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Sound System Engineering and Optimization The Effects of Multiple Arrivals On The Intelligibility of Reinforced Speech PDF

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Sound System Engineering & Optimization:

The effects of multiple arrivals on the intelligibility of

reinforced speech

Timothy James Ryan

Sound Recording Area, Department of Music Research

Schulich School of Music
McGill University, Montreal
Initial Submission – February 2011
Final Submission – May 2011

A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial

fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy

© Timothy J. Ryan, 2011



The effects of multiple arrivals on the intelligibility of speech produced by

live-sound reinforcement systems are examined. The intent is to determine if
correlations exist between the manipulation of sound system optimization
parameters and the subjective attribute speech intelligibility. Given the number,
and wide range, of variables involved, this exploratory research project attempts
to narrow the focus of further studies. Investigated variables are delay time
between signals arriving from multiple elements of a loudspeaker array, array
type and geometry and the two-way interactions of speech-to-noise ratio and array
geometry with delay time.
Intelligibility scores were obtained through subjective evaluation of
binaural recordings, reproduced via headphone, using the Modified Rhyme Test.
These word-score results are compared with objective measurements of Speech
Transmission Index (STI).
Results indicate that both variables, delay time and array geometry, have
significant effects on intelligibility. Additionally, it is seen that all three of the
possible two-way interactions have significant effects. Results further reveal that
the STI measurement method overestimates the decrease in intelligibility due to
short delay times between multiple arrivals.


Les effets d’arrivées multiples sur l’intelligibilité de la parole produite sur

systèmes de sonorisation sont examinés. Le but est de déterminer si des
corrélations existent entre la manipulation des paramètres d’optimisation de
systèmes de son et l’attribut subjectif de l’intelligibilité de la parole. Étant donné
le nombre et la large gamme de variables impliquées, ce projet de recherche
exploratoire cherche à mieux délimiter le champ d’études ultérieures. Les
variables investiguées sont le temps de délai entre signaux en provenance de
plusieurs éléments d’un système d’enceintes, le type d’agencement d’enceintes, la
géométrie du système, ainsi que les interactions à deux voies entre le rapport
parole-bruit et la géométrie du système avec le temps de délai.
Les scores d’intelligibilité ont été obtenus à travers l’évaluation subjective
d’enregistrements binauraux reproduits sur casque d’écoute, en utilisant le test de
rime modifiée (Modified Rhyme Test [MRT]). Ces résultats score-mot sont
comparés avec des mesures objectives de l’index de transmission de la parole
(Speech Transmission Index, [STI]).
Les résultats indiquent que les deux variables, temps de délai et géométrie,
ont des effets significatifs sur l’intelligibilité. Par ailleurs, il a été constaté que les
trois interactions à deux voies ont des effets significatifs. Des résultats révèlent
par surcroît que la méthode de prise de mesure du STI surestime la décroissance
de l’intelligibilité en raison des temps de délais courts entre arrivées multiples.


To Erin and Loki.

For my parents and grandparents.


Considering the magnitude of this project, it was known from the onset
that much help, advice and assistance would be required from many people –
however it was not known just how many people and how much help would be
needed. The author would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge, and
extend his gratitude to the following people for their contributions to this project.

Many thanks go to:

Richard King for agreeing to join as project supervisor in the critical late
stages. The author would like to personally thank Mr. King for his dedication to
the successful completion of this dissertation, his collaboration in navigating the
process and his willingness to do leg-work in the author’s absence. Dr. René
Quesnel for guiding the author through the initial phases of this research project.
Personal thanks are extended to Dr. Quesnel for helping the author understand
how to use his ears and for the many fascinating discussions during his technical
ear training course. Dr. Jonas Braasch for helping the author to make the
transition to audio research, and for his continued support throughout the doctoral
journey. Dr. Wieslaw Woszczyk, who welcomed the author into the Sound
Recording program at McGill, and for his invaluable insights, support and
supervision in the early stages of the author’s doctoral journey. Dr. William
Martens for his help understanding the complicated fields of subjective
evaluation and statistical design. Dr. Laura Kretschmer, the project’s co-
principal investigator at the University of Cincinnati, for her insights and for
helping to get the project off the ground at UC. The author would also like to
thank Dr. Kretschmer for letting a theatre student enroll in graduate-level
Audiology classes. Bob McCarthy at Alignment & Design, for sharing his
wisdom and experience, and for evaluating the potential for general interest in this
study during the initial design phase. The author would also like to thank Mr.
McCarthy for contributing images from his seminal tome on system optimization

to this dissertation. Dr. Roger Schwenke at Meyer Sound for providing the
author with enough knowledge of the inner workings of their hardware, without
divulging trade secrets, to effectively use it in this research. Dr. Geoffrey
Groocock, at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, for his
contributions and assistance with statistical analysis using non-parametric testing
methods. Also, for having been a dear friend for the better part of 20 years. Dr.
Terrell Finney, Rayburn Dobson and Patti Hall, for permission to use, and
assistance scheduling, the facilities of the College Conservatory of Music at the
University of Cincinnati. Stirling Shelton, Stevenson Miller and Richard
Palmer, at the College Conservatory of Music, for the use of rigging hardware
and for their assistance flying loudspeakers. The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for the loan of many pieces of
equipment used in this research project, including the KEMAR, measurement
microphones, preamplifiers, adaptors and calibrator. Chucri A. (Chuck)
Kardous, at the Cincinnati division of NIOSH, for graciously offering his time,
equipment and laboratory space. Dr. Babette Verbsky, at the Cincinnati division
of NIOSH, for her assistance developing the author’s body of literature on
subjective testing. Claudia Norman, of the Institutional Review Board at the
University of Cincinnati, for all of the meetings, for proofreading the research
protocols and for answering so many questions about the process. Lynda McNeil,
of the Research Ethics Board at McGill University, for her assistance
understanding and compiling the submission for approval. Sun Hee Kil for her
unwavering dedication and help during the stimulus recording sessions. Martin
Garneret and David Hunter, for their logistical support of the pilot study. Nik
Tranby & Dr. Sungyoung Kim, for their assistance with software programming.
Teri Waters for the initial pass at proof reading this document, and for logistical
support of the second half of phase 2 of the main study. Velma Dawson for the
use of her basement, and for enduring the associated inconvenience. And last, but
not least, thanks go to all of the subjects who participated in these studies -
“Circle the thanks again.”

Special thanks go to:

Jim and Betty Ryan, and Barton and Mary Tomlinson, for their
support, encouragement, understanding and patience throughout 16 years of
higher education. Charles Hatcher, at the College Conservatory of Music, for
having the faith to entrust the education of his students to the author, both now
and a decade ago. Also, thanks are due to Mr. Hatcher for the years of mentoring,
friendship, patience, and discussions about pedagogical methodology and
organizational structures. Erin Waters for being a guinea pig, beta tester,
research assistant, editor, proof reader, sounding board and source of sanity. The
author would be remiss if he did not profess his extreme gratitude for Ms. Waters’
immutable support, and occasionally attenuated tolerance, of both the author and
this project.

Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................... ii
Résumé ............................................................................................................... iii
Dedication .......................................................................................................... iv
Preface ................................................................................................................. v
Table of Contents ............................................................................................ viii
List of Tables ................................................................................................... xiii
List of Figures .................................................................................................. xvi

1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Motivation ......................................................................................... 2
1.2 Project Overview .............................................................................. 3
1.3 Research Questions & Variables ...................................................... 4
1.3.1 Project Summary ...................................................................... 6
2. Review of Literature ............................................................................... 9
2.1 Speech Intelligibility ......................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Factors That Affect Speech Intelligibility .............................. 10
2.1.2 Objective Methods for Estimating Speech Intelligibility ...... 20 Narrow Band Effects ..................................................... 24
2.1.3 Subjective Methods for Evaluating Speech Intelligibility ..... 27 A Review of Various Testing Methods ........................ 27 Conclusions ................................................................... 30 Use of the Modified Rhyme Test .................................. 31
2.2 Sound System Design & Optimization .......................................... 34
2.2.1 Types of Loudspeaker Arrays ............................................... 36
2.2.2 Multiple Arrivals & Summation ........................................... 41 Background & Measurable Effects ............................... 42 Subjective Effects ......................................................... 50

2.2.3 Compensating for Multiple Arrivals ...................................... 51

2.2.4 Previous Experiments ........................................................... 55
2.3 Binaural Recording ......................................................................... 60
2.3.1 Limitations ............................................................................. 61
2.3.2 Types of Capture Devices ...................................................... 63
2.3.3 Ear Simulators ........................................................................ 64
2.3.4 Headphone Equalization ........................................................ 65
3. Stimulus Creation & Acquisition ........................................................ 70
3.1 Sound Systems ................................................................................ 70
3.1.1 Corbett Auditorium ................................................................ 70
3.1.2 Measurement System ............................................................. 72
3.1.3 Reproduction Sound System .................................................. 73 Loudspeaker Calibration ............................................... 74 Speech Level Calibration .............................................. 75
3.1.4 Capture Sound System ........................................................... 78
3.2 Stimuli ............................................................................................. 80
3.2.1 Selection of Variables & Treatments ..................................... 81
3.2.2 More on Array Types ............................................................. 81
3.3 Procedures ....................................................................................... 84
3.3.1 Measurement, Verification and Capture ................................ 84
4. Headphone Suitability Study ............................................................... 86
4.1 Headphones Tested ......................................................................... 86
4.2 Equipment & Procedure .................................................................. 86
4.3 Results ............................................................................................. 87
4.4 Discussion ....................................................................................... 90
4.5 Conclusions ..................................................................................... 93
5. Preparation of Stimuli .......................................................................... 94
5.1 Equalization .................................................................................... 94
5.1.1 Determining an Equalization Method .................................... 95
5.2 Merging Noise ................................................................................ 96
5.3 Parsing ............................................................................................. 97

6. Pilot Study .............................................................................................. 98

6.1 Hypotheses ...................................................................................... 98
6.2 Study Design ................................................................................... 99
6.3 Equipment ..................................................................................... 101
6.4 Subjects ......................................................................................... 101
6.5 Locations ....................................................................................... 102
6.6 Procedures ..................................................................................... 102
6.7 Results & Analysis ........................................................................ 103
6.7.1 Homogeneity of Variance .................................................... 105
6.7.2 Analysis of SNR Stratified Data Set .................................... 108
6.7.3 Further Stratification by Array Type ................................... 109
6.8 Discussion ..................................................................................... 110
6.8.1 A Deeper Look at Array Type ............................................. 110
6.8.2 Training & Effects of Presentation Order ............................ 112
6.8.3 Test Duration & Subject Fatigue ......................................... 113
6.8.4 Effects of Word List ............................................................. 115
6.9 Conclusions ................................................................................... 117
6.9.1 Hypotheses ........................................................................... 117
6.9.2 Main Points of the Pilot Study ............................................. 118
6.9.3 Parting Thoughts .................................................................. 121
7. Main Study: Phase 1 .......................................................................... 122
7.1 Hypotheses .................................................................................... 123
7.2 Study Design ................................................................................. 124
7.3 Equipment ..................................................................................... 125
7.4 Subjects ......................................................................................... 127
7.5 Locations ....................................................................................... 127
7.6 Procedures ..................................................................................... 127
7.7 Results & Analysis ........................................................................ 129
7.7.1 Defining Exclusionary Criteria ............................................ 129
7.7.2 Homogeneity of Variance .................................................... 131
7.7.3 Analysis of Strat_7 Data Set ................................................ 133

7.7.4 Stratification by SNR ........................................................... 135

7.7.5 Stratification by Array Type ................................................ 139
7.7.6 Multiway Contingency Tables Analysis (MCTA) ............... 142
7.8 Discussion ..................................................................................... 145
7.8.1 Training & Effects of Presentation Order ............................ 145
7.8.2 The Effects of Word List ..................................................... 147
7.8.3 Very Short Delay Times ...................................................... 151
7.9 Conclusions ................................................................................... 153
7.9.1 Hypotheses ........................................................................... 153
7.9.2 Main Points of this Study ..................................................... 155
7.9.3 Parting Thoughts .................................................................. 156
8. Main Study: Phase 2 .......................................................................... 158
8.1 Hypotheses .................................................................................... 158
8.2 Study Design ................................................................................. 159
8.3 Equipment ..................................................................................... 160
8.4 Subjects ......................................................................................... 161
8.5 Locations ....................................................................................... 161
8.6 Procedures ..................................................................................... 162
8.7 Results & Analysis ........................................................................ 163
8.7.1 Exclusionary Criteria ........................................................... 164
8.7.2 49w Results and Analysis .................................................... 166
8.7.3 Stratification by Array Type ................................................ 169
8.7.4 Multiway Contingency Tables Analysis (MCTA) ............... 170
8.8 Discussion ..................................................................................... 171
8.8.1 Training & Effects of Presentation Order ............................ 173
8.8.2 The Effects of Word List ..................................................... 174
8.9 Conclusions ................................................................................... 175
8.9.1 Hypotheses ........................................................................... 175
8.9.2 Directions for Future Study ................................................. 176
8.9.3 Parting Thoughts .................................................................. 176

9. Comparison of Subjective and Objective Results ............................ 178

9.1 Overview of Measurements .......................................................... 178
9.2 Verification of Findings ................................................................ 180
9.2.1 Conclusions .......................................................................... 190
10. Discussion ........................................................................................... 191
10.1 Questions Answered & Implications ......................................... 191
10.2 Questions Unanswered & Suggestions for Further Study ......... 194
10.3 Final Thoughts ........................................................................... 195

Appendix A: Recording Sound Systems - Schematic ................................. 197

Appendix B: Recording Sound Systems - Plan View .................................. 198
Appendix C: Recording Sound Systems - Section View ............................. 199
Appendix D: Recruitment Flyer ................................................................... 200
Appendix E: Standard Email Response to Inquiry .................................... 201
Appendix F: Listening Test Consent Form ................................................. 202
Appendix H: Listening Test Instructions .................................................... 207
Appendix J: MRT Response Sheet ............................................................... 210

Reference List ................................................................................................. 211


List of Tables

Table 3.1 Methods used to measure the level of running speech with
results ............................................................................................78

Table 3.2 System optimization variable values used during the

capture process ..............................................................................81

Table 5.1 Corrective equalization settled upon for use on all stimuli............95

Table 6.1 Variable values used in the pilot study ..........................................99

Table 6.2 Results of tests for homogeneity of variance:

Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk statistics .....................107

Table 6.3 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(SNR stratified data set) ..............................................................108

Table 6.4 Results of ANOVA for second-order effects of

experimental variables on adjusted score (SNR stratified
data set) .......................................................................................109

Table 6.5 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of delay time on adjusted score (SNR-
Vertical stratified data set) ...........................................................110

Table 6.6 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of delay time on adjusted score (SNR-
Horizontal stratified data set) .......................................................110

Table 6.7 Comparison of means, from ANOVA on SNR stratified

data set ........................................................................................111

Table 6.8 Comparison of mean ranks, from Kruskal-Wallis test on

SNR stratified data set ................................................................111

Table 6.9 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for the effect
of stimulus presentation order on adjusted score (original
data set). Results are shown for all word lists evaluated
and for the first 10 sets evaluated by each subject ......................113

Table 6.10 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for the effect
of MRT word list on adjusted score (SNR stratified data
set) ...............................................................................................116

Table 7.1 Variable values used in the first phase of the main study ...........125

Table 7.2 Tests for homogeneity of variance for the six data sets:
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk statistics .....................132

Table 7.3 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(Strat_7 data set) .........................................................................133

Table 7.4 Results of ANOVA for second-order effects of

experimental variables on adjusted score (Strat_7 data set) .......135

Table 7.5 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

delay time and array type on adjusted score (Strat_7-SNR6
data set) .......................................................................................136

Table 7.6 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

delay time and array type on adjusted score (Strat_7-SNR0
data set) .......................................................................................136

Table 7.7 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

delay time and SNR on adjusted score (Strat_7-Vert data
set) ...............................................................................................139

Table 7.8 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

delay time and SNR on adjusted score (Strat_7-Hor data
set) ...............................................................................................140

Table 7.9 Multiway contingency table for Strat_7-SNR6 data set,

pass criterion: adjusted score ≥ 8 (90%) .....................................143

Table 7.10 Results showing generating class for MCTA using 88%
and 90% pass criteria ..................................................................144

Table 7.11 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

presentation order on adjusted scores (Strat_7 data set) .............146

Table 7.12 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

word list on adjusted scores (Strat_7 data set) .............................147

Table 7.13 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

word list on adjusted scores (Strat_7, 49w data set) ...................150
Table 7.14 Differences between statistics for array type between the
50w and 49w data sets (Strat_7 data set) ....................................150

Table 7.15 Differences between statistics for 0 ms–5 ms delay times

between the 50w and 49w data sets (Strat_7-Vert data set) .......151

Table 7.16 Differences between statistics for 0 ms–5 ms delay times

between the Strat_7-Hor and Strat_7-Vert sets (49w data
sets) .............................................................................................151

Table 8.1 Variable values used in the second phase of the main study .......160

Table 8.2 Tests for homogeneity of variance for the four data sets
generated (49w censored data) ....................................................164

Table 8.3 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(Strat_6, 50w data set) .................................................................167

Table 8.4 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(Strat_6, 49w data set) .................................................................167

Table 8.5 Results of ANOVA for second-order effects of

experimental variables on adjusted score (Strat_6 data set) .......168

Table 8.6 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(Strat_6-Vert, 49w data set) ........................................................170

Table 8.7 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-

order effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(Strat_6-Hor, 49w data set) .........................................................170

Table 8.8 Results showing generating class for MCTA using 83%
and 85% pass criteria ..................................................................171

Table 8.9 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

presentation order on adjusted scores (Strat_6, 49w data
set) ...............................................................................................174

Table 8.10 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of

word list on adjusted scores (Strat_6 data set) .............................174

Table 9.1 Octave weights used for STI calculations in EASERA ...............178

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Idealized long-term average speech spectrum (Reprinted

with permission from [59], © Acoustical Society of
America, 1947) .............................................................................15

Figure 2.2 Octave band contributions to speech intelligibility

(Reprinted with permission from [110], © Audio
Engineering Society, 1997) ...........................................................16

Figure 2.3 Magnitude vs. frequency response (1 kHz–20 kHz) of a

constant directivity horn at several off-axis angles
(Reprinted with permission from [57], © Audio
Engineering Society, 1990) ...........................................................17

Figure 2.4 “A speech transmission path in an enclosure is

characterized by the modulation transfer function m(F),
quantifying the degree of preservation of the original
intensity modulations as a function of modulation
frequency.” (Reprinted with permission from [77], ©
Acoustical Society of America, 1985) ..........................................19

Figure 2.5 Frequency response of system used to confound RaSTI

measurements (Reprinted with permission from [113], ©
Audio Engineering Society, 2002) ................................................25

Figure 2.6 The effect of delayed signals on the magnitude vs.

frequency response of a measured modulation transfer
function (Reprinted with permission from [113], © Audio
Engineering Society, 2002) ...........................................................26

Figure 2.7 The six fundamental loudspeaker array types (Reprinted

with permission from [124], © Elsevier Limited, 2007) ..............39

Figure 2.8 5.1-channel surround sound loudspeaker array, including

left, center and right channels, found in [86] ................................40

Figure 2.9 Properties of a sine wave ...............................................................42

Figure 2.10 Example of two sine waves, 180° difference in relative

phase .............................................................................................43

Figure 2.11 Summation of equal level sine waves with 0° relative

phase .............................................................................................44

Figure 2.12 Summation of equal level sine waves with 180° relative
phase .............................................................................................44

Figure 2.13 The effect of relative phase on the summation of two

signals with equal level (Reprinted with permission from
[124], © Elsevier Limited, 2007) ..................................................45

Figure 2.14 Equal relative phase summation of audio signals with non-
identical angle of incidence to the receiver (Reprinted with
permission from [124], © Elsevier Limited, 2007) ......................46

Figure 2.15 Equal relative phase summation of sine waves and

coherent complex audio signals (Reprinted with
permission from [124], © Elsevier Limited, 2007) ......................46

Figure 2.16 Summation with delay for a complex waveform with four
different frequency components ...................................................47

Figure 2.17 Summation with delay of a complex signal (5 sec pink

noise). 1/12th octave smoothing. Note that the response
seen in this graph was generated via electrical summation,
thus the extreme depth of the notches ...........................................48

Figure 2.18 The effect of a 0.1 ms time offset on the frequency and
phase response of summed coherent audio signals with
equal level and relative phase (Reprinted with permission
from [124], © Elsevier Limited, 2007) .........................................49

Figure 2.19 The effect of a 1 ms time offset on the frequency and

phase response of summed coherent audio signals with
equal level and relative phase (Reprinted with permission
from [124], © Elsevier Limited, 2007) .........................................49

Figure 2.20 The effect of a 10 ms time offset on the frequency and

phase response of summed coherent audio signals with
equal level and relative phase (Reprinted with permission
from [124], © Elsevier Limited, 2007) .........................................50

Figure 2.21 MTF graphs of the 500 Hz band, showing the interaction
effects of SNR and delay time on intelligibility (dark
lines), compared to the MTF graphs of the unaffected
transmission system (Reprinted with permission from
[167], © Audio Engineering Society, 1973) .................................56

Figure 2.22 Measured RaSTI values vs. delay time and echo level
obtained by injecting an electronically delayed echo into
the measurement process. The bottom line corresponds to
an echo with level equal to the direct signal (Reprinted
with permission from [170], © Audio Engineering Society,
1988) .............................................................................................58

Figure 2.23 Results of localization experiment involving binaural

recording (with blocked ear canal) and headphone
playback (Reprinted with permission from [135], © Audio
Engineering Society, 1999) ...........................................................63

Figure 2.24 Block diagram and equation detailing the relationship

between input, output and transfer function .................................66

Figure 2.25 Simplified block diagram of compound transfer function

of in situ subjective evaluation .....................................................66

Figure 2.26 Simplified block diagram of compound transfer function

of subjective evaluation using binaural recording and
headphone playback systems .........................................................67

Figure 2.27 Response error for 20 subjects with non-individual

equalization filters used for headphone compensational
equalization (Reprinted with permission from [134], ©
Audio Engineering Society, 1996) .................................................68

Figure 3.1 Reverberation Time vs. Frequency for Corbett Auditorium

(Octave Bands). Note: The steep roll-off above 2 kHz is
partially due to the directional characteristics of the sound
source used ....................................................................................71

Figure 3.2 Waveform of a normalized 9 sec clip of a modern rock

song ................................................................................................76

Figure 3.3 Waveform of a normalized 9 sec clip of captured MRT

word list A (viewed with same amplitude and time
resolution as figure 3.2) ................................................................76

Figure 3.4 Waveform of a normalized 9 sec clip of captured

condensed MRT word list A (viewed with same amplitude
and time resolution as figure 3.2) .................................................77

Figure 3.5 View of Zwislocki-style couplers, microphone elements

and adaptors inside of the KEMAR head .....................................79

Figure 3.6 Magnitude vs. frequency response of the UPA and two
UPM loudspeakers, as measured on the axis of each
loudspeaker ...................................................................................83

Figure 3.7 Magnitude vs. frequency response of the house-center

UPM loudspeaker. One trace is measured on the
loudspeaker’s axis, the other is measured at the manikin
mid-right position (30° off-axis) ....................................................83

Figure 3.8 KEMAR and measurement microphone in manikin-center

recording position .........................................................................85

Figure 4.1 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sony MDR-7506 ............87

Figure 4.2 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sony MDR-V600 ............88

Figure 4.3 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Grado RS-1 .....................88

Figure 4.4 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sennheiser HD-650 .........89

Figure 4.5 Random-incidence eardrum-pressure response of KEMAR

manikin (Reprinted with permission from [90], © Audio
Engineering Society, 1979) ...........................................................91

Figure 4.6 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sennheiser HD-

650, 1/3rd-Octave Resolution .........................................................92

Figure 4.7 Free- and diffuse-field responses for blocked ear canal
(Reprinted with permission from [14] © John Wiley &
Sons, 2006) ....................................................................................92

Figure 5.1 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of the Sennheiser HD-

650 before and after the application of corrective
equalization. 1/24th-Octave smoothing ........................................96

Figure 6.1 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. SNR for all
tested levels of SNR ....................................................................104

Figure 6.2 Histogram comparing the distribution of adjusted scores

for all data collected in pilot study to a normal
distribution ..................................................................................105

Figure 6.3 Histogram comparing the distribution of adjusted score for

SNR stratified data set (SNR values 0 dB, 3 dB, 6 dB) to a
normal distribution ......................................................................106

Figure 6.4 Detrended normal Q-Q plot of adjusted score in the SNR
stratified data set .........................................................................107

Figure 6.5 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type for
SNR stratified data set ................................................................112

Figure 6.6 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. SNR for all
tested levels of SNR. Outliers are identified by data point
index number ..............................................................................114

Figure 6.7 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. subject (SNR
stratified data set) .........................................................................115

Figure 6.8 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. word list (SNR
stratified data set) .........................................................................116

Figure 7.1 Graphical user interface for the associated program

(“Loki3”) used for electronic presentation of stimuli and
recording of subject responses ....................................................126

Figure 7.2 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score (full data set) ................129

Figure 7.3 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. subject (full
data set) .......................................................................................130

Figure 7.4 Histogram of adjusted score (Strat_7 data set) ...........................131

Figure 7.5 Detrended normal Q-Q plot of adjusted score (Strat_7 data
set) ...............................................................................................132

Figure 7.6 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type
(Strat_7 data set) .........................................................................134

Figure 7.7 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time
(Strat_7 data set) .........................................................................135

Figure 7.8 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time, by
SNR (Strat_7 data set) .................................................................137

Figure 7.9 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type, by
SNR (Strat_7 data set) .................................................................138

Figure 7.10 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time, by
array type (Strat_7 data set) .........................................................141

Figure 7.11 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. presentation
order (Strat_7 data set) ................................................................146

Figure 7.12 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. word list
(Strat_7 data set) .........................................................................147

Figure 7.13 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. word list
(Strat_7, 49w data set) .................................................................149

Figure 8.1 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score (full 49w data set) ........164

Figure 8.2 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. subject (full
49w data set). Note that, as subjects 12 and 28 did not
finish all of the testing sessions, their user numbers have
been shifted to 112 and 128 for ease of identification and
exclusion .....................................................................................165

Figure 8.3 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type
(Strat_6, 49w data set) .................................................................168

Figure 8.4 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time, by
array type (Strat_6 data set) .........................................................172

Figure 8.5 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. presentation
order (Strat_6 data set) ................................................................173

Figure 9.1 Impulse responses for project variable treatment 1 (0 ms

delay time, vertical array type, 0 dB level offset) for the 50
dB and −3 dB SNR conditions ....................................................179

Figure 9.2 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time (all treatments) .......181

Figure 9.3 Superimposed, delayed modulated signals (Reprinted with

permission, adapted from [77], © Acoustical Society of
America, 1985) ...........................................................................182

Figure 9.4 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. SNR (all treatments) ...............183

Figure 9.5 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. array type (all treatments) ........184

Figure 9.6 3-dimensional box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time,
by SNR (all treatments) ...............................................................185

Figure 9.7 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. SNR, by array type (all
treatments) ...................................................................................186

Figure 9.8 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. SNR, by array type (all
treatments containing SNR conditions 6 dB, 3 dB and 0

Figure 9.9 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time, by array type
(all treatments) .............................................................................188

Figure 9.10 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time, by array type
(all treatments containing SNR conditions 6 dB, 3 dB and
0 dB).............................................................................................189
1. Introduction

With few exceptions, sound has been an integral part of theatrical

performance since the inception of the art form. The sound quality of music and
the quality and intelligibility of speech that an audience perceives can
significantly affect the ability of performers to communicate with their audience.
Historically, theatrical and musical performance spaces have been designed in
such a way that the architecture would provide sufficient natural acoustic
amplification for a production [17]. In modern times, the push for greater
audience capacity, the use of “multi-purpose” performance spaces and changes in
performance type and orchestration have each necessitated the use of electronic
amplification for the reinforcement of voice and music [103, 108].
Sound reinforcement systems containing microphones and loudspeakers
are used to capture, amplify and distribute sound in an attempt to provide the
desired sound quality, sound level and speech intelligibility to an entire audience.
Several physical factors can affect speech intelligibility: Temporal distortion
(smearing or loss of articulation), signal-to-noise ratio (the level of speech vs. the
level of background noise/music) and frequency response irregularities (tonal
coloration) [110]. One of the aims of sound reinforcement is to increase speech
intelligibility by increasing its signal-to-noise ratio while adding minimal tonal
coloration and temporal distortion.
In live theatrical performances, the preservation of the intelligibility of
reinforced speech presents sound engineers with many challenges. Currently,
several factors that affect speech intelligibility have been explored (e.g. [77, 107,
117, 143]). However, limitations of current measurement methods have hindered
progress toward the quantification of certain effects of the sound reinforcement
system itself on the intelligibility of the speech it is reinforcing [113, 114].
A single loudspeaker is often insufficient to meet the coverage and/or
sound level requirements of a production [47, 124]. Thus, multiple loudspeakers,
oriented into arrays, are often employed [56, 61, 174]. Whether grouped tightly

together or located some distance apart, there will be some difference in distance
between each loudspeaker and an audience member [1, 124]. Differences in
distance translate to differences in the travel time of sound, resulting in multiple
arrivals: Time-delayed copies of the reinforced signal arriving and summing at a
listener. The summation of multiple time-delayed sound signals results in a
pattern of undesirable frequency response irregularities known as comb-filters [42,
The negative effects of comb-filtering can be combated. Time-delays can
be electronically added to speaker signals, in an attempt to align, or intentionally
misalign, the timing of the arrivals of multiple loudspeaker broadcasts at the
location of an individual listener in the audience [11, 94, 124]. As there are many
listeners in an audience, it is physically impossible to achieve ideal loudspeaker
time-alignment for every seat in an audience. Sound engineers are forced to
select points within the audience where the signals from multiple loudspeakers
will be aligned in time.
There are several differing theories regarding how to decide alignment
locations [4, 11, 28, 42, 53, 124, 131] but to date, none have addressed the effects
on intelligibility for the surrounding locations which are not time-aligned [115].
Research (e.g. [130, 170]) has shown that non-aligned multiple arrivals can
negatively affect intelligibility. This same research has also shown that alignment
through the use of electronic delay compensation can ameliorate the problem at
specific audience locations. However, most studies used electronic intelligibility
estimation methods and were limited in the number and types of loudspeaker
arrays studied. Through the use of subjective evaluation and objective
measurement methods, this series of studies will expand upon the body of
literature, delineating the specific effects of delay time and two specific array
geometries on the intelligibility of reproduced speech.

1.1 Motivation

In recent years, work has been done to examine the physical and electrical
aspects of sound system design and optimization [28, 42, 124]. It is known that

physical factors such as comb-filtering have a negative impact on subjective

factors such as tone quality. The problem, however, of identifying and
quantifying the correlation between sound system resultant comb-filtering and the
subjective factor of speech intelligibility has not been sufficiently addressed to
date [110]. As such, sound engineers are forced to make sound system
optimization decisions regarding multiple-loudspeaker time alignment based on
an incomplete understanding of the effects on the audience’s overall subjective
experience. Through analysis of the impact of comb-filtering and loudspeaker
time alignment, this research project presents a novel approach towards
investigating, measuring and hopefully improving the intelligibility of reinforced
The resulting data obtained in this research will provide sound engineers
with a more complete understanding of the relationship between multiple-
loudspeaker time alignment and speech intelligibility. Data from subjective
testing will also be compared with results from electronic intelligibility estimation
methods to determine whether these methods are in fact sensitive enough to
account for the effects of comb-filtering.

1.2 Project Overview

While there are several physical measurement systems, such as Speech

Transmission Index and Articulation Index, that are available to estimate the level
of speech intelligibility produced by sound systems and other transmission
methods [41, 51, 58, 104], each system contains inherent errors and no system is
currently believed sensitive enough to accurately predict the effects of comb-
filtering [110, 117]. The most accurate method for assessing speech intelligibility
remains the administration of listening tests to human subjects [110].
The subjective testing method used for this project will be based on the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Method for Measuring the
Intelligibility of Speech over Communication Systems [5, 75]. The stimulus set
used will be the Modified Rhyme Test (MRT). Intelligibility scores are
determined based on the number of correct responses provided by the subject. As

the intelligibility score results will be of a quantitative data type, it is possible to

use parametric statistical tests, such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), as well as
non-parametric and log-linear analysis methods, to determine the significance of
each of the experimental variables (described below), as well as the significance
of possible interactions between experimental variables [14, 160, 180].
This project, and the studies contained within, represents a first attempt at
exploring the effects of multiple arrivals of speech signals on intelligibility. The
topic is quite complex and, given the sheer number of variables involved,
prohibitively complicated to attempt to fully address with a single research project.
Thus, while the results of this project will answer a number of questions, many
more will remain.
In the interest of preserving the ecological validity of results, this research
project will take an organic and exploratory approach – employing several
commonly used sound system configurations to identify and study research
questions that arise from real-world reinforcement scenarios. It is intended that
the results from this project will guide and inform further research in the extended
effort to correlate the physical parameters involved with sound system
optimization with the subjective experience of an audience.
The results of these and further studies will be applicable to a wide variety
of live sound applications both with and without music, ranging from dramatic
and musical theatre productions to speeches, lectures, music concerts and
multimedia performances.

1.3 Research Questions & Variables

When examining multiple arrivals of coherent audio signals, two

properties of interest are the delay time between arrivals and the relative levels of
the two arriving signals. The delay time determines the pattern of the resultant
comb filter and the difference between relative levels determines the depth of the
notches of the comb filter [1, 124]. As such, delay time and level difference
would be included as independent variables in this research project.

For the cases of musical theatre and music concerts, sound engineers are
faced with the challenge of maintaining an aesthetic balance of level between
voice and music while still maintaining intelligibility. The presence of music
amounts to an increase in the level of background noise, thus a decrease in the
signal-to-noise ratio of the speech signal [126, 162]. This research project will
therefore also include background noise level (signal-to-noise ratio) as an
experimental variable, to investigate interactions between the level of non-speech
sounds and speech intelligibility. Though the effect of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
itself is known, the potential for SNR to obscure the effects of other variables is
While the use of music as the non-speech signal would be the most
ecologically valid, previous research has identified that temporal variations in
characteristics such as spectrum are a likely cause of unwanted variability in test
results [73]. In the interest of controlling variables, and limiting potential
contextual clues and listener preference biases, pink-weighted pseudo-random
noise, exhibiting average spectral and power characteristics similar to popular
music, will be used in the place of music.
To obtain the stimuli for this study, the MRT word lists will be reproduced
by a sound system set up in Corbett Auditorium at the University of Cincinnati.
A head and torso simulator (manikin with microphones in the ear canals) will be
used to capture and record the sound produced by the sound reinforcement system.
Stimulus sets corresponding to different experimental treatments will be obtained
by delivering and capturing the MRT word lists using different sound system
alignment conditions. These different alignment conditions correspond to
variations in the four independent variables to be investigated: Delay time
between the arrivals from two loudspeakers, level offsets between the arrivals, the
orientation and focus of the two loudspeakers (vertical point-destination vs.
horizontal point-source array) and the signal-to-noise ratio.
Though the associated stimuli were recorded, it should be noted that the
variable “level offset” was ultimately not used in any of the studies in this project.
It is included here, and mentioned throughout this dissertation, as it was present in

the original project design and its incorporation was considered during the design
process of each study. While it was not possible to evaluate the effects of level
offset within the scope of this project, it is the author’s intention that this variable
will be used in future studies.

1.3.1 Project Summary

In chapters 3–5 the acquisition and preparation of the stimulus sound files
will be detailed, as will the headphone suitability study.
Chapter 3 – Stimuli were recorded for use in subjective evaluation and
measurements were made for comparison with the results from listening tests.
Chapter 4 – A study was conducted to determine which, if any, available
headphones would be acceptable for use in listening tests.
Chapter 5 – Stimuli were prepared and compensatory equalization was
applied to counter the effects of the recording apparatus.

In chapters 6–9 a series of studies are detailed. As is standard scientific

practice, research questions are posed in the form of null and alternative
hypotheses. Statistical tests are performed on acquired subject data in order to
determine whether there is significant evidence to reject each of the null
hypotheses in favor of its alternative. As the alternative hypotheses are manifest,
their declaration has been omitted for brevity.

Chapter 6 – A pilot study was conducted with two purposes: 1) Narrow

the range of variable treatments to be used in the main studies and 2) verify the
proper function of the testing methods employed.
Tested Hypotheses:
Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
Ho2: Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.

Ho3: Array geometry does not affect the intelligibility of speech

reproduced by a sound system.

Chapter 7 – The first phase of the main study was conducted. The goals
of this phase were to investigate a reduced set of variable treatments, to test 6
hypotheses and to make note of effects and relationships observed in an attempt to
further narrow the number of variable treatments before proceeding to the second
phase of the main study.
Tested Hypotheses:
Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
Ho2: Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Ho3: Array geometry does not affect the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Ho4: (interaction) Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Ho5: (interaction) Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect how array
geometry affects the intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound
Ho6: (interaction) Array geometry does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.

Chapter 8 – In phase 2 of the main study, a further reduced set of variable

treatments was studied, testing two hypotheses.
Tested Hypotheses:
Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.

Ho2: (interaction) Array geometry does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.

Chapter 9 – The results from the three studies involving subjective

evaluation were compared with the results of objective measurements of Speech
Transmission Index made in the original sound field.

Chapter 10 – Conclusions and discussion regarding all three phases of the

project and the comparison of objective and subjective data, including directions
for future research.

2. Review of Literature

As the studies included in this research project are intended to incorporate

and expand upon knowledge and previous research in the field, it would be
beneficial first to review the knowledge and research relevant to this dissertation.
The following chapter is a combination of background information and a
comprehensive review of the relevant literature.

2.1 Speech Intelligibility

Speech is one of the most commonly employed methods of

communicating ideas. The full chain in the speech communication process spans
from the formation of a thought in the mind of the talker, through the creation and
transmission of sounds through a medium, to the detection and interpretation of
the sounds by a listener [119]. At the tail end of the communication chain, a
listener must successfully receive, deconstruct and interpret words in order to
derive the correct meanings [119].
The basic element of speech is the phoneme, the smallest unit which
carries a differential meaning. The English language is constructed from a set of
40 phonemes, composed of 24 consonant sounds and 16 vowel sounds [119].
Phonemes are combined to create syllables and a word is composed of one or
more syllables.
The meaning of a word is encoded in the combination of its phonemes,
from a word’s context and from a listener’s knowledge of the word. If one or
more of a word’s phonemes are not correctly perceived by a listener, the decoding
of the combination of phonemes may yield a different meaning, or no meaning at
all [145].
The context, meaningful or otherwise, in which a word is received plays
additional importance as the perception of a phoneme is affected by neighboring
phonemes, both within the same word and in adjacent words [119]. In addition to
affecting factors such as listener expectations, meaningful context provides the

only method for differentiating between identical sounding words such as

homonyms and homophones.
As Gelfand [62] points out, there is a difference between hearing speech
and being able to understand it. Speech intelligibility is a term that describes the
extent of a listener’s ability to understand the meanings encoded in speech. The
degree to which a listener is able to correctly identify phonemes, and thus words,
when presented out of meaningful context is a measure of speech intelligibility
[147]. This type of subjective evaluation method has been applied to the
evaluation of the effectiveness of communication systems (e.g. [9, 75, 99, 122]).
Additionally, objective methods have been developed for the estimation and
prediction of the intelligibility of speech produced by communication systems.
These methods attempt to assess the degree to which factors such as reverberation,
background noise and distortion degrade the intelligibility of transmitted speech
[59, 107, 143, 167].

2.1.1 Factors That Affect Speech Intelligibility

Before discussing methods for assessing degradation in speech

transmission systems it would be helpful to understand what factors have the
potential to degrade speech. In essence, factors that affect the intelligibility of
reinforced speech can be grouped into categories relating to room acoustics,
background noise, the sound system and its operation, the transmission path, the
articulation of the talker and the skill of the listener [110, 116, 143]. Many of the
specific factors that affect speech intelligibility are well established, while others
are still under investigation (e.g. in this research project). Additionally, there are
differing points of view regarding the specific contributions of each factor, as well
as combinations of, and interactions between, multiple factors to the reduction of
speech intelligibility [164]. The following is a list of factors, including indication
of the areas that contain uncertainty.
1) Reverberation
Assuming that a single-loudspeaker speech reproduction system is
operating indoors, sound may travel from the loudspeaker to the listener via many

paths. Energy that travels directly from the loudspeaker to the listener, and thus
has the shortest path and travel time, is termed the direct sound (see chapter 2.2.2
for an explanation of sound propagation). Energy that arrives at the listener via
paths including a small number of reflections will reach the listener a short time
after the direct sound, and will generally be lower in level than the direct sound
due to energy absorption by the reflecting surfaces. This group of arrivals is
termed the early reflections, or early sound. Because there is a relatively small
number of possible transmission paths that contain only a few reflections, the
number of early reflections is also small and thus arrivals tend to be spaced. Also,
due to room geometry, the majority of early reflections tend to be incident on the
listener from angles in front of the lateral plane [17].
As the number of reflections in a transmission path increases, the number
of potential paths increases. Eventually, some time after the reception of the
direct sound, a condition is reached in which the number of reflections arriving at
the listener is so numerous, and the reflections are so tightly packed in time, that
individual reflections can not be distinguished from the mass. The sound energy
of these later-arriving reflections is termed the reverberant energy. Due to the
increased number of possible transmission paths, reverberant energy is not limited
to frontal incidence, but rather tends to be incident from all angles [17]. 1 The
total sound reaching a listener will thus include the components of the direct
sound, early reflections and reverberant energy.
Reverberant sound pressure in an impulse response usually decreases with
time due to absorption during the increased number of reflections. Eventually, as
the number of reflections increases, the level of the arrivals will drop below the
audible threshold. In essence, the time required for the level of sound energy in a
room to decay to a point below the audible threshold is referred to as the
reverberation time of the room [42]. Lingering reverberant energy has the
potential to mask the direct sound produced by a loudspeaker, depending on the

A special condition, a diffuse reverberant field, exists when reverberant energy
arrives from all directions, with equal level vs. direction. For the purposes of
discussion in this dissertation, a reverberant sound field is not assumed to be

relative level of the reverberant energy compared to the level of the direct sound.
Thus both the reverberation time and the ratio of direct-to-reverberant sound
energy (D/R ratio) are factors that affect intelligibility [106, 107, 110, 116, 143].
2) Discrete Echoes
With notable exceptions [67], the direct sound is generally perceived as
being the source of the sound. However the auditory system incorporates a
portion of the early sound into the direct sound. This process, termed fusion (or
subjective masking), is a result of a phenomenon called post-masking, wherein a
signal has the ability to mask other signals that arrive shortly after the original
[107, 183]. As such, the portion of the early sound that arrives soon enough after
the direct sound that it can be effectively fused is indistinguishable from, and
serves to fortify the level of, the direct sound. The portion of the early sound that
does not arrive soon enough to be fused will be perceived as individual reflections
(echoes) [107]. Perceivable echoes have a negative impact on intelligibility, as
they are not only a distraction for listeners but, like reverberant energy, serve to
decrease the D/R ratio [67, 107, 116].
The question arises regarding the temporal location of the cutoff point
between the direct and reverberant energy for calculation of the D/R ratio. There
is considerable debate and data in the literature with regard to the specific
integration time used in the fusion process (e.g. [17, 41, 67, 107]). There is
further debate as to whether fusion affects different perceptual attributes, such as
loudness and intelligibility, in the same manner or to the same degree. It is
suggested by some [41] that fusion plays different roles for echo perception and
intelligibility, in that even undetectable echoes can affect intelligibility. At this
time, it seems clear that there is still uncertainty as to the effect on intelligibility
of echoes with short delay time, which is why the author has focused on the topic
as one of the primary research questions in this dissertation.
Haas [67] references earlier investigations on echo disturbance in
telecommunications. These studies provide widely varying conclusions, placing
the cutoff delay time required for an echo, with level equal to the original signal,
to cause noticeable deterioration in sound quality between 40 ms and 100 ms.

Haas’ own work [67] toward determining what he termed the “critical delay
difference”, concludes that 50% of listeners can detect an audible disturbance
above around 40 ms for equal-level echoes incident from the front, with higher
delay times for echoes incident from the side, rear and above, ranging up to 60 ms.
Lochner and Burger [107] and Mapp [114] report similar relationships between
critical delay difference and angle of incidence of reflections. Haas also
determined that the delay time required for disturbance increases for echoes with
level lower than the original signal.
Davis and Davis [41] cite previous works that have determined the cutoff
for what “constitutes a detrimental reflection” to be anywhere from 0 ms to 95 ms.
Conclusions from their own experiments comparing objective and subjective
assessment results suggest that with regard to intelligibility, as opposed to the
effects of fusion on loudness, no integration time is used. Klepper [94] cites
previous works that have determined the cutoff to be between 10 ms and 60 ms,
with shorter times corresponding to discrete echoes vs. echoes in the presence of
reverberant “fill”. Janssen [87], on the other hand, used the single value of 50 ms
for his integration time.
Results from the multi-decade series of studies carried out by Peutz [144]
indicate that, compared to the magnitude of effects due to other factors, echoes
have a relatively small effect on intelligibility. However Peutz states that his
results show that decreases in intelligibility resulting from a horizontally arriving
echo are noticeable at delay times as short as 15 ms, with increasing detrimental
effect up to 45 ms, above which point the effect becomes constant.
As mentioned previously, there is question as to whether fusion plays the
same role in terms of echo detection and intelligibility. Lochner and Burger [107]
state that level gains due to fusion, for delays of 95 ms and under, will increase
intelligibility. However, Lochner and Burger also state that total fusion is only
achieved up to 30 ms, beyond which the contribution of the echo diminishes [105].
In the work of Davis and Davis [41], it is acknowledged that fusion does occur up
to around 50 ms to 80 ms, but the conclusions of their study suggest that, while

some portion (10 ms–20 ms) of the fused sound does cause an increase in
perceived loudness, it does not lead to gains in intelligibility.
It has been further suggested [38, 111] that the auditory system could be
viewed to employ various fusion integration times, depending on the perceptual
attribute in question. In citing the findings of others, Mapp suggests that a delay
time of 3 ms be applied to transient effects, 35-60 ms for information (such as
speech and music) and 125-200 ms for perceived loudness.
3) Background noise
Background noise, like reverberant energy, has the potential to mask
speech signals resulting in decreased intelligibility [18, 20, 107]. In essence,
reverberant energy can be viewed as a type of background noise, though the two
factors are addressed separately. Background noise is a blanket term used to
describe many possible distracters to speech reception, including electronic noise
(noise, buzz and hum in a sound system), noise due to air movement (heating and
ventilation systems), other speech signals and music.
The metric used to describe the level of background noise, and its effect
on intelligibility, is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, in dB) – the ratio of the level
of the speech signal to the level of background noise. Results from the work of
Peutz [144] indicate that variance in intelligibility can be found for values of SNR
ranging from −5 dB to 25 dB.
4) Spectrum
There are several aspects of spectrum that relate to speech intelligibility,
and can generally be broken into three categories: Production, reception and
transmission. Figure 2.1 shows what could be considered the average spectrum of
speech [59], though it is known that variations exist between male and female
spectra [110]. It is also known that the formants of vowel sounds are relatively
low in frequency (approximately 200 Hz–800 Hz) compared to consonants which
extend to higher frequencies (approximately 1 kHz–8 kHz) [111, 117].
Comparing these frequency ranges to figure 2.1, it can be seen that the amount of
energy produced by vowels is greater than the amount produced by consonants.

Figure 2.1 Idealized long-term average speech spectrum (Reprinted

with permission from [59])

The effects of masking are frequency dependent [41, 117]. It is known

from the study of critical bands [183] that individual frequency components of a
signal can not only mask similar frequencies of equal level, but also higher
frequencies of lower level. This is referred to as critical-band frequency masking,
and the communication process is susceptible to its effects in several ways.
Considering their lower frequency range and higher relative level at production,
vowels have the potential to mask consonants, resulting in reduced perceived
level in the 1 kHz to 8 kHz band.
As with production, the reception of speech is also frequency dependent.
Figure 2.2 shows the contributions of different portions of the spectrum to the
intelligibility of speech, indicating the importance of the 500 Hz–4 kHz region
with emphasis on 2 kHz [110]. With the spectrum of speech production and
spectral sensitivity of speech perception considered, it is clear that critical band
frequency masking could have an effect on speech intelligibility.
With regard to transmission, Mapp [117] points out that loudspeaker
frequency response and system equalization can also lead to critical-band

frequency masking. For example, if a speech reinforcement system were to have

reduced high-frequency response, there would be further potential for reproduced
consonant sounds to be masked by vowel sounds. As consonants carry the
majority of speech information, it is therefore clear that sound system equalization
is also a factor in speech intelligibility. Results of a study by Mapp [117] indicate
that proper sound system equalization can increase speech intelligibility by more
than 20%.

Figure 2.2 Octave band contributions to speech intelligibility

(Reprinted with permission from [110])

One further consideration of transmission with respect to spectrum is the

off-axis frequency response of directional loudspeakers. Shown in figure 2.3, the
high-frequency response of directional loudspeakers is reduced at off-axis
listening angles. Similar to the effects of equalization, a listener located off-axis
from a loudspeaker may experience reduced intelligibility due to the rolling off of
high-frequency components.

Figure 2.3 Magnitude vs. frequency response (1 kHz–20 kHz) of a

constant directivity horn at several off-axis angles
(Reprinted with permission from [57])

To date, knowledge of the effects of spectral anomalies on intelligibility is

limited to wide-band effects on the order of 1-octave [37, 110], yet it is known
that the critical bands of the human hearing mechanism are much smaller than one
octave [183]. It is the intent of the current research project to investigate the
effects of spectral phenomena of narrower bandwidth.
5) Loudspeaker Directivity
The term loudspeaker directivity, or Q, describes the radiation pattern of a
loudspeaker. 2 Higher values of Q (as measured on-axis) indicate more directional
loudspeaker radiation patterns [42]. The use of loudspeakers with high Q values
allows for greater control of the distribution of sound in a room.
As D/R ratio is a factor that affects intelligibility, the ability to focus
sound on audience listening areas, and away from all other areas in a room, will
serve to reduce reverberant excitation and thus increase the D/R ratio [46].

A rigorous definition of Q is beyond the scope of this text. The interested reader
is directed to [142].

6) Distance between Listener and Loudspeaker

Similar to the effects of directivity, the distance between the listener and
loudspeaker affects the D/R ratio. Results from studies by Peutz [143] indicate
that intelligibility decreases as the listener-loudspeaker distance increases. The
results also suggest that beyond a certain “critical” distance, intelligibility remains
constant, as it is no longer a function of distance.
7) Rollover
As mentioned previously, inadequate speech level has a negative effect on
intelligibility. Excessive level, however, can also reduce intelligibility. This
effect, referred to as rollover, occurs at levels above that of normal conversation
[59, 169]. Results from Lochner and Burger [107] show that intelligibility
reaches a maximum in the range of 60 dB SPL. For levels above 60 dB, reduction
in intelligibility is a factor of SNR. Their research indicates that the effect is most
prominent for SNR’s below 0 dB. With a speech level of 80 dB SPL, as was used
in the current research project, rollover effects are negligible for SNR’s above 0
8) Preservation of Modulation
Running speech can be viewed as a sequence of consonant and vowel
sounds. Steeneken and Houtgast [167] point out that individual consonant and
vowel sounds have different frequency spectra, and that an individual’s ability to
understand running speech is essentially a factor of the individual’s ability to
track spectral modulation (changes in spectrum over time).
Houtgast and Steeneken [77], in a review of their previous works, explain
that running speech can be viewed as the amplitude modulation of different parts
of the speech spectrum, with modulation rates ranging between 0.5 Hz and 16 Hz.
This led to the concept of employing a modulation transfer function (abbreviated
m(F) or MTF) to describe the effects of a speech communication system on the
intelligibility of speech. As depicted in figure 2.4, properties of a communication
system can affect a reduction in the depth of modulation of a speech signal,
leading to a decrease in intelligibility.

Figure 2.4 “A speech transmission path in an enclosure is

characterized by the modulation transfer function m(F),
quantifying the degree of preservation of the original
intensity modulations as a function of modulation
frequency.” (Reprinted with permission from [77])

While this approach was key in the development of an objective

intelligibility metric (see chapter 2.1.2), it also provides insight as to some of the
factors that affect speech intelligibility. Reverberant energy, echoes and noise
reduce modulation depth, and thus reduce intelligibility. It is noted however that
modulation is a dynamic property and, as such, can be affected by the dynamic
properties of a sound system, such as dynamic range, headroom/clipping, non-
linear distortion and amplitude compression, as well as elements of digital
systems such as data compression algorithms [110, 116].

9) Sound System Operation

The final factor mentioned in this text is perhaps the most unpredictable –
the human factor. Sound system operation provides the potential for detriment to
intelligibility from an amalgam of many of the factors previously mentioned [116].
The relative levels of speech versus music that a mix engineer creates amounts to
a SNR. If the level of speech is not set high enough, insufficient intelligibility
will be the result. Similarly, adjusting mix levels to produce excessive sound
pressure levels can result in rollover.
Drastic or improper microphone and system equalization can have a
marked impact on intelligibility. Poor gain structure can result in audible
distortion and a decrease in SNR [149]. The use of effects processors can add
echoes and artificial reverberation, and the overuse of dynamics processors can
greatly reduce the modulation of speech [110].

2.1.2 Objective Methods for Estimating Speech Intelligibility

Over the past century, a variety of objective methods have been developed
for the estimation of speech intelligibility over a communication system. These
methods employ a combination of acoustical calculations and the
electroacoustical measurement of many of the factors listed in the previous
section. Through correlation with the empirical results from subjective testing,
relationships have been determined that allow objective calculation-based and
measurement-based methods to produce a result indicating intelligibility. In
recent years, several of these methods have been included in measurement
software as well as acoustical prediction programs [3, 49].
Over time the accuracy and precision of objective methods has increased,
as more of the factors that affect intelligibility have been incorporated into the
calculations and measurement protocols. However to date, no such method is
believed to account for all of the factors that affect speech intelligibility [117].
Recent investigations have explored the integration of binaural mechanisms,
higher frequency resolution and pre- and post-masking sensitivity [19, 37, 102,

The following is a review of the more commonly used objective methods

for estimating speech intelligibility produced by a speech transmission system.
1) C7, C35, C50 & C80
The family of “clarity” measurements is well recognized in the field of
auditorium acoustics as an accurate predictor and measurement of sound quality
[17, 114]. Each is a measure of the D/R ratio within a room, generally limited to
the 1 kHz octave band. The difference between each of these measures is the
temporal cutoff point between the direct and reverberant energy. C80, for
example, compares the integration of the first 80 ms of early sound into the direct
component to the integration of all sound after 80 ms. For C7 on the other hand,
the integration time is set to 7 ms, resulting in a more transient-based measure.
The existence of multiple clarity measures is a result of the ongoing debate
regarding the integration time of the auditory system [38, 108, 110]. A similar
metric was proposed by Lochner and Burger [107], citing 95 ms at the integration
Reverberant energy is known to affect intelligibility and, as such, clarity
measures are useful predictors. However as many of the other factors that affect
intelligibility are not incorporated, clarity is a severely limited metric for
prediction or measurement. This is particularly the case when sound
reinforcement systems are involved, as the system has a large effect on
intelligibility [110].
2) Articulation Index
Articulation Index (AI), originally developed by French and Steinberg
[59], is a method based on the measurement of SNR in 20 frequency bands,
producing a single-value result ranging between zero (unsatisfactory) and one
(excellent). As the results of their studies clearly showed intelligibility to be
frequency dependent – different bands providing different relative contribution to
the overall subjective impression – frequency weighting was implemented in the
calculation of AI.
As their work at Bell Telephone Laboratories was focused on
intelligibility over single-channel telecommunication systems, factors such as

reverberation were not considered in the original design of the metric. Later
adaptations by Kryter [97] and others incorporate the use of 1/3- and 1-octave
frequency bands, and provide adjustment factors to account for reverberation. In
the end, the treatment of reverberation has been found lacking [114] and the
method does not allow for the separate analysis of intelligibility impairment due
to the loss of articulation of vowels and consonants [143].
3) Articulation Loss of Consonants
The percent loss of the articulation of consonants (%ALcons), developed by
Peutz [143] and later modified by Peutz [144] and Davis [40], is a predictive
metric based primarily on acoustical parameters of a room and loudspeaker
directivity. The metric focuses on consonants as Peutz found losses in consonants
to be higher and a more accurate predictor than losses in vowels [143].
Though there are several variations of the %ALcons equation, the general
form includes reverberation time, room volume, listener-loudspeaker distance,
loudspeaker Q and a factor to account for interference from other loudspeakers
[41]. Originally developed as a calculated predictor of the intelligibility of
speech, %ALcons was later implemented as a direct measurement method in
Techron TEF measurement devices [39]. Additionally, it is possible to
determine %ALcons via conversion from other measurements such as speech
transmission index (by Farrel Becker, presented in [42]).
The predictive and measurement accuracy of the %ALcons method has
been shown to have high correlation to the results obtained through subjective
assessment [41, 143], though correlation appears to decrease under conditions of
diminished intelligibility [114]. The primary limitation of %ALcons is that the
formulae and measurements are limited to the 2 kHz 1-octave band, and is thus
not sensitive to bandwidth, frequency response anomalies and critical band
masking in other bands resulting from noise or equalization.
Additionally, %ALcons does not account for SNR, distinct echoes, distortion or
non-linear effects, and it is difficult to correctly determine the effect of
interference from other loudspeakers [110].

4) Speech Transmission Index

In 1972, Houtgast and Steeneken [76] published a description of the first
intelligibility metric based on the modulation transfer function (MTF), which
calculates the reduction in modulation of transmitted signals. The speech
transmission index (STI) is derived from a matrix of 98 measurements using a
speech-like stimulus signal. Measurement of 14 modulation frequencies (0.63
Hz–12.5 Hz, in 1/3-octave increments) are made in each of seven frequency bands
(125 Hz–8 kHz, 1-octave wide each), replicating the low-frequency modulations
of the human voice over its spectral range. The individual results within each
octave band, representing the MTF of the band, are summed to create the
transmission index for the band. The weighted average of the seven transmission
indices is calculated for all bands. The resulting number is the STI, and ranges
from zero (bad) to one (excellent).
Because its metric is based on the MTF, STI is sensitive to noise and
reverberation, as well as non-linear and temporal distortions [168]. It is
recognized that STI is a robust and highly accurate measurement, though it is
believed that STI is incapable of accounting for certain sound system related
distortions. Though STI is capable of sensitivity to critical band frequency
masking, not all STI measurement devices include this feature and are thus not
capable of accounting for certain equalization effects such as high-frequency
reduction [117]. Also, as STI has a 1-octave frequency resolution, results are
generally not sensitive to frequency response anomalies narrower than 1-octave in
bandwidth [114].
In the 1980’s, it was discovered that the MTF could be derived from an
impulse response (IR) measurement. Mapp [109] points out that STI values
derived in such a way show little variation between repeated measurements and
suggests that, assuming that background noise remains constant, the averaging of
multiple measurements should not be necessary. It should be noted however that
IR derived STI does not actually use a speech-like modulated test stimulus and, as
such, excitation of the sound system under test does not replicate natural
conditions. If non-linear distortion (e.g. clipping) and compression are not

present in the sound system, differences in excitation should not affect test results
Further developments with STI include variations in frequency weighting
of the transmission indices to account for male and female speech spectra [112].
5) Rapid Speech Transmission Index
Full STI measurements are difficult to perform and the computational
requirements were beyond the ability of the computers available at the time of its
inception [110]. The Rapid Speech Transmission Index (RaSTI) was introduced
and integrated into a hand-held measurement system, incorporating a nine
measurement subset of the full STI. RaSTI measurements include four
modulation frequencies in the 500 Hz octave band, and five frequencies in the 2
kHz band [77]. The RaSTI test signal is a speech-like modulated noise signal.
RaSTI suffers many of the drawbacks of STI, though it has long been
recognized that the full STI measurement is more accurate than the smaller RaSTI
measurement [114]. Also, as with %ALcons, the use of a reduced set of frequency
bands leads to lack of sensitivity in many areas of the spectrum.
Recently, a version of the STI measurement for public address (STIPa) has
been introduced, though it has yet to be standardized. Like RaSTI, STIPa uses a
modulated speech-like test signal and a subset of the full number of STI
measurements [114]. However unlike RaSTI, the calculation of STIPA uses
measurements (14) in all seven of the STI frequency bands. Thus, though STIPa
uses a reduced number of measurements, it should still be more sensitive to the
effects of frequency anomalies than RaSTI. RaSTI and STIPa metrics can both be
derived from IR measurements. However, STIPa results obtained in such a way
are referred to as “STIPa equivalent” [49, 118]. Narrow Band Effects

It has been mentioned several times that frequency resolution, including

number of frequency bands employed, is a drawback in objective intelligibility
measurement systems. Figure 2.5 shows the frequency response of a system that
Mapp [113] constructed to prove this point. RaSTI measurements were made on

the sound system and, despite the fact that this system would obviously greatly
impair intelligibility, the RaSTI measurement returned near-perfect results (RaSTI
= 0.98). The measurement scheme was unable to detect this impairment due to
lack of resolution, as its measurements are based solely on information in the 500
Hz and 2 kHz bands. It is likewise conceivable that narrow-band frequency
effects may elude other measurement methods with inadequate frequency
response resolution (e.g. STI and %ALcons).

Figure 2.5 Frequency response of system used to confound RaSTI

measurements (Reprinted with permission from [113])

An experiment reported by C. Davis [39] involved the measurement of a

sound system under two conditions. The first condition resulted in a nominally
flat frequency response, while the second produced a frequency response
containing a deep notch near 2 kHz (due to loudspeaker misalignment). RaSTI
and %ALcons measurements indicated a clear reduction in intelligibility for the
second condition. While the 2 kHz band has been shown to play a vital role in
intelligibility, it is unclear whether the results from these measurements would
correlate with subjective impression, given that more than 55% of the RaSTI data
points and all of the data for the %ALcons measurement lie in the 2 kHz band.

In addition to issues with resolution, measurement methods employing the

MTF have an additional potential handicap. Figure 2.6 shows the effects of
echoes on the magnitude of modulation vs. frequency response of a measured
MTF. The result, in terms of frequency, is the production of a series of notches,
as can be seen in the figure. (The effects of echoes and time-delayed signals are
covered in depth in chapter 2.2.2) Such notches in MTF frequency response will
lead to marked reductions in measured intelligibility when STI (or RaSTI) is
calculated using this MTF. For example, an equal level echo, arriving 50 ms after
the direct sound, would create notches in the measured MTF at 10 Hz in all 7
carrier frequency bands. Such notches would almost fully negate the results of
the septet of measurements from the 10 Hz modulation, and would significantly
impact the results in neighboring modulations.

Figure 2.6 The effect of delayed signals on the magnitude vs.

frequency response of a measured modulation transfer
function (Reprinted with permission from [113]).

From the literature, it is reasonable to conclude that an echo arriving 50

ms after the direct sound could provide some detriment to intelligibility. As Peutz
stated, though noticeable and measurable, when compared to other factors, the
effects of echoes on intelligibility are relatively small [144]. However, it is again
unclear as to whether measured effects would correlate with subjective impression,
or if degradation shown in the results is merely a byproduct of the measurement
As the primary phenomenon studied in this dissertation, arrivals from
multiple loudspeakers, involves narrow-band frequency effects and signal delays,
it is clear that the use of objective measures for the assessment of intelligibility in

sound systems may lead to erroneous results. While this research may allow for
further investigation of such error, the use of other measurement methods should
be investigated.

2.1.3 Subjective Methods for Evaluating Speech Intelligibility

In contrast to objective methods for estimating speech intelligibility,

subjective methods are also available to evaluate the intelligibility of speech.
Such subjective methods involve the administration of listening tests to individual
listeners or listening panels, and are usually conducted in the performance
assessment of speech communication systems [14, 156]. With proper training and
control of extraneous factors, it is possible for subjects to produce results that are
consistent and repeatable within and between communication systems [179].
It is important to remember that, while subjective evaluation methods
employ listeners rather than algorithms, the results of listening tests are still an
estimation of the performance of a speech communication system. While it is
widely accepted that subjective methods are the most accurate means for
estimating speech intelligibility in a communication system [41, 114], it is
suggested that the use of such evaluation methods could be complimented by the
inclusion of other methods of system evaluation or measurement [156]. A Review of Various Testing Methods

A variety of listening tests exist, with objectives ranging from the

identification of hearing disorders, to the diagnosis of speech and language skills
in children, to the evaluation of communication systems. The core stimuli in
these tests may contain nonsense syllables, single words or sentences.
An individual’s ability to identify a word can be affected not only by the
actual clarity of transmission of the word, but also by semantic and contextual
clues [156]. Contrary to methods for developmental testing in children,
successful isolation of the effects of a communication system on intelligibility
requires that semantic and contextual clues are removed from testing stimuli.

Such clues could be present if sentences were to be used as the core stimuli for
testing. Another issue is that of subject learning. Even with the use of sentences
that are not highly predictable [50] or that are semantically anomalous [139],
learning effects make it so that the same sentence cannot be used twice for the
same listener, resulting in the need for very large stimulus sets [156].
The prohibitively large stimulus sets required, coupled with the ambiguity
resulting from semantic and contextual clues, make sentence-based tests
undesirable for use in communication system evaluation requiring repeated
evaluations by each subject.
With regard to intelligibility, consonants carry more useful information
and contain less energy than vowels, and are therefore more susceptible to
degradation in a communication system [5]. Thus, intelligibility is primarily a
byproduct of a listener’s ability to differentiate between consonant-based
phonemes [143]. As such, most single-word based listening tests that study
intelligibility focus on the ability of subjects to distinguish between consonants
Fairbanks [55] details the desire to create a speech intelligibility test based
on phonemic differentiation, that would use words as the stimulus, test subjects’
ability to identify said words and that would produce results relatable to the task
of identifying everyday speech. The result of his work is the Fairbanks rhyme test
(FRT): A testing method which employs monosyllabic English words, and tests
subjects’ ability to discriminate between consonantal and consonant-vowel
transitional variations. The test contains 250 words which are grouped into 50
ensembles, each containing 5 rhyming words with identical stem spelling (e.g.
-eel, -ook, -ale). The rhyming words differ only by the initial consonant.
Each test is constructed by selecting one word from each ensemble,
resulting in a 50-word test list. Subjects are provided with a response sheet, and
responses are indicated by writing the first letter of the word in the blank space
preceding each of the 50 word stems. For each word stem, Fairbanks estimates
that there are between 6 and 16 possible words in the English vocabulary from
which a subject can choose.

The modified rhyme test (MRT), a six-alternative forced choice, closed-

set adaptation of the FRT, was later developed [75]. The MRT contains 300
monosyllabic English words that take the form of consonant-vowel-consonant
(CVC), consonant-vowel (CV) or vowel-consonant (VC). The majority of the
words are of the CVC form. The words are grouped into 50 ensembles, each
containing 6 rhyming words. Within each ensemble, differences exist between
either the first consonants or final consonants, including absence of a consonant
(in the case of CV and VC forms). The vowel, and associated vowel sound,
remains constant within each ensemble.
Taking one word from each of the 50 ensembles, words are grouped into
six 50-word lists. A test consists of the evaluation of one word list. Response
sheets containing the 50 six-word ensembles are provided to subjects. Words are
presented with or without a carrier sentence and subjects indicate responses by
marking one word out of each six-word ensemble.
Initial tests conducted by House et al. [75] indicate that test sensitivity
increases and the degree of error in results is reduced when subject population
size and the number of word lists administered to each subject are increased. In
their analysis, it is concluded that increases beyond a population of 12 or the
evaluation of more than three word lists would not significantly improve test
Three testing methods are detailed in the American National Standards
Institute’s recommendation Method for Measuring the Intelligibility of Speech
over Communication Systems [5]. These methods are the aforementioned
Modified Rhyme Test [75], the Harvard phonetically balanced word test [50], and
the Diagnostic Rhyme Test [176]. Each of these methods employs the evaluation
of monosyllabic English words.
The phonetically balanced word test (PB) contains 1000 words, organized
into 20 word lists each containing 50 words. The occurrence of the various
phonemes found in the stimulus set have a frequency proportional to that found in
everyday English [50]. Subjects are presented with a stimulus word embedded in

a carrier sentence. Like the FRT, the PB is an open format test – meaning that
responses are generated by subjects, rather than selected from a list of alternatives.
One major disadvantage of the PB is the training time required to achieve
stable results from listeners. Additionally, subjects continue to show
improvement in scores even after sufficient training, sometimes taking weeks, is
completed. As such, comparison of test results obtained at different phases of
testing is difficult [156].
The diagnostic rhyme test (DRT) is the final test mentioned in the ANSI
recommendation. The DRT employs a smaller set of stimuli as opposed to the
similar MRT and FRT. The DRT is a closed format test, containing 192 stimulus
words grouped into 96 rhyming pairs. Stimuli are delivered, without a carrier
sentence, to subjects who are presented with the two-alternative forced choice
task of identifying the correct word [176].
As the DRT stimulus set is smaller than those of its rhyming predecessors,
this method has the advantage of shorter testing times. However, this method has
the disadvantage that, within each word pair, differences are found only between
the first consonants of the words.
Other examples of tests that employ the presentation of single
monosyllabic English words include the speech identification test (SIT) [71] and
the California consonant test (CCT) [141]. The SIT was devised as part of an
experiment which studied the effects of context on both listeners’ ability to
identify words, and their certainty about said identifications [71]. Though similar
to the MRT, the CCT was developed specifically for the purpose of clinical
testing on hearing impairments [141]. Conclusions

The MRT seems the most appropriate test for use in this research project.
The use of a test which employs monosyllabic stimuli will allow for repetitive
testing on subjects, and will remove the potential for errors in results due to
contextual and semantic clues. The subject training requirements for use of the
MRT are far less than what is required for the PB.

Unlike the FRT and DRT, the MRT includes variation in both initial and
final consonants. When the potential effects of post-masking are considered [183],
it is clear that the MRT has the potential for sensitivity to a wider variety of
factors that affect intelligibility (e.g. masking of the initial-consonant phoneme by
the carrier sentence and the final-consonant phoneme by the stimulus word’s own
vowel). Use of the Modified Rhyme Test

The MRT was originally developed as a method for the evaluation of

communication systems [75]. Since then, it has been further modified for use in
clinical Audiology [95] and tested for viability and reliability [15, 21, 138]. The
test has been thoroughly established as a method for investigating differential
effects of variable treatments on word recognition. Such testing has been done to
compare groups of listeners with normal- and impaired-hearing (e.g. [52, 136]),
communication transduction methods (e.g. [73, 123]), communication system
effectiveness (e.g. [9, 122]), and communication enhancements (e.g. [99]).
In their recommendation [5], ANSI details procedures for the use of
monosyllabic word tests for the evaluation of a wide variety of communication
applications. It is stated that the recommendation is intended to cover systems
ranging from face to face communication; to public address, radio and
telecommunication; to underwater and outer space applications. The
recommendation is also intended to deal with entire communication systems,
including not only sound transmission and reproduction but also sound capture
transducers and the talker’s environment.
The scope of the recommendation is broad and so too are the prescriptions
detailed therein. While the prescribed methods are well established for general
communications systems testing, full adherence to the recommendations may not
be necessary considering the limited scope of this dissertation. For this research
project, the focus is placed on comparing, rather than measuring the absolute
performance of a communication system, and is limited to the transmission and
reproduction end of the communication path. This project is not concerned with

absolute pass/fail criteria, nor is it concerned with variations associated with the
use of different talkers. For example, it is not the intent of this document to prove
the effective function of an emergency address system.
Among other specifications, the recommendation indicates that a
minimum of five talkers and five listeners should be used and that, as the talker
has a greater effect on intelligibility, more talkers than listeners should be used.
The document also recommends that a minimum of three MRT words lists should
be evaluated by each listener for each variable treatment.
While a review of the literature involving practical application of the MRT
does show a common testing method, it also shows a great number of differences
between the specific implementations of the test. As the purposes and overall
goals of an experiment will vary from study to study, so too it seems do the
applications of testing methods. The obvious difference between the reviewed
studies lies in the number of subjects used. Subject population size is governed
by the experimental design of a study, type of subjects used (e.g. naïve vs. expert)
and the amount of statistical strength needed to show significance [14]. However,
other notable variations between uses of the MRT do exist, including:
1) Number of word lists used
In the literature, the number of MRT word lists used ranges from one list
[73, 123] to the full set of six, as seen in Kreul et al. [95, 96], Atkinson and
Catellier’s study on the intelligibility of radio-communication systems for
firefighters [9] and many others. Examples also exist of the use of three lists [99,
2) Number of word lists used per variable treatment
Beyer et al. [21], studying the validity of the use of the MRT for clinical
study and Nixon [138], studying the effectiveness of the MRT response foil words,
used the original Stanford Research Institute (SRI) recordings made by Kreul et al.
[95] which include an incomplete matrix of six lists and three talkers. Kusumoto
et al. [99], in a study of speech enhancement in reverberant environments, used
three word lists, but only one word list per reverberation time treatment. Nabelek
and Mason [136] used six lists total, but only two per treatment, to study the

effects of reverberation time, signal-to-noise ratio and monaural vs. binaural

hearing on normal- and hearing-impaired listeners.
3) Number of talkers used to deliver the word lists
As mentioned, the original SRI recordings [95] used three talkers. For an
experiment studying differences between a normal talker and a laryngectomee
talker, Holley et al. [73] used one talker for each talker type. McBride et al. [123]
used one male and one female talker in a study of bone conduction transducers
that included talker gender as an experimental variable. Atkinson [9] used six
talkers. Kusumoto et al. [99] and Nabelek and Mason [136] both used one talker.
4) Number of ensembles presented
Though most examples of MRT use employ the full set of 50 ensembles
per list, examples do exist where truncated lists are used. Matthews et al. [122],
for example, used 30-word lists in a study on work load demands associated with
the use of cell phones while driving.
5) Auditory display method
The MRT has been used in studies in which the auditory display method,
to list a few, was a loudspeaker [136], pair of headphones [73, 75, 99], bone
conduction transducer [123] and even cell phone [122].
6) Open vs. closed response set
Though originally developed as a closed-set test [75], examples exist
where specific elements of an experiment suggest the administration of the MRT
in an open-set form. In the experiment conducted by Matthews et al. for example
[122], that involved subjects evaluating words while driving, the use of a closed-
set test could have both been dangerous and compromised results by adding to the
work load of subjects.
It is evident that the needs and goals of a particular experiment dictate the
specific implementation of a testing method. Though credence should be given to
the ANSI recommendation, it appears that the specific methodology detailed
therein can be modified to suit a specific research endeavor.
As mentioned, the studies detailed in this dissertation are limited to
examining effects caused by variations in the reproduction end of a sound system.

Also, as the focus of this study involves comparison of intelligibility impairments

rather than absolute evaluation (pass/fail), the use of one talker (as opposed to five)
should not have a negative effect on the validity of results. It was therefore
decided that the use of one talker would be appropriate so long as the talker’s
speech was clear, steady in rate and well articulated.
The ANSI standard recommends the use of three MRT word lists, in part,
to reduce the effects of potential listener learning over repeated testing. As has
been seen from the literature [73, 123], the MRT has been employed with fewer
than three lists. The use of three word lists instead of one equates to a 300%
increase in testing time and costs. While it would be desirable to use only one list,
it is unclear whether this would compromise test results. Three lists were
therefore recorded for use in this research project. During the course of this
project it would be possible to introduce “word list” as an experimental variable.
If results indicate that word list does not have an effect on results, further testing
may be able to reduce the number of lists, or number of lists per treatment, used.
An additional point found in the literature is in regard to restriction of the
subject population. Non-native English speakers typically score lower on tests
involving the identification of English words. Lexical considerations, such as
lack of familiarity with particular test words, can produce effects on test scores
that are unrelated to the speech communication system [62]. As such, and in the
interest of controlling variance, the studies detailed in this dissertation will only
employ native English speaking subjects.

2.2 Sound System Design & Optimization

The end goal of sound reinforcement is to deliver the desired program

material to all members of an audience, with appropriate level and spectral
content, with a minimum of variance in level and spectrum between audience
members [124]. In modern times, complex sound reproduction systems,
comprised of subsystems containing multiple loudspeaker drivers and enclosures,
are often employed to achieve this goal [11, 56, 60, 174].

Fortunately, in addition to more complex sound systems, the modern era

has also brought with it modern measurement tools and loudspeaker processing
technology. Modern computer processing power makes it possible to employ
software which can generate 2- and 3-dimensional predictions of sound system
performance [2, 22, 48]. Modern measurement tools can utilize dual-channel fast
Fourier transform analysis, with an accompanying battery of acoustical metrics
and post-processing algorithms [3, 49]. Additionally, modern loudspeaker
processing tools (drive systems) not only possess tools which were previously
unavailable (e.g. digital delay lines), but can perform the functions of a
conventional “drive rack” in a fraction of the space [30, 98]. Many drive system
tools are even found within modern digital mixing consoles [182].
It is fortunate indeed that these tools are available. In order for a modern,
complex sound system to adequately perform its task, it is necessary for the
components of the system to be individually calibrated, and then integrated into
the overall system in a manner such that the union functions as a cohesive whole.
This process is called sound system optimization [124].
Generally speaking, the individual processes falling under the blanket term
optimization are loudspeaker focus, equalization, level alignment and time
alignment [124, 171]. Loudspeaker focus involves the spatial and angular
positioning of a loudspeaker such that sound radiates in the desired direction. In
most cases the desired result is the maximal ratio of sound radiated towards the
audience vs. sound radiated towards reflective surfaces, with even level
distribution across the audience areas [41]. Notable exceptions include indirect
radiation methods designed to deliver diffuse reflected sound to listeners (e.g.
effects and surround systems), and components used to affect radiation
interference in loudspeaker arrays (e.g. [86, 88, 165]).
Equalization is employed to correct frequency-response irregularities
and/or shape the spectrum of reproduced sound. In addition to improving sound
quality, equalization is also used to increase the headroom of a system (peak
removal), reduce electroacoustic regeneration (feedback) and also help shape the
radiation patterns of loudspeaker arrays [25, 34, 93, 124].

The goal of level alignment of a loudspeaker, or array of loudspeakers, is

to achieve adequate level, and equal level distribution, over the entire audience
area. When viewed from the perspective of the entire sound system, level
alignment attempts to maximize headroom and SNR through the creation of a
proper structure of gain stages. The level of each loudspeaker, and corresponding
electronic chain upstream, is adjusted such that electronic signals at nominal
operating levels will create the desired sound pressure level in the audience.
Levels of multiple loudspeakers are adjusted such that sound pressure levels in
different areas of audience coverage, as well as regions of overlap between
coverage areas, have minimal variance [124]. Additional level alignment
techniques can be employed for use in loudspeaker arrays to affect an array’s
overall radiation pattern (e.g. [88, 175]).
Time alignment, which will be explored in the following sections, is a
term used to describe the use of electronic delays to affect the summation of
signals from multiple loudspeakers. Before discussing the alignment of
components of loudspeaker arrays, it would perhaps be beneficial to review the
need for, and variations of, loudspeaker arrays.

2.2.1 Types of Loudspeaker Arrays

In the early days of audio engineering, researchers attempted to develop a

loudspeaker that could reproduce the full range of audible frequencies from a
single source (see [16, 36], for example). In his exhaustive review of loudspeaker
literature, Gander [61] describes the full-range, single source loudspeaker as a
“holy grail” of audio engineering. He also points out that over time, as the
physics and limitations of transducers were better understood, efforts to develop
the mythic device were all but abandoned in favor of multi-way, multi-transducer
Analogously, researchers have spent much time and effort in the pursuit of
whole-room reproduction solutions that require only one loudspeaker per channel
of reproduced information. While such solutions can often be found for small
rooms, or small listening areas, as the size of the listening area increases the

effectiveness of single-loudspeaker solutions diminishes [124]. Thus, more

complicated solutions are required. This section includes a review of
reinforcement needs and solutions, array fundamentals and types, and a
comparison between array solutions for small and large listening environments.
For effective sound reinforcement, two basic needs must be fulfilled. First,
adequate level is required such that a minimum SNR can be achieved throughout
the audience listening area. Appropriate loudspeaker directivity is likewise
necessary, as direct sound from the reinforcement system must reach all listening
areas [65, 124, 171]. As previously mentioned in the discussion of %ALcons, low
loudspeaker directivity (wide radiation angles) can result in increased reverberant
energy due to projection of sound energy towards reflective surfaces. In an
attempt to increase the D/R ratio, and thus increase sound clarity, it is necessary to
minimize the amount of sound radiated toward any location other than the
listening areas [41].
From the 1930’s through the development of the constant directivity horn
in the mid 1970’s to early 1980’s, advances in horn technology have yielded
increases in both acoustical power output and directivity control [47]. Despite
these achievements, it is often the case that the output and coverage of a single
loudspeaker proves insufficient for the needs of a production/installation. As such,
combinations of multiple loudspeakers (i.e. arrays) are therefore employed.
In terms of power and pressure projected from (radiated by) an array, the
addition of loudspeakers amounts to an increase in sound power output. By
adjusting the angle between loudspeakers (splay) in an array, it is possible to
affect the distribution of radiated sound pressure. In general, compared to a single
loudspeaker, arrays with small splay angles result in higher pressure output over
the same approximate coverage area, while arrays with wide splay angles
distribute the equivalent pressure output of a single loudspeaker over a larger
effective coverage area. Varying splay angle results in a trade-off between the
coupling and spreading of projected sound pressure, allowing for many
possibilities of total array output and radiation [57, 124, 128].

In addition to power/pressure projection, the summation of the sound

energy output from multiple loudspeakers can create an interference pattern in an
array’s radiation (see chapter 2.2.2 for an explanation of summation). In the late
1980’s, a variety of studies were conducted on the effects of interference on the
total radiation pattern of “conventional”, convex arc-style arrays composed of real
sources. Studies by Fidlin and Carlson [57], Meyer and Seidel [128] and Gander
and Eargle [60] all reveal the frequency-dependent, finger-like structures (lobes)
that appear in array radiation patterns, and irregularities (comb filters) in resulting
magnitude- vs. frequency-response measurements.
While the results of interference patterns are often undesirable (e.g. the
formation of lobes), intentional manipulation of inter-loudspeaker interference
can achieve desirable effects. Through the use of time delay, polarity inversion,
level tapering, band limiting and spectral shading, it is possible to manipulate
radiation patterns, enable beam steering and provide directivity control at low
frequencies [101, 124, 127, 178]. Examples include directional woofer arrays [12,
24, 27, 68, 72], Bessel arrays [88], line source and column arrays [70, 93],
Colinear arrays [10], discrete element line arrays [154, 165, 175], linear and
planar CBT arrays [89] and striped panel arrays [8].
Despite the wide variety in type, orientation and manipulation of elements
used in loudspeaker arrays, the vast majority of arrays used for sound
reproduction and reinforcement can be represented by one, or a combination, of
three different fundamental forms [124]. Figure 2.7 shows these three forms (line
source, point source and point destination) and the two permutations of each
(coupled and uncoupled). Most modern reinforcement systems employ a main
system to cover the majority of the listening area, supplemented by one or more
satellite systems to fill in gaps in the coverage of the main system. 3 When
combined in a system, main and satellite (fill) systems – each containing either
single loudspeakers, coupled arrays or uncoupled arrays – form uncoupled arrays
[124]. In essence, a sound system can be viewed as a primary array composed of

Multiple main and satellite systems can be used for multi-channel (e.g. Left-
Right and Left-Center-Right) reproduction.

subsystem arrays. Each of these arrays, primary and subsystem, may be oriented
vertically or horizontally.

Figure 2.7 The six fundamental loudspeaker array types (Reprinted

with permission from [124])

The studies detailed in this dissertation employ two examples of common

arrays. The first comprises an uncoupled point-destination array of single
loudspeakers, taking the form of a main subsystem and fill subsystem, as is
typically used for supplemental coverage of the first few rows of an audience
listening area. The second forms a typical uncoupled point-source array of front-
fill loudspeakers: An example of a subsystem array, employed when a single
satellite loudspeaker can not provide sufficient fill coverage.
As alluded to in chapter 1.2, the choice of these two array types stems
from the use of an organic approach for the research project. Obvious differences
exist between these two array types, making direct comparisons difficult. The
intent of the series of studies, however, is not to compare intelligibility results for
the two array types, rather to determine whether the effects of time alignment on
intelligibility are different for different array types. If such differences are found,
it would be possible in future studies to deconstruct and isolate the various
variables within the complex variable “array type”. Chapter 3.2.2 further details
the differences between the array types used in this project.

The result of the summation in coupled arrays is effectively the same as

the result of summation in uncoupled arrays. The primary difference is the
minimum distance from the array required before full contribution of all array
elements is achieved [124]. 4 Thus the results from the current research project
could be applied to both coupled and uncoupled arrays and, as such, array
coupling can be considered a controlled variable in this research.

Figure 2.8 5.1-channel surround sound loudspeaker array, including

left, center and right channels, found in [86]

While the focus of this dissertation is on loudspeaker systems for sound

reinforcement, it would also be beneficial to consider systems that are used for
sound reproduction. Inspection of the International Telecommunications Union
recommendation [86] reveals two subsets of the 5.1-channel surround sound
system: The 2-channel stereo and 3-channel stereo reproduction systems (see
figure 2.8). These two systems are analogous to Left-Right (LR) and Left-Center-
Right (LCR) systems used for sound reinforcement. The 2-channel and 3-channel

A thorough discussion of individual Fresnel/Fraunhofer, chaotic and collective
Fraunhofer regions of array radiation is beyond the scope of this dissertation. The
interested reader is directed to [69].

systems are both uncoupled point-destination arrays, though the individual

channels do not necessarily produce coherent signals.
Generally speaking, in television, movies and live performance, it is
intended that speech signals are perceived to originate from the center in front of
the listener. In the 2-channel system, centrally localized sound images are formed
by the summation of equal-level contributions from the left and right channels.
These are referred to as phantom images. In the 3-channel system, centrally
localized sound images are created by a physical loudspeaker. Experiments by
Holman [74] and Shirley et al. [162, 163] have shown that the use of a dedicated
center channel results in increased intelligibility and clarity of speech when
compared to phantom sound sources.
The orientation of the two arrays used in this research project results in a
speech delivery method similar to those of the 2-channel and 3-channel systems.
The main/fill primary array is oriented in the medial plane and provides a physical
loudspeaker in front of the listener. The fill/fill subsystem array creates an
auditory event in front of the listener due to summing localization [23]. As such,
it is expected that there will be some difference in intelligibility scores between
the two arrays.

2.2.2 Multiple Arrivals & Summation

When compared to single loudspeaker sound system, the use of multi-

loudspeaker sound systems presents an additional layer of complexity. When
multiple loudspeakers are used to reproduce sound signals, it is possible that a
listener may hear sound from more than one loudspeaker. Equation 2.1 shows
that the travel time of sound, for example from a loudspeaker to a listener, is
proportional to the distance between the loudspeaker and the listener.
t= (Eq. 2.1)
Where d is distance, c is the speed of sound and t is time.
If multiple loudspeakers are not the same distance from the listener, the
projections from these loudspeakers will reach the listener at different times. The

listener will experience a form of electronically generated “echo”, referred to as

multiple arrivals of a sound signal.
As mentioned in chapter 2.1.1, though it is debated whether echoes of
various delay times can affect intelligibility, it is clear from the literature that the
auditory system has some ability to fuse portions of the early sound with the
direct sound. Analogous to the psychological results of auditory fusion, the
phenomenon of summation is the combining of sound signals in the physical
domain [42, 124].
The next few sections will describe some of the measurable and subjective
effects of, and some of the methods that been developed to deal with, the
summation of multiple arrivals. 5 Background & Measurable Effects

The sine wave is one of the fundamental building blocks of sound. Figure
2.9 shows some of the basic properties of a sine wave, including amplitude,

Figure 2.9 Properties of a sine wave

It should be noted that the discussion of multiple arrivals and summation in this
text is intended to describe the summation of direct, coherent sound radiated from
loudspeakers and/or discrete echoes, not the summation of reverberant energy.

wavelength and the propagation of sound over time. As a sine wave propagates,
its amplitude alternates back and forth between peak and minimum amplitude.
The speed at which the wave completes its cycles is called frequency (f), and is
measured in cycles per second (Hz). One full alternation (from peak to minimum
back to peak) is called one cycle of the wave, and is also referred to as 360
degrees of rotation through a cycle. The time required to complete one full cycle,
the period of the sine wave, is equal to the inverse of the wave’s frequency, as
shown in equation 2.2. The physical length (in air) of one cycle of the wave, the
wavelength (λ), is determined by equation 2.3.
T= (Eq. 2.2)

λ=fc= (Eq. 2.3)
When comparing two sine waves, one can describe many things including
differences in amplitudes, frequencies and a third term: Relative phase. Relative
phase is expressed in terms of degrees, radians or wavelength, and describes
whether two waves are at the same point in their respective cycles. For example,
two waves that are at identical points in their cycles are deemed to have a zero-
degree difference in relative phase (equal), while waves that are offset by ½-
wavelength (figure 2.10) are deemed to have 180° difference in relative phase

Figure 2.10 Example of two sine waves, 180° difference in relative


Basic Summation
When two sound waves arrive at a location in space they have the
potential to constructively or destructively sum [42]. For example, if two sine
waves of equal frequency, relative phase and amplitude arrive at a point in space,
the summation of the two waves will produce a resulting wave with twice the
amplitude of the original waves (figure 2.11). Alternatively, if the same two sine
waves have a relative phase difference of 180°, the resulting summation will yield
total cancellation (figure 2.12). The term summation refers to both the addition
and cancellation of waves.

Figure 2.11 Summation of equal level sine waves with 0° relative phase

Figure 2.12 Summation of equal level sine waves with 180° relative

In addition to the 0° and 180° conditions, summation can occur at any

degree of relative phase difference between two waves, resulting in varying
degrees of constructive and destructive interference. Figure 2.13 shows the
resulting gain or loss, compared to original amplitude, of the summation of two
equal level sine waves for different relative phase offsets. As McCarthy [124]

points out in his book, “1 + 1 = 1 (± 1)”. In other words, the summation of two
equal level signals can produce a result anywhere between double the original
level (+6 dB) and no level at all (−∞ dB) depending on the relative phase of the
two summed signals. When the summed sine waves are not of equal level, the
potential for addition and cancellation is not as great.

Figure 2.13 The effect of relative phase on the summation of two

signals with equal level (Reprinted with permission from

The summation of sine waves is independent of the wave’s angle of

incidence on a point in space, as described in figure 2.14. This is of interest when
considering loudspeaker signal summation, as various angles of incidence would
likely (though not necessarily) be the case with sounds produced by multiple
Complex Summation
From harmonic analysis, it is known that complex sound signals, such as
speech and music, can be represented as a combination of sine waves with
varying amplitudes and relative phase [140]. As such, the properties of
summation for complex sound signals are the same as those for simple sine waves
[124], represented in figure 2.15.

Figure 2.14 Equal relative phase summation of audio signals with non-
identical angle of incidence to the receiver (Reprinted with
permission from [124])

Figure 2.15 Equal relative phase summation of sine waves and coherent
complex audio signals (Reprinted with permission from

While the properties of summation are the same, the results are somewhat
more complicated. As complex signals are effectively composed of a
combination of sine waves, complex summation involves the many individual
summations of these components. Figure 2.16 describes a simple example of the
complex summation of identical signals that contain four frequency components
each. The arrivals of the two signals at the spatial summation point differ by

some amount of delay. As each frequency has a different period, a shift in time
will affect a different relative phase shift for each frequency. Thus, summation of
each of these frequency components will yield different results. The example
shown in figure 2.16, involves the summation of an original signal with a copy
which has been delayed by 5 ms (approximately 1.7 m in air, 1 wavelength at 200
Hz). In this example, the 100 Hz components (½ λ offset) completely cancel,
while the 125 Hz components (5/8 λ offset) only partially cancel. The 200 Hz
components (1 λ offset) fully sum as, seen in figure 2.13, an offset of one full
wavelength is effectively no offset: A 360° offset is equivalent to a 0° offset. It
should be noted that, in practical application, signals rarely perfectly sum or
cancel [124].


100Hz = Cancellation 160Hz = Partial Summation

125Hz = Partial Cancellation 200Hz = Summation

Figure 2.16 Summation with delay for a complex waveform with four
different frequency components

Figure 2.17 shows the result of the summation of two real-world signals
with the same delay time (5 ms), but for a more complex signal. The total
cancellation at 100 Hz (½ λ) is still present, as are the effects at the other three
frequencies used in figure 2.16. Proceeding higher in frequency, we note
cancellation at 300 Hz (3/2 λ), summation at 400 Hz (2 λ), cancellation at 500 Hz
(5/2 λ) and so on as wavelength offset increases vs. frequency. The result of the
time-delayed summation of identical complex signals is a frequency response
structure called a comb filter [46, 54].

Figure 2.17 Summation with delay of a complex signal (5 sec pink

noise). 1/12th octave smoothing. Note that the response
seen in this graph was generated via electrical summation,
thus the extreme depth of the notches.

The specific structure (spacing of peaks and dips) of a comb filter is

determined by the time offset between summed signals [1]. For example, the
summation of signals with a 0.1 ms delay time (approximately 0.034 m in air, 1 λ
at 10,000 Hz) will see the first ½ λ offset (180° shift in relative phase) at 5,000 Hz
(figure 2.18). The summation of signals with a 1 ms delay time (0.34 m in air, 1 λ
at 1,000 Hz) will first cancel at 500 Hz (figure 2.19), and a 10 ms delay (3.4 m in
air, 1 λ at 100 Hz) will cause canceling to start as low as 50 Hz (figure 2.20).
As the extent of summation is affected by the relative levels of the two
signals being summed, the height of the peaks and depth of the notches in the
resulting comb filter will be determined by a difference in level between signals.
The most volatile effect is seen when summed signals are of equal level [124].

Figure 2.18 The effect of a 0.1 ms time offset on the frequency and
phase response of summed coherent audio signals with
equal level and relative phase (Reprinted with permission
from [124])

Figure 2.19 The effect of a 1 ms time offset on the frequency and phase
response of summed coherent audio signals with equal
level and relative phase (Reprinted with permission from

Figure 2.20 The effect of a 10 ms time offset on the frequency and

phase response of summed coherent audio signals with
equal level and relative phase (Reprinted with permission
from [124]) Subjective Effects

In general, the subjective effects of multiple arrivals can be broken into

several categories: Loudness, source localization, tonal coloration, echo
perception and spatial enhancement [42, 67, 150]. In terms of the delay time
between multiple arrivals, there are essentially three regions – short, medium and
long – with different subjective effects contained in each. While researchers
nominally agree on the different subjective effects, and that the three delay-time
regions exist, there is still much debate regarding the specific delay times that
correspond to the transition points between regions. There is also discussion
regarding the role that the type of sound stimulus (e.g. speech, music, transients)
plays on the temporal location of these transitions. The author therefore wishes to
point out that the delay times listed in the following are approximate, and not
intended to be construed as absolute transition points.

Multiple arrivals with short delays (0 ms–20 ms) create loudness, tonal
coloration and spatial localization effects. Temporal fusion in the auditory system
will integrate two arrivals falling in this region and affect an increase in perceived
loudness. A short delay time can affect the perceived location of a sound source,
known as the precedence effect [67], and can also create severe comb filters in the
spectrum of the received, summed sound. As delay time increases, the strength of
the precedence effect diminishes. Also, analogous to the phenomenon known as
the Schroeder frequency [108], the frequency above which compactness of modal
resonances in a room leads to inaudibility and statistical insignificance, higher
delay times between multiple arrivals leads to greater notch density – eventually
reaching a point wherein the resulting comb filter is inaudible.
Though there is some dissent, it is generally agreed that delay times of
medium length (20 ms–80 ms) between multiple arrivals will still incur an
increase in perceived level due to fusion [17, 41, 150]. Also in this time region, a
spatial enhancement effect is seen, in the form of enlargement of the perceived
width of the sound source (the auditory source width or ASW) [17, 150]. From
the perspective of architectural acoustics, increased ASW is believed to add
pleasantness and fullness of tone to sound sources.
The transition point between medium and long delay times is also vague,
and depends on the nature and number of arrivals. In the case of many arrivals,
e.g. reverberation, the perceived loudness of the original arrival is not affected.
However, as arrivals tend to reach a listener from many directions, including the
rear, the listener will experience an increase in the spatial enhancement known as
listener envelopment (LEV) [150]. For the case of few arrivals with long delays,
a listener will likely perceive these arrivals as separate distinct echoes.

2.2.3 Compensating for Multiple Arrivals

The creation of comb filters, through the summation of signals arriving

from multiple loudspeakers with short delay times, results in an unnatural and
unpleasant listening experience. Additionally, the path lengths between the
loudspeakers and listener will likely vary over an audience area, as will the delay

between arrivals, resulting in different patterns of comb filters for different areas
of the audience. The consequence of this is wide variance in the spectrum of
sound received across the total audience that cannot be removed through
loudspeaker equalization [124].
In order to preserve uniformity of sound system frequency response over
the entire audience, the arrivals of signals from multiple loudspeakers would need
to be aligned for all locations in the audience listening area. However this is
rarely possible. As such, two distinctly different theories, each employing the use
of electronically added delays, have developed regarding the method to
compensate for the effects of multiple arrivals. Detailed below, these two theories
are alignment and intentional misalignment.
Acknowledging that a single delay time cannot align the arrivals of two
loudspeakers over an appreciable listening area, researchers have developed
methods to intentionally misalign loudspeaker arrivals. As can be seen in figure
2.18 and figure 2.19, small offsets in arrival time (0.1 ms–1 ms) result in a sparse
comb filter pattern with wide notches in the frequency band attributable to speech
intelligibility (approximately 250 Hz–8 kHz). Conversely larger time offsets,
such as 10 ms as seen in figure 2.20, result in a more compact structure of comb
notches. The argument for misalignment is that the tight grouping of notches
resulting from larger offsets would be less detrimental to sound quality than the
sparse notch structure resulting from smaller offsets. It should be noted that while
studies on misalignment have addressed sound and speech quality, speech
intelligibility has been only peripherally discussed.
Mochimaru [131] points to the fact that, for acoustical summation, the
level difference between peak and notch decreases to less than 6 dB SPL for
frequencies above the 3/2 λ notch. He states that if the 3/2 λ notch falls at a
frequency below the effective range of a loudspeaker, the resultant level variance
due to combing would be less than 6 dB. Thus Mochimaru recommends that a
minimum offset between arrivals, corresponding to 2 λ at the lowest reproducible
frequency, should be ensured through the use of electronic delay.

For coupled point-source array configurations in which the low- and high-
frequency transducers are separate, such as in “long-throw” and “near-far” horn
arrays, the delay times required to create misalignment are quite short (2 λ at 500
Hz–2 kHz ranging from 4 ms–1 ms). However in more modern loudspeaker
arrays, with the majority of frequencies being reproduced by transducers in the
same enclosure, misalignment would require much larger delay times (e.g. 2 λ at
100 Hz would be 20 ms). Additionally, some sound system configurations make
it difficult to ensure that a minimum arrival offset can be maintained. For
example, when loudspeakers are located near the audience (e.g. an uncoupled
array of front-fill loudspeakers), large delay offsets may be needed to maintain
minimum offsets for listeners seated close to a loudspeaker whose signal is
intended to arrive second.
El-Saghir and Maher [53] offered a similar misalignment technique called
“milli-delay”. Again citing that very small time offsets between arrivals can
cause audible comb filtering, results of their study suggest the use of intentional
time offsets in the range of 10 ms–35 ms to compact the pattern of combing to the
point of inaudibility. As with Mochimaru’s study, El-Saghir and Maher focus on
coupled point-source arrays that are located some distance away from audience
Augspurger et al. [11] propose a different method of intentional
misalignment. Their theory was that loudspeaker arrivals should be aligned as
closely as possible and that the use of electronic stereo synthesis, to pre-comb
loudspeaker signals, could effectively “scramble” the residual audible effects of
combing due to multiple arrivals. Through subjective testing to evaluate fidelity,
sharpness and brightness, it was found that this method could be effective in the
800 Hz–5 kHz range. However Augspurger et al. caution that the use of this
alignment technique could result in timbral changes and that the frequency region
of effectiveness is highly dependent on the ability to phase-match transducers. As
with the previous studies mentioned, the loudspeaker arrays used in this study are
located well away from audience members.

The intentional misalignment of loudspeaker signals in medium-to-large

scale reinforcement appears to have fallen out of favor as, with one exception
detailed below, more modern reports on signal alignment mentioned in the
literature advocate actual alignment. Davis and Davis [42], Ahnert et al. [4] and
McCarthy [124] have all indicated that the minimization of the effects of comb
filtering is best accomplished by minimizing time offset between arrivals.
As mentioned previously, one of the benefits of loudspeaker arrays is
increased power projection. In recent years, increases in available electrical
(amplifier) power and the power capabilities of loudspeaker drivers have, to a
large degree, reduced the need for high degrees of overlap in high-frequency
coverage patterns in point-source arrays [47]. Considering the reductions in off-
axis high-frequency radiation from a loudspeaker, larger splay angles between
loudspeakers would result in lower levels of high-frequency components of one
loudspeaker infiltrating the coverage area of an adjacent loudspeaker. As the
levels of multiple arrivals within each coverage area would differ in level,
summation of the arrivals would be less volatile yielding reduced notch-depth in
the resultant comb filters [1]. However the point (or line) within the listening area
where signals from multiple arrivals are equal in level is the location where comb
filtering would be the most severe. As such, alignment of arrivals at this volatile
location will result in minimum spectral variance over the listening area [124].
As Dickens notes [44], with regard to arrays used for sound field
reproduction, the absolute alignment of equal-level sound sources with a high
degree of overlap results in a small area for ideal listening. Reducing the degree
of overlap and/or the level of the delayed arrival are two methods that can yield
reduced spectral variance across a larger listening area [124].
Increased splay angle between loudspeakers is one design method wherein
level differentials between arrivals from elements of point-source arrays reduce
comb filtering and thus increase the size of the ideal, or at least useable, listening
area. Additionally, level offset between arrivals due to differences in listener-
loudspeaker distance can also increase the useable listening area. As a listener
moves from a point equidistant from two loudspeakers to a point closer to one,

delay time between arrivals changes creating a combing structure – but level
differential changes as well, resulting in reduced depth of comb notches [1]. For
uncoupled arrays, the spacing of loudspeakers is an additional factor in
determining the useable listening area. As is the case with coupled point sources,
the location(s) of highest volatility for uncoupled arrays is found where the levels
from two loudspeaker arrivals are equal. Again, alignment of arrivals at the point
of maximum volatility results in acceptable levels of spectral variance throughout
a larger listening area [124].
An additional viewpoint regarding the alignment of loudspeaker signals
has been offered by Brown [28], with regard to the preservation of stereo imaging
of reinforced sound in large rooms. With stereo reproduction, one must consider
not only the effects of the summation of coherent loudspeaker signals, but also the
summation of incoherent microphone signals. An example given is the use of a
spaced pair of microphones to capture a two-channel stereophonic sound image of
an instrument(s) (e.g. drum overhead). Each microphone will capture sound
arriving from its side of the instrument as well as a delayed sound arriving from
the opposite side. As time delays are involved, the summation of these
microphone signals could result in comb filtering [28, 124].
In his discussion of electrical vs. acoustical summation, Brown [28]
advocates the maintenance of stereo signals in supplementary satellite
loudspeaker systems. More relevant to this discussion, Brown also states that the
arrivals from satellite systems should lag the arrivals of the main sound system
and that, by employing the precedence effect, the main sound system will be the
perceived sound source.

2.2.4 Previous Experiments

As mentioned in previous chapters, a multitude of experiments have been

conducted with regard to the reception of speech through a variety of transmission
channels. From studying acoustic speech in a room to telecommunications and
reinforcement sound systems, the goals of, and results from, the existing research

have been as diverse as the transmission methods studied. The works cited herein
focus on determining the effects of multiple arrivals on intelligibility.
Steeneken & Houtgast [167] published a series of studies including the
effects of SNR and a single echo on intelligibility as measured by the full STI and
subjective tests (PB word list). Figure 2.21 shows the measured MTF’s for the
500 Hz band as well as PB word scores. As expected, inspection of the graphs for
the “+∞ dB” SNR (no noise) treatments reveals notches in the MTF at 10 Hz, 5
Hz and 2.5 Hz (for the 50 ms, 100 ms and 200 ms conditions respectively).

Figure 2.21 MTF graphs of the 500 Hz band, showing the interaction
effects of SNR and delay time on intelligibility (dark lines),
compared to the MTF graphs of the unaffected transmission
system (Reprinted with permission from [167])

However, two interesting things can be found in these graphs. The first is
that a higher noise level (lower SNR) appears to mitigate the effects of the echo –
the notches found in the no noise treatments are less defined in the graphs of the

higher noise conditions. Also the PB word scores, again for the no noise
treatments, are 96%, 93% and 94% respectively. What is not shown is that the
word score for the unaffected transmission system was 99%. It is interesting that,
though the reductions in word score were minimal, it would appear that there is at
least some correlation between the measurements and the subjective results. If
the echo were equal in level to the direct signal, it follows that the effect of the
delay would have been greater. Angle of incidence of the echo is not mentioned,
but is assumed to be from the same direction as the direct sound.
An investigation by Peutz [144] using %ALcons indicates that, for a
horizontally arriving echo, intelligibility appears to be affected (loss of
0.5 %ALcons) with delay times as short as 15 ms. The results of the study further
indicate that intelligibility will decrease for delay times up to 45 ms (loss of 3%
ALcons), remaining constant beyond that delay time. Again it is unclear as to how
well this calculation correlates with subjective impression, and whether a
difference of 0.5–3 %ALcons would be detectable in practical application. In a
study by Davis and Davis [41] it is stated that echoes arriving within 3 ms of the
direct sound can affect intelligibility by creating deep comb filter notches in the
spectrum of speech. Though RaSTI and %ALcons measurements were made for
such delay times, it is unclear as to whether these findings are supported by
results from subjective evaluation.
Teuber and Völker [170] conducted a series of studies involving the use of
RaSTI to determine the effects of single and multiple echoes, and the use of
compensatory delay, on intelligibility. In a laboratory study, employing a digital
delay device to create echoes of the RaSTI test signal, Teuber and Völker
measured the effects of varied delay times and echo level. The results, shown in
figure 2.22, indicate that RaSTI values drop significantly between 20 ms and 60
ms, with a continued overall decrease as delay time increases. Similar results
were found when multiple echoes were injected into the measurement. As
mentioned previously, echoes create comb filters with spectra determined by
delay time. A summed echo with delay time of 40 ms will have its ½ λ notch at
12.5 Hz, which is very close to one of the modulator frequencies used by RaSTI

(see [110] for RaSTI MTF matrix). Similarly, echoes between 40 ms and 70 ms
will have an effect on the RaSTI MTF at the upper two modulator frequencies.
Echoes with longer delay times will result in ½ λ cancellations at lower modulator
frequencies with 3/2 λ cancellations eventually entering the MTF spectrum.
Considering that RaSTI only uses 9 measurements, it is debatable whether these
data are indicative of actual intelligibility.

Figure 2.22 Measured RaSTI values vs. delay time and echo level
obtained by injecting an electronically delayed echo into
the measurement process. The bottom line corresponds to
an echo with level equal to the direct signal (Reprinted with
permission from [170])

A second experiment by Teuber and Völker [170], employing offset

loudspeakers in the outdoors, found similar RaSTI measurement results with
regard to echo delay time. Finally, a series of case studies on distributed sound
systems in halls found that the addition of electronic delays to compensate for
multiple arrivals produced improved RaSTI scores. Examination of the ground
plan and sectional drawings of the sound systems tested indicate that the
minimum distance offset between main and satellite sound systems (columns and
ceiling loudspeakers) was over 15 meters. The nominal travel time of 15 meters
being 45 ms, and thus in the range of times corresponding to comb filtering in the
RaSTI MTF, the results are unfortunately inconclusive.

Another interesting aspect of these case studies involves array geometry.

Each hall studied contained two types of satellite sound systems: Horizontally
oriented, uncoupled line source arrays, composed of column loudspeakers hung
from the ceiling, and over-head uncoupled planar (2-dimensional linear) arrays of
single loudspeakers. Because of this, the incidence of sound from the satellite
systems, at each measurement location, was either from the same direction as that
of the main system or from above.
Mochimaru [130] experimented with the effects of both single echoes and
multiple echoes on the intelligibility of reproduced speech. Comparison of STI
measurements with subjective evaluations showed good correlation for echoes
ranging from 50 ms to 100 ms. Further studies, employing only STI
measurements, indicate that STI values can be reduced significantly (0.05) for a
delay time of 40 ms, when multiple echoes are involved. His research on multiple
echoes also indicates that delay times as short as 20 ms may have a significant
effect on reducing intelligibility.
Clearly, questions remain as to the true contribution of multiple arrivals to,
and their effect on, speech intelligibility. From previous experiments it is seen
that different methods, setups and research focus can yield different results.
From the literature, it appears generally accepted that multiple arrivals,
with delay difference greater than 40 ms, will have an effect on intelligibility. As
effects in the region between 0 ms and 40 ms have not been delineated, the
current research project focuses on effects in this range. In a conversation with
McCarthy regarding variable ranges [125], the value of studying short delay times
was discussed. Given that head movement of a seated listener could affect a
change of up to a few milliseconds in the difference between multiple arrivals, for
this research project it was decided not to study delay times less than 5 ms.
While the work of Haas [67] and others address the issue of the angle of
echo incidence in terms of listener distraction, the author has been unable to find
previous experiments that address this in terms of intelligibility. As modern
loudspeaker arrays are generally oriented in vertical or horizontal configurations,
and can take the form of several array types, it would be of interest to know

whether array geometry would affect the degree to which delay times between
multiple arrivals degrade intelligibility.
While it is questionable whether objective measurement methods are
capable of dealing with the types of phenomena addressed in this text, it is not the
author’s intention to discredit the use of objective measurements. On the contrary,
such methods are extremely useful, and further research can only serve to
improve these well established procedures. As such, one goal of the current
research project would be to add to the body of knowledge regarding the absolute
effects of multiple arrivals, evaluating the correlation between measurements and
subjective impression and incorporating effects due to variables such as array
orientation. However, a second more practical goal could be to determine the
weight, or credence, that should be afforded these potential effects. A sound
system designer is often, for a variety of reasons, forced to make compromises
that result in deviation from an ideal design. It would be valuable to know the
relative contributions of misalignment and array geometry to the reduction of
intelligibility, so that such knowledge could be factored into design decisions.

2.3 Binaural Recording

For this research project, it was decided to employ the use of binaural
recording to capture the stimuli needed for subjective testing. Binaural recording
is a 2-channel recording method that relies on the creation and capture of sound
field modifications caused by the human anatomy [92, 132]. Binaural recordings
capture inter-aural level differences (ILDs), inter-aural time differences (ITDs)
and the shadowing effects and resonances caused by the geometry of the ears,
head and (if applicable) torso.
In theory, if all of the auditory cues found in an actual sound field are
present in, and delivered to a listener by, a binaural recording, the listener will
experience all of the cues found in the original sound field. As such, the listener
would be virtually transported to the original sound field [146, 173].
For subjective evaluations of sound system performance in a room, it is
necessary for listeners to experience the sound field which exists in the natural

acoustic environment. Due to logistical concerns (switching time between

variable treatments, maintaining a blind study, availability of subjects/resources,
etc.) it is often impossible to carry out subjective evaluations in-situ. For these
situations, binaural recordings, delivered to subjects via headphone display, are a
suitable alternative [132, 146, 173].
Binaural recording technology has been implemented for a variety of
applications, including evaluation of architectural acoustics and acoustical
measurement [22, 146] and intelligibility testing [78, 116, 149, 181].
Additionally, binaural technology has been implemented for the recording of
music [63, 66, 92] and simulation (auralization) of the performance of
architectural acoustics [2].

2.3.1 Limitations

There are of course limitations to the effectiveness of these methods,

including issues with static and dynamic cues and modal conflicts. Additional
concerns arise with regard to transduction and coupling errors (see chapter 2.3.3)
While binaural recordings can have the ability to bring a sound field to a
listener, the recordings alone can not bring the environment to the listener. The
lack of visual and haptic cues can lead to modal conflicts, resulting in listener
confusion and a decreased sense of immersion in the virtual environment. While
this is a concern for those working with virtual reality and immersive
entertainment, it should have negligible impact on studies of speech intelligibility
as modal conflicts will have little impact on hearing thresholds or perceived
loudness [173].
When evaluating or listening to binaural recordings, a listener’s ability to
accurately localize sound sources is diminished for several reasons. First, the
listener does not have the ability to utilize dynamic auditory cues, such as those
created by head motion/rotation, to aid in localization. Also, it has been shown
that when comparing localization performance with real sources vs. binaural
recordings of real sources, performance with binaural recordings exhibits an

increase in both localization errors for sound sources in the medial plane and
errors in the judgment of sound source distance [129, 134, 135]. Given that
localization of sound sources in the medial plane does not rely on ILDs or ITDs,
and that ILD and ITD are not effective distance cues (for sources beyond 1 meter),
the aforementioned errors are most likely caused by differences in the head-
related transfer functions between the recording ear and the listener’s ear [150,
161]. In other words, the individual listener’s ear geometry is different from that
of the ear used for recording. The result is the presentation of inaccurate static
cues to the listener [134].
An additional complication is variance in the size and shape of the head
and torso between listeners. Though the design of head-and-torso simulators has
been based on anthropometric measurements of many thousands of people, the
resulting dimensions used for construction have been determined by averaging
measured data [31, 32, 35]. As with differences in ear geometry, differences in
head and torso size between the simulator and real listener will lead to inaccurate
presentation of static cues [64].
The question remains, would the use of binaural recording be viable for
the research project detailed in this document. The project focuses solely on the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system. As the entire sound
reproduction system is nominally in front of the listening position, and
reverberation is not a studied variable, the maintenance of sound cues resulting
from non-frontal incidence would be of little concern. Sound source distance
cues would also be of little concern. As seen in figure 2.23 from Møller et al.,
most localization errors are due to front-back and above confusions and distance
confusions [135]. Very few localization errors (when using a KEMAR manikin,
for example) occur between front and front high, or between ±45 degree locations
on the forward half of the horizontal plane.
Though care should be taken with regard to transduction and coupling
issues, the literature suggests that binaural recording would be acceptable for this
research project.

Figure 2.23 Results of localization experiment involving binaural

recording (with blocked ear canal) and headphone playback
(Reprinted with permission from [135])

2.3.2 Types of Capture Devices

Since the 1960’s, a variety of modern binaural recording capture devices

have become available for researchers, ranging from spheres [158] to artificial
heads [137] to head-and-torso simulators (HATS) [13, 29, 32, 35, 64]. Focusing
on HATS, significant differences exist between the various available apparati.
Head, torso and pinna dimensions vary between devices, and the recording
microphones can be positioned at the opening of the blocked ear canal or at the
eardrum location. Variations also exist, for HATS with microphones located at
the eardrum, between the types of ear canal simulators used. Several international
standards exist to establish consistency between HATS devices (e.g. [81, 85]),

however differences exist even between standards. Burandt et al. [31] point out
that the dimensions listed in the standards are not representative of the size of the
average person. He also states that headphones often do not stay properly situated
on the HATS.
The HATS used for the capture of stimuli for this research project was the
Knowles Electronics Manikin for Acoustic Research (KEMAR). The KEMAR
HATS conforms to the geometrical and acoustical requirements of the ANSI and
ITU recommendations [7, 85, 129]. More detail on the specific KEMAR setup
used is included in chapter 3.1.4.

2.3.3 Ear Simulators

A HATS can create differences in ILD, ITD and spectrum between the
locations of the ears on the manikin. The addition of pinnae serves to simulate the
spectral shadowing and resonance functions of portions of the outer ear. However
if recording microphones are located at the eardrum position, ear canal simulators
are required to recreate the resonance and acoustical coupling functions of the
remainder of the outer ear [33, 159, 173].
A flat-plate coupler, with measurement microphone flush-mounted in a
hole in the center, is one way to measure the response of headphones [159, 172].
However, if it is desired to know the response of the headphone at the eardrum, an
ear-canal simulator is required.
An ear-canal simulator provides a bridge between the recording
microphone (artificial eardrum) and headphone driver. The simulator attempts to
replicate the resistive and reactive components of the acoustical impedance of the
human outer ear, thus providing a realistic acoustical load for the driver. As with
transfer gain of voltage through electrical circuits (e.g. a voltage divider), the
impedance of the headphone-driven load affects the transfer of sound pressure
from the entrance of the ear canal to the eardrum [132, 133, 177]. Thus, an ear
canal simulator that better approximates the loading characteristics of the outer
ear will provide more accurate sound pressures at the artificial eardrum. Note that

as the complex component of impedance (reactance) is present in this system, the

transfer of sound pressure to the eardrum will be frequency dependent.
Several variations of simple eardrum simulators exist. The metal, single-
cavity, two cubic centimeter (2 cc) coupler, mentioned by Bauer et al. [13]
approximates the volume of the ear canal and eardrum (1.8 cc). Comparison of
the 2 cc coupler to real ears has shown that the 2 cc coupler is highly inaccurate at
higher frequencies [151]. Similar to the 2 cc coupler, the 6 cc coupler is also a
single-chamber metal cavity. The 6 cc coupler, also called an artificial ear, is
often used for air-conduction calibration of headphones used for audiological
testing [62]. In the early 1970’s, Zwislocki presented a different type of ear canal
simulator [184, 185]. The Zwislocki coupler is composed of a central cylinder,
similar in length to the human ear canal, and four branches. Each branch
functions as one of four parallel impedances, contributing to the total acoustical
impedance of the device [32, 33, 152]. The Zwislocki-type ear canal simulator is
an improvement over simple, single-cavity simulators, as it more closely emulates
measured eardrum impedance [33].
The Zwislocki DB-100 ear canal simulators used in the KEMAR for this
research project conform to IEC 711 and ANSI S3.25 [6, 80, 129], and provide a
good approximation of the impedance of a real ear canal up to around 4 kHz
[177].6 Also, for calibration of headphone levels, a 6 cc coupler was constructed
employing a flat headphone mounting plate.

2.3.4 Headphone Equalization

The goal of binaural recordings in this project would be to create a virtual

replica of an original sound field, thus eliminating the need for listeners to be in
the actual sound field. When using binaural recordings in this way, it is necessary
to consider the effects of the capture and playback systems on the recorded sound.
Figure 2.24 details the concept of a transfer function. Sound is input into a

The effective frequency range of IEC 711 compliant ear canal simulators is
limited to frequencies below 8 kHz.

system and the resulting output of the system is the frequency-domain product of
the effects of the system (the transfer function) with the input.

Figure 2.24 Block diagram and equation detailing the relationship

between input, output and transfer function

If sound passes sequentially through more than one system, the resulting
output is the frequency-domain product of all of the individual transfer functions
with the input. Figure 2.25 details this type of compound transfer function for the
case of an individual listening to a sound system in a room. 7

Figure 2.25 Simplified block diagram of compound transfer function of

in situ subjective evaluation

For the case of binaural recording and headphone playback, capture and
playback are two discrete processes (see figure 2.26) [146]. Comparison reveals
that the compound transfer functions of in situ evaluation and evaluation via
binaural recording/playback are quite similar. However the binaural method
contains several additional individual transfer functions: The concha and ear
canal of the manikin, the recording system and the headphone [64, 100]. If these
three elements were to be completely removed from the compound transfer

The author acknowledges that these are highly simplified diagrams, and that the
effects of the sound system and room, and the neurological and cognitive
processes of the auditory mechanism, are vastly more complicated than single
transfer functions would suggest.

function of the binaural recording/playback system, the only remaining difference

between the binaural and in situ transfer functions would be the difference
between the individual transfer functions of the head, torso and pinna of the
manikin and the listener. If the transfer functions of the recording microphone,
headphone and manikin concha and ear canal are not removed, the result would
be inaccuracies in the playback. Also, as there would be both manikin and
listener ear canal/concha transfer functions in the chain, the result would be
essentially a doubling of the effects of the concha and ear canal [23, 90, 172].

Figure 2.26 Simplified block diagram of compound transfer function of

subjective evaluation using binaural recording and
headphone playback systems

It is generally agreed that the effects of the recording microphone,

headphone and manikin concha and ear canal should be removed from the
compound transfer function [100, 132]. The theories behind, and methods for,
accomplishing this are however quite different, though most focus on corrective
equalization (e.g. [66, 90, 100, 132]).
The approach to equalization is basically divided into compensating for
either free- or diffuse-field responses [14, 100]. The free-field response of the
manikin corresponds to the magnitude vs. frequency response of the system, for
sound sources located directly to the front, as measured in a free field (non-
reflective, non-reverberant environment). The diffuse-field response of the
manikin is the magnitude vs. frequency response of the system averaged over all
possible angles of incidence [100]. As the diffuse-field response is not

directionally dependent, it is generally the preferred approach to equalization [90,

Larcher et al. [100] describe two methods, based on the work of Møller et
al. [132, 133], for measuring the response of the recording and playback systems.
The decoupled method involves measuring the two responses separately using a
reference sound field. The non-decoupled method involves measuring the
playback system using the recording system. It is stated that this method is viable
as long as the headphones used supply a free-air equivalent coupling to the ear
(FEC) – i.e. the headphone does not contribute to acoustical impedance found
between the eardrum and the air. Most non-sealed cavity (open) headphones can
be considered FEC [100, 132]. Further review of specific examples of corrective
equalization in the literature can be found in chapters 4 and 5.

Figure 2.27 Response error for 20 subjects with non-individual

equalization filters used for headphone compensational
equalization (Reprinted with permission from [134])

While corrective equalization can effectively remove many of the artifacts

introduced by the transfer functions of the transducers in the recording/playback
systems, a caveat exists with regard to removing the effects of the manikin’s outer
ear. The results from a study by Møller et al. [134] indicate that differences exist
between the responses of different individuals’ ears, and that response errors will
arise if a single average response is used for equalization. Figure 2.27 shows that
this error increases with frequency, reaching +2/−4 dB by 4 kHz, with extremely
large differences (+5/−10 dB) noted above 8 kHz. A similar study of the DB-100
Zwislocki coupler by Voss and Allen [177] shows similar trends above 4 kHz.
While it would appear possible to determine a single equalization filter for
frequencies below 4 kHz, the same can not be said for frequencies above.

3. Stimulus Creation & Acquisition

Before work could begin on the series of studies detailed in this document,
it was first necessary to create stimuli for the research subjects to evaluate. It was
decided to employ the Modified Rhyme Test (MRT) for these studies and, as such,
the MRT word lists would need to be processed through a transmission line –
transmitter(s), medium and receiver(s) – in order to create the project stimuli. As
specific properties of the transmission line were the focus of these studies, the
different combinations of these properties were defined as treatments before the
recording process began. Once recording began, it was necessary to have a
procedure for manipulating and verifying that the properties of the transmission
line matched the desired properties of each treatment.
This chapter details the audio systems and equipment, variable treatments
and procedures used to obtain the stimuli which were used in both the pilot and
main studies of this project.

3.1 Sound Systems

The transmission line used consisted of an auditorium (medium), a sound

measurement system, a sound reproduction system (transmitter) and a sound
capture system (receiver). See appendices A, B and C for drawings and

3.1.1 Corbett Auditorium

The venue used for recording stimuli was Corbett Auditorium. Containing
approximately 650 seats in the orchestra level and 200 in the balcony, it is the
largest of four performance spaces at the College Conservatory of Music (CCM),
University of Cincinnati. The auditorium is rectangular in shape, with a moderate
wall splay from the middle to the rear of the house, and has an approximate
volume of 16,000 m³. The volume is reduced to around 9,000 m³ when its large
orchestral shell is in place (as it was for this study), producing a measured average

reverberation time of 1.55 s (see Figure 3.1). 8 The ambient background noise
level ranges from a low of 30 dB SPL(A) to a high of 37 dB SPL(A) when the
HVAC system is active.

Figure 3.1 Reverberation Time vs. Frequency for Corbett Auditorium

(Octave Bands). Note: The steep roll-off above 2 kHz is
partially due to the directional characteristics of the sound
source used.

The construction of the theatre is primarily of wood, however the side and
rear walls contain quadratic-residue diffusers and the flat fascia of the balcony
contains absorptive paneling. The floating ceiling is composed of semi-reflective,
perforated acoustic panels. The seats, which were in the upright position for all
measurements, are composed of wood covered in porous upholstery. The floors

Reverberation time measurements conformed to ISO 3382:1997 [83] for “Low
Coverage” conditions, with the exception that a directional sound source (Genelec
1032a) was used. As all of the stimulus reproducing sound sources involved in
this study would be nominally directional, and the impulse responses generated
would resemble those from a directional source, the Genelec was considered to be
an acceptable substitute for an omni-directional sound source in these

are made of non-porous painted concrete and are covered in industrial-type

carpeting in the aisles.

3.1.2 Measurement System

The audio system used for measurement consisted of a Mark of the

Unicorn (MOTU) 896HD audio interface, a PC-based laptop computer, the
EASERA software package, a measurement microphone (Brüel & Kjaer type
4166 (½” diaphragm) capsule with PCB Piezotronics 426A30 preamplifier) and a
microphone power supply (Larson Davis 2221). The measurement system was
level-calibrated in EASERA using a Larson Davis CAL-200 acoustic calibrator
(IEC 60942-1:2003 Class 1 compliant) and a true RMS digital multi-meter (Fluke
87-III). Verification of calibrated levels was performed at the end of each day.
Audio signals in this system, as well as the other two audio systems, were
routed through a Yamaha PM5D mixing console. The purpose of the mixing
console was to provide a single programmable device in which to control signal
gains. The console also allowed for the automation of signal routing between the
three audio systems when switching back and forth between measuring and
The stimulus used for measurement was a pink-weighted Maximum-
Length Sequence (MLS) of order 18 (262,143 samples). At the sampling rate of
44.1 kHz, each sequence had a duration of 5.94 seconds. This length was
sufficient to prevent time aliasing, as it was longer than the total sound system’s
impulse response [148].
All measurements were made using the dual-channel Fast Fourier
Transform capabilities of EASERA. Initial calibration of the various sound
systems was performed with EASERA in “live-mode” using flat-weighting.
Live-mode was set such that the FFT size was 32,768 (743 ms in duration,
resolution of 1.3 Hz) using an integration time of 3 seconds (4 averages).
“Measure-mode” was set to time and frequency resolutions of 22.7 μs and 168
mHz, using 1 pre-send and 4 averages, and was used for loudspeaker equalization,
level and time alignment. No psophometric weighting filters were used to

compensate for perceived loudness during equalization (i.e. flat weighting).

However, given that the stimulus recordings (and later the stimulus evaluations)
would have a sound pressure level of 77 to 83 dB, it was decided to use C-
weighting for level calibration [126].

3.1.3 Reproduction Sound System

The sound reproduction system was essentially a 3-channel Left-Center-

Right (LCR) sound system: Speech signals were reproduced by the Center
channel while noise signals were reproduced by the Left and Right channels. The
system (see Appendices A, B and C for drawings) consisted of a main
loudspeaker, two front-fill loudspeakers and, on each side of the stage, a
mid/high- and low-frequency loudspeaker (2-channel, 3-way noise subsystem).
The main loudspeaker was a Meyer UPA-1p, which was fed from a Midas XL-88
matrix mixer to provide a variable gain stage at the loudspeaker. The front fill
loudspeakers were Meyer UPM-1’s, each processed by a Meyer P-1A and
individually amplified by a Crown Macro-Tech 1200. Each channel of the noise
subsystem contained one Meyer UPJ-1p and one JBL 4648 woofer enclosure.
Each JBL 4648 was powered by an individual channel from a Crown Macro-Tech
2400. All loudspeakers in the reproduction system were controlled by one of two
multifunction loudspeaker control processors (BSS FDS-355 Omni-Drive).
The main loudspeaker was located at the center of the proscenium arch 8.4
meters above the stage, 0.9 meters downstage from the measurement origin and
11.1 meters (direct line) from the center listening position. The main loudspeaker
was the only loudspeaker that was elevated above the stage floor. The center
front-fill loudspeaker was located on the center line of the stage, 3 meters
downstage from origin and 5.8 meters upstage from the center listening position.
The right front fill was located 4.5 meters house-right of the center line, 2.6
meters downstage from the origin and with an angle of 8 degrees from center.
The loudspeakers contained in the noise subsystem were located on the horizontal
(up/downstage) origin line and oriented symmetrically about the center line. The
woofer enclosures were located 5.9 meters from center. The crossover frequency

for the noise subsystem was set to 100 Hz, which eliminated the need to angle the
woofer enclosures. The mid-high-frequency loudspeakers were located 5.1
meters from center with a 30 degree angle towards center, yielding a 60 degree
subtended angle at the center listening position. Loudspeaker Calibration

Calibration (initial optimization) of the reproduction system entailed

loudspeaker equalization, time alignment and level alignment. Though
conversations with engineers at the manufacturer indicated that it would be
unlikely in this case, it is the author’s experience that some loudspeaker systems
have the potential to exhibit differing performance and room-interface reaction at
different drive levels [157]. As such, an initial (rough) level alignment was
performed using a pink-weighted MLS pseudo-random noise and a hand-held
sound level meter (IEC 651 Type II) prior to equalization [79].
The first step in the equalization of each loudspeaker was the observation
of the 24th-octave resolution response of the loudspeaker. The next step was
correction of spectral tilt (as viewed with 1/3rd-octave resolution), followed by
less broad adjustments (1/6th-octave resolution) and completing with fine, cut-
only adjustments (12th- and 24th-octave resolution). All equalization was done
whilst bearing in mind the 24th-octave resolution response curve and the potential
for errors in procedure and decisions due to graphical averaging and reduced
resolution. Note: Equalization of the noise subsystem was performed after
crossovers had been set in the BSS Omni-Drive (100 Hz, 12 dB/oct Bessel) and
phase aligned.
Time alignment was carried out using transfer function measurements
viewed as time-domain impulse response measurements and verified using the
squared energy-time curve (ETC). The center UPM was aligned to the Meyer
UPA – the most distant loudspeaker. The house-right UPM was aligned to the
center UPM in the same manner but using a different measurement location (see
below). The impulse response of a loudspeaker was measured and the arrival
time of the impulse was noted. Electronic delay was added to loudspeaker signals

in the loudspeaker control processors such that all impulse responses were aligned
to the UPA. Time alignment was not performed on the noise subsystem aside
from phase alignment of the woofers to the mid-high loudspeakers.
Prior to level alignment, all input channel faders on the console were set at
unity and all power amplifier input attenuators (where applicable) were set to
−0 dB. The level of each loudspeaker was adjusted only at the outputs of the
mixing console. The level was set such that a MLS signal delivered to the input
of the mixing console, with pre-fader level of −12 dB FS in the channel strip,
would produce a signal that measured 80 dB(C) SPL at the measurement position.
Verification of level calibration was performed at the end of each day.
The Meyer UPA and center UPM (vertical array configuration) were
calibrated using the measurement system’s microphone in the manikin-center
position (see appendices A, B and C for details). The center and house-right
Meyer UPMs (horizontal array configuration) were equalized and initially level
and time aligned with the measurement microphone located on-axis with each
loudspeaker. Calibration of the left and right channels (noise reproduction) was
carried out with the measurement microphone located at the manikin-center
position. Speech Level Calibration

For the studies in this project, it will be of interest to know the ratio of
levels between speech signals and noise signals (signal-to-noise ratio). In order to
calculate these figures, it will be necessary to know both the level of the noise
distracter and speech signals.
Procedures for measuring sound pressure level in a sound field are well
documented (e.g. [126]). Psophometric filters can be used to produce
measurement results which more closely relate to perceived loudness.
Measurement integration times can be adjusted so that results represent
instantaneous or continuous (peak vs. average) sound pressure levels, and many
levels of averaging in between. Several problems arise, however, when
attempting to measure the level of running speech [118].

Figure 3.2 shows a fairly typical waveform for a piece of modern rock-
and-roll music. 9 Upon visual inspection, a clear difference is noticed between the
peak and average levels. In contrast, figure 3.3 shows the waveform of running
speech (MRT word list A). While there is still a clear difference between the
peak and average levels of the speech signal, there is also a good deal of
nominally silent space between utterances. These silent spaces are a result of the
pace at which the talker delivered the list of words.

Figure 3.2 Waveform of a normalized 9 sec clip of a modern rock


Figure 3.3 Waveform of a normalized 9 sec clip of captured MRT

word list A (viewed with same amplitude and time
resolution as figure 3.2).

Measurement of this signal using a fast integration time (small averaging

window) would produce widely varying numbers depending on what part of the
signal falls within the window. If this signal were to be measured with a slow
integration time (large window), the results would have less variance, but the
averaging function would integrate the silent spaces. This would have the effect

This excerpt is taken from the intro section of “Sunday Morning After” by
Amanda Marshall, from the album Everybody’s Got a Story (as used in the
Technical Ear Training course at McGill University).

of reducing the level of the measured signal – like adding a large number of zeros
to the list of numbers to be averaged.
As the end goal is to compare the level of a noise signal with that of the
speech signal, the silence between speech signals is not of interest and should
somehow be removed from the measurement. This can be accomplished in one of
two ways: 1) Measure only while speech signal is present or 2) remove the
silence from the signal prior to measurement.
In figure 3.4, we see the waveform of the same MRT list, but with the
silent spaces removed through editing (referred to as the condensed word list).
Measurement of this signal should produce a result which indicates the level of
the actual speech signals, rather than the level of the overall signal. Measurement
of this modified signal is in accordance with ITU-T P.56, wherein the level of
speech is measured including the brief low- to zero-levels (down to at least 16 dB
below the average speech level), but excluding noise that is not part of the speech
signal [84].

Figure 3.4 Waveform of a normalized 9 sec clip of captured

condensed MRT word list A (viewed with same amplitude
and time resolution as figure 3.2).

Table 3.1 details four of the methods used to measure and calibrate the
level of speech signals. These methods differ in integration time (FFT size), the
number of measurements that are averaged together to produce the result and
speech signal used (stimulus). They also differ in measurement method:
Methods 3 and 4 rely solely on the measurement equipment, while methods 1 and
2 required the author to “only measure while the speech signal is present.”
The results of methods 1 and 2 have the greatest degree of variance. This
was to be expected considering that the unaltered word list was used. Also,

considering that the condensed word list was used for measurement methods 3
and 4, it is not surprising that the results of method 3 indicate levels which are
slightly higher. The results from method 4 however indicate that this increase in
level disappears with a sufficient number of averages.
It is clear that the different methods produce different results, both in
terms of overall level and range of variance. What is interesting is that the mid
points in the range of results for each method are quite close.
Parameters Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4
Measurement EASERA & EASERA &
Equipment Researcher Researcher
8192 32768 32768 32768
FFT Size
(186 ms) (743 ms) (743 ms) (743 ms)
Number of 2 1 4 8
Averages (372 ms) (743 ms) (3 sec) (5.9 sec)
Condensed Condensed
Stimulus MRT List A MRT List A
& Looped & Looped
78.6-81.6 78.9-80.8 80.5-81.7 79.5-80.6
(dB C-weighted)
Mid Point 80.1 79.9 81.1 80.1
Table 3.1 Methods used to measure the level of running speech with

A fifth method of measurement was attempted using the condensed word

list. A hand-held SPL meter was set for C-weighting, 1-second integration time
and 50 dB–100 dB range. The result from this method showed levels ranging
from 77.1 dB–82.3 dB (79.7 dB midpoint).
Results from these measurement methods are all similar, though not
identical. As such, even after level calibration, one can only determine that the
average level of the speech signal is approximately 80 dB (C-weighted). Signal-
to-noise ratio (SNR) in future studies must therefore be considered approximate
as well.

3.1.4 Capture Sound System

Binaural sound capture was accomplished by use of a head and torso

simulator: The Knowles Electronics Manikin for Acoustic Research (KEMAR)

[32]. The KEMAR unit used for these recordings was fitted with two neck rings
(two rings being mean shoulder-to-ear height for males, mean height for a female
is zero rings) and the “two-sigma-ears” (auricles). The ears were further fitted
with Industrial Research Products (IRP) model DB-050 ear canal extensions,
connecting to IRP model DB-100 Zwislocki-style occluded ear simulators. The
transducers used were Brüel & Kjaer type 4165 (½” diaphragm) microphone
capsules, which were connected to a Brüel & Kjaer type 2807 power supply via
type 2660 preamplifiers and type UA-0122 microphone adaptors (see appendix A
for schematic). Figure 3.5 shows the location and orientation of transducers,
couplers and adaptors inside of the KEMAR head.

Figure 3.5 View of Zwislocki-style couplers, microphone elements

and adaptors inside of the KEMAR head.

Microphone signals were sent to the Yamaha PM5D mixing console for
fine level adjustment and A/D conversion. Signals were then were routed to a

MOTU 896HD MKII for connection to a Macintosh MacBook and were recorded
using Cubase LE 4. All recordings were captured at a resolution of 96 kHz, 24 bit.
Prior to physical mounting in the KEMAR unit, the level of each
microphone was calibrated (re: 94 dB SPL @ 1 kHz) using a Larson Davis CAL-
200 acoustic calibrator and the measurement system in “live mode” (detailed in
chapter 3.1.2). Level adjustment was performed at input channel head amplifiers
in the mixing console. This calibration was repeated every time the KEMAR unit
was moved or if microphone signals were interrupted (power down of power
supply). Verification of calibrated levels was performed at the end of every day.
The KEMAR manikin was located in a different location for each of the
two different loudspeaker array geometries studied (see appendices B and C for
plan and section views). The manikin-center position was located on the theatre’s
center line, 8.7 m downstage from the measurement origin and was used for
recording the vertical array configuration. The manikin mid-right position, used
to record the horizontal array configuration, was located 2.9 m house-right of
center and 8.6 m downstage from the origin. When in the mid-right position, the
manikin was angled slightly to face halfway between the two front fill

3.2 Stimuli

As mentioned, the Modified Rhyme Test (MRT) was selected for this
series of studies. Three of the six word lists (lists A, D and F) were used,
employing one trained, native English-speaking, male talker with no discernable
accent. Each of the test stimuli (target words) was embedded in a carrier sentence.
The original recordings were purchased through a distribution company,
but appear to have been made in a non-reverberant vocal recording booth. 10 It
should be noted that in the set of 50 six-word ensembles that were used in these
studies, several ensembles differ from those detailed in the ANSI standard [5].

The raw MRT recordings were purchased through Cosmos Distributing, 4744
Westridge Dr, Kelowna, B.C. Canada V1W 1A1.

The three MRT lists were delivered through the reproduction sound
system under a variety of variable combination treatments.

3.2.1 Selection of Variables & Treatments

Without knowing where the results from the series of studies would lead,
and considering the difficulty of coordinating equipment and facilities, it was
decided to record stimuli using a wide variety of variable treatments. The
experimental variables in question for these studies would be 1) delay time
between the arrivals from two loudspeakers, 2) level offset between the multiple
arrivals and 3) array geometry (vertical vs. horizontal array). The three MRT lists
were recorded for each of the variable combinations (treatments) in the 6×2×2
matrix formed by delay time, level offset and array geometry. The fourth
experimental variable, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), would be synthesized (via
electronic mixing) at a later date (see chapter 5.2).
Delay Time (ms) 0 5 10 20 30 40
Level Offset (dB SPL) 0 6
Array Geometry Vert Hor
Noise Level (dB SPL) ≈ 30 68 71 74 77 80 83
Table 3.2 System optimization variable values used during the
capture process

3.2.2 More on Array Types

One possible approach toward studying the variable array type would be
to isolate all of the associated variables (e.g. on- vs. off-axis listening, monaural
vs. binaural listening and measurement/equalization location). However, as
mentioned in chapters 1.2 and 2.2.1, the ecological/organic approach of this
research project lead to the inclusion of two commonly employed loudspeaker
array types. The result of this approach is that array geometry becomes a
complex, or compound variable – an amalgam of several variables.
On one hand, one could view array geometry as an insufficiently
controlled or nuisance variable. Alternatively, one could view this as a study of

real-world scenarios, intended to determine whether the use of different array

types necessitates different optimization approaches. This question has not been
previously addressed. As such, and considering that the identification of
differences could guide future (more controlled) studies, it was decided that the
proposed approach would be most appropriate for this series of studies. Still, the
specific differences between these array types require elucidation.
The first, and most obvious, difference between the two array types is that
they are oriented in different planes. The received signals from the horizontal
array type will differ at each ear, while the signals from the loudspeakers in the
vertical array type will not differ between the ears. This amounts to a difference
between monaural and binaural listening methods. Given that objective
measurements (STI) will be used for comparison with subjective results (see
chapter 9), and that the STI measurement method is inherently monaural, it could
be possible to identify the effects of listening method.
The second difference between the array types lies in the fact that the
vertical array type offers on-axis listening of both loudspeakers, while the listener
is off-axis from both loudspeakers for the horizontal array type. Figure 3.6 shows
the measured on-axis magnitude vs. frequency response of the three loudspeakers
used to create the two arrays. While the responses are relatively flat for the on-
axis conditions, the off-axis response of the front fill loudspeakers, as seen in
figure 3.7, are not. Thus, even if loudspeaker arrivals are time aligned (delay time
= 0 ms), a comb filter will still be present in the summed response of the
horizontal array type.
The third difference builds on the on- vs. off-axis response issue. In
typical deployment scenarios, loudspeaker response is equalized at a point that is
either on a loudspeaker’s axis or in the center of the desired coverage area [124].
Also, time alignment is generally performed at the point of maximum volatility –
the point where equal level is received from each loudspeaker. For the vertical
(point-destination) array type, it is conceivable that these locations will coincide.
For the horizontal (point-source) array type, however, the point of equal level will
generally not be in the center of either loudspeaker’s coverage area and will be

inherently off-axis from both loudspeakers. Thus, while the comb filters observed
in the off-axis response of the front fills could be corrected via equalization, this
would not be done in practical application. As such, the equalization of all
loudspeakers was performed using on-axis measurements.

Figure 3.6 Magnitude vs. frequency response of the UPA and two
UPM loudspeakers, as measured on the axis of each

Figure 3.7 Magnitude vs. frequency response of the house-center

UPM loudspeaker. The blue trace is measured on the
loudspeaker’s axis; the red trace is measured at the manikin
mid-right position (30° off-axis).

3.3 Procedures

For each treatment condition, the reproduction sound system was

recalibrated for the appropriate time and level alignment/misalignment. Once the
recalibration was measured and data recorded, the three MRT word lists were
reproduced and recorded using the capture sound system. Vertical and horizontal
array geometries were recorded on separate days to minimize the need to
recalibrate the binaural recording system. For vertical geometry, the main
loudspeaker was held constant while the temporal and level properties of the
center front fill loudspeaker were manipulated. For the horizontal geometry, it
was the center front fill that was held constant and the house-right front fill that
was adjusted.

3.3.1 Measurement, Verification and Capture

Each treatment used two of the speech reproduction loudspeakers. For

each recalibration, both loudspeakers were measured separately to verify proper
values for time and level offsets. The loudspeakers were then measured together;
first with no additional noise, then six additional times with different levels of
noise supplied by the noise reproduction sound system. While noise would not be
added to the MRT recordings until later (see chapter 5.2), for analysis and
comparison purposes it was desired to measure certain parameters (STI, RaSTI,
etc.) of the reproduction sound system under various noise conditions for each
treatment condition.
For variable treatments which included the vertical array geometry, the
measurement microphone was located at the manikin-center position. For those
which included the horizontal geometry, the measurement microphone was
located at the manikin mid-right location.
After recalibration for each treatment condition, the three MRT lists (A, D
& F) were recorded using the KEMAR system. Once all MRT recording was
complete, the KEMAR system was used to record pink-weighted noise at six

Figure 3.8 KEMAR and measurement microphone in manikin-center

recording position

different sound pressure levels, as delivered by the noise reproduction system and
recorded at each of the manikin locations (12 noise recordings total). If unwanted
noises were detected during any of the recordings (doors, airplanes, piano movers,
etc.), said recording was restarted.

4. Headphone Suitability Study

The listening tests conducted in the pilot and main studies would use a
head-mounted auditory display to deliver the stimuli to subjects. This raised the
obvious question of which specific auditory display to use. Toole [173] suggests
that the preferred solution is to use earphones which are inserted into the ear canal.
This type of device generally offers greater response consistency as 1) it
altogether avoids reflections caused by the concha and pinna, and 2) because it is
easier to achieve consistent device placement on/in the head, thus more consistent
coupling of the drivers to the eardrum [173].
While in-ear devices are preferable, for this study it was decided to focus
on circum-aural and supra-aural headphones for the sake of practicality, comfort,
equipment availability and hygiene. The goal therefore was to identify the pair of
available headphones which provide the most consistent mounting on a listener’s
head and eardrum, and which also have a reasonably flat magnitude versus
frequency response.

4.1 Headphones Tested

The headphones studied ranged from professional audio to audiophile

quality and varied in mounting type (circum-aural, supra-aural) and diaphragm
ventilation (open, closed). The four pairs of headphones used were the Sony
MDR-7506 (pro, supra, closed), Sony MDR-V600 (pro, circum, closed), Grado
RS-1 (audiophile, supra, open) and Sennheiser HD-650 (audiophile, circum,

4.2 Equipment & Procedure

The measurement apparatus used was identical to the measurement system

detailed in chapter 3.1.2 except that the measurement microphone, preamplifier
and power supply were replaced with a KEMAR manikin (see chapter 3.1.4 for

KEMAR setup and specification). Measurements were performed in the Sound

Design Studio at CCM.
Measurements were performed using the non-decoupled measurement
method, as detailed by Larcher et al., and used by Minnaar et al. [100, 129].
Headphones were placed on the KEMAR manikin and measured using the left ear
of KEMAR. Headphones were removed, remounted on the manikin and re-
measured for a total of ten measurements each for the HD-650 and RS-1 and five
measurements each for the MDR-V600 and MDR-7506.

4.3 Results

The results from these measurements can be seen in figures 4.1 through
4.4. The figures show the results for each headphone, with repeated
measurements superimposed, on a graph of magnitude versus frequency using
1/24th-octave smoothing.

Figure 4.1 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sony MDR-7506


Figure 4.2 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sony MDR-V600

Figure 4.3 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Grado RS-1


Figure 4.4 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sennheiser HD-650

One can see from these graphs that several of these devices do indeed fail
to be consistently mounted on the manikin’s head. 11 In the graph for the supra-
aural MDR-7506 (figure 4.1), for example, there is variance in low-frequency
response indicating variation in the quality of seal between the headphone and the
pinna. While fairly consistent in the middle frequencies, note the variance due to
reflections in the outer ear at and above 2 kHz. The MDR-V600 (figure 4.2)
produced similar results though the degree of variance was much higher. The
graphs for these two headphones were evaluated during the measurement process
and, after only five repeated measurements, it was concluded that these two
headphones would be inadequate.
In figure 4.3, one can see that the response of the RS-1 is consistent (±1
dB) up to approximately 4.7 kHz, indicating an acceptable seal between the
headphone and the manikin’s pinna. However, the degree of variance above this

The harmonic noise found in the low-frequency region of each graph was
caused by the power supply of the measurement laptop.

point is an indication of changes in the pattern of reflections in the outer ear. This
suggests inconsistency in the placement of the headphone, likely due to the fact
that the headphone is supra-aural.
While there are some irregularities at the very low and very high
frequencies, the response curves for the HD-650 (figure 4.4) are consistent (±1 dB)
in the range from 40 Hz–8 kHz, which is the functional range of the Zwislocki-
type ear canal simulator [80]. This indicates that this circum-aural headphone is
making a consistent seal with the manikin’s head. It also indicates that though
there is evidence of some degree of change in the pattern of reflections in the
outer ear, these changes are not affecting the frequency range (125 Hz–8 kHz)
that impacts speech intelligibility [110].

4.4 Discussion

At the beginning of this study, the criteria for an acceptable headphone

were stated:
1) Consistent reflection pattern in the outer ear
2) Consistent coupling of the headphone to the head and driver to the
3) Reasonably flat magnitude versus frequency response

The two pro-audio quality headphones (Sony MDR-7506 and V600) both
fail to meet the first two criteria. The RS-1 meets the second but fails the first.
The HD-650 was the only headphone to meet both of the first two criteria (for 40
Hz–10 kHz).
Though the various headphones produced varying degrees of consistency,
none of the headphones tested produced a response curve which could be
considered flat. Remembering that measurements were made at the eardrum of
the manikin, it would be useful to consider the transfer function of the path
between the headphone driver and the eardrum of the manikin.
Figure 4.5 shows the response of a KEMAR manikin with a Zwislocki-
type occluded ear canal simulator [90, 185]. When comparing this response with

that of the HD-650 one notes that both contain a prominent narrow peak at
approximately 2.7 kHz and a wider peak centered at roughly 4 kHz. As noted by
Klepko [92], the peak between 2 kHz and 3 kHz is a result of resonance in the
concha and is not directionally dependent. This frequency response trend is also
reported in the ITU-T P.58 recommendation [85] regarding free and diffuse field
response tolerances for head-and-torso simulators.

Figure 4.5 Random-incidence eardrum-pressure response of KEMAR

manikin (Reprinted with permission from [90])

By visually removing the effects of the manikin, the resulting response for
the headphone would contain 1) a slight elevation in the low frequencies, 2) high-
frequency roll-off starting at around 9 kHz, and 3) the effects of outer ear
reflections. Given that the headphone response will show evidence of outer ear
reflections for any headphone-ear coupling, and that the pattern of reflections will
change from ear to ear, it was decided to focus on the components of the
headphone response that are not reflection-based.
Figure 4.6 shows the response for the HD-650 with 1/3rd-octave
smoothing. This level of smoothing, though inappropriate for many applications,
is used here to remove many of the effects of outer ear reflections through
averaging. What remains is more a spectral tilt than a response, but it allows for
better inspection of the point of high-frequency roll-off. Again, visually
removing the effect of KEMAR from the response, one can see that the response

Figure 4.6 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of Sennheiser HD-650,

1/3rd-Octave Resolution

Figure 4.7 Free- and diffuse-field responses for blocked ear canal
(Reprinted with permission from [14])

begins to roll-off at around 8 kHz for high-frequencies and 50 Hz for low-

With regard to free- vs. diffuse field response, figure 4.7 shows the two
responses measured under blocked ear canal conditions. When compared to these
measurements, the response of the HD-650, as obtained by the non-decoupled
measurement method (shown in figure 4.6), closely resembles the diffuse field

4.5 Conclusions

The Sony MDR-7506, Sony MDR-V600 and Grado RS-1 do not meet the
declared criteria of suitability for use in this research project.
The Sennheiser HD-650, through 10 repeated measurements, met the first
two criteria. The device produced results which indicated consistent reflection
patterns in the outer ear, coupling of the headphone to the head and coupling of
the driver to the eardrum in the frequency range from 40 Hz–10 kHz, which is
acceptable for this research project.
As for the third criterion, the Sennheiser HD-650 has an acceptably flat
frequency response from 50 Hz–8 kHz. Though the high-frequency limit is lower
than would be desired, a reasonably conservative high-shelf filter, applied during
stimulus equalization, could conceivably extend the response to 10 or 12 kHz
with minimal degradation to the integrity of the stimuli. As such, the HD-650
would meet all of the criteria and is thus acceptable for use in this research project.

5. Preparation of Stimuli

The stimuli that were acquired from the Corbett Auditorium recordings
would need to be processed before they could be used in listening tests. In their
captured form, the stimuli consisted of 24 wave files, each containing three 50-
word MRT lists recorded sequentially and without additional noise, and twelve
wave files containing noise recorded at a different levels and locations.
The stimulus files that would be used for this project’s studies would need
to be equalized, mixed with noise recordings and then parsed. The result would
be 108 wave files used for the pilot, 2400 files for phase 1, and 1200 files for
phase 2.

5.1 Equalization

From a review of the literature, it is apparent that there are many

approaches to the equalization of binaural recordings; ranging from the
implementation of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response
(IIR) equalization filters (e.g. [134, 135]), to parametric equalization filters [90,
92, 173], or to no equalization at all [26]. However, the question arises of which
method of corrective equalization is most suitable and appropriate for this specific
series of studies.
As mentioned in chapter 2.3.4, it is evident that magnitude versus
frequency response anomalies, resulting from the pattern of reflections between
the headphone driver and the listener’s eardrum, can vary greatly (±3 dB and
greater) above 4 kHz between listeners [134]. Thus if filters were to be used to
equalize the measured response of the headphone-KEMAR combination, narrow
peaks and dips generated by such corrective equalization filters in the region
above 4 kHz could yield highly undesirable results. A peak or dip used to counter
the effects of a resonance in the KEMAR ear could, given a different individual
ear, result not in a cancellation but rather in a peak or dip with larger magnitude.
As such, it was determined that equalization, if used, should focus on the areas of

the measured headphone-KEMAR response which would be common to all

headphone-ear pairings, thus narrow-band equalization in the region above 4 kHz
would be inappropriate.

5.1.1 Determining an Equalization Method

The use of IIR filters was rejected due to this type of filter’s potential for
issues arising from causality and instability [140]. If an FIR filter were to be used
to invert the impulse response of the headphone-KEMAR combination, this
would lead to narrow-band notches and peaks in the region above 4 kHz which, as
stated above, would not be appropriate. The remaining options are parametric
equalization or no equalization.
As seen in figures 4.5 and 4.6, both responses have a prominent peak in
the mid- to high-frequency region. It is reasonable to conclude that some sort of
equalization would be needed, and this was verified upon listening to the raw
stimulus recordings. It was decided that the solution would be to employ
parametric equalization filters to cancel the narrow peak at 2.7 kHz and the wider
peak centered at 3 kHz, and to smooth the overall spectral tilt of the response.
Though slight differences exist (likely due to the response of the headphones),
this is essentially the diffuse-field corrective equalization method used by the
Etymotic ER-11 KEMAR microphone preamplifier, with the addition of a high-
frequency boost similar to that used by Toole [173].
The corrective equalization detailed in table 5.1 was applied, before
merging and parsing, to all sound files obtained from the Corbett Auditorium
recordings using Sony’s Sound Forge software package. A graph comparing the
original and corrected transfer functions is shown in figure 5.1.
Filter Frequency B.W. (Octaves)
Gain Purpose
Type (Hz) / Slope (dB / Oct.)
PEQ 2700 0.4 −6 dB Cancel Narrow Peak
PEQ 1600 1.0 −2.5 dB Cancel Wide Peak
PEQ 3000 2.5 −5 dB Cancel Wide Peak
PEQ 150 1.6 −3 dB Spectral Tilt
H-Shelf 6500 6 +6 dB Spectral Tilt
Table 5.1 Corrective equalization settled upon for use on all stimuli

Figure 5.1 Magnitude vs. Frequency Response of the Sennheiser HD-

650 before and after the application of corrective
equalization. 1/24th-Octave smoothing.

5.2 Merging Noise

As mentioned in chapter 3.3.1, the MRT word lists (recorded under each
of the 24 treatments) and twelve different noise distracter recordings were
captured separately. Considering that the ambient noise level of the recording
space was 30‒40 dB SPL below the level of the speech and noise distracter
signals, the electronic summation of two such signals would produce a negligible
increase in system noise level. It was also considered that speech and noise
distracter signals would be produced by separate loudspeakers, thus there was no
possibility for inter-modulation distortion between signals within a loudspeaker.
As such it was determined, through discussions with advisors, that it would be
viable to use electronic rather than acoustic summation of speech and noise

signals to produce the experimental stimuli [91, 125]. Additionally, similar

methods have been used by other experimenters [181].
For the creation of the stimuli required for treatments (see chapters 6.2,
7.2 and 8.2 for specific treatments), noise was added either to a whole MRT word
list (pilot study) or to individual-word files (main studies). Following
equalization and noise merging, all stimulus audio files were converted from their
original 96 kHz, 24 bit resolution to 44.1 kHz, 16 bit due to limitations of the
intended playback devices.

5.3 Parsing

After the appropriate noise level was added, the stimulus files would need
to be parsed into separate and new files of the desired size/number of MRT words.
The stimulus files that would be used for the pilot study would contain a single
50-word MRT list. Each file was approximately three minutes long.
The stimulus files that would be used for both phases of the main study
would be further parsed, such that each 3.5 sec wave file contained a single word
from an MRT wordlist. The composition of the files used for both phases of the
main study was as such: Noise fades up over 0.75 sec, the target word plays
within the carrier sentence and then the noise fades out over 0.5 sec.

6. Pilot Study

Given that it takes approximately 3‒5 minutes for one subject to evaluate
one MRT word list, it could take a single subject over 40 hours to fully evaluate a
7×6×2×2 matrix of variable treatments using three word lists per treatment. It is
fairly obvious that this type of study would be foolish to attempt and impossible
to complete. It was therefore decided to employ a pilot study in this research
project, the goal of which would be to reduce the total number of variable
treatments to a more manageable figure.
After the stimulus preparation process was completed, the author (and
others) listened to several of the MRT word lists as recorded under several
variable treatments. It was noted that word identification was extremely easy for
treatments that contained no added noise, and that identification was extremely
difficult for treatments that contained the highest level of added noise. This
preliminary evaluation, coupled with data from the literature [45, 107, 144], led to
the conclusion that it would be important to identify the range of the variable
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) that would yield variance in intelligibility scores
without overpowering the effects of the other experimental variables.
The pilot study would have three main purposes:
1) Identify a useful range for the variable Signal-to-Noise Ratio
2) Identify a range of values for the other experimental variables that
would be of interest for subsequent studies
3) Determine if there exists any issues or problems with testing procedures
or principles.

6.1 Hypotheses

In addition to potentially reducing the size of the variable treatment matrix,

the pilot study would also offer a preliminary chance to explore the research
questions posed by this project. The number of subjects used in the pilot would
be small, and thus the number of data points acquired would also be small. As

such the hypotheses that could be tested would likely have to be limited to first-
order effects if there would be any hope of finding statistical strength or
significance in the results. The resulting hypotheses were as follows:
Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
Ho2: Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Ho3: Array geometry does not affect the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.

It should be noted that while the second null hypothesis has been rejected
many times in many different studies (e.g. [45, 107, 144]), its presence in this
study would serve as a test of the methods and procedures of the study itself.

6.2 Study Design

At 40 hours per subject, the full set of variable treatments would be too
large to evaluate even in a pilot study. As such it was necessary to construct a
reduced set of variable treatments – one that would allow for the fulfillment of the
pilot’s three main purposes and also provide insight towards evaluating its’ three
As can be seen in table 6.1, it was decided to use all but one of the
possible values for the variable SNR. During the author’s preliminary evaluation
of the stimuli (noted above), it was determined that the highest SNR value that
still contained added noise (SNR = 12 dB) would not have a significant impact on
intelligibility scores. While the highest SNR value (SNR = 50 dB, the condition
with no added noise) was also believed to be inadequate to provide significant
impairment for subjects, it was left in this study as a proof of concept to show the
need for the manipulation of SNR.
Delay Time (ms) 5 20 40
Approx. SNR (dB) 50 9 6 3 0 -3
Array Geometry Vert Hor
Table 6.1 Variable values used in the pilot study.

As mentioned in chapter 5.2, the SNR conditions were synthesized by

electronically mixing the MRT word list recordings with noise recordings. To
obtain the recordings of the two different array types, the KEMAR manikin was
positioned in two different locations in the auditorium (see appendices B and C
for drawings). A separate set of noise recordings was captured for each of these
positions and, for the pilot study, it was decided that these separate noise
recordings should be used for treatments that include the corresponding array
With regard to the variable delay time, the objective of this study was to
determine whether the experimental variable would have an effect on
intelligibility scores and, if so, determine the range in which the effect begins to
take place. The variable values of 5 ms and 40 ms were chosen as they likely
constitute short and medium length delay times, thus representing both comb-
filtering and spatial enhancement effects, without introducing audible echoes [42,
67, 150]. The value of 20 ms was also included such that, in the event that a
significant effect is seen, the results would have greater resolution towards
guiding further study.
While it is unclear whether a delay between multiple arrivals will have an
effect on intelligibility scores, what is clear is that a level offset between multiple
arrivals will serve to mitigate the potential effects of a delay. While such an
effect may be of interest in further studies, reducing the effect of an experimental
variable would be counterproductive for this preliminary study. As such, the
variable level offset was excluded from the pilot.
The variable treatments used for this study formed a 3×6×2 matrix,
comprising a total of 36 treatments. Three MRT word lists were used for each
treatment, resulting in a total of 108 stimulus sets. Each subject evaluated all of
the 108 stimulus sets. The presentation order of the stimulus sets was randomized
for each of the subjects using the Matlab function randperm [121].

6.3 Equipment

Subjects in the pilot study listened to stimuli via headphones and recorded
their answers on provided response sheets (see appendix J). The stimulus
playback system consisted of a MacBook laptop computer, MOTU 896 HD audio
interface and a pair of Sennheiser HD-650 headphones. Stimulus audio files were
played using iTunes. As mentioned in chapter 5.2, all audio files had a resolution
of 44.1 kHz, 16 bit. The track labels for each stimulus indicated the order in
which the files should be played, and made no mention of the underlying
experimental design.
The level of playback was calibrated using a hand-held sound level meter
(IEC 651 Type II). The meter was attached to a 6 cc coupler to approximate ear
canal loading effects, and positioned on the left headphone using a flat-plate
coupler. Playback level was adjusted at the MOTU such that playback of a
stimulus set which contained the loudest noise level (SNR = −3 dB) would
produce a measured result of 83 dB SPL (C-weighted, slow integration) – the
level of the original sound field, as recorded in the original acoustical

6.4 Subjects

This study used four native English-speaking subjects, 3 male and one
female, ranging from 24 to 31 years of age. All subjects were professional audio
engineers with a Bachelor’s degree or higher in fields relating to sound
engineering. All subjects were verified to have unimpaired hearing (re: 25 dB HL
at octave frequencies from 250 Hz to 8 kHz) through the administration of
hearing acuity tests [62]. Subjects were compensated $5 USD for each listening

6.5 Locations

Listening tests were conducted at two recording studios: GAHS studios in

Union, KY, USA and the Sound Design Studio at the College Conservatory of
Music, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA. Both spaces were found to have
background noise levels corresponding to NC-30 or lower [82] when measured
(see chapter 3.1.2 for measurement equipment specifications).

6.6 Procedures

All four of the subjects evaluated the 108 stimulus sets in nine sessions,
each session containing 12 stimulus sets and taking approximately 36 minutes (45
minutes including breaks) to complete. At the beginning of the first session, each
subject was given written and oral instructions regarding the types of sounds they
would be evaluating, operation of the playback device and the method of response
(see appendix H for instructions).
The subject would then undergo a training process to become familiarized
with the stimuli and testing procedures. The training used for this study involved
the evaluation of 6 stimulus sets comprised of: All three word lists delivered
under variable treatment 1 (5 ms, 50 dB, Vertical Array), list A under treatment
19 (5 ms, 50 dB, Horizontal), list D under treatment 18 (40 ms, −3 dB, Vertical)
and list F under treatment 29 (20 ms, 3 dB, Horizontal). Though this is obviously
not all-inclusive of the total number of treatments used in this study, this
combination follows established recommendations by providing subjects with the
opportunity to hear all of the individual words that will be presented (under one of
the most intelligible variable treatments), and experience the magnitude of the
differences between auditory attributes of the various treatments to be used in the
study [14]. This level of training was deemed appropriate as this study employs
identification rather than discrimination or scaling tasks, and does not involve the
study of listener preference.
Once the training process was complete, the test administrator spoke with
the subject to verify that they understood the instructions and operation of the

apparatus, and to remind the subject of the importance of taking breaks to

minimize fatigue and distraction. The subject then began the first session of
stimulus evaluation.
At the completion of the listening session, the subject was debriefed to
determine if they had any concerns about the testing procedure and if they had
experienced any perceived hazards or issues with the testing apparatus. No such
concerns were noted by any of the subjects during the testing procedure.
The subject was then presented with the post-session oral script document,
and their next session was scheduled (see appendix I for document). Subsequent
listening sessions proceeded in the same manner as the initial session. However,
if the time between an individual subjects’ sessions was less than 48 hours, the
subject was not required to complete the training process before beginning a

6.7 Results & Analysis

The response sheets for the listening tests were scored and the results
recorded as the number of correct responses out of 50. Though the probability of
a subject randomly guessing the correct answer is quite low (16.7%) for a six-
alternative forced choice task, it was decided that the results should be adjusted to
account for this probability, as is recommended by ANSI standard S3.2 [5], using
the following equation:
Correct Responses – Incorrect Responses
Adjusted Score (Ra) = (Eq. 6.1)
Number of Choices – 1

The range of Ra would therefore be: −10 ≤ Ra ≤ 10

As mentioned earlier, the first main purpose of this pilot study was to
determine a useful range of the variable SNR. Figure 6.1 shows a box and
whisker plot of the adjusted scores vs. SNR. For the case of the variable
treatments where SNR = 50 dB, a distinct ceiling effect can be seen in the data,
resulting from the test method’s inherent upper score limit. Of course, in order to
evaluate whether differences exist in adjusted scores between treatment groups,
such an effect must be avoided in order to achieve adequate variance in the scores.

Thus the 50 dB SNR variable value should be excluded from future studies and,
in fact, from much of the analysis in this study. Similarly the distribution of the
data for the 9 dB case should be considered. Though not exhibiting an obvious
ceiling effect, the data shows that perfect scores (10 out of 10) were recorded,
suggesting that it would be possible to find such an effect if a larger subject
population were used.

Figure 6.1 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. SNR for all
tested levels of SNR.

For the data sets corresponding to the remaining SNR values, there
appears to be variance between and within groups with no evidence of a ceiling
effect. For the set of treatments where SNR = −3 dB however, note that the
highest recorded adjusted score is a 5.2, which in terms of percentage of words
correctly identified corresponds to a score of 76%. This suggests that the level of
the noise present in these treatments could be too high, making it too difficult for
subjects to perform the necessary identification tasks. This data also suggests that
the strength of the effect of SNR at this level may overpower the effects of the

other experimental variables. Also, considering that variability is higher for lower
scores [156], as can be seen from the results in figure 6.1, the SNR value of −3 dB
should likely be excluded from future studies.
The data from the remaining three groups of SNR values show that there
is variance within each group and between groups, allowing for both the study of
the effect of SNR and the effects of the other experimental variables within SNR
groups. For future studies it would therefore make sense to exclude the SNR
values of −3 dB, 9 dB and 50 dB. With the exception of investigating the
effectiveness of listener training and within-study learning, the remainder of the
pilot study analysis will also exclude the data from treatments including these
three SNR values. The remaining data is referred to as the SNR stratified data set.

6.7.1 Homogeneity of Variance

Figure 6.2 Histogram comparing the distribution of adjusted scores for

all data collected in pilot study to a normal distribution.

A frequency plot (figure 6.2) of the original data set confirms that the data
is left-skewed and that the upper limit of the range of adjusted score may be the
culprit. A frequency plot of the SNR stratified data set shows that ceiling effects
have been eliminated and that degree of skew has been reduced (figure 6.3). The
result is a distribution that more closely resembles a normal distribution, though
still exhibiting a bi-modal shape.

Figure 6.3 Histogram comparing the distribution of adjusted score for

SNR stratified data set (SNR values 0 dB, 3 dB, and 6 dB)
to a normal distribution.

The standard method for the analysis of numerical data obtained from
listening tests is analysis of variance (ANOVA) [14]. The ANOVA process
however makes several assumptions, including assumptions about the
homogeneity of variance of the data to be analyzed [153]. Table 6.2 shows the
results of two standard tests for homogeneity of variance for both the original and
SNR stratified data sets. As can be seen from the probability statistics from each
of these tests (p < 0.001), it is clear that neither of these data sets contains

normally distributed data. This is confirmed by inspection of the detrended

normal Q-Q plot of the SNR stratified data set (figure 6.4). As such, it is
questionable whether the use of a parametric test such as ANOVA, which is based
on the comparison of means, is appropriate.
Data Set
Stat. Sig. Stat. Sig.
Original 0.122 <0.001 0.932 <0.001
SNR Strat 0.098 <0.001 0.962 <0.001
Table 6.2 Results of tests for homogeneity of variance: Kolmogorov-
Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk statistics

Figure 6.4 Detrended normal Q-Q plot of adjusted score in the SNR
stratified data set.

Non-parametric tests – tests which are based on the comparison of

medians rather than means – are the accepted solution for analysis of data sets
which lack homoskedasticity (normality of distribution) [160]. The Kruskal-
Wallis test, an extension of the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test, will
therefore be used for the analysis of the data obtained in the pilot study [160]. As

it is the standard (and expected) analysis method, ANOVA results will also be

6.7.2 Analysis of SNR Stratified Data Set

The results of the first-order analysis of the data are shown in table 6.3.
Not surprisingly, SNR and subject have a very significant effect on the results.
As mentioned previously, the effect of SNR on the intelligibility of speech
through transmission systems is well documented (e.g. [45, 107, 144]). It is also
easy to conceive that different people, having different listening skills and hearing
acuity, might have differing performance in this type of test. The performance of
one subject was of particular interest and will be detailed in chapter 6.8.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Subject 7.277 <0.001 14.642 0.002
Word List 2.396 0.094 4.289 0.117
Delay Time
3.622 0.028 7.104 0.029
(5 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.237 0.627 0.201 0.654
(5 – 20 ms)
Delay Time
4.151 0.043 4.316 0.038
(20 – 40 ms)
Array Type 9.262 0.003 9.120 0.003
SNR 86.029 <0.001 104.528 <0.001
Table 6.3 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of experimental variables on adjusted score (SNR
stratified data set)

It would appear that there is no significant difference in the results

obtained from the three different MRT word lists (Word List). This could be an
indication of one of the areas where test-size reduction could be achieved.
Delay time and array type both appear to have significant effects. Of
particular interest is that, in this study, delay time did not produce a difference
(strength or significance) between the 5 ms and 20 ms treatment groups. This
could be an indication of the direction for subsequent studies.
As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the author felt that it was
doubtful that the number of data points acquired in this study would be sufficient

to adequately perform tests for significance of interaction effect (second-order and

higher effects). Table 6.4 confirms that this is in fact the case. The tests show
that the interactions of SNR with delay time, and delay time with array type, do
not indicate strength or significance of effect.
F-Stat Sig.
0.771 0.545
Delay Time
Delay Time ×
0.611 0.544
Array Type
Table 6.4 Results of ANOVA for second-order effects of
experimental variables on adjusted score (SNR stratified
data set)

6.7.3 Further Stratification by Array Type

Another way of viewing the question of interaction effects is to ask

whether array geometry modulates (or mitigates) either the magnitude of the
effect of delay time or the amount of delay time required to produce a noticeable
effect. By dividing the SNR stratified data set into data sets corresponding to
array geometry (SNR-Vertical and SNR-Horizontal stratified), we can examine
whether delay time has a noticeable effect within these groups. Tables 6.5 and
6.6 show the results of the analysis for these new data sets.
Stratification reduces the number of data points available for an analysis,
and dividing a stratified data set compounds the issue. For example, the Kruskal-
Wallis test on the SNR stratified data set shows that, over the range of 5 to 40 ms,
delay time has a significant effect on adjusted scores (χ² = 7.104, Sig. = 0.029).
However after dividing the data sets, the same test fails to find a significant effect
for either of the array types. This suggests that the lack of significance may be
due to the reduced power stemming from the lack of data points (Type-II error),
rather than a lack of effect. This could be of interest in future studies.


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
2.152 0.121 3.503 0.173
(5 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.219 0.641 0.204 0.651
(5 – 20 ms)
Delay Time
3.973 0.050 3.008 0.083
(20 – 40 ms)
Table 6.5 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of delay time on adjusted score (SNR-Vertical
stratified data set)


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
2.210 0.115 3.888 0.143
(5 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
1.191 0.279 0.806 0.369
(5 – 20 ms)
Delay Time
0.986 0.324 1.343 0.247
(20 – 40 ms)
Table 6.6 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of delay time on adjusted score (SNR-Horizontal
stratified data set)

6.8 Discussion

The first, and probably most obvious, point that might be made is that
more data points are required before this project’s research questions can be
adequately addressed. Yet even with the small data set generated by this
preliminary study, there are several things that can be learned and applied to the
remainder of this project.

6.8.1 A Deeper Look at Array Type

From table 6.3 it can be seen that array geometry has a fairly strong and
very significant effect on scores (K-W test: χ² Stat = 9.120, Sig. = 0.003) in the
SNR stratified data set. If one were to take a moment to consider the actual array
geometries, the cause of this effect will become clear.

As mentioned in chapter 2.2.1, the vertical array geometry presents the

listener (via binaural recordings) with a 3-channel reproduction of speech and
noise, similar to the type of display found in a 5.1-channel surround sound system
[86]. The horizontal array, on the other hand, provides two 2-channel displays.
The latter is analogous to a single 2-channel stereophonic reproduction system.
Also mentioned in chapter 2.2.1, the use of a dedicated center channel has
been shown to result in increased intelligibility and clarity of speech when
compared to 2-channel systems that rely on channel summation and phantom
sound sources to create a center image. Both of the arrays used in this study
employ channel summation, and thus create a phantom sound source image for
speech signals. However the vertical array geometry employs speech channel
summation in a plane which is perpendicular to the plane of noise signal channel
summation. In addition, this geometry contains a physical loudspeaker located in
front of the listening position. One would expect, then, that intelligibility scores
would be higher for treatments including the vertical array geometry. The results
shown in tables 6.7 and 6.8, and in figure 6.5, confirm that this was the case for
the data collected in this study.
Array Type Mean Std. Dev.
Vertical 6.300 1.832
Horizontal 5.526 1.906
Table 6.7 Comparison of means, from ANOVA on SNR stratified
data set

Array Type Mean Rank

Vertical 121.31
Horizontal 95.69
Table 6.8 Comparison of mean ranks, from Kruskal-Wallis test on
SNR stratified data set

The choice to use separate sets of noise recordings for the different array
types is another possible factor that could have contributed to the observed effect
of array type. As two different sets of noise recordings were used, this ultimately
should be viewed as an insufficiently controlled variable. The possibility must
therefore be considered that this may have been the cause of the observed effect.

Figure 6.5 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type for
SNR stratified data set

As mentioned earlier, one of the main purposes of this pilot study was to
identify problems with the experimental design and methods before proceeding to
the main studies. The use of two different noise sets is a design element that
would apparently fall into that group.

6.8.2 Training & Effects of Presentation Order

In determining whether there were issues with the testing procedures and
principles, one area of particular interest was the training of listening test subjects.
Subjects need to engage in sufficient training such that they understand how to
use the testing apparatus, understand the method and/or scales used to indicate
responses, and are familiar with the magnitude of variance of auditory attributes
between the variable treatments that will be presented during the tests. This raises
the question of, “How much training is enough?” A subject’s time is limited and,

given the tradeoff between training time and testing time available in a testing
session, it is important to find an appropriate balance between the two.
If a subject’s training is insufficient, one way that this may manifest itself
is in a noticeable improvement in subject performance over the course of the
experiment. Table 6.9 shows the results of the analysis of the effect of
presentation order on adjusted scores. Remembering that the presentation order
of variable treatments was randomized for each individual subject, a presentation
order effect would likely indicate some form of learning on the part of the
subjects. As can be seen, the results indicate that presentation order does not have
a significant effect on scores. Considering the large number of word lists that
each subject was asked to evaluate, and the fact that evidence of a learning effect
could be obscured by such a large data set, the analysis was repeated using only
the first 10 lists evaluated by each subject. Again, the results indicate that there is
no significant effect. Combined with positive feedback from subjects, the data
leads to the conclusion that the amount of training provided was adequate.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Order (all) 0.888 0.765 97.429 0.735
Order (1-10) 0.846 0.581 9.473 0.395
Table 6.9 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for the effect
of stimulus presentation order on adjusted score (original
data set). Results are shown for all word lists evaluated and
for the first 10 sets evaluated by each subject.

6.8.3 Test Duration & Subject Fatigue

Bech and Zacharov [14] discuss listening test duration and the importance
that a researcher must place on preventing subjects’ loss of attention or boredom.
They note that 20 minutes appears to be a suitable duration for a listening session,
and that sessions lasting 30‒40 minutes are also acceptable if subjects are able to
take breaks when they feel themselves getting fatigued or bored.
The listening sessions for the study detailed in this chapter, which lasted
approximately 36 minutes, fall into the latter of these groups. As such, subjects

were advised, verbally and in writing, regarding the importance of breaks. As can
be seen in figure 6.7, there is some question as to whether this session duration is
appropriate for all subjects.
Figure 6.6 is a reprise of figure 6.1 from chapter 6.7, with the addition of
outlier identification. It is interesting to note that all of the outliers come from the
data set of subject #4, whose data point indices range from 325 to 432. During
the debriefing after the subject’s final session, the subject indicated to the author
that there were several points during the overall testing process when the subject
was aware of the onset of fatigue and probably waited too long before taking a
break. Figure 6.7 further shows that the data set acquired from subject #4
contains a significantly different range of variance towards the lower bounds of
the scale. The outlier seen in the data for subject #3 suggests that this individual
may have experienced a similar period of fatigue.

Figure 6.6 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. SNR for all
tested levels of SNR. Outliers are identified by data point
index number.

Figure 6.7 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. subject (SNR
stratified data set)

The information from the debriefing and from figures 6.6 and 6.7
reinforces the importance of breaks in the testing process. It is clear that for
future studies session duration and break spacing should be reevaluated, and
possibly adjusted, to avoid issues arising from listener fatigue.

6.8.4 Effects of Word List

As mentioned in chapter, many studies which have employed the

MRT have elected to use a reduced set of stimuli as opposed to the set
recommended in the ANSI standard [5]. The reduction of the number of lists
used can drastically reduce the overall size and duration of a study and, to that end,
was included as a variable of interest in this study. Table 6.10 once again shows
the results of analyses regarding an effect of word list on scores. While the F- and
χ²-statistics suggest that there may be an effect present, the probability values for

both statistical tests indicate that the tests fail to rule out the possibility that the
effect is solely due to chance.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Word List 2.396 0.094 4.289 0.117
Table 6.10 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for the effect
of MRT word list on adjusted score (SNR stratified data set)

A similar result is found when figure 6.8 is examined. While it does

appear that there is a slight upward shift in medians from list 1 to 3, the degree of
overlap between inter-quartile ranges and variance between extrema make it
difficult to draw any conclusions.

Figure 6.8 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. word list (SNR
stratified data set)

The relevant conundrum is that a variety of word lists should be used in

order to minimize the likelihood that subject learning will defeat the listening test.
If, for example, after evaluating 5 stimulus sets, a subject realizes that the 5th word

will always be “SIT”, the challenge is lost and the evaluation of further stimulus
sets becomes moot. However if the choice of word list used for evaluation of a
particular treatment will have no effect on the results, it would be possible to have
subjects evaluate stimulus treatments using only one list, randomized by treatment.
This would amount to a 66% reduction of total test size and time.
It has been mentioned that, given the meager amount of data, the results of
this study should be viewed as a preliminary venture. Significance seen (or more
likely, not seen) in these results may be purely a result of the size of the study.
After all, the data contains only 12 data points for any given treatment. However,
with 144 data points per word list, confidence in the results can be somewhat
higher. When one considers the potential for design reduction that this variable
presents, it is certainly worth further investigation.

6.9 Conclusions

As stated at the beginning of this chapter, the three main purposes of this
study were to find a useful range for the variable SNR, attempt to reduce the
number of treatments needed for future studies and determine if there are any
problems with the design of the study or testing procedures. Additionally, three
research questions were posed in the form of hypotheses.

6.9.1 Hypotheses

Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
From the results of both parametric and non-parametric tests, there is
sufficient evidence to reject this null hypothesis. The results indicate that the
variable delay time does have a significant effect on intelligibility scores. The
tests also indicate that this variable begins to have an effect somewhere in the
region between 20 ms and 40 ms.

Ho2: Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect the intelligibility of speech

reproduced by a sound system.
The results indicate that this hypothesis is clearly rejected.

Ho3: Array geometry does not affect the intelligibility of speech

reproduced by a sound system.
The results clearly indicate that, in this study, array geometry does have a
significant effect on intelligibility scores. What is unclear is whether the observed
effect was actually due to array geometry, or whether it is due to an error in
experimental design. Given this lack of clarity, it would be unwise to reject this
null hypothesis at this juncture.

6.9.2 Main Points of the Pilot Study

1) Identify a useful range for the variable SNR

It was determined that the SNR values of 50 dB, 12 dB and 9 dB would
not provide sufficient impairment to intelligibility. The result was an observed
ceiling effect in the data. It was further determined that the SNR value of −3 dB
provided too much impairment to intelligibility. The result was excessive levels
of variance in intelligibility scores. It was therefore concluded that the useful
range of SNR values was between 0 dB and 6 dB.

2) Identify a range of values for the other experimental variables that

would be of interest for subsequent studies
While a useful range for the variable SNR has been identified, the
question remains regarding how many values of this variable should be used in
future studies. The three values that remain differ by only 3 dB each and, while
such a difference would likely be large enough to have a significant effect on
results, it may be possible to eliminate one or more of these variable values.
In the scope of this project, it is desired to determine whether the
interaction between SNR and delay time has an effect on intelligibility scores. As
can be seen from table 6.4, it is not possible to draw any conclusions about

interactions at this time. If it is desired to examine a SNR and delay time

interaction in future studies, it would be necessary to employ at least two levels of
the variable SNR. It is recommended that the following study use the SNR values
of 0 dB and 6 dB, as this will allow for the investigation of said interaction, and
because these values represent the largest SNR difference within the determined
useful range.
The results from this study suggest that the effect of delay time on scores
begins to become significant somewhere in the range from 20 ms to 40 ms.
Future studies therefore have several options regarding which set of delay time
values to use. The most obvious course of action would be to use only delay time
values in the range between 20 ms and 40 ms, in an attempt to better specify the
point of significance. A less obvious course becomes manifest when the size of
the pilot study is again considered. The lack of effect significance found in the 5
ms to 20 ms range may be due to the diminutive number of data points rather than
an actual lack of effect. If a future, larger study were to concentrate on values
within this range, it could provide more convincing results than were possible
from this study. If this is to be attempted, it is recommended that the 40 ms value
be left in the study as a dummy value to test experimental methods.
Given the uncertainty arising from the use of two different noise sets for
the variable array type, the effects of this variable, and interactions involving this
variable, should be reevaluated in future studies. As such, both values for this
variable will need to be retained.
Though not technically an experimental variable, analysis failed to prove
that the variable word list had a significant effect on scores. As this could lead to
a substantial reduction in the size of future studies, it is recommended that the
first phase of the main study include this as an experimental variable. If this is
done, said study should evaluate whether list-based study size reductions present
issues or problems to the experimental design.

3) Determine if there exists any issues or problems with testing

procedures or principles.
The first problem identified with the design of this study was the use of
scoring sheets rather than computerized data acquisition. The process of scoring
response sheets is extremely time consuming and does introduce the potential for
human error. Future studies should (and would) employ a computer program and
graphical user interface developed using Matlab.
One potential issue encountered involved the degree of training that
subjects were given before their initial listening test session. Analysis of the
effects of presentation order on intelligibility scores revealed that no evidence of
learning was present in the results. It was thus concluded that the level of training
was sufficient to prevent the invalidation of the results from a subject’s first few
stimulus evaluations.
Another potential issue was identified during the analysis of the effects of
array type on intelligibility scores. It is clear that using different sets of noise files,
to manufacture the SNR variable for treatments involving different array types,
introduces an unwanted level of uncertainty into the results. While it may have
the effect of reducing the ecological validity of future results to a small degree, it
is clear that one set of noise files should be used on all variable treatments.
Listening session duration and breaks are other areas of the project design
that need addressing. It is clear from the results and subject debriefing that at
least one subject who took part in this study did not take breaks at appropriate
intervals during the testing process. There is no evidence to prove that the
duration of the testing sessions was excessive, however it is imperative that the
test administrator convey the importance of breaks to subjects in future studies.
Relying on a subject’s judgment of his or her own level of fatigue may not be the
best way to determine break frequency. Developing a fixed policy regarding the
number of breaks per listening session should be considered.

6.9.3 Parting Thoughts

This research project was charged with finding correlations between sound
system optimization parameters and speech intelligibility. What originally
resulted was a four-dimensional matrix of variables containing 168 possible
variable treatments. This pilot study was implemented as a way to cast a broad
net over the research questions, in an attempt to reduce the size and complexity of
the task at hand. To that end, the study was a success. In addition, the net that
was cast has returned some information that will serve as veritable guideposts for
the following main study. Issues with study design and testing methodology have
been identified and addressed, and preliminary data has indicated that there is
indeed value in continuing the project.
The pilot study began with three purposes and three questions. Heading
into the next study, some answers, and many more questions, have been

7. Main Study: Phase 1

The pilot study was able to significantly reduce the size of the project’s
variable matrix from 7×6×2×2 (168 treatments) to 3×6×2×2 (72 treatments).
Additionally the results from the pilot, though not conclusive, do suggest a range
of interest for the variable delay time, which could further reduce the size of the
matrix to 3×3×2×2 (36 treatments). Finally, the results from the pilot suggest that
it may be possible to reduce testing time by reducing the number of MRT word
lists needed to evaluate each treatment.
36 treatments would be a manageable set of stimuli if the number of
required word lists were reduced. However, suggestions are not conclusions and,
at this point, it has not been conclusively shown that it would be appropriate to
carry out the requisite reductions in the treatment matrix. Though it is an
improvement over the size of the original treatment matrix, 72 treatments remains
a prohibitively large number of stimuli to attempt conclusive subjective
evaluation. It is clear that further reduction is necessary.
This first phase of the main study will serve as an intermediary stage
between the pilot study and the second phase of the main study. It could be
considered a method of successive approximation: Each study in this project
seeks to evaluate hypotheses and facilitate greater clarity and statistical strength in
subsequent studies. Casting a less broad net over the variable treatments, the
main goal of this phase would therefore be the further reduction of the number of
variable treatments such that the size of the treatment matrix used in the second
phase would be manageable.
This first phase of the main study would have 4 main points:
1) Attempt to further reduce the number of treatments of interest
2) Determine if the effects of delay time values in the region less than 20
ms are still found insignificant with a larger test group.
3) Test the validity of using only one MRT word list per treatment
4) Evaluate hypotheses

7.1 Hypotheses

The number of subjects used in this study would be substantially larger

than that used in the pilot study. As such the results would have a greater
potential to determine the significance (or lack thereof) of effects of the
experimental variables on the dependent variable intelligibility score.
The effects of delay time remain of particular interest and, as such, will be
examined here. Also, given the greater number of subjects, it may be possible to
see significance in interaction effects between delay time and the variables SNR
and array type.
The question remains whether array type itself has an effect on
intelligibility scores. Given the results from previous research [74, 163], it is
expected that a significant effect will be noticed. Further, inclusion of a null
hypothesis regarding array type could function as a dummy hypothesis to test the
validity of the experimental design. For this same reason, a null hypothesis
regarding the effect of SNR will also be included.
The resulting hypotheses were as follows:
Ho1: A delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
Ho2: Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Ho3: Array geometry does not affect the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Ho4: (interaction) Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Ho5: (interaction) Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect how array
geometry affects the intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound

Ho6: (interaction) Array geometry does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.

7.2 Study Design

As mentioned, conclusions from the previous study suggest that the

incorporation of more subjects into the design of the current study could yield
better resolution in the investigation of the effects of delay time.
The results of the previous study suggest that the variable delay time
begins to have a significant effect on intelligibility scores in the range between 20
ms and 40 ms. As was seen in the studies by Teuber and Völker and Peutz [144,
170], electronic estimation methods indicate that the degree of impairment to
intelligibility due to multiple arrivals is directly related, up to a point, to the
amount of delay time between the arrivals. While results from these studies do
not suggest a point of critical significance, reductions in measured (via RaSTI)
speech transmission index and %ALcons in the region do suggest that it is possible
for delay time to have a significant effect in the range less than 20 ms. In the
combined effort to evaluate the first hypothesis and reduce the size of the variable
treatment matrix, it was decided to focus on the region between 0 ms and 10 ms.
The 40 ms variable value was also included to verify the results of the pilot study;
that the point of critical significance is found in the region less than 40 ms.
Following the recommendations of the pilot study, SNR variable values
would be confined to the region between 0 dB and 6 dB, and should include at
least two values, such that the study of interactions would be possible. As such,
two values (0 dB and 6 dB) were chosen for this study. As recommended in
chapter 6.8.1, all of the noise recordings used to manufacture SNR values were
taken from those recorded at the manikin-center recording position.
Both types of array geometry would be studied. While investigating the
first-order effect of array type on intelligibility could be deemed a trivial pursuit,
the retention of both types in the study will allow for several investigations.
Acknowledging the differences mentioned in chapter 3.2.2, if the horizontal and

vertical array types are sufficiently analogous to 2-channel and 5.1-channel

reproduction systems (respectively), it is reasonable to expect that intelligibility
scores will be higher for the vertical array geometry. Analysis of the first-order
effect could therefore provide insight as to the successfulness of this study’s
design. Such analysis could also serve to clarify the degree of uncertainty
injected into results of the pilot study due to the use of two different noise sets.
Additionally, examination of the two-way effect of array type × delay time could
yield further insight into the role of the complex variable array type.
As can be seen from table 7.1, the design of this study would employ a
4x2x2 matrix of variable treatments containing 16 total treatments. The
presentation order of the variable treatments was randomized for each of the
subjects using the Matlab function “randperm”. For each of these 400 variable
treatment presentations (16 treatments by 25 subjects), an MRT word list was
randomly assigned using the Matlab function “randi”, which generates pseudo-
random integers from a uniform discrete distribution [121].
Delay Time (ms) 0 5 10 40
Approx. SNR (dB) 6 0
Array Geometry Vert Hor
Table 7.1 Variable values used in the first phase of the main study.

7.3 Equipment

As with the pilot study, subjects would evaluate binaural recordings via
headphone display. The audio playback equipment used in the current study
includes an IBM Lenovo S10 Ideapad (PC-based) netbook computer, Lexicon
Lambda USB audio interface and Sennheiser HD-650 circum-aural headphones.
All audio files had a resolution of 44.1 kHz, 16 bit.
The level of playback was calibrated using a hand-held sound level meter
(IEC 651 Type II). The meter was attached to a 6 cc coupler to approximate ear
canal effects, and positioned on the left headphone using a flat-plate coupler.
Playback level was adjusted at the audio interface such that playback of a
stimulus set which contained the loudest noise level used in this study (SNR = 0

dB) would produce a measured result of 80 dB SPL (C-weighted, slow integration)

– the level of the original sound field, as recorded in the original acoustical
environment. If it was necessary to perform a hearing acuity test on a subject (as
was done during each subject’s first listening session), level calibration for the
playback software was performed after the completion of the acuity test.
A program, including graphical user interface (GUI), was written using
Matlab (see figure 7.1). Subjects would enter their user number and the test
number (1–16) in the main Matlab window, initiating the test and launching the
GUI. In contrast to the testing method employed for the pilot study, the program
would allow subjects to evaluate stimuli at a pace determined by the subject. A
Subject would press the “PLAY” button, listen to the stimulus, and then attempt
to identify the target word from the ensemble of six possible choices. The
program would only allow an individual stimulus file to be played once.

Figure 7.1 Graphical user interface for the associated program

(“Loki3”) used for electronic presentation of stimuli and
recording of subject responses.

7.4 Subjects

This study used 25 native English-speaking subjects, 10 male and 15

female, ranging from 19 to 39 years of age. In terms of familiarity with the field
of audio engineering, 3 subjects were professionals in the field, 8 were students
and 14 indicated no experience with the discipline. Two of the subjects had
participated in the pilot study. All subjects were verified to have unimpaired
hearing (re: 25 dB HL at octave frequencies from 250 Hz to 8 kHz) through the
administration of hearing acuity tests [62]. Subjects were compensated $5 USD
for each listening session.

7.5 Locations

Listening tests were conducted at two locations. For the first 14 subjects,
the location used was the Sound Design Studio at the College Conservatory of
Music, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA. For the remainder of the subjects,
tests were carried out during off-hours in the main backstage area of the Norton
Opera Hall at the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY, USA. Both spaces
were found to have background noise levels corresponding to NC-30 or less [82]
when measured (see chapter 3.1.2 for measurement equipment specifications).

7.6 Procedures

All 25 of the subjects evaluated one MRT word list for each of the 16
variable treatments. For each subject, this was completed in two sessions, each
session containing 8 stimulus sets and taking approximately 36 minutes (45
minutes including breaks) to complete. At the beginning of each subject’s first
session, a hearing acuity test was administered to verify that the subject did not
have a hearing impairment. Each subject was then given written and oral
instructions regarding the types of sounds they would be evaluating, operation of
the playback device and the method of response (see appendix H for instructions).

The subject would then undergo a training process to become familiarized

with the stimuli and testing procedures. The training used for this study involved
the evaluation of 4 stimulus sets comprised of: List A delivered under variable
treatment 1 (0 ms, 6 dB, Vertical Array), list D under treatment 4 (40 ms, 6 dB,
Vertical Array) and list F under treatments 9 (0 ms, 6 dB, Horizontal) and 16 (40
ms, 0 dB, Horizontal). This training set provided subjects with the opportunity to
hear all of the individual words that would be presented, and experience the
magnitude of the differences between auditory attributes of the various treatments
to be used in the study.
Once the training process was complete, the test administrator spoke with
the subject to verify that they understood the instructions and operation of the
apparatus, and to remind the subject of the importance of taking breaks to
minimize fatigue and distraction. Acknowledging the pilot study’s
recommendation, a fixed policy regarding the spacing of breaks was implemented
for this study. The subject was instructed that, while they were free to pause
during the testing process at any point, they would be required to take a 1- to 2-
minute break after the completion of every two 50-word sets (approximately
every 8‒10 minutes).
The subject then began the first session of stimulus evaluation. At the
completion of the listening session, the subject was debriefed to determine if they
had any concerns about the testing procedure and if they had experienced any
perceived hazards or issues with the testing apparatus. The only issue, noted by
one subject, was in regard to the uncomfortable size of the “travel mouse” which
was connected to the netbook.
The subject was then presented with the post-session oral script document,
and their next session was scheduled (see appendix I for document). The second
listening session proceeded in the same manner as the initial session. However, if
the time between an individual subjects’ sessions was less than 48 hours, the
subject was not required to complete the training process before beginning the
second session.

7.7 Results & Analysis

Results of the listening tests were stored by the test software, scored as the
number of correct responses out of 50. As was the case in the previous study, the
results were adjusted to account for the probability of chance-guessing using the
following equation:
Correct Responses – Incorrect Responses
Adjusted Score (Ra) = (Eq. 7.1)
Number of Choices – 1

The range of Ra would therefore be: −10 ≤ Ra ≤ 10

7.7.1 Defining Exclusionary Criteria

Figure 7.2 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score (full data set)

Figure 7.2 shows the range and general distribution of the adjusted scores
obtained from all subjects for all treatments used in this study. Identified in the
plot are three outliers, falling more than 1.5 times the box length from the 25th

percentile. While outliers are not uncommon, it is important to ascertain the

cause of detected outliers prior to commencing a full statistical analysis. As is
noted, the three outliers are found at data points 104, 107 and 111. All three of
these points are found in the results of subject number seven.
Examination of the range and distribution of results from all individual
subjects (figure 7.3) reveals abnormally wide variance in the results for subject
seven. As subject seven was not available for interview at the time of the analysis,
the author was unable to determine the underlying cause of this variance.
However, prior to the first listening session, subject seven had asked whether
problems with maintaining attention would be cause for exclusion from the study.
Though at the time the principal investigator did not exclude the subject from the
study, the data seems to indicate that exclusion may be prudent prior to analysis.
Not only is there wide variance in the subject’s scores, but it can also be seen that
the median of these scores is below the 25th percentile of any other subject.

Figure 7.3 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. subject (full data

As it was not possible to definitively determine the causes of the variance

or low scores, two sets of analyses were performed as recommended in [14]. The
results from both sets are quite similar, with only minor changes in statistical
strength and significance between. As such, the results from the data set that
excludes subject seven will be reported in detail (Strat_7 data set); though
differences between the two sets of results will be noted in the text. Results from
further stratification of the Strat_7 data set, for array type and SNR, will also be

7.7.2 Homogeneity of Variance

Figures 7.4 and 7.5 show the histogram and detrended Q-Q plot for the
full set of data. As was the case in the pilot study, the data does not conform to a
normal distribution. This conclusion is confirmed by the results of two tests for
the homogeneity of variance (Table 7.2) as, for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and

Figure 7.4 Histogram of adjusted score (Strat_7 data set)


Shapiro-Wilk tests, a high significance value would indicate normality while a

low value (e.g. p < 0.001) indicates a non-normal distribution.

Figure 7.5 Detrended normal Q-Q plot of adjusted score (Strat_7 data


Data Set
Stat. Sig. Stat. Sig.
Original 0.104 < 0.001 0.962 < 0.001
Strat_7 0.102 < 0.001 0.969 < 0.001
Strat_7-Vert 0.094 < 0.001 0.968 < 0.001
Strat_7-Hor 0.111 < 0.001 0.959 < 0.001
Strat_7-SNR0 0.085 0.002 0.978 0.004
Strat_7-SNR6 0.012 < 0.001 0.946 < 0.001
Table 7.2 Tests for homogeneity of variance for the six data sets:
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk statistics

It is clear that none of these data sets is normally distributed. As such,

statistical analysis using non-parametric tests is indicated. The Kruskal-Wallis
test will therefore be used, though the results of ANOVA will also be included.

Additionally the author has been made aware of, and will thus employ, a form of
log-linear analysis called multiway contingency tables analysis (MCTA) [120,
165, 180].

7.7.3 Analysis of Strat_7 Data Set

The results of the first order analysis of the Strat_7 data are shown in
Table 7.3. Subject is once again, and unsurprisingly, found to have an effect on
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Subject 4.811 < 0.001 89.946 < 0.001
Delay Time
4.326 0.005 11.329 0.010
(0 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.565 0.569 1.094 0.579
(0 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
9.239 0.003 7.747 0.005
(10 – 40 ms)
Array Type 3.789 0.052 3.488 0.062
SNR 156.175 < 0.001 119.157 < 0.001
Table 7.3 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of experimental variables on adjusted score (Strat_7
data set)

Also, the variable SNR shows high strength and significance. As the first
order effect of SNR was included as a dummy variable, to check the function of
the experiment, confidence in the testing methodology and execution is raised.
The first order effect of array type was also included as a dummy variable.
Though the box plot (figure 7.6) of adjusted score vs. array type does indicate
some difference between the two arrays, results from this initial analysis of the
effect of array type do not quite meet the standard for sufficient statistical
significance (p = 0.062 > 0.05). 12 It is possible that said effect may become
significant when further stratified data sets are analyzed.

For the analysis of the data set that included subject seven, both the ANOVA
and Kruskal-Wallis tests found array type to be a significant variable (p = 0.044
and 0.043 respectively))

Figure 7.6 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type
(Strat_7 data set)

Delay time is seen to have a significant effect for the ranges of 0 ms–40
ms and 10 ms–40 ms, however no significant effect is found in the range 0 ms–10
ms. As can be seen in figure 7.7, the results for delay times of 0 ms and 5 ms are
nearly identical. The results for the 10 ms treatments show a slight reduction in
overall variance, though the median value is lower than those found for the 0 ms
and 5 ms treatments.
As seen in table 7.4, neither strength nor significance is found for
any of the three 2-way interactions. It was suggested in chapter 6.7.2 that the
acquisition of more data points could possibly reveal significant interaction
effects, however 24 points per treatment (as opposed to twelve) has not yielded
further clarity.

Figure 7.7 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time
(Strat_7 data set)

F-Stat Sig.
0.592 0.621
Delay Time
Delay Time ×
1.776 0.151
Array Type
2.582 0.109
Array Type
Table 7.4 Results of ANOVA for second-order effects of
experimental variables on adjusted score (Strat_7 data set)

7.7.4 Stratification by SNR

The work of Lochner and Burger [107] showed that the effects of rollover
interact with SNR (see chapter 2.1.1). Also, the work of Steeneken and Houtgast
[167], with regard to the measured effects of delay and SNR on the MTF,
indicates that the effect of delay may be mitigated when higher SNR values are

used (see chapter 2.2.4). Based on the findings from these studies, and
considering the relative strength of the effect of SNR, it has been proposed by the
author that said effect could serve to obscure the effects of array type and delay
time. Thus the Strat_7 data set was further stratified by SNR into two data sets:
Strat_7-SNR6 and Strat_7-SNR0. The results of the analyses for these data sets
are shown in tables 7.5 and 7.6.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
3.354 0.070 3.000 0.068
(0 – 5 ms)
Delay Time
1.83 0.164 3.331 0.189
(0 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
4.599 0.004 14.821 0.002
(0 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.707 0.403 1.050 0.305
(5 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
7.373 0.001 14.974 0.001
(5 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
8.069 0.006 7.397 0.007
(10 – 40 ms)
Array Type 9.437 0.002 8.210 0.004
Table 7.5 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
delay time and array type on adjusted score (Strat_7-SNR6
data set)


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
0.014 0.907 0.066 0.797
(0 – 5 ms)
Delay Time
0.067 0.935 0.223 0.895
(0 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
2.656 0.05 6.819 0.078
(0 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.130 0.719 0.282 0.595
(5 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
03.550 0.031 6.055 0.048
(5 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
5.950 0.017 5.604 0.018
(10 – 40 ms)
Array Type 0.213 0.645 0.096 0.757
Table 7.6 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
delay time and array type on adjusted score (Strat_7-SNR0
data set)

The effect of delay time is more easily identified in the higher SNR
condition. Both strength and significance are increased for the 0 ms–40 ms, 5
ms‒40 ms and 10 ms–40 ms ranges. An illustration of these increases can be seen
in figure 7.8. For the 6 dB SNR data, a comparison of medians shows a
downward trend in intelligibility scores as delay time increases. This trend is not
seen for the 0 dB SNR data. 13

Figure 7.8 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time, by
SNR (Strat_7 data set)

It is possible that the addition of more data points could refine the results
for the lower SNR data, removing some degree of variance, thus revealing a
relationship between delay time and scores. However, as was noted in chapter 6.7,

The analysis of the data set that includes subject seven revealed that, for the
SNR0 condition, the only significant effect was delay time in the range 10 ms–40

variance generally increases as SNR decreases [156]. It is therefore conceivable

that the obfuscation of the effects of other variables is the result of the same
phenomenon that causes the inherent variance found in low SNR conditions. In
other words, with regard to speech intelligibility, it appears that the effects of
higher noise levels mask the effects of delayed multiple arrivals.

Figure 7.9 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type, by
SNR (Strat_7 data set)

A similar trend is found to exist for the effects of array type, shown in
figure 7.9. Contrary to the results from the analysis for the full Strat_7 data set,
array type is seen to have a clear effect at the higher SNR condition (χ² = 8.210, p
= 0.004). From a review of the works of Holman [74] and Shirley et al. [162,
163], it was anticipated that the scores obtained from the vertical array type would
be higher. Of particular interest in these results is that, while the scores for the
vertical array are higher for the 6 dB SNR, there is no distinguishable difference

in scores for the 0 dB SNR. These results would suggest that the gains in
intelligibility usually afforded by the use of a center channel are reduced if not
negated by the presence of higher noise levels.

7.7.5 Stratification by Array Type

The results of the various two-way ANOVA tests for the complete Strat_7
data set did not reveal significant interactions between variables. However, as
seen in the previous section, it can be possible to divine knowledge of variable
relationships through stratification of the data set by a single variable.
The Strat_7 data set was again divided into two data sets, this time
according to array type: Strat_7-Vert and Strat_7-Hor. Tables 7.7 and 7.8 show
the results of analyses carried out on these two data sets.
First, one can see that the strength of the effect of SNR is greater for the
vertical array. This is in agreement with the results from the previous section,
shown in figure 7.9.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
3.565 0.062 3.292 0.070
(0 – 5 ms)
Delay Time
1.842 0.162 3.142 0.208
(0 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
1.931 0.126 5.182 0.159
(0 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.735 0.394 0.749 0.387
(5 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
2.312 0.103 4.242 0.120
(5 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
1.635 0.204 1.286 0.257
(10 – 40 ms)
SNR 107.941 < 0.001 72.526 < 0.001
Table 7.7 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
delay time and SNR on adjusted score (Strat_7-Vert data


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
0.308 0.058 0.147 0.702
(0 – 5 ms)
Delay Time
0.229 0.796 0.222 0.895
(0 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
4.144 0.007 10.031 0.018
(0 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.346 0.558 0.186 0.666
(5 – 10 ms)
Delay Time
4.951 0.008 8.484 0.014
(5 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
9.189 0.003 8.084 0.004
(10 – 40 ms)
SNR 56.628 < 0.001 48.420 < 0.001
Table 7.8 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
delay time and SNR on adjusted score (Strat_7-Hor data set)

From these results it would appear that delay time does not have a
significant effect on intelligibility scores for the vertical array configuration.
Results for the horizontal configuration, on the other hand, indicate that there are
significant differences in scores for the delay time ranges of 0 ms–40 ms, 5 ms–40
ms and 10 ms–40 ms.
A graphical comparison of the intelligibility scores from both arrays is
shown in figure 7.10. There appears to be good agreement between the scores for
both array types for the 0 ms and 5 ms conditions. At 40 ms it is clear that there
is a difference in scores for the two arrays. While the statistical analysis of the
effect of the 5 ms–10 ms delay range for the horizontal array did not show
significance (χ² = 0.186, p = 0.666), an inference could be made from the plot. It
appears that the separate effects of delay time on the two arrays begin to diverge
for delay times greater than 5 ms, with effects becoming significant somewhere
between 10 ms and 40 ms.
These results are surprising. The experiments reported by Haas [67]
indicates that the critical delay difference, required for an echo to disturb listening,
increases as the angle of echo incidence deviates from front/center. While the
vertical array configuration does employ a loudspeaker located at an elevated
angle, Haas’ results indicate that elevation has less impact on lengthening the

critical delay difference than lateral angular-offset. As such, one would expect to
see the scores for the vertical array decline before those from the horizontal array.

Figure 7.10 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time, by
array type (Strat_7 data set)

One possible explanation for this disparity lies in the difference between
the goals of the studies of Haas and the current research project. The
investigation of echo detection/disturbance is not the same as the investigation of
intelligibility. As mentioned in chapters 2.1.1 and, there is debate
surrounding the relationship between the fusion (post-masking) of early
reflections and intelligibility. The results of the current study would seem to
agree with other researchers [41, 111] indicating that fusion plays different roles
for echo perception and intelligibility.
Another possible explanation, along the same lines, has to do with the fact
that the current study does not focus explicitly on angle of incidence; rather it

examines two different types of arrays – each differing in orientation and focus.
Rather than being purely an issue of monaural vs. binaural hearing, it is equally
likely that the observed effect of array type may indicate a difference in the
compound effect that also includes effects from array orientation and focus. This
is an area of interest for further study.
Also, based on the work of Mochimaru [130] and others [11, 41, 170], it is
unlikely that delay time would have no significant effect for the vertical array
type. What is more likely is that the effect of delay time is stronger for the
horizontal geometry, and that tests on the data from this study were merely unable
to find significance for the less-strong effect in the vertical geometry.

7.7.6 Multiway Contingency Tables Analysis (MCTA)

MCTA is a form of log-linear analysis commonly used with categorical

variables. As the name would suggest, MCTA is a method for analyzing
relationships between multiple independent and dependent variables, wherein the
variables are organized into a categorical table and the results can be expressed in
terms of frequencies (e.g. times passed vs. failed). Though similar in principle to
the χ²-test for association, which is often performed on two-way contingency
tables (i.e. a 2-by-2 square), MCTA is capable of handling the analysis of larger
contingency tables [165, 180].
The goal of MCTA is to form a model that predicts variance in the results
using the least number of factors. Starting with the highest order factor (e.g. a 4-
way interaction), and working backward through the hierarchy of lower-order
factors, the MCTA process eliminates factors that do not have a significant effect
on the model’s prediction accuracy. For the example of a 4-way contingency
table, the process removes the 4-way interaction from the model and tests to see
whether a significant change is seen in the accuracy of prediction. If the 4-way
interaction were found to be significant it would be retained in the model,
otherwise it would be removed from the model and the process would then
examine the significance of the four 3-way effects. The backward iteration

repeats until no factors can be removed without affecting the prediction accuracy
of the model. The remaining factors are referred to as the generating class.
For the current study, the MCTA would contain one 4-way contingency
table including array type, SNR, delay time and “pass/fail”. Several 3-way tables
were also constructed using the four stratified data sets (by SNR and by array type)
previously mentioned. An example of a 3-way contingency table is shown in
table 7.9. Note that all independent variables have been converted in to
categorical form.
Array Type SNR Delay Time Pass / Fail Frequency
Vert = 1, SNR0 = 1 0 ms = 1 Fail = 1
Hor = 2 SNR6 = 2 5 ms = 2 Pass = 2
10 ms = 3
40 ms = 4
1 2 1 1 12
1 2 1 2 13
1 2 2 1 6
1 2 2 2 19
1 2 3 1 7
1 2 3 2 18
1 2 4 1 11
1 2 4 2 14
2 2 1 1 12
2 2 1 2 13
2 2 2 1 7
2 2 2 2 18
2 2 3 1 11
2 2 3 2 14
2 2 4 1 20
2 2 4 2 5
Table 7.9 Multiway contingency table for Strat_7-SNR6 data set,
pass criterion: adjusted score ≥ 8 (90%)

In order for MCTA to be possible, the scalar result data from this study
would need to be transformed into categorical frequency data. In order to do this,
a pass/fail criterion must be set. Additional restrictions of MCTA dictate that the
choice of this criterion must result in no frequencies being less than one, and not
more than 20% of frequencies should be less than 5. Analysis of adjusted score
by treatment revealed that scores of 7.6 (88% correct) and 8 (90% correct) would

fulfill these requirements. Analysis was performed using both of these criteria
and results are reported in table 7.10.
MCTA of the Strat_7 data set, using the 88% criterion, did not reveal any
significant effects aside from the first-order effect of the dummy variable SNR. 14
Analysis of the SNR-stratified data sets (Strat_7-SNR0 and Strat_7-SNR6)
revealed that array type was removed from the model early in the process for the
SNR0 set, yet was included in the generating class for the SNR6 data set. This
result is in agreement with the results of the parametric and non-parametric tests
detailed in tables 7.5 and 7.6 and figure 7.9. The results of MCTA (88%) on the
array-stratified data determined that SNR was the only effect in the generating
class for the vertical array type, while SNR and delay time composed the
generating class for the horizontal array type. These results are also in accord
with the results from parametric and non-parametric tests (shown in tables 7.7 and
7.8 and figure 7.10).
Data Set 88% Crit. 90% Crit.
Strat_7 SNR
Delay Time
Strat_7-SNR0 None None
Delay Time
Strat_7-SNR6 Array Type
Array Type
Strat_7-Vert SNR SNR
Delay Time Delay Time
Table 7.10 Results showing generating class for MCTA using 88% and
90% pass criteria

Using the 90% pass criterion, MCTA of the full Strat_7 data set revealed
that both SNR and delay time compose the generating class. Analysis of the two
SNR-stratified data sets revealed that delay time and array type were significant
for the SNR6 condition but not for SNR0. Analysis of the array-stratified data
sets found delay time significant for the horizontal but not vertical array type.
The use of the two different pass criteria has shown that the choice of the
criterion point has an effect of the sensitivity of the MCTA test. The specific

For all MCTA tests, the maximum number of iterations was set to 10 and the
criterion for significance was set to 0.05.

implications of these differences are unclear (e.g. whether delay time alone is
incapable of reducing scores below 88%). What is clear is that the results of the
90% pass criterion tests are in agreement with the results found earlier in this
chapter, namely: 1) Delay time and array type are significant effects, though
these effects are reduced / obscured at low SNR levels, and 2) delay time is found
to have a significant effect for the horizontal array geometry.

7.8 Discussion

When compared to the results of the pilot study, it can be seen that the
increase in size of the subject population has led to greater statistical strength and
significance in the results of the current study. The increased number of data
points has also allowed for significant results to be found in stratified analyses.
In addition to evaluating the first- and second-order effects of the
experimental variables, it was also of interest to evaluate the effects of potential
nuisance variables.

7.8.1 Training & Effects of Presentation Order

As was the case with the pilot study, it was desired to know whether
subjects received a sufficient amount of training prior to beginning the battery of
subjective evaluations. Considering that the presentation order of variable
treatments was randomized for each subject, if the analysis of the effects of
presentation order on scores were to reveal an improvement in subject
performance, this would be an indication of learning. As mentioned in chapter
6.8.2, learning during the first few sessions would indicate inadequate training,
and learning over the course of all 16 sessions could indicate that an insufficient
number of word lists were used. The results of this analysis are shown in table
7.11 and figure 7.11.
Inspection of the plot reveals no trend over the entire span of sessions.
However there is a slight upward trend in medians for the first three sessions,
suggesting that learning may be present over the short term. One might also infer

some degree of a decrease in variance beyond session number nine, which could
be an additional indicator of the quality and sufficiency of subject training.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Order (all) 0.939 0.521 13.004 0.602
Order (1-4) 0.614 0.608 1.574 0.665
Table 7.11 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
presentation order on adjusted scores (Strat_7 data set)

Figure 7.11 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. presentation
order (Strat_7 data set)

Through examination of results of statistical tests (shown in table 7.11), it

is clear that there is not sufficient evidence to indicate that learning, whether short
or long term, was a factor in this study. This analysis was also performed for
presentation order ranges of Order(1-8), Order(1-3), Order(1-2) and Order(9-16)
yielding similarly insignificant results.

7.8.2 The Effects of Word List

As mentioned previously, it was desired to study whether the choice of

word list would have an effect on scores, as this could affect large reductions in
testing time and cost. Results from the pilot study in this regard were
inconclusive however the results from the current study are not.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Word List 9.879 < 0.001 20.213 < 0.001
Table 7.12 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
word list on adjusted scores (Strat_7 data set)

Figure 7.12 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. word list
(Strat_7 data set)

As seen in table 7.12, there is little doubt that word list does indeed have
an effect. Specifically, as seen in figure 7.12, though the results from lists two
and three (MRT lists D and F, respectively) appear quite similar, there is a clear
difference between those and the results from list one (MRT list A). This result is

curious considering that studies noted in the literature have used reduced sets of
word lists (e.g. [9, 73, 122, 123]) or assigned different word lists to different
treatments (e.g. [21, 95, 99, 136, 138]).
Inspection of the matrix of subject responses showed that subjects
consistently selected the incorrect response for word number 48 in list A. The
correct word “BAT” was mistaken for the word “BATH” - the correct answer for
list 3 (MRT list F). The author listened to the two sound files used to create these
stimuli and indeed, even with no added noise, the two words were virtually
indistinguishable. As it was possible, though unlikely, that an error was made
during stimulus preparation, a visual inspection of the two waveforms and
spectrographs was performed on samples from the same treatment, verifying that
the two words were indeed different.
On the adjusted score scale (-10 ≤ Ra ≤ 10), each word missed
corresponds to a 0.4 point drop in score. Such a drop, as would be found when
subjects routinely miss the word bat, could account for the differences in scores
seen between word list number one and the other two lists. From the analysis, it
is evident that the assignment of different word lists to different treatments
constituted an insufficiently controlled variable or, at best, imbued the additional
error associated with a fractional factorial design. Thus, unfortunately, future
studies should employ a fully populated word list by treatment matrix.
The question remains as to the validity of the results of the current study.
As Bech and Zacharov explain, the lack of control of a variable constitutes a
disturbing (or nuisance) variable [14]. They state that the method for dealing with
such variables it either to control them or employ randomization that will break
relationships between the nuisance variable and independent variables. They
further state that such randomization increases a statistical model’s error
component and/or residual variance.
As mentioned, for this study word lists were randomly assigned to
treatments for each subject, using a uniform distribution. Thus any increase in
error and/or variance due to the difference between word lists would be spread

across all treatments. Even so, an attempt at post-hoc control of this nuisance
variable is mandated if one is to have faith in the results of the study.
The offending data, word number 48, was censored from the results of all
word lists and the full statistical analysis presented in this chapter was repeated.
The data resulting from the removal of the 48th word contained 49 words each,
and were thus identified with the marker “49w” – compared to the original 50
word (“50w”) data.

Figure 7.13 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. word list
(Strat_7, 49w data set)

Figure 7.13 shows the box and whisker plot of the effect of word list for
the 49w data set. It would appear that the censoring of the results for the 48th
word in all data effectively compensates for the differences observed between
word lists, given that the means for the three word lists are now identical. The
results shown in table 7.13 confirm that the effects of word list are no longer
found to be significant. Differences do exist in result variances between the three
word lists and, as the statistical strength and confidence are not negligible (χ² =

4.625, p = 0.099), word list could still be viewed as an insufficiently controlled

nuisance variable. This should be taken into account in further studies.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Word List 1.926 0.147 4.625 0.099
Table 7.13 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
word list on adjusted scores (Strat_7, 49w data set)

Aside from the effects of word list, the majority of results obtained did not
differ between the 50w and 49w data sets in the current study. For effects that
were found to be significant with the 50w data set, the removal of the residual
variance caused by the 48th word merely increased the statistical strength and
confidence. 15 For most of the effects that were not found significant in the
analysis of the 50w data set, the same was found for the 49w data set. Two
notable exceptions to this were the effect of array type for the Strat_7 data set and
the effect of delay time (0 ms–5 ms) in the Strat_7-Vert data set.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Array Type
3.789 0.052 3.488 0.062
Array Type
6.365 0.012 6.323 0.012
Table 7.14 Differences between statistics for array type between the
50w and 49w data sets (Strat_7 data set)

As seen in table 7.14, the effect of array type is found to be significant in

the results of the 49w data set. While this result is different from that obtained
through analysis of the 50w data set, it is not entirely surprising. As noted in
chapter 7.7.4, it is known from the works of Holman [74] and Shirley et al. [162,
163] that the scores obtained from the vertical array type should be higher than
those for the horizontal array type. The statistics obtained for the 50w data set
suggest that an effect is present, though the absolute confidence criterion (5%)
was not met. It is clear that the reduction of the error component due to the

For example, the analysis of the full data set revealed that the statistics for delay
time (10 ms–40 ms) shifted from χ² = 7.877, p = 0.005 (50w) to χ² = 9.121, p =
0.003 (49w).

nuisance variable has increased the clarity of the statistical test, rendering a
clearly significant effect where borderline significance was previously found.
Likewise, the reduction in residual variance has yielded significance
regarding the effect of short delay times. As seen in table 7.15, there is sufficient
evidence to conclude that there is a difference between scores for the 0 ms and 5
ms conditions for the vertical array type.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
(0 – 5 ms) 3.565 0.062 3.292 0.070
Delay Time
(0 – 5 ms) 4.007 0.048 3.925 0.048
Table 7.15 Differences between statistics for 0 ms–5 ms delay times
between the 50w and 49w data sets (Strat_7-Vert data set)

7.8.3 Very Short Delay Times

It can be seen in figure 7.10 that scores are generally lower for the 0ms
condition than for the 5 ms condition. What is interesting is that these differences
are only found to be significant for the vertical array type. In fact, as shown in
table 7.16, it would appear that this effect is completely negligible for the
horizontal array type.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
(0 – 5 ms) 0.058 0.810 0.005 0.941
Delay Time
(0 – 5 ms) 4.007 0.048 3.925 0.048
Table 7.16 Differences between statistics for 0 ms–5 ms delay times
between the Strat_7-Hor and Strat_7-Vert sets (49w data

This result, a difference in scores between the 0 ms and 5 ms delay times,

was wholly unexpected and sparked a thorough review of the research project. It

was discovered that an endemic calibration error was made during the stimulus
capture process. As seen in figure 3.8 (chapter 3.3), the calibration microphone
used for time alignment was placed just above the head of KEMAR. While this
would not affect the time alignment of loudspeakers in the horizontal array
geometry, it would affect alignment for the vertical array.
The difference in distance between the source and receiver would be
different for the measurement microphone and KEMAR’s ears. The distances
between the source and the two receivers would be approximately equal for the
front-fill loudspeaker, however the distance to the main loudspeaker (Meyer
UPA-1p) would be approximately 10 cm (≈ 0.3 ms travel time) shorter for the
case of the measurement microphone. Thus for the 0 ms condition, the
summation of the signals from the main and fill loudspeakers at the ears would
actually have a 0.3 ms offset, resulting in a ½ λ notch near 1.6 kHz, 3/2 λ notch at
4.8 kHz, 5/2 λ notch at 8 kHz, etc.
It is somewhat unfortunate that this error makes it impossible to determine
whether there would be a significant difference in intelligibility scores between
the 0 ms and 5 ms conditions for the vertical array type. However, if a fortuitous
error is indeed possible, this may have been just such a folly. Based on previous
studies and personal communicae, it was never anticipated that a 5 ms offset in
arrivals would have a significant impact on intelligibility [11, 28, 131, 125, 144].
As mentioned in chapter 2.2.3, the two popular methods for loudspeaker
alignment are absolute alignment and intentional misalignment. What the results
found in this study indicate is that, at least for vertically oriented point-destination
arrays, very short delay times (e.g. 0.3 ms) do indeed have a greater negative
impact on intelligibility than only moderately short (e.g. 5 ms) delay times. These
subjective results confirm the findings of C. Davis [39] that were obtained
through objective (RaSTI and %ALcons) methods. Coincidently, the calibration
error found in this study corresponds to the exact delay offset used by Davis.

7.9 Conclusions

As with the pilot study, this first phase of the main study had several main
points, including the evaluation of a variety of hypotheses. This section will
address these questions and tasks, as well as indications of possible directions for
the final phase of the main study.

7.9.1 Hypotheses

Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
From the results of both parametric and non-parametric tests, there is
sufficient evidence to reject this null hypothesis. The results indicate that the
variable delay time does have a significant effect on intelligibility scores. The
tests indicate that this variable begins to have an effect somewhere in the region
between 10 ms and 40 ms. The tests further indicate that the effects of very short
delay times also have a negative impact on intelligibility scores.

Ho2: Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect the intelligibility of speech

reproduced by a sound system.
As mentioned, SNR has a well known effect on intelligibility scores. The
results found in this study concur, allowing for the clear rejection of this null

Ho3: Array geometry does not affect the intelligibility of speech

reproduced by a sound system.
For the data set including subject number seven, results of parametric and
non-parametric test indicate that there is sufficient evidence to reject this null
hypothesis. When the data from the 48th word in each word list is censored, the
results from the Strat_7 data set also substantiate the rejection of the null
hypothesis for this first-order effect.

Ho4: (interaction) Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
The second-order ANOVA results do not indicate that an interaction effect
exists between SNR and delay time. However independent analysis of the two
SNR-stratified data sets reveals that an interaction does exist. It was observed
that higher noise levels (lower SNR) obscure much of the effect of delay time on
intelligibility. The results found in this study provide sufficient evidence to reject
this null hypothesis.

Ho5: (interaction) Signal-to-noise ratio does not affect how array

geometry affects the intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound
The second-order ANOVA results do not indicate that an interaction effect
exists between SNR and array type. Again, through stratification by SNR, it was
found that there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. The effects of
array type on intelligibility scores is clearly diminished for lower SNR’s.

Ho6: (interaction) Array geometry does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
Once again, the second-order ANOVA was unable to detect an interaction.
Through stratification by array type, it was found that the effect of longer delay
times on intelligibility is greater for the horizontal array geometry. This result
differs from the suggested, though not significant, trend seen in the pilot study.
The result also would seem to deviate from the expected, given the results of the
studies by Haas [67]. It was also seen that the effects of very short delay times
are also significant, at least for the vertical array geometry. Indubitably, this
relationship warrants additional investigation.

7.9.2 Main Points of this Study

1) Attempt to further reduce the number of treatments of interest

At this point, the first- and second-order effects involving SNR appear
well established. For further study it is recommended that only one SNR value be
used, thus removing one dimension from the variable treatment matrix. As the
effects of SNR appear strong enough to overwhelm the effect of the other
experimental variables, it is also recommended that this variable value be
excluded from future studies. From the set of three useful SNR values found in
the pilot study, the remaining two would be 6 dB and 3 dB. While it would likely
be easier to see other variable effects if the 6 dB value were to be used, use of the
3 dB value could provide additional data for use in a between-subjects/studies
Given the propensity for low SNR values to obscure the effects of other
variables, a greater number of subjects and/or data points will likely be required if
the 3 dB SNR is to be used in further studies.

2) Determine if the effects of delay time values in the region less than
20 ms are still insignificant with a larger test group.
It has been seen that delay time begins to have an effect somewhere in the
range between 10 ms and 40 ms. These results are in agreement with those of the
pilot study. It is clear that the 5 ms variable value can be excluded from further
study. It would however be useful to include the 30 ms value, as this would
provide increased time resolution for determining the amount of delay required to
affect intelligibility.
The effects of very short delay times (e.g. under 5 ms) remain of interest.
However, as stimuli for this range of delay times were not captured for this
research project, such effects can not be addressed at this time.

3) Test the validity of using only one MRT word list per treatment
Results indicate a clear difference between the scores obtained using MRT
list A and those obtained from using lists D and F. Analysis of the results from
each of these word lists indicated one possible source of variance. However as
not all of the variance can be accounted for, it is recommended that a full factorial
design (list by treatment) should be used in future studies in the interest of
controlling this potential nuisance variable.

4) Evaluate hypotheses
As can be seen in the previous section, all six of the hypotheses posed at
the beginning of this study have been evaluated, resulting in the discovery of
several interesting variable interactions.

7.9.3 Parting Thoughts

The original design of this research project included 168 possible

treatments. The pilot study was successful in reducing this number significantly.
The first phase of the main study has also been successful in that variable effects
and relationships have been identified and the number of variable treatments of
interest has been further reduced.
Several potential nuisance variables have been found insignificant. The
level of training provided for subjects continues to appear adequate. No signs of
learning are detected and the randomization of treatments would seem to prevent
any biases due to presentation sequence. One significant nuisance variable (word
list) has been identified. The control of this variable could lead to further
refinement of the experimental design as the research project progresses.
It has been determined that SNR does interact with both delay time and
array type. There are opportunities for further research into these interactions –
specifically, to determine the critical levels of SNR below which the effects of
other factors are masked.
It has also been determined that an interaction exists between array type
and delay time. This would be another area of interest in further research,

particularly as the results found were unexpected. In this arena, the question
arises regarding differences in the critical delay time required for each type of
array to produce a significantly adverse effect on intelligibility.
An additional avenue for potential future research would be to investigate
the extent to which a difference in intelligibility exists between the 0 ms and 5 ms
delay time conditions. It would appear that, as delay time increases from 0 ms, a
region of clear impairment exists, followed by a region of minimal impairment,
and followed by another region of clear impairment. As this relates directly to the
question of alignment vs. intentional misalignment of loudspeaker arrays, it seems
worthy of extended study.
At the end of this, the penultimate study, the ratio of questions answered
to new questions encountered has begun to tilt in the favor of the researcher.
While several questions remain, the final study will focus in one direction, leaving
many of these questions unaddressed.

8. Main Study: Phase 2

After the completion of the pilot study and Phase 1 of the main study, it
was clear that there were many potential avenues for further research. In the final
study of this research project, it was decided to follow one of these paths – the
investigation of the interaction between array type and delay time. By focusing
on fewer variable treatments, it would be possible to obtain a greater number of
data points per treatment using the same number of subjects, yielding greater
power in the statistical tests.
This second phase of the main study would have 2 main points:
1) Evaluate hypotheses
2) Identify potential future research questions that the current study would
be unable to address.

It was discovered during the first phase that an issue existed with one of
the words in word list number one. It should be noted that this issue was not
uncovered prior to the commencement of the current study. As such, analysis of
the data obtained in this study will include results for the censored (49w) data set,
denoting any differences found between the censored and non-censored data sets.

8.1 Hypotheses

In phase 2 of the main study, a further reduced set of variable treatments

was studied, testing two hypotheses.

Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
Employing a different range for the variable delay time, this hypothesis
will be tested. If the null hypothesis is rejected, it will allow for the determination
of the amount of delay required to affect a negative change in intelligibility.

Ho2: (interaction) Array geometry does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
If the first null hypothesis is again rejected, it will be possible for the
second hypothesis to be tested. Using the new range of delay times, this study
will attempt to confirm the findings of the first phase of the main study. Further,
this study will attempt to determine whether the amount of delay required to
affect a negative change in intelligibility differs by array type.

8.2 Study Design

As mentioned, conclusions from the previous study indicate the value of

employing a full factorial design with regard to word lists and treatments. Results
from the previous study also indicate that the effect of delay time becomes
significant somewhere in the range of 10 ms to 40 ms. Thus, values for the
variable delay time will span the range of 10 ms to 40 ms, in 10 ms increments.
As it is integral to the evaluation of the second null hypothesis, both
values of array geometry will be incorporated into the study.
It has been seen that the effects of delay time and array type are obscured
when lower SNR values are used. While this interaction would be of interest for
future studies, it was decided to employ only one SNR value for this study. As
recommended in the conclusions of the previous study, the 0 dB SNR value will
not be used. From the two values that remain, 6 dB and 3 dB, it was decided to
use the 3 dB SNR value. As the effects of the lower SNR could have a masking
effect on the effects of array type and delay time, it would be likely that a greater
number of subjects would be required to observe significant effects. However, as
the 3 dB SNR was not used in the previous study, the observation of results
similar to those found in the previous study could provide further validation of
findings. Additionally, it could be possible in future analysis to compare the
results from the current and previous studies in an attempt to garner a preliminary
understanding of the effects of SNR on the interaction between array type and
delay time.

The variable values to be used for this study are detailed in table 8.1.
These values form a 4×1×2 matrix of eight total treatments. As all subjects would
evaluate each treatment with each word list, the total number of evaluations (sets)
per subject would be 24. The presentation order of these sets was randomized for
each of the subjects using the Matlab function “randperm”.
Delay Time (ms) 10 20 30 40
Approx. SNR (dB) 3
Array Geometry Vert Hor
Table 8.1 Variable values used in the second phase of the main study.

8.3 Equipment

Once again, subjects would evaluate binaural recordings via headphone

display. The audio playback system used in the current study was the same as in
phase one: An IBM Lenovo S10 Ideapad (PC-based) netbook computer, Lexicon
Lambda USB audio interface and Sennheiser HD-650 circum-aural headphones.
All audio files had a resolution of 44.1 kHz, 16 bit.
The level of playback was calibrated using a hand-held sound level meter
(IEC 651 Type II). The meter was attached to a 6 cc coupler to approximate ear
canal effects, and positioned on the left headphone using a flat-plate coupler.
Playback level was adjusted at the Lambda such that playback of a stimulus set
used in this study (SNR = 3 dB) would produce a measured result of 77 dB SPL
(C-weighted, slow integration) when no speech signal was present. Again this
was the level of the original sound field, as recorded in the original acoustical
environment. If it was necessary to perform a hearing acuity test on a subject (as
was done during each subject’s first listening session), level calibration for the
playback software was performed after the completion of the acuity test.
A Matlab program, including graphical user interface (called Loki3), was
used for the administration of listening tests (see figure 7.1). As was the case in
the previous study, the program would allow subjects to evaluate stimuli at a pace
determined by the subject. A subject would press the “PLAY” button, listen to
the stimulus, and then attempt to identify the target word from the ensemble of six

possible choices. The program would only allow an individual stimulus file to be
played once.

8.4 Subjects

This study used 35 native English-speaking subjects, 25 male and 10

female, ranging from 19 to 37 years of age. In terms of familiarity with the field
of audio engineering, 2 subjects were audio professionals, 9 were students in the
field and 24 indicated no experience with the field (though some were
professional or amateur musicians). Four of the subjects had participated in the
previous study. All subjects were verified to have unimpaired hearing (re: 25 dB
HL at octave frequencies from 250 Hz to 8 kHz) through the administration of
hearing acuity tests [62]. Subjects were compensated $5 USD for each listening
Of all of the subjects that began the experiment, two of the subjects were
unable to complete the full three sessions. One subject was unable to schedule a
third session and the other opted not to continue citing unpleasant nausea resulting
from the listening sessions. In the interest of maintaining a full factorial design of
subject vs. treatment, the results from this study will include only the data from
the 33 subjects that completed all three listening sessions.

8.5 Locations

Listening tests were conducted at two locations. For the first 16 subjects,
the location used was the Sound Design Studio at the College Conservatory of
Music, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA. For the remainder of the subjects,
tests were carried out at a listening facility in Merriam, KS, USA. Both spaces
were found to have background noise levels corresponding to NC-30 or less [82]
when measured (see chapter 3.1.2 for measurement equipment specifications).

8.6 Procedures

All 33 of the subjects evaluated three MRT word lists for each of the 8
variable treatments. For each subject, this was completed in three sessions, each
session containing 8 stimulus sets and taking approximately 36 minutes (45
minutes including breaks) to complete. At the beginning of each subject’s first
session, a hearing acuity test was administered to verify that the subject did not
have a hearing impairment. Each subject was then given written and oral
instructions regarding the types of sounds they would be evaluating, operation of
the playback device and the method of response (see appendix H for instructions).
The subject would then undergo a training process to become familiarized
with the stimuli and testing procedures. The training used for this study involved
the evaluation of 4 stimulus sets comprised of: List A delivered under variable
treatment 1 (10 ms, Vertical Array), list D under treatment 4 (40 ms, Vertical
Array) and list F under treatments 5 (10 ms, Horizontal) and 8 (40 ms, Horizontal).
This training set provided subjects with the opportunity to hear all of the
individual words that would be presented, and experience the magnitude of the
differences between auditory attributes of the various treatments to be used in the
Once the training process was complete, the test administrator spoke with
the subject to verify that they understood the instructions and operation of the
apparatus, and to remind the subject of the importance of taking breaks to
minimize fatigue and distraction. As was the case in the previous study, a fixed
policy regarding the spacing of breaks was implemented. The subject was
instructed that, while they were free to pause the testing process at any point, they
would be required to take a 1- to 2-minute break after the completion of every two
50-word sets (approximately every 8‒10 minutes).
The subject then began the first session of stimulus evaluation. At the
completion of the listening session, the subject was debriefed to determine if they
had any concerns about the testing procedure and if they had experienced any
perceived hazards or issues with the testing apparatus. As mentioned, one subject

noted unpleasant nausea from listening to binaural recordings. Additionally,

some subjects indicated that they had accidentally selected the wrong answer “a
few” times.
The subject was then presented with the post-session oral script document,
and their next session was scheduled (see appendix I for document). Subsequent
listening sessions proceeded in the same manner as the initial session, except with
regard to the training process. If the time between an individual subjects’ sessions
was less than 24 hours, the subject was not required to complete the training
process before beginning a session. If the time between sessions was greater than
24 hours, the subject was required to complete one word list from the training
process to re-acclimate themselves with the testing apparatus and listening

8.7 Results & Analysis

Results of the listening tests were stored by the test software and, as both
50w and 49w data sets would be analyzed, the results were scored as the number
of correct responses out of both 50 and 49. As was the case in the previous study,
the results were adjusted to account for the probability of chance-guessing using
the following equation:
Correct Responses – Incorrect Responses
Adjusted Score (Ra) = (Eq. 8.1)
Number of Choices – 1

The range of Ra would therefore be: −10 ≤ Ra ≤ 10 (50w)

−9.8 ≤ Ra ≤ 9.8 (49w)
As was the case in both of the previous studies, the results obtained from
this study were not normally distributed. Table 8.2 shows the results of tests for
homogeneity for all of the full and stratified data sets reported (49w data sets).
Consequently, the preferred method of analysis would be to use non-parametric
tests. Again, the results of the parametric ANOVA tests will also be reported.


Data Set
Stat. Sig. Stat. Sig.
Original 0.106 < 0.001 0.967 < 0.001
Strat_6 0.091 < 0.001 0.983 < 0.001
Strat_6-Vert 0.091 < 0.001 0.985 < 0.001
Strat_6-Hor 0.096 < 0.001 0.984 < 0.001
Table 8.2 Tests for homogeneity of variance for the four data sets
generated (49w censored data)

8.7.1 Exclusionary Criteria

As was the case in the previous study, the variance and means were
examined for each subject. Figure 8.1 shows the range and general distribution of
the adjusted scores obtained from all subjects for all treatments used in this study.
Identified in the plot are a number of outliers, falling more than 1.5 times the box
length from the 25th percentile.

Figure 8.1 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score (full 49w data set)

As previously mentioned, it is important to ascertain the cause of detected

outliers prior to commencing a full statistical analysis. As is noted, the majority
of outliers are found between data points 125 and 144, corresponding to the
results from subject number six.

Figure 8.2 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. subject (full
49w data set). Note that, as subjects 12 and 28 did not
finish all of the testing sessions, their user numbers have
been shifted to 112 and 128 for ease of identification and

Examination of the range and distribution of results from all individual

subjects (figure 8.2) reveals abnormally wide variance in the results for subject
six. Subject six was not available for interview at the time of the analysis. While
the subject had indicated no known hearing impairments and passed the hearing
acuity test, the author is aware that the subject has a predominant speech
impediment. Though at the time the subject was not excluded from the study, the
data seems to indicate that exclusion may be prudent prior to analysis. Not only is

there wide variance in the subject’s scores, but it can also be seen that the median
of these scores is well below the 25th percentile of any other subject.
As it was not possible to definitively determine the causes of the variance
or low scores, two sets of analyses were performed as recommended in [14]. The
results from both sets were quite similar, with only minor changes in statistical
strength and significance between. As such, the results from the data set that
excludes subject six, as well as the aforementioned exclusion of subjects 12 and
28, will be reported in detail (Strat_6 data set). Results from further stratification
of the Strat_6 data set by array type will also be reported.

8.7.2 49w Results and Analysis

As mentioned in chapter 7.8.2, an issue was found with the 48th word in
the first word list. As such, the results of the previous study were reanalyzed
using a data set that excluded the results for the 48th words from each word list
(49w data set). For the current study, the same data censoring method was
applied and statistical analysis was performed on both the censored and
uncensored data sets.
As can be seen from tables 8.3 and 8.4, there is little difference between
the analysis results from the two data sets. The added control of the nuisance
variable word list provided by the 49w data set does not change which effects are
or are not significant. For significant effects, statistical strength and confidence
are increased. Little change is noted for effects that were not found significant.
The effect of word list, which will be discussed further in chapter 8.8.2, is reduced
but not eliminated.
The results shown here confirm the findings from the previous study as
delay time has a clearly significant effect in the range of 10 ms–40 ms. As
significant effects were found in the ranges of 20 ms–40 ms and 30 ms–40 ms, yet
no significant effect was found in the ranges of 10 ms–30 ms or 20 ms–30 ms,
these results indicate that delay time begins to have a significant effect on
intelligibility somewhere above 30 ms.


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Subject 9.652 < 0.001 214.195 < 0.001
Word List 56.75 < 0.001 100.793 < 0.001
Delay Time
0.049 0.0484 0.406 0.524
(10 – 20 ms)
Delay Time
0.7.3 0.496 0.789 0.674
(10 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
3.695 0.012 9.792 0.020
(10 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
1.422 0.234 0.704 0.401
(20 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
5.127 0.006 9.247 0.010
(20 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
3.636 0.057 3.828 0.050
(30 – 40 ms)
Array Type 14.953 < 0.001 14.721 < 0.001
Table 8.3 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of experimental variables on adjusted score (Strat_6,
50w data set)


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Subject 10.989 < 0.001 232.411 < 0.001
Word List 21.913 < 0.001 43.023 < 0.001
Delay Time
0.699 0.404 0.498 0.480
(10 – 20 ms)
Delay Time
0.749 0.473 0.757 0.685
(10 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
4.366 0.005 11.470 0.009
(10 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
1.463 0.227 0.609 0.435
(20 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
6.130 0.002 10.950 0.004
(20 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
4.617 0.032 4.813 0.028
(30 – 40 ms)
Array Type 17.070 < 0.001 17.877 < 0.001
Table 8.4 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of experimental variables on adjusted score (Strat_6,
49w data set)

Another interesting finding is that array type has a clear effect on

intelligibility scores (figure 8.3). While, as mentioned previously, this trend

would generally be expected, the underlying reasons for the difference would not.
Said reasons will be explored in the next section.

Figure 8.3 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. array type
(Strat_6, 49w data set)

Out of 50 Out of 49
F-Stat Sig. F-Stat Sig.
Array Type ×
Delay Time 2.241 0.082 2.200 0.087
(10 – 40 ms)
Array Type ×
Delay Time 3.309 0.037 3.172 0.043
(20 – 40 ms)
Array Type ×
Delay Time 3.905 0.049 3.116 0.078
(30 – 40 ms)
Table 8.5 Results of ANOVA for second-order effects of
experimental variables on adjusted score (Strat_6 data set)

As for the second-order effect of array type on delay time, minor

differences were found in the ANOVA results for the 50w and 49w data sets, as
shown in table 8.5. Given the non-normal distribution of the data, it is unclear
whether the differences between these observed results are indicative of actual
differences between the data sets or rather a product of statistical illusion. As
such, both the 50w and 49w versions of the Strat_6 data set were further stratified
by array type.

8.7.3 Stratification by Array Type

The results from the 49w and 50w data sets showed no difference when
stratified by array type. The results from the two array types however displayed
great difference. As can be seen in tables 8.6 and 8.7, several delay time ranges
have an effect for the horizontal array type, while no significant effect on
intelligibility scores can be found for the vertical array.
The increased clarity provided through stratification shows the same
effects to be significant (vs. the analysis of the Strat_6 data set); however the
strength and confidence are greatly increased. From these analyses it is clear,
though again unexpected, that delayed multiple arrivals have a greater negative
impact on speech intelligibility when delivered from a pair of loudspeakers
oriented in a horizontal point-source array. It is also clear that noticeable
detriment is found for delay times above 30 ms. This is not to say that shorter
delay times have no effect on intelligibility. Merely, the findings suggest that, for
delay times shorter than 30 ms, the injurious effects are difficult to identify.
Other known factors, such as SNR and reverberation time, will likely carry more
weight in the ultimate determination of the intelligibility of a speech
reinforcement system. In other words, if the time offset between multiple arrivals
is kept to less than 30 ms and intelligibility is still found lacking for a sound
system, one should examine other factors for the underlying cause of the
significant impairment.


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
0.192 0.661 0.260 0.610
(10 – 20 ms)
Delay Time
0.388 0.679 0.417 0.812
(10 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
0.54 0.655 0.953 0.813
(10 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.204 0.652 0.000 0.993
(20 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
0.291 0.748 0.262 0.877
(20 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
0.091 0.764 0.200 0.654
(30 – 40 ms)
Table 8.6 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(Strat_6-Vert, 49w data set)


F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Delay Time
2.783 0.097 2.413 0.120
(10 – 20 ms)
Delay Time
1.378 0.254 2.552 0.279
(10 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
6.184 < 0.001 18.872 < 0.001
(10 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
1.605 0.207 1.346 0.246
(20 – 30 ms)
Delay Time
9.338 < 0.001 18.720 < 0.001
(20 – 40 ms)
Delay Time
7.687 0.006 7.406 0.006
(30 – 40 ms)
Table 8.7 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for first-order
effects of experimental variables on adjusted score
(Strat_6-Hor, 49w data set)

8.7.4 Multiway Contingency Tables Analysis (MCTA)

As was done in the previous study, multiway contingency tables analysis

(MCTA) was employed to confirm or refute the findings of the parametric and
non-parametric analyses (see chapter 7.7.6 for an explanation of MCTA). As
before, two pass/fail criteria were chosen. Due to the greater number of data

points per treatment and the use of only one SNR value, the requirements for
MCTA could be fulfilled by a greater number of criteria. 16 As such, criteria that
lie on or in between the medians of scores for the various treatments were selected.
The results of MCTA (table 8.8) were the same for the 50w and 49w data
sets, and are both in agreement with the results obtained through the other
analysis methods – namely that delay time has a significant effect on intelligibility
scores for the horizontal, but not vertical, array geometry. It should be noted that
for the 49w data set, the second-order interaction of array type × delay time
showed borderline significance (p = 0.074) for the 85% pass criterion. This is an
indication that the upper pass/fail criterion point did not provide sufficient
statistical resolution to detect the relationship.
Data Set 83% Crit. 85% Crit.
Array Type × Array Type &
Delay Time Delay Time
Strat_6-Vert None None
Strat_6-Hor Delay Time Delay Time
Table 8.8 Results showing generating class for MCTA using 83% and
85% pass criteria.

8.8 Discussion

It is clear from the various statistical tests used that the effect of delay time
on intelligibility scores is different for the two types of arrays studied. Figure 8.4
shows these differing relationships. It is clear from the graph that, as delay time
between arrivals increases, scores for the horizontal array decrease while scores
for the vertical array do not.
One can see that the median scores in the vertical array are identical for
the various levels of the variable delay time. Variance seen in the scores could be
an indication that an effect does exist. However it is also possible that, as the
statistical tests detailed in this study were unable to find significance, the power of
any such effect would pale in comparison to the effects of other factors. This is a

MCTA requires that all frequencies must be greater then 0 and no more than
20% of the count frequencies should be less than five.

good indication of the amount of weight one should give to this specific factor
when designing or optimizing sound systems for intelligibility. The variance seen
in these scores could also merely be caused by factors such as differences
between test subjects and/or word lists.
The same could be said about the observed variance in scores for the
horizontal array type. Specifically, comparison of the score distributions for the
20 ms and 30 ms conditions shows a drop in median score as well as increased
variance and a larger inter-quartile range. While this may be an indication that
delay time begins to have an effect in the 20 ms–30 ms range, the effect was not
prevalent enough to be found significant. Again, this suggests the amount of
weight that should be given this factor with regard to the intelligibility of
reinforced speech.

Figure 8.4 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. delay time, by
array type (Strat_6 data set)

8.8.1 Training & Effects of Presentation Order

As was the case with the previous two studies, it was desired to know
whether subjects received a sufficient amount of training prior to beginning the
battery of subjective evaluations. Considering that the presentation order of
variable treatments was randomized for each subject, if the analysis of the effects
of presentation order on scores were to reveal an improvement in subject
performance, this would be an indication of learning. As mentioned in the
previous chapters, learning during the first few sessions would indicate
inadequate training, and learning over the course of all 24 sessions could indicate
that an insufficient number of word lists were used. The results of this analysis
are shown in figure 8.5 and table 8.9.

Figure 8.5 Box and whisker plot of adjusted score vs. presentation
order (Strat_6 data set)

Inspection of the plot reveals no trends. There is no indication of learning

over the first few sessions, nor is there any noticeable increase in means over the

span of 24 sessions. The only element of interest is the one outlier found in the
results of the first session.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Order (1-24) 1.116 0.321 25.573 0.321
Order (1-8) 0.732 0.645 5.635 0.583
Order (1-4) 0.333 0.81 0.504 0.918
Table 8.9 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
presentation order on adjusted scores (Strat_6, 49w data set)

Through examination of results of statistical tests (shown in table 8.9), it is

clear that there is not sufficient evidence to indicate that learning, whether short or
long term, was a factor in this study. As with the previous studies, it appears that
the amount of training employed and the number of total word lists used in this
study were adequate.

8.8.2 The Effects of Word List

As mentioned in the previous chapter, an issue regarding the 48th word in

word list number one was discovered during the first phase of the main study.
Also during that study, removal of the results for the 48th word in each word list
was found to reduce the both the strength and significance of the nuisance
variable to a point where the effect was not considered significant. The same
censoring of data was applied to the results of the current study and, as table 8.10
shows, an equivalent outcome was not reached.
F-Stat Sig. Stat Sig.
Word List
56.750 < 0.001 100.793 < 0.001
Word List
21.913 < 0.001 43.023 < 0.001
Table 8.10 Results of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests for effects of
word list on adjusted scores (Strat_6 data set)

The strength of the effect was found to be considerably reduced in the 49w
data set, indicating that the removal of the offending data points was prudent.
However word list remains a significant factor. While an effect is present it

would have no more impact on the results of the study than the “subject” variable,
as a full factorial design of treatment vs. word list was used.
The results do indicate that, for future studies involving the same MRT
word lists used here, it would be necessary to treat word list as a nuisance variable
to be controlled through full factorial design.

8.9 Conclusions

As with the previous two studies, this final phase of the main study
involved the addressing of main points and the evaluation of hypotheses.
However unlike the previous studies, the scope and the number of research
questions had been reduced, allowing for greater focus and increased clarity. This
section will address the research questions posed and points of the study, as well
as possible directions for future study.

8.9.1 Hypotheses

Ho1: Delay time between multiple arrivals does not affect the
intelligibility of speech reproduced by a sound system.
The results of the statistical tests used in this study provide sufficient
evidence to reject this null hypothesis. Negative effects on intelligibility were
found to be significant for multiple arrivals separated by a 40 ms delay. The
specific amount of delay required to cause significant detriment was found to lie
in the range of 30 ms–40 ms.

Ho2: (interaction) Array geometry does not affect how delay time
between multiple arrivals affects the intelligibility of speech
reproduced by a sound system.
The results of this study also provide sufficient evidence to reject this null
hypothesis. It was found that time offsets between multiple arrivals, in the range
of 10 ms–40 ms, have no significant effect on intelligibility for the vertical array

type. However a significant effect was found for the horizontal array type under
the same conditions.

8.9.2 Directions for Future Study

It is clear that delayed multiple arrivals have an effect on intelligibility

when delivered from horizontally oriented loudspeakers. As the delay time
resolution of this study was limited to steps of 10 ms, it may be of interest for
future studies to employ smaller delay steps in the interest of determining the
actual point between 30 ms and 40 ms where the effect of delay becomes
On a related note, for this series of studies, the choice of which
loudspeaker to hold constant and which to delay was considered a potential
variable. Considering the size of the original variable treatment matrix, it was
decided that it would not be feasible to include this additional variable. Thus this
variable was controlled.
For the case of the horizontal array, the right loudspeaker was selected to
be the variable-time source. This raises the question of whether the results found
in these studies, namely the interaction between array type and delay time, would
also be found if the left loudspeaker had been delayed.
As stated previously, all of the subjects who participated in the studies
were native English speakers. Also, it is known that most speakers of western
languages tend to be right-ear dominant for the purposes of speech perception [42,
62]. Thus, it would be interesting to know whether the detriment to intelligibility
observed for delayed arrivals in the horizontal array are indeed a result of the
array geometry, or rather indicative of a higher-order perceptual process.

8.9.3 Parting Thoughts

Reduction in the number of evaluated variable treatments has allowed for

the critical study of the first- and second-order effects of two experimental

variables on the intelligibility of speech produced by a sound system. This has

yielded the ability to successfully evaluate the two posed hypotheses.
Over the course of the three studies detailed in this research project, a
number of factors that negatively affect speech intelligibility have been identified,
as have several interesting relationships between these factors. What remains
from the original charge of this project is to determine whether the effects and
interactions observed through subjective testing will correlate with objective
measurements made on the original sound systems used to create the subjective
testing stimuli.

9. Comparison of Subjective and Objective Results

As mentioned in chapter 2.1.2, a variety of objective measurements and

measurement methods are available for the assessment of the intelligibility of a
speech communication system. While objective measurements do provide a fast
and nominally effective method for system assessment, it is generally agreed that
the correlations between measurable properties and subjective impression have
yet to be absolutely defined.
In this chapter, the results from objective measurements are compared to
the results from subjective testing with the hope of further delineating the
relationship between objective and subjective assessment methods.

9.1 Overview of Measurements

Objective measurement scores were obtained using EASERA and the

measurement system detailed in chapter 3.1.2. All scores were obtained from the
measured impulse response. As such, metrics such as %ALcons and STIPa should
be viewed as “equivalent” scores.
For the STI family of metrics, “standard” octave weighting was selected in
EASERA (shown in table 9.1), thus employing no redundance weights. In
addition to weighting, it was selected that the effects of critical band frequency
masking and noise be taken into account in the calculations.
Octave Oct. Weight
125 Hz 0.130
250 Hz 0.140
500 Hz 0.110
1 kHz 0.120
2 kHz 0.190
4 kHz 0.170
8 kHz 0.140
Table 9.1 Octave weights used for STI calculations in EASERA

Measurements were made for all variable treatments and noise levels as
indicated in table 3.2. As the impulse response measurement method was dual-

channel FFT using maximum length sequences (MLS), the measurements had an
inherently high immunity to noise. For example, the measured frequency
response of the system varied little between very low- and very high-noise
conditions. An example of the differences between these measurements can be
seen in figure 9.1. Also seen in the figure, due to the fact that the frequency
response of vocal reproduction system rolls off in the lower-frequency range,
differences become significant in the frequency region below 100 Hz. Due to the
measurement method’s immunity to noise, it was necessary to manually input the
signal level and SNR (per octave) prior to intelligibility calculations.

Figure 9.1 Impulse responses for project variable treatment 1 (0 ms

delay time, vertical array type, 0 dB level offset) for the 50
dB (red) and −3 dB SNR (blue) conditions.

As mentioned in chapter 2.1.2, STI measurements derived from impulse

response measurements do not use a modulated, speech-like test signal. However,
as the sound system was not operating outside of its linear region, and no

compression or limiting was involved, differences between the two excitation

signals should not affect the measurements [114].
Also, as pointed out by Mapp [118], in order to obtain absolute measures
of speech intelligibility provided by a communication system, it is necessary to
shape the spectrum of the test signal to match the spectrum of speech (e.g. figure
2.1, chapter 2.1.1). This was not the case with the measurements made for this
research project. Mapp mentions that this common oversight can affect SNR and
absolute level calculations, as well as corrections for the effects of masking.
However Mapp also mentions that even this type of measurement can be
considered a guideline and can be used for verifying base predictions.
When one considers the noise immunity of the MLS measurement method,
as well as the fact that SNR and absolute level were manually measured and
entered into EASERA, the only variable unaccounted for is the effect of masking.
Considering that the test signal used had a nominally flat frequency response and
thus contained more high-frequency energy than that of a speech signal, the
effects of masking were likely underestimated. As such it is probable that the
scores reported herein are higher than one would expect to find.
For the purposes of this study, only relative measures and
changes/differences between measured conditions of the system are of interest.
Also, considering that wide-band equalization is not being studied, the absolute
error in results caused by the underestimation of the effects of masking should
have little impact on the analysis. However it should be considered that the
effects of masking on narrow-band frequency anomalies above 1 kHz may also be

9.2 Verification of Findings

Through subjective testing, significance was found for each of the 1-way
and 2-way effects of delay time, array type and SNR. The following is a
comparison of the objective and subjective findings for each of these effects. As
the variable level offset was not used in the subjective testing processes, only the

results from treatments using the level offset condition used in the testing (0 dB)
will be reported.
Delay Time
Delay time was found to begin to have a significant first-order effect for
offsets greater than 30 ms. As seen in figure 9.2, the STI scores remain fairly
constant over the range of 5 ms–30 ms, with a considerable drop between 30 ms
and 40 ms. While this is in agreement with the results of subjective testing, a
curiosity is noted with regard to the drop in STI score between the 0 ms and 5 ms
delay times.

Figure 9.2 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time (all treatments)

Revisiting the concept of the modulation transfer function (MTF), as seen

in figure 2.4 (chapter 2.1.1), the cause of the drop in measured STI between the 0
ms and 5 ms conditions becomes manifest. Any reduction in measured
modulation of the various test signals will result in a drop in STI score. As with
the ordinary summation of signals (as detailed in chapter, the summation

of modulated signals will result in some combination of constructive and

destructive interference. However with modulated signals, there is an added layer
of complexity with regard to constructive interference. As seen in figure 9.3, the
summation of two delayed modulated signals gives rise to the possibility of great
reductions in modulation for certain combinations of modulation frequency vs.
delay time.

Figure 9.3 Superimposed, delayed modulated signals (Reprinted with

permission, adapted from [77])

Given a specific delay time, the summation of delayed signals at different

modulation frequencies will result in different degrees of preservation/increase vs.
reduction of modulation. Thus, the relatively large number of modulation
frequencies used in the STI measurement ensures that the transmission index for a
frequency band will not be reduced to zero. However as the STI measurements
clearly indicate a reduction in intelligibility for the 5 ms delay condition, and
these results are not supported by the results of subjective testing, it seems clear
that the STI measurement method overestimates the detriment caused by multiple
arrivals with a 5 ms offset.
The variable SNR was found to have an extremely powerful effect on
intelligibility scores. As can be seen in figure 9.4, this relationship was also
recognized by the STI measurement. When compared to figure 6.1 (chapter 6.7),
one can see similarities in the upward trend of means for higher SNR values. This
correlation is not startling considering the known effects of SNR on both
intelligibility and the MTF.
An interesting point is that one can also see differences in the trend of
variance between the plots. Whereas for the human listeners, variance increases
for lower SNR conditions, the opposite is true for the measured results. As the

cause of variance is different in in the two assessment methods, it is not surprising

that the amount of variance would also differ. However the results of the
measurements are in agreement with the interaction effects found through
subjective testing – namely that the effects of other factors are obscured under
lower SNR conditions.

Figure 9.4 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. SNR (all treatments)

Array Type
The first-order effects of array type were found to be significant for the
49w data sets in both the first and second phases of the main study. As seen in
figure 9.5, the nearly coincident ranges of values and large degree of overlap
between the inter-quartile ranges of the STI scores for the two array types make it
is difficult to definitively establish that a difference exists. Though some
difference can be noted, the equivalent plot of results from subjective testing
(seen in figure 8.3, chapter 8.7.2) shows a clearer difference, and thus a greater
apparent first-order effect.

As mentioned previously, the differences between array types are an

amalgam of three distinct variables ‒ monaural vs. binaural hearing, point-source
vs. point-destination array configuration and on- vs. off-axis listening location.
The STI measurement is a single-channel measurement and it would appear that
the results of the measurements, as shown in figure 9.5, do not completely
account for the perceived difference in intelligibility between array types. This
would seem to indicate one of two things. First, it is possible that at least some
portion of the difference in subjective impression found between array types was
due to a binaural mechanism. Second, it is equally possible that the STI
measurement method is not sensitive enough to detect the cause of the difference.
An analysis of variable interactions may provide more insight.

Figure 9.5 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. array type (all treatments)

SNR × Delay Time

It was found through subjective testing that the effects of delay time are
obscured by the more powerful effects of SNR, for treatments containing lower

SNR conditions. The results from objective measurements, shown in figure 9.6,
appear to confirm these findings. A comparison of the STI scores for the 50 dB
and −3 dB SNR values shows that differences in score due to delay time are
significantly reduced for the lower SNR condition. As such, it is reasonable to
conclude that, in terms of detecting the interaction effects of SNR × delay time,
the STI measurement method functions in a manner similar to human perception.

Figure 9.6 3-dimensional box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time,
by SNR (all treatments)

SNR × Array Geometry

As was the case with the interaction effect of SNR × delay time, the STI
measurement method appears capable of detecting at least some of the interaction
effects of SNR × array type. In figure 9.7, one can see that the difference between
array types noted for the 50 dB SNR condition slowly diminish as the value of
SNR decreases. Also, as was seen in figure 9.4, the results shown in figure 9.7

continue to show a reduction in the size of the range of scores for lower SNR

Figure 9.7 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. SNR, by array type (all

It remains unclear whether STI is sensitive to all aspects of the effect of

array type, as it is possible that the reductive qualities seen in the interaction with
SNR may only serve to mask the effects that the measurement method is capable
of detecting. Thus, while it is clear that the STI measurement method is to some
degree sensitive to the 2-way effects of SNR × array type, it is not clear that this
sensitivity is absolute.
Figure 9.8 shows a different view of the data, using the format of figure
7.9 from chapter 7.7.4 (with the inclusion of the 3 dB SNR condition). As can be
seen in the figure, the results of objective measurement show a less distinct
difference in scores for the higher SNR condition. While this observed difference

may be due to differences between the STI and word score scales, it is also
possible that this data indicates that the STI measurement method is not fully
sensitive to the effects of array type.

Figure 9.8 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. SNR, by array type (all
treatments containing SNR conditions 6 dB, 3 dB and 0 dB)

Array Geometry × Delay Time

Several interesting aspects of this interaction have been noted in previous
chapters. The first is that the effects of very short delay times (around 0.3 ms)
were found to be significant for the vertical array type. 17 The second is that the
effects of delay times ranging from 5 ms–40 ms were only found to be significant
in the range of 30 ms–40 ms, and only for the horizontal array type.
The results of objective measurement are equally interesting. As seen in
figure 9.9, the first thing to note is that there is virtually no difference between

As previously mentioned, the effects of very short delay times were not tested
for the horizontal array type.

scores for the array types for the 0 ms condition. It should be reiterated that the
short (0.3 ms) delay time found in the audio recordings was not present in the
signals received by the measurement microphone, yet the notches in the frequency
response of the loudspeakers in the horizontal array type (seen in figure 3.7,
chapter 3.2.2) would be captured by the measurement microphone. While it is
possible that the underestimated effects of masking, due to the lack of spectral
shaping of the test signal, could reduce the effect of the higher-frequency notch on
the STI score, the notch at around 1.2 kHz would be virtually unaffected by
spectral shaping. Given that there is no difference between the scores for the two
array types under the 0 ms condition, it is reasonable to conclude that the STI
measurement method is not sensitive to the narrow-band frequency response
anomalies caused by very short delay times.

Figure 9.9 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time, by array type
(all treatments)

Another pattern of note is that scores remain very similar between the two
array types in the range of 5 ms–30 ms. Given the results shown in figures 7.10
(chapter 7.7.5) and 8.4 (chapter 8.8), one would expect to see large differences
between scores for the 30 ms condition as well as less overall change in the scores
for the vertical array. In the interest of a more direct comparison, a plot of the
STI scores for the 0 dB–6 dB SNR conditions has been included in figure 9.10.

Figure 9.10 Box and whisker plot of STI vs. delay time, by array type
(all treatments containing SNR conditions 6 dB, 3 dB and 0

Differences found between subjective and objective assessment methods,

with regard to the interaction of array type × delay time, could indicate one of two
things. First, it is possible that differences in scores do exist between the different
delay times, but that the effect is essentially negligible. The second possibility is
that there is a binaural vs. monaural hearing mechanism at work, creating

differences in the scores between array types, which is not detected by the STI
The third thing of note is that the STI measurements correctly identify that
a difference in intelligibility exists between the two arrays at the 40 ms level.
Again, as the measurement method is single-channel, the results suggest that, at
least some portion of, the difference between scores is due to a monaural effect.

9.2.1 Conclusions

The STI measurement method does appear sensitive to the effects of

delayed multiple arrivals on speech intelligibility. Curiously, it does not appear
that measurements of the 40 ms delay value are skewed by the presence of comb
filter notches in the MTF, as these results are in agreement with word score
results. However the results for short delay values (e.g. 5 ms) do appear to
diverge from the results of subjective testing, possibly due to an inherent
limitation of the measurement method.
STI is obviously capable of accounting for the effects of SNR. It also
appears capable of accurately predicting the subjective effects of the interaction of
SNR with both delay time and array type.
With regard to array type, it is unclear whether STI is entirely sensitive to
the first-order effect. However the measurement method does appear to detect
some of the effects of the interaction of array type and delay time, specifically for
longer delays.

10. Discussion

“E = MC² ± 3 dB”
- David Engstrom (in [43])

Perhaps a bit whimsical, but this observation reminds one that the
acumination of knowledge often carries with it the introduction of new unknowns.
It also reminds one that certainty is rarely certain. Research, however, is a
process of successive approximation, wherein each step has the potential to yield
a greater understanding of the world around.
The research project detailed in this dissertation focused on the complex
question of how sound system optimization affects the intelligibility of reinforced
speech. As an early attempt in the deliberation process, the goal of the project
was to deconstruct this larger question, identifying noteworthy research avenues
and following several of the identified paths. As many of the potential research
questions were unknown at the onset of the project, an ecological approach was
adopted, studying real-world reinforcement scenarios in an actual performance
Through the use of subjective and objective testing methods, many
potential research paths were discovered and a variety of hypotheses were
evaluated. The following two sections discuss the findings of this series of
studies, including both questions answered and unanswered.

10.1 Questions Answered & Implications

Through subjective testing, it was found that all three of the experimental
variables used in this research project (SNR, delay time and array geometry) had
significant first-order effects on the intelligibility of reinforced speech. Through
stratified analysis of the various data sets, it was found that all three of the
second-order interaction effects between these variables also had significant
effects. The observed effects and relationships are as follows:

1) Delay times greater than 30 ms have an effect for the horizontal array
2) Very short delay times (0.3 ms) have an effect for the vertical array
3) Scores for the horizontal array geometry were found to be lower than
scores for the vertical array geometry.
4) As SNR decreases, the magnitude of the effects of delay time and array
geometry also decreases.

When the results of subjective tests were compared with the results of
objective measurements (STI), both correlations and discrepancies were
1) STI appears to accurately identify the effects of delay times greater than
30 ms.
2) STI also accurately predicts that scores are generally lower for the
horizontal array type.
3) STI predicts a larger negative effect, versus the results of subjective
testing, for delay times in the 5 ms–30 ms range.

System engineers have been employing compensational delay to align

loudspeaker arrivals since the 1960’s. Likewise, the impairment to intelligibility
due to echoes has been studied for some time. These are not new or innovative
concepts. However, the explicit delineation of the amount of delay offset,
geometrical relationship of loudspeakers and relationship to the background
sound field that are required to make a noticeable difference in speech
intelligibility are novel endeavors.
During the last part of the 20th century, debate formed regarding whether
the greatest degree of intelligibility would be achieved through the absolute
alignment or the intentional misalignment of loudspeaker arrivals. The issue was
treated in a global manner, and most often assessed by objective measurement.

The results of this research project, however, indicate that all loudspeaker arrays
may not be equal.
For the vertically-oriented point-destination array, the comb filter created
by the very short time offset had a noticeable effect on intelligibility scores. For
this same array, the addition of a 5 ms delay (4.7 ms total offset) improved scores,
indicating that misalignment improves intelligibility. For the horizontally-
oriented point-source array, a very similar comb filter was present in the
frequency response for the 0 ms condition. For this array, the addition of a 5 ms
delay did not improve intelligibility scores. The conditions studied with these two
arrays are analogous to the difference between acoustical and electrical
summation in a sound system. In one case, the comb filtering is created through
summation at the listener; in the other, the comb filter exists in the signal received
from each loudspeaker. 18 The results of this study suggest that misalignment is
effective at combating the effects of comb filters created by acoustical summation,
but are not effective at improving the intelligibility of “pre-combed” signals.
Additionally, the trend of lower scores for the horizontal vs. vertical arrays may
be due to the inherent comb filter in the response of the horizontal array, or to the
existence of a physical sound source in front of the listener. Further investigation
is, of course, required to rule out the effects of the complex variable array
Though this research project was not charged with determining the
appropriate value for the integration time (if any) to be used with regard to fusion,
the results do suggest one conclusion. Given that delay times begin to have a
significant effect in the region between 30 ms–40 ms, and the fact that very short
delay times can have an effect, the author proposes that fusion may indeed play a
role in speech intelligibility for delay times less than 30 ms–40 ms, and that the
effects of very short delay times on intelligibility could be due to frequency
response anomalies rather than a lack of fusion.

For the case of the horizontal array, the comb filter is created via acoustical
summation of the signals from multiple drivers within each loudspeaker. As the
individual drivers were not delayed relative to each other, the analogy of electrical
summation still holds.

In addition to results regarding very short delay times, the studies in this
research project uncovered an interaction between delay time and array geometry
for longer delay times. Results indicate that multiple arrivals have a greater
potential to negatively affect intelligibility for the horizontal array geometry. As
this relationship was also, to some degree, detected by STI measurements, it is
unlikely that binaural listening is the sole cause of this interaction.
Finally, results from the comparison of subjective and objective
assessment methods clearly indicate that objective measurements can provide
inaccurate results for conditions involving multiple arrivals. In terms of
measurement reliability, these results implicate that objective measures should not
be used to evaluate the intelligibility of time-delayed multiple arrivals. Further,
prior to performing objective measurements, impulse response measurements are
needed to ensure that time-delayed multiple arrivals are not present in the
received test signal.

10.2 Questions Unanswered & Suggestions for Further Study

Through the course of this project, many potential research questions were
uncovered. Several of these questions have been addressed. Alas, owing to a
variety of factors, a number of questions have not. The charge of research,
however, is not restricted to the answering of questions. Rather, research should
create questions as well – both to sustain, and to spark new interest. This section
contains a number of prospective research questions for future study.
The first, and perhaps most obvious, avenue for future study is the
deconstruction of the compound variable array geometry. This research project
has shown that differences do exist between the relative intelligibilities of the two
array geometries. The question remains as to what factors cause these differences.
Isolation and control of the variables plane (medial vs. horizontal) and array focus
(point source vs. point destination) could aid in determining whether, or to what
degree, the observed effect of array geometry is due to hearing method (binaural
vs. monaural), on- vs. off-axis listening, equalization location or the existence of a

physical center channel. It is recommended that point-destination arrays be used

to isolate plane, and the medial plane used to isolate array focus.
If hearing method is found to play a part in the observed differences
between array geometries, it is suggested that “delay side” be investigated in the
future. In this series of studies, for the horizontal array geometry, the left
loudspeaker was held constant while the right loudspeaker was shifted in time. In
an informal survey of the test subjects, nearly all participants indicated right-ear
dominance with regard to speech. 19 As delays in the 0 ms–20 ms range have the
spatial effect of shifting the apparent sound source, delaying the right loudspeaker
would shift the source away from the listener’s dominant ear. This raises the
question of whether delay time added to the left loudspeaker, affecting a source
shift toward the dominant ear, would have a different effect on intelligibility.
With regard to delay time, the effect of delays in the region of 0 ms–5 ms
warrants further investigation. The existence of negative effects of the acoustical
summation of signals with such short time offsets is clear. The remaining
research question involves the delineation of the amount of delay required to
affect a noticeable detriment, and the minimum amount of further delay required
to overcome the detriment.
Finally, questions remain regarding the interactions of SNR on delay time
and array geometry. It was observed that low SNR conditions have a mitigating
effect on the effects of the other two variables. However, the specific SNR
thresholds required to affect this phenomenon have not been determined.

10.3 Final Thoughts

The motivation for this research project manifested from the author’s own
work as a sound system designer and system engineer. Often encountering
situations in which design and optimization decisions were required, yet no
information was available to guide these decisions, best-fit solutions were usually
found through a process of trial, error and modification. While much of the

The question was asked during the hearing acuity test: “What ear do you use
when talking on the telephone?”

available knowledge in the field of live reinforcement has been garnered by such
empirical means, a point can be reached wherein these methods are incapable of
providing further illumination. It is at that point that structured, scientific
research is required.
The author was recently asked how the knowledge gained from this
research project will affect his future design and optimization decisions. While it
will take time to fully cogitate and assimilate the actionability of these findings,
several decision-making aids are already apparent with regard to alignment.
Multiple arrivals with delay times ranging between 5 ms–30 ms do not
significantly affect intelligibility, though they do affect sound quality. Thus, if
intelligibility is of paramount importance in a given reinforcement situation,
intentional misalignment of vertically oriented point-destination arrays is
warranted for the preservation of intelligibility at the cost of the overall sound
quality of the vocal reinforcement system. Conversely, one may place higher,
though not sole, priority on sound quality. Though the effects of very short delay
times are not yet known for this type of array, due to the smaller region of overlap
and volatility, the use of aligned, horizontally oriented point-source arrays will
yield better overall quality and negatively affect intelligibility for the smallest
number of people.
The question of how to optimally optimize a sound system is far from
answered. While many aspects of the greater question have been clarified, many
questions remain. It is with great pleasure, and great reverence for the many
scientists, researchers and sound engineers who have framed the grimoire of
sound system engineering, that the author offers this dissertation as a contribution
to the ongoing effort to answer these questions, and to increase the body of
knowledge in the field of live sound reinforcement.

Appendix A: Recording Sound Systems - Schematic


Appendix B: Recording Sound Systems - Plan View


Appendix C: Recording Sound Systems - Section View


Appendix D: Recruitment Flyer

*** Dates varied for different recruitment periods


Appendix E: Standard Email Response to Inquiry


Appendix F: Listening Test Consent Form


Appendix G: Initial Session Questionnaire


Appendix H: Listening Test Instructions

Pilot Study Instructions

Main Study Instructions


Appendix I: Post Session Oral Script


Appendix J: MRT Response Sheet


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