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The Righteous Husband

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The Righteous Husband

Abū Idrīs Muḥammad

Allāh has given the husband rights and has likewise given rights to the wife. We will elaborate

on some of those rights and on how to build a home of affection and mercy, and the ways

that we can live with one another in a manner that is pleasing to Allāh. What can we do to

make our household better? What can we do to make our wives more content? Indeed, Allāh

has brought two individuals together, and the husband has the stronghold as Allāh has

mentioned in the Qurʾān, but that doesn't mean he violates his position and mistreats the

one that is more deserving of his softness, love and attention; his wife. If anyone is more

deserving of your good manners, your soft approach, your wealth and your time, indeed it is

your wife and your children. The wife that remains patient with you; the wife that bore your

child, carried your child for nine months and gave birth. I think it is befitting to start with a

reminder of the ḥadīth that we all know.

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock…A man is
shepherd over his household and is responsible for them.” 1

Bukhārī & Muslim

The Messenger of Allāh (‫ )ﷺ‬is truly an example for us. According to the Salaf and the ʿulemā,

the way to adapt and take the textual evidences from the Qurʾān and the Sunnah is to

envision that you are being addressed directly by Allāh and His Messenger.

Indeed, it is revelation from the Messenger; therefore, do not take it as light words. If our

Messenger was present today and he addressed us, how would we be? It is he (‫ )ﷺ‬that

commanded the men of this ummah,

“Fear Allāh regarding your women.” 2

Indeed, this is an advice and bequest from our Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬regarding our women. The one

that hears these words and he who wishes to implement it is fearful that he does not neglect

this piece of advice. Know, that all of us have been commanded to fear Allāh. In another

narration it is mentioned,

“Fear Your Lord regarding your women, for indeed you have taken them as a trust

from Allāh, and they have become lawful by the word of Allāh” 3

When the guardian gave her away, you took her, and she became ḥalāl for you with the Name

of Allāh, so fear Allāh in that regard for indeed the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“Be good to your womenfolk.” 4

Bukhārī & Muslim

How A Person Can Fear Allah Regarding His Wife

1. Providing For Your Wives

I began with this point first because many of the problems we face in our homes revolve

around this. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“The right that they have over you is that you provide for them, feed them when you
eat, clothe them when you clothe yourself and you must provide for them shelter.” 5

When we are called to arbitrate and sit between couples, often a man repeats, “She's not

respecting me!” How can she respect you when she is dependant, not on your wealth, but on

the social services to the extent that when it comes to the food, she purchases her own but,

yet you want to establish that you have the upper hand over her?

Shaykh Aḥmad al-Najmī said, “You having the upper hand over her is when you provide for

her.” As mentioned in the verse,

﴾‫ال قَ َّو ُامو َن َعلَى النِّ َس ِّاء‬ ِّ ﴿

ُ ‫الر َج‬
“…Men are the protectors and maintainers of women.”

Simple issues can be rectified easily; provide for her. Do not give her the chance to point the

finger at you. Remember, it is not that you are doing her a favour; rather look at it as an act

of worship, for when you do so it becomes easier for the hearts and there is fervent desire

and blessings in it. Look at it as a command from Allāh and the Messenger, for she is deserving

of your goodness.


The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“Is it not so that the right they have over you is that you're good to them?” 6

Providing for them and being soft towards them is all from goodness.

2. Do Not Hit Her

It is not permissible to strike your wife in the face. This is absolutely forbidden. The

Messenger of Allāh (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“As for the one that strikes his whip in an oppressive manner, he will receive

retribution on the Day of Judgement.” 7

You will be questioned. Under no circumstances can you strike the face of your wife. Despite

some narrations concerning hitting your wife, know, that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬never hit his wives

nor did he ever strike animals, and he was the Messenger of Allāh (‫)ﷺ‬. He (‫ )ﷺ‬was the best

of us and he is our example, so look how he was towards his women. The Prophet’s (‫ )ﷺ‬wives

loved him immensely, and that love was not because they feared him. Many of the wives

today are a certain way and accept many things not due to love, but because they fear their

husbands. This is not affection and mercy, and this is certainly not how our wives should be

feeling at home. The Messenger of Allāh (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“Allāh will torture those who torture people in this world.” 8

We will be held to account for everything we do.

Bukhārī (Al-adab al Mufrad)

Likewise, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“I prohibit the violation of the rights of two (i.e. the two weak ones: the orphan and

the woman).” 9

These are commands from the Messenger of Allāh (‫)ﷺ‬. In the Qurʾān where Allāh mentions

striking the women, towards the end of the verse He concludes,

﴾ ‫اَّللَ َكا َن َعلِّيًّا َكبِّ ًريا‬

َّ ‫﴿ إِّ َّن‬
“...Indeed, Allāh is Ever Most High, Most Great.”10

Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Kathīr said, “This is a warning and a threat to those husbands who transgress and
strike their women in a manner which is unlawful and harmful. Allāh, the Exalted is the
One who will be their Guardian and Protector and it is He who will reprimand those who
wrong and oppress their wives.”

Allāh says,

ُ ُ‫اض ِّرب‬
﴾ ‫وه َّن‬ ْ ‫﴿ َو‬
“…And strike them lightly..” 11

Regarding this verse, some individuals think that there are some allowances in striking their

women but know that with this allowance the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬never hit his wives. We love him

and wish to follow him. He is our example and he never did it.

Ibn majah
Sūrah al-Nisāʿ: 34
Sūrah al-Nisāʿ: 34

Don’t we have enough mercy and understanding to avoid this? Can’t we deal with it in

another way? In the tafsīr of al-Rāzī, he mentions that the striking (of one’s wife) should be

with a handkerchief and he should not strike with whips, sticks or anything that would cause

harm to the woman. Even if it was allowed, the Messenger of Allāh did not hit a woman and

never would he strike anything with his hand, except in battle or to protect himself.

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“How does one of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and thereafter he
embraces her?” 12

For the one who falls into this, which intelligence are you working with such that you

physically harm your wife and thereafter you wish to have relations with her? Look at how

you are harming her psychologically. You are messing with her mind by treating her in such

a way. For those of you present who have daughters, imagine how you love your daughter

immensely, you raise her, you give her away and it later reaches you that your daughter is

being violated, abused and is being beaten black and blue! How would that make you feel?

Remember that your wife is likewise someone’s daughter. Just as you would hate to see your

daughter suffer, have respect and do not put someone else’s daughter through something

that you yourself detest! These are simple principles and methods. Remember that the most

beloved thing to the shayṭān is that couples separate. Shaykh ʿ Abd al-Razzāq b. ʿ Abd al-

Muḥsin mentioned, “Remember that the shayṭān has thousands of years of experience on

how to destroy families.” We should learn these things to better our homes, so we have a

home of mercy and peace.


3. Soft Tone With His Wife

The man should have a sweet tongue with his wife. He carefully selects words that soften her

heart and words that are beloved to her heart, even though he may not be exactly like that;

rather he does it to please her. There are certain times where you can exaggerate, and one

is to please your wife and better your relationship; the Messenger allowed this. Tell her what

she wants to hear; tell her that she looks beautiful. If she requests something from you and

you know that you do not have the ability to provide her with it (clothing, jewelry etc),

instead of out rightly refusing, and breaking her heart, tell her you will try your best to get

it. These things are allowed. Use some nice words; be nice to her. If you cannot do anything

else, nice words do not harm.

4. A Man Beautifies Himself For His Wife and He

Smells Good
Allāh says,

ِّ ‫﴿ وََل َّن ِّمثْل الَّ ِّذي علَي ِّه َّن بِّالْمعر‬

﴾ ‫وف‬ ُْ َ َْ ُ َُ
“…And they (the women) have rights similar over them to that which is reasonable…”13

Beautify yourselves and smell good, this is taken from the sunnah of Allāh’s Messenger (‫)ﷺ‬.

Ibn ʿAbbās said regarding this verse,

“Indeed, I like to beautify myself just as I like that my wife beauties herself for me.”

It is not just one way, that the woman beautifies herself only, but the man must also do the
same because the women have similar rights over their husbands.

13 Sūrah al-Baqarah: 228


5. From Affection and Mercy Is That You Assist Your

Wife with the Household Chores

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was the Messenger of the entire Ummah, yet he still found time to carry out

household chores. A ḥadīth mentions,

“The prophet would aid with the household chores and when it was time to pray, he

would leave to perform the prayer.”14

When we hear things like this (about how the Messenger was at home), then, who are we?

Look at it as an act of worship. This is going to bring about the affection and mercy that we

are seeking. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was constantly smiling in his home and was extremely kind.

6. The Messenger of Allāh Would Make His Wives

Smile and Laugh

The Messenger of Allāh (‫ )ﷺ‬would play with his wives and make them smile and laugh.

He (‫ )ﷺ‬would play and even race with his wife ʿĀʾishah. On an occasion, he (‫ )ﷺ‬was leading

the Companions and instructed them to proceed so he could race with her, and he beat her

(at the race) while he was over fifty years of age. Even during this time, he thought of his wife

ʿĀʾishah and wanted to play with her. As ʿĀʾishah narrated, he beat her, laughed and said,

“This is for the first time (when she beat him).” 15 How can we claim we are too busy for our

wives? This is the man who was commanding the Muslim Ummah. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬found

time to make his wife laugh such that he instructed the Companions to proceed.

Ibn Abi Shaybah
Ibn Hibbān & An-Nasā’ī

When was the last time you made your wife laugh? When was the last time you saw her molar

teeth and she was giggling because you made her laugh? If you cannot remember, this is a

calamity. And if I were to ask you when the last time was that you made her cry, angry or

upset you would remember. Indeed, the way to a woman’s heart is to be kind, gentle and

make her laugh. Let us try this technique: be gentle, be soft and just make her laugh because

this is what the women are yearning for. If you try this, you will get everything you desire in

a good wife.

7. The Ways to Build the Bridges of Love

When ʿĀʾishah would drink from a vessel, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬would take it and drink from where

her lips touched.16 What is the purpose of this? It is merely to soften the heart. The Prophet

(‫ )ﷺ‬would place his head in her home (in a narration he would place his head on her lap) 17

and recite Qurʾān for her while she was on her menses. When was the last time we recited

Qurʾān for our wives? When ʿĀʾishah and the other wives were on their menses, the

Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬would still give them time. He would not forsake them and would still share

the same bed with them. ʿĀʾishah said, “If there were any traces of the menses upon his

clothes, he would merely wash it.”18 The point of reference is that even when she was on her

menses they were still close. She did not sleep in another room. Small things, all taken from

the Sunnah. Even when they would bathe they would perform ghusl together in one basin.

When was the last time any of us did that with our wives? We have a gift from Allāh; the

Messenger of Allāh as a Mercy.

Abū Dāwūd

We have something that no other nation has—the Messenger (‫ ;)ﷺ‬an elevated example to

follow. If only we followed him and his way, we would have fewer problems in our lives.

8. Do Not Criticize, Ridicule or Put Her Down

Do not criticize your wife. Do not put her down regarding her physical appearance or her

actions, for verily the Messenger of Allāh did not do this. It is from the Wisdom of Allāh that

He blessed you with such a woman, so treat her well. Do not criticize her looks; Allāh created

her that way. If you are married to her, respect her and do not belittle her. Looking down

upon her will never bring you close. Furthermore, there is an outright prohibition regarding


The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “Do not criticize her.” 19

9. Do Not Forsake Her Home

Do not forsake her home when you experience difficulties and do not boycott her except in

her home. He should forsake her bed, but never leave the home. This is an advice to the

sisters as well as the brothers because today, we leave the home very easily and, in some

cases, we involve the authorities, but this is not something that will make your home sound.

We are Muslims and people of the Sunnah; we have the Qurʾān and the Sunnah as a solution

for our problems. That is the best cure and Allāh and His Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬are the best of Judges.

Undoubtedly, there are some instances where the ʿUlamāʾ have mentioned exceptions; for

example, if the woman is being physically abused and she fears for herself.

19 Abū Dāwūd

10. Do Not Focus on Her Shortcomings

Do not merely focus on her shortcomings, rather look at the good she has in her and magnify

that. Overlook her shortcomings and make excuses. A believer should not dislike his

believing wife because if he dislikes something he will be pleased with another. However, if

you are going to constantly look at what displeases you and constantly make mention of that,

you will miss all the good in her.

11. Being Good To Your Women

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“Be good to your women, indeed the woman was created from the crooked part

of the rib…” 20

You must understand the nature of how Allāh created the woman. If you understand what

the Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬mentioned in the ḥadīth, it will be a lot easier to deal with her


12. Good Character

Be nice and gentle. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“The most complete of you in faith are those who are best in character. And the best

of you are those who are best to their wives.” 21

The most complete of the believers are those with the best of character. What makes us the

best amongst ourselves? The ones that are best to their family.

Bukhārī & Muslim

Gentleness is something, my brothers, that some of the men seem to have an issue with.

However, gentleness is beloved to Allāh. ʿĀʾishah reported that the Messenger of Allāh said,

“If Allāh, The Exalted intends goodness for a household, He lets gentleness overcome


If a home is upon gentleness, that is a successful home that Allāh loves. If gentleness is absent

from a home, there is no goodness in it.

13. Be the Means of Her Having Salvation from the


Allāh says,

﴾‫﴿ قُوا أَن ُف َس ُك ْم َوأ َْهلِّي ُك ْم نَ ًارا‬

“Save yourselves and your families from the hellfire”23

The way that you can save your families is that you teach and educate your wives from the

Book of Allāh and the Sunnah. Everyone wants the perfect wife, and the more you teach her

from the Qurʾān and Sunnah, the more you will receive what you want. ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib said

regarding this verse that the way you can save your families is by teaching them.

22 Musnad Aḥmad
23 Sūrah al-Taḥrīm: 6

Thus, the more she knows about Allāh, the more she benefits you. And command her with

the performance of the prayer.

Allāh says,

﴾‫اصطَِّ ِْب َعلَْي َها‬ ِّ َّ ِّ‫﴿ وأْمر أَهلَك ب‬

ْ ‫الص ََلة َو‬ َ ْ ُْ َ

“And enjoin the Ṣalāh on your family and be steadfast upon that.” 24

Be the means to save your wives and children from the hellfire. Be the reason she is aided

in her grave and because of you she will be raised in ranks and have a greater chance of

entering Paradise.

Problems That Occur in the Home Due to the Men

1. Forsaking the Prayer

If he is not giving His Lord His rights, then he will not give his wife hers. How do you seek

happiness and bliss when you forsake and abandon a pillar from the pillars of Islām? The

most beloved action to Allāh is to perform the prayer on time. When the husband is not

consistent upon the performance of the prayer in its correct time, how does he expect his

home to be blissful? When the man is not firm upon his ṣalāh it affects the entire household,

so this needs to be fixed.

Surah Ṭā-Ḥā: 132

2. Travelling Excessively
A husband may travel to places of sin such as non-Muslim lands where there is a lot of sin

and fasād. He travels from one country to another, not for ʿUmrah, Ḥajj or business but he

travels to countries of sin. The man should avoid travelling to such places because this would

cause problems in his home.

3. Not Fulfilling The Needs of Your Wife

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“If one of you has relations with his wife, he should not hasten to finish until she has

fulfilled her needs.” 25

Just as you men have needs, your wives too have needs. Be a real man, give your wife her

rights and treat her with respect. This will also bring about love between you.

4. The Businessman
This type of man provides for his family but the shayṭān has him trapped in another way. He

is never seen in the home. He works day and night, double shifts—which is praiseworthy—

but the poor woman is constantly at home with his children and she hardly sees him, and he

simply says, “I’m providing for you!” However, he must be moderate. Remember that the

Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was responsible for the entire Ummah yet he would give time to his wives.

Provide for your family but also give time to your wife. What is the benefit of working day

and night, but you never see your wife and children?

Musnad Abū Yaʿla

5. The Rights of His Wife vs. the Rights of His Parents

The husband may confuse the rights his wife should be giving him with the rights of his

parents. And because of this he expects his wife to do everything for them where she almost

becomes one who serves his parents. It is from obedience to the husband and from good

character for the wife to be good to his parents but be moderate. It is only from her good

nature that she does that; it is not obligatory. It is obligatory upon her to look after her

husband but not his parents. However, if she does this she is rewarded by Allāh. The husband

should be balanced and not make the parents a problem in his household. Be moderate, give

your wife her rights and give your parents their rights.

6. Not Respecting The Parents of Your Wife

Have respect for her parents. Do not speak bad about her parents or belittle them. If you are

going to dislike and belittle her parents, you will only hurt her heart. If you belittle her

parents, she may respect you to a certain degree out of the fear she has for you. Or due to her

fear of Allāh, she will continue to give you your rights but deep down she dislikes you. If your

wife’s family loves you, your wife will love you as well.

7. The Occupied Caller

The dāʿī that is busy giving daʿwah, advising and helping the entire world while neglecting

his wife and children. He has the energy and time to travel to different countries to call

people to al-Islām but he must be moderate. Make time to sit with your family and benefit.

Shaykh Muqbil used to give lessons in Dammāj but would give time to his family and conduct

classes for them. Allāh will first question us about ourselves and those we are responsible for.

If you possess knowledge and wisdom, then they are more deserving of your knowledge and

wisdom before anyone else.


The example of the one who is available to help everyone else while he neglects his own

family is like a burning lamp; a light for others, but he himself is burning. Even in relation to

worshipping Allāh, we cannot worship to the degree that we will neglect our families. In the

story of Abū Dardāʾ and his wife, he was one who was constantly fasting and engaged in acts

of worship, yet he was still advised by Salmān al-Fārisīʾ, “Your family has a right over you,

your body has a right over you, your Lord has a right, so give everyone their due rights.”

The main goal of the Messenger of Allāh (‫ )ﷺ‬the Ṣahabah and Ṣahābiyāt was the Ākhirah. On

an occasion the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬wanted to divorce one of his wives but she pleaded with him

saying, “O Messenger of Allāh, let me remain your wife”. Why did she say this? She wanted

to be under his guardianship despite giving up her rights. She did this because she was

looking at the bigger picture—the Ākhirah. If she is his wife in this life, she will be his wife in

the hereafter. Can you imagine if Allāh blesses us with Paradise, and we are reunited with

our spouses and we will sit back and think, “Remember in the dunyā when this happened,

and you were angry at me, but you forgave me and that made me love you?”

In conclusion, by Allāh it is the men that drive the home and steer it in the way of the Qurʾān

and Sunnah. Our wives have it hard; we can still leave the home and do certain things, but

our wives are constantly at home with the children. Treat them good, travel with them and

take them on holiday. Especially in these countries, where can they go? What entertainment

do we have for our children? When was the last time you took your wife anywhere? You are

her companion; you are the one who is supposed to be her soul mate, so she yearns for you

to return home happy and then you come home unhappy, upset and angry. Think about her.

She is supposed to be the closest to you, the mother of your children, a gift from Allāh so —

value her.

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