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The document provides an overview of a D&D supplement about metallic dragons.

It covers metallic dragons described in the Monster Manual 2 as well as new dragons like cobalt, mercury, mithral and orium dragons.

Cobalt, mercury, mithral, orium and steel dragons.


Metallic Dragons


Richard Baker • Ari Marmell
Metallic Dragons


Richard Baker • Ari Marmell
Design Art Director
Richard Baker (lead), Mari Kolkowsky
Ari Marmell, Peter Lee,
David Noonan, Robert J. 5chwalb Cover Illustration
Todd Lockwood (front), (hippy (back)
Additional Design
Logan Bonner, Kolja Raven Liquette, Graphic Designers
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Chris Youngs Keven Smith, Leon Cortez, Esni Tanji

Development Additional Graphic Design

Stephen Radney-HlacFarland (lead), Marl Kolkowsky
Logan Bonner, Peter Schaefer
Interior Illustrations
Editing Dave Allsop, Kerem Beyit, Zoltan Boros & Gabor
Logan Bonner (lead), Szikszai, (hippy, Wayne England, Jason A. Engle, Tomis
Dawn J. Geluso, Joanna G. Hurley, Giorello, Lars Grant-West, Ralph Horsley, Howard Lyon,
Jessica Kristine, Jean Nelson William O'Connor, Chris Seaman, Franz Vohwinkel

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James Wyatt Carmen Cheung

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Andy Collins Cynda Callaway

D&D Senior Art Director Game rules based on the original DutaGEoNs & DRAwNs'
Jon Schindehette rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the
later editions by David "Zeb" Cook (2nd Edition); Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and
James Wyatt (4th Edition).

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I: DRAGON LORE 4 Artifacts 78 Bronze Dragon Wyrmling 176
Origins 6 Blood of lo 78 Cobalt Dragon Wyrmling 176
Physiology 10 Seal of the Lawbringer 80 Copper Dragon Wyrmling 177
Life Cycle 12 Gold Dragon Wyrmling 178
Outlook and Psychology 16 3: DRAGON LAIRS 82 Iron Dragon Wyrmling 179
Society 20 Designing a Dragon Lair 84 Mercury Dragon Wyrmling 180
Religion 24 Purpose 84 Mithral Dragon Wyrmling 180
Metallic Dragons In Detail - 26 Attendants 85 Orium Dragon Wyrmling 182
Adamantine Dragons 26 Unusual Lairs 85 Silver Dragon Wyrmling 182
Brass Dragons 27 Goblin Folly 86 Steel Dragon Wyrmling 183
Bronze Dragon 28 Escaping Goblins 88
Cobalt Dragon 30 Uneasy Sentries 89 HOLLOW DRAGONS 184
Copper Dragons 31 Standoff 90
The Terror of Prospect Hill 92 OTHER CREATURES 186
Gold Dragons 32
Entering the Fort 94 Couatl 186
Iron Dragons 33
The Central Lair 96 Couatl Rogue Serpent 186
Mercury Dragon 34
Tulkau Shayn 98 Couatl Redeemer 186
Mithral Dragons 35
Approaching the Cave 100 Draconian 188
Orium Dragons 36
Cave Entrance 102 Adamaaz Draconian 188
Silver Dragons 38
Stirge Chamber 104 Aurak Draconian 189
Steel Dragons 39
Zanathakla's Wrath 106 Boaz Draconian 189
2: DM'S GUIDE TO DRAGONS. 40 Mines of Bolmarzh . 108 Bozak Draconian 190
Dragons in the World 42 The High Hail 112 Ferak Draconian 191
Metallic Dragon Patrons 42 Chasm Battle 114 Kapak Draconian 191
Other Campaign Roles Vanathia's Lair 116 Kobaaz Draconian 192
For a Metallic Dragon 44 The Breaking Tide 118 Sivak Draconian 192
Dragons in the Background 47 Feeding Frenzy 120 Drake 194
Draconic Encounters 48 On the Rocks 122 Liondrake 194
Combat Encounters 48 Methenaera the Mead-Keeper 124 Vulture Drake 194
Subdual Encounters 49 Upper Chamber 126 Drakkensteed 196
Social Encounters 50 Lower Chamber 128 Drakkensteed 196
Draconic Traps 56 The Edge of Chaos 130 Grave-Born Drakkensteed 196
Adventures 62 Rage of Angels 132 Cobalt Dragon-Bred
Adventure Hooks and Quests 62 Radiant Array 134 Drakkensteed 196
The Secret Audition 62 Agent of Prophecy 136 Kobold 198
The Golden Facade 62 Citadel of the Golden Architect 138 Dragonkin Kobold 198
The Inside-Out Lair 63 Mute Sentinels . 142 Wyrmguard Kobold 199
Shell Game 64 Night Haunt 144 Three-Tooth 201
Unmask the Conspirator 65 Gold Madness 146
The Good of the Many 65 The Earthen Dagger 148
Andraemos 202
Draconic Campaigns 66 Fire at Will 150
Bahamut 204
Awaken the Sleepers 66 Poisoned Pit 152
The Old Man
Prophecy of Doom 67
4: NEW MONSTERS 154 with the Canaries 204
A Little Knowledge ... 68
Bahamut's Dragon Form 207
An Age of Endless Storms 69
METALLIC DRAGONS 156 Aspect of Bahamut 208
The Broken Throne 70
Brass Dragon 156 Kuyutha. Exarch of Bahamut 209
The Pontifex Wyrm 71
Bronze Dragon 158 jatanvaloss 210
Draconic Organizations 72
Cobalt Dragon 161 Niflung 212
The Blood of Barastiss 72
Mercury Dragon 163 Silvara 214
The Guardians of the Gates 73
M ithral Dragon 166 Va lamaradace 216
The Grand Assemblage
Orium Dragon 169
of the League of ELITE DRAGONS 218
Steel Dragon 172
Eternal Discovery 75 Sample Elite Dragon 218
Metallic Wyrmlings 174
The Solemn Order of the
Adamantine Dragon
Knights of Saint Vercesien ALTERNATIVE POWERS ....219
Wyrmling 174
the Gold 76
Brass Dragon Wyrmling 175


if a num wishes to become a hero, then the serpent must

first become a dragon: otherwise he lacks his proper enemy.
—Friedrich Nietzsche

FEW CREATURES can match the power and

splendor of dragons. Armed with claws and fangs that
can rend steel, armored in scales as tough as iron, faster
than an eagle in flight, and strong enough to shatter
castle gates, a full-grown dragon is an awesome foe.
Dragons would be exceedingly dangerous creatures
even if they ►vere dumb, ordinary beasts, because of
their size and power. But they are also gifted with cold.
calculating reason and furnaces of elemental energy
that provide them with terrible breath weapons.
In some places and times. dragons are scarcely
more than legend, creatures so rare and mysterious
that centuries pass without a sighting of one. In other
times, dragons rule over the world, darkening the
skies and destroying or subjugating lesser beings. The
current age falls somewhere between these extremes.
In the few centers of civilization, dragons are a rare
sight. The typical farmer or merchant might see a
dragon only once or twice in his life. But in the bor-
derlands or the great wide wildernesses surrounding
those domains, dragons are much more common.
This chapter explores the nature of metallic
dragons and their place in the world. It includes the
following topics.
+ Origins: How metallic dragons arose in the world.
and why they differ from their chromatic kin.
+ Physiology: A summary of the physical traits that
give dragons their unique strengths.
+ Life Cycle: The stages of a dragon's life, from con-
ception to death.
+ Outlook and Psychology: A look at the workings
of a typical dragon's mind, and how a dragon's
power and self-absorption color its personality.
+ Society: A discussion of the interactions of the
highly social metallic dragons.
+ Religion: How these prideful creatures view
the deities, and which ones they consent to
+ Metallic Dragons in Detail: A brief Iook at
each of the twelve kinds of metallic dragons.
CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore
Dragons have soared through the skies of the world created by jealous godlings that lacked la's secret of
and roamed the far reaches of the cosmos since the fusing elemental energy with mortal form and soul.
earliest days of creation. They are the greatest of Scourge dragons detest this ages-old "slander," and
mortal creatures, although few in number compared deal harshly with any sage or scholar they find propa-
to the myriad hosts of hu mankind or the numberless gating the tale.
hordes ofgoblins or ores. Although scores, perhaps
hundreds, of dragons are remembered in the myths CHILDREN OF 10
and the legendary histories of the mortal world, only
Foremost among the gods in valor and physical
a handful of sages know the tale of the world's first
power. To fought and defeated many primordials in
the Dawn War. Similarly, his mighty children stood
at the Forefront of all mortal beings in the fight to
FIRST DRAGONS preserve creation from the unchecked elemental
In the beginning of the world, the gods gave life forces of the angry primordials. But To finally met
to the naked substance of the world forged by the an enemy who was his match: the primordial Erek-
primordials. During the days of creation, the gods Hus, the King ofTerror. The King of Terror slew lo,
forged countless mortal vessels, giving rise to all the and the primordials seemed on the verge of victory.
races, beasts, and plants that would populate the Then, from Io's shattered body. two new gods arose:
world. But the deity To chose to bend his will toward Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, and Tiamat, the
creating mortal vessels that would not only live in Chromatic Dragon.
the world of elements, but would give life and soul Bahamut and Tiamat together defeated the King
to the elements themselves. To contain the awesome of Terror, but then Tiamat turned against the noble
power of elements given life, To had to shape mortal Bahamut and attempted to seize dominion over all
vessels of tremendous strength and hardiness. And dragons. To was a deity who incorporated both honor
so he created the most powerful of all mortal crea- and fury, ambition and resolve, a love of beauty and
tures: the dragons. a desire to possess it. Tiamat inherited many of Io's
Learned metallic dragons believe that each time darker traits, and she could not suffer the existence
To created new dragons, he was in a different mood. of an equal or allow any other creature to reign over
The god's demeanor laid the seeds that determined dragonkind. Bahamut obtained more of To's noble
what those dragons would eventually become. When qualities and the greater part of to's strength. The
To was filled with compassion and the desire to help Platinum Dragon defeated Tiamat, and she retreated
others, he created dragons that transformed into to the dark depths ofTythcrion. She took little part in
metallics after his death. When In spawned dragons the rest of the war against the primordials. Bahamut
to sate his avaricious or destructive impulses, the went on to become a champion for the gods nearly as
god's dark emotions eventually warped those dragons noble and powerful as To had been.
into the first chromatic and catastrophic dragons.
In the ages following To's death, these seeds altered THE WAR OF DRAGONS
dragonkind into its various kindreds.
The bitter strife between To's heirs carried over to all
Naturally, catastrophic and chromatic dragons
of dragonkind. For a long age of the world, chromatic
do not hold with this version of To's story. Scourge
dragons battled furiously to throw down Bahamut
dragons like it even less—according to this legend,
and elevate Tiamat as the Queen of All Dragons.
scourge dragons are poor imitations of true dragons.
More than once, metallic dragons established wise


Though most dragons believe the different types of dragons giving them bodies better suited to containing the elemen-
arose after lo's death, many metallic dragons claim oth- tal energy without being changed by It. But these dragons,
erwise. According to the tales they favor, to created each while true to the physical form that lo intended, had souls
kindred In turn, growing in skill and understanding with that could not master the base passions of their own ele-
each effort. The catastrophic dragons were fn's first effort to mental nature. These too lo set aside. Finally lo forged the
shape mortal vessels that could incorporate living elemental metallic dragons, now perfected in both body and soul to
power. They were slaves to their own elemental natures; the be masters of their nature, and not slaves to it. Naturally,
elements within warped and twisted the draconic vessel. the metallic dragons are la's last and finest creation—or sa
In set them aside and shaped the chromatic dragons next. the old and proud among metallic dragons claim.

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

and justly ruled kingdoms over the lesser mortals of lo and the stories of his deeds, and discern in them
of the world only to watch their realms destroyed a great purpose for dragonkind. Metallic dragons
by furious hordes led by wrathful flights of chro- believe that lo created dragons with their awesome
matic dragons. But in time, the battles of dragon strength, intelligence, and magical might in order to
against dragon grew sporadic, and then ebbed to a inspire and protect all the lesser mortals of the world.
rarely remembered collection of old challenges and They believe that dragonkind is charged with defend-
vendettas. Dragons had grown fewer in number, ing the world against primordial forces that would
and those that remained grew more strong-willed, destroy it, leading mortal civilization, and shaping
more suspicious, and more self-absorbed as the ages the world's affairs to someday create the world that to
passed. to had made dragonkind too strong, too decreed long ago. Metallic dragons refer to this high
proud, to surrender its will to any cause for long, or purpose as lo's Charge—a great philosophy of exis-
to acknowledge the dominion of others—even their tence shaped by ancient prophecies and revelations.
own kind. Not all metallic dragons know of Io's Charge, and
Dragons have rarely united for any great cause. some that do know of it don't care. Iron, adaman-
Old rivalries and suspicions dating back to the earli- tine, and cobalt dragons lead savage and reclusive
est days of Bahamut and Tiamat's war divide the existences and have little knowledge of the ancient
races of dragonkind irreparably. Although the fiercest history of their own kind. These dragons make their
feuds are between chromatic and metallic dragons, way in the world by their own wit, power, and judg-
plenty of suspicions exist between different varieties ment, seizing whatever territory or treasure they can
within each family. Silver dragons hate red dragons, and holding it for as long as possible. Other metallics
but they also distrust the imperial ambitions of gold regard Io's Charge as a dream of childlike naïveté,
dragons and dislike the avarice of copper dragons. long ago poisoned by Tiamat's greed and ainbition
White dragons hate and fear the much stronger silver and lost forever in the sundering of d ragonkind. The
dragons, which often push them out of their chosen cynical among metallic dragons ignore Io's Charge
territory, but they are just as wary around red drag- outright, seeing no reason why they should exert
ons, which are likely to demand tribute or kill them. themselves on any other creature's behalf. But though
In fact, for many dragons, their worst enemies are some dragons have forgotten it and others have aban-
other dragons of their own color or kind_ doned it, In's Charge still guides the actions of many
of the world's most powerful metallic dragons. Gold,
10'S CHARGE silver. mithral, and orium dragons are especially
likely to honor Io's Charge and allow its ancient
Tiamat's drive for dominion over dragonkind is not
wisdom to inform their actions.
the only cause of strife between the various types of
Those dragons that accept In's Charge differ
dragons. Metallic dragons see the world and their
greatly (and sometimes violently) on what exactly it
place in it differently from how their chromatic or
means and how it should be met. Gold dragons often
catastrophic cousins do. They remember the words
interpret In's Charge as a mandate to rule over lesser

CHAPTER f I Dragon Lore

creatures as a just monarch. Steel dragons tend to powerful red wyrm might look at a rich dwarven
believe that To's Charge is best served by safeguard- kingdom and plan to despoil it, but a gold wyrm
ing the freedom of lesser mortals to find their own might plot something potentially worse: ways in
path. Some dragons think that lo's Charge requires which it can seize control of that realm for centuries
them to crusade mercilessly against races, societies, to come and direct its growth and resources to the
or institutions they find objectionable. Others believe dragon's purposes. The red wyrm eventually leaves,
that Io's Charge is best answered through providing but the gold wyrm might never finish its work.
guidance and inspiring examples to the other races of With this example in mind, the three salient
the world. truths that one should keep in mind about the so-
The other families of dragonkind have different called "good" metallic dragons are these:
views of To's Charge. Catastrophic dragons regard the
whole idea as pure Fancy (if they've heard of it at all) 1. Not all metallic dragons are good.
and believe that To left no great philosophy to guide Some metallic dragons are, in fact, of evil or chaotic
dragonkind. Chromatic dragons and scourge drag- evil alignment. Silver and gold dragons are not often
ons, on the other hand, believe that the great purpose evil, but it's not uncommon to find truly evil repre-
of dragons is to do as they please with the world and sentatives of the baser metallic dragons, such as iron
its people. In their view, might makes right, and lo or cobalt dragons. Some evil metallic dragons regard
made them the most powerful creatures in the world weaker creatures as miserable rabble to be enslaved,
so that they could subjugate, plunder, and destroy plundered. or toyed with on a whim. Other evil
to their hearts' content. When chromatic dragons metallic dragons harbor a twisted view of Io's Charge
debate philosophy (a rare occasion, but it's been and shape human realms to fit their own dark
known to happen), they argue that metallic dragons desires, using whatever means are effective.
have fatally misinterpreted and embellished the pure
and simple purpose of lo's Charge, which is nothing 2. Unaligned metallic dragons often pursue dan-
more or less than the divine mandate to dominate the gerous objectives.
world and revel in its riches. Dragons that aren't committed servants of evil might
prove just as dangerous as those that are. Many of
GOOD AND EVIL the more brutish dragons are highly territorial, quick
to anger, or easily lured into hostile actions by the
Given their drive to dominion, the age-old war
promise of rich rewards. Others regard the power
against chromatic dragons. and the complexities of
and fortunes of their favored human tribes or realms
To's Charge, metallic dragons play many roles on the
to be a reflection of their own power. They build up
world stage. They are kings, counselors, and teach-
the strongest, most loyal kingdoms to govern, whether
ers that seek to bring out the best in others: prophets.
these realms are savage, oppressive, warlike, cor-
visionaries, and oracles that steer the course ofevents
rupt, or decadent. Wiser, more patient dragons might
to come; meddlers and manipulators, toying with the
easily become caught up in the game of toying with
Fates of ki ngdoms; protectors and guardians, some-
kingdoms and history, often to the great detriment of
times benevolent and sometimes absolutely ruthless;
the people who attract their interest.
gluttons and misers; tyrants and destroyers; great
champions and wicked schemers. Just as humans
3. Even good dragons can be terrible enemies.
and members of other mortal races do, dragons walk
Powerful metallic dragons that serve good in the
many paths in life.
world can still pose threats to heroic characters. A
More so than most other types of dragons. metal-
good dragon might choose to destroy a band of heroes
lies discover and pursue great causes and high
to defend some site or artifact, to fulfill an ancient
purposes. Some are just as brutish and shortsighted
oath, or to prevent a great evil. Given their long
as the worst chromatics, of course, but most seek
lives and their overwhelming pride and confidence,
something more than comfortable lairs and plenti-
dragons think little of making the hard choices for
ful food. Ofcourse, the combination of powerful.
lesser creatures and sacrificing the few for the good
long-lived, highly rational beings and great purposes
of the many. True compassion is rare indeed among
is not necessarily beneficial for the rest of the world.
It's unusual for metallic dragons to embrace wan-
tonly evil causes, but many of the purposes they do
conceive can be callous, ruthless, destructive, or
tyrannical in the eyes of the lesser creatures caught
up in draconic dreams.
Metallic dragons are much more likely than other
dragons to incorporate humans and members of
other sentient races in their machinations. An old,

CHAPTER I Dragon Lore

As you might expect of the world's most majestic and
powerful creatures, dragons are featured In all manner
of heraldic devices and coats of arms. Though culture in
the world isn't monolithic enough for widespread. unified
systems of heraldry, everyone is familiar with the traits
of dragons. Images of dragons can appear as charges
(appearing in one of the divisions of a shield) or support-
ers (figures that stand to either side of the shield and
appear to be holding it upright). Dragons are also used
as crests. small figurines that top helmets_
Each variety of dragon symbolizes different qualities or
virtues. Chromatic dragons in heraldry are viewed as mar-
tial, aggressive devices and usually belong to individuals
or families who made themselves known through battle.
Metallic dragons are regarded as devices signifying domin-
ion and status, and they often reflect titles bestowed for
loyalty and accomplishment. However, exceptions abound,
and the dragons featured carry no real connotation of the
owners' alignment or trustworthiness. A family whose coat
of arms features a red dragon is as likely to be honorable and
good as one whose coat of arms includes a gold dragon.
The dragons most commonly used in heraldry, and
their heraldic qualities, are these:
Adamantine: Pride, immovability, or stoicism. Heroes
who successfully defend some place against attack are
often associated with this device.
Black: Death, tragedy, or terror. A black dragon device
usually bears a negative connotation, but families that
endure curses or heroes renowned for fearlessness In the
Face of the supernatural sometimes choose this device.
Blue: Ambition, superiority, knowledge, The blue
dragon device often suggests arcane magic. but might also
suggest arrogance. Families that include famous wizards
often choose this device.
Copper Wealth, prosperity, or mercantile Interests,
possibly also luck or good fortune. Families that have roots
as merchants often choose copper dragons.
Gold: Divine right, nobility, or law. Gold dragon devices
are considered royal in many lands and are usually
reserved for the highest levels of the nobility.
Green: Cunning, revenge, beauty, or fey. Families sworn
to overturn some ancient wrong might bear this device,
as might those who claim eladrtn or elven kinship.
iron: Determination, courage. or zeal. The iron dragon
connotes single-mindedness and ardor for battle, but it
can also stand for mercilessness.
Red: Strength. power, or destruction. Families that took
their lands by conquest often feature a red dragon in their
Silver Honor, duty, or sacrifice. The silver dragon
is a favorite of families that Include famous knights or
White: Rage. ferocity, or the hunt. The white dragon
device often connotes a willingness to feud or a refusal
to overlook slights.

CHAPTER 1 i Dragon Lore

Like their chromatic cousins, metallic dragons con- and its metallic content solidifies as the enzymes dry
tain elemental magic bound inside their brawny out. This process leaves a dead, brittle scale interlaced
reptilian frames. All varieties of dragons wield breath with fine veins of pure inorganic metal, if properly
weapons directly related to the elemental energy that smelted, a large detached scale can yield traces of
courses through their hearts and blood. Elemental pure metal. However, it is extremely tedious and
energy also powers their magical abilities. time-consuming to separate the pure metal from
Metallic dragons advance through age categories the scales of a dead dragon, and in practice metallic
as chromatic dragons do, growing stronger in every dragon hides aren't worth any more than chromatic
way as they progress through millennia of life. dragon hides.
Metallic dragon scales harvested for armor already
THE DRAGON'S SCALES benefit from being harder than steel, but lose their
flexibility and become rigid. The residual metal
While a chromatic dragon relies on tough, leathery
content is weaker than the natural hardness of a
scales to repel attacks, the scales of a metallic dragon
dragon scale. Therefore, metallic dragon scales (with
are partly composed of metal. Large, overlapping,
the exception of ada mant ine scales) do not greatly
platelike scales armor the dragon's back and head,
improve the protection value of armor made from
growing smaller and more flexible along its limbs.
dragon hide.
Softer, smoother scales lie side by side on the dragon's
Many sages have noticed that in addition to its reg-
belly. Each scale is infused with whichever metal is
ular diet, a metallic dragon occasionally ingests metal
natural to that dragon. For example, the scales of a
objects appropriate to its kind. For example, a steel
gold dragon are infused with a more durable form
dragon can devour a mundane sword (with some
of gold, and the scales of a bronze dragon are min-
care) and metabolize its substance. Although eating
eralized with an alloy of copper and tin. A metallic
metal is by no means required for a metallic dragon,
dragon's scales are innately magical, as intrinsic to its
doing so increases the rate at which it regenerates lost
elemental nature as its heart or blood.
Although a metallic dragon's scales are largely
inorganic, the dragon's body produces powerful
enzymes that actively bond with and diffuse the INTERNAL ANATOMY
metal content throughout their blood. Not only do As with most aspects of their external anatomy, chro-
these enzymes keep scales flexible, they also nourish matic and metallic dragons share the same organs
the living parts of each scale and constantly thicken with virtually no exceptions. Much of what makes a
and replenish the nonliving parts throughout the dragon an elemental force to be reckoned with begins
dragon's like. When a scale is lost through injury or with its dense heart, the single most powerful muscle
natural molting, it gradually becomes less organic of a dragon's body. Both chromatic and metallic

CHAPTER I I Dr000ri Lore

dragons have the same vocal range, enormous lung SHAPECHANGING
capacity, a fundamentum (a unique organ that con-
centrates elemental power in the blood), an upper METALLIC DRAGONS

stomach for gathering breath weapon blasts, and a Most metallic dragons cannot assume the shapes
gizzard for digestion. Moreover, both chromatic and of humanoids. Those that can have a considerable
metallic dragons boast a large brain mass with an advantage over their peers, especially in matters of
extra lobe for controlling their frightful presence ability stealth and subterfuge. Shapechanged dragons nor-
and their capacity for instinctive learning. mally assume the same appearance each time they
The parallels between chromatic and metallic change form. Other than that, no visual cues betray
dragons continue in the muscular and skeletal struc- their true identities—they appear to be normal mem-
tures that shape their feline postures. from which bers of the creatures they imitate. However, some
only the decidedly reptilian neck and tail deviate. A shapechanging dragons naturally include cosmetic
dragon's heart pumps elemental energy throughout characteristics that are borrowed from their metallic
its body. making actions possible that would oth- dragon bodies, such as eye or hair color that matches
erwise be impossible. The energy lets it instill fear, their scales. Age and gender of humanoid forms do
stave offexhaustion, and fly on membranous wings. not have to match those of dragons' natural forms. A
Flushed with elemental blood pumped from the male elder steel dragon. for example, could appear
heart, a metallic dragon can stave off fatigue while as a sprightly young female elf. Moreover, despite the
remaining airborne for hours or days at a stretch. radical difference in size between metallic dragons
Dragon bones are hollow like those of birds, but and humanoids, a disguised dragon's weight accu-
immensely strong. The pectoral muscles of a dragon rately reflects the dimensions of its current form.
are among the strongest muscle groups in the body, A dragon disguised as a bent and crooked old male
and the tendons and ligaments are exceptionally human would weigh perhaps 150 pounds, not the
tough and supple. thousands of pounds of its true draconic form.
The elemental heart of a metallic dragon regulates Though a disguised dragon looks the same as a
body temperature regardless of external altitude, humanoid at a glance. telltale physical quirks can
environment, or weather. Its heart can also slow give them away. Although metallic dragons lose
down enough to permit hibernation, sometimes for their bite, claw, tail, wings, and breath weapon in
hundreds of years. The elemental energy that flows humanoid form, they retain their hit points, defense
through the body of a metallic dragon allows it to scores, resistances, and ability scores, leading savvy
digest. process, and even subsume virtually anything opponents to surmise that their target is a lot more
it eats. resilient than appearances indicate.
Looking for the origin of moral impulses. some When a dragon changes shape into humanoid
sages have devoted considerable study to the vari- form, the brain and heart make the polymorphic
ances in brain composition between chromatic and transition and function exactly the same way, pump-
metallic dragons. Specifically, they have searched ing a font of magic-infused blood throughout the
for any part of the brain that controls the inclina- humanoid form. Sages have surmised that although a
tion for good or evil tendencies. The truth, however humanoid form lacks the mass of a metallic dragon,
disappointing, is that no such moral center exists. its elemental heart maintains the density of one.
Dragons are good-natured or evil-minded based on Finally, in addition to the brain, the extra lobe for
the whims of personality, fate, and experience, much controlling the frightful presence ability also crosses
like humans and members of other mortal races, between forms, giving metallic dragons access to this
although some varieties of dragon are inclined to be one magical power in either body.
more violent, domineering, and irascible than others. Though some varieties always develop the ability,
every metallic lineage has a chance to produce shape
shifters. (See "Alternative Powers," page 219).
Draconomkon: Chrornotk Dragons features a more exten-
sive discussion of draconic musculature, skeletal structure,
organs, and more. Metallic dragons are much like chro-
matic dragons in most of these particulars; refer to that
supplement for more information.

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

To truly understand dragons, one must imagine life-
times that play out across thousands of years. Empires
come into power, thrive, and fade into antiquity Similar to chromatic dragons, metallic dragons
while ancient metallic dragons indulge the dream of become capable of mating halfway through their
blissfully long sleep. In many respects, dragons are young stage of life, peak as adults, and diminish as
creatures for which the passage of time holds little elders and ancients. Not all dragons engage in the
meaning. Although most are not immortal, the oldest same mating rituals, but some patterns are common
of their kind living today have witnessed the rise and to most metallic dragons. Young dragons have little
fall of ancient empires. impulse to seek a long-term partner, but sometimes
Dragons of any kind have the potential to live for indulge in brief dalliances. These brief relationships
several thousand years, but metallic dragons are the rarely produce eggs. but if they do, the eggs are often
longest-lived of the dragon families. and often live half fostered with older kin (or occasionally nondragons).
again as long as chromatic dragons do (barring death Adult dragons slowly awaken to a strong parental
by violence, of course). Conjecture on the reason for drive after establishing themselves in suitable lairs.
this difference is rampant, but most sages believe that Both parents closely watch the eggs, with either one
the metallic content infusing the scales, blood, organs, becoming the caretaker while the other hunts for the
and flesh of metallic dragons concentrates the drag- couple, ensuring that one parent maintains a vigilant
ons' innate elemental power as they age, and helps guard over the clutch. Because familial bonds are
them to resist the onset of decrepitude. The baser stronger among metallic dragons than among chro-
varieties of metallic dragons, such as brass and steel matics, these relationships rarely end until well after
dragons, often reach ages of 2,500 to 3.000 years. the wyrmlings hatch. Although either parent can raise
Nobler, more powerful metallic dragons (silver, gold, wyrml ings alone, some metallic dragons—particularly
and mithral) can live two to three times that span. orium, silver, and gold—stay together until their wyrm-
As with chromatics, metallic dragons experience hugs become young dragons.
six stages of life: wyrmling, young. adult, elder, ancient, Elder dragons, although still capable of reproduc-
and twilight. Although metallic dragons mature at the tion. rarely mate. They are more inclined to foster or
same rate as chromatics and reach adulthood at about mentor the offspring of their own children. Ancient
the same time, they age more slowly after that and dragons do not normally seek out mates. but dragons
do not grow to elder or ancient status as quickly. (Of that have not found a mate or produced descendants
course, they remain ancient dragons long after chro- earlier in life sometimes choose to mate and lay eggs
matic dragons slip into twilight) long after the time when most dragons do so. This

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

is especially true for ancient dragons that hold wide wyrmlings of their own line, so irandparents, aunts,
dominions or great power over the world and want or uncles can step in at need. Even evil metallic drag-
to pass that power on to worthy heirs. Unlike with ons are inclined to regard wyrmlings of their family
chromatic dragons, the desire for parenthood never line as potentially valuable minions or allies, and
truly goes away and finds many forms of expression might go to the trouble of minding wyrmlings.
throughout metallic dragons' lives.
Monogamy between metallic dragons is common, WYRMLING
but each individual of a mated pair almost always
Wyrmlings hatch from their eggs as predators that
maintains a separate lair, and the two spend most
have instinctive knowledge imprinted on their minds.
of their time apart. On rare occasions, mates form
They are not automatically born with the knowledge
especially strong bonds and choose to reside together,
of bygone generations, but they understood much of
sharing a lair for a few decades or even a century or
what their parents said to them while they were still
two. Bronze, gold, orium, and silver dragons are the
in the egg. Consequently, after years of incubation,
most likely to form these close bonds. However, once
most dragons hatch with an understanding of their
their wyrmlings have grown, most such pairs eventu-
familial connections and basic lessons about hoards,
ally separate—without young to hold them together,
hunting, lairs, and territory.
the dragons revert to their solitary ways.
Wyrmlings are not merely born into the mantle of
presumed superiority, but are hatched with a tailored
EGGS understanding of how their supreme presence fits into
Female dragons control whether or not mating pro- the hierarchy of the world. They waste no time using
duces fertile eggs. If a female is not satisfied with the their limbs, can usually fly halfway through their first
circumstances—for example, the size or location of day, and are eager to hunt by day's end. Indeed, after
the lairs, or the selection of possible mates—she rarely hatching, there is little that gives metallic wyrmlings
produces eggs. pause: they are highly precocious creatures.
Chromatic and metallic dragons are somewhat Wyrmlings live with a parent or parents for sev
similar when it comes to laying eggs, with the excep- eral years, but are already willfully independent,
tion that metallic dragons are more protective of their exploring outside the territory of their parents as
unhatched eggs. Female dragons lay eggs in small they grow bolder and larger. They seek out and form
clutches of one to five; the precise count depends on relationships with other dragons of their familial line,
the dragon's variety. Metallic dragons lay their eggs although some especially territorial metallics such
less frequently than chromatic dragons because their as adamantine and cobalt dragons have little toler-
eggs' incubation time is considerably longer. Female ance for wandering wyrmlings. It isn't uncommon
metallic dragons keep their eggs within their bodies for wyrmlings to approach humanoids as well, drawn
for 18 to 24 months. Eggs typically incubate for two by curiosity, a desire for companionship. or some
to five years before hatching. meddlesome impulse.
Egg shape and size are comparable to those of If a metallic dragon wyrmling does hatch on its
chromatic dragons, and egg color resembles that own without the protection of a parent, it can easily
of the parents' scales. Eggs are highly resistant to survive into adulthood on its own, relying heavily on
damage from the breath weapons of the parents, but its inherited instincts and physical bearing. Even a
weaken as the wyrmlings grow ready to hatch. small wyrmling is roughly equal to a large mountain
lion in size and power. Its instincts, however, cause
HATCHING an orphaned metallic wyrmling to fixate on a paren-
tal figure should one be offered. Even if raised by
Metallic dragon wyrmIings slowly leech nutrition from
dragons of a different kind or by lesser creatures, the
the mineral content of the inner shell wall while hiber-
wyrrnling's powerful instincts keep it true to its kind,
nating during most of their incubation period. Metallic
regardless of how contrary teachings might otherwise
dragons are known to carryon conversations with their
lead it astray.
eggs. The metal shells weaken during this time, until
the wyrmlings rouse from their sleep ready to hatch.
An awakened wyrmling quickly grows impatient, claw- YOUNG
ing, pushing against, and blasting what remains of the Although young chromatic dragons leave home and
inner shell with an early version of its breath weapon. must immediately fight for survival against a world
Hatching usually takes less than an hour. hostile to their presence. a young metallic dragon
Metallic dragon wyrmlings that hatch into the can take measured steps away from Its parent and be
world as orphans are exceedingly rare. Such an event more discriminating about how it leaves home. When
happens only when both parents have been killed a metallic wyrmling grows into a young dragon,
but their eggs remained well hidden. Moreover. it becomes eager to find its own lair. Its mind has
most metallic dragons are willing to foster orphaned been intractably gripped by a primal desire to make

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

a home For itself and gather a hoard on which to even greater Fame and renown by creating worthy
sleep. It is now a powerful predator the size of a large heirs. As a metallic dragon enters the springtime of
horse, with deadly fangs and claws, and wings that its fife, a female studies potential suitors, and a male
can carry it for hours at a time. Once a young dragon competes for and even fights over the right to mate
departs from its parents' lair, it cannot return without with a desirable female.
an invitation, which is almost never offered. In years when mates are not available, the dragon
Fortunately for the wyrmling, its years as an devotes its energy to relentlessly expanding its terri-
independent-minded creature were not idly spent. A tory, adding to its hoard, and establishing itself as the
young metallic dragon usually leaves its parental lair master of all it surveys. Adulthood is the time when
knowing exactly where it wants to establish its own a metallic dragon conceives its grand purposes and
territory, having already done the necessary reconnais- plans and begins to put them into motion. A member
sance as a wyrmling. Moreover, this lair will not be ofone of the less intelligent or determined varieties—
a temporary or transitional residence_ The wyrmling for example, an iron dragon—might not contemplate
studies the !ands that interest it carefully to ensure that any great purpose until much later in life, but a silver
it can fulfill its needs for a draconic lifetime. Naturally, or gold dragon begins fulfilling its own interpretation
the young dragon strives to find territory that is rich, of Io's Charge in the flower of adulthood.
full ofgarne, and unclaimed by other dragons—or at
least larger and more powerful ones. ELDER
Maturing into an elder dragon after several centuries
ADULT of adulthood, a metallic dragon sits atop a veritable
By the time a young metallic dragon comes into its mountain of treasure. large enough to humble the
own as an adult, it has established a lair that will wealth of a small barony. Regardless of this fact, the
serve it for the rest of its life. It is well on its way to dragon's desire for more wealth remains insatiable.
gathering a significant hoard. If a metallic dragon Any humanoid relationships established as an adult
plans to involve itself in humanoid affairs. either in have long since come to fruition. An elder dragon
its natural form or in a shapechanged guise, it sets the holds a position of influence or leadership, as directly
groundwork for those relationships during this time. or indirectly involved in great affairs and endeavors
Although a metallic dragon becomes fertile as it cares to be.
approximately halfway through its "young" stage, a As an elder, a metallic dragon can look back over
metallic dragon reaches its reproductive prime as an multiple generations of progeny and feel pride and
adult. After achieving the grandeur, independence. satisfaction in the families it has spawned. The drive
and predatory status ofdragonhood it has so desper- to reproduce and the desperate need to establish ter-
ately craved since the earliest days of its life, an adult ritory have ebbed, which means an elder dragon is
dragon begins to Feel the drive to procreate. For one supremely self-confident. It is more patient and toler-
dragon this compulsion might be nothing more the ant than a younger dragon. Even a violent and evil
urging of instinct. for another it could be a calm and elder dragon is inclined to toy with weak enemies, or
calculated assessment of its biological needs. and for to solve problems by using subtle manipulation rather
yet another it might manifest as a desire to achieve than sudden onslaughts.

CHAPTER 1 1 Dragon Lore

Likewise, some eider wyrms find satisfaction in only the foolhardy would consider dragons in this
passing on their wisdom and life lessons to younger chapter of the life cycle to be vulnerable. A metallic
creatures—precocious wyrmlings and young dragons dragon in this stage knows it is slowly dying. and is
of their own familial lines, or sometimes humanoids prepared for this eventuality. It has created a legacy
of exceptional worth and charisma. Elder wyrms that spawned legends and listened as these stories u.
see the value in laying the foundations of legacies proliferated, were forgotten, and reemerged as myth.
that will endure through the centuries, whether Not the least part of this legacy is the dragon's
those legacies are in the form of destroyed enemies, hoard. Every metallic dragon handles this matter
mighty realms, or proteges that might go on to differently, but regardless of a dragon's kind, the
accomplish great deeds. They are sometimes will- distribution of its hoard will never be left to chance.
ing to take under their wings younger descendants Some metallic dragons bequeath their hoards to
and orphaned dragons (provided they arrive with descendants. Some leave entire inheritances to prom-
appropriate gifts) that are eager for their valuable and ising heirs or favored charges. Still others place their
wizened insights about the world. A wyrrnIing raised hoards into the hands of organizations they fostered,
by an elder dragon greatly benefits from the elder's ensuring that their influence will persist in perpetu-
experience and can become a formidable presence in ity. In any event, these preparations will have been set
the world. into motion long before a twilight dragon succumbs
to the ravages of old age. In one instance, a mercury
ANCIENT dragon created an elaborate web of clues, puzzles,
and traps rumored to span continents, oceans, and
Metallic dragons that attain this robust age are at the
planes of existence, parceling out its treasure one
height of their power. They can defeat entire armies
piece at a time. It took centuries to arrange, and only
or lay waste to whole kingdoms. They are not merely
after its completion did the mercury dragon finally
forces to be reckoned with, they are the standard by
allow itself to die.
which cataclysms are measured. In the end, dealing
with a metallic dragon of this stature becomes less
about slaying the creature and more about appeasing DEATH
its whims. Cities have been abandoned to accom- Despite life spans that border on immortality, almost
modate their demands, religions have paid homage all dragons succumb to old age. (The exception is
to their self-proclaimed divinity, and barbaric tribes mithral dragons, which age but do not die; see page
have launched great raids to garner plunder fit to 166.) A metallic dragon, however, can choose the time
offer ancient d raconic patrons. and place of its demise. Whereas chromatic dragons
Its not surprising that lesser creatures chafe under often go out fighting, metallic dragons play out their
the influence of ancient dragons. Rare is the accord final days exactly as planned: ceremonially, privately,
that strikes a comfortable balance with these oldest publicly, religiously, or even by seeking out gods they
of wyrms. Even the best-intentioned ancient dragon worship. Few metallic dragons are interested in lying
monarch or guardian is inflexible and unapproach- down to die without first arranging their personal
able by human standards. This is not to say that matters. Some metallic wyrms are similar to chro-
ancient metallics are incapable of friendship. but that matic dragons in their desire for glory, and those seek
they have reached a point in their lives when only the out a great rival for one last magnificent battle.
most heroic and worthy of lesser mortals are worth When a metallic dragon finally dies and its body
their attention. is permitted to decompose naturally, its metal content
An ancient dragon has mastered every endeavor breaks down and seeps into the ground, permeating
that caught its interest over the centuries, from simple the earth with veins of metal. Like chromatic drag-
games to planar rituals. It no longer has patience for ons, metallic dragons are prone to environmental
trivial details or petty machinations. Most ancient diffusion after death. The nature of the environmen-
metallics want to build a legacy of gold, magic, and tal change depends on the elemental energy of the
accomplishment that will last forever, sustained by dragon. For example, a gold dragon might diffuse into
their fearsome reputations. Others think nothing of a fiery geyser or a scorching plain of stone.
indulging any appetite or whim that comes to them,
utterly heedless of the effects on lesser creatures
nearby. Humans and other folk are too frail and DRAGONS 11.1 TWILIGHT
ephemeral to merit concern. Dragons in twilight fall to one to three levels lower than
ancient dragons (see Increasing or Decreasing Level,'
TWILIGHT page 174 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). You can also
decrease their ability to recharge powers, or give a pen-
Metallic dragons entering their twilight years dimin-
alty to initiative and Perception checks to represent the
ish in power for the first time in their lives. Although
encroachment of age.
twilight dragons are a little less effective in battle.

CHAPTER i I Dragon Lore

Only a foolish or inept sage would ascribe humanoid death, but failure—is blatantly apparent. So powerful
traits to dragons. Moral precepts that people apply are is this urge that if a metallic dragon reckons it can
based on the incorrect assumption that these creaturs kill a nest of chromatic dragons at the expense of its
have consciences. Most behave as they will, whether own life, its instinctive mind deems that outcome
compassionately or pitilessly, not owing to alignment, acceptable. The compulsion to battle regularly causes
but rather because their actions serve a larger pur- metallic dragons to take on more than they can typi-
pose tied in with their goals. It would be fair to say cally handle. Though dragons of all ages feel this urge,
that alignments have been imposed on dragons by its more powerful among young and adult metallics.
humanoids to quantify the dragons' behavior and put Although chromatic dragons feel the same way toward
themselves at ease. metallic dragons. they already fight to survive in a
world that vilifies their presence. For that reason alone,
DRACONIC DOMINION chromatic dragons pick their battles more carefully
than metallic dragons do.
Metallic dragons. unlike their chromatic or cata-
strophic kindred, rarely prey on humankind or
rampage through human realms. They are not driven THE FAMILY LINE
by the instinct to plunder or destroy. Instead, metal- Although the bonds of family are stronger among
lic dragons embody the draconic desire to dominate metallic dragons than among chromatic dragons. the
lesser creatures. A red wyrm might look on a human bond between two metallic dragons that mate is lim-
kingdom as a rich source of plunder and prey, but ited to a finite time spent together for the wyrmlings'
a gold wyrm sees that kingdom as something to sake. After their offspring have departed from the
be ordered to its own satisfaction. If it is especially lair, mated dragons are strongly drawn apart, back to
benevolent, that gold dragon sees itself as a wise solitude. If it wasn't for its powerful desire to extend
counselor, a loyal defender, and a stalwart ally of its family line, a dragon would happily keep its own
the realm. A different gold dragon might choose to company. Even those dragons that have assumed
reign openly over the realm, and another could be an humanoid forms for extended periods of time observe
inflexible tyrant and oppressor of the worst sort. with bewilderment how humanoid couples and fami-
Even those metallic dragons that do not seek lies can spend their entire lives with each other.
dominion over lesser races are often bound to them Although all dragons breed to ensure survival of
in other ways. Some are champions of good or evil, their kind, the urge is particularly strong in metallic
some are obsessed with old magic or ancient causes, dragons. Sages attribute the reason to their longer
and some are subtle manipulators engaged in a great gestation time and the innate awareness of how
game spanning the centuries. More than any other often their numbers are reduced by conflict against
dragons, metallic dragons are interested and involved chromatic dragons. Metallic dragons also keep com-
in the affairs of humanity. munication open among extended families. The more
that a metallic dragon stays in contact with other
metallics, though they are still separated by their
DRIVES respective territories, the easier it becomes to aid
Most metallic dragons. with the exception of those one's kin when the drive to fight chromatic dragons
that can change shape, share little in common with comes over them.
humanoids when it comes to their base desires and
needs. In the end, chromatic and metallic dragons
share similar motivations. especially when they per-
Dragons of any kind deem their hoards—cascading
tain to hunting. If prey runs, a dragon feels drawn to
piles of glittering coins, gems, and magic items—the
pursue and run the creature down—but not without
marrow of existence. The hoard is why they hunt; it
caution if pursuing an intelligent creature. Having
is the bed on which they sleep: it is the source of their
the mobility and stamina to travel great distances
self-worth. Dragons never grow bored with the acqui-
means a metallic dragon can chase a fleeing oppo-
sition of untold riches, even after thousands ofyears.
nent indefinitely. It stops only when its food has been
This desire is, without a doubt, the single most impor-
caught and eaten, because there is no excuse for
tant motivation in their lives. Even dragons that resist
returning home with an empty belly.
the natural inclination to possessively hoard wealth
Metallic dragons, however rational when calm, have
can still feel the instinct scratching in the backs of
a primal imperative to attack and kill chromatic drag-
their minds, as if they are somehow missing out on
ons on sight, sparing little thought for their own safety
treasure to which they are rightfully entitled.
and pausing only when the likelihood of failure—not

CHAPTER 1 I Dranon Lore

Despite the constant lure of hoard-building, know any potential prey is an automatic reaction that
metallic dragons can still enjoy meaningful lives not can't be controlled.
consumed or overshadowed by the lust for wealth. For this reason, disguising martial prowess is an
Denying their nature, especially to themselves, effective way for some other creature to maintain the
would be futile. Better to remain introspectively rapt attention of a dragon, which might otherwise
aware of their weakness, to avoid letting it become an categorize that creature as an insignificant threat
instrument of ma ni pu lat ion. As wyrmlings, dragons or, worse yet, a possible meal. Not knowing where
develop a psychological connection to treasure from it stands against a new creature can infuriate or
which they never completely break free. More than intrigue a metallic dragon. The dragon might invite
leaving their parents, leaving the lair in which they an adventurer to a play a game of strategy, or make
were raised also means leaving the hoard around a sudden move to startle him or her into a revealing
which they have played, not one coin of which travels combat posture.
with them abroad. When a wyrmling comes of age, it The benefits and downsides of someone conceal-
transitions from the considerable hoard of its parents ing his or her true strength from a dragon are mostly
to no hoard at all. This fact goes a long way toward situational. The dragon, driven by curiosity, will want
explaining why young metallic dragons desperately to learn more about a mysterious adventurer, but then
start amassing wealth the moment they leave home. that person is the center of draconic attention, desired
or not. A metallic dragon might initiate combat
THE STATUS IMPERATIVE strictly for sparring purposes (but often without
Any time a dragon interacts with a new creature saying as much beforehand).
socially, it immediately assesses how much of a strug- If adventurers intend to misrepresent themselves
gle the new creature would put up in a fight. Dragons to a dragon, consider a skill challenge designed to fool
cannot suppress this instinct, even while conversing the creature. Convincing a dragon to underestimate
peacefully, because their predatory appetite creeps a potential foe might grant a bonus to attack rolls or
into the subtext of every spoken word. Try as they initiative rolls. If a dragon is led to overestimate its
might to hide their hunting instinct, it translates foe, an adventurer might gain a bonus to Diplomacy
through their unconscious body language. They size or Intimidate checks. However, failing at such a ruse
up creatures the way a humanoid might examine a likely incenses the dragon, which brings an entirely
piece of fruit in a marketplace. different set of perils.
For a dragon, establishing where it stands with
a creature in combat allows it to adjust its posture BEHAVIOR
accordingly. It lets the dragon know whether to Metallic dragons exhibit a broad range of disposi-
behave arrogantly superior or—in the presence of tions, ranging from violent territoriality to predatory
more powerful opponents—to resort to bluster and inquisitiveness to simple bemusement at humanoid
A ... 1 0.1,2

subterfuge. Although one metallic dragon might keep antics. Most metallic dragons take great pride in their
this drive more in check than another, getting to powers of observation and logical faculties. They see

CHAPTER l I Dragon Lore

themselves as dispassionate and rational—though humanoids' power is real or imagined, they can
some are just as short-tempered and easily provoked achieve more when they are not devoured or robbed
as the most antagonistic of red dragons. at random. Truly good dragons might still manipulate
and sacrifice lesser creatures, but at least they do
HABITUAL CONDESCENSION so based on the firm conviction that their guidance
All dragons have an exceedingly high opinion of makes the world a better place.
themselves. When they deign to engage in conver- The only time metallic dragons make any effort
sation with weaker creatures, dragons think they to suppress their natural arrogance toward lesser
are demonstrating exceptional tolerance. and they creatures is when they assume humanoid form to
expect that those they meet will be flattered by their infiltrate their societies. To describe these occasions
attentions. Humanoids that find themselves in con- as trying for the dragon would be an understatement.
versation with dragons would do well to show great A metallic dragon must constantly bite its tongue to
appreciation for the honor: metallic dragons want blend in among the rabble. It takes practice, some-
their praises not only sung, but heralded loudly. Their times perfected over centuries, belnre a metallic
need for affirmation does not stem from insecurity. dragon can make this transition seamlessly.
but rather from a sense of entitlement. Metallic drag-
ons that refrain from subjugating or preying upon A DRAGON DOES
humans do so because they're making a deliberate AS A DRAGON WILL
choice that goes against their true instincts. As such, Dragons are oblivious to societal impositions. The
they believe that in exchange for the gift of not being idea that a dragon would base a decision on anything
hunted and regularly eaten, humanoids should praise other than its personal desires is entirely foreign.
metallic dragons, and some dragons expect nothing Even the most compassionate and fair-minded silver
less than outright worship. dragons choose to live by such virtues, not because
Little separates the way chromatic and metallic other silver dragons or societies pressure them to do
dragons think. All dragons are supremely arrogant, so, but because those qualities facilitate the achieve-
incredibly self-centered, and strongly inclined to ment of their personal goals.
view lesser creatures strictly in the light of what pos- Where chromatic and metallic dragons differ is
sible uses they offer. It does not occur to dragons that in how they interact with lesser creatures, and intel-
humanoids exist for any other purpose than to serve ligent humanoids in particular. Although metallic
the dragons' designs. The brief and trifling time dragons will not be swayed by humanoids' moral
that humanoids spend breathing requires direction. arguments, they at least recognize that people inhibit
which they are gracious enough to provide. In the their own behavior with arbitrary laws and ethi-
case ofchromatic dragons, this attitude means they cal rules (which goes a long way toward explaining
see humans and other humanoids as sources of food, why metallic dragons also regard them as lesser
treasure, or entertainment to be cruelly or callously creatures).
exploited at will. Most metallic dragons, on the other When a metallic dragon listens to what a human-
hand, see humanoids as valuable resources, and oid has to say, the dragon considers such an act as a
carefully cultivate them over the centuries in order privilege philanthropically bestowed, with the expec-
to achieve goals they deem appropriate. The rarest tation that the dragon's time will not be wasted. A
and kindest metallic dragons feel obligated to help humanoid that uses this opportunity as an attempt to
humanoids build worthy realms and prosper. evoke a sense of duty in the dragon is doing nothing
Although it's not hard to imagine why dragons more than insulting the dragon, and might provoke
elevate themselves above virtually every other kind of a violent reaction. Unless a dragon favors a group
creature (going by their physical stature and elemen- of humanoids or an individual in some way, it will
tal power alone). pinning down the metallic dragons' almost never be motivated to action by kindness.
inclination to nurture rather than neglect humanoids This is not say that metallic dragons never grant
is more difficult. The divine answer points to Baha- aid or succor when requested, but that the supplicant
mut as the source, because the Platinum Dragon must understand the dragon's egotistical disposi-
embodies all that was altruistic, charitable, logical. tion. The first step is for the requester to find a way
and patient in lo. The mundane answer, however, is to align his or her goals with the ambitions of the
that most metallic dragons are supremely rational metallic dragon. Beyond that point, he or she must
creatures that see cruelty and callousness as waste- describe a way in which those goals can actively ben-
ful. They therefore regard their humanoid neighbors efit the dragon. The benefit to the dragon need not be
with cold, dispassionate logic, which dictates that immediate. Even ifit does not manifest until years or
resources such as humanoids are best used with decades after an accord has been reached, the benefit
care. Some dragons come to believe that empowered is as valued by the dragon as if it had occurred right
humanoids are productive humanoids. Whether away.

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

TS 116._
its plans might Face and preemptively eliminating


It helps to think of metallic dragons not as good-
nat u red, but rather exceedingly patient creatures those hurdles before they can manifest. Mithral drag-
that will not reflexively eat humanoids when they're ons are perhaps the most methodical when it comes
hungry. Ilan adventurer manages to annoy a metallic to advance planning, but all dragons want absolute
dragon, there is little socially, and virtually nothing control over their schemes before taking a single step.
morally, that will stop the dragon from picking its They mean to win the battle before it begins, whether
teeth clean with the offender's bones. in business, negotiation, or warfare.
All that said, if a young or adult metallic dragon
ANYTHING WORTH DOING should encounter a chromatic dragon. it casts all
its forethought aside and likely finds itself in a fight
ls WORTH CONTEMPLATING before assessing whether or not it can win the battle.
A metallic dragon is no more inclined than any other
dragon to rush into a new endeavor. As a creature
whose life spans centuries, it relishes the ability to TEMPER
thoroughly analyze a matter, dissecting the subject Metallic dragons choose to interact with humanoids
with its impressive intellect. It means to figure out all peaceably only as an effective means to achieve their
the ways in which it can either command the situa- desires. Sting the pride of a metallic dragon. scorn its
tion, profit from the undertaking, or both. Assuming aid, or stretch its patience too thin, and iI can unleash
that neither its life nor the lives olthose it favors are a force every bit as destructive as any chromatic
hanging in the balance, a metallic dragon will not be dragon.
hurried. It doesn't take much to upset a metallic dragon.
Maintaining intense focus, a metallic dragon can Perhaps too many intrusions have been made into its
remain immersed in thought as it goes about its daily territory without proper acknowledgment. or the trib-
routine. I n this state, it is aware of threats but uncon- ute for allowing humanoids to coexist in its domain
cerned with how its presence and size might impact has been consistently undercut. Whatever the case.
any environment through which it is passing It the latest insult is merely the final straw in a series of
doesn't acknowledge the immediate world around it, perceived offenses, throwing the metallic dragon into
since it's too busy calculating all the possible advan- a rage. Even if t he offense is reasonable by humanoid
tages and drawbacks of some venture. standards, the dragon's reaction might seem com-
When a metallic dragon does finally arrive at pletely out of proportion to the offense. For example,
a decision, it has not merely formulated a plan of when a wandering wyrmling is killed by a poacher,
attack, but also has several backup plans in case its metallic dragon parent might raze the closest vil-
the main stratagem is somehow undermined. It has lage for not policing its residents better.
devoted considerable time to predicting any obstacles

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

Although individual metallic dragons might encoun- the intrusion, but still boldly asserts its rightful claim.
ter each other accidentally, peaceably, or violently. A more territorial metallic dragon, on the other hand,
dragon society is little more than a loose collection of treats such an infraction as an opportunity to teach a
familial relationships. Metallic dragons fulfill their younger wyrm a lesson—possibly a fatal one. Forgive-
own ambitions and serve their own purposes. They ness, when offered, comes because a metallic dragon
do not exist within societies so much as let societies considers accidentally blundering into another
take shape around them. Putting aside legendary dragon's territory to be a mortifying embarrassment.
occasions when metallic dragons of many kinds band Metallic dragons consider territory, once staked by a
together to oppose a common enemy, the closest they metallic dragon of equal strength. to be sacrosanct.
ever come to forming a rudimentary society is repre- However, a covetous metallic dragon that desires the
sented by their loyalties to children and kin. These territory of a wyrm two or more age categories its
lasting connections have tenuously united even the junior considers such a domain ripe for the taking.
most territorial metallic dragons together. Metallic dragons of equal strength meet by invita-
The following Four sections summarize how metal- tion only (though older dragons often disregard this
lic dragons think and behave when they interact with formality when associating with younger wyrms). If a
other kinds of dragons or any kinds of humanoids. message requests an audience, such as when a young
dragon seeks tutelage from an older wyrm, a gift of
OTHER METALLIC DRAGONS treasure should accompany the request. The value of
this treasure forever defines the relationship between
When metallic dragons oppose one another, they
the two dragons.
remain tense and ready for battle. Whether the
Metallic dragons that encounter each other in the
confrontation is over territory, treasure, or a mate,
wild outside their respective territories normally
metallic dragons usually defer to (or flee from) more
acknowledge one another openly, but travel their
powerful wyrms, and demand submission from (or
separate ways. Although some metallic dragons have
attempt to slay) weaker rivals. Evil or ill-tempered
been observed giving each other this respectful dis-
dragons are quick to attack when they have the
tance, many evil or bad-tempered metallic dragons
advantage. Two dragons that recognize each other
use these opportunities to eliminate younger dragons
as equals often settle on cool, wary civility, watching
that might eventually threaten their resources.
carefully for mistakes or signs of treachery. However,
Generally speaking, the purpose of doing so must
the moment blood is spilled between metallic drag-
be extremely important For a metallic dragon to leave
ons, they no longer have any use for words. In any
its territory and hoard. All metallic dragons accept
event, dragons won't compromise. A dragon that has
that they suffer from a powerful attachment to their
the advantage over its rival claims the entire prize,
hoards. When they meet, unless they're actively
whatever it might be. A dragon at a disadvantage
attempting to thin the competition for resources
retreats with nothing.
or territory, they clear a path for one another. They
Negotiations between metallics follow this pat-
silently acknowledge how vital a purpose must be to
tern: First, the two dragons instantly assess each
lure another dragon from its home. Although a metal-
other's age based on size, because seniority rules
lic dragon would never characterize its attachment as
supreme. Second, a contest of knowledge ensues, in
a weakness, separating it from its hoard for too long
which the dragons compare what they know about a
can nonetheless be a tool of manipulation.
sought-after prize. Superior knowledge improves the
standing of a dragon to its next older age category.
The metallic dragon that has the oldest "effective
age" is considered the rightful victor. Although many THE COUNCIL OF WYR11S
dragons respect this outcome and acquiesce to the Obscure texts refer to an event known as the Council
superior wyrm, some dragons (usually brass, iron, of Wyrms." Much of the lore surrounding this event has
mercury, or cobalt) raise the stakes one step further been lost to history. What little can be assembled tells
by challenging their rivals to trial by ritual combat, of the first metallic dragons coming together to form an
the result of which trumps all negotiations. Though accord shortly after Bahamut and Tiamat arose from iris
these battles have been known to result in death, they death. These dragons immediately recognized the chro-
usually end at first blood. matic spawn as their shared enemy and forged a lasting
pact. They vowed to put aside their differences and mon-
etary obsessions to wage war against chromatic dragons
whenever the chromatics became a collective threat.
When a metallic dragon accidentally enters the estab-
lished territory of another, the average wyrm forgives

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

with the chromatic dragons betraying their own kind,
CHROMATIC DRAGONS and resulting in the death of even more chromatic
With few exceptions, a metallic dragon's rational dragons. .0
persona disappears when it spots a chromatic dragon.
It engages the dragon on sight. regardless of the con-
sequences to itself or others. If the chromatic dragon
is too daunting for one metallic dragon to handle, SCOURGE DRAGONS
the metallic immediately seeks out allies and returns
Metallic dragons no more acknowledge catastrophic
with greater numbers to assail the threat. or scourge dragons than they would violent storms
When battle is joined, metallic dragons fight or enduring pestilences. In the eyes of metallic drag-
savagely, eviscerating bellies, gouging eyes, and ons, these other dragons rill necessary roles in the
hamstringing legs. They slaughter chromatic dragon cyclical pattern of the world that metallic dragons
males, females, and wyrmlings without prejudice. witness countless times throughout their lives. Only
After the slaughter ends, a metallic dragon resumes when catastrophic and scourge dragons fail to respect
its normal personality as if nothing unusua l had this objectivity do metallic dragons take umbrage
transpired, despite being covered in blood and gore. and offer resistance. A metallic doesn't care if a cata-
Once. when asked about its astonishing outburst strophic or a scourge dragon runs roughshod over the
ofwrath, a silver dragon replied, "They cannot be world, as long as that dragon's interests aren't in its
allowed to reach critical numbers," Despite their path.
drive to kill, most metallic dragons do not crusade
against chromatic dragons. They merely deal with
such wyrms as they appear.
Metallic dragons regard stories of cooperation Metallic dragons see value in cultivating relationships
and even forbidden love between the two groups of with humanoids. This desire is so profound that after
dragons as tales of fiction. Denials aside, reliable millennia of observing humanoid activities, some
historical records document occasions when ancient metallic dragons (including almost all mercury and
and twilight metallic dragons cowed or manipulated steel dragons) have developed the innate magical
chromatic dragons into their service, culminating ability to assume humanoid shapes. Their motivation

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

is surprisingly simple: All metallic dragons crave that supplies a dragon connoisseur can earn a profit
power or wealth, and they frequently crave both. for countless generations. These transactions are usu-
Indeed, whenever they seek influence or treasure. ally conducted in settled or metropolitan regions.
dragons are straightforward. As humanoids began Alternatively, metallic dragons might hire adventur-
propagating throughout the world, metallic dragons ing humanoids to seek out coveted treasures. In such
saw great potential in the scurrying little creatures, cases, metallic dragons that can change shape main-
not for the sake of fostering their desperately short tain their humanoid disguises while interacting with
existences, but as creatures that could further the people.
dragons' own agendas. Seeing this potential right
away, metallic dragons realized that their goals could GATEKEEPER
be more efficiently achieved through interaction Metallic dragons sometimes stake claims to terri-
rather than destruction. tory along dangerous or well-traveled humanoid
Metallic dragons learned early on that to conduct routes. Once established, such a dragon demands
any meaningful business with humanoids, they tribute from humanoids that want to pass through the
needed to relate (and be relatable) to them. Although region. lithey don't pay the toll, the dragon prevents
that sometimes means assuming a friendly face, it movement through its domain. If the region is dan-
can also mean impressing them with the majesty of gerous, the tribute guarantees that the dragon will
draconic presence. After all, humanoids respond well protect travelers through the hostile area. Gatekeeper
to fear. In fact, many formidable metallic dragons dragons can become integral parts of trading econo-
greatly enjoy corn mand i ng armies of reliable human- mies, regarded as yet another levy, tax, or toll.
oid minions to do their bidding.
Metallic dragons that can shapeshift have two
faces: One for the social world (their humanoid
If primitive humanoids want to worship a metallic
guise) and one for the solitary life (their dragon
wyrm as their deity, the dragon won't argue. Evil
form). As dragons, they want to be regarded with
metallic dragons prefer having this type of relation-
awe and feared by nations, but also left to their own
ship with humanoids, since it requires little effort in
devices. In their humanoid forms, they want to be
exchange for the praise and wealth that is heaped
easy to approach. to be respected by merchants, and
at their feet. In return for worship, metallic dragons
to travel without fanfare. When they forge relation-
grow fiercely protective of their worshipers. Dragon-
ships with humanoids, shapeshifting dragons usually
spawn, kobolds, I izardfolk, and troglodytes often
do so in humanoid form.
become metallic dragon worshipers.


When they interact with humanoids, metallic drag- Metallic dragons that feel inclined to guide and
ons can take on many types of roles, from helpful to protect lesser creatures adopt burgeoning centers of
tyran nical. civilization, from small villages to teeming capitals.
In exchange for the constant presence of'the metal-
ADVISOR lic dragon, the community directs major portions of
Metallic dragons that treat knowledge as the greatest its revenue to the dragon's hoard. The investment,
treasure become sources of obscure information from however steep, is advantageous to both parties. With
which the rest of the world can benefit. These drag- a dragon looking out for the populace. the community
ons act as oracles that foresee the future or librarians is shielded against outside threats, and its standing
that share the lore stored in their minds. A dragon army (if it has one) becomes largely redundant. The
in the business of advising humanoids might stay civilization can focus on its own prosperity. This
highly accessible to encourage solicitation of their was the case in the dragonborn empire of Arkhosia.
experiences or skills. Alternatively, a dragon might whose capital city became a meeting place for all
sequester itself from prying questions to meditate or metallic dragons. In addition to dragonborn, metallic
research in peace. Gaining an audience with such dragons arc likely to become guardians of dwarves,
a dragon is difficult, and usually requires braving elves. halflings, humans, and tieflings.
treacherous terrain, but the knowledge it imparts is
always valuable. MANIPULATOR
Whether puppeteering the politics of empires or
CUSTOMER bending the ears of prominent decision makers,
Metallic dragons that value quality over quantity metallic dragons operate behind the scenes, and as
rely on humanoids that specialize in acquiring rare a result their influence is often not suspected. These
goods. Humanoid crafters make a higher grade of dragons traffic in blackmail, favors, kickbacks, and
product. and can make treasure to order. A business (most important) knowledge. Such dragons nest near

CHAPTER I I Dragon Lore

the humanoid populations they control, and those
that can change shape disguise themselves to blend LANGUAGE
in among the population. Metallic dragons either Although chromatic and metallic dragons are Instinctive
worm into the jeweled capitals of thriving nations enemies, they aren't dissimilar enough to have developed
or encourage humanoids to build in the dragons' independent languages. Chromatic and metailk dragons
domains, enticing the people by granting permission speak and write identical versions of Draconic. Somt
to harvest valuable minerals found there. As these sages claim that the two types of dragons emphasize dtf
settlements grow over time, the metallic dragon qui- ferent parts of the same words, but these idiosyncrasies
etly remains in the background, pulling the strings of can also be attributed to personality and mood. See the
city leaders as needed. "Language Details" and "Basic Vocabulary" sections on
pages 24 and 25 of Draconamicon: Chromatic Dragons.
Metallic dragons follow the same naming conventions
that chromatic dragons do. They can be named before
Some metallic dragons find that nothing motivates
birth, name themselves, adopt names they are given, or
lesser creatures more than fear. These dragons
change their names to reflect major events in their lives.
behave more like chromatics, with little regard for
Metallic dragons that take humanoid forms. however,
lives other than their own. Humanoids serve as mere
choose names for their shapes befitting the races and
tools, with a finite ability to manipulate, extract, and
cultures they infiltrate. The only constant with these
refine valuable minerals out of the ground. They are
names is that they reflect the personas of the humanoids
resources to be expended rather than individuals to
the metallic dragons become, as if the names help the
be acknowledged. People in draconic regimes live
dragons remember to stay in character.
under the constant threat of death or persecution,
but metaliics do recognize that some hope must be
allowed. As such. they empower select humanoids
with limited authority. if for no other reason than to
nu O-C OHN

police others of their own kind.

CHAPTER t I Dragon Lore

Dragons of any variety worship deities only reluc- civilizations they have deemed worthy. Metallic drag-
tantly. and they do so in a much different spirit from ons that protect rising empires as stalwart guardians.
that of devout humanoids. Instead of humbling them- or that invisibly manipulate dynasties by guiding
selves before the deities, they strike bargains, seeing them toward prosperity, serve the goals of Erathis
divine beings as strong allies and examples worth whether they mean to or not. As such, metallic drag-
emulating. Dragons have little patience for pious ritu- ons study her teachings to take advantage of any
als and behavioral restrictions. They tolerate such divine sanction their plans might already warrant.
limitations only if it helps their pursuit of divine Typical Followers: Gold and bronze dragons
knowledge and righteous power. (which have expansionist tendencies), and silver
dragons (which believe in the value of civilization).
The celestial platinum dragon who embodies the fair- 101IN
ness, nobility, and strength of lo, Bahamut represents Virtually all metallic dragons embrace the god of
the foundation of metallic dragon worship and is knowledge and prophecy. As creatures of incred-
universally respected by all metallic dragons. regard- ible patience and extended life, dragons seek loun's
less of their faith. Strip away everything else, and insights into both the nature of creation and the
Bahamut will always be the wyrm who drove Tiamat unforetold future. If metallic dragons hold any one
into a frightened retreat. Metallic dragons that battle deity in equal reverence to Bahamut, it would be
against chromatics draw inspiration from his original loun for this reason. All dragons have an interest
struggle. When his worshipers conduct themselves in the ability to accurately predict the future, espe-
in the world, they do so with the dignity of Bahamut. cially those that work machinations that unfold
As they dispense justice onto lesser creatures, they across centuries. Dragons consider all the angles of a
ask what Bahamut would do in their place. When long-term venture before committing to a course of
they charge into battle against those that oppress the action. Despite how highly metallic dragons regard
weak, they believe that Bahamut invigorates their their own intellect, even they must acknowledge that
attacks. complications can arise that they couldn't foresee.
Typical Followers: Bronze and silver dragons. The ability to minimize those problems by looking
Virtually all metallic dragons invoke Bahamut's into the future is more prized than platinum to many
name for strength as they launch into battle against dragons.
chromatics. Typical Followers: Mithral and orium dragons.

The god of warmongering, subjugation, and tribute, A seasonal god who exemplifies summer, the sun,
Bane appeals to metallics that rule by fomenting and time. Pelor opposes evil in all forms. Though
fear. By honing their martial skill, his followers many dragons are not moved by definitions ofgood
master fear and spread terror. Since dragons inspire and evil, metallic dragons that feel compassion for
fear merely by existing, Bane favors them. They can lesser creatures and save communities from suffer-
single-handedly wage war against an army or decide ing are quintessential forces for good. If the light of
the outcome of a battle. Metallic dragons pay homage Pelor can help protect their charges, then so much
to Bane by lighting when they have not been asked to the better.
do so, and then demanding payment for their service. Typical Followers: Gold, silver, and steel dragons.
Metallic dragons also honor Bane by making sure
neither side of a conflict definitively wins. They do TIAM AT
so by switching sides to sustain the war or by leaking
A metallic dragon would have to catastrophically
information to opposing sides.
lose its way before following the path of Tiama t, yet
Typical Followers: Brass, iron, and mercury
many have done exactly that. Tiamat represents all
that is antithetical to metallic dragons. and espe-
cially to their predatory imperative to attack and
ERATH1S kill chromatic dragons on sight. Still, with enough
Nothing is more important to dragon followers of self-loathing, metallic dragons can become willing
Brathis than achieving stability through invention thralls of the draconic god. Although Tiamat is always
and lawfulness. Although dragons usually avoid a strict deity, she demands even more from her metal-
living within societies, certain metallics protect lic converts than from the chromatics that revere her.

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

She constantly requires proof of their loyalty, usually

by asking them to turn on their own kind. If a metal- Deity: Bane
lic dragon knows where to find wealth, regardless of Dragon Variety: Mercury
familial bonds or lasting friendships, the dragon must Thurkearvaeri manipulated wars in the world, but
plunder in Tiamat's name. in return, she promises never revealed her agenda to any mortal creature
the strength to prevail against those that would seek while doing so. She orchestrated battles in which
reprisal, and a swift death to weaker opponents. opposing armies would clash, and ensured that the
Typical Followers: Iron dragons, and particularly combatants would be enraged on a personal level
greedy or envious adamantine and copper dragons. by having their loved ones assassinated and fram-
ing a neighboring kingdom for the deeds. When a
EXARC HS battle reached fever pitch, the mercury dragon would
Deities operate in the mortal world primarily by appear for the first time, admit her part in causing
proxy through their exarchs. In addition to heeding the hostilities, then join in the bloodshed. Bane fell in
the prayers of worshipers, exarchs serve as divine love with Thurkearvaeri and successfully enticed her
intermediaries, determining what mortal events are to his realm.
worth mentioning to their patron gods. Dragons that revere Thurkearvaeri are drawn by
The following are a few of the more prominent her mystery and her wickedly rational mind, as well
metallic dragon exarchs. as her bloodthirsty nature and her ability to manipu-
late humanoids into war on a grand scale.
Deity: bun ViVEXKEPESK
Dragon Variety: Mithral Deity: Bahamut
Athearsauriv was an oracle who saw the future not Dragon Variety: Brass
as a fixed path but as an obstacle to be overcome. Vivexkepesk challenged every chromatic dragon he
No venture was wasted, because she knew well in could find, young and ancient alike, and relentlessly
advance whether it would succeed or fail. No battle hunted these creatures. As a side effect, his battles
was lost, because she foresaw every feint or lunge leveled towns, shook the earth, and shattered the
before her opponents attacked. Eventually, Athear- landscape. The gods readied to smite Vivexkepesk
sauriv could foresee the future of an idea she idly to prevent this destruction, but Bahamut inter-
contemplated: She no longer predicted the future, vened, volunteering to personally fight the brass
but could define what would happen. bun opened dragon and calm its dangerous rage. Miraculously,
her realm to Athearsauriv out of necessity, and the Vivexkepesk managed to keep the god constantly off
dragon now guides the fates of mortals remotely. balance. Seeing that the brass dragon merely wanted
Dragons that revere Athearsauriv request her a challenging opponent, Bahamut offered him the
visions, the bewildering accuracy of which is opportunity to become an exarch, so he could fight
regarded as a mixed blessing. Bahamut's greatest foes.
Dragons that revere Vivexkepesk respect his fero-
cious combat prowess and his refusal to back down,
even when he's fighting a clearly superior opponent.
Deity: Erathis
Dragon Variety: Gold
Edarmirrik, a glutton and master manipulator, infil- NO DEITY AT ALL?
trated the family of a great dynasty while he was still
Metallic dragons are prone to hubris when they com-
a young wyrm. As an adult, he brokered commerce
pare themselves to gods, seeing the potential for theft
between every capital city on his territorial continent.
own deification. Although all dragons carry themselves
Now an elder dragon, he manages the gold trade by
with an arrogant sense of entitlement. metallic dragons'
proxy through a global merchant guild, shaving every
interactions with lesser creatures feed their ambitions.
gold coin in circulation to supplement his hoard.
Metallics are often worshiped as gods in their own right.
Erathis, pleased with the civilization the dragon had
So although metallic dragons devoted to a deity do exist ,

fostered, invited Edarmirrik to her domain_ The

they number far fewer than chromatic dragons, whose
dragon refused at first, but then the god assured him
constant fight to survive causes them to seek a higher
that he could still remain active in the world and
power's aid more frequently.
sleep on his mountains of gold.
Dragons that revere Edarmirrik commend his
single-mindedness and his expert management of
humanoid societies.

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

For the most part, the previous material in this The central lair has ledges or chambers at multiple
chapter applies to all metallic dragons. What follows heights, with at least two or three means of egress
discusses each kind individually, offering further large enough for the dragon's bulk.
insight into their personalities, mannerisms, environ- lfUnderdark (or at least underground) "kingdoms"
ment, and preferred means of hunting and fighting. aren't available, adamantine dragons lair in rocky
These are not ironclad assertions; each kind of metal- mountain ranges, making their homes in caves sur-
lic dragon might prefer a certain type of treasure or rounded with the comforting weight of rock. These
environment, but metallics don't necessarily restrict adamantine dragons sometimes come into conflict
themselves to the examples given. with the equally territorial blue dragons that dwell in
In addition to the "main" metallic dragons. high, storm-shrouded mountains.
seven new varieties appear in this book. Some have
appeared previously under other names, while others FAVORED TREASURE
are recent discoveries, but all are as much a part of Adamantine dragons prefer treasures that remind
the metallic dragon family as the famous gold and them of, or are native to, their home territory. For
silver dragons. instance, an adamantine dragon whose Underdark
"kingdom" includes rich veins of silver likely prefers
ADAMANTINE DRAGONS silver treasures over other valuable metals or gems.
Also known as cave dragons, or occasionally Under-
dark dragons, adamantine dragons are little known PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
on the surface world. Although not the most intelli- Adamantine dragons are a dark metallic hue. Some
gent of dragons, adamantine dragons are far smarter underground dwellers that have never seen a true
than their brutish, short-tempered behavior would black dragon call adamantines by that name. Their
suggest. scales protrude in a bladelike fashion, ruffling like
feathers when the dragon is irritated or hunting. An
LAIRS AND TERRAIN adamantine dragon has no horns per se, unless you
Adamantine dragons treat their territories as their count the row of spines that begins at the back of its
personal fiefdoms, ruling over all creatures within. head and runs the length of its body and tail. its snout
Although they demand obedience and respect at all is sleeker than those of other dragons. vaguely resem-
times, they also take their duty as "ruler" seriously, bling a snapping turtle's. Oddly, adamantine dragons
protecting their subjects (or at least the obedient smell not only like metal, but also vaguely oily, like a
ones) from attack. well-maintained blade or suit of armor.
Most adamantine dragons dwell in the Underdark,
in lairs filled with great caverns and twisting tunnels. DIET
Adamantine dragons prefer large amounts of smaller
prey, a predilection developed over long years under-
ground, where larger game is often unavailable.
In previous editions of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS' game,
They particularly enjoy the taste of giant spiders and
metallic dragons were portrayed as staunch defenders
insects, but anything large enough for them to notice
of good, and player characters rarely found reason to
is large enough for them to eat. They don't make a
battle them. That's changed now, Although some metal-
habit of hunting sentient prey, but most won't turn it
lics—especially among the silver and gold dragons—are
down if it's available. An adamantine dragon won't
fearsome champions against evil, you can't tell a metallic
consume any of its "subjects" (see "Lairs and Ter-
dragon's alignment just by looking at it anymore. Some
rain"), unless the only other option is starvation.
metallic dragons are evil, and many are unaligned—which
Unsurprisingly. given their physical abilities and
means they won't hesitate to battle heroes who intrude
favored terrain, adamantine dragons prefer to fight
in their territory or interfere in their business.
and hunt from the ground, flying to close on prey but
Even otherwise benevolent dragons might find them-
then landing for the duration of the battle. That said,
selves at odds with good heroes. For example. a copper
an adamantine dragon knows the terrain of its terri-
dragon might be momentarily overcome by natural
tory well and uses short flights to pass over obstacles
avarice, while a silver dragon might decide that honor
intended to injure or impede its foes. Even in large
demands that it slay intruders it catches in a shrine it is
caverns or mountain passes, an adamantine dragon
sworn to protect. Every dragon poses a potential threat
prefers to patrol its territory on foot, the better to
to a party of player characters, regardless of the sheen on
become familiar with the region.
its scales.

CHAPTER 1 Drason Lore

Highly territorial and exceptionally proud (even for
a dragon), an adamantine dragon demands obedi-
ence and respect in its petty kingdom, and it might
kill intruders without question. That said, if an
explorer talks quickly and is respectful, an ada-
mantine dragon won't necessarily be hostile. It
might be willing to enter into treaties, agree-
ments, or alliances with its neighbors.
On the other hand, offering a single insult is
often enough to sour negotiations or trigger an
instant attack. Adamantine dragons brook disre-
spect from nobody, and ignorance or carelessness is
not an acceptable excuse.

Adamantine dragons rarely encounter other metallic
dragons, except when those that live in caves delve too
deeply into the Underdark. However, they frequently
clash with purple dragons, since the two kinds prefer
the same type of territory. Although adamantine drag-
ons are more powerful (assuming comparable age),
purple dragons tend to be smarter, wilier, and more
likely to use minions, making the contests more even.
Most frequently, adamantine dragons interact
with other Underdark-dwelling sentient creatures,
particularly humanoids. These include grimlock and
troglodyte tribes, which adamantine dragons typi-
cally annex, and draw and duergar communities, with
which they frequently war. Although adamantine
dragons demand obedience from all creatures in their
"kingdoms," they don't demand that their "subjects"
do anything. (They're far less likely than purple drag-
ons, for instance, to use humanoid spies or assassins.)
the morning sun. Typically. an intruder can access
the lair only by scrambling or climbing up a long,
BRASS DRAGONS exposed, barren slope that offers the dragon plenty of
Although weaker than many other varieties of opportunity to spot the visitor's approach.
dragonkind, brass dragons are still powerful crea-
tures by any measure. They have a strong mercenary FAVORED TREASURE
streak and often agree to serve as guardians or battle- Although they value all precious items. brass dragons
champions for anyone willing to pay suitably well. are especially fond of handcrafted work in materi-
als such as bone, wood, stone, or fabric (particularly
Brass dragons crave sunlight and dry heat, so natu-
rally they prefer deserts, arid savannahs, and similar PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
areas. They spend hours lying on sunning rocks high A prominent head crest shaped like a plowshare dis-
above the desert floor. Brass dragons also live in lands tinguishes brass dragons from other varieties. Young
where hot, dry conditions are seasonal—fOr example. brass dragons are a dull, mottled brown. As they age,
a temperate forest that sees little rainfall in the t heir color becomes more brassy, taking on a warm
summertime. Brass dragons residing in such lands luster. They have a faintly acrid odor reminiscent of
either migrate to warmer climes or retreat to subter- hut, oiled metal.
ranean lairs during the cool, rainy months.
Brass dragons make their lairs in rocky caves
L• L

atop mesas, steep hills, or the walls of inaccessible

Brass dragons typically hunt on the wing and prefer
canyons—preferably facing east, so they can enjoy
to eat mountain goats, sheep, antelope, and other
OL., •■• ■■ .

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

such creatures. Only the most evil of brass dragons
would choose to devour an intelligent creature,
but a brass isn't above helping itself to a traveler's
Brass dragons associate with desert-dwelling human-
mount and leaving him or her stranded on foot. Well
oids—usually dragonborn, humans, or gnolls. Older,
adapted for desert life, brass dragons can survive on
more powerful dragons strike alliances with azers,
almost no water.
fire giants, or efreets. Brass dragons make many
acquaintances, ranging from other intelligent mon-
PERSONALITY AND MOTIVATIONS sters such as sphinxes or nagas to notable humanoid
Placid and curious, brass dragons are among the
princes, wizards, or bards. Evil brass dragons create
most talkative of dragons and are slow to anger. Even
networks of minions and informants instead. Either
in battle, brass dragons are rarely cruel or vengeful,
way, a brass dragon is exceptionally well informed
and they frequently allow beaten enemies to retreat.
about events in nearby territory.
However, they are still dragons—conceited, proud,
Brass dragons strongly dislike brown dragons,
touchy creatures. Like other dragons, brass dragons
since they prefer the same environments and com-
take offense at rude or disrespectful behavior. How-
pete for territory and influence.
ever, when other dragons might lash out in anger,
brass dragons are more likely to break offa conversa-
tion and leave. Anyone foolish enough to persist in
the face of such a clear warning sign deserves what- Duty-bound and honorable to a fault, bronze drag-
ever he or she gets. ons commit themselves to order and are among the
Shameless mercenaries, brass dragons readily greatest and most devout champions of that ideal. To
strike deals to fight in exchange for rich rewards. The a bronze dragon, there is no greater calling than to
better ones rigorously fulfill their bargains, but less ensure a universe governed by law, where chaos and
honorable members of the race are lazy and dishon- corruption can gain no foothold. For most bronze
est and have a nasty habit of breaking inconvenient dragons, enforcing justice in their lands is enough.
deals if something better comes along. Pure self-inter- But for a few, only absolute order can sate their ethi-
est governs most brass dragons, and they never take cal hunger—even if it means they must act as despots
sides without first asking, "What's in this for me?" and tyrants, for the ends justify the means. As a

ii .
CHAPTER 1 I Dra8on Lore
result, bronze dragons come into conflict with other dragons, bronze dragons don't consume intelligent
peoples, even when their values and beliefs are not creatures, though many make an exception for sahua-
worlds apart. gin, whose flesh is similar to shark meat.

Bronze dragons choose lairs on rocky islands, granite Bronze dragons have an elevated sense of purpose,
cliffs overlooking the sea, or other coastal locales. believing their way is the proper way. Disagreement,
Some bronze dragons eschew land altogether and they believe, arises from willful ignorance, and
stake out underwater territory in kelp beds, sub- they have little patience for fools. A bronze dragon
merged caverns, or sunken ships. In rare cases. a doesn't debate and doesn't argue, and if someone
bronze dragon might protect or rule a community of pushes the dragon, it might react with violence. In
underwater creatures. fact, most conflicts with bronze dragons arise from
Freshwater bodies can sustain bronze dragons misunderstandings.
too, though adapting to these environments is slow Bronze dragons see the world in black and white,
and painful. Though rare in these environs, a bronze right and wrong, and they choose not to appreciate
dragon might dwell in a large lake, inland sea, or the subtlety of gray. Disappointment and Frustra-
even a deep river if the available prey can sustain tion with humanoid subterfuge might lead a bronze
it. Bronze dragons have little love for cold, and are dragon to act rashly, destroying an entire population
unlikely to live in arctic climes, ceding those areas to out of misapprehension. Even if it is later shown to
cobalt and white dragons. have been wrong, the dragon would not feel regret
A bronze dragon's lair is usually accessible by and would see the tragedy as being brought on by the
water, its entrances concealed by the waves. Water- dishonesty of its victims.
filled passages connect to dank and dripping mazes.
The dragon uses natural caves to house servants, store RELATIONS WITH
treasure, and trap intruders. It might incorporate
traps in the form of dead falls, slides, and shifting tun-
Bronze dragons are territorial creatures, and they do
nels. Often a secondary entrance, usually a chimney,
not tolerate trespassers or explorers in their lands—
allows the dragon an escape route. Such a passage,
unless the interlopers offer some sort of tribute. A
often disused and overgrown with creepers or buried
bronze dragon that settles near shipping lanes or in
under debris, can be even harder to find than the
busy waters often demands payment to protect pass-
main entrance.
ing ships against sharks, sahuagin, pirates, and other
dangers. Such dragons can be fierce guardians, but
FAVORED TREASURE their prices are high. and many merchants go bank-
A bronze dragon's hoard consists of whatever the rupt meeting their demands.
dragon can scavenge from the sea, sunken cities, lost On occasion. a bronze dragon might adopt a
ships, or vessels it attacks. Since saltwater can cor- community and enforce its laws with an iron fist. It
rode most metals and other valuables, the dragon's doesn't take long for the dragon to replace the ruler,
hoard often consists largely of ceramics, statuary, and and when it does, the community must abide by the
gemstones—durable goods that are immune to the dragon's rules or face extinction. Bronze dragons
effects of the dragon's environment. might rule over kobold, human, goblin, merfolk, or
lizardfolk tribes. Older dragons extend their empires
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS onto other planes, ruling devils, archons, and the like.
A ribbed and fluted crest sweeps back from a bronze Bronze dragons detest evil aquatic creatures, and
dragon's cheeks and eyes, and the ribs end in curving sahuagin are among their worst enemies_ Blue drag-
horns. the largest growing from the top of its head. ons, though, are worse than even the sea devils, and
Webbing along its limbs and between its claws helps their territories often overlap with those of bronze
it swim. A bronze dragon's scales are a metallic dark dragons. When a blue and a bronze meet, they clash
brown, with a few highlights that look more like pol- violently, and if one retreats, it's never for long. Leg-
ished bronze. ends tell of bronze and blue dragons waging war for
decades or centuries, with neither getting the upper
DIET hand. They spar and raid, striking and retreating
Bronze dragons have voracious appetites, so they can't until one gives up and flees For safer waters or, more
be too selective about what they eat. Most live on the likely, falls in battle.
sea's bounty, with kelp, fish, and crustaceans as their
dietary staples. They prefer shark to other sea crea-
tures, and often deplete local populations, leaving no
sharks alive for leagues around. Like other metallic

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

cobalt dragons don't eat intelligent creatures, but
COBALT DRAGON unaligned and evil ones do—especially those they
Grim and sullen in demeanor, the fierce cobalt drag- regard as pests or adversaries.
ons measure success by the territories they rule and
the lesser creatures they subjugate. They suffer no
traveler to pass through their lands without bending PERSONALITY AND MOTIVATIONS
The best way to describe the demeanor of cobalt
knee and acknowledging their power, and anyone
who refuses quickly comes to regret that error. Most dragons is possessive. They have a fierce, unyield-
cobalts rule over barbaric tribes or small, remote ing desire to hold and control anything they deem
important—principally their wealth and their sta-
settlements, exacting instant obedience through claw,
tion. Wealth is easy to measure, of course. Like other
fang, and icy breath.
dragons, cobalts are infatuated with their hoards, and
they dream constantly of enlarging them. Cobalts
LAIRS AND TERRAIN measure their station by the extent of the lands they
Cobalt dragons hate hot weather, preferring cold. hold sway over, the strength of the people and crea-
gloomy lands—snowy forests, tundra, icebound moun- tures they dominate, and the tenacity with which
tains, or windswept downs and hills in northerly they cling to power. Driven to demand the fear and
lands. Many cobalt dragons live in the Shadowfell, respect of all others, cobalt dragons fiercely resist any
especially in the borderlands of Letherna or other development that might weaken their control.
portions that correspond to cold lands in the mortal Cobalt dragons are extremely forceful and
world. They have little interest in spirits of the dead demanding creatures. On meeting other intelligent
or necromantic power, instead dominating tribes creatures, they engage in physical intimidation and
or settlements of shadowborn humanoids such as tests of will, determined to dominate any possible
shadar-kai. rival. Good-aligned cobalt dragons do so to determine
Cobalt dragons make their lairs in glacial rifts, in the courage and worth of those they face; those who
low-lying caves hidden in wet gorges, or deep under stand up to them win respect. Other cobalt dragons
the north-facing slopes of steep hills. Foes approaching enjoy bullying the weak and are quick to maim or kill
a cobalt's lair on foot might face a difficult climb down those foolish enough to show defiance without having
an ice- or moss-covered cliff or might have to cross a the strength to back up their words.
swift, icy torrent to reach their destination. Cobalts Although many cobalt dragons are brutal, callous
think nothing of splashing through freezing water to tyrants, the race isn't inherently evil. The best of them
enter or leave their lairs, but they rarely choose lairs are indefatigable, defending the people they have
that are accessible only by extended swimming. come to rule, and they would rather die than permit
an enemy to harm their subjects. However, most
FAVORED TREASURE cobalt dragons defend their territories and subjects
Cobalts prin. lavishly decorated arms and armor, mainly to satisfy their own sense of station and their
admiring the combination of workmanship and craving for respect, while feeling little moral obliga-
practicality. Bejeweled weapons litter their hoards, tion toward those they rule. To a cobalt, strength is
especially if the weapons feature blue or white gem- the ultimate measure of worth. Minions and foes that
stones. Cobalt dragons delight in arms and armor prove strong win its grudging respect, and the dragon
taken from long-dead challengers. despises those that turn out to be weak.


In addition to its dark, rich blue scales, a cobalt drag-
on's forward-curving, ramlike horns and its stocky Cobalt dragons assert themselves as the masters of all
build distinguish the creature. Its wing membranes they survey. From a young age, they begin to subju-
are a pale blue, flecked with spots of darker blue. A gate neighbors that are too weak to win their respect.
cobalt has wide feet and diamond-shaped scales. They count most cold-dwelling races among their
subjects, including barbaric dwarves or humans,
DIET lycanthropes, arcs, ogres, minotaurs, and trolls—the
Cobalt dragons favor large game. especially moose, fiercer the better. More powerful cobalt dragons
elk, and reindeer. They also have a taste for bear might rule over oni or frost giants, or force monsters
meat, and many a cobalt carries the scars of its early such as manticores or wyverns into their service.
encounters with full-grown brown bears or dire Among dragons, cobalts compete with white drag-
bears. They prefer to hunt by night, when their keen ons, silver dragons, and shadow dragons. They sneer
senses give them a distinct edge over warm-blooded, at white dragons, seeing them as stupid weaklings
diurnal prey. Since they're not strong fliers, they (although a young cobalt is smart enough to stay
rarely try to take prey on the wing. Good-aligned away from adult or older whites), and they resent the

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

superior strength of silver dragons. Shadow dragons Lairs with commanding views of the nearby country-
make for deadly enemies, since they are strong enough side are especially prized.
to dominate all but the oldest and most powerful
cobalt dragons. To a cobalt dragon, nothing matches FAVORED TREASURE
the ignominy of serving as another dragon's thrall. Copper dragons value fine art of any kind, especially
beautiful metalwork. Well-made jewelry captivates
COPPER DRAGONS most copper dragons, inflaming the avarice in their
Charismatic, sty, and witty, copper dragons are by far hearts.
the cleverest and most interesting of dragons—or so
they say. Schemers and thieves, coppers tend to be PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
charming scoundrels. Even the evil members of the A copper dragon is lean and sinuous. It has a promi-
race flaunt their glibness and ironic sense of humor. nent pair of swept-back, scale-covered horns, cheek
ridges, and jaw frills. Its scales are large, glossy bands
LAIRS AND TERRAIN or plates, smooth to the touch. Its eyes are bright tur-
Copper dragons dwell in temperate hills and moun- quoise. As a copper dragon ages. its scales take on a
tains. As exceptionally quick and nimble fliers, they green tinge, like verdigris on an old statue.
prefer terrain that allows them to take advantage of
their natural ability. They establish their territories DIET
near human settlements or frontiers. In fact, many In the wild, copper dragons eat small game and
copper dragons choose to live in the midst of human fowl. However, they often live close enough to civi-
cities. Most have no natural ability to take on human lized settlements to acquire a taste for human foods,
shape, so city-dwelling copper dragons either hide in especially wine. Not even the cruelest and most vile
deep dungeons or vaults beneath the streets, or they of copper dragons would deign to eat an intelligent
come to an understanding with the local rulers that humanoid. After all, a devoured victim can't appreci-
allows them to take up residence in outlying estates ate the dragon's wit and beauty.
or royal palaces as "nobles," protectors, or advisors.
Copper dragons that have no such arrangements PERSONALITY AND MOTIVATIONS
make their lairs in abandoned structures or ruins.

Quick-witted, clever creatures, copper dragons cul-

An old castle, dungeon, or monastery is perfect, since tivate their lively senses of humor. They delight in
such a place has thick walls and is highly defensible.
CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore
outfoxing and deceiving enemies, and they love a
good jest—as long as it isn't directed at them. Most are
Gold dragons prefer magic items to other valuables,
insincere and facile in their dealings with other crea-
but a gold's hoard isn't likely to consist entirely of
tures, and a few are cruel and deceitful, deliberately
magic items. Gold dragons also enjoy well-crafted
spreading mayhem with malicious lies and subtle
works of art they can admire, as well as collections
manipulation. The race suffers from covetousness—
of gems and raw ore that are not merely valuable but
its chief weakness. All dragons are avaricious to one
can serve as a backup larder.
degree or another, but copper dragons are by far the
greediest of the metallic dragons. So taken are they
with their own charm, they can't help but believe that PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
they deserve to have whatever they want. Gold dragons are born with dull coloration that
shifts to gleaming gold—and then to illuminated
radiance—as they age. A gold is one of the most sinu-
ous of dragons, graceful and flexible, and its wings
OTHER CREATURES are almost fanlike, running the length of its body.
Humankind and the other civilized races fascinate It has impressive horns, but they are ineffective as
copper dragons. The more covetous copper dragons weapons. Facial tendrils, thin strands of muscle that
associate with bandits, thieves, or brigands. More appear almost mustachelike, descend from around its
than one thieves' guild is secretly ruled by a capper mouth and nostrils. These tendrils are neither strong
dragon. Coppers also have good relations with fey nor dexterous, but are just prehensile enough to aid
creatures such as eladrins, elves, satyrs, and centaurs. the dragon in cleaning food from around its mouth or
Copper dragons don't like to associate with stupid between its teeth.
or bloodthirsty monsters. They want to surround A gold dragon gives off a faint scent, which some
themselves with followers that can appreciate their adventurers liken to the smell of molten metal. They
cleverness and humor. say this aroma is one of the few hints that a humanoid
Red dragons are natural enemies of copper might be a shapechanged gold dragon in disguise.
dragons. Reds sometimes compete with coppers for
territory, and they have no appreciation at all for the
wit and charm of their smaller rivals.
Gold dragons prefer larger prey and deliberately hunt
down dangerous monsters. In so doing. they combine
GOLD DRAGONS their biological needs with their ethical leanings.
Also called royal dragons or imperial dragons, gold When appropriate prey isn't available, a gold dragon
dragons are the apex of an already unimaginably is more willing than other dragons to subsist on inan-
powerful race. Of all metallic and chromatic dragons, imate matter—preferring gems and valuable metals,
only mit hral dragons might be more powerful—but which befit its high status.
they don't often overtly involve themselves in mortal
Gold dragons are strong believers in the rule of order
LAIRS AND TERRAIN and the greater good, but they are also arrogant and
Gold dragons tend to favor gently rolling hills and dismissive, more concerned with unfathomable
open plains as sites for their lairs, but exceptions to goals than with the needs of"lesser creatures." For
this tendency abound. Gold dragon lairs can also be every gold dragon champion that aids a community
found in craggy mountains, in deep caves, and even of humanoids, or rules it with a just and benevolent
in the midst of humanoid communities (though this hand, there is another that has become a tyrant,
last sort of lair is less common for gold dragons than demanding the obedience it deserves "by right,"
for steel or silver). A gold dragon often settles near or crushing individual freedoms and creativity in
a society it has involved itself with or near a great the name of law. Even these dragons tend to view
source of magic it has chosen to protect. The actual themselves as morally in the right, making the hard
terrain or climate is often a secondary concern, but choices nobody else can.
golds do dislike living in frigid regions. Even when cooperating with or benevolently
Though they have a few preferences, gold drag- ruling other creatures, gold dragons seem dismis-
ons can live almost anywhere. And, frankly, if a gold sive of the concerns of lesser beings. This attitude
dragon wants to live somewhere, who's going to tell it isn't necessarily a sign that they don't care for the
otherwise? Territorial disputes are the most common good of their subjects or allies (though some might
cause of conflict between golds and other dragons, and not); rather, it's because gold dragons believe in their
unless there's a major age discrepancy in favor of the superiority over other races but don't necessarily
opposing dragon, the gold usually proves victorious. understand what that means. A gold dragon watch-
ing over a community might not acknowledge the

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

complaints, needs, or troubles of citizens because it
truly doesn't realize how bad things are. Even after
Violent and ill-tempered. iron dragons are undoubt-
dwelling for years among humans, gold dragons are
edly the most brutish and vicious of the metallic
frequently shocked at just how weak and fragile such
races. Many iron dragons are evil, and most of the
creatures are.
rest are, at best, a particularly hungry and dangerous
variety of unaligned.
A gold dragon sees itself as the pinnacle of living Iron dragons naturally favor settings that offer plenty
creatures and almost never acknowledges any other ofgame and good cover. They build lairs in dense
creature as its superior. It might do so for an older
forest or broken hills—terrain that offers many hiding
dragon, but that's only temporary. If a gold dragon places for a large predator.
serves as a mere advisor to a ruler or chooses to stay Iron dragons hide their lairs well. In the absence
uninvolved in a region's events, it's because that of truly inaccessible terrain, an iron dragon settles
dragon doesn't feel like taking on the burden of for the most difficult and tangled ground cover
leadership, never because the dragon doesn't think it it can find. Caves in brush-filled forest ravines or
could do a better job. briar-choked gulches are common iron dragon lairs.
Gold dragons and red dragons have a particularly Given their tough, thick scales, iron dragons have no
strong rivalry—in part because reds resent the more qualms about plunging through the thickest patches
powerful golds and scheme or gang up against them. of thorny foliage. The lair usually consists of several
Gold dragons rarely consume humanoids, unless the large, unimproved antechambers—natural caves with
people in question are blatantly evil (or pose some uneven floors, jagged rocks, or hindering vegetation
threat to the dragon or its domain). Even a starving hanging down from the outside, often festooned with
gold dragon won't consume a sentient being that it the rotting remains of previous meals—and a deeper,
doesn't think deserves to die—though, of course, the more comfortable den.
definition of who deserves to die varies from dragon
to dragon.

(- II I , IFRli Dragon Lore

most powerful of masters can retain the loyalty of an
elder or an ancient iron dragon.
Treasure of any sort fascinates dragons, but iron drag-
Iron dragons dislike all other dragons, but they
ons particularly love the luster and feel of gold and
especially resent green dragons. Both prefer the same
silver coins—the more the better.
types of forest environs, and the sly. malicious greens
frequently frustrate and outwit iron dragons with
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS their exceptional intelligence.
Iron dragons have coarse, heavy, dark gray metallic
scales. Although they might be confused with silver
or mithral dragons, the other metallics tend to be
much brighter in color, and their scales are smaller Mercury dragons are a little bit crazy—but there's defi-
and finer. As it ages, an iron dragon develops rusty- nitely a method to their madness. A mercury dragon
brown streaks. especially on scales near major joints craves variety above all else. If another creature offers
and on its wings. a wide array of food to hunt and the opportunity
to gather a hoard, a mercury dragon will serve that
creature in an arrangement of convenience.Thus,
mercury dragons can be found as champions, body-
Iron dragons prey on midsized game. such as boar,
guards, and assassins in the employ ofgreater powers.
deer, or antelope. Most regard humanoids as prey too,
and they prefer small, comparatively weak creatures,
such as goblins, kobolds, gnomes, and halflings. LAIRS AND TERRAIN
Natural ambush predators, they lie hidden in deep Mercury dragons hail from volcanic mountain ranges
thickets or old ruins alongside roads until a tempt. in tropical climates, and though many of them remain
ing target wanders within reach of a sudden charge. in such locales throughout their lives, the variety has
Good-aligned iron dragons refrain from devouring spread far and wide. Many a mercury dragon spends
intelligent creatures (except for the occasional goblin), its youth scheming for a way to reach the Elemental
but evil ones prize intelligent prey and often roam Chaos and establish a lair there. For a creature that
far from their native forests in search of humanoid craves variety, the ever-changing landscape of the Ele-
settlements, well-traveled roads, and other suitable mental Chaos is the perfect place to construct a lair.
hunting grounds. But the most common lair for a mercury dragon
is one provided and maintained by someone else.
As long as they receive the variety they crave, mer-
cury dragons serve as bodyguards, messengers, or
Iron dragons are governed by their base passions—
assassins for powerful mages. priests, or rulers—and
hunger, greed, creature comforts (of the sort that
sometimes more sinister forces. When a mercury
appeal to dragons, anyway), and the desire to be
dragon works for another creature, the dragon takes
feared and respected. The best of the race are sullen
part of a larger fortress and makes a section its own,
and reclusive, preferring their own company to that
filling it with traps to frighten off any curious lackeys
of others. Most iron dragons seek to sate their brutish
and to keep its personal hoard safe.
impulses by devouring or robbing any creature fool-
Like any dragon, a mercury dragon hates when
ish enough to intrude on their demesnes. They are
interlopers or thieves enter its lair. But that hatred
not especially clever and can sometimes be outwitted
is tempered with curiosity about why "lesser crea-
through bribery, flattery, and other such tactics—their
tures" would dare to invade its domain. The traps and
greed can easily override their natural sullenness.
guardians on the periphery of a mercury dragon's
lair are often nonlethal, intended to capture, wound.
RELATIONS WITH or frighten intruders rather than kill them outright.
OTHER CREATURES These protections enable the mercury dragon to toy
Young iron dragons are easily enticed into serving with intruders and extract some sort of unusual expe-
other monsters as guardians or champions. Goblins rience from the event, instead of just cleaning more
and their kin especially prize iron dragons for their corpses out of the bottom of a pit trap.
fierceness and their susceptibility to bribes, gifts, and
flattery. Larger and more powerful monsters, such as
giants, can easily bully iron dragons. No matter how
It should surprise no one that mercury dragons aren't
their allegiance is won, iron dragons make dangerous
good at assembling matched sets or cohesive collec-
and unreliable servants. The larger they grow, the
tions. A mercury dragon's hoard is a hodgepodge of
more demanding they become. Few goblin realms
coins, jewelry, and items from scores of lands and
successfully keep an iron dragon under control for
dozens of eras. Older mercury dragons might seek
long after the dragon reaches adulthood, and only the
out some items they've heard about but never seen,
and they're avid treasure traders. If adventurers can

CHAPTER I I Dragon Lore

acquire some rare item from a far-off land, a mercury and these dragons tend to be more circumspect
dragon is often willing to part with treasures from its when not in their draconic forms. A mercury dragon <
hoard in exchange, especially if the dragon is trading might take humanoid form when hunting, serving
away a duplicate. its master on a specific mission, or when it craves to
experience "life among the lesser races" for a time.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS But a mercury dragon lacks the steel dragon's affinity 0
A mercury dragon has scales of whitish-silver and a Zforcivlzed,anthucsofpeiltr
sleek and serpentine body. Its frame lacks some of the are often beyond its understanding. Sometimes, 0
even the basics of humanoid life are foreign to a e'd
muscular bulk that other dragons have, and its scales
are smaller and more closely set. Mercury dragons mercury dragon. For instance, a shapechanged mer- et:
are peerless shapechangers, capable of taking both a cury dragon might walk into a butcher shop craving 12
humanoid form (to blend in among civilized people) somethingwa,purcselgofmband
and an amorphous, liquid form (for defense and to consume it raw on the spot while the butcher looks
slither where others cannot go). on in horror.


A carnivore through and through. a mercury dragon OTHER CREATURES
always craves something different from whatever it A mercury dragon will enter into a working arrange-
just ate. This compulsion is more than just instinct; a ment with almost any creature stronger or smarter
mercury dragon forced to eat the same food meal after than itself. Such arrangements tend to be feudal in
meal quickly becomes listless and difficult to awaken nature: The mercury agrees to serve as a guardian,
from sleep. Mercury dragons are enthusiastic hunters, messenger, or hired killer in exchange for some com-
cunning enough to plan elaborate traps for their prey. bination of lair space. treasure, food, and the promise
They toy with weaker prey before killing and eating it. of varied experience. Such relationships last as long
From the viewpoint of the prey, this behavior amounts as the master can maintain the mercury dragon's
to cruelty. To the mercury dragon, it's another expres- interest—and not one moment longer. Draconic folk-
sion of its need to experience something different. lore is replete with tales of mercury dragons that
eventually turned on their masters "just to see what
A mercury dragon acts differently from time to time. Mercury dragons have a natural affinity with other
depending on how much variety it has experienced creatures that split their time between the natural
lately. world and the Elemental Chaos, such as efreets. Mer-
If the dragon feels as though it's in a rut, it might cury dragons often bargain with efreets for passage
attack an adversary right away, then snarl, "Tell me to the Elemental Chaos (and eventually for a place
why I shouldn't finish you off." Because the magic of to start a lair). But efreets don't offer favors lightly.
its breath weapon renders a mercury dragon invisible they and tend to be more shrewd negotiators than
to its prey, it can boast while hidden. What sounds mercury dragons. Many a mercury dragon seeks ven-
like garden-variety draconic arrogance is, from the geance on a particular efreet for a bargain that didn't
dragon's perspective, legitimate questioning. if its turn out the way the dragon thought it would.
adversaries can engage the dragon's interest, it might
regard them as more than just a meal and a momen- MITHRAL DRAGONS
tary diversion. No metallic dragon rivals the mithral for power and
If a mercury dragon thinks its life has been varied majesty. (Though golds are loath to acknowledge
enough lately, it talks first and fights later, using its their inferiority to anyone.) Natives of the Astral Sea.
breath weapon, natural maneuverability, and quick- mithral dragons have uncanny insight. Driven by
silver form to elude those who challenge it. Even if visions and by lo's will, mithrals interact with other
the challengers are trying to kill it, the dragon talks creatures only when doing so is necessary to advance
to them to understand the stakes. After all, it would their own enigmatic purposes. The few mithral
be a shame to kill someone who's more interesting dragons that appear in the mortal world do so to aid
when alive. And a mercury dragon shows some cun- religious organizations or great causes--though such
ning when placed in the position of prey. It happily dragons can disappear as suddenly as they appear.
engages in a cat-and-mouse game with hostile pursu- Other mithrals traverse astral realms, inhabited or
ers, confounding them and getting them to exhaust otherwise.
themselves before turning the tables and attacking
with its full might.
An adult or older mercury dragon can magically
No two mithral dragons have the same type of lair,
alter its shape to appear as an ordinary humanoid,
nor do mithrals regularly spend a great deal of time
CHAPTER 1 Dragon Lore
on any given terrain. When a mithral does remain in disfavor Bahamut, believing that Bahamut fails to fur-
one place, it dwells in a mine (where it can sense rem- ther Io's plans and thus does not deserve devotion.
nants of Io's divine will by reading gemstone deposits Mithrals destroy without hesitation any creatures
or veins of ore) or an abandoned temple (where it can that stand between them and their goals. Clever
attune itself to echoes of ancient faith). creatures can sway a determined mithral dragon only
On the Astral Sea. mithral dragons live in the by convincing it that its goals—and, by extension, lo's
domains of deities. Mithrals residing in such places will—are served by a temporary alliance.
maintain ties to their own deities, but also experience
visions related to the dead god's existence. RELATIONS WITH
FAVORED TREASURE Mithral dragons that associate themselves with dei-
Mithral dragons do not discriminate about the types ties also associate with creatures that share their
of treasure they collect: They take anything that fur- faith. Mithrals without deities keep to themselves,
thers their goals. Unless their goals require wealth. except when their long-term plans benefit from
mithrals don't hoard treasure. others' assistance. Mithrals that allow others to serve
them are commonly evil.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Mithrals deride other dragons. particularly those
A mithral dragon's scales Flex with the muscles that collect material goods solely to enlarge their
beneath them, and they glow faintly. As a mithral hoards, such as copper dragons and red dragons.
ages. the icy white scales of youth darken to silver
with white streaks. At the height of a mithral's power, ORIUM DRAGONS
intricate white striations sharply contrast its darker
Named after a crimson-hued metal used by ancient
base color. Patterns along the dragon's claws flare
empires. orium dragons are likewise obsessed with
with energy during combat.
the secrets of bygone ages. Orium dragons dwell
A ring of spikes crowns a mithral's head, and
among the crumbling ruins of forgotten fortresses
smaller spikes extend down its neck. The spikes stand
and temples deep in the jungle. But those ruins are
on end when the dragon is excited---particularly when
more than just a lair to these dragons. An orium
it's enraged. The dragon's wings consist of radiant
dragon regards its home ruins as its most prized
energy instead of flesh.
possession—a hoard composed of more than just coins
and jewels. For an orium dragon, a life spent wresting
DIET the secrets from ancient ruins and restoring those
Since living in the Astral Sea can make hunting dif- ruins to their former glory is a life well spent. And
ficult, mithral dragons developed as creatures that woe to anyone that would trespass in an orium drag-
need little food to survive. As befits their omnivorous on's lair or try to thwart its efforts at reconstruction.
nature, many mithrals (both in the world and in the Why the obsession with the ruins of the past?
Astral Sea) create gardens or instruct followers to More so than other kinds of dragon, orium dragons
tend flocks. This delegation of tasks allows them to feel a strong drive to emulate the ancestral dragons
stay in their lairs and concentrate on their visions in their bloodline. Many of those bloodlines were
instead of hunting far and wide to find sustenance. sworn to the service of ancient empires (and a few
Mithrals that have larger appetites make their lairs members of orium bloodlines even ruled kingdoms
on verdant earl hbergs within the Astral Sea, and they themselves). Thus. the present-day orium dragon sees
fiercely guard these precious properties_ the reconstruction of its ruined lair as act of homage,
not an act of archaeology.
Mithral dragons retain strong connections to their LAIRS AND TERRAIN
home plane, the Astral Sea. They speak seldom, Orium dragons favor jungles because they like the cli-
impressing upon listeners a sense of purpose too great mate and love the ruins hidden within those places.
for words—a purpose beyond mortal comprehension. In particular, river deltas and sheltered valleys attract
Visions from lo guide mithrals of varied faiths and orium dragons, since those are locales where long-
callings toward an end planned millennia ago. forgotten civilizations likely dwelled in ages past.
Mithral dragons that live in the dominions of dead The lure of unexplored ruins sometimes draws
deities commune directly with Io's spirit. They take orium dragons beyond their jungle homes. Colder
action when roused from ageless slumber by visions climes make orium dragons less comfortable (and
and dreams of vast import. thus more irritable), but any orium dragon will put
A mithral dragon might associate itself with any up with great discomfort if the lure of ancient secrets
good or unaligned deity. Mithral dragons that follow is strong enough. Although an orium dragon in a
evil deities usually venerate Zehir. Some mithrals

CHAPTER 1 1 Draaare Lor e

polar region would be rare indeed, it's not unusual to grooming itself so that its scales gleam amid the mud


encounter one in a temperate climate. Orium drag- of the jungle and the dust of the ruins. Older orium
ons aren't accomplished swimmers or climbers, so dragons sometimes inlay jade designs on their larger
ocean and mountain locales are unusual, though not scales—part jewelry, part tattoo.
unheard of.
After exploring a ruin and killing or subjugat- DIET
ing any of its denizens, an orium dragon takes up Orium dragons, though they are able hunters and
residence in whatever structure was grandest in the true omnivores, would rather study the secrets of the
ruin's heyday, often a temple, inner keep, or pa lace— ancients than gather food for themselves. As soon as
even if that building is a shambles now. The dragon's it's old enough to make its way in the world, an orium
servants start to reconstruct the building. If neces- dragon intimidates and browbeats other creatures—
sary, the workers take building materials from other often a tribe indigenous to the area—into bringing
parts of the ruins, and their reconstruction isn't nec- food as tribute. This relationship quickly becomes
essarily accurate. As long as the building evokes the symbiotic, with the orium dragon providing protec-
grandeur of a long-dead era, the reconstruction will tion for the tribe in exchange for frequent "sacrifices"
please the orium dragon. of wild game—and, in some cases, captives from rival
Still, the dragon might insist on changes to the tribes or trespassing adventurers.
structure for more practical reasons. For instance,
older dragons need wider doorways to accommodate
their bulk. And like any dragon, orium dragons want
When characters first meet an orium dragon, they
their treasure well protected. so many install traps or
might be surprised at how taciturn it seems. Unlike
magic guardians to watch over their hoards. Orium
other dragons, an orium dragon won't bluster or
dragons won't countenance changes that somehow
threaten when it first encounters strangers. Instead,
diminish any remaining magic in the ruins or make
it asks simple questions such as "Who are you?" and
it more difficult for the dragon to muse upon the
"Why have you come here?"
ancient mysteries of the ruin.
The orium dragon's questions are designed to
Though the majority oforium dragons live in
categorize the strangers for its purposes. The vast
the natural world, more than a few call the Feywild
majority of creatures that an orium dragon encoun-
home. Most of those are obsessed with the ancient
ters fall into one of three categories: thieves, future
societies of the Feywild and the strange magic of
servants, and Food. The orium dragon's mild (for a
those civilizations. Some older orium dragons try to
dragon) demeanor lasts until it has figured out which
transport entire ancient ruins from the world to the
category the strangers belong in. Then, food and
Fey wild, where they can then dream of bygone ages
thieves typically are attacked without warning, while
amid the vibrancy and splendor of that plane. Adven-
future servants are treated to a display of power and
turers who encounter the architecture of Nerath
intimidation that the orium dragon hopes will cow
or Bael Turath in the depths of the Feywild haven't
them into servitude. A typical orium dragon treats
discovered an extraplanar outpost of those ancient
only other dragons as equals—and even then, it does
empires—they've stumbled upon the lair of an orium
so only after it's sure that the other dragon isn't out to
steal from the orium's lair.
In the first few rounds of a battle, an orium dragon
FAVORED TREASURE is quiet, uttering only the occasional grunt of pain
An orium dragon follows one simple rule when gath- (when hit) or derisive chuckle (when hitting). But as
ering treasure: the older the better. Antique jewelry, the battle goes on, the orium dragon will taunt and
coins bearing unfamiliar portraits and mottos. and countertaunt adversaries who address it in Draconic.
magic items with archaic decorations fill its hoard. Most of an orium dragon's insults play on how young
The dragon gathers much of its hoard from the vicin- and inexperienced the opponents are—how they have
ity of its lair, but sometimes acquires items from no idea of the ancient power that surrounds them,
distant places, especially if it sends its servants far couldn't possibly comprehend the magic of centuries
afield in search of ancient mysteries. ago, and so on,
Fundamentally. an orium dragon could be a useful
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ally for player characters. After ail, adventurers and
An orium dragon is somewhat feline in appearance, orium dragons tend to do the same things: go into
with a lithe body and feet that look more like paws ancient places and abscond with ancient treasure,
than reptilian appendages. Elder and ancient oriums lore, and powerful magic. But it takes superlative
use their long, prehensile tails as an extra weapon negotiation to persuade an orium dragon to see it that
in battle. An orium dragon takes inordinate pride in way, because its instinct to classify others into inflex-
its red metallic scales and spends much of its time ible categories is so strong.

CHAPTER 1 I Dragon Lore

RELATIONS WITH armor, and long, backswept horns. From a distance,
the exceptionally fine scales appear to blend together,
OTHER CREATURES lending the dragon the appearance of a sculpture.
Once a creature demonstrates a bask degree of loy- Silver dragons have a scent reminiscent of rain and
ally and tractability, an orium dragon adopts it as a evergreen needles. Their powerful build places them
servant and protects it from others in exchange for among the strongest members of dragonkind.
tribute and labor in the dragon's lair. Humans (often
hunter-gatherer tribes) and lizardfolk are the most
common servants, but any creature capable of under- DIET
standing commands and performing manual labor is Silver dragons, gifted with keen eyesight, hunt wild
a potential servant to an orium dragon. game such as mountain goats and deer. They fly
Once it has moved into a lair, an orium dragon gracelessly but dive with great accuracy and power.
faces two main problems. First, in its zeal to establish A silver commonly makes its kill by swooping from
a lair, it gives less interesting parts of the ruin only a a mountainside perch. Silver dragons eat lightly
for their size, taking prey only three or four times
cursory search. Thus, the remnants of t he ancient civ-
ilization, any guardians it might have left behind, and a month. They do not devour intelligent creatures.
because they consider such behavior savage.
other creatures that moved into the ruins before the
orium dragon can threaten it—or at the least harass its
Second, members of the orium dragon's servant Silver dragons are the knights-errant of dragonkind-
tribe might reveal the existence of their master's lair, fierce champions of great causes. Good silvers defend
attracting the attention of adventurers and other drag- innocents, assure the prosperity of civilized king-
ons. An orium dragon has no compunctions about doms, and protect and nurture noble families and
taking another orium dragon's lair, and other kinds of young heroes. Evil silvers are rare in the extreme:
dragons might attempt to steal a jungle lair as well. those that do exist serve tyrants. guard temples of evil
deities, or attempt to use evil artifacts to reshape the
To a silver dragon, honor means more than life.
Silver dragons embody all that is honorable about Silvers choose silence over lies and keep their word,
dragonkind. Good silver dragons protect weaker even when doing so places them in opposition against
creatures. The few silvers that turn to evil maintain creatures of their alignment. For example, a good-
their honor and reputation; they do not slaughter aligned silver dragon sworn to guard an oracle from
unworthy foes or engage in acts of petty malice. all intruders discourages any adventurers from
consulting the oracle, regardless of their reason, and
LAIRS AND TERRAIN attempts to destroy those who disregard the warn-
Silver dragons love open spaces and lofty heights. ing—after offering them the option to retreat.
They make their homes in mountain ranges, in
castles constructed among the clouds, and in the RELATIONS WITH
Elemental Chaos. During periods of warm weather,
they retreat to the coolest, loftiest heights. OTHER CREATURES
Silver dragons spend less time in their lairs than Silver dragons admire civilized races. particularly
individuals that have noble or heroic backgrounds.
other dragons do. Wanderlust and curiosity spur
them to engage in far-ranging patrols. From time to Silvers commonly associate with dwarves and drag
onborn. In the Elemental Chaos. silvers ally with
time, silvers embark on months-long journeys to the
azers and djinns.
corners of the world. Because they spend so much
When a silver dragon wants to observe a lesser
time away from their lairs, silver dragons choose lairs
creature, it keeps its distance. A few silvers perform
among the highest. least accessible mountain peaks.
Those lairs bristle with defenses and traps to protect rituals to disguise themselves so they can walk among
hoards from other dragons. creatures of interest.
Silver dragons are natural enemies of red dragons.
and they consider the formidable reds to be the wor-
FAVORED TREASURE thiest of adversaries. In return, red dragons, which
Silver dragons especially appreciate exceptionally hate anything that has the potential to match or
crafted works of art. They collect carefully cut gems better them, kill silvers indiscriminately.
and intricate carvings, textiles, and jewelry.
Silver dragons favor similar terrain to white drag-
ons. When a white dragon catches wind of a silver, it
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS stays out of the way.
The luster of a mature silver dragon accentuates its
prominent neck frills, a beaklike snout. plated facial

C:I-IAP -1"I.R 1 I Dragon Lore



The sociable steel dragons prefer the company of A steel dragon adapts its omnivorous diet to suit its
humanoids to that of other dragons. Their reasons surroundings. A young steel, unaccustomed to assum-
range from admiration to greed. Steels take human- ing humanoid form, might take a while to realize
oid form more often they remain in than their natural that it needs less to eat in that form than when it's in
shape. dragon form. To the disgust and amazement of those
around it. such a dragon might consume two to three
times more food than a normal humanoid.
Because steel dragons live in towns and cities, they
live as humanoids do—in houses—and establish PERSONALITY AND MOTIVATIONS
humanoid histories and families. In case an enemy Steel dragons favor humans over other humanoids
discovers its identity, a steel maintains a secondary because of the race's adaptability and cleverness_ For
lair in a ruin, such as a crumbling temple, castle, or this reason, they live in human cities when possible.
tower. The harder it is for other creatures to reach For all their fascination with humanoid races,
such a site, the better. Wards, traps. and guardians steel dragons cannot tolerate authority. 'lb them, the
protect these refuges. law serves its purpose only when it maintains order
flexibly, so that the dragons can protect their inter-
ests and advance their aims. A steel might spark a
FAVORED TREASURE rebellion to overthrow an oppressive regime, even if
Steel dragons invest in property and business_ A steel
doing so could lead to the destruction of its adopted
that maintains multiple identities might hold control-
ling shares in two or more enterprises. Steels outfit
their homes with art, antiquities, tomes, magic items,
finery, and servants. RELATIONS WITH
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Steel dragons primarily keep the company of humans
Compared to other metallic dragons, a steel dragon but also coexist with elves, half-elves, and dwarves.
has a slight build and a small head. Swordlike frills Steels particularly favor adventuring groups that
grow from its head. elbows, and digits. Its wings operate on the fringes of established order and fight
consist of overlapping blades that look like feath- the despots that the dragons also oppose.
ers, and the scales on the dragon's chest resemble Opposition to tyranny pits steel dragons against
shields. When a steel dragon adopts humanoid form, gold dragons, bronze dragons, and chromatics. Dis-
it retains something of its draconic nature: gray eyes. agreements with other dragons rarely blossom into
pale skin, hair the color of steel. or affectations such violence, however: steel dragons cause trouble for
as steel jewelry. their kin in subtler ways.

CHAPTER I Dragon Lore

The woman winked, and the flesh of her face started to
flow like water. Her head lengthened us her auburn hair
jaded into thin air. Then her skin rippled. transforming
into gray scales, and she loomed taller as her body stretched
to accommodate its new, serpentine dimensions.
The voice, though an octave lower, was unmistakably
the same: "Were you expecting me to be curled up on a pile
of gold coins or something?"

EVERY DRAGON in a D&D game is there

because a DM put it there. Some await intruders at the
center of trap-infested lairs. Others cast long shadows
across the countryside, pillaging at will. But metallic
dragons in particular are too versatile to be defined
by stereotypes. They can be wise counselors, deadly
assassins, intermittent allies, or frustrating rivals.
In this chapter. you'll see ways to nudge metallic
dragons off their piles of treasure and into the naria•
tive of your game. In particular. you'll learn about:
+ Dragons in the World: The many campaign
roles a dragon can fulfill give you an arsenal of plot
elements for any sort of campaign.
+ Draconic Encounters: Because dragons are solo
monsters, crafting encounters with them requires
some care. In addition to the standard combat
encounter, you'll see examples of social challenges,
subdual battles in which the object is to convince
the dragon of your worthiness, and traps used by
dragons to guard their lairs.
+ Adventures: In these adventure outlines, you'll
see how dragons can be enemies, allies, neutral
parties, or objects around which the entire narra-
tive revolves.
+ Draconic Campaigns: The players will admire
and loathe the dragons they meet in these cam-
paign arcs. As each campaign reaches its climax,
the players will realize that some dragons are
worthy of both admiration and condemnation.
+ Draconic Organizations: Metallic dragons sur-
round themselves with worthy allies, whether
the dragons are trying to be a force for good in
the world, to overthrow tyrants, or to safeguard
an old prophecy. The characters might be just
the allies they need.

CHAPTER 2 1 DM's Guide to Dragon!.

Metallic dragons are everywhere in the world of headquarters. The dragon can provide rewards out
D&D, both geographically and thematically. A of its hoard, and it can send characters on all sorts of
metallic dragon can be the most steadfast ally the quests.
characters have, or their most confounding enemy. Dragons have a lot of attributes that make them
Dragons have what adventurers want, whether that's good patrons. They have wide-ranging interests, so
ancient lore, access to power. or just a big pile of trea- it's easy to justify almost any quest you want to send
sure. And metallic dragons specifically have a more the characters on. They live in lairs, so they tend to
nuanced, versatile history than their chromatic coun- stay in one place. And they're haughty and arrogant
terparts. They're not just the good dragons." Some enough that you should have no problem hamming it
are noble, wise, and true, but others are as scheming, up when you portray a dragon patron.
arrogant. and venal as any chromatic dragon. But dragon patrons also have some drawbacks.
Because dragons are themselves powerful, consider
METALLIC DRAGON ahead of time why the dragon sends the characters
on quests. You want an answer ready when a char-
PATRONS acter asks, "How come you don't just fly over there
A copper dragon working with the characters might and do it yourself?" And because a dragon's power
be an advisor, suggesting future adventures and is tied to its age, a dragon patron doesn't increase in
providing key clues. The dragon that sees itself as a power at the same rate that the characters do. When
customer, hiring the characters and insisting that the relationship between the patron and the charac-
they adhere to its contracts, will behave in a much ters changes with growing character power, you can
different way. lithe dragon wants to be treated as decide whether you want that relationship to evolve
a god and issues edicts that it expects the heroes to into an alliance among equals or into a rivalry that
follow without question, it adds a different flavor to the characters must contend with.
your campaign. Yet in all three cases, the dragon's Dracorzonti con: Chromatic Dragons introduced
campaign role is the same: patron. the notion of draconic patrons. This campaign role
A patron is a powerful creature that sends the is a relatively rare occurrence among chromatic
characters on missions, provides key campaign dragons, but metallic dragons serve as adventuring
information, and sometimes delivers rewards. Played patrons with Far greater frequency. Some do so as a
well, a metallic dragon patron can be one of the DM's means of exercising their own power and authority
best friends. It can deliver exposition and explain through proxies. rather than risking their own lives
to the characters (and by extension the players) how or expending their own effort. Some do so purely
the world works. Its lair can serve as the characters' for the social interaction. Some, such as chromatic

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CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

dragons that serve as patrons, have their own agendas they are, how best to manipulate them to the
or evil schemes_ And others, as in the tragic tale of dragon's ends.
the dragon known to mortals as Silvara (page 214), a
do so because they genuinely want to help other races Another possibility is for the endeavor to be some-
overcome the evils that beset them on a daily basis. thing the dragon wants the characters to find for
Regardless of motivation, a metallic dragon patron their own good. Possibilities include:
normally provides the characters with funding, shel- + A magic item the characters can use to thwart z
ter, knowledge, and advice. (The latter often takes the some great evil (or some enemy of their patron's).
form of cryptic hints rather than overt information, z
+ A piece of knowledge or lore the characters will
especially if the dragon wants to obscure its true
stumble across on their way to completing their
motives, nature, or reasons for helping.) Only rarely
assigned mission.
does a draconic patron assist its adventurers in any
physical capacity. + An opportunity for the characters to grow more
skilled (that is, gain levels), perhaps to make them
ready for a particular enemy or so the dragon can
make more effective use of them later.
Since metallic dragons tend to be both more subtle
and more social than chromatic dragons, their
reasons for using adventurers as proxies are rather INDIVIDUAL PATRONS
broader and can be adapted to lit the needs of your Unlike chromatic dragons, which tend to connect
campaign. Some of the most common reasons that with humanoid adventurers only as adults or elder
dragons use proxies include the following: dragons, even very young metallic dragons might
employ humanoids.This might be because they don't
+ The dragon thinks the objective isn't terribly
feel powerful enough to accomplish their objectives.
important or is too time-consuming to warrant the
or it might be a means of learning how to interact
dragon's full attention.
with the more powerful individuals in human-
♦ The dragon can't accomplish the objective on its oid society. Similarly. although ancient chromatic
own. dragons tend either to be loners or to have already
+ The dragon thinks the objective is too dangerous established a network of slaves and servants as they
to attempt itself. age, metallic dragons retain their social nature even
into their twilight years and, thus, might continue to
There are times when a dragon might want to keep take up the role of patron to adventurers.
its involvement in an overall endeavor secret. The Bronze, gold, mithraI, orium, silver, and steel drag-
dragon might then engage proxies to pursue missions ons are more likely to become patrons of adventurers
related to larger endeavors such as these: than other kinds of metallic dragons. Bronze and
+ Guiding the fate of a mortal family, community, or gold dragons often prefer to have a few trusted opera-
organization from behind the scenes. tives rather than a wider variety of proxies. Cobalt
dragons contact humanoids only when the strength
• Acquiring a magic item that the dragon doesn't
and power of a particular party impresses them, and
want its rivals to know it has.
copper dragons do so only when it seems more profit-
• Completing a goal or task that borders on violat- able than other alternatives. Brass, iron, and mercury
ing (but doesn't quite break) an oath or religious dragons, which often find themselves working for
precept. others, almost never take up with adventurers, and
+ Thwarting an enemy without that foe knowing adamantine dragons do so only when a party involves
who was responsible. itself in events in or near the dragon's domain.
Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons offered a number
Sometimes, the objective is a secondary reason for of sample chromatic patrons intended to serve as
a dragon to use proxies. The dragon's actual reason models for specific types of patrons. That book goes
might be something such as the following: into detail, but here is a quick summary:
• To know if the characters can be trusted with a + The open patron is up front and honest with the
more important endeavor in the future. characters about its purposes and draconic nature.
+ To learn if the mortals of the region might be able + The hidden patron keeps its draconic nature
to develop sufficient skill and power to pose a hidden and might work through proxies, but is oth-
threat, either to the dragon itself or to its allies or erwise truthful with the adventurers.
enemies. + The deceptive patron hides its true nature and
• To determine if the characters are part of a par- also deceives the adventurers as to the true
ticular prophecy or religious revelation and, if objectives of the quests it offers. It means to use

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide fa. Dr00011%

the characters to further a goal they might not OTHER CAMPAIGN ROLES
approve of.
♦ The intimidating patron demands obedience and FOR A METALLIC DRAGON
expects, by virtue of its strength and power, to be Ifyou don't develop a dragon as a patron for the
obeyed. characters, there are still plenty of ways to use a
dragon—or more than one—in interactions or relation-
These types of patrons are quite common among ships with the adventurers.
metallic as well as chromatic dragons. The roles Dragons have a wide array of tools. They are
of guiding patron and controlling patron (detailed smart, conversational, and social enough to gather
below) can appear among chromatic dragons, but other monsters around them in order to engage in
they are more common among metallic dragons. plots and schemes that eventually include adventur-
As with the samples in Draconomicon: Chromatic ers. And they're physically dangerous. A dragon has
Dragons, you can use these characters as they are or the defenses and hit points to stand toe-to-toe with
as models for designing your own patrons. the toughest characters, but it's maneuverable enough
Jolvadiris, Guiding Patron: An adult steel that it doesn't have to. Many dragons are magically
dragon who has held multiple humanoid identities potent as well, and higher-level dragons have centu-
in several major cities, Jolvadiris serves as a patron ries of experience behind them.
for adventurers who have widespread reputations. In Dragons also come with lairs, adventure sites
part, he enjoys interacting with impressive human- you can populate in whatever way you want. And a
oids, but he also—like other guiding patrons—seeks to lair provides adventurers with at least one inherent
aid individuals and communities in bettering them- motivator: the pile of shiny coins and magic items the
selves. He does so partly to alleviate suffering and dragon sits on. Delving into a dragon's lair delivers
partly to maintain peace and stability in the region. a memorable session of D&D. lfyou want to use a
Many guiding patrons are up front about their metallic dragon as more than a monster the charac.
draconic nature. Others, such as jolvadiris, prefer to ters fight for one encounter, try some of the campaign
maintain a human guise, believing that those with roles described in the following sections.
whom they interact are more honest and cooperative Chapter 1 discusses the different ways in which
that way. Unlike truly open patrons, guiding patrons metallic dragons interact with humanoids (such as
have no compunctions about lying to or misleading the characters). But you also want to think about how
their adventurers. often withholding the true purpose the dragon interacts with your overall narrative—the
of their missions or the true nature of their endeav- role it plays in your campaign. A metallic dragon's
ors. But unlike a deceptive patronJolvadiris believes campaign role doesn't limit it to interacting with the
that he does so for the good of the adventurers. allow- characters only in certain ways.
ing them to gain power and uncover secrets at their
Omalikos, Controlling Patron: A controlling One way a metallic dragon can keep your ongoing
patron, such as the elder orium dragon Omalikos, narrative in flux is by not appearing at all—or at least,
tends to be straightforward and to expect obedience not appearing as a dragon. Some metallic dragons,
from its associates. Unlike intimidating patrons that notably the steel and mercury dragons. can change
use personal strength and threats to enforce their shape into humanoid forms. A metallic dragon can be
dictates. Omalikos and his ilk rely on a sense of the hooded stranger in the corner of the bar, the old
external authority. Some dragons, for instance, claim crone yelling words of prophecy in the bazaar. or the
rulership of a region that includes the areas where cloaked thief who absconds with the idol just as the
the characters are operating, while others—such as characters reach the temple chamber.
Omalikos—take advantage of their greater knowledge If you introduce a dragon as a mysterious stranger,
of regional events, using that information to bribe, consider carefully the pacing of the "reveals" you do.
threaten, or browbeat others into obedience. Oma- You want the dragon to be mysterious, but you don't
likos uses adventurers primarily to collect lost lore want it to stay mysterious indefinitely. This is a mys-
but also to expand his influence and knowledge of tery the characters should solve over time. Let each
distant regions. interaction with a shapechanged dragon provide the
Most relationships with controlling patrons last a characters with another clue about what the mysteri-
short time, unless the dragon holds some legal, moral, ous stranger is and why it's skulking about.
or religious authority over the characters. (Those Also consider the payoff: the moment when the
dragons that do not, but that continue to attempt to characters realize that they've been in the company
enforce obedience, tend to shift into intimidating of a dragon all along. Does that knowledge lead to a
patrons.) fight? A social challenge? A rescue from an otherwise
catastrophic situation? No matter how it plays out,

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

this is a moment rich with drama. Try to clear some climactic scene: an actual confrontation with the no
space in your plot for the characters to enjoy the longer mysterious dragon.
moment when the dragon ceases to be a mysterious
More so than other roles, the mysterious stranger Sooner or later, the characters are going to get in over
role evolves into another role; the dragon, once it's their heads. When that happens, a metallic dragon
revealed, becomes a rival, a patron. an occasional ally, can serve as the metaphorical cavalry, flying over the
or some other campaign role. In terms of the plot, it hill and forcing the characters' enemies to flee.
was performing that role all along. But for the play- With their intelligence, physical potency, and
ers, confounded by the "Who is that guy?" puzzle, maneuverability, dragons bring a lot to the table as
the dragon is a mysterious stranger until the moment allies for the characters. A dragon can fight, relay
they solve the mystery. information, give transportation, and provide a safe
A metallic dragon without the ability to place to stay when black-clad assassins are burning
shapechange can be a mysterious stranger, too. In down every village the characters visit.
this case, it stays mysterious by keeping just out of What metallic dragons don't do well is fight along-
reach. At first, the characters don't encounter the side the characters for extended periods of time. You
dragon at all. They come across the fresh corpses of have enough work to do without dealing with a solo
enemies the dragon just defeated. Fast-forward a few monster as the characters' constant ally. Putting a
sessions, and the heroes find smashed treasure chests dragon on the heroes' side in a battle is a fun change
and some reptilian footprints leading to a stained- of pace once in a while, but when repeated, it loses its
glass window with a gaping hole in the middle. They luster for the players and becomes a burden for you.
stay one step behind the mysterious stranger for a The key part of this campaign role is the word
long time, but each time they come a little closer and "occasional." Know ahead of time what factors pre-
gain another clue to solving the mystery. Eventually. vent the metallic dragon from working with the
they might meet a survivor of the dragon's attacks. characters full-time. Perhaps the dragon won't ven-
Perhaps after that they spy a glimpse of the dragon ture far from its lair, nor stay away too long. Maybe
at a distance. The characters are now primed for the it has other allies that need its help more. Or maybe

CHAPTER 2 ,OM's Guide io Dratfeu% _

it exacts a price (literal or figurative) for its assis- When you use a metallic dragon in this role,
tance that the characters aren't always willing to answer three key questions: What does the dragon
pay. Finally, the dragon's personality might render it have? How do the characters find out what the
inherently unreliable. dragon has? What hoops will the dragon make them
jump through to get it?
VEXING ALLY Metallic dragons own all sorts ofstuff that adven-
Characters naturally want a dragon on their side, and turers want: rare magic items, powerful rituals,
this campaign role plays on that inclination. A vexing ancient lore, and so on. And you can seed a clue in
ally seems like an asset at first, but eventually grows an early part of your campaign that lets the charac-
to be more trouble for the characters than it's worth. ters know where to go to obtain these things. They
A vexing ally might be overzealous, seeking the might have to piece together several clues to figure
same overall goal as the characters but seeking it in out where the uncaring obstacle dragon is, or it might
a way the characters regard as beyond the pale. The be as simple as another character telling them, "Only
dragon might be more militantly religious than the the iron dragon Arthanaclaur knows the secrets of
characters, trying to convert everyone it meets_ Or the Twelve Portals."
the dragon might be so arrogant, short-tempered, or Figure out what it takes for the characters to get
indiscriminate in its diet that the characters can't what they want. The simplest solution is for them
deal with it even to reach a common goal. to battle the dragon in its lair, slay it, and reap the
The dragon might also be working toward a goal reward they came for. But a dragon might also give
that seems to be in concert with the characters' goal up what the characters want after negotiation (a skill
at first, but gradually diverges over time. A copper challenge). after they answer three riddles (or solve
dragon can find common cause with characters who any sort of puzzle), or after they undertake a quest for
are trying to drive ogres out of the nearby foothills, the dragon (a specific adventure).
but when the dragon starts constructing a fortress-lair How does this role differ from that of the occa-
on the hill that overlooks the characters' home town, sional ally? It requires less work in terms of plotting,
the characters might wish the ogres were still around. because the dragon is indifferent to the various
Like the mysterious stranger campaign role, con- machinations of the heroes and villains. It's also less
sider how you'll gradually reveal the vexing aspect likely to be a recurring campaign role. This dragon
of the dragon ally. Event ually, you want the heroes to is in your campaign to make the characters solve a
face the fundamental choice: What do they do about puzzle or undertake a quest, and it remains offstage
this dragon? Should they rein it in somehow, keep it thereafter. It's merely a delivery mechanism for a plot
at arm's length, or confront it once and for all? That element, not a plot element in and of itself.
choice takes on added richness when the characters
have had several interactions with the vexing ally, RIVAL
and each interaction has widened the gap between Metallic dragons often have nuanced personalities,
the characters and the dragon a little more. and it's easy to have them ride the fence between ally
Prepare the dragon's response to each of the pos- and enemy. A metallic dragon rival might be working
sible solutions the characters could use to deal with toward the same goal as the characters, or it might
their vexing ally. At this point, the metallic dragon have schemes of its own that merely run parallel to
takes on a new campaign role. Whether the dragon their plans. The dragon might have the same patron
becomes an occasional ally, a rival, a villain, or some- as the characters, and might try to curry favor with
thing else entirely is up to you and your players. the patron and make the characters look incompetent
or untrustworthy in the process.
UNCARING OBSTACLE The key element to an ongoing rivalry is provid•
Sometimes you want a powerful figure in your cam- ing variety in each interaction with the characters.
paign that fundamentally doesn't care about your If the heroes simply fight the rival dragon each time
campaign. It starts to look a little suspicious if every they meet, the dragon just feels like a recurring
creature in the world is consumed with the drow enemy, not a full-fledged rival. Sometimes the rival
incursions into the surface world (or whatever the dragon merely makes mischief when the characters
overall conflict is in your campaign). It can be useful are engaged in another challenge and then escapes
to have a powerful figure that isn't going to be drawn before the characters can confront it directly. Some-
into the ongoing conllict—neither as an enemy nor as times the rival dragon is the opponent in a skill
an ally. A metallic dragon's long outlook and tendency challenge or in another situation in which it will
to hole up in its lair make it a good uncaring obstacle trade insults but not blows with the heroes. And don't
that the characters must contend with outside of your forget one of the oldest plot twists in fiction: two rivals
core narrative, which already has plenty of scheming who are forced into a reluctant, temporary alliance to
factions and adversaries. defeat a foe that neither could withstand alone.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

That isn't to say you shouldn't let the characters


fight their rival. They're going to ache for the chance
after a while, and you should satisfy that urge. You THE BACKGROUND
have several tools to make sure that the battle doesn't Metallic dragons can be important when they aren't
end in death. You can make it a duel of honor (see directly interacting with the player characters. Even
page 50), have a more powerful creature intervene when they're in the background, dragons are bound
near the end of the battle, or merely play the rival to catch the interest of the characters.
dragon cautiously enough that it can escape a losing Strategic Weapon: When you need to threaten
fight of its own volition. a town or a city with destruction, nothing does the
As you introduce a rival dragon. have some idea job better than dragons circling in the sky overhead.
of when you want to resolve the rivalry—one way or Faced with this threat, the characters can try to nego-
another. The characters become more powerful over tiate with the dragons to keep them on the sidelines,
time, but dragons tend to stay the same for decades. find a magic countermeasure for an impending
Make sure your rivalry comes to a dramatic conclu- dragon attack, preempt the villain as he's about to
sion before the characters' level is high enough to launch the dragon attack, or evacuate the city. None
render the dragon rival inconsequential. of those responses involves a direct battle with drag-
This campaign role differs from the vexing ally ons, and only one of them interacts with the d ragons
mostly in that it's not a gradual reveal. The charac- at all. The dragons are a plot element that remains in
ters Feel the rivalry right away and must deal with the background but drives the story forward.
it throughout the campaign. But a vexing ally can Mass Transit: Dragons have fast overland flight
become a rival once the characters realize just how speeds, making them an effective way to move char-
wrong they were to make it their ally. acters from place to place—when used sparingly.
There's something inherently cool about traveling on
VILLAIN the back of a dragon, but that sense of the fantastic
Metallic dragons are less likely to be evil than are loses its luster if it becomes commonplace.
chromatic dragons. but even so, there are more than Border: The terra incognita at the edge of the map
a few bad apples among them. Good and unaligned marked "Here be dragons" is a cartographic cliché.
creatures can make effective villains, too. But viewed through the lens of the game world, that
Just because a dragon is good doesn't make it wise cliche becomes far more real: a far-off ridge that
or honorable. It can be as haughty. quick to anger. and people dare not explore because they see brass drag-
driven by ignoble emotions as humanoids—or other ons soaring overhead, for example. You can use the
dragons. A good dragon might see the characters as presence of powerful dragons to channel characters'
evildoers (whether that's accurate or not), as obstacles explorations elsewhere until the heroes are powerful
to its ongoing schemes, or as necessary sacrifices in enough to face the dragons. At that point, they will
order for good to triumph over evil. have earned the right to cross the border you've set
An unaligned dragon can likewise be a center - up.
piece villain in your ongoing campaign. It's easy to Scenery: Dragons have a symbolic value that the
justify a dragon that's a callous mercenary, because players instinctively understand. A dragon signifies
draconic greed is legendary. And a metallic dragon power, and it signifies the fantastic. You can put a
could be egomaniacal enough to see itselfas the dragon in the literal background of a scene to add
arbiter of some sort of cosmic balance, battling power and a sense of the fantastic to what you're
the characters lest the forces of good become too describing. Players are likely to respect a general
powerful. who has a sleeping dragon curled up behind his tent,
Truly evil metallic dragons are out there. too. even if the dragon never wakes tip and neither the
Some are outwardly evil, but others play on the general nor the characters mention the dragon in
metallic dragons' heritage as children of Bahamut. conversation.
They hide their evil behind metallic scales, sending
their minions out on quests that appear beneficial but
have a darker purpose. You can start a dragon in the
patron or vexing ally campaign role, and then switch
the dragon to a villain role when the characters real-
ize that the dragon they've been fighting with or
working for was evil all along.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

When you put a dragon in front of the characters, a dragon two levels lower, then you can add at least
you'll definitely get the players' attention. More so two—and often three—standard monsters.
than any other monster, a dragon makes any encoun- And you can both downshift the dragon and raise
ter something the players will be talking about in the encounter level if you want an encounter in which
the weeks and months to come. Players know that the dragon is only a small part of the monster mix.
they'll be dealing with a solo monster that has potent (But be aware of the complexity issues described in
attacks, high defenses, and at least some maneuver- "Managing the Encounter's Complexity.")
ability. And they probably suspect that where there's Use an Elite Dragon; Turn a normal solo dragon
a dragon, there's probably a dragon hoard. into an elite using the advice given on page 218.
But a dragon—especially a metallic dragon—is more Give the Characters an Advantage: Ifyou want
than just a statistics block. You have a lot of tools at to add monsters to a solo dragon encounter without
your disposal, including mixes of dragons and other raising the encounter level, you can provide advanta-
monsters, subdual encounters, and social challenges. geous terrain or other equalizing factors to make for
a fair fight. How you pull off this trick depends on the
COMBAT ENCOUNTERS specifics ofyour adventure, but it's easy to justify the
presence ofalmost anything in a dragon's lair. The
The obvious way to build a combat encounter with
characters might benefit from any of these advantages:
a dragon is to pick a dragon of an appropriate level
and use only that dragon. Dragons are solo monsters, + Fantastic terrain such as blood rock, a font of
after all. Just because that approach is simple doesn't power, or a pillar of life (all described on pages
mean it isn't effective. A dragon has enough powers 67-68 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). Such terrain
in its arsenal to keep the characters on their toes, and is an advantage for the characters only if they seize
if they can defeat a solo dragon, they've earned their it before the monsters do. A small piece of terrain
experience points and their treasure. More to the such as a single pillar ollife might work against
point, a dragon is designed to place roughly the same the characters if they duster around it, letting the
demands on the characters as five normal monsters dragon use its breath weapon on everyone at once.
would. Play that solo dragon, play it well, and that's all + A distraction that the dragon or some or the mon-
the encounter-building you need to do. sters must deal with. If the monsters must keep
But sometimes the ongoing adventure (or your one of their number tending an ongoing ritual
own sense of creativity) demands that you mix it up a every round, for example, they can't focus their
little. Making a solo monster part of a larger encoun- full attention on the characters. Although you
ter is tricky because you face two limiting factors: the don't need to immediately explain to the players
experience-point budget for the encounter and the how the distraction works, what's going on should
limits of what you can bring to life at the game table. be apparent after a few rounds of observation. If
for example, the dragon always flies back to the
MANAGING THE XP BUDGET blue orb in the round after the orb flashes, then
The following tips can help you manage a dragon the characters can put that knowledge to work for
encounter without ruining the XP budget. them—and they'll have an interesting puzzle (what
Raise the Encounter Level: A solo monster of does the blue orb do?) when the fight ends.
a level equal to the party's level takes up the entire + Reinforcements that enter the fight gradually.
budget for an encounter of that level. So if you want to If the door opens at the start of round four and
add monsters, you can make the encounter tougher kobold cultists start pouring into the dragon's
(and they're fighting a dragon, so doing so makes chamber, then you've added monsters but given
some dramatic sense). Adding one standard monster the characters a key advantage: three rounds of
of the dragon's level puts the encounter on the cusp of focused attacks against the dragon.
being one level tougher. If you add two standard mon• + An unusual victory condition. The characters might
sters or one elite, you're at least one level tougher and be able to overcome the challenge of the encounter
sometimes almost two levels tougher. without beating every single monster down to 0 hit
Lower the Level, Then Add Monsters: I f you points, If the dragon yields as soon as it's bloodied,
want to add monsters without breaking the budget, for example, it's not a solo monster. It's more like a
you can use a lower-level dragon to begin with. If you supercharged elite, and your encounter planning
use a dragon one level lower than the party's level, should reflect that. Likewise, lithe other monsters
you can definitely add one monster and sometimes flee or surrender as soon as the dragon goes down,
two monsters and keep the overall encounter at then the characters have a significant advantage.
the same level as that of the characters. Ifyou use

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

If you include an unusual victory condition, realize notes behind your screen. Ifyou've pulled out all the
that it's more meaningful if the players know about it relevant rules text and terrain information, you'll
ahead of time. If the characters are tenaciously fight- spend less time flipping through books and more
ing the dragon, hoping to take it down and thus cow time making the fight a challenge for the players.
the kobolds into submission. that's tactically useful One final consideration: As you build your dragon
and a recipe for a dramatic encounter. But if they encounter, take a critical look at complexity that's
don't suspect that the kobolds will surrender, they invisible to the players, because it's rarely worth the
might kill the kobolds first, denying themselves the effort. If reinforcements arrive through the north
advantage you intended and making the encounter door, there's little point in having them arrive in a
more difficult than you planned. random round (the players aren't going to go through
the encounter more than once, so it won't be a
MANAGING THE random round to them). Nor would it be worthwhile
to have the type of reinforcements depend on a die
roll or the specific situation in the dragon's lair. To the
Although it's tempting to build a dragon encounter
players. its just monsters coming through a door.
with other monsters, interesting terrain, reinforce-
ments, and an unusual victory condition, it's your
ability to manage all those elements that determines SUBDUAL ENCOUNTERS
whether anyone has fun in your game—including you. D&D has a long tradition of dragons that can somehow
By itself, a solo dragon isn't too complicated, but don't be subdued—defeated instead of killed. Subduing a
mistake that solo dragon for an ordinary monster. dragon makes particular sense in the case of metallic
When you start adding more monsters, complex ter- dragons, which are usually less antagonistic than their
rain, and other factors to your encounter, it's easy for chromatic counterparts. A subdual encounter provides
the overall complexity to creep past the point where the players with a fight that's out of the ordinary. And
you (or anyone) can comfortably manage it. by preserving the dragon for future encounters, a sub-
Just as you can give your encounter a bigger XP dual encounter can assist the ongoing narrative.
budget by increasing its level, you can allow yourself At its simplest, a subdual encounter is one in
more complexity in your encounter by spending time which the dragon stops fighting—and the characters
preparing for it beforehand. One overlooked aspect win—when the dragon is bloodied. But the degree of
of preparation is practice: running through the fight the victory matters, so you will need to keep track
ahead of time. If you've practiced with the dragon a of how many characters were bloodied during the
'2, few times, you can run through its attacks without a course of the battle.
Is• lot of thought, position it favorably for breath weapon Why would a dragon fight this way? For two main
attacks without a lot of contemplation, and remember reasons: honor and survival. Some dragons abhor
the details such as auras and recharges that a harried needless bloodshed as inherently dishonorable, and
•I DM can easily forget. Another way you can improve those dragons are more likely to be metallic than chro-
f, your ability to handle complexity is by having good matic. Other dragons will fight a subdual encounter
CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons
for more pragmatic reasons. ft's likely that the second of honor. There's no mandate that it has to, and an
half of the battle would go the same way as the first untrustworthy dragon might claim a duel of honor
half, and if the dragon is bloodied, it's better to pay off until defeat seems likely, at which point it breaks the
or otherwise placate the intruders than to risk its life. rules and fights a standard battle.
Assuming that everyone follows the rules, a duel
BUILDING A SUEDUAL ENCOUNTER of honor makes the battle easier for the dragon than
A dragon four levels higher than the characters is a normal subdual encounter would be, because it's
appropriate for a typical subdual encounter. lithe easier for the dragon to knock characters out of the
battle ends when the dragon is bloodied, it effectively fight. A dragon three levels higher than the party's
has fewer hit points than a typical solo of the party's level is an appropriate challenge for a duel of honor.
level, but its defenses will be higher and its attacks When you run a duel of honor, consider its effect
more potent. But it's fundamentally a fair challenge, on the players—not just their characters. If you focus
and the characters deserve the XP and treasure the dragon's attacks and spend action points early,
rewards for their victory. Award experience points for the dragon might bloody one of the heroes in the first
an encounter of the party's level, and account for an round or two. That player. assuming the characters
appropriate treasure parcel either directly (by having adhere to the duel's rules, doesn't have anything to do
the dragon give the characters a gift from its hoard) except sit and listen until the fight is over. Spreading
or indirectly (by increasing the treasure elsewhere the dragon's damage around isn't optimal play, but it
in the adventure). You can make part of the treasure makes for better drama. Ideally, you want everyone to
reward depend on how many characters avoided be just one attack away from being bloodied and to be
becoming bloodied. sweating each roll of the dice.
A subdual encounter is also a good way for the just as with a subdual encounter, if the characters
characters to earn assistance from a dragon. If they break the rules in a duel of honor, there's a natural
beat the dragon in a subdual encounter, the dragon is consequence: They have to deal with an angry dragon
often inclined to be helpful. After all, those characters that's three or more levels higher than they are.
might start a fight to the death the next time. A sub-
dued dragon will grant passage through its territory, SOCIAL ENCOUNTERS
part with important lore or clues, or end alliances Countless exceptions exist. but characters are more
with foes of the characters. Again, you can provide a likely to negotiate with a metallic dragon than a
graduated award. The dragon might part with only chromatic one. When the characters are talking to
cryptic clues if the characters were all bloodied, offer a dragon, you've already marked the interaction as
more detailed lore if just one or two were bloodied, important. Dragons have a gravitas unlike other mon-
and give them an accurate map of their next destina- sters. Dragons demand respect. Including a social
tion if none of the characters became bloodied. encounter with a dragon means you need to deliver
Many good and some unaligned dragons perform on the implicit promise that talking to a dragon is
subdual battles as a matter of course; it's how they something special.
prefer to deal with hostile humanoids. They'll fight Let your dragons truly be dragons. Make them
the characters normally until they're bloodied, at casually arrogant, occasionally inscrutable, and per-
which point they'll stop attacking for a round, praise petually scheming. Have each dragon demonstrate
the characters for an honorable defeat, and then for the characters that it's the whole package: physi-
make arrangements for a reward. You don't have cally powerful, magically potent, and (in the case of
to tell the players ahead of time that it's a subdual older dragons) backed up with the experience of cen-
battle, and if the characters want to continue the fight turies. Dragons can still inadvertently display their
and deal with the consequences, they certainly can. weaknesses, though. A dragon should always under-
Subdual battles usually work better, though, when estimate smaller creatures (such as the characters),
characters know the ground rules:They're trying to obsess about the treasures in its hoard, and harbor
remain unbloodied, and the battle will end when sinister ambitions against its rivals.
either the dragon is bloodied or all the characters are.


DUELS OF HONOR "What do you mean, 'Am I really just a minstrel?" she
A duel of honor functions as a subdual encounter— asks, revealing a glimpse of a wry Orin as she tosses her hair
everyone knows ahead of time what the ground bath. "A re you really just a soldier? And is your companion
rules are. There's an additional complication for the really just a priest?'
characters: The dragon won't attack bloodied char-
acters, but It expects that bloodied characters will In this challenge, the characters are talking to a
retreat and observe the rest of the battle as spectators. dragon that has used its change shape power or other
A given dragon might or might not engage in duels magic to appear humanoid.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

You can run this challenge in one of two ways. If success, but it grants a +2 bonus to the next insight or

the characters know that the individual they're con- Perception check.
versing with isn't what he or she appears to be, then Aroma, Dungeoneering, or Religion (DC 19, minor
this challenge is an overt effort to figure out just what action): Success with any of these skills on a monster
they're dealing with. knowledge check doesn't provide a success in the
But it's also possible that the characters' suspi- challenge, but it eliminates the possibility that the
cions are more vague: They know that something is creature has one of the origins associated with the
amiss, but they don't know for sure that they're deal- skill in question. If the skill check is successful, tell
ing with a shapechanged creature, much less that a the player. "You don't see any clues that would sug.
dragon is in the mix. In this case, you should mix the gest a creature like the ones you've studied." Each of
skill checks called for below with other actions and these skill checks can be attempted only once_
checks. As the characters simultaneously work on Success: The dragon admits what the characters
the surface conversation (whatever the dragon is talk- are about to figure out: It's a dragon. lfconditions are
ing about), they're also probing to figure out what's right, it changes back into its real form and deals with
unusual about the stranger they're conversing with_ the characters as a dragon.
You can combine this social challenge with a negotia- Failure: The characters get no indication they're
tion and run two social challenges simultaneously. dealing with a disguised dragon, but they might
Start the skill challenge as soon as a player retain the suspicions they already have. The dragon
expresses some suspicion or doubt that the social cuts the interaction short if it can, and is uncommuni-
interaction taking place is as ordinary as it appears. cative if it can't get away from the characters.
Level: 9 (800 XP).
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 BEGGING FOR MERCY
failures). As you scatter to avoid the dragon's breath, it circles around,
Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Insight, Nature, casually tossing your unconscious comrade to the ground at
Perception. your feet."You've proved your tenacity," the dragon growls.
Diplomacy (DC 19, sta ndard action): The charac- "But you're about to prove your foolishness. Do you want
ter's quick talking or smooth manner has coerced further demonstrations of how overmatched you are?"
some information out of the dragon that hints at its
true nature. It could be that the dragon is begin- There's no ironclad guarantee that an encounter with
ning to trust the characters, or perhaps the hint was a dragon will be fundamentally fair. In this social
unintentional. encounter, the characters must negotiate a ceasefire
Insight (DC 14, minor action): The character picks with the dragon they're fighting—while surviving long
up a clue from body language or a vocal mannerism enough to reach the end of the skill challenge.
that's decidedly not humanoid. With each success, Don't underestimate the players' willingness to
reveal a further clue about what lies under the dis- press onward in the face of their near-certain demise.
guise. For example, "She's older than she appears," Before you bring this skill challenge into play, make
then "She's not human." then "Whatever she is, she's sure you have a way of suggesting to the players that
accustomed to being on all fours," and so on. a social encounter might save their characters' lives.
Nature (DC 19, minor action): The character notices This might be as blatant as a "You might be able to
something specifically draconic, such as a slow blink talk your way out of this" clue.
or a sinuous, reptilian stretch of the neck and shoul- This skill challenge begins when a character makes
ders. Only I success can he gained in this way. a Bluff, Diplomacy, History. Insight, or Religion check
Perception (DC 19, minor action): The character in hopes of ending hostilities. The dragon continues
spots a strictly physical flaw in the dragon's disguise: to fight the characters during this skill challenge.
a bit of telltale magical blur, or the faint outline of a but it does so cautiously. If the characters do well
scale on exposed skin. As with Insight checks, try to (as described in the "Success" paragraph below), the
show the characters the truth gradually. First reveal dragon refrains from attacking for a round.
evidence that suggests that they're indeed dealing Level: 14 (XP 2,000).
with a disguised creature, and then provide better Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
and better clues about what's under that disguise. failures).
Secondary Skills: Bluff. Arcana, Dungeoneering, Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, History, Insight.
Religion. Bluff (DC 18, standard action): The character
Bluff (DC 8, standard action): The character isn't engages in deception, trying to make the dragon
bluffing directly so much as he or she is using adroit believe the heroes are either weaker or more capable
conversation to draw the dragon into a lively. fast-paced than they are. A failed check grants the dragon a +2
exchange during which it might inadvertently reveal bonus to attack rolls against that character on the
something. A successful Bluffcheck doesn't provide a dragon's next turn.

CHAPIER 2 J DM's Guide to flraBon!:

Diplomacy (DC 18, standard action): The cha rac- as creatures wise enough to know their proper place
ter tries to persuade the dragon to end the conflict in the world.
peacefully. Failure: The dragon won't grant the characters
History (DC 18, standard action): Reciting a past even a temporary respite from its attacks. If the char-
case in which a dragon spared mortals' lives and ben- acters want to survive, they must retreat.
efited from doing so, the character tactfully reminds
the dragon of that event. REQUESTING TRAN SPORT
Religion (DC 23, standard action): The character The dragon raises up on its hind legs and unfolds its leath-
quotes some analects of Bahamut about the nature of ery wings. "It is indeed true that none can travel through
honorable mercy. This skill can be used to gain only the Sorrowf lame mountain passes," the dragon intones.
1 success. "But we dragons spurn such petty inconveniences. The
Secondary Skills: Insight, special. mountains cannot hinder dragons on the wing."
Insight (DC II, minor action): By assessing the drag-
on's mood, the character gets an idea of how best to In this skill challenge, the characters negotiate with a
convince it to let the party live. Success on an Insight dragon (or possibly several dragons) to persuade it to
check does not provide a success in the challenge, take them someplace using overland flight.
but it grants a +2 bonus to either Bluff or Diplomacy This encounter assumes a few facts: Travelers can't
checks until the end of the character's next turn; easily reach the destination (so the dragon knows
the DM determines which skill gains the advantage that its service is valuable), getting there is neither
against the dragon. The character can share this easy nor impossibly difficult, and the destination isn't
information with allies. someplace the dragon often visits, so any wayfinding
Special: If no character has attacked the dragon guidance the characters can provide will be useful.
for a full round, each character gains a +2 bonus to The skill challenge is most effective if the characters
Diplomacy, History, and Insight checks. The first are under time constraints.
time the characters bloody the dragon, they earn 1 For the dragon to agree to take the characters
failure in the challenge. If the dragon attacks in a where they want to go, they must convince it both
given round but doesn't hit anyone, the party earns 1 that the journey is worth it and that they deserve of
success. the honor of riding a dragon.
Success: if the characters achieve 3 or more suc- Level: 15 (2,400 XP).
cesses in a single round, the d ragon waits for them Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
to continue their argument and doesn't attack on its failures).
next turn. It still maneuvers, rolls recharges for its Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Nature.
breath weapon, and otherwise prepares for the battle Diplomacy (DC 18. standard action): The charac-
to resume. When the characters reach 6 successes, ter makes a direct appeal to the self-interest of the
the dragon announces that the battle is at an end. It dragon. pointing out advantages of journeying with
then converses with the characters—not as equals, but the characters and employing the obligatory flattery.

CHAPTER -2 • 1 DM's Guide to Drusons

Intimidate (DC 18, standard action): As soon as one characters who find themselves drawn into an aca-
character uses intimidate to argue that he or she is demic debate with a dragon.
worthy of riding a dragon. have all the characters This skill challenge deliberately doesn't specify
make Intimidate checks as the dragon assesses them the nature of the academic debate. That's a matter for z
collectively. lithe dragon has seen the characters you and your campaign to determine. Ultimately, the 0
defeat an enemy, give them a +1 bonus to this check; specific proposition under debate doesn't matter: it U
give them a +2 bonus to this check if the characters might be relevant to the characters' goals or it might z
have previously defeated the dragon. The heroes earn just be a topic chosen by the dragon to test the lesser U
1 success in the challenge if more characters succeed creatures that have the brashness to question dra-
than fail. Intimidate can be used only once in this conic wisdom. Dragons are arrogant enough to savor 0
way, but it has an alternate use. an argument for its own sake, after all.
intimidate (DC 23, standard action): The character Setup: For the characters to convince the dragon
delivers a threat or an ultimatum to the dragon, with that they're right, they must win the debate by using
a +2 bonus to this check if the characters have previ- arguments that the dragon understands and respects.
ously defeated the dragon. If this check succeeds, Level: 24 (12,100 XP).
perform the Intimidate group check (described Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
above), if you haven't already done so. If this group failures).
check fails to earn a success in the challenge, the Primary Skills: Arcana, History, and whichever
dragon makes an attack roll against the character knowledge skill is relevant to the debate.
who delivered the threat or ultimatum. If that attack Specific knowledge Skill (DC 24, standard action):
hits, the character is knocked prone or slammed The characters argue the merits of the proposition.
into a wall, but takes no damage. This is only a This will involve an Arcana, Dungeoneering, History,
warning: The dragon is punishing the character's Nature, or Religion check most of the time. History
temerity. and Nature can be used in other ways to advance the
Nature (DC 18, standard action): The character dem- characters' argument, as described below. Characters
onstrates his or her knowledge of the journey ahead who speak Draconic gain a +1 bonus to the skill check.
and its rigors and hazards. This skill can be used to History (DC 24, standard action):In his or her argu-
gain only 1 success in the challenge. ment, the character references ancient authorities and
Success: The dragon agrees to take the characters obscure texts—but authorities and texts that a long-lived
where they want to go, using overland flight. If battles dragon would know and respect. A character who
happen during the journey, the dragon fights along- speaks Draconic gain a +1 bonus to the skill check.
side the characters. Nature (DC 29, standard action): The character
Failure: The dragon is unconvinced that the char- applies a uniquely draconic spin on the argument.
acters' journey is worthwhile, or that the characters mimicking dragon speech patterns and picking up on
are worthy of flying with it. The dragon will take the subtle behavior cues that only those who have studied
characters where they want to go only if they under- dragons would spot. The characters can earn only 1
take a quest on the dragon's behalf first (see page 62 success with this approach.
For some quest ideas). During the journey, it fights Secondary Skills: Insight, special.
only when its own survival is at stake; the characters 'might (DC 24, minor action): The character reads
are otherwise on their own. the demeanor of the dragon. learning which lines of
argument it finds particularly compelling. Use of this
DEBATING THE SCHOLAR skill doesn't provide a success or failure in the chal-
"Your point about the eldritch connection is well taken. if lenge, but a successful check grants a +2 bonus to the
artlessly expressed," the dragon says, slithering toward a next knowledge check a character attempts in the
bookstand in the corner. challenge.
"A dragon named Lorroch-Turhelion spoke of that con- Special:If the Consult Oracle ritual is performed
nection more than twenty of your lifetimes ago—as part ofa before engaging the dragon in debate, it can give the
theory about interactions with the Feywild. She pointed out characters a head start on constructing a compelling
that the strength of the connection isn't nearly as important argument. It grants 1 automatic success on the skill
as its exact nature. She identified twelve categories, each challenge for every two questions answered by the
divided by the relevant influence, origin point, and..." oracular spirit.
Success: The dragon is convinced by the charac-
With their native intellect and centuries-long life ters' arguments and impressed by their knowledge.
spans, dragons are natural sages and lore-keepers. The reward for success is usually something specific
Convincing a dragon to part with that wisdom is no to your campaign, but it's reasonable for the dragon to
easy task. Nor is it easy to teach an elder or an ancient offer a service or boon at this point. Furthermore, the
dragon something new, but that's exactly the goal of characters earn a +1 bonus to skill checks in future
skill challenges with this dragon.

CHAPTER 2 1 DM's Guide to Dragons

Failure: The dragon contemptuously dismisses the Nature (DC 14. standard action): The character
characters' arguments, and if possible ends the inter- recalls a useful fact about the dragon's diet, air, or
action altogether, The characters take a -1 penalty to physiology for use as an advantage during the nego-
future Diplomacy checks or Intimidate checks made tiation. This skill can be used to gain 1 success in this
to influence this dragon. challenge.
Success: The dragon agrees to aid the commu-
ENEMY OF MY ENEMY nity and promises to strike the enemies to slow their
Water drips from the ceiling. Burning naphtha pools cast progress. lithe characters completed the challenge
queer shadows on the cavern walls, throwing red light with no failures, the dragon also helps defend the city
across the dragon's scales. One moment, a pale membrane when the menace finally arrives.
covers its great golden eyes: the next, it stares at you, unim- Failure: The dragon decides the characters and
pressed by your swords and spells. "Speak quickly, little the city aren't worth the trouble and demands that the
fools. It has been hours since my last meal." characters leave its lair at once, resorting to violence if
they don't leave. lithe characters achieved no successes
Enemies threaten a nearby city. and although the in the challenge, the dragon automatically attacks.
citizens are willing to give their lives toward their
community's defense, they are too few to stand RESTORING THE PEACE
against the approaching doom. Allies promise aid, Through the smoke and the burning buildings, you spy a
but it will take a week at least for the reinforcements gleaming beast, its scales shining in the light cast by the
to arrive. The characters need to buy them time, and flames. The dragon turns its head toward you, revealing a
what better way to gain a few extra days than by stir- bestial grimace that contorts its astonishing features into a
ring a dragon to fight on their behalf?Naturany, the visage of wrath.
dragon has little interest in the affairs of such Feeble
creatures, especially when they haven't paid it tribute A dragon known to be nonviolent is attacking a town
in generations, and it would take a good argument to that it had never bothered before. The townsfolk seek
persuade the monster to stir from its lair. a peaceful solution, because the dragon's presence
The heroes must convince the dragon that the has kept vicious creatures away for many years. The
threat to the city is also a threat to itself. adventurers must discover why the dragon is attacking
Level: 8 (700 XP). and restore the peace. The dragon is still rampaging
Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures). during this challenge, and the characters might be
Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, History, rescuing people or trying to delay the dragon as they
Insight, Nature. play out the challenge. Each character can attempt
Bluff (DC 19, standard action): The character fabri- only one skill check in the challenge per turn.
cates a reason why aiding the heroes is in the dragon's
best interest.
Diplomacy (DC 14, standard action): The character CHANGING LEVELS FOR
describes how the troubles affecting the city will ulti- SOCIAL ENCOUNTERS
mately trouble the dragon or flatters the dragon and You can adapt any of these social encounters to fit the
makes it think the city has no chance to stand against level of the characters in your current adventure. Doing so
the impending doom without its help. The characters is a simple matter of substitution. Replace the DCs noted
might also offer treasure, service, or something of in the skill challenges with the appropriate ones In the
value in exchange for the dragon's assistance. A par- table below, First, use the table to determine whether the
ticularly generous offering can reduce the DC to 8 for check for each skill used In a challenge is easy, moderate,
a single check. or hard. Then replace that DC with the easy, moderate, or
History (DC 14, standard action): The character hard DC at the level appropriate for your game.
reminds the dragon of a time when it has come to the
aid of good people in the past, or when other dragons Party Level Easy Moderate Hard
have done so, and how the legends of such events are 1st-3rd 5 10 15
flattering to the dragon and good for its reputation. This 4th-6th 7 12 17
skill can be used to gain 1 success in this challenge. 7th-9th 8 14 19
insight (DC 14. minor action): Careful attention 10th-12th 10 16 21
helps the character know what the dragon wants to 13th-15th 11 18 23
hear, whether it seeks an excuse to help or needs to 16th-18th 13 20 25
see the benefit to itself. This skill can be used to gain 19th--21st 14 22 27
1 success in this challenge. A success also grants the 22nd-24th 16 24 29
party a +2 bonus to either Bluff or Diplomacy checks 25th-27th 17 26 31
(characters' choice) for the duration of the challenge. 28th-30th 19 28 33

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide co Orasons

Level: 20 (8.400 XP). History (DC 22, standard action): The character
Complexity: 3 (requires 8 successes before 3 reminds the dragon of the long alliance between it
failures). and the people of the land. This skill can be used to
Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, History, gain a maximum of 3 successes in this challenge.
Insight, Bluff; Perception. Insight (DC 27, minor action): Examining the
Diplomacy (DC 27. standard action): Using careful dragon's words and body language, a character can
questions so as not to anger the dragon further. the gain in inkling about the dragon's frustration. A char-
character tries to learn the reason for the dragon's acter who succeeds on an Insight check can make a
wrath. This skill can be used to gain a maximum of Bluff check during the following round (see below).
4 successes in this challenge, but each character can A failed Insight check, in addition to counting as a
attempt a Diplomacy check only once. failure in the challenge, also imposes a -2 penalty to
Heal (DC 14, standard action): The character offers Diplomacy checks until a successful Insight check is
to treat the injuries the dragon has sustained in made. This skill can be used to gain a maximum of 3
battle. A successful check grants the characters 1 suc- successes in this challenge.
cess and removes 1 failure. The characters can gain Bluff (DC 27, minor action): After a character gets a
only 1 success (and remove 1 failure) with this skill. sense of the reasons behind the attack with an Insight
check. he or she might downplay the severity of the
dragon's problem or make false promises to aid the
creature. A failed Bluff check. in addition to counting
as a failure in the challenge, also imposes a -2 pen-
alty to the next two skill checks in the challenge. This
skill can be used to gain a maximum of 3 successes in
this challenge.
Perception (DC 22, standard action):The charac-
ter assesses the dragon's victims, the buildings or
objects it has destroyed, and any other pertinent
details to learn why the dragon is attacking. This
skill can be used to gain a maximum of 2 successes
in this challenge.
Secondary Skills: Intimidate, Nature.
Intimidate (DC 27, minor action): The character
threatens the dragon with promises of retribution.
A successful check grants the characters 1 success,
but imposes a -2 penalty to Diplomacy checks and
prevents further use of the Heal skill to gain success
in this challenge. A failed check blocks further use of
the Heal and Intimidate skills to gain success in this
challenge. This skill can be used to gain 1 success in
this challenge.
Nature (DC 25, minor action): The character
searches his or her memory for useful lore about the
dragon. A successful check grants a +2 bonus to all
Diplomacy checks or Insight checks made until the
end of the challenge.
Success: The dragon's wrath abates, and it confides
in the characters the reason for its attack. If the char-
acters offer to help the dragon with its predicament, it
stops razing the countryside, but if the characters fail
or don't resolve the problem fast enough. the dragon
will right the wrongs committed against it, no matter
the cost. If the characters completed the challenge
with no failures, the dragon gives them a longer time
in which to resolve the problem,
Failure: The dragon grows frustrated with the
characters and turns its full wrath against them. The
dragon fights until it becomes bloodied, at which
point it flies away. If the characters achieved no suc-
cesses, the dragon fights to the death.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

Support Pillar Level 6 Blaster

All dragons value their progeny and their posses-

A pillar supporting the ceiling shatters. causing rocks to fall
sions—whether treasure, minions, or territory. They from above.
go to great lengths to safeguard those things from
Hazard: Soon after the support pillar is damaged. it falls.
rivals and adventurers alike. Though not all dragons causing the rocks above to fall in the immediate area.
use traps, many metallic dragons employ a clever Perception
mix of traps and followers to protect their treasure. No check is required to see the support pillar.
Copper dragons, in particular, delight in using traps Additional Skill: Dungeoneering
in unexpected ways, finding dark humor in the plight + DC 12: The character notices structural imperfections in
the pillar, indicating that it could easily shatter and cause
of those that would dare rob them.
the ceiling to collapse.
Initiative +6
Niter Patch Level 5 Lurker Trigger
11.-irard Xf' ./t1D When the support pillar is damaged by any attack (AC 8,
other defenses 6; hp 1), the support pillar rolls initiative.
When exposed tufire, the white encrustations covering the cav
The trap makes a single attack on its initiative count, and
erro's walls explode trifler) , death.
then the trap is destroyed.
Hazard: Ten squares scattered across the room's walls bear Attack + Zone
niter encrustations. When exposed to a Fire or lightning
Standard Action Close burst 3
attack, they explode into flame and create a zone of Target Each creature in burst
caustic salts to burn any creature that enters their area. Attack: +11 vs. Reflex
Perception Flit 3d8 + 6 damage.
+ DC 7: The character notices a glittering crust covering
Miss: Half damage.
patches on the walls in its line of sight.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of difficult terrain that lasts
Additional Skill: Dungeoneering until removed.
+ DC 12: The character identifies the encrustation as being
+ At your discretion, certain powers or items could delay
the support pillar's collapse—for example. web, Bigby's icy
When a niter patch is caught in the area of a fire or a grasp, or a wall power.
lightning attack, the patch makes an opportunity attack.
Each trapped square explodes only once. A triggered niter
patch can trigger other niter patches in the blast's area. TACTICS
Attack + Add, Fire, Zone Support pillars are the type of hazard of which a
Opportunity Action Close blast 3 dragon isn't always aware. When it is, it either shores
Targets: Each creature in the blast
up the ceiling to protect the lair or prepares to take
Attack: +7 vs. Reflex
advantage of it with intruders. The dragon's breath
Hit 1 d6 + 4 fire damage.
Effect: The blast creates a zone of caustic salt that lasts
weapon is the safest way for it to activate the pillar.
until the end of the encounter. Any creature that enters While waiting for the right time to activate the pillar.
the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 acid damage the dragon stays out of its area of effect in case a char-
and grants combat advantage to all enemies (save ends). acter gets any bright ideas.
Creatures that are flying are immune to the zone's effect. When many support pillars are near each other, it
creates a domino effect: One pillar collapsing triggers
+ A character can neutralize one square of niter with
the next, and so on, which can make for a neat scene
a radiant melee or ranged attack, and he or she can
neutralize multiple zones by using a close or area radiant
or bring down an entire cavern.
power that encompasses more than one of them.
+ A character can leap over the zone of caustic salt by Dragontooth Passageway Level 7 Lurker
making a DC 30 Athletics check (or DC 15 with a running h31, xi. 109
Upgrade to Elite (400 XP) Fang•shaped blades arc our of a At in thefloor to slice into
+ increase the attack bonus by 2. those that pass through this hallway.
+ The hazard attacks when caught in the area of any close Trap: A section of hallway—up to 4 squares by 1 square—
or area attack. contains a slit in the floor that giant blades slice through. A
beam of light spans the corridor as a trigger.
TACTICS + DC 14: The character notices the slit in the floor where
A brass or a bronze dragon prefers to place niter the blades are hidden.
patches at strategic locations in its lair, usually near + DC 19: The character notices illuminated dust in the air
the entrance or entrances. The dragon then uses its - where the triggering light shines through.
breath weapon to set offan entire patch. Orium and Additional Skill: Insight
black dragons will sometimes nest on piles of niter. + DC 14: A character notices an enemy moving oddly to
avoid crossing the beam of light.
letting their enemies set them off.

CHAPTER 2 DM's Guide to Dragons

Effect: The glyph moves to a random adjacent square (roll


When a character moves into a trapped square and breaks 1 d8: 1, north; 2, northeast; 3, northwest; 4, east; 5, west; 6.
a beam of light, a rotating blade comes out of the floor and south; 7, southeast; 8, southwest).
slices through all the trapped squares. Countermeasures
Attack + A character who makes a successful Athletics check (DC
Opportunity Action Melee 10 or DC 5 with a running start) can jump over a single
Targets: Each creature in the trapped squares trapped square.
Attack: +12 vs. AC + An adjacent character can disable one trapped square
Hit: 1d12 + 5 damage. with a DC 19 Arcana or Thievery check.
Countermeasures + With a DC 14 Arcana or Thievery check, an adjacent
+ A creature that flies or jumps S feet above the trapped character can discharge one trapped square without
squares does not trigger the trap. Jumping it requires a DC being caught in the effect.
25 Athletics check (with a running start). A Failed check Upgrade to Elite (MO XP)
triggers the trap. + Increase the DCs for Arcana, Perception. and Thievery
+ A creature can make a DC 19 Acrobatics check to avoid the checks by 2.
blades or a DC 14 check if it is aware of the beam of light + The trap's attacks deal 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is
and avoids that instead. A failed check triggers the trap. stunned (Save ends).
+ A character can climb around the trapped squares with
a DC 15 Athletics check. This climb takes 6 squares of
+ Invisible creatures do not break the light beam, so they do Dragons place scatter traps in chambers where
not trigger the trap. they anticipate future battles and know they have
enough room to stay off the floor, either by flying or
using another form of movement (such as climbing).
Other dragons inscribe glyphs that only they can see,
The blades ola dragontooth passageway are in the
allowing them to navigate the trapped area and lure
shape of a dragon's teeth, and such a trap is frequently
enemies into the glyphs. Ira dragon can see invisible
edged with the teeth of dragons the lair's owner killed_
objects and creatures, it specifically targets the invis-
This trap is often handy when the characters are
ible, stunned enemies.
in a hurry and are bound to be less cautious. It can
be combined with another trap that requires quick
action, such as a crushing walls room (see page 68 of Fire Egg Fabrication Level 9 Warder
Dungeon Master's Guide 2). Monsters that push charac- !lap Xi' , 11)0

ters into the beams of light can make this trap more The ties, contains when looks like barrel sized dragon ems. But

deadly, but that action also can be seen as unfair. once an individual moves dose, the eggs explode in a fiery burst.
Trap: One square is filled with a nest containing three to six
artificial dragon eggs, primed to explode if disturbed.
Scatter Trap Level 8 Obstacle
hap ;.:1)
+ DC 19: The character notices that the dragon eggs are not
infused with ancient magic. the room sports hidden wards to real
scatter and frustrate intruders. Trigger
Trap: Six randomly positioned squares contain nearly When a creature moves adjacent to the square containing
invisible glyphs that damage and teleport creatures that the fire egg fabrication or when the in the nest are
enter their spaces. Once a square of the trap attacks, that moved, the trap attacks.
glyph moves to a different square in the room. Attack
Perception Opportunity Action Close blast 3
+ DC 19: The character notices a faint glow emanating from Targets: Each creature in the blast
the closest square containing a glyph. Attack: +12 vs. Reflex
Additional Skill: Arcana (trained only) Hit 3d8 + 5 fire damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save
+ DC 24: The character perceives the glyph from which the ends).
faint light shines and identifies the space as containing Countermeasures
some sort of teleportation trap. + A character can attack the fire egg fabrication (AC 18,
Trigger other defenses 13; hp 1). If it is damaged, the trap attacks.
When a creature enters or begins its turn in a square A character who hits the trap from a sufficient distance,
containing a glyph, the scatter trap attacks that creature. using a ranged, area, or close attack, can set off the trap
Attack + Teleportation without causing damage to himself or herself.
Opportunity Action Melee 1 + A character can leap over the nest (and surrounding
Target: The triggering creature squares) by making a DC 30 Athletics check (or DC 15
Attack: +11 vs. Reflex with a running start).
Hit: 1d8 damage, and the target teleports 1 d4 squares
to a random unoccupied space (roll 1 d8: 1, north; 2,
northeast; 3, northwest 4, east; 5, west 6. south; 7.
Many dragons use fire egg fabrications to safeguard
southeast; 8, southwest) and is stunned and invisible until
the end of its next turn. their eggs. Often. they will leave them in fake hatch-
eries or among their treasure.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Orasons

D TagOntooth passageway

Curse of the Dragon's Death Level 10 Luther + A creature can attempt an Arcana, Intimidate, or Religion
lid ■ rd Xi' ',Oil check (DC 16) as a standard action to Force the curse to
The spirit of a dragon lives on on after its death. twisted fry shift 1 square to leave a creature's space.
hate and anger. Upgrade to Elite (1,000 XP)
+ Increase the initiative modifier and speed by 2.
Hazard: When a nondragon enters the room, a Medium
+ Increase the attack bonus by 2.
invisible curse moves its speed toward the closest living
+ When the curse is in a creature's space and the creature
creature and attacks to possess that creature.
charges, the curse moves with the target.
+ DC 16: The character notices a shimmering presence in
the curse's square. TACTICS
Additional Skill: Religion Pairing a curse of the dragon's death with creatures
+ DC 15: The character identifies the shimmering presence
or traps that immobilize targets makes it easier for
as a curse of the dragon's death.
the curse to keep a creature dominated or to keep tar-
Initiative +7 Speed 5
gets in range of the dominated creature's attacks.
When characters enter the area, the hazard rolls initiative.
moves, and attacks on its turn.
Attack + Chant'', Psychic
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One living creature
Attack: +13 vs. Will
Hit 1 d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the curse enters the
target's space without provoking an opportunity attack.
If the target starts its turn with the curse in its space, it
is dominated until the end of its turn. The curse usually
compels the target to attack one of Its adjacent allies or
make a charge attack against the closest ally.
+ A character can attack the curse (AC 24, other defenses
22; hp 20; vulnerable 5 radiant; the curse is invisible).
Destroying the curse ends the hazard.
+ If the curse is hit by an attack against Will, it can't dominate
a creature until the end of the attacker's next turn.
+ IF the curse is hit by a radiant attack, it moves up to its
ISI ANZ vainYi Nkil.

speed away From its attacker. If the radiant attack scores a

critical hit, the curse is destroyed.

CHAPTER 2 i DM's Guide to Dragons

Fake Lair Entrance Level 12 Solo Warder to its lair. Once the trap has run its course, the blank
kr' stone wall behind the door clicks open. The dragon
A passageway into the dragon's lair suddenly reaches a large then refills the trap's gas supply from its own breath
wooden door. When the door is opened to reveal nothing but u wea pon.
dead end, a heavy bronze door falls closed behind the intruders,
'rapping them as poisonous goys flows into the room.
Webs of Elemental Ice Level 13 Obstacle
Trap: A hallway approximately 2 squares wide and 6 squares
long has a trapped wooden door at the end that, when
triggered, causes a smooth bronze plate to be dropped, Strands of silvery ice spread across the cavern. stretching from
entombing the targets in a small area slowly filling with floor to ceiling and wall to wall. forming a vast crystalline web. z
poisonous gas. Hazard: This trap covers a 7-by•7-by-7-square area, filling 0
Perception it with a web of elemental ice. Creatures entering spaces
+ DC 16: The character notices the sliding bronze door containing the ice trigger an attack from the trap.
before it is dropped. Perception 0
+ DC 21: The character notices that the wooden door is No check is necessary to notice the webs of elemental ice.
trapped. Additional Skill: Arcana
Additional Skill: Dungeoneering + DC 2 S: The character recognizes the elemental ice for
+ DC 21: The character notices that the passageway is not what it is, and that character and all allies gain a +2 bonus
heavily trafficked. to Acrobatics checks made to navigate its spaces.
Initiative +1 Trigger
Trigger When a creature enters a space containing the elemental
The trap rolls initiative when the wooden door is opened. ice web, the hazard attacks,
Immediately, the sliding bronze door falls and traps those Attack
inside the area. Poisonous green gas starts erupting from Opportunity Attack Melee 1
six hidden nozzles in the walls of the corridor. Targets: Each creature in a square containing the hazard
Attack + Poison Attack: +18 vs. AC
Standard Action Melee Hit: ldl 0 + 6 damage, and the target is slowed and takes a
Target: Each creature in the sealed corridor -2 penalty to Will defense (save ends both). if the creature
Attack: +17 vs. Fortitude is already slowed. it becomes dazed (save ends) instead.
Hit 1 d6 poison damage for each round the trap has been Countermeasures
active, up to a maximum of 6d6. + A character entering one of the hazard's spaces can
Miss: Half damage. make a DC 18 Acrobatics check to gain a +4 bonus to
Effect: After 10 rounds, the bronze door lifts and the AC against the hazard's attacks until the start of the
wooden door automatically closes itself, resetting the trap. character's next turn.
Countermeasures + A character can attack a space containing the elemental
+ A character can disarm the wooden door's triggering trap ice web (AC 23, other defenses 18; hp 50; vulnerable 10
with a DC 21 Thievery check. The character can now necrotic). Reducing the hazard's hit points to 0 clears the
open the wooden door to reveal the blank wall. webbing from the space attacked.
+ A character can try to slow the gas from exiting a vent Upgrade to Elite (1,600 XP)
with a DC 16 Athletics check. If successful, the damage + Increase the attack bonus by 2.
rolled for the next attack is not increased by 1 d6 this + Increase the hazard's hit points to 100.
+ A character can try to permanently disable a gas vent
with a DC 21 Thievery check. If successful, the damage TACTICS
rolled for the next attack is not increased by 1 d6, and the Carefully procured and harvested by cobalt, silver,
maximum damage is 1 d6 less per disabled vent. and, occasionally white dragons, webs of elemental
• A character can try to lift the bronze door with a DC 21 ice are considered both pleasing and useful in the
Athletics check; one other person can assist from the inside, defense of a dragon's lair. Often, one of these dragons
and two people can assist from the other side of the door.
will place these webs close to its favorite perch—to
+ A character can attack the bronze door fAC 20, other
defenses 16; hp 100; resist 10 all). Destroying the door
control those trying to attack it—or in areas close to its
allows characters to leave the trapped area. hoard—to slow down potential thieves.

A fake lair entrance is designed to kill unwanted visi-
tors without forcing the dragon to rouse from its rest.
Even so, a dragon needs to know when the trap has
been triggered in order to at least clear it of bodies.
Some fake lair entrances ring alarms in the lair or
magically alert the dragon. A dragon that investigates
the alert might find heroes escaping From its trap.
A dragon that has a poisonour breath weapon
might use a fake lair entrance as the real entrance

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

Dragon Simulacrum Level 15 Blaster Trigger'
Trap XP 1,100 Whenever a space containing an echo gems cluster is in
Exquisitely carved from black basalt, the stone dragon's eyes the area of a close or area attack, that cluster becomes
glitter with malevolence. attuned to the attack's damage type, if the attack has one.
Each creature adjacent to that cluster gains vulnerable 10
Trap: The dragon simulacrum occupies a 2-by-2-square
to that damage type while adjacent to the cluster. Each
space. It triggers when caught in the area of a dragon's
time a cluster is in the area of a close or area attack that
breath weapon and periodically spews a ball of explosive
has a damage type, it becomes reattuned to the damage
energy to scatter and punish the dragon's enemies.
type of that attack.
The first time any of the trap's clusters is triggered, the
No check is necessary to see the simulacrum.
trap rolls initiative. Each time the trap's initiative comes up,
Additional Skill: Arcana (trained only)
a random cluster that has been attuned makes an attack.
+ DC 23: The character recognizes the dragon simulacrum's
Attack + Zone
Standard Action Close burst 2
Initiative +9
Targets: Each creature in the burst
Attack: +20 vs. Reflex
When a dragon catches the dragon simulacrum in the area
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage of the type to which the cluster is
of its breath weapon, the trap rolls initiative and attacks on
its turn. The trap continues to attack until no nondragons
remain in the room.
• A character can attack the echo gems cluster (AC 31, other
Attack • Special (see text)
defenses 29; hp 80; vulnerable 10 thunder). If this attack
Standard Action Area burst T within 10
hits the cluster and deals damage that has a type, the
Targets: Each creature in the burst
cluster becomes attuned to that damage type. Reducing the
Attack: +16 vs. Reflex
cluster to 0 hit points causes it to make the attack described
Hit; 2d6 + 6 damage, and the simulacrum slides the target
above before it is destroyed, if the cluster was attuned.
2 squares.
+ A character can make an Arcana check (DC 20) as a
Special: The trap's attack gains the same damage type as
standard action to cause a cluster within 5 squares of the
the breath weapon used to trigger it.
character to lose its attunement,
Upgrade to Elite (3,200 XP)
+ Characters standing in a space adjacent to the simulac-
+ Activate two different attuned clusters on the echo gems'
rum gain a +2 bonus to defenses against the trap's attack.
9' A character can attack the simulacrum (AC 23, other
+ Increase the vulnerability by 5.
defenses 18; hp 125; resist 10 all).
+ A character that catches the simulacrum in a close or
area attack can choose to change the trap's damage type TACTICS
so that it matches the power's damage type. The power Dragons place echo gems in their lairs to use the
must have a damage type to alter the simulacrum's gems to amplify the effects of their breath weapons. A
damage type.
dragon keeps its clusters of gems constantly attuned to
Upgrade to Elite (2,400 XP)
+ Increase the initiative bonus by 2. the damage type of its breath weapon. so the echo gem
+ Increase the attack bonus by 2. clusters in a dragon's lair have already been triggered.
+ increase the area of the burst by 1. Use a dragon with a breath weapon that has Forced
movement or that prevents the target from moving
TACTICS (such as adamantine, brass. bronze, cobalt, and iron
A dragon places a simulacrum in a hall that leads to dragons) to keep characters in range of t he clusters'
its lair and uses it to harry intruders. The dragon uses attacks. lithe dragon has allies, include those that use
its breath weapon on the simulacrum to activate it, then the same damage type.
retreats—possibly to recharge its breath weapon and
return—while the heroes are busy with the statue. Lightning Siphon Level 19 Blaster
Trap XP 1,400

Echo Gems Level 17 Lurker Crackling bolts of lightning lash out from the object and pull
Trap Loput, individuals closer.
Trap: When a character steps within S squares of a statue
Glittering crystals stab out from the mom's walls and attune to
of a Large iron dragon, the statue starts blasting nearby
energy created In their presence. Dragons keep these gems to
creatures with ensnaring bolts of lightning.
further beef up their breath weapons.
Trap: This trap consists of eight 2-by'? clusters of echo gems + DC 22: The character notices an occasional spark coming
placed throughout the room. Creatures adjacent to the from the mouth of the dragon statue.
gems gain vulnerability to certain damage types.
Additional Skill: Arcana
Perception • DC 27: The character identifies the trap as a lightning
No check is necessary to notice the echo gems. siphon.
Additional Skill: flungeoneering Initiative +11
+ DC 25: The character identifies the echo gems' function.
Initiative +0
When a creature comes within 5 squares of the dragon
statue, the trap activates and rolls initiative.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

Attack + Lightning
Standard Action Close blast S
Grasping stalagmites are a favorite ward of adaman-
Target: Each creature in the blast
Attack: +22 vs. Reflex tine dragons and other dragons that lair in the deep.
Hit: 2d10 + l lightning damage, the trap pulls the target 3 Often, dragons will watch areas with these traps
squares. and the target is slowed until the end of its next from high above, and pounce on those that become
turn. ensnared.
• An adjacent character can disable the trap with a DC 22
Thievery check. Haunting Conscience Level 24 Warder
+ A character can attack the statue (AC 33, other defenses it.t v XP 6,050
31; hp 80; resist S all). Destroying the statue disables the The dragon's hoard olininiers in the half light. But When its
trap. approached. serpentine tendrils qf golden mist rurlfrom the
Upgrade to Elite (4,800 XP) coins and antiquities to doom those that would plunder the
+ increase the initiative bonus by 2. dragon's treasure.
+ Increase the attack bonus by 2.
Trap: The trap protects a dragon's hoard, occupying each
4 Use two statues (activating only one each round), or make
square adjacent to the hoard and all squares containing
the statue Huge or Gargantuan.
the hoard. When the trap is triggered, it attacks and
compels the triggering creature to protect the treasure at
TACTICS all costs.
A lightning siphon is usually created by an iron drag- Perception
+ DC 24: The character notices a faint chemical smell
on's allies or underlings. Encounters with lightning
emanating from the hoard.
siphons rarely include actual dragons. Consider using Additional Skill: Nature
monsters that have forced movement effects and cus- + DC 29: The character recognizes the odor as belonging to
tomizing them with lightning resistance so they can haunting conscience—an arcane mixture that can charm a
survive lighting near lightning siphons. These traps dragon's enemies.
are frequently placed near doorways to important Trigger
areas or in long hallways, where it's difficult for crea- When a creature other than the hoard's owner enters a
trapped space. the trap attacks.
tures to walk around them without coming within S
Attack + Charm, Poison, Psychic
squares. Opportunity Action Melee I
Target: Each creature in a trapped square
Grasping Stalagmites Level 21 Obstacle Attack: +27 vs. Will
XP 3.100 • 1 d8 + S poison damage. and the target is dominated
(save ends). A dominated creature screams at the top of
Magically animated rocky tendrils come out of the floor mid its lungs to warn the dragon of the impending robbery (a
snub unsuspecting individuals. free action), and attacks (or readies an attack against) the
Trap: Four stalagmites have been animated by a magic ritual creature closest to the hoard that is not the dragon.
to attack and restrain intruders. Aftereffect: The target is stunned until the end of its next
Percepdon turn,
No check is required to see the stalagmites. Countermeasures
Additional Skill: Arcana + A character forcibly moved away from the hoard can
+ DC 31: The character notices that the stalagmites are immediately make a saving throw to end the dominated
animated. effect.
Initiative +10 + Slaying the dragon automatically disables the trap.
Trigger Upgrade to Elite (12,100 XP)
When a creature moves within 2 squares of one of the + A dominated creature deals S extra damage on its melee
grasping stalagmites, the trap activates and rolls initiative. attacks.
Standard Action Melee 2
Target: One creature within melee reach TACTICS
Attack: +24 vs. Reflex Haunting conscience, sometimes called dragoncall
Hit: 3d6 + 8 damage, and the target is grabbed. Only one mist, is used by any dragon that can obtain it to guard
target can be grabbed by a single stalagmite at a time, and the dragon's hoard. More territorial dragons, such as
the stalagmite cannot attack another target while it has a red dragons and adamantine dragons, will also use
target grabbed.
this strange substance at strategic spots around their
territories, allowing the ruckus it causes to rouse
+ A character can attack a stalagmite (AC 32, other
defenses 29; hp 25; resist 15 all). Destroying a stalagmite them to violent action.
does not affect other stalagmites.
Upgrade to Elite (6,400 XP)
+ Increase the initiative bonus by 2.
+ increase the attack bonus by 2.
+ Add four additional stalagmites to the room.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

Metallic dragons are versatile enough creatures that examination reveals that he has several hundred
you can drop them into an adventure without deeply gold coins on him. If the characters take the cash or
connecting them to the framework of your ongoing if they don't revive him, they fail the test.
campaign. + The Box Itself: If the prospects open the box, its
Many adventures that use metallic dragons play magic summons Yathnikarius, who reclaims it and
on the ambiguous nature of the creatures. Because a scolds the prospects for lacking integrity.
metallic dragon doesn't have the same reputation as
a chromatic dragon, characters are likely to hesitate Not every encounter is staged; some of the dangers of
when they encounter one (rather than immediately the road are all too real. The prospects must also deal
charge into battle). As an adventure designer, you can with bandits on the road, various monsters that attack
play with that moment of discovery. Your adventure their camp at night. and a copper dragon that regards
can reward characters who take the time to figure the road as its personal hunting grounds.
out what the metallic dragon is up to and whether the Quest Hook: Yathnikarius identifies some or all
dragon's purpose is benign or sinister. of the characters as potential members of the Sable
Lancers (or a different organization in your cam-
ADVENTURE HOOKS paign). so he arranges for them to deliver the golden
box and face the tests along the way. You can reveal
AND QUESTS the truth at the end of the adventure, or seed clues
You can use the following quests and hooks as writ- along the way that it's all a pretense (such as the
ten or as a guide. The number before each title refers absence of goblins, the rich traveler's dubious story, or
to the level of the most potent dragon in the hook. Use some flaws in the bridge incident that suggest it was
this level as a rough guide for setting encounter levels. staged). At the end of the adventure, Yathnikarius can
become an active patron if the Sable Lancers have a
4: THE SECRET AUDITION role in your campaign. or membership in the Lancers
The young gold dragon Yathnikarius leads a knightly can be merely a ceremonial honor.
order called the Sable Lancers, and is seeking recruits. Quest XP: Delivering the box and resolving the
One of the values that Yathnikarius treasures most ethical dilemmas to the satisfaction of Yathnikarius
in his lancers is integrity. If a Sable Lancer pledges earns a major quest reward of 875 XP.
to do something, Yathnikarius expects him or her Quest Hook: If the characters are already Sable
to carry out the pledge no matter how tempting the Lancers, Yathnikarius might want them to stage one
alternatives might be. of the above ethical dilemmas for potential recruits
Accordingly, Yathnikarius has established a test who are delivering the box.
for those he believes might make good Sable Lancers. Quest XP: If the characters are convincing in their
He has a confederate hire the prospective recruits to roles, they earn a minor quest reward of 175 XP.
deliver a sealed box to another confederate in a city Quest Hook: The copper dragon, Ghalladara,
two weeks' travel away. Yathnikarius engineers sev- is infuriated and regards Yathnikarius's "tests" as
eral ethical dilemmas that the prospects must resolve trespassing on her territory. She sends the characters
along the way. to disrupt Yathnikarius's test and frighten off his
+ Mother in Distress: A woman tells the heroes prospects. She doesn't want them dead, just out of her
that goblins ran off with her child. In a skill chal- territory and out of Yathnikarius's clutches.
lenge, the characters must follow the tracks and QuestXP: If the characters can mess up the test
find the child. There are no goblins, and the and scare off the would-be Sable Lancers, they earn a
woman is one of the Sable Lancers, but the child Is major quest reward of 875 XP.
real. If the characters can't find the child, or if they
spurn the woman, they fail. 9: THE GOLDEN FACADE
+ Peacemaking: Two travelers (both secretly Sable It's a feud that has raged for centuries, one that
Lancers) are arguing about a wagon collision at a makes a human rivalry look like a child's game. On
one-lane bridge, and the argument is about to turn one side are the descendants of Ravolensurax, an
violent. The prospects must engage in a skill chal- ancient gold dragon; on the other are the members of
lenge to defuse the situation. If violence erupts or the bloodline of Inselios, a powerful shadow dragon
if the prospects ignore the argument, they fail. (Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons, page 199) who has
an unmatched mastery of necromantic ritual magic.
+ Found Money: The characters find an unconscious
Nobody outside the two families knows what started
male human (a Sable Lancer) in a ditch. A cursory
the conflict, and, indeed, it might have been nothing

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

more than a territorial or moral dispute. Whatever they earn a major quest reward (312,000 XP. IF
the case, the families have warred on and off for gen- Rovoluserras is forced to reveal herself along the way,
erations in a struggle that shows no signs of abating. that reward is reduced to 1,500 XP.
One of Ravolensurax's bloodline, a young gold Quest Hook: Many of the agents of Inselios are
named Rovoluserras. was exploring the port city of subtle, but others are not so secretive. In their search
Ylsinar in human form when the brood of Inselios for Rovoluserras, they have caused a number of mys-
learned of her presence. Now she remains in hiding, terious deaths in Ylsinar. The characters might be
seeking some way to leave the city without revealing caught up in the search for the perpetrators, either by
her true form or encountering the agents—living and chance or at the request of the city watch.
undead, humanoid and draconic—of the enemy. Quest XP: If the characters unearth and defeat
Quest Hook: While the characters are in or near Inselios's chief operatives in Ylsinar, they earn a
Ylsinar, a stranger approaches and introduces him- major quest reward of 2,000 XP. Although Inselios
self as "Rau." He explains to them that his younger can call upon a great many powerful creatures and
sister is somewhere in Ylsinar, and that she is in will do so i f Royoluserras is exposed, his current
great danger. Without yet revealing their true nature agents in the city are not nearly so potent. If the char-
as dragons, Ray explains that his family's enemies acters identify these operatives and warn the city
have learned his sister is somewhere in the city, and government but do not deal with the operatives, they
they are hunting her down. He needs the characters earn only a minor quest reward of 400 X1'
to find her, secretly escort her from the city, and
remain at her side until others from his family can 12: THE INSIDE-OUT LAIR
arrive to guard her. He offers 2.100 gp (two level 9 Obsessed with defending his lair, the adult adaman-
treasure parcels) for the safe rescue of his sister. tine dragon Bothurion is something of a hobbyist
Ilan opportunity arises, he takes the heroes out- among metallic dragons. For years, he has advertised
side the city, reveals his true form, and explains his the wealth of hoard in an effort to entice thieves
sister's dilemma. The characters must escort her to to test his defenses.
freedom without counting on her aid, since she must At first, this tactic brought Bothurion the
remain in human form for her own safety. challenge he wanted. But after many upgrades,
Quest XP: If the characters manage to escort Bothurion's lair became practically impregnable. The
Rovoluserras to safety without getting into such lair's reputation is well known, so few thieves dare
trouble that she's forced to reveal her true nature, try to steal something now. The few who made such
CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons
attempts died in the outer ring of defenses, leaving attack in exchange for a regular tribute of coin and
some of Bothurion's more fiendish traps untested. cattle. Those towns that choose not to pay don't gain
With no one to test his obsession, Bothurion the benefit of the dragon's protection, but Vahalapras
resorted to drastic measures. I le kidnapped several doesn't torment them.
capable adventurers, threw tiler n atop his treasure Two days ago. Vahalapras returned to her lair
hoard, and dared them to reach safety. after dealing with a small cadre of bandits to find all
Bothurion observes their efforts from a scrying her defenses penetrated and her new clutch of eggs
chamber within the lair. lie has taken measures missing.
to prevent them from short-circuiting his test. For The dragon held onto her temper only through
example, the adventurers have no residuum or other willpower and an intense focus on the duty she owes
reagents to manage a portal ritual or other magical to those who pay for her protection. Rather than tear
escape. But they do have their weapons, armor, and apart Olenvale and the other villages looking for her
other key items, because Bothurion wants to see how missing clutch, she has made the community lead-
his guardians fare against determined thieves. Bothu- ers an ultimatum: They have one week to locate and
rion won't reveal himself until the adventurers reach return the eggs and to identify the party responsible
the periphery of his lair—Ifthey last that long. for taking them. The leaders balked at the short time,
Quest Hook: The characters are among the but who argues with an enraged dragon that has lost
captives who awaken to find themselves atop an its clutch? If they are unsuccessful, she'll hunt down
immense pile of coins and jewels. They have no the eggs and the perpetrators, going through anyone
idea where they are, and must find their way out of and anything in her way to do it.
Bothurion's lair. Along the way, they must navigate Quest Hook: With only five days left, the Reeve
elaborate traps, various servants and guardians of of Olenvale and the other community leaders turn to
Bothurion, and eventually Bothurion himself. If you outside help—the characters. The townsfolk are too
want to add a strong social element to the adventure, poor to offer much in the way of financial reward.
you can include a number of nonplayer character cap- They can pony up a mere SOO gp among them (one-
tives, some with sinister motives of their own. quarter the value of the smallest level 14 treasure
Quest XP: Escaping Bothurion's lair earns the char- parcel). Still, they beg the characters for their help
acters a major quest reward of 3,500 XP—and all the and offer to let them keep the perpetrators' posses-
treasures they manage to carry out with them. sions as part of their reward. They have found one
Quest Hook: If you have enough players in your clue: an eggshell shard just off the northern road.
campaign (or additional friends who are willing to Obviously, you must decide who the responsible
take part in a one-shot adventure), you can split the party is. It could be a group of citizens angry about
characters into two groups. The first group plays the the extra taxes imposed to pay the dragon's fee—if so,
adventure as described above. The second group is how could they possibly have overcome the dragon's
the rescuers, who quickly figure out what happened defenses? Were the eggs stolen by evil wizards or by
to their friends and then delve into Bothurion's lair cultists of Tiamat, perhaps with the intention of cor-
from the outside. rupting the hatchlings into draconians? If so, how
Alternate playing sessions (or use two OMs simul- long do the characters have before the villains smug-
taneously) between the groups until they're about to gle their prize out of the region?
reunite, and then run a combined session in which Quest XP: If the characters track down the perpe-
both groups simultaneously fight Bothurion. trators, defeat them or deliver them to the dragon,
Qt.test XP: Characters who take part in only the and return her eggs, they earn a major quest reward
escape or the rescue receive minor quest rewards of of 5,000 XP. If the characters identify the perpetra-
700 XP per player in the group, since they have to get tors and deliver that information to Vahalapras along
only halfway in or halfway out of Bothurion's lair. with her eggs but do not succeed in defeating or deliv-
ering the perpetrators, they instead earn 3,000 XP.
14: SHELL GAME Quest Hook: In the process of hunting down the
Olenvale is the central and largest town in a network eggs and the thieves, the characters might learn how
of more than a dozen coastal villages and hamlets the thieves circumvented Vahalapras's traps and
that make up one large community. People travel defenses. Alternatively, the dragon might ask them to
freely among them (during the day. at least), and the find this out after the eggs are safely back in her lair.
various community leaders meet in council before Quest XP: If the characters learn how the thieves
making decisions that might affect their neighbors or broke into the dragon's lair and deliver that information
the open trade that all the villages enjoy. to her, they earn a minor quest reward of 1.000 XP.
Olenvale and its communities also have a sort of Quest Hook: If the characters are unable to find
guardian angel. albeit a guardian angel for hire. The the perpetrators in time, they might need to convince
bronze dragon Vahalapras protects the villages from Vahalapras to postpone her attack on the villages (by
succeeding on a very complex skill challenge) or fight

CHAPTF.H 2 I ❑ M's Guide to Dragons

the dragon themselves in order to protect the people

of Olenvale. Locrecean, an elder silver dragon who has devoted
Quest XP: lithe characters successfully protect the his life to opposing the cults and dragons devoted to
people from Vahalapras, they earn two minor quest Tiamat, finds himsel fin a terrible quandary.
rewards totaling 2,000 XP. They should not gain both For years, he has pitted himself against the efforts
this quest XP and the quest X P offered for tracking
of Ezrian Vakka. a dragonborn warlock and priest of
down the perpetrators. They undertake this last quest one of Tiamat's cults. Vakka and his humanoid and
only if the first one fails. dragon congregants hatched vile schemes, and time
and again. Locrecean—sometimes alone, sometimes
18: UNMASK THE CONSPIRATOR with allies—was able to stop them. Locrecean was,
Lord Naumonshra Kell has grand ambitions. Since however, never able to slay or capture Vakka.
his father's untimely death two decades ago, Lord Kell And now it might be too late.
has repeatedly added to his lands through subterfuge Vakka and his associates have hidden themselves
or outright conquest. Now he's on the verge of declar- somewhere within the metropolis of Kaddastrei.
ing himself monarch of the Kingdom of Kell. Once a major city in the empire of Nerath, it is still an
In many ways, the duchy of Kell is already acting enormous community with more than 20,000 inhab-
like a full-fledged kingdom. It has a standing army, a itants. Ensconced within, protected against divination
knightly order devoted to defense of the realm, and a and scrying rituals, the cult of Tiamat could remain
court where diplomacy and intrigue rule. hidden for years.
Naumonshra's ambitions have been thwarted of But Locrecean doesn't have years to find them.
late, seemingly by simple bad luck. Some ambassa- Vakka is mere weeks away from completion of a
dors from neighboring duchies have died of untimely dark ritual that threatens not only every person in
but apparently natural causes. War plans locked in Kaddastrei, but all the communities for thousands of
Lord Kell's map room disappeared, causing a season's miles, if not farther. (The precise nature of this threat
delay in a key border war. The accumulation of power is left for you to develop as best suits your campaign)
has always come easily to Lord Kell. so when things I-le desperately doesn't want to do it, but if he has to.
become difficult, he is certain that it's more than bad Locrecean will level Kaddastrei itself—killing tens of
fortune holding him back. There must be a spy in his thousands of innocents—to ensure Vakka's destruc-
court, Lord Kell reasons—probably a saboteur in the tion and to prevent the rise of an even greater evil.
pay of a duchy that's about to be absorbed. What he needs is someone to offer him a better
Kell's suspicions aren't far from the truth. A steel alternative.
dragon named Ralahirah has been lurking on the edge Quest Hook: The characters have several ways to
ofKell's court for several months, using shapechang- become involved in the hunt for Vakka's sect. At their
ing and espionage techniques to thwart Kell's dreams. level, they doubtless have a widespread reputation,
Ralahirah has succeeded thus far, but hers is a danger- so Locrecean could approach them for aid directly.
ous game. She's simultaneously pretending to be two Alternatively, the authorities of Kaddastrei might
courtiers, and if they're ever expected in the same have become aware that something's not right in their
place at the same time, she risks being unmasked. city perhaps Vakka's plan requires sacrifices or test

Quest Hook: Naumonshra Kell hires the char- subjects, so people have disappeared. The leaders
acters to spend time in his court and find the spy. then ask the characters to intervene. Once they have
He figures that because they're new to the court, the begun to do so, the silver dragon approaches them
characters can't be part of the conspiracy. Eventually, and explains what's happening.
clues will lead to Ralahirah in one of her guises. Quest XP: If the characters locate Vakka's hideout,
Quest XP: If the characters expose Ralahirah, they Locrecean can take on the cultists without destroying
earn a major quest reward of 10,000 XP—even if she the city, but there will still be substantial loss ()Hire.
escapes to cause future trouble for Lord Kell. If Locrecean is badly wounded in the ensuing battle,
Quest Hook: Ralahirah has been trying to single- he allows much of the cult to escape. In this instance,
handedly prevent the creation of the Kingdom of Kell, the characters earn a quest reward of 10.000 XP. If
but now she has decided that it's too big a task for her they aid Locrecean in this battle, or find some way
to do alone. She directs the characters (either through to drive Vakka and his people from the city so the
subterfuge, through persuasion, or by hiring them dragon can avoid collateral damage. they earn a quest
outright) to foment revolution outside the castle walls. reward of 14.000 XP. If the characters defeat Vakka
The characters must stay one step ahead of Kell's and his cult without endangering the citizens or (bre-
agents while periodically sneaking back into the ing Locrecean to take action, they instead earn the
castle to receive further instructions from Ralahirah. full major quest reward of 20,750 XP.
Quest XP: Each time the heroes strike a blow
against Lord Kell and his royal ambitions, they earn a
minor quest reward of 2.000 XP.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide lo Dragons

There's almost no limit to how much you can employ The farming communities of the lowlands aren't
metallic dragons in your campaign. They're varied in sure who's rebuilding the old forts, but the denizens
alignment, motivation, level. campaign role, and the of the mountains aren't waiting to find out. In a
challenges they offer to players_ The following cam- series of adventures. the characters must protect the
paign outlines feature dragons in a spectrum of roles. farming villages against banditry from worg-riding
goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Through interro-
AWAKEN THE SLEEPERS gation and evidence, the characters learn that giants
from the northern wilds crossed the passes and
The city of Shurral Deraen has long relied on a brood
pushed the goblins out of their mountain warrens.
ofsilver dragons inhabiting the city's central spire to
In the final adventure in this tier, a band of ogres
protect citizens against the predations of hordes of
seizes the town of Harranton and declares it the
giants in the mountains to the north.
"Throne City of Banakar the Ogre." The characters
Recently, however, the dragons have spent more
infiltrate the city and defeat the ogres, even as ban-
and more time in deep slumber, and the mages who
dits, goblinoids, and other enemies ofShurral Deraen
serve as emissaries between the dragons and the city
start gathering under Banakar's banner.
are worried that soon they'll be unable to awaken the
dragons. Meanwhile, a frost giant jarl is attacking out-
lying communities, and growing ever more bold as PARAGON TIER:
his attacks don't provoke reprisals. BEHIND THE CURTAIN
In this campaign, the connection to dragons isn't By defeating Banakar, the characters learn that he
apparent at first. Only over time will the characters was acting under the direction of a frost giant jarl
realize that what appears to be a giant invasion has inhabiting Fort Ankherang in the Karralak Moun-
its origin in an ancient rivalry between a cobalt wyrm tains. The characters travel to Shurral Deraen and
and a silver wyrm. inform the city leaders that the giants intend to
march on the lowlands in a few months or sooner.
HEROIC TIER: Because the heroes saved the town of Harranton,
the city leaders invite them to enter the forbidden
Tower of Dragons in the center of Shurral Deraen.
The giants in the Karralak Mountains, a mix of hill
They climb to the top in the company of the city's
giants and frost giants, are restless. A few weeks after
mages and find the silver dragons asleep. Even though
the mountain passes are clear of snow, everyone in
the mages perform rituals of awakening over and over
the lowlands can see plumes ofsmoke floating south
again, only one dragon regains consciousness: Launa-
from the foothills--a sign that someone is occupying
cathra. She reaffirms her commitment to defend
the old forts built by the giants centuries ago.
Shurral Deraen and flies off to attack Fort Ankherang.

CHAPT1 R 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

The city fathers, in a state of near panic, swear the magic. In a titanic battle, the characters defeat Valk-


characters to secrecy and send them into the Feywild athator, who is cast out of his lair into the brunt of the
to ask an orium dragon named Ossirian why the northern wind and suffers the fate he intended for all
silver dragons won't awaken. other dragons—a magically induced. unending slumber.
The journey to Ossirian's lair is an adventure itself
through a Feywild domain ruled by fomorians and PROPHECY OF DOOM
filled with hostile natives. After a tense negotiation,
For centuries, a loose conclave of mithral dragons has
Ossirian provides a more powerful ritual that should
protected the eight Wells of Futures Foretold, powerful
enable the city's mages to counter whatever is making
artifacts capable of not only revealing the future but
the silver dragons slumber.
altering it. Now something is killing those dragons
The characters return to Shurral Deraen to find
one by one, and the remaining mithral dragons are in
out that Launacathra hasn't returned and that one of
a panic because their prophecies aren't revealing who
the tower mages is missing. They must find the mage
conspires against them. If all eight Wells fall into the
before he escapes the city or reveals that the dragons
wrong hands, the forces of evil will be able to remake
are sleeping, which would panic the citizenry.
the future into a dark, terrifying place_
While the inages start preparing the new awak-
ening ritual, the characters must find a way to slow
down the giants. They travel to Fort Ankherang, HEROIC TIER:
disrupt the giants' preparations there, and rescue a THE ORACLE Is CLOSED
captured and groggy Launacathra. They also learn Throughout most of this tier, the heroes undertake
that the giants are offering tribute to a dragon—of an typical adventures: They fight bandits, delve into
unknown variety—named Valkathator, whose lair lies undead-infested tombs, and explore ancient ruins.
far north of the mountain passes. Near the end of the tier, they find themselves caught
up in a mystery involving a missing person, and they
EPIC TIER: travel to the lair of a mithral dragon named Ahmi-
darius, because he is known as a peerless oracle.
After negotiating with Ahmidarius's dragonborn
The characters and Launacathra return to Shur-
servants, they obtain permission to ascend into
ral Deraen with the invading giant horde only days
the clouds where his lair floats. They discover that
behind them. The giants put the city under siege. and
despite the promises of Ahmidarius's trusted ser-
the adventurers must attack repeatedly to keep the
vants, the dragon has all the traps in his lair engaged,
invaders off balance Iong enough for the city's mages
and he attacks the characters as soon as they reach
to complete the ritual. When the ritual is nearly
his inner sanctum. After an abbreviated battle, the
finished, a huge cobalt dragon appears above the
characters discover why Ahmidarius attacked them:
Tower of Dragons and flies inside. The characters run
He's expecting an attack from forces that he cannot
through the trap- and ward-filled tower interior and
identify even through his own divinations.
drive off the cobalt dragon before it kills all the mages
and disrupts the ritual. The combined effort of the
mages and the characters is sufficient to complete the PARAGON TIER:
ritual and awaken the silver dragons. They fly out of SEEKING THE DRACOLICHES
the tower and unleash their fury on the giants. who With Ahmidarius's help, the characters resolve their
have just breached the city walls. missing-person mystery, but Ahmidarius receives an
The giants die in battle with the silver dragons, urgent mental message from his father, an ancient
but the dragons start to fall from the sky as the wyrm named Porothelion. The message says, "Come
battle winds down. They're falling asleep again, to my lair—you must save the Wells of Future Foretold."
and this time in full view of the citizens of Shurral Ahmidarius takes the characters into his con-
Deraen—sparking a citywide riot. Amid the chaos, fidence and makes whatever promises it takes to
the characters follow the only clue they have: the persuade them to venture into the Astral Sea with
cobalt dragon. The dragon is Valkathator, who was an him to seek out his father's lair. They arrive to find
ancient rival of the silver dragon that fathered Launa- Porothelion's lair occupied by hordes of undead led
cathra and the city's other dragons. by a dreambreath dracolich (Draconomicon: Chromatic
The characters and an increasingly sleepy Launa- Dragons. page 202) known as fthao the Skullcrusher.
cathra travel north through the remnants of the giant The characters and Ahmidarius take Porothelion's
horde, over the mountain passes, and eventually rip to lair, but not before Rha ❑ escapes, disappearing and
Valkathator's lair, which lies within a blizzard cloud to taking one of Porothelion's towers with him. Porothe-
the north. Launacathra succumbs to slumber just as the lion is nowhere to be found—physically or psychically.
characters realize how Valkathator is making the other Ahmidarius receives another psychic message. this
dragons sleep: by infitsing the northern wind itselfwith time informing him that "the conclave approaches."

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

Three ancient mithral dragons appear and explain Yet even these few, and most of the dragons, remain
that Porothelion was the guardian for one of the Wells unaware of a threat in their midst, a particularly
of Future Foretold, stationary artifacts of unimaginable driven orium wyrm who has goals for the organiza-
prophetic power. Dreambreath dracoliches are trying tion far more sinister than the simple accumulation
to seize all eight Wells, and have found a way to mask of knowledge.
themselves from the scrying power of the artifacts. A synopsis of the Assemblage, allowing you to use
The ancient mithral wyrms send Ahmidarius in the organization in any campaign, can be found on
search of Rhao the Skullcrusher. Then they tell the page 75.
heroes to explore what lies beyond the planar portals
in a heavily warded part of Forothelion's lair. The HEROIC TIER: APPRENTICE
wyrms explain that before his disappearance (and After several early successes in their adventures,
presumed death), Porothelion was trying to track the the characters are approached by a tiefling named
dracoliches back to their lair. The newly constructed Olfien. He says he is a member of the Assemblage
portals might indicate that he had succeeded. and an emissary for Yuniosu, one of the Assemblage's
The characters have various adventures beyond greatest patrons. The characters have come to the
the portals. Eventually, they find the lair of a dream- patrons' attention, and they would like to work with
breath dracolich in the Shadowfell. the party on a freelance basis to better judge the char-
acters' skills. To that end. Olfien hires the heroes for
Eric TI ER: several adventures, nearly all of which revolve around
CATACLYSM ON THE SHADOWFELL the discovery or recovery of ancient magic or lore.
The characters report back to the ancient mithral
dragons to find Ahmidarius absent. After receiving PARAGON TIER: JOURNEYMAN
the characters' news, the conclave hastily assembles After the characters undertake several adventures
an invading force of dragons and allies the heroes on his behalf, Olfien invites them to the city of Pra-
were able to befriend in their adventures beyond the varum, where they will be officially inducted as
planar portals. members of the Assemblage. He introduces them
The campaign concludes with an assault on a to several valuable contacts, but the truly important
black fortress in the Shadowfell where the dream- meeting occurs after the ceremonies, when he takes
breath dracoliches dwell. The dracoliches can bend them to meet Yuniosu—one of the orium dragons,
reality with the power of the five Wells they have There, Yuniosu acknowledges that the characters
seized, so the characters contend with the black would not normally have been told the secret of the
fortress as much as they baffle the dracoliches. The group's patrons so soon, but the patrons needed to
dracoliches have warped Ahmidarius to their cause, swiftly bring in people they could trust from outside.
using the power of their corrupted Wells to turn him Several members of the Assemblage have vanished
into an insane dracolich. or died in recent months. Yuniosu and her relatives
believe that someone within the guild might be
A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE .. . responsible. The characters will continue to under-
take adventures and explorations on behalf of the
Despite its grandiose, even ostentatious, name and
Assemblage, but their true objective is to get to know
customs, the Grand Assemblage of the League of
the members of the Assembly and attempt to learn
Eternal Discovery—or the Assemblage for short—
who among them is the murderer—and why.
receives respect far and wide. The guild has
Over the course of their paragon adventures, the
knowledge of all manner of ancient wisdom and
characters uncover several instances of corruption
arcane secrets. From its universitylike hall in the
and conspiracy within the group, but all seem to be
ancient city of Pravarum, the Assemblage's members
for prestige or power. None appears related to the
and reputation have spread almost unimaginably far
murders, which increase in frequency. They also
in these days of dangerous roads and fearful travel.
meet the other dragons of Yuniosu's family, including
And why not? The members of the Assemblage are
Konoktolta, the brood's mighty patriarch.
among the most experienced adventurers, explorers,
and arcane researchers the world has known since
the fall of the great empires. Its members motivated EPIC TIER: MASTER
by a shared desire to see all that can be seen, the Finally, as the murders and disappearances grow so
Assemblage has grown from a tiny adventurers' guild frequent than the entire membership becomes aware
into an organization that has scores of members. of them, the characters learn that the perpetrator is
Only those inducted into the Assemblage's high- Konoktolta. The secret-obsessed (and vaguely mad)
est orders know that several of the organization's orium wyrm has become convinced that knowledge
patrons are members of an orium dragon family that of arcane magic is, in itself, too dangerous for the
uses adventurers as its eyes and ears in the world. mortal races to have. He assisted his offspring in

CH A PTER 2 I Dill's Guide to Dr000ns

manipulating the Assemblage to use its members HEROIC TIER: FLOOD
to hunt down arcane casters. Part of the plan is to The party's first adventures are of a standard variety.
assemble the most skilled arcanists in the region so The only common theme is the weather: The region,
they would be easy to exterminate. wherever the characters travel. is beset with constant
With Yuniosu's help, the characters escape his ini- violent storms. Winds howl, rains flood low-lying
tial attack. The early levels of the epic tier are spent regions, and lightning wreaks havoc as though delib-
attempting to save the lives of his other targets and erately targeting the structures of mortal races. As
to survive (or at least hide from) his wrath until the the season turns but the weather grows no better, the
party has gained enough power that it can confront characters become aware that something is wrong.
the dragon directly. Unwilling to fight to the death, They begin encountering a variety of elemental crea-
Kona tolta escapes. leaving the characters to track tures, such as slaad tadpoles running wild, or demons
him down before he can start his schemes over.

in the service of warlords or criminal guilds.
At the end of the heroic tier, perhaps seeking aid
AN AGE OF ENDLESS STORMS from sages or wizards, the characters learn that the
For centuries, Alkesandreth—a mighty silver dragon world has come into conjunction with the Elemental
and a skilled ritual caster—has battled the evils of Chaos—and that some mystical effect is holding the
the mortal world. Demons, wicked cults, powerful world there, turning what should have been only a
necromancers, rival dragons—Alkesandreth fought brief period of turbulence into an ongoing danger.
them all, and won. Yet for all his efforts, the world is as
wretched as ever, and the dragon has grown desperate. PARAGON TIER: FIRE
In that desperation, Alkesandreth has turned to a Even as the heroes search for the cause of the pro-
sect called the Scions of the Unclouded Sun. A group longed conjunction, the Elemental Chaos's effect
consisting of powerful mortals, other dragons, and on the mortal realm grows stronger. The weather
various sorts of angels, its members believe devoutly becomes unnatural, including rains afire and snows
that evil flourishes in the world because dark forces— of stone. Elementals, archons, and demons grow more
devils, demons, exarchs of vile gods—roam free while common. demonic and primordial cults increase in
the gods of good maintain a "hands off" approach, power, and elemental dragons (Draconomicari: Chro-
leaving the fate of mortals to mortals. matic Dragons. page 191) hunt the lakes and skies.
Their goal is to force the gods to intercede in the Staking out favorable areas, a number of dragons
day-to-day functioning of the world. In his study of expand their territories, taking advantage of environ-
the slow orbits of the planes, Alkesandreth believes ments that do not harm them but prove hostile to
he has discovered just how to do it. Soon, the gods invaders. It is during the characters' encounters with
will have no choice but to intervene in the world of some of these dragons—perhaps while the characters
mortals, stamping out evil once and for all. And the defend besieged communities from their new would-
thousands—maybe millions—who must die to make it be overlords—that they first hear of Alkesandreth.
happen? They're simply a price that must be paid. The silver dragon recently surrounded himself with

C: 11 A PIER 2 1 DM's Guide to Dragons

a cabal of powerful creatures and has spent the past
several years gathering up enormous amounts of
A variety of patrons commission several groups,
arcane reagents. The characters might assume he is including the characters, to clear the region of dan-
a potential ally trying to end the conjunction, rather gers. After a few simple missions, their employer
than the source who's maintaining it, but either way
reveals herself as Lady Casmerra. She aims to con-
they have few options but to seek him out. solidate the region into the kingdom of New Kindras.
Using the characters to put the local criminals and
EPIC TIER: INFERNO robber barons on the defensive will allow Casmerra
The conjunction trembles, and entire communities time to establish a permanent capital. She offers the
break loose from the earth and float into the skies, characters long-term employment, perhaps positions
surrounded by clouds of gaseous flame. The charac- in the new kingdom's military, if they assist her in
ters must hunt down Alkesandreth, and only when establishing the rule of law.
they find him do they finally learn that the silver "Queen" Casmerra frequently sends the characters
dragon is keeping the conjunction in effect. Although to the outskirts of the slowing growing kingdom—
the characters are not quite powerful enough to take little more than a few towns and cities so far—so they
him on at his full strength, his devotion to maintain- can deal with monstrous threats or local tyrants who
ing the ritual allows the party to disrupt his plans, refuse to yield to a larger authority. It is during these
defeating many of his allies and demolishing the adventures that the characters first learn of Pelseme-
components necessary to continue the magic. sios, the power behind Casmerra, and that he, too,
Even when the two worlds finally begin to drift seeks the return of order and civilization for the good
apart, Alkesandreth refuses to give up on forcing the of all who dwell in the region.
deities to intervene in the mortal world. Using the last Pelsemesios's presence also inspires interference
of his great magics, he flees into the Astral Sea—and from his rivals. Throughout all the tiers, these ene-
eventually to the Nine Hells. Whether to prevent him mies (some of them dragons and other monsters) ally
from finding some way to unleash an army of devils with the leaders of rebellious communities to fight
into the world or to keep one of the archdevils from against the growing kingdom.
gaining power over an already desperate and falter-
ing silver dragon's soul, the characters pursue him PARAGON TIER: REVOLUTION
into this realm of torment and suffering.
The heroes discover during their infiltrations of the
Here they must overcome him once and for all, surrounding communities that Casmerra and Pelse-
even as they struggle to ensure that his death or
mesios have been using their soldiers not only against
defeat in Hell doesn't trap his soul there as a weapon
military threats, but against any community that
for the devils to exploit.
rejects the rule of New Kindras. The two have tried
to avoid civilian casualties, and once they've gained
THE BROKEN THRONE control over a region. its citizens are granted the
At the height oft he Empire of Nerath, one of its great- same rights and freedoms that residents anywhere
est kingdoms was the nation of Kindras, a heavily else in the kingdom have. Nonetheless. Casmerra and
structured military power. Kindrasan soldiers made Pelsemesios are using martial force to conquer those
up a good portion of Nerath's armies, and its codex of who reject their rule. Several villages have banded
laws heavily influenced the empire's code of justice. together and threaten the newly formed kingdom
For all its might, however, when Nerath toppled, Kin- with armed revolt—a revolt that will fail, but that
dras fell along with all the rest of the empire's subject might destabilize the new government in the process.
regions. It left behind many independent towns and a lithe characters confront them, the dragon and
few cities, all struggling to survive. all interconnected the queen point out that New Kindras can't enforce
by a network of roads that has slowly deteriorated its rule over regions in which it lacks power. Under
over the subsequent years_ Where law once reigned, the watchful eyes of their soldiers, citizens of areas
banditry is now the order of the day. Where caravans they conquer gain the benefits of codified laws and
traversed roads in safety, now those few merchants protection from the monsters and criminals that still
brave or foolish enough to travel long distances do so lurk in the wild.
with hired guards and one eye ever alert for the mon- Do the characters stand with Pelsemesios and
sters that lurk in the overgrown wilds. Queen Casmerra, acknowledging that the rule of law
The bronze dragon Pelsemesios hopes to change and safety of all take precedence over the rights of
all that Working through a young local champion, self-government for communities that want to main-
a would-be queen by the name of Lady Casmerra, tain their independence? Or do they stand with the
Pelsemesios hopes to see Kindras reborn into a king- rebels against an expanding kingdom that seeks to
dom of laws and civilization, a bastion of order and make the world a safer place for all without regard for
society in this wild, chaotic realm. those who do not wish to be ruled?

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Drations

Today. the temple of Ahn-Sur uses ritualsto grant

false divine power to its priests, and the Pontifex
Regardless of the characters' decision, attacks by
Council of Avaat Mahn rules over its people with an
Pelsemesios's enemies intensify. The creators of New
iron fist—keeping them safe. yes, but only in exchange
Kindras aren't the only would-be monarchs rising to
for their worship and unquestioning obedience.
power, and the growth of nations brings an outbreak
of war. Many of the leaders hope to conquer other
rising kingdoms before they reach their full potential. HEROIC TIER: FOLLOWERS
The characters begin the campaign as citizens of. or
These rival kingdoms span the planes, and magi- z
cal warfare is the order of the day. Among the most newcomers to, Avaat Mahn. So far in their lives, they've C
dangerous rivals are: seen only the positive side oflife in the city-state. U
The roads are safe, the peasants in the fields largely
+ The efreet Sharamadras. whose dictatorship is
unmolested. Indeed, the heroes must travel a good dis-
based in the Elemental Chaos. Violent weather
tance to find adventure, and they are encouraged and
heralds her slave army's march into battle.
supported by the Pontifex Council. which is eager to
• Akkliar, a vicious devil who built his kingdom in the employ people capable of ensuring the region's safety.
world so he could avoid the meddling of other devils. Slowly, the characters learn more about some of
Rumors suggest that an archdevil—perhaps Asmodeus the "threats" they're dealing with. Certain criminal
himself—is the power behind Akkliar's throne. gangs are, in fact. factions rebelling against the coun-
♦ Yorantadrios, the rival most strongly opposed to cil's tyranny. Citizens of Avaat Mahn often disappear
New Kindras. A much older sibling of Pelsemesios, after questioning the council's rulings.
Yorantadrios long ago became a dracolich. He has
grown sinister and cruel since his transformation.
Once this enemy is revealed, Pelsemesios claims Whether or not the characters act on what they have
he began building a kingdom to stop his brother's learned, the mere fact that they know it—that they've
army of undead and draconie creatures. consorted with "heretics"—comes to the council's
attention. Friends of the party begin to disappear, and
The characters can fight alongside a kingdom, or they the characters fi nd themselves attacked by those they
call try to end the conflict without taking sides. thought of as allies. Early in the tier, the characters
must fight for their freedom and survival, even as they
THE PONTIFEX WYRM slowly begin to learn the truth of the Pontifex Council,
Few full-fledged nations or kingdoms remain in a the dragon in its midst, and the false god Ahn-Sur.
dark and lawless world, but surely Avaat Mahn comes They might have to escape Suvankotha's secret dun-
close. A powerful, centuries-old city-state. Avaat geon or rescue potential allies from deep within it.
Mahn claims dominion over every community within In the latter levels of the tier, the characters are
several days' travel of its great stone walls, Thousands pitted directly against the forces of the Council. They
of people in more than a dozen communities swear cannot stand alone, but with the evidence they've
fealty to the Pontifex Council of Avaat Mahn. And, found, perhaps they can convince enough citizens of
yes, perhaps their taxes are a bit higher, and perhaps the truth to raise a revolt against the theocracy. But
their freedom to worship as they choose is curtailed. even if they manage this, can they defeat Suvankotha?
But at least the roads are far safer, the watch is more
efficient, and the priests are ever ready with magic. EPIC TIER: BELIEVERS
And those priests are common indeed, for Avaat Now what? Perhaps the characters have thrown off
Mahn is a strict theocracy, one in which the ruling the yoke of Suvankotha and the Pontifex Council,
clergy—the pontifices of the council—hold absolute but they've Ieft this theocracy with neither a govern-
power. Devoted exclusively to the god A hn-Sur, the ment nor a spiritual center. They must find a way to
Pontifex Council rules in his name and teaches the maintain the rule of law and to introduce worship of
people absolute obedience to the deity and to the the true gods (or at least some of them) to a populace
theocratic authority of the state. bitter and betrayed by the one god they knew.
It's all a lie. Furthermore, the characters must protect Avaat
There is no deity named A hn-Sur, even if most of Mahn from other forces that have learned of its vul-
the pontifices believe that there is. The gold dragon nerability. Warriors of dark gods see a chance to grab
Suvankotha, who serves on the council in human power, and portions of the populace that refuse to
form, concocted the entire religion. When he was accept the truth see the heroes as heretics against
much younger, Suvankotha decided to rule over the Ahn-Sur. Lurking behind nearly all these threats are
"lesser beings" of the region—for their own good. of the offspring of Suvankotha. This entire family of
course—and chose religious indoctrination rather dragons seeks blood vengeance on the characters and
than overt power as the means to achieve that rule. on the culture that betrayed their golden sire.

CH A PTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

Some metallic dragons are social creatures. Some Membership Requirements: The clan accepts
enjoy lording over "lesser beings," or at least believe members of all races. Petitioners must prove them-
they have the right and responsibility to do so. Some selves with shows of might and participate in rituals
are determined to teach the humanoid races to fend with blood oaths to serve Barastiss.
for themselves. And some just need allies or servants Structure: The Blood's members come from vari-
that can reach places they cannot. Whatever the ous families and tribes that worship Barastiss. Other
case, metallic dragons are far more likely than their than the leaders mentioned above, the Blood doesn't
chromatic counterparts to found, take over, or at least have a hierarchy. The elder of a family holds author-
participate in humanoid organizations and factions. For ity over the younger members, and shamans have
the dragon, this offers a degree of influence and a pool authority over the elders. When the sect conquers a
of potential agents that it might not otherwise have. For region, it takes locals as slaves. Some of these slaves
the players, it offers the opportunity for their characters are married into tribal families, and their offspring
to interact, knowingly or unknowingly, with one of are raised as members of the Blood.
these great, potentially campaign-altering creatures. Activities: The Blood's members can be brutal
The following examples can be used as is, or can combatants, slave-takers, thieves, and (at times) can-
serve as models for creating your own organizations. nibals. However, they aren't deliberately wicked, and
they prefer to avoid the slaughter of noncombatants.
THE BLOOD OF BARASTISS Their slaves are well fed, worked hard but not abu-
sively, and punished only when they show deliberate
Goal: The Blood of Barastiss, a community and
disobedience. The tribe occasionally trades with
religious sect that started out as an extended clan of
others beyond its borders, if it would be too difficult
lizardfoIk, is motivated by religious zealotry In the
to take over those communities.
name of a dragon that claims to be a primitive spirit-
god. The Blood wants to swiftly expand its tribal
borders, enslave and assimilate any communities in BLOOD OF BARASTISS LORE
its way, and spread its particular religion. History DC S: The Blood of Barastiss, formerly
Size: Small, located in a secluded region. The sect Clan Barastiss, is an extended Family of lizardfolk, ko-
has not yet encroached on larger communities. bolds. orcs, shifters, primitive humans, an occasional
Alignment: Unaligned. dragonborn, and a few other random humanoids.
Philosophy: "Great Barastiss! Bring us meat and Members are united in religious worship of a being
bone! Show us the weak so we can take what they do called Barastiss; they believe him to be the emissary—
not protect! Great spirit, we bring more to worship at perhaps avatar—of a savage, primitive god. Although
your idol!" this fanaticism links them, the Blood's members also
History: The Barastiss lizardfolk lived on a small reinforce their family bonds through various blood-
island and worshiped ancestors and regional spirits. letting and blood-sharing ceremonies—such as the
They warred with other primitive tribes, and the clan mingling of open wounds—and marriages between
might have disintegrated had the iron dragon Ogtho- different creatures that would be considered taboo In
rilak not shown up to lead them. The dragon took the most civilized cultures.
name Barastiss to emulate the clan's spirit-god and History DC 14: Clan Barastiss was a tribe of
turned the group into the sect called the Blood of greenscale lizardfolk that worshiped a stone idol on
Barastiss. The Blood then assimilated other races into a jungle island. An opportunistic iron dragon arrived
its ranks and spread to other islands and the nearby to lead them, in the name of their god. Under his
coast. guidance. the clan became the Blood of Barastiss and
Leadership: The leader of the Blood is the iron spread to encompass all the tribes on the isle. It then
dragon Barastiss. (He keeps his real name secret.) grew, reaching the nearest shores of the mainland.
He poses as the avatar of the spirit the sect worships,
communicating his wishes to the tribe's shaman, a ADVENTURE HOOKS
greenscale lizardfolk named Varhisthist. The shaman The obvious purpose for the Blood of Barastiss is that
relays those orders to Kromarrok, an arc who serves of an adversary, pitting the characters against the
as the tribe's war leader and secular chieftain. soldiers of the tribe and perhaps, eventually, against
Headquarters: The heart of the Blood's territory the expansionist agenda of the iron dragon who rules
lies on the island where the lizardfolk lived for hun- them. Some possibilities include:
dreds of generations. Their greatest idol also stands + The characters might be sent to rescue a noble
atop the rocky hills of that island, making it the shipwrecked on the tribe's island, only to discover
center of their worship. that the noble has been captured by the Blood

C:FIAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons



and is in imminent peril of being sacrificed to the + Finally, the characters might take it upon them-
"avatar" of the idol. The characters might discover selves to end the threat of the Blood of Barastiss
that an artifact or treasure they seek is hidden in by proving to the members that the iron dragon
the buried vaults of a subterranean temple beneath is not, in fact. an avatar of their god. Precisely
the idol on a mysterious jungle isle; naturally, how the characters would accomplish this is up to
the Blood defends its sacred idol from any sort of them, but creative thinking on their part should
intrusion. Or the Blood ofBarastiss might launch a be rewarded. Even if they succeed, though, will the
raid on a nearby coastal town at the dragon's direc- tribe return to its old borders, or will someone or
tion, perhaps using a forgotten teleportation circle something else, perhaps with equally violent aims,
buried in the vaults beneath its idol. take ❑ gthorilak's place?
+ The tribe might not be simple adversaries in some
adventures. Although many characters will want THE GUARDIANS
to see the spread of the Blood checked eventually,
the sect is not the most evil power in the region.
The heroes might find themselves forced to ally Goal: A diverse group called the Guardians of the
with members of the Blood against a more vile, Gates seeks out portals to other planes of existence.
more dangerous enemy—possibly the cult of a In truth, its leader Irthossalur wants to control the
demon or an evil god, or maybe the servants of a portals that access Sigil, the City of Doors (see Chap-
dragon far worse than Barastiss himself. The char- ter 6 of Dungeon Master's Guide 2 or page 25 of Manual
acters would have to keep their allies in check, of the Planes). This steel dragon believes she is the first
preventing them from unleashing their violence line of defense for the city, and she wants to uphold
on those who don't deserve it, all the while walk- the balance of power the Lady of Pain (see page 190
ing on eggshells to avoid giving so much offense of Dungeon Master's Guide 2) has established.
that the clan revokes its shaky alliance. Stated Goal: The Guardians are dedicated to
watching over the portals that bridge the planes.
+ The characters might be Forced to prove themselves
In Sign, the nature of the Guardians' work is more
to the Blood, by a show of strength or prowess, or
widely known. The Guardians allow natives of Sigil
else negotiate with or bribe them, in order to pass
to pass through portals freely, since the society has no
through their territory on the way to an unrelated
with to anger the Lady of Pain.
objective, to win back prisoners taken in a raid, or
Size: Moderate, with most members clustered in
to earn the right to speak with, and gain certain
small groups at portal sites rather than gathered in one
information from, Barastiss or Varhisthist.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons

central location. Even the main headquarters has no teleportation circles, but the keys to operating these
more than two dozen members. portals are kept secret. Teleportation circles that might
Alignment: Unaligned. have been compromised are destroyed. Portal seeking
Philosophy: The world should look after the is a dangerous lifestyle. and those who undertake the
world, just as the Feywild should care for the Feywild challenge are richly rewarded by the Guardians.
and the Shadowfell should keep to the Shadowfell. Enemies: Any group or entity that plans an
When the grasp of evil extends between the planes. invasion between planes has reason to hate the
all planes are put in danger. - Guardians. Fortunately for the Guardians. none of
History: The Guardians oldie Gates formed their enemies has devoted its full resources to dis-
shortly after the god Vecna managed what no deity mantling the organization.
had ever done: He entered the City of Doors. Though Rivals: Many powers within Sigil, and a smaller
Vecna was eventually thrown out of Sigil, the steel n umber in the world, oppose the restrictions the
dragon Virtraxentyr started the Guardians of the Guardians impose. Though natives of Sigil can pass
Gates to protect the City of Doors. At first, he and Freely, many travelers oppose the ( ivardians on prin-
his draconic children protected only gates into Sigil, ciple. believing others should have the same right.
but he quickly realized how economically powerful a
mapped network of dimensional portals would be. GUARDIANS OF THE GATES LORE
The society quietly constructed sites that would History DC 13: Guardians of the Gates mem-
disguise the presence of portals, sites that also bers scour the world for portals to other planes and
became lairs for Virtraxentyr's siblings and hatch- protect those portals against incursions. Since the
lings. As the network grew, Virtraxentyr and his kin presence of a portal could incite panic in a quiet vil-
brought in more and more assistance by reaching out lage. the society works in secret.
to humans, elves, and dragonborn. History DC 20: The society is spread throughout
Leadership: A protective steel dragon named the planes, maintaining a vigilant watch over planar
Irthossalur is the current leader of the Guardians of traffic. When the Guardians find an active portal,
the Gates. She spends most of her time disguised as they set up a permanent site to guard it. Each site
a human known as Suzandra. The network of portals has an established leader, known as a Watcher. Each
created over centuries of work has allowed Irthossa- Watcher is in charge of a small team that works to
hir to amass a great fortune in both material goods ensure that the local communities are not affected by
and interplanar knowledge. A council of twenty advi- the presence of the portal. Members of any race can
sors, scattered across the planes, meets once a year to belong to the society, but individuals are assigned to
discuss business. Most of these advisors are Watchers, locations where they will blend in with the local com-
individuals who oversee specific portal sites. munities. It is believed their main headquarters is
Headquarters: Two buildings linked by a planar located within Sigil, the City of Doors.
portal make up the Guardians' headquarters. A small
building in Sigil connects to a similar structure in the
world, nestled within the quiet village of Hornburg.
Once the characters are ready for travel between the
In Sigil, the Guardians of the Gates use a front orga-
planes, they can partner with the Guardians.
nization called the Planar Explorer Society, whose
headquarters is within the Clerk's Ward. These two + The characters come across a ruined tower
buildings also serve as Irthossalur's lair, since she invaded by a shadar-kai cult that has slipped into
loves the cosmopolitan nature of Sigil as well as the the world from the Shadowfell. If the heroes suc-
quiet and reserved inhabitants of Hornburg. cessfully fight off the invaders, the Guardians
Membership Requirements: Characters must become patrons to the characters and provide
prove themselves to a Watcher. When one of the further chances for adventures. The characters
Guardians' permanent sites comes under attack by are tasked with tracking down additional portals
extraplanar foes, those who fend off the threat might to Sigil in unexplored lands. As the characters
be offered membership. rise in power, they might be awarded an audience
Structure: Around each portal the Guardians with Suzandra and be given more complex mis-
find, they set up a permanent enclave to guard and sions, such as destroying an archon stronghold
watch it. The Watchers who oversee these locations that blocks traffic to the City of Brass or liberating
have a great deal of autonomy. a temple on a remote island in the Astral Sea that
Activities: Most society members are explorers, has been captured by devils.
spies, and scouts who secretly scour the world seek- + A Watcher decides that the characters shouldn't
ing functioning gates to other planes. Once a gate is be allowed access to the gate hidden deep within
discovered, the society establishes an appropriate an abandoned mine. This Watcher is a relative of
cover operation to guard the location, such as an inn Irthossalur and might fight the characters if they
or a guard tower. Many of these sites also include press the issue. If the characters cause the death of

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to bra /Ions

this relative, Irthossalur uses all her power to track members are essentially equal. Yuiliosu exerts her s.n
down the murderers of her kin. influence over whomever she sees fit, putting the
right ideas in the right minds to get her way.
THE GRAND ASSEMBLAGE Activities: Members share information and
rumors, offer advice and suggestions for the success- NI
OF THE LEAGUE OF ful completion of adventures, and sometimes aid one Z
ETERNAL DISCOVERY another in their explorations (for a share of the profit,
of course). The Assemblage makes membership ce
The Assemblage appears as part of the "A Little
as attractive to adventurers as possible. It provides 0
Knowledge ..." campaign arc (page 68), but you can
access to libraries of lore, disseminates rumors and
use it in any campaign.
Goal: The Grand Assemblage is a highly respec ted-
tales that might lead to rich dungeons, and introduces 2
adventurers to allies who might prove useful on a 0
if, as the name suggests, rather flamboyant—guild for
given endeavor. At rare times, the Assemblage sells 1—/
adventurers and arcane scholars. The Assemblage
rituals and magic items to its members. tr
doesn't have any secret motives.
Size: Small. Though it's large compared to other
adventuring guilds, there aren't that many adventur- GRAND ASSEMBLAGE LORE
ers out there to fill its ranks. History or Streetwise DC 7: The Grand Assem-
Alignment: Unaligned. blage of the League of.Eternal Discovery is one of
Philosophy: "There's so much to learn from the the most widespread adventurers' guilds. It's said
lore of the ancients, and we need brave souls to delve that members have access to a library of lore, rumors
into forgotten ruins and retrieve it. We all benefit of great treasures and challenges, and the advice of
from their heroic deeds." their peers. Accomplished adventurers can join for a
History: The Assemblage formed as a circle of minimal fee and the promise to turn over any ancient
sages and wizards sharing occult and arcane lore. It lore or lost knowledge they come across.
grew slowly, until the founders began allowing more History or Streetwise DC 12: The Assemblage
and more members after they realized doing so was began as a small gathering of arcanists and sages who
the best way to obtain more lore. At this stage in the thought it more productive to share their knowledge.
Assemblage's history, the orium dragon Yuniosu and Slowly, as more and more individuals joined, the
her siblings approached the organization, becoming Assemblage expanded its membership to adventurers
its greatest patrons. With their funding and guidance, and explorers of all sorts, realizing that such individ-
the organization was able to spread and grow into the uals were most likely to make impressive discoveries.
respected establishment of today. History or Streetwise DC 17: Several wealthy
Leadership: The official leader of the Assemblage patrons help bankroll the Assemblage in exchange
is an elected guildmaster who holds the post for 10 for access to the information the group acquires.
years. The current guildmaster is Leore Esennarian. To the best of anyone's knowledge—and quite a few
The organization's true leaders, however, are mem- people have looked into it—there's nothing particu-
bers of an orium dragon family—the offspring and larly sinister behind this, just genuine curiosity and
siblings of the ancient Konoktolta—who serve as the Fascination with lost lore.
organization's primary patrons. The dragon Yuniosu
is the primary contact with the organization. Like ADVENTURE HOOKS
other orium dragons. members of Konoktolta's family The Assemblage can introduce a wide variety of plot
gather knowledge and lore, and it is this purpose to hooks to the characters—particularly if they become
which they put the members of the Assemblage. members. Want to feed them a rumor about a lost
Headquarters: The Assemblage's primary head- tomb, a rampaging dragon. an ancient artifact, or a
quarters is its sprawling, multistructu re campus in forgotten shrine? Want to put them in touch with a
the city of Pravarum. It serves as a university to a few particular employer? The hails of the Assemblage are
rich students. The Assemblage also maintains a few the perfect place for doing so. The guildmaster might
chapterhouses in villages and hamlets on the out- hire the characters to escort a scholar to a dangerous
skirts of civi lization. ruin so that the scholar can make a record of the mys-
Membership Requirements: The Assemblage terious hieroglyphics decorating the crumbling palace,
occasionally approaches adventurers who have solid entrust the characters with the task of recovering a
reputations and invites them to join. Most members, treasure stolen from the organization's vaults decades
however, petition to join (a process requiring them to ago by a rapacious lic h, or even dispatch them on a
supply a sufficient record of past accomplishments planar journey to ask a question of a sphinx-guarded
and discoveries). oracle. That said, the Assemblage doesn't have to be
Structure: The guildmaster decides policy, just a middleman; it can itself be the source of plots.
and each chapterhouse has an overseer. All other

2 I IlM's Guide to Dragons

+ Several members of the Assemblage vanished History: Vercesien lived several hundred years
while pursing related goals. As the characters before the rise of t he Empire of blerath. Though
investigate, they discover that Handrakka, a not fond of humanoids on a personal level, the gold
moderately powerful dragonborn within the dragon took to heart the teachings of Bahamut and
Assemblage, is behind the conspiracy. He was championed the cause of justice for all creatures.
turned mad during an adventure into a deep When he fell fighting in Bahamut's name, defend-
mine. The solution to curing him—and thereby ing the city of Four Winds, fbllowers of Bahamut
discovering where he has imprisoned the missing revered his memory. It was only a few years later
adventurers—requires delving back into the mine when several of Eahamut's knights, wanting to fight
and facing the aberrant creatures dwelling there. evil as freely as Vercesien had, formed the Solemn
+ Once within the ranks of the Assemblage, the Order. The order spread from Four Winds to several
characters find the political situation more com- major cities.
plicated than they expected. They receive poor (or Leadership: The Aureate Shield—a council of
especially dangerous) assignments from the cur- three humanoids and a gold dragon—leads the order.
rent guildmaster, Leore. Her term will be up soon, By tradition, at least one ofthose humanoids must be
but her lackey Martoli is the frontrunner to replace a holy person devoted to Bahamut. Technically, the
her. Can the heroes find a suitable candidate who dragon leads the Aureate Shield. but a unanimous
will give them more respect? If they find out about vote by the humanoids can overrule him. Currently,
the orium dragons behind the Assemblage, they the members include Aureate Lord Emphanetrix,
might be able to pull support from them. an adult gold dragon; Shield Lord Kelgas Evraine,
a human warrior devoted to Bahamut; Shield Lady
+ Other adventurers in the Assemblage might
Renna Hyst, a half-el farcanist and swordmaster; and
compete with the characters to acquire a specific
Shield Lord Ma hess, a dragonborn priest of Felon
treasure, or engage in political maneuvering to get
Headquarters: An enormous, stone-walled
one of their own elected as the next guildmaster.
fortress in the trade city of Four Winds houses the
+ If the characters aren't members, the Assemblage Knights' largest chapterhouse and the meeting hall of
can become an enemy—well. at least a rival—as its the Aureate Shield.
members constantly seek to beat the characters to Membership Requirements: Knights frequently
their prizes and to outdo them in the public eye. visit military and religious establishments. attempting
to convince experienced "soldiers for good" to join.
THE SOLEMN ORDER OF A sizable minority of enlisters simply approached a
chapterhouse and petitioned to test for membership.
THE KNIGHTS OF SAINT Such tests measure both prowess and moral standing.
VERCESIEN THE GOLD Even gold dragons, with which the order maintains
Goal: Founded in memory of the gold dragon Verce- a reverent relationship, must be judged. By ancient
sien, paladin and champion of Bahamut, the Solemn tradition, only the Aureate Lord and other dragons (if
Order of the Knights of Saint Vercesien the Gold—or just any are members at the time) can judge them.
the Knights ofVercesien—stands fast against the evils Structure: Beyond the Aureate Shield, rank
of the world. Its members struggle not merely to lighten is determined primarily by seniority, though the
the darkness between civilization's points of light but Aureate Shield or a chapterhouse's knight-prelate can
to expand those points, working for the day when the grant advancement for exceptional service. Members
humanoid (and draconic) races can once again claim are expected to obey higher-ranking knights without
a wide empire where the people live safely, peacefully, question, unless given an immoral order.
and under the rule of law. The people of Four Winds Activities: The Knights of Vercesien is an open
and the other cities and roads the knights patrol swear organization. Though a few of its internal procedures
that they've made a difference. In truth, the Knights of and ceremonies remain secret, its existence and its
Vercesien are effective only on a local level. Their num- goals are not. Vercesien chapterhouses accept visitors
bers are too small and their methods—patrolling roads and hopeful applicants at all times.
and borders, hunting monsters and highwaymen—too
narrow to have more than a localized effect. KNIGHTS OF VERCESIEN LORE
Size: Small. The order is effective only in the areas History or Religion DC 15: Members of the
around a few cities. Knights of Vercesien. an order made up primarily of
Alignment: Lawful good. fighters and paladins, fight against the monsters of'
Philosophy: "We will remake the world as it was the wilderness and expand the rule of civilization.
in the bright age of the past. when the light ofjust Though its numbers aren't large enough to make a
law illuminated all. The cities of peace will grow to huge difference, the organization has rendered cer-
become beacons that drive the darkness far away." tain cities and highways relatively safe. The Knights

CIIAPIL14. 2 I DM's Guide to Drasons

are associated peripherally with the worship of Baha- + The minions ofTiamat are natural enemies of
mut, but there's no formal affiliation_ the Knights; as members, the characters might be
History or Religion DC 20: Saint Vercesien was assigned to quash a cult ofTiamat causing trouble
a gold dragon devotee of Bahamut who fell in battle in a distant city, to recover a holy relic stolen by a
defending a human city from chromatic dragons. To cultist, or destroy an evil artifact that granted the
this day, the gold dragon is the symbol of the order, cult the ability to command chromatic dragons to
and it's said that gold dragons participate in govern- do their bidding.
ing the organization. + By interacting with the knights, the characters
The order is known for its use of drakkensteed eventually meet with the Solemn Order's gold
mounts (see page 196) by its most skilled warriors. dragon leaders. A mission requires the heroes
History or Religion DC 25: Although most of to travel to the frozen north. An ancient cobalt
the organization's members mean well, at times in the dragon lives there, and it holds a grudge against
history of the group the self-interest of its leaders—or Aureate Lord Erriphanetrix. The characters will
their unyielding interpretation of what "the rule of need to speak to the dragon for its assistance, and
law" means—has resulted in the knighthood briefly navigate the twisting paths of draconic politics.
becoming a tool of tyranny. Today. the knights look
• The K nights of Vercesien can serve as foils or rivals
back on those days with shame and guard against the
for the characters instead dallies. They might
same thing happening again.
both go after the same goal—a powerful artifact,
perhaps—but for different reasons. A particularly
ADVENTURE HOOKS stern leadership might have the knights seeking
The most effective use of the Knights of Vercesien in justice in the case of a "criminal" whose actions
a campaign is to make the characters members, or the characters thought were justified. Or a local
at least allies, of the order. After all, what is it if not a knight-prelate's pride might be stung lithe char-
group devoted to the same principles as many adven- acters defeat an evil that his Knights could not.
turing parties? The order can provide information and he might then decide to move against them
and point the characters toward objectives they might politically.
not otherwise encounter. For example:

CHAPTER 2 1 DM's Guide to Dragons

Dragons have created countless artifacts though the and the primordials. of Io's sundering. and of the
ages. Artifacts link directly to the dragons' essences birth of Ba ha mut and Tiam at from Ids divided body.
or. in a Few cases, to the power of dragon deities. It intersperses subliminal hints into these dreams,
Two of the more potent artifacts of dragonkind are presenting visions of the course it wants its owner to
described below_ take and the goals it wants to achieve. The Blood tests
its possessor, urging the character to resume the war
BLOOD OF 10 against primordials, to destroy elemental creatures,
and to search For a way to knit together lo's halves.
The Blood of lo is appropriate for characters of the
epic tier.
Starting score 5
Blood of In Epic level Owner gains a level +1d10
This drawn shaped crystal vessel contains droplets oj idood Owner is a dragonborn +2
spilled when a primordial's axe divided la into the min deities
Owner performs a service for a chromatic
Bath:mut and 'llama The user of this ichor taps into lo's
dr:de► t strength.
or metallic dragon
Owner kills an elemental (maximum 1/day)
Wondrous item
Property: Gain resist 5 acid. resist 5 cold, resist 5 fire, resist
Owner attacks a dragon (maximum liencounterl
5 lightning, and resist 5 poison. Owner uses one of the artifact's powers
Property: Your attacks deal 2d8 extra damage against
targets of the elemental origin. PLEASED (16-20)
Property: You can speak and understand Draconic and can "Drinking the ichor reveals my true path and nourishes
read lokharic.
me. Nothing in the world can stand against me."
Power (Encounter + Add. Cold, Fire, Lightning, or
The Blood sees its owner as the catalyst of its
Poison): Minor Action. You sip from the Blood of to. Until
the end of the encounter, you gain an at-will attack
rebirth and fends greater power to the character in
power that requires a standard action to use: close blast hopes of restoring Jo's ascendancy.
5: +30 vs. Reflex: tl-d6 + Constitution modifier damage of
a type you choose from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, Property: Gain resist 10 acid, resist 10 cold, resist 10 fire,
and poison. resist 10 lightning, and resist 10 poison.
Power (Encounter + Healine Minor Action. You sip from Property: Gain a +5 bonus to Diplomacy checks and Insight
the Blood of In and spend a healing surge. Instead of the checks against dragons.
hit points you would normally regain, you regain 50 hit Power (At Will): Move Action. Fly a number of squares

points, and you gain resist 10 to all damage until the equal to your speed + 2. You must land at the end of the
start of your next turn. movement.
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Use this power when
an enemy scores a critical hit against you or against an
GOALS OF THE BLOOD OF 10 ally you can see. The hit is a normal hit instead.
+ Serve and protect chromatic and metallic dragons. Power (Daily + Healing, Polymorph): No Action. Use this
power when an attack reduces you to 0 hit points. You
• Destroy d raconic abominations such as d racon
split into two identical creatures. Place a token for your
a ns, d ragonspawn, and dragons touched by the Far duplicate in a space adjacent to you. You regain hit points
Realm. equal to your bloodied value. The duplicate has hit points
• Oppose elemental creatures and their designs. equal to your bloodied value.
Your duplicate acts immediately after you in the
+ Restore lo to proper form by merging his sundered initiative order. It has the same senses, defenses, and
halves-Bahamut and Tiamat-into one being. other characteristics (such as speed and resistances) that
you do.
You and your duplicate share your powers; for example.
if one of you uses an encounter power. the other cannot
This small quantity of blood came from lo, the
use that power during that encounter.
progenitor of dragons. and residual traces of the Whenever one of you starts a turn in a space adjacent
arrogant deity's will and intelligence still smolder to the other, the one whose turn it is grants combat ad-
within. Only the Blood's owner can hear its whispers. vantage to all attackers until the start of its next turn. If
at the rare times when it communicates verbally. one of you is reduced to 0 hit points, that one Fades away.
The artifact prefers to convey its wishes through Otherwise, the two of you merge at the end of a short or
an extended rest.
dreams. The Blood tries to Fill its owner with the
same burning hatred it Feels against the primordials
and elementals by showing flashes of past events:
glimpses of the horrific first war between the deities

CHAPTER 2 1 DM's Guide to Dragons

Property: Gain vulnerable S to all damage.
Property: Take a -5 penalty to Diplomacy checks and Insight — .

checks against dragons. <-

Special: The Blood places you in harm's way. While marked
by any creature, you grant combat advantage to all

The phial is empty of even the Blood's scorn."
The Blood abandons all hope that its wielder will
help it attain its goals. It withdraws its gifts and
actively seeks to eliminate the character in favor of
one better suited to its purpose.

Property: Gain vulnerable 10 to all damage.

Property: Take a -5 penalty to Bluff. Diplomacy. Insight, and
Intimidate checks against dragons.
Property: Take a -5 penalty to death saving throws and to
saving throws against effects from enemies that have the
elemental origin.
Property: You can no longer use powers granted by the
Blood of lo. (Its properties are Still in effect.)

The Blood boils in the phial, signaling its imminent clew-
tore. I can take heart in having furthered its goa Is."
The Blood of lo has achieved all it can accomplish
in mortal hands and is ready to complete its holy
mission. It asks its bearer to deliver it to any ancient
dragon that will carry the Blood to Bahamut or
Tiamat when the dragon passes from the world.
SATISFIED (12-15) If the owner finds an ancient dragon and the
"I have proven my worth to the Blood and so have proven dragon accepts the Blood olio, the owner gains a per-
my worth to all dragons." manent +2 bonus to Bluff. Diplomacy, insight, and
The wielder erases the Blood's doubts, so the Blood Intimidate checks against dragons and permanently
sees the wielder as a possible agent of its rebirth and gains resist 10 acid, resist 10 cold, resist 10 fire, resist
thus grants a measure of greater power. 10 lightning, and resist 10 poison.
If the owner gains a level before beginning a quest
Property: Gain a I 2 bonus to Diplomacy checks and Insight to find an ancient dragon or gains a second level
checks against dragons. without completing the quest, the artifact leaves the
Power (Daily ♦ Fear) Standard Action. You roar with owner with a curse: In each encounter, the first time
terrifying wrath: Close burst 1; Charisma vs. Will; the the character is hit by an attack that has a damage
target is dazed (save ends). Aftereffect The target takes a
type, the character gains vulnerable 15 to that
-2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the encounter.
damage type until the end of the encounter. Remove
Affliction can lift this curse if performed by an epic-
NORMAL 15-11)
tier ritual caster who worships Raharriut or Tiamat.
1 have yet to prove myself to the Blood. I must strive to live
Until it moves on, the Blood retains all powers and
up to its expectations."
properties appropriate for its concordance (or as if it
The artifact finds fault with its owner. It encour-
is pleased, if its score is 21 or higher).
ages the character to discard it so it can find a
worthier champion.

"Little fluid remains in the vessel. !fear f have exhausted
the Blood's patience."
Fighting dragons or excessively drinking the Blood
erodes the artifact's goodwill.The owner must make
amends soon, or the Blood will leave.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dra8oras

The Seal of the Lawbringer is appropriate for characters SEAL OF THE LAW BRINGER
of 16th level or higher. The Seal of the Lawbringer speaks in a calm, authorita-
tive voice that only its bearer can hear. The owner's
Seal of the Lawbringer devotion to Bahamut's tenets increases the artifact's
This round. platinum ntedallion features the holy symbol of power. The Seal encourages its owner to pray to Baha-
Bahatnut surrounded by seven stylized golden canaries. A fine mut often, especially after victory in battle. The Sears
platinum chain allows us owner to wear it as a pendant. ultimate gift is the ability for the character to trans-
The Seal of the Lawbringer is a +5 symbol of hope. It has the form temporarily into a platinum dragon; however,
following properties and powers. the transformation drains the Seal's power. The Seal
Implement (Holy Symbol) seeks out not only owners who are already followers
Enhancement Attack rolls and damage rolls
of Bahamut, but also heroes who have capably slain
Critical: +5(16 damage
Property: You can speak and understand Draconic and can
chromatic dragons and might be receptive to the
read lokharic. power the Seal offers.
Power (Encounter + Cold): Minor Action. You attack with
the breath of auhantut: close blast 3: Constitution + 5 vs. CONCORDANCE
Reflex; 2d6 + Constitution modifier cold damage, and Starting score 5
the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Owner gains a level +1d10
Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Use this power when Owner is a Follower of Bahamut
an effect that a save can end targets you or an ally within
Owner kills a servant of Tiamat
5 squares of you. The target gains a +5 bonus to saving
(maximum 1/encounter)
throws against that effect.
Owner furthers a cause of Bahamut
Owner, while above 0 hit points, allows an ally in
GOALS OF THE combat to be reduced to 0 hit points -1
SEAL OF THE LAWBRINGER Owner furthers a cause of Tiamat -2
• Fight Tiamat and her servants. Owner uses the Seal's power to transform

• Protect the weak from evil. into a dragon -5

4- Defend civilization from chaos. PLEASED (16-20)

"T am one with iheLawbrinser: his will is my will. I must
protect the world from evil."
The bearer and the Seal of the Lawbringer are in
tune with each other. Bahamut's power infuses the

Property: Gain resist 10 cold and resist 10 fire.

Property: On a missed attack from breath of Bahamut, the
target takes half damage and is not immobilized.
Power (Daily + Implement, Polymorph) Minor Action.
Push each creature adjacent to you 1 square. and then
transform Into a Huge platinum dragon until the end of
the encounter or until you end the transformation as a
minor action. While you are In this form:
+ Gain a fly speed equal to your speed + 2.
+ Your hands are claws with a reach of 3 squares,
granting you a +2 proficiency bonus to attack rolls
while unarmed and making your unarmed attacks
deal 1d10 damage.
+ You cannot use an Implement or a weapon other than
the Seal of the Lawbringer.
+ The Sears enhancement bonus applies to all powers
and unarmed attacks you use.
+ Gain dragon claw strike and platinum presence (see

( 1-1A I*1 I R 2 I DM's Guide to Orations

Dra: n Claw Strike Seal of the Lawbringer Attack ANGERED (0 OR LOWER)
You lash out with platinum claws. "The voice that once filled my soul is silent with contempt."

At-Will + Implement The Seal of the Lawbringer communicates with its
Standard Action Melee 3 bearer only in dreams and only symbolically. The
Effect: Make two melee basic attacks, each of which deals bearer dreams of ignoring an innocent's plight and
1d10 + Strength modifier damage. then trying to reach Bahamut to no avail—drowning
Level 21: 2d10 + Strength modifier damage. in an ocean or being lost as a child. At the end of
such a dream, an image of Bahamut takes the place
Platinum Presence Seal of the Lawbringer Attack
of the dreamer but still does not become aware of the
Your imposing stature fills foes with dread. dreamer's troubles; the bearer suffers the same aban-
Daily + Implement donment the innocent suffered.
Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: Each enemy in burst Property: At the start of each encounter, you lose a healing
Attack: Charisma vs. Will surge.
Hit: The target is stunned save ends). Aftereffect The tar- Property: Take a -5 penalty to all defenses.
get takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).

SATISFIED (12-15) "I am ready for the Lawbringer's final trial."
"The dawn of a new day nears." When the Seal of the Lawbringer prepares to move
The Seal of the Lawbringer recognizes its wielder's on. it assigns a final task to its bearer. It might ask the
strength and trusts the wielder with a portion of bearer to restore a lost temple of Bahamut, to pro-
Bahamut's might. tect endangered innocents From a force of immense
power, or to stop machinations of Tiamat's followers.
Property: Breath of Bahamat is a close burst 5 attack.
Each morning after the Seal assigns the task, one of
Power (Daily) Minor Action. Spend a healing surge to
encase your skin in platinum scales. Gain resist 5 to all the golden canaries on the Seal morphs into a ghostly
damage until the end of the encounter. gold dragon, flies into the sky, and vanishes.
lithe bearer finishes the task before the last
NORMAL. (5-11) canary leaves, the bearer gains 1 point of Como' -
"I walk the path to freedom and strength. but the journey dance for each remaining canary, lithe bearer
is long." does not finish the task, the bearer loses 3 points of
The Seal patiently and watchfully guides the concordance. If, during the final encounter of the
wielder on the best course of action. task, the bearer uses the Seal-granted power to turn
into a dragon, the level of concordance does not
UNSATISFIED (1-4) change because the Seal moves on at the end of the
"I lack discipline and self-control. The Platinum One thinks encounter.
I am a coward." When the Seal moves on, if it has a normal
The Seal communicates with its bearer only or higher level of concordance, the final canary
through dreams. In them, Bahamut takes the form becomes a gold dragon that thanks the bearer for
of an authority figure in the character's life, such as devotion to Bahamut before flying off. A +4 symbol
a parent or tutor, and scolds the bearer. At the end of of hope marked with the holy symbol of Bahamut
such dreams, Bahamut takes his true form. remains in the bearer's possession. The bearer gains
a permanent +2 bonus to Charisma based checks
Property:Take a -2 penalty to all defenses. and a permanent +3 bonus to his or her healing
Special: Once per day during combat, the Seal can make surge value.
you attack a target within 5 squares of you. Roll a d20 lithe Seal is unsatisfied or angered when It moves
your level vs. Will: if the attack hits, you mark the target
on, the final canary transforms into an elder gold
until the end of your next turn, slide 5 squares to a space
dragon (see Monster Manual 2, page 82). and the
adjacent to the target, and are dazed (save ends).
Seal shatters and crumbles into worthless dust. The
dragon attacks the bearer, calling the bearer "the
Betrayer" and focusing its attacks on that character
even if other characters attack it. When the character
is reduced to 0 hit points, the dragon flies off, ending
the encounter. The character takes a permanent -2
penalty to Charisma-based checks and a permanent
-3 penalty to his or her healing surge value.
The Seal of the Lawbringer returns to the world only
when a need for it develops.

CHAPTER 2 I DM's Guide to Dragons



THE DRAGON'S lair is the most iconic adven-

ture locale in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. It
challenges the characters with one of the toughest
monsters in the game and provides one of the rich-
est rewards—the dragon's hoard. Consequently, any
dragon lair should be a spectacular and awe-inspiring
encounter setting. This is especially true for metallic
dragons, which have more refined tastes than their
chromatic counterparts and seek out lairs that reflect
their appreciation for aesthetics and the trappings of
power. A younger and more brutish metallic dragon
might settle for a dank cave, but any mature dragon
that has even the most meager appreciation of beauty
hungers for opulence and splendor in its lair.
Metallic and chromatic dragons often use the
same settings for their lairs, with natural caverns
and complexes proving the most common. Metal-
lic dragons are more likely than chromatics to
make their lairs near, or within, the communities of
other creatures, or to dwell in specially constructed
structures. (The latter are often built by humanoids
employed, ruled, or enslaved by the dragon in ques-
tion.) Because metallic dragons tend to be more social
than chromatics—with other creatures, not just other
dragons—they're more likely to choose lairs that other
creatures can reach and enter on foot.
In this chapter, you'll find:
♦ Designing a Dragon Lair: A brief look at some of
the characteristics of metallic dragon lairs.
♦ Heroic Tier Lairs: Encounters for characters of
1st-10th level.
+ Goblin Folly (iron, 3rd level)
♦ The Terror of Prospect Hill (copper, St h level)
♦ Tulkau Shayn (orium, 7th level)
♦ Paragon Tier Lairs: Encounters for characters of
11th-20th level.
♦ Mines of Bolmarzh (adamantine. 13th level)
+ The Breaking Tide (bronze, 13th level)
♦ Met henaera the Mead-Keeper (silver, 18th level)
♦ Epic Tier Lairs: Encounters for characters of 21st
level or higher.
♦ The Edge of Chaos (mithral, 23rd level)
♦ Citadel of the Golden Architect (gold, 24th level)
The Earthen Dagger (mercury, 26th level)

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

In many respects, a dragon's lair is as vital to a dragon- why a dragon chooses to live in that spot. Some pos-
based encounter or adventure as the dragon itself. sible answers are discussed below.
Whether it's a simple cave In a rocky mountain range, Guarding a Site: The dragon is the appointed
a great castle as ornate as any constructed by elves guardian of an important site: the vault ofa wizards'
or dwarves, or a palace literally built of clouds and guild, a sacred shrine, the sealed prison of a mighty
flames, a dragon's lair says everything about its mas- demon, or a magic fountain. Whether the dragon was
ter's persona, power, and goals. appointed to its duty or seized the locale for its own
At its simplest, a dragon's lair must serve as a reposi- benefit, it must remain close to the place it intends
tory for the beast's hoard and a relatively safe sanctum to guard. Many such sites are inside the dragon's
in which the dragon can relax without constantly lair (or, to be more precise, the dragon establishes its
worrying about intruders and thieves. Most such lairs, lair around the site it guards). These lairs have fewer
however, are far more. When you design a dragon's lair, traits of draconic style because the dragon has to work
try to consider the dragon's personality and goals as around a site that was likely created by someone else.
thoroughly as you would when building an adventure Protecting Something: The dragon guards some
around the wyrin's activities. Is it almost impossible to item or secret instead of a site. The item it protects is
access without the ability to fly? Is it riddled with traps portable, so the dragon can choose to live anywhere it
or interwoven with twisting tunnels? Is it occupied by likes, as long as it keeps the item safe. Sometimes the
intelligent creatures that serve the dragon out of awe or item is the dragon's hoard. Most lairs chosen for this
fear or greed? Is it distant from communities of human- purpose are exceedingly well hidden—for example, a
oids, or does it lie near them, so that the dragon can natural cavern with a concealed entrance in a remote
watch over these "lesser creatures"? Make each lair as place or a lair disguised in the middle of some other
unique and memorable as each drawl. site, such as a necropolis or ruined stronghold.
Metallic dragons often concern themselves with the Ruling Others: The dragon has established itself
comfort and convenience of their lairs more than with as the lord or master of lesser creatures nearby—a
defensibility, but dragons as a rule are highly intel- human tribe or city, a goblin stronghold, a dragon-
ligent and suspicious creatures. Building formidable born village, or some settlement of humanoids. Some
obstacles and carefully laid defenses for their lairs is dragons are "talons-oft' rulers that live in secluded,
one of the few menial tasks that dragons can apply remote locations far from those they govern, relying
themselves to without growing bored or impatient. on intermediaries to look after the day-to-day details
of their realms. However, most dragons that rule over
PURPOSE a domain enjoy basking in the fear, love, adulation, or
tribute of their subjects: therefore, they choose to live
Although chromatic dragons choose lairs that offer
somewhere highly conspicuous near their subjects.
the best defensive advantages, inctallics care about
With the resources ofa community at its com-
how convenient a location is in relation to the drag-
mand, a dragon ruler can have a lair constructed or
on's purpose. The first step in designing a lair is to ask
modified to its exacting standards. For example. a

A metallic dragon might have a reason for leaving Its lair their homes while they are away. Dragons that can't obtain
for a extended time. A shapechanging gold dragon might suitable guardians might entrust the protection of their
spend years immersed in the court of a kingdom that lairs to loyal minions or subjects, or ally with local powers
Interests it, while a silver dragon sworn to some great willing to protect their lairs.
quest could scour the world For decades searching for Warding Rituals: Likewise, dragons use ritual magic
someone or something. Other dragons might be lured to bar entrance to their lairs or create alarms. The most
away from their homes to ally with great heroes or spy powerful rituals let dragons teleport back to their lairs
out the secrets of hated rivals. A dragon contemplating an from wherever they might be wandering.
extended absence takes every precaution to make sure its Removed Valuables: A dragon that expects to be gone
home and hoard remains safe. for a long time might relocate its hoard to a new hiding
Concealment Remote, natural lairs might be concealed place. This might be a place the dragon would want to
by carefully contrived cave-ins. landslides, floods, or drift- live—for example, a cobalt dragon might burrow a tunnel
ing snow or sand. into a glacier, stash its hoard Inside, and then flood and
Guardians: Dragons that have access to the proper freeze the passage to ensure that no other creature will
rituals or resources might use other monsters to safeguard approach its treasure while it's away.

CllArfreR 3 1 Dragon Lairs

ruling dragon might live in a spire at the city's center, UNUSUAL LAIRS
a golden palace on a hill overlooking the town, a
Dungeons, caves, or strongholds are all commonplace
temple dedicated to its glory, or a magnificent cavern
lairs for metallic dragons, but the most powerful and z
decorated by the work of generations of stonemasons.
intelligent dragons are sometimes unwilling to settle a
Spying on Others: Many metallic dragons, espe-
for some dark, dank hole in the ground.
cially copper and steel dragons, find humans and
Draconic Palace: A draconic palace is a large,
similar races fascinating. Some establish lairs in places 0
strong building constructed specifically to the direc-
where they can keep a close watch on people, especially
tions of a powerful dragon monarch. Like the grand
lithe dragons also have the ability to shapechange and
castle of a human king or queen, it combines practi-
mingle with crowds. A lair intended for spying might
cal defenses, awe-inspiring audience chambers, and z
be built in a reconditioned sewer chamber, a deserted
decadent luxuries. A draconic palace normally stands 2
or ruined portion of a city, an abandoned fortification,
atop a high hill, on a harbor or river island, or behind
or a noble estate (where a mysterious "lord" carefully
high walls in a wide field. Such a place unally has at us
guards the dragon's secret identity from all but a hand-
least one side of the palace facing terrain the dragon
ful of loyal retainers). In the wilderness, a dragon might
can fly over, but that enemies on foot can't easily
use a rarely visited area such as a sacred grove, a holy
mountain, or a "taboo" valley as a lair, counting on
A draconic palace usually includes a spire or a
tribal fears or laws to protect it from discovery.
high keep accessible only through flight, providing
Creating Comfort: Metallic dragons that have no
the dragon and its immediate family with an opulent
other purpose to affect their choice ()flair choose the
retreat where they can sleep in safety. Portions of the
most comfortable lairs they can find. A place offering
draconic palace meant for both dragon and human
a combination of natural beauty, a striking view, and
access include wide hallways, spacious staircases,
restricted access is always serviceable. Dragons vary
and huge, airy chambers that provide plenty of room
in their tastes, but any dragon is happy with a lair that
to move for large, flying creatures. Some draconic
is comfortable, defensible, and filled with items that it
palaces might also include humans-only portions
finds beautiful and interesting.
(usually servants' quarters or barracks) with halls and
doors scaled to human size. However, these are some-
ATTENDANTS thing of a defensive liability, and no dragon wants to
Some metallic dragons value solitude, but many find leave places in its home where enemies might be able
room in their lairs for attending creatures that are to lurk or move about outside its reach or knowledge.
anxious to please their draconic masters. Cloud Castles: Long, tedious, and extraordinarily
Sentries: Weak combatants aren't necessarily expensive rituals can create a completely aerial
useless to a dragon. Even if they can't stand against home. A cloud castle is the gold standard of draconic
enemies strong enough to challenge the dragon, they homes. Some are free-floating, carried along wher-
can sound alarms, seal gates, operate traps, and pro- ever the wind takes them. Others are tethered so they
vide crucial time for organizing a lair's defenses. roam only over a small area or remain motionless
Bodyguards: Creatures strong enough to stand over a particular spot. Many dragons that dwell in
beside their master in battle are obviously valuable. such places still desire to have humanoid attendants.
Dragons are careful not to use guards that are too guards, and courtiers, so cloud castles routinely touch
powerful, since they don't want to become servants in down at high hilltops or mountainsides where nonfly-
their own homes. Bodyguards might include griffons ers can embark or disembark. A cloud castle might
or gargoyles, giants. elementals, or humanoids. feature a well-guarded teleportation circle, stables for
Counselors and Companions: Dragons are flying mounts, or a magic bridge that can bring visi-
long-lived, highly intelligent, curious beings. The tors up from the ground at the master's will.
more sociable ones surround themselves with people Demiplanes: Dragons of exceptional magical
whose company they enjoy, ranging from jesters or power might be able to create pocket dimensions
musicians hired for a few days' entertainment, to art- to call their own. Few are much larger than several
ists or scholars whose work is worth patronizing, to miles across, but their contents could include strange
lifelong friends. Most attendants of this sort have no islets floating in mist; vast labyrinths or mazes; or
business in a battle, and they flee from attack. cavern-worlds filled with lakes, forests, or anything
Servants: A dragon might indulge itself with a else the creator desires. A demiplane lair is normally
staff of bodyservants—valets, cooks, maids, and other connected to the rest of the cosmos by some sort of
such trappings of wealth and luxury. Dragons that magic gate. Intruders seeking access must first find
live near cities are more likely to maintain servants where the door lies. Most of these are well hidden,
than those that live in remote wildernesses. Servants, accessed only through one specific, well-guarded
though usually loyal and industrious. take no part in locale in the world.
combat if they can avoid it.

CHAPTER 3 Dragon Lairs

Iron d ragon lair for five 3rd-level adventurers the walls and hang from the ceiling. Scattered about
are stones, small shelves filled with human skulls,
Beneath the forest canopy of a secluded valley, a goblin crude altars, and offerings to dark forces.
band learns a fatal lesson when it foolishly "captures" Illumination: Outside the cave complex, lighting
an iron dragon. The game grows tiresome for the beast, depends on t he time of day and the tree cover. Inside
which is confined in the goblins' lair. It's just a matter the warren, crude lanterns burn animal fat to fill the
of time before its amusement turns into anger. rooms with bright light.

BACKGROUND As the characters draw near the lair, read:

Along the sides of the road. you ,ce trees marked with crude
history DC 7: The goblins covet a Forested vale,
warnings to trespassers. Animal i an -asses litter the ground.
and they have long fought with the other inhabit-
ants for mastery over these lands. Failure after
If the characters have been tracking the dragon and his
failure diminished their numbers, driving them to
goblin captors, you might consider running a complex-
desperate measures. A goblin hexer, a favored advi-
ity 1 or 2 skill challenge. Use Endurance, Nature, and
sor within the tribe, proposed acquiring additional
Perception as primary skills, with moderate DCs. tithe
muscle to drive off the competition. In a rare moment
characters fail the challenge, they might run afoul of a
of bravado, he suggested they capture a dragon and
wandering monster, be delayed by a natural hazard, or
compel it into service. They set out to ensnare a young
become temporarily turned around and arrive at the
dragon, since the adults are too hard to handle.
goblin warren later, only to find a rampagingdragon
History DC 12: The plan worked surprisingly
that has an axe to grind against all humanoids.
well, and after a few days of searching, the goblins
netted a young iron dragon named Thraesk. With
their superior numbers, they marched the beast to AREA 1: OLD WOOD
their lair, but they didn't quite know what to do next. Underbrush grows between and around the trees
Now that the dragon is in their home, the goblins blanketing the valley, making the going slow. The
have begun to realize their mistake. goblins have attempted to warn offintruders with
skulls nailed to trees, rotting viscera hanging from
low-hanging branches, and graffiti painted on rocks
ENVIRONMENT and trunks.
This "lair" Includes both wilderness terrain and sub- Tactical Encounter: "Escaping G obl i ns," page 88.
terranean chambers.
The goblins live in a small cave complex beneath
hills that extend north from a heavily forested valley.
The sentries at the entry gate are under strict orders
The hills feature more trees, moss-covered rocks
to protect the chambers beyond and to make sure no
jutting from the rocky soil, and occasional piles of
one interferes. The goblins keep several wolves here
bone and debris. Inside the cave complex, which is
for added security.
accessed through a tunnel at the base of the hills.
Tactical Encounter: "Uneasy Sentries," page 89.
the muddy floors are dotted with rank puddles. The
goblins excavated the place, and their lack of crafting
ability shows. Orange, hairlike roots thread through AREA 3: CENTRAL CHAMBER
Chambers and tunnels make up the rest of the warren.
The main area, between the sleeping quarters
to the east and the room to the west that has been
cleared to hold the dragon, is a general storage room
Young Thraesk Is a curious iron dragon, inquisitive almost
where the goblins keep food, water, and the junk
to a fault. Having escaped his mother's clutch only a
they've stolen from caravans and other travelers. At
century ago, Thraesk is Intrigued by humanoids, and this
the end of a short tunnel leading away to the south-
Fascination tends to get him into difficulty.
west is a refuse pit that holds nothing of interest.
Thraesk was amused by the goblins' fumbling—yet
daring—efforts, and he went along with them without
any trouble. But being stuck in a dank and smelly cave AREA 4: SLEEPING CHAMBER
was not how he intended to spend his time. Bored with A steep staircase descends 20 feet to the east and
the goblins' oosturing, arguing. and occasional threats, the opens up into the goblins' cooking area and sleeping
dragon is ready to leave. He might have left peacefully, but quarters, a room choked with lice-ridden blankets
one of the goblins struck him—an unforgivable offense. and bedrolls.

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs


AREA 5: CHIEFTAIN'S CHAMBER Bluff (DC 10, standard action): The character off•rs
To the west, the central chamber widens as it forms the aid under false pretenses. vowing to assist but plotting
chieftain's hall. This room holds the dragon and many something else. On a failure, the dragon sees through
frightened goblins. Crude scaffolding rings the room, the lies and uses one of its attacks against the charac-
reachable by a ladder. Pieces of the chieftain and other ter. Each character can attempt this skill check only
goblins litter the floor, leavings from the angry dragon. once during the challenge.
Tactical Encounter: "Standoff," page 90. Diplomacy (DC I S. standard action): The character
earnestly vows to help the dragon defeat the goblins.
Each character can attempt this skill check only once
TREASURE during the challenge.
This set of encounters should provide the characters Insight (DC 10, rninor action): The first character
with three level 3 treasure parcels. one a magic item who succeeds on an Insight check can tell that the
parcel and the other two monetary parcels. dragon is angry about the situation the goblins have
put it in and seems about evenly matched against
DEALING WITH THE DRAGON them. This skill can be used to gain only I success in
When the adventurers reach the third encounter. the challenge. A successful Insight check also grants
they find the dragon squaring off against the gob- a +2 bonus to the character and his or her allies
lins. The dragon is uncertain about the characters' when making Diplomacy checks for the remainder
mot ives, and they need to prove their good intentions of the skill challenge. On a failed check. in addition
to have a chance of forming an alliance with Thraesk. to gaining 1 failure in the challenge, the character
The characters need not refrain from combat in misreads the situation, seeing the dragon either as
order to engage in this skill challenge. As long as they overmatched or in complete control of the situation.
engage the goblins without affecting Thraesk, the Success: The dragon agrees not to attack the char-
dragon doesn't attack them unless it is provoked. acters and works with them in fighting the goblins.
Level: 4 (XP 175). Failure: if the characters achieve 3 tailtires. the
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 dragon sees them as threats and includes them in its
failures). attacks. Once all the goblins are defeated. the dragon
Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight. turns on the adventurers.

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs


Goblin Cursespewer (C) Level 2 Artillery (Leader)

0„. •
ESCAPING GOBLINS Small natural humanoid XP 11'i
Encounter Level 2 (625 XP) Initiative +2 Senses Perception +2; low-light vision
HP 68; Bloodied 34
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13. Will 15
SETUP Speed 6
I goblin underboss (U) 0 Sacrificial Knife (standard: at-will) + Weapon
1 goblin cursespewer (C) +7 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.
6 goblin cutters (G) ® Confounding Curse (standard: at-will)
Ranged 10; targets two creatures: +7 vs. Will; 1d6 - 3 damage,
and the target grants combat advantage to allies until the end of
The goblin underboss and several of his underlings
the cursespewer's next turn.
are fleeing the warren for their safety. 'the goblins -H. Goblin Doom (Immediate interrupt, when a goblin within 5
want to escape the dragon. but they can't allow the squares is hit by a melee attack; at-will) 4. Poison
adventurers to despoil their lair. The characters Area burst 2 within 10, centered on the goblin that was hit; the
approach from the south along the road. goblin explodes: +5 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 poison damage, and
ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Goblin Tactics (Immediate reaction, when the goblin cursespewer
When the PCs notice the goblins, read:
is missed by a melee attack; at
Goblins are fleeing away from a hole In the base of the hill- The goblin shifts 1 square.
side ahead. Their fear turns Into wrath when they see you. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Religion +5
Goblin Underboss (U) Level 4 Elite Controller (Leader) Sur 11(+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+2)
Small natural humanoid XP Con 16 (+4) Int 9 (+0) Cha 17 (+4)
initiative +4 Senses Perception +8; low-light vision Equipment leather armor, sacrificial knife, wand
HP 110; Bloodied 55: see also survival instinct
AC 18; Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 16 6 Goblin Cutters (G) Level 1 Minion
Saving Throws +2 Small natural humanoid XP 25 each
Speed 5; see also superiorgoblin tactics initiative +3 Senses Perception +1; low-light vision
Action Points 1 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
(0 Short Sword (standard: at-will) + Weapon AC 16; Fortitude 12. Reflex 14, Will 11
+9 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage. Miss: An adjacent ally makes a free Speed 6; see also goblin tactics
basic attack. (:0 Short Sword (standard; at•ill) ♦ Weapon
Superior Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a +5 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage if the goblin cutter has combat
melee attack: at-will) advantage against the target).
The goblin underboss and up to two allies within its line of sight Goblin Tactics (Immediate reaction, when missed by a melee
shift 1 square. attack; at-will)
Survival Instinct The goblin shifts 1 square.
A goblin underboss gains a +3 bonus to defenses while Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
bloodied. Skills Stealth +5, Thievery +5
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (•1)
Skills Stealth +10. Thievery +10 Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 8 (-1)
Str 18 (+6) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 13 (+3) Equipment leather armor, short sword
Con 15 (+4) intll (42) Cha 16 (+5)
Equipment chaininall, short sword
At the start of combat, the underboss stands near the
cursespewer and attacks any enemies who move adja-
cent to it. The cursespewer uses confounding curse and
goblin doom each round on the cutters, which swarm
the characters.
The underboss fights until either the cursespewer
or all the cutters are defeated. The others flee if the
underboss is slain.


Underbrush: Squares of underbrush are difficult
Trees: Squares containing trees are difficult ter-
rain and provide cover. Each tree requires a DC 7
Athletics check to climb.
4 Gray Wolves (WI Level 2 Skirmisher
UNEASY SENTRIES Medium natural beast XP 125 each
Encounter Level 3 (750 XP) Initiative 4-5 Senses Perception +7; low light vision
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 1 Fortitude 14, Reflex 14. Will 13 z
SETUP Speed 8 7i
2 goblin sentries (5) GO Bite (standard: at-will)
4 gray wolves (W) +7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 2 damage, or 2d6 + 2 damage against a prone
Combat Advantage
Goblin sentries watch the warren's entrance, even as
If a gray wolf has combat advantage against the target, the
their fellows contend with the dragon inside the lair.
target is also knocked prone on a hit.
The gray wolves are trained to attack any nongoblin Alignment Unaligned Languages —
that comes within 5 squares of the entrance. The Su 13 (+21 Dex 141+3) Wis 131-i - 2)
goblins are more concerned about what's going on Con 14 (I- 3) Int 2 ( - 31 Cha 10 (+1)
behind them than they are about watching for intrud-
ers, especially since the underboss fled just a few TACTICS
moments before. Thus, the goblin sentries (though not
The gray wolves attack the closest nongoblin. working
the gray wolves) are automatically surprised.
in pairs to gain combat advantage so that they can
knock their targeted enemies prone.
When the PCs enter this area, read:
A goblin sentry lures the characters near the wall
Three wolves near the cave entrance turn toward you.
so its ally can help by stabbing with its spear. Failing
bristling and growling. Beyond them, you see two goblins
this, the goblin behind the wall peppers control-
dressed in mail and hefting spears. Another wolf is with
lers and leaders with crossbow bolts while the other
them. One of 'the goblins stands in front of a crude, red-
goblin uses trip up to set tip the gray wolves' attacks.
painted wooden wall. and the other is visible behind the
The wolves light to the death, but one or both of the
wall through a gate. Shrieks and growling noises sound
goblins might decide to run off.
from deeper inside the tunnel, and the sentries are totally
distracted by the commotion.
2 Goblin Sentries (S) Level 2 Soldier Ceiling: The ceiling is 10 feet high.
Small natural humanoid XP 125 each Wall and Gate: Across the tunnel leading into
Initiative -+S Senses Perception +6; low-light vision the cave is a crude wooden wall with a gate in its
HP 41, Bloodied 20 center, The gate hangs on leather hinges. Pulling the
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 12
gate open requires a DC 10 Strength check as a stan-
Speed S
dard action. Openings in the gate and the wall allow
(4) Spear (standard: at-will) + Weapon
+9 vs. AC; 1(18 + 3 damage, and the goblin slides the target 1
creatures to attack through the barrier. Creatures
square. on either side of the wall have superior cover against
Dy Hand Crossbow (standard: at-will) + Weapon attacks originating from the other side of the wall. A
Ranged 10/20; t 9 vs. AC: 1d6 + 3 damage . 1-square wall section has AC 5, Fortitude 10, Reflex
}Trip Up (standard: recharge il) 5, and 20 hit points.
-I-7 vs. Reflex; 1d8 4 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Goblin Tactics (Immediate reaction, when missed by a melee
attack: at-will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Goblin
Sir 12 (+2; Dex 16 1i-31 Wis 11 (+1)
Con 171+41 Int 9 (+0) Cha 8 (+0)
Equipment chainmall, light shield, spear, hand crossbow with 10
.411" ••••

Goblin Hexer (H) Level 3 Controller (Leader)

STANDOFF S1111.111 natural humanoid XP
Encounter Level 5 (1,100 XP) Initiative 4 3 Senses Perception +2; low•llght vision
or HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 15. Will lb: see also lead from the rear
Encounter Level 8 (1,975 XP)
Speed 6: see also goblin tactics
with Thraesk
(2) Hexer Rod (standard: at-will) + Weapon
+7 vs. AC: 1d6 • 1 damage.
SETUP Blinding Hex (standard: at-wIII)
Ranged 10; +7 vs, Fortitude; 2d6 + 1 damage. and the target is
Thraesk, young iron dragon ('I )
blinded (save ends).
1 goblin hexer (11) Stinging Hex (standard; recharge 'III)
3 goblin skulleleavers (S) Ranged 10: 4 7 vs. Will; the target takes 3E16 1 damage if it
goblin warriors (W) moves during its turn (save ends).
* Vexing Cloud (standard; sustain minor; encounter) + Zone
This encounter is designed to unfOld in area 5. where Area burst 3 within ' 10: no attack roll; all enemies within
the zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The zone grants
a group of relatively powerful goblins are trying to
concealment to the goblin hexer and its allies. The goblin
hold their own against an unhappy iron dragon. The
hexer can sustain the zone as a minor action, moving it up to 5
characters should be drawn toward this area by the squares.
sounds ofshrieks and growling they heard while )5" Incite Bravery (immediate reaction, when an ally uses goblin
they were involved with the sentries in the previous tactics-, at-will)
encounter.lfthe adventurers can win over Thraesk by Ranged 10; the targeted ally can shift 2 more squares and make
succeeding on the skill challenge (see page 87), the an attack.
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee
dragon helps them light the goblins. Otherwise, the
attack: at-mill)
characters become the third side in a three-way fight.
The goblin shifts 1 square.
Lead from the Rear (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a
If the PCs head into area 4 right away, read: ranged attack:at-will)
Amid a darter of bedding and dirty animal skins, you see The goblin hexer can change the attack's target to an adjacent
several weak.looking goblins cowering before your approach_ ally of its level or lower.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Stealth 10, Thievery +10
Thraesk (T) Level 4 Solo Lurker Sir 10 (+1) Dex 15 (4-3) Wis 13 (+2)
l'imrig iron dragon Con 14 (+3) Int 9 (+0) cita 18 (+5)
Large flat sit al magi's! beast (dragon' XP 875 Equipment leather robes, hexer rod
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +8; darkvisIon
HP 212; Bloodied 106; see also bloodied breath if the characters try to engage the warriors in combat,
AC 18: Fortitude 16. Reflex 18, Will 15
the goblins all flee toward area 5. (They would rather
Resist 15 lightning
join up with their allies and risk the dragon's wrath
Saving Throws -1-5
Speed 6. fly 6 (hover). overland flight 8
than be dispatched on the spot.)
Action Points 2
Bite (standard: at-will) + Lightning When the PCs approach area 5 and can see the
Reach 2: +9 vs. AC: 2d6 + 3 damage plus 1d8 lightning damage. dragon, read:
CF) Claw (standard: at•will) Goblins face eitir with an iron dragon that is backed into the
Reach 2; +9 vs. AC; 1d10 + 3 damage.
far corner of this chamber. A robed goblin standing on sag':
Double Attack (standard; at-will)
folding above the beast issues commands to other goblins.
Thraesk makes two claw attacks.
Breath Weapon (standard; recharge IX + lightning
Close blast 5; +5 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 3 lightning damage, and When the characters arrive, roll initiative. Refer to
Thraesk pulls the target 3 squares. Miss: Half damage. "'Tactics" for a summary of how the battle unfolds,
e; Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter)
Breath Weapon recharges, and Thraesk uses it.
Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +5 vs. Will; the target is stunned When the characters appear on the scene, the gob-
until the end of Threesk's next turn. Aftereffect; The target takes lins and the dragon stop arguing and start righting.
a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Thraesk uses his frightful presence on the goblins,
Confounding Surge (move: recharge]: :j it) + Fear spends an action point to use his breath weapon, and
Thraesk gains concealment and shifts 3 squares. All enemies
then moves to engage the nearest enemy in melee.
adjacent to him at the end of this movement grant combat
advantage until the end of Thraesk'{ next turn.
The dragon singles out the characters for attacks only
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic if they attack him First or otherwise provoke him.
Skills Acrobatics +11. Athletics +9, Stealth +11 While some of the characters involve themselves
Str 14 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3) with the skill challenge. others might decide to
Con 13 (+3) Int 12 (+3) Cha 12 (+3) attack the goblins or protect the characters who are
3 Goblin Skullcleavers (5) Level 3 Brute
Small natural humanoid XP TO each
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +2; low-light vision
HP 53; Bloodied 26; see also bloodied rage
AC 16: Fortitude 15. Reflex 14. Will 12
Speed 5: see also goblin tactics
Battleaxe (standard: at-will) + Weapon
+6 vs. AC; 1d10 + 5 damage. or 2d10 i- 5 while bloodied .
Bloodied Rage (while bloodied)
The goblin skullcleaver loses the ability to use goblin tor ticN and
can do nothing but attack the nearest enemy. charging when
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee
attack; at•will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skulk Stealth +9, Thievery +9
Ste 18 (+5) nex 14 (+3) WLs 131+2)
Con 13 (+2) Int 8 (+0) Cha 8 (+0)
Equipment chainmail, hattleaxe

5 Goblin Warriors (W) Level "I Skirmisher

5n1.111 rs, u ural 111.1111,ffitrid XP I DI) rdi
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +1; low-light vision
HP 29; Bloodied 14
AC 17; Fortitude 13. Reflex 15, Will 12
Speed 6: see also mobile ranged attack and goblin tactics
CI Spear (standard; at will) + Weapon

+6 vs. AC: 1d8 2 damage.

@Javelin (standard; at-will). Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 vs. AC. 1d6 + 2 damage.
?/' Mobile Ranged Attack (standard; at-will) • Weapon
The goblin warrior can move up to half its speed: at any point
during that movement. it makes one ranged attack without
provoking opportunity attacks.
Great Position
If, on its turn, a goblin warrior ends its move at least 4 squares
away born its starting point, it deals 1d6 extra damage on its
ranged attacks until the start of its next turn.
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee
attack; at-will)
The gohlin shifts 1 square.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10 FEATURES OF THE AREA
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1) Ceiling: The ceiling is 10 feet high in area 3,40
Con 13 1+1) Intil (-1) Cha 8 (-1) feet high in area 4, and 30 feet high in area 5.
Equipment leather armor, spear. 5 javelins in sheaf
Plunder: The squares in area 3 containing a mix
of boxes, barrels, and crates count as difficult terrain.
not fighting. Once the skill challenge is resolved, Scaffolding: The northern, southern, and western
Thraesk will be either an ally or an enemy of the walls of area 5 have scaffolding built to allow more
characters. Either way. the goblins have a stiff fight goblins to attend the now-dead chieftain. It stands
on their hands. 10 feet above the floor. A character can ascend the
As the light progresses, Thraesk moves toward and ladder along the southern wall by spending 3 squares
then into area 3, intending to make his way out of the of movement, or can climb up the side of the scaffold
goblin warren (but not before taking down as many with a DC 15 Athletics check. ScaffOlding squares
of his adversaries as possible). have AC 5, Fortitude 10, Reflex 5, and 20 hit points.
The goblin warriors focus their attacks on the If three or more squares are destroyed. the scaffold-
characters. Until the heroes attack them, the skull- ing collapses. dealing 3d6+ 4 damage to any creature
cleavers and the hexer devote all their effort to underneath it.
attacking the dragon. Goblins, especially the war-
riors, might not hang around until the end of the
Copper dragon lair for five 5th-level adventurers
Deep in the northlands stands an imposing wooden Anyone in the fortress's tower has a clear view of the
stockade. Initially a source of horror and death for the surroundings, making it difficult for interlopers to
surrounding communities, over the years it has been approach undetected. The slope of Prospect Hill is
conquered. adapted to protect those that were once not steep, but in combination with the thick grasses
tormented, and finally left to the ravages of nature. and soft soil, it counts as difficult terrain. The road
And now, like nature, the steading has come full leading up to the gate and the packed dirt inside the
circle. The fort on Prospect Hill has become the structure, however, are not difficult terrain.
home of a band of highwaymen, led by a brutal tief-
When the PCs approach Prospect Hill, read:
ling warlock and accompanied by a copper dragon
The woods grow thin ahead, and the ground slopes up to
whose greed is much stronger than her small size and
form a large hillock. Atop ft looms a fort. Enormous planks
young age would suggest.
of wood form a stockade surrounding buildings constructed
on an equally large scale. A great tower rises just east of the
BACKGROUND main gate, providing a dear view of the surroundings.
History DC 7: Some months ago, a gang of ban-
dits moved into the principality of Kurich, an array of AREA 1: THE FRONT GATE
towns and hamlets a few miles from the permafrost A wide gate in the wooden wall of the fort is the most
of the north. Operating from an old fort atop a rise obvious (arid easiest) way to gain access to the inside.
called Prospect Hill, and led by Chevkos, a sadistic For details of how to open or break down the gate.
tiefling, the bandits embarked on a campaign to rob see "Features of the Area" in the tactical encounter
and murder the locals. that begins on page 94. If the characters decide to
While Kurich mobilized a militia to hunt down try getting in by scaling the wall, that section of the
the bandits, Chevkos joined with a copper dragon encounter also has the necessary information.
named Korzinalikur. In exchange for a substantial Tactical Encounter: "Entering the Fort," page 94.
share of the gang's profits, she became their primary
enforcer and soldier, initially proving her worth by
destroying the militia. AREA 2: THE COURTYARD
Today, the bandit gang all but rules the area from The large area extending to the south and east from
the fort on Prospect Hill, taking what they want from inside the front gate is devoid of any significant fea-
whom they want. tures except for a few trees. High walls, interrupted in
History DC 12: Chevkos worries that he might
a few places by doors, separate other parts of the fort
have made a devil's bargain. So far, Korzinalikur fol- from the courtyard.
Tactical Encounter: "Entering the Fort," page 94.
lows his orders and seems content to operate as an
employee. However, she has begun suggesting the
gang's next moves, and neither the tiefling nor his AREA 3: THE TOWER
bandits have any doubt who would come out on top The tower on the northern side of the fort stands 40
if—when—the dragon decides to run the show. feet high and has a functioning ballista at its top. The

Korzinalikur isn't nearly as potent as she might seem at to build up her own wealth, but also a way to test the
first glance. Since her birth she has been a somewhat limits of her power. Slowly but steadily, she is becoming
sickly copper dragon. weaker than her clutchmates. Her aware that, though she is weak for a dragon of her age,
family drove Korzinalikur out of their territory, forcing she is still the most potent force in the region. Like others
her to go find her own place to live. Seething at this of her kind, she is patient. willing to let the tiding keep
treatment, and terrified that her weakened nature might command of the bandits for now. In her heart, though, she
prevent her from attaining the hoard and the respect has already begun to think of the fort, the treasure, and
that are hers "by right," Korzinalikur wandered the the bandits as hers—and she is developing designs on the
wilds for several years, feeding on roving animals and entirety of Kurich. Korzinalikur works for the day when
hunting desperately for an opportunity that lay within all the people of the region are devoted to enriching her
her capabilities. hoard, and she can vent her simmering resentment upon
She found it in Chevkos's offer. Korzinalikur sees her those weaker than she is, in vengeance for the slights and
cooperation with the bandit gang not merely as the chance abuses her family heaped on her.

CHAPTER 3 Dragon Lairs

interior of the tower is hollow, containing nothing but The secret door (Perception DC 17 to locate) leads


a set of stairs leading upward. (The map shows only to spiral stairs that descend to a corridor that leads to
the top of the tower.) area 9.
Tactical Encounter: "Entering the Fort." page 94. Tactical Encounter: "The Central Lair." page 96.


Several of Chevkos's bandits currently occupy this This room is kept locked. Chevkos and the bugbears
dining room. The tableware, such as it is, is worth- each have a key. The bandit gang's treasures, other
less, consisting of mismatched wooden and ceramic than the shares given to the various members, are
pieces. kept here. The doors require a DC 18 Thievery check
Tactical Encounter: "Entering the Fort," page 94. to unlock.
Treasure: This chamber contains wealth equiva- rl
AREA 5: BARRACKS lent to one level 5 monetary treasure parcel.
This disheveled area—nothing more than an elon-
gated room with sleeping pallets and tables scattered AREA 9: KORZINALIKUR'S LAIR
throughout—is the living quarters of the surviving The open chamber beneath area 6 serves as Korzi-
members of Chevkos's bandit gang. nalikur's lair. It's smaller than the chamber above.
Treasure: The bandits have SO gp among them. A 5-foot-wide corridor (not shown on the map) leads
Tactical Encounter: "Entering the Fort." page 94. underneath area 6 to the base of the spiral staircase
that connects to the side of Chevkos's quarters.
AREA 6: THE AUDIENCE CHAMBER When the fort was built, this area served as a
This room borders the lairs of both Korzi nal ik ur and gladiatorial arena, surrounded by an elevated con-
Chevkos. A wide pit in the center gives access to Kor- course (area 6) from where spectators could watch
zinalikur's lair below (area 9), ringed by columns that the battles taking place below them. The corridor that
extend to the floor below. connects this area with the spiral staurcase outside
The secret door in the east wall, which provides an area 7 provided a means for combatants to enter and
emergency exit, requires a DC 17 Perception check to exit the arena floor. Now, the pit makes a serviceable
locate. lair for Korainalikur. The columns provide support
Tactical Encounter: "The Central Lair," page 96. for thick planks that form the walls of the pit. keeping
the sides from collapsing.
Treasure: Korzinalikur's lair contains wealth or a
magic item equivalent to one level 5 treasure parcel.
This large bedroom serves as the living quarters for
Tactical Encounter: "The Central Lair," page 96.
Chevkos and his four bugbear bodyguards.

0 !al t S O II AR. = i t IT

64-4 •Ir . •

CHAPTER 3 I Drakion Lairs

o ENTERING THE FORT 2 Chevkos's Crossbowmen (C)
Alriiinm nartital Immail
Level 4 Artillery
Encounter Level 6 (1,315 XP) Initiative +6 Senses Perception +4
HP 45; Bloodied 72
AC 16; Fortitude 16. Reflex 18, Will 16
ow • SETUP Speed 6
2 Chevkos's crossbowtraen (C) Q Short Sword (standard: at-will) + Weapon
3 Chevkos's guards (G) +9 vs. AC: 1db + 2 damage.
10 Chevkos's lackeys (1.) e Crossbow (standard; at-will)* Weapon
Ranged 15130; 11 vs. AC; 1d8 1- 5 damage.
Quick Shot (standard; encounter)
lb reach Clievkos. the characters need to find a way to
The crossbowman makes crossbow attacks against two
enter the Bart, probably through the gate. There's little different targets.
cover, and the guards on the tower have a hallista they Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
can fire at the characters. Two minions stand guard Skills Stealth +11
outside the gate. Once the characters enter. the ban- Str 11 (+2) Des 18 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
dits swarm out of their dining and sleeping rooms to Con 15 (+4) Int 11 (+2) Cha 11 (+2)
Equipment leather armor, short sword, crossbow with 20 bolts
intercept them before they reach area 6.
As written, this encounter assumes that the
characters approach the Fort from along the road C evitos's Guards (G) Level 4 Soldier
XP 175 each
and enter through the main gate. lithe), do not, the
Initiative 46 Senses Perception +3
encounter can still occur largely as presented; adjust
HP 56; Bloodied 28
descriptions and tactics for the terrain, and possibly AC 20: Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 15
add ranged penalties for the crossbowmen. Speed 5
Longspear (standard; a•ill) Weapon
When the PCs come within sight of the gate, Reach 2: +11 vs. AC: 1d10 t 4 damage. and the target is marked
read: until the end at the guard's next turn.
The tall wooden gates are barred. The entrance is guarded @Crossbow (standard: at-will) 4 Weapon
Ranged 15/30: 410 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage.
by a pair ofbandits, and you can see two crossbow-wielding
Powerful Strike (standard; requires a reach weapon: encounter)
guards looking down from a tower a short distance to the + Weapon
east. You hear shouts of challenge and alarm from up Reach 2; -1-11 vs. AC; 2d10 + 4 damage, and the target is
ahead as the occupants take note ofyour approach. knocked prone,
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
When the crossbowinen first fire the ballista, Str 18 (+6) Dex IS (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 16 (+5) Int 11(+21 Cha 13 (+3)
Equipment chainmail, longspear, crossbow with 20 bolts
A heavy thump resounds front the lower. as a bolt the si ze
of an ogre's spear flies toward you.
10 Chevkos's Lackeys (Li Level 4 Minion Skirmisher
medium natural humanoid. human XP 44 each
When the PCs enter the courtyard, read:
Initiative Senses Perception +3
Tice earth inside this large area has been packed down, HP L a missed attack never damages a minion.
providing firm even on the hillside's slope. A pair AC 18; Fortitude 18, Reflex 15, Will 16
of doors on the south side of the rower lead into the ground Speed 6
level of that structure. You also see a row of doors on the ® Short Sword (standard: at-will) ♦ Weapon
west wall and two oilier pairs of doors that give access to the 9 vs. AC: 5 damage.
a) Hand Crossbow (standard; at-will)* Weapon
southwestern portion of the complex.
Ranged 10/20: +9 vs. AC: 4 damage.
Combat Advantage
When the bandits come out to fight, read: A lackey deals 2 extra damage against any creature granting
Doors burst open across the western null, and a ride of combat advantage to it.
unwashed, unshaven bandits rushes at you. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Skills Stealth +7
lithe PCs enter area 4, read: Str 16 (+5) Des 11 (+2) Wis 12 03)
You're standing in what looks like a slapdash dining room Con 14 (+4) lot 101+2) Cha 13 (+3)
Equipment leather amtor, short sword, hand crossbow with 20
and beer hall. A long table and benches fill the center of the
room. and shelves full offood are set into the walk

lithe PCs enter area 5, read:

A fireplace crackles away. warming a disorganized bar-
racks. Scattered throughout are cots and sleeping pallets. A
few rickety tables and old chairs are also visible.

The ballista on top of the tower can be fired by any
creature adjacent to it. The creature can rise the fol-
lowing attack.
Ballista Shot (standard; recharge special) + Weapon
Ranged 20/40; 1-9 vs. Reflex: 3d8 i 4 damage, and the target is .0
pushed 2 squares and knocked prone. a.

Make recharge rolls for the ballista at the start of

the turn of the creature that last fired it. The power
recharges on lx-!Li if two creatures are adjacent to the 0
ballista (that is, loading it), or onLIA if on ly one crea-
ture is adjacent. The power doesn't recharge if no one su
is adjacent to the hal I ista. 1.1J

The crossbow men use the ballista to attack once the
characters have come within roughly 30 feet of the
fortress (as soon as the players place their miniatures
on the road at the edge of the tactical map). They
continue firing after the characters move into the
courtyard. The lackeys try to stand their ground near
the gate, but they don't stay put if they notice ranged
weapons or magic implements in the characters'
When the characters are inside the walls, the
guards and lackeys open the doors leading from the
dining room and barracks and move a short distance
into the courtyard.
When their numbers have been reduced to one
guard or one crossbowman and two or three lackeys,
the bandits surrender and beg for mercy.
The guards run out mainly to stop the characters
from moving toward the southern end of the fort areas 4 and 5 are unlocked. The doors to area 6 are
(where their leader is located), The guards protect locked (see the next encounter).
the lackeys by marking foes and knocking enemies Tower: The tower rises 20 feet above the top of the
prone, giving the lackeys combat advantage. walls. Climbing the side of the tower requires a DC
A few lackeys might stop in doorways to fire their 18 Athletics check.
hand crossbows. If the characters come near, they Outer Walls: The walls are 20 feet high and
retreat into the barracks. require a DC 17 Athletics check to climb. The tops
of the wooden posts that form the walls are spiked;
anyone who reaches the top of the wall is subject to
FEATURES OF THE AREA an attack: +9 vs. AC: Id4 + 2 damage, and the char-
Illumination: Bright light outside and inside the acter must make a successful DC 17 Athletics check
fort at all times. (At night, lanterns illuminate the
or fall.
exterior and interior of the structure.) Ceiling: Areas 4.5. 7, and 8 have 20-foot-tall
Hillside Slope: The slope outside the fortress, ceilings.
with the exception of the road, is difficult terrain. Benches, Tables, and Chairs: These features
Trees: Squares containing trees inside and outside are difficult terrain. Jumping onto a bench or a table
the fort are difficult terrain and provide cover. A tree requires 2 squares of movement. In area 4, a charac-
can be climbed with a DC 12 Athletics check, and ter can tip over the long table to gain superior cover.
the trees range between 10 and 20 feet in height.
Fireplaces: At night, the two fireplaces in area
Doors: The entry gate to the fortress is barred (DC S hold small fires; a character who enters a fire or
12 Strength check to break or DC I7 Thievery check begins his turn there takes 1d6 + 3 fire damage.
to jimmy the bar out of place). The doors to the tower
are locked (DC 12 Strength check to break or DC 17
Thievery check to pick the lock). The doors leading to
• Mob

Korzinalikur 110 Level 6 Elite Skirmisher
THE CENTRAL LAIR Yining upper dragon
Encounter Level 7 (1,550 XP) Lar natural ma ir al beast {dragon} XP ',110
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +10; darkvIsion
HP 148; Bloodied 74; see also bloodied breath
SETUP AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 19. Will 16
Korzinalikur, elite young copper dragon (K) Resist 15 acid
Chevkos, tiefling heretic (C) Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15; see alsollyby attack
4 bugbear warriors (B)
Action Points 1
0 Bite (standard; at-will) + Acid
During the previous encounter, none ()I' the bandit Korzinallkur shifts 2 squares before and after making the
gang's leaders emerged from their lair in the fort's attack. Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 4 damage plus 1d6 acid
central keep. Perhaps they assumed that their under- damage.
lings could handle whatever the problem might. be Cl) Claw (standard; at-will)
(and after all. it's not that hard to recruit new thieves Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.

and mercenaries). But once the characters gain 4 Double Attack (standard: at-will)
Korzinalikur makes two claw attacks and then shifts 2 squares.
control of the courtyard. neutralize the ballista, and
4 Flyby Attack (standard; at-will)
move deeper into the complex, Chevkos and Korzina- Korzinallkur flies up to 10 squares and makes one melee basic
likur fight hack. attack at any point during that movement. She doesn't provoke
Each niche descriptions below assumes the char- opportunity attacks when moving away From the target.
acters first spot each foe at or near its starting point. <- Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) + Add
Adjust the read-aloud text as needed if any of the Close blast 5; +7 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 4 add damage, and the
target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
monsters move befbre they are encountered, or If the
<• Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
characters manage to get into area 7 or 8 befbre going
Breath weapon recharges. and Korzinalikur uses it.
through area 6. I E. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
Close burst 5; targets enemies: +7 vs. Will; the target Is stunned
When the PCs enter area 6, read: until the end of Korzinalikur's next turn. Aftereffect: The target
The center of the room drops away into a wide pit, front takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).

which wafts a vaguely reptilian scent. Several pillars rise Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconk
Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +9, insight +10
from within the pit. clearly marking the edge.
Str 16 (+6) Dee 20 (4-8) Wis 14 (+5)
Two bugbears instantly move toward you, morningstars
Con 18 (+7) Int 12 (+4) Cha 12 (+4)
raised high, and something begins to stir loudly in the shad-
owy depths of the pit.
Chevkos (C) Level 6 Artillery
Medium natural humanoid, ricfliny XP 2V)
When the PCs enter area 7, read: Initiative +8 Senses Perception +6: tow-light vision
This chamber serves as a lavish living area, far more HP 60; Bloodied 30
extravagant than this place would seem to warrant. An AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 18
old canopied bed sits in one corner, with several additional Resist 11 fire

bedrolls scattered on thefloor nearby. A heap of embers Speed 6

Dagger (standard; at-will) + Weapon
glows dully in the fireplace. radiating warmth throughout
.-10 vs. AC (+11 against a bloodied target); 1d4 + 2 damage.
the room.
Balefire (standard; at-will) + Fire
Ranged 10; +9 vs. Reflex (410 against a bloodied target); 1d8 +
When the PCs see Chevkos, read: 5 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Before you stands a short ticf ling. clad in several layers of ))" Serpent Curse (standard; encounter) + Illusion, Psychic
fang clothes. Tiny bits of jewelry pierce his horns all over. Ranged 10: illusory snakes appear and attack the target; +9 vs.

He has a menacing glint In his eyes. and balefire crackles Will (+10 against a bloodied target); 1d6 + 5 psychic damage,
and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
across his fingers. Two more bugbears loom nearby, clutch-
Cloak of Escape (Immediate reaction, when Chevkos is hit by a
ing rnorningstars and grinning viciously.
melee attack: at-will) + Teleportation
Chevkos teleports 5 squares.
When Korzinatikur first appears, read: infernal Wrath (minor; encounter)
An enormous metallic form bursts upward from the pit. Chevkos gains a +1 power bonus to his next attack roll against
wings outspread and jaws agape. The light glints off its an enemy that hit him since his last turn. If the attack hits and

copper scales, and thin tendrils of sizzling spittle drip front deals damage, Chevkos deals S extra damage.
Alignment Evil Languages Common
the corners of its mouth.
Skills Bluff +15, Insight +11. Stealth +15
Str IS (+5) Dex 20 (+8) WEs 16 (+6)
Con 18 (+7) int 13 (+4) Cha 20(+8)
Equipment dagger
4- ZIN14111

4 Bugbear Warriors (B) Level S Brute

Medium natural humanoid RP 200 each
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +4; low•light vision Illumination: Brightly lit. by sunlight or by
HP 76; Bloodied 38 lanterns.
AC 18; Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 14 Ceiling: The ceiling in areas 7 and 8 is 20 feet
Speed 6 high.
(4) Morningstar (standard: at•will) ♦ Weapon
Beds: A character can step up onto a bed with 1
+7 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage_
extra square of movement. A DC 17 Strength check
Skullthumper (standard; requires a morningstar and combat
advanage against the target; encounter) ♦ Weapon topples a bed over, allowing it to serve as cover for

+5 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 7 damage, and the target Is knocked standing characters, and knocking prone any crea-
prone and dazed (save ends/. tures standing on it.
Predatory Eye (minor; encounter) Doors: Most of the interior doors are unlocked
The bugbear warrior deals 1d6 extra damage on the next attack and designed to open from either direction. The
it makes against a target granting combat advantage to It. It
doors to area 8 are locked and require a DC 18
must apply this bonus before the end of its next turn.
Languages Common, Goblin
Thievery check to open. Chevkos and the bugbears
Alignment Evil
Skills intimidate +9, Stealth +11 each carry keys.
Str 20 (+7) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 14 (+4) Fireplace: At night, this spot holds a small fire; a
Con 16 (+5) int 10 (+2) Cita 10 (+2) character who enters the fire or begins his turn there
Equipment hide armor, morningstar takes 1d6 + 3 fire damage.
Pit: The pit is 20 feet deep. Climbing out requires
TACTICS a DC 20 Athletics check.
Secret Door: A DC 17 Perception check detects
Assuming the characters begin the encounter in area
the secret door.
6, the two bugbears in that area rush to attack. The
bugbears that start in area 7 join the combat as soon Spiral Stairs: The spiral stairs are difficult ter-
rain. They lead to an underground passage that
as they can get there. All the bugbears try to stay in
melee with the characters, to keep them away from connects to Korzinalikur's lair.
Chevkos. The bugbears retreat i f doing so is tactically
sound, but they do not flee.
Korzinalikur erupts from the pit on her initiative
count in the first round (requiring 4 squares of move-
ment to do so). She initiates combat with her breath
weapon, ifshe can use it without catching either of the
bugbears in the blast. She then relies on flyby attacks,
moving in and out of the chamber and through the
entire fort, using the courtyard to circle around and
attack from different angles.
If she becomes bloodied, Korzinalikur no longer
cares about keeping the bugbears out of the area of
her breath weapon. She attempts to escape if reduced
to 40 or fewer hit points—she's not prepared to risk
her life for the bandits—and surrenders if escape
proves impossible.
Chevkos hangs back, using his ranged attacks to
harry the characters. He uses cloak of escape whenever
he is hit with a melee attack, teleporting to a place of
relative safety in area 6 or even out into the courtyard
if possible. He doesn't allow himself to be cornered
in area 8. Even though Chevkos does his best to avoid
being hit repeatedly, he does not abandon the fort
and fights to the death.
Orium dragon lair for five 7th-level adventurers HOOK: RECOVER
From the steamy jungles of the south come rumors THE TRADE GOODS
of the Alabaster City, a place lost to the mists of A massive nearby river that winds through the jungle
time, where every citizen was a sage and powerful carries many merchant ships to towns and cities that
magic fulfilled every whim of the city's denizens. dot the shoreline. The creatures under Zanathakla's
No explorer can claim to know the location of the command have begun attacking these merchants,
city, but lizard folk wearing strange alabaster jewelry usually taking preserved food and drink. They have
have been captured recently. Eager to save their own also been known to steal tools. The river merchants
lives, the lizardfolk said they served an orium dragon ask the characters to retrieve their stolen goods and
named Zanathakla. She lives in the bottom of a verti- to end the threat of the lizardfolk raiders. See the
cal cave deep in the jungle known as Tulkau Shayn descriptions of areas 2 and 7 in the following text
("Gullet Cave" in the lizard folk's dialect). for information about the items that belong to the
The captive lizardfolk claim that Zanathakla traders.
doesn't know where the Alabaster City is either, but Quest XP: 300 XP (minor quest).
she searches for it day and night and sends bands of
loyal lizardfolk far and wide to look for it. So far, they ENVIRONMENT
have found the ruins of several smaller communities,
Tulkau Shayn is a deep, vertical cave. The entrance
and Zanathakla says the city will soon be theirs.
opens in the center of the cave's ceiling, and the space
within drops straight down 200 feet to a flat, rocky
BACKGROUND floor. The cave walls angle slightly outward; viewed
History DC 14: Zanathakla made Tulkau Shayn from the side, the cave looks like an upright cone
her lair about a year ago and quickly seized control of with the top chopped off.
a large tribe of lizardfolk, which now treat her with Several side chambers branch off from the main
reverence approaching outright worship. Most of the chamber. Until the lizardfolk constructed the
lizardfolk are in the jungle looking for clues to help wooden pathway that spirals down the interior cave
find the vast ruins called the Alabaster City, because walls, those chambers were home only to flying crea-
Zanathakla is obsessed with claiming the ruin's tures—mostly bats and stirges—that would ascend out
secrets for her own. Only a few of her followers are of the cave each day to find food in the jungle.
guarding Tulkau Shayn at any given time. Illumination: If there's daylight outside, the top
History DC 19: Gullet Cave has long been the 50 feet of the cave are in bright light and the next 50
source of superstition among the indigenous humans feet in dim light. It's dark at the 120-foot mark, where
and lizardfolk. A stone outcropping resembling teeth the second encounter, "Stirge Chamber," takes place.
runs along the north edge of the cave mouth, and the Walls: The cave walls are rough and have many
cave itself is 200 feet deep. For years, brave youths handholds and footholds, but they slope outward,
have crawled to the edge ofTulkau Shayn and peered making a climb more difficult than it would other-
into the inky blackness below. But until Zanathakla wise be. Unless otherwise noted, climbing the cave
moved in with the lizardfolk tribe, no one knew how walls in either direction requires a DC 20 Athletics
deep the cave was—or if it even had a bottom. check.
Side Chambers: Most of the side chambers don't
HOOK: DISCOVER contain encounters. Once the characters defeat the
guards at the cave mouth, they have to pass a dan-
THE ALABASTER CITY gerous cave inhabited by stirges and gricks before
Somewhere within the deep jungle lie the ruins reaching Zanathakla and accessing Tulkau Shayn's
Zanathakla seeks—the last remnants of the Alabaster treasures.
City. People living near the jungle, or in the safer Eventually lizard folk search parties will return to
areas around its outskirts, know many rumors about the cave, but they might be too disheartened by Zana-
the city but few facts. If the characters can find the thakla's death to fight. (Or perhaps they're mad for
location of the city, they might be able to recover vengeance; you make the call.)
what remains in its vaults, or the greater treasures

of forgotten knowledge that lie in the vast libraries
rumored to exist within the city.
Quest XP: 1,500 XP (major quest).
When the characters make their way through the
jungle and finally reach Tulkau Shayn (see the
"Approaching the Cave" skill challenge on page 100),

CHAPTER 3 Dragon Lairs

they find the cave's entrance guarded bylizardfolk The large, patchwork jungle map created by Zana-
that revere Zanathakla. thakla shows civilized communities on the fringe of
Tactical Encounter: "Cave Entrance," page 102. the jungle and Tulkau Shayn in the middle. Several
sketches depict ruins, but almost all or these have "X"
AREA 2: LIVING CAVE marks through them. More important for the char-
About 50 feet down inside the cave, connected to the acters, the jungle is divided into sections bounded by
entrance by way of the lashed wooden scaffolding the natural features such as rivers and mountain ridges.
Iizardfolk have built, is a large cave that serves as the It should be obvious to the characters why most of
lizardfolk's main living chamber. the ruins sections are struck through-and what parts
of the jungle Zanathakla and the lizardfolk haven't
When the PCs enter this cave, read: explored yet.
The lizardfolk's bedding-mostly furs and fronds-lies in This map could he useful to the heroes if they're
piles along the walls of this cave. In one corner, barrels engaged in the "Discover the Alabaster City" quest. It
contain fresh water and dried meat. In the center of the doesn't tell them where to look for the Alabaster City.
chamber lie several felled trees. rough wooden planks, but it tells them something almost as useful: where
and carpentry tools. The planks match those used In the not to look.
walkway outside. A stone altar stands against the far wall. Ceiling: The ceiling is 10 feet high throughout
rapped by a reddish statue of a dragon. this cave.

The barrels of food and water and the carpentry tools AREA 5:
were stolen from river traders and can be returned APPROACHING THE BOTTOM
as part of the "Recover the Trade Goods" minor quest. As the characters come closer to the bottom of the
Ceiling: The ceiling is 15 feet high along the cave, Zanathakla becomes aware of their presence.
perimeter of this area, rising to a peak of 25 feet near She is careful and cunning, and waits until they
the chimney. reach this point in the cave complex to attack.
Treasure: A crude stone altar against the far wall Tactical Encounter: "Zanathakla's Wrath,"
holds a jade carving of a dragon worth 250 gp_ The page 106.
lizardfolk have smeared reddish mud on the idol to
make it look more like Zanathakla, but a cursory
examination reveals the jade underneath.
Zanathakla spends most of her time sleeping on
the cave floor or examining particularly interesting
AREA 3: STIRGE DEN objects discovered by the lizard folk. Like all orium
This cave of pesky stirges has been easily bypassed by dragons, Zanathakla is keenly interested in uncov-
the lizardfolk, but now Bricks also lurk inside, making ering the secrets of the past. In fact, her zeal has
it difficult for the characters to descend deeper into become an obsession, and she spends untold hours
Tulkau Shayn. coiled up on the cave floor, dreaming of the day when
Tactical Encounter: "Stirge Chamber," page 104. she finds the Alabaster City, builds a new lair in the
grandest building still standing, and has her servants
AREA 4: ARTIFACT CAVE bring her book after book full of ancient wisdom.
Zanathakla and the lizard folk keep the evidence of
the Alabaster City in this side cave, which is 50 feet AREA 7: TREASURE CAVE
above the main cave floor and accessed by way of This chamber, level with the cave floor, is where Zana-
the wooden walkway. The artifacts include several thakla has amassed a typical hoard for a young dragon.
chunks of alabaster masonry and stonework: cor- It's a good place for three level 7 treasure parcels: one
nices, column sections, and so on. Dozens ofcerarnic magic item parcel and two parcels made up of art
urns and pots litter the room, all painted in a distinc-
tive zigzag pattern,
When the PCs enter the cave, read: As written, "Tulkau Shayn - is the first step on an adven-
Ceramics and chunks of alabaster stonework litter this ture that could take the characters to the Alabaster City.
room. and a map hangs on one wall. Al ade of pieces of As a story element, the cave is a receptacle for a useful
parchment stuck together with tree sup, the map shows the clue: the map In the artifact cave (area 4). You can easily
jungle nearby. Ir's divided into sections based on natural turn this lair into a complete adventure site In Its own
features and shows several ruins. Many of the areas have right by enlarging and extending the side chambers. One
red "X" shapes marking them. Only a few areas are not or more of them could connect to an extensive cave net-
struck through. work, full of all the monsters, traps, hazards, and treasure
you can manage.

CHAPTER 3 Dragon Luir$

objects and coins. Liza rd folk captured the coins from success in the challenge, but it reduces the DCs for
river merchants who explored too deep in the jungle, subsequent Perception checks, as shown above.
and recovered the art objects and the magic item from Success: The characters reach the entrance of
the ancient ruins they've found. The lizard folk don't Tulkau Shayn. After the final successful skill check,
enter this chamber; it is for Zanathakla alone. put the characters on the edge of the tactical map
lithe characters return the coins to the traders of area 1 and start the "Cave Entrance" encounter
(part of the "Recover the Trade Goods" minor quest), (page 102).
the traders compensate them with a magic item of Failure: The characters walk into a monster lair.
equal value, which is more difficult to sell and there- Choose one of the entries on the table below or roll
fore less valuable to the traders. a d6 to generate a random result. After handling
Ceiling: The ceiling is 15 feet high throughout the monster encounter, the characters still haven't
this area. reached Tulkau Shayn. They must repeat the skill
challenge as a complexity 1 test (worth 350 XP and
APPROACHING THE CAVE requiring 4 successes before 3 failures) to get there.
With another 3 failed checks, they become hopelessly
Getting to Tulkau Shayn is no easy task—the charac-
lost and are unable to find Tulkau Shayn without first
ters must journey across miles of trackless jungle to
returning to their starting point. However, they might
find the entrance to the deep cave. Each character
discover some other strange ruin or adventure site
can attempt up to two skill checks per day.
deep in the jungle—maybe the Alabaster City itself.
Level: 8 (XP 700).
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
d6 Encounter
Primary Skills: Endurance, Perception, Nature.
3 grells (MM 144)
Endurance (DC 14, or DC 8 if the group is under the
2 2 macetall behemoths (MM 31) and
effect of an Endure Elements ritual): Select two char-
3 ogre savages (MM 199)
acters in the group at random to make Endurance
3 2 Woodspike behemoths (MM 31) and
checks at the start of each day. They attempt to resist
2 shambling mounds (MM 232)
the effects of the oppressive heat and humidity, along
4 2 spectral panthers (MM 213) and
with the general rigors of an overland hike through
3 displacer beasts (MM 70)
the wilderness. A failed check indicates that all
5 3 trolls (MM 254) and 2 bog hags (AIM 1501
members of the group grow weary and lose a heal-
6 1 berbalang (MM 341
ing surge, in addition to counting as 1 failure in the
challenge. (If both characters fail their checks, all
members of the group lose two healing surges and THE ALABASTER CITY
the characters gain 2 failures.)
The Alabaster City can have whatever traits work for your
Perception (DC 14, or DC 8 if the characters have a
game, or it can be replaced with a different location you
map): The character makes sure the group stays on
want the characters to go to next. Here are a few possible
course—or at least moves in a consistent direction.
story hooks for the Alabaster City.
Success represents a relatively straight path through
• Once ruled by rakshasa barons, the Alabaster City
the jungle, and failure means the characters become
served as a library for dark lore and a site of ritual
lost or travel in circles, This skill can be used to gain a
sacrifices. Ghosts of those slain still haunt the forgot-
maximum of 2 successes per day.
ten city, seeking those who can destroy their former
Nature (DC 14): The jungle's many natural
hazards—including quicksand pits, bogs, poisonous
+ The Alabaster City fell into a giant sinkhole long ago
plants, and thorny undergrowth—can slow forward
and was covered over by the boughs of enormous
progress to a standstill. A successful Nature check
trees. The great city is now inhabited only by ignorant
maneuvers the characters around these hazards,
troglodytes. They dwelt amid the smashed alabaster
while a failure represents delays as characters extri-
ruins and have destroyed many of the tomes held
cate themselves from the hazard and takes a longer
within, burning them for warmth.
path around it. This skill can be used to gain a maxi-
+ The land where the Alabaster City lies is part of a
mum of 2 successes per day,
worldfail (see Manual of the Planes, page 34) that links
Secondary Skills: Streetwise.
the world and the Feywild. When the Feywild's con-
Streetwise (DC 14): This check can be attempted
nection to the site is strong, the city becomes covered
only once, at the start of the skill challenge. while the
in vegetation and dangerous creatures spill over. The
characters are still in a civilized area. A character can
periods of Feywild influence last only a brief time, but
try to secure a map to aid the party in locating Tulkau
make the city uninhabitable by civilized creatures.
Shayn. Succeeding on this check does not count as a

CHAPTI I 3 I Dragon Lairs

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t 0 it.

60 II,

20 ft.

Aro \ AREA 5

CHAPTER 3 1 Dragon Lairs


CAVE ENTRANCE Greenscale level 6 Controller (Leader)

Marsh Mystic (M)
Encounter Level 6 (1,450 XP) muctiwn mound humanoid frt. :Wei XP 2SO
Initiative +4 Senses Perception 4-7
Marsh Blessing (Healing) aura 5; each ally that starts his or her
SETUP turn in the aura regains 3 hit points.
greenscale marsh mystic (M) HP 70: Bloodied 35

2 blackscale bruisers (13) AC 19; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, WIII 19

Speed 6 (swamp walk)
4 greenscale hunters (II)
(D Spear (standard; at-will) + Weapon
+7 vs. AC; 1d8 + 2 damage.
The characters emerge from the jungle at the edge Swamp's Grasp (standard; encounter) + Zone
of a small clearing and find the entrance to Tulkau Area burst 2 within 10; +9 vs. Reflex: the target is immobilized
Shayn, but they must contend with lizardfolk guard- (save ends). The zone is difficult terrain until the end oldie
ians determined to drive them off. encounter.
* Bog Cloud (standard: recharge1:4t111) Poison
Area burst 2 within 10: -P-9 vs. Fortitude: 2d8 - 4 poison
When the PCs achieve the final success on the
damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the marsh
skill challenge to reach Tulkau Shayn, read:
mystic's nest turn.
The jungle canopy opens up as you enter a clearing. You Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
see a massive pit dead ahead. An outcropping of rock on the Skills Athletics +10, Nature +12
pies edge looks vaguely like a carnivore's teeth. Str 15 (+5) Des 13 (+4) W15 19 (+7)
Con 14(1-5) Int 10(+3) Cha 12 (+4)
Perception Check Equipment spear, bone breastplate

DC 14 You spot a crest-like something you'd see on a

reptile's head-over the edge of the pit far a brief moment, 2 Slackscale Bruisers (13) Level 6 Brute
but then its gone. Large naturdir XP 250 rich
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +9
HP 86; Bloodied 43
When the PCs reach the edge of the pit, read: AC 18; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 14
Beyond the edge of the pit, you see a great cave that Speed 8 (swamp walk)
expands outward the deeper it goes. A wooden walkway 0 Greatclub (standard; at-will) + Weapon
attached to the cave walls spirals downward. You can see Reach 2; +9 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage. and the target is pushed
only a short way down before the cave becomes dark. 1 square.
4 Tail Slap (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. Reflex: 1d8 + 6 damage. and the target is knocked prone.
The lizardfolk are hidden just behind the edge of
Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
the pit. standing nn the wooden platform when the
Skills Athletics +14
encounter starts. It's possible the characters are Str 22 (+9) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 12 (44)
hiding at the edge of the jungle. The lizardfolk guards Con 16 (+6) int 5 (+0) Cha 6 (+1)
are ready but not alert (DMG 36). Equipment greatclub
Irboth sides are trying to be sneaky, determine
surprise: 4 Greenscale Hunters (H) Level 4 Skirmisher
+ The character who has the lowest Stealth modifier Medium natural humanoid (reptile; XP 17'r each
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +8
makes a Stealth check against the bruisers' passive
HP 54; Bloodied 27
Perception check of 19.
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13
+ The lizardfolk make one Stealth check (using a +4 Speed 6 (swamp walk)
bonus) against the passive Perception checks ofthe Cl.) Spear (standard; at-will) + Weapon
party. 4-9 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage.
4. Sidestep Attack (standard: at-will)
• Ifone group noticed the other one and wasn't The lizardfolk shifts 1 square and makes a melee bask attack.
noticed at the same time, that first group has sur- Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
prise. Otherwise, no one has surprise. Skills Athletics +10. Nature +8
Sir 17 (+5) Derr 15 (+4) Wls 12 (+3)
Con 14 (+4) int 8 (+1) Cha 8 (+1)
Equipment light shield, spear
TACTICS ^^ "I SOLI AR! =5ttit
The lizardfolk fight with tenacity: they're on their
home turf; and they fear disappointing Zanathakla ■
far more than they fear the adventurers.
The marsh mystic uses swamp's grasp as soon as it
can, trying to lock down as many enemies as possible.
Next it puts a bog cloud atop the area of swamp's grasp
in the second round, then trails behind the hunters
and bruisers so it can heal them.
The blackscale bruisers charge into battle, using
their greatc]ub attacks to keep melee combatants far
enough away to avoid counterattacks. Remember that 410831
they regain 3 hit points if they start their turns within
S squares of the marsh mystic.
The greenscale hunters maneuver For flanking
'CHO 4:111A

and combat advantage with sidestep attack as often as triiv4 Vi "

they can, and they're particularly alert for chances

to attack characters who have been knocked prone 0%4 L
by the bruisers. They have swamp walk, so they can L.] 1911P1' A
move through the swamp's grasp area, but they aren't
immune to poison, so they avoid the marsh mystic's
bog cloud.


Illumination: Bright light during the daytime, or
dim light at night.
Platform: The area where most of the monsters
are lurking is 5 feet below ground level. It takes 2
squares of movement to get from the platform to the
and lands on the wooden walkway 30 feet below the
lip of the cave entrance. It takes 12 squares of MONT-
Walkway: The gently sloping walkway that trails
ment upward along the walkway to reach the top of
downward from the platform is difficult terrain. The
the cave.
path is 5 feet wide (meaning that Large creatures
Brambles: The large areas of brambles bordering
must squeeze to move along it).
the jungle to the southwest and the east are difficult
Cave: It's a 200-foot fall to the cave floor (20d10
falling damage), which is almost certainly fatal for
Rocks: The rock outcropping next to the slope
anyone in this encounter. But in addition to the
on the northern end of the pit is an area oldifficult
saving throw any creature receives if it's pushed,
pulled, or slid off an edge, a creature that falls down
Cave Walls: The walls of the cave near the top of
the pit can make an Athletics check (DC 15) to
the opening are relatively easy to climb, requiring a
grab onto the wooden walkway on the way down (as
DC 10 Athletics check.
though it were falling while climbing). If the creature
succeeds on the check, it takes 3d10 falling damage
FALLING CREATURES lithe characters engage in the time-honored tradition
The preurlous dropoff in this encounter is dangerous, and of throwing objects (especially torches and sunrods)
the blackscale bruisers have a power that pushes_ Let the down into the cave, they don't see Zanathakla, who
characters know this early by having a blackscale knock is curled up below the wooden walkways. The char-
back a character who isn't near the edge. Treat that event acters do see the wooden walkway spiraling down
as a warning to the characters; anyone who goes close to into the cave and thus get a general idea of the cave's
the edge after that is a fair target. dimensions.
After a creature falls and catches itself, it takes more
than one move action for that creature to return to the
top of the pit For the lizardfok you can remove the mon-
ster from the map (and not tell the players that it caught
itself), then bring It back after skipping one of its turns.
'11 —

C .f7.?"' dr'

2 Gricks 1G) Level 7 Brute

• STIRGE CHAMBER Medium aberrant beast XP 300 earl,
• Encounter Level 7 (1,700 XP) Initiative +4 Senses Perception +10; darkvision
HP 96; Bloodied 48
AC 19; Fortitude 19, Reflex 14. Will 15
SETUP Resist 5 against effects that target AC
• 2 gricks (G) Speed 6, climb 4
2 dire stirges (D) Tentacle Rake (standard: atayiii)
2 cave stirge swarms (S) +10 vs. AC; 2d6 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Expert Flanker
A grick gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against an enemy it is
The jungles around Tulkau Shayn are infested with flanking.
stirges and other flying beasts. Some of these crea- Alignment Unaligned Languages —
tures enter the chambers within the great cave by Skills Endurance +11, Stealth +9
traveling through the smaller openings and chim- Str 18 (+7) Dex 13(4-4) Wis 14 (+5)
neys that reach to the surface. When Zanathakla and Con 16 (+6) Int 2 (-1) Cha 7 (4-11
the lizard folk first moved into the cave, they tried
to eradicate the dangerous pests in the stirge cham- 2 Dire Stirges (D) Level 7 Lurker
ber to no avail. When they killed a group of t hem, Small natural beast XP 300 each
another would take their place. Now the lizardlolk Initiative +10 Senses Perception +3; dark vision
HP 60; Bloodied 30
bypass the danger by smearing a pungent salve on
AC 21; Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 16; see also bite
themselves when they plan to pass by the chamber.
Speed 2, fly 6 (hover)
The salve, which smells like dung mixed with rotten Bite (standard; at-will)
eggs (and that might be what it's made of), covers +12 vs. AC; 1d6 damage, and the target is grabbed and takes
their scent and allows them to pass without attract- ongoing 10 damage until the grab ends. A dire stirge doesn't
ing the stirges. make attack rolls while grabbing a target and gains a +5 bonus
to its AC and Reflex.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
When the PCs approach the pots filled with the
Skills Stealth +11
smelly salve, read: Str 10 (+3) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 10 (4-3)
A pair of pots sit on each side of the walkway just ahead of Con 12 (+4) int 1 (-2) Cha 4 (+0)
an opening on the north wall. A makeshift sconce with a
single torch hangs over the pot closest to the cave wall. Even 2 Cave Stirge Swarms (5) Level 6 Brute
from a distance, you can smell that smell!' rill rancid is in Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 25t) each
those pots. initiative +6 Senses Perception 47; darkvision
Swarm Attack aura 1; each enemy that starts Its turn within the
Nature Check aura takes S damage.
DC 16 .After examining the contents of the pots, you HP 84: Bloodied 42
AC 18; Fortitude 1S, Reflex 16, Will 17
JIHure out that it is some sort of scent-blocki rig salve used
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10
by li:ardfolk hunters,
against close and area attacks
Speed 2, fly 6 (hover)
lithe characters stop and rub the salve on them- (1) Bloodsucking Swarm (standard; at-w111)
selves, they can pass the cave without causing the +9 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save endsi .

stirges to immediately attack. However, a new threat Alignment Unaligned Languages —

has recently moved into the caves. A pair olgricks Skills Stealth +11
Str 8 (4 2) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 19 (+7)
now prowl the chamber, attacking any creature
Con 14 (+5) Int 1 (-2) Cha 4 (+0)
attempting to pass. lithe gricks bloody a character,
the scent of blood draws the stirges, which then join
the fight. TACTICS
Simple hunters, the creatures that issue forth from
this chamber use straightforward tactics as they try to
claim their next meal.
When the characters enter the side chamber or
travel along the walkway to the midpoint between the
two entrances, the gricks attack. Skilled hunters, they
attempt to find a soft target, flank that target, and fell
it before moving on to the next. The gricks know the
deep cave is dangerous. and they try not to come too
close to the edge. They also attempt to bull rush (+10
vs. Fortitude) creatures that stand on the edge.
- .7111010. 16."'"

The stirges latch onto the closest creature until

that creature is dead or has escaped.
The cave stirge swarms flutter in a position where
they can deal damage to the most enemies. If ene-
mies are not clustered together. a swarm usually stays
near a dire surge that has grabbed a creature, keep-
ing the grabbed enemy in its swarm attack aura.
The stirges and the swarms are not intelligent, but
have enough of a survival instinct to flee into the two
narrow tunnels to the north if they are reduced to
one-quarter or fewer of their hit points.


Illumination: Darkness. The characters can light
the torch above the pot of salve. providing bright
light in a 5-square radius.
Walkway: The gently sloping walkway along the
southern edge of this area is difficult terrain. From
here to the bottom of the cave, the path is 10 feet
Rubble and Guano: Large areas of rubble are
mixed with hat and stirge guano in the cave. These
squares are difficult terrain.

Cave: As in the previous encounter. it's possible a

BATS! monster might be pushed off the edge of the walkway.
Dozens, possibly hundreds, of bats live in this cave and In addition to the saving throw any creature receives
try to avoid the dangerous stirges and Odes that have if it's pushed. pulled, or slid off an edge. a creature
moved into their territory. The sounds of combat or the that fails down the pit can make an Athletics check
intrusion of bright light startles them. You can use these
(DC 15) to grab onto the wooden walkway on the way
bats to add some variety to the encounter. down (as though it were falling while climbing). If the
Create a 4-square-by-4-square area of bats along the
creature succeeds on the check, it takes 3d10 falling
north wall of the chamber at the end of the first round in damage and lands on the wooden walkway 30 feet
which an attack is made or a bright light hits the back of below. It takes 12 squares of movement upward along
the cave. At the end of each round, determine whether the walkway to get back to the location of the stirge
the bats move and what effect they have. Roll separately lair. A creature that fails the Athletics check fails 80
for movement and behavior, or choose the bats' behavior.
feet (and takes 8d10 falling damage).
The bats don't take sides, and often have both characters
Narrow Tunnels: The passages leading northwest
and monsters within the squares they occupy.
and northeast away from the stirge chamber are
only large enough for the surges and the swarms to
d6 Move Behavior
negotiate. The characters and the gricks cannot move
1-2 0 Swami creatures (creature_s in squares
through them, not even by squeezing.
of bats take a -2 penalty to defenses)
3-4 3 Cloud vision (creatures in squares of
bats gain concealment)
5-6 6 Impede movement (squares of bats Once they have made it past the stirge chamber, the
require 1 extra square to move into) characters are free to make their way toward the
bottom, where Zanathak la lies in wait. They might
You'll also need to decide how the bats are affected stop off in area 4 (sec page 99) before moving all the
by powers used in their area (especially burst or blast way to the cave floor.
powers). For instance, if a character uses fireball on the
area, you might shrink the area of bats to 2 squares on a
side or eliminate it entirely.
Salve (Optional Rule): Creatures wearing the pungent
salve from the pots outside the cave are unaffected by
the bats.

• '•

ZANATHAKLA'S WRATH platforms block the heroes from getting a look at her
even ifthey have a powerful light source.
Encounter Level 9 (2,150 XP) The battle begins when one of two events occurs:
A character heads down the stairs from the 60-foot-
SETLIP high platform, or a character spots the creatures in
Zanathakla, young orium dragon (Z) the alcoves to the south (the greenscale darters) and
2 greenscale darters (D) attacks them. Zanathakla flies up through the middle
of the caw, lands on a platform, and breathes at the
As the characters descend into Tlilkau Shayn. they biggest cluster of enemies she can find.
attract the ire of Zanathakla. the orium dragon who
makes her lair here. They battle Zanathakla while Zanathakia (Z) Level 9 Solo Soldier
perched on increasingly unstable platfOrms. Young orlum dragon
tar s natural _ lea! beast (dm _ on) XP 2.000
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +9; darkvislon
When the characters descend to the 60-foot-high HP 392; Bloodied 196; see also bloodied breath
platform, read: AC 25; Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 20
A series of wooden platforms has been affixed to the inside Resist 15 acid
walls of the cave with pegs and wooden beams. Shallow Saving Throws +5
flights of stairs connect the platforms, making a spiraling Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 12
Action Points 2
pathway down into the darkness.
0 Bite (standard; al-will) + Acid
Reads 2; +15 vs. AC; 1d10 -F 6 damage plus 1d6 acid damage.
Perception Check (:=) Claw (standard: at-will)
DC 21 There are alcoves in the rock wall on the far side Reach 2; +16 vs. AC: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target Is marked
of the cave, and you can see a twitch of movement in them. until the end of the dragon's next turn.
There's definitely something alive in there. ?)" Stone Rend (standard; usable only while a wall is within reach;
Zanathakla tears stones from the walls and throws them:
Under ordinary circumstances, there's no way the
ranged 10;114 vs. AC: 2(16 5 damage.
characters can sneak down to the alcoves or the cave
4-/ Draconic Fury (standard: at•will)
floor. The wooden platforms creak loudly, and the Reach 2; Zanathakla makes two claw attacks and one bite
characters are silhouetted against the open sky above. attack, or makes one bite attack and one stone rend attack.
The characters can't see Zanathakia. She remains ;<-• Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when one of Zanathakia's
on the periphery of the cave floor, where the h vaporous spirits is reduced to 0 hit points) + Acid
Close blast 5: +14 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 4 acid damage, and a
Zanathakla vaporous serpent minion (see below) appears In
any single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just after the
dragon in the initiative order.
•E• Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Breath weapon recharges, and Zanathakla uses it.
Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +14 vs. Will; the target is
stunned until the end of Lanathakla's next turn. Aftereffect. The
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
Skills History +10. Insight +9, Intimidate +11
Str 21 (+9) Dex 17 (+7) Wls 11 (+4)
Con 18 (+8) Int 12 (+5) Cha 15 (+6)

Zanathakla Vaporous Serpent Level 9 Minion Brute

Medium elemental beast XP
Initiative as dragon Senses Perception -1
14P 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 21: Fortitude 20, Reflex 19. Will 18
Resist 15 acid
Speed 6. fly 4
® Bite (standard; at-will) + Acid
413 vs. AC; 10 acid damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Str 17 (+7) Dex 10 (4-4) W13 4 (-1-1)
Con 12 (+51 int 4 (+1) Cha 4 (+1)
2 Greenscate Darters (13) Level S Lurker Zanathakla's corrosive breath weakens the pegs
hiptimm natural humanoid (reptile) Xi' lry, t-,Il ii
holding the platforms to the wall or to other sections
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +9 of platform. Each section of platform or staircase
HP 50: Bloodied 25
(marked off with dashed lines on the map) can
AC 18; Fortitude 14, Reflex 17, Will 14
withstand Zanathakla's breath weapon twice before
Speed 6 (swamp walk)
(79 Club (standard: at-will) ♦ Weapon
+10 vs. AC; 1(16 + 1 damage. Each platform or staircase follows the same pat-
f Blowgun (standard: at-will) f Poison, Weapon tern as it is hit multiple times.
Loading the blowgun takes a minor action: ranged 5/12:
1. The wood visibly weakens.
+10 vs. AC; 1 damage. and the greenscale darter makes a
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: 4-8 2. The platform or staircase begins to sway and lurch.
vs Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is It's now challenging terrain, requiring a DC 14
slowed (save ends both). Acrobatics check to cross_ A creature that fails the
Sniper check falls prone in the first space it tries to move
A hidden lizardfolk darter that misses with a ranged attack
remains hidden.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Dracunic 3. The third hit causes the platform or staircase to fhll
Skills Athletics +8. Stealth +11 apart, and any creature standing on It plummets
Str 13 03) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 1S NA) to the cave floor and takes falling damage. (The
Con 14 (4, 4) Int 8 (41) Cha 8 (+I) height of a fall from a staircase depends on which
Equipment dub, blowgun with 20 poisoned darts
end of the staircase the creature is closer to when
it collapses.)
Part of the challenge for the characters is the acid- Getting Back Up: A creature can get back to a plat-
damaged platforms along the cave walls, so make the form by climbing. The sloping walls make the climb
monsters move even when they don't need to. That tough, requiring a DC 20 Athletics check.
will entice the characters to run—and eventually
jump—from platform to platform. CONCLUSION
Zanathakla prefers to perch on the platform either When Zanathakla is defeated, the characters are free
ahead °for behind the characters, then breathe her to explore Tulkau Shayn and have unfettered access
corrosive breath. She's surprised by the damage to to the other locales described in the overview (pages
the platforms, but she quickly realizes what an advan- 98-99)—unless you decide to make this lair into a
tage it is, and she's proud enough to taunt characters Full-blown adventure site, in which case their adven-
who are standing on a damaged platform. When one ture is just beginning.
of her vaporous serpents appears, she sends it along
the platforms to engage the characters in melee.
(Unlike ordinary vaporous serpents, a serpent cre- DANGEROUS PLATFORMS
ated by Zanathakla's breath has a fly speed) The unstable platforms in this encounter make It exciting.
Zanathakla fights to the death. You want the characters to have an inkling of what's going
The greenscale darters stay in their alcoves as long to happen, so make sure you describe the effect of Lana
as possible, then retreat (either to their alcoves or to thakla's breath weapon on the platforms, and track how
the ground below) once they see a platform collapse. many times Zanathakla's breath weapon touches each part
The darters try to ascend and escape into the jungle of the structure. The breath weapon Is a close blast 5. so
when Zanathakla dies, and they surrender if they Zanathakla will often hit multiple platforms and staircases
can't escape. with her breath each time she uses it.
Stunts: Also keep the rules for Acrobatic stunts in
FEATURES OF THE AREA mind. Though the base DC is normally 15, adjust it as
needed to make this encounter fun. The standard DCs
Illumination: Darkness.
for 7th level are 8 (easy), 14 (moderate), and 19 (hard).
Floor: The cave floor is difficult terrain—a jumble
Describe various hanging ropes, fortuitous handholds, and
of rocks and bones from Zanathakla's meals or sacri -

other objects the characters can use to move quickly from

ficial victims thrown into the pit in ancient times.
one section of the scaffolding to another. The rubble at
Stairs:The stairs are difficult terrain for a
the bottom of the pit can contain handy objects—such as
creature ascending them, but normal terrain for a
grappling hooks—that a character could use after being
creature descending.
removed from the fight by a fall.
Platforms: Each section of platform is marked
with its elevation above the cave floor. If a creature
is pushed. pulled, or slid offa platform. It takes 1d10
falling damage per 10 feet as normal.
Adamantine dragon lair for five 13th-level
The old duergar stronghold alternates between fin-
ished chambers and natural tunnels. Chambers that
In the deeps of the Underdark lie the long-abandoned
have "straight" walls arc at least partially finished,
duergar mines of Bolmarzh. These are now the
with flagstone floors and walls of dressed stone blocks.
domain of the adamantine dragon Vanathia, who
Natural caverns have rough rock walls, but the floors
rules over the grimiocks and gargoyles infesting the
have been smoothed and leveled. The exception is the
chambers and passages of the old gray dwarf delving.
floor of the Great Chasm (area 5). which is littered
with heaps of broken rock from the duergar mining.
BACKGROUND Although most of the monsters in the mines don't
History DC 11: A few years ago, a young ada- need light, Vanathia prefers a little illumination; sev-
mantine dragon named Vanathia discovered the eral everburaing torches are located in the lair at the
old duergar mine while searching for a suitable lair. locations indicated on the map. The sound of falling
Vanathia settled into her new home and grew to water echoes loudly throughout most of the complex,
adulthood in the hidden mines. so Perception checks made to listen take a -5 penalty
In recent months, she has plundered several cara- everywhere except areas 1, 2. and 3.
vans and demanded tribute from nearby villages in Vanathia uses grimlocks of the tribe she defeated
the surface lands, creating a serious problem for the as her guards and servants. She also commands the
local merchants and townsfolk. The call has gone out loyalties of a large clutch of gargoyles that inhabit
for someone to best the dragon before her depreda- the upper reaches of the chasm. At any given time,
tions cause utter ruin. several small parties of grimlocks and gargoyles are
History DC 18: Decades ago, a clan of duergar out hunting in the caves and passages surrounding
discovered a great chasm in the Underdark. Its walls the old mines. (In fact, it might be an encounter with
glittered with veins of gold, and the gray dwarves one of these raiding parties that reveals Bolmarzh's
quickly established a mining outpost they called existence to a group of adventurers.) In addition, sev-
Bolmarzh—in their tongue, "Secret Treasure." For eral monsters—a galeb duhr. a beholder, and others
years, the duergar worked the hidden mine, carving lurking in the far corners of the mines—are under the
out living spaces for themselves in the surrounding dragon's dominion and serve her loyally.
caverns. Eventually, a large and fierce tribe of grim-
locks discovered the duergar outpost. The grimlocks
pillaged Bolmarzh and erected a crude shrine to the
The old duergar mines can be accessed from below
dark god lorog, in celebration of their victory over the
or from above. Surface explorers are likely to dis-
gray dwarves. The outpost lay abandoned for a long
cover the doors in area 1, which lie in a deep crevice
time, visited occasionally by grim locks that came to
or alcove of an otherwise unremarkable cavern.
worship at their shrine.
The cavern outside the doors of Bolmarzh might
lie beneath another dungeon or connect through a
series of natural caverns to a lonely mountainside


The mines of Bolmarzh offered Vanathia a strong, secret, An adamantine dragon newly grown to adulthood.
defensible home, while the upper reaches of the adjoin- Vanathia is proud and ambitious. The draconic hunger
ing chasm provided her with easy access to passage s to hoard items of value and to dominate lesser creatures
leading up to the abundant hunting of the surface world. bums brighter In her heart every day.
In time, the grimlocks discovered the dragon's presence Vanathia is not cruel or malicious, but she is ruthless and
and launched a furious attack to drive Vanathia out of quick to anger—any show of defiance provokes her into a
her home. However, the dragon repelled their assault, furious attack. Intruders in her domain can expect no mercy.
followed the grimlocks back to their own lair, and slew although supplicants who come bearing gifts might be given
their chieftain. Vanathia demanded the tribe's fealty, and a chance to respectfully present their requests. Vanathia has
the grimlocks yielded to her. The best warriors of the tribe a haughty, calculating demeanor, but she is a dragon of her
must serve the dragon in her lair, doing her bidding. The word and sticks to any bargain she agrees to. Of course, that
grimlocks serve Vanathia grudgingly, but they dare not means she expects others to do the same. She hunts down
defy her—or disappoint her. and destroys anyone breaking their word to her.

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

cave. Vanathia's servants scour the nearby caverns creatures moving into the roorrfean't see anything on


and dungeons regularly, hunting game and gathering the balcony on their side of the room, although they
various edible fungi and lichens. could see across the room to the balcony on the far side.
Travelers approaching from the deep Underdark A short passage from the balcony leads to a hiddeii
are more likely to stumble across the southwest end window overlooking the doors in area 1. The window
of the Great Chasm and follow it up to the Lower is about 1 foot square and 15 feet above the floor of
Gate (area 8). Grimlocks and gargoyles in Vanathia's area L
service roam the tunnels and caverns that connect Tactical Encounter: "The High Hall," page 112.
the chasm to the deeper parts oft he Underdark, Development: lithe characters leave the mines and
patrolling against raids by other Underdark monsters. return later, Vanathia replaces slain guards with new
This lair description assumes that the characters ones (see the tactical encounter for more information).
are approaching from the upper side (area 1).
The mines extend for several hundred yards to the AREA 3: STOREROOMS
southwest, Following the chasm, Vanathia's lair occu- When the PCs enter the area, read:
pies only part of the old excavations. These chambers look like aid storerooms. The floors are lit-
tered with rank furs. gnawed bones, stone flakes, and other
AREA 1: THE FRONT DOOR such detritus.
The old duergar-forged doors to the mines still stand. Development: I f Vanat hia sends for more guards
The doors are not locked or barred; the grimlocks after the characters make their initial foray into the
go in and out frequently, and they've fallen out of the mines, twelve grimlock minions and three grimlock
habit of securing the doors. berserkers occupy these rooms.

When the PCs see the doors, read: AREA 4: THE SMELTER
A deep alcove leading down from this cavern ends in a Long ago, this chamber served as the center of the
strong set of iron doors. covered in.faded Dwarven runes. mining operation in the chasm. The remnants of the
You ran make out the distant sound of falling water from duergar excavations are still here.
somewhere beyond.
When the PCs enter the area read:
If any PCs know Dwarven: A ramshackle old sluice box bisects this room, fed by a
The doors read: "Herein He the Halls of BoIniarzh. Death to dark, swift stream that spills out of a crevice high on the
those who enter uninvited.- north wall. A waterwheel stands at the front of the sluice.
connected by rotting pulleys to a bellows and furnace, both
Rusty Doors: A character who makes a DC 23 of which have rusted away to Junk. Below the sluice box, a
Perception check realizes that the doors are no longer small footbridge crosses the stream, which flows southward
seated evenly on their posts, and they will scrape out of the cavern to the sound of a waterfall. East of the
loudly over the stone when pulled open. This noise stream, a double door leads out of the room to the south.
alerts the monsters in area 2 unless the characters lift
the doors slightly while opening them or take other The stream is not deep; a character can wade it easily.
measures to open the doors quietly. The waterfall is in the portion of the stream south of
Hidden Window: A small spy-hole at the back of area 4 and north of the pool in the end of the chasm.
an alcove near area 2 (Perception DC 27 to notice) A character who makes a DC 18 Athletics check can
looks down on the door from about 15 feet overhead. ride out the waterfall (it's only a 20-foot drop) without
No one is keeping watch at the spy-hole the first time incident. A character who fails this check takes 1d10
the characters venture into this area. damage_ In either case, the character ends up in the
shallow pool on the other side of the waterfall.
AREA 2: THE HIGH HALL Secret Door: A secret door (Perception DC 27 to
This room once served as the banquet room and notice) is set in the southeast corner of the room, lead-
audience chamber for the duergar lord that ruled ing into area 7.
Bolmarzh. For Vanathia, it is a guardroom where
grimlocks and gargoyles stand watch to intercept AREA 5: THE GREAT CHASM
intruders. In addition. Vanathia is entertaining a This long rift is 300 feet high. A shallow stream
small delegation of duergar visitors that are interested meanders through it. Two bridges cross the stream
in working Belmar...Ws rich veins again. The dragon and the rubble-covered terrain adjacent to it. The
has instructed her minions to allow the gray dwarves ledges that border the chasm are 60 feet above the
to camp here while she considers their offer. lower surface. Characters who travel down the water-
The doorways that connect this area with areas fall from urea 4 and find themselves in the pool must
1 and 4 open into the hall underneath the balcony; scale one of the sides of the ledge (Athletics DC 15)

CHAPTER 3 l Dragon Lairs

to reach the higher terrain. Staircases that descend miners lived in barracks-buildings. To protect their
toward the south are cut into the ledges, following the dwellings, the gray dwarves walled off the mouth of
slope of the chasm as it contonues south and west. the cavern and built another strong gate, which now
The chasm continues off the far edge of the map, suits Vanathia quite well. The doors are not locked or
leading into more excavations and eventually con- barred, but hidden sentries keep watch inside.
necting with passages in the deeper Underdark. (You
can map out and populate this area as you see fit, When the PCs enter this area, read:
if you want this area to extend beyond the immedi- The steps descending the chasm wall meet a much lower
ate vicinity of Vanathia's In the roof over the ledge here, only 10feet above the chasm floor. To the
higher reaches of the chasm, vertical chimneys wind south and west. the chasm continues off into darkness. To
another hundred feet or so to exits hidden in the the east stands a double door of iron. at the top of a short
steep hills that lie on the surfbce. The dragon can't flight of stairs.
fly through these passages, but she can climb them
easily enough. (These chimneys are not depicted on Development: If the characters leave the complex
the map; they serve only to provide Vanathia with a and return, the doors are barred (break DC 28) and
way of leaving the mines if she manages to escape.) several grimlock guards are posted here to defend the
Tactical Encounter: "Chasm Battle," page 114. entry.


Off to the side of the chasm, 60 feet above the The duergar called this great cavern the Glimmer-
floor, is a cave that holds a small shrine dedicated vault, after the luminous crystals dotting its ceiling. It
to Torog. The grimlocks venerate the King that is so large that they were able to build free-standing
Crawls, although Vanathia could care less about the buildings of thick stone blocks in this room to serve
grimlock's religious observances. Before the dragon as the miners' barracks, their chieftain's home, and
conquered them, the grim locks occasionally raided their chapel. Vanathia has knocked down most of the
the surface world for suitable sacrificial victims. buildings to give her plenty of elbow room, but the
stone footings remain.
When the PCs enter this area, read: The dragon keeps one of her loyal gargoyles close
This chamber has a high, stalactite-covered roof 30 feet at hand at all times, to act as a messenger and major
overhead. In the far end of the area stands a pair of twisted domo. Vanathia also has another ally in her lair—a
rock pillars fitted with rusty manacles the south wall of galeb duhr that works slowly to shape and sculpt
the cave has been crudely chiseled into the image of a the lair to suit the adamantine dragon's whims. In
monstrous, eyeless face with a fanged maw and writhing exchange for its service as a guard, miner, and inte-
tentacles. Humanoid bones—mostly skulls and crushed rior decorator, Vanathia allows the galeb duhr to feed
ribcages--litter the .floor. on the rare crystals and rich veins found in the old
duergar mines.
Tactical Encounter: "Chasm Battle," page 114. Tactical Encounter: "Vanathia's Lair," page 116.


The duergar built this tunnel to serve as an escape This stone building once served as the personal quar-
route in case some enemy seized the Lower Gate ters of the duergar chieftain of Bolmarzh. It is now
(area 8) and trapped them in the large southern Vanathia's private den, as well as the location of her
chamber. The secret doors on either end are well hoard.
hidden (Perception DC 27). The 5-foot-wide and
5-foot-high passageway between them is interrupted When the PCs inspect the building, read:
by staircases that descend from north to south. Unlike the other buildings in this cavern, this one is mostly
Vanathia knows about the secret tunnel, but she has still intact. Inside the wide doorway a great pile afsilver
never used it because it would be a difficult squeeze and gold coins lies in the center of the room, with several
for her to get through it. eye-catching gems and pieces (Dewily carefully arranged
around it.
When the PCs enter the area, read:
This is a law and cramped passageway. Thcstairs are cov- Treasure: Vanathia's hoard consists of a level 16
ered with thick dust. magic item, 6,000 gp. 22,000 sp, a sapphire-studded
gold bracelet worth 800 gp. five diamonds worth 500
AREA 8: THE LOWER GATE gp each, and a mithral goblet fashioned in the shape
The heart of the old duergar stronghold was the ofdancing nymphs, worth SOU gp. This pile of valu-
cavern that now serves as Vanathia's lair. Here, the abies equals parcels 3 and 5 of a level 14 treasure.

CliAPTI..14. 3 I Dragon Lairs

7 . n
. ......
7. 7


2 Gargoyle Harriers (G) Level 11 Lurker

THE HIGH HALL Medium elemental humanoid (earth) XP 60(leath
Encounter Level 14 (5,000 XP) Initiative +13 Senses Perception +13; darkvision
HP 89: Bloodied 44
AC 21; Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 21
SETUP Immune petrification
2 gargoyle harriers (G) Speed 6. fly 8
2 duergar hellcallers (D) ® Claw (standard: at-will)
4 grirnlock ambushers (A) -06 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 damage.
Flyby Attack (standard; recharges after using stone form)
The gargoyle flies up to 8 squares and makes a melee basic
If the characters managed to open the door from area
attack at any point during the move, without provoking an
I silently, they surprise the monsters. The positions opportunity attack from the target. If the attack hits, the target
of the grimlocks and duergar on the map assume that is knocked prone.
the characters gain surprise. Otherwise, the noise of Stone Form (standard: at-will)
the old door squealing open alerts them. The grim- The gargoyle becomes a statue and gains resist 25 wall
locks bide along the wall under the balcony to either damage. regeneration 3. and tremorsense 10. It loses all
other senses and can take no actions in stone form other than
side of the archway and surprise the characters with
reverting to its normal form (as a minor action).
a sudden rush as soon as a character enters the room,
Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, Primonilal
while the duergar take cover behind the stalagmites. Skills Stealth +13
In either event, don't place the monsters on the map Str 21 (+10) Dex 17 (+8) Wis 17 (+8)
until the characters enter the room. Con 17 (+8) Int 9 (+4) Cha 17 (+8)

When the PCs enter the room, read: 2 Duergar Hellcallers ID) Level 12 Artillery
This chamber is a natural cavern improved by careful Medium natural humanoid, dwarf Wevill Xf' /00 each
stonework, itsfloor paved withflagsiones, and three of its Initiative +10 Senses Perception +13: darkvision
four walls finished in plain stone blocks. The ceiling still HP 96; Bloodied 48
AC 24; Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 25
has its glistening stalactites, and the wall to the south is
Resist 10 fire, 10 poison
made of pale white stone. A balcony circles the room about
Speed S
fifteen feet above the floor, and a couple of stone statues ® Mace (standard; at-will) 4. Weapon
gaze down on the floor below. An old stone dais stands in 119 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage.
the northern part of the room. Infernal Quills (standard: at•wili) + Fire. Poison
Ranged 10; +19 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 fire and poison damage, and the
If the PCs surprise the monsters, read: target takes ongoing 5 fire and poison damage and a -2 penalty
to attack rolls (save ends both).
Several gray-skinned savages with eyeless faces crouch in
Quids Quill Strike (minor; encounter)
scattered locations near the west wall of this ram. On the
The duergar heilcaller makes an Infernal quills attack.
other side of the room, a pair of dwarf like creatures sit near Asmodeus's Ruby Curse (standard; encounter) + Fear, Psychic
a small, dimlv glowing_fire, conversing in their guttural Close blast 5; targets enemies; +16 vs. Will; 3r18 + 5 psychic
language. damage, and the duergar helicaller slides the target to the
nearest space outside the blast. This forced movement provokes
Place the duergar and the grimlocks in the squares opportunity attacks.
* Quill Storm (standard; encounter) ♦ Fire, Poison
indicated, and resolve the surprise round.
Area burst 2 within 10; +17 vs. Reflex; 1d8 fire and poison
damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 fire and poison
lithe monsters surprise the PCs, read: damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both).
Several gray-ski nned savages with eyeless faces and Devilish Sacrifice (immediate Interrupt, when an enemy makes a
greataxes rush the archway, shrieking in battle furv. melee attack roll against the duergar hellcaller; encounter)
Behind them, a pair of dwarflike creatures with red-black The heficaller shifts to the nearest space beyond the triggering
skin and beards of stiff rust-colored hair lump outfrorn enemy's reach. A legion devil hellguard (MM 64) appears in the
hellcaller's former space and becomes the target of the enemy's
behind stalagmites and begin hurling quills plucked from
attack. The devil acts immediately after the hellcaller's initiative
their beards.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech,
Allow the characters Perception checks (DC 25) to Dwarven
detect the gargoyles for what they are. lithe gargoyles Skills Arcane +11, Dungeoneering +13, Religion +11
go undetected, don't place them on the map. The gar- Str 14 (+8) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 14 (+8)
goyles have combat advantage against the characters Con 18 (+10) Int 11 (4-6) Cha 22 (+12)
Equipment leather armor, mace
the first time the gargoyles act in the battle.
4 Grimlock Ambushers (A) Level 11 Skit.
Medium natural humanoid XP fir
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +7; blindsight 10
HP 110; Bloodied S5: see also offensive shift
AC 26; Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 23
Immune gaze
Speed 6
0 Greataute (standard; at-will) t Weapon
+16 vs. AC; 1d12 - 5 damage (crit 2d12 t 17),
. Offensive Shift (Immediate reaction, when an enemy moves
within 2 squares of the grimlock ambusher and attacks an ally
of the grimlock; recharges when First bloodied)
The grimlock ambusher shifts and makes a melee basic attack
against the enemy.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Skills Athletics +15, Endurance +12
Str 70 (+10) Dex 14 (4-7) Ms 15 (+7)
Con 14 (+7) int 9 1441 Ma 91+41
Equipment greataxe

The grimlock ambushers try to overwhelm the heroes
with a quick rush. After that, they fight in a loose
pack, so that two or three can use their offensive shift
reaction at once when an enemy provokes it. The
ambushers try to save a move action to shift away
from enemies after attacking, so that enemies have to
move up to attack them and provoke the offensive shift Iron Doors: The iron double doors connecting to
of their allies. The grimlocks happily mob any foes areas 1 and 4 are not locked. They have AC 5. For•
knocked prone by the gargoyles' attacks. tude 10, Reflex S, and 60 hit points.
The gargoyles prefer flyby attack, beginning and Stalagmites: Stalagmites are difficult terrain.
ending each swoop on the balcony. They are patient They provide cover to Medium or smaller creatures.
and cunning foes, and they are willing to forego Each stalagmite has AC 5, Reflex 5, Fortitude 10. and
a turn of attacking to assume stone form. This act 40 hit points.
recharges flyby attack, so the gargoyles end up attack- Dais and Throne: This square is difficult terrain.
ing every other round. The throne provides cover to Medium or smaller
The duergar begin the battle by using quill storm, creatures. The throne has AC 5, Reflex 5, Fortitude
but only if they can catch at least two enemies in the 10, and 20 hit points.
burst. Infernal quills is their default attack. They try to Fire Pit: The square containing these embers is
hang back away from the melee, and they are quick difficult terrain, A creature that enters the fire pit or
to use devilish sacrifice or Asmodeus's ruby curse to keep starts its turn there takes 5 fire damage.
enemies from closing on them. If necessary. they Spy-Hole Window: The spy-hole offers superior
climb the stairs up to the balcony to stay out of easy cover against attacks from area 1.
melee reach. The duergar have no particular loyalty
to Vanathia or their grimlock allies, and they don't DEVELOPMENT
hesitate to flee by any convenient exit once most of If the characters leave the mines and return later.
the dragon's servants have fallen. Vanathia sends for more grimlocks to serve as guards.
Four grimlock berserkers and two additional gargoyle
FEATURES OF THE AREA harriers are alert against future intrusions. The door
Illumination: Glowing coals from the duergar leading to area l is barred (DC 28 to break it down),
campfire provide 5 squares of dim light. and one of the gargoyles is posted at the spy-hole to
Ceiling: The ceiling in this chamber is 30 feet keep watch for intruders. Any duergar slain in this
above the floor (I 5 feet above the balcony). room are not replaced.
Balcony: The room is ringed by a stone balcony
15 feet above the floor. The squares directly under- TREASURE
neath the balcony are open, so creatures can move The duergar carry substantial wealth in their belt
under the overhang. The overhang blocks line of sght pouches: 25 pp, 300 gp, and a total of three fine
and line of'effect between creatures on the balcony emeralds worth 400 gp each. These valuables equal
and beneath it on the same side of the room. parcel 9 of a level 14 treasure.
It1.11° checks, mark the position of the eidolon, but don't
acknowledge that it's another creature. Until the eido-
Encounter Level 13 (4,800 XP) lon takes its first action, the characters mistake it for
an idol o I some kind.
I beholder eye of flame (B) Beholder Eye of Flame (B) Level 13 Elite Artillery
Tar. e aberrant ma beast XP 1.600
1 eidolon (E)
Initiative t 11 Senses Perception -15:
3 grimlock berserkers (G)
all-around vision, darkvision
Eyes of the Beholder aura 5: at the start of each enemy's turn, if
The beholder and the grimlocks can see (or sense) the that creature is within the aura and in the eye of flame's line of
doors leading from areas 3 and 4 from their positions. sight, the eye of flame uses one random eye ray power against
and are also aware if anyone enters this area by corning that creature.
down the waterfall, so it's unlikely that the characters HP 204; Bloodied 102; see also fiery burst

can surprise them. If a character attempts to get into AC 26: Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 28
Saving Throws +2
this area without attracting notice, allow the character
Speed fly 6 (hover)
a Stealth check (DC 27). On a success, the character
Action Points 1
has slipped through the door or into the pool unseen. ® Bite (standard; at-will)
but any subsequent movement puts the character in +18 vs. AC: 2d6 damage.
view of the monsters—without some means of staying )f Central Eye (minor, at-will)
unseen, the character is noticed. Ranged 8; the target gains vulnerable 10 fire, and any attack
that deals fire damage to the target also deals ongoing 5 fire
damage (save ends both).
If the PCs enter this area through the doors in
Eye Rays (standard; at-will) + see text
area 4, read: The eye of flame can use up to two eye ray powers (chosen from
You stand on a landing overlooking an illuminated chain- the list below), at least one of which must be afire ray. Each
- ber to the south and a rubble-strewn chasm leading off to power must target a different creature. Using eye rays does not
•P the southwest. A steep dropoff separates the chamber from provoke opportunity attacks.
thefloor of the chasm. In the distance, you can make out a 1-Fire Ray (Fire): Ranged 8; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 fire

wooden bridge that spans the chasm and the stream that damage.
2-Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 8: +17 vs. Fortitude: the target
runs through it.
slides 4 squares.
3-Fear Ray (Fear): Ranged 8; +17 vs. Will: the target moves its
If the PCs enter this area through the door lead- speed away from the eye of flame by the safest route possible
ing from area 3, read: and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Ahead of is a wide ledge with a set of ascending stairs Fiery Burst (when first bloodied and again when the eye of
thutframes one side of a huge chasm. You can see light flame drops to 0 hit points) Fire
Close burst 2; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 fire damage .
beyond the top of the stairs to the northeast, and another
Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech
torch to the south casts light on a wooden bridge that
Str 10 (+6) Dex 20 (+11) Wis 19 (+10)
crosses the chasm. Con 18 (+10) int 14 (+8) Cha 23 (+12)

If any PCs enter this area through the waterfall, 3 Grimlock Berserkers (G) Level 13 Brute
read: Medium natural humanoid (blind) XP 800 each
Youjind yourselves in a shallow pool looking south Into a Initiative +7 Senses Perception +8: blindsight 10
giant crevasse that continues as far as you can see. Over- ip 156; Bloodied 78
head, a bulbous monster covered in chitinous plates of fiery AC 15. Fortitude 27, Reflex 22, Will 23
red glares down at you, prepared to attack. Immune gaze
Speed El
Greataxe (standard; at-will) + Weapon
If the PCs move into area 6, read the text on
+16 vs. AC; 1d12 + 6 damage (crit 2d12 + 18).
page 110 and continue: {Power Attack (standard: requires greataxe; at-wily + Weapon
Three more of the eyeless sa vages you encountered ear- +14 vs. AC: 1d12 + 12 damage (crit 2d12 + 24).
lier are stationed in various spots throughout the shrine. 4. Frenzied Attack (standard; at-will)
Although they can't possibly see you, each one turns inyour The grimfock berserker makes two greataxe attacks against.]
direction and snarls as you come closer. bloodied enemy.
Grimlock Rage
When a grimlock berserker bloodies an enemy, it gains 10
Place the grimlocks and the beholder on the map.
temporary hit points.
Allow the characters to attempt DC 23 Perception
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Deep Speech
checks; if any character succeeds on this check. Skills Athletics +17, Endurance +14
place the eidolon, too—the character realized that it Str 22 (+12) Des 12 (+7) Wis 15 (+8)
was another creature. If all the characters fail these Con 16 (+9) int 7 (+4) Cha 9 (+5)
Equipment greataxe
— -

Eldolon (E) Level 13 Controller (Leader) radiant damage on their melee attacks). It remains in
Large natural animate (construct) XP 800 hallowed stance until one of the grimlocks falls, using
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +9 divine retribution if attacked or vengeful flames when
Fearless Followers aura 5; each ally In the aura is immune to fear.
its allies fall. After the first grimlock falls, the eidolon
HP 132; Bloodied 66

N1I NIL SO FBt ) 1.

abandons its stance and wades into battle, pummel-
AC 28; Fortitude 26. Reflex 22, Will 23
Immune disease, fear. sleep ing enemies. The eidolon fights until it is destroyed.
Speed The beholder hovers out over the chasm, staying
CO Slam (standard; at-will) out of melee reach of enemies on the ledge and 10 to
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage. 20 feet above the level of the ledge. It concentrates Its
Divine Retribution (immediate reaction, when an enemy attacks central eye andfire rayon enemies who are capable of
the eidolon while hallowed stance is active; at-will) + Radiant
hitting it at range. and it uses its telekinesis ray to hurl
Divine radiance strikes the creature that attacked the eidolon:
other foes into the chasm. lithe rest of the monsters
ranged 20, +17 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 radiant damage. Miss: Half
damage. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. have been defeated, the beholder retreats once it
)" Vengeful Flames (immediate reaction, when an enemy kills one becomes bloodied, flying up into the higher reaches
of the eidolon's allies in the eidolon's line of sight; at-will? Fire of the chasm until it is safely out of sight.
Divine fire engulfs the enemy: ranged 20; +17 vs. Reflex; 1d8 +5
fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire (save ends). This attack does not
provoke opportunity attacks.
Hallowed Stance (standard: at-will) • Radiant Illumination: Everburnirw torches (shown on the
The eidolon assumes a meditative stance. Until the end of its map) provide bright light to a radius of 5 squares.
next turn, the eidolon gains resist 20 to all damage. and all allies Waterfall Noise: The sound of the waterfall spill-
In its line of sight deal 1d8 extra radiant damage on their melee
ing out into the chasm is loud here. Perception checks
attacks. If the eidolon moves, the effect ends.
made to listen for sounds take a 5 penalty.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 22 (+12) Dex 14 (+81 Wis 16 (49) Ceiling: The ceiling of the chasm (area 5) is about
Con 20(4-111 Int 7 ( 4-1) Cha 11 ( ,.6) 200 feel above the ledge. The ceiling of the shrine
(area 6) is 20 feet high.
The Chasm: The ledge outside area 6 is 60 feet
above the chasm floor. Any creature that falls off the
The grimlock bersei kers prefer to hack their enemies
ledge takes 6d10 falling damage. A creature forced
to death with axes, but they are well aware of the
over the edge by a push, pull, or slide effect is allowed
opportunity the ledge over the chasm offers—they
a saving throw before going over the edge; on a suc-
begin the battle with a charge and a bull rush against
cess, the creature falls prone at the edge. The chasm
any enemies next to the edge (+13 vs. Fortitude,
walls are rough (Athletics DC 15 to climb).
counting the charge bonus). The grimlocks use power
Bridges: The bridges are rickety wooden spans
attack with abandon unless they have trouble scoring that creak under any amount of weight. Small crea-
hits. The grimlocks fight to the death.
tures can move across a bridge without difficulty.
The eidolon remains in the shrine, assuming
Medium creatures treat a bridge as difficult terrain.
its hallowed stance (which grants its allies 1d8 extra
Large creatures must attempt a DC 15 Acrobat-
ics check to cross. A bridge has AC 4. Fortitude 12.
Reflex 4, and 20 hit points.
Debris: The chasm floor is littered with broken
rock and heavy rubble. It counts as difficult terrain.
Stream: The stream is only 2 feet deep. but the
bottom is slippery; it counts as difficult terrain.
Stalagmites: Stalagmites are difficult terrain.
They provide cover to Medium or smaller creatures.
Each stalagmite has AC 5, Reflex 5, Fortitude 10. and
40 hit points.
Doors: The iron doors connecting with areas 3
and 4 are not locked. They have AC 5, Fortitude 10,
Reflex 5, and 60 hit points.

lithe beholder survives the fight, it hides near the top
of the chasm until it recovers. lithe characters leave
the mines without slaying the dragon and return later,
the beholder is back at its post, guarding the bridges.
Vanathia (V) Level 14 Solo Soldier
VANATH I A'S LAIR Adult adamantine dragon
Encounter Level 15 (6,200 XP) 1. ar,e natural ma teal beast ldra.oni X P ') .1)0 0
initiative +14 Senses Perception +16: darkvision
HP 564; Bloodied 282; see also bloodied breath
SETUP AC 30: Fortitude 27, Reflex 26, Will 25
I galeb duhr rockcaller Resist 20 thunder
I gargoyle harrier (G) Saving Throws +5
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15
Vanathia, adult adamantine dragon (V)
Action Points 2
(1) Site (standard; at-will)
The doors at area 8 are unlocked; Vanathia's servants Reach 2; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5
come and go at all times, although they're in the habit damage (save ends).
of knocking respectfully and waiting to be invited 0 Claw (standard; at-will)
inside. The dragon has a good view of the Lower Gate Reach 2; +19 vs. Reflex; Idl 0 + 6 damage.
and won't be surprised by anyone entering the room Draconk Fury (standard; at-will)
Vanathia makes two claw attacks and then makes a bite attack
from that direction.
against a different target.
Characters who descend through the secret tunnel
4. Wing Buffet (Immediate reaction when an enemy enters or
(area 7) can surprise the monsters. since Vanathia leaves an adjacent square)
doesn't expect anyone to enter from that direction, Reach 2; +19 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 6 damage. and the target is
and the other monsters don't know about the tunnel. knocked prone.
Allow characters who carefully open the secret door Tail Snap (minor action; at-will)
a Stealth check against the dragon's passive Percep- Reach 2; targets a prone creature; +19 vs. Reflex: 1d10 + 6
damage. and the target is slowed and weakened (save ends
tion (DC 25) to get the drop on her.
+ Breath Weapon (standard: recharge !:.: 1 I ) • Thunder
When the PCs enter area 9 through the double Close blast 5; +17 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 6 thunder damage, and
doors, read: the target Is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage.
This grand cavern climbs toward the east in three stepped <— Bloodied Breath (free, when First bloodied: encounter)
tiers, separated by steep 1D foot escarpments. The ceiling Breath weapon recharges. and Vanathia uses it.
glitters with luminous crystals, and a small pool feeds a 0E-Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) ♦ Fear
swift stream that flows out through a culvert. An old flag Close burst 5: targets enemies: +17 vs. Will: the target is
stunned until the end of Vanathia's next turn. Aftereffect: The
stone pathway leads up to the middle and upper tiers, where
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
the ruins of several small stone buildings stand. Most of the Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
buildings have been reduced to empty, rubble filled shells. Skills Insight +16. Intimidate +13
A dragon with dark. glossy. metallic scales lies at the far Str 23 (+13) Dex 21 (+12) Wis 18 (+11)
end of the cavern. surveying the chamber from the highest Con 21 (412) Int 11 (+7) Cha 121+8)
ledge. A winged gargoyle crouches near the dragon, attend-
ing its master. Gargoyle Harrier (G) Level 11 Lurker
Medium elemental humanoid (earth) XP 600
Place the dragon and the gargoyle as shown on the Initiative +13 Senses Perception +13: darkvision
HP 89; Bloodied 44
map. Don't place the galeb duhr until a character
AC 77: Fortitude 23. Reflex 21, Will 21
climbs to the second tier of the room or it takes an immune petrification
action, since it's not visible From the entrance of the Speed 6, fly 8; see also flyby attack
room. 0 Claw (standard; at•wIll)
+16 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 damage.
When the PCs see the galeb duhr, read: } Flyby Attack (standard; recharges after using stone form)
Amid the ruins of the building to the north. a strange rock- The gargoyle flies up to 8 squares and makes a melee basic
ream re lurks. It has a roughly humanoid shape but no attack at any point during the move without provoking an
opportunity attack From the target. lithe attack hits. the target
discernible head—its face is in the center of its stony chest.
is knocked prone.
Stone Form (standard; at-will)
If the PCs address the dragon, read: The gargoyle becomes a statue and gains resist 25 to all
"Fools!" the dragon hisses. "You dare to invade the domain damage. regeneration 3. and tremorsense 10. It loses all other
of Vanathia? Beg for your lives, and I may spare you. Oth- senses and can take no actions in stone Form other than revert
erwise . . . prepare to die." to its normal form (as a minor action).
Alignment Evil Languages Deep Spe ech, Primordial
Skills Stealth +13
Vanathia is willing to allow the characters to sur- Str 21 (+10) Des I 7 (• 8) Wis 17 (+8)
render, but only if they do so at once. If any character Con 171+8) int 9 (+4) Cha 17 (+8)
fails to throw down his or her weapon or implement.
the dragon attacks.
Gaieb Oulu Rocksaller (11) Level 11 Controller If Vanathia is reduced to 100 hit points or fewer,
%tudium rig:mental Iturn.maid ieaT tftt x:' she attempts to flee by the nearest exit, or she sur-
Initiative -S Senses Perception +12; tremorsense 10 renders if flight is not possible. lishe has to, she'll
HP 118; Bloodied 59
squeeze to flee up the secret passage.
AC 25; Fortitude 26, Reflex 21, Will 22
The gargoyle stays well away from the dragon.
Immune petrification. poison • C
Speed 4 (earth walk), burrow 6
harrying any character who tries to hang back out
® Slam (standard; at-will) of the fight. It usesflyby attack on its first attack. and
-F16 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 damage. it retreats to use stone form if it becomes bloodied or C
Rolling Attack (standard; at-will) finds two or more characters attacking it at the same Lu
The galeb duhr rockcaller moves up to 4 squares and then time.
attacks an adjacent target: +14 vs. Fortitude; 2c18 + 6 damage,
The galeb duhr seeks to hinder characters attack-
and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone. 7
ing the dragon in melee. It uses rocky terrain to make
Earthen Grasp (standard; at-will)
An earthen fist rises up to restrain the target. Ranged 10; +14 it difficult for enemies to shift around Vanathia and
vs. Fortitude; the target is restrained (save ends). The target earthen grasp to restrain any defender trying to mark
must be In direct contact with the ground, or the attack fails. the dragon. It avoids melee until the dragon becomes
The rockcaller can use earthengrosp against only one creature bloodied or it is attacked directly by enemies.
at a time.
?)- Rocky Terrain (minor. at-will)
Ranged 10; up to 4 squares within range become difficult FEATURES OF THE AREA
terrain. The squares need not be contiguous, but the affected Illumination: The luminous crystals of this
terrain must consist of earth or stone, cavern fill the room with dim light. In addition.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Dwarven, Giant
everburning torches at the locations shown on the map
Skills Stealth +10
provide bright light in a 5-square radius.
Str 19 (+9) Des 10(+5) Wis 15 (+7)
Con 22 (+11) int 13 (+6) Cha 13 (+6) Ceiling: The ceiling of the cavern is 40 feet above
the lower portion of the room, 30 feet above the
middle portion, and 20 feel above the uppermost
TACTICS portion.
Vanathia is an aggressive and overly confident com- Ruined Walls: Crossing a wall counts as moving
batant. She begins a battle by rushing into the middle into a square of difficult terrain, even lithe square
of her foes and using her breath weapon, and then on the opposite side is clear. The walls provide cover
uses tail snap against an enemy on the ground. Then against attacks that cross the walls.
she spends an action point to usefrightfiti presence. In Stalagmites: Stalagmites are difficult terrain.
the next round, she mauls foes with draconic fury and They provide cover to Medium or smaller creatures.
moves to attack the enemy who seems most danger- Each stalagmite has AC 5, Reflex 5, Fortitude 10. and
ous to her. She saves her last action point for when 40 hit points.
her breath weapon recharges, so that she can use her Escarpment: The escarpments are 10 feet tall
draconic fury and breath weapon in the same round. (Athletics DC 15 to climb). Any creature pushed off
art escarpment takes 1d10 damage
from the fall.
Pool: The pool is 5 feet deep. It
counts as difficult terrain.
Doors: The iron double doors lead-
ing to area 8 are not locked. They have
AC 5, Fortitude 10, Reflex 5, and 60
hit points.

f lt:11
Vanathia's hoard lies in the intact
stone building in the southeast corner
of this cavern (area 10). For details,
see page 110.
Bronze dragon lair for five 13th-level suffer the depredations of the sahuagin, as well as
adventurers the giant sharks they use as mounts and hunting ani-
mals. The earliest communities here were wiped out
Off the coast of the great Aelathric Ocean, near the entirely, slain to the last individual. But as the Empire
Bay of Fins and the multitude of small port towns of Nerath grew, the Bay of Fins became ever more
that line its shores, stands an array of small islands important to seaborne traffic, and ever larger towns
and protruding reefs. Tiny fishing villages. commu- sprung up around it. Before long, the land-dwellers
nities that trade their catch with the citizens of the greatly outnumbered the sea devils: the sahuagin
larger towns on shore or the merchants who pass by attacks changed from wars of extermination to hit-
in their galleons, inhabit some of them. and-run raids. intended to steal valuables and carry
Others are inhabited by dwellers far less friendly. off handfuls of citizens as Food, as blood sacrifices
Here, the dangers to passing ships go far beyond to their shark god, or both. And lithe humans and
hidden sandbars and daggerlike reefs waiting to halflings were too numerous for the sahuagin to pose
gouge the hulls of unsuspecting ships. For it is here, in a terminal threat, so were the sahuagin too stealthy
a deep grotto on one of these isles, that a savage pack and too brutal for the land-dwellers to defeat.
of sahuagin make their home—and here, too, dwells The result was a peculiar equilibrium. This isn't to
Xyphreneus, the bronze dragon who rules them. say that the local magistrates and militias were happy
about losing citizens to the sea devils, They took what
BACKGROUND steps they could to impede the sahuagin, but the
occasional raids and fatalities were accepted as a risk
History DC 11: A few years ago, Xyphreneus, a
of dwelling in the area; one might as well rail against
bronze dragon. expanded his territory across por-
the weather as expect the sahuagin to relent. On rare
tions of the coast and the Aelathric Ocean, including
occasions, the sahuagin sent a few of their number to
the Bay of Fins. When he learned of the constant
trade with the locals for goods they could not acquire
sahuagin raids that had been going on for genera-
in their raids, and the people—though often sim-
tions, he decided to take steps.
mering with anger over those they lost—knew better
Not quite, as it turned out, the steps that the people
than to attack those emissaries, lest the sahuagin
of the surrounding communities might have hoped for.
retaliate with attacks far more fearsome than those
With a few swift shows of strength (and of the
that had come before. And so it went, for generations
consequences for those that disobeyed), Xyphre-
neus usurped command of the sahuagin tribe. The
sahuagin baron, Uvokula, has managed to save face
by claiming he has taken on Xyphreneus as a partner, ENVIRONMENT
a fellow predator who has seen the wisdom in the The waters around the chain of islands (outside the
ways of Sekotah the shark god. area depicted on the map) are rough, requiring a
Today. the sahuagin tribe does not conduct DC 15 Athletics check to swim. The tidal currents
random raids on villages and ships. Rather, it has around and between the islands all have a strength
become Xyphreneus's tax collector, levying tribute of 3 squares, the direction depending on whether the
from every citizen, every town, every passing ship. tide is going out (flowing north) or coming in (flowing
After all, as the dragon sees it. he's performing a south). (See "Aquatic Combat," DMG 45.) Ledges and
service, preventing the sahuagin from engaging in rocky outcrops on the isles are slippery, requiring a
their bloody raids. The least the locals can do is show DC 25 Athletics check to climb.
their appreciation and make it worth his while. And Most of the sahuagin tribe is elsewhere, not within
as for those who don't? Well, if they won't pay for the the grotto that contains the dragon's lair. As the
service, he's hardly going to keep the sahuagin from characters search the island chains for the grotto,
attacking them, is he? they might have additional encounters with sahuagin
The result is that, although the violence and blood- (MM 224), war sharks (see the statistics block on
shed have decreased, the economic damage to the page 120), or a few citizens of the island-based fish-
communities in the Bay of Fins is staggering. The ing villages who worry that the characters will only
villages are already poverty-stricken, and shortages antagonize the dragon and make matters worse.
might soon become an issue. What the people here
need is someone who can deal with the dragon and As the PCs approach the grotto entrance, read:
the sahuagin both ... Almost Invisible behind a veil of dropping waves and the
History DC 18: For as long as humans and half- occasional jagged outcropping, a wide cave entrance gapes
lings have dwelt on the Bay of Fins, they have had to open, leading into the darkened interior of the stony isle.

CHAPTER 3 1 Oration Lairs

Tactical Encounter: "Feeding Frenzy." page 120.
or "On the Rocks." page 122.
About half the area in and around the lair is aquatic,
taking the form of an inlet that provides access to the
caverns along the shore. The water here is deep and AREA 4: XYPHRENEUS'S LAIR
the tide strong (as potent as it is outside the grotto). This cavern, 20 feet above the water level and sepa-
The former leaders of the sahuagin tribe dwell here, rated from the rest of the grotto by several thin but
eager to take out their frustrations on intruders. strong rock walls, is the home of the bronze dragon.
Tactical Encounter: "Feeding Frenzy." page 120. Treasure: Xyphreneus's lair contains wealth and
magic items equivalent to one level 14 treasure parcel
and half of another one.
Tactical Encounter: "On the Rocks," page 122.
The edges of the earth in these areas of the caverns
are waterlogged, with layers of pebbles above soft and
shifting sands. Although these areas offer a way to AREA 5: THE CAVERN BELOW
reach the higher ground deeper inside the grotto, the This cavern, smaller than the one that houses
soggy terrain makes travel slow and difficult. Xyphreneus, is the home of the dragon's lieutenant—a
Tactical Encounter: "Feeding Frenzy," page 120, dragonborn raider—as well as the sahuagin lead-
or "On the Rocks," page 122. ers, when they're not in the water. This cave runs
beneath a portion of the dragon's lair and under the
ledge leading from the southern slope up to the lair.
The entrance is marked by the semicircle of dashed
Other than climbing the slippery, sheer sides oft he
Sines between the two other sets of dashed lines that
cliffs that border most of the inlet, the only way to
describe the northern and southern edges of the area.
get up to the cavern's higher levels is by ascending
Treasure: The cave contains wealth equivalent to
these steep slopes. The rock in and around the areas
half of a level 14 treasure parcel. partly on the floor
marked 3 on the map is challenging terrain, requir-
and partly on the person of the dragonborn.
ing a character to make a DC 18 Athletics check in
Tactical Encounter: "On the Rocks," page 122.
order t move across it in either direction.

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

2 Aelathric Sahuagin Priests (P) Level 13 Artillery
- ;I:■ FEEDING FRENZY Meditint natural humanoid (aquatic! XP 800 each
Encounter Level 14 (5 ,0 0 XP) Initiative +11 Senses Perception -I-12; low-light vision
Note: The X P value for this encounter is slightly HP 102; Bloodied 51
higher than normal, due to the aquatic environment, AC 25: Fortitude 24, Reflex 25, WIll 26
Speed 6, swim 8
which greatly favors the monsters.
Trident (standard: at•w111) + Weapon
+18 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 darnage.
SETUP )1 Trident (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Ranged 316; +20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage. The sahuagin priest
2 Aelathric sahuagin priests (13)
must retrieve Its trident before it can throw it again.
Uvokula, sahuagin baron (U) )r Water Bolt (standard; at-will)
1 war shark ('N) Ranged 10 (20 while in water); +20 vs. AC; 2d6 + 4 damage
(3d6 + 6 while in water),
Moving into the grotto is hard enough, given the tides Spectral Jaws (standard; recharges when a target saves against
and the various rocky isles. It becomes harder once this effect)
the leaders of the sahuagin tribe engage the charac- Ranged 20: spectral shark laws appear and bite the target;
+18 vs. Will; 3d8 + 4 damage, and the target takes ongoing S
ters with the full i ntent of slaughtering them and then
damage and a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends both).
consuming the flesh from their bones. In fact, they'll
Blood Frenzy
probably eat the bones. too. A sahuagin gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to
The following descriptions assume that the charac- damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
ters are using boats or other aquatic vessels. I f they're Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
swimming, flying, or riding aquatic or aerial mounts, Skills intimidate +15
adjust the information accordingly. Str 18 (+10) Dex 20 (+11) Wls 22 (+12)
Con 18 (+10) int 13 (-P-7) Cha 18 (+10)
Equipment trident, holy symbol, kelp robe
When the PCs enter the cave, read:
'file choppy waters swirl around you. waves rebounding
Uvokula (ti) Level 14 Elite Brute (Leader)
off the stone wall and tides threatening to yank and spin
Large mutual humanoid as tiatic XP 2.000
your boat this way and that. Jagged reefs and small isles
Initiative +12 Senses Perception + low-light vision
protrude from the dark sea, threatening to stave in the side Blood Healing (Healing) aura 10: each ally within the aura that
of your vessel with the slightest contact. Great walls of stone starts its turn adjacent to a bloodied enemy regains 5 hit points.
rise up to either side, coated with ocean salt and bouncing HP 340; Bloodied 170
echoes in all directions. AC 26; Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 25
Saving Throws +7
Speed 6, swim 8
Perception Check
Action Points 1
DC 26 (or 21 if the PCs are underwater) Barely
Trklent (standard; at-will) + Weapon
visible beneath the violent waters. you catch a glimpse of Reach 2; +17 vs. AC; 3d4 4- 4 damage.
a dark-scaled creature, humanoid yet inhuman, moving G) Claw (standard; at-will)
swiftly toward your hull. Reach 2; -1-37 vs. AC: 1d6 + 3 damage, and ongoing 5 damage
DC 27 (or 22 if the PCs are underwater) Beyond (save ends).

them, a third creature—larger, with four gaunt arms and )T Trident (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Ranged 3/6; +17 vs. AC; 3d4 + 4 damage. Uvokula must retrieve
grasping claws—rises from the darkened depths.
his trident before he can throw it again.
DC 29 (or 24 if the PCs are underwater) What at + Baron's Fury (standard: at-will)
first seemed to be an undersea boulder suddenly moves, its Uvokula makes a trident attack and two claw attacks.
body twisting sharply and cutting through the sea in your Blood Hunger
direction. A dorsal fin slicing the surface of the water like a Uvokula gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +5 bonus to
blade is all the evidence you need that the beast must be a damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
shark of prodigious size. Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Intimidate +16
Str 24 (+14) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 14 (+9)
TACTICS Con 20 (+12) int 14 (+9) Cha 18 0111
The sahuagin and the shark move to attack, leaving Equipment trident. headdress

their starting points, once the characters have moved

The priests remain at a distance, lobbing ranged
a reasonable distance into the grotto. (Assume they
attacks at the characters. They prefer to focus on obvi-
attack once the characters move to the east or west
ous ranged combatants, allowing Uvokula and the
side of the large island. If, however, the characters
shark to deal with the party's frontliners.
attempt to moor their boat to the shore or climb up
Uvokula attempts to drag or knock foes into the
onto land before reaching either of those points, the
water, where he has the advantage. II- doing this
monsters move in to attack anyway.)
proves impossible, he makes melee attacks against
characters in a boat or on the shore.
War Shark MI Level 14 Skirmisher
Lai Ye natural beast (at %Mir. mount) XP 1.000
Initiative 116 Senses Perception r9
HP 139; Bloodied 69
AC 28; Fortitude 26. Reflex 213. Will 23
Speed swim 11
OD Bite (standard; at•will)
+17 vs. AC; 3c16 F 5 damage.
Deft Swimmer (while mounted by a friendly rider of 14th level or
higher; at•will) t Mount
The war shark's rider gains a 12 bonus so AC against
opportunity attacks. While in water, the rider also gains a +2
bonus to attack rolls against creatures without a swim speed.
While in water. a war shark gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls
against creatures without a swim speed.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 21 (+12) Dex 24 (+14) Wis 14 (r9)
Con 19 (1- 11) int 2 (+3) Cha 9 (+6)

Uvokula prefers to keep close enough to his allies

for his blood healing aura to benefit them, but he does
not give up any tactical advantage, or retreat from
melee, to do so.
All three of the sahuagin fight to the death.
The shark goes after any character in the water,
preferring wounded targets over those who have not
been damaged by the sahugain.
The shark attempts to flee if the sahuagin are dead
and it is reduced to 34 or fewer hit points.

FEATURES OF THE AREA pilot's turn. (lithe characters haven't designated a

Illumination: The grotto is dimly lit, by sunlight pilot, have them do so at the start olcombat.) The
coming in through the opening and by phosphores- current moves either north or south, as you choose.
cent fungi along the rocks and the walls. for the duration of the encounter. A creature or object
Ceiling: The ceiling of the grotto stands 70 feet pushed up against the shoreline inside the grotto
overhead. stops moving in the square adjacent to the shore.
Current: The current pushes each creature and Echoes and Waves: Due to the ambient sounds
object in or on the water 3 squares at the start of its of water inside the cavern, all creatures take a -2 pen-
turn, unless they spend movement to prevent it. (See alty to Perception checks to listen.
"Aquatic Combat." DMG 45.) The boat moves on its Island Reefs: If the characters' boat is pushed into
one of the islands, either by a bull rush or by the tidal
currents, roll a +14 attack against the boat's AC of 26.
R.AMM1NG THE BOAT On a hit, the hull is damaged, and the boat begins
Livokula or the war shark might attempt to ram any vessel to sink. The process takes Id4 + I rounds, at which
the characters occupy. Treat this as a bull rush attack point, if they have not already climbed onto land, the
against the Fortitude defense of each character in the characters find themselves in the water.
boat, and against AC 26 for the boat (roll once for each Cliffs: It requires a DC 23 Athletics check to
character and again For the boat, as though it were an climb any of the cliffs at the water's edge.
area attack). if the boat Is hit, it moves 1 square, as with a Sandy Shores: Areas of wet sand on the shore-
normal bull rush. This movement might cause the boat to line (marked with triangles on the map) are difficult
beach itself on one of the low-lying patches of wet sand. terrain.
It might also push the boat Into one of the island reefs Stone Outcrops: Blackened areas on the map are
Lsee "Features of the Area"). A character who Is hit must upthrust stone that blocks line of sight and serves as
make a saving throw. Those who save are knocked prone impassable terrain.
In the boat: those who fail the saving throw are knocked Water: The water is rough (DC 15 to swim), due
overboard into the water. A character who is already to the waves and currents. The water is 10 to 15 feet
prone inside the boat does not risk falling overboard deep along the shores, but it swiftly drops off to as
during such an attack. deep as 90 feet near the cave entrance.

Xyphreneus (X) Level 14 Solo Brute (Leader)
• `.

Encounter Level 15 (6,675 XP)

Adult bronze dragon
Lar e natural ma, ical beast (aquatic, dra • on XP 5,000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +13; darkvision
HP 507; Bloodied 253; see also bloodied breath
SFTLIP AC 26; Fortitude 28, Reflex 25, Will 25
dragonborn raider (D) Resist 20 lightning
5 Aelathric sahuagin guards (S) Saving Throws +5
Speed 6. fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10, swim 6
Xyphreneus, adult bronze dragon (X)
Action Points 2
@ Bite (standard: at-will) 4- Lightning
Once the characters emerge from the waters and Reach 2; +17 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage plus 3d6 lightning damage.
begin exploring. it's only a matter of time before ® Claw (standard: at-will)
t hey encounter the draconic master of the sahuagin Reach 2: +17 vs. AC: 2d8 1 0 damage.
band—and unless they've come to offer great riches in + Double Attack (standard; at-will)
tribute, he's not especially pleased to see them. Xyphreneus makes two claw attacks.
.(.• Breath Weapon (standard; recharge :-: till ♦ Lightning
The read-aloud text below assumes that the char-
Close blast 3; +15 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 5 lightning damage. and
acters first eiicounter each creature at its starting Xyphreneus pushes the target 2 squares. If the attack hit at least
point as indicated on the map, but this won't always one target, Xyphreneus makes a secondary attack against a
be the case. Modify your descriptions accordingly. creature within 10 squares that was not a target of the primary
attack. Miss: Half damage. Secondary Attack: +15 vs. Reflex;

• When the PCs first land on any area 2, read: 2d10 + 5 lightning damage. and Xyphreneus pushes the target
The soft sand squelches out from beneath your feet. 1 square.
‹.• Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter)
Beyond, the earth appears firmer, the rocks—and the
Breat h weapon recharges, and Xyphreneus uses it.
footing—store steady.
<- Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear
Close burst 5: targets enemies: +13 vs. Will; the target is
When the PCs approach any area 3, read: stunned until the end of Xyphreneus's next turn. Aftereffect: The
A slope rises ahead; it looks slick. but not too hard to tra- target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
verse. Beyond. stretches of rocky floor lead to several caves. Xyphreneus's Command (Immediate reaction, when an enemy
moves adjacent to an ally: at-will)
The ally can make a melee basic attack against the triggering
When the PCs enter area 4, read:
creature and then shift 1 square.
Atop the slopes stands a cavern, divided into several
Restorative Dive (minor; while bloodied and completely
smaller chambers by winding walls of natural, water- submerged in water; encounter) + Healing
carved stone. Beyond the scent of the ocean. you can make Xyphreneus regains 120 hit points, and each ally in water within
out a musky odor, faintly reptilian in nature. 5 squares regains 20 hit points.
As your eyes adjust, you spot something movirw deep Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
in the darkness of the cave, something with a lon,q, sinuous Skills History +13, Intimidate +16
Str 26 (4-15) Des 21 (+12) W15 13 (+8)
neck and unfolding strings.
Con 211+12) Int 12 (+8) Cha 20 (+12)
In a voice that sounds like the crashing of the waves
against unyielding rock, the great beast speaks. 1 am Xyphre-
neus. l trust you have come to offer me proper tribute." TWO FIGHTS OR ONE
This encounter unfolds in one of two ways. depending on
When the PCs approach area 5, read: what happens first.
An opening in the cliff wall leads beneath die ledges on the if the characters enter area 5 before meeting Xyphre-
western side of the grotto. neus, then they find the dragonborn and the sahuagin In
their positions as indicated on the map, and combat takes
When the PCs enter area 5, read: place between the two groups. (When the characters
The cavern under the grotto smells strongly offish. In the resolve this battle, they should realize that there's still a
shadows, several scaled humanoids similar to those who dragon to be dealt with somewhere in the grotto.)
attacked you in the water glare in your direction. If the characters find the lair and confront Xyphre-
neus before entering area 5, the dragon lets out a roar
Perception Check that brings the dragonborn and the sahuagin running. At
DC 26 A notherfigure, covered not in fishlike scales but the start of the fourth round after the characters begin
reptilian ones of glossy black. creeps toward you, a dagger conversing or fighting with Xyphreneus, two of the other
clutched in each clawed hand. creatures enter the lair through the southern opening and
Join the fray. Two more appear in the fifth round and the
TACTICS final two a round later.
The dragonborn and the sahuagin attack as soon as Regardless of the order of events, the encounter isn't
they see the characters, unless the characters are over until all the monsters are dealt with.
Dragonborn Raider (D) Level 13 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid XP 800
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +13
HP 129; Bloodied 64; see also drogonbom fury
AC 27; Fortitude 23, Reflex 24. Will 21
Speed 7
(I) Katar (standard: at-will) + Weapon
+19 vs. AC (+20 while bloodied): 1d6 + 4 damage frill 2d6 + 10).
+ Twin Katar Strike (standard; at•will)
If the dragonhorn raider doesn't take a move action on its turn,
it shifts 1 square and makes two hur attacks, or vice versa.
* Dragon Breath (minor; encounter) Acid
Close blast 3; +14 vs. Reflex (+15 while bloodied); 1d6 + 3 acid
Combat Advantage
A dragonborn raider deals 1d6 extra damage against any
creature granting combat advantage to it.
Dragonburn Fury (only while bloodied)
A dragonborn gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.
Infiltrating Stride (move: recharges after the dragonbum raider
attacks two different enemies with (win !Tatar strike)
Tlie dragunborn raider shifts 3 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
Skills History -P-8, intimidate '-9. Stealth 416
Str 18 (+10) Dex 21 1.1 1) Wis 14 (+8)
Con 17 (+- 9) Int 10 (+6) Cha 12 (+7)
Equipment leather armor, 2 katars

Aelathric Sahuagin Guards (5) Level 12 Minion

Medium natural humanoid (aquatic! XI' 11'3 •ai h
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +8; low-light vision
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 26: Fortitude 24. Reflex 73, Will 22
Speed 6, swim 6
Trident (standard; at-will) + Weapon
+17 vs. AC, 6 damage.
?)- Trident (standard; at•will) + Weapon
Ranged 316; +17 vs, AC; 6 damage. The saltuagln guard must
retrieve its trident before it can throw it again.
Blood Frenzy
A saisuagin gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to
damage roils against bloodied enemies.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Str 22 (+12) Dex 17 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
Con 20 ((-11) 4 Int 10(4'6) (ha 12 (+7)
Equipment trident

conversing with the dragon. Once Xyphreneus attacks,

the other creatures engage in combat. They fight to
the death while Xyphreneus lives, but if the dragon is
slain and they are bloodied, they attempt to escape.
Unless the characters try to offer Xyphreneus trib- Xyphreneus is proud and refuses to accept defeat.
ute (which might require a skill challenge). he grows Only if all his allies are slain and he is reduced to
irritated that they've bothered him (not to mention fewer than 40 hit points does he try to escape.
that they've slain some of his most potent servants, if
they visited area 5 first) and attacks.
Xyphreneus prefers to engage in melee, opening
with a breath attack and frightful presence (using an Illumination: Dim light from phosphorescent
action point to do both in the same round), and then fungi along the rocks and the walls.
making claw, bite, and wino smash attacks until his Ceiling: The ceiling inside area 5 is 15 feet tall.
breath weapon recharges. ifmore complex tactics are Stone Outcrops: The blackened areas in and
necessary, he circles through the cavern to attack around Xyphreneus's lair are upthrust stone that
from multiple angles, or else grabbing foes, moving blocks line of sight and serves as impassable terrain.
over the water, and dropping them or diving in. Other Features: See the previous encounter.
Silver dragon lair for five 18th-level adventurers
Twelve casks of mead—a gift from the dwarven deity THE ROLL OF CLAIMS
Moradin—once filled the hoard of the ancestors of the In addition to the remaining casks of mead. Meth-
elder silver dragon Methenaera. Anyone who drank it enaera maintains a chronicle of all who have claimed
saw visions of the future. Methenaera's line kept the casks of mead in the past. Her ancestors passed down
mead safe for centuries. a scroll called the Roll of Claims, which identifies
Two casks remain. Methenaera will grant them each person or group that claimed a cask of mead
only to seekers she deems worthy of drinking this and gives the reason each sought the mead. a brief
elixir of deities. personal history, and the destination where the recip-
ient was planning to go.
BACKGROUND The character who takes on this minor quest
History DC 20: After the defeat of the primordi- might be seeking information about a hero from ages
als in their war against the gods, Moradin spent time past. A more seIfserving character might want to add
in the northern mountains, constructing a fortress his or her name to the list simply to gain more fame
of polar ice. He befriended the local silver dragons, or greater pride.
including Met henaera's ancestors, that loved his Quest XP: 2,000 XP (minor quest).
mead. In time, Moradin tired of the snow and, leaving
casks of the mead as a gift to the dragons, returned to
his dominion in the Astral Sea. METHENAERA,
Centuries of blizzards transformed Moradin's ice THE MEAD-KEEPER.
fortress into a glacier indistinguishable from other Like the other dragons of her line, Methenaera worships
glaciers in the mountain range. The dragons tapped Moradin above all other gods. She honors the wishes of
the casks only when they needed prophetic power. her ancestors, who personally knew the god and drank
During the fall of Nerath, powerful heroes traveled his mead when it was still plentiful. Over the years. the
north in search of Methenaera's mother and the casks have diminished in number as worthy crusad-
casks, hoping to find a way to forestall the empire's ers have come seeking the mead's prophetic visions.
collapse. Those who drank from the casks saw the Methenaera compels herself to live up to her family's
future and returned to their ruined homes, sadder legacy. The greatest shame she could suffer would be
and wiser. letting evil or meek creatures drink from the mead.
After the empire's fall, few sought the casks. The silver dragon's test of combat guarantees that any
Methenaera guards the last two, waiting for the day people who comes to collect will prove their dedication
when she might honor Moradin and her ancestors with blood.
by ensuring that the last of the mead goes toward a After dwelling in her lonely cave for so long. Meth-
worthy cause. enaera has little talent for conversation and no tolerance
at all for idle chatter. When she does speak, her voice is
HOOK: DRINK OF stem, bordering on aggressive (at least when she's talking
to those she hasn't yet fought). She peppers her speech
METHENAERA'S MEAD with references to Moradin and invokes his name for suc-
When the characters search for clues about their cess in battle.
ongoing quests, they can learn about Methenaera Methenaera creates formations of ice crystals with
and the mead casks and then seek the mead for assis- her breath, and these creations Jut up from the floor of
tance. As they discover (if they find Methenaera and her cave. Forming these abstract shapes is both a way to
gain her trust or at least her cooperation), the mead pass the time and a way to worship Moradln as the god
serves as a component in prophetic rituals known of creation,
by Moradin's high priests. Who better to fetch the
casks from Methenaera than the adventurers? Other
uses for the mead might develop as your storyline
Quest XP: 2,000 XP (minor quest).

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

A journey to Methenaera's cave by land begins in La

the logging town of Nordkell, about a hundred miles
south of the cave. Characters must contend with
winding mountain roads, bad weather (snowstorms
and blizzards, even in the summer), and a monster- w
infested landscape. 2
For those seeking to use magic to reach Meth-
enaera's cave, the nearest teleportation circle is in I
Himmerdun, a dwarven fortress about fifty miles
south of the cave. The dwarves have trained hip-
pogriffs that can fly through the mountains in good
Frost Giants: A clan of frost giants knows of the
legend of Moradin's mead and would love to find the
cave entrance. They have seen Methenaera flying at
a distance, but she stays far enough away from them
that they have not attacked her.
Moradin's Ice Fortress: One oft he dozens of
glaciers within a few leagues of Methenaera's cave
is Moradin's fortress. Avalanches, blizzards, and
the accumulation of ice have worn away the spires
and battlements and covered the entrances. Interior
chambers remain intact.
Who knows what ancient treasure—and guardians—
the fortress might contain? Methenaera wants access;
she might send the characters on a quest to find and
map the fortress, which could help to convince her that
the characters are worthy to drink the mead.
Cave Entrance: Methenaera's cave entrance,
covered with a crust of snow, is barely wide enough
for the silver dragon to squeeze through. It lies at the
edge of a snow-covered alpine meadow.
Ice Stream: A cold stream From a spring higher
up the mountain runs underneath the snow and into
the cave. Witltin the cave, a thin sheet office covers
the stream, which meanders through the upper
chamber before dropping down a chute to emerge
farther down the mountain.


Four ice archons have served Methenaera's line of
dragons since Moradin left for his dominion. The
archons guard this chamber. They rest within the two
black obelisks on the chamber floor.
Tactical Encounter: "Upper Chamber," page 126.


When she is not soaring over the mountains and
surveying glaciers in a search for intruders or food,
Methenaera sleeps in the northern part of the lower
chamber, curled around the two casks of mead.
Tactical Encounter: "Lower Chamber," page 128.


CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

. 1.i113 1 R. CHAMBER Ice Archon Frostshaper (F) Level 20 Controller (Leader)
Mr-ilium elemental humanoid (cold) XP 2.800
Encounter Level 17 (9,000 XP) initiative +14 Senses Perception 414
Icy Aura (Cold) aura 5 (while not bloodied); cold creatures within
the aura gain regeneration 10. Enemies treat the squares within
SETUP the aura as difficult terrain.
1 ice archon frostshaper (1') HP 190; Bloodied 95
1 ice archon hailscourge (II) AC 34; Fortitude 32, Reflex 28. Will 32
2 ice archon rimehammers (11) Immune disease. poison: Resist 30 cold
Speed 6 lice walk)
(1.) Ice Blade (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Before the characters reach Methenaera, they must
+23 vs. AC: 2d6 + 8 cold damage.
contend with her ice archons. Ice Javelin (standard; at-will) Cold, Weapon
Ranged 5; +73 vs, AC; 2d6 + 8 cold damage. and the target is
When the PCs reach the cave entrance, read; slowed until the end of the Ice archon fmstshaper's next turn.
You enter the rave and stop at the edge of a 20 foot cliff '* icy Burst (standard; recharges when the ice archon frostshaper
Tim stream pours down the cliff fare and continues below, hits with a melee attack) + Cold
Area burst 1 within 5: +23 vs. AC; 3d8 + 8 cold damage, and the
w the northwest. The irregularly shaped cave is about 70
target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is
feet long and nearly as wide. Rock protrusions block parts not slowed.
of the cave from view. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
lit the middle of the cave floor. a black stone obelisk Skills intimidate -423
glows briefly. Two dark-armored creatures made ofliving Str 26 (+18) Dex 19 (+14) Wis 18 (+14)
ice and wielding massive maids appear and move slowly Con 22 (416) Int 14(412) Cha 27 (+18)
toward you_
Ice Archon Hailscourge (HI Level 16 Artillery
Perception Check Medium elemental humanoid Scold! XP 1.400

DC 20 In a reflection on an icicle, you see a dark shape Initiative +11 Senses Perception +10
HP 120; Bloodied 60
around the corner to your left—perhaps another obelisk?
AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 27. Will 26
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 cold
The dark shape is a second obelisk—one that's produc- Speed 6 (ice walk)
ing a frostshaper and a hailscourge. (4) Slam (standard; at-will) + Cold
+19 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 cold damage.
Arcana Check Ice ShurIken (standard; at-will) + Cold
DC 20 Calling upon a sliver of ktwwledgefrotn your Ranged 6/12; r 71 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage plus 1d6 cold
damage .
memory. you discern that the obelisks are directly associ-
Double Attack (standard:at-will)
ated with theguardian creatures they spawn. It's possible The ice archon hailscourge makes two ice shoriken attacks,
that you can dismiss the creatures by ruining the obelisk , Hail Storm (standard; recharge1211 ir,) + Cold
Area burst 1, 2, 3, or 4 within 20; +21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 cold
2 Ice Archon Rimehammers (RI Level 19 Soldier damage. Miss: Half damage. The ice archon hailscourge
Medium elemental humanoid Kuhl XP 2,400 each determines the burst radius.
Initiative 415 Senses Perception +12 Frost Shield (immediate interrupt, when attacked by a ranged,
Icy Ground (Cold) aura 1; enemies treat squares within the aura as close, or area attack; encounter) 4. Cold
difficult terrain. The ice archon hailscourge gains resist 20 to all damage against
HP 185; Bloodied 92 the triggering attack.
AC 35; Fortitude 35, Reflex 32, Will 31 Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 cold Sir 18 (+12) Dex 161+11) Wis 14 (410)
Speed 6 (ice walk) Con 18 (412i Int 14 (410) Cha 15(.10)
CI) Maul (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon Equipment plate armor
+25 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage plus 1d6 cold damage, and the
target is slowed (save ends). Against a slowed target, the ice
archon rimehammer deals 2d6 extra cold damage.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial Only a direct order from Methenaera can call off the
Str 24 (+16) Dex 18 (+13) Wls 16 (+12) ice arc hons. Because they have ice walk, the archons
Con 25 (+16) Int 14 (+11) Cha 15 (+11) do not make Acrobatics checks to avoid slipping.
Equipment plate armor, maul
The riniehamrners move slowly toward the char-
acters; they would rather fight in the chamber than in
the entrance, so they can lure characters onto the ice
over the stream. Once engaged in melee, the rime-
hammers focus their attacks on slowed characters.
Knowing the ice is thin, the rimehammers shift every
round to avoid breaking through it. Their icy ground

Ar glir4114111

aura can keep the characters from shifting and puts that were bound to it, whereupon those creatures flee
them at greater risk for falling through the ice. out the entryway.
The frostshaper comes around the corner and Walls: The cave walls are rough, but omnipresent

drops an icy burst on as many characters as possible. ice makes climbing difficult. A character attempt-
even if that means catching other ice archons (which ing to climb the walls must make a DC 25 Athletics
have cold resistance) in the burst. Next, the Frost- check.
shaper moves 5 squares behind the rimeharnmers to Cliffs: The cliffs at the entrance and dividing the - 6
envelop them in its icy aura. It uses ice javelins against upper chamber from the lower chamber are 20 feet t.0
characters who are not slowed. higandrequIK:25Athlicsekoand
The hailscourge stays near the frostshaper and or descend. I--
drops hail storms on the characters. (Again, the Thin Ice: 't he ice-covered stream that runs
rimeliammers' cold resistance should protect them.) through the chamber is challenging terrain. When Lij
When it cannot use hail storm, the hailscourge makes a character enters the first ice square in a turn, the
a double attack. character must succeed on a DC 17 Acrobatics check Z uj
Although the archons are of chaotic evil align- or fall prone in that square.
ment, they don't always behave accordingly (see the In addition, the ice is thin enough to be danger-
section about the obelisks in "Features of the Area"). ous. A character who stays in a particular ice square
from the start of his or her turn until the end of that
FEATURES OF THE AREA turn hears the crack of ice and makes a saving throw.
Success results in the character falling prone in an
Illumination: During the day, the upper chamber
adjacent square as the ice gives way in the square he
has bright light at the top of the cliff and dim light
or she had occupied. On a failed saving throw, a char-
below it, because the icy sheen on the walls is reflec-
acter falls through the ice in his or her location and
tive. At night, the chamber is dark.
slides to a randomly determined adjacent square.
Obelisks: One of Methenaera's ancestors, after
The water under the ice is 10 feet deep. A DC 10
fending off a group of intruders that proved espe-
Athletics check as a move action allows the character
daily troublesome, used a ritual to construct these
to swim to a square that contains open water. After
obelisks and bind a pair of ice archons into each one.
that, a DC 20 Athletics check as a move action allows
The archons appear and attack when anyone not
the character to climb into an adjacent. unoccupied
authorized by Methenaera enters the upper chamber.
Each obelisk has AC 5, other defenses 10. and 40 hit
The stream runs west and then north, cascading
points. Destroying an obelisk releases the archons
from the upper chamber to the lower chamber.
Ice Crystals: To amuse
herself in her spare time,
Methenaera delicately
breathes on the ground to
coax jagged and complex
ice crystal sculptures from
it. Ice crystal stands are tiff-
ficult terrain and provide
cover. Each square of ice
crystals has AC 8, other
defenses 8, and 3 hit points.
Pit: The pit in the north-
west corner is 50 feet deep.
The walls are especially icy
(Athletics DC 28 to climb).
A narrow passage at the
bottom of the pit slopes
downward and emerges
from the mountain a
quarter-mile away.

Methenaera (M) Level 22 Solo Brute

LOWER 0- 1AAARLIt Eider silver dragon
Encounter Level 18 (10,000 XP) Hu,e natural ma. Ira! beast (dra.on) XI , 70,750 l
Initiative +14 Senses Perception 4-18; darkvision
HP 1.050; Bloodied 525: see also bloodied breath
SL TUP AC 34: Fortitude 36, Reflex 34, Will 34
Methenaera. elder silver dragon (M) Resist 25 cold
Saving Throws +5
Speed S. fly 8 (hover), overland flight 15
Methenaera wants to fight: even if the characters try
Action Points 2
diplomacy, a battle ensues. Methenaera fights until
(.1) Bite (standard: at-will)
bloodied, at which point she offers to surrender a Reach 3; +25 vs. AC; 3d8 + 8 damage.
cask amend, Because this is a subdual encounter tf) Claw (standard: at-will)
(described on page 49), Methenaera is the equivalent Reach 2; +25 vs. AC: 2d8 + 8 damage.
of an I 8th-level adversary, and the encounter is worth +Tall Slam (standard; at-will)
a corresponding amount of XII. Reach 4; +73 vs. AC; 4d6 + 8 damage, and the target is dazed
(save ends).
Methenaera's Onslaught (standard: recharge :: El 1
When the PCs reach the point where the stream
Methenaera makes a claw attack against each enemy within
seeps into crevices in the wall, read: reach. She also makes one bite attack nr tail slam attack.
The cavern seems to be at least 100 feet long. You can + Wing Slice (Immediate reaction, when an enemy flanking
tell that the northern part has a lowerfloor. because you Methenaera attacks her; at•ill)
cannot see the floor of that pa rtfrom where you stand. The Reach 2; targets the triggering enemy and an enemy flanking
near part of the cavern is empty except for stands of ice with the triggering enemy: +25 vs. AC; 2c18 + H damage.

crystals. Breath weapon (standard; recharge , :-:11 -1 - 1* Cold

Close blast 5; +25 vs. Reflex: 3d8 + 8 cold damage, and the
An immense silver dragon rises into view in the north target gains vulnerable 11) to all damage (save ends). Miss: Half
ern end of the chamber. damage.
You have come for the casks of mead so potent <+ Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter)
it quenches the thirst of a deity," says the dragon. "1. Breath weapon recharges, and Methenaera uses it.
Methenaera, do not surrender them meekly. Prove yaw <• Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) ♦ rear
worthiness In battle. or pertsh." Close burst 10: targets enemies; +21 vs. Will: the target is
stunned until the end of Methenaera's next turn. Aftereffect: The
target takes a -7 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
TACTICS Threatening Reach
Because this is a subdual encounter, Methenaera is Methenaera can make opportunity attacks against each enemy
within her reach (3 squares).
effectively a creature with 525 hit points. Show oft a
variety of powers and tactics quickly to give the char- Methenaera makes saving throws against ongoing damage at
acters a full display of her draconic power in the short the start of her turn as well as at the end of her turn.
time they'll be fighting her. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Methenaera opens with a breath weapon attack Skills Athletics +26. Insight +18
against as many characters as possible_ She uses this Str 30021) Dex 16(+14) Wis 14 (+131
power in combination with Methenaera's onslaught and Con 26 (+19) int 14 0-13) Cha 15 (•3)

plays a game of cat and mouse while she's waiting for or in a corner) and uses wing slice and opportunity
these powers to recharge.
attacks (with threatening reach) against characters
Methenaera uses Methenaera's onslaught as often as who surround her. Because Methenaera is a solo
she can, usually targeting characters who have vul- monster with a four-level advantage on the heroes,
nerable 10 to all damage thanks to her breath weapon. her defenses are high: She can provoke opportunity
If neither of her main two attacks has recharged,
attacks with little worry about the consequences.
Methenaera strikes at one enemy, then flies to the
north or south part of the chamber. She lets the char-
acters contend with the cliff and the ice crystals, and FEATURES OF THE AREA
counts on her threatening reach to keep melee combat- Illumination: Darkness.
ants at bay. If she's fighting against a powerful ranged Ice Crystals: To amuse herself in her spare time,
attacker, she flies to within 2 squares of that charac- Methenaera delicately breathes on the ground to coax
ter and attacks it with tail slam. jagged and complex Ice crystal sculptures from it. Ice
Methenaera uses frightful presence early, as soon crystal stands are difficult terrain and provide cover.
as characters flank her or otherwise hem her in. Each square of ice crystals has AC 8, other defenses
After she uses frightful presence, Methenaera flies 8. and 3 hit points. I f faced with a choice of foes to
away, landing behind ranged combatants and far attack and finding no tactical advantage to attacking
from stunned defenders and melee strikers. She one over another, Methenaera attacks characters who
drops into a central location (rather than along a wall damage her ice crystals.
Met henaera's hoard is concealed at the bottom of the
frozen pond in the southeast corner of the area where
she begins the encounter. it consists of one level 19
magic item and 29,000 gp in monetary treasure.
Of course, her hoard also includes the two remain-
ing casks of mead. A character who takes a drink 2
of the mead gains the information he or she would
receive from a Consult Oracle ritual (see page 302 of
the Player's Handbook) and a Voice of Fate ritual (see
page 314 of the Player's Handbook). The amount of
information gained, as normal, depends on the result
of the drinker's Religion check.
One cask contains enough mead for every member
of the party to have one drink. If a character drinks
from a particular cask more than once, the mead has
no further effect for that character. The mead retains
its potency if the casks are taken from the lair.
Also present with the casks, ifyou see fit, is the
Roll of Claims (see the adventure hook on page 124).

When Methenaera becomes bloodied, she cries,
"Enough! I yield. Let this bloodshed end, and I will
release a cask to you." On her next turn, she flies
away from the characters—to the casks if no charac-
ters are near them—and waits for the heroes to stand
down. If they stop fighting, Methenaera performs the
Raise Dead ritual on any slain character.
lithe characters continue to fight, they draw the
silver dragon's anger. She becomes more aggressive
Casks: Methenaera keeps the mead casks at and focuses fire on individual enemies. She usually
the base of the eastern cliff, hidden amid stands of targets healers first, and becomes willing to make
ice crystals. If a character picks up a cask (which coup de grace attacks against anyone she drops.
weighs 20 pounds) without permission, Methenaera When Methenaera falls to fewer than 200 hit points,
attacks that individual, even if another character has she repeats her offer of a cask. If the characters
marked her. decline this offer, she flies to the casks, grabs them
Cliffs: The cliffs bisecting the lower chamber are up, and attempts to escape. Now the characters will
30 feet high and require a DC 25 Athletics check to need to destroy her if they want to retrieve the mead.
ascend or descend. Met henaera takes her duty seriously—and that
Icy Floor: Unlike the ice-covered stream in the duty is not merely to attack those who enter the
upper chamber, the stream in the lower chamber has chamber. Her aim is to ensure that Moradin's mead
thick ice that does not break under the characters' is used for a good cause. She respects anyone who is
feet. The stream seeps into the eastern wall. able to defeat her, and might even serve as a patron
The ice over the stream and over the pool east of to the characters after her defeat. Since Met henaera's
the cliffs is challenging terrain. When a character ancestors imbibed Moradin's mead, she has occa-
enters the first ice square in a turn, the character sional, faint glimpses of the future and notions of
must succeed on a DC 17 Acrobatics check or fall Moradin's will. She can provide the characters with
prone in that square. quests that advance the will of the god of creation
and hints about how to best accomplish their goals.
Methenaera also needs heirs to guard the mead
after her death. If she truly trusts the characters, she
might charge them with protecting the mead while
she travels far away to find a mate.
Mithral dragon lair for five 23rd-level mercenaries cast adrift when their deity died. Thus
adventurers she took control of Vyc Zaleeth. A dark naga named
Galzaik. for reasons unknown, has also aided
The strange bastion of Vyc Zaleeth sits upon an earth Astridaria.
mote swaying between competing tides of a sea of fire Arcana or History DC 26: At the heart of
and an ocean of water amid a particularly turbulent Vyc Zaleeth is a psychic resonance crystal. Ast ri-
area at the edge of the Elemental Chaos. For centuries daria's visions beckon for her to convert the crystal
the Vyc Zaleeth monastery has been a place of ascetic into a weapon of radiant energy powered by her
contemplation, where githzerai ponder the nature of fundamenturn.
chaos at its very edge and develop its counterbalance Arcana or History DC 28: The conversion is
through their mental discipline. Its strange disciplines nearly complete. Astridaria awaits new visions to
were progressed peacefully by generations of monks guide her next step.
and initiates that called this place home. Murmuring
a constant concert of chants and mantras, the monks HOOK: PREVENT
of Vyc Zaleeth found sanctuary from the universe and
its petty conflicts. That is, until a mithral dragon and ASTRIDARIA'S WAR
a small army of angelic mercenaries murdered them If you run an adventure in or around the Elemental
and took over their monastery to pursue a prophecy. Chaos. the heroes can come upon Vyc Zaleeth--a
In less than a day, the dragon Astridaria and her seeming beacon of order and radiance in the churn-
angels destroyed all that the githzerai had built and ing chaos—during their explorations. Because the
defended for more than half a millennium. As despi- monastery has a permanent teleportation circle.
cable as these actions are, worse still are the dragon's characters might hope to teleport safely from there
ultimate plans for Vyc Zaleeth—to reignite the war to the Plane Below, only to find cosmic skulduggery
between the creatures of the Elemental Chaos and unfolding there. Alternatively, a divine agent or a deity
the powers of the Astral Sea. such as bun can catch wind of Astridaria's plans and
encourage the characters to perform the Planar Portal
BACKGROUND ritual to travel to the monastery and stop Astridaria.
Quest XP: 28.000 XP (major quest).
Given enough time, or lithe story of how the charac-
ters come to Vyc Zaleeth gives them an opportunity,
the characters can learn the following background ENVIRONMENT
information about Astridaria and her assault on Whether the characters arrive by the Planar Portal
the monastery. Even if the characters stumble upon ritual or by other means, they first clearly see Vyc
Vyc Zaleeth. they might discover these plot threads Zaleeth from the teleportation circle. The circle lies just
through clues or by interrogating the mithral dragon's outside the Chamber of Meditation entrance that faces
allies, or Astridaria might reveal them herself when the ocean of water. That entrance—and two others on
the characters battle the dragon. either side of the crooked tower, each 20 feet wide—
Arcana or History DC 22: Since she hatched, slants down into the tower, which winds from the top
Astridaria has received visions of war between oft he earth mote to a crown of crystal that once served
the Elemental Chaos and the Astral Sea. Urged by as a psychic beacon. The crystal bristles with radiant
these auguries, she called together a force of angel energy so powerful that it sears the flesh of those who
come near it and kills creatures that touch it.
The monastery's outer walls consist of pocked
"MEMORY CRYSTALS black stone flecked with iridescent blue crystals.
When Astridaira attacked Vyc Zaleeth, she carefully pre- Pools of primordial water or liquid fire—depending
served the githzerais' memory crystals. Repositories of upon which sea a wall faces—collect in the pockets.
the monastery's wisdom, these crystals come In many Teleportation Circle: When creatures use the tele-
sizes, but none are larger than a short sword. Creatures portat ion circle to arrive at the monastery, the sound of
trained In Arcana can make a DC 25 Arcana check to a gong echoes down the nearest corridor to alert those
access a crystal as a standard action and then can "read" within the Chamber of Meditation. Emblazoned at
its memories In a manner similar to how a literate crea- the edges of the circle is the sigil sequence needed to
ture might read a book, The smallest crystals hold 1 to 10 mke use of this circle for permanent teleportation. The
pages worth of Information, while the largest can hold the characters can transcribe the pattern in 5 minutes.
equivalent of 10,000 pages of information. These crystals Crowning Crystal: A creature that starts its
can be used as both ritual books and scrolls. turn within 10 feet of the crowning crystal takes 25

CH API 1,11 3 I Dragon Lairs

radiant damage. A creature that starts its turn touch- AREA 3: CHASM
ing the crystal takes 100 radiant damage. Once a conduit for psychic energy generated by gith-
Outer Walls: The outer walls' organic shape and zerai monks, a 100-foot chasm in the center of the
puddles of dangerous liquid make them difficult to Chamber of Meditation's floor now courses with radi-
climb, requiring a DC 25 Athletics check. ant energy. Characters who try to descend the chasm
without disrupting the radiant array will likely be
AREA 1: CHAMBER OF MEDITATION disintegrated by radiant energy.
The Chamber of Meditation was once the focal
point of monastic life at Vyc Zaleeth. Ringed with AREA 4: LOWER CHAMBER
numerous alcoves that served as the githzerai's Before Astridaria's arrival, the resonance crystal at
living quarters, it features an altar, a spiral staircase the center of the lower chamber amplified psychic
ascending to a platform, and a central chasm. Astri- energy from the monks and channeled that energy
daria's angels wait in this chamber until Astridaria through the arcane array to the crystal that crowns
unleashes the next part of her plan. the tower. Astridaria uses the chamber in the same
Tactical Encounter: "Rage of Angels," page 132. way, breathing radiant energy into the crystal to
create an amplified stream. Her intent is to create a
AREA 2: PLATFORM weapon with which to attack the Elemental Chaos.
From a platform high in the tower, made of blue Tactical Encounter: "Agent of Prophecy," page 136.
translucent energy, a select group orange's and the
dark naga Galzaik constantly repair and modify over- AREA 5: HOARD ROOM
burdened arrays at the base of the tower's crowning This cave houses the monastery's sacred memory
crystal. The team must continue to work even when crystals—and now also Astridaria's hoard. It con-
the monastery falls under attack. When confronted, tains at least eight treasure parcels of your choosing_
the team defends the array, using part of the appa- Guarding this place are a pair of hoard guardian sen-
ratus as a weapon. The characters must disrupt the tinels (see "Agent of Prophecy," page 136).
machine and the dragon powering it.
Tactical Encounter: "Radiant Array," page 134.

CHAPTER 3 I D ,,1 21 0 " t. al"

- 111111•■•••

_OP .or. 0, •

Angel of Authority (A) Level 23 Controller meaderl

RAGI OF ANGELS emunrial hirmanniii XP •.1 1,0 e.ic
Encounter Level 23 (26,500 XP) initiative -i-17 Senses Perception +18
HP 20: Bloodied 101
AC 36: Fortitude 32, Reflex 34, Will 35
SETUP Immune Fear: Resist TS radiant
I angel of authority (A) Speed 8. fly 12 (hover)
10 angels alight (L) 0 Q51 arb3 rst aff (standard: ♦ Radiant, Weapon
2 angels of vengeance (V) Reach 2; +27 vs. AC; 1d10 4- 8 damage plus 1d10 radiant
Y Lightning Bolt (standard; at-will) + Lightning
tithe characters used the teleportation circle, the
Ranged 10; +26 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 8 lightning damage, and
angels have heard the sound of the gong. Otherwise. the target Is dazed until the end of the angel of authority's next
heroes who can beat the passive Perception of the turn.
angels of light with Stealth can surprise them. Majestic Rally (standard; recharge i I 1 + Radiant, Thunder
The angels are dutifully waiting here until Astri- Close burst 5: targets enemies: +26 vs. Will: 1d10 + 8 radiant
daria unleashes the next part of her plan while damage plus 1d10 thunder damage, and the target is weakened
(save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: Each angel within the
waiting for the naga and the angels above at the radi-
burst gains a 4-2 bonus to attack rolls until the end of the angel
ant array to finish making repairs to its mechanisms.
of authority's next turn.
Angelic presence (while not bloodied)
When the PCs enter the Chamber of Meditation, Any attack against the angel of authority takes a -2 penalty to
read: the attack roll.
A chamber spans the length, width. and height of the Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
tower. An altar al the far side juts toward a pillar of radi- Skills Insight +23, Religion +23
ant energy at the center. The energy flows upfront below Str 20(+16) Dex 22 ( , I7) Wit 25 ( .18)
Con 191- 15) Int 24 (+18) Cha 271 , i
the chamber to a platform and an arcane array. A spiral
Equipment plate armor, quarterstaff
staircase curls up around the radiant pillar, connecting the
clia rn ber's groundfloor to the platform. "1110(4100[4ro-
10 Angels of Light (L) Level 23 Minion Skirmisher
und one figure dark and serpentine—move about on the Medium ionnonhil hum.u1 1llI +angel) XP 1.11'r ear h
platform Initiative +19 senses Perception +19
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion; see also death
Tithe PCs arrived by the teleportation circle, burst.
add: AC 37; Fortitude 34, Reflex 34, Will 36
On the ground floor, more than a dozen angels. most the Immune fear; Resist 15 radiant
Speed 8, fly T2 (hover)
size of humans but others of giants' stature, move toward
Angelk Glalve (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Reach 2; +28 vs. AC: 10 damage.
Death Burst (when the angel of light drops to 0 hit points) +
If the angels do not know that the PCs approach, Radiant
add the following instead: The angel of light explodes in a burst of radiant light: close burst
On the ground floor lounge more than a dozen angels, 10; targets enemies; +26 vs. Fortitude: 10 radiant damage.
most the size of humans but others of giants' staritre.They Effect: Each angel in the burst gains 10 temporary hit points.
watch the work on the array, practice with their weapons, Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
Str 18 (+15i Dex 23 (+17) Wis 27 ( .19)
or kneel in meditation.
Con 23 0-17) Int 15 (+13) Cha 23 (4-171
Equipment glaive
When the angels spot the characters, they rush to FEATURES OF THE AREA
stop them from disrupting the work on the platform. Illumination: The crowning crystal at the top
The angels of light lead the advance. of the monastery brightly illuminates the entire
The angel of authority follows the angels of light. chamber.
looses a lightning bolt and then closes with the Ceiling: The ceiling over this area is 220 feet high
characters to use majestic rally. It repeats majestic rally at the zenith (the crowning crystal).
whenever the power recharges. Platform:The array platform is 120 feet above the
Angels of vengeance use sign of vengeance to tele- floor of this chamber.
port next to controllers, leaders, and ranged-weapon Altar: A creature that starts its turn on an altar
users and harass them throughout combat. square gains a +2 bonus to Will and a +5 bonus to
Although the angels work to repel any intrusion saving throws against any effect that deals ongoing
into the monastery. their chief concern is stopping the psychic damage or that dazes, dominates, or stuns.
intruders from disrupting the work being done on the These bonuses last until the end of the creature's
radiant array. next turn.
1 Angels of Vengeante IVi Level 19 Elite Brute
.111;•% imitati IA humanoid ;angel! 1l*

initiative +13 Senses Perception +16

HP 446; Bloodied 223
AC 34; Fortitude 33, Reflex 29. Will 33; see also cloak of
Immune disease, fear; Resist 15 cold, 15 fire. 15 radiant; see also
cairifire pillar
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fly 12 (hover); see also sign of vengeance
Action Points 1
(}) Longsword (standard; + Cold. Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; +25 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 9 damage plus 1d8 fire damage
plus 1d8 cold damage.
+ Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The angel of vengeance makes two longsword attacks.
)f Sign of Vengeance (minor: encounter) + Teleportation
Ranged sight; the angel of vengeance places an invisible sign
upon the target. Until the end of the encounter. as a move
action, the angel of vengeance can teleport adjacent to the
Coldfire Pillar (free, when first bloodied; encounter) + Cold.
Fire, Polymorph
Energy Pillar: The radiant energy comprising
The angel of vengeance transforms into a 30-foot-high pillar of
blue flame. Close burst 2; +23 vs. Reflex; 1d8 9 cold damage
the pillar has the consistency of water and clings to
plus 1d8 + 9 fire damage. The angel of vengeance is immune to creatures in contact with it. It flows from beneath
all damage until the start of its next turn. the chamber floor up through the platform array to
Cloak of Vengeance (until bloodied) + Cold, Fire the crowning crystal. A creature entering the pillar
Any character attacking the angel of vengeance takes a -2 or starting its turn within the pillar takes 20 radiant
penalty until the angel is bloodied. White cloak of vengeance is in
damage and slides 2 squares in the direction oldie
effect, a creature that makes a successful melee attack against
current (upward). With a DC 20 Athletics check, a
the angel of vengeance takes 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 cold
creature within the pillar can swim down the current
Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal as if in water.
Skills insight +21, Intimidate +72 Spiral Stairs: This steep flight ofstairs winds its
Str 27 1+17) Dex 18 (+13) Wks 751+16) way around the energy pillar upward to the platform
Con 231=15) Int 191+13) Cha 76 (+17) and the radiant array. The stairs are difficult terrain.
Equipment plate armor. 2 longswords


Many of the monsters in this lair have a fly speed and can the encounter to a maddening slog. Have your brute, sol-
hover. Although at epic tier there Is a greater possibility dier, and skirmisher filers hover '1 square off the ground
that characters have powers or magic items that grant within melee reach of their foes; although this tactic has
them flight. their ability to fly is by no means certain. Even Few mechanical differences from a ground assault, It can
when they do have flight powers, most are either encoun- grant a tad more maneuverability when the monster Is
ter or daily in Frequency, and a procession of encounters surrounded, and creates an interesting visual. Flying con-
with flying enemies that outmaneuver the characters and trollers and artillery can hover higher up, but not so high
keep just out of reach of attacks can become Frustrating that they are out of reach of the controllers and ranged
very quickly. strikers among the characters. This type of flying will often
When you run flying monsters, It's critical that you keep open interesting options for cover and concealment, espe-
your character's fly powers in mind, and cater your mon- cially in a terrain-rich encounter environment.
sters' movement tactics accordingly. This doesn't mean If the PCs have a number of flight powers at their dis-
you have to make your flying monsters walk into battle. posal, and are using them with great frequency in a given
Having flying creatures dive bomb the characters with encounter, take off the kid gloves. Having the occasional
flying charges, or use their flight to bypass difficult terrain, frantic aerial battle that utilizes all three dimensions is one
are fun ways to showcase their fly speed without slowing of the fun features of epic-level play.
StIMIt k■ RLINL YAq A ∎ IIA •11

411F117:. 'ARNO` Er • ■ 0.

Encounter Level 24 (30,000 XP)

3 angels of the sigil and word (A)
Galzaik, dark nags (G)

While the battle rages on the ground floor. I20 feet

below this place, three angels and GaIzaik, the dark
nags, work to repair the overloaded radiant array.
They continue to work on the array until the charac-
ters approac h.

When the PCs reach the platform, read:

ht the middle of the platform. an array studded with crys-
tal controls. strange levers, and eldritch diodes crackles
every few moments with unstable bursts of radiant energy.
A dark flaw and three angels turn from their work on it to
face you. Galzaik (GI Level 21 Elite Controller
The naga hisses, "You are out ofyour depth here. Leave tar ^r iminot 1.11 ma :kid [least ire tile) XP 6;100
now, or perish." Initiative +14 Senses Perception +21; darkvision
HP 404; Bloodied 202
AC 35; Fortitude 33. Reflex 31. Will 35
3 Angels of the Slgil and Word (A) Level Z3 Soldier
Mediutn immortal humanoid (an e1) XP 5,100 each
Saving Throws +2
Speed Fl
initiative +18 Senses Perception +23
Action Points 1
HP 217; Bloodied 108
0 Tail Sting (standard; at-will) t Poison
AC 39; Fortitude 35, Reflex 35, Will 35
Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 2d6 + 8 poison damage (3d6 + 8 poison
Speed 6, fly 10 (hover)
damage against a dazed target), and the target is slowed (save
G./ Radiant Sword (standard; at-will) + Radiant, Weapon
+29 vs. AC: 2d10 + 8 radiant damage. and the target N under
the effect of ansebc qgit (save ends).
4-Lure (mino• at-will) ♦ Charm
Close burst 5: targets enemies; +25 vs. Will; the target is pulled
Dominating Word (minor 1/round; encounter) + Charm
1 square and dazed (save ends).
Close burst Ss targets one creature under the effect of angelic
•(.. Psychic Miasma (standard: recharge 1::::111+ Psychic
sigil: +25 vs. the target is dominated (save ends).
Close burst 3; +26 vs. WIII; 3d6 -i- 10 psychic damage. and the
Repelling Word (minor 1/round: at-will) Force
target is dazed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target
Close burst 5: targets one creature under the effect of angelic
sight: .25 vs. Fortitude; the angel pushes the target 4 squares, is stunned (save ends)

and the target is knocked prone.

Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconit, Supern
Skills History +22 • insight +21. Stealth +19
Angelic Presence (while not bloodied)
5t:25 (+18) Dex 18 (+14) Wis 22 (+16)
Any attack against the angel takes a -2 penalty to the attack
Con 26 (+18) Int 24 (+17) Cha 30 (4
Angelic Sigll
Each creature under the effect of onsdic sigil is marked by the TACTICS
angel and takes a -5 penalty to saving throws.
Alignment Unaligned languages Supernal
Angels of the sigil and word use their radiant swords
Skills Arcana +22. Thievery +23 to place angelic si3ils on characters and then push
Sir 22 (+V) Dex 24 (+18) Wis 24 (+18) those characters off the platform. If some of the
Con 25 018) Int 22 (417) Cha 25 (+18) characters have powers that enable them to push at
Equipment plate arttsor, radians sword will (such as fighters who have tide of iron), the angels
target those characters with dominating word and
have those characters knock other characters off the
Galzaik uses lure and psychic miasma in concert
with the angels' powers. He pulls and then dazes or
stuns characters for the angels to push or dominate.
FEATURES OF THE AREA Athletics (DC 24, standard action): The character
uses brute force guided by the skill of his or her
Illumination: The crowning crystal at the top of
fellow party members to detach large chunks of the
the monastery brightly illuminates the entire area.
array. This skill can be used to gain a maximum of 2
Ceiling: The ceiling is 100 feet above the plat-
successes in the challenge, but Athletics checks can
form, ending at the crowning crystal.
be attempted only after the characters have already
Spiral Stairs: This steep flight of stairs winds
gained 3 successes in the challenge by using other
its way around the energy pillar downward to the
Chamber of Meditation. The stairs are difficult
Thievery (DC 28, standard action): The character
attempts to disable part of the array. On a failed
Platform Floor: The platform floor consists cdfa
check, the array erupts. dealing 20 radiant damage to
translucent blue, glasslike material as hard as steel.
the character and to each creature within 5 squares
Array: Creatures adjacent to the array can manip-
of him or her.
ulate it to make the following attacks.
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance.
Acrobatics (DC 28, immediate interrupt, when the
Radiant Ray (standard: recharge + Radiant
Ranged 10; +25 vs, Reflex; 2d12 8 radian' damage. and
array erupts; at-will); The character shifts 4 squares to
ongoing 10 radiant damage (save ends). avoid the discharged energy. A successful check does
not count as a success in the challenge.
Radiant Blast (standard; recharge it I) + Radiant Endurance (DC 17, immediate interrupt, when the
Close burst 5; +23 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 -h S radiant damage. and array erupts; at-will,): A character can shield an adja-
the target Is pushed 5 squares. cent creature from the effect of the eruption. On a
successful check, the shielded character takes no
Each of the recharges is for the radiant array. and not radiant damage. A successful check does not count as
the creature using the power. The angels and Galzaik a success in the challenge.
know how to manipulate the array to make both of Success: The radiant energy stream is disrupted.
these attacks, but if another creature wants to make The chasm in the floor becomes a simple 100-foot
these attacks, it must succeed on a DC 31 Arcana or shaft with sheer walls that require a DC 22 Athletics
Thievery check as a minor action to determine how check to scale.
to manipulate the radiant array to make the attacks. Partial Success: If the characters accrue at least 2
A successful check allows the creature to make these successes before getting 3 failures, the radiant energy
attacks for the remainder of the expedition into Vyc stream is partially disrupted_ A creature that enters
Zaleeth. the sputtering energy stream or starts its turn there
takes 15 radiant damage instead of 20.
DISABLING THE ARRAY Failure: The radiant energy stream continues to
Once the characters have defeated the angels and the flow freely. The characters can repeat the challenge.
dark naga, their next task is to disrupt the array so but all the DCs increase by 4.
they can reach the psychic resonance crystal at the
bottom of Vyc Zaleeth. lithe players have a hard time
figuring this out, have them discover documents in
the possession of one of the angels notes that include
a side view map of the monastery_
Setup: To disable the array, characters must deter-
mine what makes it work, to the extent that they can
switch it off or disconnect a vital mechanism.
Level: 22.
XP: 8,300.
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
Primary Skills: Arcana, Athletics. Thievery.
Arcana (DC 17, standard action): The character
tries to determine which of the controls manipulate
the streams of radiant energy. A successful check, in
addition to counting as 1 success in the challenge,
provides a +2 bonus to the next Thievery check
made by an ally in this skill challenge. This skill
can be used to gain a maxmum of 3 successes in the
AGENT OF PROPHECY point she teleports to a ledge overlooking the cham-
ber and lies in wait for the characters.
Encounter Level 25 (40,600 XP)
lithe PCs have disrupted the energy pillar
SETUP before entering the chamber, read:
Astridaria, elder mithral dragon (A) At the center of this chamber, a crystal similar to the one
2 hoard guardian sentinels crowning the monastery's tower, though much smaller,
hums and sputters with radiant energy.
II the characters did not disrupt the radiant energy
stream, they can surprise Astridaria and engage her If the PCs have not disrupted the energy pillar,
before her breath weapon recharges. Otherwise, the or have only partially disrupted it, read:
disruption of the stream alerts Astridaria, at which At the center of this chamber, a crystal similar to the one
crowning the monastery's tower, though much smiler,
Astridarla CAP Level 25 Sulu llll Wier glows intensely and beams the stream of radiant energy
I 'dor inirio.11 (har•:, skyward.
I blip. unnslit 141 mow. .11 In .11.3 01.1groul
Initiative -24 Senses Perception 424; darkvlslon
If Astridaria is not prepared for the PCs, add:
HP 916; Bloodied 458; see also bloodied breath
Next to the crystal is a massive mithmi dragon, long and
AC 39. Fortitude 36, Reflex 38, Will 35
snakelike. As you look on. she uses her breath weapon On
Resist 25 radiant
Saving Throws +5 the crystal.
Speed 10, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 16, teleport 10
Action Points 2
Cf.) Bite (standard: at•will) +4 Radiant
Reach 3; + 30 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage. and the target takes Even lithe adventurers surprise Astridaria, she uses
ongoing 10 radiant damage (save ends). the ledge as a staging area for her attacks. When
T) Claw (standard; at-will) flanked, she teleports to the ledge and then charges
Reach 3; r 30 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 damage. or swoops back down to loose her breath weapon.
Dimension Strike (standard; at-will) + Teleportation
Throughout the fight, Astridaria talks to herself
Astridaria teleports 5 squares, makes a claw attack, teleports 5
about being the agent of prophecy and about her
squares, and makes a claw attack against a different target.
Wing Buffet (minor; recharge IN 110
urgent need to restart the war between the Astral Sea
Reach 3; +28 vs. Fortitude: 3d10 + 7 damage, and Astridaria and the Elemental Chaos. Even without an Insight
pushes the target 3 squares. check, the characters can tell she is insane.
Mithral Prescience (minor; at-will) Astridaria fights until bloodied, at which point she
Ranged 10; the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses against flees to her hoard room in the hope that one or both
Astridaria's attacks until Astridaria uses this power on another
of her guardians (see below) remain to fight the char-
acters. If confronted again, she fights until reduced to
<-• Breath Weapon (standard; recharger.gari.) ♦ Radiant
Close blast 5; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 4 radiant damage, and the
target is blinded (save ends), Miss: Half damage.
<7. Bloodied Breath (free, when First bloodied; encounter ASTRIDARIA'S RAMBLINGS
Breath weapon recharges. and Astridaria uses it. Astrldaria Is a chatty foe. She constantly quips and pon-
<- Dimensional Flurry (standard; encounter) ♦ Radiant, tificates during her battle with the characters. Here are a
few bits of dialogue for you to use during the battle.
Close burst 10; targets up to four enemies; +28 vs. Reflex; 3d8
7 damage. and the target takes ongoing 10 radiant damage and
"You all are just the sickness of the universe made manifest.
is dared (save ends both). Effect: Astridaria teleports to a space
in the burst. Crawling maggots trying to eat away and corrode the func-
4. Frightful Radiance (standard; encounter) f Fear,, tion that must occur."
(.lose burst 10; targets enemies: +28 vs. Will: 2d8 I 9 radiant
damage, and the target is stunned until the end of Astridaria's "Please, this must be done. it is only through the crucible
next turn. Miss; Half damage, and the target Is blinded until the of this war that the universe can take on its true and Just
end of Astridarla's next turn.
Prophetic Defense (immediate interrupt. when attacked: at-will)
Astridaria gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the triggering
"The Chained One knew this to be true, but used the wrong
attack. If the attack misses, Astridaria teleports 6 squares. Implement to achieve the proper ends. it's not darkness that
ill L— 1J y. L...
kl everl ast i n g light)

Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic. "

Skills Diplomacy History +23. Insight +24, Intimidate 4-23, "Small-minded fools! You will see the light!" (Usually uttered
Religion +27
just before Astridaria uses her breath weapon against the
Str 25 (.191 Dex 30(+22) Wis 25 (+19)
Con 21 1.1 7) Int 23 (4-18) cha 23 (+18)

-111110111th. 16.
2 Hoard Guardian Sentinels level 20 Soldier
I Mgr 1101 di .1111111,11v (I MINI; 0, 10 XI' rat

Initiative +15 Senses Perception +19, darkvision

HP 186; Bloodied 93
AC 34; Fortitude 32, Reflex 30, Will 28
Immune disease, poison, sleep
Speed 8
0 Slam (standard; at -will)
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage. and the sentinel marks
the target (save ends) and pulls it 1 square.
1- No Escape (Immediate interrupt, when an enemy leaves an
adjacent square; at will)
flo , • It) 4,, .5 a. +25 vs. Reflex; the target doesn't leave the square, and its
11, Ai str •
A a A IN SS movement ends.
Ori A J A A t <- Concussive Breath (standard; recharge I , ) ♦ Force
• All •0111.611NPH n A a A Ari, Close blast 5; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 5 force damage, and the
AA A „leit. ,1-
- sentinel slides the target 3 squares.
-44 1:Zg A A A
t; - 1111•1111mw "'
Petrifying Eyes (standard; recharge when no creature is
affected by this power) • Cold, Gaze
Ranged 5; +21 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 5 damage, and the target
is dazed and slowed (save ends both). First Failed Saving Throw:
The target is immobilized Instead of dazed and slowed (save
ends). Second Failed Saving Throw: The target becomes a statue
one-quarter of her hit points (229), at which point she
of mithral and Is petrified.
flees again. If cornered, she fights to the death. Alignment U naligned Languages —
Sir 24 i F15) Dex 17 (+111 Wfs 19 (+12)
FEATURES OF THE AREA Con 18 ( •12) Int 14 (+10) Cha 4(45)

Walls: The rugged stone of the walls is the same

stone that comprises the outer walls of the monastery. TACTICS
Ledge: The ledge consists of the same steel-hard, If Astridaria is lighting with the sentinels, the pair
glasslike material as the floor of the array platform in form a defensive barrier between the characters and
the Chamber of Meditation. It is 20 feet high. the mithral dragon, giving their mistress a degree of
Ceiling: The ceiling is 60 feet high at the edges protection while she makes dimensional strike forays
and 80 feet high toward the middle of t he chamber. against soft targets.
At the very center of the chamber, over the crystal, Whether or not they are fighting in concert with
the monastery's chasm reaches skyward to the Cham- Astridaria, the sentinels start their attack with petri-
ber of Meditation. fying eyes and then follow up with concussive breath.
Stalagmites: Stalagmites are blocking terrain and They use their slam attack only when their other
cover the entirety of their squares. powers are not available.
Rubble: Rubble is difficult terrain.
Crystal: The crystal is blocking terrain. Any CONCLUSION
creature touching it takes 50 radiant damage. If the Among Astridaria's hoard and the monastery's
crystal is within an area-of-effect attack that deals numerous memory crystals is a strange gray crystal.
radiant damage, it flares up after that attack and Though this gray crystal is also a memory crystal,
makes the following attack. it is not ofgithzerai make. It takes a DC 30 Arcana
check to access its information, which is a jumble of
+ Radiant Feedback (standard; recharge ;: 1 11f) ♦ Radiant 1 .1 fragmented memories and strange quotations in the
Close burst 4; +25 vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 15
radiant damage and is dazed (save ends both). Astridaria is Supernal language. By succeeding on the Arcana
immune to this effect. check, a character can learn that the crystal was
constructed by Astridaria herself, and it details how
she believes she could have succeeded in unifying
THE HOARD ROOM the universe. It also explains a method for locating a
The cave just below this chamber is the site of Astri- wandering artifact called the Crystal of the Ebon Flame
dada's hoard room. Guarding her hoard is a pair of arid a ritual to convert the artifact into an object of
constructs known as hoard guardians. pure radiant energy, which was her next goal after
reigniting the war between the Elemental Chaos and
the Astral Sea.
Gold dragon lair for five 24th-level adventurers Not long after his arrival, the Shadowfell ran afoul
of the death giants. Too weakened to fight, the dragon
In the Shadowfell, dark clouds tumble across the surrendered and swore oaths to his new masters,
leaden skies over the Plain of Sighing Stones, but they promising to build the city they desired. Though the
bring no rain. Cerulean lightning lances between dragon was already bound by his vows, the giants
heaven and earth, scorching parched earth while imprisoned the wyrm in a floating fortress so he
thunder echoes for miles around. Legends tell of could oversee the work and instruct their slaves. Con-
an angry god that lives in these clouds, a deity that fined in the structure and consumed with despair.
betrayed its kin to bring comfort to death's scions, the dragon went mad, and with his insanity came
those giants that quit the mortal world to forge an cruelty, callousness, and evil.
empire in its dark reflection. History DC 30: The dragon completed his task
No god dwells in the perpetual storm, though. The and the city was built. The giants did not dwell
clouds and lightning manifest a mighty dragon's suf- there long, however, because they proved unable to
fering. Cursed with madness and condemned to live withstand the Shadowfell's influence. To buttress
out its days as a prisoner of its own disinterest, com- themselves against the approaching dissolution, they
promising its once noble ideals to extend its existence drained the souls from their thralls, which became
in the company of those it detests, the dragon known horrific things trapped between life and death. Dark
as the Golden Architect is the doom of heaven, the magic and darker deeds caused the city to crumble
fallen beast, and the scourge of the Shadowfell. away. And after a generation, the once-grand city
tumbled down to rubble and dust.
BACKGROUND The dragon lived on even as the giants scattered,
and he has languished in his fortress for centuries.
Arcana or History DC 16: Nearly a thousand
Although the Citadel is more lair than prison now,
years gone, and the Golden Architect's Citadel still
the Golden Architect's broken spirit keeps him from
roams the skies above the Plain of Sighing Stones,
leaving. A few death giants remain, captors turned
a grim testament to the evils worked in the lands it
servants. The dragon devours prisoners they capture
passes over. Ages ago. giants from the mortal world
while the giants consume their souls. They have per-
abandoned their holds to erect a new kingdom, a
sisted, but the magic in the Citadel is failing, and the
sprawling empire to immortalize their avarice and
denizens require more souls, more lives to continue
arrogance for all time. It was here, on this parched
their wretched existence. If they fail, they will find
landscape, that some raised a great city, a walled
the oblivion they fear.
monstrosity more massive than any city yet created
by mortal hands. Its construction leached all the
resources from the plain, turning it into the barren ENVIRONMENT
wasteland that it is today. The fortress is expertly crafted, assembled from sand-
History DC 20: Though they were fully capable of stone blocks each as long and wide as a human is tall.
constructing the city. the giants concerned themselves Its great age and the Shadowfell's decaying influence
with combating the Shadowfell's influence and so left have erased much of its splendor. The once-grand
the work to their slaves. Cursed dark ones, shadowborn draconic images now look sinister and malformed,
humans whose descendants still roam these lands, and retaining only the barest suggestion ofdragons fes-
others toiled endlessly to raise the death giants' city. tooning the exterior. Inside, the place is a collection of
Perhaps they might have fled, might have failed, but passages and chambers arranged as if by a madman.
they could never falter—because always watching their It stands as testament to Golgorax's state of mind as
progress was Golgorax the Golden Architect, a vile he added to its original structure.
beast imprisoned in the floating Citadel, who designed Most of the place is dark, stained by wicked deeds.
the city and orchestrated its builders. Light sources brought into its corridors and rooms
History DC 27: The Golden Architect was not seem dulled, deadened even though the range of
always a cruel tyrant and was once counted among their light is unchanged. Periodically, one can hear
the most virtuous of his kind. Long had the dragon the high-pitched cackle of the mad dragon echoing
fought against Tiamat's servants, leading dragonborn through the passages, bouncing off the waits to dis-
against abishai, chromatic dragons. and dragon- tort in an unnerving manner.
spawn. But each defeat and failure added to the From a distance, the Citadel is indistinguishable
dragon's bitterness, until one day—overcome with from a large, black cluster of cumulus clouds, and so
grief—the dragon fled the natural world to find the it's easily mistaken for a storm. It is an error abetted
oblivion promised by the Shadowfell. by the bolts of lightning blasting the land below—those

(1IAPTER 3 Dragon Lairs

same bolts had been used to shatter sandstone for the AREA 1: THE DRAGON'S EYE
craftsmen to carve into bricks for the giants' city long
A massive round chamber, this area features the Eye,
ago. Reaching the Citadel is impossible unless a char-
an opening in the floor. In ancient days, Golgorax mon-
acter has a way to fly or has patience enough to wait
itored his workers by peering through the opening.
for the cloud to descend just before the death giants
To protect this chamber from unwanted guests,
emerge to snatch up their next batch of victims. Flying
the death giants placed a number of sentinels to
characters can slip inside through the Eye in area 1 or
watch over the opening.
through any of the gaps in the Citadel's floor.
Tactical Encounter: "Mute Sentinels," page 142.
The Citadel rises from the clouds, suspended in
the air by ancient magic bound into the stones by the
slaves' blood spilled when the structure was built.
This hall tells the Golden Architect's tale in the paint-
As presented, the Citadel is a freestanding structure,
ings adorning its walls.
with other sections having long ago fallen or crum-
bled away. But you can expand the complex, adding
When the PCs can see into this room, read:
extra levels below through which the adventurers
Painted figures cover the walls in this long hallway. Two
must pass to reach the dragon in its lair.
sets of stairs lead to exits. The stairs to the west are steep
The clouds supporting the Citadel are not natural
and end at massive stone doors, and the stairs to the north
phenomena but are instead warped souls trapped in
lead up to darkness. Part of thefloor is missing here, and
the Shadowfell by death giant magic. Flying through
through the gap you can see dark clouds.
them are all sorts of insubstantial undead, including
wraiths, specters, and worse. Moving through the
Ordinarily this chamber is empty, but from time to
clouds does not draw the attention of these haunts,
time the death giants come here to check up on the
but those who linger might run into trouble in the
undead in area 1.
form of five dread wraiths (MM 267),
Western Doors: Stone doors block passage to
Illumination: Unless otherwise noted, all rooms
area S. The doors are sealed, protected by a sturdy
are dark.
lock set in the center between each door. Opening the
Ceiling: Rooms and passages have ceilings 50 feet
doors requires four successful Thievery checks before
high, except where otherwise noted.
three failures against DC 29. If a character fails to
Doors: Stone doors are all closed and always
open the door, it can thereafter be opened only by
open toward the west or south. Their size and weight
force (break DC 29. AC 4, Fortitude 12, Reflex 4, hp
require a DC 24 Strength check to open them, even
80). Breaking open the doors automatically alerts all
when they are not locked.
creatures in the complex.
Gaps: In places, the floor has fallen away. A crea-
ture that slips through the floor falls hundreds of feet
until it lands on the Plain of Sighing Stones, likely AREA 3: THE PORTAL ROOM
taking 20d10 damage as a result. Once he had destroyed most of the death giants, Gol-
gorax constructed this chamber as an escape route to
the natural world. Malaise bred by long years spent
GOLGORAX, in the Shadowfell has kept the dragon from using it.
This fact has not prevented the dragon from protect-
THE GOLDEN ARCHITECT ing the room by setting a couple of traps and posting
Golgorax is an emaciated gold dragon, a once-proud and death giants nearby to prevent intrusion or escape.
mighty beast brought low by ennui and sel•loathing,
Recently, a nightwatker has been roaming the
The Golden Architect can no longer muster the will to
complex, and it is puzzling over the traps in hopes of
escape the Shadowfell and contents himself with inane
expanding its malign influence into the mortal world.
conversation with the death giant attendants and those
Tactical Encounter: "Night Haunt." page 144.
imagined ghosts from the dragon's past. Exposure to the
Shadowfell and his soul's slow siphoning have weakened
the Golden Architect, so now he is but a pale shadow of
The numerous staircases found in this chamber reveal
his former greatness.
the gold dragon's brimming madness. Death giant
The dragon rarely stirs from his lair, but his needs are
guards often linger here to escape the dragon's rages.
considerable. and he and his death giant lackeys scour
the Plain of Sighing Stones for chattel—those savage
When the PCs can see this room, read:
humanoids that inherited the lands wasted by the giants
Staircases and landings fill this high-ceilinged chamber.
ages ago. As the cloudborne Fortress skims the powdery
constructed as if by a mad architect. Unfinished stairs
landscape, giants disembark to round up victims, and feed
extend out from walls painted with images of alcoves that
their bodies to the dragon while keeping their souls for
seemingly serve no purpose. The southernmost staircase
leads to an archway carved to resemble a dragon's maw.

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

If the characters avoided facing the death giants These rooms arc normally empty. The equipment
during the "Night Haunt" encounter described on here no longer functions. rusted or broken from hard
page 144, the giants make their stand here. use. The chamber beyond holds old furniture that
has been equally abused. Blood stains the floor and is
AREA 5: LOST GLORY spattered on the walls. Nothing of value can be found
The hallways here lead to different areas in the in either chamber.
When the PCs can see this area, read: Once serving as a kitchen for the living inhabitants.
A tarnished copper statue in the center of this area captures this room now serves to rid the complex of offal,
a proud dragon's likeness. It wrought to depict the dragon bones, and other detritus.
Milight, wings extended out to either side and balanced on
a long rail. When the PCs enter this room, read:
Four hallways extend away from the intersection. To the Lining the northern and southern walls are two rows of
north, a short hall ends at descending stairs. Tice eastern black ovens. Crimson light shines through their grates
and western halls end at doors. The southern hall extends and thefiresfill the room with uncomfortable heat. Bits of
for a bit before turning west. rotten flesh, stains, and broken bones litter the floor.

AREA 6: STOREROOM Ovens: Creatures touching the doors take 10 fire

This storeroom holds barrels, boxes, crates, and damage. Opening an oven door requires a DC 24
empty shelves. All containers are empty and dry. Strength check. A creature pushed or placed inside
though stains suggest they once held food, drink, and an oven takes 4d10 fire damage and ongoing 15 fire
other supplies. No one in the complex comes here damage (save ends). A target cannot save against the
anymore; therefore, the characters, provided they are ongoing damage if it ends its turn inside an oven.
not fleeing from any of the Citadel's denizens, can
take an extended rest in this room. AREA 10:
AREA 7: SLAVE QUARTERS Formerly a sumptuous chamber designed to house
Long ago. dark ones, shadowborn humans, and other the dragon in comfort, long years of frustration and
slaves languished in this room. Now the room holds idle destruction have brought much of this room to
only ghosts. figments from another time. ruin. The Golden Architect spends his time amid
the wreckage, lamenting his fate and giving in to
When the PCs can see into this room, read: the insidious influence and malaise pervading the
Rotten. infe_sted wood and brittle tangles of old bedding litter plane. Golgorax's attendants endure his insults and
this chamber. Flitting about near the ceiling are ghostly forms. condemnations characterizing the long stretches
between meals, and they shuffle about the room, toss ,
Phantoms: About a dozen or so harmless phan- ingdebrsthou linefrtokph
toms move about the ceiling. They do not respond to chamber free of rubble.
conversation. Tactical Encounter: "Gold Madness." page 146.
Secret Door: The slaves built a secret passage in
the wall (the door is visible with a DC 24 Perception TREASURE
check) to lead to the ovens so they could supplement
The lair contains four treasure parcels. Consider
their gruel with more substantial meals.
including two magic item parcels and two monetary
parcels. You can place the treasure with the dragon
AREA 8: DEATH CHAMBERS or spread it around the Citadel. Here is sample trea-
Part barracks, part torture chambers, the death sure far a 24th-level party:
giants quarter here when not raiding for fresh victims Parcel 1: Level 28 magic item from the players'
or attending the Golden Architect in his sanctum. wish lists.
Parcel 2: Level 27 magic item from the players'
When the PCs can see these chambers, read: wish lists.
A macabre scene stretches before you as you rake in these Parcel 6:1,000 pp, a statue of a gold dragon
chambers. The room near the doors is dearly a torture carved from astral fire (worth 50,000 gp), a manu-
chamber, replete with a variety of implements used for script describing the lost arts of necromancy penned
inflicting pain. by Vecna (worth 50,000 gp), and a wooden coffer
Across the room is a short hall that opens into living containing 10 emeralds (worth 5,000 gp each).
quarters. There-ou see beds, chests, and a table, all sized Parcel 9: A loose pile of 90,000 gp.
for alums.
- -

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs




CHAPTER 3 1 Draavn t. air$


2 Death Giant Soulfire Hurlers (Di Level 27 Artillery

. MUTE SENTINELS Loge sli.ellow liiir 1. ntthl igiacri I XP 11.000 cat Il
Encounter Level 24 (34,800 XP) initiative +22 Senses Perception 4-23; darkvision
Soulsnatcher aura 10: enemies within the aura take 5 necrotic
damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses: a
SETUP creature that dies within the aura bestows one soul shard to
2 death giant soulfire hurlers (I)) the death giant: see also soul shroud.
4 giant mummies (M) HP 180: Bloodied 90
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 41, Will 37
Resist 15 necrotic
Positioned around the opening in the floor arc [bur
Speed 7
giant mummies. each the remains of a death giant
(1) Greataxe (standard: at-will) + Weapon
that angered the Golden Architect. They stand here Reach 2; +34 vs. AC: 2d6 + 11 damage (crit 6d6 18), and the
mutely, watchful for intruders as they stare through target is pushed 1 square.
the opening at the nothing beyond. if. Hurled Soulfire (standard; at-will) * Necrotic
Most of the time, the giant mummies are left Area burst 1 within 10;1- 32 vs. Reflex; 2d8 9 necrotic
alone, but when the characters enter the complex. a damage. The death giant can expend one soul shard to Increase
the power's damage to 4d8 + 9.
pair oldeath giant soul fire hurlers has come to check
Consume Soul Shard (minor, at-will) + Healing
on them.
The death giant expends one soul shard and regains 20 hit
When the PCs enter area I. read: Soul Shroud
A ledge extends out around the opening in the floor's center The soul shroud contains soul shards that swirl around the
ending at the curved rolls forming the room. Four hulking death giant to protect and empower it. At the beginning of an
figures, each wrapped in fabric. stir with unlife. Green eyes encounter, the soul shroud contains four soul shards. When the
soul shroud is depleted of soul shards, the death giant takes a -2
flicker at Four intrusion. You see a pair of doors behind one
penalty to attack rolls.
giant mummy. Beyond another, where a set of stairs climbs,
Alignment Evil Languages Giant. Draconic
you spy two coal-gray giants wreathed in ghostly shapes of Skills Intimidate +22
what can only be souls. 5tr 24 (4-20) Dex 29 0,22) Ms 21 (+18)
Con 23 0-191 Int 12 (+14) Cha 18 (+17)
Place the miniatures where shown on the tactical Equipment chainmall, greataxe
map, and have the players place their miniatures in
squares adjacent to the Eye. The creatures roll for 4 Giant Mummies (NI) Level 21 Brute
initiative and attack when the first intruder enters. If Lar viatutal litsmaniliti iunllcadi XP 3.200 each
the characters come to this room through area 2 or Initiative +12 Senses Perception +16: darkvision
Despair (Fear) aura 5; enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to
from some other direction, the mummies attack only
attack roils against the giant mummy.
ifthey or the death giants are first attacked.
HP 240; Bloodied 120; see also dust of death
Regeneration 10 (if the giant mummy takes radiant damage,
TACTICS regeneration doesn't function on its next turn)
AC 33; Fortitude 34, Reflex 30, Will 31; see also despair above
The giant mummies each attack a different intruder
Immune disease, poison: Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 10 fire
to cast the widest net with their despair auras. On Speed 6
the first round, the giant mummies make hull rush CD Rotting Slam (standard; at-willl ♦ Disease, Necrotic
attacks (+16 vs. Fortitude) against the characters to 424 vs. AC; 3d8 + 6 necrotic damage. and the target contrasts
push them out over the opening iii the floor. If one of level 21 mummy rot (see below).
the heroes attacks with a radiant power, all the giant ‹. Dust of Blinding Death (when first bloodied and again when
reduced to 0 hit points) 4. Acid
mummies converge on that character and make rot-
The giant mummy releases a cloud of corrosive dust: close burst
ting slam attacks until the character falls.
2; +22 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 7 acid damage, and the target takes
Given the somewhat cramped quarters in this ongoing 10 acid damage and Is blinded (save ends both).
room, the giant mummies likely catch one or more Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant
allies in their dust of blinding death attacks. The death Str 22 (+16) Dex 14 (+12) Wis 12 (411)
giants are aware of this attack and try to keep at least Con 24(+17) Int 6 (+81 Cha 16 (+13)

Mummy Rot Level 21 Disease Endurance improve DC 29. maintain DC 24, worsen DC 23 or lower

The CI initial Effect: The target regains CD The target regains only half the normal number of hit CI The target dies.
target is only half the normal number of points from healing effects. In addition, the target takes
cured hit points from healing effects. 10 necrotic damage, which cannot he healed until the
target is cured of the disease.
Illumination: Darkness.
Doors: Two sets of doors are set in the western
walls, one off area I and the other leading li-om
area 2. The doors off area I are unlocked and bear z"
bas-reliefs of the death giant city, a jumble of towers,
bridges, and steep walls. The doors leading from area uZj
described on page 139. 2are
Stairs: A steep set of'stairs climbs to area 2. Each 51
ment to enter. Both sets of stairs in area 2 also are
steep and require 3 squares of movement to enter.
Eye: A 3546ot-diameter opening occupies the
center of area 1.A character falling through the
opening drops away to land on the Plain of Sighing
Stones. The distance the character falls depends on
how high the Citadel is flying (typically 200 feet).
Damaged Floor: The floor in area 2 is dam-
aged. Any creature entering a space containing the
damaged floor must succeed on a saving throw or
f'all through the crack to plummet to the plain as
described on page 139.
Statues: Two statues flank the western doors
in area 1. Each statue depicts a towering winged
humanoid dressed in robes. In place of a head, each
has a skull with green fire burning in the eye sock-
ets. These statues contain necrotic power, and any
2 squares between them and their undead allies. If a undead creature starting its turn in a space adjacent
giant mummy becomes blinded, it shifts in a random to a statue gains 10 temporary hit points. Any living
direction each round and attacks the closest creature creature in a space adjacent to the statue regains only
it notices until it succeeds on a saving throw. The half its healing surge value when spending a healing
giant mummies fight until destroyed. surge.
The death giant soulfire hurlers hang back in A character can topple a statue with a DC 24
area 2 and use hurled soulfire against controllers Strength check and cause any creature in the statue's
and leaders lurking behind defenders. They use path to be targeted by the following attack: reach 2;
this tactic, falling back deeper into their room if +24 vs. Reflex; 2d12 ÷ 8 damage, and the target is
needed, until they exhaust their soul shards. When knocked prone and is immobilized (save ends). A
they can't use their area attacks, they draw their toppled statue loses its necrotic qualities. A statue has
greataxes and engage the lead characters in melee, AC 4, Fortitude 10. Reflex 4, and 80 hit points. A DC
slaying fallen characters to harvest new soul shards 16 Athletics check is required to climb a statue.
when possible. Hieroglyphics: The walls throughout both rooms
The death giants fight until reduced to 44 or fewer are painted in complex pictograms recounting the
hit points. One flees to enlist the death giants in area rise and fall of the death giant city. A character
4, while the other moves to area 10 to warn the gold capable of reading the Davek or Supernal scripts can
dragon. make out enough of their meaning to piece together
the dragon's history as described in the "Background"
entries on page 138.
Askaran-Rus (A) Level 24 Elite Brute (Leader)
NIGHT HAUNT hum.onuill tundeadt. ruginsvallipt X1 1 1...1 .101)
Encounter Level 24 (32,450 XP) Initiative +18 Senses Perception +17: darkvision
Void Chill (Cold, Necrotic) aura 5: each enemy that starts its turn
in the aura takes 5 cold and necrotic damage and grants combat
SETUP advantage until the start of the enemy's next turn.
1 that which should not be trap (W) HP 548: Bloodied 274
entropic collapse trap (1'1) AC 35: Fortitude 37, Reflex 35, Will 37
Ask aran-Rus (A) Immune disease, poison: Resist 20 cold, 20 necrotic: Vulnerable
20 radiant
3 death giants (G)
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8
Askarats-Rus was once a mortal necromancer. but Action Points 1
when his time ran out and his soul drifted to the @Slam (standard: at-will) + Cold, Necrotic
Shadowlell, he refused to surrender to fate and Reach 2; +27 vs. AC: 1d8 4 8 damage plus 2d8 cold and
instead gathered the stuffof shadow to construct a necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
new body for himself-an obscene thing filled with Askaran-Rus's next turn.
Finger of Death (standard; encounter) • Gaze, Necrotic
cruelty. spite, and endless malice.
Ranged 5; targets a bloodied creature; +25 vs. Fortitude; the
It was an accident that Askaran-Rus wound up
target drops to 0 hit points. (Resistance to necrotic damage
in the Citadel. He, like others before him. sought to doesn't affect this power.)
enslave the indigenous people wandering the Plain of <- Void Gaze (minor liround; + Gaze. Necrotic
Sighing Stones and was swept up with the rest when Close blast 5:4-25 vs. Will: 2d10 + 8 necrotic damage. Askan •

the Citadel descended, Neither the death giants nor Rus pushes the target 4 squares. and the target takes a -2
the dragon has much interest in the nightwalker, penalty to all defenses (save ends).
Alignment Evil Languages Common, telepathy 20
and Askaran-Rus has little interest in them. What he
Skills Stealth +23
seeks is escape. and he believes he has found it in the
Sir 26 (+20) Dee 22 (4 18) Wts 2N , 17)
portal shining in this room. Con 24 (4-19) lot 16 (+15) Cha 76 (+70)

This encounter can occur if the characters enter area

3 Death Giants Level 22 Brute
3 or area 4. See page 139 for details on area 4. I asp• htierwevitil XI' 4,1P,0
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +19; darkvisinn
When the PCs can see into area 3, read: Souicatcher aura 5; a creature that dies within the aura bestows
Beyond the doors, you see what looks to be a shrine of sorts. one soul shard to the death giant (see soul shroud).
Strange pillars stretelififtyfeet to the ceiling overhead, and HP 255: Bloodied 127
AC 34: Fortitude 37, Reflex 33. Will 31
a pale stone basin holds a bubbling noxious black shine. Al
Resist 15 necrotic
the north end of the room, a shimmering window shines
Speed 7
with blue light. You also see a towering figure of a black ®Greataxe (standard: at-will) Weapon
giant, composed of inky darkness except for its eyes, which Reach 2: +75 vs. AC: 4d6 + 9 damage (crit 4d6 + 33).
burn with white light. Soulfire Burst (standard: at-will) + Necrotic
Close burst 1; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 necrotic damage, The
death giant must expend one soul shard to use this power.
TACTICS Consume Soul Shard (minor: at-will) + Healing
Askaran-Rus goes on the offensive when he notices The death giant expends one soul shard and regains 20 hit
the characters. He makes a slam attack against points.
any creature that comes within his reach and uses Soul Shroud
The soul shroud contains soul shards that swirl around the
void gaze to rid himself of any defenders or melee
death giant to protect and empower it. At the beginning of an
strikers, He moves deeper into the room when pos-
encounter, the soul shroud contains four soul shards. While the
sible, hoping to lure the adventurers into the area soul shroud is depleted of soul shards, the death giant takes a -2
of entropic collapse or push them into that which penalty to attack rolls.
should not be. He reserves finger of death for the char- Alignment Evil Languages Giant
acter who annoys him the most. Askaran-Rus has Skills intimidate -18
no intention of dying today-or any other day. If he Sir 28 (+20) Dee 20 (+16) Wis 16 (+14)
Con 25 (+18) Int 12 (in) Cha 15 (413)
thinks he might Lose, he'll look for an opportunity to
Equipment chainmail, greataxe
The death giants respond to sounds of combat, adventurers with their burst attacks. The death giants
starting on the second round, and move from their rely on greataxe attacks until two or more enemies
starting positions to investigate. Once the death are in range of soulfire burst. The death giants fight
giants join the fight, the nightwalker switches tactics. until destroyed.
He uses void gaze to push enemies into squares adja-
cent to the death giants, so the giants can burn the
Entropic Collapse iEl Level 23 Warder That Which Should Not iWi Level 20 Blaster
XP ',Jon 1p XP 1.X110

This chamber swirls with dust. as though no one has disturbed A black soupy morass fills the basin and when a living creature
the place in a lot% long thne. draws near, it stirs into action.
Trap: Golgorax relishes the idea of sharing his madness with Trap: The basin ooze is a little touchy, and the trap springs as
creatures that would dare enter his Citadel. He had set soon a living creature moves adjacent to it.
his entropic collapse to release as soon as any creature— Perception
magical or not—comes within 2 squares of the portal. It + DC 16: The character notices the foulness in the basin.
creates a temporary unweaving of the strands of time. + DC 24: The character notices the fluids twitch and writhe.
Although reality reasserts itself a few moments later, the Initiative +24
damage to the psyches of those that glimpse beyond time Trigger
takes longer to heal. When a character ends its movement in a space adjacent
Perception to the basin, the hazard rolls initiative and attacks on its
+ DC 29: The character notices that the swirling dust turn.
appears to glow with faint luminescence. Attack + Necrotic
Additional Skill: Arcana Standard Action Melee 5
+ DC 24: The character notices and identifies the telltale Target: One creature
dust glow that often presages entropic collapse. Attack: +23 vs. Reflex
Trigger • 2d6 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is grabbed.
When a character moves into a square within 2 squares of It takes a -5 penalty to attempts to escape the grab. The
the portal, or when a character 3 or fewer squares away creature takes ongoing 10 necrotic damage as long as it is
uses an arcane power, the trap attacks. grabbed by that which should not be.
Attack + Psyddc Miss: Half damage. and the target is knocked prone.
Opportunity Action Close burst 3 Special: That which should not be can have up to four
Target: Each creature in burst creatures grabbed at once.
Attack: +29 vs. Will Countermeasures
5d6 + 8 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save • A creature can attack that which should not be with a fire
ends). attack (AC 32, other defenses 30). If that which should not
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). be is hit with two fire attacks, it is disabled.
Special: Immortals, animates, and undead are immune to + With a DC 27 Strength check, a creature can knock the
the effects of an entropic collapse. basin to the floor, spilling the ooze and disabling the trap.

FEATURES OF THE AREA room_ All creatures take 3d10 S damage and are
Illumination: Light from the portal provides area trapped. It takes a DC 26 Athletics check to crawl out
3 with dim light, of the rubble.
Pillars: Four 50-foot-tall pillars support the ceil- Statues: Two statues that depict fused bodies and
ing in area 3. Each pillar has AC 4. Fortitude 10, faces trapped in stasis stand near the middle of area
Reflex 4, and 80 hit points. Destroying a pillar causes 3. Characters standing in spaces adjacent to these
it to create a zone of difficult terrain in a close burst statues grant combat advantage to all enemies. Each
1 centered on the pillar that lasts until cleared. If statue has AC 4, Fortitude 10. Reflex 4, and 40 hit
three or more pillars fall, the ceiling starts to collapse. points. Reducing a statue to 0 hit points causes the
At the end of each round, make an attack against statue to make the following attack: close burst 2: +24
each creature in the room: +24 vs, Reflex; 2d6 + 7 vs. Will and the target is pushed 3 squares and dazed
damage, and the target is knocked prone. On a criti- (save ends).
cal hit, the target is knocked prone and restrained Permanent Portal: The portal opens onto the
(save ends). After 3 rounds of this, the entire ceiling natural world to a location of your choosing. A crea-
collapses, automatically burying all creatures in the ture that moves through it passes to the natural world
instantly, and the portal
becomes inactive until the
start of the next round.
Stairs: Characters climb-
ing the stairs in area 4 must
spend 3 squares of movement
to enter their spaces.


GoLD MADNESS Golgoratt (G) Level 28 Elite Controller (Leader)

Elder gold dragon
Encounter Level 26 (54,352 XP) Hue natural ma 2ital beast Itira.on. sha it:than:ell P 10.000
Initiative 4 21 Senses Perception +23; darkvisinn
Emboldening Flames (Fire) aura 3; each ally within the aura deals
SETUP 5 extra fire damage on its melee and ranged attacks.
Golgorax, the Golden Architect (G) HP 522; Bloodied 261: see also bloodied breath
I death titan (T) AC 42: Fortitude 39, Reflex 42, Will 41
Resist 25 fire
2 voidsoul specters (V)
Saving Throws +2
4 death thrall attendants (0)
Speed 8, fly 12 (haver), overland flight 15
Action Points 1
The Golden Architect coils around his treasure on (i) Bite (standard; at-will)* Fire
the ledge overlooking the room, tossing insults and Reach 3; +33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage plus 2d8 fire damage.
making impossible demands of his servants. ® Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; +33 vs. AC; 2t18 + 9 damage.
1. Double Attack (standard: at•w1111
When the PCs can see into this area, read:
The dragon makes two claw attacks.
Although this massive chamber stands in shambles, you can
Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) + Fire
still see what this room once was. Walls bear gold leaf in Close blast 5; +•3 0 vs. Reflex; 5d8 4 9 fire damage, and the
strips, Intricate carvings evoke draeonic imagery, wisdom, target is weakened (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
and architectural wonders—all captured in the complex pic- d Bloodied Breath (immediate reaction, when lint bloodied;
tographic patterns still visible in some places. The ceiling has encounter)
largely given away, revealing ledges tens affect in the air. Golgorax's breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it
Asyut; take in the scene, you notice shapes stiffing in
Fearsome Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
the room's shadows. Four large, shadowy humanoids turn
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +30 vs. Will: the target is
eyes toward you, while n even larger one rises from its place dazed until the end of Golgorax's next turn-Aftereffect: The
to confront you from behind the bronze death mask con- target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
cealing its features. <• Fiery Rebuke (immediate reaction. when hit by an attack:
As the tension spikes. a shrill laugh sounds front above, at-wilt) + Fire
and you see tarnished gold scales reflecting light dully from Close burst 5; +30 vs. Fortitude; the target is pushed 5 squares
and takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
the draconic visage peering over the lip of the room's high-
Shadow Gloom (minor; recharge i• + Necrotic
est ledge.
Close burst 3; targets enemies; +30 vs. Will; the target slides 3
squares and is blinded (save ends).
Perception Check ' Confer Soul Shard (minor; encounter) + Necrotic
DC 34 You s'.' pale_ligures swirling around inside the The dragon donates part of his soul to a death giant: Ranged 5:
yawning hole in rhelioor. targets death giants or death titans; the target gains one soul
shard, and the dragon grants combat advantage until the start
of his next turn.
TACTICS Change Shape (minor; encounter) + Poly morph
Change orph
The battle here erupts swiftly. The giants and dragon The dragon can alter its physical farm to take on the appearance
converge on the adventurers in rage that their of any Medium humanoid or beast (see Change Shape, MM 2801.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Giant
inner sanctum has been breached. The gold dragon
Skills Arcana +30. Athletics +28. Diplomacy +29. History +30,
descends from his ledge. using fearsotne presence
Insight +23, Intimidate +29. Religion F 30
to daze the characters, and then he uses his breath Str 28 (+23) Dex 24 (+21) Wis 19 (+18)
weapon, not caring whether it catches his allies. The Con 29 (+23) int 32 (+25) Cha 30 (+24)
dragon maneuvers to keep allies inside his aura.
When the death titan exhausts its soul shards, the FEATURES OF THE AREA
dragon uses confer soul shard to boost its ally's attacks.
Illumination: Darkness.
The death titan uses soul devourer against the lead
Ceiling: A domed ceiling rises 100 ket overhead.
character and then moves and spends its action point
Ledges: The two ledges in this room are remnants
to make a melee or soulfire burst attack.
of the multiple levels that made up this chamber. The
The death titan keeps moving to keep the larg-
northern ledge is 30 feet overhead, and the south-
est number of adventurers inside its aura and lights
ern one is 60 feet above the floor. The lower ledge is
alongside the thrall attendants so it can scoop up
unstable. Any Medium or larger creature that ends
their soul shards when they are slain.
its movement there is subject to an attack: +30 vs.
The voidsoul specters creep behind the characters
Reflex; the floor gives way, dropping the target to the
front lines to attack leaders, ranged strikers, and con-
floor below for 3d10 damage.
trollers. They avoid divine characters when possible,
Doors: Unlocked stone doors lead into this room.
turning invisible to escape their notice. All the mon-
Because of their size and weight, they require a DC
sters light until destroyed.
24 Strength check to open.
— 4 -14

Death Than In Level 25 Elite Brute 2 Void-soul Specters (V) Level 23 Lurker
Hoge shadow humanoid tgiam) X1 14.000 Medium shadow humanoid (undeadi XP 5,100 each
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +20; darkvision initiative +23 Senses Perception +16; darkvision
Sou'burner aura 5; enemies in the aura take a -2 penalty to attack Spectral Cold {Cold) aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within
rolls and defenses; a creature that dies within the aura bestows the aura takes 10 cold damage and takes a -2 penalty to all
one soul shard to the death titan (see soul shroud). defenses until the start of its next turn.
HP 574; Bloodied 287 HP 115; Bloodied 57
AC 39: Fortitude 42, Reflex 38. Will 35 AC 35: Fortitude 32. Reflex 35. Will 34
Resist 30 necrotic Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 necrotic, insubstantial;
Saving Throws +2 Vulnerable 10 radiant
Speed 8 Speed fly 8 (hover); phasing
Action Points 1 () Spectral Touch (standard; at-will) + Necrotic
{70 Greataxe (standard; at-will) + Weapon +25 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 6 necrotic damage.
Reach 3; +28 vs. AC: 2d8 + 10 damage (crit 6d8 + 26). <-Life Siphon (standard; encounter) 4 Healing, Necrotic
4. Double Attack [standard; at-will) Close blast 5; +25 vs. Fortitude; 202 + 6 necrotic damage,
The death titan makes two greataxe attacks. and the voidsoul specter regains 5 hit points For every creature
Soul Devourer {standard; recharge II ) + Necrotic damaged by the attack.
Ranged 5; +28 vs. Fortitude; the target loses a healing surge, Invisibility (minor 1/round; at-will) + Illusion
and the death titan's soul shroud gains one soul shard. A target The voidsoul specter becomes invisible until it attacks or until it
without healing surges takes damage equal to half its total hit is hit by an attack. It remains invisible while using life siphon.
points. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
<•Soulfire Burst (standard; at-will) 4 Necrotic Skills Stealth +24
Close burst 1; +26 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 6 necrotic damage. The Sir 12 (+12) Dex 26 (+19) Wis 101+11)
death titan must expend one soul shard to use this power. Con 19 (+15) Int 11 (+11) Cha 23 (+17)
Consume Soul Shard (minor: at-will) t Healing
The death titan expends one soul shard and regains 20 hit
4 Death Thrall Attendants (D) Level 21 Minion Brute
points. I arge shadow humanoid (giant) XI' 1.0,18 each
Soul Shroud
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +19: darkvision
The soul shroud contains soul shards that swirl around the
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
death titan to protect and empower it. At the beginning of an
AC 34; Fortitude 36, Reflex 33, Will 32
encounter, the soul shroud contains four soul shards. While the
Resist IS necrotic
soul shroud is depleted of soul shards. the death titan takes a -2
Speed 7
penalty to attack rolls.
0 Greataxe {standard; at-will) + Weapon
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
Reach 2: +25 vs. AC: 11 damage (crii 21 damage).
Skills Intimidate +20
Souffire Explosion (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Necrotic
Str 31 (+22) Dex 23 (+18) Wis 17 (+15)
Close burst 1; +23 vs. Reflex; 5 damage and the target loses
Con 27 (+20) Int 12 (+13) Cha 16 015)
a healing surge. If the target doesn't have a healing surge
Equipment plate armor, greataxe
available, It takes damage equal to its healing surge value.
Soul Thrall
Statues: Four obsidian statues depicting the like-
An attendant gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls while in a death
ness of the gold dragon flank each set of doors. These giant's or death titan's aura.
statues radiate malice, and fear attacks against crea- Alignment Evil Languages Giant
tures in spaces adjacent to the statues gain a +2 bonus Str 28 (+70) Dex 20 (+16) Wis 16 (+14)
to the attack rolls. Con 25 (+18) Int 12 012) Cha 15 (+13)
Equipment cha inmai., greataxe

Each statue has AC 4, Fortitude 10, Reflex 4, and

80 hit points. If a statue is destroyed, the gold dragon
becomes enraged and wilt spend his action point
during his next turn.
Gap: A hole in the floor drops away to open air. A
character falling through the opening lands on the
Plain of Sighing Stones. The distance the character
falls depends on how high the citadel is flying 03'0'
cally 200 feet).
Damaged Floor: Each space adjacent to the gap
is considered damaged. Any creature that enters a
space containing damaged floor must succeed on a
saving throw or fall through the crack to plummet to
the Plain.
Mercury dragon lair for five 26th-level would take him beyond his enemies' territories. Like
adventurers so many before him, he was swept along when it
returned to the Elemental Chaos—but unlike those
Throughout the tempestuous realms of the Elemental before him, Tananzinaen was rugged enough to sur-
Chaos, massive "earthbergs" float through seas of vive the new environment.
water or magma, and even through the smoke and History DC 28: The ever-pragmatic dragon
the empty skies. Some are tiny, mere rocks defying immediately recognized the value of such a lair. A
gravity; others are the size of great islands. These are sanctum that would, on a regular and (after long-term
often inhabited by great elementals, by demons, by observation) predictable basis, take him to another
slaads, by archons, and, yes. by dragons. world where his enemies could not follow was worth
One of these, a great inverted mountain called a great deal. Tananzinaen made himself at home and
the Earthen Dagger, is perhaps among the most continued to hire out his services—as soldier, scout,
dangerous—not just because it is the home oFan courier, enforcer, or assassin—to other dragons as well
amoral dragon of ancient age and mercenary tem- as to mortal kings, emperors, priests, and criminals.
perament. not merely due to the potent elementals He made certain to never again hire himself out to
that guard him, not even because of the molten flows both sides of a conflict, and he swiftly found himself
and poisonous fumes that rise from the hollows of the rolling in riches with contacts amid the rich and pow-
mountain as though fed by eternal springs. No, the erful across the world.
Earthen Dagger poses such a threat because, thanks History DC 31: As he grew older and became
to planar magics that infuse its every rock, its orbit powerful enough that hiding and secrecy were no
carries the earthberg—at seemingly random but all longer of great concern, Tananzinaen began accept-
too frequent intervals—from the Elemental Chaos to ing contracts from creatures of the Elemental Chaos.
the clouded skies of the world. At times, he worked for various sorts ofelementals,
but his most Frequent employer became the Caliph
BACKGROUND Ma'mun, a political rival of the efreet Sultan of the
City of Brass. As part of his payment. Tananzinaen
Arcana or History DC 17: There's no telling who
demanded that the caliph supply him with guards,
or what might have occupied the Earthen Dagger in
loyal soldiers that would protect his treasures and his
epochs past. Maybe the mountain occurred naturally
lair when he was away.
in the turbulent Elemental Chaos, or perhaps it was
And thus it stands today: A mercenary dragon,
ripped away from a larger landmass and deliberately
ancient and powerful, lairs within a floating isle that
set afloat. Doubtless, it played home to a wide variety
takes him from the mortal world to the Elemental
of creatures throughout the years. and it surely spent
Chaos and back. keeping him mostly out of reach of
many more years bereft of inhabitants as it passed
the many parties he has wronged. Only the greatest
through realms of poison, ice, and fire. During its
of heroes can hope to reach the Earthen Dagger, let
sporadic visits to the mortal realm, powerful wizards
alone fight their way through Tananzinaen's elemen-
and lesser dragons established lairs in its caverns
tal guards and finally end the threat of the ancient
only to find themselves assailed by dangers for which
they were woefully unprepared when the mountain
returned to its home plane. And then it was found,
during one of its mortal world excursions, by the mer- ENVIRONMENT
cury dragon Tananzinaen. There's nothing remotely normal about the Earthen
History DC 22: A young dragon at the time, Dagger and its environs. The inverted mountain
Tananzinaen had worked alongside several other floats through the skies of both the mortal realm and
dragons. both metallic and chromatic. Rather than the Elemental Chaos. You might decide to give the
compete for his own treasure and territory, Tanan- characters a break and have the winds and weather
zinaen elected to help other dragons establish their remain relatively clear. Or you might buffet them
territories, in exchange for hunting rights and a small with powerful storms or, in the Elemental Chaos,
percentage of their collected hoards. At one point, gusts of fire and toxic rains.
two rival dragons learned that Tananzinaen had The outside slope of the mountain requires a DC
hired himself out to both of them, and they expressed 30 Athletics check to climb—in part because of its
their displeasure with him violently. Escaping with rough stone and the movement of the mountain, and
nothing more than his life—and only barely that—the in part because anyone scaling the mountain must
mercury dragon stumbled upon the Earthen Dagger contend with the outward angle of the slope.
and took shelter in its crags, hoping its movements

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

The mountain is cloaked in a faint haze, toxic and AREA 1: THE UPPER LEVEL
uncomfortably hot. In addition to its combat effects This topmost level of the earthberg is a rugged stone
(defined in the tactical encounters), it has a long-term surface, replete with numerous gaping craters that
impact on creatures. This is considered an environ- provide access to the level (or levels, if you choose)
mental danger (0114G 158) consisting of pervasive below. A broad plateau of stone on the southern end
smoke, requiring characters to make DC 26 Endur- rises higher than its surroundings. The efreet guards
ance checks when they enter this area for the first dwell in a separate area, but most spend their waking
time (or when they reenter it after leaving). Anyone hours here.
who fails this check loses a healing surge. This danger Tactical Encounter: "Fire at Will," page 1 SO, and
comes from a combination of the toxic haze and the possibly "Poisoned Pit," page 152.
heat, neither of which is nearly as dangerous on its
own. Any creature immune to either fire or poison is
not harmed by the haze.
This is the lair of Tananzi naen. The efreets do not
When you run these encounters, decide how high
come here unless in pursuit of invaders. The dragon
off the ground the mountain is flying. It is important
is guarded by strange creatures formed of toxic haze
to establish the earthberg's flying height because
called venomous remnants, formed by means of an
creatures might find themselves pushed off the edges
ancient ritual around the escaping essences of those
of area 1 or into the hole and down the slope provid-
slain by the poisonous smoke. Tananrinaen does not
ing egress from area 2.
take kindly to intrusion into his lair, and if the char-
The map shows only two levels of the mountain,
acters make it this far without being politely escorted
but others could continue below these. either exten-
out by the efreets, he assumes that they are enemies.
sions of Tananzinaen's lair or home to something else
Tactical Encounter: "Fire at Will." page 150, and
of which even the dragon is unaware.
"Poisoned Pit," page 152.
As the PCs approach the floating isle, read:
You see an enormous mass of stone hanging In the sky. It's TREASURE
in the shape of a great mountain. but it is widest on top and Hidden in the lower level—within the areas of liquid
tapers to a twisted point hundreds of feet lower. A shimmer- stone, necrotic crystal, and/or toxic smoke—the char-
ing haze hovers above its surface, and thick plumes of dark acters might find wealth and magic items equivalent
smoke rise from caverns deep within. to two level 28 treasure parcels.

CHAPTER 3 I Dragon Lairs

pi. .

i 3 Efreet Flamestrlders (F) Level 23 Skirmisher
. Large ', It-menial humanoid ifirn X13 5,100 each
Encounter Level 26 (53,300 XP) Initiative +20 Senses Perception +15
Blazing Soul (Fire) aura 1; each creature within the aura that Is
taking ongoing fire damage takes S extra ongoing fire damage.
SLTUP HP 217; Bloodied 108
3 efreet flamestriders (F) AC 37; Fortitude 36, Reflex 35. Will 34
efreet karadjin (K) immune lire
I efreet pyresinger (P) Speed 6. fly 8 (hover); see also fiery teleport
.® Scimitar (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
I thunderblast cyclone (C)
Reach 2; +28 vs, AC; 2d10 + 8 damage (crit 6d10 + 28). and
ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
The efreets that stand watch over Tananzinaen's lair. Fiery Grasp (standard; at•will) Fire
as part of his long-term payment from the Caliph Ranged 20; a fiery hand appears and grabs the target: +25 vs.
Ma'mun, are vicious combatants, and they take their Reflex; 1d6 + 8 fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 10
responsibility as sentries seriously. If any strangers— fire damage arid is Immobilized (save ends both).
such as the characters—set foot upon the dragon's isle. Fiery Teleport (move: at-will) Teleportion
The flamestrider can teieport 20 squares. reappearing in a puff
the efreet karadjin challenges them, demanding to
of smoke; its destination must be adjacent to a fire creature or
know their purpose. if they don't answer properly—if
a fire.
they do not swiftly convince it that they have come to Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
hire the dragon for some great purpose—the karadjin Skills Bluff +22, Insight +20. intimidate +20
demands they leave and immediately moves to attack. Str 77 (+191 Dex 24 (+18) Wis 18 (+15)
Con 25 (+18) Int 16 (+14) Cha 22(+17)
When the PCs first set foot on the earthberg, Equipment scimitar

As you set foot on thefloating isle, you can fee! the heat Efreet Karadjin (K) Level 28 Soldier (leader)
radiating from the stone surface. An array of ledges and I drgt,- elemental humantlici XP i 3,000
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +23
narrow bridges overlook a deep chasm shrouded in dense
HP 260: Bloodied 130
haze. You can't see what lies below.
AC 44; Fortitude 45, Reflex 42, Will 42
A thunderous voice, with an undertone of roiling flame, Immune fire
calls through the haze. Speed 6, fly 8 (hovers
()Scimitar of Horrendous Flame (standard; at•will) + Fire,
If any of the PCs speak or understand Draconic, Weapon
continue: Reach 2; +35 vs. AC; 200 + 9 damage (crit 6d10 + 29)plus 1d10
fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 15 fire damage and is
"You have trespassed upon the sovereign domain of the
immobilized (save ends both). Aftereffect: Ongoing 15 fire damage
mighty and blessed Taaanziruien, Fre of the Quicksilver (save ends). Saving throws against this power take a -2 penalty.
Hide. Explain yourselves swiftly lest you burn." 4. Fiery Vendetta (Immediate reaction, when an enemy within
reach attacks one of the efreet karadjin's allies; at-will) I. Fire,
When the efreets attack, read: Weapon
Several forms appear in the haze. They haveffamesflicker- The efreet karadjin makes a melee basic attack against the

ins across their flesh. One is taller than an ogre and carries triggering enemy.
Elemental Command (minor, at-will)
a blazing scimitar. The others are slender and move about
One allied elemental creature within 10 squares of the efreet
in the distance. Mop the eastern mesa, you see a whirling
karadjin (and within its line of sight) shifts.
gclone that seems to have lights reminiscent of eyes inside Alignment Evil Languages Draconic. Primordial
its shapeless form. As you take in this scene. two more Skills Arcane +25. Bluff +26. Insight +23. intimidate +26
efreets rise on columns of through the haze below. Str 28 (+23) Dex 25 (+21) Ms 181+18)
Con 30(+24) Int 22 (+201 Cha 25 1 , 211
Arcana Check Equipment scimitar

DC 26 The smoke that wafts up from below is particularly

The melee combatants favor pushing characters
noxious, leaclingyou to the conclusion that exposure to it
offedges or the bridge if circumstances allow, since
would increase your susceptibility to poison.
they can easily follow using flight or teleportation. All

TACTICS the creatures fight to the death.

The efreet karadjin and the flamestriders close to

melee, while the pyresinger and the thunderblast
cyclone remain at range, flying back and forth
between areas or hovering off the edge of the earth-
berg to prevent characters from drawing near.
Meet Pyresinger (P1 Level 25 Controller
Large elemental humanoid t lire i Xi' 1.11(11'
Initiative +20 Senses Perception t16
Fiery Soul (Fire) aura 1; each creature that enters the aura or
starts its turn there takes 10 fire damage; each creature within
the aura that is taking ongoing fire damage takes 5 extra
ongoing fire damage.
HP 233; Bloodied 116
AC 40; Fortitude 37. Reflex 36, Will 36
Immune fire
Speed 6. fly 8 (hover)
Oa Scimitar (standard; at-will) + Fire. Weapon
Reach 2: 130 vs. AC; 2d10 ' 9 damage (crit 6d10 + 29), and
ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Fire Bolt (standard; at-wilt) ♦ Fire. Weapon
Ranged 10; + 31 vs. AC: 3cI6 + 8 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire
damage (save ends).
Fiery Chains (standard; recharge : ♦ Fire
Ranged 10; +28 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 fire damage, and the target
takes ongoing 20 fire damage and is restrained (save ends
both). As a move action, the efreet pyresinger can slick a target
wrapped In fiery chains 1 square.
it- Sheets or Maine (standard; recharge It :1X111)-+ Fire, Zone
Area burst 3 within 20; the pyresinger fills the area with
20•foot•high sheets of roaring flame. Any creature that enters
the area or begins its turn in it or adjacent to it takes 10 fire
damage. The sheets of flame block line of sight and last until the
end of the pyresinger's next turn.
Alignment Evil Languages Draconic, Primordial
I Skills Arcana a?, Bluff +25, Diplomacy +25, Insight +21,
Intimidate +25
5tr 29(+21) Dex 26 (+20) Wis1a (+16)
Con 25 (+19) Int 20 (+17)
Equipment scimitar, scepter
Illumination: Bright light.
Bridges: The bridges run above the interior of the
Thunderblast Cyclone (C) Level 26 Elite Artillery
Hoge rnagital beast (all. WAlt..91 XP IR0no Earthen Dagger, which is represented in the "Poi-
Initiative 424 Senses Perception +16 soned Pit" encounter on the following page.
HP 382; Bloodied 191 Elevation: The elevation numbers on the map indi-
AC 42; Fortitude 40, Reflex 47, Will 35 cate the distance above the floor of the poisoned pit.
Immune disease. poison: Resist 30 lightning, 30 thunder Ledges: The dashed lines on the map represent
Saving Throws +2
places where a ledge drops off from area 1 into area
Speed fly 10 (hover)
2. These vertical surfaces require a DC 28 Athletics
Action Points 1
Lightning Arc (standard; at-will). Lightning
check to climb.
Reach 3; '29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 11 lightning damage, Pervasive Haze: The entire cart hberg is
&Lightning Bolt (standard; at-will) • Lightning cocooned in a faint haze. Creatures treat all squares
Ranged 10; 129 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 11 lightning damage. more than 5 squares away as lightly obscured. The
<-• Thunderclap (standard: at-will) + Thunder area below the bridges is heavily obscured, meaning
Close burst 2; +28 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 9 thunder damage.
creatures can't see down into the poisoned pit.
<- Charged Mist (standard: recharge 13i) + lightning
Slopes: A slope counts as difficult terrain for
Close burst 3; no attack roil; ldl ❑ + 9 lightning damage, and
the thunderbiast cyclone becomes insubstantial until the end of
creatures moving up, but not down. A creature that
its next turn, is pushed or that slides down a slope moves I extra
-3;,. Lightning Storm (standard: begins uncharged; recharges when square, and a character that falls prone on a slope
the fireburst cyclone uses charged mist) + Lightning, Thunder slides 1 square in the direction of lower elevation.
Area burst 3 within 20: +29 vs. Reflex; 6d8 + 9 lightning and Toxic Smoke: The purple blotches on one of the
thunder damage. Miss: Half damage.
bridges and on the western edge of the largest hole
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
represent toxic smoke billowing up from below. The
Str 25 (P20) Dex 32 ( -74) Wit 17 (+16)
Can 29 (1-22) Int 8 (+12) Cha 15 t+15)
smoke is also present in the squares on either side of
the bridge and those adjacent to the western ledge. A
creature that begins its turn in toxic smoke gains vul-
nerable 10 poison until the end of its next turn.
POISONED PI T Tartan airmen (
AIR trot iswst III v . 11 . 13;IIII
Level 19 !solo tucker

Encounter Level 29 (88,500 XP) +.11 ► 1.11 111 411 magirat beast IMO
idi ay; us. h.mgrtI
initiative +28 Senses Perception +12; dark vision
SETUP HP 1,044: Bloodied 527; see also bloodied breath
Tananzinaen, ancient mercury dragon (I) AC 43; Fortitude 42, Reflex 43. WIII 39

6 venomous remnants (V) Resist 10 fire, 30 poison

Saving Throws +5
Speed 9, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 15
The lower level oldie earthberg is Tananri naens lair, Action Points 2
where he basks in the warmth and the toxic fumes MClaw (standard; a•Ill)
oldie isle's molten pools. Whether he remained Reach 4; +32 vs. AC; 2dR + 12 damage.
unaware of the combat above or chose to allow his + Bite (standard; at-will)
guards to handle it. he did not emerge during the ini- Reach 4; - '-32 vs. AC; 2d10+ 12 damage.

tial combat-but once the characters reach the lower Draconlc Fury (standard: at-will)
The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack.
level, he deems them a true threat.
- Quick Snap (immediate interrupt, when an enemy moves
adjacent to the dragon: at-will)
When the PCs enter the lowest level, read: Tananzinaen makes a bite attack against the triggering
Thellickering of molten rock. roiling clouds of toxicfilmes. enemy. On a hit, the target also grants combat advantage to
and thick shadows tra nsform the cavern into an echo of the Tananzinaen (save ends).
deepest hells. <- Breath Weapon (standard; rechargel::: [I 11 ♦ Poison
Close blast 5; +32 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 8 poison damage, and
the target takes ongoing 1S poison damage and treats the
If the PCs arrive more than 10 squares away
mercury dragon as invisible (save ends both). Mist: Half damage.
from the dragon, continue with: 4. Bloodied Breath (free, when fist bloodied; encounter)
The air here is so thick with fumes that you can barely Breath weapon rerharges, and Tananzinaen uses it.
make out the features In front of you. <• Frightful Preserve {standard; encounter) + Fray
Close burst 10; targets enemies: +32 vs. Will; the target is
If PCs arrive or move to within 5 squares of stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect The
any venomous remnant, continue with: target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Caliph's Reward (minor; usable only while bloodied; encounter)
Here and there, a thick pocket of haze seems to be movirki
+ Fire
Tendrils of smoke form coiling, winding arms, and burning Close burst 10: targets enemies: +30 vs. Reflex: the target takes
embers slowly blink. revealing themselves as eyes. ongoing 15 fire damage and a -2 penalty to all defenses (save
ends both).
Fluid Shape (immediate interrupt: when an enemy targets the
dragon; requires a creature be adjacent to the dragon: recharge
+ Polvinornh
The u iggering attack targets a different creature adjacent to
Quicksilver Form (move action; encounter)* Polymorph
Tananzinaen becomes a liquid wave of quicksilver and shifts
8 squares. He remains In quicksilver form until the end of his
next turn. While in quicksilver form, Tananzinaen can't attack
or fly, but gains a climb speed of 6, ignores difficult terrain, and
doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. He can squeeze through
any aperture a Tiny creature could fit through. Tananzinaen can
return to his normal form as a free action on his turn. When
he returns to normal, each creature within 2 squares grants
combat advantage to him until the end of his next turn. Sustain
Minor: The quicksilver form persists.
Change Shape (minor; at•will) Polymorph
Tananzinaen can alter his physical form to appear as any
Medium or Large humanoid, including a unique Individual (see
"Change Shape," MAU 216).
Combat Advantage
Tananxinaen deals 3d6 extra damage against a target granting
combat advantage to him,
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Acrobatics '19, Bluff +26, Stealth +29
Str 26 (+22) Dex 31 (+24) Wis 17 (+171
Con 21 0-19) int 15 (+16i Cha 24 (+21)
If the PCs arrive or move to within 10 squares of them an opportunity for a rest: If it appears they
the dragon, continue with: aren't going to follow him after a minute or two, he
In the (Wiest reaches of the cave, something stirs, some• reappears. engages in combat for a round or two, and ,_-,
thing impossibly huge. It blends with the smoke. but you retreats once more. Like the venomous remnants, he <
can see that its hide shimmers like liquid in the flickering prefers to fight in the toxic smoke-or at least against -

light of the mama nearby. foes that are in it.

This is Tananzinaen's lair, his treasure, and his
Venomous Remnants I,V1 level 1G Minion Ariffiery place of business. Although he might seem to retreat,
Mrikum \1' as described above, he never departs. He fights to the
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +18; darkvislon death to defend his home.
Choking Aura (Poison) aura 2: each living creature that enters the
aura or starts its turn there takes 5 poison damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. FEATURES OF THE AREA
AC 38; Fortitude 37, Reflex 36, Will 39 Illumination: Dim light.
Immune disease, poison Ceiling: Much of the lower level is open to the sky.
Speed fly 7 (hover)
In the east, the ceiling slopes. from as high as 70 feet
T) Toxic Touch (standard; at-will) 4. Poison
1-31 vs. Reflex; 8 poison damage.
to as low as 30 Feet.
t) Toxic Breath (standard; at4v1111+ Poison Pervasive Haze: The entire lower area of the
Ranged 20; -33 vs. Fortitude; 12 poison damage. earthberg is cocooned in a thick haze. Creatures
-3i Venomous Rain (standard; encounter) + Poison treat all squares more than 5 squares away as lightly
Area burst 3 within 20; targets enemies; •33 vs. fortitude: obscured and all squares more than I0 squares away
the target loses any resistance to poison until the end of the as heavily obscured.
venomous remnant's next turn and takes 10 poison damage.
Hole: The hole drops roughly 20 feet straight
Effete Each venomous remnant in the area gains a 4-5 bonus to down before turning into a steep slope that runs
defenses until the end of the triggering remnant's next turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Abyssal. Draconk for another 40 feet to the southeast. leading to an
Str 161 - 161 Des 27 (+19) Wis 20 (+18) exit from the mountain (not shown on the map). It
Con 15 1-4-20) lot 14 (+15) Cha 28 0-22) requires a DC 28 Athletics check to climb.
Walls and Pillars: The various vertical surfaces
TACTICS here require a DC 28 Athletics check to climb.
Molten Rock: A creature that enters or starts its
When combat begins, the venomous remnants
turn in a square of molten rock (the red areas) takes
approach from multiple directions, possibly even
10 fire damage and is slowed until the start of its
departing the floor of the area and returning from
next turn.
another angle, rather than clumping up to offer
Necrotic Crystal: This deep violet crystal radi-
characters the opportunity to take them down with
ates necrotic magic. Any attack against a creature
a single area effect. They prefer to fight either in the
standing in a patch of necrotic crystal scores a critical
toxic smoke or above the molten squares, because
hit on a roll of 18-20. On such a critical hit, half the
their ability to hover and their poison immunity grant
damage is necrotic rather than the attack's normal
them great tactical advantage in those areas. They
damage type. (Flying creatures are unaffected, unless
take turns using venomous rain to make their and
they land in such a square.)
Tananzinaen's attacks more effective and to prolong
Toxic Smoke: The smoke in the areas represented
their lives. Venomous remnants fight until destroyed.
by purple blotches rises from the molten rock. A
Tananzinaen begins combat with his breath
creature that begins its turn in this toxic smoke gains
weapon, if doing so is tactically sound. Otherwise, he
vulnerable 10 poison until the end of its next turn.
focuses an array of melee attacks against a single foe.
In any case, Tananzinaen rarely engages in battle for
more than a round or two at a time. By using fright-
ful presence, his breath weapon's invisibility, quicksilver
form, or SiMple shift-and-move tactics, he moves away
from melee after a round or two and departs the
level. He either reenters with Stealth (keep in mind
the concealment offered by the haze and smoke) or
entices the characters to come after him-whatever it
takes to become hidden or gain combat advantage.
Tananzinaen is a patient lighter, and he's quite
content to force the characters to chase him up and
down the two levels of the mountain as he watches
for opportunities to ambush them (or possibly push
them off the edges). He does not. however, grant

THE FIVE varieties of metallic dragon intro-

duced in Monster Manual 2—the adamantine, iron,
copper, silver, and gold—are the most common kinds.
Many other metallic dragons roam the world and
the planes beyond. Fiery brass dragons soar over the
desert skies, fierce cobalt dragons lurk amid the cold
mists of the Shadowfell, and shapechanging steel
dragons roam the crowded cities of humankind in
the guises of male and female humanoids.
Like the more commonly known metallic drag-
ons, the members of these varieties run the gamut
of alignment. motivation, and personality. Some are
noble champions of good, while others are merci-
less tyrants or self-serving plunderers. Even the most
benevolent and reasonable of metallic dragons are
proud and inflexible creatures, rarely willing to alter
their course at the urging of humans or their kind;
more than a few societies have found that a "benevo-
lent" dragon's ambitions signal disaster for lesser
beings in the area. Few creatures in the world have
the power to act for good or evil as dragons do.
Many creatures can trace their origins to metallic
dragons. or claim some kinship with them. The fierce
magical warriors known as draconians hatch from
corrupted metallic dragon eggs, while vulture drakes
and liondrakes are both distant cousins of dragons.
Metallic dragons also attract servants and create
constructs for their defense. Kobolds, known for their
devotion to chromatic dragons, sometimes serve
metallic dragons too.
in this chapter, you'll find the following:
+ Descriptions of the rarer metallic dragons—brass,
bronze, cobalt, mercury, mithral, oriurn, and steel.
* Wyrmlings of each metallic dragon variety.
+ Creatures made from metallic dragons, including
the evil race of draconians and hollow dragon
♦ Monsters that have draconic heritage or associa-
tions, such as couatls and liondrakes.
+ Legendary metallic dragons of the world, and
the god Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon.
s Methods of customization, including alternative
powers and a method for making solo dragons
into elites.

CHAPTER ' 4 I New Monsters

Adamantine. iron, copper. silver, and gold dragons are Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,000)
the most common and well-kno ► n metallic dragons + 1 adult brass dragon (level 11 solo artillery)
(see Monster Manual 2). However, other varieties exist, + 2 minotaur warriors (level 10 soldier. MM 190)
including brass. bronze, cobalt, mercury. mith ral,
orium. and steel dragons. Young Brass Dragon Level 4 Solo Artillery
itatithil, .1 v xj,

Initiative +5 Senses Perception +9; darkvision

BR ASS DR At HP 232; Bloodied 116. see also bloodied breath
AC 17: Fortitude 17, Reflex 16. Will 15
Resist 15 fire
FlitF.•RREATIOING MONSTERS haunting deserts and other Saving Throws +5
dry lands. brass dragons tend to be callous, violent, Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 12
and selfish. The best are honorable mercenaries, brave Action Points 2
and loyal if paid well. The worst are brigands that ®Bite (standard; a•will) t Fire
plunder any travelers who venture into their territory. Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage plus 1d6 fire damage.
.0 Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; 411 vs. AC: 1c16 4- 3 damage.
BRASS DRAGON LORE } Dragon Ire (standard; at-will/
Nature DC 12: Brass dragons favor deserts and The dragon makes two claw attacks or one bite attack, and then
shifts 1 square.
arid badlands. Their breath takes the form of a fiery
}Wing Buffet (immediate reaction, when an enemy enters or
blast that eau force nearby foes to give ground or a jet of leaves an adjacent square)
flame that can burn an enemy and all others around it. Targets the triggering enemy; +9 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 3 damage,
Nature DC 17: Brass dragons have a pronounced the target is knocked prone, and the dragon shifts 2 squares.
mercenary streak and often strike bargains with <- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ill+ Fire
neighboring monsters to fight on their behalf in Close blast 5; +9 vs. Reflex; 3c16 — 3 fire damage, and the

exchange for treasure. They ally with azers, dragon- dragon pushes the target 3 squares. Miss: Half damage.
4: Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
born, efreets. hill giants, humans, and yuan-ti.
Breoth weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
Fire Stream (standard; at-will) * Fire
BRASS DRAGON TACTICS Ranged 5;1-9 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 5 fire damage. Effect: Each
creature adjacent to the target takes 1d8 fire damage.
Brass dragons fight on the wing. They make good use
<• Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear
of their hover ability to remain airborne and out of the Close burst 5; targets enemies; +9 vs. Will; the target is stunned
reach nfgrciund-bound enemies, scouring foes with until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The target
blasts of fire—both their breath weapon andfire stream takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
attacks. Once its foes are scattered, a brass dragon sin- Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
gles out the foe who poses the most dangerous threat at Skills Athletics +10, Insight +9. Intimidate +8

range and lands to attack. Normally the dragon lands Str 17 (+5) Dex 16 (+51 Wls 15 (+4)
Con 18 (46) lnt 13 (+3) Cha 11 (+3)
next to its intended victim, attacks with dragon ire, and
then spends an action point to stun its foes momen-
tarily with frightful presence so that it can take to the air Adult Brass Dragon Level 11 Solo Artillery
laige 11.111U.1111111gii ill h•"! 1110.11:1P/s , Xi' 0E10
again before its enemies can threaten it on the ground.
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +13; darkvlsion
An elder or ancient brass dragon usually waits to HP 464; Bloodied 232; see also bloodied breath
use ignite until after it hits multiple targets with its AC 24: Fortitude 24, Reflex 23. Will 22
breath weapon. Resist 20 fire
Saving Throws 45

ENCOUNTER GROUPS Speed 8, fly 10 (hover). overland flight 12

Action Points 2
Brass dragons ally with well-organized humanoid 0 Bite (standard; at-will) + Fire
bands that can meet their price (usually, the lion's Reach 2; +18 vs. AC: 1d10 5 damage plus 1c16 fire damage.
share of any treasure they take). They prefer to hang IT) Claw (standard: at-will)

back and provide devastating ranged fire, white their Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 1d8 i S damage.

brute and soldier allies press the attack. 4. Dragon Ire (standard; at-will)
The dragon makes two claw attacks or one bite attack, and then
shifts I square.
Level 6 F.ncounter (XP 1,325) }Wing Buffet (immediate reaction. when an enemy enters or
+ 3 human guards (level 3 soldier, MM 162) leaves an adjacent square)
+ 1 young brass dragon (level 4 solo artillery) Targets the triggering enemy; +16 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + S damage,
the target is knocked prone, and the dragon shifts 2 squares.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Breath Weapon (standard; recharge iti+ Fire L istanuaru;
Close blast 5: +16 vs. Reflex: 3d8 + 5 fire damage. and the The dragon makes two claw attacks or one bite attack, and then
dragon pushes the target 3 squares. Miss: Half damage. shifts 1 square.
Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) Wing Buffet (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves enters
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it. If the dragon is l, or leaves an adjacent square)
flying, it ran shift up to 5 squares before making this attack. Targets the triggering enemy; +23 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 7
Fire Stream (standard; at-will) + Fire damage, the target is knocked prone, and the dragon shifts 2
Ranged 10; +16 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 5 fire damage. Effect: Each squares.
creature adjacent to the target takes 21:16 fire damage. <-• Breath Weapon (standard; recharge :1; i l) Fire
Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear Close blast 5: +23 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 7 fire damage. and the
Close burst 5; targets enemies; *16 vs. Will; the target is dragon pushes the target 3 squares. Miss; Half damage.
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The <- Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
target taxes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses It. lithe dragon is
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic flying, it can shift 10 squares before making this attack.
Skills Athletics -14, Insight +13, Intimidate +11 Fire Stream (standard; at-will) + Fire
Sir 191-69) ❑ ex 18 (•9) Wis 161+8) Ranged 15; 423 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 fire damage. Effect: Each
Con 20 (610) Int 15 (+7) Cha 13 (66) creature adjacent to the target takes 2r18 fire damage.
<• Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
tiller Brass Dragon Level 18 Solo Artillery
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +23 vs. Will; the target is
I hip 11.11111.11 fl UV( .111 6/411 ■ 411111) XP [IWO('
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +18; darkvIsion
ignite {free. after using breath weapon orfire stream; encounter) +
HP 704; Bloodied 352; see also bloodied breath
AC 31; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 29
Any creature hit by the triggering attack also takes ongoing 10
Resist 25 fire
fire damage and Is dazed (save ends both).
Saving Throws +5
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover). overland flight 15
Skills Athletics +20, Insight -1-18, Intimidate +16, Nature +18
Action Points 2
(f) Bite (standard; at-will)* Fire "1111 Sir 23 (+15)
Con 24 (+16)
Dex 20;-14)
int 17 f-171
Wiz 184+13)
Cha 151-11)
Reach 3; +25 vs. AC; 2d6 * 7 damage plus 1d12 fire damage.
a.) Claw (standard: at-will)
Reach 3; 425 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage.

CHAPTER 4 r New Monsters

Ancient Brass Dragon Level 26 Solo Artillery
(..trg.0 It l !an rid lili,ii risa),11(
Initiative +20
ht-a%t (drag I
Senses Perception +23: darkvision
XP 45,000
HP 968; Bloodied 484; see also bloodied breath
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 38. Will 37 ORDER'S SWORN SERVANTS, bronze dragons can seem
Resist 30 fire arrogant and haughty, with an inflated sense of self,
Saving Throws +5
a tendency that can put them at odds with those they
Speed 8, fly 12 (hover). overland flight 15
meet. In rare cases, this seffrighteousness grows into
Action Points 2
(I) Bite (standard; at-will) • Fire
something far more sinister, and the bronze dragon
Reach 4; +33 vs. AC: 2cI8 4- 9 damage plus 2d8 fire damage. takes over what it sees as lesser races, ruling as a cruel
• I Claw ictandard; at-will) tyrant that demands worship and subservience from
Reach 4; +33 vs. AC: 2d8 4 9 damage. its subjects. Bronze dragons claim coastlines, inlets,
1- Dragon Ire (standard: at-will) and islands as their own, constructing lairs in coastal
The dragon makes two claw attacks or one bite attack. and
caves that have access to the sea. More aggressive
then shifts 2 squares.
bronze dragons purposely choose lairs near shipping
- Wing Buffet (Immediate reaction, when an enemy enters or
leaves an adjacent square)
lanes so they can claim tribute from merchant ves-
Targets the triggering enemy: +31 vs. Fortitude: 2d10 + 9 sels as those craft pass by. All bronze dragons share
damage, the target is knocked prone. and the dragon shifts 2 a deep and abiding hatred for blue dragons, and they
squares_ are vigilant in protecting their homes from these
<-• Breath Weapon (standard: recharge XI)) + Fire despised interlopers.
Close blast 7; +31 vs. Reflex; Sc110 + 9 fire damage. and the
target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage.
* Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) BRONZE DRAGON LORE
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it. li the dragon is Nature DC 14: Bronze dragons live in coastal
flying, it can shift 12 squares before making this attack.
areas, especially in places where they can collect trib-
)f Fire Stream (standard; at-wIll) + Fire I ute from other creatures. In combat, a bronze dragon
Ranged 20; +31 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 9 fire damage. Effect: Each
creature adjacent to the target takes 3d8 fire damage.
dives directly into melee.
-* Fiery Strafe (standard; recharge li + Fire, Zone Nature DC 19: Arrogant and haughty, bronze
The dragon flies up to 12 squares and creates a wall of fire dragons sometimes become tyrants over members
1 square high on the ground directly beneath its path; area of lesser races. Bronzes breathe lightning that blasts
wail 12 within 10 (only in squares the dragon flew over): any opponents back, then arcs off to hit others.
creature that starts Its turn in the wall's space or moves into
it takes 25 fire damage. The wall lasts until the end of the
dragon's next turn. BRONZE DRAGON TACTICS
Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear A bronze dragon is an unsubtle opponent that
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +31 vs. Will; the target is engages its enemies in close combat, when its attacks
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
are the most effective. The dragon starts combat by
target takes a -2 penalty to attack roils (save ends).
Ignite (free, after using breath weapon or fire stream; encounter) +
moving to a position where it can catch two or more
Fire enemies with its breath weapon. It uses frightful pres-
Any creature hit by the triggering attack also takes ongoing 15 ence to soften up the opposition, and then it spends an
fire damage and is dazed (save ends both). action point to use its breath weapon, blasting the close
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconlc targets and then punishing cowards hiding in the
Skills Athletics +26. Insight +23, intimidate +21, Nature +23 back, as lightning arcs from one enemy to the next.
Str 271• 21 l Dex 24 (+20) Ms 201+18)
Con lb (+21) Int 19 (+17) Cha 17 (+16)
A bronze dragon rarely keeps the company of other
creatures, tolerating only those that show it the
respect and honor it believes it is due.

Level 16 Encounter (NP 7,000)

• 1 adult bronze dragon (level 14 solo brute)
• 8 cyclops guards (level 14 minion, MM 46)

Level 24 Encounter (NP 33,550)

+ 1 elder bronze dragon (level 21 solo brute)
+ 1 storm devil (level 23 artillery, Manual of the
Planes 127)
+ 3 war devils (level 22 brute, MM 67)

CHAPTER 4 I New Atitonsrers

Young Bronze Dragon Level 7 Solo Brute Bloodied Breath (free, when first bicludied; encoun
t at*: natural magical beast laquatic. dragon; XP 1.500 &eat h weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
Initiative +6 Senses Perception + 8; darkvision 4-. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear 1.7
HP 296; Bloodied 148; see also bloodied breath Close burst 5, targets enemies; r13 vs Will: the target is
AC 19; Fortitude 21, Reflex 18, Will 18 stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: T
Resist 15 lightning target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Saving Throws +5 Restorative Dive (minor; while bloodied and completely N
Speed 6, fly 8 thover), overland flight 10, swim 6 submerged in water; encounter) + Healing z
Action Points 2 The dragon regains 126 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to a
® Bite (standard; at-will) + lightning attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Reach 2; +10 vs. AC: 1d10 + 6 damage plus 2d6 lightning damage. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
® Claw (standard; at-will) Skills History +13, intimidate +16
Reach 2; +10 vs. AC; 2d6 + 8 damage. Str 26 (+15) Dex 21 (+12) Ms 13 (+8)
4 Double Attack (standard: at-will) Con 21 (+12) Int 12 (+8) Cha 20 (+12)
The dragon makes two claw attacks.
Wing Smash (Immediate reaction, when an enemy moves to a
Elder Bronze Dragon Level 21 Solo Brute
space where It flanks the dragon;
Huge natural magical beast (aquatic. dragon/ XP 16,000
+8 vs. Fortitude; 1d12 + 6 damage. and the dragon pushes the
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +17; darkvision
target 1 square.
HP 723; Bloodied 361; see also bloodied breath
‹+ Breath Weapon (standard; recharge EN; 1111) + Lightning
AC 33; Fortitude 35, Reflex 31, Will 32
Close blast 3; +8 vs. Reflex; 2c18 + 4 lightning damage, and the
Resist 25 lightning
dragon pushes the target 2 squares, if the attack hit at least one
Saving Throws +5
target, the dragon makes a secondary attack against a creature
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland Hight 12, swim 8
within 10 squares that was not a target of the primary attack.
Action Points 2
Miss: Half damage. Secondary Attack: +8 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 4
0 Bite (standard; at-will) + lightning
lightning damage, and the dragon pushes the target 1 square.
Reach 3; +24 vs. AC; 3d10 + 10 damage plus 4d6 lightning
Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
() Claw (standard; at wilt)
<- Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
Reach 3; +24 vs. AC; 2E110 + 12 damage.
Close burst 5; targets enemies; 18 vs. Will; the target is stunned
Double Attack (standard; at-will)
until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The target
The dragon makes two claw attacks,
takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
4 Wing Smash (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves to a
Restorative Dive (minor; while bloodied and completely
space where it flanks the dragon; at-will)
submerged in water; encounter) + Healing
+22 vs. Fortitude; 3d12 8 damage, and the dragon pushes the
The dragon regains 74 hit points and gains a 4 2 bonus to attack
target 3 squares.
rolls until the end of its next turn.
Pinning Claw (Immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
moves or shifts; at-will)
St: 231+9) Dex 17 (+6) Wis 11 (+3)
+24 vs. AC; 2d10 + 12 damage, and the dragon grabs the target.
Con 18 (+7) int 11 (+3) Cha 16 (+6)
If the dragon uses double attack while grabbing a target, It must
target a grabbed creature with at least one attack if it is able.
Adult Bronze Dragon Level 14 Solo Brute + Breath Weapon (standard: rechargeli.:J it + Lightning
I argc- natural magical be ast iaquan, , ritTignni 1 ■ ,1)t)r)
Close blast 3; +22 vs. Reflex; 3d10 i 8 lightning damage, and
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +13; darkvislon the dragon pushes the target 4 squares. If the attack hit at least
HP 507; Bloodied 253; see also bloodied breath one target, the dragon makes a secondary attack against a
AC 26: Fortitude 28, Reflex 25, Will 25 creature within 10 squares that was not a target of the primary
Resist 20 lightning attack. Miss Half damage. Secondary Attack: +22 vs. Reflex:
Saving Throws +5 2d12 + 7 lightning damage. and the dragon pushes the target 2
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10. swim 6 squares.
Action Points 2 <-• Bloodied Breath (free. when first bloodied; encounter)
CO Bite (standard: at-will) + Ugh -Ming Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
Reach 2; -"17 vs. AC: 2d8 + 8 damage plus 3d6 lightning damage. + Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
l,.!) Claw (standard; at-will) Close burst 10; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will; the target is
Reac h 2;+17 vs, AC; 2d8 + 10 damage. stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
Double Attack (standard; at-will) target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
The dragon makes two claw attacks. Restorative Dive (minor; while bloodied and completely
4 wing Smash (Immediate reaction, when an enemy moves to a submerged in water; encounter) + Healing
space where It flanks the dragon; at-will) The dragon regains 180 hit points and gains a -12 bonus to
+15 vs. Fortitude: 2d12 + 6 damage. and the dragon pushes the attack rolls until 'he end of its next turn.
target 2 squares. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
4- Breath Weapon (standard: recharge itij) + Lightning Skills History +17. Intimidate +21
Close blast 3; +15 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + S lightning damage, and the Str 30('-10) Dex 24 (-1-17) Wis 14 (+12)
dragon pushes the target 2 squares. if the attack hit at least one Con 25 (+17) Int 14(+12) Cha 22 (+16)
target, the dragon makes a secondary attack against a creature
within 10 squares that was not a target of the primary attack.
Miss: Half damage. Secondary Attack: +15 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 5
lightning damage, and the dragon pushes the target 1 square,

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Ancient Bronze Dragon Level 29 Solo Brute
‹- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge I + Lightning
tolgatutiati natural magi. al IteaM laqualli, dragon) XP 1'..001)
Close blast 3: 430 vs. Reflex: 4d10 + 10 lightning damage, and
Initiative +23 Senses Perception 4-23; darkvlsion the dragon pushes the target 4 squares. If the attack hit at least
Living Tempest (Lightning) aura 5; each creature that starts its one target, the dragon makes a secondary attack against a
turn within the aura takes 15 lightning damage. creature within 10 squares that was not a target of the primary
HP 968: Bloodied 484: see also bloodied breath attack. Miss: Half damage. Secondary Attack: 4 22 vs. Reflex;
AC 41: Fortitude 43, Reflex 40, Will 40 3d12 + 9 lightning damage, and the dragon pushes the target
Saving Throws +5 2 squares.
Speed 10, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15. swim 10 <— Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Action Points 2 Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
In Bite (standard: at•will) + Lightning <• Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) ♦ Fear
Reach 4; +32 vs. AC; 2412 4 13 damage plus 6d8 lightning Close burst 10; targets enemies: +30 vs. Will; the target is
damage. stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
L'e Claw (standard: at-will) target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Reach 4: 32 vs. AC; 3d12 • 10 damage. Restorative Dive (minor; while bloodied and completely
4- Double Attack (st nciard; at-will) submerged In water: encounter) ♦ Healing
The dragon makes two claw attacks. The dragon regains 242 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to
4-Wing Smash (Immediate reaction, when an enemy moves to a attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
space where it flanks the dragon: at-will) Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
+30 vs. Fortitude; 3d12 + 13 damage, and the dragon pushes Skills History +22, Intimidate +27
the target 3 squares. Str 34 (+26) Dex 29 (+23) Wls 19 18)
4. Pinning Claw (immediate reaction. when an adjacent enemy Con 29 ( 23) Int 17 (*17) Cha 27 ( 72)
moves or shifts; at-will)
432 vs. AC; 3d12 + 10 damage, and the dragon grabs the target.
If the dragon uses double attack while grabbing a target, it must
target a grabbed creature with at least one attack if It is able.

CHAPTER4 I New Monsters

Saving Throws +5

COBALT DRAGON Speed 6 (ice walk). fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10
Action Points 2
Blte (standard: at•will) + Cold
Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 cold damage, and the target is
BROODING AND DISTRUSTFUL. cobalt dragons respect
slowed (save ends).
only strength. They breathe bitterly cold clouds of
vapor that freeze their victims in thick ice.
OD Claw (standard; at•Ill)
Reach 2: +11 vs. AC; ict6 + 4 damage.
Cobalt dragons are usually found in frigid, gloomy
lands, such as the forests of the far north or the mist-
4 Dragon's Pounce (standard; at-will)
The dragon makes a bite attack, shifts 2 squares. and then
bound vales of the Shadowfell. They measure their makes two claw attacks against a different target. •
power by the quality and quantity of lesser creatures Wing Flurry (immediate reaction. when an enemy misses the
they can subjugate; most coba]ts take pride in the dragon with a melee or close attack; at-will)
Close burst 2; +7 vs. Fortitude; 1 d6 4" 4 damage, and the target
martial spirit and abilities of their minions, but the
is pushed 2 squares.
worst are brutal, bullying tyrants who demand fealty
<4- Savage Mauling (standard; recharges when first bloodied)
and tribute. This trait makes it dangerous for travelers
Close burst 2: targets slowed or restrained creatures: +11 vs.
to venture into lands claimed by cobalt dragons, since AC; 2d6 + 5 damage. the dragon pushes the target 3 squares.
the dragons might attack passing travelers to estab- and the target is knocked prone_ This forced movement can
lish their own strength. Good-aligned cobalt dragons affect a creature restrained by the dragon's own breath weapon.
are likely to accept a foe's surrender after a suitable •C-^ Breath Weapon (standard: recharge I :: i I) + Cold
Close blast 5: +9 vs. Fortitude; 1d6 +'I cold damage, and the
show of force and allow them to go their way after a
target is restrained (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is slowed
judicious bribe or promise of tribute. Wicked cobalt
(save ends), Mist: Half damage
d ragons are inclined to fall on travelers and simply
<. Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
devour them if the lesser creatures can't offer any Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it.
worthwhile ransom for their lives. < Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +7 vs. Will; the target is stunned
Young Cobalt Dragon Level 5 Solo Controller until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The target
Lar• e natural magical bedst (dragon) XP 1.000 takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save endt),

initiative +4 Senses Perception +9; darkvision

Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
HP 268: Bloodied 134; see also bloodied breath Skills Athletics +II, Endurance +11, Intimidate +9
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 16 Sts 18 (4- 6) Dex 14 (+4) Ms 14 (+4)
Resist 15 cold
Con 191+6) Int 11 (+2) Cha 15 0- 4)

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Adult Cobalt Dragon Level 17 Solo Controller {- Savage Mauling (standard: recharges when first bloodied)
Large natural ma: ical beast (dra oni XP 3,500 Close burst 3: targets slowed or restrained creatures; +22 vs.
Initiative a 9 Senses Perception -14; darkvision AC: 3d8 + 8 damage. the dragon pushes the target 3 squares.
HP 500; Bloodied 250; see also bloodied breath and the target is knocked prone. This Forced movement
AC 27: Fortitude 26, Reflex 23, Will 24 can affect a creature restrained by the dragon's own breath
Resist 20 cold weapon.
Saving Throws 45 <4. Breath Weapon (standard: recharge NI ii i) + Cold
Speed b lire walk). fly 8 (hover), overland flight 12 Close blast 5; +22 vs. Fortitude: 3d8 + 8 cold damage. and the
Action Points 2 target is restrained (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is slowed
Bite (standard; at-will) + Cold (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
Reach 2; 4-18 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 cold damage, and the target is <.Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
slowed (save ends). Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
(f) Claw (standard; at-will) <- Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 1c18 + 6 damage. Close burst 10; targets enemies: +21 vs Will; the target Is
4. Dragon's Pounce (standard; at-will) stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn.Aftereffect The
The dragon makes a bite attack, shifts 2 squares, and then target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
makes two claw attacks against a different target. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconk
4 Wing Flurry (immediate reaction, when an enemy misses the Skills Athletics +21, Endurance +21, Intimidate +19
dragon with a melee or close attack; at-will) Str ZS (+16) Des 17 (+12) Wis 17 (+12)
Close burst 2; +14 vs. Fortitude; ldB + 6 damage, and the Con 24 (-4-161 Int 14 (+11) Cha 21 (+14)
dragon pushes the target 2 squares.
4 Savage Mauling (standard; recharges when First bloodied)
Ancient Cobalt Dragon Level 27 Solo Controller
Close burst 2; targets slowed or restrained creatures; +15 vs.
Gar:antuan natural sna!icai beast (dra:oni X P '6.000
AC: 2d8 + 6 damage, the dragon pushes the target 3 squares,
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +22; darlwision
and the target is knocked prone. This forced movement can
Aura of Chill Mist (Cold) aura 5; each creature that enters the
affect a creature restrained by the dragon's own breath weapon.
aura or starts its turn there takes 20 cold damage. The ground
<- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge + Cold
Is coated with Ice and becomes difficult terrain, and the
Close blast 5: +15 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 6 cold damage, and the
squares of the aura are lightly obscured.
target is restrained (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is slowed
HP 1,004; Bloodied 502:see also bloodied breath
(save ends). Miss: Half damage.
AC 41; Fortitude 41, Reflex 37. Will 39
4. Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Resist 30 cold
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it.
Saving Throws +5
Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear
Speed 8 (ice walk), fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +14 vs, Will; the target is
Action Points 2
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect The
0 Bite (standard; at-will) + Cold
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Reach 4: +33 vs. AC; 3d6 + 9 cold damage, and the target is
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
slowed (save ends).
Skills Athletics +17, Endurance +16, Intimidate +14
Str 22 (+12) Des 16 (+9) Wis 16 (+9)
0 Claw (standard: at'will)
Reach 4; +33 vs. AC; 2(18 + 9 damage.
Con 21 (+11) Int 13 (+7) Cha 17 (+9)
4 Dragon's Pounce (standard: at-will)
The dragon makes a bite attack, shifts 3 squares. and then
Elder Cobalt Dragon Level 19 Solo Controller
makes two claw attacks against a different target.
Huge natural mar!ical beast ldra:onl XP 12,000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +17; darkvision
4 Wing flurry (immediate reaction, when an enemy misses the
dragon with a melee or close attack: at-will)
Aura of Chill Mist (Cold) aura 2; each creature that enters the
Close burst 4; +28 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 'k 9 damage. and the
aura or starts its turn there takes 10 cold damage. The ground
dragon pushes the target 3 squares,
is coated with ice and becomes difficult terrain, and the
<.4Savage Mauling (standard: recharges when first bloodied)
squares of the aura are lightly obscured.
Close burst 4; targets slowed or restrained creatures; +30 vs.
HP 736: Bloodied 368; see also bloodied breath
AC; 4d8 A- 9 damage, the dragon pushes the target 3 squares.
AC 33: Fortitude 33, Reflex 29, Will 31
and the target is knocked prone. This forced movement
Resist 25 cold
can affect a creature restrained by the dragon's own breath
Saving Throws +5
Speed 8 (ice walk). fly 10 (hover), overland flight 1S
4- Breath Weapon (standard: recharge + Cold
Action Points 2
Close blast 5; +28 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 9 cold damage, and the
CO Bite (standard; at•wIII) + Cold
target is restrained (save ends). Aftereffect; The target Is slowed
Reach 3; +25 vs AC; 2d8 + 8 cold damage, and the target Is
(save ends). Miss: Half damage.
slowed (save ends).
Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
(.1) Claw (standard: at-will)
Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses It.
Reach 3; +25 vs. AC; 1d10 + 8 damage.
fUrnedeadi Fog (standard: recharge 'NJ I') +
Cold, Zone
4 Dragon's Pounce (standard; at-will) Area burst 3 within 20; +30 vs. Fortitude: 2d10 + 9 cold
The dragon makes a bite attack, shifts 3 squares. and then
damage, and the target is slowed and weakened (save ends
makes two claw attacks against a different target.
both). Miss: Half damage. Effect: The burst becomes a zone of
4 Wing Flurry (immediate reaction, when an enemy misses the freezing fog. It is difficult terrain and the squares within It are
dragon with a melee or close attack; at-will)
heavily obscured. The zone persists until the dragon uses this
Close burst 3: +22 vs. Fortitude: 1d10 + 8 damage, and the
power again or until the end of the encounter.
dragon pushes the target 3 squares.

CHAPTER 4 r New Monsters

<. Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +28 vs. Will; the target is
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends/.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic SKILLED SCOUTS. EMISSARIES, AND ASSASSINS, mercury
Skills Athletics +27. Endurance +26. Intimidate 4-25 dragons are capable of shapechanging tricks that
Stu- 28 (+22/ Dex 20 (+18) Ms 19 (+171 other dragons can't match, The breath of a mercury
Con 27 (+21) int 16(+16) Cha 24(+20) dragon poisons the body and the mind, rendering its
victims unable to see the mercury dragon escape or
COBALT DRAGON LORE circle around for a killing blow. A mercury dragon
craves variety and new experiences.
Nature DC 12: Cobalt dragons typically haunt
cold lands or the borders of the Shadow fell. Their
breath is a deadly cold fog that congeals around vic- Young Mercury Dragon Level 6 Solo barker
Large natural magical beast (dragon, shapechangeri XP 1.2S0
tims, imprisoning them in ice.
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
Nature DC 17; Cobalt dragons are savage and
HP 288; Bloodied 144; see also bloodied breath
suspicious. They despise weaklings and respect little AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 19. Will 18
aside from strength. They often dominate nearby Resist 15 poison
tribes of barbaric dwarves, humans, ores, ogres, or Saving Throws +5
giants. The best cobalt dragons are fierce protectors Speed 6, fly 6 (hover), overland flight 10
of t heir chosen people, but others tyrannize their Action Points 2
CO Bite (standard; at-will)
minions as bloodthirsty and vindictive gods.
Reach 2: 4-11 vs. AC; 1d10 4- 6 damage,
(0 Claw (standard: at-will)
COBALT DRAGON TACTICS Reach 2: +11 vs. AC: 1d8 6 damage.
Draconic Fury (standard: at-will)
Cobalt dragons are fierce in battle, throwing them-
The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack.
selves into the midst of their foes with abandon. They
+ Quick Snap (immediate Interrupt. when an enemy moves
are not strong fliers and prefer to stay on the ground, adjacent to the dragon; at-will)
using their breath weapon and bite to restrain or slow The dragon makes a bite attack against the triggering enemy.
foes, and dragon's pounce to attack multiple targets On a hit, the target also grants combat advantage to the dragon
white their foes are slowed. Cobalt dragons often (save ends).

spend an action point to use savage mauling immedi- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge IR; 51) + Poison
Close blast 5; 4-9 vs. Fortitude; 1d12 + 4 poison damage. and
ately after a successful breath weapon attack. They
the target takes ongoing S poison damage and treats the dragon
usually save frightful presence for stunning enemies
as invisible (save ends both). Miss: Half damage.
when closely pressed, then move out into open
4 Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
ground again. Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it.
Older cobalt dragons are fond of pushing enemies Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
right to the feet of their allies and minions. They Close burst 5; targets enemies; +9 vs. Will: the target is stunned
rarely take any great care to protect their minions— until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The target
takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
in their eyes, followers that prove weak in battle are
Quicksilver Form (move action; encounter) t Polymorph
The dragon becomes a liquid wave of quicksilver and shifts 4
squares. It remains in quicksilver form until the end of its next
ENCOUNTER GROUPS turn. While in quicksilver form, the dragon can't attack or fly,
but it gains a climb speed of 6, ignores difficult terrain, and
Cobalt dragons often rule over tribes of savage or bar-
doesn't provoke opportunity attacks, It can squeeze through
baric folk. Their minions are anxious to impress their any aperture a Tiny creature could fit through. The dragon can
draconic masters by careening recklessly into battle, return to its normal form as a free action on its turn. When
it returns to normal, each creature within 2 squares grants
Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,525) combat advantage to the dragon until the end of the dragon's
+ 3 human berserkers (level 4 brute, MM 163) next turn. Sustain Minor: The quicksilver form persists.
Combat Advantage
• 1 young cobalt dragon (level 5 solo controller)
The dragon deals 1d6 extra damage against a target granting
combat advantage to it.
Level 14 Encounter (XP 5,150) Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
• 1 adult cobalt dragon (level 12 solo controller) Skills Acrobatics +13. Bluff +12, Stealth +13
+ 3 ogre thugs (level 11 minion, MM 198) Su. lb (+6) Dex 21 (+8) Wis 11 (+3 l
+ 1 ogre warhulk (level 11 elite brute, MM 199) Con 16 (+6) Int 13 (+4) Cha 19 (+7)

Level 21 Encounter (XP 16,800)

+ 1 elder cobalt dragon (level 19 soIo controller)
• 3 fmst giants (level 17 brute, Monster Manual 2 122)

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters „OAS"

Adult Mercury Dragon Level 13 Solo barker ‹. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
tar a natural ma: ital beast tetragon, shapor hanger i XP 4,000
Close burst 5; targets enemies: +16 vs. Will: the target is
Initiative 4 - 16 Senses Perception +11; darkvision stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect:The
HP 516: Bloodied 25 6; see also bloodied breath target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
AC 27: Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 23 Quicksilver Form (move action; encounter) + Polymorph
Resist 20 poison The dragon becomes a liquid wave of quicksilver and shifts 4
Saving Throws +5 squares. It remains in quicksilver form until the end of its next
Speed 7, Fly 7 (hover), overland flight 10 turn. While In quicksilver form, the dragon can't attack or fly.
Action Points 2 but it gains a climb speed of 6, ignores difficult terrain, and
(i) Bite (standard; at-will) doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. It can squeeze through
Reach 2: +18 vs. AC; 1 d 12 + 7 damage. any aperture a Tiny creature could fit through. The dragon can
(0 Claw (standard; a t-w111) return to its normal form as a free action on its turn. When
Reach 2; +18 vs. AC: 1410 + 7 damage. It returns to normal. each creature within 2 squares grants
Draconic Fury (standard: at-will) combat advantage to the dragon until the end of the dragon's
The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack, next turn. Sustain Minor: The quicksilver Form persists.
-I. Quick Snap (immediate interrupt, when an enemy moves Change Shape (minor; at-will) Polymorph
adjacent to the dragon: at-will) The dragon can alter its physical form to appear as any Medium
The dragon makes a bite attack against the triggering enemy. or Large humanoid, including a unique individual (see "Change
On a hit, the target also grants combat advantage to the dragon Shape." MM7 2161.
save ends) Combat Advantage
Breath Weapon (standard; recharge XI 111 Polsoa The dragon deals 2d6 extra damage against a target granting
Close blast 5; +16 vs. Fortitude: 2d8 + 4 poison damage, and combat advantage to it.
the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and treats the dragon Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
as invisible (save ends both). Miss: Half damage. Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff -1-16, Stealth +17
Bloodied Breath (free, when First bloodied: encounter) Su 19 (+10) Dex 23 (+12) Wis 11 (4 6 )

Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it. Con 17 (4-9) int 13 (+7) (ha 20 (011

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters

Elder Mercury Dragon Level 21 Solo Lurker Ancient Mercury Dragon Level 28 Solo Lurker
Huge natural magical beam i dragon. shapechangerl XP 16.000 Cia rgantilan natural magical beast XP 65.000
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +16; darkvislon Ide a an, sha ec r)

HP 780; Bloodied 390; see also bloodied breath Initiative +28 Senses Perception +211 darkvision
AC 35; Fortitude 34, Reflex 35, Will 31 HP 1,012; Bloodied 506; see also bloodied breath
Resist 25 poison AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 42, Will 38

Saving Throws +5 Resist 30 poison
Speed 8. fly 8 (hover), overland flight 12 Saving Throws +5
Action Points 2 Speed 9, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 15
0 Bite (standard; at-will) Action Points 2
Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 2d6 + 9 damage. ,,,a) Bite (standard; at-will)
0 Claw (standard; at-will) Reach 4; +33 vs. AC; 2d10 + 11 damage.
Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 1d12 + 9 damage. " Claw (standard; at-will)
+ ()Taconic Fury (standard; at-will) Reach 4: +33 vs. AC: 2c18 + 11 damage.
The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. Draconic Fury (standard; at-will)
Quick Snap (immediate interrupt, when an enemy moves The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack.
adjacent to the dragon; at-will) Quick Snap (immediate interrupt, when an enemy moves
The dragon makes a bite attack against the triggering enemy. adjacent to the dragon; at•will)
On a hit, the target also grants combat advantage to the dragon The dragon makes a bite attack against the triggering enemy.
(save ends). On a hit, the target also grants combat advantage to the dragon
<- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge[:■.91]) + Poison (save ends).
Close blast 5; +24 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 6 poison damage, and <- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 1::_l + Poison 4
the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and treats the Close blast 5; +31 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 7 poison damage, and
dragon as invisible (save ends both). Miss: Half damage. the target takes ongoing 15 poison damage and treats the
•(• Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) dragon as invisible (save ends both). Miss: Half damage.
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses It. + Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +24 vs. Will; the target Is + Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The Close burst 10; targets enemies; +31 vs. Will; the target is
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
Quicksilver Form (move action; encounter) + Polymorph target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
The dragon becomes a liquid wave of quicksilver and shifts 6 Fluid Shape (immediate interrupt, when an enemy attacks the
squares. It remains in quicksilver form until the end of its next dragon; rechargei:-: . Polymorph
turn. While in quicksilver form, the dragon can't attack or fly. The triggering attack Instead targets a different creature
but it gains a climb speed of 6. ignores difficult terrain, and adjacent to the dragon.
doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. It can squeeze through Quicksilver Form (move action; encounter) .* Polymorph
any aperture a Tiny creature could fit through. The dragon can The dragon becomes a liquid wave of quicksilver and shifts 8
return to Its normal form as a Free action on its turn. When squares. It remains in quicksilver form until the end of its next
it returns to normal, each creature within 2 squares grants turn. While In quicksilver form, the dragon can't attack or fly,
combat advantage to the dragon until the end of the dragon's but it gains a climb speed of 6. Ignores difficult terrain, and
next turn. Sustain Minor: The quicksilver form persists. doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. It can squeeze through
Change Shape (minor; at-will) • Polymorph any aperture a Tiny creature could fit through. The dragon can
The dragon can alter its physical form to appear as any Medium return to its normal form as a Free action on its turn, When
or Large humanoid, including a unique individual (see "Change It returns to normal, each creature within 2 squares grants
Shape." MM2 216). combat advantage to the dragon until the end of the dragon's
Combat Advantage next turn. Sustain Minor: The quicksilver form persists.
The dragon deals 3d6 extra damage against a target granting Change Shape (minor; at-will) + Polymorph
combat advantage to it. The dragon can alter its physical form to appear as any Medium
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic or Large humanoid, including a unique individual (see `Change
SkIlk Acrobatics +23, Bluff +21, Stealth +23 Shape." MM2 216).
Str 21 (+15) Dex 26 (+18) WIs13 (+11) Combat Advantage
Con 19 (+14) Int13(+11) Cha 22 (+16) The dragon deals 3d6 extra damage against a target granting
combat advantage to it.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Acrobatics +29, Bluff -i-26, Stealth +29
Sir 25 (+31) Dee 30 (+24) Wis 15 (+16)
Con 21 (+19) int 15 (+16) Cha 24 (+21)


Nature DC 12: Mercury dragons often make
their homes in volcanoes, mountain peaks, and the
Elemental Chaos. But these born travelers sometimes
spend months away from their lairs.

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters

Nature DC 17: The poison breath of a mercury
dragon can render creatures unable to sec the dragon
for several seconds. And because the poisoned crea-
ture can see everything else, the dragon's enemy
might not realize that the dragon is effectively invis-
future. Devoted to causes and deities, these drag-
ible. When threatened, a mercury dragon can turn its
ons involve themselves in the affairs of the faithful,
body into a liquid pool of quicksilver that moves like
appearing to a select few and then disappearing sud-
an ooze.
denly. Single-minded in pursuit of its cause, a mithral
can be an implacable foe or an unflinching ally.
A mercury dragon is stealthy and prefers to observe MITHRAL DRAGON LORE
its quarry for a time before attacking when terrain
Religion DC 16: Mithral d ragons work for causes,
or timing gives it an advantage. It breathes on its
particularly religious ones, and are natives of the
enemies as soon as it can, then attacks those who
Astral Sea. In battle, they attack only when it's advan-
can't see it. It often usesfri3htful presence in the second
tageous for them to do so, even if a fight drags on.
round of a fight if its breath weapon missed some of its
Religion DC 21: Mithral dragons can see into the
foes, or if some were out of range.
future and teleport. A mithral might abandon its faith
A mercury dragon uses quicksilver form either to
without notice at the behest of a higher calling. Mith-
escape or to move to advantageous terrain, such as a
ral dragons breathe streams of radiant energy.
place its adversaries cannot reach. Then it resumes its
normal form and alternates between its breath weapon
and draconic fury attacks. MITHRAL DRAGON TACTICS
When most enemies shake off the poison breath. Mithral dragons fight only on battlefields of their
the mercury dragon breathes again if the breath choosing. They prefer areas that feature obstructions
weapon has recharged, or the dragon moves away and difficult terrain, to capitalize on their teleportation
to encourage a Foe to move adjacent and thus trigger abilities and to limit the mobility of earthbound foes.
quicksilver form. A mithral dragon spreads its attacks around, herding
An ancient mercury dragon's shapechanging is enemies into a group before unleashing its breath weapon
so effective that it can use fluid shape to entice one or using dimensional flurry. It uses dimension strike to
enemy into attacking another. An older mercury appear suddenly in the midst of ranged attackers.
dragon can adopt a humanoid shape and disguise Elder and ancient mithrals have mithral prescience,
itself as a member of a "lesser" race. Mercury dragons which forces slivers of their foresight into their ene-
don't have a steel dragon's affinity for civilization, mies' minds and causes strange draconic visions to
however, and often spoil their disguises by demon- overlay their senses. A dragon reserves that attack for
strating their ignorance of customs or manners. formidable Foes that prove resilient to its other attacks.

ENCOUNTER GROUPS Young Mithrai Dragon Level 11 Solo Skirmisher

Large immortal magical beast 'Aragon' XP 3.000
Unlike many other dragons, mercury dragons don't Senses Perception +14; darkvIslon
Initiative +13
crave social dominance for its own sake. Many a HP 444; Bloodied 722; see also bloodied breath
mercury dragon is happier serving as a ruler's grand- AC 25; Fortitude 23, Reflex 25, Will 23
master assassin, special emissary, or mysterious spy Resist 15 radiant
than it would be if it had to rule from its lair. With Saving Throws +5

the ability to change shape and use quicksi/verform Speed 8. fly 10 (hover), overland flight 12. teleport 10
Action Points 2
to reach places other creatures cannot go, mercury
if) Bite (standard; at•ill) 1. Radiant
dragons make peerless thieves and scouts as well. Reach 2; +16 vs. AC: 2d8 + 4 damage, and the target takes
ongoing 5 radiant damage (save ends).
Level 16 Encounter (XP 7,000) 0 Claw (standard: at-will)
+ 1 adult mercury dragon (level 13 solo lurker) Reach 2; +16 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 damage.
+ 1 draw priest (level 15 controller. MM 95) 4. Dimension Strike (standard; at-will) • Teleportation
+ 3 draw warriors (level 11 lurker, MM 94) The dragon teleports 5 squares, makes a claw attack, teleports
5 squares, and makes a claw attack against a different target.
4. Wing Bullet (minor; recharge IX]
Level 23 Encounter (XP 29,400) Reach 2; +14 vs. FM- Ott/de: 2d8 ; 6 damage. and the dragon
+ 1 elder mercury dragon (level 21 solo lurker) pushes the target 3 squares.
+ 1 efreet cinderlord (level 23 artillery, MM 98) <- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge + Radiant
+ 2 efreet fireblades (level 22 soldier, MM 98) Close blast 5; +14 vs, Reflex; 2d6 + 4 radiant damage, and the
target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

ti Bloodied Breath (free, when First bloodied; encounter) Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic,
Breath weopon recharges, and the dragon uses It. Supernal
{- Dimensional Flurry (standard; encounter) + Radiant, Skills Diplomacy +19, History +19, Insight +20, Intimidate +19,
Teleportatlon Religion +19
Close burst 10; targets up to four enemies; +14 vs. Reflex; 2d8 Str 22 (+151 Dex 27 (+17) Wis 2 2 (+15)
4 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 radiant damage and is Con 19 (+13) lot 20 (-F14) Cha 20 (14)
dazed (save ends both). Effect: The dragon teleports to a space in
the burst.
Elder Mithral Dragon Level 25 Solo Skirmisher
4. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear Huge immortal magical beast (dragon) )(P 35,0(iri
Close burst 5: targets enemies: +14 vs. Will; the target is
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +24: darkvision
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
HP 916; Bloodied 458: see also bloodied breath
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
AC 39, Fortitude 36. Reflex 38, Will 36
Prophetic Defense (immediate interrupt, when the dragon is hit
Resist 25 radiant
by an attack; at.will)* Teleportatlon
Saving Throws +5
The dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the
Speed 10, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 16, teleport 10
triggering attack. If the attack misses, the dragon teleports 6
Action Points 2
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic,
® Bite (standard; + Radiant 1
Reach 3;4-30 vs. AC: 2d8 + 10 damage, and the target takes
ongoing 10 radiant damage (save ends).
Skills Diplomacy +13. History +13, Insight +14. Intimidate +13.
CH Claw (standard; at-will)
Religion +13
Reach 3; +30 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 damage.
Str 18 (-1-9) Dex 23(+11) Wis 18 (+9)
4. Dimension Strike (standard; at•wilt) + Teleportation
Can 15 (+7) Int 16 (+8) Cha 16(+8)
The dragon teleports 5 squares. makes a claw attack. teleports
5 squares, and makes a claw attack against a different target.
Adult Mithral Dragon Level 18 Sol, Skirmisher! 4. Wing Buffet (minor; recharge [5,:] )
tar: Immortal ina,ical beast (dra,tiro XP 10.000 Reach 3:4-28 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 7 damage, and the dragon
initiative 4-19 Senses Perception +20; darkvlsion pushes the target 3 squares.
HP 684; Bloodied 342; see also bloodied breath MIthral Prescience (minor; at-will)
AC 32: Fortitude 29. Reflex 31, Will 29 Ranged 10; the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses against
Resist 20 radiant the dragon's attacks until the dragon uses this power on
Saving Throws 4-5 another target.
Speed 8. fly 10 (hover), overland Flight 1 2. telepott 10 <• Breath Weapon (standard: recharge'Mril Radiant
Action Points 2 Close blast 5; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 4 radiant damage, and the
(I) Bite (standard: at-will) + Radiant target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
Reach 2: +23 vs. AC; 2d8 4. 7 damage, and the target takes 4(.. Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
ongoing 5 radiant damage (save ends). Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses It.
CO Claw (standard; at-will) •(.. Dimensional Flurry (standard: encounter) + Radiant.
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage. Teleportation
+Dimension Strike (standard; at-will) + Teleportatlon Close burst 10; targets up to four enemies; +28 vs. Reflex; 3d8 +
The dragon teleports 5 squares. makes a claw attack. teleports 7 damage. and the target takes ongoing 10 radiant damage and
S squares, and makes a claw attack against a different target. is dared (save ends both). Effect: The dragon teleports to a space
+ Wing Buffet (minor; recharge IX] Ile in the burst.
Reach 2: +21 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 6 damage. and the dragon 4- Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
pushes the target 3 squares. Close burst 10; targets enemies; +28 vs_ Will; the target is
4- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge IX I111) + Radiant stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
Close blast S; +21 vs. Reflex; 3d8 -I- 4 radiant damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Prophetic Defense (immediate Interrupt, when the dragon is hit
4- Bloodied Breath (Free, when first bloodied; encounter) by an attack; at-will) + Teleportation
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it. The dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the triggering
• Dimensional Flurry (standard; encounter) + Radiant, attack. If the attack misses, the dragon teleports 6 squares.
Teleportatlon Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic,
Close burst 10; targets up to four enemies; +14 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Supernal
7 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 radiant damage and is Skills Diplomacy +23. History 4-23. insight +24. Intimidate +23.
dazed (save ends both). Effect: The dragon teleports to a space in Religion +23
the burst. Str 25 (419) Dex 30 (+22) Wis 25 (+19)
s- Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear Con 21 (+17) int 23 (+18) Cha 23 (+18)
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +21 vs. Will; the target is
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn-Aftereffect: The
target takes a -2 penalty to attack roils (save ends).
Prophetic Defense (immediate interrupt, when the dragon Is hit

by an attack; at will) + Teleportatfon Unlike other creatures of the immortal origin. immortal
The dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the dragons age. However, they do not diminish In old age.
triggering attack. lithe attack misses, the dragon teleports 6 An immortal dragon never moves into the twilight stage
squares. of dragon development (see page 15).

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Ancient Mithral Dragon Level 31 Solo Skirmisher <s. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
Car?antuan immortal ma :ical beast idra XP 115,000
Close burst 10: targets enemies: +34 vs. Will; the target Is
Initiative 1-28 Senses Perception +29: darkvision stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
HP 1.120: Bloodied 560: see also bloodied breath target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
AC 45, Fortitude 42, Reflex 44, Will 42 Prophetic Defense (Immediate interrupt, when the dragon is hit
Resist 30 radiant by an attack; at-will) t Teleportation
Saving Throws +5 The dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the triggering
Speed 12, fly 14 (hover), overland flight 18, teleport 10 attack. if the attack misses, the dragon teleports 6 squares.
Action Points 2 Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic,
(j) Bite (standard; at-will) • Radiant Supernal
Reach 4: +36 vs. AC: 2d8 + 12 damage, and the target takes Skills Diplomacy -4-28. History +28. Insight +29, Intimidate +28,
ongoing 15 radiant damage (save ends). Religion -4-28
Claw (standard; al-will) Str 281+24) Dex 33 (+26) Ms 28 (+24)
Reach 4; +36 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 damage. Con 24 ( x- 2)) int 26 (423) Cha 26 (+23)
4 Dimension Strike (standard; at-will) Teleportation
The dragon teleports 5 squares. makes a claw attack, teleports
5 squares, and makes a claw attack against a different target. ENCOUN TER GROUPS
Wing Buffet (minor; recharge %It I ) On the rare occasions when mithral dragons team up
Reach 4; +34 vs. Fortitude: 4d10 + 7 damage, and the dragon
with other creatures, they fight alongside soldiers or
pushes the target 3 squares.
brutes—allies that fight toe-to-toe with enemies and
Mithral Presdence (minor; at-will)
Ranged 10; the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses against
free the dragon to teleport in and out of combat.
the dragon's attacks until the dragon uses this power on
another target. Level 14 Encounter (XP 5,000)
■E• Breath Weapon (standard; recharge :XI it I) + Radiant RI • 1 young mithral dragon (level 11 solo skirmisher)
Close blast 5: +34 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 5 radiant damage, and the • 4 dragonborn gladiators (level 10 soldier, MM 86)
target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) Ill Level 30 Encounter (XP 95,000)
Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses It.
Dimensional Flurry (standard; encounter) • Radiant, • 1 elder mithral dragon (level 25 solo skirmisher)
Teleportation • 2 god forged colossi (level 29 elite brute, MM 44)
Close burst 10; targets up to four enemies; +34 vs. Reflex; 4d8
4- 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 15 radiant damage
and is dazed (save ends both). Effect: The dragon teleports to a
space in the burst.

C HAPTER 4 I New Monsters

recharges when the minion is destroyed. (Give the

players a visual cue when this happens, so they know
the consequences of destroying the minion—though
the minion also deals enough damage to make it dan-
gerous if it sticks around).
zations, commanding lesser creatures to rebuild the
Elder and ancient orium dragons have unusually
glories of yesteryear and recapture the magic of fallen
long tails, which they can coil around an enemy. They
empires. 'lo those under its protection, an orium
use tail coil against the first enemy to move adjacent to
dragon is a wise but sometimes harsh monarch.
them, then continue to squeeze every round. If dan-
Those who threaten the dragon's dreams of renewed
gerous terrain is nearby, an orium dragon can move a
empire find themselves choking on its corrosive
grabbed target, making a Strength attack against the
breath—while they watch the vapor coalesce into a
target's Fortitude. If the dragon hits, it can move at half
smoky serpent that attacks at the dragon's command.
speed and pull the target behind it. Being grabbed by
an ancient orium is particularly dangerous if the target
ORIUM DRAGON LORE is moved inside the dragon's corrosivefinnes aura.
Nature DC 14: Orium dragons make their lairs
in ancient ruins, especially those in jungles and other ENCOUNTER GROUPS
warm environments. They gather and guard the trea-
The typical orium dragon lives in jungle ruins, sur-
sure and lore they salvage from the ruins.
rounded by a tribe of monsters that treat it like a god.
Nature DC 19: Unlike most breath weapons, an
orium dragon's acidic breath doesn't disperse. It col-
Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,400)
lapses in on itself, creating a serpent of magic vapor
+ 1 young orium dragon (level 8 solo soldier)
that attacks the dragon's enemies.
+ 2 greenscale darters (level 5 lurker, MM 178)
+ I greenscale marsh mystic (level 6 controller,
The orium dragon's breath weapon stands out as
its most potent and most versatile ability. It deals Level 16 Encounter (XP 7,000)
damage as other breath weapons do, but then trans- + 1 adult orium dragon (level 13 solo soldier)
forms into a vaporous serpent that can move and + 3 medusa archers (level 10 elite controller,
attack right after the dragon's turn. The breath weapon MM 186)

CHAPTER 4 N' ‘I 011 • r

Young Orium Dragon Level 8 Solo Soldier <• Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when one of the dragon's
Large natural magical beast (tiro; onl XP 1.750
vaporous spirits is reduced to 0 hit points) + Acid
Initiative +9 Senses Perception + 9; darkvislon Close blast 5:4-16 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 4 acid damage. and an
HP 360; Bloodied 180; see also bloodied breath adult vaporous serpent minion (see below) appears in any single
AC 24; Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 19 unoccupied square In the blast. It acts just after the dragon in
Resist 15 acid the initiative order.
Saving Throws 4-5 Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Speed 6. fly 8 (hover), overland flight 12 Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses It.
Action Points 2 e; Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) • Fear
(I) Bite (standard: at-will) + Acid Close burst 5; targets enemies; +15 vs. Will: the target is
Reach 2; 415 vs. AC; 1d10 4 6 damage plus 1d6 acid damage. stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: I he
Claw (standard; at-will) target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Reach 2; +15 vs. AC: 1d8 4 6 damage. and the target is marked Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
until the end of the dragon's next turn. Skills History +13, Insight +12, Intimidate +14
Draconic Fury (standard; at-will) Sty 23 (+121 Dex 20 (+11) Ms 13 (+7)
The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack- C011 21 OM int 14 (+8) Cha 17 (+9)
[- Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when one of the dragon's
vaporous spirits is reduced to 0 hit points) • Add
Adult Vaporous Serpent Level 13 Minion Brute
Close blast 5; +13 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 4 acid damage, and a
Medium elemental beast XI'
young vaporous serpent minion (see below) appears in any
Initiative as dragon Senses Perception -43
single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just alter the
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion.
dragon in the Initiative order.
AC 26; Fortitude 15. Reflex 24. Will 23
i; Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Resist 20 acid
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it.
Speed 6
Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
0 Bite (standard; at-will). Acid
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +13 vs. Will; the target is
+18 vs. AC; 13 acid damage.
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Str 20(+11) Dex 12 (+7) Wis 4 (+3)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Con 15 (48) int 4 (+3) Cha 4 (+3)
Skills History +10,1nsight +9. Intimidate +11
Str 20 (+ 9) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 11 (+4)
Con 18 8) int 12 (+5) Cha 15 (+6) Elder Orium Dragon Level /0 Solo Soldier
Huge natural magical beast idragottl XP 14,000
Young Vaporous Serpent initiative +18 Senses Perception 07; darkvision
Level 8 Minion Brute
Medium elemental heasi XP -
HP 768; Bloodied 384: see also bloodied breath
AC 36; Fortitude 34, Reflex 32, Will 30
initiative as dragon Senses Perception +1
Resist 25 acid
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion.
Saving Throws *5
AC 21; Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will 18
Speed 8. fly 10 (hover). overland flight 15
Resist 15 acid
Action Points 2
Speed 6
C) Bite (standard; at•wIII) + Acid
Bite (standard; at•will) • Arid
Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage plus 2d6 acid damage.
413 vs. AC; 10 acid damage.
0 Claw (standard; at-will)
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Reach 3: +26 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target Is marked
Su 17 (+7) Dex 10 (+A) Wis 4 (+1)
until the end of the dragon's next turn.
Con 12 (+5) Int 4 (+1) Cha 4 (+1)
Draconic Fury (standard; al-will)
The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack.
Adult Orium Dragon Level 13 Solo Soldier Tail Coil (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves into an
Large natural magical beast {dragon) XP 4.000 adjacent square; at•w111)
Initiative 13 Senses Perception -12: darkvision Targets the triggering enemy; +24 vs. Reflex; 3d6+7 damage.
HP 532; Bloodied 266; see also bloodied breath and the target is grabbed. A creature grabbed by this attack
AC 29; Fortitude 27. Reflex 25, Will 24 takes 15 damage at the start of each of its turns. The dragon can
Resist 20 acid grab only one creature with tally:oil at a time.
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 12
Action Points 2
(J Bite (standard: at•will) + Acid BEHIND THE SCREEN:
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 6 damage plus 2d6 acid damage. VAPOROUS SERPENT MINIONS
CO Claw (standard: at-will)
The minions created by an orlum dragon's breath art
Reach 2; 4 20 vs. AC: 1d12 4- 6 damage, and the target is marked
until the end of the dragon's next turn.
designed to be more powerful than standard minions
4 Drat-orris Fury (standard: at-will) They deal more damage. effectively acting as an extri
I he dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. ■ 1.47,.
attack IIC7 aren 't meant to kr.
the dragon. 1They at
their own or dropped into other encounters.

(.11 11'1 1 it 4 J Ness' Monsters


Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when onedo
lifaid (I) Bite (standard; at-will) + Acid
vaporous spirits is reduced to 0 hit points) A Reach 4; +37 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 damage plus 4d6 acid damage„
Close blast 5: +21 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 6 acid damage, and an 0 Claw (standard; at-will)
eider vaporous serpent minion (see below) appears in any single Reach 4; +34 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 damage, and the target is
unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just after the dragon in marked until the end of the dragon's next turn.
the initiative order. 4 Draconk Fury (standard; at-will)
<- Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) The dragon makes two claw attacks and one bite attack.
Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses It. +Tail Coil (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves Into an
<- Frightful Presence (standard: encounter) + Fear adjacent square; at-will)
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +19 vs. Will; the target is Reach 4; +32 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 10 damage, and the target is
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect The I grabbed. A creature grabbed by this attack takes 20 damage
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). at the start of each of Its turns. The dragon can grab only one
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Bra creature with tail call at a rime.
Skills History +18. Insight +17, Intimidate +19 Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when one of the dragon's
Str 26 (+18) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 14 (+12) [
vaporous spirits is reduced to 0 hit points) + Acid
Con 24 (+17) Int 76 (+73) Cha 18(+14) Close blast 5; +29 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 8 acid damage, and
an ancient vaporous serpent minion (see below) appears in
any single unoccupied square In the blast. It acts just after the
Elder Vaporous Serpent Level 20 Minion Brute
dragon in the initiative order.
Medium elemental beast XI? -
<- Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter)
Initiative as dragon Senses Perception +7
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it.
FIP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
<. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) • Fear
AC 33; Fortitude 32, Reflex 31, Will 30
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +18 vs. Will; the target is
Resist 25 add
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn.Aftereffect; The
Speed 6
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rails (save ends).
(i) Bite (standard; at-will) • Acid
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
+25 vs. AC; 17 acid damage.
Skills Insight +23, Intimidate 4-25, Nature +22
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Str 30 (+24) Dex 27 (+22) Wiz 17 (+17)
Str 23 (+16) Dex 15 (+12) Wis 4 (-7)
Befla8 (+73) Int 19 (+18) Cha 22 (120)
Con 18 (14) int 4 (+7) Cha 4 (+7)

Ancient Vaporous Serpent Level 28 Minion Brute

Ancient Odom Dragon Level 28 Solo Soldier
Medium elemental beast XP
Car Pantuan natural ma ical beast (dra:otil XP (6.000
Initiative as dragon Senses Perception +12
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +22; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
Corrosive Fumes (Acid) aura 3; any creature that enters the aura
AC 41; Fortitude 40, Reflex 39, Will 38
or starts its turn there takes 20 acid damage.
Resist 30 acid
HP 1,040; Bloodied 520; see also bloodied breath
Speed 6
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 40, Will 38
Bite (standard; at-will) + Acid
Resist 30 acid
+33 vs. AC; 20 acid damage.
Saving Throws +5
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Speed 12, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15
Str 29 (+24) Dex 18 (+19) Wis 4 ( -12)
Action Points 2
Con 22 (+21) Int 4 (+121 Cha 4 ( -12)


Though seldom used today, the red-gold metal orium figures back to their cities, and eventually to the world, It's said
prominently in ancient lore. Many adventurers, and their empires as recent as Bael Turath still held the secret, but
enemies, look for relics created with this metal. most extant orium items date from more ancient times.
Uses: When prepared properly, using long-lost craft- Orium's Poison: The ability to craft orium never
ing methods, oriurn greatly increases the power of magic entirely disappeared. In fact. smelting It is simple. But
channeled through it. Most often, ancient crafters used unless the crafter purifies the ore during smelting, using
orium to make implements. Some tales, though. describe the secret techniques of the ancients, the resulting orium
other magic Items made from the metal. A popular is highly poisonous. Even the greatest precautions prove
legend describes a cabal of ancient wizards who car- ineffective against unpurified orium, because its subtle,
ried speilbooks made up of hundreds of thin sheets of magical emanations contaminate the body and mind over
orium. The metal is too soft for weapons or armor, but prolonged use. Only the most ambitious spellcasters (espe-
those items can have orium studs or gilding to enhance cially Itches) use implements or magic items made with
their magic. this substance. Since an orium dragon's breath draws its
History-, Evidence indicates that orium originated in poison from the metal infused in the dragon's blood, some
the Feywild, smelted in the workshops of the cydopses dragons explore ruins in search of the purified form of the
from ore found deep in the Feywild's Underdark. In time, metal. They hope to transfer its secret—and Its power—to
eladrin stole the secret of crafting orium and brought it their own bodies.

CHAP'! tilt 4 I New Monsters

Action Points 2
STEEL DRAGON Cl Site (standard; at-will) + Force
Reach 2: +12 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 damage plus 1d8 force damage.
and the dragon slides the target 1 square.
IN HUMANOID CITIES, steel dragons conceal their iden- (4.-) Claw (standard: at-will)
tities by adopting humanoid forms. In battle, steel Reach 2: +12 vs. AC; 2d6 - 4 damage.
dragons are quick and employ a wide array of attacks. 4 Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The dragon makes two claw attacks.
4 Wing Scatter (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves into
STEEL DRAGON LORE an adjacent square; at-will)
Nature DC 14: Steel dragons take humanoid Targets the triggering enemy, +11 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 4 4
form, retaining some evidence of their coloration— damage, and the target is knocked prone. Effect: The dragon
shifts 1 square and flies 3 squares.
gray hair, gray eyes, or steel jewelry. A steel dragon
might take any role from a noble to a favored servant
4 Dragon's Suggestion (minor1/r ou nd; at-will) ♦ Charm
+9 vs. Will; the dragon slides the target 1 square. and the target
of a powerful and charismatic master. Steel dragons grants combat advantage until the end of the dragon's next
work within their communities to promote freedom turn. Effect: The dragon shifts 1 square.
and undermine authoritarian forces. '' Breath Weapon (standard; recharge IN 1 i) + Force
Nature DC 19: Steel dragons have difficulty with Close blast 5. +11 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 4 force damage, and the
all kinds of absolute authority, even authority that has target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
4,- Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
the best of intentions. Because other kinds of metal-
Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it.
lic dragons—especially gold dragons—use their power
Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
and experience to justify their actions, steel dragons Close burst 5; targets enemies: +11 vs. Will; the target is
dislike them. stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Change Shape (minor; at-will) + Polymorph
STEEL DRAGON TACTICS The dragon can alter its physical form to appear as a unique
Steel dragons try to avoid being cornered. When human (see "Change Shape." MM2 216).
drawn into combat, they keep to areas that offer Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
plenty of maneuvering room. Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +13, insight +11
A steel dragon uses its breath weapon to knock foes Str 19 (+7) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 17 (+6) int 13 (+4) Cha 211+8)
senseless, then skirts the battlefield's edges. lt bites
to give itself space and strikes with its claws to bring
enemies down. Elder and ancient steel dragons can Adult Steel Dragon Level 14 Solo Controller
I .ttgc nanir al magio Abeast XP 5.000
weave loose bits of energy from their breath weapons
initiative +11 Senses Perception +16; darkvislon
to ensnare enemies in prisons ofcrushing force. If
HP 560: Bloodied 280; see also bloodied breath
a steel dragon is outmatched, it uses change shape to AC 29; Fortitude 26, Reflex 24, Will 27
hide in crowds of humanoids or to surround itself Resist 20 force
with innocent bystanders. Saving Throws +5
Speed 8. fly 10 (hover). overland flight 12
Action Points 2
ENCOUNTER GROUPS et) Bite (standard; at-will) + Force
Steel dragons primarily keep the company of Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage plus 4110 force damage.
humans. They join adventuring groups, serve power- and the dragon slides the target 2 squares.
ful wizards, or ally with revolutionaries. CL") Claw (standard: at-will)
Reach 2: +19 vs. AC; 2d8 -F 6 damage.
4.Double Attack (standard; at-will)
Level 8 Encounter (XP 1,800)
The dragon makes two claw attacks.
+ 1 young steel dragon (level 7 solo skirmisher) -I- Wing Scatter (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves into
+ 4 human lackeys (level 7 minion, MM 162) an adjacent square; at-will)
Targets the triggering enemy; +18 vs. Fortitude: 2d8 + 6
Level 22 Encounter (XP 20,800) damage. and the target is knocked prone. Effect: The dragon
+ 1 elder steel dragon (level 21 solo skirmisher) shifts 1 square and flies 3 squares.
Dragon's Suggestion (minor 1 /round: at-will) + Charm
+ 3 rakshasa assassins (level 17 skirmisher. MM 217)
4-16 vs. Wilt; the dragon slides the target 1 square. and the
target grants combat advantage until the end of the dragon's
Young Steel Dragon Level 7 Solo Controller next turn. Effect: The dragon shifts 1 square.
Large natural magical beast into 'On, Sha COL111 , I•1" XP 1.500 •E• Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 1 I l + Force
Initiative +S Senses Perception + 1 , dark vision Close blast 5; +18 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 -I- 6 force damage, and the
HP 324; Bloodied 162; see also bloodied breath target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
AC 22; Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 20 4- Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) + Force
Resist 15 force Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
Saving Throws +5
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 12

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

<- Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear 4. wing Scatter (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves into
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +18 vs. Will; the target is an adjacent square; at-will)
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The Targets the triggering enemy: +24 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 8
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). damage. and the target is knocked prone. Effect: The dragon
Change Shape (minor; at-will) Polymorph shifts 1 square and flies 3 squares.
The dragon can alter its physical farm to appear as a unique + Dragon's Suggestion (minor liround; at-will) Charm
human (see "Change Shape." MM2 216). +23 vs. Will; the dragon slides the target 2 squares, and the
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic target grants combat advantage until the end of the dragon's
Skills Bluff +19. Diplomacy +19. Insight +16 next turn. Effects The dragon shifts 1 square.
Str 22 (+13) Ilex 18(+11) Wis 19 (+11) Breath Weapon (standard; recharge Force
Con 20 (412) int 15 (+9) Cha 24 (+14) Close blast 5; +25 vs. fortitude; 4d8 + 8 Force damage. and the
target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.

Elder Steel Dragon Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter) Forcni
Level 21 Solo Controller
I - lugc loalural ovagii..111,1,ra fdragool. sha FR, ihingrri xP f fLoon Breath weapon recharges. and the dragon uses it.
+ Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +20; darkvision
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +25 vs. Will: the target is
HP 800; Bloodied 400; see also bloodied breath
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The
AC 36; Fortitude 33, Reflex 32, Will 34
target takes a - 2 penalty to attack roils (save ends).
Resist 25 force
it• Force Prison (standard; recharges when the dragon uses breath
Saving Throws +5
Weapon) + Force, Zone
Speed 10. fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15
Area burst 1 within 10; +2S vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 8 force damage.
Action Points 2
Effect: The burst becomes a zone of forte until the end of the
0 Bite (standard; at-will) + Force
dragon's next turn. A creature within the zone can't leave it.
Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 damage plus 2d6 force damage,
Change Shape (minor; at-will) 4. Poiymorph
and the dragon slides the target 2 squares.
The dragon can alter its physical form to appear as a unique
(j Claw (standard; at-will)
human (see -Change Shape," M1V12 216).
Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 damage.
lign ment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
}Double Attack (standard: at-will)
Skills Bluff +24, Diplomacy +24, insight 0
The dragon makes two claw attacks.
Str 26 (+18) Dex 24 (+17) Wls 21 ( I 5)
Con 24 (+17) Int 17 0-13) Cha 28 (1- 191

CHAPTER 4 j New Monsters

Ancient Steel Dragon Level 29 Solo Controller
Gargantuan natural magical beast
(dragon. sha .echan:er)
XP 75.000
Initiative -23 Senses Perception +26: darkvislon
HP 1,072: Bloodied 536; see also bloodied breath Even immediately after hatching, dragons are power.
AC 44; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40. Will 42 ful creatures. capable of unleashing formidable bite,
Resist 30 force
claw, and breath weapon attacks. A n impetuous or
Saving Throws +5
bored wyrmling still having the curiosity and playful-
Speed 12, fly 14 (hover). overland flight 20
Action Points 2 ness ofyouth can be extremely dangerous.
co Bite (standard; + Force
Reach 4; +34 vs. AC; 3cI8 + 11 damage plus 3d8 force damage, ADAMANTINE DRAGON
and the target slides 3 squares.
CD Claw (standard; at-will) ■
: J:11111i■ WYRMLING
Reach 4: +34 vs. AC: 3d6 + 11 damage.
Double Attack (standard; at-will)
they swiftly set out to hunt for food. Dependent on
The dragon makes two claw attacks.
-I-Wing Scatter (Immediate reaction, when an enemy moves Into darkness and shadows to hide from larger preda-
an adjacent square; at-will) tors, these creatures might not see light for the first
Targets the triggering enemy: +32 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 11 months or years of life. They quickly develop the ter-
damage. and the target is knocked prone. Effect: The dragon ritoriality and temper of their parents, and this aspect
shifts 1 square and flies 3 squares. of their nature occasionally results in adamantine
+ Dragon's Suggestion (minor 1/round; + Charm
wyrmlings killing one another.
+31 vs. Will; the dragon slides the target 3 squares, and the
These wyrmlings are a dark, dull gray. Their scales
target grants combat advantage until the end of the dragon's
next turn. Effect: The dragon shifts 1 square. are already heavy, but they lie flat, rather than form-
•:* Breath Weapon (standard; recharge CA[iii) + Force ing overlapping edges as they do on older dragons.
Close blast 5; +33 vs. Fortitude: ScI8 + 9 force damage, and the
target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Adamantine Dragon Wyrmling Level 5 Elite Soldier
<• Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) + Force Medium natural ma • ical beast (dra,ont XP 400
Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it. Initiative +6 Senses Perception +3: darkvision
<- Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear HP 126; Bloodied 63
Close burst 10: targets enemies; +33 vs. Will; the target is AC 21; Fortitude 20. Reflex 18, Will 17
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The Resist S thunder
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Saving Throws +2
4' Force Prison (standard; recharges when the dragon uses breath Speed 5, Hy 6 (hover), overland flight 8
weapon) + Force, Zone Action Points 1
Area burst 1 within 10; +33 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 9 force damage. (D Bite (standard; at-will) + Thunder
Effect: The burst becomes a tone of force until the end of the +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + S damage plus 1d6 thunder damage.
dragon's next turn. A creature within the zone can't leave it. CO Claw (standard; at-will)
Hidden Steel (minor; encounter) Charm +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 5 damage.
The dragon becomes invisible until the end of its next turn or 4. Double Attack (standard; at-will)
until it attacks. Sustain Minor: The effect persists. The dragon makes two claw attacks.
Change Shape (minor; at-will) • Polymorph + Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied)
The dragon can alter its physical form to appear as a unique Thunder
human (see "Change Shape.' MM2 216). Close blast 4; +8 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 4 thunder damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconlc
Skills Bluff +30, Diplomacy .30, Insight +26 Skills Insight +8
Str 31 (+24) Dex 28 (+23) Mks 25 (+21) Str 18 (+6) Dex 151+4) Wis 13 (+3)
Con 28 (423) int 21 (+19) Cha 32 (+25) Coss 15 (+4) int 10 (4-2) Cita 10 (42)

Nature DC I2: Adamantine wyrmlings hatch
underground and often do not see light for months.
Their scales are already remarkably tough.


An adamantine wyrmling focuses on a single foe,
chewing and chewing on its target until it drops and
only then moving on to the next one. It blasts all its
foes with its breath weapon when it can.

CHAPTEli41 New Monsters

Top: Cobalt wyrntling. Below, left to right: Bronze. brass, and adamantine iwyrmlings

Brass Dragon Wyrmling Level 2 Elite Artillery

ENCOUNTER. GROUPS Medium natural ma ,ical beast itlra;uni XP 250
When they don't remain in family groups, adaman- initiative +3 Senses Perception -I-7: darkvision
tine dragon wyrmlings are found in the company of HP 68; Bloodied 34
creatures they can bully or creatures that have stolen AC 16: Fortitude 16. Reflex 15, Will 14
and coerced them. Resist 5 fire
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10
Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,200)
Action Points 1
+ 1 adamantine dragon wyrmling (level 5 elite
® Bite (standard; +
soldier) +9 vs. AC: 1d8 + 2 damage plus 1d6 fire damage.
+ 1 troglodyte impaler (level 7 artillery. MM 252) Claw (standard: at-will)
+ 2 troglodyte maulers (level 6 soldier, MM 252) +9 vs. AC; 1d6 + 2 damage.
Dragon Ire (standard; at-will)
The wymIlIng makes two claw attacks, and then shifts 1 square.
BRASS DRAGON WYRMLING ‹- Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied) +
lands in which they are born. Though they have Close blast 4; +5 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 2 fire damage, and the
extremely deadly ranged breath weapons, they are wynniIng pushes the target 1 square. Miss: Half damage.
f Fire Stream [standard: at-will) + Fire
more fragile than other dragons. As a result, they )

Ranged 20; 1•7 vs. Reflex: 1d8 + 4 fire damage. and any creature
make alliances with small groups of intelligent
adjacent to the target takes 1d6 fire damage.
creatures, such as tribes of nomadic dragonborn. To Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
creatures other than their allies, brass dragons are Skills Athletics +8, Insight +7, intimidate +6
belligerent bullies with a strong territorial instinct. Sir iS (+3) Rex 14 (i3) Wis '13 (+2)
At birth, a brass dragon wyrmling's scales are a Con 16(+4) int 11 (+1) Cha 10{ ,1)
dull matte brown. As the dragon ages, new metallic
scales replace the matte scales.

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters

Bronze Dragon WyrmlIng Level S Elite Brute
Medium natural magical beast (dragon) XP 400
Nature DC 10: A brass dragon lays its eggs in
initiative + 3 Senses Perception .2: darkvision
caves hidden in arid, rocky outcroppings or desert HP 152: Bloodied 76
hills. These caves are usually close to civilized areas, AC 17; Fortitude 19. Reflex 16, Will 16
and brass dragon wyrmlings often become leaders of Resist 5 lightning
mercenary bands. Brass dragon wyrmlings have pow- Saving Throws +2
erful breath weapons they can use at a distance, but Speed 6. fly 6 (hover), swim 6, overland flight 8
Aaiun Points 1
are weak in close combat.
C) Bite (standard; at-will) + lightning
+8 vs. AC; 2d8 4 lightning damage.
BRASS DRAGON (D Claw (standard; at-will)
+8 vs. AC: 2d6 4 6 damage.
+Bronze Flurry (standard; at-will)
When compared to other wyrmlings, the brass
The wyrrnling makes a bite attack and a wing attack. If both hit
dragon wyrmling is relatively fragile. It uses tougher the same target, the target is also knocked prone.
allies as a defense from melee combatants. A brass * Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied) •
dragon wyrmling attacks foes from a distance using Lightning
fire stream. It uses its breath weapon once it is in melee, Close blast 3: +6 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 lightning damage. If
and then retreats from foes. Once forced into melee, the attack hit at least one creature, the wyrmling makes a
secondary attack against a creature within 5 squares that was
the dragon fights with its bite attack and dragon ire.
not a target of the primary attack. Secondary Attack: +6 vs.
Reflex; 1d6 + 6 lightning damage. and the target is pushed 1
At such a young age. a brass dragon wyrm I ing seeks Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
out other intelligent creatures for protection, espe- Skills Athletics 41 1
Str 18 (+6) Ilex 13 (+3) Wis 10 (+2)
cially those that see the benefit of an alliance with a
Con 16 (+5) int 10 (+2) Clia 12 ( ,-3)
dragon. Dragonborn and humans are common allies.
enemy. It leads off with its breath weapon unless foes
Level 2 Encounter (XP 650)
are too spread out to make it rewarding. Even when
+ 2 human bandits (level 2 skirmisher)
hard-pressed, the wyrmling probably won't flee, since
+ 1 human guard (level 3 soldier)
it hasn't yet learned to balance its innate senses of
♦ 1 brass dragon wyrmling (level 2 elite artillery) purpose and self-preservation.


WYRMLING Bronze wyrmlings rarely leave the family, but they
ALTHOUGH IT MUST STILL LEARN the precepts of duty occasionally work with other creatures—either when
from a parent, a bronze wyrmling has a strong sense learning the basics of service, while watched over by
of responsibility from the moment it leaves the egg— their parents, or when forced into servitude.
one that causes it to seek out purpose as thoroughly
as it hunts for sustenance. Although this is normally Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,100)
fine, it occasionally causes a bronze wyrmling to "fall • 2 blue wyrmlings (level 4 elite artillery, Draconom-
in with a bad crowd." icon: Chromatic Dragons, page 180)
Bronze dragon wyrmlings are bright in color when • 1 bronze wyrmling (level 5 elite brute)
born, easily mistaken for copper dragons. Their scales
swiftly darken, however, and before they reach the COBALT DRAGON
young stage. they are unmistakably bronze.
BRONZE DRAGON WYRMLING LORE taiga terrain or in shallow underground caves hidden
Nature DC 12: Bronze dragons lay their eggs near
in the Shadowed!, cobalt dragon wyrmlings are
the coast, in dark caves or buried in wet sand. They vicious savages. A cobalt dragon's hunting grounds
occasionally compete for territory with blue dragons.
lie anywhere prey collects within its territory, such as
which obliterate bronze nests when they find them—
melting glaciers or cold mountain springs. Although
or steal the eggs and raise the wyrmlings as servants.
normally isolated, cobalt wyrmlings do form hunting
parties when food is scarce or when a more powerful
BRONZE DRAGON threat appears (suck as the encroachment of civiliza-
WYRMLING TACTICS tion or the appearance of a hungry young white or
A bronze wyrmling acts as though it were already black dragon).
far older and larger when it moves and engages its

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Shadowfell, cobalt dragon wynnlings can be found

Its scales are a reflective, metallic blue that blends
in with the dragon's arctic surroundings, allowing the with unclear], especially chiliborn zombies.
wyrmling to escape or to ambush opponents.
Level 3 Encounter (XP 750)
Cobalt Dragon Wyrmling Level 3 Elite Controller + 1 cobalt dragon wyrmling (level 3 elite controller)
Medium natural ina:ical beast idra ion) XP 300 • 1 hobgoblin archer (level 3 artillery, MM 139)
Initiative +2 Senses Perception -i-7; darkvision + 2 hobgoblin soldiers (level 3 soldier, MM 139)
HP 98; Bloodied 49
AC 18: Fortitude 16, Reflex 14• Will 14
Resist 5 cold COPPER DRAGON
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6 (ire walk), fly 6, overland flight 8
Action Faints 1 COPPER WYRMLINGS PREFER to dwell in, and hunt
Bite (standard; at-will) • Cold from, the safety of rocky terrain that features great
+8 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 4 cold damage. and the target is slowed (save crags and protrusions. This environment allows
ends). them to hide from threats or to mimic the tactics
(4) Claw (standard; at-wilt)
of older coppers when attacking prey. They develop
4- 8 vs. AC; 1d6 5 damage.
their covetous nature early, and some copper parents
4 Dragon's Pounce (standard: at-will)
The wyrmling makes a bite attack, shifts 2 squares, and makes
encourage this by rewarding one offspring in view
a claw attack against a different target. of the others, stoking jealousy and—they believe—the
4. Savage Mauling 'standard; encounter) urge to perform better for greater reward.
Close burst 1; targets slowed or restrained creatures; +9 vs. Unlike many other dragons, copper dragons don't
AC; 3d6 + 3 damage, and the wyrmling pushes the target 3 dramatically change in color or shape as they age.
squares and knocks it prone. This forced movement can affect a
Their scales are a lustrous copper at birth, and their
creature restrained by the wyrmling's own breath weapon.
wings are fully developed.
4-Breath Weapon (standard: recharges when first bloodied) +
Close blast 4; +7 vs. Fortitude; 1d6 + 3 cold damage, and the Copper Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Elite Skirmisher
target is restrained (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is slowed Medium natural ma; ical beast kir.1 JIM Xi' 350
(save ends). Initiative +8 Senses Perception +3; darkvlslon
Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic HP 112; Bloodied 56
Skills Athletics +9, Endurance +9, intimidate •7, Stealth +7 AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17. Will 14
Su 16 (+4) Dex 12 (-i- 2) Wis 12 t+2) Resist 5 acid
Con 17 (+4) Int 10;+1) Cita 13 (+2) Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 10
Action Points 1
COBALT DRAGON WYRMLING LORE 0 Bite (standard: at-will) + Acid
Nature DC 10: Cobalt dragons nest in cold, for- The wyrmling shifts 2 squares before and after making the
ested areas. especially near glaciers or deep in the attack: •9 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage plus 1d4 acid damage.
Shadow fell. Shortly after hatching, cobalt dragon t) Claw (standard: at•will)
wyrmlings are abandoned to fend for themselves. +9 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.
Double Attack (standard: at-will)
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and then shifts 2
WYRMLING TACTICS 4. Flyby Attack (standard; at-will)
A cobalt dragon wyrmling hides in wait and f he wyrmling flies up to 8 squares and makes one melee
basic attack at any point during that movement. The wyrmling
ambushes unsuspecting foes. It restrains as many
doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from
enemies as possible with its breath weapon before fol- the target.
lowing up with its savage mauling attack, and might <- Breath Weapon (standard: recharges when first bloodied) +
spend its action point to do both in the same round. Acid
If quickly overpowered by superior strength and Close blast 4; +7 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 4 acid damage. and the target
Firepower, the wyrmling might be impressed by such is slowed (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
a victory and surrender, pledging to help those that
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff
defeated it.
Str 14 (+4) Des 18 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 16 (+5) Int 11 (=2) Cha 12 t+3)
Even at a young age, a cobalt dragon wyrmling might COPPER DRAGON WYRMLING LORE
be found in charge of a small group of savages. Occa- Nature DC 15: Copper dragons lay their eggs in
sionally, a cobalt wyrm ling is subjugated by tougher caves or narrow ravines among mountains, rocky
foes, such as a band of hobgoblin mercenaries. 1 n the hills, or badlands. The hatchlings often hide among
the various crags, cracks, and crevices. Hatchlings

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Left to right: Mercury, copper, sold, and iron wyrmiings

eventually leave the nest when their growing covet- GOLD DRAGON WYRMLING
ousness begins to compete with their parents. They
can sometimes be lured away by promises of treasure As BEFITS THE MIGHTY (and perhaps arrogant) race of
they can hide from the family. gold dragons, their wyrmlings are born with a wide
suite of abilities, including fully functional wings
and breath weapons. Gold wyrmlings often chal-
COPPER DRAGON lenge one another in games. They take such activities
WYRMLING TACTICS seriously, competing for small territories and prizes
A copper wyrmling imitates its elders, making fre- (such as prime prey). These eflbrts help train them for
quent use offlyby attack and saving its breath weapon adulthood so that they will be capable—and worthy—
for enemies that clump together. It uses double attack— of ruling true domains. A gold wyrmling is torn
an undeveloped form of the copper dragon's various between a burning desire to prove itself to its parents
mobility powers—against lone targets. and an innate belief that it is already superior—or des-
tined to be so—to all other creatures it encounters.
ENCOUNTER GROUPS A gold wyrmling's scales are dull, almost sand-
Copper wyrmlings work with other creatures any hued, and grow brighter as the dragon ages.
time they are likely to receive higher rewards for the
risk and as long as they aren't required to do anything GOLD DRAGON WYRMLING LORE
too distasteful. Nature DC 15: Gold dragon eggs are found in
caves deep in the hills alongside rolling plains or in
Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,100) the foothills of larger mountain ranges. Gold wyrm-
♦ 1 copper dragon wyrmling (level 4 elite lings grow up in the presence of great riches and
skirmisher) magic. Even at only a few days old, gold wyrmlings
+ 2 dwarf bolters (level 4 artillery, MM 97) have a strong sense of self and try to command other
+ 2 dwarf hammerers (level 5 soldier, MM 97) creatures (including, at times, their siblings).

cHAPTEli 4 I New Monsters

Gold Dragon Wyrmling Level 7 Elite Controller iron Dragon Wyrmling Level 3 Elite Skirmisher

Medium natural magical beast ldraguni P F.1 /11 !vledium natural ma ical beast Rita oni XP
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +5; darkvision Initiative +4 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
HP 156; Bloodied 78; see also breath weapon HP 96; Bloodied 48
AC 21; Fortitude 19. Reflex 21. Will 19 AC 17; Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 14
Resist 5 fire Resist 5 lightning
Saving Throws +2 Saving Throws +2
Speed 7, fly 9 (hover). overland Flight 14 Speed 6.11y 8 (hover). overland flight 7
Action Points 1 Action Points 1
(D Bite (standard; + Fire (D Bite (standard; at-will) + Lightning
412 vs. AC; 1d6 + 5 damage plus 1(16 fire damage. +8 vs. AC; 2c16 + 3 damage plus Id6 lightning damage.
Op Claw (standard; at will) 4) Claw (standard; at will)
+11 VS. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage. +8 vs. AC; 1d10 + 3 damage.
+Double Attack (standard; at-will) .1 Swift Claws (standard: at-will)
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks. The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and shifts 2 squares.
Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied) + <- Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied)
Fire Lightning
Close blast 4; +11 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + S fire damage, and the Close blast 4; +6 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 2 lightning damage, and the
target is weakened until the end of the wyrrnling's next turn. wyrmling pulls the target 1 square.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconlc
Skills Athletics +11, Insight +10, Intimidate +11 Skills Stealth +9
Str 16 (+6) Der 1 (+4) Wis 14 (+5) Str 18 (+6) ilex 15 (+4) Wis 13 (+3)
Con 14 (+5) Int 20 (+8) Cisa 17 (+6) A Can 16 (i 5) Int 10(+2) 0.4110 (a)


A gold wyrmling seeks to control a battle from the Nature DC 10: Iron dragons hide their eggs in
moment it begins, initiating combat with its breath caves or darkened woods. Sometimes, the wyrmlings
weapon and then moving in to engage foes that have spend their first Few days afire without ever emerg-
been weakened. A gold wyrmling rarely retreats ing into the open. Iron dragons are born in larger
unless severely injured. The notion ofanother crea- clutches than most other varieties of dragons. and
ture proving superior is alien to the dragon's instincts, they hunt in packs until they grow strong enough to
even if it can intellectually understand the possibility. survive on their own. Iron wyrmlings are instinctive
ambush predators.
Gold wyrmlings associate with creatures they can IRON DRAGON WYRMLING TACTICS
boss around (though they would call it "learning how An iron wyrmling bursts From concealment and
to command"). attacks quickly before retreating back to a safer
position. It flees immediately lithe attack proves
Level 4 Encounter (XP 900) ineffective. Otherwise. it takes advantage of the
• 1 gold wyrmling (level 7 elite controller) maneuverability provided by swift claws and its fast
+ I griffon (level 7 brute, MM 147) fly speed to circle its prey and make opportunistic
lings, but they are born in larger clutches and have a Iron wyrmlings hunt in teams or alongside creatures
stronger tendency toward social behavior when first pressed into service by their parents.
hatched. They rarely come out of hiding, except to
swiftly strike at the prey they are learning to hunt Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,150)
before diving back into the shadows. They prefer + 3 iron wyrmlings (level 3 elite skirmisher)
caves but are almost as comfortable hiding beneath • 2 kobold dragonshields (level 2 soldier, MM 168)
the underbrush and dead leaves on the forest floor.
They emerge to attack only if they greatly outsize or
outnumber their target, and they try to avoid pro-
longed battles.
An iron wyrmling's scales are a dark rust color
that flakes off in a sort of molting as the dragon
approaches the young stage of its development.

CHAPTER 4 1 New Monsters

especially when those enemies are caught unaware.
A mercury dragon wyrmling can turn into a swiftly
WYRMLING moving wave ofliquid metal.
poisonous volcanic vents and noxious sulfurous MERCURY DRAGON
springs. These inhospitable conditions require mer-
cury wyrmlings to travel great distances to hunt for
Those battling a mercury wyrmling within its lair
food, instilling a desire to explore the world at an
find themselves at a disadvantage. These volcanic
extremely young age. As a result, a mercury dragon
caves arc typically pocked with smaller caves that
wyrmling can often be found a great distance from
only Tiny creatures can access, enabling the wyrm-
its home.
ling to take on quicksilver form and escape aggressors.
A mercury dragon wyrmling's form is incredibly
Then it flows out of some other seemingly uncon-
fluid, and its reflective appearance makes it difficult
nected hole, takes on its normal form, and gains
to spot in areas that have homogeneous surroundings.
combat advantage against its foes.

Mercury Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Elite Lurker

Med ia/1n natural ma :{cal beast irlta:on.sba.e c ha n XP 350
Initiative +10 Senses Perception 1-2: dark vision A mercury dragon wyrmling nurtures its underlings
HP 90; Bloodied 45 so they will protect its lair while it's out exploring.
AC 18; Fortitude 15. Reflex 17, Will 16 Powerful thieves sometimes steal mercury dragon
Resist 5 poison eggs, planning to raise the wyrmling to be an expert
Saving Throws +2
spy or assassin.
Speed 6. fly 6 (hover), overland flight 8
Action Points 1
Level 3 Encounter (XP 750)
(;) Claw (standard; at-will) 11101111111111111 + I mercury dragon wyrmling (level 4 elite lurker)
+9 vs. AC: 1d8 + 5 damage.
.1-Double Attack (standard; at-will) .44.1.1111.1111 + 2 need lefang drake swarms (level 2 soldier.
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks. MM 90)
+ Breath Weapon (standard: recharges when first bloodied) +11 + 1 spitting drake (level 3 artillery, MM 91)
Close blast 4; +7 vs. Fortitude: ldl 7 3 poison damage, and the
Level 4 Encounter (XP 900)
target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and treats the wyrmling
as invisible (save ends both).
+ 1 mercury dragon wyrmling (level 4 elite lurker)
Combat Advantage + 2 doppeiganger sneaks (level 3 skirmisher. MM 71)
The wyrniling deals 1d6 extra damage against a target granting + 1 halfling prowler (level 6 lurker, MM 153)
combat advantage to R.
Quicksilver Form (move; encounter) + Polymorph
The wyrmling becomes a liquid wave of quicksilver and shifts 4
squares. It remains In quicksilver form until the end of its next WYRMLING
turn. While In quicksilver form, the wyrmling can't attack or
fly, but gains a climb speed of 6, ignores difficult terrain, and
THE RARE OCCASION when a mithral dragon wyrmling
doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. It can squeeze through leaves the Astral Sea signifies the beginning of a time
any aperture a Tiny creature could fit through. The wyrmling of change. The wyrmling has seen the importance
can return to its normal form as a Free action on its turn. of the moment and has come to guide the world
When it returns to normal, each creature within 7 squares through a chaotic time. A mithral wyrmling's horns
grants combat advantage to the wyrmling until the end of the are short, as is the ridge of spikes that runs the length
wyrmling's next turn.
of its neck. The ridge stands out only when the wyrm-
Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
Skills Acrobatics +11. Bluff +10. Steakh +11
ling is angered.
Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 11 (+7)
Con 1504) lot 12 (+3) Cha 16 (+5) MITHRAL DRAGON
MERCURY DRAGON Nature DC 15: Mithral dragon wyrmlings hatch
WYRMLING LORE in the Astral Sea and rarely visit the world. A mithral
DC 12: A mercury dragon wyrmling's lair has dragon wyrmling can teleport but cannot attack with
many small tunnels and narrow passageways filled its wings. Its breath weapon blinds foes with radiant
with noxious gases from deep underground. Since light.
these lairs are usually found near inhospitable lands,
a mercury dragon hunts across a large area. A wyrm-
ling's bite isn't developed at such a young age, but
its vicious claws can quickly tear apart its enemies,

CHAPTEli 4 I New Monsters


Left to right: Corium, steel, mithral. and silver wyrmlings

Mithral Dragon Wyrrniing Level 9 Elite Skirmisher MI THRAL DRAGON

Medium immortal map-di ht.1,1 irlra uni X!' .ti DO
Initiative -11 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
HP 186: Bloodied 93
An extremely mobile righter, a mithral dragon wyr
AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 21
mling incapacitates enemies with its breath weapon
Resist 5 radiant and then focuses attacks upon enemies that are still
Saving Throws +2 able to see. A favorite tactic is to use dimension strike
Speed 8, fly 8 (hover). overland flight 10. teleport 5 against two targets and then teleport out of reach.
Action Paints 1
(0 Bite (standard; at-will) + Radiant
+14 vs. AC: 2E16 + 4 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 EN COUN TER GROUPS
radiant. damage (save ends). Mithral dragon wyrmlings fight with allies that allow
0 Claw (standard: at-will) them their full range of mobility, such as soldiers and
*14 vs. AC; 2d6 + 4 damage. controllers that have the ability to slow enemies.
4. Dimension Strike (standard; at will) Teleportation
The wyrmling to r:ports half its speed, makes a claw attack,
Level 8 Encounter (XP 1,850)
teleports half its speed, and makes a claw attack against a
different target.
+ 1 mithral dragon wyrmling (level 9 elite
+Breath Weapon (standard: recharges when first bloodied) + skirmisher)
Radiant • 2 angels of valor (level 8 soldier, MM 16)
Close blast 4; -I-12 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 2 radiant damage, and the + 1 eladrin twilight incanter (level 8 controller,
target is blinded (save ends). MM 102)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, ❑ raconk,
Level 11 Encounter (XP 3,100)
Skills Insight +12, Intimidate +11. Religion +11
Str 17 (+7) Dex 21 (+9) Wis 17 (+7)
• I mithral dragon wyrmling (level 9 elite
Can 13 (+5) Int 14 (1- 61 Cha 14 (+6) skirmisher)
• 1 githyanki mindslicer (level 13 artillery. MM 128)
+ 2 githyanki warriors (level 12 soldier, MM 128)

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters

An orium dragon wyrmling uses its breath weapon as
WYRMLING soon as it's possible to catch multiple foes in the area
As ORIUM DRAGONS ACCUMULATE KNOWLEDGE, they of effect, then flanks with its vaporous serpent and
discover the locations of additional crumbling ruins. makes a double attack.
Not having the time to investigate each potential site,
a dragon sends its children to investigate and poten-
tially create their own lairs.
Nature DC 15: Orium dragon wyrmlings prize
Orium dragon wyrmlings are surprisingly mature
knowledge and are found near areas of archaeologi-
for their age. t ;alike other wyrmlings, they act cau-
cal significance, such as ancient temples or decayed
tiously and methodically. They won't fight until
ruins of civilizations. At a young age. orium
threatened, but they believe that threats to their lairs
wyrmlings are extremely protective over their unex-
arc just as dangerous as threats to themselves.
plored lairs. Orium dragon wyrmlings do not have
the physical strength that older versions have, but
Orium Dragon Wyrmling Level 6 Elite Soldier
Medium natural ma; ical beast (dra:rm)
their breath weapons are fully developed_
XP 500
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
11P 146: Bloodied 73 ENCOUNTER GROUPS
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 17 The lairs oforium dragon wyrmlings have spent
Resist 5 acid
centuries hidden away in the wilderness, so they are
Saving Throws +2
filled with dangerous wild animals. In ruins formed
Speed 6. Hy 8 (hover), overland flight 10
Action Points 1
when civilizations were lost to the Feywild. orium
® Site (standard: at-will) + Add dragons find fey allies. A wyrmling might awe a tribe
+13 vs. AC; 1d8 6 damage plus 1d6 add damage. of intelligent savages into worshiping it.
a) Claw (standard; at-will)
+13 vs. AC; 1d6 + 6 damage. and the target is marked until the Level 6 Encounter (XP 1,250)
end of the wyrmling's next turn.
+ 1 orium dragon wyrmling (level 6 elite soldier)
Draconlc Fury (standard; at•l11l
+ 1 dire boar (level 6 brute. MM 35)
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and one bite attack,
<- Breath Weapon (standard: recharges when first bloodied) •
+ 1 greenscale marsh mystic (level 6 controller.
Add MM 179)
Close blast 3; +11 vs. Fortitude: 2d6 3 acid damage. and + 1 blackscale bruiser (level 6 brute, MM 179)
a wyrmling vaporous serpent minion (see below) appears in
any single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts Just after the Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,600)
wyrmling in the initiative order.
+ 1 orium dragon wyrmling (level 6 elite soldier)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic
+ 1 vine horror spel I fiend (level 7 artillery. MM 260)
Skills History +8, Insight +8, Intimidate +9
Str 19 (+71 Dex 15 (+5) Wis 10 (+3]
+ 2 unicorns (level 9 skirmisher, MM 257)
Con 17 (+6) int 10 (43) Cha 13 (+4)
Wyrmling Vaporous Serpent Level 6 Minion Brute
Medium elemenral XP -
initiative as wyrmling Senses Perception +0 FROM BIRTH, SILVER WYRMLINGS LEARN the i mpor-
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion. tance of forthrightness and righteous combat. They
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16 and their siblings engage in vicious mock battles that
Resist 10 acid rarely result in lasting injury. Silver dragon parents
Speed 6
take their responsibilities more seriously than other
Bite (standard; at•ill) + Acid
411 vs AC; 6 acid damage. dragon parents do, but still encourage Iheirofispring
Alignment Unaligned Languages — to spend time in the world.
Str 16 (+6) Des 10 (+3) Wis 4(1, 0)
Con 12 (+4) Int 4 (1-0) Cha 4 OW

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Silver Dragon Wyrmling Level 5 Elite Brute Steel Dragon Wyrmling Level S Elite Controller
Medium natural magical beast (dragon) XP Mr.clium mamal magical beast (dragon) XP 400
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +3; darkvisinn Initiative +3 Senses Perception +9; darkvision
HP 152; Bloodied 76 HP 126; Bloodied 63
AC 17; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 15 AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 18
Resist 5 cold Resist 5 force
Saving Throws +2 Saving Throws +2
Speed 5. fly 6 (clumsy), overland flight 8 Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10

Action Points 1 Action Points 1
0 Bite (standard; at-will) 0 Bite (standard: at-will) Force
+Si vs. AC; 2d + 4 damage. +10 vs, AC; 1d8 + 4 damage plus 1d6 lorce damage. and the 1
(D Claw (standard; at-will) wyrmling slides the target 1 square.
+8 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage. ® Claw (standard; at-will)
4 Dragon Onslaught (standard: at-will) 1-10 vs. Ai ; 1d10 + 3 damage.
The wyrmling makes a claw attack against each enemy adjacent 4 Double Attack (standard: at-wIII)
to it. The wyrmling makes two claw attacks.
•(-- Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied 4 Dragon's Suggestion (minor 1/round; at-will) + Charm
Cold +9 vs. Will; the wyrmling slides the target 1 square, and the
Close blast 4; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 5 cold damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the wyrmling's
target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends). next turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied) +
Skills Athletics +12 Force
Str 20(+7) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3) Close blast 5; +9 vs. Fortitude: 2d1 ❑ -t 2 Force damage, and the
Con 16 (+S) Int 11 (+2) Cha 13 (+3) target is dazed (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
Skills Bluff t-11, Diplomacy +11. insight +9
SILVER DRAGON WYRMLING LORE Ste 17 (+5) Des 12 (+3) Wis 14 (+4)
Nature DC 12: Silver dragons hide their eggs Con 15 (+4) Int 11 (42) Cha 19 (46)
in frozen caves, buried in snow. Hatchlings venture
from the nest as soon as they can walk. A silver
dragon wyrmling uses its breath weapon in melee
Nature DC 12: Steel dragon wyrmlings cannot
combat, fighting on the ground when possible.
change shape. Wyrinlings hatched in civilization
are hidden until they learn to blend in with the local
SILVER DRAGON WYRMLING TACTICS population. Steel dragon wyrmlings fight carefully, so
A silver dragon wymling lands in the midst of ene- they don't harm their allies.
mies and uses wing slice. It prefers to fight with allies
that can slow or immobilize foes, so the dragon can
use wing slice and breath weapon most effectively.
A steel dragon wyrmling relishes teamwork in
combat. It uses dragon's suggestion to slide enemies
ENCOUNTER GROUPS into flanked positions. When it uses its breath weapon,
Silver dragon wyrmlings ally with other creatures to it avoids hurting allies.
learn combat tactics and to defeat more potent dan-
gers than they can face alone.
A steel dragon wyrmling relies on a tight group of
Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,200)
associates, possibly a group of bandits and thieves. If
+ 1 silver dragon wyrmling (level 5 elite brute)
far from society, a steel wyrmling befriends the clos-
+ 3 human guards (level 3 soldier, MM 162)
est group of intelligent humanoids.
• 2 human mages (level 4 artillery, MM 163)
Level 4 Encounter (XP 824)
STEEL DRAGON WYRMLING + 1 steel dragon wyrmling (level 5 elite controller)
STEEL. DRAGON PARENTS, entrenched in human affairs. + 1 doppelganger sneak (level 3 skirmisher, MM 71)
hide their wyrmlings and instruct them secretly + 4 human rabble (level 2 minion, MM 162)
until the wyrmlings' shapechanging powers develop. + 1 wererat (level 3 skirmisher, MM 180)
However, a vvyrm I ing's intense curiosity tempts it to
escape a watchful parent's eye to hunt and to cause Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,050)
mischief + I steel dragon wyrmling (level 5 elite controller)
A steel wyrmling is extremely slender. The spines + 1 bugbear strangler (level 6 lurker, MM 136)
on its head are shorter than those of a full-grown + 2 bugbear warriors (level 5 brute, MM 135)

CHAPTER 4 r New Monsters

Gold Hollow Wyrrn Level 24 Solo Soldier
HOLLOW DRAGONS Gargantuan natural magical beast iconstrut I. dr igoni Xi' 30.250
Initiative +21 Senses Perception -1- 23; darkvision
Manifest Essence (Fire) aura 3; each creature that starts its turn
A METALLIC DRAGON CAN BECOME A CONSTRUCT called In the aura takes 10 fire damage. The damage increases to 15
a hollow dragon: an empty shell of the dragon's scales while the wyrm is bloodied.
and hide animated by powerful magic and the drag- HP 904; Bloodied 452; see also bloodied fury
on's essence. Unlike evil chromatic dragons. which AC 39; Fortitude 37, Reflex 36, Will 36
turn to the magic of shadow and undeath to prolong Immune disease, poison; Resist 35 fire
Saving 'Throws +5
their existence (see the dracoliches in the Monster
Speed 8. fly 12 (clumsy)
Manual and other undead dragons in Droconomicon:
Action Points 2
Chromatic Dragons), metallic dragons use elemental Bite (standard; at-will) + Fire
magic to become eternal guardians of great treasures, Reach 4; +31 vs, AC; 2d6 + 9 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire
ancient artifacts, and holy sites. damage (save ends).
A hollow dragon lacks bones and organs. Draconic +Tail Slap (minor: at-will)
essence and elemental power leak, glowing, from its Reach 4; +29 vs. AC: 4d6 + 8 damage.
Bloodied Fury (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
mouth and eyes, from between its scales, and from
The dragon makes a bite attack and two rail slaps.
runes carved into its scales. The flesh might wither,
+Consume (standard; recharge it) + Fire
but the magic, the draconic essence, and the scales The wyrm traps an enemy Inside itself: reach 4: +29 vs. Reflex:
endure. 3d8 + 9 damage, and the target is swallowed. While the target
A hollow dragon's attacks have a damage type is swallowed, it is dazed and restrained, and it takes 20 fire
based on the kind of dragon it was when alive. damage at the start of the wyrm's turn. The target has line
For instance, gold hollow dragons have lire-based of sight and line of effect only to the wyrm, and no creature
has line of sight or line of effect to the target. The swallowed
attacks, but those ola steel hollow dragon would be
creature can make only melee or close basic attacks. The
force based.
wyrm's aura does not affect the target.
As a move action, the target can escape with an Athletics
Gold Hollow Dragon Level 16 Solo Brute check vs. Fortitude or an Acrobatics check vs. Reflex. If the
Huge natural ma :ical beast tronstruct. dra run] XP 7,000 target escapes this way, it appears in a space adjacent to the
Initiative -, 12 Senses Perception +17; darkvision wyrm, The target also escapes when the wyrm uses breath of
Manifest Essence (Fire) aura 3: each creature that starts Its turn in power. appearing in a space within the blast after the attack.
the aura takes 5 fire damage. The damage increases to 10 while When the wyrm dies, the target is no longer swallowed and can
the dragon is bloodied. escape as a move action. appearing in the wyrm's former space.
HP 640; Bloodied 320; see also bloodied fury Breath of Power (standard; recharge Flre
AC 28; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 28 Close blast 7: +29 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 9 fire damage. and the
Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 fire target takes ongoing 15 fire damage and is dazed (save ends
Saving Throws +5 both). Miss: Half damage.
Speed 6, fly 10 (clumsy) Burst of Essence (immediate reaction, when an enemy hits the
Action Points 2 dragon with a melee or ranged attack; at-will) 4- Fire
CD Bite (standard: at-will) + Fire The dragon's skin ruptures, releasing a gout of its essence: close
Reach 3: +19 vs. AC; 1d8 * 7 damage, and ongoing 10 fire blast 3: +29 vs. Reflex: 4d8 + 9 fire damage.
damage (save ends). <' Essence Explosion (when reduced to 0 hit points; encounter)
+Tail Slap (minor, at-will) + Fire
Reach 3: +18 vs. AC; 3d8 7 damage. Close burst 5; +29 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 7 fire damage, and the
4 Bloodied Fury (free, when first bloodied: encounter) target is knocked prone. Miss; Half damage.
The dragon makes a bite attack and two toil slops. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
+ Breath of Power (standard; recharge ) + Fire Skills Arc ana +21, Insight +23, Intimidate 1 24
Close blast 5;+17 vs. Reflex: 2d10 + 7 fire damage. and the Str 28 (+21) Dex 23 (+19) Wis 23 (+18)
target takes ongoing 10 fire damage and is dazed (save ends Con 26 (+20) Int 19 (+16) Cha 25 (+19)
both). Miss: Half damage.
4. Burst of Essence (Immediate reaction, when an enemy hits the
dragon with a melee or ranged attack: at-will) + Fire
The dragon's skin ruptures, releasing a gout of its essence: close Arcana or Nat ure DC 20: The essence of a for-
blast 3; +17 vs. Reflex: 3d8 + 7 fire damage. merly living dragon animates the otherwise empty
•E• Essence Explosion (when reduced to 0 hit points; encounter)
hide of a hollow dragon. Dragons that seek immortal-
+ Fire
ity but do not want to become dracoliches become
Close burst 5; +17 vs. Reflex; 21:110 + 7 fire damage, and the
target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage.
hollow dragons. Only a few spellcasters and worship-
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic ers of draconic deities know the process to create
Skills Arcana +16, Insight +17, Intimidate +18 hollow dragons and hollow wyrms.
So 22 (+14) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 18 (+12) Arcana or Nature DC 25: Hollow dragons keep to
Con 24 (+15) Int 17(+11) Cha 21 0-131 themselves. Though they do not need to eat, old or evil
ones might become so far removed from the living that
they lose all empathy and become violent predators.
CHAPTER 4 1 New Monsters
A hollow dragon rights up close, allowing enemies Hollow dragons enjoy their solitude but might accom-
to surround it so that it has many targets. It makes pany other guardians.
multiple melee attacks each round and uses breath
of power as soon as it can catch several foes with it. Level 19 Encounter (XP 12,200)
It mauls targets with bites and tail slaps and then 4- 1 hollow dragon (level 16 solo brute)
launches breath of power in the same round by spend- + 1 cambion hellfire magus (level 18 artillery, MM 39)
ing an action point. When bloodied, it spends a + 1 stone golem (level 17 elite soldier. MM 142)
second action point and fights to the death.
A hollow wyrm fights like a hollow dragon, with the Level 26 Encounter (XP 50,350)
addition of the consume power. It uses breath of power • 1 hollow wyrm (level 24 solo soldier)
even lilt has a foe swallowed. unless it has a limited • 1 angel of authority (level 22 controller. MM2 8)
number of targets nearby. • 6 angels of light (level 23 minion skirmisher,
MM2 9)
+ 2 marut executioners (level 22 brute, MM2 162)


Becoming a hollow dragon requires a ritual that unbinds the magical attributes of its former body. A hollow dragon
the elemental energy present in a dragon. If performed can no longer shapeshift, nor can a formerly agile dragon
correctly, It reshapes the subject into an eternal channel move as quickly as it could in life. The transformation even
for energy Funneled directly from the Elemental Chaos, robs the dragon of its frightful presence.
The particulars of the ritual of transformation are wide- Mental Repercussions: Few metallic dragons are will-
spread among metallic dragons, but known to few others, ing to become hollow dragons, partly because the practice
Physical Effects: When a dragon transforms into a of transformation has a bad reputation. The number of
hollow dragon, it lets its internal elemental forces con- stories of dragons driven mad by the pain of transforma-
sume its entire body. It endures tremendous pain as every tion or rent asunder by the force of the process itself are
bit of its flesh disintegrates, leaving only a core of vibrant too numerous. Still, the transformation Is less risky than
energy contained within a shell of metal scales. Dragons transforming into a dracolich. Even those who make it
in twilight might be the most desperate to prolong their through find their personalities change over time. They
lives, but also run the greatest risk. The transformation can grow less and Less familiar with the mindset of the living.
rend a weaker dragon, causing the creature to explode in a Without needing to eat, sleep, mate, or fulfill other bio-
flash of elemental energy. Though the dragon retains much logical needs, hollow dragons develop a different sense of
of its former knowledge and personality, it no longer has time, and become inscrutable to normal mortals.

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters

This section covers a selection of creatures that might Couatl Redeemer Level 24 Artillery
ally with metallic dragons. Lar t• Imntmtal ind,ir41 beast XP
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +19
HP 174: Bloodied 87

COUATI, AC 37; Fortitude 33, Reflex 36, Will 36

Speed 8, fly 8 (hover)
® Bite (standard; 4 Poison, Radiant
ALL Btu A FEW cothms fight for the forces of good. 4-30 vs. AC: 2d6 - 5 damage. the target is Immobilized until the
Evil couatls, perhaps jaded by endless battles, find the end of the couatl redeemer's next turn, and the target takes
ongoing 10 poison and radiant damage (save ends).
allure of power too difficult to resist,
® Brilliant Beam (standard; at•will) 4 Radiant
Ranged 20; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d10 10 radiant damage.
Couatl Rogue Serpent Level 14 Skirmisher -41; Soul Sear (standard: encounter) + Poison, Radiant
Large immortal magic al beast XP 1,000 Area burst 2 within 20; +27 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 5 poison and
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +8 radiant damage, the target is weakened, and the target takes
HP 134; Bloodied 67 ongoing 10 poison and radiant damage (save ends both). Miss:
AC 28; Fortitude 24. Reflex 26, Will 24 Half damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison and radiant
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover) damage (save ends).
Tithe (standard; at-will) + Poison. Radiant -1' Whirlwind (standard; encounter)
+19 vs. AC; 2d6 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 Area burst 2 within 20; +27 vs. Reflex: 3d10+ 5 damage. and
poison and radiant damage and takes 5 poison and radiant the target is immobilized in a whirlwind (save ends)
damage each time it makes an opportunity attack (save ends Radiant Absorption Radiant
hoih). If a couatl redeemer takes radiant damage, its attacks deal 5
Passing Bites (standard; recharge r:.: 1 10 extra radiant damage until the end of its next turn.
The couatl rogue serpent makes a bite attack, shifts its speed. Twist Free
and makes another bite attack. A couatl makes saving throws against immobilizing or
Venomous Teteport (move; recharge [F..{W Teleportation restraining effects at the start of its turn as well as at the end
The couatl rogue serpent swaps positions with a creature of its turn. In addition, a couatl can make saving throws against
within 10 squares of it that is taking ongoing poison and radiant Immobilizing or restraining effects that do not allow saving
damage. throws and would normally end at the end of its turn or at the
Radiant Absorption t Radiant end of an enemy's turn.
If a couatl rogue serpent takes radiant damage, its attacks deal Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
5 extra radiant damage until the end of its next turn. Skills Arcane +26. Bluff +20, Diplomacy +20, insight +24
Twist Free SO 18 (-1-16) Dee 19 (+16) Wis 24 (419)
A couatl makes saving throws against immobilizing or Con 24 (+19) int 28 (+21) Cha 17 (+15)
restraining effects at the start of its turn as well as at the end
of its turn. In addition, a couatl can make saving throws against
immobilizing or restraining effects that do not allow saving COUATL REDEEMER TACTICS
throws and would normally end at the end of its turn or at the A couatl redeemer engages enemies at maximum
end of an enemy's turn.
range, opening with soul sear on a cluster of enemies
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
and falling back with brilliant beam. It uses whirlwind
Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15. Nature +13, Stealth +17
Str 19 (+10) Dex 22 (11-12)
when enemies approach or to help its allies. When
Wis 15(48)
Con 14 01:4 int 18 (+10) Cita 19 (+10) forced to enter melee, it immobilizes its foe with a
bite and then withdraws.

SERPENT TACTICS Religion DC 18: A couatl rogue serpent can
A couatl rogue serpent tries to bite as many enemies switch places with any creature suffering from a
as possible with its venom, so it can use venomous couatl's venom, and it injects a magic venom that
teleport. Its bite allows it to move away safely. It uses
burns more strongly when the couatl's allies are
passing bites to damage two enemies, and might follow endangered.
up with venomous teleport to put them closer together. Religion DC 24: Couatl redeemers can see into
other creatures' hearts and know their intentions.
Their venom is especially virulent. They can manipu-
late wind, holding foes in columns of air.

CHAPTER 4 J New Monsters

Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,000)
+ 1 adult orium dragon (level 13 solo soldier)
Couatls mistrust other creatures; however, they value + 2 couatl rogue serpents (level 14 skirmisher)
potent allies. Couatls lair near powerful creatures,
such as dragons, that view interlopers as hostile. Level 25 Encounter (XP 36,300)
Couatls might band with creatures that want to pro- + 2 couatl redeemers (level 24 artillery)
cure the same secrets, treasure, or information that
+ 2 angels of supremacy (level 24 soldier. MM2 10)
the couatls seek. Couatls ally with less intelligent
+ 2 fell wy veins (level 24 skirmisher. MM 268)
creatures for greater ease in keeping secrets.

Metallic dragons and cooads share some similar attributes, aggressively guard the dominions these dragons call home.
Including the single-minded pursuit of their goals and a The characters might run across guardian couatls while
tendency to be benevolent Couatls ally with dragons that sailing through the Astral Sea, and defeating them could
guard ancient sites, and you can create themed encounters draw a mithrat dragon's wrath. If the characters merely
or adventures around these areas. seek the dragon's help—even if they're Invited to an audi-
Jungle Ruim Orium dragons and couatl rogue serpents ence—the couatls might try to fight them of to keep the
or star serpents (see Monster Manual 2) guard cyclopean master's reverie unbroken.
ruins deep within steaming jungles. The mammoth stone Golden Serpents: Imperious gold dragons sometimes
ziggurats hold secrets from ancient times. The characters take couatls on as trusted lords or advisors. To give a
might come to the ruins to seek artifacts they need and sense of prosperity to its domain, a gold might commis-
find themselves opposed by the dragon and the couatls. sion beautiful architecture adorned with precious metals,
Or the creatures might call on the characters for assistance rare pigments, and gems. The (math also help keep up
to drive out yuan-ti, demons, or undead that dwell in the this appearance (whether deserved or artificial), as the
tunnels beneath the ruins. dragon sends out the magnificent serpents to strike awe
Domains of Light: To guard their astral lairs as they into its subjects. The characters might have a gold dragon
meditate. mithral dragons employ couatl allies. These patron that lives in such a domain, or might discover that
couatls (usually redeemers) believe ardently that the the place is a facade that masks the misery and starvation
visions of a mithral dragon foretell good fortune, so they of the people.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

the elemental forces grow so immense that they cause
DR AC ON 1 AN an explosive overload of destructive energy.

Draconian Kind Corrupted Egg
known as draconian by using a ritual that corrupts
metallic dragon eggs. The kind of draconian depends Adamaaz Adamantine
Aurak Gold
on the egg it hatched from. For instance, a gold
Baaz Brass
dragon egg produces a small number of the prized
Barak Bronze
aurak draconians, and a bronze dragon egg can
Ferak Iron
spawn up to a dozen bozak draconians.
Ka pak Copper
The transformation that changes a dragon into a
Kobaaz Cobalt
draconian causes the energy transference between the
Sivak Silver
dragon's heart and fundamenturn to become unstable.
While the draconian lives, the pumping heart keeps
a dragon's elemental energy in check, but once the ADAMAAZ DRACONIAN
heart stops, the energy exponentially increases and ADAMAAZ DRACONIANS ARE FIERCE CREATURES that
alters the draconian's corpse. Some undergo a minor relish ambushes and melee combat. They stalk their
transformation, such as turning to stone. but in others prey in the dead of night. wearing pitch-black armor
that complements their dark adamantine scales.


Nature DC 12: Although they are extremely
indirect and evasive outside combat, adamaaz dra-
conians are well-trained soldiers once a battle starts.
They ambush foes, then bring them down using
brute force.

Left wright: Baaz, aurak, and adamaaz dracantans

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Adamaaz Draconian Level 6 Soldier Aurak Draconian Level 8 Controller (Leader)

Medium natutal humanoid (re rprilo XI' Medium rmEurai humanoid (re tilel Xf'
Initiative 49 Senses Perception A-5; darkvision Initiative -i-S Senses Perception +9: darkvision
HP 74; Bloodied 37; see also thunderous throe Fiery Frenzy (Fire) aura 1; only when the aurak draconian drops
AC 22; Fortitude 19, Reflex 19. Will 17 to 0 hit points: each enemy that starts its turn within the aura
Speed 5, fly 5 (clumsy) takes 5 fire damage. See also death frenzy.
® Faichion (standard; + Weapon HP 70; Bloodied 35; see also death frenzy
+13 vs. AC; 2d4 S damage (crit 2d4 4- 12). AC 12; Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 21
Thunderous Throes (when the draconian drops tol itt7249 Speed 6
+ Thunder ®Claw(standard; at-will) 0.11111111
Close burst 2; +11 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 3 thunder damage. the +13 vs. AC; 2d6 -r- 5 damage.
target is knocked prone. and the target is deafened (save ends). Fiery Blast (standard; at•will) Fire 1111
Marauding Step (immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy Ranged 5; +12 vs. Reflex: 1d10 t 7 fire damage.
shifts; at•ill) Mindbend (standard; encounter) Charm, Psychic
The draconian shifts 1 square and makes a melee basic attack Ranged 10: +12 vs. Will; 1d6 • 5 psychic damage, and the
against the triggenng enemy . target Is dominated (save ends).
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Draconic Death Frenzy (when the draconian drops to 0 hit points)
Skills Athletics +12, intimidate +10, Stealth +12 The draconian does not fall dead, but instead flies into a savage
Str 19(+7) Dec 18(+7) Wls 14(+5) and fiery rage. Its fiery frenzy aura is activated. The draconian
Con 18 (+7) Int 13 (+4) Cha 15 (+5) can make only melee basic attacks. but it deals 1d6 extra
Equipment plate armor. fak hion damage on those attacks. At the end of each of its turns, the
draconian makes a saving throw. If It fails, It dies. It also dies if
Nature DC 17: When an adamaaz draconian an enemy scores a critical his against IT.
is slain, elemental energy is released in a thunder- Dimensional Step (move; recharge ) + Teleportatlon
ous explosion that deafens and knocks down nearby The aurak draconian [deports 5 squares.

creatures. Defend Mel (minor: at•illi

One ally within S squares shifts 1 square.
Change Shape (minor; encounter) Polymorph
ADAMAAZ DRACONIAN TACTICS An aurak draconian can alter its physical form to appear as any
Surprisingly quick and nimble, an adamaaz Medium humanoid (see "Change Shape," MM2 216).
draconian prefers to ambush its foes from higher Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic

ground—typically a cliff edge or rooftop. A gutsy com- Skills Diplomacy +13. Insight +14
Str 13 (i-S) Dex 13 (+5) Wls 20 (+9)
batant, it lands in the middle of its foes. It then ducks
Con 17 (+7) int 20 (+9) Cha 18 (+8)
and weaves through the fray, reacting to its enemy's Equipment robes
attacks with marauding step, and cutting them down
with its powerful fakhion.
AURAK DRACONIAN Arrogant to the extreme, an aurak draconian guides
its allies to build a defensive barrier between it and
MASTERS OF THE MIND, aurak draconians assault their
its foes. The aurak then tries to dominate the most
foes with psychic urgings and twisting thoughts.
powerful enemy, while striking at others with its fiery
Aurak draconians are wingless, but they can teleport
blasts. It constantly moves nearby allies to defensive
short distances.
and offensive positions with its defend me! power,
Aurak draconians are also incredibly hard to kill.
while using dimensional step to gain a better spot on
Before dying, an aurak draconian immolates itself in
the battlefield from which to pepper enemies with
green flames and flies into a burning, bloody frenzy.
fiery death.
It strikes its enemy with savage claws before finally
Once it enters its death frenzy, any notion of subtle
tactics leaves the aurak. It spends its last actions
wreaking as much havoc as possible against as many
AURAK DRACONIAN LORE enemies as it can.
Nature DC 14: Aurak draconians are rare. They
are masters of magic that can twist the mind of a foe
to do their bidding.
Nature DC 19: When an aurak draconian is BAAZ DR ACONIANS SERVE AS RANK-AND-FILE troop-
killed, it is consumed by a frenzy that transforms the ers of dracon ian armies. Although lacking the
creature into a terrifying, fiery horror. It fights until intelligence of other draconians, they are not with-
it burns out or a particularly powerful blow finally out guile. Hiding under heavy masks and cloaks,
downs the creature. baaz draconians slip into civilized areas to further
the draconian cause.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Baaz Draconian Foot Soldier Level 8 Minion Soldier
Medium natural humanoid ireptIlet XP 88
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +4; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion: see also stone dead.
AC 24; Fortitude 22. Reflex 20. Will 19
Speed S. fly S (clumsy)
Longsword (standard; at•will) + Weapon
-15 vs. AC; 6 damage. and the target is marked until the end of
the dra( °Mart's next turn.
Stone Dead (when the draconian drops to 0 hit points) +
The draconian turns into a statue, and the square it occupies
becomes difficult terrain that provides cover. If the draconian
was reduced to 0 hit points by a melee attack using a weapon,
it makes the following attack against that weapon's wielder:
+12 vs. Reflex; the target Is disarmed, and the weapon is stuck
partially inside the statue. An adjacent creature ran yank out
the weapon by spending a standard action. The statue crumbles
to dust at the end of the encounter.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Athletics +11, Bluff +11, Intimidate +11
Str 15 (+6) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 10 (+4)
Con 20 (+9) int 9 (+31 Cha 15 (+61
Equipment scale armor, longsword


Nature DC 10: Baaz draconians are the most
common draconian variety, and they serve as foot sol-
diers in a draconian army.
Nature DC 15: A slain baaz draconian instantly
transforms into a rocky statue. This transformation
happens so quickly that the creature can trap the
weapon that killed it.
Bozak draconian


Baaz Draconian Level 2 Soldier Baaz draconians rely on strength in numbers. A
MvcHum natural humanoid ire itilei XP .1 ',
group pins down a single opponent, usually a striker,
Initiative +S. Senses Perception +2; darkvision to allow more mobility for the baaz draconians' allies.
HP 41; Bloodied 20; see also stone dead Baaz draconians do not hesitate to attack enemies
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13
that have been disarmed.
Speed 5. fly S (clumsy)
Longsword (standard at-will) • Weapon
+9 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is marked until the BOZAK DRACONIAN
end of the draconian's next turn.
4- Leaping Charge (standard; at-will) + Weapon
The draconian makes a charge attack, ignoring difficult terrain;
sorcerers and cunning warriors. They hold respected
+10 vs. AC: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target is marked until the positions in draconian society.
end of the draconian's next turn.
Stone Dead (when the draconian drops to 0 hit points) • BOZAK DRACONIAN LORE
Nature DC 12: Bozak draconians are natural
The draconian turns into a statue, and the square It occupies
becomes difficult terrain that provides cover. If the draconian
leaders and accomplished in the arcane arts. They
was reduced to 0 hit points by a melee attack using a weapon, can fire bolts of lightning.
it makes the following attack against that weapon's wielder: Nature DC 20: When a bozak draconian is slain,
+7 vs. Reflex; the target Is disarmed, and the weapon is stuck its scaly skin shrivels, revealing a bleached skeleton
partially inside the statue. An adjacent creature can yank out that explodes in a shower of razor-sharp bone shards.
the weapon as a standard action. The statue crumbles to dust at
the end of the encounter.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic BOZAK DRACONIAN TACTICS
Skills Athletics +7. Bluff +7. intimidate +7 Bozak draconians attack from a distance, relying
Sir 13 (+2) Dex 14 (+3) WI; 12 (+2) on allies to tie up enemies. They use lightning lash to
Con 17 (+4) Int 8 (t0) Cha 13 (+2) break apart clustered enemies and lightning burst if
Equipment scale armor. longsword their foes insist on staying in a close group. When

CHAPTER 41 New Monsters

Bozak Draconian Level 5 Artillery

Medium natural humanoid ire tdel XP 200
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +6; darkvlsion Ferak draconians are not subtle fighters. They
HP 51; Bloodied 25; see also shrapnel skeleton ambush enemies by gliding down out of trees or other
AC 17; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 18 high structures and landing in the middle of a group
Speed 6, fly 6 (clumsy) of foes, next to fragile targets such as controllers or
® Short Sword (standard: at-will) • Weapon strikers.
+10 vs. AC; 1 d6 4 7 damage.
e Lightning Lash (standard; at-will) + Lightning
Ranged 10; +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8 4 lightning damage, and KAPAK DRACONIAN
all creatures adjacent to the target slide 1 square and take 5 KAPAK DRACONIANS SERVE IN DRACONIAN ARMIES as
lightning damage.
stealthy infiltrators and ranged infantry. Their exper-
<- Shrapnel Skeleton (when the draconian drops to 0 hit points)
The draconian's flesh crumbles to dust, revealing a skeleton
tise in stealth, and their poisonous saliva, makes
that explodes in a shower of bone shards: close burst 2; +10 vs. them sought-after assassins.
Reflex; 2d10 r 4 damage. Miss: Half damage.
* Lightning Burst (standard; encounter) + Lightning KAPAK DRACONIAN LORE
Area burst 2 within 20: i 10 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 4 lightning
Nature DC 12: Kapak draconians have soft,
damage. Miss: Half damage.
padded feet that allow them to move quietly. They
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Diplomacy +9, Insight +11
exude poisonous saliva; when a kapak draconian licks
Str 14 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Ms 18 (+6) its weapon, it intends to kill.
Con 151+4) Int 17 (+5) Cha 14 (44)
Equipment leather armor, short sword

it faces imminent death, a bozak draconian moves

closer to its enemies, so it can hit creatures with
shrapnel skeleton.

FERAK DRACONIANS REVEL in brutal hand-to-hand
combat, and use jagged short swords. Highly aggres-
sive but less intelligent than other draconians, they
are used as rank-and-file troops.

Ferak Draconian Level 3 Brute

Medium natural humanoid ire tile; XP 150
Initiative +1 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
HP 55: Bloodied 27; see also rust cloud
AC 15; Fortitude 17, Reflex 13, Will 15
Speed 7. fly 7 (clumsy)
(0 Short Sword (standard; at-will) + Weapon
I 6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage.
4 Double Slash (standard: at-will)
The draconian makes two short sword attacks.
Rust Cloud (when the draconian drops to 0 hit points) + Zone
The draconian explodes into a cloud of rust: close burst 2: +4
vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 3 damage. Effect: The draconian's square
and all squares in the burst become a zone of lightly obscured
squares until the end of the encounter.
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Draconic
Skills Athletics +10, Intimidate +5, Stealth +6
Str 18 (+5) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 15 (+3)
Con 15 (+3) Intl(-1)
Equipment hide armor, 2 short swords


Nature DC 10: Ferak draconians are brutal
fighters that relish close combat. They are the shock
troops of the draconian armies, used to bring about
the most casualties possible.
Nature DC 15: When a ferak draconian dies, its Ferak draconian
body bursts into a cloud of rust that hangs in the air.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Kapak Draconian Level 4 Lurker Kobaaz Draconian Level 4 Controller
Medium natural humanoid Ire • tile XI' 175 Medium natural humanoid (re Adel XP 175
initiative +10 Senses Perception 4-3; darkvision initiative +4 Senses Perception +-I darkvislon
HP 45; Bloodied 22; see also acid pool HP 57; Bloodied 28; see also ire statue
AC 18: Fortitude 15. Reflex 17, Will 15 AC 18; Fortitude 17. Reflex 15, Will 14
Speed 6. fly 6 (clumsy) Speed 5, fly 5 (clumsy)
CO Short Sword (standard; at-willi + Weapon Glaive (standard; at-will) + Weapon
+9 vs. AC: 1d6 4 damage • Reach 2:+9 vs. AC; 2d4 + 4 damage, and the target slides 3
0-1 Shortbow (standard; at-will) + Weapon squares.
Ranged 15/30: +9 vs. AC: 1d8 4 4 damage. 4- Arching Wade (standard; encounter)
.<• Acid Pool (when the draconian drops to 0 hit points) + Acid, The kobaaz draconian makes a gfolve attack against each enemy
Zone within reach. IF an attack hits, the target is also knocked prone.
The draconian dissolves into a pool of acid: close burst 1: +7 vs. After these attacks are made. the draconian can shift 1 square.
Reflex; 2d8 + 4 acid damage. Effect: The draconian's square and 4' Ice Statue (when the kobaaz draconian drops to 0 hit points) +
all squares in the burst become a zone that lasts until the end Cold, Polymorph
of the encounter. Any creature that enters the zone or starts its The kobaaz draconian crystallizes into an Icy statue. It becomes
turn there takes 5 acid damage. blocking terrain, and any creature that starts its turn within 2
Apply Poison (standard. at-will) + Poison squares of the statue takes 5 cold damage and is slowed until
The draconian gains a +4 bonus to all defenses and to Stealth the end of its current turn.
checks until the start of its next turn, and it applies poison to its Threatening Reach
short sword or shortbow by licking the weapon. The next attack A kobaaz draconian can make opportunity attacks against all
with that weapon deals 2d6 extra poison damage. enemies within its weapon's reach.
Draconian Sniper Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
A hidden kapak draconian that misses with a ranged attack Skil ls Athletics +11
remains hidden. Str 181+6) flex 14 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic Con 17 (+5) Int 11 (+2) Cha 11 (-2)
Skills Stealth 4-11 Equipment scale armor, glaive
Str 14 ( - 4) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 15(- 4) Int 10 0-2) Cha 12 (+3)
Equipment leather armor, short sword. shortbow with 20 arrows
A kobaaz draconian wades into the middle of combat,
Nature DC 17: A kapak draconian transforms supporting other melee combatants with its versatile
into a pool of acid when it is slain, spraying acid on attacks and keeping enemies from moving within its
nearby creatures. reach.


At first, a kapak draconian engages enemies from a SIVAK DRACON1ANS ARE THE LARGEST and most physi-
distance. attacking with poisoned arrows. After using cally imposing draconians. Due to their large wings,
a poisoned arrow, it uses apply poison, then moves sivaks are the only draconians that can truly fly.
to hide. If it ends up in melee. it uses apply poison to Their ability to transform into creatures they have
increase its defenses, then moves out of the combat. slain makes them useful spies in civilized society.

KOBAA2 DRACONIAN Sivak Draconian Level 8 Skirmisher

Lar e natural humanoid lie Ailei XP 350
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
that makes them perfect troops. Wielding their sharp HP 90: Bloodied 45; see also death mask
glaives. kobaaz draconians are terrifying fighters AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 21, WIII 19
trained in combating crowds of foes. Kobaaz draco- Speed 7, Fly 7
nians are uncommon, and more capable than the (1) Greatsword (standard; at-will) + Weapon
majority of other draconians variants, so they are Reach 2: +13 vs. AC; 1d12 4- 6 damage.

afforded better training and equipment. 4 Leaping Strike (standard; recharge + Weapon
The draconian shifts 3 squares and makes an attack: reach 2:
+13 vs. AC; 2c112 + 6 damage_
KOBAAZ DRACONIAN LORE Death Mask (when the draconian drops to 0 hit points; targets
Nature DC 12: Whenever a draconian army the creature that reduced the draconian to 0 hit points) + Fear,
needs reliable warriors, the duty Falls to the kobaaz Psychic, Polymorph
The draconian dies, and changes its Form to that of the creature
draconians. Their expertise with the glaive can keep
that killed it; +9 vs. Will; 2d6 -4 5 psychic damage, and the
even the most vicious foes back.
target is dazed until the end of its next turn. The draconian's
Nature DC 17: When a kobaaz draconian is slain, burly decomposes into dust after three days.
the elemental energy held within it transforms its Flying Charge
body into a statue made of ice. When it is charging, a draconian can charge to any unoccupied
space adjacent to the target, instead of just the closest space.

CH APTE 11ef r New Monsters

Steal Appearance (immediate reaction, when the sivak draconian surrounded, a sivak draconian makes a short leaping

kills a humanoid: at-will) + Polyrnorph strike to free itself.
The draconian alters its physical form to appear as the slain
creature (see "Change Shape: MM2 216). The draconian can
end the transformation as a minor action. ENCOUNTER GROUPS
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Draconic Draconians are most often encountered with their
Skills Bluff +10, Streetwise +10
own kind. Due to their military background, they
5tr 18 (+8) ❑ex 20 (+9) Wis 16 (4-7)
also associate with other martial races, such as hob-
Con 18 (+8) Int 12 (+5) Cha 12 (+5)
Equipment plate armor, greatsword
goblins. They frequently work for chromatic dragons.
Only the most evil among metallic dragons would
ever work alongside draconians.
Nature DC 14-: Sivak draconians are surprisingly Level 3 Encounter (XP 752)
agile flyers, able to quickly shift their center of mass
+ 2 baaz draconians (level 2 soldier)
and charge foes in a manner hard to predict. They
+ 1 bozak draconian (level 5 artillery)
can on the appearance of people they slay, making
• 4 hobgoblin grunts (level 3 minion, MM 138)
them excellent infiltrators.
• 1 hobgoblin soldier (level 3 soldier, MM 139)
Nature DC 19: When killed, a sivak draconian
transforms into the appearance of the person that
Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,550)
slew it. This can shock and unsettle the killer.
+ 2 adamaaz draconians (level 6 soldier)
• 1 aurak draconian (level 8 elite controller)
SIVAK DRACONIAN TACTICS • 1 sivak draconian (level 8 skirmisher)
Sivak draconians charge over opponents and drop
into flanking positions, giving them better chances Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,202)
to hit with their serrated greatswords. When + 4 baaz draconian foot soldiers (level 8 minion
+ 1 sivak draconian (level 8 skirmisher)
• l young red dragon (level 7 solo soldier, MM 82)

Left to right: Kapok, kabrietz.

and sivak draconians

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

A liondrake's wings are not strong, and it is a poor
flier. Therefore. it prefers to fight on the ground.
DR AKES ARE SMALLER AND LESS POWERFUL than drag- However, a drake is capable ofgreat wing-assisted
ons. but the larger ones are far easier to train to use as leaps. A liondrake begins a battle by rushing into
mounts. Metallic dragons often train these creatures the middle of its foes with battle leap and then using
and either give them to their humanoid servants or terrtfying roar. It fights a highly mobile battle, using
use them to guard hoards. lairs. or strongholds. battle leap to keep from being surrounded. The drake
(allows battle leap with a move action ifit needs to
LIONDRAKE completely disengage.
Liondrakes are fierce, intelligent desert hunters that
blend the characteristics of a brass dragon and a great LIONDRAKE LORE
lion. They are fast, powerful adversaries armed with a Nature DC 16: Liondrakes are related to dragons,
devastating roar. but only distantly. They favor warm, arid environs,
Though liondrakes understand Draconic and can especially deserts. They have a largely undeserved
manage a kw words of Common. they rarely speak. reputation for devouring hapless travelers lost in the
Liondrake Level 12 Skirmisher Nature DC 21: Liond rakes are the product of
Lar:e natural ma:ical beast (mount. re •tile) XP 700 magical experimentation by wizards ofa long-lost
Initiative *12 Senses Perception +14; darkvision kingdom. These mages infused lions with the essence
HP 122: Bloodied 61 of brass dragons in an effort to create powerful steeds
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Reflex 24. Will 23
and guard beasts for their overlord. The drakes have
Speed 7. fly 10 (clumsy)
bred true in the centuries since.
(±) Site (standard at•will)
Reach 7; 417 vs. AC; 2d6 * 6 damage.
Claw (standard; at-will) VULTURE DRAKE
Reach 2; +17 vs. AC; 1d8 i 3 damage.
Vulture drakes were originally natural creatures
}Battle Leap (standard; at-will)
The liondrake shifts 4 squares and makes two claw attacks or a
of the world, but they have been corrupted by the
bite attack. dark energy of the Shadowlell. Cunning scavengers
<- Terrifying Roar (standard; recharge il) 4- Fear, Thunder that love the taste of carrion, they are favored flying
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +13 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 4 mounts of the shadar-kai and other creatures in the
thunder damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). service of the Raven Queen.
Fierce Steed (while mounted by a friendly rider of 12th level or .
A vulture drake is gaunt and menacing, with long,
higher) 4. Mount, Thunder Fal cumbersome wings. Its skin stretches taut on its skel-
When it makes charge attacks, the liondrake and its rider gain a
+4 to defense against opportunity attacks.
etal frame.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Dracunic
Skins Athletics +17 Vulture Drake Level 9 Brute
Sir 22 (+12) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 1 fi (+9) I ar *e natural beast insount,rer tile) XI' ■ 11111
Con 18 (+10) Int 6 (+4) Cha 11 (+6) Initiative +7 Senses Perception ill
HP 119; Bloodied 59
AC 21; Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will )1
Resist 10 necrotic
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
0 Bite (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic
+12 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage
(save ends).
0 Claw (standard: at-will)
*12 vs. AC; 1d6 1 5 damage.
Swooping Charge (standard; at-will)
The vulture drake makes a charge attack, starting in the air and
ending on the ground. It can make two claw attacks against the
target it charges, instead of making one melee basic attack. If
both attacks hit, the target is knocked prone.
‹. Death Shriek (immediate reaction, when first damaged;
encounter) + Fear, Necrotic, Thunder
Close blast 5; 4 10 vs. Will; 2d8 + 5 thunder damage, and the
target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage and a -2 penalty to
attack rolls and saving throws (save ends both).

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters


Death Scent shadowsworn agents eradicated them. Those same

Creatures taking ongoing necrotic damage gain no benefit from agents spared the vulture drakes, seeing them as
concealment or total concealment when they are attacked by a
useful in the Raven Queen's war against the powers
vulture drake.
of undeath.
Shadow Mount (when mounted by a friendly rider of 7th level or
The vulture drake grants its rider resist 10 necrotic and a +4 ENCOUNTER GROUPS
bonus to saving throws against fear effects.
Aggressive, intelligent, and territorial, liondrakes are
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 18 (+8) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 16 (+7) highly valued guardians. They sometimes agree to
Con 19 (+8) Int 3 (-1) C_ha 10 (+4) serve worthy champions as steeds.
Vulture drakes are often found as mounts of the
shadar-kai and other creatures that follow the Raven
A vulture drake charges directly inw combat from
the air. making use of its swooping charge and delib-
Level 10 Encounter (XP 2,950)
erately setting itself up to be hit so that it can use its
+ 3 shadar-kai warriors (level 8 soldier, MM 231)
death shriek. It focuses its attacks on a single target.
+ 1 shadar-kai witch (level 7 controller, MM 231)
and then takes off to charge another enemy once the
+ 4 vulture drakes (level 9 brute)
first one is no longer a threat.

Level 12 Encounter (XP 3,900)

VULTURE DRAKE LORE + 1 human wizard lich (level 14 elite controller,
Nature DC 14: Vulture drakes are also known MM 176)
as deathwings. They are common in areas of the + 1 liondrake (level 12 skirmisher)
Shadowfell, and it is believed that when one is sighted
+ 2 mezzodemons (level 11 soldier. MM 58)
in the world. it portends great ill.
Nature DC 19: A cabal of cobalt dragons known
as the Conclave of the Black Frost first bred vulture
drakes in the Shadowfell. The conclave eventually
came into conflict with the Raven Queen, and her

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters

I )RAKKENSTF.EUS ARE FIERCE, remarkably cunning rep- Grave Born Drakkensteed
- Level 2l Artillery
tilian predators. A drakkensteed's broad, sharp wings Large natural magical beast (mount. undearli X1 3 LIM)
and long neck evoke flying predators of bygone epochs, Initiative -16 Senses Perception +15; darkvision
yet its four-legged stance—complete with dagger-sharp HP 155; Bloodied 77
claws—and its fanged snout are clearly draconic In AC 33: Fortitude 34, Reflex 32, Will 31
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic
nature. From their lairs in high peaks and caves, fami-
Speed 6, fly 8, overland flight 14
lies oldrakkensteeds claim a wide region as their own ® Claw (standard; at-will) + Necrotic
hunting ground, tolerating no competition. +26 vs. AC; 1d6 + 7 damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic damage
Drakkensteed eggs and young are worth more (save ends).
than their weight in gold, since drakkensteeds can ?)- Eyes of the Grave (standard; at-will) + Fear, Gaze. Necrotic
be trained to serve as mounts for particularly strong- Ranged 10; +26 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 8 necrotic damage, and

willed riders. the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls made against the
drakkensteed or Its rider until the end of the drakkensteed's
next turn.
Drakkensteed Level 16 Skirmisher .• Breath of the Grave (standard; encounter) + Necrotic
Large natural magical beast (mount. reptile) XP 1.400
Close blast 4; +26 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 8 necrotic damage. and
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12: low light vision the target is weakened (save ends).
HP 157; Bloodied 78 Gift of the Grave (while mounted by a friendly rider of 21st level
AC 30; Fortitude 29. Reflex 27, Will 26 or higher; encounter) + Fear, Gaze. Necrotic, Mount
Speed 8, fly 10, overland flight 15 When the rider spends an action point to take an extra action,
(I) Claw (standard; a•will) the di akkensteed's breath of the grave recharges, and the
+21 vs. AC; 2d8 4- 7 damage. drakkensteed uses it as a free action.
CD Wing Swipe (standard; at-will) Grave Resistance (while mounted by a friendly rider of 21st level
t21 vs. AC; 1d6 + 7 damage. or higher) + Mount
4- Flyby Attack (standard; at-will) The mounted rider gains resist 15 necrotic and resist 15 poison.
The drakkensteed flies up to 10 squares and makes one claw Alignment Unaligned Languages -
attack, or two wing swipes against different creatures, at any Str 26 (+18) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 21 (+15)
point during that movement. The drakkensteed doesn't provoke Con 23 (+16) Int 2 (+6) Cha 7 (+8)
opportunity attacks when moving away from the targets of the
<v. Fearsome Roar (standard; encounter) + Fear GRAVE-BORN
Close burst 3: targets enemies; +19 vs. Fortitude; the target is
dazed (save ends).
Drakkensteed Action (while mounted by a friendly rider of 16th Grave-born drakkensteeds retain their instincts to
level or higher; encounter) • Fear, Mount protect and cooperate with their riders. They fight
When the rider spends an action point to take an extra from a distance, making use of eves of the grave and
action, the drakkensteed's fearsome roar recharges. and the
breath of the grave, engaging in melee only when com-
drakkensteed uses it as a free action.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
manded or forced to do so. Since they are already
Str 24 (+15) Dex 21 (+13) Ms 19 (+12) dead, they fight until destroyed unless commanded
Con 21 013) Int 3 (+4) Cha 10 (+8) otherwise.


Level 26 Skirmisher

Drakkensteeds initiate combat with a fearsome roar, Lan :lc natural ma •ical beast tdcalort, mount' XP 9.000
hoping to cripple foes early, and then follow with a Initiative +23 Senses Perception I-19; darkvision
flyby attack. Drakkensteeds fight on the ground if cir- HP 240; Bloodied 120
cumstances warrant, but they prefer to keep to the air AC 38; Fortitude 39. Reflex 38, Will 36
Resist 15 cold
and rely on hit-and-run tactics.
Speed 8. fly 10. overland flight 15
Li) Claw (standard; at-will) + Cold

DRAKKENSTEEDS OF +31 vs. AC; 2c16 + 8 damage plus 1d6 cold damage.
0 Wing Swipe (standard; at-will) -4 Cold
A DIFFERENT BREED +31 vs. AC; 1d6 + 8 damage plus 1E16 cold damage.
The cobalt dragon-bred drakkensteed described here Is just 4. Flyby Attack (standard; at-will)
one variety of this creature. These drakkensteeds can be The drakkensteed flies up to 10 squares and makes one claw

"bred" from the blood of almost any kind of dragon. Those attack, or two wing swipes against different creatures, at any
point during that movement. The drakkensteed doesn't provoke
created from other dragons tend to have a simple breath
opportunity attacks when moving away from the targets of the
weapon keyed to the damage type of the parent dragon
and resistances that mirror the dragon of their origin.

ClIAPTF.R 4 I New Monsters

+ Breath Weapon ‘standaid; encounter) + Cold be worth as much as 6,000 gp to the right buyer (a
Close blast 6; +29 vs. Reflex; 4d12 + 6 cold damage. level 17 treasure parcel).
+ Fearsome Roar (standard; encounter) + Fear Nature DC 27: A few powerful spellcasters have
Close burst 4; deafened creatures are immune; +29 vs. developed a ritual to reanimate drakkensteeds as a
Fortitude; the target is dazed (save ends). A friendly rider of
particular form of undead. These undead creatures
22nd level or higher is immune.
generate internal necrotic energy and retain many of
Gift of the Dragon (while mounted by a friendly rider of 22nd
level or higher: encounter) + Mount the instincts that make drakkensteeds such coveted
When the mounted rider spends an action point to take an mounts.
extra action, the drakkensteed'sfearsome roar or breath weapon Not bred, but rather created through a secret pro-
recharges (rider's choice), and the drakkensteed uses it as a free cess in which the egg of a drakkensteed is infused
action, with the blood of a metallic dragon, dragon-bred
Draconic Resistance (while mounted by a friendly rider of 22nd
drakkensteeds are more dangerous and more intelli-
level or higher) * Mount
The mounted rider gains resist 15 cold.
gent than their mundane kin, but they remain highly
Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic trainable. Some serve their creators, although others
Str 281+22) Dex 26 (+21) Ms 231+19) live in the wild and breed true. A dragon-bred drak-
Con 24 (+20) Int 7 (1-11) Cha 13 (414) kensteed egg can be worth up to 90,000 gp (a level
27 treasure parcel.)
Wild drakkensteeds fight only in family groups, but
Dragon-bred drakkensteeds follow a fearsome roar
when trained, they fight alongside their riders and
with a breath weapon attack if their Ries are suf
any creatures they are commanded to accompany.
ficiently clumped together. They then rely on flyby
attacks, fighting like standard drakkensteeds.
Level 17 Encounter (XP 8,600)
+ 3 drakkensteeds (level 16 skirmisher)
DRAKKENSTEED LORE + 2 yuan-ti malison disciples of Zehir (level 17 con-
Nature DC 20: Drakkensteeds are reptilian crea- troller, MM 270)
tures, somewhat akin to drakes. They are believed + 1 yuan-ti malison incanter (level 15 artillery,
to have diverged from the same line that produced MM 269)
wyverns and other modern drakes, but much far-
ther back during their development. Although not Level 25 Encounter (XP 36,000)
especially intelligent, they are cunning and, if their + 2 cobalt dragon-bred drakkensteeds (level 26
innate stubbornness can be overcome, trainable as skirmisher)
mounts. They can be trained to understand a spoken + 2 dragonborn champions (level 26 soldier, MM 87)
language—normally Common or Draconic—even
though they cannot speak. A drakkensteed egg can

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Most kobolds revere chromatic dragons. Relatively to be caught in a breath weapon attack that will allow
few kobolds get along with or serve metallic dragons, it to use channel lishtraing. Otherwise, it uses electrify
but those that do are often a cut above the rabble to guard its master's flanks or enters melee if it has
that sides with the chromatics. Such kobolds are not nothing else to do.
common fodder, monsters that run when an ally falls
in combat. They are encountered along with metallic Dragonkin Zealot Level 5 Writer
dragon masters or powerful servitors of those mas- Small n LIP iSi 111.1111allOid. knhold ire tile) XP 200
ters. When they team up with other kobolds, they Initiative +10 Senses Perception 4 8, darkvision
usually lead their inferiors. HP 49; Bloodied 24
AC 20; Fortitude 16. Reflex 19. Will 16
Resist 5 lightning
A DRAGON KIN KOBOLD BINDS itself to the service of a (.-D Dagger (standard; at-will)
+11 vs. AC: 2d4 + 4 damage.
dragon, sealing its allegiance by grafting one of its
Qr Shuriken (standard; at-will)
master's discarded scales into the flesh of its chest. It
Ranged 6112; 1 . 10 vs. AC; 1d6 + 6 damage.
gains powers tied to its master's elemental energy. but Run Away and Hide (Immediate reaction, when the dragonkin
surrenders its individuality and free will. zealot takes damage: recharges when the zealot uses electric
Dragonkin kobolds were introduced in Draconomi- zeal)
con: Chromatic Dragons. The kobolds presented here The dragonkin zealot shifts its speed. If it reaches a square
are suitable for an iron or bronze dragon. You can where it has cover or concealment, it can make a Stealth check
to become hidden.
customize dragonkin kobolds by changing the energy
Electric Zeal (minor: recharges when the zealot uses run away and
they wield to match the breath weapon of the dragon
hide) + Lightning
they serve. The dragonkin zealot deals 3d6 extra lightning damage on
melee attacks until the start of its next turn.
Dragonkin Channeler Level 5 Controller Shifty (minor: at-will)
Small natural humanoid. kobold (re.tile) XP 200 The kobold shifts 1 square.
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +4; darkvision Trap Sense
HP 61; Bloodied 30 A kobold gains a 4 2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
AC 19; Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 17 Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Resist 5 lightning Skills Stealth +11
Speed 6 Sir 10 (+2) Des 19 (+6) Wis 13 (+3)
1+ Shocking Staff (standard: at-will) + Lightning r.,-. 111...11 Inc 31 r411 ri.ft in r_a -n

+9 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 3 lightning damage, and the target is dazed Equipment leather armor, dagger, S shuriken
until the end of the knhold's next turn.
Pr Channel Lightning (immediate reaction, when attacked with a
lightning power; at-will) Lightning
The zealot spies on intruders in a dragon's territory,
The channeler uses the lightning around it to charge its shocking
staff and make an attack: ranged 10; -F9 vs. Reflex; 3d6 1 3 trailing them in secret until it is time for an assault.
lightning damage. The dragonkin zealot enters battle near cover or
.-g• Electrify (standard; recharge II ) + Lightning, Zone concealment so it can use electric zeal to empower its
Area burst 2 within 10; +9 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 3 lightning damage, attack before dashing away and hiding.
and the target is dazed (save ends). Effect: The area becomes a
zone of difficult terrain until the start of the channeler's next
Dragonkin Champion Level 7 Brute
turn. Each creature that enters the zone takes 5 lightning
Small natural humanoid. kobold (re tile) till'
Initiative 16 Senses Perception +5: darkvision
Shifty (minor; at-will)
HP 94; Bloodied 47
The kobold shifts 1 square.
AC 18; Fortitude 19. Reflex 18. Will 17
Trap Sense
Resist 5 lightning
A kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps .

Speed 6
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconk
G.) Spear (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Str 10 (42) Des 17 •5) Wis 15 i441
+10 vs. AC; 2r16 1 6 damage.
Con 13 (+3) lot 10 (*2) Cha 14 (+4)
Equipment leather armor. staff
4 Shocking Spear (standard; recharges when the kobold's dra rani
master uses breath weapon) + Lightning. Wearion
The kobold makes two attacks: reach 2:110 vs, AC; 3d6 -i 6
A channeler wields its draconic master's elemental Draconic inspiration

energy through a mystic connection. In battle, the A kobold deals 1d6 extra lightning damage against any creature
adjacent to one of the kobold's dragon allies.
dragonkin stays near its master's enemies, hoping

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Dragonkin kobolds live only to serve their masters' 0

Level 8 Encounter (XP 1,900)

+ 3 dragonkin kobold champions (level 7 brute)
+ 1 young cobalt dragon (level 5 solo controller)

Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,100)

+ I dragonkin kobold channeler (level 5 controller)
+ 2 dragonkin kobold zealots (level 5 lurker)
+ 1 young bronze dragon (level 7 solo brute)

BRAVE AND TRUSTWORTHY (by kobold standards),
wyrmguard kobolds guard their dragon masters
zealously. Wyrmguards single out one creature or
object—usually a dragon. one of the dragon's lieu-
tenants. or one of its prized possessions—to protect,
forcing enemies to take care of them before harming
those they guard.
Wyrmguard kobolds wear armor decorated with
runes of warding. Their gear is a combination of mun-
dane items and magic tools—all wyrmguards practice
some amount of magic.

Wyrmguard Sentinel Level 7 Soldier

Small natural humanoid, kobold ire stile) sill)
initiative i 8 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 73: Fortitude 20, Reflex 19. Will 19
Speed 6
Dragontooth Spear (standard: at-will) + Weapon
+ 14 vs. AC; 2d6 2 damage. and the target is marked until the
Shift], (minor: at-will)
end of the sentinel's next turn.
The kobold shifts 1 square.
Senti nel's Ward (minor: at-will)
Trap Sense
The wyrmguard sentinel designates an ally or object within 10
A kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
squares as Its ward, and any creature it was already warding is
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
no longer its ward. The ward takes half damage from creatures
Str 19 (+7) Dee 17 (+ 6) Wis 16 it S)
marked by the sentinel .
Con 14(+5) Int 12 (+4) Cha 10 (+3)
Combat Superiority
Equipment spear
A sentinel has a +3 bonus to attack rolls on opportunity
attacks. If a move provoked the attack, an enemy struck by
DRAGONKIN CHAMPION TACTICS the wyrmguard's opportunity attack stops moving. If it still has
Dragonkin champions fight poorly when caught actions remaining. the enemy can use them to resume moving.
away from their draconic masters. When in their Shifty (minor: at-will)
The sentinel shifts 1 square.
preferred circumstances, dragon kin champions fight
Trap Sense
more shrewdly than most brutes, waiting until their A sentinel gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
masters have pressed the enemy before engaging in Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
melee. They use shy-ty to avoid becoming trapped, Str 19 l+7) Dex 16I+6) Wis 16 (+6)
knowing that the longer they survive, the more harm Con 16 (t6) Int 10 (+3) Cho 13 1+41
they'll be able to inflict on their master's enemies. Equipment scale armor. dragontooth spear


Nature DC 12: Dragonkin kobolds protect the A wyrmguard sentinel stands tireless guard or walks
lairs and interests of dragons. Each kobold has a scale regular patrols near a place or object it protects. It
From its master permanently embedded in its chest. A attempts to keep foes nearby using combat superiority.
dragonkin kobold is fanatically loyal and thinks noth- Sentinel's ward allows a sentinel to protect one ally at
ing of sacrificing itself for its master's sake. a time. Frequently, wyrmguard sentinels are grouped

CHAPTFk 4 I New P4onsters

with leaders, who keep them alive in exchange for the Different scouts use different damage types. The
protection they provide. example scout's damage type is based on using it with
a mercury dragon, but it can change to fit alongside
Wyrmguard Scout Level 9 Artillery other dragons.
Small natural humanoid. kobold (reptile) NP10()
Initiative -11 Senses Perception -12; darkvision
HP 75; Bloodied 37
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 22, Will 20
Arcana or Nature DC 14: Wyrmguard kobolds
Speed 6 are normally used as bodyguards for their creators or
® Dagger (standard; at-will) + Weapon assigned to guard a specific location, individual, or
-16 vs. AC; 2d4 + 3 damage. treasure. Some have been assigned to guard a drag-
Dragon Bolt (standard; at-wall+ Poison 8111 on's clutch of eggs.
Ranged 20; +14 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + S poison damage
Arcana or Nature DC 19: Wyrmguard kobolds
-* Dragon Clash (standard; targets enemies; recharges when the
guard those they admire and learn minor magic that
scout's ward is damaged by an enemy) + Poison
Area burst 1 within 20; -I-12 vs. Fortitude: 3d6 + 5 poison
lets them place protective wards_ When they are
damage. without dragons or leaders to guard. they guard each
Scout's Ward (minor; at-will) other effectively. Most wyrmguard kobolds serve
The wyrmguard sentinel designates an ally or object within 10 dragons, and might be encountered alongside them.
squares as its ward, and any creature it was already warding is
no longer Its ward. The scout deals 2d6 extra damage against
the enemy nearest to Its ward.
Shifty (minor; at-will) Wyrmguards are usually found in mixed groups of
The scout shifts 1 square. creatures, all loyal to the same dragon. It's rare to find
Trap Sense more than a couple of'wyrmguards in a single group
A scout gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps. of monsters—and they aggravate players if too many
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic appear in the same encounter.
Sir 10 (+4) Dee 20(+9) Ms 17 (+7)
Con 15 (+6) Int 12 (+51 Cha 15 (+6)
Equipment leather armor, dagger
Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,600)
+ 2 wyrmguard sentinels (level 7 soldier)
+ 1 young cobalt dragon (level 5 solo controller)
Scouts prefer to remain at the outer edge of their
Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,300)
range, usually on ledges or other high terrain, sniping
+ 2 clragonborn gladiators (level 10 soldier, MM 86)
at foes while their allies move in closer. They choose
+ 1 portal drake (level 10 controller, Draconomicon:
wards as early as possible, and then concentrate on
Chromatic Dragons. page 223)
protecting their wards using dragon cloth when pos-
+ 2 wyrmguard scouts (level 9 artillery)
sible (even if they can hit only one target) and dragon
boll the rest of the time. C

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Though kobolds that could reasonably be called Three Tooth makes a great recurring villain or rival. 0
"heroes" are few and far between, Three Tooth has She isn't particularly bloodthirsty. just extremely
good at pushing enemies away from things she wants 0
made herself known by attacking the people of the
bigger, tougher races and surviving, often with the and teleporting away from danger to prepared escape
help oilier dragon ally. positions. Thanks to her blinking shifty power. she's
both more mobile and more resilient than most
Level 10 Elite Artillery
spellslinging artillery.
Small natural humanoid. kobold (reptile.) XP 1,000
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +8; darkvision THREE-TOOTH LORE
HP 176; Bloodied 88 Arcana or Nature DC 16:Three-Tooth, a great
AC 22: Fortitude 19. Reflex 21, Will 22
kobold hero—or villain, depending on her mood—is
Saving Throws +2
reputed to be the only survivor of a kobold nest that
Speed 6
Action Points I
adopted a mercury wyrmling, The other koboids died
0 Dagger (standard; at•ill) + Weapon in battle or in the dragon's jaws, but Three-Tooth lived
+17 vs. AC; 2d4 5 damage. to become a powerful magician. She sometimes trav-
Venom Bolt (standard; a•will) + implement, Poison els alongside her mercury dragon friend, which stays
Ranged 20; three attacks against up to three different targets; shapeshifted into a kobold form.
+15 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 5 poison damage, and Three-Tooth pushes
Arcana or Nature DC 21: Three Tooth garners
the target 3 squares.
great respect from other kobolds, and her legend is
...); Resonating Orb (standard: recharge iFf + Force,
deeper and larger than most realize. In fact, many of
Area burst 2 within 20: +15 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 farce damage, her adventures are attributed to previous aliases, such
and the target is knocked prone. Damage from this attack as Four-Tooth and Six-Tooth. She tends to pick fights,
ignores temporary hit points. and brutal beatings at the hands of tough monsters
Kobold Sorcery have necessitated several name changes.
When Three-Tooth rolls an even number an an attack roll with
an implement power (whether the attack hits or misses), she
slides the target 1 square after the attack. ENCOUNTER GROUPS
Blinking Shifty (minor: at-will) + Healing, Teleportation Three-Tooth takes work as a mercenary, usually
Three-Tooth teleports 2 squares and regains 3 hit paints. accompanied by her mercury dragon ally, Drokona.
Teleport Escape (move: encounter) + Telepartation The characters might run into Three Tooth while
Three Tooth teleports 10 squares.
she's fighting a monstrous enemy, and then end up in
Trap Sense
a chaotic battle between three forces.
Three-Tooth gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Str 14 (+7) Des 22 (+11) Wis 16 (+8) Level 8 Encounter (XP 1,500)
Con 19 (+9) Int 14 (+7) Cha 24 (412) + Drokona, elite young mercury dragon (level 6 elite
Equipment dagger lurker: see the young mercury dragon on page 163
and the material on elite dragons on page 218)
+ Three-Tooth (level 10 elite artillery)


Once In a while, a kobold lays an extremely rare egg that story a good reason to track down and destroy anyone
rings like metal when struck with a claw. The tribe keeps else's ringing eggs, but the selfish creatures wouldn't think
its special eggs hidden until they hatch. The koboids that of destroying their own.
emerge from metal eggs grow up to become the strongest Chromatic dragons that know of ringing eggs do what
kobolds of their generation. Often, they become cham- they can to find and destroy them. They seldom find
pions in the service of a metallic dragons. as if that was enough suspect eggs to make it worth their trouble. Few
their destiny. metallic dragons admit to caring about an oddity of kobold
Koboids never speak publicly about the "ringing eggs." reproduction, but that doesn't mean they haven't noticed
it's a secret that is referred to only by euphemisms, even the situation and sought a way to exploit it. Explana-
In a well-known kobold folk tale, in which a kobold cham- tions for the magic behind the phenomenon range from
pion in the service of a gold dragon returns to slay all her a hidden blessing of Bahamut to a curse by an ancient
relatives and creche mates. Some kobolds consider this archmage.

C:11APTER 4 r New Monsters

Few dragons are truly anonymous. Any dragon that dragon—especially one so hungry for power—lairing
survives to adulthood becomes a figure of focal fa me near her. She attacked, so the stories say, and caught
(or notoriety), at the least. However, some dragons the young dragon by surprise. But Andraemos was
earn truly legendary reputations that extend for hun- cleverer than even his mother had given him credit
dreds, sometimes thousands, of miles beyond their for being, and when their battle led into a narrow
homelands. The waking of an ancient dragon is an ravine filled with fragile, lowering spires of rock,
event that stirs fearful gossip in taverns and alehouses Andraernos finally found his advantage. He spun in
across half a continent. Here, then, are a few dragons mid-flight and fired a blast of fire at a precarious boul-
whose reputations precede them. der perched atop a delicate spire of stone. The spire
splintered and collapsed, and with perfect timing.
the boulder fell on Andraemos's mother, crushing her
ANDR AE MOS skull and driving her body to the ravine floor below.

MANY DRAGONS ACHIEVE a certain level of fame—or Andraemos Level 15 Solo Artillery
infamy—for terrorizing a local populace and demand- Adult brass dragon
Lar'e natural inkriral beast idra _ow XP 6,000
ing or seizing its wealth. These relationships, between
initiative -F12 Senses Perception + 15; darkvision
a dragon and a fearful region, are the subjects of
HP 600; Bloodied 300; see also bloodied breath
countless stories told in scores of inns. Many dragons AC 28; Fortitude 28, Reflex 27. Will 26
are content to make a name for themselves in just a Resist 20 fire
township or two. But others have larger plans. Saving Throws +5
A ndraernos's ambitions began at a young age. Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 12
Action Points 2
Legend tells that he was one of four hatchlings in a
® Bite (standard; at-will) • Fire
brood, but he outlived each of his siblings, stealing
Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 1d10 t 7 damage plus 1d6 fire damage.
their food behind the back of their mother. It wasn't
® Claw (standard; at-will)
long before he had learned everything he thought he Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage.
could from his parent and set off into his harsh desert +Dragon Ire (standard: at-will)
home to make his own way. Andraemos makes two claw attacks or one bite attack, and
But Andraemos wasn't done with his mother yet. then shifts 1 square.

She had seen the quiet ambition in his eyes and knew + Wing Buffet (Immediate reaction, when an enemy enters or
leaves an adiacent square)
about the theft of food that enabled him to grow
Targets the triggering enemy: +20 vs. Fortitude; 1c11 0 + 7 damage.
strong at the expense of his siblings. Such is the way
the target is knocked prone, and Andraemos shifts 2 squares.
of the desert. she knew, so she let it lie. But before + Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ix !!.; 1 )* Fire
Andraemos could escape her desert territory, she Close blast 5; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d8 7 fire damage, and the
decided she did not relish the thought of a competitor target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage.

1.11.11' I New ?Ifortiiirrs

of a prince in a neighboring city-state, Andraemos's

C- Bloodied Breath (free. when first bloodied: encounter) • Fire
Breath weapon recharges. and Andraemns uses it. If he is flying, eladrin brigands captured her. In exchange for sparing
he can shift 5 squares before making this attack. her daughter's life, Andraemos wanted the city gates
Fire Stream (standard; at-will) + Fire opened to his eladrin and the names and addresses of
Ranged 10; 120 vs. Reflex; 3d6 6 lire damage, and any
each member of the merchant council.
creature adjacent to the target takes 2d10 fire damage.
A bloody night followed Azril's capitulation to the
+ Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear
Close burst 5; targets enemies; P 20 vs. WIII; the target is dragon's demands, and the woman now rules the city
stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The in Andraemos's name, sending him a healthy cut of
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends), all the city's lucrative business ventures. Most of the
Mark of Death citizens have no clue that their city is now run by a
Andraemos's attacks deal 1d6 extra damage to any target dragon, and Andraemos prefers it that way—for now.
marked by one of his allies.
Nature DC 28: It is whispered that Andraemos's
Alignment Unaligned Languages C.ommon.Uraconic
mother once captured one of the fabled Broken Blades
Skills Arcana +16. Athletics +17. insight +15, Intimidate +16
St+. 21 (+12) Dex 201+12) Wis 16 (410) of Banatruul, He discovered the artifact in her hoard
Con 22 (+13) Int 18 (+11) Cha 19 0-11) years after her death. He has sent his Sand Knives
out into the world over many years, trying to find the
matching blade, and rumor has it that one of them
ANDRAEMOS LORE recently returned with it after being away for nearly
Nature DC 18: The brass dragon Andraemos rules three years.
a large swath of the desert. His domain is bordered on
several sides by trade routes. He collects tribute from
Sand Knives Bandit Level 13 Minion Soldier
several of the towns on these routes, content to claim Medium Fey humanoid. eladrin XI' DR)
their money rather than destroy them outright. Initiative 415 Senses Perception +8; low-light vision
Andraemos has established himself as a power- HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion .

ful force to be reckoned with in the region. During a AC 29; Fortitude 24, Reflex 27. Will 23
scouting trip around his territory, he noticed a group Saving Throws +5 against charm effects
Speed 6
of desert nomads. They were in the process of cap-
turing a caravan that had been passing through the
ri) Scimitar (standard; at-will) + Weapon
+70 vc. AC; 6 damage (crit 9) .

area, and Andraemos was captivated by their fighting (?' Longbow (standard; at•will) • Weapon
style, which involved redirecting an enemy's attacks Ranged 20/40; +20 vs. AC; 6 damage.
against the enemy and its allies. Curious about their 4 Mark of Knives (minor, at•will)
presence, Andraemos landed and demanded that Melee 1; the target is marked until the end of its next turn.
they give him the tribute he deserved as master of Fey Step (move; encounter) • Teleportation
The bandit teleports 5 square'..
the desert. But the bandits—a group of eladrin—were
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Elven
unimpressed. They had recently come to the desert
Str 18 (+10) Dex 25 (+13) Wis 14 (+8)
through a portal from the Feywild, and they had Cha 17 (+9)
Con 46 (+9) int 15 (+8)
braved many dangers to make it to Andraemos's Equipment leather armor, scimitar, longbow with 20 arrows
desert. Confronted with the dragon, they were pre-
pared to die trying to survive.
Thinking quickly, the dragon recognized the value
in employing the services of the clever and morally Andraemos is nearly always within hailing distance
ambiguous cladrin, and their partnership endures of a group of his Sand Knives. Nevertheless, he does
to this day. Calling them the Sand Knives, he began make regular excursions to the limits of his domain,
to use them to enforce his will across the region. The so it is possible to catch him alone. In battle, the
eladrin have brought in more of their kind from the dragon prefers to fight from a distance. He uses his
Feywild portal—which Andraemos now controls—and breath weapon at the first opportunity, then frightfaI
his territory has expanded tremendously. presence to incapacitate as many enemies as possible.
Nature DC 23: The dragon has cowed a large tribe He reservesfire stream for a particularly pesky foe.
of goblins into a truce. Andraemos eventually plans to
bring the goblins under his rule, but he is content to ENCOUNTER GROUPS
let them bribe him with tribute until he feels secure Andraemos is most likely encountered with a group
enough in his enlarged territory to destroy their lead- of Sand Knives.
ers and take over leadership of the tribe.
Perhaps the dragon's biggest coup, however, was Level 17 Encounter (XP 8,800)
the capture of the desert city of Kashtaph. A corrupt + Andraemos (level 15 solo artillery)
merchant elected from an even more corrupt council + 2 eladrin bladesingers (level 11 skirmisher,
ran the city. When this leader—a female human named MM2 97)
Azril Illaenon—sent her eldest daughter to woo the son + 8 sand knives bandits (level 13 minion soldier)
THE GOD OF HONOR. JusrtcE AND NOBILITY, Bahamut is transform into gold dragons if anyone is foolish
known as the Grandfather of Dragons or Lavebringer, enough to threaten the docile old man.
but most often called the Platinum Dragon. Though The folk tale is well known enough among
the deity can appear in many forms, he is usually por- Bahamut's faithful that priests sometimes undertake
trayed as a powerful dragon with platinum scales. the pilgrimages in the company of trained canaries. seek-
form he takes on when he goes to battle. ing to emulate their god.
Adventurers often worship Bahamut, who is called Bahamut sometimes tests the worthiness of his
to protect the weak, fight evildoers, and defend champions by directly engaging in battle with them.
outposts of justice and civilization across the world. Bahamut doesn't pull any punches, and the battle
Paladins in particular often bear his heraldry—a ends when the champions are bloodied or when
platinum dragon head in profile—on their shields Bahamut yields. Powerful healers are on hand in case
or as a holy symbol. And although not all metallic Baharnut's zeal for testing his champions overcomes
dragons show obeisance to the Platinum Dragon, their defenses.
those working at cross-purposes are careful to avoid Arcana or Religion DC 25: A council of seven
the attention of Bahamut or the legions of crusading ancient metallic dragons advises Bahamut on mat-
dragons and worshipers at his command. ters of honor and acts as a jury when Bahamut sits
in direct judgment of an evildoer—often one appre-
BAHAMUT LORE hended by his champions. Because Bahamut walks
the world in disguise, he has less need for exarchs
Arcana or Religion DC 5: Bahamut is the lawful
than most deities. The best-known of his few exarchs
god of justice and honor. Those who worship the
is Kuyutha, Bahamut's emissary to dragonborn clans
Platinum Dragon seek to emulate him by defending
the weak and ensuring that the guilty receive fair and
immediate punishment.
Many metallic dragons, even if they don't worship THE OLD MAN
Bahamut outright, regard him as the most revered WITH THE CANARIES
elder among the ancient dragons. Many dragonborn
WHEN HE'S NOT HOLDING COURT in his shining castle.
bend their knee in fealty to Bahamut, as do paladins
Bahamut walks the natural world in the most unas-
of all races.
suming of disguises: an elderly man accompanied by
Arcana or Religion DC 15: Bahamut holds court
seven trained canaries. This old man, variously called
in a shining castle on the slopes of Mount Mertion,
a sage or a hermit in folklore, travels from place to
one of the seven mystic mountains in the domain of
place with no apparent purpose. He's quick to offer
Celestia, amid the Astral Sea. Some powerful pala-
advice, information, or assistance to other travelers.
dins and clerics make pilgrimages there in hopes
One folk tale in particular is told with a hundred
of receiving a powerful blessing from the Platinum
variations: The sage with the canaries shares a camp-
fire with roadside travelers, offering mysterious advice
Arcana or Religion DC 20: Over the centu-
that borders on prophecy. Still, the travelers would
ries, folk tales have persisted of Bahamut walking
have regarded the old man as nothing more than a
the world while magically disguised as a sage or
curiosity if it weren't For the monsters that attacked
hermit. He travels with seven trained canaries, which

Few folk tales reveal why Bahamut disguises himself viewed through a lens of justice, nobility, and honor. Con-
In the way he does—they're more concerned with the sequently, he uses his deific power to help others fight.
plot twist when the old man with the canaries becomes rather than just turning into his platinum dragon form and
something much more. Bahamut sometimes travels the tearing through enemies in the blink of an eye. Bahamut
world In disguise to assist his followers directly, especially wants to assess the worthiness of those he's fighting along-
if one of Tlamat's insidious plots needs to be thwarted. side, and so he blesses and heals his fellow travelers but
But more often, he walks the natural world to seek out does little direct fighting.
"worthiness"—a subject he waxes philosophical about. it's possible that Bahamut wants to assess the worthi-
and the topic of much of the sage advice he dispenses to ness of the characters, but you can also make a meeting
those he meets. with Bahamut a chance encounter. Bahamut might be
When Bahamut walks the world, he tries to discern assessing the worthiness of other travelers, of the route
the worthiness of everything he encounters—`worthiness" itself, or of the dangers along the way.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters
the camp. Were they ever surprised when the old their attacks in the same way? If a character dies

man started throwing around unfathomably powerful while in Bahamut's company, it's often because that
magic and turning his canaries into gold dragons. character was wiped out in a single round by multiple
monster attacks before Bahamut could respond with
ENCOUNTERS WITH THE OLD MAN his powerful healing magic.
The folk tale of a disguised Bahamut is the quintes- Although a fight against Bahamut while he is at
sential encounter with the deity, and you can bring the characters' side is a good tactical test, it's not
the kernel of that story to life in your game. The "sage worth the full XP award for an encounter ten levels
with the canaries" can meet the characters during an higher. The presence of a full-blown god does level
adventure, act mysterious and inscrutable, and then the playing field. When the encounter is over, award
reveal his true nature when the heroes must face the characters one-quarter of the usual experience
monsters they could never hope to defeat without a award (the value for a fight two levels higher than the
god's aid. party). If Bahamut sticks around for more than an
If the characters have befriended Bahamut, he'll encounter or two, choose treasure parcels appropri-
Fight alongside them in his old man form, turning ate for the characters at the level they arc, not ones
what would otherwise be a merciless slaughter of typical of the tough monsters they're facing.
the characters into a fair right. A group of characters Encounters using Bahamut work best when the
plus Bahamut should be able to take on opponents of characters, perhaps unsure exactly what's up with the
around ten levels higher than the characters. old man, take the battle seriously and fight with their
Note what Bahamut does and doesn't do well in usual vigor. If the characters realize that they have a
this form. He can effortlessly heal multiple char- god in their midst, they might not take the battle seri-
acters, purge harmful effects, and improve the ously. Bahamut can (and probably will) use the Raise
characters' attacks so they can hit and damage mon- Dead ritual on any characters who fail in battle, after
sters that would otherwise be almost invulnerable, all. The heroes need Bahamut to win the battles you
but Bahamut doesn't directly improve defenses or hit have planned, but Bahamut doesn't need them. In
points, so the heroes are going to feel the full brunt these battles, Bahamut isn't at risk, but for reasons of
of powerful monster attacks. That's when the drama his own, he remains in the guise of an old man and
occurs: The characters are not only doing much more lets the characters do most of the fighting.
than they're ordinarily capable of, they're taking the You can try to conceal Bahamut's nature, making
worst beating of their lives. the characters unsure whether they're faced with
A fight against Bahamut tests the players' tacti- Bahamut, an aspect of Bahamut, or a mysterious-but-
cal acumen: Can they focus their attacks on specific powerful spelicaster of some sort. Longtime D&D
enemies while preventing the monsters from focusing players will recognize the canaries—they were part


Bahamut's closest servants are seven gold dragons that and businesslike while on a mission, she's also a curious
guard his palace and sometimes travel with him disguised thrill-seeker. Bahamut usually gives her a bit of time after
as canaries. For important tasks that aren't quite Important each task she completes to explore the places she's visiting.
enough to demand his personal attention, Bahamut dis- Gruemar the Voice: The slender Gruemar Is a master
patches one of these dragons. Each works on specific tasks, negotiator, sent out to settle disputes and prevent blood-
and no one knows If there's any sort of hierarchy among shed. Though his speech sounds tranquil and warm, it
these servants. These are the current wyrms In Bahamut's never reveals a hint of weakness.
Inner circle:many have died and been replaced over time. Marrushok the Tail: Massive and genial, Marroshok is
Borkadd the Claw: Compulsive and obstinate. Borkadd the closest thing Bahamut has to a bodyguard. Though he's
represents Bahamut as the hand of justice. He chronicles usually friendly, he's merciless in combat.
the laws of many lands, as well as Bahamut's personal Troannaxla the Presence: A magnificent, shining crea-
code. He's more than a glorified secretary, though: Bork- ture, Troannaxia is sent to cow the proud into submission
add enforces Bahamut's law against those who can't be using the majesty of her presence. Unlike Gruemar, she
stopped by other means. intimidates Instead of conversing. Bahamut sends her out
Kuria the Eye: This sleek, serpentine dragon remains when he encounters obstinate resistance that requires a
aloof—sometimes threatening—even to those she knows blunt approach.
well. Her tasks require secrecy, taking advantage of her Urgala the Fang: When Bahamut musters a great army,
suspicious nature. Urgala leads them. Her knowledge of tactics is unsurpassed.
Sonngrad the Wing: Bahamut's messenger Sonngrad, has and she flies over the battlefield to scout and command.
powerful wings that let her fly at great speed. She is the most Normally proud and uncompromising, Urgala sometimes
commonly encountered of the seven dragons. Though focused becomes stubborn or rude when she Is in a bad mood.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

of Bahamut's backstory in the 1st Edition Monster The Old Man Level 36 Solo Soldier (Leader)
Manual -but you can change the trappings of the old with the Canaries
hi Pliinnl unnicn :AI humanoid XP —
man to make his disguise less obvious.
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +32
HP 1,645; Bloodied 822; see also discorporntion
TACT ICS AC 52; Fortitude 47, Reflex 45, Will 47
When Bahamut is disguised as the old man with Resist 20 cold, 20 fire
the canaries, his priorities are to level the playing Saving Throws +5: whenever an attack causes an effect on
Bahamut that a save can end, he immediately makes a saving
field between the characters and the monsters. In
throw. Bahamut also makes saving throws at the end of his turn
his first two or three turns, he uses Bahamut's bless-
as normal.
ing on attacking characters. then a combination of Speed 8, releport 5
Bahamut's cleansing and Bahamut's mercy on the most Action Points 2
wounded characters. If possible, have Bahamut use °Unarmed Attack (standard; at will) + Weapon
blessing and cleansing/mercy on different individu- +41 vs. AC: idl2 4 20 damage. and the target is dazed until the

als so no player thinks Bahamut is ignoring him or end of Its next turn.
-* Gold Dragon Rescue (standard: uses one canary)
her. Using Bahamut's blessing twice is a good way for
Area burst 1 within 30, centered on ally; 41 vs. AC: the target
Bahamut to spend his first action point; heroes will
Is stunned (save ends). Effect: The ally in the origin square gains
have a hard time hitting the monsters without the fly 10 until the end of Its next turn.
blessing in place. fi" Summon Gold Dragon (standard: uses one canary) +
Once the characters have all received Bahamut's Summoning
blessing, Bahamut uses Bahamut's mercy once or twice Ranged 20; Bahamut summons a Large gold dragon In an
per turn, and releases one of his seven canaries-at unoccupied space within range. The dragon has speed 8, fly 10
(hover) and, unlike a typical summoned creature, has its own
which point it turns into a gold dragon. He can use a
defenses and hit points (all defenses 34: hp 120).
canary in two ways. Gold dragon rescue moves a nearly
MinorActfore 427 vs. AC; 1d12 + 1 0 damage.
dead character out of harm's way. The gold dragon Opportunity Mock: +27 vs. AC; ldi 2 + 10 damage.
swoops down, stuns nearby assailants so they can't Bahamut's Blessing (standard; at-will)
make opportunity attacks-and then the character Ranged 30; two targets; each target gains a +10 bonus to attack
can fly away during his next turn. If the characters rolls, a +10 bonus to skill checks, and a +10 bonus to damage rolls.
aren't dealing enough damage to the monster or Bahamut's Cleansing (minor; atwill)
they're being outflanked, Bahamut uses summon gold Ranged 30; two targets; each target can end one effect a save
can end.
dragon in whatever place is most inconvenient for the Bahamut: Mercy (minor; at.wlIl) + Healing
monsters. That's the closest Bahamut comes to attack- Ranged 30; two targets; each target can spend a healing surge
ing the monsters directly. He prefers to use his own and regain an additional 25 hit points.
melee attack only for opportunity attacks.

When a deity is bloodied, the deity's mind leaves its The Prodigal Son: There's a reason Bahamut is called
body and the deity Is unable to assume physical form for the Grandfather of Dragons and not the Father of Drag-
some time. The discorporation usually lasts at least a few ons. It is whispered that Bahamut has a son-somewhere
months, but it can sometimes take several years before among the planes-who has rebelled against his father, for
the deity can resume its form. During this time, the deity's reasons unknown. That child, if found, could face down his
power is weaker, but It is far from negligible. If characters father In battle and claim his birthright. taking Bahamut's
wish to truly kill a deity, they must fulfill one or more con- place among the deities. But thus far, even the most pow-
ditions specific to that deity. This could require destroying erful evil soothsayers have been unable to learn the name
the deity's most prominent temple, or finding an artifact or !oration of Bahamut's son. Their ritual divinations con-
that can deliver the killing Wow. lithe specific conditions tinue, however, and agents of Tiamat are alert for rumors
are satisfied, the deity cannot discorporate and instead about this child.
becomes bloodied as normal. Here are some sample Dishonor and Trickery: Bahamut regards himself as
quests the characters could undertake (if they, for some honor, virtue, and justice coalesced into a living form. If
reason, need to kill Bahamut) or thwart Of evil forces are Bahamut could be tricked into doing something inherently
attempting to destroy the Platinum Dragon). and irrevocably dishonorable, he would have no choice
The Corrupted Ritual: Bahamut offers his protection but to cast off his mantle of godhood lest the very concept
when ritually called by high priests of his faith, manifest- of honor be forever tainted. Once bereft of godhood, the
ing in his draconic form. Sinister forces could alter key mortal shell of Bahamut could be destroyed as easily as
parts of that ritual, obtain access to one of Bahamut's any ancient dragon.
grand temples to perform it. then battle the summoned
Bahamut to the death.

CHAPTER 4 J New Monsters

Bahamut Runs Rampant (standard; encounter) 4. Polymorph achieve the immortality feature of their epic destiny,
Bahamut assumes his draconic form (described below). for example.
Seven Canaries When Bahamut fights a character, he explains
Bahamut has seven trained canaries, which he can transform
ahead of time that he won't attack bloodied characters,
into gold dragons. Some of his powers use up these canaries. All
but those individuals would dishonor themselves and
the canaries return during a short rest.
Discorporation (when bloodied)
their comrades if they continue to fight while blood-
When Bahamut becomes bloodied, he discorporates and is ied. And Bahamut will yield before he discorporates,
unable to take physical form for a time. because discorporation would give Tiamat and other
Alignment Lawful good Languages Supernal villains a few months or weeks of free rein without an
Skills Arcana +31, Athletics +33, Diplomacy +32, Endurance +34, active god ofjustice and honor to oppose them.
Heal +32, History +31, insight +32, Intimidate +32, Religion +31
Str 31 (+28) Dex 23 (+24) Wis 28 (+27)
Con 33 (+29) Int 27 (+26) (ha 29 (+27) TACT ICS
Equipment lobe For all his power, Bahamut in his dragon shape fights
much like any dragon. He uses his breath weapons as
BAHAMCIT'S DRAGON FORM often as he can, choosing polar breath when beset by
multiple melee adversaries, misty breath irhe's inten-
tionally being merciful or there are noncombatants
likely way that the characters will experience Bahamut,
among his enemies, and disintegration breath when he
epic-tier characters could encounter Bahamut in his full
wants to deal a lot of damage.
glory. His battle form is a magnificent dragon, shimmer-
Bahamut uses frightful majesty if he finds him-
ing with platinum scales tougher than any shield. lf the
self in a disadvantageous position and none of his
characters encounter Baharnut in his court (where lie
breath weapons is available. Whenever he can, he
might be in any form, including his draconic form) or
uses Bahamut's clutches against a defender or a melee
otherwise meet in friendship, it's unlikely that a fight is
striker. His bite attack deals damage and steals heal-
going to break out—unless Bahamut wants to test their
ing surges. and can quickly deplete the health of even
worthiness in direct combat.
an epic defender. And although Baharnut is honor-
; Because Bahamut is a 36th-level solo, he repre-
able, he's cunning enough to move with a grabbed
sents a fundamentally unfair fight for all but the most
enemy, flying upward before releasing that enemy for
; powerful D&D characters. A test of worthiness might
a painful (but nonfatal) plummet.
5 make a satisfying final hurdle for characters about to
CHAPTER 4 l New Monsters
Bahamut Level 36 Solo Soldier (Leader) this manner, but he sometimes uses aspects as long-
Hu•e immortal ma • ical beast (dra;on: XP 275.000 term guardians, ambassadors for crucial diplomatic
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +32; darkvision
efforts, or extraplanar authorities who bring to justice
HP 1,316: Bloodied 658: see also bloodied breath and
villains too powerful for anything less than an aspect
AC 52; Fortitude 47, Reflex 45. WIll 47
of the god ()Misfire.
Immune attacks by creatures of lower than 20th level
Resist 20 cold, 20 fire Aspect of Bahamut Level 18 Solo Soldier (Leader)
Saving Throws +5; whenever an attack causes an effect on Hu n: immortal ma:ical beast (dra.on) XP 10,000
Bahamut that a save can end, he Immediately makes a saving Initiative +1 I Senses Perception +18; darkvision
throw against that effect. Bahamut also makes saving throws at HP 704; Bloodied 352; see also bloodied breath
the end of his turn as normal. AC 35: Fortitude 32. Reflex 29. Will 30
Speed 10. fly 15 (hover), teleport 10 Resist 20 cold, 20 fire
Action Points 2 Saving Throws +5; whenever an attack causes an effect on an
(D Site (standard; at-will) aspect of Bahamut that a save can end, it immediately makes a
Reach 3; +42 vs. AC; 3d12 1•10 damage, and the target loses saving throw. The aspect of Bahamut also makes saving throws
two healing surges. at the end of its turn as normal.
10 Claw (standard: at-will) Speed 10. fly 10 (hover), leleport
Reath 3; +41 vs. AC: 2d12 + 10 damage. Action Points 2
Bahamut's Clutches (immediate interrupt; when an enemy [) Bite (standard:
moves into a square adjacent to Bahamut; at-will) Reach 3; +25 vs. AC: 2d10 + 8 damage, and ongoing 10 damage.
+41 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 10 damage, and the target is grabbed. t Claw (standard; at-will)
Failed Escape At tempt: Bahamut automatically hits the target Reach 3; +25 vs. AC; 2d10 + 8 damage.
with his bite attack. 4. DI-acct.& Fury (standard: at-will)
E Polar Breath (minor; recharge R1LI all breath weapons share The aspect of Bahamut makes two claw attacks and one hire
one recharge roll) + Cold attack.
Close blast 10; 4-40 vs. Reflex; 4d12 I- 10 cold damage, and the }Snatch (immediate interrupt, when an enemy moves into a
target is pushed 6 squares and immobilized (save ends): Miss; square adjacent to the aspect of Bahamut;
Half damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares. 4-20 vs. Reflex: 2d10 + 8 damage, and the target is grabbed.
tif Disintegration Breath (minor; recharge all breath First Failed Escape Attempt: The aspect of Bahamut automatically
weapons share one recharge roll) hits the target with its bite attack.
Close hlast 10; • 1-40 vs. Fortitude; 4d12 + 10 damage. and 15 + Polar Breath (standard: recharge Ix it}; all breath weapons
ongoing damage (save ends).; Aftereffect: Ongoing 10 damage share one recharge roll) + Cold
(save ends). Close blast 5; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d12 + 10 cold damage. and the
Misty Breath (minor: recharge all breath weapons share target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
one recharge roll).* Polymorph + Disintegration Breath (standard: recharge IX] I I; all breath
Close blast 10; +40 vs. Will; the target is stunned, weakened, weapons share one recharge roll)
and transformed into fine mist (save ends all). While the target Close blast 5; 120 vs. Fortitude; 302 1- 10 damage. and 10
is in this mist form, enemies can move through the target's ongoing damage (save ends).
space freely. <7. Misty Breath (standard; recharge all breath weapons
*Bloodied Breath (free; when first bloodied: encounter) + Cold share one recharge roll)
Baltarnut's breath weapon recharges, and he uses polar breath, Close blast 5: +20 vs. Will: the target is stunned, weakened,
disintegration breath, or misty breath. and transformed into fine mist (save ends all). While the target
<- Frightful Majesty (minor; encounter) * Fear is in this mist form, enemies can move through the target's
Close burst 20: targets enemies: +38 vs. Will: the target is space freely.
stunned until the end of Bahamut's next turn. Aftereffect: The +Bloodied Breath (free: when first bloodied; encounter)
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). The aspect of Bahamut's breath weapon recharges, and it uses
Discorporation (when bloodied) polar breath, disintegration breath, or misty breath.
When Bahamut becomes bloodied, he discorporates and is
unable to take physical form for a time.
Alignment Lawful good Languages Supernal
Skills Arcana +31, Athletics +33, Diplomacy +32, Endurance +34, BAHATIUTS PALACE
Heal +32. History +31. Insight +32, Intimidate +32. Religion +31 The shining castle Bahamut calls home rests atop Mertlon,
Sir 31 (+28) Dex 23 (+24) Wis 28 (+27) one of the seven mountains of Celestia, the astral domain
Con 33 (+29) int 27 (+26) Cha 29 (+27) of the good and just. This grand structure is more than
just a palace—it's also Bahamut's hoard. The walls, inlaid
ASPECT OF BAHAMUT with copper and ivory on the inside and platinum on the
BABA MUT CAN CREATE AN ASPECT OF HIMSELF from outside, reflect the eternal light of Celestia and make the
the willing sacrifice ofa powerful metallic dragon castle appear like a beacon on the horizon. The walls are
worshiper. The dragon dies, but rises anew as an made of mlthral tiles, and the windows of gemstones set
aspect of the Platinum Dragon itself, remembering all in silver and Bold. Bahamut viciously pursues (usually by
of its previous life and now utterly bound to Bahamut. proxy) anyone who attempts to steal from his great castle,
Bahamut prefers for his dragon worshipers to He might be a good god, but he's also dedicated to justice
remain dragons rather than sacrificing themselves in and is a dragon. It's best not to mess with his hoard.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

<- Frightful Majesty (minor: encounter) 4 Fear Draconic Healing (minor; recharge : I ) t HealIng 1111111
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +20 vs. Will; the target is stunned Ranged 20; targets one ally; the target regains 20 hit points. J..,
until the end of the aspect of Bahamues next turn_ Aftereffect- The Coldflre Breath (standard: recharge :: i 1 + Cold. Fire
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Close blast 6; +27 vs. Reflex; 4d12 cold and fin- damage.
Alignment Lawful good Languages all Will of Bahamut (standard: encounter) IMO
Skills Arcana +18, Diplomacy +19, History +18. Insight +18. Close burst 5; +25 vs. Will; the target is stunned until the end of
Intimidate +19, Religion +18 Kuyutha's next turn.
Str 22 (+15) Dez 14(+11) Wis 19 (+13) Dragonborn Fury (only while bloodied)
Con 24 (+16) Int 18 (+13) Cha 20 (+14) Kuyutha gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls_
Alignment Lawful good Languages Common. Draconic
Skills Athletics +24. Diplomacy +25, Heal +22. History +23,
ASPECT OF BAHANILIT'S TACTICS Insight +22. Intimidate +25. Religion +23
Like Bahamut, an aspect uses one of its breath weap- Str 27 (+19) Dex 18 (+1S) Wis 22 (+17)
ons whenever able. The rest of the time it flies over its Con 23 (+17) Int 2S (+18) Cha a (+20)
enemies and harries them with melee attacks. It uses
one of its action points early in the battle to use both a
breath weapon and draconic fury. It saves frightful ma j,
Kuyutha's coicIfi re breath recharges quickly, so
esty for the round after it uses bloodied breath, and saves the "melee or breathe" decision comes up more
its last action point for a getaway or a last-ditch attack. frequently. In general, use coldfire breath if it has
recharged and Kuyutha can hit at least two ene-
KUY UTHA, mies with it otherwise, attack with lesion attack or
Bah amut's blade (if you haven't used it yet). Occasion-
ally, Kuyutha uses legion attack to move an ally out of
THE LAST AND GREATEST PALADIN from the ancient danger, sliding the ally away from a foe and having
dragonborn empire of Arkhosia, Kuyutha did his best that ally either skip the basic attack or make a ranged
to gather and protect the scattered dragonborn clans basic attack.
after the empire's fall. In recognition of Kuyutha's Otherwise, Kuyutha fights like a dragon, using
ceaseless efforts to safeguard his people, Bahamut will of Bahamut (his version of frightful presence) when
granted him a spark of divinity and bade him train a beset by multiple flanking enemies, and then moving
new order of knights on Mount Mertion itself. away to a place where he can catch as many stunned
Since that day centuries ago, Kuyutha has acted
enemies as possible in his next blast of calque breath.
as Bahamut's ambassador to the dragonborn race. Kuyutha rarely fights alone, preferring to form a
He crisscrosses the world, shepherding dragonborn larger band so he can use his leader abilities. He uses
clans that find themselves in dire straits and broker-
draconic healing for his allies, and grants them attacks
ing honorable accords when two clans have a dispute
using legion attack. His dragon affinity aura protects his
they cannot resolve. Kuyutha also seeks out the allies against enemies using radiant damage (usually
bravest among the dragonborn to train with him on users of the divine power source). This can come as a
Mount Mertion—and takes the vilest dragonborn vil-
surprise to enemies who are accustomed to encoun-
lains to face their judgment before Bahamut.
tering foes t hat have other resistances.

Kuyullta. Level 23 Elite Controller (Leader)

Exam!' of Bahamut
Lary immortal humanoid, dra ,011 , ,on XI' 111.700 Treat Bahamut as a solo in the truest sense of the
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +22; darkvision word. He's a god, and he should be just fine on his
HP 430; Bloodied 215
own. Kuyutha, on the other hand, fights along-
Dragon Affinity aura 10; each ally within the aura has resist 10
side dragons (sometimes including Bahamut) and
AC 37; Fortitude 35, Reflex 34, Will 36
Resist in cold, 10 fire, 15 radiant
Saving Throws +2 Level 21 Encounter (XP 20,200)
Speed 6, fly 6 (clumsy) + Kuyutha, exarch of Bahamut (level 23 elite
Action Points 1 controller)
Dragontalon Blade (standard; at•w111) ♦ Weapon
+ Aspect of Bahamut (level 18 solo soldier)
Reach 2; +28 vs. AC: 3d6 • 9 damage.
Legion Attack (standard: at-will)
Kuyutha makes a dragontafon blade attack, and one ally within
Level 25 Encounter (XP 42,300)
10 squares of Kuyutha and of 2Sth level or lower slides 1 square + Kuyutha, exarch of Bahamut (level 23 elite
and makes a basic attack. controller)
Bahamues Blade (standard: recharges when first bloodied) 4. + 3 dragonborn champions (level 26 soldier. MM 87)
Radiant, Weapon + 4 angels of light (level 23 minion skirmisher,
Reach 2; +30 vs. AC; 4d6 + 9 damage, and the target takes
MM2 9)
ongoing 10 radiant damage and is blinded (save ends both).

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

BECAUSE STEEL DRAGONS RESPECT humans' achieve- 4 Breath Weapon (standard: rechargel;;;Ii + Force
ments, adaptability, and ambition, they protect Close blast 5; +21 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 8 force damage. and the
humans and impel them to rise against tyranny. The target is dazed (save ends). Miss; Half damage.

interests of the steel dragon Jalanvaloss, however. 4. Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter)
Breath weapon recharges, and Jalanvaloss uses it.
reflect less lofty ideals. A schemer, trickster, and
4. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
manipulator, she lives for upheaval and unpredict- Close burst 10; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will: the target is
ability, endeavoring to keep her city dynamic. stunned until the end of Jalanvaloss's next turn. Aftereffect: The
In human form, Jalanvaloss usually appears as a target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
slim female human with long, straight. black hair and 41. Steel Sting (standard: at-will) Force
steel-gray eyes. With the trademark catlike grace of steel Area burst 1 within 20; +22 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 5 force damage.
dragons, she wears the latest fashions, entertains guests 14+ Scattergloom (standard; encounter) + Necrotic, Zone
Jalanvaloss makes three area burst attacks, and the bursts
at her homes, and attends parties of the city's elite.
can't overlap: area burst 1 within 20; +22 vs. Fortitude; 2d6
Jalanvaloss alters her appearance to assume any
+ 5 necrotic damage. The burst becomes a zone of draining
of a dozen identities. She takes her dragon shape the darkness until the end of Jalanvaloss's next turn. Any creature
least often of all her forms. except Jalanvaloss that starts its turn within the zone takes 5
In her dragon form, Jalanvaloss is long and sleek, necrotic damage. The zone blocks line of sight for all creatures,
with glossy scales, spines that fall straight like hair, and any creature entirely within the zone is blinded until it
and delicate whiskers. Her large, intelligent silver leaves the zone. Jalanvaloss is immune to the effects of the
zone. Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
eyes accent her expressive face.
Change Shape (minor, at-will) Polymorph
Jalanvaloss alters her form to appear as a unique human (see
Jalanvaloss Level 18 Solo Controller "Change Shape," MM2 216).
Adult steel dragon Dimension Step (move: encounter) + Teleportation

Lace natural ma ical beast (dra on. sha echan: er) XP 10,000 Jalanvaloss teleports 10 squares.
Initiative 413 Senses Perception +19; dark vision Illusory Double (minor; encounter) + Illusion, Teleportation
HP 692; Bloodied 346; see also bloodied breath Jalanvaloss becomes invisible and teleports 4 squares. In the
AC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27. Will 31; see also illusory double space she left, an illusory double appears and moves 8 squares.
Resist 20 force The double vanishes and Jalanvaloss becomes visible at the end
Saving Throws +5 oflalanvaloss's next turn.
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 12; see also dimension step Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Action Points 2 Skills Arcane +19, Bluff +22, Diplomacy +27, History +19, Insight
CD Arcane Claw (standard: at-will) +19, Streetwise +27
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage. and Jalanvaloss slides the Str 24 (+16) Dee 18 (+13) Wis 20 (+14)
target 2 squares. Con 21 (+14) Int 20 (-I-14) Cha 26 (+17)
;1) Bite (standard; at-will) + Force Equipment fine clothing, wand, ritual book
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC: 2d8 + 7 damage plus 1d8 force damage.
4. Double Attack (standard; at-will)
Jalanvaloss makes two arcane claw attacks. JALANVALOSS LORE
4. Burst of Force (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves Intl History or Streetwise DC 13: One of the best-
an adjacent square; at-will) • Force, Teleportation
known nobles in the city (Waterdeep. Sham, or
Close burst 1; +22 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 7 damage. and the target
is knocked prone. Effect: Jalanvaloss teleports 4 squares.
another city of your choosing), Lady falanvaloss is
a powerful merchant. She commands a mercan-
tile empire that has holdings throughout the city.
Having come to prominence years ago, she retains
JALANVALOSS AND her youthful beauty, which leads to speculation about
THE FORGOTTEN REALMS her longevity. Rumors say that dark powers have
Jalanvaloss originates from the city of Waterdeep in the touched her or that she is something other than she
FoacorrEN REALMS setting. Fickle but not malicious, she seems. Her vast fortune has saved the city, sponsored
manipulates merchants and adventurers In her efforts to adventurers, recovered relics, and raised the city's
expand her power and holdings. prominence.
In the years leading up to the Spellplague, Jalanvaloss's History or Streetwise DC 20: According to
wealth and control over Waterdeep expanded. but the legend, a steel dragon protects the city from enemies
disaster dashed her economic fortunes along with the inside and without; however, no one has seen the
fortunes of other nobles and merchants. To make matters dragon since a great calamity (the Spellplague, the
worse, she lost considerable arcane power to the blue fire. Mourning, or some other catastrophe) beset the land.
In the past century, she has spent her dwindling fortune At that time, the dragon, called the Wyrm of Many
in rebuilding what she lost. Spells, defended her community from unchecked

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

magic and destruction: however, tales paint the step to gain an advantageous position and hits her

dragon as an avaricious busybody, noted more for enemies with steel sting. When near defeat, she uses
manipulation and trickery than for noble deeds. illusory double to create a distraction and slip away
History or Streetwise DC 25: The legends are undetected.
correct: the fabled Wyrm of Many Spells is Lady
Jalanvaloss. She has lived here for two centuries. ENCOUNTER GROUPS
using guile and magic to amass a fortune from real
Jalanvaloss has connections throughout her city and
estate, business ventures, and sponsored expeditions.
calls on assistance from a variety of adventuring
Other citizens suspect a hidden identity, but only
groups that owe her favors. To protect her lairs, she
those close to her know the truth. She defends the
keeps battle guardians in top fighting form.
city from attack, but protecting her investments is as
important to her as safeguarding its citizens.
Level 20 Encounter (XP 14,800)
Jalanvaloss gained the moniker '`Wyrm of Many
+ 3 battle guardians (level 17 controller, MM 149)
Spells" because of her training with the mortal
• Jalanvaloss (level 18 solo skirmisher)
archmage Ryilitalies, The wizard raised her from a
hatchling and taught her the rudiments of magic so
she could serve as his guardian and steed.
After Rythtalies's exceptionally long life, the
young steel dragon traveled to a place abundant with
humans, the creatures she knew best. She assumed
the identity of a human traveler and forged connec-
tions in every echelon of society, favoring adventuring
types because they reminded her of her deceased
master. She gathered her hoard in the form of real
estate and investment enterprises.
History or Streetwise DC 30; Jalanvaloss does
not have a traditional lair. Comfortable as a human,
she owns houses throughout the city and beyond,
including residences for her other personas. If she is
discovered, she can remain in the city in such a resi-
dence and cut her losses.
As greedy as a red dragon, Jalanvaloss justifies her
behavior on the grounds that she grants everyone the
opportunity for success. She dreams of founding a
kingdom where she will rule as queen, so her people
might live without fear; however, she likes her current
arrangements and does little to disrupt her lifestyle.

Jalanvaloss is a schemer, not a warrior. When she
must fight, she chooses the time and place.
She opens combat by using change shape and
smashing enemies with her breath weapon. If most
foes avoid becoming dazed, she spends an action
point to use frightful presence. Otherwise, she spends
an action point to use scattergloom. While waiting
for her breath weapon to recharge, she uses dimension

Only when enemies threaten to ruin Jalanvaloss's way
of life—when she reaches the brink of collapse—does she
take dragon form and attack directly. Characters might
incur such ire by acting on behalf of a third party that has
a grudge against. Jalanvaloss, by provoking Jalanvaloss as
a side effect of a quest, or by trying to topple the dragon
from her position.

CHAPTER 4 [ New Monsters

IN THE DISTANT, FRIGID NORTH, the scattered com- Niflung Level 20 Solo Controller
munities have long lived in fear of a vicious, barbaric Elder t obait dragon
liu ke natural maicai beast idraon) XP 1 ,1.000
tribe the natives have named the Talons of Winter.
Initiative +14 Senses Perception 4-19; darkvision
For long generations, the Talons emerged but rarely,
Aura of Chill Mist (Cold) aura 2; each creature that enters the
guided by their frost giant masters to raid and slaugh- aura or starts its turn there takes 10 cold damage. The ground
ter. But now, the tribe grants its fealty, its devotion, in the aura is difficult terrain, and the squares of the aura are
even its worship to a new lord, a draconic horror lightly obscured.
named Milking dwelling deep in the nearby glacier, a HP 772; Bloodied 386: see also bloodied breath
AC 34 ; Fortitude 34. Reflex 30, Will 31
creature whose only purpose is to see his "children"
Resist 25 cold
grow strong—at the expense of everyone else.
Saving Throws +5
Niflung, who has accepted the title ❑ (god given
Speed 8 (ice walk), fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15
him by the Talons of Winter, looks much like other Action Points 2
cobalt dragons. Observation of the dragon in motion, 0 Bite (standard: at•will) • Cold
however, or a close study of his fearsome form, reveals Reach 3: +25 vs. AC; 2d6 4- 8 damage. and ongoing 10 cold
peculiar anomalies. His limbs, his neck, his tail, damage (save ends).

and his wings seem unduly long in proportion to his ® Claw (standard at-wIII)
Reach 3; +25 vs. AC; 1d10 1 8 damage.
body—not dramatically so, just enough to give him an
Niflung's Pounce (standard; at-will)
unnatural gait and a subtly disturbing silhouette. His
Niflung makes a bite attack, shifts 2 squares, and then makes
scales hang loosely on his body, occasionally jutting out two claw attacks against a different target. If both claw attacks
at odd angles, as though he had spent ravenous years hit. Niflung pushes the target 5 squares, and the target is
starving inside his own shell. And perhaps he once knocked prone. Niflung can push a creature restrained by his
did, for his obsession with proving his own strength, own breath weapon.

and that of his "worshipers," leads him to extremes that -1. Wing Crush (immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy hits
Niflung with a melee attack; at-will)
even other cobalt dragons would consider excessive.
1-24 vs. Reflex: 2c16 + 8 damage. and the target is pushed 3
Niflung never holds entirely still; when he is
squares and falls prone. Niflung can push and knock prone a
conversing with others. at rest, or even asleep, his creature restrained by its own breath weapon.
tail twitches, his claws flex, his jaw clenches. When 4 Breath Weapon (standard: recharge•i) + Cold
he speaks with other creatures, his attention seems Close blast 5; 24 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 8 cold damage. and the
frequently to wander, yet he appears fully capable of target is restrained and takes ongoing 10 cold damage (save

following the flow and details of the conversation. ends both). Aftereffect The target is slowed (save ends). Miss:
Half damage.
. Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
N1FLUNG LORE Breath weapon recharges, and Niflung uses it.

History DC 15: In the frozen north, a cobalt 4 Chilling Presence (standard: encounter) + Cold. Fear
Close burst 10; targets enemies: +24 vs. Will the target
dragon named Niflung has recently emerged from
is stunned until the end of Nillung's next turn and gains
the glacier called the Road of Sleet. He has taken over
vulnerable 10 cold (save ends).
the Talons of Winter, a fearsome tribe of shifters and Savage Opportunist
giants, and he has increased their raids against civi- Niflung gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and deals 1d8 extra
lized communities fivefold. damage, when making a bite, claw, or wing crush attack against
History DC 20: What occurred in Niflung's life an enemy that is immobilized, slowed, or granting combat
advantage to Niflung.
before he emerged from a long slumber within the
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
caves of the glacier is unclear. Something, however,
Skills Athletics +23, Endurance 422. Intimidate +20
has made him different from other cobalt dragons.
Str 27 (+18) Dex 19 (+14) Wis 19 (+14)
His abilities, although similar, differ In several pro- Con 25 (+17) int 14 (+12) Cha 20 (+15)
found respects, and his obsession with strength and
dominance crosses the line into megalomania. what's best for his "children," and that he can guide
Niflung is not unwilling to speak to visitors, but them to a position of strength and dominance in the
they must show the proper deference. Any insult—any region. He allows outsiders to attack the tribe. hoping
perceived insult—to his strength or abilities results in to strengthen them through combat, but he grows
an immediate, enraged attack. enraged i fan enemy lakes what he considers "unfair
History DC 25: Niflung basks in the adulation of advantage" when battling them. (What that "unfair
the Talons of Winter, using them to expand his own advantage" might be varies with Niflung's mood, but
domain, but he also seems genuinely determined he does object strongly to the use of powerful fire
to make them as strong as they can be. He truly magic against his tribe.)
believes (or at least seems to believe) that he's doing

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters



Nil-fling's array of abilities differs from those ofot her Encounters with the Talons of Winter don't normally
cobalt dragons—perhaps due to the same experiences involve Niflung. Only when invaders come near his
that altered his physical form. Despite his many con- lair on the glacier, or when he's accompanying his
trolling abilities, he prefers to fight from the midst worshipers in battle against a truly devastating foe,
of his enemies, moving in close, engaging them in does he participate.
melee. and allowing his aura to wreak havoc. He is
not shy about using his breath weapon, but unlike other Level 22 Encounter (XP 21,200)
dragons, he prefiffs to save his chilling presence (his 4. 3 frost giants (level 17 brute, Monster Manual 2
equivalent of frightful presence) until he's surrounded page 122)
by strikers and defenders. He despises showing weak- 4. 1 ice archon rimehammer (level 19 soldier,
ness, but jibe's severely wounded and most allies are MM 20)
dead, self-preservation inspires him to flee. Niflung (level 20 solo controller)


Deep in the frozen regions sometimes called the Frostfell, worshiped. Whatever the case, Niflung's presence has had
one particular glacier stretches in a near straight line from a a profound effect on the tribe. Once, the Talons of Winter
towering row of mountain peaks. Called the Road of Sleet, were known for their brutal but sporadic raids against the
this glacier has long been known as the home of various other communities that existed at the base of the glacier;
fearsome creatures. Including the barbarian tribe called now, those attacks have grown Far more frequent. and
the Talons of Winter. This tribe consists primarily of heavily spread far wider, than ever before.
furred shifters, far more vicious than their civilized cousins. Today, the tribe consists of a wide array of shifters (rang-
The tribe is—or rather, was—ruled by a frost giant jars (chief- ing from those detailed in the MonsterManual to far tougher.
tain) named Eilchost- Eilchost was a shaman of some sort, more advanced specimens), a number of frost giants and
though tales differ as to whether he devoted his worship to frost giant ice shapers related to Elichost by blood or mar-
one of the primordials or to the demon prince Kostchtchie. riage, and a pack of trained wintertlaw owibears.
In recent years, the tribe has devoted Itself to the The Road of Sleet is as much of a mystery as the dragon
dragon Niflung. whom they call the god in the glacier: who came from it. Legends say it has a great many tun•
Eilchost has become his lieutenant and high priest. Pre- nels throughout its frigid center and that an entire ancient
cisely why the frost giants chose to dub Niflung a gad—a city lies within, most of it crushed but portions perfectly
title that they bestowed upon him, not one he claimed preserved by the ice,
on his own—is unclear. Perhaps Eilchost believed him to Note: This information Is available with a DC 20 History
have been sent by whatever power the tribe previously check.
SOME DRAGONS—PARTICULARLY SILVERS and benefi- dragons. She is particularly fond delves and eiadrin,
cent golds—are great and noble protectors of lesser because, like her, they live long lives relative to other
races. They might even grow too enamored, bringing humanoids.
about tragedies such as that of the dragon D'Argent, History or Nature DC 24: In her elf form, SiI-
called Silvara. vara fell in love with an elf warrior-prince who fought
In draconic form, Silvara looks like other silver alongside a band of heroes against Tiamat's armies.
dragons of her age. Her scales gleam, and her broad, The prince returned her affections until circum-
muscled wings tense into great shields. Only her sor- stances forced Silvara to reveal her true nature.
rowful eyes suggest something unusual about her, For a while, the pair remained together, despite
In her elf form, which she prefers, Silvara is a silver- the prince's inner turmoil as he sought to reconcile
haired woman. She wears tribal garb or leather armor, his conflicting emotions and to keep Silvara as an ally
against Tiamat. In the end, he asked Silvara to depart.
Silvara Level 24 Solo Soldier Silvara still mourns the loss. In her battles against
Elder silver dragon evil, her motivations conflict. Does she seek to protect
Hue natural rap: beast (dra:nn, she echan:er) XP 30,250
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +23; darkvision
HP 908: Bloodied 454: see also bloodied breath
AC 40; Fortitude 37, Reflex 36, Will 36
Resist 30 cold
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 15
Action Points 2
(+) Bite (standard; at-will)
Reach 3: +31 vs. AC: 4d6 + 9 damage.
(D Silver Claw (standard: at-will)
Reach 3: +31 vs. AC: 3d6 + 9 damage.
Dragon's Onslaught (standard: at-will)
Silvara makes a claw attack against each enemy in reach.
4, Wing Slice (immediate reaction, when an enemy attacks Silvara
while flanking her or attacks one of Silvara's allies; at-will)
Reach 3; +31 vs, AC; 3d6 -k 9 damage.
Breath Weapon (standard; recharge IX' + Cold
Close blast 5; +29 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 9 cold damage. and the
target is slowed and gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends
both). Miss: Half damage.
Bloodied Breath (free, when First bloodied; encounter)
Breath weapon recharges, and Silvara uses it.
I; Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; the target is
stunned until the end of Silvara's next turn. Aftereffect: The
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Enfolding Wings (immediate interrupt, when an enemy within 3
squares of Silvara attacks an ally that is also within 3 squares;
The target of the attack slides to a space adjacent to Silvara, and
the attack targets Silvara instead.
Change Shape (minor; at-will) .4. Polymorph
Silvara alters her form to appear as a unique Female elf (see
"Change Shape," MM2 216).
Alignment Good Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
Skills Arcana +22, Sluff +24, Diplomacy +24, Insight +23
5tr 28 (+21) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 22 (+18)
Con 27 (+20) int 20 (+171 Cha 25
Equipment leather armor, hunting club, obsidian dagger

History or Nature DC 16: A silver dragon named
Silvara has dwelt among mortals for generations. She
prefers the company of humanoids to that of other

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

the innocent, to impress and win back her lover, or to

end her pain in death?
Silvara in dragon form is less brutal and slower to
History or Nature DC 29: Silvara sporadically
attack than other silver dragons. Her time among
battles against Tia mat's forces (including Cyan Blood-
mortals has rendered her more interested in pro-
bane; see Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons, page
tecting her allies than in slaying her enemies. She
234). She has protected several elven communities
remains near her allies, guarding them with wing slice
and the tomb of an ancient hero, replete with relics.
attacks and enfolding wings. She unleashes her breath
She helped to convince metallic dragons to join
weapon against foes that attack en masse.
Bahamut's side rather than sit out the war. Evil chro-
As long as her allies are in danger, Silvara does not
matic dragons hate her for her role in the conflict.
retreat from battle. If her allies escape, she flees with
History or Nature DC 34: Since the dissolu-
them. If she has no one to protect, Silvara sees little
tion of her relationship with her lover. Silvara rarely
need for combat.
joins in the conflict between good and evil—and
then only in her elf form or in the form of a human
knight. She reveals her true nature only in desperate ENCOUNTER GROUPS
circumstances. Silvara favors solitude, where she can suffer alone
"Silvara" is a name she frequently uses. Her birth and mourn what might have been, but she fights
name transliterates to Common as "D'Argent." Her only alongside others. Any champion of good or of
first elven name, taken when she joined a primitive Bahamut is a potential ally.
elven community, was "Silvart." Called "Silvara" by
more civilized elves when the tribes began to inter- Level 25 Encounter (XP 39,850)
act, she adopted the name to avoid association with • 3 ghaeles of winter (level 21 artillery, MM 103)
savagery. Finally, in her guise as a human knight, she Silvara (level 24 solo soldier)
answers to the name "A rlena Plata."

Silvara appears throughout the DRAG:MANCE series of novels. "Silver dragons." Silvara said, looking at Theros, "I am a
In her first appearance. In &coons of Winter Night, she poses silver dragon. My sister was the Silver Dragon who loved
as one of the ICagonesd, the primitive "wild elves," and falls Huma and fought the final great battle with him—"
in love with the elf Gilthanas, ruler of the Qualine.sti elves. "Nor Gilthanas flung the torch to the ground. It lay
During the war with Takhists {Ramat] and through the ages flickering for a moment at his feet. then he stamped on
and trilogies to follow, she reappears as a tragic champion it angrily, putting out its light. Silvara, watching him with
of good. In a later novel, Slivara and Gilthanas reunite, but sad eyes, reached our her hand to comfort him.
the information given here predates that event. Gilthanas shrank from her touch, staring at her in
The following text Is an excerpt from Dragons of Winter horror.
Night, in which Silvara reveals her true nature. Silvara lowered her hand slowly. Sighing gently. she
nodded. "I understand," she murmured. "I'm sorry."
"Hold the torch there ..." she Instructed. guiding his Gilthanas began to shake, then doubled over in agony
hand so that the light blazed right before her. "Now—look Putting his strong arms around him. Theros led Gilthanas
at my shadow on the wall behind me," she said in trem- to a bench and covered him with his cloak.
bling tones. "I'll be all right," Gilthanas mumbled. "just leave me
The tomb was silent; only the sputtering of the flaming alone, let me think. This is madness! it's all a nightmare. A
torch made any sound. Siivara's shadow sprang into life on dragon!" He closed his eyes tightly as if he could blot out
the cold stone wall behind her. The companions stared at their sight forever. "A dragon ..." he whispered brokenly.
it and—for an instant—none of them could say a word. Theros patted him gently, then returned to the others.
The shadow SiFvara cast upon the wall was not the "Where are the rest of the good dragons?" Theros
shadow of a young elfrnaid. asked. "The old man said there were many. Silver dragons.
it was the shadow of a dragon. gold dragons—"
"You're the dragon!" Laurana said in shocked disbelief. "There are many of us," Silvara answered reluctantly.
She laid her hand on her sword, but Theros stopped her. "Like the silver dragon we saw in ice Wall!" Laurana
"Nor he said suddenly. 1 remember. That old man—" said. "It was a good dragon. If there are many of you, band
He looked at his arm. "Now I remember. He used to come together! Help us light the evil dragons!"
into the inn of the Last Home! He was dressed differently. "Nor Silvara cried fiercely, Her blue eyes flared, and
He wasn't a mage, but it was him! I'll swear it! He told Laurana fell back a pace before her anger.
stories to the children. Stories about good dragons. Gold "Why not?"
dragons and—" "I cannot tell you." Silvara's hands clenched nervously.

CHAPTER 4 l New Monsters

IN THE SKIES ABOVE CIVILIZATION and wilderness through the air like a snake when she flies. Her claws
alike, an astounding sight floats amid the clouds: are long and narrow, looking almost like humanoid
an enormous oval island of stone covered in jagged fingers, and grant her impressive manual dexterity
peaks. The Floating Mountain, as it is called, is and grace when casting rituals.
the home of Valamaradace, a gold dragon who has As with other ancient golds, her scales seem to
become far more interested in vengeance against the gleam with an inner radiance. Her eyes do as well,
forces of evil than in the safety and well-being of the with glowing slotted pupils that almost blend into the
lesser creatures she used to zealously protect. golden orbs that house them.
The Queen of the Floating Mountain is longer
than most gold dragons of her age (not that there are VALAMARADACE LORE
many to compare her to), but she has substantially
History or Nature DC 28: For long centuries, the
less mass. Valamaradace is more serpentine in build
Floating Mountain hovered over, or near, the com-
than most other golds, and she seems to wind her way
munity of Silverymoon (or any other city appropriate
to your campaign). Valamaradace and her consort—a
Valamaradace Level 30 Solo Artillery
silver dragon whom the people below called "Silver-
Ancient gold dragon
Car: antuan natural magical beast idragoni XP 95.000
wing"—served as guardians and protectors of the
Initiative +22 Senses Perception 4-27; darkvision region, and they frequently collaborated with the
Searing Flame (fire, radiant) aura 2; each enemy that starts Its city's ruler, a potent spellcaster in her own right.
turn within the aura takes 20 fire and radiant damage and takes Initially, Valamaradace saw hersel f as the queen
a -2 penalty to at tack rolls until the start of its next turn. of the region, as a guardian responsible for ensuring
HP 1.088: Bloodied 544; see also bloodied breath the healthy growth orall creatures in her domain. She
AC 42; Fortitude 40. Reflex 44. Will 42
sought to harm none, to understand all living beings,
Resist fire 30. radiant 20
Saving Throws +5
and to use her shapeshifting to better appreciate their
Speed 8. fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15 lives. Eventually, however, her interest in her domain
Action Points 2 waned. She was more interested in countering possible
(±) Bite (standard; at-will) Fire, Radiant evils than in safeguarding the good of any particular
Reach 4; +35 vs. AC; 1d8 + 13 damage plus 2d8 fire and radiant creatures, and she had come to think that she had
damage. learned all that the humanoids could teach her. Silver-
. Claw (standard; at-will)
wing remained more involved with the people. Over
Reach 4: +35 vs. AC: 2d8 + 13 damage.
() Golden tight (standard; at will) + Fire, Radiant, Teleportation
the years, he grew more protective of them while Vala-
Ranged 20; +35 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 13 fire and radiant damage. maradace grew more detached. Her focus shifted to her
and Valamaradace teleparts the target 4 squares. magic and to the spread of evil elsewhere in the world.
)! Curtain of Light (free. when an enemy starts its turn within S Valamaradace is an extremely skilled caster. It
squares of Valamaradace: at-will) is said that her spellbooks hold every ritual known
Valamaradare usesgolden fight against the triggering enemy to mortals and several that no human, eladrin. or
Twin Gleaming (standard; at will)
gnome has ever heard of. Legend claims that her
Valamaradace makes two golden light attacks.
•E• Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ''..:11111) + Fire, Radiant
skills at divination and scrying are so great that no
Close blast 7; +35 vs. Reflex: 4d10 + 13 fire and radiant damage. enemy can possibly take her unawares.
and the target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage. History or Nature DC 33: Over the years, the
÷ Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter) two dragons grew apart as their interests and feel-
Breath weapon recharges. and Valamaradace uses it. ings for the people below diverged. The ruler of the
Beguiling Light [minor, encounter) city below, and all the other mortals Valamaradace
Until the end of Valamaradace's next turn, any creature that
knew, grew old and died. Their heirs proved ever
rakes radiant damage from her attacks is dazed (save ends).
r Searing Mark (minor; recharge (4[Illr) + Fire, Radiant
less impressive in the gold dragon's eyes. Slowly but
Ranged 20; +35 vs. Fortitude; the target gains vulnerable 20 fire steadily, the Dragon Queen's interest in those below
and vulnerable 20 radiant (save ends). her waned further. Finally, when the region was
Change Shape (minor: at-will) Polymorph rocked by a catastrophe that shook the foundations of
Valamaradace can alter her physical form to take on the the earth and of magic itself, Valamaradace dedicated
appearance of any Large or smaller humanoid or beast (see herself- to what she called "a greater purpose" than
"Change Shape: MM2 216).
the protection of a few insignificant lives. She and
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic,
Elven, Supernal
Silverwing went their separate ways (though they still
Skills Arcana 33. Diplomacy +29. History +33. Intimidate 4-29 cooperate on occasion), and Valamaradace allowed
Str 25 (+22) Dex 24 (+22) Wis 24 (+22) the Floating Mountain to drift free so she could scour
Con 24 (+22) tnt 36 (+28) Cha 28 (+24) the land in search of great, world-shaking threats.

tHAPTFR 4 I New Monsters


History or Nature DC 38: Valamaradace's efforts attacks more effective. She holds her breath weapon in
to destroy what she considers to be great threats—and reserve for foes that manage to move near her despite
none are quite certain what her criteria might be—do her curtain of light.
not take into account the good of other, lesser crea- Valamaradace, despite her sense of innate supe-
tures. She is willing to obliterate innocent bystanders riority, is willing to flee combat if a foe proves too
if doing so is the most effective way to defeat an difficult or impossible to keep at a distance. She then
enemy, and her zeal to defeat powerful tyrants has uses her mastery of rituals to study that foe and better
left more than one community in the throes of anar- prepare her for their next encounter,
chy afterward. She expects all creatures to obey her When you run Valamaradace in combat, portray
without question, and those that do not risk being her as though she already has a full understand-
lumped in with her enemies in her mind. ing of the characters' abilities. The Dragon Queen
Valamaradace rarely assumes humanoid form is a master of almost every ritual known—including
anymore, but when she must, she most often travels divinations and scrying—and unless her enemies
as an elf by the name of Targarda. have been incredibly secretive, odds are that she has
learned of them and studied them from afar.
Valamaradace prefers to devastate her enemies from ENCOUNTER GROUPS
a distance. Indeed, over many years—and many Valamaradace fights alongside any creatures willing
mystical endeavors—her abilities have diverged from to follow her orders and swear fealty to her cause. She
those of other gold dragons, allowing her to do just prefers allies that can move in close, allowing her to
that. She never engages her foes in melee if she can keep her distance from the fray.
avoid it. partly because of her combat abilities, and
partly because she wants to avoid "sullying herself" Level 32 Encounter (XP 143,000)
by close contact with lesser creatures. • Valamaradace (level 30 solo artillery)
She uses beguiling light and searing mark early in • 2 dragon born champions (level 26 soldier, MM 87)
the fight to make her golden light and twin gleaming + 1 godforged colossus (level 29 elite brute. MM 44)


Valamaradace first appeared in the FoRoorrEN REALMS cam• most of the great deeds. With the changes discussed here,
paign setting as the "Dragon Queen of Silverymoon." Allied however, Valamaradace becomes a far more active figure
with Alustriel. Valamaradace and SilverwIng battled against and can be the driving force behind many an adventure.
many evil forces of that setting, including (among others) Valamaradace's story was written to fit Into any cam-
the Cult of the Dragon and the Zhentarim. However. Vala- paign setting_ ['you choose to use her in Faerim, however,
maradace rarely featured in these efforts, remaining in the the magical and natural catastrophe mentioned in the Lore
background while her consort and Alustriel performed section likely refers to the Spellplague.

CHAPTER 4 J New Monsters

When a party fights a dragon, it's usually the entirety CHROMATIC AD USTMENTS
of the combat. But what should you do when you want Variety Power Removed Variety Power Removed
to have the dragon accompanied by other creatures? Black Tail slash Green Toil sweep
You could use a dragon of a much lower level than Blue Wingclap Purple Dominating gaze
the party, but that might result in a combat in which (ancient only) Red Tail strike
the dragon is mostly ineffectual—the dragon's attack Brown Sand spray White
bonuses and defenses will be too low to threaten the Gray Warding tail
party. In these cases, you need an elite dragon.
Creating an elite dragon is similar to applying a METALLIC AD USTMENTS
template, with a few extra steps. Powers need to be Variety Power Removed

simplified to tone down the dragon's strength. First, Adamantine Wing buffet

the dragon's ability to recharge a breath weapon in Brass Wing buffet

combat requires more tracking than an elite creature Bronze Wing smash

should require, so breath weapon becomes an encounter Cobalt Wing flurry

power. The second aspect that needs to be removed is Copper Cut wing step
Gold Fiery wing riposte
the attack that occurs as an interrupt, minor, or move
action; this ability is what allows a solo creature to Iron Wing block
Mercury Quick snap
have an extra attack aside from its standard action.
Prerequisite: Solo dragon Mithral Wing buffet
Orium Tad coil (elder or ancient only)
Silver Wing slice
Elite Dragon Elite Any
(Dragon) XP h \ Steel Wing scatter
Saving Throws * 1 (instead of +5)
Action Points 1 (instead of 2) SAMPLE ELITE: DRAGON
Hit Points 16 4 (Constitution score x 2) + (level x 16)
Breath Weapon (standard: encounter) (keywords Turning a young iron dragon into an elite requires
unchanged) lowering its saving throw bonus and action points,
Use the original breath weapon, but change it to an encounter reducing its hit points to 134, and cutting out the
power rather than a recharge power. wing block immediate reaction attack power.
Nonstandard Attack Power
Remove an interrupt attack power, minor attack power. or
Elite Young Iron Dragon Level S Elite Lurker
move attack power from the dragon (see the tables).
Large natur al magical beast (dragon) XP 400
Healing and Self-Damaging Powers
Initiative 48 Senses Perception t 8; darkvision
Adjust powers that heal the dragon or cause it to damage
HP 134; Bloodied 67; see also bloodied breath
itself to half the original value. (For example, a young bronze
AC 19; Fortitude 19, Reflex 17. Will 16
dragon would regain 41 hit points instead of 82 hit points using
Resist 15 lightning
restorative dive.)
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10
Consider reducing the size of the dragon to indicate Action Points 1
that it is a weaker member of the kind, especially if ® Bite (standard; at-will) + Lightning
you intend to include the full-strength dragon as a Reach 2; + 10 vs. AC; 2d8 4 damage plus 1d8 lightning
solo encounter at another point during the adventure. damage.

Also, this system isn't perfect, so make a reality check co Claw (standard; at-will)
Melee 2: +10 vs. AC: 1d10 t 4 damage.
to ensure that the monster's abilities are reasonable
Double Attack (standard; at-will)
for its level and the party's capabilities. The dragon makes two claw attacks.
<- Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) + lightning
Close blast 5: +6 vs. Reflex; 2d6 1- 4 lightning damage. and the
CHANGING DEFENSES dragon pulls the target 3 squares. Miss: Half damage.
<- Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Monsters from before Monster Manual 2 were created
Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
using a slightly different method, which gave elites and
<• Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) + Fear
solos higher defenses than other monsters. If you're Close burst 5; targets enemies: +6 vs. Will; the target is stunned
making an elite dragon based on one from the Monster until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The target
Manual, Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons. or a different takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
older source, consider reducing its defenses so they're Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
close to the values given in Dungeon Master's Guide 2. In Skills Acrobatics +9. Athletics +8. Stealth +9
Str 13 (+3) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
a pinch, just reduce all the dragon's defenses by 2.
Con 19 (+6) Int12('3) Cha 11 (+2)

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

The statistics blocks in this book and In Monster BRASS DRAGON POWERS
Manual 2 show common, iconic powers of metal-
Despite their curiosity, brass dragons avoid great pain
lic dragons. Dragons might develop other powers
and do not tolerate insolence. The following powers
through training, environment, or magic, allowing
allow brass dragons to punish anyone that crosses
you to create surprising adversaries.
those bounds.


Mercury and steel dragons are natural shapechang- A brass dragon can increase the temperature of an
ers, but other metallic dragons, particularly golds and attacker's blood. This power replaces wing shim.
silvers, can also learn to change shape. Even a few
chromatics have this ability. Burning Blood (free, when the dragon takes damage frum a mea
Adding change shape (see Monster Manual 2. page attack;at- will) 4' Fire
216) to a dragon does not dramatically increase the The attacker takes ongoing fire damage equal to 5 e one-half
dragon's power, but shapechanging can serve your the dragon's level (save ends).

story. I f you want to have a shapechanging dragon,

you need not replace another power with it. If you FIRE CLOAK
want the characters to have a chance of being able An elder or ancient brass dragon can gain a protec-
to discern the dragon's true nature, you can limit the tive fire aura after using a flame attack. This power
ability or have the dragon retain a hint of its draconic replaces ignite.
appearance. (Also see the "Unmasking the Dragon"
skill challenge on page 50.) Fire Cloak (free, after hitting with breath weapon or fire stream;
at will) 4- Fire
Until the end of its next turn, the dragon is hidden, and arty
ADAMANTINE creature that attacks it takes 10 fire damage.

Masters of surface caves and the caverns of the Under- BRONZE DRAGON POWERS
dark, adamantine dragons are tyrants that bring Bronze dragons do not suffer fools. A bronze's great
lightning to the depths. The following powers bring sense of self-worth grants its words the power to twist
out their brash and destructive nature. thoughts or control elements.


fly forgoing its ranged attack prowess, an elder or Bronze dragons that want to subjugate others develop
ancient adamantine dragon can boost its melee the following power instead offrightful presence. Any
attack.This power replaces painful resonance. bronze can manifest this power, but young bronzes
rarely do so.
Adamantine Charge (standard; at-will)
The dragon makes a charge attack: level + 5 vs. Fortitude; ldl 0 imperious Command (Immediate interrupt, when an enemy
+ one-hall level damage. and the target is knocked prone. The damages the dragon; recharges if imperious command misses) +
target cannot stand while the dragon remains adjacent to it. Charm
Level + 3 vs. Will; the dragon takes half damage from the attack,
and the triggering enemy is dominated until the end tithe
dragon's next turn.
An adamantine dragon can magically bind thunder
from its breath to its scales and unleash the thunder
when struck. This power replaces the "Effect" section WATER NIMBUS
of an adamantine dragon's breath weapon. Elder and ancient dragons can surround themselves
with magical water that hangs in the air. This power
<- Punishing Thunder (free, after using breath weapon) replaces pinning claw.
Close burst 5; each enemy in the burst is marked by the dragon <. Water Nimbus (minor; recharge.::; LIP + Zone
until the end of the dragon's next turn. Until the end of the Close burst 3; the dragon creates a zone of water in its space
dragon's next turn, any creature that hits the dragon with a and in the burst. Any creature within the zone except the
melee attack takes 10 thunder damage. dragon gains vulnerable S lightning and uses its swim speed or
Athletics (DC 15) to move. If the dragon is ancient, Increase the
vulnerability to 10, and the Athletics DC to 20.

CHAPTER 4 New Monsters

Cold and sullen, a cobalt dragon believes that good When a copper dragon moves, it can leave behind an
fences make the best neighbors. It can form its breath acidic shadow of itself. This power replaces clawing
into a frigid wall or draw upon dark powers of the step.
Caustic Escape (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves
adjacent to the dragon; recharge I t) + Acid, Zone
ICE WALL The dragon flies its speed. The space it left becomes a zone of
An ancient cobalt can shape a wall of ice from its acidic mist until the end of the encounter. The zone is difficult
breath. This power replaces rimedeathfag. terrain and lightly obscured. Any creature that enters the zone
or starts Its turn there takes 5 acid damage. For a dragon of 11th
1; Ice Wall (minor; encounter) + Cold, Conjuration level or higher, the damage increases to 10, and for a dragon of
Area wall 10 within 10: the dragon conjures a solid wall of ice level 21 or higher, the damage increases to 15.
10 squares long and 10 squares high. The wall blocks line of
sight and prevents movement through it Any creature that GOLD DRAGON POWERS
starts its turn adjacent to the wall takes 15 cold damage and is
slowed until the end of its turn. Monarchs and other regents revere the gold dragon
for its majesty, strength, fortitude, and luck. The fol-
lowing powers enhance a gold dragon's defenses or
Cobalt dragons that live in the Shadowfell can mix
their innate cold powers with necrotic energy from
the realm of the dead. This power replaces savage GOLD BARRIER
mauling. A gold dragon can learn to manifest a golden sphere
of protection instead of learning to counterattack.
* Shadow Hail (standard: recharges when first bloodied) This power replaces fiery wing riposte.
Cold, Necrotic
Area burst 2 within 20; level + 5 vs. Fortitude and Reflex: if Gold Barrier (immediate reaction, when hit by an adjacent
the attack hits Fortitude. one-half level necrotic damage. and creature; at-will)
the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends): if the The dragon gains resistance equal to one-half Its level to all
attack hits Reflex, one-half level cold damage. and the target is damage until the start of Its next turn. lithe triggering attack
knocked prone. scored a critical hit. increase the resistance by 5.


Copper dragons have tricks up their proverbial An adult or older gold dragon can hamper its foes'
sleeves. The following powers allow coppers to stop luck. This power replaces burning tomb.
foes in their tracks ... or to outsmart them.
-N. Treasured Luck (minor; recharge f,)
Area burst 2 within 20: targets enemies: level + 3 vs. Will;
BREATH WEAPON: ACIDIC MORASS the first time the target attacks the dragon each round, the
A copper dragon's breath weapon can melt the earth target rolls d20 twice and takes the lower result (save ends). IF
into acidic mud. This power replaces the dragon's that attack misses, the target grants combat advantage to the
normal breath weapon. dragon on the dragon's next attack.

< Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ;MI rip + Acid, Zone IRON DRAGON POWERS
Close blast 5; level + 1 vs. Reflex; acid damage equal to that of
The ill-tempered iron dragons value their privacy.
the dragon's normal breath weapon. The blast creates a zone
of acidic morass until the end of the encounter. The squares The pricklier ones release arsenals of iron spikes or
within the zone are difficult terrain. Any creature that starts its blinding breath upon creatures that dare to attack.
turn within the zone takes acid damage equal to one-half the
dragon's level and must make an Acrobatics or Athletics check
(DC 10 + one-half the dragon's level) or become immobilized
An iron dragon can diffuse its lightning breath to
until the start of its next turn. The creature can attempt another
Athletics check as a move action. create a blinding flash of light. This power replaces
frightful presence.

Iron-Spark Lightning (standard, or minor if breath weapon is

available; at-will) • Lightning, Radiant
Ranged 20; level + 2 vs. Reflex; 1d6 - one-half level lightning
and radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the end of
the dragon's next turn.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

4- Mercury Tendril (minor Vround; at-will) + Poison
Ranged 10/20: level + 3 vs. Reflex; 1d6 one-half level poison
damage. and the dragon slides the target 1 square. t •


Mortal concerns of space and d istance do not confine
mithral dragons. These astral creatures can tempo-
rarily phase out of existence, gaining strength from
mysteries that lie beyond.

A mithral dragon can become trapped between the
world and the Astral Sea and turn into a ghostlike
figure Frozen in time. This power replaces wing buffet.

interplanar Stasis (minor, recharges when first bloodied) •

The dragon goes into stasis and Is insubstantial, restrained, and
weakened. If the dragon is in stasis at the start of its turn, it
regains 2 hit points per level and is then no longer in stasis.

An elder or ancient mithral dragon can teleport other
creatures and rearrange a battle. This power replaces
mithral prescience.

IRON SPIKE DEFENSE Mithral Mists (minor; encounter) + Teleportation

Eider and ancient iron dragons can transform their Close burst 3; level + 5 vs. Will; the target Is teleported to a
scales into jagged iron spikes. This power replaces square within 10 squares of the dragon. Effect; The dragon
iron wine defense. teleports 10 squares.

iron Spike Defense (minor: recharge:f7 111)

Until the end of the dragon's next turn, any creature adjacent to
the dragon that attacks it takes ongoing damage equal to one- Reclusive masters, orium dragons sit among the ruins
half the dragon's levet. of lost empires. From ancient stories, they reproduce
powers once used by dragons of old.
DRAGON POWERS An eider or ancient orium dragon can learn to attack
Fluid in body and disposition, mercury dragons can with its tail more effectively than with its bite. This
learn to exude versatile tendrils. Tendrils can grab, power replaces the dragon's bite attack. Draconicfury
pierce, or d rag enemies. also uses this power instead of the bite attack.

FLOWING GRAPPLE <- Tail Swipe (standard: at-will)

Close blast 3; level -1- 6 vs. AC: 1d6 one-half level damage. and
A mercury dragon can adapt its shapeshifting ability
the target Is knocked prone.
to ensnare and drag a creature. This power replaces
quicksilver form.
Sowing Grapple (standard; encounter) An orium dragon can create a vaporous serpent that
Level + 3 vs. Reflex; 4d6 one•half level damage. and the target has acidic tentacles. This power replaces the bite
Is grabbed. Effect: The dragon shifts its speed. If It Is grabbing a attack of the dragon's vaporous serpent.
creature, it pulls the creature with it and places the creature in
any space adjacent to it at the end of the movement (and the 4. Vaporous Tentacle (standard; at.will)* Acid
creature is still grabbed). Level 4- 4 vs. Fortitude; acid damage equal to that of the
vaporous serpent's bite attack - 5. and the target is grabbed by

MERCURY TENDRIL the vaporous serpent.

A mercury dragon can create tendrils that pierce

and stagger its enemies. This power replaces frightful
j presence.

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters .Aeoilli

SILVER DRAGON POWERS Chill Recovery (when the silver dragon succeeds on a saving
throw; at-will 1/round) + Cold
Compassionate and honorable to friends, silver drag. Close burst 3; level + 3 vs. Reflex; the target Is immobilized
ons show no mercy to enemies. This ruthlessness can (save ends).
manifest in varying powers.
BLOODIED ONSLAUGHT Living in disguise means being evasive. Steel dragons
A silver dragon can gain a power similar to bloodied
can grow paranoid and seek possible escapes in all
breath for its dragon's onslaught or furious dragon's
onslaught. This works best for Huge and larger drag-
ons because of their long reach. This power replaces
bloodied breath.
A skilled elder or ancient steel dragon can trap a
4. Bloodied Onslaught (free, when first bloodied; encounter) foe in a sphere of force and then retreat. This power
Dragon's onslaught or furious dragon's onslaught recharges, and replaces force prison.
the dragon uses it. gaining a +2 bonus to the attack rolls.
Entrapping Retreat imove; recharges when the dragon uses
breath weapon) + Force. Zone
BREATH WEAPON: S + one-half level vs. Reflex; the target's space becomes a zone
IMMOBILIZING BREATH of force until the end of the dragon's next turn. The target
Silver dragons can adapt their freezing breath to doesn't have line of effect to squares outside the zone and can't
immobilize foes. This power replaces the dragon's leave the zone. No creature has line of effect to the target.
Effect; The dragon shifts its speed.
normal breath weapon.

<- Breath Weapon (standard; recharge XII ♦ Cold STEEL SWATH

Close blast 5; level + 1 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + one-half level cold A steel dragon can develop its fighting ability in
damage, and the target is Immobilized (save ends). Each time human form. This power replaces dragon's suggestion.
the target makes a saving throw against this effect, it takes cold
damage equal to one-half the dragon's level.
Steel Swath (standard, when the dragon is in human form;
recharge + Weapon
CHILL RECOVERY The dragon makes two attacks: level + S vs. AC; 2d8 + one-half
When an elder or ancient silver dragon recovers from level damage. The dragon shifts its speed between the two
a harmful effect, it unleashes a triumphant burst of
cold. This power replaces unstoppable.


RICHARD BAKER is an award-winning game designer who ROBERT J. SCHWAIB works as a freelance designer for
has written scores of D&D" adventures and supplements, Wizards of the Coast His recent credits include Martial
including Manual 4 the Ranee" and Divine l)q,erTM. Rich Power, Droconorniconng: Chromatic Dragons, and the FOR-
is also a bestselling author of FoncarrtN REALMS • novels, GOTTEN REAIMS Player's Guide. Robert lives in Tennessee with
including Swordmage and Corsair in the Blades of the his wife, Stacee.
Moonsea series.
ARI MARMELL is a novelist and freelance writer, who has
PETER LEE works as a game designer for Wizards of the been working on both fiction and role-playing games For
Coast, where he splits his time between RPG design and almost ten years and has published material through
leading the design for D&D' Miniatures. companies such as Paizo, White Wolf, Green Ronin, and
Wizards of the Coast. His 4th Edition D&D credits include
DAVID NOONAN has an extensive list of RPG credits, Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons, the EHERRON' Player's
Including Martial Powern., Scepter Tower of SpellgordnA, Guide, the EBERRON" Campaign Guide, and numerous articles
and contributions to the 4th Edition core rules. He lives in for D&D insiderml. His fiction credits include Agents of Arti-
Washington state with his wife and two children. fice for the Magic: The Gathering" line, and The Conqueror's
Shadow (forthcoming from Bantam Spectra).

CHAPTER 4 I New Monsters

Every new monster in this book appears on the following list, which is sorted alphabetically by level and monster
role. Monster leaders are indicated with an (1).
Monster Level and Role Page Monster Level and Role Page
Brass Dragon Wyrmling 2 Elite Artillery 175 Bronze Dragon, Adult 14 Solo Brute 159
Goblin Cursespewer 2 Artillery (I.) 88 Ilvokula 14 Elite Brute (L) 120
Baaz Draconian 2 Soldier 190 Xyplinmens 14 Solo Brute (I.) 122
Goblin Sentry 2 Soldier 89 Steel Dragon. Adult 14 Solo Controller 172
CAntall Rogue Serpent 14 Skirmisher 186
Ferak Draconian 3 Brute 191 War Shark 14 Skirmisher 121
Cobalt Dragon Wyrmling 3 Elite Controller 177 Vanathia 14 Solo Soldier 116
Iron Dragon Wyrmling 3 Elite Skirmisher 179
Andracmos 15 Solo Artillery 202
Brass Dragon. Young 4 Solo Artillery 156
Chevkos's Cmssbownian 4 Artillery 94 Gold Hollow Dragon 16 Solo Brute 184
Mohair/. Draconian 4-1:untroller l92 llrakkelisteet1 16 Skirmisher 196
Karmic Draconian 4 Lurker 192
Mercury Dragon Wyrmling 4 Elite Linker 180 Brass 1)rugon. Elder 18 Solo Artillery 157
Eh raeslik 4 Solo Lurker 90 lalanvaloss 18 Solo Controller 2IC
Cheykos's Lackey 4 Minion Skirmisher 94 fliithrall)ragon, Adult 18 Solo Skirmisher 167
Copper Dragon Wyrmling 4 Elite Skirmisher 177 Aspect of Bahamut 18 Solo Soldier (1) 208
Chevkos 's Guard 4 Soldier 94
Cobalt Dragon. Elder 19 Solo Controller 162
Houk Draconian 5 Artillery 191
Bronze Dragon Wyrmling S Elite Brute 176 Vaporous Serpent. Elder 20 Minion Brute 171
Silver Dragon Wyrmling 5 Elite Brute 183 Nillung 20 Solo Controller 21 li.12,t
Cobalt Dragon, Young 5 Solo Controller 161 Hoard Guardian Sentinel 20 Soldier
Dragonkin Channeler (Kobold) 5 Controller 198 Odom 1)ragon. Elder 20 Solo Soldier 170
Steel Dragon Wynnling 5 Elite Controller 183
l)ragonkin Zealot (Kobold) 5 Lurker 198 Grave-Burn Drakkensteed 21 Artillery 196
Iron Dragon, Elite Young 5 Elite Lurker 218 Bronze Dragon, Elder 21 Solo Brute 159
Adamantine Dragon Wyrmling 5 Elite Soldier 174 Galzaik 21 Elite Controller 134
Steel Dragon, Elder 21 Solo Controller 173
Chevkos 6 Artillery 96 Mercury Dragon, Elder 21 Solo Lurker 165
Cave Stirge Swarm 6 Brute 104
Wyrmling Vaporous Serpent 6 Minion Brute 182 Death Thrall Attendant 22 Minion Brute 147
Mercury Dragon, Young 6 Solo Lurker 163 Methenaera 22 Solo Brow 128
KOrtillalikUT 6 Elite Skirmisher 96
Adamaaz Draconian 6 Soldier 189 Kuyulha. Exarch of Bahamut 23 Elite Controller (L) 209
Orium Dragon Wyrmling 6 Elite Soldier 182 Angel of the Sigil and Word 23 Soldier 134

Bronze Dragon. Young 7 Solo Brute 159 COUntl Redeemer 24 Artillery 186
Dragonkin Champion (Kobuk]) 7 Brute 198 Askaran- 16 is 24 Elite Brute (14 144
Gold Dragon Wyrmling 7 Elite Controller 179 Gold Hollow Wynn 24 Solo Soldier 184
Steel Dragon, Young 7 Solo Controller 172 Silvara 24 Solo Soldier 214
Wynnguard Sentinel (Kobold) 7 Soldier 199
Astrklaria 25 Solo Skirmisher 136
Vaporous Serpent. Young 8 Minion Brute 170 Mithral Dragon. Elder 25 Solo Skirmisher 167
Aurak Draconian ft Contmller (1.) 189
Sivak Draconian K Skirmisher 192 Brass Dragon, Ancient 26 Solo Artillery i58
liaaz Draconian Foot Soldier 8 Minion Soldier 190 Venomous Remnant 26 Million Artillery 153
Onion Dragon, Young 8 Solo Soldier 170 Cobalt Dragon•Bred Dralckensteed 26 Skirmisher 196

Wyringuard Scout (Kobold) 9 Artillery 200 Death Giant Soulfire Hurler 27 Artillery 142
Vulture Drake 9 Brute 194 Cobalt Dragon. Ancient 27 Solo Controller 162
Zariat hakla Vaporous Serpeni 9 Minion Brute 106
mithra t Dragon Wynoling 9 Elite Skirmisher 181 Vaporous Serpent. Ancient 28 Minion Brute 171
Zanathakla 9 Solo Soldier I06 Golgomx 28 Elite Controller ( 146
Mercury Dragon. Ancient 28 Solo Lurker 165
Three-Tooth (Kobold) 10 Elite Artillery 201 °num Dragon. Ancient 28 Solo Soldier 171

Brass Dragon. Adult I 1 Solo Artillery 156 Bronze Dragon. Ancient 29 Solo Brute 160
Gargoyle I farrier 11 Lurker 112 Steel Dragon, Ana leni 29 Solo Controller 174
Mithral Dragon. Young 11 Solo Skirmisher 166 Tananzinaert 29 Solo Lurker

Cobalt Dragon, Adult 12 Solo Controller 162 Valamaradace 30 Solo Artillery 216
Aelathric Salitiagin Guard 12 Minion 123
Liondrake 12 Skirmisher 194 Mithral Dragon. Ancient 31 Solo Skirmisher 168

Aelathric &thought Priest 13 Artillery 120 lialiamlIt 36 Solo Soldier (1.) 208
Vaporous Serpent. Adult 13 Minion Brute 170 The Old Man with the Canaries 36 Solo Soldier (L) 206
Mercury Dragon. Adult 13 Solo Lurker 164
Orium Dragon, Adult 13 Solo Soldier 170
Sand Knives Bandit 13 Minion Soldier 203

CHAPTER 4 l New Monsters

"Unlike their chromatic
kin, metallic dragons are
. . complicated . . . their
loyalties and motives difficult
to ascertain. They can be gracious
and just. secretive and conniving. Above
all, one must never forget they are dragons—clever,
covetous, dominating, proud, and devastatingly powerful_
Be wary in your dealings with them."
—N imozara IL wizard of rallcrest

This DUNGEONS & DRAGONS° supplement covers the

adamantine, copper, gold. iron, and silver dragons
described in Monster Manual° 2 as well as several new
metallic dragons, Including cobalt, mercury, mithral.
oriurn, and steel. Herein you'll find new dragon powers.
tactics, lairs. and servitors. In addition, this book provides
information about how metallic dragons fit into the D4S.EDL
game and how to play them as villains. along with ready-to-
play material such as adventure hooks, quests, and traps.

For use with these 4th Edition Durur.toriis & DRAGONS products:

Player's Handbook" core rulebooks

Dungeon Master's Guide' core rulebooks
Monster Manual" core rulebooks
D&D" Miniatures MD' Dungeon Tiles



ISBN: 978-0-7869-5248-


9 780786 952489
Sug. Retail US $39.95 CAN 549 00
Printed in Irie U.S.A. 242100000

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