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Master Vocabulary List Collected From The Text Prescribed For Class XI and XII

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Master Vocabulary List for XI & XII 1

Master Vocabulary List Collected From the Text Prescribed for Class XI and XII

Word Meaning in English Synonym Antonym

abandon To withdraw one's cease, stop, end, halt, quit, start, begin,
support or help from, terminate, break off, abort, establish,
especially in spite of desist, shut down, suspend, found.
duty, allegiance, or discontinue, intermit,
responsibility interrupt, eliminate, scrub,
disestablish, disrupt, call off,
drop, abandon, abolish,
abrogate, annul, cancel, cut,
quash, scratch, chuck.1
abide To put up with; bear, endure, put up with, leave, go,
tolerate tolerate, abide, stomach, depart.,
brook, take, undergo, submit violate,
to, suffer, brave. 2 transgress.
ability The quality of being expertise, ability, adeptness, inadequacy,
able to do something; command, craft, expertness, incompetence,
the physical, mental, knack, know-how, mastery, ineptitude,
financial, or legal proficiency, skill, inability.
power to perform. specialization,
professionalism, savvy. The
power to perform a task :
capability, capacity, ability,
competence, facility, faculty,
knack, means, might, mind,
potential, skill, wherewithal.3
abject Brought low in blatant, abject, barefaced,
condition or status egregious, flagrant, glaring,
open, out-and-out, outright,
sheer, unmitigated,
unqualified. 4
abolish To do away with; eradicate, abolish, implant.
annul. 2. To destroy deracinate, dig out, extirpate,
completely. pluck out, pull up, root out,
tear out, uproot. annihilate,
abolish, blot out, eradicate,
exterminate, extinguish,
extirpate, obliterate, root out,
stamp out, wipe out..
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Master Vocabulary List for XI & XII 2

abominable Unequivocally abominable, heinous, pleasant,

detestable; loathsome abhorrent, bestial, odious, pleasing,
horrible, horrid, horrific, attractive,
hideous, bloodcurdling, inviting,
monstrous, gruesome, delightful,
freakish, frightful, grotesque, charming,
terrifying, dreadful, scary, agreeable,
shocking, bizarre, appalling, lovely.
abrade To wear down or rub scrape, abrade, gall, chafe,
away by friction; excoriate, flay, rub sore,
erode scratch, grate, score.
abrupt Unexpectedly sudden sudden, abrupt, startling, gradual,
surprising, unanticipated, expected,
unexpected predicted,
absurd Ridiculously ridiculous, absurd, asinine, sensible
incongruous or ludicrous, outlandish,
unreasonable nonsensical, preposterous,
senseless, silly, fatuous
accommodate To do a favor or adjust, acclimatize, inconvenience
service for; oblige acclimate, reconcile, , disoblige,
accommodate, fashion, fit, trouble
accord To cause to conform The agreement of opinions discord,
or agree; bring into or interests : concord, conflict,
harmony accord, concert, concurrence, disagreement,
conformity, harmony, dissension.
cooperation, peace.
accumulate To gather or pile up; grow, enlarge, expand, swell, decrease,
amass wax, surge, burgeon, reduce,
explode, augment, build, diminish,
accumulate, mushroom, lessen.
inflate, puff up, accrue, gain,
multiply, proliferate, run up,
heighten, mount, magnify,
accusation An act of accusing or accusation, allegation,
the state of being aspersion, censure, charge,
accused criticism, implication,
imputation, indictment,
innuendo, insinuation,
acute Having a sharp point pointy, aculeous, aculeate, blunt, dull
or tip acute,
adequate Sufficient to satisfy a enough, adequate, sufficient,
requirement or meet a ample, satisfactory
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Master Vocabulary List for XI & XII 3

admirable Deserving admiration praiseworthy, admirable, discreditable,
laudable, splendid, undeserving,
wonderful, commendable, blameworthy
creditable, meritorious,
deserving, exemplary
adore To worship as God or revel, love, adore, delight in dislike.
a god. 2. To regard
with deep, often
rapturous love
adulation Excessive flattery or Excessive, ingratiating praise
admiration : flattery, adulation,
blandishment, blarney,
bootlicking, sweet talk,
Aesthetic Relating to the aesthetic, esthetic, beautiful,
philosophy or tasteful, pleasing
theories of aesthetics.
2. Of or concerning
the appreciation of
beauty or good taste
affectionate Having or showing affectionate, softhearted, unaffectionate
fond feelings or tenderhearted, warmhearted, , cold,
affection; loving and adoring, ardent, doting, unloving.
tender loving, romantic, tender.
aggression The act of initiating attack, aggression, assault, retreat,
hostilities or invasion.blitzkrieg, ambush, charge, withdrawal
Hostile or destructive foray, incursion, invasion,
behavior or actions. offensive, onslaught, raid,
sally, sortie, storming, strike.
agitation The act of agitating or disturbance, agitation, order.
the state of being commotion, disorder,
agitated. 2. Extreme disruption, free-for-all,
emotional outburst, perturbation, riot,
disturbance; rumpus, stir, tumult,
perturbation. turbulence, upheaval, uproar,
alliance A close association of syndicate, bloc, cartel, dissociation,
nations or other coalition, combine, detachment
groups, formed to conglomerate, consortium,
advance common trust, association, union,
interests or causes federation, league, alliance.
allot To parcel out; earmark, consecrate,
distribute or dedicate, destine, devote,
apportion mark, allocate, allot,
apportion, appropriate,
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designate, assign.

altruism Unselfish concern for benevolence, unkindness, ill

the welfare of others; kindheartedness, altruism, will,
selflessness. beneficence, charitableness, malevolence,
good will, kindliness, malignity.
kindness, tenderness,
ambition An eager or strong , ambitiousness, aspiration,
desire to achieve desire, aim, goal, objective,
something, such as purpose.
fame or power
ample Of large or great size, big, ample, considerable, small, little,
amount, extent, or large, more, greater, less.
capacity substantial, tall, tidy.
amusing Entertaining or clownish, buffoonish, sensible.
pleasing foolish, funny, entertaining,
amusing, silly
ancient Of great age; very old antediluvian, ancient, young, new,
antiquated, antique, vintage, fresh.
venerable, gray, hoary.
annals A chronological history, annals, account,
record of the events chronicle, yearbook, resume,
of successive years. narrative, review.
annoy To cause slight upset, disturb, weigh on, calm, quiet,
irritation to (another) trouble, peeve, worry, pacify,
by troublesome, often disquiet, discompose, comfort
repeated acts. disconcert, unnerve, annoy,
bother, agitate, hassle,
anonymous Having an unknown nameless, anonymous, named, titular,
or unacknowledged unknown, unnamed, designated.
name unassigned, undesignated,
antagonist One who opposes and opponent, adversary, ally,
contends against antagonist, challenger, colleague,
another competitor, contender, supporter
enemy, foe, rival.
antecedent Going before; previous, antecedent, following,
preceding. anterior, earlier, early, subsequent,
former, historic, precedent, later.
preceding, prior.
anxiety A state of uneasiness disquiet, disquietude, unease, relief,
and apprehension, as uneasiness, apprehension, assurance,
about future worry, worrisomeness, confidence,
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uncertainties perturbation, fretfulness, tranquillity.

concern, misgiving, fear,
distress, foreboding,
anxiousness, anxiety, angst,
apologize 1. To make excuse for
or regretful
acknowledgment of a
fault or offense. 2. To
make a formal
defense or
justification in speech
or writing.
appalling Causing consternation alarming, dreadful, scary, appealing,
or dismay; frightful fearsome, frightening, pleasant,
terrifying, weird, eldritch, attractive,
dire, direful, awful, lovely
appalling, terrific,
horrendous, shocking,
terrible, frightful, disgusting,
odious, revolting, hideous,
loathsome, repulsive,
nightmarish, monstrous,
horrific, horrible, grisly,
ghastly, gruesome, macabre,
morbid, atrocious, brutish,
grotesque, ghoulish, hateful,
applause Approval expressed : praise, acclaim,
especially by the acclamation, accolade,
clapping of hands applause, approbation,
commendation, compliment,
encomium, homage, kudos,
panegyric, plaudit, tribute
apprehension Fearful or uneasy worry, worrisomeness, relief,
anticipation of the perturbation, fretfulness, assurance,
future concern, misgiving, fear, confidence,
distress, foreboding, tranquillity
anxiousness, anxiety, angst,
apt Exactly suitable; suitable, apt, apropos, unsuitable,
appropriate felicitous, congruous, incongruous,
correct, fit, fitting, proper, inapt, ill-
right, suitable for, suited for. suited,
ardour Fiery intensity of : passion, amorousness, detachment,
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feeling. 2. Strong amour, love, ardor, fervor, indifference,

enthusiasm or fire, rapture, ecstasy, apathy,
devotion; zeal intoxication, heart. Great aloofness,
intensity of feeling : fervor, unconcern,
ardor, ardency, enthusiasm, disinterestedn
fervency, fervidity, ess, apathy.
fervidness, fire, passion,
zeal, vehemence, fierceness,
feverishness, vigor, intensity.
aspiration A strong desire for : objective, aim, aspiration,
high achievement. An dream, intent, intention,
object of such desire; design, end, mission, target,
an ambition destination, object.
Assassination To murder (a
prominent person) by
surprise attack, as for
political reasons.
assault A violent physical or abuse, brutalization, service,
verbal attack abusiveness, ill use, ill benefit, help.
treatment, injury,
maltreatment, molestation,
violation, mistreatment,
cruelty, beating, harming,
astonish To fill with sudden astound, dumbfound,
wonder or amazement dumfound, amaze, astonish,
awe, bedazzle, dazzle,
flabbergast, floor, knock out,
overwhelm, stun, surprise,
take aback.
avenge To inflict a retaliate, avenge, even the
punishment or score, fix, get, give tit for tat,
penalty in return for; punish, redress, repay,
revenge revenge, settle a score, strike
back, get even.
bandit A robber, especially : thief, bandit, brigand,
one who robs at footpad, highwayman,
gunpoint plunderer, robber, larcenist,
mugger, pickpocket,
purloiner, purse snatcher,
shoplifter, hijacker.
barbarism An act, trait, or heinousness, depravity,
custom characterized atrociousness, atrocity,
by ignorance or decadence, debauchery,
crudity enormity, monstrousness,
horror, barbarity, barbarism,
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inhumanity, savagery.
bashful Shy, self-conscious, bashful, tightlipped, bold,
and awkward in the diffident, hesitant, inhibited, extroverted,
presence of others introverted, unassertive, unreserved.
reserved, reticent, shy.
bereaved Suffering the loss of a deprive, bereave, dispossess, supply.
loved one divest, rob, strip, confiscate.
beseech To address an earnest petition, supplicate, appeal,
or urgent request to; apply, beg, beseech, entreat,
implore file, implore, importune,
plead, pray, request, sue for.
bestow To present as a gift or award, bestow, confer, give,
an honor; confer endow, grant.
betray To give aid or deceive, victimize,
information to an bamboozle, beguile, betray,
enemy of; commit bluff, con, cozen, fast-talk,
treason against delude, double-cross, dupe,
fool, hoodwink, mislead,
pull the wool over one's
eyes, humbug, take in. ,
forsake, leave, leave in the
lurch, desert, betray, let
down, break one's heart, cast
betrothed A person to whom affianced, bride-to-be, single,
one is engaged to be fiance, fiancee, husband-to- unengaged,
married be, intended unbetrothed
blaze A brilliant burst of flare, blaze, coruscation,
fire; a flame flame, flash, glare.
blither To blather exuberant, blithe, cheerful, depressed,
cheery, ecstatic, elated, down,
exultant, glad, happy, high, discouraged,
delighted, joyful, joyous, unhappy,
jubilant, rapturous. morose
brandish To wave or flourish (a brandish, flourish, sweep,
weapon, for example) wave, swing, wield, flaunt,
menacingly display, exhibit.
brink The upper edge of a threshold, brink, edge, eve,
steep or vertical point, verge, dawn.
slope; The point at
which something is
likely to begin; the
briskly Marked by speed, fast, accelerated, speedy, slow,
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liveliness, and vigor; expeditious, alacritous, creeping,

energetic breakneck, fleet, hasty, snail-like,
lightning-quick, celeritous, unhurried.
brisk, nimble, quick, rapid.
buoyancy The tendency or resilience, buoyancy,
capacity to remain elasticity.
afloat in a liquid or
rise in air or gas. The
upward force that a
fluid exerts on an
object less dense than
itself. 2. Ability to
recover quickly from
setbacks; resilience.
3. Lightness of spirit;
butchery Wanton or cruel massacre, blood bath,
killing; carnage bloodshed, butchery,
carnage, decimation,
holocaust, mass murder,
pogrom, slaughter.
caprice An impulsive change caprice, humor, whim,
of mind conceit, crotchet, fancy,
freak, megrim, notion, urge,
catastrophe A great, often sudden : disaster, accident, adversity, blessing, good
calamity blow, calamity, cataclysm, fortune,
catastrophe, crisis, benefit.
emergency, fiasco,
misadventure, misfortune,
celestial Of or relating to the heavenly, celestial, hellish,
sky or the heavens empyrean, paradisiac, netherworldly,
paradisiacal, supernal. Hadean
chaos A condition or place disorganization, clutter, order,
of great disorder or confusion, disarray, disorder, organization.
confusion disorderliness,
disarrangement, jumble,
muddle, shambles, topsy-
chauvinism Militant devotion to
and glorification of
one's country;
fanatical patriotism.
2. Prejudiced belief in
the superiority of
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one's own gender,

group, or kind
chuckle To laugh quietly or to : laugh, cackle, chortle, roar
oneself. chuckle, giggle, guffaw,
heehaw, snicker, snigger,
titter, twitter, horselaugh
circumscribe To draw a line delimit, fix, bound,
around; encircle. 2. circumscribe, define, mark
To limit narrowly; out, mark off, stake out,
restrict. delineate, demarcate, limit,
outline, measure, pace off,
set, specify, determine,
frame, regulate, restrict.
clamour A loud outcry; a din, clamor, cacophony,
hubbub. 2. A clatter, caterwauling, noise,
vehement expression background noise, babel,
of discontent or blare, hubbub, hullabaloo,
protest hurly-burly, pandemonium,
racket, tumult, uproar, hue
and cry.
clumsy Lacking physical awkward, ungraceful, graceful,
coordination, skill, or uncoordinated, bumbling, coordinated,
grace; awkward. 2. clumsy, ungainly, graceless, adept, adroit,
Awkwardly maladroit, gauche, gawky, skillful
constructed; unwieldy cumbrous, cumbersome,
lumbering, blundering,
unskillful, unhandy,
unpracticed, halting, all
thumbs, butter-fingered,
ham-fisted, ham-handed,
heavy-handed, klutzy.
coherent Sticking together;
cohering. 2. Marked
by an orderly, logical,
and aesthetically
consistent relation of
coincidence A sequence of events fluke, accident, chance,
that although coincidence, fortuity,
accidental seems to happenstance, fortuitousness,
have been planned or mischance. Simultaneous
arranged occurrence : coincidence,
concomitance, concurrence.
collapse To fall down or : downfall, comedown, upswing,
inward suddenly; descent, eclipse, fall, ruin, improvement.
cave in ruination, destruction,
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commemorate To honor the memory memorialize, eulogize,
of with a ceremony celebrate, commemorate,
solemnize, observe, glorify,
remember, salute, worship.
commiseration The feeling or : sensitivity, appreciation, insensitivity,
expression of pity or compassion, empathy, pitilessness,
sorrow identification, sympathy, indifference
concern, feeling,
commiseration, tenderness,
grief, sorrow, pity.
compassion Deep awareness of sensitivity, appreciation, insensitivity,
the suffering of compassion, empathy, pitilessness,
another coupled with identification, sympathy, indifference
the wish to relieve it concern, feeling,
commiseration, tenderness,
grief, sorrow, pity.
compatriot A person from one's countryman, fellow citizen. alien,
own country foreigner,
complexion The natural color, personality, humor, cast,
texture, and character, complexion,
appearance of the constitution, disposition,
skin, especially of the identity, make-up, nature,
face persona, spirit, temperament
conceal To keep from being bottle up, stifle, suppress, reveal,
seen, found, inhibit, constrain, bury, hide, expose,
observed, or hold in, hold back, keep in, disclose,
discovered; hide repress, conceal, cover up, divulge.
lock up, withhold, mask,
cloak, disguise, hush up,
shield, veil, shroud.
conceive To become pregnant visualize, conceptualize,
with (offspring). 2. To fantasize, conceive, conjure
form or develop in up, envisage, envision,
the mind; devise image, imagine, dream up,
condemn To express strong criticize, reprimand, chide, commend,
disapproval of. rebuke, reproach, scold, compliment,
censure, reprove, admonish, praise,
call down, dress down. applaud
confess To disclose acknowledge, realize, come disclaim,
(something damaging to terms with, accept, admit, repudiate,
or inconvenient to confess, concede, avow, reject, deny.
oneself); admit. grant, see, allow, own up,
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accede, yield, assent.

confront To come face to face undergo, brave, come up
with, especially with against, confront, face, go
defiance or hostility through, meet, sample,
suffer, take, taste, feel, meet
conglomeration The act or process of accumulation, sameness,
conglomerating. The agglomeration, aggregation, uniformity.
state of being accrual, amassment,
conglomerated collection, congeries,
conglomeration, cumulation,
cumulus, hoard, stockpile,
store, trove, assemblage,
compilation, treasury,
corpus, anthology
consent To give assent, as to authorization, allowance, go- refusal,
the proposal of ahead, green light, leave, prohibition,
another; agree permission, permit, sanction, prevention,
sufferance, consent, assent, ban
agreement, dispensation,
grant, license.
consolation The act or an instance succor, balm, cheer, comfort,
of consoling condolence, encouragement,
assuagement, soothing,
solace, support.
constraint The threat or use of : restriction, circumscription,
force to prevent, constraint, curb, limitation,
restrict, or dictate the restraint, stricture, curbing,
action or thought of control, regulation.
contempt Disparaging or : defiance, contempt, obedience,
haughty disdain, as contumacy, recalcitrance, compliance
for something base or unruliness, disobedience,
unworthy; scorn rebelliousness, rebellion.
convict To find or prove convict, condemn, declare acquit, find
(someone) guilty of guilty, prove guilty, find innocent.
an offense or crime, guilty
especially by the
verdict of a court
corpse A dead body, corpse, body, cadaver,
especially the dead carcass of an animal, dead
body of a human body, remains
corpulent Excessively fat plump, plumpish, big, stout, underweight,
heavy, portly, beefy, stocky, thin, skinny,
burly, thickset, heavyset, ectomorphic
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fleshy, pudgy, tubby, full-

figured, buxom, well-
upholstered, roly-poly,
rotund, chunky, fat,
overweight, obese.
corrosive Having the capability corrosive, erosive, caustic. noncaustic
or tendency to cause
credible Capable of being
believed; plausible
cripple One that is partially cripple, paralyze, make
disabled or unable to lame, disable, incapacitate,
use a limb or limbs. damage, harm, maim,
hamstring, invalid, lame,
mangle, mutilate.
criterion A standard, rule, or standard, benchmark, gauge,
test on which a touchstone, yardstick, guide-
judgment or decision line, requirement, principle,
can be based. prototype, guide, canon.
criticism The act of criticizing, assessment, analysis, compliment,
especially adversely. appraisal, criticism, estimate, commendatio
2. A critical comment estimation, evaluation, n, approval,
or judgment. ranking, valuation, appreciation.
crucial Extremely urgent, compelling, critical, dispensible,
significant or crucial, exigent, life-and- disposable,
important. death, life-or-death, pressing, throwaway.
cruise To sail or travel journey, odyssey, peregri-
about, as for pleasure nation, pilgrimage, tour, trek,
or reconnaissance. voyage, expedition,
excursion, quest, flight,
junket, divagation.
culminate To reach the highest climax, cap, crown,
point or degree; culminate, peak.
cure Restoration of health; remedy, counteragent,
recovery from antidote, corrective,
disease. 2. A method countermeasure, cure, relief,
or course of medical restorative, solution.
treatment used to
restore health
cynical Scornful of the contemptuous, cynical, deri- respectful.
motives, virtue, or sive, derisory, disdainful,
integrity of others. disparaging, insulting,
mocking, scoffing, snide,
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dearth A scarce supply; a : meagerness, exiguity, abundance,
lack. 2. Shortage of exiguousness, scantness, profusion,
food; famine. skimpiness, sparseness, plethora,
deficiency, lack, dearth, surplus.
scantiness, paucity.
defiance The act or an example : resistance, defiance, flak, compliance
of defying; bold resis- opposition, recalcitrance,
tance to an opposing aversion, antagonism,
force or authority. renitence.
degrade To reduce in grade, degrade, displace, elevate, raise,
rank, or status; disratechiefly naval, exalt.
demote. 2. To lower downgrade, , abuse, debase,
in dignity; dishonor defile, demean, desecrate,
or disgrace. exploit, ill-use, maltreat,
delude To deceive the mind deceive, victimize,
or judgment. bamboozle, beguile, betray,
bluff, con, cozen, fast-talk,
delude, double-cross, dupe,
fool, hoodwink, mislead.
demeanour The way in which a bearing, address, appearance,
person behaves; manner, mien, port,
deportment . presence, style, carriage,
demeanor, comportment,
demolish To tear down destroy, annihilate, decimate,
completely; raze. To demolish, dismantle,
damage. dissolve, dynamite, pull
down, raze, ruin, shatter,
smash, tear down, wrack,
wreck, atomize, vandalize.
despair To lose all hope desperateness, desperation, hopefulness,
despondence, despondency, optimism,
discouragement, cheerfulness.
hopelessness, gloom,
despondence Despondency despair, desperateness, hopefulness,
despe- optimism,
ration, despondence, despon- cheerfulness.
dency, discouragement,
lessness, gloom, depression.
destiny The inevitable or : fate, destiny, divine
necessary fate to Providence, fortune, karma,
which a particular kismet, lot, luck,
person or thing is predestination, doom.
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destined; one's lot or happenstance.

devastate To lay waste; destroy. ravage, raze, deflower,
depredate, desecrate,
desolate, despoil, devastate,
devour, pillage, sack,
scourge, spoil.
disparity The condition or fact discrepancy, contradiction, correspondenc
of being unequal, as contrast, departure, e accord.
in age, rank, or deviation, difference,
degree; difference . disagreement, disparity,
dissimilarity, divergence,
gap, incongruity,
dispel To rid one's mind of scatter, break up, disband,
disperse, dispel, shatter,
spatter, sprinkle.
disperse To drive off or scatter scatter, break up, disband,
in different directions. disperse, dispel, shatter,
spatter, sprinkle.
dissolute Lacking moral wrong, wicked, immoral, virtuous,
restraint; indulging in iniquitous, base, vile, evil, good, moral,
sensual pleasures or black-hearted, evil-minded, righteous.
vices. sinful, depraved, dissolute,
debauched, pernicious,
execrable, villainous,
infamous, reprobate,
nefarious, reprehensible,
distant Separate or apart in distant, remote, apart, far, near, close.
space. Far removed; faraway, far-off, out of reach,
remote. out of sight, removed.
distinction The act of eminence, preeminence, dis- lowliness,
distinguishing; tinction, glory, illustrious- unimportance.
differentiation . ness, prestige, prominence,
renown, notability, fame,
brity, note, repute,
distress To cause strain, disquiet, disquietude, unease, relief,
anxiety, or suffering uneasiness, apprehension, assurance,
to. worry, worrisomeness, confidence,
perturbation, fretfulness, tranquillity.

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concern, misgiving, fear,

foreboding, anxiousness,
anxiety, angst, anguish.
doctrine A principle or body of conviction, belief, feeling,
principles presented mind, opinion, persuasion,
for acceptance or sentiment, view, faith, tenet,
belief, as by a creed.
religious, political,
scientific, or
philosophic group;
dubious Fraught with uncertain, arguable, definite,
uncertainty or doubt; debatable, doubtful, dubious, certain,
undecided. 2. dubitable, inconclusive, proven,
Arousing doubt; indefinite, moot, open, proved.
doubtful. undecided, unproved,
unproven, unresolved.
dungeon A dark, often jail, jailhouse, prison,
underground chamber lockup, solitary, penitentiary,
or cell used to confine pokey, the big house, cage,
prisoners. 2. A cell, brig, guardhouse,
donjon. stockade, reform,
reformatory, detention home,
dungeon, donjon, oubliette.
dupe An easily deceived laughingstock, buffoon, butt,
person. joke, fool, dupe, figure of
fun, mockery.
eager Having or showing , eager, enthusiastic, hungry, apathetic,
keen interest, intense intent, itching, keen on, unenthusiastic
desire, or impatient resolute, zealous. , unambitious.
earnestly Marked by or serious, somber, trivial,
showing deep businesslike, dour, earnest, nonsensical,
sincerity or grave, no-nonsense, frivolous.
seriousness. practical, solemn,
unfrivolous, untrivial.
economical Prudent and thrifty in inexpensive, budget-priced, astronomical,
management; not cheap, cut-rate, cut-price, expensive,
wasteful or discounted, economic, costly, high-
extravagant. See economical, low-cost, cost, dear,
Synonyms at sparing. marked down, sale. high-priced.
2. Intended to save
money, as by efficient
operation or
elimination of
unnecessary features.
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ecstasy Intense joy or delight enjoyment, happiness, unhappiness,

cheeriness, gladness, delight, sadness,
felicity, elatedness, elation, sorrow, grief,
joyousness, joyfulness, woe, misery,
jubilation, exultation, bliss, depression.
blissfulness, beatitude.
eloquence Persuasive, , expressiveness, facility, inarticulatenes
powerful discourse. fluency, articulateness. s
The skill or power of unintelligible-
using such discourse. ness.
2. The quality of
persuasive, powerful
eminent Towering or standing highest, eminent, alpine, lowest.
out above others; high, loftiest, tall, tallest, top,
prominent. topmost, upmost, uppermost.
emphasis Special forcefulness accent, accentuation, force,
of expression that stress.
gives importance to
something singled
out; stress.
encounter A meeting, especially confrontation, encounter, retreat,
one that is unplanned, face-off, bout, affray, withdrawal.
unexpected, or brief. skirmish, clash, brush, fight.
enterprise An undertaking, project, undertaking,
especially one of venture, endeavor, operation,
some scope, effort, : business, company,
complication, and concern, conglomerate,
risk. 2. A business corporation, enterprise,
organization. 3. establishment, firm, house,
Industrious, institution, multinational,
systematic activity, office, operation, outfit,
especially when partnership.
directed toward
entreat To make an earnest petition, supplicate, appeal,
request of. apply, beg, beseech.
envy A feeling of , covetousness, enviousness,
discontent and jealousy, begrudging,
resentment aroused resentfulness, resentment,
by and in conjunction grudging, spite.
with desire for the
possessions or
qualities of another.
escape To break loose from dribble, drip, emanation, welcome,
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confinement; get free. escape, leakage, ooze, embrace.

seepage, trickle, discharge,
era A period of time as age, chapter, day, epoch,
reckoned from a generation, heyday, hour,
specific date serving lifetime, moment, phase,
as the basis of its season, stage.
chronological system.
evacuation The act of evacuating retreat, fallback, withdrawal,
or the condition of elimination, evacuation,
being evacuated. excretion, purgation.
evidence A thing or things indication, earmark,
helpful in forming a evidence, notice, sign,
conclusion or symptom, token, trace,
judgment. warning, clue, foretoken,
hint, signal, mark,
exaggerate To represent as embroider, make a mountain understate,
greater than is out of a molehill, make minimize.
actually the case; much ado about nothing,
overstate. make too much of, overreact,
Exasperation The act or an instance annoyance, aggravation, tranquillity,
of exasperating. 2. exasperation, harassment, peacefulness,
The state of being irritation, pique, vexation. calm.
frustrated annoyance.
excel To do or be better
than; surpass.
exception The act of excepting disapproval, disfavor, approval,
or the condition of disapprobation, disesteem, admiration,
being excepted; dislike, displeasure, respect
exclusion. 2. One that dissatisfaction, distaste,
is excepted, exception, objection.
especially a case that
does not conform to a
rule or generalization.
exhaust To wear out emission, emanation, invigorate,
completely. To drain exhaust, effluvium, miasma, refresh,
of resources or discharge, fumes, pollutant, renew, revive,
properties; deplete impurity, waste. (v) strain, strengthen.
exhaust, stretch, tax, fatigue,
do double duty., burn out,
shoot one's bolt, knock out,
fatigue, drain, overtire, sap
one's energy.
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exhibits To show outwardly; demonstration, display, hide, cloak,

display. exhibit, exhibition, conceal.
exposition, presentation,
exhort To urge by strong, prompt, stimulate, motivate, soothe, calm,
often stirring prod, stir, stir up, urge, spur, moderate,
argument, innervate, rouse, spark, pacify.
admonition, advice, arouse, inspire, excite, push,
or appeal. drive, propel, impel, goad,
incite, exhort, provoke,
galvanize, kick-start, light a
fire under.
exile Enforced removal fugitive, defector, deserter,
from one's native displaced person, escapee,
country. Self-imposed outlaw, refugee, renegade,
absence from one's runaway, truant.
expatiate To speak or write at rave, rhapsodize, carry on,
length. go on and on, wax, gush,
effervesce, expatiate, bubble.
expeditious Acting or done with fast, accelerated, speedy, slow,
speed and efficiency. expeditious, alacritous, creeping,
breakneck, fleet, hasty, snail-like,
lightning-quick, celeritous, unhurried.
brisk, nimble, quick, rapid.
explode To release grow, enlarge, expand, swell, decrease,
mechanical, chemical, wax, surge, burgeon, reduce,
or nuclear energy by explode, augment, build, diminish,
the sudden production accumulate, mushroom, lessen.
of gases in a confined inflate, puff up, accrue, gain,
space. multiply, proliferate,
heighten, mount, magnify,
rise, snowball.
exposition A setting forth of explanation, clarification,
meaning or intent. 2. construction, elaboration,
A statement or elucidation, exegesis,
rhetorical discourse explication, exposition,
intended to give interpretation, commentary,
information about or gloss, exegesis, explanation,
an explanation of clarification, elucidation,
difficult material. The elaboration, explication,
art or technique of interpretation, analysis,
composing such commentary.
expostulate To reason earnestly protest, expostulate, inveigh agree.
with someone in an against, kick, object,
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effort to dissuade or remonstrate.

correct; remonstrate.
exquisite Characterized by gorgeous, arresting, hideous, ugly,
intricate and beautiful beauteous, beautiful, horrendous,
design or execution. exquisite, captivating, horrid,
glamorous, ravishing, horrible,
stunning. awful.
extravagant Given to lavish or expensive, costly, dear, high- inexpensive,
imprudent priced, overpriced, pricey, low-priced,
expenditure. upmarket, lavish, profuse, provident,
unthrifty, wasteful, frugal,
profligate, improvident, economical.
exuberant Full of unrestrained blithe, cheerful, cheery, depressed,
enthusiasm or joy. 2. ecstatic, elated, exultant, down,
Lavish; extravagant. glad, happy, high, delighted, discouraged,
joyful, joyous, jubilant, unhappy.
exultant Marked by great joy exuberant, blithe, cheerful, depressed,
or jubilation; cheery, ecstatic, elated, down,
triumphant. exultant, glad, happy, high, discouraged,
delighted, joyful, joyous, unhappy,
jubilant, rapturous. morose.
fancy The mental faculty
through which
whims, visions, and
fantasies are
summoned up;
especially of a
whimsical or fantastic
fantasy The creative
unrestrained fancy.
fascination The capability of attraction, allurement, come- repulsion,
eliciting intense on, draw, drawing card, lure, repugnance,
interest or of being appeal, allure, enticement, disinclination.
very attractive. magnetism, pull, temptation,
enchantment, captivation,
charm, attractiveness.
feast A large, elaborately banquet, dinner, bacchanal,
prepared meal, sumptuous repast, festive,
usually for many elegant meal.
persons and often
accompanied by
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entertainment; a
feeble Lacking strength;
weak. Indicating
feign To give a false
appearance of. To
represent falsely;
pretend to.
ferocious Extremely savage; fierce, fiery, mad, vicious, gentle, tender,
fierce. violent, wild, furious, moderate,cal
impassioned, vehement. m, tame, mild.
flamboyant Highly elaborate; garish, flamboyant, flashy, tasteful,
ornate. 2. Richly gaudy, loud, lurid, unostentatious
colored; resplendent. meretricious, ostentatious. , muted.
flatter To compliment cajole, blandish, butter up,
excessively and often charm, coax, rope in, seduce,
insincerely, especially soft-soap, stroke, sweet-talk,
in order to win favor. wheedle.
floundered To make clumsy stumble, blunder, bumble,
attempts to move or flounder, lurch, pitch,
regain one's balance. shamble, shuffle.
flourish To grow well or flourish, bloom, blossom, decline, fall,
luxuriantly; thrive. burgeon, flower, luxuriate, fade.
mature, prosper, succeed,
thrive, wax.
folly A lack of good sense, silliness, absurdity, rationality,
understanding, or absurdness, asininity, sensibleness,
foresight. 2. An act craziness, daftness, folly, soundness.
or instance of dopiness, foolishness,
foolishness. inanity, ludicrousness,
ridiculousness, fatuity.
formidable Arousing fear, dread, arduous, Herculean, easy, simple.
or alarm. 2. Inspiring burdensome, difficult,
awe, admiration, or formidable, hard, heavy,
wonder. laborious, onerous,
oppressive, intensive,
rigorous, rough, strenuous,
toilsome, tough, uphill,
freight Goods carried by a
vessel or vehicle,
especially by a
commercial carrier;
cargo. 2. A burden; a
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fretful Inclined to be vexed impatient, anxious, restless, patient, calm,
or troubled; peevish. overeager, fidgety, squirmy, serene.
2. Marked by worry agitated, nervous, fretful,
and distress; restive.
frolic Gaiety; merriment. 2. fun, reveling, cavorting,
A gay, carefree time. bacchanal, carouse,
3. A playful antic. carousing, festivity, gaiety,
jollification, jollity,
merriment, merrymaking,
revel, revelry.
fury Violent anger; rage. : irascibility, irritability, even-
choler, spleen, temper, rage, temperedness,
fury, vexation, acrimony, good humor.
gallant Smartly or boldly gentleman, ladies' man, coward,
stylish; dashing. cavalier, dandy, hero, dastard.
Unflinching in battle heroine, champion, knight,
or action; valiant. paladin, cavalier.
Stately; majestic.
Courteously attentive
especially to women;
Flirtatious; amorous.
gamble To bet on an uncertain
outcome, as of a
contest. To play a
game of chance for
gem A pearl or mineral
that has been cut and
polished for use as an
ornament. 2.
Something that is
valued for its beauty
or perfection.
generosity Liberality in giving or bounteousness, stinginess,
willingness to give. 2. bountifulness, bounty, miserliness.
Nobility of thought or charitableness,
behavior; freehandedness, largesse,
magnanimity. 3. munificence,
Amplitude; openhandedness,
abundance generousness, benevolence,
charity, liberality, help,
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genial Having a pleasant or affable, amiable, convivial, unfriendly,

friendly disposition or amicable, approachable, uncongenial,
manner; cordial and congenial, cordial, good- unconvivial,
kindly. natured, personable, ill-disposed.
sociable, friendly.
gesture A motion of the limbs gesticulation, gesture,
or body made to motion, nod, sign, signal,
express or help wave, high sign.
express thought or to
emphasize speech. 2.
The act of moving the
limbs or body as an
expression of thought
or emphasis.
giant A person or thing of : behemoth, Goliath, giant, wee, tiny,
great size. A person of jumbo, leviathan, mammoth, small.
extraordinary power, monster, titan, whopper.
significance, or
gigantic Relating to or enormous, elephantine, wee, tiny,
suggestive of a giant. towering, gargantuan, giant, small.
2. Exceedingly large gigantic, Herculean,
of its kind. immense, massive,
monolithic, outsize, oversize,
palatial, tremendous,
glad Experiencing or exuberant, blithe, cheerful, depressed,
exhibiting joy and cheery, ecstatic, elated, down,
pleasure. exultant, glad, happy, high, discouraged,
delighted, joyful, joyous, unhappy,
jubilant, rapturous. morose.
glide To move in a smooth, drift, flit, float, glide, sail,
effortless manner. skim, skitter, waft, waltz.
glimmer A dim or intermittent flash, coruscation, dazzle,
flicker or flash of dazzling, glance, gleam,
light. glint, glitter, scintillation,
shimmer, sparkle, twinkle,
streak, flare.
glisten To shine by reflection flare, blaze, flame, flash,
with a sparkling flicker, fulgurate, glimmer,
luster. glint, glitter, incandesce,
phosphoresce, scintillate,
shimmer, spark, sparkle,
glittering A sparkling or : flash, coruscation, dazzle,

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glistening light. 2. dazzling, glance, gleam,

Brilliant or showy, glimmer, glint, glitter,
often superficial scintillation, shimmer,
attractiveness. 3. sparkle, twinkle, streak,
Small pieces of light- flare.
reflecting decorative
gloating To feel or express
great, often malicious,
pleasure or self-
gloomy Partially or totally funereal, somber, funerary, happy, joyful,
dark, especially mournful, solemn, sad, dark, celebratory.
dismal and dreary. dirgelike, Cimmerian,
doleful, melancholy,
lugubrious, dismal, woeful,
grandeur The quality or greatness, splendor, glory, paltriness,
condition of being grandeur, magnificence, smallness,
grand; magnificence. stateliness, nobility, majesty. triviality.
gratitude The state of being appreciation, ingratitude,
grateful; thankfulness. acknowledgment, ungratefulness
appreciativeness, ,
gratefulness, recognition, thanklessness.
thankfulness, thanks,
thanksgiving, gratitude.
grievance An actual or supposed complaint, gripe, grouse, compliment,
circumstance grumble, squawk, grousing, commendatio
regarded as just cause dissatisfaction, criticism, n, approval,
for protest. A protest, objection, tirade. appreciation.
complaint or
protestation based on
such a circumstance.
grim Unrelenting; rigid. 2. somber, glum, grim, long- cheerful,
Uninviting or faced, lugubrious, joyful, happy,
unnerving in aspect; melancholic, Cimmerian, festive.
forbidding. mirthless, morose, mournful,
saturnine, solemn, sullen,
unsmiling, melancholy.
grotesque Characterized by alarming, dreadful, scary, appealing,
ludicrous or fearsome, frightening, weird, pleasant,
incongruous eldritch, dire, direful, awful, attractive,
distortion, as of appalling, terrific, lovely.
appearance or horrendous, shocking,
manner. 2. Outlandish terrible, frightful, disgusting,
or bizarre, as in odious, loathsome, repulsive,
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character or nightmarish, monstrous,

appearance. grisly, ghastly, gruesome,
morbid, atrocious, brutish,
hateful, horrid.
grumble To complain in a complaint, grievance, gripe, compliment,
surly manner; mutter grouse, squawk, grousing, commendatio
discontentedly dissatisfaction, criticism, n, approval,
protest, objection, tirade. appreciation.
grunt To utter a deep, mumble, grumble, grunt, articulate,
guttural sound, as a murmur, mutter, susurrate, enunciate.
hog does. 2. To utter a swallow one's words,
sound similar to a whisper.
grunt, as in disgust.
guess To predict (a result or conjecture, assumption, fact, surety,
an event) without expectation, guess, certainty.
sufficient postulation, presumption,
information. To supposition, speculation,
assume, presume, or suspicion, theory,
assert (a fact) without hypothesis, inference,
sufficient surmise.
halt To cause to stop; end, stop, cease, finish, begin, start,
arrest. complete, conclude, close, commence.
halt, discontinue, leave off,
terminate, wind up, wrap up,
finalize, arrest, break, cut
off, dissolve, knock off,
hatred Intense animosity or revulsion, abhorrence, attraction.
hostility. abomination, aversion,
detestation, hate, hatred,
loathing, repugnance,
haunt To inhabit, visit, or
appear to in the form
of a ghost or other
supernatural being. 2.
To come to mind
continually; obsess.
herald A person who carries
or proclaims
important news; a
hierarchy A body of persons
having authority. 2.
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Categorization of a
group of people
according to ability or
hinder To be or get in the foil, thwart, frustrate, balk, advance,
way of. 2. To obstruct hinder, prevent, check, nip, promote.
or delay the progress baffle, beat, bilk,
of. circumvent, dash, disappoint.
homogeneous Of or exhibiting identical, homogenous, alike, different,
homogeny. identical to, identical with, differentiated,
uniform, accordant, same. unalike,
horizon The apparent scope, breadth, compass,
intersection of the dimension, extent, ken,
earth and sky as seen purview, range, reach, span,
by an observer. sweep, horizon.
hostility The state of being opposition, antagonism, harmony,
hostile; antagonism or antithesis, contradistinction, concord,
enmity. contrariety, polarity, accord,
disagreement, defiance, agreement.
aversion, friction.
howling To utter or emit a yell, bellow, caterwaul,
long, mournful, holler, hoot, howl, scream,
plaintive sound. 2. To screech, shout, shriek, squall,
cry or wail loudly, as squawk, squeal, wail,
in pain, sorrow, or whoop, yowl.
huge Of exceedingly great
size, extent, or
quantity; tremendous;
humble Marked by meekness
or modesty in
behavior, attitude, or
spirit; not arrogant or
humiliate To lower the pride, embarrass, mortify, shame, elevate, raise,
dignity, or self- abase, be mean, deflate, exalt.
respect of. debase, degrade, demean,
bring low, lower, sink, cast
humorist A person with a good comic, card, clown,
sense of humor. 2. A comedian, funny person,
performer or writer of gagster, humorist, jester,
humorous material. joker, jokester, jokesmith,
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wag, wit, zany.

hurl To throw with great throw, cast, chuck, fling,
force; fling. heave, lob, pitch, shy, toss,
hysterical Of, characterized by, hilarious, sidesplitting, calm, serene.
or arising from uproarious, slapstick,
hysteria. riotous, panicky,
horrorstricken, afraid,
frightened, panic-stricken,
petrified, terrified, terror-
idle Not employed or inoperative, impaired, operational,
busy. broken, idle, inactive, not functional,
functional, off, out of order, working.
unengaged, busted.
ignoble Not noble in quality, infamous, disreputable, honorable.
character, or purpose; notorious, base, ill-famed,
base or mean. scandalous, dishonorable.
ignorance The condition of benightedness, nescience,
being uneducated, unawareness, obliviousness,
unaware, or unfamiliarity,
uninformed. unenlightenment.
illustrious Well known and very
immense Extremely large;
impetus An impelling force; drive, energy, impulse,
an impulse. momentum, power,
propulsion, push, thrust.
impunity Exemption from
punishment, penalty,
or harm.
inadequate Not adequate to fulfill scanty, insufficient, meager, plentiful.
a need or meet a scant, inadequate, sparse,
require- spare, limited, measly.
ment; insufficient.
incorporate To unite (one thing) integrate, affiliate, ally, separate,
with something else amalgamate, annex, divide.
already in existence. assimilate, band, combine,
2. To admit as a confederate, group,
member to a incorporate, league, merge,
corporation or similar pool, unite, join forces,
organization. append.
incredible So implausible as to preposterous, absurd, plausible,
elicit disbelief. apocryphal, exaggerated, far- credible,
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fetched, improbable, believable,

outrageous, unbelievable. reasonable.
inculcate To impress
(something) upon the
mind of another by
frequent instruction
or repetition; instill.
indebted Morally, socially, or grateful, appreciative, unappreciativ
legally obligated to thankful, indebted, obliged, e, ungrateful.
another; beholden. obligated, beholden to.
indignation Anger aroused by furiousness, fury, choler, love, liking,
something unjust, indignation, ire, rage, wrath, fondness,
mean, or unworthy. outrage, animosity, pleasure.
antagonism, hatred.
indiscriminate Not making or based random, chance, erratic, specific,
on careful haphazard, hit-or-miss, precise,
distinctions; indiscriminate, determined,
unselective. unpredictable, rambling, definite.
inevitable Impossible to avoid compulsory, bound, unobligatory,
or prevent. bounden, mandatory, unrequired,
inevitable, necessary, unmandatory,
required. optional.
inflicted To deal or mete out.
ingenuity Inventive skill or creativeness, creativity, stupidity,
imagination; ingeniousness, invention, ineptitude,
cleverness. inventiveness, skillfulness, unskillfulness,
aptitude, adroitness, mastery, awkwardness.
expertise, resourcefulness,
ingenuous Lacking in unsuspicious, confident, suspicious.
sophistication or trustful, unsuspecting,
worldliness; artless. innocent, naive, gullible,
inhabitant One that inhabits a resident, native, dweller,
place, especially as a denizen, inmate, citizen,
permanent resident. local.
inhale To draw (air or inhale, breathe in, inspire, exhale,
smoke, for example) take in, draw in. expire,
into the lungs by breathe out.
breathing; inspire.
inheritance The act of inheriting. : heritage, legacy,
Something inherited inheritance, tradition,
or to be inherited. 2. birthright, family possession,
Something regarded estate.
as a heritage.
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inhibit To hold back;

restrain. To prohibit;
inimical Injurious or harmful injurious, adverse, bad, beneficial,
in effect; adverse. baneful, damaging, useful,
adversarial, deleterious, healthful.
destructive, detrimental,
harmful, hurtful, inimical,
innumerable Too numerous to be many, countless, few, scant,
counted; numberless. immeasurable, infinite, most, scarce.
multiple, myriad,
numberless, numerous,
umpteen, umpteenth.
insignificant Not significant, meager, inadequate, mere, substantial.
especially: Lacking in insubstantial, scant, scanty,
importance; trivial. skimpy, sparse, scarce,
Lacking power, infinitesimal, exiguous,
position, or value. inappreciable,
inconsiderable, spare, poor,
limited, small, little, paltry,
slight, trifling, trivial.
insist To be firm in a persist, cling to, hold one's waver,
demand or course; ground, insist, persevere, concede, give
refuse to yield. stand, stick with. in.
insolence The quality or impudence, disrespect, respect,
condition of being disrespectfulness, flippancy, courtesy,
insolent. 2. An freshness, impertinence, politeness.
instance of insolent sass, insolence, back talk.
behavior, treatment,
or speech.
insularity The act of being only
interested in your
own country, ideas,
etc. and not in those
from outside.
intact Remaining sound, complete, intact, entire, incomplete,
entire, or uninjured; sound, unbroken, partial,
not impaired in any undamaged, unsplit, whole, broken, split,
way. in one piece. damaged.
intercept To stop, deflect, or detour, reroute, cut off,
interrupt the progress deflect, head off, redirect.
or intended course of.
interfere To come between so interrupt, break in, butt in,
as to be a hindrance chime in, chip in, cut in,
or an obstacle. horn in, interfere, intrude,
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intermission The act of pause, disruption, break, continuity,
intermitting or the intermission, halt, lull, continuation.
state of being moratorium, adjournment,
intermitted. 2. A recess, respite, time-out,
respite or recess. interlude, interim,
interruption, hiatus, interval.
Interrupt To break the
continuity or
intrinsic Of or relating to the fundamental, basic, extrinsic,
essential nature of a rudimental, underlying, extraneous,
thing; inherent. foundational, primary, main, external.
central, principle, inherent,
intrude To put or force in
especially without
invitation, fitness, or
intuitive Of, relating to, or insightful, astute, intuitive, unastute,
arising from intuition. perceptive, percipient, unperceptive.
2. Known or perspicacious, prehensile,
perceived through savvy, shrewd.
jeopardy Risk of loss or injury; endangerment, danger,
peril or danger. hazard, imperilment, peril,
jerk To give a sudden
quick thrust, push,
pull, or twist to.
jocund Sprightly and jolly, gleeful, happy, jocular, morose, sad,
lighthearted in jocund, jovial, joyful, depressed.
disposition, character, joyous, merry, mirthful.
or quality.
joke Something said or crack, gag, jape, jest, quip,
done to evoke sally, wisecrack, witticism,
laughter or wit, anecdote.
especially an amusing
story with a punch
jolt To move or dislodge shock, blow, fright, jolt,
with a sudden, hard scare, surprise, trauma.
blow; strike heavily
or jarringly.
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journalism The collecting,

writing, editing, and
presentation of news
or news articles in
newspapers and
magazines and in
radio and television
keen Having a fine, sharp intelligent, smart, bright, dull, stupid,
cutting edge or point. brilliant, brainy, clever, keen, dense, thick.
2. Having or marked quick, alert, percipient,
by intellectual perspicacious, keen-witted,
quickness and acuity. quick-witted, sharp-witted.
kindle To build or fuel (a ignite, burn, fire, light, extinguish,
fire). To set fire to; enkindle, set fire to, set on quench,
ignite. 2. To cause to fire, animate, vitalize, douse.
glow; light up. activate, actuate, arouse,
awaken, bring to life, liven
up, enliven, invigorate, liven,
quicken, rouse, vivify.
kneel Go down or rest on
one or both knees.
knell To ring slowly and ring, bong, chime, ring out,
solemnly, especially peal, toll.
for a funeral; toll. 2.
To give forth a
mournful or ominous
lamentation The act of lamenting. remorse, attrition, pride.
2. A lament. compunction, contriteness,
contrition, penitence,
remorsefulness, repentance,
rue, regretfulness, self-
reproach, self-reproof,
lash A stroke or blow with scathe, blister, excoriate, unchain,
or as if with a whip; a flay, lash, light into, lash out, unbind, loose,
whip. scourge, lay into, slash. free.
lavish Characterized by or extravagant, immoderate, provident,
produced with lavish, profuse, unthrifty, frugal,
extravagance and wasteful, profligate, economical.
profusion. improvident, reckless.
legend A body of beliefs myth, folklore, legend, lore,
concerning a person mythology, tradition.
or place.
liberty The condition of independence, autonomy, dependency,
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being free from freedom, liberty, self- dependence.

restriction or control. determination, self-reliance,
The right and power self-rule.
to act, believe, or
express oneself in a
manner of one's own
choosing. The
condition of being
physically and legally
free from
servitude, or forced
linger To be slow in leaving, endure, abide, hang on, continue,
especially out of linger, live on, persist, proceed,
reluctance; tarry. 2. remain, stand up, stay, wear, progress.
To remain feebly sustain, withstand, tolerate,
alive for some time stomach, carry on, go on,
before dying. 3. To hold, keep on, pause, abide,
proceed slowly; bide, linger, tarry, wait,
saunter. To be tardy in hesitate.
acting; procrastinate.
literary Of, relating to, or
dealing with
loiter To stand idly about; amble, circumambulate, rush, run,
linger aimlessly. 2. To loiter, meander, mosey, race.
proceed slowly or perambulate, promenade,
with many stops. ramble, saunter, stroll,
traipse, wander.
loquacious Very talkative; , chatty, babbling, garrulous, taciturn, quiet,
garrulous. gabby, verbose, longwinded, silent, mute,
prolix, gossipy, talky. tightlipped.
loyal Steadfast in , true-blue, constant, faithful, unfaithful,
allegiance to one's dedicated, steadfast, true, unloyal,
homeland, attached, unflagging. traitorous,
government, or deceptive.
sovereign. 2. Faithful
to a person, an ideal,
a custom, a cause, or
a duty.
lustrous Having a sheen or
glow. 2. Gleaming
with or as if with
brilliant light; radiant.
luxurious Fond of or given to grand, imposing, impressive, homely, plain-
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luxury. 2. Marked by august, noble, lordly, looking,

or contributing to princely, magnific, humble,
luxury. 3. Of a grandiose, spectacular, unsightly,
sumptuous, costly, or magnificent, majestic, ugly, squalid,
rich variety. stately, regal, royal, awe- ignoble,
inspiring, breathtaking, ordinary.
glorious, sumptuous,
resplendent, opulent.
macrocosm The entire world; the universe, cosmos, creation, microcosm
universe. 2. A system existence, life, macrocosm,
reflecting on a large nature, world.
scale one of its
component systems
or parts.
mad Angry; resentful. 2. angry, indignant, choleric, calm, placid,
Suffering from a ireful, cross, enraged, serene, sane.
disorder of the mind; furious, in a pique, incensed,
insane. infuriated, irate, livid, mad,
outraged, rabid, sore,
wrathful, psychotic,
delusional, hallucinatory,
mad, psychoneurotic,
schizoid, schizophrenic.
magnificent Splendid in grand, imposing, impressive, homely,
appearance; grand. august, noble, lordly, plain-looking,
princely, magnific, humble,
grandiose, spectacular, unsightly,
majestic, stately, regal, royal, ugly, squalid,
awe-inspiring, breathtaking, ignoble,
glorious, sumptuous, ordinary.
luxurious, resplendent,
maiden An unmarried girl or girl, lass, lassie, maid,
woman. A virgin. maiden, miss, damsel,
majesty The greatness and greatness, splendor, glory, paltriness,
dignity of a grandeur, magnificence, smallness,
sovereign. The stateliness, nobility, majesty. triviality.
sovereignty and
power of God. 2.
Supreme authority or
maladjustment Faulty or inadequate
adjustment, as in a
machine. 2.
Psychology. Inability
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to adjust to the
demands of
relationships and the
stresses of daily
malevolent Having or exhibiting
ill will; wishing harm
to others; malicious.
2. Having an evil or
harmful influence.
manifestation The act of appearance, materialization, disappearance
manifesting. The state emergence, manifestation, .
of being manifested. surfacing, coming, showing
2. An indication of up, turning up, advent.
the existence, reality,
or presence of
maneuvers A strategic or tactical act, maneuver,
military or naval accomplishment, action,
movement.Often activity, deed, doing, exploit,
maneuvers. 2.. A feat, operation, performance,
movement or procedure.
procedure involving
skill and dexterity.
manslaughter The unlawful killing murder, execution, slaughter,
of one human being slaying, assassination,
by another without homicide, doing away with,
express or implied doing in, manslaughter.
intent to do injury.
marvels One that evokes
surprise, admiration,
or wonder. 2. Strong
marvelous Causing wonder or extraordinary, brilliant, bully, ordinary,
astonishment. 2. excellent, fabulous, fantastic, average,
Miraculous; heavenly, stupendous, super, terrible.
supernatural. 3. Of superb, superlative, terrific,
the highest or best wondrous.
kind or quality; first-
meek Showing patience and
humility; gentle. 2.
Easily imposed on;

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melancholy Sadness or depression sadness, melancholy, happiness,
of the spirits; gloom. gloominess, cheerlessness, cheerfulness,
2. Pensive reflection glumness, unhappiness, joy, pleasure.
or contemplation. dejection, depression,
sorrowfulness, woefulness.
menace A possible danger; a hazard, endangerment, safeguard,
threat. menace, peril, threat, risk, protection,
imperilment, danger. safety.
mess A disorderly or dirty botch-up, jumble, mix-up,
accumulation, heap, muddle.
or jumble.
microcosm A small, macrocosm
representative system
having analogies to a
larger system in
configuration, or
miracle An event that appears sensation, knockout, marvel,
inexplicable by the miracle, phenomenon,
laws of nature and so prodigy, rarity, sight,
is held to be spectacle, wonder, mystery,
supernatural in origin divine act, supernatural
or an act of God. happening, wonder.
mischief Behavior that causes prank, antic, caper, frolic,
discomfiture or high jinks, horseplay, jest,
annoyance in another. joke, lark, mischief, monkey
2. An inclination or a business, monkeyshines,
tendency to play practical joke, stunt,
pranks or cause tomfoolery, trick, hanky-
embarrassment. panky.
misery The state of suffering pain, ache, discomfort, hurt, pleasure, joy,
and want as a result misery, soreness, suffering, happiness.
of physical agony, anguish, distress,
circumstances or hurt, misery, pain, torment,
extreme poverty. sorrow, heartache,
Mental or emotional tribulation, anxiety.
unhappiness or
moan A low, sustained, : moan, groan, howl,
mournful cry, usually lamentation, ululation, wail,
indicative of sorrow whine, yowl.
or pain. A similar
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mob A large disorderly : rabble, riffraff, dregs,

crowd or throng. 2. crowd, crush, drove, horde,
The mass of common mob, multitude, press,
people; the populace. throng, herd, swarm, flock,
legion, assemblage,
monopoly Exclusive control by
one group of the
means of producing
or selling a
commodity or
monotheism The doctrine or belief polytheism
that there is only one
monotonous Sounded or spoken in
an unvarying tone. 2.
Tediously repetitious
or lacking in variety.
mop A household
implement made of
absorbent material
attached to a typically
long handle and used
for washing, dusting,
or drying floors.
morbid Of, relating to, or alarming, dreadful, scary, appealing,
caused by disease; fearsome, frightening, pleasant,
pathological or terrifying, weird, eldritch, attractive,
diseased. dire, direful, awful, lovely.
Psychologically appalling, terrific,
unhealthy or horrendous, shocking,
unwholesome. terrible, frightful, disgusting,
odious, loathsome, repulsive,
nightmarish, monstrous,
horrific, horrible, grisly,
ghastly, gruesome, macabre,
atrocious, brutish, grotesque,
ghoulish, hateful, horrid.
mould A hollow form or prototype, mold, archetype, disarrange,
matrix for shaping a master, model, original, unsort.
fluid or plastic paradigm, pattern, precedent,
substance. 2. A frame source.
or model around or
on which something
is formed or shaped.
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muddle To make turbid or chaos, disorganization, order,

muddy. 2. To mix clutter, confusion, disarray, organization.
confusedly; jumble. disorder, disorderliness,
disarrangement, jumble,
muddle, shambles, snarl,
tangle, topsy-turviness.
multitude The condition or multitude, mountain,
quality of being quantities, host, slew, legion,
numerous. 2. A very crowd, flood, army, mass,
great number. 3. The myriad, bushels, dozens,
masses; the populace. gobs, throng, assemblage,
congregation, mob
mumble To utter indistinctly drone, whir, burr, buzz, hum, articulate,
by lowering the voice murmur, purr, sough, enunciate.
or partially closing susurration, thrum,
the mouth. undertone, whisper, whiz,
humming, mutter, whisper.
mutilate To deprive of a limb injure, bruise, harm, hurt, heal, make
or an essential part; damage, wound, batter, rend, well, make
cripple. 2. To scrape, slash, tear, wing, whole.
disfigure by brutalize, traumatize, maim,
damaging irreparably. mangle, maul, mutilate,
cripple, butcher.
mutter To utter indistinctly mumble
by lowering the voice
or partially closing
the mouth.
muzzle The forward, stifle, choke, constrain, curb, further, foster,
projecting part of the gag, muffle, muzzle, quash, encourage.
head of certain quell, repress, suppress.
animals, such as dogs,
including the mouth,
nose, and jaws; the
mysterious Of, relating to, or mysterious, labyrinthine, explicable,
being a mystery. disconcerting, abstruse, comprehensib
ambiguous, baffling, le
bewildering, confounding, understandabl
mind-boggling, inexplicable, e, fathomable.
insoluble, perplexing,
recondite, unsolvable.
nasty Disgustingly dirty. mean-spirited, cantankerous, pleasant, nice,
Physically repellent. disagreeable, mean, nasty, generous,
2. Morally offensive; ornery, unpleasant. agreeable.
native Existing in or resident, inhabitant, native, nonnative.
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belonging to one by dweller, denizen, inmate,

nature; innate: 2. citizen, local, aboriginal,
Being such by birth indigenous, natal, genetic,
or origin. inherited.
navigator One who navigates. 2.
A device that directs
the course of an
aircraft or a missile.
nightmare One who navigates. 2.
A device that directs
the course of an
aircraft or a missile.
nip To seize and pinch or
notion A belief or opinion. 2. caprice, humor, whim,
A mental image or conceit, crotchet, fancy,
representation; an freak, megrim, urge, vagary.
idea or conception. 3.
A fanciful impulse; a
novelty The quality of being freshness, newness,
novel; newness. 2. originality, innovativeness.
Something new and
unusual; an
nuisance One that is annoyance, bother, pacifier.
inconvenient, complication, difficulty,
annoying, or disadvantage, disruption,
vexatious; a bother. disturbance, drawback,
headache, hindrance,
impediment, obstacle,
detriment, irritant,
aggravation, annoyance,
bother, botheration.
numerous Amounting to a large many, countless, few, scant,
number; many. immeasurable, infinite, scarce.
innumerable, most, multiple,
myriad, numberless,
numerous, umpteen,
obliterate To do away with annihilate, abolish, blot out,
completely so as to eradicate, exterminate,
leave no trace. 2. To extinguish, extirpate,
wipe out, rub off, or obliterate, root out, stamp
erase. out, wipe out, erase, efface,
expunge, rub.
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oblivion The condition or void, nonexistence, nihility,

quality of being blankness, extinction, limbo,
completely forgotten. nothingness, vacuity,
obscure Deficient in light; cloud, mist, blur, haze, clear, reveal.
dark. 2. So faintly shadow, film, fog, becloud,
perceptible as to lack bedim, befog, blear,
clear delineation; adumbrate, fade, dull,
indistinct. gloom, screen, eclipse,
obfuscate, overshadow.
obsess To preoccupy the consume, engross,
mind of excessively. monopolize, haunt, plague,
possess, preoccupy.
oppression The act of oppressing; persecution, harassment,
arbitrary and cruel hounding, victimization.
exercise of power.
opulent Possessing or comfortable, independent, poor, indigent,
exhibiting great prosperous, well-off, well- needy,
wealth; affluent. 2. fixed, well-heeled, affluent, destitute.
Characterized by rich rich, well-to-do, wealthy,
abundance; luxuriant. monied, moneyed.
orientation The act of orienting bearings, sense of direction,
or the state of being direction, way, position,
oriented. 2. Location course, relative position.
or position relative to
the points of the
outskirts The part or region
remote from a central
district, as of a city or
town. Often used in
the plural: on the
outskirts of Paris
outworn No longer acceptable, survive, outlive, outwear,
usable, or practical. outlast, live on, persist,
continue, last.
panic A sudden, alarm, consternation, willies, fearlessness,
overpowering terror, fear, fright, horror, terror, bravery,
often affecting many dread, fearfulness. intrepidity,
people at once. courage.
pastime An activity that recreation, amusement, work, job,
occupies one's spare distraction, diversion, vocation.
time pleasantly. divertissement, game,
entertainment, extravaganza,
lark, leisure, leisure activity,
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leisure-time activity,
pastime, play, pleasure,
patriotism Love of and devotion
to one's country.
peculiar Unusual or eccentric; strange, peculiar, curious, normal,
odd. 2. Distinct from unusual, singular, average,
all others. unconventional, unorthodox, typical,
out-of-the-way, out-of-the- conventional.
ordinary, anomalous, queer,
odd, eccentric, bizarre,
weird, freakish, eerie,
abnormal, aberrant, bent,
deviant, oddball.
perfunctorily Done routinely and halfhearted, dampened, enthusiastic,
with little interest or leaden, lukewarm, vibrant.
care. perfunctory, tepid,
perilous Full of or involving grave, critical, hazardous, safe, secure,
peril; dangerous. serious, dangerous, perilous, unhazardous.
unsafe, precarious, risky.
perish To die or be die, pass, pass away, depart, be born, live,
destroyed, especially expire, perish, pass on, survive, exist,
in a violent or succumb, go, drop dead, flourish,
untimely manner. decease, demise, become thrive.
defunct, become extinct, go
extinct, pass out.
perpetual Lasting for eternity. 2. eternal, nonstop, ceaseless, unenduring,
Continuing or lasting constant, continuous, ephemeral.
for an indefinitely endless, enduring,
long time. everlasting, infinite, never-
ending, perpetual, timeless,
imperishable, undying,
persist To be obstinately survive, outlive, outwear, waver,
repetitious, insistent, outlast, live on, persist, concede, give
or tenacious. 2. To continue, last. in, falter.
hold firmly and
steadfastly to a
purpose, a state, or an
undertaking despite
obstacles, warnings,
or setbacks.
perspective The technique of sight, aspect, overlook,
representing three- panorama, perspective,
dimensional objects picture, prospect, scene,
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and depth scenery, spectacle, view,

relationships on a vista.
surface. 2. A view or
vista. A mental view
or outlook.
persuade To induce to convince, enroll, argue into,
undertake a course of bring around, get, induce,
action or embrace a persuade, prevail upon, sell
point of view by on, talk into, win over, bias,
means of argument, convert, prejudice, sway.
reasoning, or entreaty.
pioneer One who ventures bear, beget, brew, coin,
into unknown or compose, concoct, contrive,
unclaimed territory to devise, give birth to, hatch,
settle. 2. One who innovate, invent, make,
opens up new areas of originate, pioneer, spawn.
thought, research, or
placid Undisturbed by calm, even, halcyon, disturbed,
tumult or disorder; impassive, peaceful, quiet, agitated,
calm or quiet. 2. serene, still, unruffled, perturbed,
Satisfied; complacent. unperturbed. unsettled.
plagiarize To use and pass off as plagiarize, crib, pirate.
one's own (the ideas
or writings of
another). 2. To put
forth as original to
oneself the ideas or
words of another.
plaintive Expressing sorrow;
mournful or
plead To appeal earnestly; petition, supplicate, appeal,
beg. 2. To offer apply, beg, beseech, entreat,
reasons for or against file, implore, importune,
some- pray, request, sue for.
thing; argue earnestly.
pledge A solemn binding : promise, agreement,
promise to do, give, assurance, bargain, bond,
or refrain from doing commitment, compact, vow,
something. contract, covenant, deal,
guarantee, oath, pledge,
plenty A full or completely wealth, affluence, comfort, poverty,
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adequate amount or ease, luxury, opulence, destitution,

supply. 2. A large plenty, prosperity, riches, want, need.
quantity or amount; richness, superabundance.
an abundance.
plight A situation, especially
a bad or unfortunate
Plod To move or walk labor, poke along, plow,
heavily or drag, galumph, limp, inch
laboriously; trudge. 2. along, lumber, lurch,
To work or act shamble, slog, toil, tramp,
perseveringly or trek, trudge, hobble.
plump Well-rounded and full plumpish, big, stout, heavy, underweight,
in form; chubby. 2. portly, beefy, stocky, burly, thin, skinny,
Abundant; ample. thickset, heavyset, fleshy, ectomorphic.
pudgy, tubby, full-figured,
buxom, fat, overweight,
corpulent, paunchy, obese.
poise To carry or hold in equanimity, composure, panic,
equilibrium; balance. coolness, phlegm, sang- hysteria,
To be balanced or froid, self-possession, perturbation,
held in suspension; dispassionate- discomposure.
hover. ness, unflappability,
calmness, steadiness,
aplomb, imperturbability,
polytheism The worship of or monotheism.
belief in more than
one god.
pour To make (a liquid or gush, cascade, course, drip, trickle,
granular solid) stream crowd, flood, flow, pour, dribble, ooze.
or flow, as from a roll, spew, spout, stream,
container. 2. To send swarm, surge, well.
forth, produce,
express, or utter
copiously, as if in a
stream or flood
poverty The state of being , beggary, deprivation, richness,
poor; lack of the destitution, abundance,
means of providing impecuniousness, plenty,
material needs or impoverishment, indigence, adequate
comforts. 2. need, pauperism, penury, supply.
Deficiency in amount; privation, want.
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predecessor One who precedes ancestor, ascendant, begetter, follower.

another in time, forebear, parent, precursor,
especially in holding predecessor,
an office or a progenitor,foregoer,
position. 2. forerunner, precursor,
Something that has vanguard, advance guard,
been succeeded by usher.
prefer To choose or be in the promote, advance, demote.
habit of choosing as distinguish, elevate, jump,
more desirable or as graduate, kick upstairs, move
having more value. 2. up, prefer, upgrade.
To give priority or
prejudice An adverse judgment bias, bigotry, discrimination, tolerance.
or opinion formed intolerance.
beforehand or without
knowledge or
examination of the
facts. Preconceived
preference or idea.
preposterous Contrary to nature, ridiculous, absurd, asinine, sensible.
reason, or common ludicrous, outlandish, stupid,
sense; absurd. nonsensical, senseless, silly,
fatuous, outrageous, zany,
crazy, daft, dopey, block-
headed, clownish, dizzy,
preserve To maintain in safety retain, hold, keep, reserve, discard, lose,
from injury, peril, or save, withhold, detain, surrender,
harm; protect. 2 To preserve. relinquish.
keep or maintain
prestige The level of respect at eminence, preeminence, lowliness,
which one is regarded distinction, glory, unimportance.
by others; standing. 2. illustriousness, prestige,
Widely recognized prominence, renown,
prominence, standing, notability, fame,
distinction, or celebrity, note, repute,
importance. reputation.
pretend To give a false posture, attitudinize, affect,
appearance of; feign. feign, grandstand,
impersonate, make a show
of, masquerade, pass as, pose
as, put on airs.
pretension A specious allegation;
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a pretext. 2. A claim
to something, such as
a privilege or right.
prevail To be greater in dominate, domineer, have
strength or influence; the upper hand, hold sway,
triumph. 2. To be or overshadow, predominate,
become effective; win reign, rule, preponderate,
out.. 3. To be most prevail, govern, control.
common or frequent;
be predominant
prevent To keep from forbid, stop, halt, ban, bar, permit, allow,
happening; imede. prohibit, proscribe, outlaw, license,
disallow, interdict, prevent, sanction,
check, nip in the bud, deny, authorize
kill, rule out, taboo, veto,
prey An animal hunted or
caught for food;
quarry. 2. One that is
especially in the face
of attack; a victim.
primeval Belonging to the first
or earliest age or
ages; original or
primitive Not derived from Old, ancient, advanced,
something else; underdeveloped, agricultural, developed.
primary or basic. 2. backward, developing,
Of or relating to an preindustrial, primitive,
earliest or original third-world, undeveloped.
stage or state;
primeval. Being little
evolved from an early
ancestral type.
privilege A special advantage, precedence, priority,
immunity, predominance, preference,
permission, right, or prerogative, primacy,
benefit granted to or privilege, right-of-way,
enjoyed by an seniority, prerogative,
individual, a class, or license, claim, due,
a caste. pretension, title, right,
prodigious Impressively great in
size, force, or extent;

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enormous. 2. Extra-
ordinary; marvelous.
profound Situated at, extending wise, sagacious, enlightened, shallow.
to, or coming from a judicious, profound, sage,
great depth; deep. 2. sapient, ankle-deep, deep,
Thoroughgoing; far- knee-deep.
profuse Plentiful; copious. 2. profligate, improvident, provident,
Giving or given freely reckless. frugal,
and abundantly; economical.
prone Lying with the front
or face downward. 2.
Having a tendency;
propel To cause to move prompt, stimulate, motivate, soothe, calm,
forward or onward. prod, stir, stir up, urge, urge moderate,
on, spur, spur on, innervate, pacify.
egg on, rouse, spark, arouse,
inspire, excite, push, drive,
propel, impel, goad, incite,
exhort, provoke, galvanize.
prophesy To reveal by divine presage, predict, promise,
inspiration. 2. To harbinger, portend, forewarn,
predict with certainty forebode, adumbrate, augur,
as if by divine betoken, foretoken, forecast,
inspiration. foreshadow, foretell,
indicate, omen, soothsay,
prognosticate, vaticinate.
proportion A part considered in symmetry, balance, harmony, disharmony.
relation to the whole. proportion, proportionality,
2. A relationship order.
between things or
parts of things with
respect to
magnitude, quantity,
or degree.
prosperous Having success; comfortable, independent, poor, indigent,
flourishing. prosperous, well-off, well- needy,
fixed, well-heeled, affluent, destitute.
rich, well-to-do, wealthy,
monied, moneyed, opulent.,
provoke To incite to anger or prompt, stimulate, motivate, soothe, calm,
resentment. 2. To stir prod, stir, stir up, urge, urge moderate,
to action or feeling. 3. on, spur, spur on, innervate, pacify.
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To give rise to; evoke. egg on, rouse, spark, arouse,

inspire, excite, push, drive,
propel, impel, goad, incite,
exhort, provoke, galvanize.
pugnacious Combative in nature; quarrelsome, combative, agreeable,
belligerent. aggressive, litigious, unaggressive,
militant, truculent. complaisant.
pursuit The act or an instance quest, pursuit, seeking, hunt,
of chasing or exploration, crusade,
pursuing. 2. The act journey, enterprise,
of striving. adventure, search.
quarrel An angry dispute; an argument, words, difference agree, accord,
altercation. 2. A cause of opinion, differing, concur.
of a dispute or an altercation, disagreement,
argument. dispute, unpleasantness,
falling-out, spat, squabble,
tiff, bickering, contention,
run-in, wrangle, clash, row,
fight, battle.
quench To put out (a fire); sate, cloy, glut, gorge, kindle, light.
extinguish. 2. To engorge, satiate, surfeit,
suppress; squelch. 3. content, overfill, fill, gratify,
To put an end to; overindulge, quench,
destroy. 4. To slake; overeat, extinguish, douse,
satisfy. put out, quench.
radical Arising from or going agitator, agent provocateur, patriot,
to a root or source; demagogue, firebrand, loyalist.
basic. 2. Departing fomenter, incendiary, inciter,
markedly from the instigator, insurrectionist,
usual or customary. malcontent, rabble-rouser,
revolutionary, troublemaker,
activist, gadfly, hell-raiser.
rattle To make or emit a
quick succession of
short percussive
sounds. To move with
such sounds.
realm A kingdom. 2. A field, specialty, field, area, arena,
sphere, or province. bailiwick, department,
domain, dominion, orbit,
precinct, province, realm,
region, sphere, terrain,
territory, world.
Rebel (adj) To refuse allegiance extremist, fanatic, militant, patriot,
to and oppose by radical, rebel, revolutionary, loyalist.
force an established zealot, anarchist, insurgent,
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government or ruling insurrectionist, mutineer,

authority. 2. To resist resister, revolutionary,
or defy an authority terrorist, radical, freedom
or a generally fighter, dissenter, apostate,
accepted convention. dissident, heretic, iconoclast,
nonconformist, recusant,
schismatic, separatist.
reckless Heedless or rash, hotheaded, daredevil, unimpetuous,
careless. Headstrong; improvident, imprudent, thoughtful,
rash. 2. Indifferent to headlong, heedless, prudent,
or disregardful of impulsive, precipitate, cautious.
consequences. reckless, wild.
reconnaissance An inspection or surveillance, guard, lookout,
exploration of an observation, reconnaissance,
area, especially one scrutiny, vigilance, watch.
made to gather
military information.
recurrent Occurring or repetitious, recurrent, sporadic,
appearing again or recurring, repetitive, occasional.
repeatedly. anaphoric, iterative,
incessant, unceasing,
relentless, unremitting.
relentless Unyielding in stubborn, hardheaded, flexible,
severity or strictness; willful, steadfast, adaptable,
unrelenting. headstrong, inflexible, open-minded,
obstinate, pigheaded, compliant.
bullheaded, intransigent,
mulish, stiff-necked,
adamant, unyielding,
adamantine, intractable,
inveterate, obdurate,
relinquish To retire from; give resign, abandon, bow out, retain, keep,
up or abandon. 2. To drop out of, give up, leave, hold.
put aside or desist pack it in, retire, stand down,
from (something step down, surrender,
practiced, professed, withdraw, yield, cede, waive,
or intended). 3. To let forgo, renounce, forgo,
go; surrender. 4. To waive, yield, resign, cede.
cease holding
physically; release.
reminiscence The act or process of recollection, memory, recall,
recollecting past remembrance.
experiences or events ;

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reticence The state or quality of

being reticent;
reserve. 2. The state
or quality of being
retreat The act or process of
especially from
something hazardous,
formidable, or
ridiculous Deserving or absurd, asinine, ludicrous, sensible.
inspiring ridicule; outlandish, nonsensical,
absurd, preposterous, preposterous, senseless, silly,
or silly. fatuous, outrageous, zany,
crazy, daft, dopey, block-
headed, clownish, dizzy,
nutty, stupid.
rivalry The act of competing
or emulating. 2. The
state or condition of
being a rival.
roar To utter a loud, deep, boom, bang, blaring, blast,
prolonged sound, clap, crack, crash, roar,
especially in distress, bellowing, slam, smash,
rage, or excitement. thunder, wham.
rotten Being in a state of rotten, putrefactive, derelict, flourishing,
putrefaction or decay; gangrenous, necrosed thriving.
decomposed. 2. (technical), necrotic
Having a foul odor (technical), putrescent,
resulting from or putrid, rancid, septic.
suggestive of decay;
rumour Unverified : gossip, rumor, buzz,
information of babbling, dope, dirt, hearsay,
uncertain origin murmur, scandal, scuttlebutt,
usually spread by tattle.
word of mouth;
ruthless Having no uncompassionate, hard, compassionat
compassion or pity; harsh, inhumane, merciless, e, humane,
merciless. pitiless, ruthless, kind,
uncharitable, unpitying, sympathetic,
unsympathetic. sensitive.
salvage The rescue of a ship, restoration, reclamation,
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its crew, or its cargo recouping, recovery,

from fire or redemption, repossession,
shipwreck. 2. The rescue, retrieval, salvage.
act of saving
imperiled property
from loss.
sanctity Holiness of life or blessedness, beatification,
disposition; divinity, godliness, grace,
saintliness. 2. The holiness, sacredness.
quality or condition
of being considered
sacred; inviolability.
Skeptical / Marked by or given doubting, questioning, credulous,
sceptical to doubt; questioning. disbelieving. gullible,
2. Relating to or naive.
characteristic of
skeptics or
scream To utter a long, loud, yell, bellow, caterwaul, whisper.
piercing cry, as from holler, hoot, howl, scream,
pain or fear. screech, shout, shriek, squall,
squawk, squeal, wail,
whoop, yowl.
sentiment A cast of mind; : conviction, belief, feeling,
general mental mind, opinion, persuasion,
dispositio. An opinion sentiment, view, faith, tenet,
about a specific creed, doctrine.
matter; a view.
sequester To cause to withdraw
into seclusion. 2. To
remove or set apart;
shallow Measuring little from cursory, dilettante, deep,
bottom to top or dilettantish, flimsy, profound.
surface; lacking insubstantial, light,
physical depth. 2. lightweight, one-
Lacking depth of dimensional, outer,
intellect, emotion, or outermost, skin-deep,
knowledge . surface, unprofound,
superficial, surface.
shudder To shiver jiggle, joggle, quake, quiver,
convulsively, as from shake, shiver, shudder,
fear or revulsion. tremble, twitch, vibrating,
wiggle, wobble, wriggle,
sinister Suggesting or ominous, apocalyptic, auspicious,
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threatening evil. baleful, dark, dire, fateful, propitious,

ill-omened, ill-starred, felicitous,
inauspicious, infelicitous, promising,
sinister, unlucky, rosy.
unpromising, unpropitious.
slumber To sleep. 2. To be sleep, catnap, doze, drowse, awaken.
dormant or quiescent. nap, nod off, drop off,
repose, snooze.
solitary Existing, living, or
going without others;
solitude The state or quality of seclusion, isolation, privacy,
being alone or remote retirement, retreat, solitude,
from others. 2. A hiding, concealment,
lonely or secluded reclusiveness, withdrawal,
place. sequestration, cloister,
spectacular Of the nature of a grand, imposing, impressive, homely, plain-
spectacle; impressive august, noble, lordly, looking,
or sensational. princely, magnific, humble,
grandiose, magnificent, unsightly,
majestic, stately, regal, royal, ugly, squalid,
awe-inspiring, breathtaking, ignoble,
glorious, sumptuous, ordinary.
luxurious, resplendent,
speculation Contemplation or presupposition, assumption, fact, surety,
consideration of a postulate, postulation, certainty.
subject; meditation. premise, presumption,
Engagement in risky supposition, thesis, theory,
business transactions hypothesis, speculation,
on the chance of conjecture.
quick or considerable
profit. A commercial
or financial
transaction involving
splendour Great light or luster; greatness, splendor, glory, paltriness,
brilliance. 2. grandeur, magnificence, smallness,
Magnificent stateliness, nobility, majesty. triviality.
appearance or display.
split To divide from end to separate, distinct, detached, unified,
end. separated, set apart, joined, joint,
freestanding, free, connected.
unattached, unconnected,
divided, split, cut off,
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disconnected, disjointed,
loose, off, severed, disjoined,
spoil To impair the value or damage, blemish, blight, repair, mend,
quality of. To damage harm, hurt, impair, injure, improve.
irreparably; ruin. mar, spoil, tarnish, vitiate.
sprawling To sit or lie with the enlargement, amplification, decrease,
body and limbs augmentation, broadening, shrinkage,
spread out expansion, extension, contraction,
awkwardly . furtherance, growth, shortening.
increase, lengthening,
sprinkling A small amount or
quantity; a modicum.
2. A small quantity
scattered or sparsely
sprout To begin to grow; blossom, bloom, blow,
give off shoots or burgeon, effloresce, flower,
buds. leaf, bud.
squiggle A small wiggly mark squirm, squiggle, waggle,
or scrawl. wiggle, wriggle, writhe,
stampede A sudden frenzied rout, scatter, take flight, flee,
rush of panic-stricken headlong flight.
stare To look directly and gape, gaze, leer, look, ogle, glance.
fixedly, often with a once-over, the eye, goggle.
wide-eyed gaze.
startle To cause to make a jolt, shock, frighten, surprise, compose,
quick involuntary jar, scare. settle, calm.
movement or start. To
alarm, frighten, or
surprise suddenly.
stern Hard, harsh, or severe dour, austere, gruff, harsh, easygoing
in manner or stern, strict. plea-
character . sant, lenient.
stoop To bend forward and
down from the waist
or the middle of the
strangle To kill by squeezing choke, garrote, asphyxiate,
the throat so as to smother, strangle, suffocate,
choke or suffocate; throttle.
throttle. To cut off the
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oxygen supply of;

strife Heated, often violent conflict, discord, clash, agreement,
dissension; bitter dissent, contention, friction, harmony,
conflict.. 2. A dissension, disharmony, accord,
struggle, fight, or strife, disunity, division, concord.
quarrel. 3. Archaic. discordance, dissidence,
Earnest endeavor or difference, dissonance,
striving. disunion, feud.
strive To exert much effort toil, labor, plow through,
or energy; endeavor. drive, grub, drudge, hammer
away, grind, moil, plug
away, pound away, slave,
slog away, slave away, slog.
stroll To go for a leisurely airing, amble, constitutional, rush, run,
walk. hike, meander, race.
perambulation, promenade,
ramble, saunter, tour, tramp,
trek, turn.
stubborn Unreasonably, often hardheaded, willful, flexible,
perversely steadfast, headstrong, adaptable,
unyielding; inflexible, obstinate, open-minded,
bullheaded. Firmly pigheaded, bullheaded, compliant.
resolved or intransigent, mulish, stiff-
determined; resolute. necked, adamant, unyielding,
adamantine, intractable,
inveterate, obdurate,
refractory, relentless.
stupendous Of astounding force, marvelous, extraordinary, ordinary,
volume, degree, or brilliant, bully, excellent, average,
excellence; fabulous, fantastic, heavenly, terrible.
marvelous. 2. super, superb, superlative,
Amazingly large or terrific, wondrous.
great; huge.
succession The sequence in : series, chain, catena,
which one person course, order, sequence,
after another succeeds string, succession, suite,
to a title, throne, train, progression, parade,
dignity, or estate. set.
succumb To submit to an die, pass, pass away, depart, be born, live,
overpowering force or expire, perish, pass on, survive, exist,
yield to an succumb, go, drop dead, flourish,
overwhelming desire; decease, demise, become thrive.
give up or in; to die. defunct, become extinct.
sumptuous Of a size or splendor grand, imposing, impressive, homely, plain-
suggesting great august, noble, lordly, looking,
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expense; lavish. princely, magnific, humble,

grandiose, spectacular, unsightly,
magnificent, majestic, ugly, squalid,
stately, regal, royal, awe- ignoble,
inspiring, breathtaking, ordinary.
glorious, sumptuous,
luxurious, resplendent,
superb Of unusually high marvelous, extraordinary, ordinary,
quality; excellent. brilliant, bully, excellent, average,
fabulous, fantastic, heavenly, terrible.
stupendous, super, superb,
superlative, terrific,
suspense The condition of anticipation, expectancy,
being physically expectation, hopefulness,
suspended. 2. The eagerness, excitement,
state or quality of suspense, hope.
being undecided,
uncertain, or
suspicion The act of suspecting intimation, premonition, fact, surety,
something, especially suspicion, clue, glimmer, certainty.
something wrong, on inkling.
little evidence or
without proof.
swallow To cause (food or drop, driblet, dram, nip,
drink, for example) to snifter, thimbleful, tot, taste,
pass through the bit, drink, draft, pull, quaff,
mouth and throat into sip, swallow, swig, gulp,
the stomach. guzzle.
swamped A seasonally flooded swamp, bog, everglade, fen,
bottomland with more marsh, marshland, mire,
woody plants than a morass, muskeg, quag,
marsh and better bayou, quagmire, slough,
drainage than a bog. swampland, wetland.
A lowland region
saturated with water.
2. A situation or place
fraught with
difficulties and
swift Moving or capable of
moving with great
speed; fast.
swoop To move in a sudden
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sweep. 2. To make a
rush or an attack with
or as if with a sudden
sweeping movement.
Often used with.
tedious Tiresome by reason of
length, slowness, or
dullness; boring.
tempo A characteristic rate speed, celerity, clip, pace,
or rhythm of activity; quickness, rapidity,
a pace swiftness, tempo, velocity,
temptation The act of tempting or attraction, allurement, come- repulsion,
the condition of being on, draw, drawing card, lure, repugnance,
tempted. 2. appeal, fascination, allure, disinclination.
Something tempting enticement, magnetism, pull,
or enticing. enchantment, captivation.
testify To make a declaration To make a declaration of refute, nullify,
of truth or fact under truth or fact under oath. negate,
oath. invalidate.
threat An indication of hazard, Damoclean sword, safeguard,
impending danger or endangerment, menace, protection,
harm . peril, risk, imperilment, safety.
thrill To cause to feel a twitch, convulsion, fit, bore, tire,
sudden intense paroxysm, quaver, quiver, fatigue, make
sensation; excite seizure, shudder, spasm, impatient,
greatly. 2. To give thrill, trembling, tremor, annoy.
great pleasure to; shiver, tic.
thwart To oppose and defeat foil, thwart, frustrate, balk, advance,
the efforts, plans, or hinder, prevent, check, nip, promote.
ambitions of. baffle, beat, bilk,
circumvent, dash, disappoint.
Tidy Orderly and neat in clean, freshen, groom, clutter,
appearance or plume, prink, primp, preen, disorganize,
procedure. spruce, trim. mess up.
Toil Exhausting labor or effort, endeavor, labor,
effort. elbow grease, exertion,
pains, striving, struggle, toil,
travail, trouble.
totter To walk unsteadily or stagger, falter, lurch, reel,
feebly; stagger. stumble, teeter, weave,
traitor One who betrays defector, apostate, betrayer, loyalist,
one's country, a cause, deserter, recreant, renegade, patriot.
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or a trust, especially tergiversator, traitor,

one who commits turncoat.
tramp To walk with a firm, stroll, airing, amble, tiptoe,
heavy step; trudge. To constitutional, hike, pussyfoot.
travel on foot; hike. meander, perambulation,
To wander about promenade, ramble, saunter,
aimlessly. tour, tramp.
treason Violation of conspiracy, cabal, intrigue, loyality,
allegiance toward machination, plot, scheme, patriotism.
one's country or collusion, connivance,
sovereign, especially treason, treachery, sedition.
the betrayal of one's Violation of allegiance to
country by waging one's country : treason,
war against it or by betrayal, disloyalty, sedition,
consciously and traitorousness, treachery.
purposely acting to
aid its enemies. 2. A
betrayal of trust or
trifle Something of little bite, crumb, morsel, taste, heap, hunk,
importance or value. bit, dainty morsel, speck, lion's share.
dab, pinch, trifle, shred, snip,
grain, drop, sip, dollop,
sprinkling, chip, mouthful.
triumph To be victorious or , exultation, gratification, disappointme
successful; win. jubilance, jubilation, elation, nt, frustration,
ecstasy, joy, glee. dissatisfaction
Trot A gait of a person, run, canter, dash, jog, race, crawl, walk,
faster than a walk; a sprint, trot. saunter.
tumbler One that tumbles,
especially an acrobat
or a gymnast.
tumult The din and disturbance, agitation, order, peace,
commotion of a great commotion, disorder, peacefulness,
crowd. disruption, free-for-all, calm.
outburst, perturbation, riot,
rumpus, stir, tumult,
turbulence, upheaval, uproar,
turmoil A state of extreme turmoil, furor, bedlam,
confusion or chaos, commotion,
agitation; commotion confusion, disorder,

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or tumult. excitement, frenzy, hubbub,

hullabaloo, pandemonium,
tumult, uproar.
tyranny 1. A government in
which a single ruler is
vested with absolute
power. 2. The office,
authority, or
jurisdiction of an
absolute ruler. 3.
Absolute power,
especially when
exercised unjustly or
ultimatum A statement, : command, behest, bidding,
especially in charge, dictate, injunction,
diplomatic mandate, order, ultimatum,
negotiations, that edict, decree.
expresses or implies
the threat of serious
penalties if the terms
are not accepted.
undaunted Not discouraged or courageous, audacious, cowardly,
disheartened; brave, resolute, unafraid, fearful,
resolutely adventure -some, fearless, spineless,
courageous. intrepid, plucky, gritty, craven,
daring, stouthearted, dastardly,
dauntless, valiant, valorous, yellow.
bold, spunky, bold-spirited,
mettlesome, undaunted,
unflinching, gallant, heroic,
lionhearted, noble.
underlie 1. To be located under
or below. 2. To be the
support or basis of;
account for.
unfathomable Difficult or bottomless, abysmal, shallow,
impossible to abyssal, fathomless. surface.
unique Being the only one of unusual, unique, uncommon, conventional,
its kind out of the ordinary, different, ordinary,
unorthodox, unconventional, standard,
atypical, irregular, usual, typical.
uncustomary, exceptional,
offbeat, odd, oddball, quaint.
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unpredictable Difficult to foretell or moody, erratic, even-

foresee temperamental, unstable, tempered,
flighty, unsteady, dependable,
changeable, uneven, reliable,
inconstant, undependable, unchanging.
unprejudiced Free from prejudice; impartial, nondiscriminatory, interested,
impartial. disinterested, dispassionate, prejudiced,
fair, evenhanded, indifferent, prejudicial,
just, unbigoted, unbiased. biased,
untrammeled Not limited or
upheaval A sudden, violent disturbance, agitation, order, control,
disruption or upset. commotion, disorder, regimentation
disruption, free-for-all,
outburst, perturbation, riot,
rumpus, stir, tumult,
turbulence, uproar, unrest.
uplift To raise; elevate. lift, boost, uplift, heave, fall, drop.
hoist, raising, leg up,
exaltation, exhilaration,
Urge To force or drive desire, appetence, appetite, distaste,
forward or onward; craving, hunger, itch, aversion,
impel. 2. To entreat longing, lust, thirst, urge, dislike.
earnestly and often yearning, yen, hankering,
repeatedly; exhort. hungriness.
vanity The quality or egocentricity, self-centered- humility,
condition of being ness, egoism, self- modesty.
vain. absorption, self-importance,
self-love, narcissism,
venerate To regard with admire, esteem, respect, disdain,
respect, reverence, or revere, reverence, honor, abhor.
heartfelt deference. regard, value, think highly
of, rate highly.
vengeance Infliction of retaliation, counterattack,
punishment in return counterstroke, quid
for a wrong
veteran A person who is long campaigner, trouper, pro, beginner, tyro,
experienced or expert, master, old hand, vet, apprentice,
practiced in an old-timer. novice,
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activity or a capacity. greenhorn,

2. A person who has tenderfoot.
served in the armed
vexing To annoy, as with offend, displease, affront, please,
petty importunities; anger, chafe, disgruntle, conciliate.
bother. enrage, give offense,
infuriate, insult, irritate,
madden, nettle, outrage.
vicinity The state of being locality, neighborhood,
near in space or district, vicinity, precinct,
relationship; zone, quarter, territory,
proximity. location, locale.
vigilance Alert watchfulness. caution, calculation, care, recklessness,
chariness, circumspection, rashness,
foresightedness, heedfulness, imprudence,
precaution, prudence, daring,
wariness, carefulness, heed, daredevilry.
virility The quality or state of masculinity, maleness,
being virile; manly manhood, manliness, virility.
character. 2.
Masculine vigor;
vivacious Full of animation and lively, alive, animated, lethargic,
spirit; lively dynamic, energetic, perky, tired, sluggish
sprightly, vibrant, vigorous,
zestful, zesty, spirited.
voyage A journey by sea to a journey, odyssey,
foreign or distant peregrination, pilgrimage,
land. tour, trek, voyage,
expedition, excursion, quest,
flight, cruise, junket,
vulnerable Susceptible to helpless, defenseless, invulnerable,
physical injury impotent, inadequate, unassailable.
powerless, weak.
waddling To walk with short waddle, duck-walk, shuffle,
steps that tilt the body toddle.
from side to side.
wane To decrease gradually abate, mellow, slacken, slack increase.
in size, amount, off, dwindle, ebb, recede,
intensity, or degree; taper, taper off, die down,
decline fade, flag, peter out, subside,
warfare The waging of war combat, battle, contention,
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against an enemy; hostile encounter, hostilities,

armed conflict warfare.
warrior One who is engaged combatant, belligerent,
in or experienced in brawler, fighter, militant,
battle. soldier, contender,
waxwork Art of modeling in
weary Physically or debilitate, devitalize, invigorate,
mentally fatigued exhaust, tire, sap, drain, energize,
bleed, dilute, enervate, empower.
fatigue, overtire
weird Of, relating to, or unusual, unique, uncommon, conventional,
suggestive of the out of the ordinary, different, ordinary,
preternatural or unorthodox, unconventional, standard,
supernatural dreadful, scary, fearsome, usual, typical,
frightening, terrifying, awful, appealing,
appalling, terrific, pleasant,
horrendous, shocking, attractive,
terrible, frightful, disgusting, lovely.
odious, revolting, hideous,
loathsome, repulsive,
nightmarish, monstrous,
horrific, horrible, grisly,
ghastly, gruesome
whisper Something uttered drone, whir, burr, buzz, hum, articulate,
very softly mumble, murmur, purr, enunciate
sough, undertone, whiz,
wicked Playfully malicious or iniquitous, base, vile, evil, virtuous,
mischievous sinful, depraved, dissolute, good, moral,
debauched, pernicious, righteous
villainous, reprobate,
wipe To clean dry by
withdraw To take back or away; leave, retire, quit, exit, advance,
remove withdraw, decamp, walk out, proceed,
move on, move out, pull out. arrive, come,
withstand To oppose with force endure, abide, hang on,
or resolution. 2. To be linger, live on, persist,
successful in remain, stand up, stay, wear,
resisting. sustain, tolerate,
witty Possessing or laughable, jocose, amusing, serious
demonstrating wit in entertaining, comic, comical,
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speech or writing; droll, farcical, funny,

very clever and humorous, rich, burlesque.
woeful Affected by or full of somber, funerary, mournful, happy, joyful,
woe; mournful solemn, sad, dark, doleful, celebratory
melancholy, gloomy,
lugubrious, dismal
wonderment Astonishment, awe, amazement, astonishment, apathy,
or surprise awe, fascination, unconcern,
stupefaction, surprise, shock indifference.
wrath Forceful, often anger, furiousness, fury, love, liking,
vindictive anger choler, indignation, ire, rage, fondness,
wrath, outrage, animosity, pleasure
antagonism, hatred.
wrecked 1. The act of Crash, breakdown, collapse, spare,
wrecking or the state debacle, smashup, wreck. alleviate.
of being wrecked;
destruction. 2.
destruction of a ship;
a shipwreck
yawn To open the mouth
wide with a deep
inhalation, usually
involuntarily from
drowsiness, fatigue,
or boredom.
Zeal Enthusiastic devotion fervor, ardor, ardency, indifference,
to a cause enthusiasm, fervency, unconcern,
fervidity, fervidness, fire, apathy

(The End)

Abdul Sattar Memon

Courtesy M. Tufail Chandio

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