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Modul1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 KD 3.1 - 4.1

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GRADE 6 - MODUL 1 (One)

Kompetensi Dasar

3.1 Mengidentifikasi teks lisan meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima

yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan suka/tidak suka, menanyakan
jumlah, menanyakan harga, menanyakan keadaan.

4.1 Mempraktikkan ungkapan meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima

yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan suka/tidak suka, menanyakan
jumlah, menanyakan harga, menanyakan keadaan.

Materials : Like and Dislike, Asking Number / Price,

Asking Condition
Activities :
1. Listen and repeat : like and dislike
2. Practice the dialogues
3. Let’s have survey
4. Read the text loudly
5. Write and tell
6. Listen and read : asking numbers and price
7. Practice the dialogues
8. Listen and read : asking condition
9. Write a list of good feeling and bad feeling
10. Read and write



Activity 1

Listen and read!

I like singing.
I want to join singing contest.

I don’t like dancing.

I prefer cooking.

We like swimming.
We can swim well.

We like watching video.

Cartoons are the best videos
For us.

I like running. I feel so fresh.

I hate cooking. It’s too complicated.

But I like eating.

I like orange juice.
It is sweet and little bit sour but fresh.

I like drawing.
I want to be an artist.

I like playing football.

I want to be a national football player.

I don’t like bread.

But I like Nasi pecel, salad and gado gado.

Activity 2

B. Practice the dialogues!

Lukman : I am thirsty
Bobby : What do like to drink?
Lukman : I like to drink orange juice
Bobby : Do you like to frink a cup of coffee?
Lukman : No, I don’t like it
Bobby : Well, let’s go to the canteen
Lukman : Okay

Citra : What sport do you like?

Siti : I like swimming, running and cycling
Citra : Do you like playing badminton?
Siti : No, I hate it. What about you
Citra : I like runnning and cycling but I hate wall climbing.
Siti : Why?
Citra : Because I am affraid of height!

Activity 3

Let‟s have survey!

Go around the class, and ask your friends about sport.
Use following questions!
Do you like ....? Yes I do / No, I don’t

No Names Playing football Swimming Playing

1. Farhan √ x √

Write sentences based on the table!

Example :
1. Farhan likes playing football and badminton, but he doesn’t like swimming.

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

Activity 4

Read the text loudly!

Hello, I am Luthfi.
I like skateboarding and playing football.
I don’t like swimming and cooking. Because I can’t do it.

Hello, I am Nurul Luthfia.

I like hiking, cycling

and playing the xylophone.
I don’t like shopping.

Write “True or False”

1. Luthfi likes skateboarding. True / False
2. he hates football. True / False
3. Nurul Luthfia hates cooking. True / False
4. She like playing xylophone. True / False

Write “Yes, he / she does or No, he / she doesn‟t”

1. Does Nurul Luthfia like hiking?
2. Does Luthfi like playing football?
3. Does Luthfi hate skateboarding?
4. Does Nurul Luthfia hate cycling?
5. Does Nurul Luthfia like shopping?
6. Does Luthfi like swimming?

Activity 5

Write and tell!

_______________________________________ Stick your
_______________________________________ photo here

Activity 6

Listen and read!

How much is the hat?

It’s 20.000

How much are these sunglasses?

They are Rp. 50.000

How much money do you have?

I have Rp.100.000

How many stuents are there?

There are nine students

What is the price of this jacket?

The jacket is Rp. 100.00

Activity 7

Practice the dialogue!

Dialogue 1

Teddy : How many students are in your class?

Tiara : There are 20 students.

Teddy : That's good. Do you have many friends in your class?

Tiara : Yes, I do

Teddy : It’s awsome

Dialogue 2

Student : Excuse me, can I have a glass of tea please?

Seller : Sure, here you are

Student : How much is it?

Seller : It’s Rp. 3000

Student : Thank you

Seller : You are welcome

Dialogue 3

Student : Excuse me, can I have a slice of bread please?

Seller : Sure, here you are

Student : How much is it?

Seller : It’s Rp. 2000

Student :Thank you

Seller : You are welcome

Activity 7

Listen and read!

1. Mary fells happy when she rides her bike.

2. It makes Kiky fell sad when she has no one to play with.

3. Farhan feels so thirsty after running for hours.

4. Johan is confused because the homework is very difficult.

5. I fell so tired because I´ve played all day!

6. Yunus is sick now. He played in the rain yesterday.

7. Zaini is so angry because someone took his pencil.

8. Arka is hungry. He hasn’t got breakfast

9. Ludia is scared! She saw a snake.

10. Samantha feels nervous. She has speech contest now.

Activity 8

Practice the dialogues!

A: How are you felling?

B: I am feeling tired
A: Let’s take a rest for a while!
B: Okay

A :How do you feel?

B :I feel so hungry
A :Let’s eat together!
B: That’s good idea

A: How are you?

B :I am sick today
A: What’s wrong?
B: I am getting cold

A: How is your homework?

B: It’s very difficult
A: Can you do it?
B: Yes, I am sure I can finish it

Activity 9

Write a list of good feeling and bad feeling!

good feeling bad feeling

 happy  sick

Activity 10

Read and write!

The happiest moment in my life was

when I got a bike from my parent.
It was my birthday. They gave a surprise for me.
Then they said “Happy birthday to you”
And they hugged and kissed me. I love my parent.

Write your happiest momen in your life!

Stick your
photo here


Exercise 1

Make dialogues and practice them with your partner!

Example 1 : eat /chicken / bread

Tony : What do like to eat?

Benny : I like to eat chicken
Tonny : What about bread?
Benny : I don’t like it

1. Drink / a cup of tea / a cup of coffee

Farah : ___________________________?
Sarah : ___________________________?
Farah : ..................................................................?
Sarah : ..................................................................

2. eat / banana / starfruits

Vicky : ..................................................................?
Tio : ..................................................................
Vicky : ..................................................................?
Tio : ..................................................................
Example 2 : Sport / playing football / gym
Aldo : What sport do you like?
Nizar : I like playing football
Aldo : Do you like Gym?
Nizar : No, I hate it

1. Activity / reading and writing / singing

Zakky : ..................................................................?
Farel : ..................................................................
Zakky : ..................................................................?
Farel : ..................................................................

2. Activity / singing and dancing / writing

Zakky : ..................................................................?
Farel : ..................................................................
Zakky : ..................................................................?
Farel : ..................................................................

Exercise 2

Write the missing words „much‟ or „many‟ in the questions. Then ask a friend!

1. How much chocolate do you eat every week?

2. How many computers are there at your school?

3. How _______________ homework does your English teacher give?

4. How _______________ of your friends live near you?

5. How _______________ computer games do you have?

6. How _______________ time do you have to play with your friends?

7. How _______________ money do your parents give you every week?

8. How _______________ sweets do you have right now?

9. How_____________ water do we need to drink every day?

10. How _____________ glasses of milk per day do we need to drink?

Exercise 3

How many students are there?

Look at the picture and answer the questions!

A : How many students are there in the classroom?
B : There are six students
1. How many boys are there in the classroom?

2. How many books are there on the floor?

3. How many girls are there in the classroom?

4. How many schoolbags are there on the floor?

5. How many pencils are there on the floor?

6. How many chairs can you see?

Exercise 4

Write and practice!

Example :
1. Classroom / dirty / let’s clean it / okay
A: How is the classroom?
B : It’s dirty
A : Let’s clean it!
B : Okay

2. feel / thirsty / do you want some ice tea ? / sure

A: ____________________________________?
B : ____________________________________
A : ____________________________________!
B : ____________________________________

3. You / tired / let‟s take a rest / Okay

A: ____________________________________?
B : ____________________________________
A : ____________________________________!
B : ____________________________________

I Choose the best answer for A, B, C or D!

The text is for number 1-2

Hi, I am Farid. I usually eat rice with fish or meat and I drink some
milk or tea for breakfast. I don’t eat any noodle, I don’t like it. At
school, I like to play football, basketball in breaktime. I don’t play
badminton. I don’t like it.

1. Does Farid like noodle?

A. Yes, she does
B. Yes, he does
C. Yes, they do
D. No, he doesn’t

2. Choose the correct statement from the text!

A. Farid likes rice, fish, but he doesn’t like noodle
B. Farid likes rice, noodle, but he doesn’t like fish
C. Farid likes football, but he doesn’t basketball
D. Farid likes badminton, football and basketball

3. Reni : ... students are there in this classroom?

Febi : There are 36 students
A. How many
B. How much
C. How often
D. How long

4. Guntur : ... is a pair of shoes?

Shop keeper : It’s one hundred thousand Rupiah
A. How many
B. How much
C. How often
D. How long

5. Father : What is ... with you?
Son : I am so tired
A. sick
B. big
C. small
D. wrong
6. Mother : What do you feel?
Bima : I feel .....
A. thirsty
B. hungry
C. sleepy
D. softly

7. A : ... do you feel?

B :I feel so sleepy
B. How
C. Who
D. Where

8. How is the boy?

A. He is hungry
B. He is sleepy
C. He is tired
D. He is confused

9. How is the girl?

A. She is hungry
B. She is sleepy
C. She is tired
D. She is scared

10. Is the boy happy?

A. Yes, he is
B. Yes, she is
C. No, she is not
D. No, he is not

II Let‟s write
11. Arrange the dialogue
Farah : ___________________________?
What do like to eat?
Sarah : ___________________________
I don’t like it
Farah : ___________________________?
I like to eat chicken
Sarah ___________________________
What about bread?
12. Write two statements for this table!

Names chicken coffee fish

Ahmad √ √ X
Putri √ X √

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

13. Make a dialogue for this picture!

Farah : ___________________________?
Sarah ___________________________

14. Make a dialogue for this picture!

Tedy : ___________________________?
Arya :___________________________
Rp. 10.000

15. Write two sentences for this picture



90 – 100 EXCELENT
80 – 89 GOOD
70 - 79 FAIR
< 70 POOR


join = mengikuti afraid = takut

repeat = mengulangi height = ketinggian
prefer = memilih confused = pusing
feel = merasakan tired = lelah
hate = membenci angry = marah
complicated = rumit scared = takut
little bit = sedikit surprised = terkejut
thirsty = haus hugged = memeluk

M. Echols, John & Shadily, Hasan. 2001. Kamus Indonesia Inggris. Edisi 3. PT Gramedia


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