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Political Science Mendoza - Diss

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Mendoza, Darylle Adriana S.

July 19, 2017

HUMSS V – Matapat Mr. Ephraim Abalahin


All of this talk of the Political Science degree may leave students scratching their heads and wondering what
exactly Political Science is? Political Science is a social science that focuses on government institutions and political
behavior, but how exactly did it come about? And why should you study it today? Even though social sciences weren't
academically recognized as such until the 1800s, the concept of Political Science has been around since ancient times.
Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is actually credited with coining the term "Political Science." In ancient times, this
type of political thought, considered to be similar with the discipline of political philosophy, served as a guide for rulers
on how to govern their people. Aristotle’s thoughts were drawn from his conclusion that governments should seek to
benefit the general well-being of a population. Furthermore, with the sixteenth century came the emergence of a more
precise understanding of governmental affairs, with the appearance of political theorists such as Machiavelli, Hobbes,
Rousseau, and Locke, whose views on property and individual rights influenced American founding father Thomas
Jefferson. The Industrial Revolution and the prevalence of Enlightenment thought, brought with them a change in the
Political Science field: a stronger importance on the "science" portion of "Political Science." Social scientists like Karl
Marx and Max Weber shifted the focus of politics from specific government institutions to wider subjects like the
economy and religion. It wasn't until the 1950s that the focus of Political Science study shifted again, this time towards
behavioralism. The movement, led by the likes of political scientists David Easton, Gabriel Almond, and John Rawls,
proclaimed the virtues of studying political behavior. The concept clearly caught on, as most colleges and universities
require students earning their Political Science degree take classes in Political Behavior. But what is Political Science
today? While present day academics in the Political Science field have the capacity to follow in the footsteps of their
predecessors and once again shift the focus of the discipline, the term "Political Science" is most commonly referenced in
regards to the electoral process. Another common context for "political science" today is in regards to the Political
Science degree. Students striving to achieve a Political Science degree should have a love of politics and an interest in the
way the government works. Since Political Science is among the social sciences, the Political Science degree program is
under the umbrella of the Liberal Arts department at most colleges and universities. Most colleges feature Political
Science degree programs. In fact, it's quickly becoming one of the more popular undergraduate majors among
international students. Majors are typically able to fit their Political Science degree program to their interests. Students
graduating with a Political Science degree will be prepared for a variety of career fields, including, but certainly not
limited to, journalism, law, and politics. Throughout history, some of the world's greatest minds have studied Political
Science; if an international student is interested in following in their revered footsteps, he or she should consider earning a
Political Science degree. This archaic meaning of politics holds good even today. So it is worn that right from the fifth
century B.C. to the present twentieth century A.D. political science carries the same root meaning. So, whether one likes it
or not, political science continues to be largely concerned with the state. The definition given by them is rather the
subject-matter of political science and not any definition as such. Whether we accept these definitions or not, there is no
denying the fact that the subject-matter as struck home by the political scientists serve as the acceptable foundation of
political science.

I remember sitting down in silence for a while. I just sat there, waiting. I’m not sure what I was really waiting or
thinking for. I think I just wanted a sign or something. Like from the universe saying that I shouldn’t lose hope. Lose hope
in what? Lose hope in my future. I’m always thinking like for after 10 years, where would I be and who would I be then?
What kind of life will I have or what will happen to me because I truly believe that in that span of time, lot of things can
change in just a snap. I just wanted a sign. But I never got that sign. Must’ve been forever before I realized, someone from
the sky wasn’t going to fall to me and make my future better. No amount of false hope or luck was going to fix my
overthinking. So when I realized that, and finally decided to get up from my spot where I feel like I’d been sitting for
days, I kind of just accepted that it won’t be easy for me to have the life, to have the future that I’d been longing to have. I
accepted that days aren’t just about the sunrise, because there will always be sunset and later on, moonlight. I accepted
that life is really like a wheel. A wheel of life that continuously rotating, and that means you’ll have your ups and downs.
You can’t have anything you want in just a snap. So I stood up and started telling myself that waiting for a sign is not the
key to my success. I told myself that this life wasn’t a fairytale, a fiction world where magic happens. Standing up is much
better that sitting down the whole day. So I stood up and set myself focused and determined for what I want to be and for
what I want to have. It’s my present day that will dictate my future and it is myself who only have the control since then.
In my life today, where I’m already in my 11 th grade of Senior High School, it’s already clear to me what steps to follow,
what routes to serve as my guide for the path I want to go. And so I decided to take the field of Political Science for my
course in college because I can clearly see myself suitable in this field. My character, personality, hobbies, and the things I
love to do are clearly inside this field. This is not just for myself but for the sake of other people. Because I promised
myself that when the time came that I already have the chance to make a move, even small move for my country, I will do
everything, anything. But what are the deeper reasons behind my willingness to take this course and to take actions within
my country? Since then, I really wanted to be part of the government because my father is also working under the
government. I took Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) in my Senior High School because Political Science is
aligned there and I can see myself suitable in that strand. Yes, I’m still a student but it doesn’t mean my individuality will
stop there and I must care about my country where I’m living in. Being a citizen or a member of this society, community,
or country needs some duties to be performed individually. Everyone has to perform duties of citizenship in the country in
order to provide a bright future. A country is backward, poor, or developing, everything depends on its citizens especially
if a country is a democratic country. Everyone should exist in the state of good citizen and be loyal towards country. The
purpose of this major is to deepen knowledge and understanding of one of the most powerful forces operating on people,
communities and corporations today, namely government and politics in the world. This knowledge and understanding is
valuable for all citizens like me. One of my inspirations too, not surprisingly, that majors of this field can be found
succeeding in many different professions and organizations including law and business. Some find government so
captivating that they make government service their career. While many professions such as Law, requires you to go to a
professional school for postgraduate training, the intellectual skills acquired in a political science major are a great
foundation for future success. And with regards to Political Science, I know that most of us are just ordinary
citizens. That’s not a bad thing for me. It just means that the majority of us don’t hold a political capabilities. Our civic
duties include mainly voting, jury duty, and paying taxes. We, ordinary citizens may know and learn about our political
rights and privileges from a given form of government that includes the political structure and processes of our
state. Without this knowledge we wouldn’t know which rights we have and more importantly the battles that were
fought in order to award us these rights. As you can see, the study of Political Science is not only useful, it is
valuable. Political Science deals with theory and practice of Politics, as well as the analysis of our political systems,
behavior and culture. For a better reason of mine, I will include the significances of this field which is the Political
Science and these reasons came from a site ( ) wrote and elaborated by Mr. Arvind Kumar in
his article entitled, “What Are the Significance of Political Science?”. First, Political Science provides valuable
information and ideas about state, government and many political organizations and institutions to the individual. State is
the most universal and powerful of all social institutions, and politically enlightened people are capable of playing a useful
role in social and political affairs. Second, it provides good idea about government, administration and diplomacy.
Statesman, political leaders, legislators, administrators and diplomats are in charge of running the government in different
spheres. To efficiently conduct their business and discharge their function, they need the knowledge of Political Science.
Statecraft depends on political theory. The study of Political Science is very important for the efficient organization and
development of the political system, because Political Science is the science of state. Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s
Lyceum imparted valuable training to future statesmen and administrators. In modern times the future leaders of the
country are being educated and trained about various aspects of government and administration in different academic
institutes and centers. Third, it builds good citizen. The knowledge gained by Political Science helps in building good
citizens. Now-a-days the individual is not a passive spectator in regard to administration. He is inclined to influence its
decisions. It is therefore necessary for the citizen to learn about nation-building, the jurisdiction and functions of state.
Political awareness contributes to good citizenships. The citizen should be aware of his rights and duties granted by the
state. He should learn how he will be able to win back his rights, if these are usurped by state. Vigilant citizens can
prevent encroachment of their rights by state and other external agencies. They can also prevent misuse of power.
Therefore it has been said, “Eternal Vigilance is the price of liberty.” In modern welfare states, laws are not meant only to
control and discipline individuals. Laws also help in taking several welfare measures. Thus, the success of a welfare state
depends on the awareness and vigilance of people. Political Science also helps individuals gain good idea about the aims
and objectives, and functions of various organizations of a state. Fourth, it forges harmony between individual’s freedom
and state control. Another objective of Political Science is to establish balance between state and individual. The freedom
of individual and power of state should be integrated and harmonized. Political Science studies the limit of state’s control
over individual’s freedom and the area of individual’s freedom. It educates the individual about the ideals of patriotism,
toleration, sacrifice and national integration. It enables him to be broad-minded, and to get rid of different kinds of
parochialism like regionalism, casteism and communalism. Fifth, it stimulates International Peace and Cooperation. The
study of politics stimulates international peace and cooperation. Political Science has conceived the dream of ‘one- world-
state’ through world peace and cooperation. It is now the goal of many international organizations to free the world from
the scourge of nuclear weapons and to establish peaceful existence. George Bernard Shaw has aptly observed, “Political
Science is the science by which alone civilization can be saved.” Sixth, it facilitates Social Change. Political Science,
being a dynamic social science, contributes to social change. The study of Political Science enables the individual to have
good knowledge about progressive ideas and revolutionary changes. This makes it easy to take collective decisions in
social, economic and political fields. Besides, the study of Political Science enlightens the mind of the man and enriches
the pool of knowledge. According to A.L. Rouse, “A people that neglect politics cannot as a people be happy.” With all
these given reason, I am much motivated to be part of Politics and make a change. Since I was just a kid, I’m always
asking my father if he could help me enter the world of the government then he totally agreed and told me that I’m taking
the right path. And you know, I’ve also realized that meddling in government, is not a bad thing as long as you’re not
making any harm or attack within the state and its politicians. I remembered my teacher in “Komunikasyon sa
Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Filipino” who told us that, being a humanist doesn’t mean being a protestant too.
You can have your freedom of expression, you can share your thoughts and you can regulate your actions in a professional
way. Because sometimes, protest is not a solution. Yes through that, you can express your thoughts and your rights. You’re
giving a solution but you, yourself can also be a problem that might affect and can contribute conflicts to the country. Do
it professionally, it doesn’t matter what your profession is, you still are responsible to stand between in everything that’s
happening around. Now I’ve already reached the central part of this essay’s body, I want to share my favorite quote of our
very owned Filipino academic, lawyer, judge, author, statesman, and the best President we never had, Sen. Miriam
Defensor Santiago. She who stated, “In my approaching old age, I am now supposed to share with you what life has
taught me, and in the end to encapsulate for you what is the meaning of life. From where I am now, I find that these
conundrums are easily answered. First, life teaches us that, whether we perceive it as predestined or as random, it is
beyond any person's control. Second, there is no template for the meaning of life. Instead, the meaning of life is what you
choose to make it mean. In making your choice, when you reach my age, your journey becomes an affirmation of the
warning that life is a consequence of our moral choices.” This really inspires me a lot, until now. Sen. Miriam Santiago is
one of the people I really look up to. And I know many of us are really sad for her sudden death. But, nevertheless she still
did her job to serve the country and to stand for what is right at any cost. That’s why I really bring this quote with me for
every time I’m planning for my future, specially for taking Political Science that involves politics and governance. You
never know what your life will be or where your feet may bring you. It may be fated or random, but you still have the
power, the capability, and the control of your own life. YOU’LL CREATE YOUR OWN LIFE. So I’m now focused and
determined for what I’m about to study, to do, in order for me to create the future I’ve been longing to achieve. Moreover,
Sen. Santiago doesn’t only inspire me in terms of life virtues but specifically in serving the country. I love the way she
stand for what she believed in, for what she knows better for our country, and for what she knows the best for each and
every one of us here. Miriam Defensor Santiago is not your typical presidential candidate. Why? Because for me, she is
most certainly overqualified. She has not only served in all of the three branches of the government to give her enough
experience to deserve the position, but she has been fighting corruption ever since she started serving the country. This
statement is supported by what Sen. Santiago said, “We must look for other ways to fight corruption. I invite you, the
young people, to join the crusade against corruption and the task of nation building. Begin by making sure that society
does not condone corruption. Corruption only exists in a society that allows it.” (According to Rappler)
In conclusion to what I’ve stated here, it’s not too late to pursue things you wanted to as long as you are focused
to what your goals are. It doesn’t matter what age, what kind of society you’re in, what profession you have and what
hinders you. If you want something, you got to go for it. Furthermore, since I’m talking about Political Science here, I’ve
realized that if I truly care for the people around me and for my country, I will do something, big or small for my country
to be better because being a citizen or a member of the society, community, or country needs some duties to be performed
individually. Everyone has to perform duties of citizenship in the country in order provide bright future. A country is
backward, poor, or developing, everything depends on its citizens especially in our democratic country. Everyone should
exist in the state of good citizen and be loyal towards country. We, people should follow all the rules, regulations and laws
made by the government for their safety and improvement of life. And according to the (Inquirer.Net) “We live in a world
that is very volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. But while current developments appear bleak, today’s dynamic
times have likewise given birth to impressive advances and amazing possibilities. We live in an era where technological
innovation, new business models and new ways of thinking can be used to benefit a larger number of our population.”
And so I said to myself, this is the belief that I would like to put forward today. That the elements to bring the country to
the next level are already within our hands. Moreover, since this is already the conclusion part I want to share something
that can inspire you to pursue your goals. I remembered watching “Three Idiots” for the last couple years that involves
three Indians namely Farhan, Raju, and Rancho. They’re taking up Engineering in one of the best universities in India.
But their whole time studying and having a life there is not an easy path for them to take. One famous quote from Rancho
that states, “Follow excellence and success will chase you. Make your passion your profession. Study with all your heart,
not just for grades. Study to be accomplished, not affluent.” Rancho always tops the exams. When asked by his friend
Farhan how come he always excels, Rancho’s answer was simple. “I love engineering. It’s my passion.” He further
said, Follow your talent. Quit Engineering. Marry photography. This was because Farhan was so good at Wildlife
Photography, yet, he’s taking up Engineering because it was his parents’ dream for him to become an Engineer. Raju then
asked Rancho how come he (Raju) doesn’t excel even if he studies hard. Rancho said, Cause you’re a coward. Scared of
the future. With such fear of tomorrow, how’ll you live today? How’ll you focus in your studies? Go live your
life. Rancho said it very well, his words touched my heart, so true. And so I decided to adopt his mantra “Make your
passion your profession.” Everyday, I am taking baby steps towards making that a reality. Now, let me ask you. Are you
pursuing your dreams? One of the biggest obstacles for people pursuing their dreams, like me is that they we already have
the belief that it won’t work. Before we even try, we’ve already determined that the probabilities are against us so much
that we might as well not start. But after having so much realizations, the big question still remains. Why would someone
pursue a dream when the odds are stacked against them? But, Steve Bloom, author of “Always Pursue Your Dreams – No
Matter What Happens” ( simply answered this question. According to him, you may not be able to
achieve your dreams, but at least you tried which is more than what people can say. And finally giving an end statement
with a quote of him saying, “Life isn’t about the destination but it’s about the journey instead.” Makes sense right? Why
am I telling these things to you, it’s because I want to share these inspiring messages and advices from people that knows
the reality so well that they’ve already succeed and achieved their meaningful goals in life. Let me ask you a question
about the dreams you have. Would you rather pursue them and fail or never try at all? For me, I’d rather try and fail. I
don’t want to leave things wondering what might have been. Take writing for example. I’ve wanted to be a professional
writer since I was a little girl because I love competing in journalism, but I was too scared that I wouldn’t be any good at
it. But several years ago I started pursuing this dream specially in my Junior High School days despite knowing how
difficult it might be. I fully realized I may not make it, but I’m completely fine with that. At least I tried which is more
than most people can say. I just don’t want to look back on my life when I’m old and realize I never even tried. Instead of
taking the chance on myself, I would have taken the easy way out and regretted it. I don’t want to look back and wonder
what might have been. I might use these as my daily-life inspiration too most specially with the course, Political Science
that I’m taking in. It’s about proper thinking, proper governing and proper handling of things. It won’t be easy, yes. But
it’ll be worth it. Don’t see failure or success as the only end goals when it comes to pursuing your dreams. I don’t think of
dreams in these terms. A lot of life falls into a dark area and dream-chasing is no exception. Instead, think of life as a big
journey where what happens along the way is just as important as reaching the end goal. Plus, I am proud that I took the
chance on myself, take the field of Political Science for my college course and it’s very life affirming. Pursuing your
dreams can take a lot of courage and dedication to do. Plus all the experiences you get along the way can make every
minute you put into it worth while. And it’s why you should always pursue them no matter what. And we’re done with all
of the inspirations I, and We need to be able to pursue our dreams. I started this essay for me to be able to explain what
Political Science is, what are my reasons and influences for choosing this field, what are the extents of this field, and
many more. Now, it’s time to end this with regards to Political Science too by asking these questions: What does Political
Science needs to teach me? How will I be able to make a change through this? And what will be its greatest contribution
to the society? Let’s get into politics. Most people perceive politics to be a dirty game, filled with corrupt and
untrustworthy constituents, trying to have power for their own benefit. A fake where the favored party wins
because of the image they portray. But the reality is that the political platform is neutral. It’s the energy and
persona of the elected individuals who influence the ethics and moral of their administration. Our governments
are nothing but a representation of the collective values of the people who chose to put those front-runners into
a position of power. In addition to this, a site ( ) have released a book entitled “5 Important
Lessons We Can Learn From Politics” written by SelineShenoy. First, we can have a clear identity and value
system. If you would like to have an impact on others, you too need to have clarity on the things that are most
important to you and have the courage to express it through your words and actions. Your value system is like a
compass that can give you guidance when making critical life decisions. Second, champion and support causes
that you believe in. Having a strong framework of your personal ethics will fuel your efforts towards supporting
causes that are close to your heart. Third, you can build win-win alliances. No one can get to the top and stay
there without a strong network of friends, supporters and team members. Leaders of every sort have an
entourage of loyal supporters who lend them advice, resources and encouragement. If you can find ways to tap
into your unique strengths to seek out strategic win-win alliances and beneficial relationships, you’ll have the
power to accomplish almost anything that you set your heart on. Fourth, be transparent and honest. Great
politicians all have one thing in common: they are honest and open about their intentions and they follow
through with consistent action. In other words, what you see is what you get. They realize that although trust is
hard to earn, it is very easy to lose and therefore, place high value on integrity and speaking the truth. And
lastly, don’t pay attention to the haters. Too many political pioneers were defamed, hurt and even killed because
they had the audacity to follow their often controversial convictions. This supports the notion that there’s no
way that we can please everyone. When you demonstrate the courage to express your true self and do what
you’re called to do, there will inevitably be people around you who either disapprove or don’t agree with your
stance. Can you see the point here? That entering politics doesn’t always mean a bad thing. Learn to look at the
brighter side of life because in everything that surrounds us can educate, inspire and motivate us. Don’t be a
one-sided perceiver. And to finally put an end to this essay, how can Political Science can change the society,
the world? As a young person with a keen interest in politics I am passionate about the process through which the
decisions that have a direct impact on our daily lives are reached.
As I talk to numerous people I realize there is a strong apathy towards politics and government. This is perhaps the
greatest challenge we face currently in our democracy. Politics is the vehicle by which progress and change for the people
occurs. I believe firmly that the purpose of government is to meet the needs of the people. While we are all tired of the old
style of politics, much good has been accomplished. So as a citizen, instead of complaining to unreasonable things, think
of everything that we love and cherish about this great country of ours, and remember how they came into being – through
the political process. We must never lose hope in the great endeavor that is politics. The purpose of politics is to better the
lives of the people, and to give up on politics could have extremely negative results for our daily lives. This will be
finished by a quote from Chad Hudson, a student at Bridgetown Regional High School that states, “The next time you feel
disillusioned by politics, think of everything that has been accomplished, and have faith in the future.”


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