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Original Article

A comparison between laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal

intubation for anaesthesia in adult patients undergoing NUSS
Songsong Mao1, Xiaojun Du2, Jue Ma1, Guangyan Zhang1, Jianxiu Cui1
Department of Anesthesia, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510080, China; 2Department of
Thoracic Surgery, the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang 550001, China
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: S Mao, J Cui; (II) Administrative support: None; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: None; (IV)
Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final
approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Jianxiu Cui. Department of Anesthesia, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou
510080, China. Email:

Background: This study evaluates and compares the feasibility and safety of application of laryngeal mask
airway (LMA) and endotracheal intubation (ETT) for anaesthesia in adult patients undergoing thoracoscopic
Methods: Sixty adult patients with pectus excavatum (PE) undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
for the NUSS procedure (VATS-NUSS) between September 2016 and March 2017 were selected and
randomly separated into two groups with different methods of airway management. In one group, LMA
was applied for general anaesthesia, and in the other group, ETT was used. The clinical parameters before,
during and after the surgery in patients from both groups were collected from multiple data resources in a
hospital. SPSS software was used for the analysis.
Results: Of all the selected patients, the physiological parameters showed similarity between the LMA
and ETT groups, indicating consistency in the clinical characteristics of the study sample. Additionally,
no significant differences were discovered between the two groups in terms of the anaesthesia and surgical
time, peak PetCO2 during operation, anaesthetic satisfaction score, and amount of blood loss as well as
inpatient time for recovery. However, with a similar level of anaesthesia effects and suitable parameters
for mechanical ventilation, patients in the LMA group showed much more stability in the physiological
indicators for inflammation and haemodynamics, including white blood cell count (ΔWBC) and percentage
of neutrophil granulocytes (ΔNEU%) in the blood as well as heart rate (ΔHR) and mean arterial pressure
(ΔMAP). Moreover, the LMA patients had a significantly shorter time for recovery of consciousness and
food/water intake. Finally, compared to the ETT group, patients in the LMA group also had a significantly
lower incidence of side effects induced by the anaesthesia procedure after surgery, such as gastrointestinal
reactions, throat discomfort and hoarseness.
Conclusions: Compared with ETT, the application of LMA for general anaesthesia may demonstrate
promising advantages in airway management for the VATS-NUSS procedure.

Keywords: Laryngeal mask airway (LMA); endotracheal intubation (ETT); adult patients; NUSS

Submitted Dec 09, 2017. Accepted for publication May 03 2018.

doi: 10.21037/jtd.2018.05.74
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© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224
Journal of Thoracic Disease, Vol 10, No 6 June 2018 3217

Introduction computer-generating code for each enrolled patient and

then designed the grouping by using the simple random
With stable growth of the chest skeleton in adults (age >16),
sampling method. Enrolled patients were randomly
placing an internal support frame in the thoracic cavity
distributed to the LMA and ETT groups, and then the
of patients with pectus excavatum (PE) may not have an
data were collected until the total sample number was 60
effect on its later development. Furthermore, the procedure
and the sample in each group reached 30. The grouping
applied at this relatively mature age might be beneficial for
information was stored as code and kept by a third party
re-shaping the chest. As a result, the video-assisted thoracic
person who was later responsible for data analysis.
surgery (VATS)-NUSS procedure has been widely applied
as a standard procedure for treating adult patients with PE,
and abundant clinical cases have demonstrated its successful Patient recruitment
effects (1,2). In traditional opinions, airway management
Written informed consent was obtained after the patients
with endotracheal intubation (ETT) for general anaesthesia
had been informed about the investigational nature of the
is necessary for the NUSS procedure. Either one or dual-
study, the potential risks, and the predictable outcomes.
lung ventilation can be applied. For dual-lung ventilation,
Eligible patients aged 17 to 24 with a medical record
artificial pneumothorax is applied to expose the operating
in the hospital between 01 Sep 2016 and 01 Mar 2017
field by the surgeon with CO2 perfused into the pleural
were recruited. The eligibility criteria included the
cavity (3,4). However, due to an abnormal thoracic cavity,
following: patients (age >16) diagnosed with PE by chest
patients with PE usually suffer some severe complications
radiographic manifestations or computed tomography
before surgery, such as repeated respiratory system infection
and those who were willing to be treated by VATS-
and further pulmonary dysfunction. In addition, the ETT
NUSS. Exclusion criteria: (I) patients with a preoperative
procedure may also increase the incidence of or aggravate
anaesthesia assessment score higher than III (American
these complications (5,6). To avoid the occurrence of
Society of Anesthesiologists, ASA); (II) patients with severe
complications induced by ETT, some surgeons are seeking
circulation, liver or kidney dysfunction or those intolerant
an alternative method and trying to apply laryngeal mask
of surgery; (III) patients with low levels of pulmonary
airway (LMA) for airway management in VATS for treating
function (FEV1 <60%) or with infection in the respiration
spontaneous pneumothorax. These attempts were successful
tract; (IV) psychiatric patients who needed long-term
and preliminarily showed the promising prospect of the
medication treatment or patients with diseases of the central
application of LMA for airway management in the area
nervous system; (V) patients with history of anaesthetic
of minimally invasive thoracic surgery (7). However, we
allergy; (VI) obese patients whose body mass index (BMI)
need to be concerned that this conclusion was only from
was higher than 29.9. Then, we selected eligible patients
a small number of clinical cases, and the study lacked a
and randomly distributed them into the LMA and ETT
prospective and comprehensive comparison with ETT;
groups. The data from the enrolled patients who suffered
thus, the feasibility and safety of LMA still needs to be
severe complications during surgery such as arrhythmia,
further confirmed. To provide strong clinical evidence
electrolyte disorders or uncontrolled blood loss and needed
and to further evaluate the feasibility and safety of LMA
to convert to open-chest surgery were excluded from our
application in the VATS-NUSS procedure, it is necessary
final analysis. Based on “rule of thumb” in statistics and
for us to design a randomized control study in which the
a previously published article (8), at least 30 patients in
effects of LMA and traditional ETT are compared.
each group are considered adequate for statistical analysis.
We were recruiting patients until the sample size for each
Methods group reached our ideal number. The clinical parameters of
enrolled patients in the LMA and ETT groups are shown
Trial design
in Table 1.
This project was designed as a prospective, randomized
controlled study and has been approved by the Human
Anaesthesia preparation, induction, and maintenance
Ethics Committee of Guangdong General Hospital
(Guangzhou, China). We used statistical software (IBM Preparation: all the patients lay in supine position after
SPSS Statistics v22.0, IBM, Armonk, USA) to produce a being sent to the surgery room. Their vital signs, such as

© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224
3218 Mao et al. Comparison between LMA and ETT for adult NUSS

Table 1 Clinical parameters of the enrolled patients set for the LMA group. In addition, volume preset ventilation
Variables LMA group (n=30) ETT group (n=30) P value mode (VPV) was set for the ETT patients. As shown in Table 2,
Male gender (%) 19 (63.3) 17 (56.7) 0.43
the ventilator parameters for both groups were similar. The
peak pressure of ventilation in both groups was controlled
Age, years 21±3.2 20±3.8 0.54
no higher than 40 cmH2O; the leak pressure for the LMA
Weight (kg) 50.3±8.2 49.7±9.1 0.69 group was 18 mmHg. The oxygen saturation in patients was
Height (cm) 163.3±9.2 165.9±8.7 0.62 maintained higher than 95%, and the depth of anaesthesia was
within 50–60.
BMI 18.9±2.8 19.1±3.2 0.46
Termination: a total of 2 µg/kg fentanyl was added
Smoker (%)  10 (33.3) 11 (36.7) 0.81 intravenously prior to closure of the chest cavity in both
Haller index 3.7±1.8 4.1±1.9 0.23 groups. In the ETT group, the muscle relaxant stopped
Continuous data are shown as the mean ± standard deviation pumping at the same time; 0.03 mg/kg neostigmine
and categorical data as numbers (%). BMI, body mass index; plus 0.01 mg/kg atropine were applied intravenously to
LMA, laryngeal mask airway; ETT, endotracheal intubation. antagonize the effect of the muscle relaxant. All the patients
were sent to the recovery room after surgery.
Criteria for extubation: patients could respond by
electrocardiogram, pulse oximetry, non-invasive blood opening their eyes; spontaneous respiratory rate was regular
pressure, respiratory rate, and electroencephalogram and 14–20/min; breath sounds in both lungs were normal;
(EEG) intensity, were monitored before the induction of oxygen saturation was higher than 95%. All the patients
anaesthesia. The vein line was established for rehydration, were checked for hoarseness and pharynx discomfort after
and scopolamine at 0.005 mg/kg was infused intravenously they recovered consciousness.
f or 3 0 m in fo r p remed i c a ti o n b efo re a na esth esia
induction. The devices for the induction and maintenance
of anaesthesia were prepared including fibreoptic Surgical procedure
bronchoscopy, laryngeal mask and endotracheal tubes. The details of the VATS-NUSS procedure we used have
Induction and maintenance: anaesthesia in the LMA group been described previously (9). First, after induction of
was induced by intravenous injection of 0.05–0.1 mg/kg of anaesthesia, the patients were positioned supine on the right
midazolam, 2 µg/kg of fentanyl and pump infusion of propofol side of the table with both arms abducted approximately 70°
with a target concentration in the plasma of 1.5–2 µg/mL. from the chest wall. This position not only allowed good
The correctly sized laryngeal mask was chosen based access to the lower chest wall and did not cause brachial
on the patients’ weight and placed in the airway by the plexus injury but also ensured free movement of the
anaesthesiologist after patients lost consciousness. The cuff was thoracoscope; Second, the right end of the Nuss bar had a
inflated to the maximum volume, and it was confirmed that longer shape than the left end for bar stabilization. Third, a
there was no air leakage. After, the airway device was attached 5-mm trocar was inserted through the same incision sites on
to the anaesthetic circuit. Anaesthesia was maintained by pump the right side to maximize visualization. Fourth, to improve
infusion of propofol and 0.05~0.1 μg/kg/min of remifentanil, visualization, CO2 was insufflated through the trocar, and
and the depth of anaesthesia was adjusted based on the EEG the pressure was maintained from 3 to 5 mmHg to keep
and circulatory parameters. For the ETT group, intravenous the lungs out of the operative field. Fifth, when creating
injection of 3–4 µg/kg of fentanyl plus the same dosage of the retrosternal tunnel with an introducer, the thoracic
midazolam and propofol as that in the LMA group was entry and exit sites were placed close to the sternum to
administered to induce anaesthesia. Intravenous injection of prevent disruption of the intercostal muscles. Sixth, after
0.2 mg/kg cisatracurium was applied to relax the muscles after the retrosternal tunnel had been created, the introducer was
patients lost consciousness. Then, a single-lumen endotracheal pushed through the left incision and lifted in an anterior
tube was placed by the anaesthesiologist. The patients were direction to pull the sternum and anterior chest wall out of
continually pump-infused with propofol (target plasma their depressed position. Then, the malformed ribs were
concentration 2–4 µg/mL), remifentanil (0.1~0.2 μg/kg/min) pressed forcefully several times to shape them. Next, after
and cisatracurium (2 µg/kg/min). The ventilator mode of a 28-Fr transparent chest drain was fitted to the tip of the
synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) was introducer and withdrawn from the right incision, the left

© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224
Journal of Thoracic Disease, Vol 10, No 6 June 2018 3219

Table 2 Mechanical ventilation parameters in the LMA and ETT groups

Time point Tidal volume (mL/kg) Respiratory rate (bpm) PetCO2 (mmHg) FiO2 Inspiratory/expiratory

LMA/ETT ready 7–8 10–12 35–40 50 1:2

Artificial pneumothorax 6–7 16–18 35–50 50 1:2

Before closing chest 8–10 12 35–45 50 1:2

LMA, laryngeal mask airway; ETT, endotracheal intubation.

end of the shaped Nuss bar was fitted to the right end of before surgery and 1 day after surgery; the variation of
the drain hollow. Again, the drain was withdrawn from the haemodynamic parameters during surgery, such as mean
left incision and guided the Nuss bar across the critical arterial pressure (ΔMAP) and heart rate (ΔHR); blood
retrosternal tunnel carefully under thoracoscopic guidance. gas analysis during surgery, including arterial blood PH,
The bar was rotated through 180° with the sternum being partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2), partial
pushed upward, and the PE was completely corrected. pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO 2) and
Seventh, one stabilizer was placed on the right side as close peak of end tidal CO 2 pressure (PetCO 2); Anaesthesia
as possible to the thoracic entry sites to avoid rotation. effect score; Surgery and anaesthesia-related parameters,
Additionally, the bar and the stabilizer were secured on the including operation time (the duration time starts from
muscles with polyester sutures (7.0 metric, ETHICON, cutting the skin to suture finish and closure of surgery site),
INC 2007, MB66.P33). Eighth, at the end of the procedure, anaesthesia time (the duration time from the start of the
a 12-Fr urethral catheter was placed through the right anaesthesia procedure to LMA removal or extubation of
incision site (and the left incision site if left pneumothorax ET), amount of blood loss (based on the number of blood
occurred) before the incisions were closed to evacuate gauze plus the amount of blood inside the vacuum bottle),
the pneumothorax by expanding the lungs with positive awake time (the duration time from when the operation
pressure ventilation. Ninth, if two bars were needed, the is finished to the time when patients completely recover
surgical procedure for the second bar was approximately consciousness and can open their eyes to respond), and
the same as above, with a few differences: the left end of the dosage of muscle relaxant used; postoperative parameters
Nuss bar was longer than the right end, and the stabilizer indicating the recovery of patients after surgery. To evaluate
was placed on the left side because it was difficult to place and compare the anaesthesia effect between the ETT and
the two stabilizers on one side. LMA groups, we designed the anaesthesia effect score.
There are four levels of the anaesthesia effect. Level 1:
the anaesthesia effect is satisfying; the patient is resting
Postoperative care
without any pain, and the haemodynamic level is stable
The patients were required to remain in a supine position. during surgery; the surgery process is going well. Level 2:
Both oral and pump-infusing nonsteroidal analgesics the anaesthesia effect is still acceptable, but the dosage of
were administered as routine. A chest roentgenogram was analgesic, sedative and muscle relaxant still need further
performed the next morning after surgery to evaluate the adjustment; haemodynamic fluctuation can be seen during
effect of the procedure. The patients recovered their intake surgery but does not affect the surgery process. Level 3: the
of food and water based on their requirements. All the anaesthesia effect is not good; the patient is restless, and
postoperative complications were recorded. the haemodynamic fluctuation is unstable during surgery.
There is no improvement even if the anaesthetic is adjusted.
The surgery is not easily handled. Level 4: the current
Data collection and statistical analysis
anaesthesia protocol is not suitable for surgery. Random
All the clinical data were collected from the institutional variables of clinical data were shown as the percentage
database, the anaesthesia and surgical notes, and the or mean ± standard deviation. The chi-square test and
medical and nursing records. The collected data included: unpaired t-test were applied to analyse the difference
difference in blood cell counts (ΔWBC) and percentage between the LMA and ETT groups. IBM SPSS Statistics
of neutrophil granulocytes (ΔNEU%) between the day v22.0 (IBM, Armonk, USA) was used for the data analysis

© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224
3220 Mao et al. Comparison between LMA and ETT for adult NUSS

Table 3 Surgery and anaesthesia-related parameters between the two groups

Variables LMA group (n=30) ETT group (n=30) P value
ΔWBC (×10 ) 4.3±2.6 6.9±4.5 <0.01

ΔNEU% 18±5.6 25±4.7 <0.01

ΔMAP (mmHg) 16.4±4.9 27.7±8.6 <0.01

ΔHR 9.7±7.5 41.3±15.6 <0.01

Cisatracurium (mg/kg) 0 0.2 <0.01

Peak PetCO2 (mmHg) 41.8±5.4 39.8±7.5 0.289

Blood loss (mL) 11.8±2.9 12.4±3.6 0.313

Operation time (h) 1.0±0.2 0.9±0.3 0.617

Anaesthesia time (h) 1.8±0.3 1.9±0.6 0.405

Awake time (h) 0.2±0.1 1.1±0.2 <0.01

Level of anaesthesia effects 1

I 30 30

II 0 0

III 0 0

IV 0 0
Continuous data are shown as the mean+ standard deviation and categorical data as numbers (%). The amount of blood loss is calculated
based on the number of blood gauze plus the amount of blood inside the vacuum bottle. Operation time: the duration time starts from
cutting the skin to finishing the suture and closure of the surgery site; Anaesthesia time: the duration time from the start of the anaesthesia
procedure to LMA removal or extubation of ET; Awake time: the duration time is from when the operation is finished to the time when
patients completely recover consciousness and can open their eyes to respond. WBC, white blood cell; NEU, neutrophil granulocytes;
MAP, mean arterial pressure; HR, heart rate; PetCO2, peak value of end tidal CO2 pressure; LMA, laryngeal mask airway; ETT, endotracheal

and to calculate P value. The results were considered laryngeal mask placed properly and successfully. Neither
significantly different when the P value was less than 0.05. displacement of the laryngeal mask nor conversion to
endotracheal incubation occurred during surgery. The
patients in the ETT group had endotracheal tubes placed
for airway management successfully as well. No respiratory
All the selected patients with PE went through the video- complications, such as airway obstruction or bronchospasm,
assisted thoracoscopic surgery for NUSS procedure (VATS- occurred in any enrolled patients during surgery, ET
NUSS) successfully. After randomized grouping, we did extubation or LMA removal. Additionally, we did not see
not find a significant difference between the LMA and the postoperative nausea, reflux, or aspiration (Table 4). There
ETT groups in terms of the physiological parameters and was no observed case that required changing the surgical
population features of the enrolled patients, such as age, procedure to open the thoracic cavity, and there was no case
weight, height, and Haller index as well as percentage of of death case.
male gender and smokers (Table 1), demonstrating that the First, compared to the ETT group, the variation in
LMA and ETT groups have similar clinical population blood cell count and percentage of neutrophil granulocytes
characteristics. Overall, no severe surgical complications (ΔWBC and ΔNEU%) in patients during surgery were
were observed in any patient; the surgical and anaesthesia much smaller in the LMA group. Additionally, patients
procedures in each case achieved satisfying results in the LMA group showed more stable haemodynamic
(Tables 3,4). For the LMA group, all the patients had the parameters during surgery, such as HR and MAP, than

© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224
Journal of Thoracic Disease, Vol 10, No 6 June 2018 3221

Table 4 Postoperative parameters between the two groups

Variables LMA group (n=30) ETT group (n=30) P value

Start drinking water after surgery (h) 2.3±2.6 7.8±1.9 <0.01

Gastrointestinal reactions (%) 3 (10.0) 12 (43.3) <0.01

Throat discomfort (%) 1 (3.3) 20 (66.7) <0.01

Hoarseness (%) 1 (3.3) 12 (40.0) <0.01

Hospital stay after operation (d) 1.6±0.2 1.7±0.3 0.35

Continuous data are shown as the mean ± standard deviation and categorical data as number (%). LMA, laryngeal mask airway; ETT,
endotracheal intubation.

Table 5 Blood gas analysis between the LMA and ETT groups
Variables T0 T1 T2 T3

LMA group (n=30)

pH 7.40±0.03 7.40±0.05 7.40±0.08 7.40±0.06

PaO2 (kPa) 13.0±0.30 12.90±0.30 12.80±0.30 13.10±0.20

PaCO2 (kPa) 5.40±0.60 5.30±0.50 5.50±0.50 5.50±0.50

PetCO2 (kPa) – 37±3.20 41.8±5.40 40.0±3.40

ETT group (n=30)

pH 7.40±0.05 7.40±0.04 7.40±0.07 7.40±0.04

PaO2 (kPa) 12.80±0.40 13.0±0.30 12.90±0.40 13.0±0.20

PaCO2 (kPa) 5.20±0.70 5.30±0.50 5.50±0.60 5.30±0.40

PetCO2 (kPa) – 36.9±3.0 39.8±6.50 39.1±2.60

T0, before anaesthesia; T1, before pneumothorax; T2, 10 min after pneumothorax; T3, suture; PaO , partial pressure of oxygen in arterial

blood; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood; PetCO2, postapneic end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure; LMA, laryngeal
mask airway; ETT, endotracheal intubation.

that in the ETT group (Table 3). Moreover, we found that group recovered their food and water intake much earlier
for patients in the LMA group, routine application of the than in the ETT group. Meanwhile, compared to the ETT
muscle relaxant was unnecessary, while patients in the ETT group, patients in the LMA group had significantly lower
group still required administration with a muscle relaxant incidence of gastrointestinal reactions, throat discomfort
to ensure satisfying anaesthesia effects (Table 3). During and hoarseness. However, there was no obvious difference
surgery, no significant difference was found between the in days of inpatient care after surgery between the LMA and
LMA and ETT group in terms of blood gas analysis, such ETT groups (Table 4).
as arterial PH, arterial partial oxygen and carbon dioxide
pressure (PaO 2 and PaCO 2), and postapneic end-tidal
carbon dioxide pressure (PetCO2) at different time points
(Table 5). Additionally, the amount of blood loss, anaesthesia Thus far, this is the first clinical prospective investigation
and surgical procedure time as well as anaesthesia effect formally comparing the different methods of airway
were similar between the two groups (Table 3). Finally, we management between LMA and ETT in general
found that awakening time after surgery was significantly anaesthesia for adult VATS-NUSS procedure in a
shorter in patients in the LMA group than the ETT group. randomized, controlled and point-to-point method.
During in-patient care after surgery, patients in the LMA Some patients with PE in our hospital are already at adult

© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224
3222 Mao et al. Comparison between LMA and ETT for adult NUSS

age. However, with the long-term effects of thoracic meaningful to consider whether the LMA technique
deformity, most of these patients suffer severe dysfunction should be applied or not. The anaesthetic effect was
of important organs such as those of the cardiopulmonary satisfying in both the LMA and ETT groups. All the results
system. These patients usually come to the hospital with preliminarily demonstrated that LMA in general anaesthesia
respiratory infections that may multiply, increasing the risk might be suitable for the standard VATS-NUSS procedure.
of surgery (10,11). Hence, airway management in general In the LMA group, SIMV was selected for ventilation
anaesthesia is considered a top priority in patients with PE in general anaesthesia, which could effectively prevent
during surgery. In traditional VATS-NUSS procedures, in hypoxemia via increasing the respiratory rate, even if the
order to create enough space to operate, surgeons usually tidal volume decreased during artificial pneumothorax.
place the intubation tube in one side of the lungs and Meanwhile, moderate artificial pneumothorax not only
infuse CO2 inside the thoracic cavity to induce artificial ensures enough operating space for the surgeon but also
pneumothorax (4). However, utilizing such a method to decreases the activity amplitude of lung lobes that maximally
manage the airway may cause ventilator-associated lung protected lobes’ physical function. The laryngeal mask is
injury (VALI). Additionally, the intubation tube itself may placed in the throat and larynx but not into the glottis and
also induce mechanical stretch-associated lung injury and trachea; thus, patients are usually more tolerant of LMA
lower respiratory tract infection (12,13). Moreover, ETT because of no stimulation to the epiglottis. Moreover, not
may cause several complications, such as airway spasm, muscle relaxant administration but only a small amount
vocal cord paralysis and laryngeal edema (14). In addition of sedatives and analgesics are needed in LMA patients.
to ETT, LMA for general anaesthesia is another alternative In contrast to LMA, traditional ETT required deeper
method of airway management that is safer than epidural anaesthesia to have fully relaxed muscles and satisfactory
anaesthesia. Compared to ETT, LMA shows superiority mouth opening as well as inhibition of reflection in the
in certain aspects, which makes it specifically suitable for throat and larynx. We discovered from clinical practice that
application in some small thoracic surgeries. There have compared to the ETT group, only a half dose of analgesics
been clinical cases around the world in which LMA was was needed to reach the desired effect for the induction
successfully applied in the VATS procedure for patients with of anaesthesia in the LMA group. During maintenance of
spontaneous pneumothorax or thoracic spine orthopaedics anaesthesia, blood concentration of sedatives and analgesics
(7,8,15,16). We discovered from clinical practice that LMA in the LMA patients was approximately 50% lower than in
possesses multiple advantages for airway management: easy the ETT patients. There was a positive correlation between
to operate; no laryngoscope required; the whole procedure the dosage of anaesthetics used and the awakening time.
took only approximately 20 seconds and usually could be Therefore, less anaesthetics were used in the LMA group;
accomplished successfully. Hence, if LMA can be applied the patients’ awakening time after anaesthesia was much
for the VATS-NUSS procedure instead of traditional ETT, shorter than the ETT group.
the risk of airway management during surgery would be LMA is a non-invasive procedure effectively preventing
undoubtedly dramatically decreased. Considering that vocal cord and tracheal mucosa from mechanical injury.
the time of the VATS-NUSS procedure is as short as 1 h As a result, patients in the LMA group suffered less stress
and that it is a well-developed procedure, LMA for airway responses and postoperative complications. With no effect
management is supposed to meet the temporal requirement on cilia activity and with less secretion produced in the
of VATS-NUSS theoretically. It is worthy for us to compare tracheal mucosa, LMA was able to dramatically decrease
the different outcomes between LMA and traditional ETT the occurrence of postoperative complications that usually
in airway management for VATS-NUSS procedure. happen in patients with ETT, such as sore throat, laryngeal
All the enrolled patients went through the VATS-NUSS edema, vocal cord injury and paralysis of the recurrent
procedure successfully. No patients needed emergency laryngeal nerve (17). On the other hand, a smaller dosage
rescue due to anaesthesia or conversion to ETT procedure of anaesthetics may extenuate the side effects and further
during surgery. Additionally, there was no significant alleviate the gastrointestinal response as well as prevent the
difference between the LMA and ETT groups, comparing occurrence of reflux and aspiration, which are beneficial for
anaesthesia and surgical time, amount of blood loss, and patients to recover their own gastrointestinal function and
blood gas analysis, including arterial blood PH, PaO 2, enables patients to resume eating and drinking as soon as
PaCO2 and PetCO2 levels. The trend of PetCO2 is clinically possible.

© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224
Journal of Thoracic Disease, Vol 10, No 6 June 2018 3223

Overall, we still can discover some differences between the sputum. Thus far, the future application of LMA for
these two methods of airway management, considering thoracic surgery is still being explored, and its indications
the pathophysiological impact on patients. First, we found still need to be carefully considered. We may first attempt
that alternations in haemodynamic parameters, such as to apply this novel ventilation in some small thoracic
the mean arterial pressure and heart rate during surgery surgeries, such as hand sweat syndrome, minimally invasive
(ΔMAP and ΔHR) in the LMA group were much smaller PE orthopaedic, spontaneous pneumothorax and wedge
than in the ETT group, indicating that patients suffered resection for marginal pulmonary nodules. Then, we would
less stimulation from the LMA procedure, and their stable be able to accumulate more and more experience in airway
haemodynamics were easier to maintain, even if fewer management, anaesthesia and surgery. Once there are enough
anaesthetics were used. In contrast, ETT and removal evidence-based clinical cases, we can go further and attempt
of the intubation tube may induce dramatic vibration of to apply LMA in larger surgeries such as operations for lung
blood pressure and heart rate even though patients were cancer.
already concurrently administered with relatively high dose
of sedatives, analgesics and muscle relaxants. Second, the
change in ΔWBC and ΔNEU% in the LMA group showed
more stability than in the ETT group. We assumed that In summary, LMA may be a promising method for airway
the aseptic inflammatory response caused by mechanical management alternatives to traditional ETT. Much less
stimulation from anaesthesia and the surgical procedure anaesthetics and stimulation were used on patients with
may underlie the increase in WBC and NEU% after LMA, which further increases the stability of the anaesthetic
surgery. Both the LMA and ETT groups showed similarity effect and improves patient recovery after surgery.
in terms of operation time and surgical protocol. However, Abundant clinical evidence demonstrates that LMA could
with no impact on patients’ trachea, compared to the ETT be feasible and safe as ventilation for general anaesthesia
group, the LMA group showed obviously less inflammatory in the VATS-NUSS procedure. On the premise of strictly
responses after surgery and a shorter stress response time. controlling its indicators, LMA may be a better choice for
Meanwhile, patients in the LMA group resumed eating airway management in the adult VATS-NUSS procedure.
and drinking earlier so that they could easily recover stable
haemodynamics. In summary, compared to traditional ETT,
LMA interfered less in the physiological environment of the
respiratory system and enabled patients to recover sooner Funding: This study was funded by Guangdong Natural
after surgery. Science Foundation (grant number S2013010011516).
LMA showed promising advantages in clinical practice;
it is a non-invasive procedure that is easy to operate and has
good compliance from patients. However, some problems
also cannot be ignored. First, the location of the laryngeal Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest
mask might change during surgery, which could induce to declare.
airway leaking or a sudden increase in airway pressure. In
this case, we need to adjust the patient’s head or inflatable Ethical Statement: This study was approved by the Human
volume in cuff to correct the location of the laryngeal mask. Ethics Committee of Guangdong General Hospital
Without any improvement, conversion to ETT would be (Guangzhou, China) of No. 2015285H. Written informed
necessary. Second, since LMA increases the risks of reflux and consent was obtained from the patients after they had been
aspiration, patients are required to be strictly fasted before informed about the investigational nature of the study,
surgery. Narrow airway and severe infection in the upper the differences between LMA and ETT, the possibility
respiratory tract should be considered contraindications that conversion to an ETT may be necessary during the
for LMA. Finally, sputum could not be sucked out from procedure, and the foreseeable outcomes.
the airway once LMA was applied, so secretions from the
airway should be kept in a limited amount during the whole
procedure. Otherwise, the bronchus might be blocked, and
immediate conversion to ETT would be needed for sucking 1. Nuss D, Kelly RE, Croitoru DP, et al. A 10-year review of

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Cite this article as: Mao S, Du X, Ma J, Zhang G, Cui J. A

comparison between laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal
intubation for anaesthesia in adult patients undergoing NUSS
procedure. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224. doi: 10.21037/

© Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(6):3216-3224

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