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Sekolah Menengah Atas · B.

inggris · 5 poin

10 contoh soal dan jawaban tentang giving suggestion (dalam bahasa

Tanyakan detil pertanyaan · Ikuti · tidak puas? sampaikan! dari Gresya14 10.11.2016


ksugipurwanto · Terpelajar

Giving suggestion (memberikan saran) diucapkan oleh seseorang kepada lawan bicaranya
dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan saran atau masukan kepada lawan bicaranya, agar orang
tersebut bersedia melaksanakan saran atau masukannya. Saran atau suggestion yang
diberikan ini bisa berupa nasihat, pendapat, gagasan, dan yang semacamnya.
Beberapa contoh ekspresi yang sering digunakan untuk giving suggestion di antaranya adalah:
I think .......
What about .............
What if ....................
You should ....................
Let's ..............................
Maybe you want to ............................
How if .......
How about .....
Contoh 10 pertanyaan pilihan ganda tentang giving suggestion.
1. Tom looks very tired. What's your suggestion to him?
a. you should eat more.
b. you should study harder
c. I think you ought to get some rest
d. what if you go for a walk?
jawaban: c
2. Linda is working on her homework, but she finds some difficult questions. What will you
suggest her?
a. I think you should stop studying.
b. maybe you can sleep now.
c. What if you drink to refresh yourself?
d. what about going to your friend's house to study together?
jawaban: d
3. A: .............................. go to the cinema and watch a good film?
B: That's a good idea
a. you must
b. you have
c. I think you should
d. what if we
jawaban: d
4. A: I feel drowsy.
B: ........................................
a. you should take a rest.
b. what if you study harder?
c. what about calling your friend for help?
d. you had better call the police.
jawaban: a
5. This is Saturday night. What will you suggest your friend?
a. I think we should go to the town square for sight seeing.
b. what about going to the doctor?
c. you should speak to your teacher.
d. what if we take this to be repaired?
jawaban: a
Apa pertanyaanmu?

6. Doctor: ...................... smoking if you don't want to get sick.

Patient: Yes sir, I will try.
a. what if you stop
b. you should stop
c. how about
d. maybe you can stop
jawaban: b
7. A: I am so hungry.
B: .......................................
a. I think you should take a rest.
b. You ought to read it more carefully.
c. Calm down! You should be more relaxed.
d. What about going to a restaurant?
jawaban: d
8. Mother: I want to cook an omelette.
You: ..............................
a. Let's buy some eggs.
b. Let's buy some syrup.
c. I think you should buy a ticket first.
d. I think you should go to a barbershop.
jawaban: a
9. Your friend needs a book for his homework. But he doesn't have enough money to buy it.
What will you suggest him?
a. Maybe you can borrow from our seniors?
b. I think you shouldn't do the homework.
c. What if we go to the zoo?
d. You ought to get some rest.
jawaban: a
10. You and your friends are on a trip to a beach in Banyuwangi. However, none of you knows
about the route the that beach. What will be your suggestion?
a. I think we can go home now.
b. What about going to a restaurant?
c. Maybe you can open Google Maps application on your phone.
d. You should read the instruction more carefully.
jawaban: c
Semoga jawaban kakak bisa membantu, dan tetap semangat dalam belajar bahasa Inggris!
Untuk contoh dan penjelasan lainnya tentang giving suggestion, pelajari tautan berikut:
GUNAKAN APP BRAINLY Tanyakan pertanyaanmu
Detail tambahan:
Kelas : 11
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Suggestions and Offers
Kata kunci : giving suggestion

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Hai! Masih tidak yakin dengan


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