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Rule 1. The Game, Field, Players & Equipment: Section 1. General Game Provisions

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These are the official FFWCT 7on7 screen flag football rules used in all official Flag

Football World Championship Tour Battle Circuit tournament event.


Article 1. a. The game shall be played between two teams of no more than seven (7)
players each, on a rectangular field with a properly shaped, sized and inflated ball.
b. A team may legally play with no fewer than six (6) players.


Article 2. a. The teams are awarded points based on values established by rules.
Forfeited games are given a different value and depending on circumstances, may
alter the outcome of the game.
b. The game is ended and the score is final when the referee declares the game

Article 3. a. The game is conducted under the supervision of two, three or four officials
including: a referee, a linesman, a back judge, line judge and/or side judge. Use of the
line judge and side judge is optional.


Article 4. a. Each team shall designate to the referee one or more players as its field
captain(s) and one player shall speak for the team in all dealings with officials. There
shall be no more than four captains from each team at the coin toss.
b. A field captain’s first announced choice of any options offered his team shall not be
c. Any player that participated in the last play, and is still on the field of play, may call
for a team charged timeout.


Article 5. All players, captains, managers, or persons affiliated with the teams on the
field, involved with a tournament or contest are subject to the rules and shall be
governed by the officials and/or the tournament director, staff or appointed agents.



Article 1.a. 80 yards from goal line to goal line with two end zones of 10 yards each.
b. Field shall be divided into 4 zones of 20 yards each.
c. Field shall be a minimum of 40 yards wide and a maximum of 53 1/3 yards wide.
d. Marking the five (3) yard line and ten (10) yard line are optional for use during the
PAT. These may be marked as hash marks in the center of the field no more than five
(5) yards in width
e. Lines should be clearly marked and use of cones or yard line markers along the
sideline to signify zone lines are strongly recommended for use during championship
f. Teams shall use opposite sides of the field to use as their team area during the
game. The team area stretches from twenty (20) yard line to twenty (20) yard line and
no less than ten (10) yards wide of the playing field. Only the team manager, captains
and players are allowed within the team area. Persons associated with the team and
are not the Manager, captains or players must be removed from the immediate playing
field and team area. Where grandstands, bleachers or seating areas are available this
is the preferred area for these non-players.
g. When teams and players are in the team area, adequate room along the sideline
must be made available in order for officials to work the sideline and properly officiate
the contest.


Article 1. It is recommended that teams use the Wilson Official NFL Ball or its equal.
(Official NCAA or the R5) However, each team must provide an official size leather
covered football, which is properly inflated.


Article 2. a. An infraction of using too small of a football will be an automatic penalty of
reversing possession of the football at the place of the last snap prior to discovery of
the illegal ball, if the ball was used for one play. If the illegal ball is discovered prior to
snap, there will be a 10-yard penalty, no reversal of possession and removal of ball.
b. Each team is responsible for their own ball as to retrieving it after an incomplete
pass and keeping it dry during adverse weather conditions. The center may carry the
ball to the huddle.


Article 1. a. Shall be each team’s choice as long as it does not include any hard or
unyielding surface.
b. Jewelry: No jewelry of any kind may be worn by players. No headwear with an
extended bill may be worn froward (can turn backwards). (Ex: caps, visors. etc.).
c. Jersey/Shirts: All members of the same team must wear the same color jersey.
Jerseys must be tucked in. The midriff shirt is legal, if in the judgment of the referee, it
does not hinder the defense from pulling the flag. No article of clothing may cover any
portion of a player’s flag. Officials should warn violators of this between plays. If a
shirt/jersey becomes untucked during a play, it must be retucked before the next play.
d. Shorts/Pants: Any shorts or pants worn during flag football league play must not
have pockets located where flags would normally hang from the flag belt. This is to
reduce the risk of injury when pulling flags. If discovered during a game or a pocket
becomes ripped during a play (an attempt at deflagging a player) and that player was
involved, the previous play will be replayed, and the player will be forced to change or
removed from play immediately. Any shorts or pants that have striping, piping or a
design that camouflages a player’s flags or flag belt will not be allowed.
e. Shoes: Any flat soled or completely molded cleat shoes are acceptable. Removable
cleats, baseball or track spikes or any shoes that have steel or metal tips are
prohibited. All players must wear shoes.
f. Protective Equipment: Hardshell helmets, shoulder pads, thigh pads are prohibited.
Any questions as to the legality of player’s equipment shall be decided by the referee
of that game. The use of any unyielding hard substance cannot be used to protect an
injury, no matter how well covered or padded. Therapeutic or prevention knee braces
can be used if covered from direct external exposure.
g. Flags – Depending on the region and event, either the three flag Triple Threat
variety where the full belt is removed, or the “Sonic” type of flag belts may be required.
Mushrooms and Ball & Socket type flag belts are illegal and cannot be used. Flags
must be attached to a belt and the belt will be worn snug around the waist to eliminate
being turned partially around the waist during an attempted deflagging. Sonic flags
must be a minimum of 12 inches (flag itself) in length and 1 1/2 inches in width and
must be a different color than the players lower uniform. It is preferred that teammates
must wear the same color of flags. The flags may not be permanently or temporarily
altered by inserting any foreign substance into the male or female end of the plug
during gameplay. A player found guilty of altering their flags will be removed from the
game immediately and not allowed back on the field for that game.
h. Gloves worn by a player must be approved and inspected by game officials in the
case any illegal substance has altered the gloves with the intent to enhance a player’s


Article 2. a. If any player has improper attire, said player may not play in the game until
he complies with these rules. If discovered during the game, player must be removed
from play until compliance occurs. (Uniform violations: 5-yard penalty for someone
who gains possession of the football). (S-19)
b. Treat item Section 4 Article 1e & Article 1f as dead ball fouls with a 5yard penalty
and remove equipment or player.
c. Illegal alteration, securing, or substitution of flags or belts will result in removal of a
player or players from the game and a 10 yard penalty from L.O.S. of last snap if
offense and if defense from P.O.I. (S-19) Any player with less than two (2) flags in the
proper position at the snap shall be ruled deflagged immediately at the point where he
gains possession of the football.
Article 1. a. 7v7 Screen flag football is 7 men with everyone eligible. A team may field
no less than 6 players at any time.


Article 1. a. Any verbal badgering of officials or derogatory language between
opposing players after officials have asked once for team captain’s control can result in
player or players involved in action being disqualified.
1. First derogatory action or language should be penalized 10 yards and captain
warned. (S-33)
2. Second derogatory action or language will cause players to be disqualified plus 10
yards. (S-32 & 33)
Sideline players are subject to the same disqualification for abusive, obscene or
badgering language to either opposing players or officials. If the captain or coach of
the penalized team cannot control the actions of his players, game can be forfeited.
b. Fake Excessive Contact: Any player, who in the judgment of the officials, fakes
excessive contact for the sole purpose of drawing a penalty may be warned once by
the officials and then penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct on the next offense.
Enforcement: A warning to one player may be applied to a team as a whole if the
officials so state that this warning is to the team. Penalty – (Treated as a dead ball
foul) 10 yards (S-33)
c. Begging A Call – During the course of a game, managers, players and participants
on or off the field of play may decide to solicit unnecessary comments, badgering or
complaints towards officials. If in the official’s judgment, the unsolicited information is
interpreted as “begging the call,” a team may be penalized for such actions. The
sideline must able to be worked by game officials. When this hindrance comes into
play, either verbally or physically, Sideline interference may be warned and penalized
as such. Enforcement: a penalty of 5 yards can be tacked on to the end of the play.
This penalty will be marked off as a dead ball foul even if it occurred while play was in
progress. (S-33)
Article 1. a. An approved ruling is an official decision on a given statement of facts
made by the tournament director, head official and/or the division director. This is to
illustrate the spirit and application of rules. If there is a conflict between an approved
ruling and the official rule, the official rules take precedence.
b. Official’s signals are outlined in the mechanics portion of the 8v8 Screen Flag
Football Rules.
c. Protest: Judgment calls/interpretation of rules cannot be protested. Enforcement of
penalties may be questioned and confirmed at the time of enforcement, but not
protested. Player eligibility may be protested and must be filed with referee before end
of the half in which said player is playing.


Article 1. At the beginning of the first half, a coin toss will be held. The winner of the
coin toss will have the following options: (1) offense, (2) defense or (3) choice of goal
to defend. The loser of the opening toss will have choice of the remaining options for
the first half and will have the first choice of all options in the second half. The loser of
the toss shall have first choice at the beginning of the second half. The winner of the
toss has remaining second half options. There is NO DEFERRMENT to the second

Article 2. a. Clock Management and Regulations:
(1) Game clock will start each half when the official puts the ball in play.
(2) The official’s whistle makes the ball ready for play and starts the play clock prior to
each down throughout the games. The play clock is twenty-five seconds in length.
(3) After a team time-out, the game clock will start at the snap of the ball.
(4) Because the game clock is a continuous click, it does not stop during P.A.T.
(5) The game clock will stop for team time-outs, official time-outs, and at the discretion
of the official to retrieve long incomplete passes.
(6) The play clock is 25 second and starts once the official marks the ball ready for
play. (Delay of Game penalty if exceed 25 seconds)
(7) Half time – A minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.
The on-field captain or quarterback may request the amount of time left in the game
from the officials at any time. Officials will be expected to give the correct time.
b. Periods of play include Regulation, Point After Touchdown (PAT), 7 and Overtime.
c. Regulation Period – The game shall be played in 2 halves of 20 minutes in length. In
all games the clock will be running continuous. (S-2&3)
d. The period of time after a touchdown is made is known as the PAT or Point After
Touchdown. During regulation game time, the game clock does not stop.
e. With two minutes remaining in regulation period {eighteen (18) minute into the half}
of the first and second half, teams will be given a two minutes warning. Inside 2
minutes the clock will stop for time-outs, incomplete forward passes, change of
possession, player going out of bounds, touchdowns (will remain stopped during the
PAT attempt), first downs until referee sets the spotters, and penalties. The clock
remains stopped only while the referee marks off the penalty will start when the new
line of scrimmage is established only if the clock was running when the penalty

1. In the event of a tie game at the end of regulation play, an UN-timed overtime period
will be played. If the game remains tied after one overtime period, additional periods
will be played until the game is decided.
2. Teams are entitled to one time-out per overtime period but can not be saved for the
next period.
3. The overtime will begin with a coin toss. The designated home team will make the call.
The winner of the toss will have the option of taking offense, defense, or playing
towards a certain goal. The loser of the toss will have the second option. If additional
overtime periods are needed, the teams will play the alternate possession from which
they started.
4. All overtime periods will be played toward the same goal. Both teams will have one
opportunity on offense. The ball will be placed at the 10 yard line and the offense will
have four downs to score unless a turnover occurs or a penalty deems otherwise.
5. All rules regarding interceptions will apply except touchbacks will simply result in
change of possession. If an interception is not run back for a score, the ball will be
placed back on the 10 yard line and the defensive team will now have their offensive
opportunity. All penalties occurring on a turnover will be assessed at the succeeding
spot – the 10 yard line.
6. Mercy Rule – If a team is ahead by 19 points or more when the referee announces the
2-minute warning for the second half, the game shall be over. The same rules applies
if a team scores inside 2 minutes with this differential. If a team is ahead by 30 points
with 10 or less minutes to play in the game, the game will be over.

Article 3. a. Touchdown – 6 points (S-4) (based on ball location in which flags are
attached must be on or in advance of the goal line before any points can be awarded.)
b. Point After Touchdown – 1 point – run or pass from 3 yard line 2 point – run or pass
from 10-yard line and 3 point run or pass from the 20-yard line. Teams must declare
before the official marks the ball ready for play. Once the ball is marked ready for play,
a team may only “re-declare” if team uses a time out first. The PAT period is a
separate period of the game. During regulation time, the game clock continues to run..
If infractions occur during the PAT, proper penalty enforcement may cause a re-play of
the PAT and in some cases may be marked from the succeeding spot. Enforcement
depends on type of infractions that occurs.
c. Safety – 2 points (Possession of ball at 20 yard line, (S-5)
d. Forfeited Game – Score is 7 – 0.
e. Winner of Tie Breaker – 1 point.

Article 4. a. (1) Each team shall have two (2) time outs per half.
(2) Each time out will be one (1) minute in length.
(3) Each team will be allowed only one (1) time out during a tiebreaker period.
(4) A “time out” to be called from any player that participated on the playing field during
the previous play is allowable. Said player may not have left the field and returned
prior to the request.
(5) A team may use a time out to change their option during the PAT.
(6) A team MAY NOT use a time out to change any 4th down option (Punt or Play).
b. Officials may call additional time outs at their discretion. If a team exceeds their time
out limits per half or during a tiebreaker. Delay of Game 5-yard penalty (S-17)
c. NOTE: During a team charged time out, a team representative may confer with their
team either on the field or at the sidelines.


Article1.A live ball is a ball in play. A pass, lateral, kick or a fumble that has not
touched the ground is a live ball in flight.

Article 2. A dead ball is a ball not in play.

Article 3. A loose ball is a ball not in player possession:
a. Following the snap and prior to a player fielding the ball cleanly in order to keep the
ball live and in play.
b. Following a punt that has hit the ground and has not been fielded by the receiving
team or touched by the punting team.


Article 4. A dead ball becomes ready for play once the referee:
a. If time is in, sounds his whistle and signals ready for play. The 25 second play clock
begins on that whistle, Delay of Game (5 yards LOS) enforced if exceed time to put
ball in play.
b. If time is out, sounds his whistle and either signals “start the clock” or “ready for
Article 5. a. A player is “in possession” when in the judgment of the covering official,
the player exhibits control or is holding the ball.
b. A team is “in possession” of the ball when its players is “in possession” or
attempting to punt; while a pass or lateral is in flight; or when one of its players was
last in possession during a loose ball.

Article 6. a. A catch is the act of establishing player possession of a live ball in flight.
b. A catch of an opponent’s pass, lateral or fumble (prior to touching the ground) is an
c. Simultaneous catch or a double reception of an offensive pass or lateral always
goes to the offense.

Article 7. a. When a backward pass hits the ground between the goal lines or a fumble
occurs, the ball becomes dead and belongs to the team last in possession at the spot
where the ball hits the ground or at the spot where the ball goes out of bounds (if in the
b. When a forward fumble occurs and hit the ground, it is considered dead. The End of
the Run in this case would return to the point and which control was lost or from where
the fumble originated. If the offensive fumbles forward and crossed or hits the ground
beyond the next line-to-gain or goal line, the result will bring the ball back to where the
fumble occurred and next down will be played.


Article 1. a. Is the plane of the ball that extends from sideline to sideline and ninety
(90) degrees from the plane face of the field, once an official places his ball marker
and signal the ball “ready for play.” Once the ball marker is set, the neutral zone
becomes established.
b. If a change of team possession occurs between the five (5) yard line and the goal
line due to an interception or a kick catch and the original momentum of the player
catching the ball carries him into the end zone where he is downed by any means, the
ruling will be a touchback.


Article 1. The neutral zone is the space between the between the end of the ball when
in t a normal resting position on its long axis while parallel to the sidelines and one
yard beyond the line of scrimmage. This zone extends from sideline to sideline and is
established once the ball is marked ready for play.


Article 1. The line to gain is the established line designating the twenty-yard zones as
well as the ten-yard end zones. The zone shall be considered reached when one of
your flags are on or in advance of the line marking the next zone or in this case “the
line to gain” when the play is declared dead. (S-7)

Article 2. A team will be allowed four downs to advance the ball from one zone to the
next. (A zone is to be 20 yards.) If after four (4) consecutive downs, a team has failed
to advance the ball into the next zone, possession shall go to the defense at that spot.



Article 1. a. Teams may choose to huddle prior to a play. It is not necessary to huddle
after a play if a team wishes to use predetermined plays or audible signals.
b. Lining up: Any number of players may be on the offensive or defensive L.O.S. at the
snap. Defense line must be one (1) yard off the ball at the snap.

Article 2. There will be free substitution as long as players being substituted for are off
the field prior to the next snap OR player is out of the area of play and is departing the
field in haste. “Sleepers” on substitutions will not be allowed on any play. No player
may line up closer than 5 yards from the sideline unless he came out of the huddle or
unless he was on the field of play during the previous play and did not leave the field of
play. (S-18) (5 yards)

Article 3. Two or more offensive players may be shifting their position at the same time
prior to the snap. Their movement may be in any direction but they must become set
for one full count before the ball is snapped or before another player can go in motion
prior to the snap. (S-16)(5 yards)

Article 4. Only one player is allowed to be in motion at the snap and his movement
must be parallel or away from the L.O.S. and must be continuous. (S-16)(5 yards)

Article 5. Any stance is permitted. Any number of players may be on the offensive or
defensive L.O.S. at the snap. Defense line must be one (1) yard off the ball at the
snap. No defensive player may be within 4 yards of the ball if lined up directly in front
of the center or within one yard of the ball if lined up to the side of the center at the
snap. (S-19) (5 yards)

Article 6. Shall be called if either the offense or the defense passes over the plane of
their L.O.S. before the ball is snapped. A false movement of the football by the center
shall constitute offensive encroachment. These are dead ball fouls and the play shall
be immediately whistled dead before play begins and 5 yards automatically marked off
against the encroaching team. (S-14) (Exception: Defensive encroachment resulting in
an offensive first down will become an offensive captain’s choice penalty


Article 1. b. All center snaps must be made between the center’s legs. A false
movement of the football by the center after he is set shall constitute encroachment.
No direct snap may be taken at anytime. The snap must travel a minimum of 2 yards
to be legal (either backwards or sideways). (S-15) At all times the ball shall be
snapped from the spot marked by the official ball marker.


Article 1. a. Only screen blocking is permitted. Screen Blocking: shall be defined as
obstructing the rusher’s path to the quarterback or ball carrier, as long as it is done
behind the L.O.S., with any part of the body except head, hips, and legs. There can be
no independent movement of the elbows.
b. Techniques: The screener must use one of the two following methods: 1) Screener
must have his thumbs hooked in his pants and holding the flag belt with each hand OR
2) Screener must hold his arms behind his back with arms locked together in some
manner. A screener may not leave his feet to screen.
c. Type of screening includes: Moving Screens and Stationary screens.
1. Moving screens are when a player is in motion in an attempt to prevent the rusher
from maneuvering to de-flag a player. These are only legal behind the L.O.S. when
protecting the passer or potential passer.
2. Stationary screens are screens set by players in a manner that places the screener
in a position that attempts to prevent the rusher or defender from maneuvering to de-
flag a ball carrier, receiver or potential receiver or ball carrier. A stationary screen is
legal behind the LOS. Once the passer or potential passer or ball carrier crosses the
L.O.S., all downfield screens must be stationary screens.
3. As the ball crosses the L.O.S., offensive players may maneuver for laterals behind
the ball but in doing so must not be deliberately screening any defensive players. They
must be clearly in the act of positioning for a lateral.
d. Enforcement (Infractions Behind the LOS): A penalty will automatically be called if a
screener’s hand leaves his pants and flag belt or if arms are separated from behind his
back while in the process of screening within 2 yards of the rusher. Although this
method of screening cuts down on excessive contact by the screener, it nevertheless
laces the screener in very vulnerable position; therefore; THE MAIN RESPONSIBILITY
screener may not step into the rusher. (Added for interpretation) Illegal screen, behind
LOS, 5 yards from LOS, if excessive 10 yards and loss of down.
e. Enforcement (Beyond the LOS) Moving screens shall be penalized from the end of
run (E.O.R.) or the point of infraction (P.O.I.), whichever hurts the offensive team the
most. If the illegal screen is judged to have caused excessive contact, it will be
penalized 10 yards and loss of down. (Cannot have loss of down if penalty leaves ball
in front of line-to-gain and 1st down.) (S-24, 29 & 8) (If Not Excessive- 5 yards)

Article 2. a. Rushing is defined as the act of a defensive player pursuing the offensive
player who is in possession of the ball.
b. The rusher may not run over the screener. The rusher may not pull the screener
toward him or push the screener away from him.
c. Enforcement: Illegal Rushing – A penalty will be automatically called if the rusher
touches the screener’s head as long as the screener is screening upright. (S-31)(10
yards) Roughing the passer when the pass is incomplete will be marked off 10 yards
from the L.O.S., when the pass is complete the penalty will be 10 yards marked off
from the E.O.R. and automatic first down in either case. If the rusher touches the
quarterback in the head in his attempt to block the pass a penalty will be called. This
will also go for striking the passer’s arm when in a forward motion while attempting to
block a pass. Roughing the passer will be called when the rusher, if while attempting to
de-flag the quarterback or block a pass, lets his momentum carry him into the passer.
Defensive player may not have any contact with the passer when he is passing. The
defensive may rush as many players as it wishes. (S-26) NOTE: OFFICIALS SHOULD


Article 1. a. There can be only one forward pass per play. b. A completed direct
handoff, even if bobbled, shall not be considered an exchange of the football in the
air.c. If the passer is beyond the L.O.S. when the football is released, an illegal
Forward Pass has occurred and will result in a 5 yard penalty and loss of down if
accepted. Illegal forward passes will be marked from P.O.I. (S-27 & 8)
d. Once the ball has crossed the L.O.S., in the air or in possession of a player, it
cannot be passed forward, even if the ball is first returned back across the L.O.S.
(Illegal Forward Pass) (S-27 & 8)
e. Intentional grounding shall also constitute an illegal forward pass. (S-28 & 8)
f. A lateral will be any pass thrown overhand or underhand perpendicular or away from
the direction of advancement of team in possession. Forward laterals are treated as an
illegal forward pass if beyond L.O.S. (S-
27 & 8)
g. Push or Shovel Passes thrown in any direction is legal if initiated behind the L.O.S.
Once a player crosses the L.O.S., push or shovel passes are legal if thrown parallel or
behind the ball carrier.

Article 2. All players of both teams are eligible pass receivers. Each player is eligible,
even if he steps out of bounds or out of end zone, as long as he catches the ball in
bounds or comes down first in bounds with at least one (1) foot. If a receiver comes
down with one foot in bounds and one foot out of bounds simultaneously, the pass is
incomplete. The lines marking the sidelines and the extreme end of the end zone shall
be considered out of bounds if stepped on to any degree. Two or more offensive
receivers or defensive players may touch a pass in succession, resulting in a
completion. After a pass is thrown, it is too much to expect of the officials to keep track
of exactly who touched the ball and in what order, if receivers and defenders are
battling for possession. Therefore, the only things that will be judged will be (1) did
pass interference occur, (2) who caught the ball, and (3) was receiver in bounds with
at least one foot at moment of possession.

Article 3. a. Pass Interference Rules shall apply to any pass made from behind the
L.O.S., whether it is a forward pass or a lateral pass and applies to both offensive and
defensive players. After the pass is in the air, neither the pass receiver nor the
defender may touch the other player until one of them touches the ball, or else
offensive or defensive pass interference may be called. If contact occurs after one of
them touches the ball, then pass interference cannot be called unless one of them
catches the ball and the other “strips” or attempts to “strip” the ball from his hands.
b. Receiver stripping is attempting to take the ball from the grasp of a receiver after he
has caught the ball, but before he has brought the ball into a possessive position. In
which case, Pass Interference will be called: If player established possession of the
football, the defender must go for the flag and not the ball.


1. Any contact that occurs after the pass is touched (excluding Receiver Stripping) and is
either complete or incomplete, must be judged by the officials as either Non-Intentional
contact caused by both players “playing the ball” or Intentional contact/pass
interference which shall be penalized from the point of infraction. Penalty will be 5
yards if incomplete or complete, and if judged to be flagrant, the penalized player may
be removed from the game and penalty will be 10 yards.
d. All pass interference plays, offensive or defensive, whether they occur during the
“Regulation Play Period”, “7-Play Rule”, “Tie Breaker Period”, or the “P.A.T. Try
Period”, will be captain’s choice penalties. If the captain refuses penalty the play will
e. All offensive pass interference plays, whether they occur during the “Regulation Play
Period”, Over Time Period”, or the “P.A.T. Try Period” which are accepted by the
defensive captain shall be marked 10 yards from L.O.S. with a loss of down. (S-25 &
f. Defensive pass interference plays, which occur on the playing field, during the
“regulation play period”, “, the “Over Time Period”, and are accepted, shall be marked
at the spot of the infraction and receive an automatic first down. Defensive pass
interference that occurs in the end zone during the “Regulation Play Period” and
accepted: ball will be placed on one (1) yard line, and 1st down. (S-25 & 7) Defensive
pass interference that occurs during the “P.A.T. Try Period”, and accepted: ball will be
placed on one (1) yard line – P.A.T. try will be rerun, Point value will be what ever was
declared prior to original P.A.T. Defensive pass interference which occurs in the end
zone during the “Over Time Period”, and accepted: ball will be placed on the one (1)
yard line – same play will be run again,
Shielding/screening a receiver’s eyes by a defender without playing the football is pass
interference and shall be penalized as such. (S-25) Bump and Run, or checking an
offensive receiver during a passing play will be a 5-yard penalty from P.O.I. and
captain’s choice. (S-31)

Article 1.a. The responsibility of avoiding contact rests with the ball carrier. He must
show the officials he made an effort to avoid contact. The ball carrier will not
deliberately run or drive into a defensive player. A ball carrier may spin or jump but
realize that while spinning or jumping he is in a “State of Non-control” and should
contact occur as a result of his uncontrolled momentum, he will be penalized. The “Stiff
Arm” is illegal. Penalty: 10 yards from P.O.I. (added for interpretation) and loss of
down (S-29 & 31).
b. The ball carrier shall not protect his flags by blocking with his hand, arm or head, the
opportunity to pull his flags. Flag guarding will be marked 10 yards from P.O.I./L.O.S.
(if behind line) and loss of down. (S-30)
c. If any of the above acts are judged to have caused excessive contact, 10 yards and
loss of down. (S29- 30 & 8)


Article 2. a. The ball carrier is down and the ball is dead when either flag is detached
from his belt or when the ball or either knee touches the ground. A defensive player
may leave his feet to pull the offensive player’s flag but may not make contact while
doing so. When a defensive player pulls the ball carrier’s flag he should stop and hold
it above his head for officials to see. If the act of deflagging a player is simulated or
faked, the infraction will be treated as a delay of game penalty.
b. Tackling is prohibited. Tackling is grasping or encircling the body of the ball carrier
with a hand or arm. Grabbing the ball carrier’s clothing shall be penalized as tackling. If
the defensive player reaches across the body of a ball carrier to pull his flag, and
contact occurs, the responsibility of the contact lies with the defensive player. Penalty:
5 yards for impeding – 10 yards for tackling (encircling of body) with automatic first
down if tackling from P.O.I. or L.O.S. If in the opinion of officials, the act prevented a
score, the ball will be placed on the one (1) yard line, first down and goal. The offender
will be disqualified if the act was flagrant. (S-29 & 31 & 7)
c. Illegal deflagging is prematurely pulling an opponent’s flag with the intent of making
the offensive player ineligible to become a ball carrier. Penalty – 5 yards from L.O.S. or
E.O.R. (S-31) Runner Stripping occurs when a defender attempts to strip or take the
ball from the grasp of a player in possession. This is a form of Illegal Deflagging. (S-
d. The intended receiver of either a pass or lateral may be deflagged only after first
touching the ball – even while fumbling or bobbling the ball and before possession is
established. That receiver will be considered downed at the point he was deflagged.
e. If the quarterback’s arm was in forward motion when his flag was pulled, the pass is
allowed. If the passer is legally deflagged as he is passing the football, and later in that
play receives the ball back, he shall be downed at that spot. If he is deflagged after he
has released the football and he then receives the ball back, illegal deflagging should
be called.
f. A defender may not push or knock a ball carrier out of bounds. A form of illegal
deflagging, if excessive contact – 10 yards. (S-31 & 29)
g. Illegal Advancement – Advancement may not occur as a result of the ball being
slapped, kicked, pitched, or pushed by either team in the direction of their goal line.
The ball will be declared dead at the spot of such illegal advancement and a 5-yard
penalty. (S-23)


Article 1. a. If a punt is to be made, the offense must announce it to the referee before
the ball can be declared ready for play. Offense must declare within 10 seconds after
asked by referee on 4th down play. (Penalty delay of game.) After offense declares,
the referee will mark ball ready for play whereupon the offense will have 15 seconds to
punt the ball. (S-17)
b. When the offense declares the punt, it becomes a guaranteed punt, and only if a
defense penalty occurs after the offense declares punt can the offense reconsider, due
to change in field position.
c.. After a punt has been declared, it must be made and neither team may cross the
L.O.S. until the ball is kicked. The offense may have any number of players on the
L.O.S. The punt returning team must have 4 players on the L.O.S. and they must
remain in that zone until the ball is kicked. d. If the punt hits a member of the punting
team, which has not crossed the L.O.S., it is dead at that spot. Any member of the
punting team may down the punt if it is beyond the L.O.S. and has touched the ground
prior to being downed. The punt will be declared dead at the spot where it is first
touched by the punting team.
e. The punt receiving team must be given an opportunity to field the punt in the air;
therefore, there will be a 10-yard penalty if touched in the air beyond the L.O.S. by the
punting team, from the P.O.I. (S-23)
f. The punt returning team may have 3 returners in deep positions. The 2 returners that
do not carry the ball may not be moving screens. They may run forward and provide
stationary screens or be maneuvering for a lateral. (Penalty – 5 yards from EOR/POI)
g. The punt receiving team may field a punt in the air, off of a bounce (one or more), or
directly off of the ground, if fielded clearly. When a punt touches a player on the
receiving team who is in bounds and the ball rebounds into the air, all players become
eligible to intercept and advance the ball before it touches the ground.
h. On a punt play, there are no line-to-gain lines (1st down lines) established. When
the punt receiving team is returning a punt, any live ball fouls committed by either
team, which are accepted, will result in the penalty being
marked off after which the next line will become the line-to-gain for a first down. As
soon as the play is blown dead, the line-to-gain is established. Any dead ball fouls that
occur will results in the line-to-gain remaining the same (unless the enforced penalty
leaves the ball past the line-to-gain.)
i. When a punt is left unattended, it becomes dead where it rolls still.
j. NO Quick Kicks are allowed. (5 yards penalty and loss of down from L.O.S.) (S-22 &
k. Punts muffed by the receiving team in the end zone before possession, and ball hits
in or out of end zone, it will be a touchback. If the ball is touched in the air or on the
ground by the punting team in the zone, it is a touchback. If a punt receiver who has
gained possession of the punt in the end zone is deflagged prior to crossing the goal
line into the field of play, it is a touchback. If punt receiver remains in end zone 5
seconds after fielding punt, or downs punt by knee or ball touching ground after
possession, it is a touchback. A muffed lateral in the end zone will be a safety. (S-5)



Article 1. a. All live ball fouls (fouls which occur while play is in progress) are captains
choice. All dead ball fouls (S-6) (Fouls which occur prior to snap or after ball is blown
dead) will automatically be marked off. This means if a foul occurs during a down and
is a live ball foul and then a dead ball foul occurs both fouls will be enforced. They do
not offset, even if against different teams.
b. After a penalty is called, only captain of the penalized team may discuss it with the
officials. The official making the call is obligated to give the player’s number and the
act they committed (without discussion) to the penalized team captain. Official will then
give the opposing captain his options on the penalty. That captain’s first choice will be
In the judgment of any game official, the following acts are deliberate or flagrant, the
player or players involved shall be ejected from the game:
1) using fists, kicking, or kneeing (S-29 & 32)
2) illegal use of hands, forearms, or elbows (S-29, 31, 32)
3) tackling (S-29, 31, & 32)
4) any deliberate or flagrant act which could cause injury (S29 & 32)
5) any act of unsportsmanlike conduct (S-33 & 32)
6) abusive, profane, or insulting language (S-33 & 32)
7) any act of unfair play (S-33 & 32)
8) harassment of officials or other players (S-33 & 32)
A minimum one (1) game suspension for any person ejected from a game for any
reason. Local rule and tournament rules may be more severe.
c. Penalties, which would otherwise be marked off past the goal line, shall be placed
on the one-yard line.
d. Offsetting Penalties – If offsetting fouls occur during a down, or while the ball is
ready-for-play, that down shall be played over. If offsetting fouls occur between
successive down, the next down shall be the same as if no fouls occurred. (S-9)
e. If there is a change of team possession during a down, the teams last gaining
possession may decline the offsetting fouls and retain possession after the penalty for
its own infraction providing that the infraction occurs after the change of possession. If
offsetting fouls occur prior to change of possession, play shall be repeated.


Article 1. a. All penalties will be marked 5 or 10 yards, if in the opinion of the officials,
the foul is flagrant or excessive contact, the player (or players) might be ejected.
b. In order to establish a simple philosophy in assessing penalties, these general rules
hold true with only a few exceptions:
1. All Accepted Penalties: are marked from the E.O.R., L.O.S., or P.O.I., whichever
hurts the infracting team the most and the down may or may not be replayed.
2. All Refused Penalties: the ball stays where blown dead and down is not replayed.
3. All Live Ball Fouls: are captain’s choices
4. All Dead Ball Fouls: are not captain’s choices and will be marked off.
c. “Little-To-Lose” Penalties: If the full penalty cannot be marked off due to the field
position relative to the goal line, the ball will be marked off to the one yard line.
1. Defensive penalties on teams backed up within 1 yard from their goal will result in
play being run again from L.O.S. Plus one free down awarded to offense if they have
not scored by the
4th down.
2. Offensive penalties on team backed up to within 1 yard from their goal will result in
Loss of Down unless there is a change of possession during a play.
3. Offensive fouls in their own end zone will be captain’s choice: Safety or Loss of
d. Penalty Enforcement During Over Time Periods: When infractions occur during the
the Tie-breaker Period, if the penalty is accepted, the down number may or may not be
lost, depending on the penalty. In turn, that same infraction may or may not also lose
the play number, depending on the penalty. e. Penalties on the playing field during the
over time period shall be marked the same as during regulation time.
f. Penalties Enforcement and Line-To-Gain:
1. Enforcement of any penalty which leaves the ball across the line-to-gain will result in
a new line-to gain (1st down).
2. After enforcement of any live ball foul that leaves the ball short of the line-to-gain will
result in the first down line remaining the same.
g. All defensive dead ball fouls after a touchdown but before the ball is put in play after
change of possession will be penalized from the 20-yard line. All live ball fouls during
this period are captain’s choice penalties.


Foul A: Touchdown
Penalty A: Live Ball Fouls – Captain’s Choice Penalties (can take points & have
penalty marked off from 14- yard line after PAT attempt.
Foul B: Dead Ball Period After Touchdown But Before Pat Attempt
Penalty B: Dead Ball Fouls – Marked Off After Change of Possession from the 14 Yard
Foul C: PAT Attempt
1. Which is Unsuccessful
2. Which is Successful
Penalty C: 1. Captain’s Choice Penalties Which if Accepted – Ball Marked To The One
Yard line and PAT Attempt Run Again (Same Point Value)
2. Live Ball Fouls – Captain’s Choice Penalties (can take points and have penalty
marked off from 14 yards line.
Foul D: Dead Ball Period After Pat Attempt But Before Ball is Put in Play from the 14-
yard line.
Penalty D: Dead Ball Fouls – Marked Off After Change of Possession From the 14
Yard line.


1. There are NO kick offs. Ball will be placed at the 14 yard line to begin each half and
after a successful touchdown. Ball will be placed on the 20 yard line after a safety or
1. If a whistle is blown before the play is legally dead, play will stop and the team
possessing the ball will have the option of replaying the down or taking the results of
the play where the play was blown dead.
2. If a penalty occurs on a play before an inadvertent whistle was blown and is accepted,
all options are disregarded.
3. If an inadvertent whistle is blown while the ball is still in flight during a pass or kick, the
down will be replayed automatically

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