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Membrane-based Gas Separation: Principle, Applications and Future Potential

Article · July 2014

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3 authors, including:

Suresh Bhargava
RMIT University


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Membrane-based Gas Separation: Principle, Applications and Future Potential

S. Sridhar, Sharifah Bee and Suresh K. Bhargava#*

Membrane Separations Group, Chemical Engineering Division, Indian Institute of Chemical

Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, India – 500007
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), School of Applied Sciences, Melbourne,
VIC-3001, Australia
Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre (NanoCat), University of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
Separation processes constitute an integral part of chemical industries for isolation of products
and recovery of reactants. Membrane methods of separation are modern techniques which could
reduce capital investment, operating cost and process safety. Separation of binary gas mixtures
is an important unit operation in a large number of industries to recover valuable gases and
enable pollution control. Such separations are currently undertaken by conventional technology
viz., cryogenic distillation, adsorption on solid surface and solvent absorption. Now membranes
are increasingly finding application for gaseous separations and have exhibited tremendous
potential. Large scale gas permeators have already been employed in industrial sectors in the US
and some European countries. Membrane technology could compete as well as compliment
conventional separation techniques due to its multidimensional character, which involves rapid
mass transfer rate and high selectivity towards a specific gas. Inherent advantages of membrane
gas separation process are as follows:
 Simplicity of operation and installation.
 Feasibility under mild conditions, for eg. air separation can be carried out at lower pressure
and ambient temperature rather than extreme conditions in cryogenic distillation.
 Smaller footprint and flexibility of operation due to compactness of modules with huge
reduction in consumption of electricity and fuel.
 No extra agents are required as compared to corrosive and polluting amine solvents in
absorption process.
 Continuous mode of operation with partial or complete recycle of retentate/permeate.
 Possibility of integration with other separation units to constitute effective hybrid processes
for achieving improved economy and desired purity levels.
 Membranes can be “tailored” to adapt to a specific separation task.
Figure 1. Schematic of Membrane Gas Separation Process
A simple sketch of gas separation by membrane is provided in Fig. 1. The feed gets split into
permeate stream and an unpermeate stream also known as retentate. Depending upon the
application, either the permeate or retentate could be the final product. The membrane preferably
allows one component of the feed stream to pass through it due to preferential interaction and
sorption combined with higher diffusivity of the same component owing to differences in
molecular size. The kinetic diameters of a few of the common gases along with their other
properties are provided in Table 1. The lower the kinetic diameter, the higher the diffusivity.
The development of a potential polymer is the key area of research in membrane
technology. The aim in the development of new membranes is to increase the permeability and
selectivity or increasing the permeability without compromising the selectivity or enhancing the
selectivity at constant permeability. Several researchers have been working to synthesize and use
different varieties of membranes for separation of O2/N2from air, CO2/CH4 from landfill, biogas
or natural gas, CO2/N2 in power plants, H2 recovery in ammonia manufacture or water gas shift
reaction and even olefin–paraffin separation in refinery. Membranes can be prepared from
different polymers such as polycarbonates, polyimides, polyamides, polyetherimides, or
polysulfones by various techniques.
Background and Milestones
The origin of membrane materials for gaseous separations can be dated back to nearly two

Fig. 2. Background and Milestones in Membrane Gas Separation (Adapted from Ref. 3)
Table 1. Properties of Common Gases
Gas State Molecular Kinetic Specific Critical Critical Specific
weight diameter gravity at 70 temp pressure volume
(Å) °F (1 atm) (°F) (psig) (cf/lb)
H2 Compressed Gas 2.02 2.89 0.0696 -399.96 190.8 192
N2 Compressed Gas 28.01 3.64 0.967 -232.4 492.9 13.8
He Compressed Gas 4.003 2.6 0.138 -450.3 33.2 96.7
O2 Compressed Gas 32.0 3.46 1.105 -181.1 736.9 12.1
CO2 Liquefied Gas 44.01 3.3 1.52 87.8 1071 8.74
C3H6 Liquefied Gas 42.08 4.4 1.501 197.5 666.3 9.05
C3H8 Liquefied Gas 44.1 3.96 1.55 206.2 617.4 8.5
CH4 Compressed Gas 16.04 3.8 0.555 -115.8 673 23.7
CO Compressed Gas 28.01 3.76 0.97 -220.4 507.4 13.8
Ar Compressed Gas 39.95 3.4 1.38 -188.1 710 9.7

Fig. 2 displays the important milestones in the history and scientific origin of this unit operation
as described by Baker in 2002. It is considered that the foundation for gas separation was laid by
Thomas Graham, a Scottish chemist and father of membrane science who studied diffusion of
gases and liquids through various media who discovered that certain substances such as glue,
gelatin and starch pass through a barrier more slowly than others like inorganic salts, leading to
establishing a distinction between the two types of particles, made by the separating media or
barrier. In 1855, Fick, an outstanding physiologist, studied gas transport through nitrocellulose
membrane and postulated the concept of diffusion which is well-known as „Fick‟s first law‟, a
quantitative description of material transport through barriers.
The driving force for gas separation is partial pressure gradient which is the product of total
pressure and mole fraction. Most membranes used for gas separation are non-porous.

Figure 3. Principle of Gas Permeation and Separation

Separation takes place according to the morphology of the membrane which is based on
different transport mechanisms. Porous polymer membranes have a pore size ranging from 0.5 to
10 µm and non-porous membranes with a polymer chain gap of 10-3 to 10-4µm induced by
thermal vibration. Depending on the porosity of the membrane matrix, various transport
mechanisms including Poiseuille (viscous) flow, Knudsen‟s diffusion, molecular sieving,
capillary condensation and solution–diffusion mechanism for gas transport through membranes
are proposed as illustrated in Fig. 4. Porous membranes are used to separate the uranium
hexafluoro (UF6) isotope gas mixtures to isolate the radioactive U235 isotope.

Mass Transfer through Porous Membranes
Knudsen‟s diffusion occurs in a porous membrane, whose pore sizes are smaller than the mean
free path of the gas molecules. Fig. 4(a) reveals the transport of gases through porous membranes
by Knudsen diffusion mechanism. Gas molecules interact with the pore walls much more
frequently than colliding with one another which allows lighter molecules to preferentially
diffuse through pores. Knudsen‟s diffusion principally takes place in membranes with a pore
diameter in the range of 50-100Å [ref hand book].Molecular sieving is primarily based on the
precise size exclusion and shape discrimination amongst various gas molecules by the
micropores of < 7Å in diameter as per Fig. 4 (b).
Mechanisms of Permeation in Nonporous Membranes
Transport of gases through nonporous polymeric membranes is usually described by
solution–diffusion mechanism (Fig. 4(c)) which consists of three steps, (a) sorption of
preferential permeate (solubility) at the upstream surface of the membrane, (b) activated
diffusion through the membrane and (c) desorption at the downstream side. Solution-diffusion
mechanism is driven by a difference in thermodynamic activities existing across the membrane
and interacting forces working between membrane material and permeating molecules. The
activity difference causes a concentration gradient that leads to diffusion in the direction of
decreasing activity as depicted in Fig. 4 (d). Carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membranes and
zeolites are the typical membranes dominated by molecular sieving mechanism and give high
separation performance. Ratio of the gas molecular size to micropore diameter controls the
permeation rate. Permeability (P) is the capability of a membrane to permeate gas molecules:
P=D×S (1.1)
The ability of a membrane to separate two molecules, A to B, is the ratio of their permeability,
called as the membrane selectivity .

For a binary gas mixture the selectivity can also be determined from a molar concentration of the
two gases in feed and permeate:

where y is the permeate concentration of the fast permeating gas and x is its feed concentration.

(a) (b) (c)


Fig. 4. Mechanisms of Gas Permeation: (a) Knudsen’s Diffusion, (b) Molecular Sieving, (c)
Solution-Diffusion and (d) Detailed Overview of Mass Transfer by Solution-Diffusion

Gas permselectivity of a membrane can be enhanced by facilitated transport which

involves reversible complexation and transport of permeant molecules across a membrane
through utilization of a carrier species. The carrier reacts with a permeant molecule to form a
labile complex. Within the membrane, the carrier shuttles the permeant across the membrane
boundaries to downstream side where the carrier-gas molecule complex breaks allowing the gas
to flow into the permeate stream. When a feed mixture contains only one species with which the
carrier will react, the transport of that particular species will be “facilitated” or carrier-mediated
across the membrane as illustrated in Fig.5. The driving force in facilitated transport is a

concentration gradient of permeant-carrier complexes across the membrane. It has been found
that olefin transport can be facilitated by transition metal ions such as Cuprous and Silver ions
which possess vacant d-orbitals due to formation of a bond complex.

Fig. 5. Mechanism of Facilitated Transport

Gas separation using facilitated transport is most commonly done with “immobilized
liquid” membranes, prepared by dissolving the carrier in an appropriate solvent to impregnate an
electrically neutral but rigid microporous polymer matrix. Once formed, surface tension forces
serve to hold the carrier molecules inside the membrane.
Polymer Selection
Preliminary criteria for selecting polymeric material for gas separation are based on chemical
resistance, sorption capacity and good mechanical strength. However, the key important factors
are: (a) intrinsic membrane permeability, (b) ability of the polymer to resist swelling induced
plasticization and (c) ability to process the polymer into a useful asymmetric or thin film
composite morphology. The polymer should have good interaction, preferably with one of the
components of the mixture, for inducing an effective separation. Molecular structure, specific
nature of the material, crystallinity and membrane polarity are also some of the important factors,
which affect membrane performance. Stability at moderate temperatures specific nature of feed
gas feed components besides rubbery or glassy nature of polymers also decides the choice of
membrane material. Rubbery materials have high permeabilities, but poor selectivities due to the
paucity of polar groups, absence of crystallinity and low degree of cross-linking. Glassy
polymers show higher permselectivity and are thus suitable for gas separation studies. Density of
the glassy polymer increases by annealing or plasticization. Hence, high permselectivity can only
be obtained with polymers having rigid backbones structures and small inter-segmental gaps i.e.,
high Tg and resistance to plasticization. In general, any glassy polymer is a combination of
amorphous and crystalline phases and knowledge on how crystallinity influences separation
would be essential in choosing the right membrane material. Polymers should also be
inexpensive to the development of low cost pilot plants. Cellulose acetate, polysulfone, Pebax,
PVDF and polyimide have been widely used for several commercial applications.
Membrane Synthesis
Membranes can be synthesized by solution casting followed by (a) controlled evaporation of
solvent to obtain a dense (nonporous) membrane, (b) partial solvent evaporation and phase
inversion in a non-solvent bath to obtain asymmetric film and (c) immediate phase inversion to
obtain an ultraporous film. A dense membrane is prepared by casting a bubble free and
sufficiently viscous polymer solution on a suitable surface such as an ultraporous polymer
substrate or directly on a glass plate by using a doctor‟s blade to a predetermined thickness. The
blade consists of an adjustable metallic bar resting on metallic supports on either side to form a
precise gap between the bar and the plate on which the film was cast. Fig. 6(a)illustrates the
method used for preparation of a dense Pebax-1657 membrane by casting a 4% (w/v) solution of
the polymer prepared in moderately volatile ethanol/water (70/30) solvent mixture. After casting,
the solution is left to undergo controlled evaporation of solvent which leaves behind a thin,
uniform polymer film. The glass plate is covered with a metal or glass cover and the solvent was
made to escape by making a small opening at the edge of the dome with thin sheets of paper.
Composite membranes are prepared by solution casting of a thin film of the critical polymer on
an ultraporous support followed by solvent evaporation initially at ambient temperature and later
at elevated temperature (60-80ºC). Fig. 6(b) represents controlled evaporation technique for
preparation of dense membrane.
Asymmetric membrane of say cellulose acetate polymer is prepared in a highly volatile
solvent such as acetone. After casting directly on a macroporous nonwoven fabric or glass plate,
the solvent is evaporated for a time period of 0-60 sec following which it is immersed in a
nonsolvent water bath for 5 min to obtain a membrane possessing a dense skin layer supported
on a porous layer of the same polymer. The nonporous skin is formed due to almost total solvent
evaporation from the upper surface of the cast film whereas residual solvent present in lower
layers gets replaced by water molecules to produce pores during the precipitation process.
Physical morphologies of dense and asymmetric membranes are seen in Fig. 7 (a) and (b),
respectively. Fig. 7 (c) represents a thin film composite membrane cast on porous substrate.
On the other hand, a porous polyethersulfone (PES) membrane of approximately 20,000
molecular weight cut off (MWCO) is prepared by phase inversion method wherein an 18% w/v
solution of PES is prepared in a nonvolatile solvent such as DMF, DMAc or even NMP.3%
propionic acid is used as an additive and the dope is degasified before being cast on a non-woven
polyester fabric. After casting, the fabric is immediately immersed in ice-cold water bath for 5
min to obtain a 45-50 µm thick ultraporous PES film which is further washed with water to
remove residual solvent.

Fig. 6. (a) Schematic Representation of Doctor’s Blade and (b) Controlled Evaporation

Fig. 7. Schematic Representation of Three Different Types of Membrane Morphologies (a)
Homogeneous Symmetric (b) Asymmetric Membrane and (c) TFC Membrane

Membrane Characterization
Gas membranes are generally characterized by:(i) Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for
studying microstructure, surface/cross-sectional morphology and membrane thickness, (ii) X-ray
Diffraction (XRD) for zeolite phase identification in mixed matrix membranes, framework
structure and orientation, crystallinity and the intersegmental d-spacing, (iii) Fourier Transform
Infrared Radiation (FTIR) for determination of functional groups present in the substance,
intermolecular interactions and extent of modification induced, (iv) Differential Scanning
Calorimetry (DSC) for determination of thermal behavior and Tg , (v) Thermo Gravimetric
Analysis (TGA) to measure the amount and rate of change in the weight of a material as a
function of temperature and (vi) Universal Testing Machine (UTM) to assess tensile strength.
Design of Permeability Cell
Basic design of a permeability cell of stainless steel (SS-316) is presented in Fig. 8which
showsthree basic components: (i) bottom plate, which houses the perforated plate and membrane,
(ii) top plate, which has the provision for feed distribution across the membrane and (iii) locking

ring to fasten the top plate onto the bottom plate for a leak proof arrangement. A step of 1.5 cm
depth is provided in the bottom plate for insertion of a perforated plate. The membrane is fixed
on a circular perforated plate of 8.4 cm outer diameter (OD) by applying vacuum grease at the
edges. An „O‟ ring made of neoprene or silicon rubber is placed on top of the membrane
following which, the top plate is inserted onto the bottom flange and fastened.

Figure 8. Blowup of Gas Permeability Cell

Fig. 8 shows two internally threaded ports each on surface of top plate for feed inlet and at the
downstream surface of the bottom plate for permeate outlet. Adaptors with one side having 1/8"
external threading and another side suitable for ¼” nut and ferrule fittings are provided for
connecting the cell to the manifold. Aligning pins of 2 mm OD were used during the insertion to
ensure that membrane does not undergo movement during the tightening action of the internally
threaded locking ring, which presses the top plate onto the rubber „O‟ ring placed on top of the
membrane. Overall thickness of the metal surrounding the membrane enclosure in this leak-
proof arrangement is 2.64 cm, which is sufficient to withstand high pressure.
Permeability Measurement
The continuous flow method is most widely chosen to carry out permeability studies with dense
membranes of thickness large enough to allow low permeation rates. In this method, a
conveniently high gas pressure is applied on one side of the membrane under investigation, and
the permeated gas is allowed to expand on the opposite side at low pressure, usually
atmospheric. The change in the volume of permeate is then measured as a function of time. If
the permeation rates are low, the feed component permeates through the membrane into a
flowing stream of inert gas in the permeate compartment. A schematic of typical gas separation
manifold is provided in Fig. 9 whereas its pictorial representation is given in Fig. 10.

Figure 9. Process Flow Diagram of High Pressure Gas Separation Manifold

The permeate line is evacuated by means of a vacuum pump. The feed gas mixture is
introduced slowly into the upper chamber by means of ¼ inch SS 316 needle valves, keeping the
outlet valve open for flushing out the retained gas. After flushing the feed line for 5 min,
retentate needle valve is closed until the dial gauge indicated the desired pressure. Once the
required pressure to measure the permeability was attained, the feed gas was kept in flowing
condition near the membrane surface by partially opening the needle valve downstream of the
membrane on the retentate line to minimize concentration polarization. Flow rate of permeate
was measured with a soap bubble meter and the gas stream is analyzed online by gas
chromatography (GC). Retentate gas flowing out of the system is also analyzed by GC
simultaneously while doing the experimental studies. The feed gas was analyzed before
commencing the experiment to determine exact gas composition with the values specified by
cylinder supplier. Permeate, retentate and feed gas stream compositions are used to calculate the
permeability and selectivity of the membrane.

Fig. 10. Pictorial Representation of a Laboratory Gas Separation Manifold
After the permeation studies, both feed and retentate lines of the membrane are flushed
with the inert gas (N2) and permeate line is evacuated to remove sorbed gas mixture to regenerate
the membrane to its original state. The permeability of a gas through a membrane is measured at
least thrice for reproducibility. For studies with spiral and hollow fiber membrane modules, the
retentate valve in the experimental manifold is kept partially open to facilitate the continuous
flow of feed gas across the surface of the fibers. The retentate flow is adjusted accordingly to
achieve a constant stage cut through the membrane at increasing pressures. The permeate flow
rate is directly measured using a wet gas meter and analyzed using the on-line GC equipment.
Separation of O2 and N2
Separation of oxygen (O2) and nitrogen(N2) from the essentially free air has wide applications.
About 60% of gas separation business involves air processing to produce purifiedN2 or O2,
which is fallout of the fact that O2 and N2 are the third and fifth largest bulk gases produced
worldwide. N2 is produced by membrane process for inert gas blanketing besides storing and
shipping of flammable liquids, fresh fruits and vegetables. Currently, there is limited utility of
membranes for commercial-scale production of O2and is primarily for medical purposes and
industrial combustion. Oxygen-enriched air improves combustion efficiency of coal and is also a
desirable feedstock for gasifiers. O2 currently produced by organic membranes has a purity limit
of 50%. Ideally, new membrane materials with high permeability of ~250 Barrer and O2
separation factor ≥ 10 are desirable to enhance feasibility of industrial oxygen production.

Separation of H2 from Hydrocarbon Gases
Hydrogen is the fuel of the future. Use of hydrogen as an energy source could address issues
related to global climate change, energy security, and local air pollution. Recovery of H2 by
membranes is important in refineries where light hydrocarbon gases are also produced which
need to be purged from the reaction system. H2 value in the purge gas can be used as fuel. There
are in fact two major incentives to recover hydrogen from refinery off gases. One is that H2 in
the purge stream, if recovered, can be as much as 20% of the total H2 generated in refinery
plants. Additionally, the cost of H2 manufacture is increasing for various critical refining
processes including coking, hydrocracking and hydrodesulphurization. Membrane processing
competes with other separation processes like pressure swing adsorption(PSA), cryogenics and
oil scrubbing for these applications. Separation of H2 from methane has been identified as one of
the promising future applications of inorganic membrane technology in refineries.
Separation of H2 and CO
Synthesis gas contains a mixture of mostly H2 and CO plus low percentages of CO2 and N2.
Transition metal catalysis is used in a number of reactions for preparing variety of organic and
inorganic compounds such as alcohols, aldehydes, acrylic acids and ammonia. The stoichiometry
of feed gas for these reactions must be adjusted according to the process requirements. The ratios
of H2to CO and other gases in the feed streams in those chemical production processes can be
varied by selective removal of H2as permeate through a membrane. In this case, CO comes out at
the retentate side at high pressure which is an advantage over other separation processes such as
cryogenic distillation and PSA. Another important application is the removal of CO from H 2
produced during steam reforming of natural gas.
Separation of H2/N2 Mixtures
Ammonia is typically made from synthesis gas at a temperature of 500 °C and pressure of
300bar. Incomplete conversion to ammonia results in a need to recycle unreacted gases back to
the reactor. The purge gas contains valuable H2 and N2 as the major components. To reuse them
after purge, H2 and N2 need to be separated from the purge gas, which can be achieved at lower
cost using organic membranes. In this application,H2 is separated as permeate at low pressure
side of the membrane and recompressed to the pressure of the reactor before recycle.
Acid Gas Removal from Natural Gas
The worldwide market for latest natural gas separation purification is estimated at approximately
US$ 5 billion/year. The natural gas treatment process is dominated by amine absorption. In
recent years, membrane process has been accepted as a promising technology for natural gas
separation since high efficiency has been observed in membrane-based separation in upgrading
natural gas through removal of water and acid gases H2S and CO2. To reduce toxicity these
impurities must be removed from natural gas stream before delivering to a pipeline for
minimizing pipeline corrosion and improve calorific value. Membranes can be used for bulk
removal of CO2 and H2S from natural gas followed by final clean up using amine absorption to
forge an economical and energy efficient integrated process that would involve lower amine
circulation rates and hence lesser pollution. However, glassy polymeric membranes suffer from
plasticization in the presence of trace quantities of condensable heavy hydrocarbons, which
cause the loss of selectivity. Hence, the development of robust membrane materials is imperative
to widespread commercialization of natural gas sweetening.
Olefin/paraffin Separation
Aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbons play an important role in chemical synthesis. Thus, the
separation of olefin-paraffin mixtures is of great significance in synthetic industrial processes.
Propylene is one of the products of fluid catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon feed stocks. Liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) components include ethane (C2H6), ethylene (C2H4), propane (C3H8) and
propylene (C3H6), as well as higher hydrocarbons like butane (iso and normal), butylene,
pentanes etc. From this mixture the separation of propylene to >95% purity by economical
means is a challenging task due to the similar molecular sizes and physical properties of most of
these gases comprising the refinery gas mixture. Currently the separation of this mixture is
carried out by distillation, which is highly energy intensive due to nearly 100 stages present in a
long thin column called C3 splitter where usually 66% C3H6+34% C3H8is the feed. As a
consequence, membrane separation with simple operation, low power consumption and better
economy holds high potential for olefin/paraffin separations provided the right membrane
material is developed.
CO2 Sequestration
Global warming has been identified as one of the world‟s major environmental issues. While it is
impossible to completely stop the effects of anthropological global warming, it is possible to
mitigate these effects via a variety of options. One such option is the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions through the capture of CO2 from flue gases followed by underground sequestration.
Flue gas is the gas exiting to the atmosphere for conveying exhaust gases from a fireplace,
oven,furnace, boiler or steam generator. Quite often, the flue gas refers to
the combustion exhaust gas produced at power plants. Its composition depends on what is being
burned in furnace such as solid-fuel-fired, gas-fired, gas turbine plants, oil-fired and coal-fired,
but it will usually consist of mostly N2 derived from the combustion air, CO2 and water vapor as
well as excess O2 (also derived from the combustion air). CO2 emissions from coal-fired power
plants are believed to contribute significantly to global warming climate change. The direct
approach to address this problem is to capture the CO2 in flue gas and sequester it underground.
In particular, the capture of CO2 from high concentration sources allows storage options, such as
geo-sequestration, to reduce emission levels. The conventional process for CO2capture is by
reversible solvent absorption which is energy intensive and solvent regeneration requires high
heating utility in the stripper. Membrane technology is an attractive and competitive alternative
to conventional absorption technology in this case.
The building block of a membrane system is called a module. All module types developed so far
are based on two geometries: flat sheet and tubular. Configurations based on flat sheet
membranes are plate-and-frame and spirally-wound modules, whereas tubular and hollow fiber
modules are based on fine capillaries or tubes housed like a shell and tube heat exchanger.
Photograph of a typical hollow fiber membrane prepared by melt extrusion of
Poly(etheretherketone) (PEEK) polymer is depicted by Fig. 11.
Plate-and-Frame Module
Plate-and-frame modules are one of the earliest types of membrane assemblies. They are the
closest to common laboratory set-ups. The membrane, feed spacer and product spacers are
layered together, like in a sandwich as shown in Fig. 12 (a) between two end plates. The feed gas
is passed across the membrane surface and the spacer plate distributes the feed flow within the
module. Packing density in this module is 100 to 400 m2/m3.
Spiral-Wound Module
A spirally-wound module is a plate-and-frame system wrapped around a central perforated pipe
collecting the permeate as shown in Fig. 12 (b). A spacer is placed in between the membranes to
avoid contact of feed and permeate and also to provide clearance for gas to interact with the
membrane. The entire permeate gas is collected in a pocket like envelope and carried to the
perforated central tube. Precaution is taken to avoid bypass of feed by using an „O‟ ring between
the module outer circumference and shell inner diameter. The feed flows through the module in
axial direction, whereas the permeate flows in radial direction towards the center. The packing
density of spirally-wound modules is higher than that of plate-and-frame modules (around 300-
1000 m2/m3) and depends strongly on the channel height.
Hollow Fiber Module
Hollow fiber membrane module consists of thin, fine capillaries collected together and made into
a bundle. This bundle is perfectly potted on both the ends to arrest any leakage between feed and
permeate chambers and then placed in the housing as shown in Fig.12 (c). Hollow fiber modules
can be operated in two ways, either “inside-out” where permeate is collected outside the
membrane in the housing or “outside-in” where permeate passes into the membrane bore called
lumen. Depending on feed and permeate flow patterns, modules can be operated in cocurrent or
countercurrent mode. Fibers are generally between 1.01.5 mm in outer diameter and arranged
parallel to one other to pass through tube-sheets at either one or both ends of the device. Seals
are provided between the tube-sheet exterior and the pressure vessel to isolate the high-pressure
feed from low-pressure permeate. The bore of the fibers are generally of 0.51 mm diameter.
The hollow fiber module is renowned for its high packing density which can reach values of
10,000-30,000 m2/m3.
Tubular Module
Tubular membranes are mostly nanoporous zeolite membrane layer supported on porous ceramic
tube, mostly on the inner side of a support tube, with some coated on outer surface of the ceramic
substrate as well. Tubes can be used individually or grouped together in a package shown in
Fig.12 (d). Membranes are placed inside a support porous tube and these tubes are placed
together in a cylindrical shell to form the unit module. The flow in a tubular membrane is usually
inside out, which is due to weak attachment of membrane to the supporting layer. Tubular
membranes are produced with inner diameters from 525mm, the most common is 12.5 mm.

Fig. 11. Picture of PEEK Hollow Fiber for Gas Separation Supplied by PoroGen
Fig. 12. Schematic Diagrams of (a) Plate and Frame Module, (b) Spiral-wound, (c) Hollow
fiber and (d) Tubular Membrane Module Configurations


Natural gas mainly consists of methane (79-84 mol %) as the major useful constituent, higher
hydrocarbons, mostly paraffins (3-7%) besides impurities such as acid gases H2S (ppm level)
and CO2 (5-8 mol%) and some moisture (ppm level). Natural gas is available at high pressures of
5567 bar with specific gravity of 0.57-0.62 and gross heating value of 36-41 MJ/m3. The first
pilot plant in India funded by DSIR, New Delhi was designed by EIL-Gurgaon and CSIR-IICT
based on a thin film composite Pebax membrane developed by CSIR-IICT. Fig.13 exhibits a
flow sheet for isolation of pure propylene by an integrated process of distillation and membrane
gas separation. Propylene is a major feed stock for production of polypropylene,
isopropanol, acrylonitrile, propylene oxide, epichlorohydrin and cumene. Propylene is produced
by the catalytic dehydrogenation of propane which results in an equimolar mixture of the olefin
and unreacted paraffin. The mixture is fed to a membrane unit which provides a permeate
enriched in propylene that is further sent to a distillation column which enriches propylene as the
top product. The bottom product of the distillation column is lean in propane and recycled back
to the membrane unit. The C3 splitter in a refinery is a long column comprising of 95 trays due

to the similar physical properties and molecular sizes of propane and propylene. This hybrid
process configuration can be extended to petroleum refineries where the C3 stream coming from
debutanizer is sent to the membrane column first, and subsequently the propylene rich permeate
is processed in a shorter C3 splitter distillation column whose number of stages gets reduced due
to the membrane stage. Top product from debutanizer would require compression to provide
driving force for membrane separation. Such a venture needs funding and risk taking to enhance
feasibility of commercialization.
Fig. 14 displays a different attempt made by the authors to enrich methane present in
biogas mixture by selective removal of the same acid gases which are produced along with CH4
during the anaerobic digestion of solid waste material. This particular biogas mixture contains
about 40-45 mol% methane, 30-35% CO2, 1000 ppm of H2S and N2 (balance). The modules used
here are commercial hollow fiber ones based on polysulfone supplied by Solvay, USA and
Matrimid Polyimide procured from Univeristy of Twente, The Netherlands. The GC
chromatograms show that nearly pure CO2 is obtained in permeate at atmospheric pressure and
ambient temperature, indicating high degree of separation. However, once the pressure is
increased CH4 molecules also passed through the barrier leading to lower efficiency of
separation and fuel losses. Development of indigenous polyimide membrane is a big challenge
which could enable lowering of capital and running costs. It is worth mentioning that most
membranes allow more rapid permeation of moisture, followed by H2S and then CO2. However
the selectivity of CO2/CH4 gas pair is critical in achieving success.
Factors that Influence Membrane Performance
There are several factors affecting membrane performance in a gas permeation process including
a change in feed composition which will directly affect the sorption phenomena or degree of
swelling at the gas membrane interface as envisaged by the sorption-diffusion principles. Since
diffusion of gaseous components in the membrane is dependent upon the concentration of the
component or solubility of the components, permeation characteristics are greatly influenced by
the feed composition. Coupling effects between two or more species could occur in multi-
component feeds, which may considerably influence the selectivity. Similarly, higher
concentration of condensable species could plasticize the membrane. The driving force in gas
separation is the partial pressure gradient across the membrane. The flow of a component, say i,
across the membrane can occur only if its partial pressure at the feed side of the membrane is
greater than that at the permeate side. In general, solubility decreases with increasing
temperature, while diffusivity increases. A membrane processing high selectivity at ambient
temperature may yield poor separation at elevated temperatures.

Figure 13. Proposed Process Integration of Distillation with Gas Separation

for Propylene Recovery

Figure 14. Preliminary Results for Biogas Purification by Polysulfone and Polyimde
Hollow Fiber Membranes

In pressure driven processes, different individual component permeation rates generally
cause an increase of the less permeable component in the boundary layer near the membrane
surface. This inhibits the rate of transport of the more permeable species and subsequently, the
selectivity. However, such effects are rare or nonexistent for gas separations due to the much
greater gas phase external diffusion coefficients as against liquid feeds. Performance of any
membrane depends upon the nature of its base material. Polarity is one of the polymer properties
which contribute considerably to its separation performance. In order to separate a particular
component in a particular feed mixture, the polarity of one of the components must be close to
the polarity of the membrane.
Compared to conventional separation technologies such as cryogenic distillation, absorption and
adsorption, growing academic and industrial attentions are now focused on membrane-based gas
separation. This is due to the fact that gas separation may offer inherent advantages such as
energy efficiency with low capital investment, simplicity and ease of installation, low operation
and maintenance cost, low weight and space requirement with high process flexibility.
Gas transport properties of polymer films are not only important for industrial production
of high purity gases, but also in synthesis of barrier materials for food packaging and beverage
industries. Membrane gas separation process is an emerging technology on industrial scale in the
late seventies when Prism® was introduced in 1978. Since then the utilization of membrane
technology in gas separation has rapidly expanded and undergone broad usage/interest in
industrial sector. Membrane gas separation impacts the separation business with US$250 million
a year. Prediction of the advancing economy of membrane based gas separations is presented in
Table 2, wherein only the major applications for gas separation membranes are considered.
Table 2. Predicted Sales of Membrane Gas Separation in Main Target Markets
Type of Separation Membrane Market (US$ Million)
2010 2020
Isolation of Inert N2 from Air 100 125
O2 Enrichment from Air 10 30
H2 Recovery 60 150
CO2 Removal from Natural Gas 60 100
Vapor/Nitrogen Separation 30 60
Vapor/Vapor Separation 20 100
Removal of Moisture from Air 30 100
and others

A view of recent literature enables tracking of the development of novel polymers synthesized by
researchers or types of commercial membranes used for industrial gaseous separations. Dense
membranes show higher selectivity compared to porous membranes due to less free volume and
the solution-diffusion made of mass transfer. Rubbery polymers exhibit high permeabilities and
their selectivity is influenced by differences in the condensability of the gas species. In this area,
polyurethanes, polyamides and poly(organo siloxanes) were studied in detail because of the vast
utility of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) which has a very low glass transition temperature.
This silicone polymer has a flexible backbone but exhibits adequate selectivity.
Various types of membranes have been developed for specific industrial applications, but
are unable to see the light of day due to problems arising in scale-up of such membranes to
modular configurations which is a very challenging task. Since the early beginning of gas
permeation, several membranes have been synthesized with the earliest ones being based on
polysulfone and cellulose acetate. Table 3 reveals the established global system suppliers for
various applications in the field of membrane gas separation. One of the recent small
applications shown in the table is natural gas dehydration. These polymer types still predominate
but have been joined by polyimides, polyamides, polycarbonates, polyetherimide and sulfonated
aromatic polymers as seen from Table 4.
Future Prospects and Scope for Further Research
 Integration of membrane gas separation with amine absorption for treatment of natural gas,
landfill gas and biogas for enrichment of methane.
 Development of hybrid process of membrane and adsorption with molecular sieves for
recovery of hydrogen from refinery off-gases.
 Synthesis of facilitated transport membranes for enrichment of oxygen from air and separation
of olefin-paraffin mixtures.
 Development of both flat sheet and hollow fiber mixed matrix membranes consisting of
organic polymers incorporated with inorganic fillers to enhance both flux and selectivity.
 Scale-up of mixed matrix and facilitated transport membranes for industrial application.
 Mathematical modeling and computer simulation for design of more efficient gas permeators.

Table 3. Major Global Suppliers of Gas Membrane Systems
Gas Mixture Application Supplier Country
O2/N2 Nitrogen generation Perma (Air Products), USA
Oxygen enrichment Generon (IGS), USA
IMS (Praxair), Canada
Medal (Air Liquide), USA
Parker Gas Separation, USA
H2/Hydrocarbons Refinery H2 recovery Air Products, Air Liquide, Ube, USA
Praxair Canada
H2/CO Syngas ratio adjustment Air Products, Air Liquide, Ube, USA
Praxair Canada
H2/N2 Recovery of H2 from Air Products, Air Liquide, Ube, USA
ammonia purge gas Praxair Canada
CO2/CH4 Acid gas treatment, Cynara (NATCO) USA
Enhanced oil recovery, Air Products, Ube, USA
Upgrading landfill gas Kvaerner Norway
H2S/ Hydrocarbons Sour gas treatment Cynara (NATCO) USA
Air Products, Ube, USA
Kvaerner Norway
H2O/ Hydrocarbons Natural gas dehydration Kvaerner, Norway
Air Products. USA
H2O/Air Air dehydration Air Products, Parker Balson, USA
Praxair Canada
Hydrocarbons/Air Pollution control, Borsig, GMT, Germany
Hydrocarbon recovery MTR Canada

Table 4. List of Commercial Gas Membranes and their Modular Configurations

Polymer Module type Gas Mixture System Manufacturer

Polysulfone Hollow fiber O2, N2, H2, H2O, CO2 Perma (Air products)
Polyimide/polyaramide Hollow fiber H2,N2,O2 Medal (Air Liquide)
Tetrabromo polycarbonate Hollow fiber N2 Generon (MG Industries)
Polyimide Hollow fiber N2, H2O IMS (Praxair)
Cellulose acetate Spiral wound CO2 Kvaerner
CO2, H2 Separex (UOP)
Cellulose acetate Hollow fiber CO2 Cynara (Dow)
Polyimide Hollow fiber Air dehydration Perker Hannifin
Polyimide Hollow fiber O2, N2, H2 Ube
Silicone rubber Plate and frame VOCs GKSS licensees
Silicone rubber Spiral wound VOCs MTR

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About the Authors

Dr. S. Sridhar is a Chemical Engineer working as Principal Scientist and Project Leader of
Membrane Separations Group at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT),
Hyderabad, India. He has developed several technologies for solvent recovery, gas purification
and wastewater treatment for chemical industries. He has also contributed immensely to rural
welfare through water purification besides academia & education by training 200 students. He
has published 173 research papers including 89 in peer reviewed journals, 6 popular science
articles, 73 publications in proceedings of symposia/conferences and 4 book chapters. Dr.
Sridhar has 7 international patents to his credit and is a recipient of 14 prestigious awards
including CSIR & Scopus Young Scientist awards and Engineer of the Year Award from A.P.
State Govt.

Prof Dr. Sharifah Bee Abd Hamid is the Director of Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research
Centre (NANOCAT), a potential National HICoE and UMCoE. She completed her DSc in
catalysis from University of Namur, Belgium in 1993. She has unique experience gained from
academia and industry. She is a recognised and respected leader in catalyst and adsorbent with
strong proven track record in catalyst and nanomaterial design, petroleum refining and
petrochemical processes, oleochemicals, biomass and nanocarbon. She is also a recognised
world figure in mercury trapping media. Prof. Sharifah has held numerous positions in
PETRONAS, Shell, Leverhulme Centre for Innovative Catalysis (United Kingdom), and since
2001 in University of Malaya. Her research focus is in biorefining and solar refining with
emphasis on technology and catalyst development of sustainable resources from biomass and
water, and capitalising from solar energy. The catalyst and nanomaterial find applications in
sustainable energy and chemical synthesis, besides active in water environment mitigation,
nanomedicine and sensors.

*The corresponding author, Prof. Suresh K. Bhargava did his M.Sc. from Meerut University,
India and Ph.D. from Exon in 1982. Prof Bhargava is based at RMIT University, Melbourne,
Australia where he has contributed immensely in Industrial/Chemical Engineering area by
demonstrating outstanding leadership and commitment during the design, construction and
operation of large scale industrial plants. He provided a major breakthrough in technology for
alumina production. He has 3 Patents and over 180 peer reviewed papers in prestigious
journals, books and conferences to his credit. He has established a world-class research
infrastructure at RMIT and successfully integrated industrial research into teaching and
learning, provided employment to research students in Alcoa World Aluminium, BHP, CSIRO
etc. Prof. Bhargava has made significant contributions for a greener environment by solving
challenges posed by industrial pollution. He can be contacted at:


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