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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

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Sonophotocatalytic degradation mechanisms of Rhodamine B dye via T

radicals generation by micro- and nano-particles of ZnO
Carmine Lopsa, Andrea Anconaa, Katia Di Cesarea, Bianca Dumontela, Nadia Garinoa,b,
⁎ ⁎
Giancarlo Canavesea, Simelys Hérnandeza,b, , Valentina Caudaa,
Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy
Center for Sustainable Future Technologies – CSFT@POLITO, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Corso Trento 21, 10129 Turin, Italy


Keywords: In this work, it is proposed an environmental friendly sonophotocatalytic approach to efficiently treat polluted
Zinc oxide waters from industrial dyes exploiting ZnO micro- and nano-materials. For the first time, we deeply investigated
Sonocatalysis the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under ultrasound stimulation of different ZnO structures by
Photocatalysis Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (EPR). Indeed, five zinc oxide (ZnO) micro- and nano-structures,
Rhodamine B
i.e. Desert Roses (DRs), Multipods (MPs), Microwires (MWs), Nanoparticles (NPs) and Nanowires (NWs), were
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
studied for the Rhodamine B (RhB) sonodegradation under ultrasonic irradiation. The DRs microparticles de-
monstrated the best sonocatalytic performance (100% degradation of RhB in 180 min) and the highest OH%
radicals generation under ultrasonic irradiation. Strikingly, the coupling of ultrasound and sun-light irradiation
in a sonophotodegradation approach led to 100% degradation efficiency, i.e. color reduction, of RhB in just
10 min, revealing a great positive synergy between the photocatalytic and sonocatalytic mechanisms. The RhB
sonophotocatalytic degradation was also evaluated at different initial dye concentrations and with the presence
of anions in solution. It was demonstrated a good stability over repeated cycles of dye treatment, which probe
the applicability of this technique with industrial effluents. In conclusion, sonophotocatalytic degradation sy-
nergizing sunlight and ultrasound in the presence of DRs microparticles shows a great potential and a starting
point to investigate further the efficient treatment of organic dyes in wastewater.

1. Introduction chemical and biological ones) used to eliminate dye molecules show
several limitations, like low removal efficiencies towards non-biode-
Since the discovery of synthetic dyes to nowadays the textile and gradable and refractory organic dyes, and requirement long removal
dye industries have greatly increased their production. On the other times and post-treatments.
hand, the release of synthetic dyes in natural water sources from the In the last decade, the application of advanced oxidation processes
washing cycles of these industries causes several problems towards (AOPs) has received a great interest for the purification of polluted
aquatic wildlife and human life [1]. wastewater. AOPs are characterized by the production of reactive
In particular, Rhodamine B (RhB) is a dye extensively used in sev- oxygen species (ROS) like superoxide radical anion, hydroxyl radical
eral industries like textiles, leather and food. Nevertheless, this is a (OH%), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and singlet oxygen (O2%), which can
highly toxic colorant that presents carcinogenic and mutagenic beha- quickly oxidize dye molecules present in industrial effluents. Some
vior for any living species [2]. Furthermore, RhB represents also a se- examples of AOPs include Fenton reaction (involving iron cations
vere and long-lasting problem for aquatic life, especially plants, because Fe2+/Fe3+ and hydrogen peroxide H2O2) [3], ozonation [4], photolysis
it impedes light penetration and, therefore, it reduces photosynthesis [5], photocatalysis [6], sonolysis [7] and sonocatalysis [8].
and interferes with natural purification processes. Therefore, RhB ne- In the recent years, sonolysis has received a great interest as ad-
cessarily need to be completely removed from the industrial wastewater vanced oxidation process for the purification of polluted wastewater
to avoid the dangerous effects generated by its presence in the eco- since it is an environmental friendly method, which can be im-
system. plemented under mild operative conditions (i.e. near ambient tem-
The conventional wastewater treatment methods (physical, perature and pressure). It takes advantage of the physical phenomenon

Corresponding authors at: Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy.
E-mail addresses: (S. Hérnandez), (V. Cauda).
Received 25 July 2018; Received in revised form 29 October 2018; Accepted 31 October 2018
Available online 02 November 2018
0926-3373/ © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

of the cavitation, that consists on the nucleation, growth, and collapse To give insights on the above-mentioned phenomena, in the present
of gas microbubbles in the liquid medium under the ultrasonic pressure study zinc oxide (ZnO) catalysts with five different morphologies and
waves [9]. During the bubbles formation and collapse phases, critical sizes were synthesized by a wet-chemical method, i.e. via sol-gel ap-
temperature and pressure conditions are reached (about 5000 K and proaches. This is a simple, inexpensive and fast synthesis method,
500 atm) that lead to water sonolysis, with the formation of free radi- which do not require thermal treatments and addition of additives. The
cals, i.e. H% and OH% [10], which can quickly oxidize organic pollutants ZnO particles were extensively characterized in terms of morphology,
into smaller and less harmful substances or fully mineralize in water surface charge, surface chemistry as well as crystalline structure, optical
and carbon dioxide [11,12]. The presence of solid particles (sonocata- and colloidal properties. Their efficiency as sonocatalysts was evaluated
lysts) in solution allow the use of low ultrasound (US) power intensities for the color degradation of a non-biodegradable organic dye (i.e.
and provides additional nucleation sites increasing the number of ca- Rhodamine-B, Rh-B) and was correlated to their physico-chemical
vitation events [13] consequently enhancing the degradation perfor- properties. Moreover, for the first time, EPR spectroscopy associated to
mances. Furthermore, the use of semiconductor materials in sonocata- spin-trapping technique was used in this work to understand the role of
lysis might produce electron/hole pairs, and consequently lead to a morphology and size of these ZnO semiconducting particles on the
further production of oxygen radicals. This radical generation me- generation of ROS in water suspension under ultrasound irradiation.
chanism is still under investigation, but one of the most probable me- Furthermore, the degradation mechanisms and the effects of oper-
chanism is the semiconductor activation due to the intense UV and ating conditions, such as dye concentration, presence of salts typical of
visible light emission during the cavitation and bubbles collapses [14]. industrial wastewater were also investigated on the RhB sonophoto-
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the most widely investigated sonocatalyst degradation. Finally, the stability and reusability of the best catalyst
and it was found that its sonocatalytic activity is influenced by its were studied to pave the way for an industrial application of ZnO for
crystalline structure and morphology [8]. Some studies obtained that efficient sonophotocatalytic degradation of dye pollutants.
the TiO2 sonocatalytic activity was higher than of Al2O3 (non-semi-
conducting material) suggesting that the photonic and thermal excita- 2. Material and methods
tion has an important contribution on the overall sonocatalytic activity
[15–17]. For example, it was found that rutile polymorph exhibits 2.1. Synthesis of ZnO catalysts: micro and nano-particles
higher activity than anatase for the sonocatalytic degradation of methyl
orange (MO) [18]. Pang et al. [19] demonstrated that the pseudo-order 2.1.1. Synthesis of ZnO microparticles
kinetic constant of TiO2 nanotubes to remove Rhodamine B was 4 times The preparation of ZnO microparticles was carried out as previously
higher than that of TiO2 nanoparticles. reported [24] by sol-gel method using as synthesis precursors zinc ni-
ZnO has extensively attracted much attention in various research trate hexahydtrate (Zn(NO3)2·6H2O 99%, Sigma-Aldrich) and po-
works concerning pollutants degradation under light irradiation due to tassium hydroxide (KOH, 85%, Sigma-Aldrich), both in water solutions.
their good photocatalytic activity, low cost, non-toxicity [20]. Never- The molar amount of Zn(NO3)2·6H2O was maintained constant
theless, sonocatalytic degradation of pollutant dyes using ZnO particles while the molar amount of potassium hydroxide was varied to obtain
has been little investigated. In addition, synthesis of ZnO micro- and different ZnO morphologies. In details, 7.4 g (0.0249 mol) of Zn
nano-structures with various morphologies is cheap, affordable and (NO3)2·6H2O and 2.794 (0.0498 mol), 11.177 (0.1992 mol) and
easy to control for high scale production. There is only a work by 16.766 g (0.2988 mol) of KOH, respectively, were dissolved separately
Ahmad et al. [21], where ZnO nanoparticles decorated by carbon na- in 50 ml of double-distilled water. In this way, the molar ratio between
notubes were used to degrade Rhodamine B in a sonophotocatalytic KOH and Zn(NO3)2·6H2O were 2, 8 and 12, to obtain Desert Roses
approach by sunlight. However, to the best of our knowledge there are (DRs), Multipods (MPs), and Microwires (MWs), respectively. The zinc
not literature works reporting the influence of the ZnO morphology on nitrate solution was then added dropwise to the KOH solution for about
the capacity to generate ROS in quantitative terms. Consequently, the 20 min under vigorous and continuous stirring. The obtained gels were
relation between ZnO structure, size and morphology with respect to transferred in closed Teflon reactors at mild temperature (70 °C) for 4 h.
the sonocatalytic efficiency and dye degradation mechanism has not At the end of the reaction, the ZnO microparticles were separated from
been investigated yet. the solution by filtration and the precipitate was washed with deionized
Sonocatalysis alone for the oxidation of dyes in industrial effluents water until pH was neutral. Finally, the particles were dried in air at
requires high consumption of energy and high degradation time, then 60 °C overnight to obtain the powder form.
its direct application on large scale is difficult [22]. To solve these
problems, sonophotocatalysis (sonocatalysis + photocatalysis) could be 2.1.2. Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles
a promising strategy for water decontamination process, although cost The preparation of ZnO nanostructures was carried out by sol-gel
effectiveness should be still industrially proved. Actually, the increase method in methanol, using a previously described procedure [25,26].
in treatments cost associated with an increase in energy consumption A solution of zinc acetate dihydrate (818.2 mg, 3.73 mmol, Zn
can be offset by the reduced treatment time required, owing to the (CH3COO)2·2H2O, 99.99%, Sigma Aldrich) in 42 ml of methanol was
positive synergic effect of the combination of these two advanced oxi- heated into a round glass flask at 60 °C under continuous stirring
dation processes. Furthermore, a further reduction in costs may result (350 rpm) and reflux in protected atmosphere of nitrogen. 318 μL of
from the replacement of UV irradiation with sunlight. It was actually double-distilled water (from a MilliQ system, Millipore) were then
reported that the photo-response to the visible-light of semiconductor added. Then, a solution of sodium hydroxide (288.8 mg, 9.03 mmol,
materials with a wide band gap energy, like ZnO, could be triggered by NaOH, 98%, Sigma Aldrich) in 23 ml of methanol was slowly added
dye sensitization [23]. Therefore, the dye molecules allow themselves dropwise within a period of 15–20 min. To obtain the synthesis pro-
the process to take place: as dyes, they are able to absorb light in the ducts the solution was then left to react for 2 h at 60 °C under reflux
visible region, thus, once they are adsorbed on the photocatalyst surface condition. At the end of this time, the colour of the solution shifts from
they are able to convert incident photons into electrons and inject them transparent to opalescent. To produce spherical nanoparticles (NPs)
in the conduction band of the semiconductor photocatalyst. This will [25], the synthesis product was then washed three times by cen-
allow the electron-hole separation and the process of ROS formation trifugation (for 5 min at 5000 rpm, 6540 rcf) and then dispersed in
within the photocatalyst. Therefore, this photo-sensitization process absolute ethanol (EtOH, 96%, Sigma Aldrich).
will further allow the dye degradation at the catalyst surface. We hy- In order to obtain nanowires (NWs) [26], the final solution as
pothesize that this would be a further advantage to efficiently degrade transferred in a rotovapor and the solvent was evaporated at 55 °C until
the dyes by a sonophotocatalytic process using sunlight. it reached a final volume of 10 ml. Then the solution was refluxed at

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

60 °C under nitrogen atmosphere for additional 48 h. The washing steps and/or ultrasonic irradiation. The sono- and photo-catalytic activities
of the synthesis products were obtained by centrifugation–redispersion were evaluated by using 10 mL of the dye solution at pH 5.8 with an
process for three times, as described above. appropriate initial dye concentration (2.5 ppm) and a catalyst con-
Both nanostructures were maintained as colloidal dispersions in centration in the solution of 0.5 mg/mL. Initially, the suspension was
EtOH. Their concentration was determined by evaporating for one night poured inside a Pyrex type reactor, covered by an aluminum foil, and
at 60 °C a known volume of solution in a pre-weighted container and stirred at 350 rpm for 60 min in the dark, without any kind of irradia-
then weighing the dried product afterwards. tion, to secure the establishment of an adsorption/desorption equili-
brium of the dye on the surface of the catalyst. At the end of the 60 min,
2.2. Characterization of the samples 300 μL was centrifuged and the supernatant (100 μL) was analyzed by
using a UV-VIS a spectrophotometer (MultiskanGo, Thermo Scientific).
X-ray diffraction measurements were performed on the prepared From the absorbance spectra obtained, through the calibration
ZnO micro and nano-particles by using an X’Pert diffractometer with curve, the absorption values were calculated for each catalyst by using
θ–2θ Bragg–Brentano configuration using Cu-Ka radiation (λ = 1.54 Å, Eq. (1):
40 kV and 30 mA) in the range of 20–60°.
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) was carried C
Adsorption %= ⎛1 − 60 ⎞*100
⎜ ⎟

out by a Merlin, Karl Zeiss dispensing and drying a drop of samples ⎝ C0 ⎠ (1)
dispersed in EtOH (around 25 μg mL−1) on a silica wafer (for the mi-
C60 and C0 represent the concentration at the end of the adsorption
croparticles) or on a holey carbon-coated copper grid (for the nano-
phase and the RhB initial concentration, respectively.
particles). Similarly, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) was
The sonodegradation experiments were carried out in an ultrasound
obtained, only for the nanosized particles, from a Tecnai, FEI operating
bath (Labsonic LBS 2-10, Falc Instrument) operating at 40 kHz or
at 200 kV.
59 kHz and able to generate about 1 W cm−2 as power intensity. A
Fourier Transform InfraRed spectra (FT-IR) were recorded in
pyrex reactor with the catalyst suspension was immersed at 2/3 of its
transmission mode with a Bruker Equinox 55 in the region of
height inside the sonication bath, which was maintained at the same
4000–400 cm−1 and UV–vis spectra in Diffuse Reflectance
position in all the experiments to guarantee sufficient reproducibility.
Spectroscopy (DRS) were acquired on a with a Cary 5000 Scan UV–vis
The temperature of the system was kept constant at 20 °C ± 2 °C by
spectrophotometer, by using a total reflectance sphere. All the spectra
using an external cooling bath with recycled water (SB 15, Falc
were background subtracted. The optical band gap (Eg) of the samples
Instrument). The photodegradation tests were driven by visible light
was calculated by using the Tauc’s method from the UV–vis spectra
irradiation with a white lamp (Schölly Fiberoptic GMBH, Flexilux 650,
Endoscopy Fiber-Optic Light Source 150 W) that emits a radiation
The Zeta Potential of the samples was determined using the
composed mainly of visible light (150 W/m2) and about 4% of UV light
Zetasizer Nano ZS90 (Malvern Instrument), that use the Laser Doppler
(0.17 W/m2). Mechanical stirring of the solution was provided by a
Velocimetry to determine the electrophoretic mobility. The measure-
magnetic stir bar at 350 rpm.
ments were performed in double distilled water and pH was adjusted
The sono-photodegradation tests were run with both visible and
from 2 to 11 with HCl and NaOH 1 M. Before the measurements, all
ultrasound irradiation at the same time, by immersing the pyrex tube in
suspensions were sonicated for 5 min and each experiment was re-
the ultrasonic water bath and illuminating the reactor from the upper
plicated three times. Only for the NPs, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
measurements in both water and EtOH were also carried to measure the
During those degradation tests, at regular time intervals, 300 μL
nanostructure hydrodynamic size.
suspension were sampled, immediately centrifuged for 5 min at
6540 rpm and 100 μL of the supernatant were analyzed with a UV-VIS
2.3. Analysis of the ROS generation mechanism
spectrophotometer (MultiskanGo, Thermo Scientific), while the re-
maining part was mixed by a vortex (Advanced Vortex Mixer,
Water dispersions (1 mg/mL) of micro- and nanoparticles were ob-
VelpScientifica ZX3) and reintegrated to the initial solution. Moreover,
tained by either dissolving the microsized powders in water or by re-
experiments with addition of salts (Na2SO4 and NaHCO3, 2 g/L), and
dispersing in water the nanoparticles at the right concentration after
radical scavenger (DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide, Sigma Aldrich, 5%v/v)
repeated centrifugation and washing steps to eliminate any EtOH con-
were performed to evaluate their effect on the sonophotocatalytic RhB
tent. Then the water suspensions were sonicated for 10 min to obtain a
good dispersion. 100 μL of as prepared dispersion were mixed with
100 μL of 50 mM of DMPO (5,5-Dimethyl-1-pyrroline, Sigma Aldrich) in
water and 1 μL of DTPA (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, Sigma 3. Results and discussion
Aldrich). The aqueous suspension was placed in an ultrasound bath and
the ultrasonic irradiation (Frequency of 59 kHz, total intensity of about 3.1. Characterization of the ZnO micro and nano-catalysts
1 W m−2) was performed for 30 min, as described above. The tem-
perature of the ultrasound bath was maintained at 20 °C. Further ex- Through the sol-gel approach, micro and nano-sized structures of
periments were carried out by UV–vis light irradiation, as explained ZnO were obtained, as reported in the FESEM images of Fig. 1. In
above in details. After the reaction time, 50 μL of the solution was particular, five different morphologies and dimensions were produced
transferred in a quartz capillary tube and the latter was placed in the in water-based media, i.e. desert roses (Fig. 1a), branched multipods
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) cavity of the spectrometer (Fig. 1b) and single microwires (Fig. 1c) by varying the precursors
(EMX-Nano, Bruker). The magnetic field was set to a center field of KOH:Zn(NO3)2 molar ratio from 2, to 8 and 12, respectively.
3423 G, sweep width of 100 G, sweep time of 160 s. The signal channel The desert roses (DRs) present a diameter of about 2 μm, each petal
was set with a receiver gain of 60 dB, Mod. Amp. of 1 G and 15 number is a nanosheet with a very homogeneous thickness of about 50 nm, as
of scans. also previously reported [28], indicating a homogeneous and oriented
growth. Similarly, each wire in both MPs and MWs structures has si-
2.4. Rhodamine B adsorption and degradation tests milar dimensions of around 400–500 nm in diameter. The MPs micro-
structure shows a diameter varying from 2 to 4 μm, whereas the MWs
In this study, degradation of RhB as a dye pollutant was investigated are single one-dimensional and highly-oriented structures with a length
in the presence of both ZnO micro and nanoparticles under visible light of 30–40 μm. The formation mechanism of these microstructures was

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

Fig. 1. FESEM imaging of the synthesized catalysts with detailed features in the insets: (a) Desert Roses (DRs), (b) MultiPods (MPs), (c) MicroWires (MWs)(d)
NanoParticles (NPs) and (e) NanoWires (NWs).

already reported by our group [24]. In short, hydroxyl groups react in the reaction medium. In the case of ZnO nanoparticles, the bands
with the zinc cations Zn2+ through coordination or electrostatic in- located at 1550 and 1414 cm−1 are attributed to the stretching vibra-
teractions, forming zinc hydroxide intermediates growing units and tions of C]O and CeO, respectively. Finally, the absorption peaks
then ZnO nucleates from the solution generating multi-nuclei ag- around 2800–2950 cm−1 are associated to the symmetrical and anti-
gregates in an oriented-growth direction. By increasing the molar ratio symmetrical stretching of the eCH2 and eCH3. All these bands, in the
of KOH:Zn(NO3)2, and consequently in presence of a higher con- case of the ZnO nanoparticles, are due to the presence of acetate and
centration of hydroxyl ions, the morphology change from flower-like to ethylic groups, deriving from zinc acetate residuals and methanol
wires was obtained. during sol-gel synthesis or ethanol used as dispersing solvent to stock
Nanosized structures of ZnO, i.e. nanoparticles and nanowires, were both NPs and NWs colloidal solutions.
obtained via sol-gel method carried out in methanol with a precursors
molar ratio of 1.94 [25]. From FESEM images it is shown that the di- 3.2. Generation of reactive species under US irradiation
mensions of the obtained ZnO NPs were in the order of 10–20 nm
(Fig. 1e). ZnO NWs, derived from a modification of the synthesis of the Our goal is to demonstrate if ZnO semiconducting micro and nano-
NPs, leading to an oriented growth of the pre-formed NPs [26], show particles added in solution can further increase the ROS production by a
the same diameter, i.e. 10–20 nm, and a length of about 100 nm synergic effect between heterogeneous nucleation and photo-thermal
(Fig. 1d). activity of this sonocatalyst.
TEM images show visible single-crystalline domains in case of both Hence, the EPR spectroscopy with spin-trapping technique was used
nanostructures (as reported in both Figs. S-1 and S-2 for ZnO NPs and to identify and quantify short-lived free radicals and molecules with
NWs, respectively, of the Supplementary Information, S.I.). unpaired electrons, i.e. mainly OH% radicals, generated by ZnO under
X-ray diffraction patterns (Fig. 2) of all the micro- and nano-sized ultrasounds irradiation. These EPR studies were performed in five dif-
samples present the typical reflections peaks attributed to the wurtzite ferent micro and nanostructures to elucidate the influence of the ZnO
hexagonal phase, indexed as (100) at 31.82°, (002) at 34.54°, (101) at morphology on its sonocatalytic efficiency.
36.42°, (102) at 47.46°, (110) at 56.74°, according to the JCPDS card Figs. 4a and b show the experimental spectra of DMPO-OH adducts
n.36–1451. obtained in the presence of all the ZnO micro and nano-particles. As it
The UV–vis spectra and the relative band-gap calculation for all the can be observed, no signal was collected in the absence of ZnO particles
ZnO micro and nanostructures are reported in the S.I in Figs. S-3 and S- under the adopted operative conditions (US ALONE: frequency of
4. 59 kHz, total intensity of about 1 W m−2). Instead, Fig. 4c shows the
To investigate the presence of the reaction residuals on the surface quantitative results of the hydroxyl radicals generation in the presence
of the synthesized particles, FTIR analysis was conducted (Fig. 3). All of the ZnO materials. These results confirm that the addition of ZnO
samples exhibit an intense band at 400–450 cm−1, which is attributed particles in the water suspension (at a concentration of 0.5 g/L) pro-
to the ZneO stretching vibration, and a broad band at 3400 cm−1, as- vides nucleation sites for cavitation of the gas bubbles, most probably
sociated to the eOH stretching of surface hydroxyl groups, typical of lowering the cavitation threshold, which in turns enhance the genera-
metal oxide materials, or of absorbed water molecules. The peaks lo- tion of OH% radicals. From Fig. 4c, it is evident that the DRs structures
cated at around 1300–1700 cm−1, concerning the ZnO microparticles, lead to the highest formation of OH% radicals that is of about 3, 5, 8 and
could be associated to the stretching vibrational modes of nitrate ions, 12 times better than that of the MPs, MWs, NWs and NPs, respectively.
probably deriving from the dissociation of Zn(NO3)2 precursor present Furthermore, in the case of the microparticles, the generation of

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of microstructured (top) and nanostructured (bottom) ZnO.

3.3. Rhodamine B sonodegradation

Prior to the dye degradation experiments, an important step that

could affect the RhB degradation efficiency is the dye adsorption on the
catalyst active sites. As reported in the Materials and Methods section,
for the quantification of adsorbed RhB, the catalysts were stirred for
60 min in the dark condition in the dye solution (2.5 ppm). Table 1
shows that RhB is adsorbed in larger amount by DRs than to the other
morphologies. In particular, DRs morphology ensures the greatest ad-
sorption level of about 35% compared to the initial dye concentration,
while the MWs and NWs present the worst adsorption of 17% and 15%,
respectively. Finally, the MPs and NPs present similar intermediate
Fig. 2. X-Ray Diffraction patterns of (a) microstructured and (b) nanostructured values.
ZnO samples. An important parameter that commonly influences the adsorption of
the dye is the specific surface area of the catalyst, which was measured
oxidizing species increases by increasing the surface area of the ZnO by N2 adsorption experiments and BET method, see Table 1. These data
microstructures (values listed in Table 1), most probably because of show that DRs are the morphology with the highest surface area among
more defects and active sites on the surface that are available to pro- the microparticles, MPs and MWs have about 2 and 16 times less spe-
duce cavitation bubbles. We further hypothesize that DRs and MPs, cific surface area than the DRs. However, it is worth to note that both
unlike MWs, owing to their morphologic structure in the form of flower- nanostructures have a higher specific surface area with respect to the
like and multi-wires aggregates, easily adsorb and trap gas pockets on microstructures. In particular, ZnO NPs shows a surface area of 4, 9 and
their surface and facilitating the vapor microbubbles nucleation when 61 times higher than of the DRs and MPs and MWs, respectively,
they are put in solution, and consequently increasing OH% radicals however their dark adsorption of the dye is similar to that of the MPs.
amount on the particles’ surface. Therefore, it is evident that in the present case, the catalysts surface
It is worth of notice that, despite the fact that ZnO nanoparticles area is not the only parameter influencing the adsorption of the RhB
have a larger surface area (see Table 1), they generate less OH% radicals molecules. At pH > 4 RhB exists in dimer forms due to dissociation of
than the ZnO microparticles. We hypothesize that this result could be carboxylic groups and formation of aggregates between dye molecules
explained because the ZnO nanostructures trap tiny gas nanobubbles on [29]. Therefore, it is possible that steric hindrance provided by dye
their surface, with a size that is not sufficient to effectively trigger the molecules adsorbed in the ZnO nanostructures decreases their RhB
heterogeneous nucleation of the bubbles. Another reason could be that, adsorption performance.
as reported in the Supplementary Information (S.I.), the calculated Fig. 5a shows the percentages of Rhodamine B absorption perfor-
band gap energy of the ZnO nanostructures were slightly higher than mances, i.e. related to the color component decay, reached by each
that of the ZnO microstructures, thus implying that a larger energy has catalyst under ultrasound irradiation with the setup described in the
to be supplied to promote electrons from the valence band to the con- Materials and methods part. Solid lines are used to indicate the mi-
duction band in the ZnO nanostructures than in the ZnO micro- crostructures behavior, while dashed lines are for the nanostructures.
structures. The more active particles for RhB sonodegradation were the DRs, by
which the complete color degradation was reached in about 3 h. For all

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

Fig. 5. (a) Percentages of Rhodamine B degradation obtained by sonocatalysis

with different ZnO micro and nanoparticles; (b) The ln(C/C0) vs time curves of
RhB sonodegradation.

the other morphologies, 3 h were not sufficient to reach the complete

color degradation. At this time, MPs give 86% of degradation, while
MWs, NPs and NWs had a similar trend and their capability of de-
gradation is 62%, 69% and 66%, respectively.
Some studies [8] reported that dye degradation processes through
Fig. 4. EPR spectra obtained by DMPO spin trapping after ultrasound irradia- sonocatalysis follow a pseudo-first order kinetics or pseudo-second
tion of (a) microstructured ZnO catalysts and (b) ZnO nanostructured catalysts; order kinetics.
(c) quantitative EPR spectra. The peaks indicated by * correspond to the signal From Fig. 5b, it is noticeable that the RhB degradation kinetics in all
of DMPO-OH adducts. the tests is of pseudo-first order because there is a good linear re-
lationship between the ln(C0/C) and the irradiation time (R2 > 0.967).
Table 1 The slope of the straight line represents the kinetic constant (min−1).
Results of BET surface area analysis and adsorption percentages of RhB between Table S1 in the S.I. shows the values of the kinetic constant, the ne-
the different catalysts. cessary time to degrade the 50% of the initial RhB concentration (half-
life time) and R-squared calculated from the kinetic plot.
Sample Specific Surface Area (m²/g) RhB adsorption (%)
The kinetic constant values show that the degradation performance
DRs 16 35 of the DRs and MPs is 12 and 4 times higher than the control test of
MPs 7 24 sonolysis without ZnO (US alone), while the MWs, NPs and NWs only
MWs 1 17 doubled the result of the sonolysis test. Furthermore, the effective
NPs 61 22
NWs 21 15
combination of ultrasounds and ZnO catalysts in the sonocatalytic ap-
proach is evidenced by the notably decrease of the half-life time of

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

about 92% (DRs), 73% (MPs), 41% (MPs), 57% (NPs) and 49% (NWs), both position and intensity of the RhB absorbance peak in the visible
with respect to the only sonolytic process (see Table S1 in the region, of the solutions under degradation, was analyzed for each cat-
Supporting information, S.I.). In particular, these notable results alyst. Indeed, as the RhB degradation increases, its absorbance peak
achieved with the ZnO DRs particles and the US are very promising if decreases in intensity and it may either remain at the same wavelength
compared the performances obtained in other works that used TiO2 and (554 nm) or shift to lower wavelengths (hypsochromic shift). In lit-
ZnO as sonocatalyst to degrade RhB [19,30]. For instance, the kinetic erature, this different behavior is attributed to different mechanisms of
constant values obtained using commercial and synthetic anatase TiO2 RhB photodegradation [33,35]. In the case of only an absorption in-
nanoparticles were only 5.8 and 6.8 times higher, respectively, than the tensity reduction, the aromatic chromophore group dissociation occurs.
RhB degradation only by sonolysis [31]. Similarly, nano-sized ZnO Otherwise, the sole peak left-shift is related with the N-deethylation and
under US achieved a degradation kinetic constant of 8.25 times higher the formation of a series of N-deethylated intermediates. It is also
than US alone [32]. known that these reaction mechanisms can take place simultaneously.
Sonodegradation results are in full agreement with the dye ad- We observed a continuous reduction in intensity of the RhB ad-
sorption and EPR tests and the considerations reported above. As a sorption peak, as shown by the trends in Fig. 5a. Moreover, in Fig. 6c
general trend, as the adsorption degree of the dye and the OH% radicals are reported the shift in wavelength of the absorption peak compared to
generation on the catalyst increases, the kinetic constant increases, and the standard peak position of RhB (554 nm). Actually, RhB treated with
consequently the catalyst enhances its sonocatalytic activity. In the DRs ultrasound by both ZnO nanostructures slightly changes the position of
sample, both dye adsorption and radical generation are maximized its absorption peak over time (maximum shift of about 3 nm). This
leading to the best performances. In contrast the NPs, despite showing a behavior is identical to the shift experienced by the reference RhB so-
lower OH% radicals generation, expose a high surface area and a good lution sonicated in the absence of any catalysts. Remarkably, the var-
retention of the dye, thus leading to a good degradation comparable to iation (up to 14 nm) is more evident when RhB is degraded by the
that observed for the MWs and the NWs. micrometric structures. Feng et al. [35] obtained highly selective RhB
N-deethylation by using TiO2/SiO2 with a hypsochromic shift of about
3.4. Possible mechanism of the RhB sonocatalytic degradation 50 nm. In view of these results, the N-deethylation mechanism cannot
be excluded for the ZnO microparticles but we consider that this has a
The surface charge of metal-oxide particles in aqueous solution is minor contribution in the RhB degradation process on the ZnO nanos-
another important factor that influences the adsorption of molecules on tructures.
the catalyst surface and possibly the degradation mechanism [33]. Considering that the rate of color decay is proportional to the ab-
However, the surface charge of the metal-oxide particles and of the dyes sorption peak reduction, as depicted in Fig. 6a, it can be deduced that
molecules are both pH-dependent [16]. Moreover, above the isoelectric the dominant mechanism in all our degradation trials is the cleavage of
point (IEP), the surface of the particles has negative net charge, while the xanthene group. It represents the chromophore group, responsible
below the isoelectric point a positive net charge [34]. It is well known of the dye color, and therefore its splitting leads to a decrease in the
that, in aqueous dispersions, RhB shows a positively charged diethy- color of the solution. This behavior is confirmed by the color change,
lamino group (eC]N+) and at pH > 4 the molecules are in the from violet to white, of all the RhB solutions treated by the different
zwitterionic form due to the dissociation of the carboxylic group catalysts during the sonodegradation experiments (as depicted in
(eCOOH → eCOO−). It can be therefore easily explained the adsorp- Fig. 6d).
tion of the dye through electrostatic attraction forces on the charged From the above considerations, clearly the RhB degradation reac-
catalyst surface. tion mechanism is driven by the two different dye orientations at the
Feng et al. [35] reported that the RhB photocatalytic degradation catalyst surfaces and thus by the Z-potential value of the ZnO catalysts
proceeds on the catalyst surface rather than in the bulk solution. To the (Fig. 6a). Furthermore, the hydroxyl radicals generated during the so-
best of our knowledge, there are no works in literature reporting the nodegradation easily attack the RhB group near catalyst surface. In case
sonocatalytic degradation pathway of the Rhodamine B on the ZnO of positively charged nanostructures, the xantene group should be or-
particles surface under ultrasounds irradiation. Hence, we investigated iented toward the surface through the interaction of the carboxylic
in deep the surface properties of our ZnO samples, and carefully ana- group, thus undergoing to a facile cleavage of the whole chromophore
lyses the RhB solutions during the color decay tests, in order to propose by the attack of the radicals OH%. On the negatively-charged micro-
a possible degradation mechanism. structures, RhB+ molecules can interact through the diethylamino
Z-potential measurements were recorded for all the five ZnO cata- group, thus the dominant chromophore cleavage should be accom-
lysts (Fig. 6a), clearly showing very different trends between the mi- panied by the N-deethylation mechanism.
crostructures and the nanosized particles. At the pH of the dye solution
used in this work (pH = 5.8), the three microstructures show a negative 3.5. RhB degradation by different set-up
Z-potential value, whereas both NPs and NWs display a positive one. In
details, it results that IEP of both nanostructures is at basic pH (about 3.5.1. Photo- and sonophoto-catalytic activities of DRs
8–9.5) in good agreement with the data reported in the literature for The most performing catalyst, DRs, in the sonodegradation of RhB
ZnO materials [34]. In contrast, the microparticles exhibit an unusual was then tested in other two configurations (photo and sonophoto-
IEP at acidic pH (about 2–4). These differences can be attributed to the catalysis) to compare the degradation performances of these different
different synthesis protocols of the micro- and nano-particles. In addi- approaches. Fig. 7a shows the time evolution of the C/C0 ratio during
tion, the negative surface charge of the microparticles can be attributed the degradation experiments. During the photodegradation experiment
to the surface adsorption of anions, as the nitrate ones (eNO3), re- with simulated sunlight irradiation, the DRs sample achieved a much
sulting from zinc nitrate precursor, as already shown by FTIR spectro- lower degradation (76%) than that by means of sonocatalysis (100%),
scopy in Fig. 3. after 180 min. These results are in agreement with the radicals quan-
Therefore, in our case, at the operating pH conditions (5.8), the tification obtained from EPR analysis in Fig. 7d. Actually, there is a
positively charged diethylamino group adsorbs easily on the negatively- greater generation of hydroxyl radicals in water suspension by ultra-
charged surfaces presented by all the microstructures, i.e. DRs, MWs sound irradiation than by simulated sunlight irradiation, in the adopted
and MPs, while the deprotonated carboxylic group can simply interact operative conditions.
with the protonated surfaces of the nanostructures, as sketched in Strikingly, the coupling of the sono- and photocatalysis setup ap-
Fig. 6b. plied at the same time on the DRs microparticles leads to a very rapid
To better understand the sonodegradation mechanism, the trend of and complete degradation of RhB (100%) in only 10 min. We assume

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

Fig. 6. (a) Z-Potential profiles of the micro-sized particles (solid lines) and the nano-sized structures (dashed lines); (b) Schematic representation of the Rhodamine B
interaction with microstructured sample surfaces (left) and nano-sized sample surfaces (right); (c) Shift of the wavelength of the absorbance peak of the Rh-B
solutions treated with ultrasounds; (d) Example of the ultrasound effect on the color of the RhB solutions.

Fig. 7. (a) Comparison between three different setups used for the degradation of Rh-B by DRs sample; (b) Trend of the absorbance wavelength of RhB solutions
treated by DRs with the three setups; (c) The ln(C/C0) vs time curves of RhB degradation; (d) Comparison quantitative EPR: US and UV–vis irradiaton.

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

intermediates produced during the dye degradation. Furthermore, US

reduce the catalyst microparticles aggregation in solution thanks to the
action of turbulence in the liquid medium that increases the mass
transfer. As a consequence of the two mechanisms listed above, the
open porosity and surface area of the microparticles are easily exposed
to the solution, hence there are more active sites available for dye ad-
sorption and formation of the cavitation bubbles. It was also reported
[13] that the presence of solid particles gives additional nuclei that are
useful for the cavitation, thus increasing the number of cavitation
events and, consequently, enhancing the degradation performance. Fi-
nally, the production of hydroxyl radicals could also take place through
self-photosensitized oxidative transformation of the dye molecules, as it
could happens in the sole photocatalytic degradation [23].
All the above-mentioned aspects demonstrate the not only additive
but even synergistic effect of applying sono- and photocatalysis at the
same time in presence of semiconductor solid particles. This idea is
further confirmed by the RhB degradation test without catalyst (the
sonophotolythic degradation, line with triangles symbols in Fig. 8a)
leading to 52% of degradation after 10 min. Hence, the complete RhB
degradation achieved in the presence of the DRs (sonophotocatalysis
degradation line) demonstrates the enhancing role of the ZnO micro-
particles during the sonophotodegradation process.
From Fig. 7c, it is noticeable that the RhB degradation kinetics in all
the three configurations is of pseudo-first order, since there is a good
linear relationship between the ln(C0/C) and the irradiation time. The
slope of the straight line represents the kinetic constant (min−1) and
those results are reported in Table S2 of the S.I. together with the half-
life time and the R-squared calculated from the kinetic plots.
The synergic and not incremental effect of the sonophotocatalytic
approach is evidenced by the increase of about 56 and 13 times of the
kinetic rate constant, and the notably decrease of the half-life time of
about 98% and 92%, with respect to the individual photocatalytic and
sonocatalytic processes, respectively. Instead, the important role of the
ZnO DRs microparticles in the sonophotocatalytic degradation is
highlighted by the 19-fold enhancement of the kinetic rate constant and
by the lowering of 95% of the half-life with respect to the not-catalyzed
sonophotolysis process.
The achieved results by sonophotocatalysis are very promising and
remarkably higher than those previously reported for RhB degradation
[36]. Ahmad et al. [21] actually reported an increase of the sonopho-
tocatalytic kinetic rate constant of only 4 times and 3 times, with re-
spect to the individual photocatalytic and sonocatalytic processes, re-
spectively, carried out with ZnO/CNTs composites.
By examining the shift in wavelength of the absorbance peak in both
photodegradation and sonodegradation mechanism (Fig. 7c), similar
final values of wavelength variation were reached: 8 nm shift for the
first and 12 nm shift for the second. When the two degradation pro-
cesses were combined in the sono-photocatalysis approach, the reaction
was so fast that it was possible to evaluate only one point before the
complete degradation of Rh-B solution, leading to just 7 nm of shift.
Finally, the sonophotolytic experiment (without catalyst) shows a small
variation of the dye absorption peak position (around 1 nm shift). As
also previously stated for the Fig. 6c from the peak shift analysis, it can
be concluded that the main degradation mechanism in all the three
used set-ups with the DRs catalyst is the chromophore group rupture,
whereas the N-deethylation mechanism has a minor influence. Table S2
in the S.I. reports the kinetic values for these degradation processes.

Fig. 8. (a) Effect of the initial dye concentration on the RhB degradation; (b) ln 3.6. Effect RhB initial concentration
(C/C0) vs time curves of RhB degradation and (c) 1/C vs time curves of RhB
degradation. The sonophotocatalytic activity of the DRs microparticles was
evaluated with different initial concentrations (2.5, 5 and 10 ppm),
that when the solution is treated with the two advanced oxidation keeping constant the catalyst concentration (0.5 g/L) and the solution
processes simultaneously, the application of the US cleans the photo- pH at 5.8. From Fig. 8a it can be noticed that at RhB initial con-
catalyst surface avoiding the accumulation of contaminants or reaction centration of 2.5 and 5 ppm, complete degradation happens after 10
and 35 min, respectively. In contrast, at 10 mg/L the degradation

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

percentage reached the value of 78% after 2 h. its ionic strength value and therefore the stability of metal oxides
The degradation efficiency could be decreased due to several rea- particles suspensions. In particular, a high saline concentration causes
sons: (i) at high concentrations, the formation of reaction intermediates the reduction of the electrical double layer of the dispersed and charged
increases, so competition begins between the intermediates and the particles and the establishment of attraction forces, resulting in the
RhB molecules for the occupation of active sites at the-ZnO micro- precipitation of the particles.
particle surface [37,38]; (ii) hydroxyl radicals react with both the RhB To further unravel the OH% radicals action in the degradation me-
molecules and the reaction intermediates, so the sono- photo-de- chanism of the RhB, dye degradation experiments were conducted in
gradation efficiency diminishes because during the process the con- the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a molecule used as sca-
centration of hydroxyl radicals reaches a steady value [12]; (iii) at high venger of hydroxyl radicals. Fig. 9 compares the degradation of RhB
concentrations, the solution becomes intensively colored and fewer with and without DMSO. In particular, the solution containing the
photons reach the surface of the ZnO microparticles, reducing the scavenger (line with starlet symbols) degrades the RhB more slowly
photocatalytic contribution [39]. than the others in absence of DMSO. Therefore, this result confirms that
In these experiments it is noted that at 2.5 and 5 ppm the reaction the sonophotocatalytic degradation reaction with ZnO DRs involve the
order is of pseudo-first order (Fig. 8b), while at 10 ppm there is a good formation of OH% radicals.
relationship between 1/C and the irradiation time, suggesting that the On the other hand, the RhB degradation reaction also occurred in
reaction order is of pseudo-second order (Fig. 8c). In the latter case, the the presence of DMSO, although in a minor extent (about 40% of de-
slope and the intercept of the straight line represent the kinetic rate gradation in 30 min). We explain this behavior assuming that the RhB
constant (L mg−1 min−1) and 1/C0, respectively. The kinetic rate molecules, adsorbed on the DRs active sites, react with the radicals
constants calculated for the degradation of 2.5, 5, and 10 ppm of RhB produced on the catalyst surface easier than the DMSO molecules in the
concentrations are 0,48 ± 5,9E-3 min−1, 0,13 ± 9,69E-4 min−1 and solution bulk, establishing a competition mechanism.
0,00502 ± 1,82E-4 ml mg−1 ml−1, respectively. As shown in Figs. 8b
the kinetic rate constant decreases by increasing the Rh-B concentra- 3.8. Reusability and stability of the catalyst
tion, in agreement with the lowering of the degradation efficiency and
the reasons explained above. In addition, a possible explanation for From an industrial point of view, it is interesting to evaluate the
second order sonophotocatalytic degradation at the highest Rh-B con- stability of the catalyst during the sonophotodegradation process. In
centration might be that the molecules of the dye aggregate, leading to this study, to estimate the stability and reusability of ZnO DRs micro-
dimer formation or higher order aggregates [40]. Similar behaviour has particles, the latter were reused in four subsequent sonophotode-
been recently reported in other studies [41]. gradation experiments. From Fig. 10a, it can be noticed that in the first
two experiments the sonophotocatalytic activity remained constant,
3.7. Effect of salts addition while in the other two following tests the sonophotocatalytic capacity
decreased. This loss in efficiency can be attributed to several reasons: (i)
Since industrial waters contain many contaminants including salts, a degradation of the catalyst itself; (ii) a possible mass loss of ZnO
it is important from the application point of view to investigate the microparticles during the recovery phase, which was confirmed by
dependence of RhB color decay, i.e. degradation rate, in presence of visive inspection; (iii) adsorption of RhB molecules of the previous cycle
salts. Fig. 9 shows that the addition of common salts found in waste on the surface of the catalyst, hence leading to less available active
waters, such as Na2SO4 and NaHCO3, leads to a decrease in degradation sites. The first hypothesis was confirmed by FESEM and XRD analyses.
rate. This is probably because the anions scavenge the hydroxyl radi- The FESEM images in Fig. 10b show that the DRs petals are slightly
cals, transforming them into the respective anionic radicals, which are damaged after sonophotocatalytic degradation. XRD patterns in
less efficient (see Eqs. (3.3)–(3.5)) [42,43]. Fig. 10c also show that the crystallinity of the microparticles slightly
decreases with a reduction of the peaks intensities. However, we sug-
SO4−2 + %OH → SO4%−- + OH− (3.3) gest the good suitability of the DRs microparticles as a reusable sono-
CO3 −2 %
+ OH → CO3%− + −
OH (3.4) photocatalysts for multiple processes, bearing in mind that a more ef-
ficient processing of the microparticles to avoid mass losses between
HCO3− + %OH → CO3%− + H2O (3.5) consecutive catalytic steps could be developed. For instance, we pre-
viously reported that a protective layer of a more resistant material (i.e.
Furthermore, the addition of salts in an aqueous solution influences
TiO2) can be used to shield the surface of the ZnO from chemical cor-
rosion in harsh aqueous media during a photocatalytic process [27].
Finally, colocalization experiment by a fluorescence microscope in
Supplementary information (S.I.) confirmed that RhB was adsorbed on
the DRs surface after the degradation process.

4. Conclusions

By applying two different sol-gel synthesis methods, five zinc oxide

catalyst powders with different morphologies and sizes were success-
fully synthesized: Desert Roses (DRs), Multipods (MPs), Microwires
(MWs), Nanoparticles (NPs) and Nanowires (NWs). All catalysts were
characterized, showing a high degree of crystallinity, purity and the
expected morphology.
The common dye pollutant Rhodamine B, used in the textile in-
dustry, was chosen to investigate the degradation action by two ad-
vanced oxidation processes (AOPs), sono- and photo-catalysis and their
synergic combination in the sonophotocatalytic approach.
The sonodegradation experiments were conducted by comparing
Fig. 9. RhB sonophotocatalytic degradation by ZnO DRs in function of the the different ZnO micro- and nano-structures. The obtained data con-
presence of salts or DMSO. firmed that the performance in presence of catalysts (sonocatalysis)

C. Lops et al. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243 (2019) 629–640

with a remarkably increase (56 and 13-fold) of the kinetic rate constant
with respect to the individual photocatalytic and sonocatalytic pro-
cesses, respectively.
The dependence of sonophotocatalytic degradation of RhB on its
initial concentration was also studied and the results clearly illustrated
that the sonophotocatalytic degradation process is promising at low dye
concentrations. Addition of common salts, such as Na2SO4 and
NaHCO3, has led to a decrease in dye degradation rate, so a pre-treat-
ment (i.e. by ion exchange membranes) may be needed to reduce the
saline composition of the wastewater. Finally, in this study, to estimate
the stability and reusability of ZnO DRs microparticles, the latter were
re-used in four subsequent sonophotodegradation experiments. The
results suggest that the stability of the obtained ZnO micropowders
decreases over multiple cycles of decontamination, then a protective
layer of a more resistant material (i.e. TiO2) can be used to protect the
surface of the ZnO during the degradation process.


This work was accomplished also thanks to the funding from the
European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 678151
– Project Acronym “TROJANANOHORSE” – ERC starting Grant). The
help of Mr. Mauro Raimondo for the acquisition of FESEM and STEM
images, and that of Dr. Tanveer A. Gadhi for the technical support on
the photo-degradation measurements are both gratefully acknowl-

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the

online version, at doi:


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