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Glass Corrosion

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Glass Technical Document TD-105

How to Prevent Glass Corrosion

In the article below "How to Prevent Glass problems when dealing with glass can know
Corrosion" by Paul F. Duffer (Glass Digest, the best way to prevent them.
November 15, 1986), Dr. Duffer explains the
chemical mechanisms causing glass For years, scientists have known that water
corrosion and the conditions under which it reacts with commercial soda-lime-silica
can exist. The article also covers glass compositions. While the interaction
interleaving systems and the restoration of may be subtle and slow paced, appearing to
lightly corroded glass. This article should be be neither significant nor spectacular to the
of particular interest to fabricators of casual observer, the outcome can be serious
mirrors or MSVD coated glass since these to glass manufacturers and fabricators.
products are highly sensitive to even very
light stains. Whenever water is permitted to remain on a
glass surface for longer than a moment,
How to Prevent Glass Corrosion several unique chemical reactions can occur
that cause corrosion damage, or stain. The
Glass + Moisture = Stain first of these begins almost immediately
by Paul F. Duffer
after water contacts the glass, even at room
During the past 100 years, commercial flat
glasses have acquired a reputation as being
In technical terms, this initial reaction at the
among the most durable of materials used in
glass surface is characterized by a diffusion-
the construction and fabrication industries.
controlled ion-exchange process involving
This is not surprising, for our common, day-
sodium ions in the glass and hydrogen ions
to-day experiences tell us that glass seems to
from the water. Stated more simply, water
be immune to any form of degradation.
readily leaches, or takes, sodium ions from
soda-lime-silica glasses. This leaching
Except for those of us involved in glass
process, which glass scientists commonly
research, the mere mention of glass
refer to as Stage 1 corrosion, can be
corrosion or staining to most people receives
expressed by the following reaction scheme:
a skeptical response. Unfortunately, glass
really can corrode. In fact, glass damaged by SiONa (glass) + H2O (solution) SiOH (glass) +
staining and corroding has resulted in losses NaOH (solution)
to glass manufacturers and fabricators
amounting to millions of dollars. Although If Stage 1 corrosion is allowed to continue
the phenomenon itself is often uninterrupted for only a few minutes, pH
misunderstood, the end result of the levels gradually increase from an
corrosion process is a glass product that is accumulation of hydroxide ions (OH-) in
unsuitable for fabrication or installation. solution. Eventually, the increase in
alkalinity of the contact solution will initiate
Thus, the particular circumstances under other, more damaging reactions. Therefore,
which staining or corroding occurs need to the leaching process needs to be examined
be addressed, so that glass handlers and more carefully.
others who may encounter corrosion-related

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Glass Technical Document TD-105

The reason solution pH increases can be adverse effects on surface quality being
explained by basic chemistry principles. observed, so long as increases in solution
Pure water is a weak electrolyte that pH levels are controlled. However,
spontaneously breaks down partially into unrestrained State 1 corrosion can lead, as
hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions previously mentioned, to highly alkaline
(OH-) according to the simplified conditions.
expression: H2O H+ + OH-. At 25° C
(77° F), this equilibrium condition is Once solution pH levels reach 9.0 or greater,
described by an ionization constant, Kw, as the second important reaction in the glass
given by the equation Kw = 1 X 10-14 = (H+) corrosion process - Stage 2 - begins. At this
(OH-). point, hydroxide ion concentration is
sufficient to begin attack of the silicate
In other words, at a given temperature, the network. As shown in the following
product of the hydrogen ion and hydroxide equation, the main reaction is the severing of
ion concentrations remains constant. For silicon-oxygen bonds (the glass itself is
water in contact with a glass surface, slowly dissolved): Si-O-Si (glass) + OH-
however, the exchange process tends to (solution) Si-OH (glass) + O-Si
deplete the supply of hydrogen ions in (dissolved glass; sodium and calcium
solution, causing an imbalance in the silicates).
equilibrium represented by the equation just
given. During the beginning stages of this reaction,
microscopic pitting of the surface occurs. If
In order to reestablish equilibrium, more the reaction is allowed to continue, surface
water molecules dissociate, producing damage will become more apparent, and the
additional H+ and OH- species. As the glass may have a widespread iridescence or
original quantity of OH- was not affected by a dense, translucent haze like that shown in
the exchange process, further dissociation of Fig. 1.
H2O results in an increase in hydroxide ion
concentration and a commensurate rise in

Recent experiments with commercial float-

produced glasses have shown that an
unsubdued ion-exchange reaction can
produce contact solution pH values as high
as 9.9, which is highly alkaline.

As long as solution pH levels remain well

below 9.0, Stage 1 corrosion proceeds as the Fig. 1
predominant reaction at the glass surface.
During this period, optical quality and In each case, the optical quality of the glass
surface integrity remain essentially is destroyed even though overall mechanical
unaffected. In fact, extensive laboratory integrity of the glass is maintained. What
studies have revealed that the leaching actually occurs is a combination of Stage 2
process can be carried out on float glasses phenomena: The glass network dissolves,
for several months at 140° F without any and by-products such as sodium and calcium

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Glass Technical Document TD-105

silicates work together to affect the can be used in less critical applications
appearance of the glass. Carbon dioxide in where no coatings are involved.
the atmosphere can also react with moisture
on the glass surface to form additional When lightly corroded glass is successfully
surface residues, typically of sodium and restored, the sodium and calcium silicates
calcium carbonates. are removed as well as any carbonate
residues that may have precipitated on the
Restoring the pristine surface quality to glass surface as by-products of the Stage 2
severely corroded glass is at best a reaction. The actual network damage
formidable task. Grinding and polishing affecting optical quality is so slight that it is
could, with much time and effort, restore the of no consequence in less critical
optical characteristics of glass corroded like applications.
that shown in Fig. 2. However, this solution
is not practical nor economical; it is simply Conditions for Corrosion
easier to discard all heavily corroded glass.
Once the glass has been properly cleaned
and dried, the corrosion process is
suppressed. It is unlikely that it will begin in
the finished glass product.

Obviously, the average homeowner, car

driver, or commercial building owner does
not usually observe surface corrosion
damage on finished glass products. When,
then, is glass most likely to corrode, and
Fig. 2 when is it most likely to be noticed? Fig. 2

Restoring Corroded Glass In order for glass to corrode, certain

Yet, there are occasions when it is conditions must exist that are not usually
advantageous to restore lightly corroded found outside glass manufacturing or
surfaces. With a little practice, anyone fabricating. The single most important
should be able to identify lightly "stained" difference between the manufacturers' and
glass that can be successfully restored. fabricators' experience with glass from that
of the end user is storage and handling of
The degree of surface corrosion that is glass packages containing several individual
acceptable in any glass fabrication process is lights. In fact, it is the glass package where
directly related to the surface quality the corrosion process is most likely to occur.
required by the end use of the glass. Mirror
silvering, vacuum coating, and chemical In packaged glass, it is the spaces between
etching processes are all highly sensitive to adjacent glass lights where the conditions
the presence of even minor surface damage, for corrosion can exist. If no environmental
which can be invisible to the naked eye. On controls are set up during storage, these
the other hand, lightly corroded glass may, spaces can readily trap and retain moisture
in many instances, be cleaned sufficiently if temperatures drop below the dew point
with acidic detergents or abrasive agents, (when daytime temperature is 80° F and
such as pumice or cerium oxide, so that it relative humidity is 61 %, the dew point is

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Glass Technical Document TD-105

65° F). Once this occurs, Stage 1 corrosion

begins, which soon will lead to Stage 2
activity and ultimate surface damage unless
the process is stopped.

The reason that glass corrosion is not

usually observed on fabricated glass
products stems from the fact that moisture in
contact with installed units is not trapped or
stagnated, as it is in a glass package. With
most glass products, the environment is such
that water in contact with a glass surface Fig. 3b
either quickly evaporates or is highly diluted
by normal weathering conditions. In any A double-light window unit that has seal
case, the critical pH levels required to failure will show a milky white haze on the
promote Stage 2 corrosion are not reached, interior surfaces. The white haze is actually
and the glass remains undamaged. surface corrosion damage. When double-
pane units fail, moisture is allowed to enter
For most casual observers, the two most the airspace separating the glass lights. The
likely situations in which glass corrosion relative humidity in the airspace can reach
may have been observed are in double-light levels where evaporation is not resulting in a
sealed insulating units in which the seal has net loss of moisture, and water-induced
failed (Fig.2) and narrow neck bottles corrosion reactions take place.
containing liquid that have been allowed to
set for long periods of time (Figs. 3a and A similar situation can occur in narrow-neck
3b). bottles where the rate of evaporation is
greatly reduced by the constricted opening.
Solution pH can, in time, reach critical
levels, where it is between 9.0 and 9.9, and
can cause permanent surface damage.
Perhaps you have found an antique bottle
lying in a field with milky white surface
deposits that could not be removed no
matter what cleaning agents were used.

Interleaving Systems

Fig. 3a While the end-user customer has little need

to be concerned about glass surface
corrosion, glass manufacturers and
fabricators do need to be. As stacked glass
provides the most common environment for
corrosion, and storage conditions cannot
always be controlled, manufacturers use
techniques to retard stain damage in
packaged glass.

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Glass Technical Document TD-105

automatic dispensing equipment without

They do so by using any of a variety of interrupting float glass production, and it is
powdered and paper interleaving systems. compatible with automatic unpacking
Interleaving materials used in glass systems. Paper interleaving is more than 30
packaging today serve two purposes. First, times more expensive to use than today's
they mechanically separate individual lights most popular powdered materials. Handling
to prevent abrasion and other mechanical and disposing of paper interleaving can be
damage during shipping and handling. expensive and problematic for the glass
Second, functional interleaving systems also fabricator as well as the producer.
contain relatively harmless acidic chemicals
to neutralize Stage 1 alkali buildup and The developer of powdered interleaving
provide pH control. systems began in earnest about 22 years ago.
Initially, materials such as polystyrene beads
Paper interleaving materials in general are blended with salicylic acid were tested.
excellent separators that prevent mechanical More exotic systems using ground coconut
damage during handling and transport. Some shells or wood flour combined with an
papers, like newsprint, also effectively organic acid were also investigated.
reduce the probability of chemical attack by
keeping pH levels below critical values It was about 12 years ago that powdered
during storage. This occurs because of the interleaving systems first appeared. They
presence of naturally occurring organic use polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)
acids that typically give the paper a pH beads as the separator medium and provide
value of 5.0. excellent protection against mechanical
damage. PMMA beads are highly resilient;
Because of its favorable characteristics, beads ranging in size from -60 to +120 mesh
paper interleaving was once the preferred have been shown to be able to withstand
packaging material in the glass industry. pressure of 10,000 pounds per square inch
Today, however, because of new (psi) for one hour without being
technological developments in glass permanently deformed.
production and fabricating, and rising
materials and labor costs, the use of paper PMMA beads are also chemically inert
interleaving has, for the most part, become under the conditions found in typical glass
limited to the packaging of fabricated storage environments. Today's most popular
products. powdered interleaving also includes adipic
acid as a defensive measure to retard
It was the advent of float glass technology, increases in pH levels should Stage 1
as well as the emergence of automated corrosion ever begin within the packaged
procedures for unpacking and handling glass glass. Adipic acid, a weak organic acid, is a
before fabrication, that necessitated the need solid-form food additive. It is blended with
for new interleaving systems. Today, the PMMA beads in equal portions by
powdered interleaving has become the weight. Together, these materials offer the
preferred one. full complement of performance
characteristics required of any effective
Powdered interleaving systems offer many glass interleaving system.
advantages. Powdered interleaving can be
readily applied to glass surfaces with

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Glass Technical Document TD-105

How does a powdered interleaving system leaves the glass highly susceptible to being
actually prevent glass staining as well as scratched.
mechanical damage, such as surface
scratches? In order to understand, it may be What happens when a neutral, non-reactive
helpful to know what happens if interleaving separation medium, such as PMMA beads,
is not used, a question asked by some buyers is applied between stacked glass lights as
of primary glass. If no interleaving is used, shown in Fig. 5. Notice how the beads act as
the stage is set for development of the most tiny ball bearings that prevent sliding
severe glass corrosion environment friction between the glass. The distance
imaginable. between adjacent surfaces has been
increased to 0.01 inch; a 0.1-milliliter water
Without interleaving materials, the distance droplet would cover only 1.6 square inches
between non-contacting points on adjacent of glass surface, tenth that for non-
glass surfaces can be as little as 0.0007 to interleaved glass. In other words, it would
0.0009 inch, which is about a third of the take an entire milliliter of water to achieve
thickness of a sheet of newspaper. Fig. 4 intimate contact with 16 square inches of
shows a unique cross-sectional view of non- glass surface area.
interleaved glass.

Fig. 5
Fig. 4
However, this "spacing" effect doesFig. not4
Under these conditions, the quantity of significantly act to prevent glass staining.
water found in a small droplet -0.1 milliliter, The additional space between the glass
or about the amount of water in two lights permits more condensate to form on a
raindrops - could come into intimate contact given surface area. As a result, the by-
with more than 16 square inches of glass products of Stage 1 corrosion, when
surface. In a very short time (several days at evolved, accumulate in a greater volume of
room temperature), pH levels would reach moisture than they would when non
the critical stage -pH of 9.0- and the glass interleaving is used. The net result is that it
would soon suffer irreparable corrosive takes slightly longer for critical pH levels to
damage. The absence of interleaving also be reached.

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Glass Technical Document TD-105

This may mean an additional shelf life of Fig. 6

one to two weeks, at most, compared to Even if packed glass comes in contact with
glass that has no interleaving. In order for moisture, no surface damage will occur so
increased separation to be effective in long as sufficient quantities of acidic
preventing stain, spacing between packaged interleaving materials are present to
glass lights would have to be increased to at maintain pH control. The longer glass is to
least a quarter of an inch or larger in order to be stored, the larger the amount of
allow a dynamic weathering environment to interleaving that should be applied.
exist between stacked glass lights. Judicious use of interleaving materials is key
to success in storing flat glass products.
This would be impractical. If, for example,
this spacing were used with an average case Paul F. Duffer is a research associate in the
of 135 patio door lights measuring 34 by 76 advanced research department at the PPG
inches, with 3-millimeter glass, the case Industries, Inc., glass research and
width would increase from 22 inches to development center in Harmar Township,
more than 4 feet. Obviously, neutral, Pa., near Pittsburgh. He joined the glass
nonreactive interleaving materials alone manufacturer in 1977 as a senior research
cannot meet performance levels required to chemist at the center, and was named to his
prevent glass corrosion during storage. present post in 1981.
This document is intended to inform and assist the reader in
It is for this reason that effective glass the application, use, and maintenance of PPG Flat Glass
interleaving systems include acidic products. Actual performance and results can vary
materials. Without them, Stage 2 corrosion depending on the circumstances. PPG makes no warranty
or guarantee as to the results to be obtained from the use
would begin to wreak havoc on the surface of all or any portion of the information provided herein,
quality of stored glass. and hereby disclaims any liability for personal injury,
property damage, product insufficiency, or any other
damages of any kind or nature arising from the reader's
Glass cannot be safely stored for any length use of the information contained herein.
of time without an acidic interleaving
material being in place unless it is stored in
an environmentally controlled warehouse.
On the other hand, powdered interleaving,
when properly distributed to a glass surface
(see Fig. 6), can provide corrosion-free
storage for 12 months or longer.

Fig. 6

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PPG Industries, Inc.
Glass Technical Document TD-105

How to Prevent Glass Corrosion

Original Publication 11/15/1986
Revision #1 1/17/2002 Transferred to TD-105

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PPG Industries, Inc.

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