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Working Principle of Solar Energy

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The Working Principle of a Solar Cell

In this chapter we present a very simple model of a solar cell. Many notions presented in
this chapter will be new but nonetheless the general idea of how a solar cell works should
be clear. All the aspects presented in this chapter will be discussed in greater detail in the
following chapters.
The working principle of solar cells is based on the photovoltaic effect, i.e. the generation
of a potential difference at the junction of two different materials in response to electromag-
netic radiation. The photovoltaic effect is closely related to the photoelectric effect, where
electrons are emitted from a material that has absorbed light with a frequency above a
material-dependent threshold frequency. In 1905, Albert Einstein understood that this ef-
fect can be explained by assuming that the light consists of well defined energy quanta,
called photons. The energy of such a photon is given by

E = hν, (3.1)

where h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of the light. For his explanation of the
photoelectric effect Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 [23].
The photovoltaic effect can be divided into three basic processes:

1. Generation of charge carriers due to the absorption of photons in the materials

that form a junction.

Absorption of a photon in a material means that its energy is used to excite an electron
from an initial energy level Ei to a higher energy level E f , as shown in Fig. 3.1 (a). Photons
can only be absorbed if electron energy levels Ei and E f are present so that their difference
equals the photon energy, hν = E f − Ei . In an ideal semiconductor electrons can populate
energy levels below the so-called valence band edge, EV , and above the so called conduction
band edge, EC . Between those two bands no allowed energy states exist, which could be

22 Solar Energy

(a) (b)

generation of
an electron-hole pair thermalisation, Eph > EG

Figure 3.1: (a) Illustrating the absorption of a photon in a semiconductor with bandgap EG . The
photon with energy Eph = hν excites an electron from Ei to E f . At Ei a hole is created. (b) If
Eph > EG , a part of the energy is thermalised.

populated by electrons. Hence, this energy difference is called the bandgap, EG = EC − EV .

If a photon with an energy smaller than EG reaches an ideal semiconductor, it will not be
absorbed but will traverse the material without interaction.
In a real semiconductor, the valence and conduction bands are not flat, but vary de-
pending on the so-called k-vector that describes the momentum of an electron in the semi-
conductor. This means, that the energy of an electron is dependent on its momentum be-
cause of the periodic structure of the semiconductor crystal. If the maximum of the valence
band and the minimum of the conduction band occur at the same k-vector, an electron can
be excited from the valence to the conduction band without a change in the momentum.
Such a semiconductor is called a direct bandgap material. If the electron cannot be excited
without changing its momentum, we speak of an indirect bandgap material. The electron
can only change its momentum by momentum exchange with the crystal, i.e. by receiving
momentum from or giving momentum to vibrations of the crystal lattice. The absorption
coefficient in a direct bandgap material is much higher than in an indirect bandgap mater-
ial, thus the absorbing semiconductor, often just called the absorber, can be much thinner
If an electron is excited from Ei to E f , a void is created at Ei . This void behaves like a
particle with a positive elementary charge and is called a hole. The absorption of a photon
therefore leads to the creation of an electron-hole pair, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2 ¶. The
radiative energy of the photon is converted to the chemical energy of the electron-hole pair.
The maximal conversion efficiency from radiative energy to chemical energy is limited
by thermodynamics. This thermodynamic limit lies in between 67% for non-concentrated
sunlight and 86% for fully concentrated sunlight [25].
The basic physics required for describing semiconductors is presented in chapter 6.

2. Subsequent separation of the photo-generated charge carriers in the junction.

Usually, the electron-hole pair will recombine, i.e. the electron will fall back to the initial
energy level Ei , as illustrated in Fig. 3.2 ·. The energy will then be released either as photon
(radiative recombination) or transferred to other electrons or holes or lattice vibrations (non-
3. The Working Principle of a Solar Cell 23



Figure 3.2: A very simple solar cell model. ¶ Absorption of a photon leads to the generation of
an electron-hole pair. · Usually, the electrons and holes will recombine. ¸ With semipermeable
membranes the electrons and the holes can be separated. ¹ The separated electrons can be used
to drive an electric circuit. º After the electrons passed through the circuit, they will recombine
with holes.

radiative recombination). If one wants to use the energy stored in the electron-hole pair for
performing work in an external circuit, semipermeable membranes must be present on both
sides of the absorber, such that electrons only can flow out through one membrane and
holes only can flow out through the other membrane [25], as illustrated in Fig. 3.2 ¸. In
most solar cells, these membranes are formed by n- and p-type materials.
A solar cell has to be designed such that the electrons and holes can reach the mem-
branes before they recombine, i.e. the time it requires the charge carriers to reach the mem-
branes must be shorter than their lifetime. This requirement limits the thickness of the
We will discuss generation and recombination of electrons and holes in detail in chapter

3. Collection of the photo-generated charge carriers at the terminals of the junc-


Finally, the charge carriers are extracted from the solar cells with electrical contacts so that
they can perform work in an external circuit (Fig. 3.2 ¹). The chemical energy of the electron-
hole pairs is finally converted to electric energy. After the electrons passed through the
circuit, they will recombine with holes at a metal-absorber interface, as illustrated in Fig.
3.2 º.

Loss mechanisms

The two most important loss mechanisms in single bandgap solar cells are the inability
to convert photons with energies below the bandgap to electricity and thermalisation of
photon energies exceeding the bandgap, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1 (b). These two mechan-
isms alone amount to the loss of about half the incident solar energy in the conversion
24 Solar Energy

process [26]. Thus, the maximal energy conversion efficiency of a single-junction solar cell
is considerably below the thermodynamic limit. This single bandgap limit was first calcu-
lated by Shockley and Queisser in 1961 [27].
A detailed overview of loss mechanisms and the resulting efficiency limits is discussed
in Chapter 10.

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