The lower court also noted that petitioner was a The affidavit is clearly intended to buttress
holder of a Bachelor of Laws degree and a labor petitioner's contention in the instant petition that the
consultant who was supposed to take due care of his Court of Appeals should have declared the
concerns, and that, on the witness stand, Pio Tio promissory note null and void on the following
denied having participated in the alleged business grounds: (a) the promissory note was signed in the
venture although he knew for a fact that the falcata office of Judge Pantanosas, outside the premises of
logs operation was encouraged by the bank for its the bank; (b) the loan was incurred for the purpose
export potential. of buying a second-hand chainsaw which cost only
P5,000.00; (c) even a new chainsaw would cost
Petitioner appealed the said decision to the Court of only P27,500.00; (d) the loan was not approved by
Appeals which, in its decision of August 31, 1990, the board or credit committee which was the
affirmed that of the lower court. His motion for practice, as it exceeded P5,000.00; (e) the loan had
reconsideration of the said decision having been no collateral; (f) petitioner and Judge Pantanosas
denied, he filed the instant petition for review were not present at the time the loan was released in
on certiorari. contravention of the bank practice, and (g) notices
of default are sent simultaneously and separately but
On February 6, 1991, the Court denied the petition no notice was validly sent to him.8 Finally,
for failure of petitioner to comply with the Rules of petitioner contends that in signing the promissory
Court and paragraph 2 of Circular note, his consent was vitiated by fraud as, contrary
No. 1-88, and to sufficiently show that respondent to their agreement that the loan was only for the
court had committed any reversible error in its amount of P5,000.00, the promissory note stated the
questioned decision.4 His motion for the amount of P50,000.00.
reconsideration of the denial of his petition was
likewise denied with finality in the Resolution of The above-stated points are clearly factual.
April 24, 1991.5 Thereafter, petitioner filed a Petitioner is to be reminded of the basic rule that
motion for leave to file a second motion for this Court is not a trier of facts. Having lost the
reconsideration which, in the Resolution of May 27, chance to fully ventilate his factual claims below,
1991, the Court denied. In the same Resolution, the petitioner may no longer be accorded the same
Court ordered the entry of judgment in this case.6 opportunity in the absence of grave abuse of
discretion on the part of the court below. Had he
presented Judge Pantanosas affidavit before the
lower court, it would have strengthened his claim therefore, fail as it was evidenced only by his own
that the promissory note did not reflect the correct uncorroborated and, expectedly, self-serving
amount of the loan. testimony.
Nor is there merit in petitioner's assertion that since Petitioner also argues that the dismissal of the
the promissory note "is not a public deed with the complaint against Naybe, the principal debtor, and
formalities prescribed by law but . . . a mere against Pantanosas, his co-maker, constituted a
commercial paper which does not bear the signature release of his obligation, especially because the
of . . . attesting witnesses," parol evidence may dismissal of the case against Pantanosas was upon
"overcome" the contents of the promissory the motion of private respondent itself. He cites as
note.9 The first paragraph of the parol evidence basis for his argument, Article 2080 of the Civil
rule 10 states: Code which provides that:
Appeal from the decision, dated, February 10, 1967, (f) Aurelia's Building at Mabini,
of the Court of First Instance of Rizal (Branch V, Ermita, Manila;
Quezon City) in its Civil Case No. Q-6561.
(g) Far East Bank's Office at Fil-
On November 17, 1959, plaintiff-appellee Octavio American Life Insurance Building at
A. Kalalo hereinafter referred to as appellee), a Isaac Peral Ermita, Manila;
licensed civil engineer doing business under the
firm name of O. A. Kalalo and Associates, entered (h) Arthur Young's residence at
into an agreement (Exhibit A )1 with defendant- Forbes Park, Makati, Rizal;
appellant Alfredo J . Luz (hereinafter referred to
as appellant), a licensed architect, doing business (i) L & S Building at Dewey Blvd.,
under firm name of A. J. Luz and Associates, Manila; and
whereby the former was to render engineering
design services to the latter for fees, as stipulated in (j) Stanvac Refinery Service
the agreement. The services included design Building at Limay, Bataan.
computation and sketches, contract drawing and
technical specifications of all engineering phases of On December 1 1, '1961, appellee sent to appellant
the project designed by O. A. Kalalo and Associates a statement of account (Exhibit "1"),3 to which was
bill of quantities and cost estimate, and consultation attached an itemized statement of defendant-
and advice during construction relative to the work. appellant's account (Exh. "1-A"), according to
The fees agreed upon were percentages of the which the total engineering fee asked by appellee
architect's fee, to wit: structural engineering, 12- for services rendered amounted to P116,565.00
½%; electrical engineering, 2-½%. The agreement from which sum was to be deducted the previous
was subsequently supplemented by a "clarification payments made in the amount of P57,000.00, thus
to letter-proposal" which provided, among other leaving a balance due in the amount of P59,565.00.
things, that "the schedule of engineering fees in this
agreement does not cover the following: ... D. On May 18, 1962 appellant sent appellee a resume
Foundation soil exploration, testing and evaluation; of fees due to the latter. Said fees, according to
E. Projects that are principally engineering works appellant. amounted to P10,861.08 instead of the
such as industrial plants, ..." and "O. A. Kalalo and amount claimed by the appellee. On June 14, 1962
Associates reserve the right to increase fees on appellant sent appellee a check for said amount,
projects ,which cost less than P100,000
which appellee refused to accept as full payment of made by appellant, the trial court, upon agreement
the balance of the fees due him. of the parties, authorized the case to be heard before
a Commissioner. The Commissioner rendered a
On August 10, 1962, appellee filed a complaint report which, in resume, states that the amount due
against appellant, containing four causes of action. to appellee was $28,000.00 (U.S.) as his fee in the
In the first cause of action, appellee alleged that for International Research Institute Project which was
services rendered in connection with the different twenty percent (20%) of the $140,000.00 that was
projects therein mentioned there was due him fees paid to appellant, and P51,539.91 for the other
in sum s consisting of $28,000 (U.S.) and projects, less the sum of P69,475.46 which was
P100,204.46, excluding interests, of which sums already paid by the appellant. The Commissioner
only P69,323.21 had been paid, thus leaving unpaid also recommended the payment to appellee of the
the $28,000.00 and the balance of P30,881.25. In sum of P5,000.00 as attorney's fees.
the second cause of action, appellee claimed
P17,000.00 as consequential and moral damages; in At the hearing on the Report of the Commissioner,
the third cause of action claimed P55,000.00 as the respective counsel of the parties manifested to
moral damages, attorney's fees and expenses of the court that they had no objection to the findings
litigation; and in the fourth cause of action he of fact of the Commissioner contained in the
claimed P25,000.00 as actual damages, and also for Report, and they agreed that the said Report posed
attorney's fees and expenses of litigation. only two legal issues, namely: (1) whether under the
facts stated in the Report, the doctrine of estoppel
In his answer, appellant admitted that appellee would apply; and (2) whether the recommendation
rendered engineering services, as alleged in the first in the Report that the payment of the amount. due to
cause of action, but averred that some of appellee's the plaintiff in dollars was legally permissible, and
services were not in accordance with the agreement if not, at what rate of exchange it should be paid in
and appellee's claims were not justified by the pesos. After the parties had submitted their
services actually rendered, and that the aggregate respective memorandum on said issues, the trial
amount actually due to appellee was only court rendered its decision dated February 10, 1967,
P80,336.29, of which P69,475.21 had already been the dispositive portion of which reads as follows:
paid, thus leaving a balance of only P10,861.08.
Appellant denied liability for any damage claimed WHEREFORE, judgment is
by appellee to have suffered, as alleged in the rendered in favor of plaintiff and
second, third and fourth causes of action. Appellant against the defendant, by ordering
also set up affirmative and special defenses, the defendant to pay plaintiff the sum
alleging that appellee had no cause of action, that of P51,539.91 and $28,000.00, the
appellee was in estoppel because of certain acts, latter to be converted into the
representations, admissions and/or silence, which Philippine currency on the basis of
led appellant to believe certain facts to exist and to the current rate of exchange at the
act upon said facts, that appellee's claim regarding time of the payment of this
the Menzi project was premature because appellant judgment, as certified to by the
had not yet been paid for said project, and that Central Bank of the Philippines,
appellee's services were not complete or were from which shall be deducted the
performed in violation of the agreement and/or sum of P69,475.46, which the
otherwise unsatisfactory. Appellant also set up a defendant had paid the plaintiff, and
counterclaim for actual and moral damages for such the legal rate of interest thereon from
amount as the court may deem fair to assess, and for the filing of the complaint in the case
attorney's fees of P10,000.00. until fully paid for; by ordering the
defendant to pay to plaintiff the
Inasmuch as the pleadings showed that the further sum of P8,000.00 by way of
appellee's right to certain fees for services rendered attorney's fees which the Court finds
was not denied, the only question being the to be reasonable in the premises,
assessment of the proper fees and the balance due to with costs against the defendant. The
appellee after deducting the admitted payments
counterclaim of the defendant is from defendant-appellant to plaintiff-
ordered dismissed. appellee is only P15,792.05.
From the decision, this appeal was brought, directly IV. The lower court erred in
to this Court, raising only questions of law. awarding attorney's fees in the sum
of P8,000.00, despite the
During the pendency of this appeal, appellee filed a commissioner's finding, which
petition for the issuance of a writ of attachment plaintiff-appellee has accepted and
under Section 1 (f) of Rule 57 of the Rules of Court has not questioned, that said fee be
upon the ground that appellant is presently residing only P5,000.00; and
in Canada as a permanent resident thereof. On June
3, 1969, this Court resolved, upon appellee's posting V. The lower court erred in not
a bond of P10,000.00, to issue the writ of granting defendant-appellant relief
attachment, and ordered the Provincial Sheriff of on his counter-claim.
Rizal to attach the estate, real and personal, of
appellant Alfredo J. Luz within the province, to the 1. In support of his first assignment of error
value of not less than P140,000.00. appellant argues that in Exhibit 1-A, which is a
statement of accounts dated December 11, 1961,
The appellant made the following assignments of sent by appellee to appellant, appellee specified the
errors: various projects for which he claimed engineering
fees, the precise amount due on each particular
I. The lower court erred in not engineering service rendered on each of the various
declaring and holding that plaintiff- projects, and the total of his claims; that such a
appellee's letter dated December 11, statement barred appellee from asserting any claim
1961 (Exhibit "1") and the statement contrary to what was stated therein, or from taking
of account (Exhibit "1-A") therein any position different from what he asserted therein
enclosed, had the effect, with respect to the nature of the engineering
cumulatively or alternatively, of services rendered; and consequently the trial court
placing plaintiff-appellee in estoppel could not award fees in excess of what was stated in
from thereafter modifying the said statement of accounts. Appellant argues that for
representations made in said exhibits, estoppel to apply it is not necessary, contrary to the
or of making plaintiff-appellee ruling of the trial court, that the appellant should
otherwise bound by said have actually relied on the representation, but that it
representations, or of being of is sufficient that the representations were intended
decisive weight in determining the to make the defendant act there on; that
true intent of the parties as to the assuming arguendo that Exhibit 1-A did not put
nature and extent of the engineering appellee in estoppel, the said Exhibit 1-A
services rendered and/or the amount nevertheless constituted a formal admission that
of fees due. would be binding on appellee under the law on
evidence, and would not only belie any inconsistent
II. The lower court erred in declaring claim but also would discredit any evidence
and holding that the balance owing adduced by appellee in support of any claim
from defendant-appellant to plaintiff- inconsistent with what appears therein; that,
appellee on the IRRI Project should moreover, Exhibit 1-A, being a statement of
be paid on the basis of the rate of account, establishes prima facie the accuracy and
exchange of the U.S. dollar to the correctness of the items stated therein and its
Philippine peso at the time of correctness can no longer be impeached except for
payment of judgment. . fraud or mistake; that Exhibit 1-A furthermore,
constitutes appellee's own interpretation of the
III. The lower court erred in not contract between him and appellant, and hence, is
declaring and holding that the conclusive against him.
aggregate amount of the balance due
On the other hand, appellee admits that Exhibit 1-A of the Philippines vs. Garcia, et al.,6 this Court
itemized the services rendered by him in the various ruled that there is no estoppel when the statement or
construction projects of appellant and that the total action invoked as its basis did not mislead the
engineering fees charged therein was P116,565.00, adverse party-Estoppel has been characterized as
but maintains that he was not in estoppel: first, harsh or odious and not favored in law.7 When
because when he prepared Exhibit 1-A he was misapplied, estoppel becomes a most effective
laboring under an innocent mistake, as found by the weapon to accomplish an injustice, inasmuch as it
trial court; second, because appellant was not shuts a man's mouth from speaking the truth and
ignorant of the services actually rendered by debars the truth in a particular case.8 Estoppel
appellee and the fees due to the latter under the cannot be sustained by mere argument or doubtful
original agreement, Exhibit "A." inference: it must be clearly proved in all its
essential elements by clear, convincing and
We find merit in the stand of appellee. satisfactory evidence.9 No party should be
precluded from making out his case according to its
The statement of accounts (Exh. 1-A) could not truth unless by force of some positive principle of
estop appellee, because appellant did not rely law, and, consequently, estoppel in pains must be
thereon as found by the Commissioner, from whose applied strictly and should not be enforced unless
Report we read: substantiated in every particular. 1 0
While it is true that plaintiff The essential elements of estoppel in pais may be
vacillated in his claim, yet, defendant considered in relation to the party sought to be
did not in anyway rely or believe in estopped, and in relation to the party invoking the
the different claims asserted by the estoppel in his favor. As related to the party to be
plaintiff and instead insisted on a estopped, the essential elements are: (1) conduct
claim that plaintiff was only entitled amounting to false representation or concealment of
to P10,861.08 as per a separate material facts or at least calculated to convey the
resume of fees he sent to the plaintiff impression that the facts are otherwise than, and
on May 18, 1962 (See Exhibit 6).4 inconsistent with, those which the party
subsequently attempts to assert; (2) intent, or at least
The foregoing finding of the Commissioner, not expectation that his conduct shall be acted upon by,
disputed by appellant, was adopted by the trial court or at least influence, the other party; and (3)
in its decision. Under article 1431 of the Civil Code, knowledge, actual or constructive, of the real facts.
in order that estoppel may apply the person, to As related to the party claiming the estoppel, the
whom representations have been made and who essential elements are (1) lack of knowledge and of
claims the estoppel in his favor must have relied or the means of knowledge of the truth as the facts in
acted on such representations. Said article provides: questions; (2) (reliance, in good faith, upon the
conduct or statements of the party to be estopped;
Art. 1431. Through estoppel an (3) action or inaction based thereon of such
admission or representation is character as To change the position or status of the
rendered conclusive upon the person party claiming the estoppel, to his injury, detriment
making it, and cannot be denied or or prejudice. 1 1
disproved as against the person
relying thereon. The first essential element in relation to the party
sought to be estopped does not obtain in the instant
An essential element of estoppel is that the person case, for, as appears in the Report of the
invoking it has been influenced and has relied on Commissioner, appellee testified "that when he
the representations or conduct of the person sought wrote Exhibit 1 and prepared Exhibit 1-A, he had
to be estopped, and this element is wanting in the not yet consulted the services of his counsel and it
instant case. In Cristobal vs. Gomez,5 this Court was only upon advice of counsel that the terms of
held that no estoppel based on a document can be the contract were interpreted to him resulting in his
invoked by one who has not been mislead by the subsequent letters to the defendant demanding
false statements contained therein. And in Republic payments of his fees pursuant to the contract
Exhibit A." 1 2 This finding of the Commissioner cited as authority by appellant himself. we read
was adopted by the trial court. 1 3 It is established , thus:
therefore, that Exhibit 1-A was written by appellee
through ignorance or mistake. Anent this matter, it An account stated or settled is a mere
has been held that if an act, conduct or admission that the account is correct.
misrepresentation of the party sought to be estopped It is not an estoppel. The account is
is due to ignorance founded on innocent mistake, still open to impeachment for
estoppel will not arise. 1 4 Regarding the essential mistakes or errors. Its effect is to
elements of estoppel in relation to the party establish, prima facie, the accuracy
claiming the estoppel, the first element does not of the items without other proof; and
obtain in the instant case, for it cannot be said that the party seeking to impeach it is
appellant did not know, or at least did not have the bound to show affirmatively the
means of knowing, the services rendered to him by mistake or error alleged. The force of
appellee and the fees due thereon as provided in the admission and the strength of the
Exhibit A. The second element is also wanting, for, evidence necessary to overcome it
as adverted to, appellant did not rely on Exhibit 1-A will depend upon the circumstances
but consistently denied the accounts stated therein. of the case.
Neither does the third element obtain, for appellant
did not act on the basis of the representations in In the instant case, it is Our view that the ignorance
Exhibit 1-A, and there was no change in his mistake that attended the writing of Exhibit 1-A by
position, to his own injury or prejudice. appellee was sufficient to overcome the prima
facie evidence of correctness and accuracy of said
Appellant, however, insists that if Exhibit 1-A did Exhibit 1-A.
not put appellee in estoppel, it at least constituted an
admission binding upon the latter. In this Appellant also urges that Exhibit 1-A constitutes
connection, it cannot be gainsaid that Exhibit 1-A is appellee's own interpretation of the contract, and is,
not a judicial admission. Statements which are not therefore, conclusive against him. Although the
estoppels nor judicial admissions have no quality of practical construction of the contract by one party,
conclusiveness, and an opponent. whose admissions evidenced by his words or acts, can be used against
have been offered against him may offer any him in behalf of the other party, 1 7 yet, if one of the
evidence which serves as an explanation for his parties carelessly makes a wrong interpretation of
former assertion of what he now denies as a fact. the words of his contract, or performs more than the
This may involve the showing of a mistake. contract requires (as reasonably interpreted
Accordingly, in Oas vs. Roa, 1 6 it was held that independently of his performance), as happened in
when a party to a suit has made an admission of any the instant case, he should be entitled to a
fact pertinent to the issue involved, the admission restitutionary remedy, instead of being bound to
can be received against him; but such an admission continue to his erroneous interpretation or his
is not conclusive against him, and he is entitled to erroneous performance and "the other party should
present evidence to overcome the effect of the not be permitted to profit by such mistake unless he
admission. Appellee did explain, and the trial court can establish an estoppel by proving a material
concluded, that Exhibit 1-A was based on either his change of position made in good faith. The rule as
ignorance or innocent mistake and he, therefore, is to practical construction does not nullify the
not bound by it. equitable rules with respect to performance by
mistake." 1 8 In the instant case, it has been shown
Appellant further contends that Exhibit 1-A being a that Exhibit 1-A was written through mistake by
statement of account, establishes prima facie the appellee and that the latter is not estopped by it.
accuracy and correctness of the items stated therein. Hence, even if said Exhibit 1-A be considered as
If prima facie, as contended by appellant, then it is practical construction of the contract by appellee, he
not absolutely conclusive upon the parties. An cannot be bound by such erroneous interpretation. It
account stated may be impeached for fraud, mistake has been held that if by mistake the parties followed
or error. In American Decisions, Vol. 62, p. 95, a practice in violation of the terms of the agreement,
the court should not perpetuate the error. 1 9
2. In support of the second assignment of error, that the fact that appellant received his fees in dollars,
the lower court erred in holding that the balance and appellee's fee is 20% of appellant's fees; and
from appellant on the IRRI project should be paid that if said amount is be converted into Philippine
on the basis of the rate of exchange of the U.S. Currency, the rate of exchange should be that at the
dollar to the Philippine peso at the time of payment time of the execution of the judgment. 2 0
of the judgment, appellant contends: first, that the
official rate at the time appellant received his We have taken note of the fact that on August 25,
architect's fees for the IRRI project, and 1961, the date when appellant said his obligation to
correspondingly his obligation to appellee's fee on pay appellee's fees became due, there was two rates
August 25, 1961, was P2.00 to $1.00, and cites in of exchange, to wit: the preferred rate of P2.00 to
support thereof Section 1612 of the Revised $1.00, and the free market rate. It was so provided
Administrative Code, Section 48 of Republic Act in Circular No. 121 of the Central Bank of the
265 and Section 6 of Commonwealth Act No. 699; Philippines, dated March 2, 1961. amending an
second, that the lower court's conclusion that the earlier Circular No. 117, and in force until January
rate of exchange to be applied in the conversion of 21, 1962 when it was amended by Circular No. 133,
the $28,000.00 is the current rate of exchange at the thus:
time the judgment shall be satisfied was based
solely on a mere presumption of the trial court that 1. All foreign exchange receipts shall
the defendant did not convert, there being no be surrendered to the Central Bank
showing to that effect, the dollars into Philippine of those authorized to deal in foreign
currency at the official rate, when the legal exchange as follows:
presumption should be that the dollars were
converted at the official rate of $1.00 to P2.00 Percentage of Total to be surrendered
because on August 25, 1961, when the IRRI project at
became due and payable, foreign exchange controls
were in full force and effect, and partial Preferred: Free Market Rate: Rate:
decontrol was effected only afterwards, during the
Macapagal administration; third, that the other (a) Export Proceeds, U.S.
ground advanced by the lower court for its ruling, to Government Expenditures invisibles
wit, that appellant committed a breach of his other than those specifically
obligation to turn over to the appellee the mentioned below.
engineering fees received in U.S. dollars for the ................................................ 25 75
IRRI project, cannot be upheld, because there was
no such breach, as proven by the fact that appellee (b) Foreign Investments, Gold
never claimed in Exhibit 1-A that he should be paid Proceeds, Tourists and Inward
in dollars; and there was no provision in the basic Remittances of Veterans and Filipino
contract (Exh. "A") that he should be paid in Citizens; and Personal Expenses of
dollars; and, finally, even if there were such Diplomatic Per personnel
provision, it would have no binding effect under the ................................. 100"2 1
provision of Republic Act 529; that, moreover, it
cannot really be said that no payment was made on The amount of $140,000.00 received by appellant
that account for appellant had already paid foil the International Rice Research Institute project
P57,000.00 to appellee, and under Article 125 of the is not within the scope of sub-paragraph (a) of
Civil Code, said payment could be said to have been paragraph No. 1 of Circular No. 121. Appellant has
applied to the fees due from the IRRI project, this not shown that 25% of said amount had to be
project being the biggest and this debt being the surrendered to the Central Bank at the preferred rate
most onerous. because it was either export proceeds, or U.S.
Government expenditures, or invisibles not included
In refutation of appellant's argument in support of in sub-paragraph (b). Hence, it cannot be said that
the second assignment of error, appellee argues that the trial court erred in presuming that appellant
notwithstanding Republic Act 529, appellant can be converted said amount at the free market rate. It is
compelled to pay the appellee in dollars in view of hard to believe that a person possessing dollars
would exchange his dollars at the preferred rate of exchange prevailing at the time of
P2.00 to $1.00, when he is not obligated to do so, the stipulated date of payment shall
rather than at the free market rate which is much prevail. All coin and currency,
higher. A person is presumed to take ordinary care including Central Bank notes,
of his concerns, and that the ordinary course of heretofore or hereafter issued and
business has been declared by the Government of the
followed. 2 2 Philippines shall be legal tender for
all debts, public and private.
Under the agreement, Exhibit A, appellee was
entitled to 20% of $140,000.00, or the amount of Under the above-quoted provision of Republic Act
$28,000.00. Appellee, however, cannot oblige the 529, if the obligation was incurred prior to the
appellant to pay him in dollars, even if appellant enactment of the Act and require payment in a
himself had received his fee for the IRRI project in particular kind of coin or currency other than the
dollars. This payment in dollars is prohibited by Philippine currency the same shall be discharged in
Republic Act 529 which was enacted on June 16, Philippine currency measured at the prevailing rate
1950. Said act provides as follows: of exchange at the time the obligation was incurred.
As We have adverted to, Republic Act 529 was
SECTION 1. Every provision enacted on June 16, 1950. In the case now before
contained in, or made with respect Us the obligation of appellant to pay appellee the
to, any obligation which provision 20% of $140,000.00, or the sum of $28,000.00,
purports to give the obligee the right accrued on August 25, 1961, or after the enactment
to require payment in gold or in a of Republic Act 529. It follows that the provision of
particular kind of coin or currency Republic Act 529 which requires payment at the
other than Philippine currency or in prevailing rate of exchange when the obligation was
an amount of money of the incurred cannot be applied. Republic Act 529 does
Philippines measured thereby, be as not provide for the rate of exchange for the payment
it is hereby declared against public of obligation incurred after the enactment of said
policy, and null, void and of no Act. The logical Conclusion, therefore, is that the
effect, and no such provision shall be rate of exchange should be that prevailing at the
contained in, or made with respect time of payment. This view finds support in the
to, any obligation hereafter incurred. ruling of this Court in the case of Engel vs. Velasco
Every obligation heretofore or here & Co. 2 3 where this Court held that even if the
after incurred, whether or not any obligation assumed by the defendant was to pay the
such provision as to payment is plaintiff a sum of money expressed in American
contained therein or made with currency, the indemnity to be allowed should be
respect thereto, shall be discharged expressed in Philippine currency at the rate of
upon payment in any coin or exchange at the time of judgment rather than at the
currency which at the time of rate of exchange prevailing on the date of
payment is legal tender for public defendant's breach. This is also the ruling of
and private debts: Provided, That, ( American court as follows:
a) if the obligation was incurred prior
to the enactment of this Act and The value in domestic money of a
required payment in a particular kind payment made in foreign money is
of coin or currency other than fixed with respect to the rate of
Philippine currency, it shall be exchange at the time of payment. (70
discharged in Philippine currency CJS p. 228)
measured at the prevailing rate of
exchange at the time the obligation According to the weight of authority
was incurred, (b) except in case of a the amount of recovery depends
loan made in a foreign currency upon the current rate of exchange,
stipulated to be payable in the same and not the par value of the particular
currency in which case the rate of money involved. (48 C.J. 605-606)
The value in domestic money of a In the Commissioner's report, it is spetifically
payment made in foreign money is recommended that the appellant be ordered to pay
fixed in reference to the rate of the plaintiff the sum of "$28,000. 00 or its
exchange at the time of such equivalent as the fee of the plaintiff under Exhibit A
payment. (48 C.J. 605) on the IRRI project." It is clear from this report of
the Commissioner that no payment for the account
It is Our considered view, therefore, that appellant of this $28,000.00 had been made. Indeed, it is not
should pay the appellee the equivalent in pesos of shown in the record that the peso equivalent of the
the $28,000.00 at the free market rate of exchange $28,000.00 had been fixed or agreed upon by the
at the time of payment. And so the trial court did parties at the different times when the appellant had
not err when it held that herein appellant should pay made partial payments to the appellee.
appellee $28,000.00 "to be converted into the
Philippine currency on the basis of the current rate 3. In his third assignment of error, appellant
of exchange at the time of payment of this contends that the lower court erred in not declaring
judgment, as certified to by the Central Bank of the that the aggregate amount due from him to appellee
Philippines, ...." 24 is only P15,792.05. Appellant questions the
propriety or correctness of most of the items of fees
Appellant also contends that the P57,000.00 that he that were found by the Commissioner to be due to
had paid to appellee should have been applied to the appellee for services rendered. We believe that it is
due to the latter on the IRRI project because such too late for the appellant to question the propriety or
debt was the most onerous to appellant. This correctness of those items in the present appeal. The
contention is untenable. The Commissioner who record shows that after the Commissioner had
was authorized by the trial court to receive evidence submitted his report the lower court, on February
in this case, however, reports that the appellee had 15, 1966, issued the following order:
not been paid for the account of the $28,000.00
which represents the fees of appellee equivalent to When this case was called for
20% of the $140,000.00 that the appellant received hearing today on the report of the
as fee for the IRRI project. This is a finding of fact Commissioner, the counsels of the
by the Commissioner which was adopted by the parties manifested that they have no
trial court. The parties in this case have agreed that objection to the findings of facts in
they do not question the finding of fact of the the report. However, the report poses
Commissioner. Thus, in the decision appealed from only legal issues, namely: (1)
the lower court says: whether under the facts stated in the
report, the doctrine of estoppel will
At the hearing on the Report of the apply; and (2) whether the
Commissioner on February 15, 1966, recommendation in the report that
the counsels for both parties the alleged payment of the defendant
manifested to the court that they be made in dollars is permissible by
have no objection to the findings of law and, if not, in what rate it should
facts of the Commissioner in his be paid in pesos (Philippine
report; and agreed that the said report Currency). For the purpose of
only poses two (2)legal issues, resolving these issues the parties
namely: (1) whether under the facts prayed that they be allowed to file
stated in the Report, the doctrine of their respective memoranda which
estoppel will apply; and (2) whether will aid the court in the
the recommendation in the Report determination of said issues. 2 6
that the payment of amount due to
the plaintiff in dollars is permissible In consonance with the afore-quoted order of the
under the law, and, if not, at what trial court, the appellant submitted his memorandum
rate of exchange should it be paid in which opens with the following statements:
pesos (Philippine currency) .... 2 5
As previously manifested, this official rate and not any other
Memorandum shall be confined to: rate. 2 7
(a) the finding in the Commissioner's It is clear, therefore, that what was submitted by
Report that defendant's defense of appellant to the lower court for resolution did not
estoppel will not lie (pp. 17-18, include the question of correctness or propriety of
Report); and the amounts due to appellee in connection with the
different projects for which the appellee had
(b) the recommendation in the rendered engineering services. Only legal questions,
Commissioner's Report that as above enumerated, were submitted to the trial
defendant be ordered to pay plaintiff court for resolution. So much so, that the lower
the sum of '$28,000.00 (U.S.) or its court in another portion of its decision said, as
equivalent as the fee of the plaintiff follows:
under Exhibit 'A' in the IRRI project.'
The objections to the
More specifically this Memorandum Commissioner's Report embodied in
proposes to demonstrate defendant's memorandum of
the affirmative of three legal objections, dated March 18, 1966,
issues posed, namely: cannot likewise be entertained by the
Court because at the hearing of the
First: Whether or not plaintiff's letter Commissioner's Report the parties
dated December 11, 1961 (Exhibit had expressly manifested that they
'I') and/or Statement of Account had no objection to the findings of
(Exhibit '1-A') therein enclosed has facts embodied therein.
the effect of placing plaintiff in
estoppel from thereafter modifying We, therefore hold that the third assignment of error
the representations made in said of the appellant has no merit.
letter and Statement of Account or of
making plaintiff otherwise bound 4. In his fourth assignment of error, appellant
thereby; or of being decisive or great questions the award by the lower court of P8,000.00
weight in determining the true intent for attorney's fees. Appellant argues that the
of the parties as to the amount of the Commissioner, in his report, fixed the sum of
engineering fees owing from P5,000.00 as "just and reasonable" attorney's fees,
defendant to plaintiff; to which amount appellee did not interpose any
objection, and by not so objecting he is bound by
Second: Whether or not defendant said finding; and that, moreover, the lower court
can be compelled to pay whatever gave no reason in its decision for increasing the
balance is owing to plaintiff on the amount to P8,000.00.
IRRI (International Rice and
Research Institute) project in United Appellee contends that while the parties had not
States dollars; and objected to the findings of the Commissioner, the
assessment of attorney's fees is always subject to the
Third: Whether or not in case the court's appraisal, and in increasing the
ruling of this Honorable Court be recommended fees from P5,000.00 to P8,000.00 the
that defendant cannot be compelled trial court must have taken into consideration
to pay plaintiff in United States certain circumstances which warrant the award of
dollars, the dollar-to-peso convertion P8,000.00 for attorney's fees.
rate for determining the peso
equivalent of whatever balance is We believe that the trial court committed no error in
owing to plaintiff in connection with this connection. Section 12 of Rule 33 of the Rules
the IRRI project should be the 2 to 1 of Court, on which the fourth assignment of error is
presumably based, provides that when the parties
stipulate that a commissioner's findings of fact shall P5,000.00 to P8,000.00. It is a settled rule that the
be final, only questions of law arising from the facts amount of attorney's fees is addressed to the sound
mentioned in the report shall thereafter be discretion of the court. 3 1
considered. Consequently, an agreement by the
parties to abide by the findings of fact of the It is true, as appellant contends, that the trial court
commissioner is equivalent to an agreement of facts did not state in the decision the reasons for
binding upon them which the court cannot increasing the attorney's fees. The trial court,
disregard. The question, therefore, is whether or not however, had adopted the report of the
the estimate of the reasonable fees stated in the Commissioner, and in adopting the report the trial
report of the Commissioner is a finding of fact. court is deemed to have adopted the reasons given
by the Commissioner in awarding attorney's fees, as
The report of the Commissioner on this matter reads stated in the above-quoted portion of the report.
as follows: Based on the reasons stated in the report, the trial
court must have considered that the reasonable
As regards attorney's fees, under the provisions of attorney's fees should be P8,000.00. Considering
Art 2208, par (11), the same may be awarded, and that the judgment against the appellant would
considering the number of hearings held in this amount to more than P100,000.00, We believe that
case, the nature of the case (taking into account the the award of P8,000.00 for attorney's fees is
technical nature of the case and the voluminous reasonable.
exhibits offered in evidence), as well as the way the
case was handled by counsel, it is believed, subject 5. In his fifth assignment of error appellant urges
to the Court's appraisal of the matter, that the sum that he is entitled to relief on his counterclaim. In
of P5,000.00 is just and reasonable as attorney's view of what We have stated in connection with the
fees." 28 preceding four assignments of error, We do not
consider it necessary to dwell any further on this
It is thus seen that the estimate made by the assignment of error.
Commissioner was an expression of belief, or an
opinion. An opinion is different from a fact. The WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is
generally recognized distinction between a affirmed, with costs against the defendant-appellant.
statement of "fact" and an expression of "opinion" is It is so ordered. Republic of the Philippines
that whatever is susceptible of exact knowledge is a
matter of fact, while that not susceptible of exact
knowledge is generally regarded as an expression of
opinion. 2 9 It has also been said that the word
"fact," as employed in the legal sense includes
"those conclusions reached by the trior from
shifting testimony, weighing evidence, and passing
on the credit of the witnesses, and it does not denote
those inferences drawn by the trial court from the
facts ascertained and settled by it. 3 0 In the case at
bar, the estimate made by the Commissioner of the
attorney's fees was an inference from the facts
ascertained by him, and is, therefore, not a finding
of facts. The trial court was, consequently, not
bound by that estimate, in spite of the manifestation
of the parties that they had no objection to the
findings of facts of the Commissioner in his report.
Moreover, under Section 11 of Rule 33 of the Rules
of Court, the court may adopt, modify, or reject the
report of the commissioner, in whole or in part, and
hence, it was within the trial court's authority to
increase the recommended attorney's fees of
SUPREME COURT been dishonored by the bank, appellant could not be
Manila located any-where, until he was summoned in the
City Fiscal's Office in view of the complaint
EN BANC for estafa filed in connection therewith; and that
appellant has not paid as yet the amount of the
G.R. No. L-2516 September 25, 1950 check, or any part thereof."
ANG TEK LIAN, petitioner, Inasmuch as the findings of fact of the Court of
vs. Appeals are final, the only question of law for
THE COURT OF APPEALS, respondent. decision is whether under the facts found, estafa had
been accomplished.
Laurel, Sabido, Almario and Laurel for petitioner.
Office of the Solicitor General Felix Bautista Article 315, paragraph (d), subsection 2 of the
Angelo and Solicitor Manuel Tomacruz for Revised Penal Code, punishes swindling committed
respondent. "By post dating a check, or issuing such check in
payment of an obligation the offender knowing that
BENGZON, J.: at the time he had no funds in the bank, or the funds
deposited by him in the bank were not sufficient to
For having issued a rubber check, Ang Tek Lian cover the amount of the check, and without
was convicted of estafa in the Court of First informing the payee of such circumstances".
Instance of Manila. The Court of Appeals affirmed
the verdict. We believe that under this provision of law Ang
Tek Lian was properly held liable. In this
It appears that, knowing he had no funds therefor, connection, it must be stated that, as explained
Ang Tek Lian drew on Saturday, November 16, in People vs. Fernandez (59 Phil., 615), estafa is
1946, the check Exhibits A upon the China Banking committed by issuing either a postdated check or an
Corporation for the sum of P4,000, payable to the ordinary check to accomplish the deceit.
order of "cash". He delivered it to Lee Hua Hong in
exchange for money which the latter handed in act. It is argued, however, that as the check had been
On November 18, 1946, the next business day, the made payable to "cash" and had not been endorsed
check was presented by Lee Hua Hong to the by Ang Tek Lian, the defendant is not guilty of the
drawee bank for payment, but it was dishonored for offense charged. Based on the proposition that "by
insufficiency of funds, the balance of the deposit of uniform practice of all banks in the Philippines a
Ang Tek Lian on both dates being P335 only. check so drawn is invariably dishonored," the
following line of reasoning is advanced in support
The Court of Appeals believed the version of Lee of the argument:
Huan Hong who testified that "on November 16,
1946, appellant went to his (complainant's) office, . . . When, therefore, he (the offended party )
at 1217 Herran, Paco, Manila, and asked him to accepted the check (Exhibit A) from the
exchange Exhibit A — which he (appellant) then appellant, he did so with full knowledge that
brought with him — with cash alleging that he it would be dishonored upon presentment. In
needed badly the sum of P4,000 represented by the that sense, the appellant could not be said to
check, but could not withdraw it from the bank, it have acted fraudulently because the
being then already closed; that in view of this complainant, in so accepting the check as it
request and relying upon appellant's assurance that was drawn, must be considered, by every
he had sufficient funds in the blank to meet Exhibit rational consideration, to have done so fully
A, and because they used to borrow money from aware of the risk he was running thereby."
each other, even before the war, and appellant owns (Brief for the appellant, p. 11.)
a hotel and restaurant known as the North Bay
Hotel, said complainant delivered to him, on the We are not aware of the uniformity of such practice.
same date, the sum of P4,000 in cash; that despite Instances have undoubtedly occurred wherein the
repeated efforts to notify him that the check had Bank required the indorsement of the drawer before
honoring a check payable to "cash." But cases there have the holder identified, and is not
are too, where no such requirement had been made . negligent in falling to do so. . . . (Michie on
It depends upon the circumstances of each Banks and Banking, Permanent Edition,
transaction. Vol. 5, p. 343.)
Under the Negotiable Instruments Law (sec. 9 [d], a . . . Consequently, a drawee bank to which a
check drawn payable to the order of "cash" is a bearer check is presented for payment need
check payable to bearer, and the bank may pay it to not necessarily have the holder identified
the person presenting it for payment without the and ordinarily may not be charged with
drawer's indorsement. negligence in failing to do so. See Opinions
6C:2 and 6C:3 If the bank has no reasonable
A check payable to the order of cash is a cause for suspecting any irregularity, it will
bearer instrument. Bacal vs. National City be protected in paying a bearer check, "no
Bank of New York (1933), 146 Misc., 732; matter what facts unknown to it may have
262 N. Y. S., 839; Cleary vs. De Beck Plate occurred prior to the presentment." 1 Morse,
Glass Co. (1907), 54 Misc., 537; 104 N. Y. Banks and Banking, sec. 393.
S., 831; Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance
Co. vs. Pittsburgh Pipe & Supply Co. (Tex. Although a bank is entitled to pay the
Civ. App., 1939), 135 S. W. (2d), 818. See amount of a bearer check without further
also H. Cook & Son vs. Moody (1916), 17 inquiry, it is entirely reasonable for the bank
Ga. App., 465; 87 S. E., 713. to insist that holder give satisfactory proof of
his identity. . . . (Paton's Digest, Vol. I, p.
Where a check is made payable to the order 1089.)
of "cash", the word cash "does not purport to
be the name of any person", and hence the Anyway, it is significant, and conclusive, that the
instrument is payable to bearer. The drawee form of the check Exhibit A was totally
bank need not obtain any indorsement of the unconnected with its dishonor. The Court of
check, but may pay it to the person Appeals declared that it was returned
presenting it without any indorsement. . . . unsatisfied because the drawer had insufficient
(Zollmann, Banks and Banking, Permanent funds— not because the drawer's indorsement was
Edition, Vol. 6, p. 494.) lacking.
Of course, if the bank is not sure of the bearer's Wherefore, there being no question as to the
identity or financial solvency, it has the right to correctness of the penalty imposed on the appellant,
demand identification and /or assurance against the writ of certiorari is denied and the decision of
possible complications, — for instance, (a) forgery the Court of Appeals is hereby affirmed, with costs.
of drawer's signature, (b) loss of the check by the
rightful owner, (c) raising of the amount payable, Moran, C. J., Ozaeta, Paras, Pablo, Tuason, and
etc. The bank may therefore require, for its Reyes, JJ., concur.
protection, that the indorsement of the drawer — or
of some other person known to it — be obtained.
But where the Bank is satisfied of the identity and
/or the economic standing of the bearer who tenders
the check for collection, it will pay the instrument
without further question; and it would incur no
liability to the drawer in thus acting.