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Cerberus Catalogue

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Cerberus PRO – enjoy protecting

A comprehensive fire protection system


(800) 444-8719
Cerberus PRO – enjoy protecting

Protecting people and assets. Securing business processes and continuity.

This is what fire protection is all about. Cerberus™ PRO is a powerful fire pro-
tection system for fast, reliable fire detection, alarm signaling and control. Its
wide portfolio of innovative products provides clever technology with extensive
safety features for small to very large applications. So you can be sure to meet
your application with confidence.

Moreover, detectors with our unique ASAtechnology™ offer advanced signal

analysis and selectable parameter sets. As a result, they ensure very fast and
highly reliable detection of the fire criteria smoke, heat and carbon monoxide
even in the most demanding application areas – from data centers to indus-
trial production facilities. For you this means maximum safety and optimal
protection of people and assets, without false alarms.
Meeting your requirements
Protecting people and assets reliably Planning and commissioning
with products from Siemens made easy and cost-efficient
The Cerberus PRO family comprises Whatever the project size or requirements, ■  nique detection reliability
different control panels, fire detectors, with Cerberus PRO they can be easily real- and protection against false
peripheral devices and accessories. They ized with little additional planning effort. alarms – thanks to
all have one thing in common: smart, For example the floor repeater terminals
unique safety features. are loop-powered which results in less ■  mart, unique safety features –
planning regarding connection and power such as built-in isolators and
Maximizing safety through supply. The networkable control panels integrated degrade mode
reliable detection allow easy network expansion at a later ■  afe and easy commission-
A detector for any type of fire as well as point in time. ing – thanks to auto-
for carbon monoxide concentrations. configuration
Thanks to our unique ASAtechnology, Enhanced remote operating functions ■ I ntegration into the danger
Cerberus PRO provides detectors with are available for system diagnosis and management system from
excellent detection reliability and protec- monitoring. Siemens possible
tion against false alarms – even in highly ■  xtended network possibilities
demanding environments. Relying on experience for widely distributed or
Siemens is known for innovation power, complex buildings
Creating networks in various sizes technology leadership and high quality. ■  asy planning – even for
Cerberus PRO is a straightforward fire We were the first manufacturer to offer campus-wide networks
protection system. It offers all from stand- automatic fire detectors. Our products ■  erberus PRO portfolio –
alone to networkable control panels. are backed by decades of experience and reliable, high-quality products
Even large, campus-wide networks can know-how. from Siemens
be easily realized with little additional
planning. The industrial LAN technology Around the world, selected Solution
also enables you to optimally adapt Partners offer our innovative products
Cerberus PRO to any building or process and systems. Only the best companies are
structure. In addition, Cerberus PRO can certified by Siemens as Solution Partners
be integrated into your existing IT network. and receive the Solution Partner logo as a
Commissioning of the system is safe and quality seal. Numerous realized projects
easy thanks to auto-configuration. This and highly satisfied customers worldwide
function enables instant fire protection are proof of these successful collaborations.
during the construction phase, support-
ing on-time handover of buildings.

Moreover, Cerberus PRO can be inte-

grated into the danger management sys-
tem from Siemens. You can integrate fire
protection with other security-related
subsystems such as access control or
intrusion detection from Siemens.

Very simple systems Fire brigade calling systems

– Audible alarm only –S  imple audible alarm

– Any alarm causes the whole – Fire brigade communication
building to evacuate concept
– Programming may be limited – Verification mode when system
to customer texts only is manned
– Preconfigured

Ensuring comprehensive
safety with powerful panels

Cerberus PRO fire control panels Protecting the smart way Realizing solutions simply
combine high security standards Cerberus PRO protects people and assets and quickly
with the latest technology. right from the start. Thanks to auto-con- Cerberus PRO provides a competitive
Competitive for simple applications,
figuration even during the construction range of control panels. They are the per-
yet powerful enough for every
appli­cation – they are the ideal
phase. How does it work? The control fect choice for a variety of applications,
choice whatever the size and com- panels automatically configure and from small and simple to large and com-
plexity of your project. import data from all connected detectors plex. Each panel offers unique features
and periph­eral devices. They also auto- aimed at putting a system into operation
matically assign them to zones. quickly and safely from one access point.

In addition, all control panels have inte- Creating very large and
grated safety functions like the degrade complex networks
mode. It ensures that even in case of a With Cerberus PRO, you can protect very
processor failure, a detector communi- large and complex campus facilities.
cates an alarm to the panel, setting off Powerful cause and effect programming
all connected sounders including loop allows solutions with the added benefit
sounders. It also activates the remote of full EN 54 compliance.
transmission to the fire bri­gade and sets
the I/O to the predefined status. In addition, Cerberus PRO offers an EN 54-
approved, industrial LAN technology –
Control panels and fire terminals also also called backbone (C-WEB/LAN). The
offer a standby functionality. In case the backbone connects up to 14 clusters and
connection to the management station or networks up to 64 panels. It also allows
to another station should fail, they take to optimally adapt Cerberus PRO to any
over display and operation functionality. building or process structure, and to eas-
ily realize campus-wide solutions.

Plant control Phased evacuation Smoke and fire damper control

–P  lant control shuts off, ventila­ – Areas most at risk are evacuated – Smoke control systems and fire dampers
tion systems shut down, doors first, followed by adjacent areas are activated
controlled and lifts returned – Phases can be preset via timing – Dampers, smoke controls, ventilation
– Some plants may only be shut functions motors, etc. are monitored to warn user
down after a time delay or if fire – They can also be manually overridden of any critical device that has failed
is detected in a particular area by security staff or fire brigade – Intensive programming from a complex
– Basic cause and effect program- – Sophisticated cause and effect cause and effect matrix required
ming required programming required

Operating control panels intuitively Accessing and operating your system

for greater comfort remotely
Emergency situations are stressful situa- Access real-time system information and ■  rotect people and assets
tions. However, quick and reliable action get a clear overview of your system’s sta- from the start – with auto-
is essential to save people and assets. tus from anywhere – with Cerberus configuration
This is why Cerberus PRO control panels Mobile. Of course, only authorized users ■  anels have integrated
and fire terminals are easy and intuitive with a registered smart phone have degrade mode – to communi-
to operate. They display the required remote access. Cerberus Mobile offers cate alarms even in case of a
information in a comprehensible way – the same functionalities as the on-site failure
centrally or locally on floor level. In the terminal and quick access to all com- ■  emote access via Ethernet
event of an alarm, customized interven- mands – including alarm operation, and Cerberus Mobile – operate
tion texts facilitate correct actions. zone isolation and fault intervention. All systems from any location
events are grouped by category, allowing ■  ealize campus-wide net-
Remote operation via Ethernet allows easy information selection. The mobile works – redundant and
control of your system from any loca­tion, option also optimizes intervention man- EN 54-approved
for example if you want to isolate a zone agement because you can immediately ■ I ntegration into the danger
for maintenance work. You can also eval- react to an event even when you’re not management system from
uate the system status remotely and initi- on site, saving valuable time. Siemens
ate appropriate actions if necessary. All
this can be done with a standard PC. And Integrating Cerberus PRO into the dan-
less on-site visits increase cost efficiency. ger management system from Siemens
All Cerberus PRO networkable control
panels can be easily integrated into the
danger management system from
Siemens. The benefits include guided
alarm treatment, navigation on floor
plans or with menu trees, a history data-
base for further analysis and integration
with other security-related systems.
Providing fast, reliable detec-
tion with patented technology
Relying on detection without Choosing from a broad portfolio
deception All Cerberus PRO detectors are backed
Demanding applications require exceptio- by the application know-how we have ■  road detector portfolio –
nal detection technology. Cerberus PRO gained with projects around the world – meet all requirements from
detectors with our unique ASAtechnology and with more than 60 million detectors sensitive to robust
(ASA = advanced signal analysis) offer a installed worldwide. The point detector ■  SAtechnology with different
very fast and highly reliable detection range comprises detectors for standard parameter sets – set detector
response. Being immune to deceptive as well as for demanding applications. to specific environmental
phenomena such as steam, dust or gas, conditions
they prevent unnecessary downtimes Standard applications have a low risk of ■  nsurpassed detection tech-
and costs caused by false alarms. fire as well as few deceptive phenomena. nology – immune to deceptive
They thus present little risk to life and pro- phenomena
From sensitive to robust, you can choose perty. These applications include offices, ■  valuation of the fire criteria –
from different preprogrammed parameter conference rooms, corridors and stairwells. smoke, heat and carbon
sets to meet the expected environmental monoxide
condition of your application. This means Point detectors with ASAtechnology are ■  iemens has 160 years experi-
that in case of a fire, the detector reacts especially suitable for demanding appli- ence in fire safety – more than
more sensitively – and in case of decep- cations with a high risk of fire and many 60 million detectors installed
tive phenomena, the detector is more deceptive phenomena. Applications worldwide
robust. include hotel rooms where the detector
must be mounted close to the bathroom
Detecting carbon monoxide door, multi-purpose halls and large
Cerberus PRO also provides a detector conference rooms.
for all fire criteria: smoke, heat and car-
bon monoxide (CO). The additional CO
sensor ensures earliest detection of all
CO-generating fires. It can also detect
CO independently from fire thanks to
its autonomous CO alarm channel.
Offering a wide range
of special detectors
Linear smoke detector Aspirating smoke detection
In areas with limited access such as in These detectors are ideal for areas that
high bay warehouses or atria point type require very high sensitivity such as com- ■  road range of special detec-
detectors can prove impractical. Here, lin- puter suites or for areas that have limited tors – to cover your application
ear smoke detectors are the ideal choice. accessibility or a complex structure such ■ L inear smoke detector – for
Cerberus PRO linear smoke detectors work as high bay automated storage facilities. high ceiling areas with limited
on a reflection principle. This means that Aspirating smoke detectors from Siemens accessibility
they only have to be connected at one have an optical dual-wavelength detection ■  lame detection – for areas
end, saving cables and installation costs. technology that quickly and reliably dif- with highly flammable
ferentiates between smoke and deceptive materials
Flame detection phenomena. ■  x detectors – for areas sub-
Areas containing highly flammable ject to explosion hazards
materials, such as engine test beds or Radio fire detection
■  spirating smoke detectors –
flammable stores, are better covered with As wireless devices can be quickly and for demanding applications
flame detectors. The Cerberus PRO flame freely positioned and repositioned, they that require very early fire
detector range includes both single- are ideal for rooms or buildings of detection
channel IR for simple applications as well historical value, with aesthetic or archi- ■  adio fire detection – for areas
as 3-channel IR for areas with deceptive tectural restrictions or for temporary where cabling is difficult or
phenomena such as halogen lamps, installations. With SWING, Siemens sets not suitable due to structural/
bright sunlight or welding. new safety standards by combining the aesthetic reasons
highly reliable mesh technology for safe
Ex detectors wireless transmission with the unique
Cerberus PRO offers a complete range ASAtechnology for high detection
of detectors and other peripheral devices reliability.
that can be used to protect areas subject
to explosion hazards such as oil refineries,
flour mills or battery rooms.

Connecting smart peripher-
als to the detection loop
Sounders Loop-powered floor repeater
Loop-powered sounders are available as terminals and mimic displays
wall-mounted devices in red or white. A unique feature of Cerberus PRO is the ■  wide portfolio of peripheral
They all have an adjustable sound output repeat panel indication via loop-powered devices – all connected via
of up to 99 dBA and 11 selectable tones. floor repeater terminals. This enables C-NET
Any two tones can be selected to provide you to add important information in ■ L oop-powered sounders –
escalation from alert to evacuation. a most cost-efficient and secure way. with 11 different tones
Future additions can be incorporated ■ L oop-powered alarm sounders
Sounders with supplementary by simply tapping off the nearest detector, with supplementary optical
optical indication call point, sounder, etc. The floor indication – for visual warning
The FDS229 alarm sounders with supple- repeater terminals come in two models: ■  ounder base – combines a
mentary optical indication provide all The FT2011 gives a detailed overview of detector with a sounder pow-
the features of the loop-powered sound- all alarms and messages. In addition, the ered by the C-NET
ers mentioned above – plus an additional FT2010 offers the same main operating ■ L oop-powered floor repeater
integrated flashing optical indication. functions as the control panel. A loop- terminals – to safely display
They are available in red and orange and powered mimic display allows mimic dia- information where needed
are very light intense (max. 3.2 cd). grams to be added to the system as well.

Sounder base Input/output modules

Cerberus PRO detectors can be used with The Cerberus PRO system allows connec-
the DBS720 sounder base, providing a tion of the full range of modules from
neat detector/sounder combination as a Siemens including: single input module,
single unit. The sounder base has the single input and output module, four way
same features as the wall sounders and input module, four way input/output
a maximum sound output of 88 dBA. module (incl. AC 230 V rated contacts)
as well as a dual conventional zone or
dual sounder circuit controller (requires
DC 24 V supply).

Yesterday Power supply Today

Communications C-NET

Power supply

Benefiting from the many ad-

vantages of smart technology
Power supply

Connecting the clever way with C-NET be transmitted. Because if the line is
All fire detectors and peripherals com­ interrupted at one point, information is
municate via and are powered by the redirected from the other end to the con- ■ L ess wiring needed – as all
C-NET, reducing wiring costs. Additionally, trol panels and floor repeater terminals. detectors and peripheral
distributed intelligence enables the use The result: faster fault finding and devices are connected via
of unshielded cables – substantially reduced repair costs.
reducing cabling and costs. Cerberus PRO Communications
■ ■ Cost-efficient solution –

devices can also be integrated into exist- Modernizing existing fire protection thanks to short installation
ing installations thanks to the free topol- systems – step by step time, minimal cabling and
minimal operating costs
ogy wiring of the C-NET detector loop. There are many reasons to modernize
your fire protection systems: new safety ■ I ncreased safety – because
Increasing cost efficiency requirements, increased maintenance C-NET is installed as a loop
and all peripher­als are
through fast installation effort, false alarms, legal and compliance
equipped with turbo isolators
Cerberus PRO fire detectors stand for issues as well as changing conditions
clever fire protection. However, they offer within a company. ■  odernization
M Power supply in two phases –
more than that. Short installation time, long-term investment pro­
tection thanks to latest
less cabling and minimal operating costs With Cerberus PRO, you are flexible from
technology and plannable
are also a big plus – making Cerberus beginning to end: Modernize your con- investment costs
PRO an attractive solution. ventional system but remain conven-
tional, turn it into an addressable one, or
Enhancing security with upgrade your addressable system with the
intelligent safety features latest technology. You can start by replac-
Every Cerberus PRO fire detector has an ing either the detectors or the panels first.
integrated short circuit isolator to easily Both phases can be completed in several
spot open or short circuits. The C-NET steps, which means maximum system
increases safety further because it is availability and minimum interruption of
installed as a loop. In case a short circuit business processes. Your advantage: You
occurs, the defective part is detected can modernize at your own pace, accord-
and isolated. Alarms, however, will still ing to your budget and fire safety needs.
Cerberus PRO – enjoy protecting
Cerberus PRO
Powerful control panels, – fire
clever enjoy
and smart peripheral devices.
This is what our comprehensive Cerberus™ PRO family offers. The brief overview
Powerful control panels,
below demonstrates the clever fire detectors
most important andcomponents.
system smart peripheral devices.
This is what our comprehensive Cerberus PRO family offers. The brief overview
below demonstrates the most important system components.

Remote access management
with Cerberus-
Remote Customer network Ethernet
system from

Security module

Security module
Cerberus Mobile

Ethernet switch
FN2008-A1 Backbone (C-WEB/LAN)
Ethernet switch Ethernet switch Ethernet switch
FN2008-A1 FN2008-A1 FN2008-A1

Alarm Manual call

sounder point
FDS221 FDM221

Sounder base C-NET

DBS720 Fire control panel Fire control panel Fire control panel
FC723 FC722 FC724

Fire control panel
Aspirating Floor repeater FC726
smoke detectors terminal FT2010 Fire terminal
FDA221 FT724

Alarm indicator
FDCAI221 Heat detector
HI722 (max) Fault transmission

Input module
Alarm transmission FDCI222
interbase DBS721 Floor repeater
display FT2011
Sounder interbase
with supplementary Fire control panel Heat detector
optical indication
C-NET Alarm sounder
ASA neural FC724 HI720
fire detector (max + RoR)
with supplemen- OOH740
Smoke Multi-sensor Input/output tary optical indi- SWING
detector fire detector module cation radio gateway
OP720 OH720 FDCIO222 FDS229-R FDCW241 Stub line
ASA neural fire
and CO detector C-NET
radio neural
Extinguishing fire detector Smoke
control unit XC10 FDOOT271 detector Multi-sensor detector Flame detector
OP720 OOH740-A9-Ex FDF241-9

radio manual
call point

ASA neural Multi-sensor Sinorix Manual call Linear Mimic

fire detector fire detector extinguishing point smoke detector display driver
Manual release OOH740 OH110 solution FDM223 Line adapter (Ex) FDL241-9 FT2001-A1

Unique safety features
Cerberus PRO provides a great number of safety features for earliest detection of fire, heat and smoke as well as fast reaction in case of an event.
Moreover, the detector range covers all applications from standard to sophisticated and ensures reliable detection with no false alarms. This translates for
you into ensured business continuity and peace of mind.

Cost efficiency
Cerberus PRO also stands for less costs. First of all, ensured business continuity results in both cost and time savings, as you will have no process inter-
ruptions. Moreover, Cerberus PRO is a future-proof investment that lets you benefit from reduced planning efforts as well as low life cycle costs.

Available through Siemens-approved partners

Cerberus PRO is available through Siemens-approved partners who also offer reliable support. Whether sophisticated fire safety technology or compre-
hensive service – you receive everything from a single source.

Fire control panels Fire detectors

Cerberus PRO fire control panels pro- Whether smoke, heat or carbon
cess all messages generated by the monoxide. Cerberus PRO fire detec-
system and trigger alarm signals. tors with our unique ASAtechnology,
They also provide an extremely simple special algorithms and selectable
user interface with customized user parameter sets meet any require-
prompting texts to support the cor- ment – from sensitive to robust. They
rect action in case of an event. And communicate via and are powered
because we know requirements vary by the C-NET. Special detectors such
from simple to network-wide solu- as linear smoke detectors, aspirating
tions, our Cerberus PRO family offers smoke detectors as well as devices for
five models: FC721, FC722, FC723, explosion-protected zones complete
FC724 and FC726. the detector portfolio.

Floor repeater terminals and displays Alarming devices

The floor repeater terminals and Increase safety with the sounder
displays FT2010 and FT2011 display FDS221 for acoustic signaling, the
system status and events at floor alarm sounder with supplementary
level. They enhance user conve­ optical indication FDS229 for acoustic
nience, as visibility can be configured and optic signaling and with the
individually. Floor repeater terminals sounder base DBS720 that is inte-
and displays are connected directly grated in the fire detector.
on the C-NET loop, saving cabling and
installation costs. And FT2010 and
FT2011 enhance safety because they
remain functional even in case of an
open or short circuit.

Mimic display driver Input/output modules

Customer-specific floor plan displays Input/output modules further in-
are possible thanks to the C-NET-pow- crease safety and security. With the
ered mimic display driver FT2001-A1. input modules FDCI221/FDCI222,
you can monitor the status of doors,
venti­lation or sprinklers. The input/
output modules FDCIO221/FDCIO222
enable decentralized control of fire
doors and plant. The ”transponder”
FDCIO223 enables a monitored
connection of conventional detector
lines, alarm signaling devices and
devices in ex­plosion-protected zones.

The backbone is an innovative, EN 54-approved industrial LAN network
that offers increased planning flexibility. It enables you to network up to
64 panels, optimally adapt Cerberus PRO to any building or process struc-
ture and realize campus-wide solutions. Two independent, EN 54-approved
Ethernet switches are all you need to connect one cluster with up to
16 panels to a fiber-optic backbone. Up to 14 clusters can be connected
to a backbone. Since they are then seen as one network, one central
access point is sufficient to connect the remote transmission to the fire
brigade, pager and a danger management system.

The Cerberus PRO network can be integrated into a danger management

system from Siemens, needing only one Ethernet switch. Additional
Backbone (C-WEB/LAN) security equipment, such as a firewall, is needed to integrate a danger
Cluster (C-WEB/SAFEDLINK) management system via a customer network.
The information in this document contains general descriptions of technical options available, which do not always
have to be present in individual cases. The required features should therefore be specified in each individual case at
the time of closing the contract. The document contains a general product overview. Availability can vary by
country. For detailed product information, please contact the company office or authorized partners.
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2015

Our world is undergoing changes that force us to think “We are the trusted technology partner for
in new ways: demographic change, urbanization, global energy-efficient, safe and secure buildings and
warming and resource shortages. Maximum efficiency infrastructure.”
has top priority – and not only where energy is concerned.
In addition, we need to increase comfort for the well-being
of users. Also, our need for safety and security is constantly
growing. For our customers, success is defined by how well
they manage these challenges. Siemens has the answers.


(800) 444-8719

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