MTech Syllabus
MTech Syllabus
MTech Syllabus
M. Tech. (Renewable Energy)
Contact Exam. Relative
Teaching Scheme Hours/week Duration Weightage (%)
Subject Subject
Code area
1. CEE Photovoltaic and fuel cell PC 3 3 0 0 2 --- 20 --- 40 40 ---
501 systems
2 CEE Design of Solar Thermal PC 3 3 0 0 2 --- 20 -- 40 40 ---
502 Systems
3. CEE Wind and hydro energy PC 3 3 0 0 2 --- 20 --- 40 40 ---
503 systems
4. CEE Energy and Environmental PC 3 3 0 0 2 --- 20 --- 40 40 ---
504 policies
5. CEE Sustainable Buildings PC 3 3 0 0 2 --- 20 --- 40 40 ---
6. CEE Renewable Energy Lab PC 3 0 0 6 - 3 -- 60 -- -- 40
Sub Total 18
1. Elective - 1
2. Elective - 2
3. Elective - 3
4. Elective - 4
5. Elective - 5
6. Elective - 6
Sub Total 18
1. Dissertation (contd. from PC 16 -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
III Semester)
Sub Total 16
Total 72
Program electives
Solar PV systems: Fundamentals of solar cell, semiconductors as basis for solar cells materials and properties, P-N
junction, sources of losses and prevention, estimating power and energy demand, site selection, land requirements,
choice of modules, economic comparison, balance of systems, off grid systems, grid interface, Preparing DPR,
Supporting structures, mounting and installation, battery storage, power condition unit, selection of cables and
balance of systems, planning with software, maintenance and schedule, Monitoring, Data Management, Performance
Analysis and Financial Analysis
Solar PV power plants: Array design, inverter types and characteristics, Power conditioning system: working
algorithms, performance analysis; design of stand alone, hybrid and grid interactive plants, commissioning of solar PV
Fuel Cells: Thermodynamics of fuel cells; free energy change and cell potentials; effects of temperature and pressure
on cell potential; energy conversion efficiency; factors affecting conversion efficiency; polarization losses; important
types of fuel cells (hydrogen-oxygen, organic compounds-oxygen, carbon or carbon monoxide-air, nitrogen
compounds-air); electrode types; electrolytes for fuel cells; applications.
Solar Radiation: Basics of Solar Radiation, instruments for measuring solar radiation, solar radiation geometry,
empirical equations, solar radiation on tilted surfaces.
Liquid Flat plate Collector: Basic elements, performance analysis, transmissivity - absorptivity, heat transfer
coefficients and correlations, collector efficiency and heat removal factors, effects of various parameters, types of
other liquid flat-plate collectors, transient analysis.
Concentrating Collectors: Type of concentrating collectors and their general characteristics, geometry, heat transfer
correlations, tracking requirements, performance analysis.
Solar thermal power plants: Concentration and temperatures, error in concentration, parabolic geometries, paraboloid
geometries(dish), heliostats, lay out, central receiver ,
Component design: Energy balance of components, design process and parameters, thermodynamic basis for
receiver design, tube receiver concept. Volumetric receiver, direct absorption receiver, receiver loss calculations,
thermal storage for solar power plants.
Thermal Energy Storage: Basic methods, Sensible heat storage – liquids- solids-analysis, latent heat storage, thermo
chemical storage, application of thermal storage.
Solar field design: array design, control of solar collectors, piping layout, pumping requirements condition monitoring
and maintenance systems.
Performance analysis of miscellaneous solar applications: Solar Air heaters, solar pond, solar still, solar refrigeration
Wind Energy Basics: Status, Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy systems, Advantages and
disadvantages, Types of wind energy converters, local Effects on wind, site selection: roughness length, wind shear,
Wind Speed Variability, Obstacles to wind flow,
Working principles of wind energy: Energy content in wind, Energy Conversion at the Blade, Wind variations: Weibull
Components of a wind energy converter: Rotor Blades, Gearboxes, Synchronous or Asynchronous Generators,
Towers, Miscellaneous components, Turbine Selection
Operation and Control of Wind Energy Converters: grid requirements, Issue of Noise and Its Control, Power Curve
and Capacity Factor, Pitch control, Stall Control, Yaw Control
Hydropower basics: Water Cycle in Nature, Classification of Hydropower Plants, Status of Hydropower Worldwide,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydropower, Operational Terminology, Legal Requirements
Working principles: Locating a Hydropower Plant, Basics of Fluid Mechanics for hydro power, single and multiple
reservoir system, cascaded power plants
Important Parts of Hydropower Station: Turbine, Electric Generator, Transformer and Power House, Structural parts:
Dam and Spillway, Surge Chambers, Stilling Basins, Penstock and Spiral Casing, Tailrace, Pressure Pipes, Caverns,
auxilliary parts.
Hydraulic turbines: Classification of Hydraulic Turbines, Theory of Hydro Turbines: Francis, Kaplan, Pelton turbines,
efficiency and selection of turbine
Introduction to Energy codes and policies: Energy Conservation act, Electricity Act, Solar policy, Hydro policy,
Biomass policy
International scenario: world energy outlook, international protocols for energy and environment, governing and nodal
national/international agencies and their role
Financial tools: incentives and subsidies, calculation of required subsidy for penetration, concept of shadow price
Concept of micro-financing for RE, funding agencies for RE projects in India, application development for RE funding
Concept of green buildings features of green building rating systems in India: LEED, GRIHA. Sustainable site, water,
energy, material and indoor environment issues for green buildings;
Intent and documentation for credits/points for green rating systems; difference in evaluation and documentation for
new construction, existing buildings, core and shell projects.
Green home rating system, green factory rating, green neighborhood concept;
Energy Conservation Building Code: requirements of code, applicability, compliance options: prescriptive, trade-off,
whole building performance routes for compliance
Heating and cooling load of buildings: elements of heating and cooling load, load reduction approaches, building
energy codes, thermal mass
Solar geometry and exposure: sun path diagram, shading analysis, graphical design tools, solar control issues
Passive heating: Direct and indirect solar passive heating systems; solarium, trombe wall, trans-wall.
Passive cooling systems: thermal mass, courtyard effect, wind tower design, earth air tunnel system, evaporative
cooling, radiative cooling,
Solar ventilation: stack effect, solar chimney for ventilation, absorber design, stack design, issues in opening design
Biomass Resource: Characteristics of Biomass fuel, technologies for using biomass, comparison of direct combustion
with other tehcnologies
Biomass Gasifiers: Basics of Gasification and types of Gasifiers, Thermodynamic Analysis Biogas Technology,
Sizing/Selection and design of Gasifiers,
Industrial use of biomass: Industrial Boilers, biomass as fuel, co-firing and co-generation,
Economic analysis, Testing and Performance Evaluation of Gasifiers, Use of biomass for liquid fuel, Biomass policy
Biogas: Types of biogas plants, design and performance analysis, application of biomass
Introduction to grid connectivity of RE systems, smart grid and emerging technologies, Operating principles and
models of smart gird components, Key technologies for generation, networks, loads and their control capabilities;
decision-making tools, Non conventional energy source models grid integration, Micro-turbine model and grid
integration, Fuel cell model and grid integration, Energy storage and electric vehicle models and grid integration,
Distribution line models, Communication infrastructures for smart grid operation, Advanced metering infrastructure
and advanced control methods, Economic dispatch, Demand response and demand management, Distribution feeder
analysis, Continuous voltage and frequency control, Contingencies and their management, Unit commitment
(selection of generators & loads to operate), Energy constraints: hydro, fuel management and maintenance
scheduling, The operational challenges of distributed energy resources, Operation and control issues associated with
intermittent generation, Electricity industry operation in a carbon constrained and ‘smart grid’ future, Impact of smart
grid component integration on distribution network operation, Artificial Intelligence based approaches for estimation,
scheduling, management and control of next generation smart grid.
Financial evaluation: simple pay back analysis, return on investment, time based value of money, NPV method,
annuity method, calculation of IRR.
Energy analysis: concept of embodied energy, energy analysis methodologies: process chain analysis, input-output
method, inventory method; cumulative energy demand, energy yield ratio, energy payback.
Environmental analysis: concept of carbon footprint of materials and systems, cumulative emission for renewable
energy systems, environmental indicators of RE systems.
Human - environment relationship, normative criteria, descriptive and prescriptive models, limits of growth;
Environmental and natural resources economics, pollution control policy, growth in a finite environment;
Environmental protection laws;
Planning and management of environmental systems: optimization techniques, stochastic modelling, statistical
Large scale systems; Optimal monitoring network design, identification of sources; Risk reliability and uncertainty in
environmental systems;
Basic measurement concepts, Error analysis, transducer classification, static and dynamic characteristics of
Real time monitoring and data processing, instrumentation for measuring temperature, humidity, radiation, flow,
pressure, thermal conductivity, specific heat etc.;
Measurement of electrical quantifies: current, voltage, power, power factor, stability, transient analysis of power
generating systems
Energy consumption in industries: Energy and material flow assessment, specific energy consumption, industry
benchmarks for energy consumption.
Energy audit: Process of energy audit, preliminary audit, detailed audit, reporting of energy audit, concept of ESCO,
energy performance contracting, instruments for energy audit, management and organization of energy conservation
programs in industries
Energy conservation in industrial systems: boilers, furnaces, pumps, fans and blowers, steam system, motors and
transformers, power factor.
Unit I: Introduction of energy storage technology, requirement for energy storage, Current status, Future prospect of
Unit II: Mechanical energy storage systems, flywheel energy storage (FES), pumped hydropower storage (PHS), and
compressed-air energy storage (CAES). Comparison and application state-of-arts including principle, function and
deployments. Technical characteristics in terms of power rating and discharge time, storage duration, energy
efficiency, energy density, cycle life and life time, capital cost etc. Case study/project based on mechanical energy
Unit III: Electrochemical energy storage: Flow Battery, Battery, Fuel Cell, and Capacitor. Comparison and application
state-of-arts including principle, function and deployments. Technical characteristics of various electrochemical energy
storage systems. Case study/project
Unit IV: Hydrogen energy: hydrogen economy, Hydrogen based FCV, hybrid electric vehicle, maintenance of FCV,
Unit V: Thermal energy storage: sensible heat storage (SHS), latent heat storage (LHS) or phase-change materials
(PCMs), and thermal chemical energy storage (TCES). Comparison and technical characteristics. Case study/project
Unit VI: Hybrid energy storage systems: capacitor-battery hybrid systems, hybrid PCMs energy storage, hybrid CAES
Overview of different types of solar cells/panels. Photovoltaic industries in India and World.
International certification of solar panels and Indian scenario.
Wafer based silicon solar cells and its market trend. Cost breakup of wafer based solar panels, future trends
Concentrator solar cells, reflector and lens based versions. Performance in Indian climatic conditions. Low, medium
and high concentration, combined thermal and concentration PV system.
Semi-transparent solar cells and related materials, applications in buildings (BIPV), thin film and wafer based
versions, appearance and structure of thin film solar cells, Flexible solar cells.
Polymer, organic, dye sensitized and quantum dot solar cells, structure, working principle, present applications, near
future trends.