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K Shweta et al 10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1036

Planning and Designing an Isolation Facility in Hospitals:

Need of the Hour
K Shweta, 2Shakti Kumar Gupta, 3R Chandrashekhar, 4S Kant

ABSTRACT Source of support: Nil

Emerging infectious diseases represent an ongoing threat to Conflict of interest: None

the health and livelihoods of people globally. Over the past
decade, numerous infectious diseases have shown up in the INTRODUCTION
United States including SARS in 2003, H1N1 or ‘swine flu’ in
2009, and now, the Ebola virus. Infection control is emerging as a biggest challenge to
Isolation of a patient is essentially an escalation of the core health services around the world. All hospitals know-
healthcare process. Best practice demands that isolation rooms ingly or unknowingly admit patients with communicable
be provided where care for the underlying medical condition diseases. In recent years, emerging infectious diseases
is optimal. As uncontroversial as infection control may seem,
represent an ongoing threat to the health and livelihoods
the infrastructure required (such as washbasins and isolation
rooms) is often lacking in hospitals. And if isolation rooms are of people everywhere. Over the last few decades, there
available, proper maintenance of pressure gradients is an have been several emerging infectious diseases (EIDs)
issue. In normal circumstances no purpose is served by routine that have taken the global community by surprise and
cleaning of ventilation ducts. During replacement, dust is shed drawn new attention to EIDs, including HIV, SARS, H1N1,
from old filters. All extract grilles and some types of supply
and Ebola.
grilles accumulate dust. These represent an infection risk. The
dust reflects the air-borne flora at the time of deposition with For over a century, it has been recommended that
organism death taking place at a rate determined by microbial, patients with infectious diseases should be placed in
environmental and other factors. segregated facilities to prevent the spread of infection.1
It is vital that regular monitoring and maintenance of the The effectiveness of a hospital’s isolation precautions
ventilation system is in place. The physical design of a hospital
is dependent upon an amalgam of interactions between
is an essential component of its infection control measures to
minimize the risk of transmission of any infectious disease. the appropriate:
Today, with a more progressive outlook, it is the fundamental • Physical environment, i.e. isolation room
requirement to adopt a holistic view of the design and • Healthcare policies;
management of hospitals. This document will not only help in • Healthcare staff behavior.
making strategy for planning or renovating an isolation room
Isolation of a patient is essentially an escalation of
and also helps in cleaning or maintenance of ventilation.
the core healthcare process. As our understanding of
Keywords: Infection control, Isolation room design, Ventilation
the transmission of infection has improved, isolation
practices have developed and moved away from early
How to cite this article: Shweta K, Gupta SK, Chandrashekhar
empirical approaches to become more evidence-based
R, Kant S. Planning and Designing an Isolation Facility in
Hospitals: Need of the Hour. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc
and targeted. Best practice demands that isolation rooms
Adm 2015;3(1):48-56. be provided where care for the underlying medical condi-
tion is optimal.
As uncontroversial as infection control may seem, the
Hospital Administrator, 2Medical Superintendent infrastructure required (such as washbasins and isola-
Chief Architect (Retired), 4DDGMS (OPP)
tion rooms) is often lacking in hospitals. And if isolation
New Delhi, India rooms are available, proper maintenance of pressure
Dr RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of gradients is an issue.
Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India FUNCTIONS
New Delhi, India
• To separate patients who are likely to be infectious to
O/O DGMS (Army), Ministry of Defence, Government of India other persons.
New Delhi, India
• To provide an environment that will allow reduction
Corresponding Author: K Shweta, Hospital Administrator of the concentration of airborne particles through
New Delhi, India, e-mail:
various engineering methods.


Planning and Designing an Isolation Facility in Hospitals: Need of the Hour

• To prevent escape of airborne particles from such • Gasketing should be provided at the sides and top of
rooms into the corridor and other areas of the facility the door, and at ceiling and wall penetrations, such
using directional airflow. as those around medical and electrical outlets.
• To protect patients who are immunocompromised
from potential harmful pathogens. Bed Management System3

Types of Isolation Rooms • Bed centers should be at least 3.6 m apart.

• Minimum possible number of beds2-4 should be kept
There are two types of isolation rooms: (1) airborne in a cohort as to prevent chances of cross-infection.
infection isolation (AII) rooms and (2) protective environ- • Design, accessibility and space in patient areas all
ment (PE) rooms. contribute to ease of cleaning and maintenance.
• Airborne infection isolation (AII)/Negative pressure • Spacing must take account of access to equipment
isolation refers to the isolation of patients infected around the bed and access for staff to hand-wash
with organisms spread via airborne droplet nuclei facilities.
<5 μm in diameter. These include patients suffering
• Provision of permanent screens between bed spaces
form measles, chickenpox and tuberculosis.
should be there as an aid to prevent frequent traffic
• Protective environment (PE)/Positive pressure isola-
and thus the potential for microorganism transfer.
tion is a specialized area for patients who have under-
gone allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant
General Planning Considerations
The design, materials and construction of the interior
Planning Premises of Isolation Rooms surfaces of an isolation room plays a critical role in the
performance of the room in containing infections.
Location: The isolation rooms should be located at one end
• Continuous impervious surfaces such as welded vinyl,
of medical and surgical wards/critical care units/pediat-
epoxy coatings or similar durable surfaces.
ric care units/newborn intensive care units/emergency
• Welded vinyl floors coved up the walls, and wall fini-
service areas/also other areas, such as dialysis. Isolation
shes that are durable and easy to clean; for example,
wards for infectious cases to be kept out of routine cir-
culation. The location of the proposed isolation room, welded vinyl isolation rooms with smooth finishes,
such as those near elevator banks or doorways should free of fissures or open joints and crevices that retain
be avoided if possible. or permit passage of dirt particles. The use of carpet
• Number of beds for isolation beds: About 2.5% of the beds is discouraged because it is difficult to clean.4
of a large hospital in a special unit would probably • Minimisation of horizontal surfaces.
be adequate except during periods of unusually high • Guard rails to protect the walls from damage by beds
demand.2 and mobile equipment.
• Space: An isolation room has to provide uncluttered • Epoxy-coated or stainless steel joinery that is easier
space around the bed for equipment and the increased to clean than uncoated timber.
number of personnel involved in emergency care. • Windows designed to avoid pelmets and dust
A room area of about 22 m2 is adequate within an collection areas.
isolation unit.2 • Washable curtains.
• Adequate number of wash hand basins should be • Wall-hung toilet pan and basin with non-hand
provided within the patient care areas and nursing operated taps.
stations with a view to facilitate hand washing prac- • Window setting: Isolated patients can distinguish day
tice. and night by looking through the window panes at
• Separate arrangements for garbage and infectious the isolation room. This is particularly important to
waste removal from wards and departments in the the elderly as it relieves symptoms of disorientation.
form of separate staircases and lifts. • Signs and labels: All isolation room ductwork systems
• One to two standard isolation rooms per ward unit should be labelled with appropriate warning signs.8
should be planned throughout the hospital with wash Appropriate signage should be prominently placed
hand basin in room, shower, toilet and wash hand outside the door of isolation rooms. The bedside and
basin in bathroom. Door with self closing device and a other charts should also be labelled once isolation has
normal window AC to be provisioned for these rooms. been ordered for a patient.

International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, January-June 2015;3(1):48-56 49
K Shweta et al


Air in an open class N room, for example, should flow
from corridors INTO the isolation room to prevent the
spread of airborne contaminants from the isolation room
to other areas. The purpose of this design is to eliminate
the spread of infectious contaminants and pathogens into
the surrounding environment via the airborne route.
Other patient treatment areas that can also be benefitted
from in-room negative pressure isolation with HEPA-
CARE systems include:
• Bronchoscopy suites
• Endotracheal intubation and extubation
• Open suctioning of airways
• Invasive vascular procedures
• Er Triage and treatment rooms
• Waiting areas
• Morgue/autopsy.
Figure 1 shows HVAC air flow arrangement for class
N rooms.12 An anteroom designed to provide an ‘air-lock’
(no mix of air) between the infectious patient and the
common space is placed adjacent to the patient room. The
• Doors: Sliding doors are not recommended but if air would flow from the anteroom to the isolation room.
space is an issue, sliding doors should only used as a Pressure control is maintained by modulating the main
last resort due to difficulties with maintenance and supply and exhaust dampers based on a signal from a
maintaining a seal. The pressure differential should pressure transducer located inside the isolation room.
force swing doors into the seal; that is, doors should
open out of a NPR or open into a PPR) An alternative Ventilation
arrangement can be to have both doors swing into the
Recirculation of exhausted air is discouraged, from class N
anteroom. If doors have an interlocks mechanism fit-
rooms. The exhaust air should be directed to outside,
ted, an emergency breakout system must be provided.
away from air-intakes and populated areas. However,
where recirculation may be deemed acceptable, HEPA fil-
ters (99.97% @ 0.3 μm DOP) capable of removing airborne
contaminants on the supply side must be incorporated.
The supply air should be located such that clean air is

• Communication system.
• A nurse call system with the capacity for direct
communication between the nurse and patient should Fig. 1: Negative pressure isolation room (adapted from HVAC
be available in each room. design for healthcare facilities by CED engineering)12


Planning and Designing an Isolation Facility in Hospitals: Need of the Hour

first passed over the staff/other occupants and then to the that air flow must be from the ‘cleaner’ area toward the
patient. Air distribution should reduce the staff’s expo- adjoining space (through doors or other openings). This
sure to potential airborne droplet nuclei from infectious is achieved by the HVAC system providing more air into
patients, accounting for the positions of the staff and the the ‘cleaner’ space than is mechanically removed from
patient, and the procedures undertaken in the isolation that same space.6
room. Insider patient room, the supply air should be from In the Figure 2, an airlock or anteroom is provided
the ceiling diffuser located at the perimeter near to the adjacent to the patient room. For a positive pressure room,
entry and the exhaust air should be drawn at lower levels air would flow from the isolation room to the anteroom
approximately 6" above the floor in the room. Exhaust air and then to the corridor. Pressure control is maintained
ducts should be independent of the building’s common by modulating the main supply and exhaust dampers
exhaust air system to reduce the risk of contamination based on a signal from a pressure transducer located
from back draught. The exhaust fan should be located inside the isolation room.
at a point in the duct system that will ensure the duct is
under negative pressure throughout its run within the Ventilation
building. The makeup air intakes should be located so
Class P rooms can be either 100% fresh air or can use
that no contaminated air from nearby exhaust stacks or
recirculated air usually a 60/40 mix of outdoor air/
any sources of air contaminants is drawn into the makeup
recirculated air. The supply air should be located such
air system. Ensure supply air ducts are independent of
that clean air is first flows across the patient bed and
the building’s common supply air system. If sharing of
exits from the opposite side of the room. Air distribution
supply ducts with other isolation rooms is unavoidable,
should reduce the patient’s exposure to potential airborne
provide the ducts with terminal HEPA filters (or other
droplet nuclei from occupants. Positive pressure rooms
failsafe back draught prevention system). A high effi-
may share common supply air systems (Table 1).
ciency bag filter may be installed as a pre-filter to protect
the HEPA filter. ANTEROOMS4
Emergency Rooms and Reception Areas If space and budget permit, an anteroom should be pro-
vided between the negative/positive pressure isolation
The likelihood of airborne contaminants leaving these
room and the corridor (Fig. 3). It is always recommended
rooms is reduced by keeping these rooms under negative
for both positive and negative isolation rooms for three
pressure, relative to surrounding areas. Air is exhausted
main reasons:
from these rooms either directly to the outside or through
1. To provide a barrier against loss of pressurization,
high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.
and against entry/exit of contaminated air into/out
CLASS P — POSITIVE PRESSURE of the isolation room when the door to the airlock is

Class p — positive pressure isolation rooms are set at

positive pressure relative to ambient pressure, meaning

Fig. 2: Positive pressure isolation rooms (adapted from HVAC Fig. 3: Anteroom: outside and inside view (isolation room design
design for healthcare facilities by CED engineering)12 by Thailand engineering company)13

International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, January-June 2015;3(1):48-56 51
K Shweta et al

Table 1: Isolation room checklist5

Features S (Standard) N (Negative) P (Positive)
Non-hand operated Yes Yes Yes
Hand basin in room and anteroom
Ensuite (shower toilet and hand wash basin) Yes Yes Yes
Pan sanitizer (near room) Optional Optional Optional
Door or room with door closer Yes Yes Yes
Anteroom Yes
Sealed room, door grilled for controlled air flow Yes Yes
12 ACHR or 145 liters per patient Yes Yes
100% outside air ventilation Yes
Local differential Yes Yes
Pressure monitoring
Independent supply air4 Yes
HEPA filters on supply air Yes
Low level exhaust 150 mm above floor Yes Yes
Independent exhaust discharging vertically 10 m/s according to AS 1668.2 Yes
Type A exhaust4
Exhaust dust under negative pressure within building with duplex fans Yes Optional
HEPA filters on exhaust for retrofit3 Optional

2. To provide a controlled environment in which protec- also eventually reduce load on the air handling plant.
tive garments can be donned without contamination Ensure air tightness by
before entry into the isolation room. • Properly constructing windows, doors, and intake
3. To provide a controlled environment in which equip- and exhaust ports
ment and supplies can be transferred from the isola- • Maintain plasterboard ceilings that are smooth
tion room without contaminating the surrounding and free of fissures, open joints and crevices
areas. • Sealing all penetrations on the walls above and
below the ceiling
Other Requirements of Anteroom • Monitoring for leakage and making any necessary
• Provision of a sink, cabinets and work counter repairs.
• Provision of a view window in the door to the isola- 3. Proper room pressurization can be checked using a
tion room smoke stick or smoldering match at doors held open
• Alignment of door to corridor with door to isolation approximately 1/4 inch to visually see which direction
room air is moving. Care must be taken when checking this
• Maximum of two isolation rooms per anteroom. to make sure that the door is not moving during the
test since a door swinging can move more air than the
SPECIFIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS6,7 design ventilation differential in the room. An alarm
system (visual/audible) should be installed to warn
Environment control is very important in isolation faci-
of pressurisation failure.
lity. This is achieved by:
4. Thermal comfort: Isolation rooms have relatively high
Maintaining air changes: A monitoring system should
air exchange rates in relation to other patient rooms.
be provided to signal any malfunction of the supply/
This implies high ventilation air supply and exhaust
exhaust air system. A separation of 25 feet is recom-
rates as well. Potentially uncomfortable air velocities
mended between exhaust from isolation rooms and other
(draughts) within the patient room can result, and
ventilation system intakes or occupied areas.11
therefore special attention must be given to thermal
1. Pressure gradient
comfort, particularly for the patient, as a design issue.
Room type Room Ensuite Anteroom
Class N –ve 30 Pa –ve 30 Pa –ve 15 Pa 5. Air distribution (Fig. 4)12
Class P +ve 30 Pa +ve 30 Pa +ve 15 Pa • Air distribution systems should be designed
Class P room with negative +ve 15 Pa +ve 30 Pa +ve 15 Pa to provide a high effective ventilation rate. The
pressure anteroom design and balance of the ventilation system
2. Planned and unplanned leaks—rooms are well-sealed should ensure that air flows from less contami-
for better maintenance of pressure gradients that will nated to more contaminated areas. Air in an open


Planning and Designing an Isolation Facility in Hospitals: Need of the Hour

Fig. 4: Air distribution pattern (adapted from HVAC design for healthcare facilities by CED engineering)12

class N room, for example, should flow from • Investigate the use of a pressure stabilizer above the
corridors into the isolation room to prevent the bedroom door
spread of airborne contaminants from the isola- • Compliant exhaust system
tion room to other areas. Within the room, the air • Compliant air supply (see below)
should follow similar principles: • Sliding transfer grille in room door
– In a class N room, the air should pass over first • Sealed, monolithic ceiling with sealed access panels
the staff then the patient • Windows to the exterior to be locked shut and sealed
– In a class P room, the air should pass over first • Provision of two-way intercommunication system
the patient then the staff between the patient’s room and the nurses’ station.
– Air distribution should reduce the staff’s
exposure to potential airborne droplet nuclei Fire Strategy
from infectious patients, accounting for the
• The isolation suite is intended to be built as a single
positions of the staff and the patient, and the
fire compartment (Fig. 5).9 The positive pressure in the
procedures undertaken in the isolation room.
lobby will detect smoke originating in the corridor
Renovating or Converting a Room (Appendix-2) from entering the room. Smoke from a fire in the room
will be contained within the suite and extracted via
When an isolation room is being incorporated into an the en-suite extract. Because of this the ventilation
existing facility, it is rarely possible to create the ideal system serving the isolation facility should be kept
room. Physical and financial factors often constrain the
running in the event of a fire.
construction. It is critical to create a room that is fit for its
• Ductwork thickness should be such that ducts can
purpose; therefore, the design intent should be adhered
be considered an extension of the isolation suite. Fire
to as closely as possible.
dampers, where the ducts penetrate walls and floors
When converting existing accommodation into class N
will not then be required.
rooms, the easiest and least expensive option is to adapt
• A motorized smoke/fire damper should be fitted at the
existing single rooms with ensuite facilities. The follow-
discharge of the supply air handling unit (AHU). The
ing requirements should be met in any conversion:
damper should close in the event of an AHU or intake
• Furnishing and fittings:
fire under the control of a smoke detector mounted in
• Clinical hand wash basin with non-touch, fixed tem-
the AHU.
perature mixer tap
• Wall-mounted soap dispensers
• Disinfectant hand rub dispensers
• Disposable towel holders The physical design of a hospital is an essential compo-
• Glove dispensers nent of its infection control measures to minimize the
• Storage for clean personal protective equipment risk of transmission of any infectious disease. Today,
• Clean waste bins with a more progressive outlook, it is the fundamental
• Observation window in corridor wall with integral requirement to adopt a holistic view of the design and
privacy blinds management of hospitals.

International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, January-June 2015;3(1):48-56 53
K Shweta et al

Fig. 5: Fire control (NHS estates health building note)9

With the challenges of new and emerging infectious 2. Provide suitable extract fan.
diseases as well as higher public expectations and aware- 3. Install transfer grille to en-suite door.
ness of healthcare related issues, much consideration has 4. Supply air.
to be given to these in the planning phase of building 5. Pressure stabiliser.
hospitals. For existing institutions and hospital buil- 6. Observation window in corridor wall with integral
dings, renovation and upgrading plans must incorporate privacy blinds to allow for staff observation and
the necessary changes. Among the various methods for patient views out.
infection control two important environment factors 7. Double door for personnel and bed access.
are isolation and ventilation. Infected patients or those 8. Disposable apron dispenser.
highly susceptible to infection need to be isolated in 9. En-suite WC to be non-touch flush and wash basin to
private rooms with proper ventilation systems in order have single tap with flow and temperature control.
to stop spread and reduce the possibility of developing 10. Ceiling to be sealed solid construction, external win-
a new infection. The more stringent guidelines stress the dow to be sealed.
importance of utilizing an engineering team that has
experience in designing the mechanical systems for AII Appendix II
rooms. Collaboration between the mechanical engineer
and architect early in the design process is essential in Upgrading three existing single rooms to provide two
avoiding issues that may arise relating to the placement single rooms with anteroom in common (NHS estates
of supply and exhaust locations and maintaining the health building note) (Fig. 7).9
standard pressure differential. Minimum requirements to upgrade existing facilities.
1. Add clinical hand-wash basin with non-touch fixed
Appendix I temperature mixer tap.
2. Provide suitable extract fan.
Newly built single isolation room with anteroom (NHS 3. Install transfer grille to ensuite door.
estates health building note) (Fig. 6).9 4. Observation window in corridor wall with integral
privacy blinds to allow for staff observation and
Minimum Requirements
patient views out.
1. Clinical hand washbasin with non-touch, fixed tem- 5. Ensuite WC to be non-touch flush and wash basin to
perature mixer tap. have single tap with flow and temperature control.


Planning and Designing an Isolation Facility in Hospitals: Need of the Hour

Fig. 6: Newly built single isolation room with anteroom (adapted from NHS estates health building note)9

Fig. 7: Upgrading existing rooms into isolation room with anteroom

(adapted from NHS estates health building note)9 instead of existing bedrooms

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Lloyd- Luke Ltd., London 1979. mittee Publication date: 01/01/1996.

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