Cam Analysis Unit: Technical Teaching Equipment
Cam Analysis Unit: Technical Teaching Equipment
Cam Analysis Unit: Technical Teaching Equipment
Available cams
Electronic console
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A cam is a mechanical element that rotates or moves forwards and backwards to create a set motion in contact with an element known
as follower.
In fact, a cam can be employed to obtain an unusual or irregular motion that would be difficult to obtain with any other coupling.
The rising and falling speed of the follower can be controlled in function of the profile of the cam. When the cam completes one turn, the
follower performs a series of motions that consists of rising, stopping and returning.
The Cam Analysis Unit “MEAL” allows the students to observe and study the dynamic behavior of the cam mechanisms under several
operation conditions.
The Cam Analysis Unit “MEAL” allows to observe the effect of the profile of a cam, the study of the displacement, velocity and acceleration
profiles of the cam and the identification of the factors that can modify the dynamics of the cam.
This unit consists of a motor, an extension shaft, a set of interchangeable cams, several different followers, a set of springs and weights and
a drum recording system to register the lifting and displacement of the cam.
The motor is coupled to an extension shaft that allows to rotate the cams. The cams are easily mounted at the end of the fixed shaft. A large
intertia mass is connected between the motor and the cam to guarantee a constant operation at several speeds.
The follower is coupled to a shaft that moves vertically and includes weights and springs, employed to simulate a valve. The upper end of
the spring surrounds the vertical shaft. The compression spring will push the follower on the face of the cam.
The stress of the spring and the inertia of the follower can be modified using different weights. Several interchangeable springs are supplied
to change the operation of the valve and its response. To demonstrate the “oscillation of the valve”, the springs, the weights and the velocity
can be modified.
The tracer draws a register of the lifting and displacement of the cam on a piece of paper (displacement curves) using the drum recording
The paper is attached to a cylindrical drum register to represent the motion of the cam.
The design guarantees that the elements of the unit can be observed during the motion process. For that purpose, a transparent safety
cover is fitted over the unit.
A speed sensor measures the speed of the motor during the practical exercises.The unit includes a console with a digital screen to show
the speed of the motor.
Bench top unit.
Unit mounted on an anodized aluminum frame with painted steel panel.
Main metallic elements made of stainless steel.
Diagram in the panel with distribution of the elements similar to the real one.
Electric motor with variable speed:
Power: 250W approx.
Velocity: 0-670 rpm approx.
Velocity controlled from the console. The unit allows to measure the velocity of the motor and visualize it in the screen of the console.
An extension shaft made of stainless steel.
A speed sensor, range: 0-1000 rpm.
Four interchangeable cams:
Two circular cams with different radii of lateral curvature.
One concave cam.
One tangent cam.
Two different followers:
One roller follower.
One flat surface follower.
Three interchangeable springs with different constants. Values: 5.026 N/mm, 2.601 N/mm and 0.613N/mm.
1Weight of 200 g.
Drum recording system, consisting of a tracer and a recording drum.
Transparent safety cover.
Electronic console:
Metallic box.
Connector of the speed sensor.
Connector of the motor.
ON/OFF controller of the motor.
Speed control of the motor.
Digital screen for the speed of the motor.
The unit includes rolls of graph paper and several marker pens.
Cables and accessories, for normal operation.
Manuals: This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance
& Practices Manuals.
1.- Observation of the effect of the cam profile on the dynamics of Additional practical possibilities:
the cam. 10.- Study of the inertia of the follower and compression rate of
2.- Comparison of different cam designs. the spring.
3.- Theoretical study of the displacement, velocity and acceleration 11.- Plotting of lift curves for non-matching tracer.
profiles of different types of cams and followers. 12.- Plotting of lift curve for skipping tracer.
4.- Experimental study of the displacement profiles of different types
of cams and followers.
5.- Comparison of the theoretical and experimental displacement
curve of the cams with different types of springs, weights and
6.- Study of the influence of a moving mass.
7.- Study of the influence of the spring rigidity.
8.- Study of the influence of the rotation axis of the cam.
9.- Experimental study of the limit velocity.
Student Software
For more information see CAI catalogue. Click on the following link:
This Computer Aided Learning Software (Results Calculation and Analysis) “CAL” is a Windows based software, simple and very easy to
use, specifically developed by EDIBON.
CAL is a class assistant that helps in doing the necessary calculations to extract the right conclusions from data obtained during the
experimental practices.With a single click, CAL computes the value of all the variables involved and performs the calculations.
Also, CAL allows to plot and print the results.Within the plotting options, any variable can be represented against any other.
Available different plotting displays.
It has a wide range of information, such as constant values, unit conversion factors and integral and derivative tables.
With the calculated variables, CAL gives the option of plotting the results. It is possible to CAL has a wide range of help information. By clicking the
represent any variable against any other. It has the option of representing the graph with button “ADDITIONAL HELP” opens a window where we have
different layouts. Screens below give an example of the multiple choices. information about typical Constants, International System
Units, Conversion Factors, and Table of Main Integrals and
Derivatives (General), and there is other specific help for the
particular unit.
For more information see CAL catalogue. Click on the following link:
Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvement of the product.
Edition: ED01/15
Date: August/2015