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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1979, Vol. 22, No. 10

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

0 Copyright 1979 by the American Chemical Society

Volume 22, Number 10 October 1979

Communications to the Editor

4 4 pBromophenyl)-4-(dimethylamho)-l-phen-
ethylcyclohexanol, an Extremely Potent
Representative of a New Analgesic Series
The search for effective centrally acting analgesic agents
devoid of addicting properties has led to an unusually rich
selection of compounds on which to base the structural
requirements for opioid activity. Most structures ex-
hibiting this activity, in fact, fit a common pattern in
possessing an aromatic ring attached to a quaternary
center, or its equivalent, and a basic nitrogen atom at a
remove of the equivalent of an ethylene We report
a compound which shows extremely potent opioid anal- FENTANYL
gesic activity in which the basic nitrogen atom is attached
directly t o the quaternary center.
The trans amino alcohol 1 exhibits ED5ovalues of 0.1

pg/kg when administered subcutaneously to mice in the -

usual battery of analgesic assays (tail flick, tail pinch, HC1 Figure 1. Dreiding models of 1 and fentanyl.
~ r i t h i n g ) .In
~ our hands, this potency represents an in-
crement of at least lo4 over the milligram potency of coincidence for all salient structural features. Thus,
morphine sulfate in the same assays (ED50values of 1.5, starting at the left, the two benzene rings can be directly
1.6, and 0.6 mg/kg). That this is indeed a manifestation superimposed (though the link to the rest of the molecule
of opioid activity is suggested by the finding that the is rotated by 60'). The basic nitrogen atoms of the two
analgesic effects are blocked by naloxone and that 1 ex- molecules similarly fall in the exact same spot in space as
hibits an IC50of 8 X 10-loM in the [3H]nalox~ne binding do the extreme right-hand benzene rings. The hydroxyl
assayV5 This is 30 times greater than the potency of group in 1 falls in the middle of the amide function of
morphine (ICrn= 2.4 X Thus, the rank order of the fentanyl. Though the conformations required to achieve
two agents is in the same direction both in vivo and in this superposition give rise to nonbonding interaction,
vitro. We interpret this as a reflection of the greater energy gained in forming putative agonist-receptor
potency of 1 and its enhanced ability to penetrate the complexes is probably sufficient to outweigh such inter-
central nervous system relative to morphine. The cis actions. Similarly, 1, but not 6, can be shown to super-
amino alcohol 6, by contrast, is far less effective than 1, impose over the endogenous peptide, enkephalin. This
showing ED, values in the mouse analgesic assay of 7.9, coincidence includes the two phenyl rings of either
7.9, and 7.0 mg/kg on tail flick, tail pinch, and HC1 compound, the nitrogen 1and the nitrogen of Tyr,and the
writhing, respectively. hydroxyl of 1 and the Met carboxyl. Thus, the potent
The extreme in vivo potency and high binding affinity opioid activity of 1 correlates with its conformational
of 1 indicate that this compound is capable of conforming similarities with other opioids. More rigorous examination
very precisely to the steric and bonding requirements of of these common conformations may lead to a better
the analgesic opioid receptor. Thus, conformations of 1 understanding of the analgesic opioid receptor. The re-
which closely superimpose over those of other synthetic liability of such projections depends strictly upon the
opioids and endorphins may specify the active confor- precision of fit of the model agonist and the receptor. The
mations of the compounds. For example, comparisons of title compound, 1, is thus ideally suited for such studies.
Dreiding models of 1 and fentanyl (Figure 1)reveal that Preparation of 1 starts by conversion of the monoketal
the molecules can be arranged as to give point for point of cyclohexanedione z7 to its cy-aminonitrile 3, mp 79-81
0022-2623/79/1822-ll57$01.00/0 0 1979 American Chemical Society
1158 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1979, Vol. 22, No. 10 Michne et al.

Scheme I (2) A. H. Beckett and A. F. Casey, J . Pharm. Pharmacol., 6,
* 986 (1954).

Br (3) P. S.Portoghese, J . Pharm. Sci., 55, 865 (1966).
(4) The test compound was administered subcutaneously to
male CF-1 mice (18-22 g) as a suspension or solution in
0.25% aqueous methylcellulose. Fifteen minutes later they
2,x=o Me2N were subjected to the tail-flick, tail-pinch and HC1-writhing
CN measurements of analgesia. Briefly, a high-intensity light
/ P l
j was directed at the middle third of the animal's tail si-
multaneously with the start of a photoelectric timer. The
5,Y=O number of seconds required for the animal to flick its tail
out of the light path was recorded. Animals with response
Br latencies greater than X + 2 SD of control were scored as
analgesic. Then a bulldog arterial clamp was applied to the
base of the tail. A lack of turning in response to that
stimulus was scored as analgesia. Finally, the mice received
Me2N 0.2 mL of 0.08 N HC1 intraperitoneally and they were
1, R ' = CH,CH,C,H,; R 2 = OH
observed for 15 min for writhing. The absence of writhing
6 ,R' = OH; R2 = CH,CH,C,H, response was scored as analgesia. Six mice were used at each
dose level, and doses at 0.3 log intervals were tested. EDbo
and 95% confidence intervals were calculated by the method
"C (78% yield),6 by means of KCN and Me,NH.HCl of Spearman and Karber. The upper and lower confidence
(Scheme I). Displacement of the cyano groups by means intervals were never more than 2 and 0.5 times the EDbo,
of a Grignard reagent obtained from p-dibromobenzene respectively.
and a single equivalent of Mg gave amino ketal 4, mp ( 5 ) C. B. Pert and S. H. Snyder, Science, 179, 1011 (1973).
254-255.5 "C (HC1 salt, 30%); this was then hydrolyzed (6) All new compounds gave satisfactory analyses for C, H, and
to the corresponding ketone 5, mp 115-118 "C (69%). N.
Condensation of 5 with the Grignard reagent from p- (7) Prepared by a modification of the procedure of M. Haslanger
phenethyl bromide led to a 1:l mixture of the amino al- and R. G. Lawton, Tetrahedron Lett., 155 (1974).
(8) C.R.Hauser and D. Lednicer, J. Org. Chem., 24,46(1954).
cohols l and 6. These proved readily separable on silica (9) The stereochemistry assignment was based upon X-ray
gel: elution with 5% MeOH in CH2C12gave the trans crystallography, performed graciously by D. J. Duchamp.
isomer 1 (HC1 salt), mp 242-243 "C. Elution with 20%
MeOH in CH2C12gave the cis isomer (HC1salt, 1.5 H,O), Daniel Lednicer, Philip F. VonVoigtlander*
mp 208-210 0C.9 The Upjohn Company
Research Laboratories
References a n d Notes Kalamazoo, Michigan 49002
(1) 0. Schaumaun, Pharmazie, 4, 364 (1949). Received April 27, 1979

Art ides

(2,6-Methano-3-benzazocin-1 lp-y1)alkanones. 1. Alkylalkanones: A New Series of

N-Methyl Derivatives with Novel Opiate Activity Profiles
William F. Michne,* Thomas R. Lewis, Stephen J. Michalec, Anne K. Pierson, and Franklin J. Rosenberg
Sterling- Winthrop Research Institute, Rensselaer, New York 12144. Received April 27, 1979

A general stereospecific synthesis of (N-methyl-2,6-methano-3-benzazocin-11~-yl)alkanones is described and applied

to the preparation of a series of alkyl ketones wherein the alkyl group is a straight or terminally branched chain
containing from one to six carbon atoms. Several compounds with methoxy groups in the aromatic ring are in the
morphine range of potency; they are uniformly inactive as phenazocine antagonists. Phenolic analogues range up
to 100 times as potent as morphine. Those containing five or six carbon atoms in the alkyl group exhibit phenazocine
antagonist activity, in one case equivalent to naloxone. This compound (3e)is selective for phenazocine in its antagonist

Several years ago it was demonstrated that the potent search for new clinically acceptable analgesics to focus
narcotic antagonist nalorphine is an analgesic in man2,3but attention on compounds which show narcotic antagonism
that its use is attended by psychic effects which preclude as one aspect of their pharmacological action profiles.6 In
its clinical acceptance. Initially the compound was found order to evaluate the subjective effects of candidate
to possess no morphine-like addiction liabilit~;~later it was compounds, a method was developed7 whereby scores on
found that physical dependence could develop after a questionnaire are compared with scores obtained when
chronic administration but that the abstinence syndrome using reference drugs. The LSD scale, for example,
occurring after drug withdrawal is qualitatively and measures psychotomimetic changes. In contrast to
quantitatively different from that produced by the narcotic morphine and codeine? nal~rphine~,'~ and other analgesics
analgesic^.^ These observations have encouraged the with high antagonist potency, such as levallorphan'0 and
0022-262317911822-1158$01.00/0 8 1979 American Chemical Society

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