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IBPS Common Written Examination Clerical Cadre Practice Paper Computer 2011

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Computer Knowledge 1


OBJECTIVE QUESTION communications system the more data it can

transmit in a given period of time.
1. Assembly language is– 3. The wider the bandwidth of a
1. Low-level programming language communications system the less data it can
2. High level programming language transmit in a given period of time.
3. Machine language 4. All of the above 5. None is true
4. All of the above 6. Acknowledgement from a computer that a packet
5. None of these of data has been received and verified is known
2. In Assembly language– as–
1. Mnemonics are used to code operations 1. ACK
2. Alphanumeric symbols are used for addresses 2. BCK
3. Language lies between high-level language 3. ECK
and machine 4. All of the above
4. All of the above 5. None of these
5. None of these 7. The following is a communications device
3. The following computer ’s memory is (modem) which allows an ordinary telephone to
characterized by low cost per bit stored– be used with a computer device for data
1. Primary 2. Secondary transmission–
3. Hard disk 4. All of the above 1. Keyboard
5. None of these 2. Acoustic coupler
4. The following is true for Auxiliary Storage– 3. Mobile phone
1. It has an operating speed far slower than that 4. All of the above
of the primary storage. 5. None of these
2. It has an operating speed faster than that of 8. ALGOL is the
the primary storage. 1. High-level language
3. It has an operating speed equivalent than that 2. Low level language
of the primary storage. 3. Machine language 4. All of the above
4. All of the above 5. None of these 5. None of these
5. Following is true for Bandwidth– 9. A high level programming language named after
1. The narrow the bandwidth of a Ada Augusta, coworker with Charles Babbage–
communications system the less data it can 1. Augustan 2. Babbage
transmit in a given period of time. 3. Ada 4. Charlie
2. The narrow then bandwidth of a 5. All of the above

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2  Computer Knowledge
10. Following is a logic circuit capable of forming 17. The concept that one can disconnect peripherals
the sum of two or more quantities– and plug them in without letting computer shut
1. Adder 2. Multiplier down or reconfigure the system is referred as–
3. Address 4. Access 1. Hot plugging 2. Cold plugging
5. None of these 3. Access bus 4. All of the above
11. To identification particular location in storage 5. None of these
area one have a– 18. The time interval between the instant at which
1. Address 2. Password data is called from a storage device and the rust
3. Logic 4. Mouse delivery begins in–
5. None of these 1. Access time 2. Delivery time
12. A local storage register in the CPU which 3. Service time 4. All of the above
contains the address of the next instruction to 5. None of these
be executed is referred as– 19. The automatic execution of lower-priority
1. Key register 2. Address register (background) computer programs when
3. Password 4. All of the above higher­priority (foreground) programs are not
5. None of these using the system resources is referred as–
13. A sequence of precise and unambiguous 1. Background processing
instructions for solving a problem in a finite 2. Foreground processing
number of operations is referred as– 3. Null processing
1. Address 2. Algorithm 4. All of the above 5. None of these
3. Advice 4. All of the above 20. A form of access to a computer or network with
5. None of these specified user name and password is referred as–
14. A character set that contains letters, digits, and 1. Account 2. Address
other special characters such as $, @, +„ % etc. 3. Algorithm 4. All of the above
is referred as– 5. None of these
1. Numeric 21. A local storage area also called a register, in
2. Alphanumeric which the result of an arithmetic or logic
3. Alphabetic operation is formed, is–
4. All of the above 1. Accumulator 2. Address
5. None of these 3. Algorithm 4. All of the above
15. One of the components of central Processing 5. None of these
Unit (CPU) of the computer that performs 22. Computer that operates on data which is in the
mathematical and logical operations is– form of continuously variable physical
1. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) quantities–
2. Address register 3. Analog 1. Digital computer
4. All of the above 5. None of these 2. Analog computer
16. A standard intended to connect relatively 3. Mechanical computer
low­speed devices such as keyboards, mouse, 4. All of the above
modems and printers is– 5. None of these
1. Access bus 23. Anonymous FTP is the–
2. Access time 1. Internet file transfer protocol
3. Connector 2. Protocol that requires password
4. All of the above 3. None access files 4. None of these
5. None of these

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Computer Knowledge 3
24. EFF sites allows anonymous FTP that– 4. Only A is true
1. Do not require a password or access 5. None is true
2. Requires password or access 30. Automated Office refers to the merger of
3. Is a none access file ............... in an office environment.
4. All of the above 1. Computers
5. None of these 2. Office
25. ANSI is– 3. Telecommunications
1. American National Standards Institute 4. All of the above
2. A USA based national organization that 5. None is true
establishes uniform standards in several fields 31. Auxiliary storage is
of computers. 1. Secondary storage
3. 1. and 2. both are true 2. Primary storage
4. All of the above 3. Processing device
5. None is true 4. All of the above
26. APL is– 5. None of these
1. A high level language for specifying complex 32. Archive is–
algorithms. 1. Backup storage
2. A real-time language primarily for scientific 2. Forward operation
applications. 3. Primary storage
3. Only 1. is true 4. All of the above
4. Both 1. and 2. are true 5. None of these
5. None of these 33. A branch of computer science that deals with
27. The overall design, construction, organization computers that possess reasoning, learning and
and interconnecting of the various components thinking capabilities that resemble those of
of a computer system is referred as– human beings is recognized as–
1. Computer Architecture 1. Software engineering
2. Computer Flow chart 2. Artificial intelligence
3. Computer Algorithm 3. Hardware engineering
4. All of the above 4. All of the above
5. None of these 5. None of these
28. Asynchronous communication is– 34. ASCII is–
1. Communication between indepen-dently 1. A standard coding system for computers
operating units 2. Hardware device 3. Software
2. Communication between dependent 4. All of the above 5. None of these
operating units 35. Following is true for Bandwidth–
3. Communication between independent and 1. The wider the bandwidth of a communication
dependent operating units system the more data it can transmit in a given
4. All of the above period of time.
5. None of these 2. The narrow the bandwidth of a
29. Audio response is– communication system the more data it can
1. Output medium transmit in a given period of time.
2. Produces verbal responses from the computer 3. The wider the bandwidth of a communication
system system the less data it can transmit in a given
3. Both 1. and 2. are true period of time.

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4  Computer Knowledge
4. All of the above 42. Bandwidth is–
5. None is true 1. The range of frequencies available for data
36. ASCII-8 is– transmission
1. An extended version of ASCII-7 2. Data transmission rate
2. Is a 8-bit code 3. Alternate for rubber band
3. Both 1. and 2. are true 4. All of the above
4. Both 1. and 2. are false 5. None is true
5. None of these 43. A coding structure in which characters are
37. ASCII File is– represented by means of a series of parallel bars
1. Document file in the universally recognized is–
text format 1. Bar code
2. Word processor 2. Menu bar
3. System file 3. Numeric bar
4. All of the above 4. All of the above
5. None of these 5. None of these
38. A program that translates mnemonic statements 44. In Broadband system or a network system
into executable instructions is referred as– 1. Several analog signals share the same
1. Software physical network channel
2. Assembler 2. Only digital signals share the same physical
3. Translator network channel
4. All of the above 3. Single analog signals share the same physical
5. None of these network channel
39. An assembler is– 4. All of the above
1. Translator 5. None of these
2. Hardware 45. Bit stands for–
3. Assembly language 1. Binary digit
4. All of the above 2. One binary piece of information
5. None of these 3. Both 1. and 2. are true
40. Following is not true for Backup files– 4. All of the above
1. These are the files which are generated 5. None is true
automatically in when one save a document. 46. Broadband channel is the–
2. These files help in protecting the document 1. The fastest carriers where data transfer rates
due to out of order of the computer or power is of 1 million baud (bits/second) or more.
failure 2. The slower carriers where data transfer rates
3. These files delete as soon computer is off is of 56k baud
4. All of the above 3. Musical channel
5. None of these 4. All of the above
41. An algebra that deals with logical propositions 5. None of these
which are either true or false is referred as– 47. BLOB is–
1. Boolean algebra 1. Binary Large Object
2. Modern Algebra 2. A long bit string representing complex data
3. Abstract Algebra 3. Object oriented language
4. All of the above 4. Only 1. and 2. are true
5. None of these 5. None of these

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Computer Knowledge 5
48. A group of related items/section of program 1. Block move 2. Street move
oding treated as a unit is referred as– 3. Delete 4. All of the above
1. Block 2. Duplex 5. None of these
3. Street 1 4. All of the above 50. The following is responsible for number of
5. None of these logical records in a physical record–
49. An operation in which data is moved to a 1. Blocking factor 2. Block
different location is referred as– 3. Boolean algebra 4. All of the above
5. None of these

A nswers
1. (1) 2. (4) 3. (2) 4. (1) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (2) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (1)
11. (1) 12. (2) 13. (2) 14. (2) 15. (1) 16. (1) 17. (1) 18. (1) 19. (1) 20. (1)
21. (1) 22. (2) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (3) 26. (4) 27. (1) 28. (1) 29. (3) 30. (4)
31. (1) 32. (1) 33. (2) 34. (1) 35. (1) 36. (1) 37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (1) 40. (3)
41. (1) 42. (1) 43. (1) 44. (1) 45. (3) 46. (1) 47. (4) 48. (1) 49. (1) 50. (1)

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