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Pre-Calculus Curriculum Guide

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Saint Francis Academy

SCHOOL YEAR 2018-2019


Prepared by:
Miss Shajara C. Del Rosario


At the end of the course, the students must be able to apply concepts and solves problems involving conic sections, systems of
nonlinear equations, series and mathematical induction, circular and trigonometric identities, and polar coordinate system.
Analytic The learner The learner is The learner 1. Illustrates the How can real-life Students will
Geometry demonstrates able to model demonstrates the different types of problems involving understand that
understanding of situations values of … conic sections: conic sections and real-life problems
key concepts of appropriately and 1. Integrity and parabola, ellipse, systems of involving conic
conic sections and solve problems Harmony of circle, hyperbola and nonlinear sections and
systems of accurately using Creation degenerate cases. equations be systems of
nonlinear conic sections and 2. Passion for 2. Define a circle. solved? nonlinear equations
equations. systems of People (social 3. Determine the can be modeled
nonlinear responsibility, standard form of Note: The appropriately and
equations. service- equation of a circle. derivation of be solved using
orientedness) 4. Graph a circle in a formulas of the variety of strategies.
3. Passion for rectangular coordinate conic sections
God (faith and system. takes time and it
love of God) 5. Define a parabola. confuses the
4. Right 6. Determine the students. May I
Relationships standard form of suggest to focus
(love, justice, equation of a on the main
peace, parabola. formula of the
camaraderie, 7. Graph a parabola in a specific conic
friendship, rectangular coordinate section.
honesty, system.
goodness, 8. Define an ellipse.
obedience) 9. Determine the
5. Simplicity standard form of
6. Compassion equation of an ellipse.
7. Discernment 10. Graph an ellipse in a
(prayerfulness) rectangular coordinate
11. Define a hyperbola.
12. Determine the
standard form of
equation of a
hyperbola. Note: With regards
13. Graph a hyperbola in to graphing, I
a rectangular suggest to use
coordinate system. ,
14. Recognizes the geogebra and
equations and the other online
important graphing
characteristics of the applications so that
different types of it will not consume
conic sections. so much time and
15. Solves situational effort.
problems involving
conic sections.
16. Illustrates systems of With regards to the
nonlinear equations. situational
17. Determine the problems, may I
solutions of systems suggest to search
on nonlinear for problems
equations using involving
techniques such as engineering and
substitution, medicine on the
elimination, and internet since there
graphing. are limited number
18. Solves situational of problems in the
problems involving book.
systems of nonlinear
Series and The learner The learner is The learner 1. Illustrates a series. How can keen Students will
Mathematical demonstrates able to keenly demonstrates the 2. Differentiates a series observation, understand that
Induction understanding of observe and values of … from a sequence. investigation of keen observation,
key concepts of investigate 1. Passion for 3. Use the sigma patterns, and investigation of
series and patterns, and People notation to represent mathematical patterns, and
mathematical formulate (service- a series. statements be mathematical
induction and the appropriate orientedness, 4. Illustrates the proven? statements can be
Binomial mathematical social Principle of proven using
Theorem. statements and responsibility) Mathematical Note: Please mathematical
prove them using 2. Right Induction. discuss this topic in induction and
mathematical Relationships 5. Apply mathematical details. Binomial Theorem.
induction and/or (love, justice, induction proving
Binomial peace, identities.
Theorem. camaraderie, 6. Illustrates Pascal’s
friendship, Triangle in the
honesty, expansion of (𝑥 + 𝑦)𝑛
goodness, for small positive
obedience) integral values of 𝑛.
3. Simplicity 7. Prove the Binomial
8. Determine any term of
(𝑥 + 𝑦)𝑛 , where 𝑛 is a
positive integer,
without expanding.
9. Solves problems using
induction and the
Binomial Theorem.
Trigonometry The learner The learner is The learner 1. Illustrates the unit How can real-life Students will
demonstrates able to … demonstrates the circle and the problems involving understand that
understanding of values of … relationship between circular functions, real-life problems
key concepts of 1. Formulate and 1. Right the linear and angular trigonometric involving circular
circular functions, solve Relationships measures of a central identities, inverse functions,
trigonometric accurately (love, justice, angle in a unit circle. trigonometric trigonometric
identities, inverse situational peace, 2. Convert degree functions, and identities, inverse
trigonometric problems camaraderie, measures to radian polar coordinate trigonometric
functions, and the involving friendship, measures and vice system be solved? functions, and polar
polar coordinate circular honesty, versa. coordinate system
system. functions. goodness, 3. Illustrates angles in can be solved
obedience) standard positions and accurately using
2. Passion for coterminal angles. variety of strategies.
people 4. Illustrates the
(service- different circular
orientedness, functions.
social 5. Uses reference angles
responsibility) to find the exact
3. Compassion values of circular
6. Determine the domain
and range of the
different circular
7. Graphs the sic circular
a) Amplitude
b) Period
c) Phase shift
8. Solves problems
involving circular

2. Apply 1. Determine whether an

appropriate equation is an identity
trigonometric or a conditional
identities in equation.
solving 2. Derive the
situational fundamental
problems. trigonometric
3. Derive trigonometric
identities involving Note: I haven’t
sum and difference of discuss derivation
angles. of trigonometric
4. Derive the double identities and the
and half-angle topics thereafter,
formulas. please focus on
5. Simplify trigonometric this in detail.
6. Prove other
7. Prove situational
problems involving
3. Formulate and 1. Illustrates the domain
solve and range of the
accurately inverse trigonometric
situational functions.
problems 2. Evaluate an inverse
involving trigonometric
appropriate expression.
trigonometric 3. Solve trigonometric
functions. equations.
4. Solve situational
problems involving
inverse trigonometric
functions and
4. Formulate and 1. Locate points in polar
solve coordinate system.
accurately 2. Convert the
situational coordinates of a point
problems from rectangular to
involving the polar systems and vice
polar versa.
coordinate 3. Solve situational
system. problems involving
polar coordinate


Dela Cruz, Perla S., et. al., 2013. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY (Revised Edition). Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc.

Melosantos, Lius Allan B., et. al., 2016. MATH CONNECTIIONS IN THE DIGITAL AGE: PRECALCULUS. Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House Inc.

TEACHING GUIDE FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: PRECALCULUS. A collaboration of the Commission on Higher Education and Philippine Normal

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