correct instruments and applicators tomy may decrease the incidence of such injuries
available (hemolock, energy device for but may be an option only in smaller tumours.
dissection). Similarly, on the left side the spleen and pan-
• In presence of bleeding, first apply gentle creas are at risk of injury [46]. The injuries are
pressure with a tonsil strip or sponge gauze due to excess traction, inadequate visualization
using a grasper. or related to inappropriate movements and pen-
• Increase pneumoperitoneum pressure up to etrating injury especially when the instrument is
25 mmHg. not in vision. Small lacerations on the spleen
• Use of haemostatic agents such as fibrin glue may be treated by compression with a laparo-
or cellulose. scopic gauze or application of adhesives such as
• If the bleeding vessel can be clearly identified, oxidized cellulose, gelatin sponge and fibrin
electrocautery or clips may be applied. glue. Major bleeding or injuries that cannot be
• Laparoscopic suturing if possible (need spe- managed with laparoscopically need conversion
cial expertise). to open procedure. Pancreatic injuries are less
• Large vessel injury—convert to open common and have been reported in about 2% of
procedure. patients [33, 35]. Ductal injuries may be diffi-
cult to manage and may result in pancreatic
Visceral Injury

Visceral injury sustained during laparoscopic Strategies to Prevent Visceral

adrenalectomy includes—those to the bowel, on Injuries
the right side—injury to the liver, gall bladder
and bile ducts and on the left side injury to the • Proper visualization of structures
pancreas and spleen. Injuries to the bowel can • Good technique and handling of instruments
cause life-threatening complications and can • Avoid electrocautery to minimize thermal
occur during access for laparoscopic adrenal sur- injuries
gery; however only up to a third of them are rec- • Adequate exposure and reflection of colon and
ognized intraoperatively [40, 41]. Delayed duodenum
recognition of bowel injuries can be fatal in up to • Use retroperitoneal approach if indicated
25% of patients and not acted upon [42, 43]. The
risk of bowel injuries is not very well reported in
the literature, but the incidence is reported to be Diaphragmatic and Pleural Injury
about 1.5% following laparoscopic general surgi-
cal and urological procedures [33–35, 40]. The Diaphragmatic injuries are rare in laparoscopic
most common injured bit is the small bowel, and adrenalectomy but when they occur may lead to
the most common cause for the injury is thermal serious and severe complications. The reported
damage by electrocautery [40]. incidence in the literature is about 0.6% [47]. The
436 R. Parameswaran

defect in the diaphragm may cause insulated air Table  33.4. Following resection of a Conn’s
to create the pneumoperitoneum into the thorax adenoma, patients require close monitoring of
leading to pneumothorax and pneumomediasti- blood pressure and potassium levels. Whilst
num. Small defects may go unnoticed and may hypokalaemia is corrected soon after surgery in
be detected by the “floppy diaphragm sign” most patients, some may experience salt wast-
which refers to billowing of the diaphragm into ing and hyperkalaemia from suppression of the
the abdominal cavity because of the positive contralateral gland [50]. Patients with pheo-
pressure in the pleural space [48]. The other way chromocytomas should be monitored very
a diaphragmatic hole can be diagnosed is by the closely as they are at increased risk of postop-
increase in airway pressure accompanied by erative hypoglycaemia, hypertension and hypo-
increase in end-tidal carbon dioxide, hypoxia and tension [51]. Hypoglycaemia usually results
hypotension. Defects that are small may be from rebound hyperinsulinemia after tumour
repaired laparoscopically, but for larger defects, removal [51], and hypotension from withdrawal
an intercostal drain may need to be placed [49]. of catecholamines which requires volume
Other rare and major complications that have replacement [52].
been reported include those of complete transec- Following adrenalectomy for Cushing’s dis-
tion of the porta hepatis, ligation of the hepatic ease especially bilateral adrenalectomy, patients
artery, ligation of the ureter, ligation of the renal require long-term steroid replacement. In the
artery and resection of the normal adrenal. absence of steroids, they are at risk of Addisonian
crisis and Nelson’s syndrome [53]. Patients with
Cushing’s disease are also at increased risk of
Postoperative Complications wound complications, infections and osteoporo-
sis [54]. Patients undergoing bilateral adrenalec-
The complications seen in patients following tomy have a higher morbidity and mortality in
adrenal surgery depend on two factors: (a) the comparison to those with unilateral surgery [53].
type of adrenal lesion being resected and (b) gen- The 10-year mortality is higher in patients with
eral complications following laparoscopic and an ectopic source for Cushing’s (44%) versus pri-
open surgery. To minimize complications, it is mary adrenal disease (less than 3%) [53]. Most of
important to institute adequate analgesia, incen- the mortality occurs in the first year; hence close
tive spirometry to reduce atelectasis and respira- monitoring of cortisol-related morbidities is
tory infections and early ambulation to reduce important [54].
deep vein thrombosis. Electrolyte abnormalities The general complications following adrenal
are not uncommon and therefore require moni- surgery include pneumonia, urinary tract infec-
toring as well as close blood pressure monitoring. tion, infections of the wound, abscess and collec-
In this section, the commonly encountered post- tions in retroperitoneal area. Patients are also at
operative complications are discussed. risk of developing incisional hernia, especially in
The postoperative complications associated Cushing’s patients [55]. Port site recurrences are
with specific adrenal tumours are shown in not uncommon for resection of malignant
tumours [56].
Table 33.4  Specific complications associated with vari- In summary, adrenal surgery is not without
ous adrenal tumours treated surgically complications and is usually related to the under-
Primary aldosteronism Hypokalaemia lying pathology that is being treated. The ways
Hyperkalaemia complications may be minimized include:
Cushing’s syndrome Hypocortisolism
Osteoporotic fractures
Adequate preoperative preparation
Poor wound healing Good understanding of the disease being treated
Wound infection Thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the adre-
Pheochromocytoma Hypotension nal and surrounding structures
33  Complications of Adrenal Surgery 437

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Managing Adrenal Insufficiency
and Crisis 34
Troy H. Puar and Kirthika Jeyaraman

the adrenal glands. Presenting symptoms can be

Key Points non-specific such as fatigue, weight loss, weak-
• Adrenal insufficiency can be classified ness, anorexia, abdominal pain and vomiting.
as primary (adrenal failure commonly Although treatment (glucocorticoids) is readily
from Addison’s disease or tuberculosis) available, studies show that patients with adrenal
or secondary (hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency continue to have increased mortal-
disease from pituitary tumours or sup- ity risk [1–4], likely from the risk of adrenal cri-
pression from exogenous steroid use). sis [5, 6]. Adrenal crisis is an endocrine
• The clinical presentation can be non-­ emergency caused by insufficient glucocorticoid
specific, leading to mortality from levels and can be precipitated by acute illnesses
delayed diagnosis. Hence clinicians or surgical procedures. Early recognition and
need to have a high index of suspicion. prompt management of adrenal crisis with intra-
• Adrenal crisis is often precipitated by an venous saline and glucocorticoids can avert fur-
acute medical illness (e.g. gastroenteri- ther deterioration and mortality.
tis) or surgical stress.
• Adrenal crisis is a medical emergency,
and empirical intravenous saline and Background and Etiology
glucocorticoids should be started imme-
diately if suspected. The adrenal glands are Y-shaped glands located
at the upper poles of the kidneys. They consist of
an outer cortex (90%) and inner medulla (10%).
The adrenal medulla secretes catecholamines
Introduction (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine). The
adrenal cortex consists of three layers, or zones,
Adrenal insufficiency is caused by deficient pro- which secrete the following hormones:
duction or action of glucocorticoids and, in some
cases, mineralocorticoids and androgens from • Zona glomerulosa—‘mineralocorticoids’
T. H. Puar (*) · K. Jeyaraman • Zona fasciculata—‘glucocorticoids’
Department of Endocrinology, Changi General (cortisol)
Hospital, Singapore, Singapore • Zona reticularis—androgens (mainly dehy-
e-mail:; droepiandrosterone, DHEA)

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 439

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
440 T. H. Puar and K. Jeyaraman

Adrenal insufficiency may be primary or sec- Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency

ondary. Primary adrenal insufficiency is due to
destruction of adrenal cortex. Secondary adrenal Secondary adrenal insufficiency occurs with
insufficiency is caused by hypothalamic-pituitary hypothalamus or pituitary gland pathology. Lack
pathology or adrenal suppression from long-term of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)/adre-
exogenous steroid use. With widespread exoge- nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) production
nous corticosteroid use, secondary adrenocortical from the hypothalamus/pituitary, respectively,
insufficiency due to steroid withdrawal is the leads to adrenal hypoplasia and atrophy, from
most common cause of adrenal insufficiency. absence of adrenal stimulation. This results in
decreased glucocorticoid production. Any pro-
cess that affects the hypothalamus and pituitary
Primary Adrenal Insufficiency gland can lead to secondary adrenal insufficiency
(Table  34.2). This can be an isolated hormone
The prevalence of primary adrenal insufficiency deficiency or associated with other pituitary hor-
is around 93–140 per million [7]. Thomas mone deficiencies.
Addison’s monograph in 1855 focused on dis- Secondary adrenal insufficiency also occurs
ease of the suprarenal capsules and contained the in patients who have been on long-term ste-
classic description of the endocrine disturbance roids after withdrawal of exogenous steroids.
known as “Addison’s disease” [8]. Autoimmune Both prolonged use and supraphysiological
adrenalitis (up to 80% of cases) is the most com- doses of glucocorticoid therapy may inhibit
mon cause of primary adrenal insufficiency in CRH production by the hypothalamus and
developed countries, while adrenal tuberculosis cause adrenal suppression [16]. Paradoxically,
still remains a major factor in developing coun- these patients may have Cushingoid features
tries [7, 9]. Other causes of primary adrenal (moon face, central adiposity, thin skin and
insufficiency are listed in Table 34.1. easy bruising) due to long-term excessive
In autoimmune primary adrenal insufficiency, exogenous steroid use.
humoral and cell-medicated immune mecha-
nisms are directed at the adrenal cortex. Majority
of these patients have antibodies against steroido- Clinical Presentation
genic enzymes, most often 21-hydroxylase [13].
Adrenal insufficiency can be isolated or form part  rimary vs. Secondary Adrenal
of an autoimmune polyglandular syndrome Insufficiency
(APS) which is more common in females (60%)
[7, 14]. In primary adrenal insufficiency, ACTH levels
are chronically elevated, as there is a lack of cor-
• APS type 1 is an autosomal recessive disorder tisol feedback to the pituitary gland. Chronically
caused by mutations in the autoimmune regu- elevated ACTH then stimulates the melanocortin
lator (AIRE) gene [15]. More than 75% of receptors. Hence, patients with primary adrenal
patients with APS type 1 develop hypopara- insufficiency may have suggestive physical find-
thyroidism before the age of 10  years, fol- ings such as hyperpigmentation of the skin, pal-
lowed by Addison’s disease. mar creases, scars and buccal mucosa (Fig. 34.1).
• APS type 2 is the more common type of APS This does not occur in patients with secondary
and may be inherited in an autosomal reces- adrenal insufficiency. Patients with an autoim-
sive, autosomal dominant or polygenic man- mune cause of primary adrenal insufficiency
ner and is characterized by multiple may have other autoimmune conditions or vitil-
endocrinopathies including Addison’s disease, igo, which may predate the onset of adrenal
autoimmune thyroid disease and type 1 diabe- insufficiency or occur after the diagnosis of
tes mellitus [7, 15]. Addison’s.
34  Managing Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis 441

Table 34.1  Causes of primary adrenal insufficiency

Condition Associated features
Autoimmune adrenalitis
• Isolated adrenal insufficiency Hyperpigmentation, hyponatremia and hyperkalaemia
• Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome APS (type 1): Hypoparathyroidism occurs before Addison’s disease
(APS) APS (type 2): Autoimmune thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus and
Addison’s disease
• Tuberculosis Commonest cause of adrenal insufficiency in developing world
• Fungal (cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis) Immunocompromised patients are at risk for either primary infection or
• HIV (cytomegalovirus, mycobacterium) disseminated infection involving the adrenal gland
• Syphilis
• Metastasis Rare, usually bilateral with extensive damage of adrenal glands [10].
Common primary tumours include lungs, colon, breast, kidneys and
• Lymphoma Adrenal involvement as a part of disseminated lymphoma is common,
but it is a rare site for primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma
• Amyloidosis
• Hemochromatosis
Adrenal haemorrhage
• Meningococcal septicaemia Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, haemorrhagic adrenalitis caused by
Neisseria meningitidis
• Anticoagulants Warfarin, heparin, aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
• Trauma drugs (NSAIDS)
Adrenal infarction Risk factors include anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome, heparin
induced thrombocytopenia, myelodysplastic syndrome
• Ketoconazole, flucanozole, etomidate Inhibit adrenal cortisol synthesis
• Rifampicin, phenytoin Increases peripheral cortisol metabolism
• Bilateral adrenalectomy
• Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Autosomal recessive disorder with deficiency of enzymes involved in
the synthesis of cortisol, aldosterone or both. Deficiency of
21-hydroxylase, resulting from mutations or deletions of CYP21A, is
the most common form
• Adrenoleukodystrophy X-linked disorder caused by mutations in ABCD gene
Presents in males in childhood or early adulthood with neurological
impairments. Adrenal insufficiency may precede neurological
manifestations [12]
• Congenital adrenal hypoplasia Familial failure of adrenal cortical development due to mutations/
deletions of DAX1 gene
• Familial glucocorticoid deficiency/ Rare familial or sporadic condition characterized by end-organ
resistance insensitivity to glucocorticoids [11]

Patients with primary adrenal insufficiency patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency,
are at greater risk of salt and water depletion who have an intact renin-angiotensin-aldoste-
and, consequently, hypotension and adrenal rone axis, are still at risk of adrenal crisis [18–
crisis [17]. This is because they have concomi- 20]. The key points that differentiate them
tant mineralocorticoid deficiency due to from primary adrenal insufficiency are listed in
destruction of the zona fasciculata. However, Table 34.3.
442 T. H. Puar and K. Jeyaraman

Table 34.2  Causes of secondary adrenal insufficiency

Hypothalamic/pituitary causes
• Pituitary tumour, metastasis (rare), This can be isolated or associated with other pituitary
craniopharyngioma hormone deficiencies, such as thyroid hormone, growth
• Pituitary surgery, irradiation hormone and sex hormone deficiencies
• Pituitary necrosis or bleed Space-occupying lesions can cause headaches, and
• Infection—tuberculosis cranial nerve palsies, such as bi-temporal hemianopia
• Infiltration—Wegner’s, haemochromatosis,
Exogenous steroid use Increased risk with
• Systemic steroids
• Potent steroids (e.g. prednisolone,
methylprednisolone, dexamethasone)
• Longer duration of use
• Supraphysiological and higher doses

Fig. 34.1  Images of a patient with Addison’s disease before treatment demonstrating hyperpigmentation noted over the
skin creases of the hands (above) and tongue (below) (Courtesy of Dr. Soh Shui Boon)

Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency non-specific, and this can lead to a delay in

diagnosis. Other symptoms include nausea,
Patients with either primary or secondary adre- vomiting and diarrhoea. Orthostatic hypoten-
nal insufficiency may present chronically with sion may occur as cortisol is required to main-
complains of fatigue, lethargy, weakness, tain vascular tone [21], and it potentiates
decrease in appetite and anorexia, which are catecholamine action [22].
34  Managing Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis 443

Table 34.3  Clinical features of primary and secondary p­ recipitant for developing an adrenal crisis [19,
adrenal insufficiency 20, 25, 26]. Gastroenteritis is the most common
Primary adrenal Secondary adrenal precipitant of adrenal crisis, and this may be due
insufficiency insufficiency to intestinal absorption of replacement exoge-
Fatigue and loss of Fatigue
nous glucocorticoids being directly affected [19,
weight Gastrointestinal symptoms
Hyperpigmentation (abdominal pain, diarrhoea, 20, 25, 26]. Other common precipitants include
Gastrointestinal nausea and vomiting) medical illness such as febrile illness and respira-
symptoms (abdominal Symptoms of other anterior tory infections. Surgical stress can also lead to an
pain, diarrhoea, nausea pituitary hormone
adrenal crisis, and prophylactic glucocorticoid
and vomiting) deficiencies may occur
Hypotension (postural) Cushingoid features (moon stress doses should be administered periproce-
Salt craving face, thin skin and easy dure (discussed later), with close monitoring
Vitiligo bruising) may be seen in thereafter. Psychological stress has also been
Muscle spasms patients on long-term or
implicated to precipitate adrenal crisis [26].
supraphysiological doses of
exogenous steroids Sudden withdrawal of glucocorticoids contrib-
Elevated ACTH Low/inappropriately normal uted to a crisis in 10% of cases [20, 26], and this
Hyperkalaemia ACTH may not always be intentional, as some patients
Normokalemia may be unaware that they are receiving glucocor-
ticoid treatment. Omission of replacement ste-
 cute Adrenal Insufficiency
A roids periprocedure for fasted patients can be
(Adrenal Crisis) another reason.

Acute adrenal insufficiency or adrenal crisis can

be defined as “an acute deterioration in a patient Risk Factors for Adrenal Crisis
with adrenal insufficiency”, with “a principal
manifestation of hypotension or hypovolemic  rimary Adrenal Insufficiency
shock” [23]. They may also have altered senso- and Comorbidities
rium, such as confusion or even coma. In addition Patients with primary adrenal insufficiency have
to symptoms of anorexia and fatigue as men- concomitant mineralocorticoid deficiency and
tioned, gastrointestinal symptoms may be domi- are at increased risk of adrenal crisis [18, 27].
nant, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting Patients with other comorbidities, such as type 1
and diarrhoea. Hence, patients may be misdiag- and type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypogonadism [19,
nosed as an acute abdomen. Marked laboratory 25] and diabetes insipidus [20], were also found
abnormalities may also be present. This is a to be associated with a higher risk of adrenal
­medical emergency, and delay in treatment can crisis.
lead to rapid deterioration and death.
Acute adrenal crisis may be the first presenta-  teroids and Other Drugs
tion of a patient with undiagnosed adrenal insuf- The most common cause of adrenal insufficiency
ficiency, occurring in up to 50% of patients with is exogenous steroid use, and these patients are
Addison’s disease [24]. Hence, there is a need to also at risk of an adrenal crisis. Risk of adrenal
have a high index of suspicion, particularly in suppression with exogenous steroids is higher
patients with possible causes or associated condi- with systemic steroids, more potent steroids (e.g.
tions of adrenal insufficiency as shown in Tables dexamethasone, prednisolone) and longer dura-
34.1 and 34.2. tion of use [16]. One study showed a correlation
between adrenal suppression and the duration
and cumulative doses of steroids, with 29 of 60
Precipitants of an Adrenal Crisis patients (48.3%) having adrenal insufficiency
after prednisolone was withdrawn at an average
In addition to underlying chronic adrenal insuffi- dose of 7 mg [28]. Unfortunately, there is no sin-
ciency, in more than 90% of cases, there is a gle dose or duration at which adrenal suppression
444 T. H. Puar and K. Jeyaraman

occurs, due to interindividual variability in sensi- 22 pmol/L (in primary adrenal insufficiency) or
tivity, and it can occur with prednisolone doses of inappropriately normal/low ACTH (in secondary
less than 5 mg daily for 1–4 weeks [29]. adrenal insufficiency) [7, 9]. As ACTH and corti-
Weak glucocorticoids like megestrol and sol are secreted in a circadian manner, it is best to
medroxyprogesterone can cause adrenal sup- assess for inadequate cortisol levels in the early
pression at therapeutic doses [16]. Topical or morning ~7–8 am, when levels are expected to be
inhaled steroids may have adequate systemic at its peak in normal physiological states. A low
absorption to cause adrenal suppression [16]. 8 am cortisol <138 nmol/L (<5 μg/dL) is strongly
Co-treatment with itraconazole [30] or ritonavir suggestive of adrenal insufficiency [37], while
[31], which impair hepatic CYP3A metabolism levels >550  nmol/L (>20  μg/dL) generally
of steroids, will increase this risk. Other drugs excludes the diagnosis of AI [38]. It should be
may also precipitate adrenal crisis, by inhibiting noted that serum cortisol levels may be affected
adrenal steroid production (e.g. ketoconazole, by differences in assays, protein or nutritional
fluconazole) [32] or increasing peripheral metab- status [39], binding to cortisol-binding globulin
olism of circulating steroids, e.g. levothyroxine [40] and cross reactivity to exogenous hydrocor-
[33], phenytoin, rifampicin and phenobarbitone tisone and prednisolone. In patients with serum
[34]. cortisol between these levels, a dynamic test to
stimulate cortisol production can be done, in the
 revious Adrenal Crisis
P form of a corticotropin stimulation test or insulin
Previous episodes of an adrenal crisis is another tolerance test.
important risk factor [19, 26], although it is In corticotropin stimulation test, baseline cor-
important to stress that in some patients, their tisol and ACTH levels are taken. Following
first crisis is fatal [26]. Hence, adrenal crisis which, 250  μg of corticotropin is administered
remains a serious problem facing these patients. intravenous or intramuscular, with cortisol levels
taken 30 and 60 min after infusion. It is generally
accepted that cortisol levels >550  nmol/L post-
Investigations stimulation reflect an adequate adrenal response
Initial Biochemistry In patients with chronic hypothalamic-­
pituitary disease, there is decreased adrenal
Hyponatraemia is common in acute adrenal response to ACTH stimulation, leading to a
insufficiency and is contributed by unregulated blunted response [44]. Institution of corticotro-
antidiuretic hormone release, leading to impaired pin 250  μg leads to supraphysiological serum
free water excretion from the kidneys [35, 36]. In levels of synthetic corticotropin, which may be
addition, in primary adrenal insufficiency, miner- able to stimulate the intact but hypoplastic adre-
alocorticoid deficiency leads to hyponatremia nals, producing a ‘normal’ result (false nega-
and concomitant hyperkalaemia. Other biochem- tive). An alternative is the low-dose 1  μg
istry findings include uraemia from dehydration, corticotropin stimulation test with evaluation of
eosinophilia and hypoglycaemia. Hypercalcemia cortisol levels at 15  min and 30  min [37].
is uncommon, but has been described in several However, it remains controversial if it adds any
cases, and attributed to decreased renal calcium value to the 250  μg test [45, 46]. More impor-
excretion and increased bone resorption [7, 9]. tantly, corticotropin stimulation test should not
be conducted within the first 6  weeks after a
pituitary insult or surgery. During this period,
Diagnostic Tests the adrenals may not have undergone atrophy yet
and are still able to mount a normal response to
Patients with adrenal insufficiency have low cor- exogenous corticotropin. This gives a false reas-
tisol levels, with either a high ACTH, above surance that the adrenals are functioning
34  Managing Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis 445

normally, when they may progressively lose

function over time.
In an insulin tolerance test, intravenous insulin
is administered to the patient to induce hypogly-
caemia, which is a strong stimulus for CRH,
ACTH and cortisol production and release. It
evaluates the entire hypothalamic-pituitary-­
adrenal axis in contrast to corticotropin stimula-
tion test which only evaluates the adrenal
reserves. Similarly, peak cortisol levels
>550  nmol/L excludes the diagnosis of adrenal
insufficiency. However, this test requires close
monitoring by a physician, and it is contraindi-
cated in patients with a history of seizures or car-
Fig. 34.2  Patient presented with symptoms of nausea
diovascular disease, elderly patients and those and vomiting, and computed tomography of the abdomen
with established adrenal insufficiency (8 am cor- showed bilateral adrenal infiltration. Patient had adrenal
tisol <138 nmol/L) [47]. insufficiency from adrenal lymphoma (Courtesy of Dr.
Tay Tunn Lin)

Further Investigations
Patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency
should be assessed clinically for an underlying  cute Adrenal Insufficiency (Adrenal
etiology. They may have hyperfunctioning Crisis)
pituitary tumours (acromegaly) or panhypopi-
tuitarism from surgery or a non-functioning Acute adrenal insufficiency (or Addisonian cri-
pituitary adenoma. Further investigations may sis) is a medical emergency. It is important to
include assessing the other anterior pituitary have a high index of suspicion. This includes sus-
hormones (prolactin, IGF-1, TSH, FSH, LH, pecting the diagnosis in a patient with known
free T4 and sex hormones) and a MRI of the chronic adrenal insufficiency, or with risk factors
pituitary gland. for AI (e.g. previous pituitary or adrenal surgery,
Patients with primary adrenal insufficiency chronic exogenous steroid use), who presents
may also have low aldosterone and elevated with symptoms and signs of acute adrenal insuf-
renin. Adrenal autoantibodies to CYP21A2, if ficiency (nausea, vomiting, lethargy, hypoten-
available, may be sent [48, 49]. A chest radio- sion). It is paramount that treatment is not delayed
graph may reveal pulmonary tuberculosis. A for the purpose of investigation [9, 23]. Baseline
computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen blood tests can be drawn (random cortisol, aldo-
can be done to detect any adrenal pathology, sterone, ACTH, renin) before empirical treatment
such as tuberculosis, lymphoma or haemor- is instituted immediately. Similar cut-offs for
rhage (Fig.  34.2). In patients with Addison’s diagnosis as mentioned above may be used.
disease, one should consider screening for Patients with equivocal results can be reassessed
other autoimmune conditions, such as thyroid for adrenal insufficiency at a later point, after
dysfunction and pernicious anaemia. An algo- their acute illness has resolved.
rithm for the work-­up of a patient with sus- The principals of treatment are fluid resuscita-
pected adrenal insufficiency is provided in tion and steroid replacement. Intravenous saline
Fig. 34.3. infusion should be given without delay (e.g. 1 L
446 T. H. Puar and K. Jeyaraman

? Adrenal Insufficiency

Yes Empirical treatment for

assumed adrenal crisis
1. (Send off cortisol, ACTH, renin,
Serum cortisol 8am aldosterone just before instituting
treatment. Do not delay treatment)
2. 0.9% saline 1L over 1hr, and further
<138nmol/L 138-549 nmol/L ≥550 nmol/L fluids depending on clinical status
3. IV hydrocortisone 100mg stat, followed by
200mg / 24hr (divided doses or infusion)
Corticotropin test or
insulin tolerance test: Serum cortisol result
Peak Serum cortisol

<550 nmol/L ≥550 nmol/L Not adrenal

insufficiency <138nmol/L 138-549 nmol/L
≥550 nmol/L
Adrenal Insufficiency
Treat for adrenal insufficiency.
ACTH Equivo cal result
Taper to replacement doses Not adrenal
To continue to treat as for
with clinical resolution insufficiency
adrenal insufficiency.
Taper to replacement
High (>22pmol/L) Low or inappropriately doses with clinical
normal (<11 pmol/L) resolution. Stop steroids
Other features:
Hyperpigmentation Evaluate with dynamic test
Hyperkalemia when clinically stable.
Low aldosterone, high renin

Primary Adrenal Secondary Adrenal

Insufficiency Insufficiency

Autoantibodies to
Cushingoid features Yes
CXR (tuberculosis Hydrocortisone 15-20mg daily,
/ Use of exogenous
CT Adrenal and tail off gradually
(infiltration /
hemorrhage) No
Any features of acromegaly or
bitemporal hemianopia?
Anterior pituitary hormones
1. Hydrocortisone 20-25mg daily MRI pituitary gland
2. Adequate salt intake, and
fludrocortisone 50-200mcg daily Hydrocortisone 15-20mg daily

Fig. 34.3  Algorithm for the investigation and management of a patient with suspected adrenal insufficiency

saline 0.9% over 1 h) to replete the salt and water myocardial infarction. With appropriate treat-
loss that has resulted from adrenal insufficiency ment of hypocortisolism, there should be rapid
[38, 50], with further fluids guided by clinical improvement of hypotension within the first
status. A dextrose-containing solution may be 1–2 h [17, 51]. Glucocorticoid replacement doses
required to correct hypoglycaemia. can be gradually tapered to physiological doses
Parental glucocorticoids should be given, e.g. with clinical resolution.
100 mg hydrocortisone IV or IM bolus, followed
by 200 mg hydrocortisone daily (in divided doses
or infusion) [43, 50]. In some institutions, paren- Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency
tal prednisolone has also been used. 50  mg or
more of hydrocortisone per day contains ade- Normal adrenals produce about 5–10  mg/m2
quate mineralocorticoid activity, and additional body surface area of cortisol daily [52, 53], which
fludrocortisone is not required [38]. The underly- works out to a daily dose of hydrocortisone
ing precipitant of acute AI should also be 15–25  mg/day. Patients with primary adrenal
addressed, such as infection, anaemia or acute insufficiency may require slightly higher doses
34  Managing Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis 447

(20–25 mg/day) compared to those with second- produced mainly from the adrenals. A trial of
ary adrenal insufficiency (15–20  mg/day) [54]. DHEA therapy (25–50  mg) given in the morn-
Other glucocorticoids include prednisolone, ings may be considered in patients with primary
prednisone and dexamethasone. They differ in adrenal insufficiency if symptoms of low libido,
their potency, duration of action and mineralo- low energy levels or depression persist despite
corticoid activity. 10  mg of hydrocortisone is adequate glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid
roughly equivalent to about 2  mg prednisolone, replacement [7, 43]. The target will be a mid-­
or 0.25 mg dexamethasone [54]. Hydrocortisone normal DHEAS levels in the morning (pre-dose).
has a short duration of action and is often given in However, if there is no clinical improvement
two to three divided doses per day, e.g. 10  mg after 6 months, this should be discontinued [43].
upon waking, 5 mg at midday and 5 mg at 4 pm,
to mimic the normal circadian rhythm.
Prednisolone is more potent and has longer dura- Prevention
tion of action. Prednisolone can be given as a
single 3–5 mg dose in the morning, which is an In patients with an intact hypothalamic-pituitary-­
alternative in patients with reduced compliance adrenal axis, there is a normal physiologic
[43]. Dexamethasone is a potent glucocorticoid, response to stress, with increased endogenous
with almost no mineralocorticoid activity and has glucocorticoid production. However, patients
a long duration of action, which can lead to sup- with chronic adrenal insufficiency on replace-
pression of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. In ment are reliant on exogenous steroids and need
patients with tertiary adrenal insufficiency from to increase their exogenous steroid intake in peri-
exogenous steroid use, there are no prospective ods of physiological stress. Failure to do so can
trials assessing an optimal withdrawal method. lead to acute adrenal crisis. Hence, it is para-
However, hydrocortisone is generally preferred mount for patients to be well educated in manag-
as it is the least potent and suppressive, and its ing their illness and crisis prevention.
shorter duration of action allows for axis recov- Generally, with mild illness (e.g. non-febrile
ery in between doses [16]. To monitor for ade- viral illness), patients do not require additional
quate glucocorticoid replacement, patients stress doses and should be advised as such. This
should be assessed for resolution of symptoms is important as unnecessary additional glucocor-
(e.g. lethargy, orthostatic hypotension, hypona- ticoids can also have adverse Cushingoid effects
traemia), as well as avoidance of overtreatment such as weight gain, increased risk of hyperten-
(Cushingoid effects like excessive weight gain, sion and diabetes mellitus.
hypertension, hyperglycaemia). Increased steroid requirements depend on the
Patients with primary adrenal insufficiency anticipated medical or surgical stress. In patients
have concomitant mineralocorticoid deficiency. with minor febrile illness that can be managed at
They should receive adequate salt intake from home, patients are advised to double their steroid
their diet and may also require additional miner- intake during the period of fever and to revert to
alocorticoid replacement. Hydrocortisone 20 mg their usual doses after resolution of illness. In
has about the same mineralocorticoid activity as gastroenteritis, patients should exercise extra
50  μg of fludrocortisone. Patients with primary caution as persistent vomiting or diarrhoea
adrenal insufficiency usually still require another reduces enteral absorption of glucocorticoid
50–200  μg of fludrocortisone daily. Similarly, replacement. Patients may be required to do self-­
patients should be monitored for resolution of injection of intramuscular hydrocortisone and
orthostatic hypertension and hyperkalaemia and subsequently seek medical attention (Table 34.4).
avoidance of excessive replacement (e.g. periph- Self-administration of intramuscular hydro-
eral oedema, hypokalaemia). cortisone should be taught to both patients and
In women with primary and secondary adrenal their family members. In an impending adrenal
insufficiency, DHEA levels are lower, as this is crisis, patients may have altered sensorium, and
448 T. H. Puar and K. Jeyaraman

Table 34.4  Sick day rules for patients with adrenal Websites [61] and online educational videos [62]
insufficiency and on long-term replacement steroids— also serve as a useful aid for further information.
during medical illness
When travelling, patients should be advised to
Anyone who feels seriously unwell should take carry additional medication on their bodies at all
‘extra’ hydrocortisone (as detailed below), even if
they are not aware of fever or infection times (not only in checked-in luggages) and
Medical illness with • Double the normal daily include a doctor’s prescription or letter when car-
temperature more than steroid dose rying injectables across immigration borders. A
37.5 °C (99.5 °F) (no increase in new European emergency card may be brought
fludrocortisone is
along on travels, which contains information of
• Seek medical help if the the patient’s condition in English, as well as in
temperature reaches various local languages [63]. Caution should be
40 °C (104 °F) exercised when travelling to distant parts of the
• As soon as the
world where medical access may be difficult, and
temperature returns to
normal, the steroid dose patients should avoid food sources that may
should be gradually increase their risk of gastroenteritis.
tapered back to normal
daily dose
In event of vomiting or • Take an additional oral
diarrhoea hydrocortisone 20 mg  anaging Patients with Adrenal
immediately and sip Insufficiency Perioperatively
fluids When these patients undergo elective or emer-
In event of repeated • Take intramuscular
gency procedures, it is important that the surgeon
vomiting or diarrhoea hydrocortisone 100 mg
immediately and seek and anaesthetist if present are aware that they are
medical help on chronic exogenous replacement steroids.
*Material reproduced with permission from the UK Additional steroid cover is dependent on the
Addison’s disease self-help group (ADSHG, UK), mate- expectant surgical stress (Table 34.5). For exam-
rial formulated by the UK Addison’s Clinical Advisory ple, a patient going for elective colonoscopy
Panel (ACAP)
should receive parental hydrocortisone 100  mg
during the purgative preparation, another 100 mg
may not be able to do self-injections or seek help at the start of procedure, and double their usual
[55]. Hence, it is ideal that close family members oral steroids doses after the procedure. They
or friends are aware of their illness and can take should then tail down the oral doses to their usual
action when needed. Self-administration is par- doses on the day after procedure. On the other
ticularly important if they live in places where hand, a patient undergoing a major surgery (e.g.
emergency medical care may be hours away. coronary artery bypass) should receive parenteral
There is hope that a hydrocortisone pen could be hydrocortisone 100  mg just before anaesthesia,
developed in the future, allowing easier delivery followed by 200  mg/day (in divided doses or
of subcutaneous hydrocortisone to avert an adre- infusion) on the first surgical day, with tapered
nal crisis [56–58]. In addition, all patients should doses subsequently depending on clinical status.
be advised to carry a medic alert card or necklace Studies have shown that patients with intact adre-
on their bodies at all times, with information on nal glands produce increased glucocorticoids
their condition in cases of emergency [59]. during acute surgical stress, but this reverts rap-
The importance of education and repeatedly idly to normal physiological levels by the second
assessing for this at each visit cannot be overem- to fourth postoperative day in uncomplicated
phasized. Numerous studies have showed that cases [64, 65]. Hence, if patients have a normal
patients may not be confident of self-injection postoperative recovery, steroid doses can be
despite keeping the injection kits at home [19, reduced by the second to fourth postoperative
60]. Patient support groups can be helpful [60]. day. Patients who have recovered enteral function
34  Managing Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis 449

Table 34.5  Recommendations prior to surgery and inva- more prolonged and the clinical course more
sive procedures for patients with adrenal insufficiency and unpredictable. Generally, in acutely ill patients
on long-term replacement steroids
who require intensive care management should
Major surgery • Any surgery will require also receive 200 mg /day of hydrocortisone, with
intramuscular or intravenous steroid
injection subsequent tapered doses depending on the clini-
• Administer 100 mg IM or cal condition.
50–100 mg IV hydrocortisone just
before anaesthesia
• Post procedure, continuous Conclusion
IV infusion 200 mg/24 h or 100 mg Adrenal insufficiency remains an important
IM or IV every 6 h is given until diagnosis for physicians and surgeons to be
able to eat and drink. Then double aware of, as it can masquerade as various
oral dose for 48+ h, then taper to
normal dose other conditions. Treatment is readily avail-
Minor • 100 mg IV/ IM hydrocortisone just able, with good ­outcomes. Patients with adre-
surgery and before anaesthesia nal insufficiency are always at risk of an acute
major dental • Post procedure, double oral dose adrenal crisis when they have an intercurrent
surgery for 24 h, then return to normal dose
illness or stressors such as surgery, which
Major dental • Double dose (up to 20 mg oral
surgery hydrocortisone) 1 h before surgery, should be prevented with additional exoge-
(under local or 50–100 mg IM hydrocortisone nous steroids. Patients should all be educated
anaesthesia) just before anaesthesia on intramuscular hydrocortisone self-­
Labour and • 100 mg IM hydrocortisone at onset injections to avert a crisis. Intravenous saline
vaginal birth of labour and then 6 hourly until
infusion and parenteral glucocorticoids are the
• Double oral dose for vaginal birth mainstay of treatment for an adrenal crisis.
for 24–48 h after delivery. If well,
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Part IV
Gastric and Duodenal
Neuroendocrine Tumours 35
Asim Shabbir, Jimmy So,
and Hrishikesh Salgaonkar

Gastric neuroendocrine tumours (GNETs) arise used by Oberdorfer in 1907 to describe a

in enterochromaffin cells. They are rare neo- carcinoma-­ like tumour with less malignant
plasms and account for 1% of all gastric neo- potential with a broad spectrum of clinical behav-
plasms; however, the incidence has been iours [1, 2]. The neuroendocrine cells have a
increasing over the last decade. The increase in unique capacity to synthesize and secrete hor-
diagnosis is due to high incidence of chronic mones and neuropeptides which play an impor-
atrophic gastritis and intensive screening on tant role in gastrointestinal physiology [3] and
endoscopy. Four types of GNETs have been can be identified by specific markers such as
­identified: type 1 is well differentiated and is chromogranin A and synaptophysin [4]. GNETs
­usually benign; type 2 is associated with multiple are heterogeneous tumours with unique clinical
endocrine neoplasia (MEN1); type 3 is sporadic, syndromes and symptoms but may be asymptom-
­well-­differentiated neuroendocrine low-grade atic and discovered incidentally.
carcinoma with a high incidence of metastasis;
and type 4 is poorly differentiated, high-grade
carcinoma with the worst prognosis. The treat- Epidemiology
ment of GNETs is dependent on the size of the
lesion and type, with well-defined treatment The prevalence of GNETs has been estimated at
strategies for types 2, 3 and 4. The treatment of 35 per 100,000 population [5] and incidence
type 1 GNET is controversial. In advanced inop- between 1.2 and 1.8 per 1,000,000 persons per
erable disease treatment, choices are based on year [6]. The incidence of gastric NETs has been
tumour factors and presence of symptoms. shown to increase from 2% to 6% during the time
period 1950 to 2007, based on figures from SEER
data in the United States and Norway [7–9]. The
Introduction increasing incidence could be explained by
increased access to endoscopy through surveil-
Neuroendocrine tumours were initially called as lance, increasing biopsies of polyps, enhanced
carcinoid tumours arising from enterochromaffin imaging, improved immunohistochemistry and
or Kulchitsky cells. The term carcinoid was first better understanding of the disease [3, 10–12].
The frequency of GNETs amongst all gastroin-
A. Shabbir (*) · J. So · H. Salgaonkar
testinal NETs (GINETs) is about 5–15% [7, 9,
Division of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, National
University Hospital Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 10, 13], and it is the most common of all GINETs,
e-mail: with majority of them being benign [13].

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 455

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
456 A. Shabbir et al.

The increasing use of proton pump inhibitors has ated with ECL cell hypertrophy [23] and hyper-
possibly also contributed to increase in GNETs, plasia [24–28]. The type 1 and 2 GNETs develop
but the causality has not been proven [14, 15]. through the sequence of hyperplasia-­dysplasia-­
The mean age at which the disease presents is neoplasia similar to the adenoma carcinoma
around 60–64 years [13, 16–18], with higher age sequence [29]. Type 3 and 4 GNETs do not have
in Asian population [19], and most frequent type hypergastrinemia as the underlying cause and
is GNET type 1, with a predilection for women occur as sporadic tumours.
[20]. Variations in relation to race have also been
described [5, 9].
Types of Gastric NET

Pathogenesis of GNETs There are essentially four types of GNETs: type

1 which is well differentiated and is benign; type
The gastric mucosa is divided into the proximal 2, associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia
oxyntic gland area (the proximal 80% of the (MEN1); type 3, sporadic, well-differentiated
stomach that includes the body and fundus) and neuroendocrine low-grade carcinoma with a high
the distal antral or pyloric gland area which syn- incidence of metastasis; and type 4, poorly dif-
thesizes, stores and secretes gastrin. Gastrin acts ferentiated, high-grade carcinoma associated
on enterochromaffin-like cells to regulate gastric with the worst prognosis [30]. The clinicopatho-
acid production. The enterochromaffin (ECL) logical characteristics of four types of GNETs
cells are seen in the fundus and are the principal are shown in Table 35.1.
endocrine cell type of the stomach, where they
account for 35% of the total oxyntic endocrine
cells in humans [21]. The proliferation and acti- Type 1 GNET
vation of the ECL cell are primarily regulated by
the levels of gastrin concentration and initiation Type 1 is the most frequent type of GNET and
of signal transduction via the cholecystokinin 2 accounts for 75% of all GNETs [31]. They are
receptor in the gastric body and fundus [22]. generally benign and associated with chronic
Factors which can increase the serum gastrin atrophic gastritis which may be immune or non-­
level such as gastrin infusion, partial fundectomy, immune related. The tumours are often multiple,
antral isolation from acid, inhibition of acid of a small size with median diameter of 5 mm and
secretion by H2 receptor antagonists, or proton located at the gastric body or fundus [32]. The
pump inhibitors have been shown to be associ- tumours may be broad based or polypoidal or

Table 35.1  Clinicopathological characteristics of GNETs

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Frequency 70–80% 5% 15–20% Rare
Focality Multifocal Multifocal Solitary Solitary
Size 0.5–1 cm Less than 1.5 cm Variable Large
Associated Chronic atrophic MEN1 None None
conditions gastritis ZES
Histology Well differentiated Well Well differentiated Poorly
differentiated differentiated
pH Achlorhydria Hyper acidic Normal Normal
Gastrin Very high Very high Normal Normal
Clinical Benign 1/3rd risk of 2/3rd with invasion and lymph Metastasis
behaviour metastasis node metastasis common
Metastases Less than 10% 10–30% 50–100% 80–100%
Mortality Uncommon Less than 10% 25–30% More than 50%
35  Gastric and Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumours 457

flat. The broad based may present with ulceration about 3 cm [33]. Majority of the tumours are in
or bleeding. The polypoid lesions may mimic the body and fundus of the stomach and are likely
hyperplastic polyps. The smaller GNETs are to show invasion beyond the muscularis propria
benign with very low risk of invasion beyond the and involve all the layers of the gastric wall.
submucosa. Larger lesions are also predomi- Lymph node metastasis is seen in about two third
nantly benign with risk of invasion into the mus- of patients at the time of diagnosis.
cularis propria in less than 10% of cases [33].
Chronic atrophic gastritis-associated GNETs are
associated with lymph node metastasis in 5% and Type 4 GNETs
distant metastasis in around 2% [31, 33].
The type 4 GNETs are also known as poorly dif-
ferentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas. They are
Type 2 GNET extremely malignant and present with extensive
local invasion and metastases at time of diagnosis
Type 2 GNETs occur in patients with MEN1 and [38]. These tumours are not associated with
gastrin-producing tumours and constitute about hypergastrinemia or carcinoid syndrome. The
6–8% of all GNETs [34]. ECL cell hyperplasia is location of the tumours may be in the gastric cor-
seen in about 80% of patients with MEN1 associ- pus or fundus, but about a fifth of them may be
ated with ZES and usually seen in the fundus [33, seen in the antrum and are quite large, which are
35]. The type 2 tumours develop in hyperplasia-­ often ulcerated or fungating [39]. The tumours on
dysplasia-­neoplasia sequence and are usually histological examination show necrosis, signifi-
associated with diffuse hyperplasia. The develop- cant atypia, mitosis and high proliferation index
ment of type 2 GNETs is not seen in patients with measured by Ki-67 staining. Prognosis of patients
sporadic Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES) and with type 4 GNETs is generally very poor.
almost invariably seen in ZES associated with
MEN1 [36]. They are usually multiple and
smaller than 1.5  cm but larger than type 1 Investigations
tumours. The risk of malignancy in type 2
tumours is intermediate between type 1 and spo- The mainstay of investigations in GNETs is
radic NETs, with only 10% of cases infiltrating oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD). It is
beyond the submucosa. Lymph node metastasis important to record the number and size of the
is seen in up to a third of patients and distant lesions, with biopsies of the lesions and normal
metastasis in about 10–20% of patients [33]. areas of the gastric mucosa from the greater and
lesser curves for comparison of ECL density [37,
40]. Type 1 lesions with a size less than 1 cm do
Type 3 GNETs not usually require any further assessment.
Assessment of H. pylori is important as its infec-
Type 3 GNETs are distinct to type 1 and 2 tion is associated with atrophic gastritis in type 1
tumours in that they are sporadic and solitary and and type 3 lesions [41]. A pH assessment using
account for 15–20% of all GNETs. They have no indicator strips at endoscopy or 24-h gastric pH
association with hypergastrinemia and occur study helps clarifying when there is uncertainty
without the presence of endocrine cell prolifera- of GNETs.
tion [37]. Clinically the tumours may present Following a diagnosis of GNETs, endo-
with bleeding, obstruction or metastasis. These scopic ultrasound (EUS) is performed to evalu-
tumours are much more aggressive and a good ate the depth of invasion of the lesions,
proportion of patients present with disseminated especially in type 1 and 2 lesions more than
disease [37]. The sporadic variants are generally 1 cm and all type 3 and 4 lesions [42, 43]. The
large with more than 70% having a mean size of added value of EUS is its ability to reveal
458 A. Shabbir et al.

lesions in the pancreas or duodenum in MEN1 Type 1 GNETs

patients and detect metastasis in the liver and
regional lymph nodes [43]. Computed tomogra- The treatment of type 1 GNETs is controversial
phy (CT) and MRI scans are needed to delin- as many of these polyps behave in an indolent
eate tumour anatomy and detect regional and manner with minimal risk of invasion and metas-
distant metastasis. Scintigraphy with soma- tasis [38]. Hooper et  al. suggested that lesions
tostatin analogues may reveal metastatic spread less than 1 cm in size only require annual endo-
for NETs [42, 44]. scopic surveillance, and those more than 1  cm
Biochemical evaluation includes measuring without any features of invasion on EUS are
plasma chromogranin A (CgA), plasma hista- treated with endoscopic mucosal resection or
mine, plasma serotonin and plasma gastrin. band mucosectomy [49]. A prospective study on
Elevated gastrin levels are seen in type 1 and 2 endoscopic management of type 1 lesions
GNETs and normal in types 3 and 4. CgA is reported a recurrence rate of about 63%, but
secreted by ECL cells and is elevated in chronic repeat endoscopy and biopsy every 6–12 months
atrophic gastritis and ECL cell hyperplasia but demonstrated a 100% survival without any evi-
may also be elevated in patients on PPI therapy, dence of locoregional or distant spread [50]. In
renal failure and cardiac disease. CgA is the most 2015, the National Comprehensive Cancer
important tumour marker to assess response to Network (NCCN) in its guidelines recommended
therapy and to monitor for any recurrence that all tumours smaller than 20 mm in size with-
[45–47]. out any features of invasion of the muscularis
Histological assessment of GNETs can be propria or metastasis should be subjected to sim-
challenging. Type 1 and 2 tumours stain posi- ple surveillance or endoscopic resection (ER),
tively for argyrophil, argentaffin and CgA [37], regardless of the tumour number [51], while for
whereas type 3 usually stains for argyrophil, tumours greater than 20  mm, ER or surgical
CgA, neuron-specific enolase, synaptophysin resection is recommended, for single as well as
and S-100 but not for argentaffin. The histologi- multiple tumours. The European Neuroendocrine
cal classification is based on grade and differen- Tumor Society (ENETS) in its guidelines recom-
tiation based on mitotic count and Ki-67 index. mended ER as the treatment of choice for type 1
The World Health Organization 2010 classifica- GNETs. Surgical resection is only advocated for
tion system for neuroendocrine neoplasms is poorly differentiated lesions, invasive tumour
shown in Table 35.2 [48]. infiltrating beyond the submucosa, involvement
of lymph nodes or distant metastasis [52].
Controversy also exists over the preferred ER
Treatment technique. For a well-localized type 1 GNET,
endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is recom-
Treatment of GNETs depends on the type of mended. But with better understanding of the dis-
GNET, tumour size, location, presence of locore- ease pathology, it was found that type 1 GNETs
gional spread and metastasis. commonly invade the submucosa, and hence in
such cases it may be difficult to achieve complete
resection by EMR or snare polypectomy. In cases
Table 35.2  World Health Organization 2010 classifica-
where submucosal involvement is suspected, it
tion system for neuroendocrine neoplasms
may be better to use endoscopic submucosal dis-
WHO grading of neuroendocrine neoplasms
section (ESD) techniques. In fact, multiple stud-
Grade 1 Mitotic rate less than 2
Ki-67 index less than 3% ies have shown that ESD is superior to EMR for
Grade 2 Mitotic rate of 2–20 achieving complete resection rates of GNETs
Ki-67 index of 3%–20% [53, 54]. Similarly, some studies have reported no
Grade 3 Mitotic rate greater than 20 tumour-related deaths in patients with type 1
Ki-67 index greater than 20% GNETs who were subjected to endoscopic
35  Gastric and Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumours 459

s­urveillance alone without any treatment [55– injections of long-acting somatostatin analogues
57]. Hence, it may be reasonable to suggest endo- every month [63]. Thought to reduce G-cell-­
scopic surveillance in selected patients of type 1 mediated gastrin secretion and ECL hypertrophy,
GNETs. Small localized tumour in elderly discontinuation of therapy usually results in rise
patients, those unfit or not willing for any active in gastrin levels [64]. Netazepide (YF476), an
intervention and multiple comorbidities are suit- orally active and highly selective drug which is a
able candidates for endoscopic surveillance alone potent human gastrin/CCK-2 receptor antagonist,
taking into consideration the possibility of has been shown to reduce gastrin secretion and
increased risk of local invasion or metastasis dur- serum chromogranin A levels. It also reduces the
ing the follow-up. number and size of type 1 GNETs [65]. However,
Some studies recommend surgical resection similar to somatostatin analogues, the CgA levels
for patients with multifocal lesions, if any one of increase once therapy is discontinued [66].
them is larger than 1 cm or in the presence of a Though initial results are promising, further con-
single lesion more than 2 cm. Type 1 GNETs in trolled studies are needed before advocating use
association with chronic atrophic gastritis or of netazepide.
recurrent type 1 GNETs may require an antrec-
tomy to eliminate the source of gastrin produc-
tion and thus result in tumour regression [58–60]. Type 2 GNETs
Antrectomy may not completely prevent recur-
rence or metastasis [61]. Though surgical inter- All type 2 GNETs need excision due to higher
vention has its own complications and associated risk of lymph node involvement and metastasis.
morbidity, patients with type 1 GNETs who Local excision is required for localized lesions
undergo antrectomy have lower recurrence risk with endoscopic resection [67]. Surgery is an
and require fewer follow-up endoscopies as com- option for those with invasive disease or metasta-
pared to patients who undergo ER or endoscopic sis [40]. Antrectomy has limited role in the man-
surveillance alone. Antrectomy removes the agement of type 2 lesions more than 1  cm, and
G-cells and hence is thought to alleviate hyper- endoscopic mucosal resection may be considered
gastrinemia. Improper removal of G-cells or ECL in selective cases [42, 43]. A duodenotomy for
hypertrophy may result in failure to achieve exposure of both the pancreas and duodenum may
desired results. This is the basis for considering be required to remove gastrinomas and MEN1-
subtotal gastrectomy which allows for complete related pancreatic lesions in some cases [68–70].
removal of all the G-cells. Laparoscopy today A formal gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy
allows us to achieve the same results as open may be required for larger lesions [37, 42].
technique with all the benefits of minimal inva-
sive surgery. Total gastrectomy is needed in
patients with substantial disease in proximal Type 3 GNETs
stomach. Total gastrectomy with lymph node dis-
section is indicated for patients with serosal Type 3 GNETs are treated with gastrectomy
involvement, extra gastric spread or recurrence (either partial or total) with lymphadenectomy as
[62]. Exact extent of lymph nodal dissection the lesions are malignant, with high risk of metas-
depends upon the patient presentation and sur- tases [71, 72]. Typically, tumours more than
geon expertise as no clear consensus is found on 2  cm, atypical histology, invasion of the gastric
literature review. wall and local metastasis are best dealt with by
Medical management should be considered in gastrectomy [71, 73]. In patients with liver metas-
patients who are not candidates for surgical treat- tasis, which is seen in 25–50% of patients, liver
ment (such as patient age, comorbidities, prior resection may be necessary to obtain a R0 resec-
surgeries and compliance with medical therapy). tion [31, 52, 74]. Where resection of the liver
Medical management consists of intramuscular metastasis is not possible, hepatic artery
460 A. Shabbir et al.

embolization or chemoembolization and radio- Table 35.3  Requirements for curative surgery in meta-
frequency (RF) ablation may be employed [44]. static GNETs [80]
Systemic chemotherapy is offered to patients Resectable G1–G2 liver disease with acceptable
with high proliferative index and may be com- morbidity and less than 5% mortality
Absence of right heart insufficiency
bined with other modalities with a response rate
Absence of unresectable lymph nodes and extra-­
of 20–40% [44]. In patients who present with abdominal metastases
carcinoid syndrome associated with type 3 Absence of diffuse or unresectable carcinomatosis
GNET, somatostatin analogues may offer symp- peritonei
tomatic relief, with reduction in biochemical
markers and decrease in tumour size [67, 75]. patients with liver metastasis from GNETs in
whom standard medical and surgical therapies
have failed, liver transplantation is effective [84–
Type 4 GNETs 86]. The criteria for liver transplantation in meta-
static disease include the following [80]:
Type 4 the poorly differentiated neuroendocrine
cancers have an extremely poor prognosis, with a Mortality should be less than 10%.
survival of only a few months [76]. Surgical Absence of extrahepatic disease as determined
intervention is rarely possible, and most patients by PET/CT.
are treated with chemotherapy (combination of Primary tumour removed prior to
streptozotocin plus 5-FU alternated with adriam- transplantation.
ycin) or with a combination of cisplatin plus eto- Well-differentiated NET (NET G1, G2).
poside [77, 78]. The treatment of metastatic
GNET is discussed below. Other interventions that can be used as antitu-
mour treatments and to relieve symptoms in
patients with metastatic liver disease include radio-
 reatment of Liver Metastasis
T frequency ablation [87, 88], laser-induced thermo-
in GNETs therapy [89] and selective transarterial embolization
(TAE) or transarterial chemoembolization (TACE)
Metastatic GNETs usually metastasize to the liver [90, 91]. Similarly, medical therapies with antise-
and can present with or without symptoms. They cretory agents such as somatostatin analogues
are managed using surgery and locoregional and (octreotide, lanreotide) [92, 93], alpha interferon
systemic therapies [79, 80]. Surgical resection is [94–96] and PRRT with 177 Lu-DOTATATE [96,
the gold standard with reasonably high survival at 97] are used for treatment of tumours associated
60–80% at 5 years and morbidity around 30% [81– with hormonal hypersecretion.
83]. Curative surgery is recommended for patients
with operable well-­differentiated metastases from
GNETs, and the requirements are shown in Carcinoid Syndrome
Table  35.3. Metastasectomy is generally not rec-
ommended for poorly differentiated carcinomas. Though commonly seen with midgut neuroendo-
It is important to assess the amount and qual- crine tumour, carcinoid syndrome may rarely
ity of remnant liver prior to the resection of liver occur in patients with GNETs with liver metasta-
metastases. The amount of resection also depends sis. Patients present clinically with episodes of
upon whether the liver disease is unilobar or skin flushing mainly on the face, diarrhoea and
complex. The role of palliative debulking surgery abdominal cramps. Occasionally, hypotension
mandates at least 90% of tumour volume to be and bronchospasm may be seen. These
resected [80]. The role of adjuvant therapy manifestations are a result of secretion of
postsurgical resection is debatable. For selected histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, bradykinins,
35  Gastric and Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumours 461

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Pancreatic Neuroendocrine
Tumours 36
C. Chew and G. K. Bonney

Introduction Aetiology

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (pNETs) are pNETs were initially thought to arise from the
relatively rare. While they comprise of only islets of Langerhans, giving rise to names such as
1–2% of all pancreatic neoplasms [1], they pro- “islet cell tumours” or “islet cell carcinomas”.
voke great interest amongst clinicians due to the These terms are now deemed obsolete since
variety of symptoms with which they present and Vortmeyer et al. published their findings suggest-
multiple treatment options. While the overall ing that the origin of these neoplasms was in fact
prognosis of pNETs may be better than their exo- the pluripotent stem cells of the pancreatic duct-
crine counterparts, the 5-year survival rate is ules and acini [5]. The modern terminology of
approximately 55% with localized disease and as “pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours” is reflec-
low as 15% when the tumours are unresectable tive of the neural and epithelial features seen in
[2]. The incidence of pNETs has risen in the last these cells.
decade, largely contributed to by the improve- The molecular pathogenesis of pNETs is com-
ment of diagnostic imaging and wider use of plex and not fully understood. As with the major-
computer tomography (CT) scanning [3, 4]. This ity of neoplasms, mutations associated with
presents clinicians with the opportunity to study pNETs either occur sporadically or are inherited
the natural history of these tumours in greater as part of a genetic syndrome. In contrast to com-
detail, allowing us to further define more optimal mon non-endocrine gastrointestinal tumours,
modalities of treatment for this disease. This such as carcinoma of the colon or stomach, alter-
chapter highlights several developments and ations in common oncogenes such as ras, myc,
challenges regarding pNETs that have generated src, or tumour-suppressor genes such as p53 and
much debate amongst hepatobiliary surgeons retinoblastoma1 are not seen in pNETs. Instead,
about the future of treatment of this disease. alterations in genes such as the MEN1 gene, the
p16/MTS1 tumour suppressor gene, DAXX/
ATRX gene and the mTOR pathway have been
observed to be critical in the development of
pNETs [6]. Early studies of the MEN1 tumour
suppressor gene in patients with multiple endo-
C. Chew · G. K. Bonney (*) crine neoplasia (MEN) type 1 demonstrated that
Division of Hepatobiliary Surgery, National
University Hospital Singapore, Singapore, Singapore a germline inactivating mutation in one allele of
e-mail: the gene on chromosome 11q13 was followed by

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 467

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
468 C. Chew and G. K. Bonney

a second somatic mutation in the other allele, Table 36.1 WHO classification of neuroendocrine
which occurred by loss of heterozygosity or tumours and carcinomas
intragenic mutation [7, 8]. Since then, whole-­ Well-differentiated endocrine tumour
exome sequencing of pNETs has detected –  Benign behaviour
somatic inactivating mutations in the MEN1 gene    Confined to the pancreas
   Absence of angioinvasion
in 44% of sporadically occurring pNETs [6], a
   Absence of perineural invasion
finding that has since been validated by numer-
   <2 cm in diameter
ous other large-volume studies [9, 10].    <2 mitoses/10 HPF
Determining the genetic profile in sporadic    <2% Ki-67 activity
tumours may be of clinical and prognostic sig- –  Uncertain behaviour
nificance in the future as a growing number of    Confined to the pancreas and ≥ 2 cm in diameter
studies show that specific molecular alterations    2–10 mitoses/10 HPF
correlate with tumour grade and spread of the    >2% Ki-67 activity
disease [11, 12]. In addition to the aforemen-    Presence of angioinvasion
tioned MEN type 1 syndrome, several other    Presence of perineural invasion
Well-differentiated endocrine carcinoma
inherited syndromes such as von Hippel-Lindau
–  Low grade malignant
disease, neurofibromatosis type 1 and tuberous
–  Gross local invasion
sclerosis are also associated with the develop- – Metastasis
ment of pNETs. Poorly differentiated endocrine carcinoma
pNETs are classified into functional tumours –  High grade malignant
and non-functional tumours. Functional –  >10 mitoses/10 HPF
tumours induce specific clinical syndromes
through hormonal hypersecretion, while non- Table 36.2  Accuracy of invasive and non-invasive inves-
functional tumours either are void of hormonal tigations for insulinomas of the pancreas
secretion or secrete peptides that do not exhibit Investigation Accuracy (%)
a distinct pattern of clinical symptoms. It was Non-invasive 9–66
previously thought that functional tumours Ultrasound 50–80
were of the majority; however the wider use of Helical CT 40–70
MRI 17
diagnostic imaging now suggests the inverse.
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
Up to 90% of pNETs are non-functional Invasive tests 25–50
tumours and are more commonly diagnosed on Pancreatic angiogram 77–100
routine imaging [13]. Unfortunately, early Intraarterial calcium stimulation 80–94
diagnosis is rare with 60% of patients unfortu- Endoscopic ultrasound 40–93
nately presenting with metastatic disease [4].
The WHO classification for pNETs is shown in
Table 36.1. The classic Whipple’s triad is used in the diagno-
sis of insulinomas: (1) signs and symptoms of
hypoglycaemia during monitored fasting or exer-
Presentations, Investigations cise (2) with blood glucose levels of <45 mg/dL
and Treatment Options during such episodes and (3) resolution of these
symptoms with glucose intake [14]. Insulinomas
Insulinomas are the most common type of func- can be reliably diagnosed by the monitoring of
tional pNETs. They usually present as single, serum glucose, C-peptide and insulin during a
small benign tumours that arise almost exclu- 72-h fasting period. An elevated proinsulin level
sively in the pancreas, with an even distribution in combination with fasting hypoglycaemia has
across the head, body and tail of the pancreas been shown to be the most sensitive criterion [15].
[14]. While they can be associated with MEN1, Other tests have been employed and summarized
they are more often than not sporadic tumours. in Table 36.2.
36  Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours 469

Gastrinomas are pNETs that secrete high level of >1000 pg/mL, although symptoms have
levels of gastrin ectopically, producing gastric been reported in patients with plasma glucagon
acid hypersecretion otherwise known as levels <500 pg/mL [19, 20].
Zollinger-­Ellison syndrome. Ninety percent of VIPomas are characterized by inappropriate
gastrinomas are found within the gastrinoma secretion of vasoactive intestinal peptide. The
triangle, bound superiorly by the cystic and syndrome observed is also known as the Verner-­
common bile ducts, inferiorly by the second Morrison syndrome and comprises of symptoms
and third part of the duodenum and medially by of large-volume secretory diarrhoea, hypokalae-
the junction of the head and body of the pan- mia and dehydration [21]. These tumours are
creas. Within the triangle, two thirds of gastri- usually solitary arising in the pancreatic tail and
nomas arise from the pancreas and one third often present with hepatic metastases at diagno-
from the duodenum. Sporadic gastrinomas are sis. An elevated plasma VIP level of >500 pg/mL
typically solitary, while those that develop as in the presence of large-volume diarrhoea is diag-
part of MEN1 syndrome are often multifocal nostic of a VIPoma [22].
[16]. Although there is no absolute level of fast- The term “non-functional” pNET is a misno-
ing serum gastrin level that is diagnostic, a mer, as majority of such tumours in fact do
diagnosis can be made in 40–60% patients with secrete hormones, such as chromogranins A and
the typical clinical syndrome of symptomatic B, pancreatic polypeptide and other peptides,
peptic ulcer disease with a >10-fold elevation each of which does not produce specific symp-
above baseline and a gastric pH ≤2, given that toms [22, 23]. Non-­functional pancreatic tumours
retained antrum syndrome (though rare) has cause symptoms by localized mass effect of the
been ruled out [16, 17]. When a >10-­fold eleva- tumour itself. They commonly originate in the
tion is not seen, other causes such as antral pancreatic head, giving rise to symptoms of
G-cell hyperplasia or hyperfunction or H. pylori abdominal pain, jaundice and weight loss.
infections must be considered. A positive secre- Unfortunately, non-­functional pancreatic tumours
tin test is useful in differentiating a gastrinoma tend to present late in the course of the disease.
and is demonstrated by an increase in fasting The primary tumour is large (>5  cm) and inva-
gastrin levels of >120 pg/ml above baseline fol- sive, and hepatic metastases are often already
lowing the administration of a subcutaneous present [4, 24].
secretin injection [18]. The diagnosis of non-functional pNETs is
Glucagonomas are pNETs that secrete large made histologically in patients without raised
amounts of glucagon. The clinical picture pro- plasma hormones or clinical symptoms sugges-
duced is best explained by considering the physi- tive of a specific syndrome. Plasma pancreatic
ological effects of glucagon—symptoms of polypeptide is a sensitive marker for non-func-
glucose intolerance or diabetes are seen as a tional pNETs, but elevated levels are not diagnos-
result of the increased rates of gluconeogenesis tic as plasma pancreatic polypeptide is known to
stimulated by glucagonemia, and the characteris- be raised in several other conditions such as
tic form of dermatitis known as migratory chronic kidney disease and diabetes [25]. With
necrolytic erythema occurs as a result of
­ more routine imaging being done, non-functional
hypoaminoacidemia [19, 20]. Anaemia, diar- pNETs are being diagnosed at relatively smaller
rhoea and thromboembolism are also commonly sizes than before. While there are no clear treat-
seen. Unlike insulinomas and gastrinomas, glu- ment guidelines at present, management must
cagonomas tend to present as large tumours balance the morbidity of pancreatic surgery with
(5–10 cm), and a majority of them occur in the the relatively high risk of malignancy and metas-
pancreatic tail where the mass effect of the tasis. Historically, most clinicians would recom-
tumour is less pronounced than tumours originat- mend surgical resection for non-functional
ing in the pancreatic head [19]. Diagnosis pNETs larger than 3 cm and watchful waiting for
requires a demonstration of plasma glucagon smaller tumours [25].
470 C. Chew and G. K. Bonney

The goal of imaging is to achieve localization  urgical Management of Pancreatic

of the primary tumour and to determine extent of Neuroendocrine Tumours
disease. This knowledge is essential for reliable
prognostication of the disease and to establish the Surgical resection is the treatment of choice in
goals of treatment, be it for curative or palliative patients with localized and resectable disease.
intent using either surgical or systemic modali- Before proceeding with surgery, the patient’s
ties. Conventional imaging such as triple-phase ability to tolerate a major operation must first be
multidetector computed tomography (CT) scan is considered. The surgical approach is then chosen
60–83% sensitive in detecting the primary tumour based on the size and location of the lesion.
[26], while magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Tumours arising in the body or tail of the pan-
has a higher sensitivity of 85–100% [27]. creas are resected by performing a distal pancre-
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours are classi- atectomy, whereas tumours in the pancreatic
cally hypervascular, and the administration of head or uncinate process require a pancreatico-
intravenous contrast causes them to appear mark- duodenectomy [30]. A total pancreatectomy is
edly enhanced during the arterial phase of CT. In often only necessary for large or multifocal
MRI, these tumours exhibit a low signal intensity tumours distributed throughout the pancreas
on T1-weighted imaging and a high signal inten- such as MEN syndrome [31]. Apart from these
sity on T2-weighted imaging. However, when the standard resections, other tissue-sparing
tumour in question is small, they are often missed approaches have been used particularly for
on CT, and this is where endoscopic ultrasound tumours with low malignant potential. Central
(EUS) has proven to be a useful tool. In fact, a pancreatectomies and enucleation allow for bet-
large prospective study reported EUS to have an ter preservation of pancreatic endocrine and exo-
overall sensitivity of 93% for localization of crine function, but these techniques are not
pNETs [28]. pNETs tend to grow as round, without disadvantages [32]. A central pancre-
homogenous and well-circumscribed lesions atectomy is performed for tumours confined to
and  hence can be easily identified using the neck or body of the pancreas and allows for
EUS. Furthermore, concurrent fine needle aspira- splenic preservation as well and the maintenance
tion can be performed to obtain a tissue diagno- of gastrointestinal continuity [13, 32]. However,
sis, thus allowing for differentiation between high rates of pancreatic fistulas and leaks have
pNETs and pancreatic adenocarcinomas [29]. been reported as a pancreaticojejunostomy or
High-affinity somatostatin receptors are fre- pancreaticogastrostomy must be constructed for
quently overexpressed in pNETs. Somatostatin drainage of the remnant pancreatic tail [33].
radiolabelled scintigraphy employs the use of Enucleation has also been described for small,
octreotide radiolabelled with 111Indium, a soma- superficial tumours that do not communicate or
tostatin analogue, to localize primary pNETs and lie in close relation to the main pancreatic duct
metastases with high sensitivity. This has been [34, 35] (Fig.  36.1). For small tumours clearly
shown to be particularly useful in the diagnosis away from the main pancreatic duct, laparo-
of extrapancreatic glucagonomas, although it scopic enucleation is a safe procedure for both
should be used with caution if an insulinoma is functioning and non-­ functioning pNETs [36].
suspected as they do not express somatostatin Caution should be taken that while associated
receptors. Occasional false positives can occur, with lower post-operative morbidity, the limited
as high as 12% in one study, as several other dis- extent of resection provided by this technique
eases such as granulomas, thyroid disease and does not allow for adequate nodal evaluation,
activated lymphocytes express high levels of necessitating that when a neuroendocrine carci-
somatostatin receptors. More recently, this prin- noma is found on pathological assessment, a for-
ciple has also been employed in positron emis- mal operation must be carried out. On a practical
sion tomography (PET) using 68Ga-labelled level, these tumours are known to be vascular
somatostatin PET (68Ga-DOTA-SSTa). (Fig.  36.2c). The authors prefer energy devices
36  Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours 471

Fig. 36.1  A 2.3 cm insulinoma of the body of the pan- of hypoechoic lesion showing prominent intralesional
creas that went on to have a laparoscopic enucleation. Top blood vessel. Bottom right, Gross morphology of the lapa-
left, Coronal view of exophytic tumour on CT scanning. roscopic resected specimen. Patient is now 1-year post-
Top right, Cross-sectional view in the arterial phase. resection with normal blood glucose control
Bottom left, Intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasound view

Fig. 36.2  Open enucleation of an intrapancreatic body lesion. Left, Lesion marked with diathermy prior to ultrasonic
dissection (the splenic artery is slung). Right, Post-resection area
472 C. Chew and G. K. Bonney

or laparoscopic ultrasonic dissectors for delimi- adenectomy in view of the high risk of nodal
tation of small blood vessels intraoperatively. metastases [44].
Failure to resect with adequate margin or high pNETs most commonly metastasize to the
grade tumours may result in a higher tumour liver, much like other gastrointestinal malignan-
recurrence after enucleation [37]. cies. In advanced metastatic disease, most con-
In patients with MEN1, the role of surgery is sensus guidelines recommend cytoreductive
not well established, and there is an ongoing therapy if greater than 90% of tumour burden can
debate regarding when and what surgical inter- be resected [45, 46]. There are several studies
vention should be undertaken. Patients with that support this, demonstrating both improved
MEN1 present at an earlier age, with multifocal survival rates compared to patients with untreated
disease present in up to 80% of patients [38]. metastases, as well as improved symptom control
With functional non-gastrinoma pNETs, surgical [47, 48]. One such study found no survival differ-
resection is recommended for the management of ence between patients treated with curative intent
hormonal excess. However, the approach to non-­ and palliative intent (>90% tumour debulking)
functional tumours and gastrinomas is controver- [47]. However, it must be noted that these studies
sial as no large scale studies or treatment were conducted retrospectively and do not take
guidelines exist [39]. Proponents of surgical into account the high risk of eventual recurrence
intervention argue that early resection is benefi- of disease. Given the relatively indolent course of
cial in view of the fact that up to 33% of patients metastatic pNETs, the survival benefit of aggres-
present with metastatic disease [40], which is a sive resection is still highly debatable. On the
poor prognostic sign for life expectancy. On the other hand, in patients where at least 90% of
other hand, excellent prognosis has been reported tumour burden resection is unlikely to be
for patients with metastatic disease, with approx- achieved, surgical resection is not recommended
imately 50% survival at 15  years for metastatic as these patients would not have any survival
gastrinomas [41]. As such, metastatic disease in improvement [49].
such pNETs may not necessarily be a reflection Several other treatment options exist for mul-
of the aggressiveness of the tumour [42]. tifocal liver metastases that are not amenable to
Furthermore, some studies have found no sur- surgical resection. Local ablative therapy in the
vival benefit in patients undergoing surgery ver- form of radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy and
sus those that did not, in both small microwave coagulation can be offered percutane-
non-functioning pNETs and gastrinomas [38, ously or during surgery. It can also be offered as
43]. Given the high morbidity and mortality asso- adjuvant therapy to patients with liver metastases
ciated with pancreatic surgery, the risk and ben- that would otherwise not be suitable for resection
efits must be carefully considered before [50]. Radiofrequency ablation is most commonly
proceeding with surgery. used, and good long-term outcomes have been
Many patients with MEN1 present with mul- reported with symptomatic relief achieved in
tifocal disease, and one of the challenges of sur- 97% of patients and median disease-free survival
gical resection lies in determining the extent of 1.3 years [51]. Local ablative therapy can be
disease. In these patients, all imaging modali- repeated for additional local tumour control with
ties are exhausted preoperatively, and addi- minimal morbidity.
tional intraoperative ultrasound of the pancreas In patients with extensive liver metastases,
and peripancreatic tissues is usually performed. transarterial embolization can be performed. This
Many surgeons also recommend duodenoto- works on the principle that hepatic metastases
mies to further evaluate the duodenal wall for derive their bloody supply from the hepatic arter-
tumours that may be too small to be diagnosed ies instead of the portal venous circulation. This
on imaging. The eventual surgical approach is angiography-based approach also allows for
dictated by the distribution of the tumours, and embolization to be performed in conjunction with
most advocate a regional peripancreatic lymph- chemotherapeutic agents such as doxorubicin and
36  Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours 473

cisplatin (known as transarterial chemoemboliza- Genomic exome sequencing has allowed us to

tion). Response rates have been reported to be define the most common mutations found in
30–85% only in retrospective studies [52–54], pNETs [13]. This has paved the way for the
and to date no large scale randomized controlled development of targeted molecular therapies.
trials comparing TAE and TACE are available. One such drug is everolimus, an oral inhibitor of
These procedures are relatively contraindicated in the mammalian target of rapamycin, which inhib-
patients that have metastatic involvement of >50% its cellular proliferation and angiogenesis medi-
of the liver. In these patients, radioembolization is ated by the mTOR pathway. In a randomized
a feasible alternative as it is more sparing of nor- controlled trial, everolimus demonstrated a sig-
mal hepatic tissue hence reducing the risk of acute nificant duration of progression-free survival
liver failure [55, 56]. While liver transplantation compared to placebo (11 months vs. 4.6 months),
can be recommended in highly selected patients representing a 65% reduction in estimated risk of
with NETs, this is not the case for pNETs that progression or death [61]. Sunitinib is a tyrosine
generally have a higher risk of recurrence. The kinase inhibitor that inhibits angiogenic and
author has previously described that radical resec- mitogenic proteins such as vascular endothelial
tion, even when involving multiple organs, may growth factor receptor and platelet-derived
confer a reasonable survival [57]. growth factor receptors. The phase 3 clinical trial
Systemic treatment modalities for pNETs are was discontinued early after the placebo group
used in patients with advanced disease and who reported more serious adverse events and deaths,
are not suitable candidates for surgical therapy. as well as a significant difference in progression-­
Until very recently, these were limited to soma- free survival which favoured sunitinib
tostatin analogues and cytotoxic chemotherapy. (11.4  months vs. 5.5  months). The objective
Somatostatin analogues, like octreotide or response rate was shown to be 9.3% vs. 0% in the
lantreotide, bind to somatostatin receptors that placebo group [62]. Both everolimus and suni-
are overexpressed on most pNETs and have been tinib also have acceptable side effect profiles and
shown to be effective at regulating hormonal have recently received US FDA approval for use
hypersecretion in patients with functional in pNETs. There are ongoing studies investigat-
tumours [13]. However, somatostatin analogues ing newer targeted molecular agents as well as
are cytostatic but not cytotoxic, and while they combination therapies, such as peptide receptor
have been shown to stabilize metastatic disease in radiotherapy that couples radioactive isotopes to
>50% of patients with progressive disease [58], somatostatin analogues allowing for directed
no significant survival benefit has been demon- delivery of radiotherapy to tumour cells [63].
strated with their usage.
pNETs are relatively sensitive to chemother- Conclusion
apy in comparison to other neuroendocrine The success in managing pNETs lies initially
tumours. The grade of the tumour is used to in early detection and treatment, where possi-
determine the chemotherapy regimen. Response ble complete resection or near-complete
to treatment is variable depending on the tumour (>90%) resection should be the main aim of
grade. Chemotherapy drugs such as cisplatin and treatment. In “low-risk tumours” located away
etoposide are used in poorly differentiated from the main pancreatic duct, enucleation,
tumours and have produced response rates of up particularly when done laparoscopically is a
to 70% [59]. However the duration of response is safe procedure with low morbidity. In “high
relatively short, and both drugs are associated risk” tumours, radical resection involving
with significant toxicity that limits their usage. multiple organs where necessary results in
Most recently, a combination regime of strepto- improved survival. In disease that is unresect-
mycin, 5-fluorouracil and doxorubicin has dem- able, ­numerous oncological and radiological
onstrated a tumour response rate of 39% with a treatment strategies are available depending
median response duration of 9.3 months [60]. on location.
474 C. Chew and G. K. Bonney

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noma in patients with MEN1: definition of an aggres- vival. Cancer. 2005;104:1590–602.
sive and a nonaggressive form. J Clin Endocrinol 55. Ito T, Igarashi H, Jensen RT. Therapy of metastatic pan-
Metab. 2001;86(11):5282–93. creatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs): recent insights
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nomas. J Clin Oncol. 2004;22(23):4762–71.
Carcinoid Tumours
of the Gastrointestinal System: 37
Neuroendocrine Tumours
of the Hindgut

Bettina Lieske

Introduction Surveillance Research Program, and again in

2003, when Modlin finally added SEER data and
Carcinoids are neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), published an analysis of over 13,000 cases of car-
small, slow-growing neoplasms, characterised by cinoid tumours [3].
their ability to store and secrete different peptides
and neuroamines [1, 2].
Langhans was the first to describe a gut carci- Background/Aetiology
noid in 1867 [3, 4]. Ransom was the first to pro-
vide a comprehensive description of the classical Neuroendocrine tumours derive from neuroendo-
carcinoid syndrome in 1900 [3, 5], and crine cells and are divided by anatomical location
Oberndorfer [3, 6] first coined the term “kar- into foregut, midgut and hindgut carcinoids.
zinoid” in 1907 to distinguish this seemingly They are rare and comprise less than 2% of gas-
benign neoplasm from the typical malignant ade- trointestinal malignancies [1]. The tumours may
nocarcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract. Gosset be asymptomatic and found incidentally or can
and Masson [3, 7] published a description of car- cause a variety of non-specific symptoms due to
cinoids of the appendix in which they recognised the secretion of their specific substances.
them as neuroendocrine tumours in 1914. Carcinoids of the hindgut are located in the
The term carcinoid represents a wide spec- distal colon and rectum. Their incidence has
trum of neoplasms originating from a variety of increased and is currently described as 1 per
neuroendocrine cell types. Godwin [8] published 100,000  in the United States [10]. Rectal carci-
the first substantial evaluation of carcinoid noids in particular now occur at 0.86 per 100,000
tumours in 1975 and contributed significant epi- (SEER database from 2004), up from 0.2 per
demiological facts concerning incidence, distri- 100,000 in 1973 [10]. This translates into 27% of
bution and survival. all gastrointestinal NETs and 16% of NETs over
His epidemiological description was only all. Carcinoids of the colon are diagnosed less
superseded in 1997, when Modlin et al. [9] revis- commonly, with an incidence of 0.2 per 100,000.
ited the analysis and added data from the NCI True incidence of hindgut carcinoids may be
higher, since many of the tumours would not
B. Lieske have been registered in the SEER database whilst
Division of Colorectal Surgery, University Surgical they were considered benign.
Cluster, National University Hospital, Higher rates of rectal NETs have been
Singapore, Singapore observed in Blacks and Asians compared with

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2018 477

R. Parameswaran, A. Agarwal (eds.), Evidence-Based Endocrine Surgery,
478 B. Lieske

Caucasians in the American population; The American Joint Cancer Commission

population-­corrected rates are 2.30 and 4.99, (AJCC) published a TNM classification system for
respectively [3]. There is a slight male prepon- colorectal NETs in 2010, which incorporates
derance (1.1:1), and mean age is 65  years for tumour size and depth of invasion into the T-stage
colonic and 56 years for rectal NETs [11]. classification [13] and is identical to the staging
Even though epidemiology has now been well system proposed by the European Neuroendocrine
studied [3], there is a lack of randomised pro- Tumour Society (ENETS) in 2007 [14] (Table 37.1).
spective trial data. Management decisions are All of them divide colorectal NETs into well-­
usually based on experience and expert differentiated and poorly differentiated catego-
recommendations. ries and recommend a minimum pathological
The North American Neuroendocrine Tumour dataset to report these lesions (Table 37.2).
Society (NANETS) convened a multidisciplinary Even though finer aspects of nomenclature
panel of leading experts from the United States, vary between the different society recommenda-
Canada and Europe and published their recom- tions (Table  37.3), the distinction of well-­
mendations in 2010 [11, 12]. differentiated from poorly differentiated is one of

Table 37.1  Staging of NETs of the colon and rectum

Primary tumour (T)
Tx Primary tumour cannot be assessed Primary tumour cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumour No evidence of primary tumour
T1 Tumour invades the lamina propria or submucosa and size Tumour invades the mucosa or submucosa
<2 cm
T1a Tumour size <1 cm in greatest dimension Size <1 cm
T1b Tumour size 1–2 cm in greatest dimension Size 1–2 cm
T2 Tumour invades the muscularis propria or size >2 cm with Tumour invades the muscularis propria or
invasion of the lamina propria or submucosa size >2 cm
T3 Tumour invades through the muscularis propria into Tumour invades subserosa/pericolic/
subserosa or into nonperitonealized pericolic or perirectal perirectal fat
T4 Tumour invades the peritoneum or other organs Tumour directly invades other organs/
structures and/or perforates visceral
Regional lymph nodes (N)
Nx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastases No regional lymph node metastases
N1 Regional lymph node metastases Regional lymph node metastases
Distant metastases (M)
M0 No distant metastases No distant metastases
M1 Distant metastases Distant metastases

Stage T N M Stage T N M
I T1 N0 M0 IA T1a N0 M0
IB T1b N0 M0
IIA T2 N0 M0 IIA T2 N0 M0
IIB T3 N0 M0 IIB T3 N0 M0
IIIB Any T N1 M0 IIIB Any T N1 M0
IV Any T Any N M1 IV Any T Any N M1
37  Carcinoid Tumours of the Gastrointestinal System: Neuroendocrine Tumours of the Hindgut 479

Table 37.2  Minimum pathology dataset: information to be included in pathology reports on NETs of the hindgut
For resection of primary
Details to be reported tumours For biopsy of primary tumours
Anatomic site of tumour √ √
Diagnosis √ √
Size (in three dimensions) √
Presence of unusual histologic features (oncocytic, √ √
clear cell, gland-forming and other features)
Presence of multicentric disease √
Immunohistochemical staining for general Optional Optional
neuroendocrine markers: chromogranin,
Grade (specify grading system used) √ √
Mitotic rate (number of mitoses per 10 high-power √ count 50 high-­ √ count up to 50 high-power fields
fields or 2 mm2 power fields in the
most active regions
Ki67 labelling index (count multiple regions with Optional √ for biopsies in which a diagnosis
highest labelling density, report mean percentage; of high-grade neuroendocrine
eyeballed estimate is adequate) carcinoma cannot be excluded
Presence of nonischaemic tumour necrosis √ √
Presence of other pathologic components (e.g. √ √
nonneuroendocrine components)
Extent of invasion (depth of invasion into/through √
bowel wall)
Involvement of serosal/peritoneal surfaces √
Invasion of adjacent organs or structures √
Presence of vascular invasion √
[perform immunohistochemical stains for Optional
endothelial markers if needed]
Presence of perineural invasion √
Lymph node metastases √
Number of positive nodes √
Total number of nodes examined √
TNM staging (specify staging system used) √
Resection margins (positive/negative/close) √
[measure distance from margin if within 0.5 cm] Optional

Table 37.3  Nomenclature for NETs of the hindgut the most important pathological assessments,
Grade Traditional ENETS, WHO
since the clinical course and the therapeutic inter-
Low grade Carcinoid Neuroendocrine ventions differ significantly between the two. The
tumour tumour, grade 1 World Health Organisation (WHO) has revised
(G1) its classification system in 2010 from the previ-
Intermediate Carcinoid Neuroendocrine ous classification system in 2000 and now con-
grade tumour tumour, grade 2
siders all NETs as malignant.
High grade Small-cell Neuroendocrine
carcinoma carcinoma, grade 3
Large-cell (G3), small-cell Presentations, Investigations
neuroendocrine carcinoma and Treatment Options
carcinoma Neuroendocrine
carcinoma, grade 3
(G3), large-cell Many colorectal NETs are found incidentally
neuroendocrine during routine endoscopic evaluation, and
carcinoma approximately 50% of patients are completely
480 B. Lieske

a accuracy in predicting depth of invasion in a

series of 52 patients with rectal carcinoids and
lesions as small as 2 mm.
ERUS can therefore be used to determine the
mode of removal of the lesion and guide whether
endoscopic or transanal removal versus radical
surgery is appropriate.
Pathological grading as well as either mitotic
index or Ki67 labelling is now recommended by
WHO, ENETS and NANETS (Table 37.4). There
is no data to support the use of both mitotic index
and Ki67 concurrently, especially if an adequate
amount of tissue is available to perform an accu-
rate mitotic count (which requires a count of
40–50 high-power fields). Ki67 staining however
provides a more accurate assessment of prolifera-
tive rate if the amount of tissue does not allow a
high-quality mitotic count, e.g. in a biopsy sam-
ple. In those cases Ki67 labelling is particularly
helpful to distinguish well-differentiated from
poorly differentiated tumours, due to the dramati-
cally different labelling rates [19, 20].
Routine cross-sectional imaging is only rec-
ommended for staging of rectal lesions that are
bigger than 2 cm and not confined to the mucosa
Fig. 37.1 (a) Neuroendocrine tumour of the rectum. (b)
Neuroendocrine tumour of the rectum after saline lift or submucosa on ERUS, as the risk of metastatic
spread for the smaller and confined lesions is
exceptionally small. Staging for the larger
asymptomatic [15]. Patients who experience tumours can be performed by either computed
symptoms can present with rectal bleeding, pain tomography or magnetic resonance imaging [11].
and change in bowel habit [11, 15]. Unlike mid- The role of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
gut NETs, hindgut NETs rarely exhibit hormonal (octreoscan) for staging of localised tumours is
syndromes such as flushing or diarrhoea, even in controversial, since evidence is lacking that it
the metastatic stage. improves the sensitivity of standard cross-­
Most rectal NETs arise in the mid-rectum, sectional imaging techniques [11]. It can how-
within 5–10  cm from the anal verge [16]. They ever be useful in patients with metastatic disease
are usually submucosal, with a typical appear- to ascertain the expression of somatostatin recep-
ance on endoscopy, which distinguishes them tors, which can have therapeutic implications.
from adenomatous polyps arising from the Less than 1% of hindgut NETs produce and
mucosa (Fig. 37.1). secrete serotonin or other active hormones [21],
The risk of malignant behaviour is closely which renders routine analysis of serum serotonin
related to size and depth of invasion, and endorec- or urine 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)
tal ultrasound (ERUS) is useful for evaluation of unnecessary [11]. Serum chromogranin A can be
rectal NETs to assess tumour size, depth of inva- a useful tumour marker to monitor patients with
sion and lymph node involvement [17, 18]. NETs metastatic disease [22–24] and survey patients
are usually well demarcated and either iso- or after resection of stage II or stage III tumours [11]
hypoechoic lesions within the hyperechoic sub- or after cytoreductive surgery [25]. Chromogranin
mucosa. Kobayashi et al. [17] achieved a 100% A is secreted by functional as well as less well-
37  Carcinoid Tumours of the Gastrointestinal System: Neuroendocrine Tumours of the Hindgut 481

Table 37.4  Grading systems for neuroendocrine tumours Intermediate lesions (1–2 cm) confined to the
of the hindgut
submucosa (T1) and small tumours (<1–2  cm)
Grade Criteria invading the muscularis propria (T2) without
Low grade (G1) <2 mitoses/10 hpf AND <3% lymph node metastases should be considered for
Ki67 index
transanal excision, either directly [39] (distal rec-
Intermediate grade 2–20 mitoses/10 hpf OR
(G2) 3%–20% Ki67 index tum) or via transanal endoscopic microsurgery
High grade (G3) >20 mitoses/10 hpf OR >20% (TEMS) [40] for tumours located in the proximal
Ki67 index rectum. TEMS can also be considered for techni-
cally challenging lesions and re-excision for pos-
itive margins after endoscopic removal [41, 42].
differentiated non-functional NETs [22]. Serum Larger lesions (>2 cm), tumours invading the
levels depend on tumour mass and grade [26], and muscularis propria (T2 and above) and tumours
small tumours can express normal levels. Falsely with loco-regional lymph nodes should be treated
elevated chromogranin A levels however do occur like a rectal adenocarcinoma and undergo a stan-
in patients taking proton-­ pump inhibitors and dard rectal resection [39].
have been reported in chronic gastritis, renal Colonic lesions are usually more advanced at
insufficiency and other inflammatory diseases diagnosis and unless small should be treated with
[27]. Chromogranin B can be used as a comple- a standard segmental resection as would be
mentary marker in such cases [27]. appropriate for a malignant adenocarcinoma.
Carcinoid tumours appear to be associated Postsurgical surveillance is determined by the
with other non-carcinoid tumours. This has been stage of the lesion.
found in 18–40% of cases, depending on the Stage I tumours (submucosal, <2  cm) recur
reported series [28–31] (22.4% in the SEER rarely and do not justify long-term endoscopic or
­subset from 1992 to 99 [3]). The majority of radiographic surveillance [11]. Stage II and III
those neoplasms occur in the gastrointestinal tumours (invasion into or beyond muscularis pro-
tract. The exact aetiology is unclear, but it is pre- pria or involvement of loco-regional lymph
sumed that bioactive agents secreted by NETs act nodes) require annual radiographic surveillance.
as mitogens and cause neoplastic transformation Metastatic recurrence can occur many years after
over time [32, 33]. It appears therefore appropri- initial resection, and surveillance should there-
ate to survey the colon, rectum, small intestine fore be extended beyond 5 years [11].
and lung, as well as the cervix and ovaries in Published data on treatment outcomes for
female patients. patients with metastatic colorectal NETs is scarce,
and recommendations are usually extrapolated
from trials for other gastrointestinal NETs.
Surgical Technique/Rehabilitation Treatment options for gastrointestinal NETs include
somatostatin analogues, interferon alpha (INF-α),
The main treatment goal for localised disease is hepatic arterial embolization, cytotoxic chemother-
removal of the primary, and modality is deter- apy and surgical cytoreduction. Further options are
mined by the size and location of the lesion. radiolabelled somatostatin analogues, angiogenesis
Small lesions (<1–2  cm) confined to the inhibitors and mTOR inhibitors, all of which are
mucosa/submucosa can be resected endoscopi- currently undergoing evaluation in trial settings.
cally [17]. Several techniques have been Since hindgut NETs are usually not associated
described [34–38], including banding, aspiration with hormonal syndromes, the inhibitory effect
and endoscopic submucosal dissection, to mini- of somatostatin analogues on NET growth [43,
mise the risk of positive margins. Following 44], which was demonstrated in human rectal
removal the area should be tattooed to allow NET cell lines in vitro [45], and antiproliferative
identification if further resection is required and effect of INF-α [46, 47] assume greater impor-
surveillance. tance than their antisecretory action.
482 B. Lieske

Hepatic arterial embolization can be per- Table 37.5  Five-year observed survival rates for carci-
noid tumours by disease extent (from American Cancer
formed for patients with diffuse, symptomatic
Society, ACS [55])
and unresectable or progressive liver metasta-
Site Localised (%) Regional (%) Distant (%)
ses. The procedure is performed in stages to
Stomach 73 65 25
reduce morbidity and with various embolic
Duodenum 68 55 46
materials, including antineoplastic agents. Jejunum/ 65 71 54
Response can be measured radiographically, ileum
and rates have been reported to reach 50% in Cecum 68 71 54
patients with metastatic gastrointestinal and Appendix 88 78 25
pancreatic NETs [48–50]. Colon 85 46 14
Surgical cytoreduction is appropriate for Rectum 90 62 24
patients with limited metastases and for the
liver includes cryoablation and radiofrequency
ablation (RFA). It is recommended if the cyto- Both rectal and colonic NETs tend to behave
reduction can reduce the tumour burden by aggressively at the metastatic stage when com-
greater than 90%, therefore rendering the pared to midgut NETs. Five-year survival is less
intent of the procedure curative or near-cura- than 30%, compared to over 50% for metastatic
tive [51–54]. midgut NETs [55].
Cytotoxic chemotherapy should only be used
for patients with symptomatic, advanced and
aggressive tumours, who do not have other treat- Conclusions/Personal View
ment options. Agents that can be used include
streptozocin, 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, Hindgut NETs are commonly found incidentally,
capecitabine and temozolomide. There is no pub- and half of the patients are asymptomatic.
lished data to evaluate the outcome for hindgut Diagnosis at this early stage conveys an excellent
NETs, and the treatment is associated with sig- prognosis. Primary lesions should be excised
nificant toxicities. entirely and appropriately staged. Recurrences
can occur years after resection, and all patients
except stage I should be under follow-up for at
Results least 7 years.
Metastatic hindgut NETs have a much worse
In comparison with NETs in other locations, rec- prognosis than metastatic NETs of the midgut and
tal NETs have favourable 5-year survival rates of are currently incurable, with survival rates similar
88% across stages (Table  37.5) [3, 55]. This is to those of metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma.
most likely due to the fact that the majority of
lesions (82%) [3] is at a localised stage at diagno-
sis and on average measures 0.6cm [56]. References
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