Technological University of The Philippines College of Engineering Department of Electronics Engineering
Technological University of The Philippines College of Engineering Department of Electronics Engineering
Technological University of The Philippines College of Engineering Department of Electronics Engineering
Our group from Technological University of the Philippines - Manila conducted a thesis
research entitled “MESA Project - Development of an Algorithm to Detect Seismic Activity
for the Automated Table using ADXL345 Accelerometer for Kindergarten Pupils” that is
concerned to disaster preparedness and emergency rescue for kindergarten pupils. In fulfilment of
our requirements in Engineering Curriculum, our group research panel advised us to coordinate
with you to request a support in the testing of our prototype. An automated table that will form
into a protective manner to shelter and cover the concerned subjects when it detects an
Thank you!
Respectfully Yours,
Our group from Technological University of the Philippines conducted a thesis research
entitled “MESA Project” that concern to disaster preparedness and emergency rescue. In
fulfilment of our requirements in Engineering Curriculum, our group research advised to
coordinate with you to request assistance in our study.
In this regard, we humbly request you to give us a permit to visit and be our deployment
place when our thesis research is done. As aspiring profound electronics engineering students, we
will need your support for us to fulfill our requirements to be full-pledge electronics engineers in
the near future. Your positive recognition will be highly appreciated.
Thank you!
Respectfully Yours,