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googlefonts / sugerencias tipográficas

Open Sans
Source Sans
Droid Serif
Titillium Web
Bitter Yanone Kaffeesatz
Merriweather Asap
Playfair Exo 2
Roboto Slab Merriweather Sans
Bree Serif Archivo Narrow
Crimson Text Signika
Alegreya Serif Fira Sans
Abril Fatface Economica
Tinos Ruda
Old Standard TT Chivo
Gentium Book Basic
Kaushan Script Quantico Codystar
Covered By Your Grace Bad Script Stardos Stencil
Lobster Tangerine Averia Sans Libre
Bangers Homemade Apple Rationale
Shadows Into Light Alex Brush IM Fell English SC
Dancing Script Nothing You Could Do Bilbo Swash Caps
Amatic SC Kalam Kranky
Acme Sacramento Stalemate
Gloria Hallelujah Pinyon Script Loved by the King
Satisfy Black Ops One Euphoria Script
Sigmar One Neucha Mountains of Christmas
Courgette Patrick Hand Delius
Permanent Marker Limelight Sail
Boogaloo Niconne Aguafina Script
Cookie Allura Poller One
Rock Salt Grand Hotel Rouge Script
Great Vibes Unica One Geo
Special Elite Merienda Titan One
Ceviche One Monofett
Parisienne Dynalight
Cabin Sketch Ruthie

Walter Turncoat Montserrat Subrayada

Gochi Hand Paprika
Waiting for the Sunrise IM Fell DW Pica SC
Reenie Beanie Sancreek
Sansita One Kavoon
Yesteryear Averia Libre
Rochester Vampiro One
Chelsea Market League Script
Fredericka the Great Wendy One
Merienda One Bilbo
Oleo Script Elsie
Petit Formal Script , 1 Style
Slackey by Multiple Designers
Graduate Normal 400
Pompiere Use this style
Mr Dafoe Pirata one
Clicker Script Dr Sugiyama
Mouse Memoirs UnifrakturCook
Unkempt Piedra
Allan Caveat Brush
Just Me Again Down Here Miltonian Tattoo
Give You Glory Monsieur La Doulaise
Caveat Almendra
Herr Von Muellerhoff Averia Gruesa Libre
Expletus Sans Felipa
Share Tech Mono Mrs Sheppards
Delius Emblema One
Itim Bigelow Rules
Concert One Plaster
IM Fell DW Pica Erica one
IM Fell English Diplomata SC
Love Ya Like A Sister Fruktur
Qwigley Rakkas
Arizonia Mogra

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