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Training Module On Team Development: Tata Iron & Steel Company

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Tata Iron & Steel Company



Aishwarya Ramdas

It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, sharpening of skills,
concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of
employees through professional development.

• It’s not what we want in life, but it knows how to reach it.

• It’s not where we want to go, but it knows how to get there.

• It may not be quite the outcome we were aiming for, but it will be an outcome.

• It’s not what we dream of doing, but it’s having the knowledge to do it.

• It's not a set of goals, but it’s more like a vision.

• It’s not the goal we set, but it’s what we need to achieve it.

So in all, training is about knowing where we stand (no matter how good or bad the current
situation looks) at present, and where we will be after some point of time.

It is clear that in today’s fast changing complex environment we need to collaborate effectively
in groups or teams to achieve results. One of the key questions we need to address is when is a
team important? There are times when organizations invest time and money in building teams,
when that is not required. Also, there are times when team building is not the right tool to use
there is a greater need for team development than team building. Today the main aim of the team
building activities should be the development of work teams. The diagram below indicates the
correlation between the nature of work environment and the level of complexity of task
complexity in today’s modern world.

Importance of team building

Successful team building has far reaching ramifications in an organization. Improve the way
team members interact and you improve their ability to solve problems. Better problem–solving
means better efficiency in general. Increased efficiency tends to boost morale and productivity. It
also helps to decrease stress, turnover and operating costs. And all of these improvements bolster
the organizations public image. Once established an effective team becomes self perpetuating.
Raymond Bickson, chief executive of The Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces — whose flagship
hotel in Mumbai, India, was attacked by terrorists last November — noted how reaffirming it can
be to come together as a team. In a February 2009 interview in The New York Times, he
described the hotel's reopening, in which spiritual leaders led prayers for the assembled staff and
the names of all 1,700 employees were read aloud. "It united us in a way that went deeper than
the usual team-building programs," Bickson said.

This would be a structured training.


11:15AM-11:30AM TEA BREAK
1:00PM-200PM LUNCH

Target Group:
The target groups for this session are the new recruiters or the fresher’s of the supervisor’s cadre.
Ice Breaking Session SPAGHETTI TOWER (40 mins.)

Key themes of this game: Teamwork, Creative, thinking

Small teams are asked to build the tallest, most cost-effective, free-standing tower using a packet
of dried Spaghetti and a packet of jelly babies within the set time limit.


100g of spaghetti, 1 balloon and 20 jelly babies per team. 1 Tape to measure. Sufficient table
space is needed for each team to work on their tower.
Cost Structure of the equipments
I balloon packet-Rs 10
I packet Jelly Beans per team –Rs 50
Spaghetti 100gms –Rs 70
More material will be provided on demand but cost needed to be taken into account while
making the making the tower.

Rules of the GAME:

1. Split the group into small teams of four.

2. Introduce the exercise by stating that the challenge is to build the tallest, most cost
3. freestanding tower that will support an inflated balloon
4. Explain the 30 minute time constraint
5. Explain the costs involved for the materials (see sheet 2)
6. Assign each group their spaghetti, jelly beans and balloon. Also provide each team a
briefing sheet
7. Reinforce the rules that the tower must be unsupported and freestanding after 10 minutes
with an
8. inflated balloon attached to the top
9. Start the activity and the timer. Give the teams a time check after FIFTEEN minutes and
a one and two minute warning.
10. After 10 minutes, call time or give an extension at your discretion.

Ask the teams to work out and calculate their points (as below). The team with the highest
number of points is the winning team. Do not show the team the scoring procedure before the
activity takes place.

Points will be awarded as follows:

The specifications of the Spaghetti Tower are as follows:

- It must be built entirely of Spaghetti & Jelly Babies.
- It must be self-standing and rest on the table.
- An inflated balloon must be attached to the top of the tower by the end of the time period.

The 2008 UEFA European Football Championship (2008 Euro Cup) saw a Spanish team that
took many keen observers of the game by surprise. The side which, over the years, had earned
the tag of 'underachievers' in the international arena despite having some of the most talented
individuals and the best domestic clubs in Europe, played superbly to win the 2008 Euro Cup,
its first triumph in such major tournaments in 44 years.

Experts felt that the Spanish national team's sub-par performance in major tournaments was
primarily due to a lack of team spirit and the killer instinct.

The lack of team spirit was a result of the intense rivalry between different regions of Spain as
the various regions were divided in terms of culture and political outlook. In such a situation, it
was very difficult for the members of the team to play as a unit, according to them.

Spain's stellar performance in the 2008 Euro Cup and the team spirit they displayed in the
tournament was largely attributed to the brilliant management and leadership of coach, José Luis
Aragonés Suárez (Aragonés). Aragonés' appointment came shortly after Spain's debacle in the
2004 Euro Cup. The new coach put in much of his effort into team building and instilling a sense
of team spirit into the fractured team that was also short on self belief.

Though the team failed to perform well in the 2006 World Cup, its overall performance record
under Aragonés' leadership was very good culminating with the success in the 2008 Euro Cup.
However, the feat was not an easy one as Aragonés had to take some very tough decisions along
the way which dented this popularity among the public and the media and attracted a lot of
criticism. However, with the team breaking the 44-year jinx, Aragonés' team building initiatives,
strategy and tactics, management skills, and leadership came in for special praise.

This case will help to understand various issues/concepts in management and organizational
behavior and generalizations can be made based on this case which could apply to the corporate

Issues to be handled by the trainer while discussing the case study

» Understand the issues and constraints in team building and team management.

» Understand and make generalizations on the various concepts of group dynamics, change
management, conflict management, leadership, etc.

» Appreciate the importance of team spirit in any team situation.

» Understand the issues and constraints in coaching and make generalization in coaching in the
corporate setting.

Post lunch the people would feel lethargic to read hence engage them into a game to get rid
of their laziness and let them enjoy and have some fun.
This is a helpful and non-threatening way to show the effects of stress and confusion, especially
in teams, and by implication the effects of stress on productivity, organizational performance and
healthy working.
Ideally for teams of eight to ten people or can be less also Split larger groups into teams of 8-10
and establish facilitation and review as appropriate, appointing and briefing facilitators since
each team requires facilitation.
You will need for each team about five balls of various sizes, compositions, weights, shapes,
etc., depending on team size and the team's ball-handling skills. Five balls are probably adequate
for most teams of eight people.
Using very different balls makes the exercise work better (for example a tennis ball, a beach ball,
a rugby ball, a ping-pong ball, etc - use your imagination).
Form each team into a circle.
The aim is to throw and catch the ball (each ball represents a work task/objective) between team
members - any order or direction. The ball must be kept moving (the facilitator can equate this to
the processing of a task within the work situation).Allow the team to develop their own
methods/pattern for throwing the ball between members if they find this helpful. A dropped ball
equates to a failed task (which the facilitator can equate to a specific relevant objective). A held
ball equates to a delayed task.
When the team can satisfactorily manage the first ball, the facilitator should then introduce a
second ball to be thrown and caught while the first ball remains in circulation. Equate the second
ball to an additional task, or a typical work complication, like a holiday, or an extra customer
requirement. Continue to introduce more balls one by one - not too fast - each time equating
them to work situations and complications.
Obviously before not too long the team is unable to manage all the balls, and chaos ensues.
Avoid creating chaos too early by introducing too many balls too soon. Allow the sense of
increasing stress and confusion to build, according to the ball-handling capability of the team.
Introducing balls too quickly will not allow the stress to build.
This game apart from stress management would also have team building in it as in order to catch
the ball each team would definitely plan out a definite flow in which the balls have to be thrown
and the new balls that are introduced at the regular intervals.
End with a good conclusion and the fill in the feedback forms from the participants to measure
the effectiveness of the training program and also tell the organization to involve the group in a
lot of team projects so that they continue what all they have learnt during the training
The first half of the training module can be conducted indoors and the second half can be
conducted outdoors to act as a source of entertainment.

1.) Reaction (on observation basis)

 Were participants eager to attend the training programme? Y/ N

 Were the participants delightful in attaining the training programme? Y/ N
 Were the participants were on time to attend the training programme? Y/ N
 Were the participants were actively participating? Y/ N

2.) Learning (questionnaire to be fulfilled by the trainees)

 Do you understand the various aspects of Team development? Y/ N

 Do you realize the importance of team? Y/ N
 Do you think that now you will be able to manage working in a team? Y/ N
 Was the objective clearly explained? Y/ N
 Was the course properly framed? Y/ N

3.) Behavior (on observation basis after the trainees have undergone the
training programme)

 Are the participants in time for their classes? Y/ N

 Are the participants able to manage their deadlines of their projects? Y/ N

4.) Result (form to be fulfilled by trainees)

 Feedback form:

1. Do you think that you needed this training programme? Y / N

2. Does the training programme accomplish something new? Y/N
3. Does the training programme was interesting? Y/N
4. Does the training programme help you to devise the techniques for yourself to manage
teams and work in them? Y/ N

5. Was the training programme:

6. Did the training programme finished within the stipulated time? Y/ N
7. Are you able to deduce the teachings of training programme in your real life? Y/ N
8. Was the trainer able to solve all your queries? Y/N
9. Did the trainer use innovative teaching methods? Y/N
10. Was the trainer able to communicate and involve all the trainees? Y/N
11. Was the training programme able to achieve the set objectives? Y/ N

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