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Checklist For Building An Edge Data Center CO-111612-En

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Checklist for building

an edge data center

Building an edge data center to provide
a cloud computing environment within
a service provider central office can be a
complex endeavor.
It requires lots of planning and preparation to ensure that it can deliver the necessary end
goals. Service providers are increasingly moving towards leveraging the architectures
and technologies of software-defined network (SDN) and network function virtualization
(NFV) to be more agile—bringing new services online faster, and saving on both CapEx and
OpEx through efficiencies. Convergence of wireline and wireless networks, and the need
for higher bandwidth with lower latency is driving the cloud computing environments to
the edge of the networks. Central offices (CO) are typically on the network edge as that is
where the access network (fiber optic cables) terminate, and thus are prime locations for
an edge data center. Because cloud computing and SDN/NFV technology is constantly
evolving, the edge cloud computing environment design and supporting fiber infrastructure
must take into consideration what the future may bring and how this new environment or
“edge data center” might take advantage of this.

To help plan a successful edge data center, CommScope has created a

preliminary checklist and tips to consider for:
1. Location 4. Design
2. Power 5. Physical Infrastructure Layer
3. Heating and Cooling

2 Checklist for building an edge data center

1. Location
Location refers to both the geographic area where a service provider plans to place or build an edge data center and
the actual physical site itself. Once a possible site has been identified that seems to satisfy the requirements, the
next step is to determine if the potential building can accommodate the needs of an edge data center.

 What is the best location for the edge data center?  Does this building have adequate heating
and air conditioning?
– How close is it to the desired target market?
–– See Heating & Cooling below for more questions
 Is the geographical location prone to natural disasters
to consider.
such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, ice
storms or excessive heat?  Can the building obtain multiple high-speed
network links?
 How much square footage is available in nearby
existing facilities or central offices? –– Ideally, network connections should enter and exit at
different points in the building.
–– If an existing site has limited room, is there room outside
of the building that can house a modular data center  Does the building have a lot of windows?
solution? Or, is there an opportunity to retire and
–– Windowless facilities are best to better control indoor
remove old equipment?
climate and security.
 How many racks or cabinets initially will be installed?
 Are pathways such as doors, aisles, hallways and
–– – What will the data center look like 3 to 5 years from freight elevators large enough for equipment,
now? racks and/or cabinets to be moved in and out?

 Does the building already have any  Do regulations or internal rules require that the
infrastructure already in place? edge data center area be physically separated
from the rest of the telecom space in for example
–– – If not, how easily can this building be retrofitted?
an existing central office?
 Does the building currently have sufficient power?
 Does the edge data center space need to be separated
–– – See Power below for questions to consider. by a physical firewall?

2. Power
Power planning for today and for the future is one of the most critical items in the edge data center. To ensure the
edge data center is always operational, consider redundancies that meet the service provider’s requirements and
plan accordingly.

 Can the utility company or multiple companies provide  How many uninterrupted power supplies (UPSes)
enough power now and in the future? have been planned to be used?

 Can the building be serviced by multiple utility grids? –– UPSes should support the entire infrastructure for at
least 150% of the time it takes for generators to
–– In a best-case scenario, power should enter the facility
come online.
from different entrance points.
 What is the average power requirement per rack
 Can power be supplied directly or will conversion
or cabinet?
equipment be required?
–– Typical data center racks require 5-10 kW of power
–– Consider conditioning the electrical power to avoid
while ultra-high density racks may need up to
spikes or surges.
50-60 kW.
 Is there enough back-up power from the generators?
–– Generators should be able to support the edge data
center for at least 48 hours during a power outage.

Checklist for building an edge data center 3

3. Heating & Cooling
Heating, venting and air conditioning (HVAC) is essential to the successful operation of a data center. Since nearly
50 percent of all power used by a data center is eaten up by HVAC, making this function as efficient as possible is
vital to OpEx.

 How many BTUs can the space/building support?  Consider a plan to minimize climate control costs.
–– Ideally, the ambient temperature should remain around –– Adopting a free-cooling design can also be a cost-
70°–74° F (21°–23° C) with 45–50 percent humidity. effective solution to temperature control.

 How will the data center’s temperature be monitored?  Consider walling off or utilizing curtains to better
control the climate off the data center equipment.
–– Utilizing temperature sensors on the racks are the best
way to monitor temperature. –– Controlling humidity and dust is critical to healthy
servers and switches.
 How will the data center be cooled?
–– Using a hot-aisle/cold-aisle design can simplify
temperature control.

–– Raised floors must be constructed if cooling the data

center from below.

–– Slab floors can work well too, but often require in-aisle
cooling solutions

4. Design
Whether converting a telecom site like a central office or building a data center from scratch, one crucial part of
design is planning the infrastructure. The following are a few questions regarding overall design and security.

 Does the data center design account for lighting?  Does the facility have enough fire alarms and escapes?
–– LED lighting uses the least amount of power and –– Local codes inform how fire safety preparations should
doesn’t generate heat. be made.

 Is there a plan to secure the physical premises?  What kind of fire suppression system is right for
the data center?
–– Consider biometrics in addition to key cards for an extra
layer of security. –– To prevent expensive equipment from getting wet,
special inert gas fire-suppression systems are often
 Consider a way of protecting rows or racks of
equipment from visitors if creating a customer
co-location area.

4 Checklist for building an edge data center

5. Physical Layer Infrastructure
To gain maximum benefit of cloud computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization
(SDN/NFV), the physical layer of the edge data center must be seriously examined. Since the lifecycle of most
SDN/NFV equipment lasts about every 2–3 years, planning of the physical layer infrastructure to support
future technology and connectivity is essential.


Speed Speed
Physical Network Function IO IO


Spine Switches
Spine Spine Network
Spine Spine

Ethernet Ethernet Access

Links Links
A Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf
Leaf Switches


Edge Devices

 Consider a phased 3 to 5-year roadmap for the data components are installed, our unique link loss calculator
center architecture. confirms the correct installation. Our link loss/ fiber
performance calculator can be downloaded for free.
–– The physical layer infrastructure should be designed to
support multiple upgrades— with migration paths that  The data center should easily support both duplex and
can support up to at least 400G. parallel applications.

 Because many carriers/service-providers will build –– Consider CommScope’s MPO-24 with LazrSPEED OM5

the majority of their SDN/NFV or Cloud/ compute to provide duplex and parallel fiber value and migration

environments on the edge of the network flexibility. The MPO-24 solution offers multiple parallel

(CO, MTSO, CRAN Hub, regional DC), the size and (MPO-8, MPO-12 or MPO-24) and/or duplex ports via a

scale of these environments should be such that the single MPO-24 trunk.

physical infrastructure requirements can be supported For additional information on CommScope’s High Speed

by multimode fiber optic cabling. Migration fiber infrastructure solutions please go to:
 Data center designs that propose longer channel paths
or extra connections should consider components that  Is there a plan to manage the infrastructure and its
adhere to loss budget parameters. connectivity as the data center grows?

–– CommScope’s unique design tools can help speed and –– Consider using automated infrastructure management

simplify design and planning. Our application support (AIM) systems to help the data center become more

guidelines provide the supportable distance limits efficient—from tracking down ghost ports or switches

for every supported application based on fiber type, and loose connections to providing detailed mapping

connector type and number of connectors. Once the for moves, adds or changes.

Since there is so much that goes into planning and designing an edge data center, this checklist
cannot possibly cover every detail of any given project. CommScope and our PartnerPRO™
network of local experts around the globe would be happy to work with you to make sure that a
service provider’s future edge data center becomes everything they want it to be.

Checklist for building an edge data center 5

CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM) helps design,
build and manage wired and wireless networks
around the world. As a communications infrastructure
leader, we shape the always-on networks of tomorrow.
For more than 40 years, our global team of
greater than 20,000 employees, innovators and
technologists has empowered customers in all
regions of the world to anticipate what’s next
and push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Discover more at
Visit our website or contact your local CommScope representative for more information.

© 2018 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to
modify or supplement any specifications or warranties relating to CommScope products or services. CommScope is committed to the highest standards of business integrity and environmental
sustainability with a number of CommScope’s facilities across the globe certified in accordance with international standards, including ISO 9001, TL 9000, and ISO 14001.
Further information regarding CommScope’s commitment can be found at

CO-111612.1-EN (03/18)

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