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Softball: History

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In Chicago in 1887, Yale had just beat Harvard in a football game. This
sparked a Yale alumnus to throw a boxing glove at a Harvard alumnus,
igniting the beginnings of softball. Reporter George Hancock saw the Ivy
League interaction and invented an indoor game of baseball. His game
later was taken outdoors, where eventually the name became kitten ball.
Finally, the name softball was given to the game in 1926 by Walter
Hakanson, a Denver YMCA official.

 More than 40 million people play softball each summer in the
United States.
 Softball is the number one team sport participated in in the United
 More than 1.2 million boys and girls play American Softball
Association Junior Olympic Softball each year.
 The USA won the first-ever Olympic Gold Medal in softball in
 Women can play professional fast-pitch softball.

1. Softball is great for hand-eye coordination.
2. Softball helps you develop teamwork skills.
3. There are many recreational softball leagues that people can
participate in.
4. You can play softball at almost any age.
5. It is fun!

Web Site Web Site Address
Amateur Softball Association
Women’s Pro Softball League
USA Softball
Softball Unit Extension Project
NAME __________________________ CLASS

Equipment needed to play softball

Item Where you would purchase it (be specific) Cost

Where you would play softball

Please explain where in the community you would play softball. Be specific.

Health benefits of playing softball

Please explain the health benefits of playing softball. Include how much softball you
would need to play each week to gain these benefits.

Reflection question
Do you think softball is an activity you would like to play as an adult? Why or why not?
And if you believe you’d like to play softball, would you rather play in an organized
recreation league or in pick-up games at a park with friends and family?
Softball Quiz6th grade
NAME _____________________ TEACHER ______________________
DATE ______________________ CLASS PERIOD _________________

True or False: Read each statement below carefully. If the statement is true,
put a check under the True box in the column to the left of the statement. If the
statement is false, put a check under the False box in the column to the left of
the statement. If using a grid sheet, blacken in the appropriate column for each
question, making sure to use the correctly numbered line for each question and
its answer.
True False
1. A hit ball traveling in foul territory is a strike.
2. After a hit, the force play is usually at first base.
3. Runners leaving a base before a ball is caught on a fly must
4. You may overrun third base without fear of being tagged out.
5. Base people should forget their base and stop the batted ball
from going into the outfield.
6. Most people at bat miss the ball because they do not watch it
drop over the plate.
7. A ball that passes above the outside corner of home plate at the
batter’s waist level is a “ball.”
8. The shortstop covers second base almost as often as the
second-base person does.
9. The cleanup batter is usually the ninth person in the lineup.
10. Batters cannot leave home plate and get on first base legally
unless they have a fair hit.
11. Official softball games are seven complete innings.
12. When getting grounders, you should get down in a squat so
your body blocks the ball if it takes a bad bounce.
13. Right-handers wear their softball gloves on their right hand.
14. When reaching to catch a ball below the waist, your fingers
should point to the ground.
15. The team that is leading 10-5 when the game is called wins,
even though they scored 6 of their 10 runs at the top of the
sixth inning and the game was called without their opponents
getting to bat.
Softball Quiz7th grade
NAME _____________________ TEACHER ______________________
DATE ______________________ CLASS PERIOD _________________

Multiple Choice: Read each question and each answer carefully. Be sure to
choose the best answer that fits the words or statement preceding it. When you
have made your choice, put the appropriate letter on the line to the left of the
numbered question.
_____1. When the batter hits the ball down the first-base line,
a. the first-base person should get the ball and run back to cover first
b. the first-base person should stay on first and let the pitcher and catcher worry about the
c. the shortstop goes to second, second goes to first, first and pitcher react to the ball
d. everyone should move in to the ball, letting whoever gets it run to first
_____2. The second-base runner takes off after the pitch:
a. The catcher should throw to second base.
b. Third covers third, shortstop backs up the throw to third, catcher throws to third.
c. The shortstop should run into the baseline to slow down the runner.
d. All of the above.
_____3. If there is a player on second,
a. the batter should bunt to third
b. the batter should bunt to first
c. the batter should hope to get walked
d. all of the above
_____4. A ball is hit long and high into right field:
a. The runner on third should go home no matter what.
b. The runner on third should stay on third and wait for the next batter to come up.
c. The runner should run home after the ball is caught.
d. The runner should go back to second.
_____5. The batter has two strikes and three balls. Choose the strategy he should not use:
a. The batter should swing at every ball if he thinks he can hit it.
b. The batter should leave a ball that looks as if it is out of the strike zone.
c. The batter should bunt.
d. The batter should fake a bunt and swing away.
Matching Questions: Read one numbered item at a time. Then look at each of
the possible choices in the column on the right. Decide which item in the right-
hand column best matches up with that of the left-hand column. Put the
corresponding letter on the blank space to the left of the number it best
_____ 6. Tagging up a. Over the plate, above the knees, and below the armpits
_____ 7. Bunting b. The suicide position
_____ 8. The catcher c. Advancing to the next base after a ball is caught on a fly
_____ 9. Strike d. Makes the throw to put the stealer out
_____10. The third-base person e. Sliding the hands up the grip

Softball Quiz8th grade

NAME _____________________ TEACHER ______________________
DATE ______________________ CLASS PERIOD _________________

True or False: Read each statement below carefully. If the statement is

true, put a check under the True box in the column to the left of the
statement. If the statement is false, put a check under the False box in
the column to the left of the statement. If using a grid sheet, blacken in
the appropriate column for each question, making sure to use the
correctly numbered line for each question and its answer.
True False
1. Batters who bunt-foul on the third strike are out.
2. Taking a lead before the pitch is advised on every pitch.
3. The third-base runner should stay on third after a fly
has been caught in deep center field.
4. With runners on second and third and two outs, the
fielder should throw to first.
5. The only position on the field where catching is
everything and throwing is second-rate is first base.
6. There are runners on first and second. The shortstop
should catch a line drive and wisely throw to first.
7. With an unforced runner between two bases, the
leading base person should stay on base, waiting for the
runner and throw.
8. Bunting toward first when a player is on third is a great
sacrifice strategy to score the third-base runner.
9. The third-base person is usually the relay person.
10. Sliding when you are forced to run to the base is taking
a health risk for no reason.

Matching Questions: Read one numbered item at a time. Then look at

each of the possible choices in the column on the right. Decide which
item in the right-hand column best matches that of the left-hand column
and put the corresponding letter on the blank space to the left of the
number it best matches.
_____11. Comes from the left hand of a right-handed player a. The second-base person
_____12. Covers first base on grounders toward the b. The lead runner
right side of the field
_____13. Advancing to the next base after c. Tagging up
a ball is caught on a fly
_____14. Conditions allowing a batter to run after striking out d. Batter’s power
_____15. The runner closest to scoring e. The third-strike rule

Diagram Questions: This diagram represents a score sheet turned in

after one day of play. Each question is based on the information in the
diagram above. Read each question. Be sure to choose the best answer
based on all the rules you know and the information in the diagram.
When you have made your choice, put the appropriate letter on the line
to the left of the numbered question.
_____16. Nancy has
a. advanced to second each time she gets up to bat
b. been left stranded on base
c. has never been put out
d. done all of the above
_____17. The Stars believe they are officially winning the game.
a. True
b. False
_____18. Who leads off for the Heroes?
a. Carol
b. Ari
c. Steve
_____19. The cleanup hitter for the Stars is
a. Iris
b. Marcus
c. Roger
_____20. When this game resumes,
a. the Stars go into the field
b. the Stars are upSue is on first, Nancy is on second, and Mike is up
c. Alan from the Heroes leads off
d. none of the above

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